What children need to develop communicative abilities. How to develop communicative skills from preschoolers in kindergarten and at home? Development of ability to communicate with children

We live in an interesting era when living communication is replaced by electronic communications. Many kids are mastering tablets and parent smartphones without reaching two years. True, at the same time, many children have social and psychological problems in communicating with others: they not only do not know how, but, as it may seem, they do not want to communicate. The insufficient development of communicative skills in preschoolers is of serious concern among psychologists and teachers, because communication is a mandatory attribute for the development of any human personality. Therefore, if you want to teach the baby to successfully communicate with adults and peers, this article must be useful to you.

Communication of children - an important element of socialization

Effective Communicative Development - Basics

Communication in one form or another can every person since an early age. When the baby cries, trying to draw attention to moms, he already enters communication and socially interacts with other people. However, in order to achieve the success of this is not enough. It is important that the child knows how to effectively build communication with other people.

What are communicative abilities in children

Psychologists argue that successful communication is made up of several factors:

  • Desire to communicate. Without motivation, effective communication is impossible. For example, everyone knows about such a disease as autism. Many autists have no intellectual problems: they simply have no motivation to let in their inner world of other people. Developed psychologically, they are not developed socially.
  • The ability to hear and listen to the interlocutor. It is important to experience interest in other people and understand their messages.
  • Emotional interaction. Without sympathy and empathy, effective communication is impossible.
  • The ability to communicate rules. There are certain unsolicited communication standards that may differ in different societies. The child must master these standards, otherwise in the future he has inevitable difficulties. For example, one of the norms of communication is the need to be polite. If the child will ignore this rule, he will smoke with a booby.

Tip: If you do not want your child to experience difficulties in communicating with others, limit it "relationship" with a computer, TV or tablet.

Children spending a lot of time with gadgets do not know how to communicate

Interacting with these devices, the child passively perceives information, and this is not enough for effective communication. It has been proven that children who are too often playing computer games from early childhood, are worse talking and have difficulty understanding the emotional reactions of others.

Statistical data on the level of development of communicative abilities in children preschool age

Family influence on communicative preschooler skills

Family is the most significant social structure for young children, where communication skills with others are formed. In order for the child to realize the importance of social interaction and gained efficient communication skills, the following rules should be followed:

  • Submit a positive example. If parents talk to each other with a child, and do not deal with every business, the baby will actively take an example from Mom and Pope.
  • Talk with a child. Even recently born children react to addressed to them. Parents should be contacted to the baby, comment on their actions, read out loud fairy tales. When a child learn to talk, it is very important to discuss with him the impressions received in the day, ask questions requiring a detailed answer, etc. The latter is very important: parents must learn to formulate questions so that the child cannot be limited to simple answers like "yes " or not".
  • Read the baby fairy tales with the subsequent discussion of the motives of the behavior of the characters. Ask as many questions as possible: "Why did the hero behave in a certain way?", "Why did the hero fail to achieve the goal?", "What would you do on the site of the character?" etc..
  • Encourage child communication with peers. Educational groups, playgrounds and children's clubs contribute to the rapid development of communicative skills. The insulation of the baby may cause serious problems with adapting the team in the future;
  • Do not strive to perform the "non-verbal" requests of the child. Give him the opportunity to explain what he wants. Many parents are trying to predict the child's needs before he has time to express at least the word. It greatly slows the communicative development: let the kid himself tell you what he wants. In the early stages, this may be one word, for example, "water", "doll", "ball". When the child will spend better, teach it to formulate the detailed requests to others.
  • Mildly explain that some forms of communicative behavior are socially unacceptable. For example, if a child demands you to give him any toy, not to mention the "please", tell me that it is impolite.

Communication with adults should be permanent and friendly

Tip: To read, choose fairy tales and stories whose characters interact with each other. This will allow the child to better assimilate communication skills.

Game learning

Communicative development in preschoolers is carried out during the game. It is very important that the gameplay makes benefit, contributed to the workplace of the necessary skills. During the game, the child learns to understand the deep motives of behavior and mastering the basic skills of human communications.

Joint gaming activity develops the ability to communicate

Games should be diverse and diverse: it contributes to the development of a harmonious personality, which will be successfully focused on social cooperation.

For the development of social and communicative skills in preschool children, the following gaming techniques can be used:

Play scenes from fairy tales. At the same time, you can either use toys or turn into actors for a while. For example, you can play the plots of Russian folk fairy tales: They are instructive enough and give a lot of food for discussions and reflections. After the game, be sure to discuss with the child why heroes behaved in a certain way, for example, they did not listen to the elders, and what consequences led such behavior.

Desktop Theater - a way to develop the ability to communicate

Offer a child various situations for discussion. For example, ask him what he will do if he wants the other guys to take it into their game. Discuss several behaviors, arrange small improvised "role-playing games". Let the child tell how to conduct himself in this case, and how it is impossible.

For the development of empathy, the following exercise is suitable. Offer the child to imagine that he got into the magic store, the role of the seller in which you will play. Let the kid choose gifts for his relatives and friends. It can be anything: from a new car to a bouquet of flowers. The main thing is to ask the child to motivate your choice. This game will develop a very important skill: the ability to get into place of another person and imagine its needs and expectations.

Conditions for the development of communicative abilities

Tip: Try not to raise a voice to the child. Any situation can be solved by peaceful way: it is important that the baby can be able to negotiate, and not to seek his power.

How to develop the skills of non-verbal communication?

Effective communication is unthinkable without developed non-verbal communication skills. It is important to be able to show a certain artistism to convey your thoughts and emotions to others. Simple exercises will help develop non-verbal communication skills:

  • enter the tradition of home theatrical productions. You can use finger dolls or paper figures for your stages. Let the child learn to express the character's emotions through intonation, speech pace and other "tools";
  • ask a child to show how they are sitting, walking or running the characters of his favorite fairy tales. Let it depict how the trickle fox moves, a naive swab, an evil wolf;
  • great helps to develop the skills of non-verbal communication The game called "The Sea is worried about once." Depicting various characters, the child learns to build in their role, thereby developing his ability to empathy and empathy;
  • ask a child to imagine that before him Tsarevna-Nesmeyana. Let him try to laugh at it without resorting to speech. In the role of printed-unmeasured doll, elder sister or even a kid mother.

Tip: It is interesting that the best development of communicative abilities in preschool children is occurring if they are engaged in early age in sports sections.

The development of communication skills in kindergartens is held regularly

The kids in such sections are not only getting rid of muscle stiffness, but also interact with peers. Therefore, if you want your child to grow up a sociable person, try to determine what kind of sport is most interesting to him. It can be dancing, swimming, children's gymnastics, etc. The main thing is to choose such an occupation, which causes the child joy.

Self-knowledge as a factor of effective communication

A truly successful in communication can only be a person who knows himself well. Therefore, it is very important to teach the preschooler to navigate in my own personality and your emotions:

  • discuss with the child of his feelings. Ask the baby questions about what and why it was upset, and what - pleased;
  • ask a child to draw your own self-portrait. Let him tell why he chose some other colors, surrounded himself with certain objects, etc;
  • if the child behaves inappropriately, do not try to correct his behavior. Ask why the behavior of the baby is unacceptable and why it caused a negative reaction from parents;
  • never call the child and do not hang "labels" on it. This contributes to the formation of a negative me concept. Remember: you can criticize behavior, not a person. Learn to say: "I am dissatisfied with your behavior, because ...", not "you are bad";
  • refrain from excessive criticism of the child.

Methods of development of skills Communication

Of course, you should not hit another extreme and praise everything that the baby does: it is important to find a golden middle. Children who are critical too often can grow painfully shy: they are afraid to do something in advance what causes a negative reaction. It is better to adjust the strategy "You do well, but I can help you do even better."

Tip: The development of communicative abilities in preschoolers is unthinkable without parallel development of logical thinking.

Theatrical activity as a method of communicative development

Indeed, in the process of communicative development, it is very important to predict the response of the interlocutor and learn how to properly build their own speech.

The main task of parents of preschoolers - to teach children to interact with others, both with other children and with adults, and be part of society. Do it very important: than better baby Owns communications, the easier it will be his adaptation to the school team!

The problem of developing communication in preschool age is a relatively young, but intensively developing area of \u200b\u200bage psychology. Her ancestor, like many other problems of genetic psychology, was J. Piaget. It is he who else in the 30s. He attracted the attention of children's psychologists to peers, as an important factor and the necessary condition for the social and psychological development of a child to promote the destruction of egocentrism. He argued that only due to the separation of the point of view of equal to the child of persons - first other children, and as the child grown, and adults - genuine logic and morality can replace egocentrism, peculiar to all children and in relation to other people and in thinking.

In the works of L.S. Profitable, M.I. Lisina, A.V. Zaporozhets, TA The Repina is traced that the child's ability to talk positively allows him to live comfortably in the society of people; Thanks to communication, the child knows not only another person (adult or peer), but also himself.

Etc. Martzinkovskaya emphasizes that adult communication forms almost all knowledge of oneself, stimulates the cognitive activity of the child. Communication with peers actualizes this knowledge, forming the child more correct, adequate image itself.

Currently, the number of works devoted to the communication of children increases. Not only individual articles are devoted to communicating peers in preschool age, but also whole monographs. In the total flow of literature on this issue, three different areas of research can be distinguished:

· Experimental analysis of the process of communication of preschoolers and factors affecting it;

· The specifics of communicating peers and its difference from the communication of the child with adults;

· Study of children's relationships.

M.I. Lisin believes that in preschool age, four forms of child communication with adults consistently replace each other: situationally personal, situational-business, incoming-cognitive, incoming personality and three forms of communication with cubists: emotional-practical, situationally business, incoming Business. The content of communication, its motives, communicative skills and skills change, is formed by one of the components of mental readiness for school training - communicative. The child selectively refers to adults, gradually starting aware of his relationship with them: how they treat him and what they are waiting for him how he applies to them and what awaits them. Interest in peer is manifested slightly later than interest in adult. Communication of a child with peers is consigned in various associations. The development of contacts with other children is influenced by the nature of the activity and the presence of a child of the skills for its implementation.

The bright characteristic of communication of preschoolers - peers is its emergency emotional saturation. This is due to the fact that since the four years of age for the baby, the peers becomes more attractive partner, and not an adult.

Another important feature of children's contacts is their non-standard and non-inflammatoryness. If in communication with adults, even the smallest children adhere to certain norms of behavior, then when interacting with peers, preschoolers behave at ease. Society of peers helps the child to show their originality. If an adult instills the child's behavior, then the peers encourages the manifestations of individuality.

It also includes such a feature of peer communication as the predominance of initiative actions over response. For a child, its own act or statement is much more important, and the peer initiative is not supported in most cases. As a result, everyone speaks of its own, and no one hears a partner. Such inconsistency of communicative actions of children often gives rise to conflicts, protests, resentment.

The listed features are characteristic of children's contacts throughout preschool age (from 3 to 6-7 years). However, the content of communication of children does not remain unchanged during all four years: Communication and relations of children undergo a difficult path of development, in which three main stages can be distinguished - junior, medium and senior preschool age.

In the younger age (in 2-4 years old), the child is necessary and enough for the peers to join his pledges, supported and strengthened the overall fun. Each participant of such emotional communication is concerned primarily to draw attention to himself and get the emotional response of the partner. In the peers, the child perceives only attention to himself, and the very same age (his action, desire, mood), as a rule, do not notice. The peers is for him just a mirror in which he sees only himself. Communication at this age is extremely situationally - it depends entirely on the specific situation in which the interaction occurs, and on the partner's practical actions.

Only with an adult kid can see an equivalent person in the peer. To do this, pay the attention of the preschooler to the attractive side of the peer.

A decisive fracture in relation to peers occurs in a child in the middle preschool age. Now the children are consciously prefer to play with another child, and not with adults or alone. The main content of the communication of children in the middle of the preschool age is becoming common - the game. If younger children played nearby, but not together, then during the business communication, preschoolers learn to coordinate their actions with a partner actions and achieve a general result. This kind of interaction is called collaboration. It prevails at this age in the communication of children.

At this stage, the need for recognition and respect for the peer is no less clear. The child seeks to attract the attention of others, it is sensitive in their views and facial expressions of attitudes towards himself, demonstrating insult in response to the inattention or reproaches of partners. "Invisibility" peers turns into close interest in everything that does. In four or five years of age, children intently and jealously watch the actions of peers and evaluate them: they often ask for adults about the success of their comrades, demonstrate their advantages, try to hide their missions and failures from peers. A competitive, competitive start appears in children's communication. The reactions of children on an adult opinion also become more acute and emotional. The successes of peers can cause the grievances of children, and the failures of him cause undisguised joy. It is at this age that the number of children's conflicts is significantly increasing, envy, jealousy, resentment on the peer is openly manifested.

The preschooler is an opinion about himself, constantly comparing itself with one-air. But the purpose of this comparison is not to detect generality, but opposition to another. All this generates numerous conflicts of children and such phenomena as boasting, actions of deposit, rivalry, which can be viewed as age-related features of the five-year plan.

To the older preschool age (6-7 years old) in children, the attitude towards the One year old is significantly changing. At this time, the child is capable of incoming communication, in no way associated with what is happening here and now. Children tell each other about where they were and what they saw, share their plans or preferences, give evaluations to the qualities and actions of other children. At this age, it is already possible to communicate in the usual understanding of this word, that is, not related to games and toys.

Relationships between them are significantly changing. By 6 years, the friendliness and emotional involvement of the child in the activities and experiences of peers increase significantly. Often, senior preschoolers carefully monitor the actions of peers and emotionally included in them. Quite often, even contrary to the rules of the game, they seek to help the same year, tell him the right course, protect the comrade or can even support his "opposition" to the adult. At the same time, a competitive, competitive start in the communication of children is preserved. However, along with this, the senior preschoolers appear the ability to see in a partner not only his toys, misses or successes, but also his desires, preferences, moods. By six years, many children have a desire to help peers, give or give him something. Gloating, envy, competitiveness is less common and not so acute, as at a five-year-old age. Sometimes children are already able to empathize both successes and the failures of the peers. Such emotional involvement in the actions of one-air indicates that the peers becomes for a child not only a means of self-affirmation and comparisons with them. The forecloser comes to the forecloser as a self-fledged personality, important and interesting, regardless of its achievements and items that it possesses.

By the end of the preschool age between children there are stable electoral attachments, the first friendship sprouts appear.

In preschool age it is very important to develop communicative abilities in children. This is necessary for preschoolers to be adapted to life in society, he had an active and responsible social position, could realize himself, could always find a common language with any person and make friends. Communicative development of preschool children The process is quite complex and time-consuming, but very important, because with the development will be changed and his emotional sphere, the child begins to conscious and better control his emotions.

Each person occupies a fully defined place in society and, therefore, is always in relevant relationship with the surrounding people. Through the process of communicating, a person appears the opportunity to understand itself and other people, evaluate their feelings and actions, and this, in turn, to realize themselves and their capabilities in life and take their own place in society.

What is "Communication"? The word "Communication" comes from the Latin word "Communicatio", which is translated as "Message, Transfer", and "Communicare", which means "to do a common, talk, to communicate, report, transmit."

In the dictionary of the Russian language, the concept of "Communication" and "Communication" on the one hand is identified, on the other hand, the information meaning of the concept of "communication" is allocated. "Communication is a message, communication."

The most frequently used in modern scientific literature is the definition of this B.D. Fargina, considering communication as "a complex multifaceted process, which can perform at the same time and as the process of interaction of individuals, and as an information process, and as the attitude of people to each other, and as the process of their impact on each other, and as their process empathy and mutual understanding of each other. "

In relation to the younger school age "Communicative skills" - these are mastered methods for performing action in the process of communication, depending on the formation of communicative motives, needs, value orientations and providing conditions for them for personal Development, social adaptation, independent communicative activities based on subject-subject relationship.

There are 3 groups of skills, each of which corresponds to one of the three sides of communication (communicative, perceptual and interactive). A group of skills corresponding to the communicative side of communication is the goals, motives, means and incentives for communication, the ability to clearly state thoughts, argument, analyze statements. Another group corresponds to the perceptual side of communication and includes the concepts of empathy, reflection, self-reflection, the ability to listen and hear, to correctly interpret information, understand the subtexts. The third group is an interactive side of communication: the concept of the ratio of rational and emotional factors in communication, self-organization of communication, the ability to talk, meeting, to entrust, formulate the requirement, the ability to encourage, punish, communicate in conflict situations.

Communication is always directed to another person. Meeting implies attention and interest in another person, without which any interaction is impossible. A look into the eyes, attention to the words and actions of another testify that the subject perceives another person that he was aimed at him.

The structure of the communicative skills of younger students includes components:

  • empathy (desire to establish emotional contact in the process of communication, the ability to feel emotional condition interlocutor);
  • creative-activity (ability to use previously acquired communicative knowledge, skills, skills in new communication situations, independently design socially appreciated forms of communication, to exercise the initiative to communicate with adults and peers, to work constructively in conflict situations, use verbal and non-verbal means of communication in various situations communication, desire to regulate their emotional manifestations);
  • an estimated reflexive (ability to adequately evaluate their identity qualities and actions in the process of communication, adequately perceive and evaluate the acts and qualities of the personality of the partner of communication).

Relying on the concept of communication, you can select the complex of communication skills, the mastering which contributes to the development of the personality capable of productive communication:

  • Interpersonal communication;
  • Interpersonal interaction;
  • Interpersonal perception.
  • Components of communication skills are:
    • the ability to listen to another person;
    • ability to transfer information and take it with the desired meaning;
    • ability to understand the other;
    • ability to empathize, sympathize;
    • the ability to adequately evaluate oneself and others;
    • the ability to take the opinion of another;
    • the ability to solve the conflict;
    • the ability to interact with team members.

Thus, communicative skills are the techniques developed by children in the process of communication, depending on the formation of communicative motives, needs, value orientations and providing them with the conditions for personal development, social adaptation, independent communicative activities based on subject-subject relationship.

The boundaries of younger school age coinciding with the period of study in primary schoolThis is currently established from 6-7 to 10 years.

Younger school age is connected with the transition of a child to systematic school learning. The beginning of the training of junior schoolchildren at school leads to a fundamental change in the social situation of the child's development. It becomes a "public" subject and now has socially significant duties, the execution of which receives a public assessment. All system life relations The child is rebuilt and is largely determined by how successful it copes with new requirements.

Leading training activities. As part of training activities, the child's further physical development occurs, psychophysiological functions are being improved, psychological neoplasms are formed, complex personal neoplasms arise. These neoplasms characterize the most significant achievements in the development of younger schoolchildren and are the foundation for development in the next age stage.

A feature of the perception of students at the beginning of younger school age is the close relationship of it with the practical activity of the child. Perceive the subject for the child - it means to do something with him, something to change something in it, make any actions, take, touch it. Characteristic feature Students - pronounced emotionality of perception. The visual perception becomes the leading when familiarizing with the outside world, the focus, planning, controllability, awareness of perception increases, is increasing the relationship between perception with speech and thinking, and, as a result, perception is intellectualized.

Significant changes occur in the psychological processes associated with memory. Junior schoolchildren have a more developed visual-shaped memory, they better retain specific information: events, faces, objects, facts than definitions and explanations. The child is better remembering what is the greatest interest for him, gives the best impressions. Younger schoolchildren are prone to memorization by mechanical repetition, without awareness of semantic ties. But gradually enhances the role and verbal-logical, semantic memorization and develops the opportunity to consciously manage their memory and regulate its manifestations (memorization, reproduction, remember).

The dominant function in the younger school age is thinking. The younger student in its development goes on the analysis of a separate subject, phenomena to the analysis of relations and relations between objects and phenomena. Under the influence of training, there is a gradual transition from the knowledge of the external properties of objects and phenomena to the knowledge of their essential properties and signs, which makes it possible to make the first generalizations, the first conclusions, carry out the first analogies, to understand the causality of phenomena, build elementary conclusions. The child solves the thinking tasks, presenting their conditions, thinking becomes incoming.
The difficulty of allocating the main thing is significantly clearly manifested in one of the main types of schoolchild training activities - in the retelling of the text. Psychologists who studied the features of oral retractions from younger schoolchildren noticed that short retelling Given children are much more difficult than detailed. To tell briefly - this means to highlight the main, separating it from the details, namely, the children do not know how. Over time, children under the reproduction of educational material are mastering logical operations as systematization, generalization, which leads to a more free and coherent presentation of thoughts.

Gradually changes the overall character of the emotionally sensual experiences of the younger schoolboy in conditions of educational, labor, gaming activity. Children are increasingly developing the ability to consciously regulate their feelings, restrain their unwanted manifestations. Emotional connections and relationships begin to be supported by moral assessments of the behavior of each child.

The transition from preschool to younger school age is accompanied by the development of a normal age-related crisis - the crisis of 7 years. During the crisis of 7 years, it is manifested that L.S. Vygotsky calls the generalization of the experiences. The chain of failures or success (in studies, in broad communication), each time about the equally experienced child leads to the formation of a sustainable affective complex - a sense of inferiority, humiliation, offended by pride or sense of self-importance, competence, exclusivity. Of course, in the future, these affective formations may vary, even disappear as other people's experience accumulates. But some of them, supporting the relevant events and estimates, will be recorded in the personality structure and influence the development of the child's self-assessment, its claims. Thanks to the generalization of the experiences, the logic of feelings appears at the age of 7. Experiences acquire new meaning For a child, communications are established between them, the possibilities of experiences are becoming possible.
For a seven-year-old child, manners, spillness, some stretch, unmotivated behavior, which is associated with the loss of children of the immediacy, naivety and increasing arbitrariness, complication of emotion, generalizing the experiences. At these external changes are deeply changes in the mental life of the child, which constitute the main psychological meaning of the crisis of 7 years.

The younger school age is the age of a fairly noticeable formation of personality. The foundation of moral behavior is laid, the issuance of moral norms and rules of behavior occurs, the public orientation of the person begins to form. The child begins to understand their value and necessity. It is characterized by new relations with adults and peers, the inclusion in the whole system of teams, inclusion in a new type of activity - the doctrine that makes a number of serious requirements for the student.
The youngest schoolboy is a person actively mastering the skills of communication. There are two forms of communication: "The child is an adult", and the "child is children." In the field of "child - an adult" emotional-estimated attitude of an adult to the actions of the child determines the development of its moral feelings, an individual responsible attitude towards the rules with which he meets in life. In addition to the relationship "Child - Parent" there are new relations "Child - Teacher", raising a child to the level of public requirements for his behavior. In elementary school, children take new conditions for them by the teacher, and try to strictly follow the rules. They are very trusting perceive the assessments and teachings of the teacher, imitate him in the manner to reason, in intonation. Psychological features such as credulity, the extension are prerequisites for successful training and education. At the same time, the undivided submission of the authority of the teacher, thoughtless fulfillment of his instructions may further adversely affect the process of learning and education.

It is at this age that the child is experiencing his uniqueness, he is aware of himself as a person seeks to perfection. This is reflected in all the spheres of the child's life, including in relationships with peers. The training activities are collective, so when entering school admission to school should be able to contact with other people, to own the necessary communication skills, thanks to which he can quickly join the peer group.

If at the end of the pre-school return, the need for communicating with peers is only issued, then the youngest student is already becoming one of the main. Acquisition of social interaction skills with a group of peers and the ability to establish friendly contacts are one of the important development tasks at this age stage. For children, 5-7 years old friends are first of all those with whom the child plays who sees more often than others. Most children easily establish friendships, which at this age are based, as a rule, on the community of external life circumstances and random interests (children are sitting at one desk, live in the same house, etc.). Children pay more attention to behavior than on personality qualities. Friendly connections are fragile and short-lived, they easily arise and can quickly break through. Between the 8th and 11 years, children consider those who help them, respond to their requests and share their interests. For the emergence of mutual sympathy and friendship, such qualities of personality as kindness and attentiveness, independence, self-confidence, honesty become important. Gradually, as school reality as a child develop, a child has a system of personal relationship in the classroom. If a child has a friendly relationship with someone from classmates to the 9th - 10 years old, this means that the child is able to establish close social contact with the peer, to maintain the relationship for a long time that communication with him also is important to someone and interesting. At the same time, they show a certain degree of confidence and initiative. With age, children increase fullness and adequacy of the awareness of their position in the peer group.

And only for some guys, the period of establishing friendly relationships is delayed; They are lost in a new environment, they cannot get close to classmates for a long time, feel lonely. Such schoolchildren who have a disadvantaged position in the system of personal relationships in the classroom also have some similar characteristics: such children have difficulty communicating with peers, non-pertensive, which can manifest itself both in rudeness, hot tempering, capriciousness, rudeness and in closetness; Often they are distinguished by the yabedanicity, sassay, greed; Many of these children are inaccurate and slopes.
The need for communicating in the younger school age performs to the fore and therefore determines the development of speech. By the time of arrival in the school, the vocabulary of the child increases so much that he can freely explain with another person for any reason relating to everyday life and in the sphere of his interests. But the statements of the preschooler and the younger schoolboy are usually immediate. Often it is a speech-repetition, speech-tapping; Compressed, involuntary, reactive (dialogic) speech prevails.

In the younger school age, children know how to listen and understand someone else's speech, and competently build statements understandable for partner, comply with the logic of the transmitted information, to be able to ask questions to make the necessary information from the partner on activities, to sufficiently own the planning and regulatory functions. speech. They own such elements of the culture of communication, as the ability to welcome, say goodbye, express a request, gratitude, apology, the ability to express their feelings (main emotions) and understand the feelings of another, own elementary ways of emotional support of peer, adult.

Social position of a schoolboy, imposing a sense of responsibility. The child is afraid not to have time to be late, it's not that, not so condemned and punished. In the younger school age, the fear of becoming not the maximum development, since children try to master new knowledge, seriously belong to their schoolboy's responsibilities and are very worried about marks. Children who have not acquired to school of the necessary experience of communication with adults and peers, not confident, are afraid not to justify the expectations of adults, have difficulty adapting in the school team and the fear of the teacher.

The formation of the motivational sphere, the coented, the development of cognitive motivation, a certain attitude towards school is closely connected with the development of the child's identity, the transition to a new level, with a change in his attitude towards himself, the child will have a realization of its social "I". The emergence of this neoplasm largely determines both the behavior, child activity, and the whole system of relations to reality, including school, adults, etc.

The basis of the initial self-esteem is mastering the ability to compare itself with other people. The development of the ability to adequately evaluate itself largely due to the child's ability to look at himself during this period and on the situation from different points of view. Evaluation of academic performance at the beginning of school learning is essentially an assessment of the person as a whole, determines the social status of the child and directly affects the formation of self-esteem.

The high form of communication of students among themselves and with the teacher will be the most important factor in the development of cognitive activity of students, as communication is a certain interaction, during which information is exchanged to establish relationships and combine efforts to achieve a general result. Therefore, it is very important to develop at the child high forms of communication with adults and peers, which is a prerequisite for the formation of a new type of relationship between the teacher and the student, between classmates. The main characteristic of the communicative approach in training is to "learn to communicate communicating."

From the first days of stay at school, the child is included in the interpersonal interaction process with classmates and teacher. Throughout younger school age, this interaction has a certain dynamics and pattern of development. During the period of adaptation to the school, communication with classmates, as a rule, retreats from first-graders to the background before the abundance of new school impressions. Contact among themselves, children are carried out through a teacher.

The existing experience of using game techniques in the domestic and foreign school proves that it is advisable to develop communication skills and social behavior in the process of the plot-role-playing game as the most accurate and affordable model of communication of younger students.

The formation of such a game is the process of role-based communication of students in accordance with the roles distributed between them and the presence of a communicative gaming situation that combines gaming material.

The game involves the creation of imaginary (conditional) situations and their play. Creating images and their playback (accommodation) and is composite components of a communicative game that is used to train skills and skills to communicate and can be carried out in a pair (dialogue) or group (polylog) form with subsequent analysis of speech actions of the game participants. The plots of such games are real and fictional communication situations.

The development of communicative skills during role-playing students is carried out by the teacher in stages and is as follows:

  • disclosure of students' values \u200b\u200bof communication skills;
  • familiarization of students with the content and structure of skills when distributing roles;
  • the inclusion of students in the implementation of joint gaming tasks for mastering communicative skills;
  • improvement of communicative skills learned by schoolchildren in their creative activity.

Gaming technologies contribute to the development of communicative skills, lumbering a learning process into entertaining activities, causing a huge emotional surge among younger students, allow you to intensify children, supporting their interest, develop their speech, causing their vocabulary, forcing them correctly and carefully treat each other.

A person can effectively participate in the communication process if he owns a set of necessary funds. To the means of communication, first of all, it is speech. The school places new requirements for speech development to the child: when answering a lesson, we must be a competent, brief, clear on thought, expressive; When communicating, speech constructions must comply with expectations in culture, and it is essential for the formation of communicative skills.

Freedom of speech depends on: extensity vocabulary; patterns and speech correctness; accurate perception of oral words and the exact transfer of the ideas of partners in their own words; the ability to allocate the case from the heard creature; specific formulation of issues; shortness and accuracy of wording; The logicality of building and presenting the statement. The lack of freedom of speech hold leads to the fact that students are not developed by the confidence, the discrepancy, which is necessary in business conversations, at meetings, in the lessons.
The task of the teacher forms the communicative culture is the establishment of friendly relations in children, the development of their interest in the whole occurring, creating an atmosphere of goodwill, mutual respect and trust, compliance and at the same time initiative. To achieve this, in our opinion, the organization of work in small groups is most suitable. Such work is less tedious for children, as they are in a closer contact among themselves.

For example, the main components of the joint-action organization include (V.V. Rubtsov):

  • The distribution of initial actions and operations specified by the subject matter of collaboration.
  • The exchange of methods of action specified by the need to include various acts of action models as a means to obtain a product of collaboration.
  • Understanding that defines for participants the nature of the inclusion of various models of action in a general way of activity (by mutual understanding, the correspondence of its own action and its product and the action of another participant included in the activity) is established.
  • Communication (communication), ensuring the implementation of distribution, exchange and mutual understanding processes.
  • Planning general work methods based on the foreseen and determination by participants adequate to the conditions for the flow of activities and the construction of relevant schemes (work plans).
  • Reflection, providing overcoming limitations of its own action relative to the overall scheme of activity (by reflection, the participant's attitude is established to their own action, thereby ensuring the change in this action in relation to the content and form of collaboration).

First-graders learn to unite first into pairs, then in the four, six for dating and rapprochement, for communication.

Only after that the topic appears to discuss and perform the task.

Work in the group helps the child comprehend academic actions. At first, working together, students distribute roles, define the functions of each member of the group, are planning activities. Later everyone will be able to fulfill all these operations on their own. In addition, work in the group ensures the occurrence between children of benevolent relations, allows you to give students emotional and meaningful support, causes a sense of security, and even the most striking and disturbing children overcome fear and are included in the overall work of the class.

Group work of younger schoolchildren involves their rules: it is impossible to force children to group work or express their displeasure to someone who does not want to work (later you need to find out the reason for refusal); Joint work should not exceed 10-15 minutes, in order to avoid fatigue and reduce efficiency; Do not require the children of absolute silence, but it is necessary to deal with shouting, etc.

It is necessary to encourage children to express their point of view, and also to educate the ability to listen to other people and tolerate their opinions. The decisive role in this belongs to the teacher who should give students speech samples and assist them in conducting discussion, disputes, bringing arguments, etc.

The results of each group are demonstrated on the board.

Children learn:

  • defend your opinion;
  • represent the work of the group;
  • discount;
  • listen carefully to each other;
  • the ability to ask questions;
  • listen to another.

In particular, such forms of work, such as the organization of mutual verification of tasks, mutual tasks of groups, training conflict, as well as discussion by participants in the methods of their action are very important. During mutual verification of the Group, they carry out those forms of verification that was previously carried out by the teacher.

In the first stages of the introduction of this action, one group may mark errors and shortcomings in the other, but in the future, schoolchildren are transferred only to informative control (reveal the causes of errors, explain their character).

Schoolchildren increases responsibility not only for their successes, but also for the results of the overall labor, self-esteem is formed, assessing its capabilities and abilities.

Trainings are aimed at mastering expressive (expressiveness), kinetic (reinforcement of speeches by facial expressions, pantomimic, gesticulation), a proxhemic (spatial organization of communication) skills, as well as on the formation of dialogue skills.
Building relationships, students comply with the rules for doing dialogue:

  • Any opinion is valuable.
  • You have the right to any reaction, except inattention.
  • Turn to see the face of the speaker.
  • Want to talk - raise your hand.
  • Let it be an opportunity to express your opinion to another, and myself - to understand him.
  • The appeal begins with the name.
  • Criticism should be tactful.
  • The absence of the result is also the result.
  • The voice is your divine gift, mind them to own.

However, other forms can be attracted, such as project activities. Project activities are a joint teaching and educational, creative activity of students who have a common goal, agreed methods and methods aimed at achieving the general result. The use of the methods of projects increases the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, contributes to expanding the horizons of students, contributes to obtaining deeper knowledge, develops oral and written speech, the ability to creatively think. This method is effective tool Enhance the independence of highly familiar students. Students perform at school conferences, presenting the protection of their work.

As a result of the project, students will learn:

  • adequately use communicative, first of all - speech, means for solving various communicative tasks, build a monologic message, own a dialogical form of communication, using, including funds and ICT tools and remote communication;
  • allow the possibility of existence in people of various points of view, including those who do not coincide with his own, and focus on the partner's position in communication and cooperation;
  • take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate various positions in collaboration;
  • formulate your own opinion and position;
  • to negotiate and come to a general decision in joint activities, including in the situation of collisions of interest;
  • to ask questions;
  • use speech to regulate your action;
  • to adequately use speech tool to solve various communicative tasks, build a monologular statement, own a dialogical form of speech.

The use of forms and methods that ensure the inclusion of children into the activities of communicative orientation is achieved by phased formation of the communication skills of schoolchildren, based on the expansion of their communicative knowledge, motives, needs and gradually increasing communicative activities.

The process of communication of younger schoolchildren always proceeds not easy. This is due, first of all, with the inability to take the point of view of the other, to see the identity in it, which has its desires and needs.

For the development of communicative skills, teachers use:

Games aimed at maintaining interest in communicating with the surrounding, wishes of joint cooperation with them.

The plots of such games are real and fictional communication situations. Children are offered real life situations: the conversation of two travelers, the buyer addresses the seller for consultation, in the theater before the performance, the owner takes guests, communication with parents, in the library, etc. Waking up into several groups, the participants of the game stage a given teacher the situation as they consider it necessary. After each stage, there is a discussion and errors are detected (if they were) or immediately conclude on the rules of communication in each situation.

Similarly, work is built during the plot games with a fictional plot, where you need to read the proposed scene with the participation of famous fabulous heroes and find errors in their communication, to draw the conversation of two heroes of the work, come up with a conversation of the heroes of the work on the phone, to draw the works (fairy tales, Story, Basni, etc.).

The guys are happy to "get used to the role" and try to convey the main features of their hero. After improvised drawing, we "appreciate" the work of artists by friendly applause.

Acquested by younger students' knowledge and skills of the dialogue are fixed in the process of "round table" conversations with the elements of the plot-role-playing game: "Why do people communicate?", "You are a particle of mankind," "I and they", "what we have - do not store , Losing - cry. "

Creative work, mini-essays, work with proverbs and phraseologists in order to develop the speech of junior schoolchildren in the lessons of the Russian language.

For the development of speech, children from grade 1 is offered work on suggestions. Tasks: "Pass the point", "Insert the missed words",
"Tell me what they read about", "from a set of words to draw up proposals for this topic", "Preparations of offers on pictures."
The main task of the teacher in the lesson in addition to working on literacy of oral and written speech, on its correctness to form in children the ability to freely state their thoughts, fully, logical, without fear to show their personality.

Work on the development of speech is carried out not only through the lessons, but also extracurricular activities (cool watches "Who am I and who is my family", "these unfamiliar familiar words", etc.) and extracurricular activities.

Work in pairs, group work, which gives tremendous opportunities to carry out joint activities of students, the ability to conduct a dialogue compliance with the rules of speech etiquette (retelling, hearing, conversation, dispute, reasoning, a neighbor's story on the desk).

Work in a pair teaches children to listen and hear another, give and accept advice, work together and in a single pace. This is facilitated by a joint letter on the board with one small, pair reading, juggling balls.

In small groups, children work on the principle "You know, tell me something", "you know how to teach another." It is also important that in small groups an assessment for "itself" is formed. The child learns to objectively compare his own skill with the skills of peers, compare their opinion with the opinions of others.


For personal hearing, special types of trainings are intended:

  • Each participant of the training must listen to the story of the interlocutor (about any case that happened with him, about an interesting film, etc.), observing the following rules: to be attentive, not to interrupt, try to understand the meaning of the story, maintain the speaking of faithful, gestures, replicas. After training, children conclude that it is much easier to communicate with the interlocutor when he actively listens, showing interest in what said.

For the development of expressiveness of speech, the following training are used:

  • Two or more participants read on the roles of the text, and everyone should adhere to a certain intonation (blame, persuade, encourage, beyond, apologize, etc.).
  • Carefully observing the gestures of the teacher, determine whether the gesticulation of intonation corresponds to which the teacher pronounces the phrase (for example, the phrase is pronounced with bewilderment, and the teacher accompanies it with threatening gestures; the phrase is pronounced with sadness, but is accompanied by surprise gestures, etc.).
  • Express the given emotional state (admiration, distrust, mock, irritation, joy, etc.) intonational and appropriate gestures, facial expressions.
  • Determine where the punctuation sign, which is standing at the end of the sentence, does not correspond to the content of the phrase: "Hurray, we go home?", "Where were you!", "How beautiful here", and the like.

To master the culture of the spatial organization of communication with students, such trainings are offered:

  • Discuss an interesting film in pairs (an important event or any topic that interests both interlocutors), located in different ends of the class, sitting nearby, opposite each other; Choose the most convenient Course AnT location in this situation.
  • Using the distance and location between you and your interlocutor, give him to understand that you are offended, unhappy, we are happy to communicate, interested in conversation, etc.

In practice and from the proposed options for the location of the interlocutors (face to face, sitting in half turn, nearby), choose those that match the following communication situations: a business conversation, a casual friendly conversation, to fulfill together work, tasks.

Evaluating each other and yourself.

The child learns to compare work with the sample; Estimate evaluation criteria academic work; compare your assessment with the estimate of another person; learns to give a characteristic of errors and put forward hypothesis about their causes; To formulate assumptions about how to look for the missing method of action (missing knowledge).

The problem of the development of communicative skills in younger students is very relevant. The level of development of communicative skills affects not only the effectiveness of teaching children, but also on the process of their socialization and the formation of a person as a whole.

Junior school age is the optimal period of active learning to social behavior, the art of communication between children of different sexes, the assimilation of communicative and speech skills, ways to distinguish social situations. During this period, a qualitatively new level is implemented by the potential for the development of the child as an active entity, knowing the world And himself, acquiring its own experience in this world. His own behavior is characterized by the prefictory sphere of cognitive motives and interests, an internal action plan, the ability to coordinate its actions with peers, regulating their actions with public standards of behavior, the ability to sufficiently adequate evaluation of their own activities and its capabilities.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Udmurt Republic

State educational institution of secondary vocational education

"Udmurt Republican Social Pedagogical College"


According to the educational discipline "Psychology"

On the topic: "Conditions R.azvitii Communicative abilities in childrensenior preschool age

Izhevsk 2011.


1.3 Features of the development of communicative abilities of preschoolers

2.1 Determination of research methods and the organization of the experiment




communicative preschooler Communication Development


The problem of developing communicative abilities of children preschool age very relevant and treasurely. Studies of outstanding domestic psychologists have been proven that communication is the most important factor psychic development of the child ( L. A. Wenger , M. I. Lie sina, and Dr. ) . P communication relationship in children is a basis for further development all psyche and the personality is e. In the early stages of ontogenesis ( L. S. Vygotsky , M. I. Lisin , E. O. Smirnov but , IN. FROM. Mukh ina, etc.) . It is in the process of communicating with other people a child absorbs human experience. Without communication it is impossible to establish mental contact between people. Outside human communication is not lightly the development of the child's personality . Chatuals child According to specialist in, leads to various violations : In some cases, to the emergence of a delay in mental development, in others - to pedagogical neglence, and in more severe cases - even to the death of Deta th in the early stages of ontogenesis ( in infant and early age) . This problem is especially important on modern stage In connection with the Humani zoom preschool education. So, the authors « Ko nurses of pre-school education » notes that child communication it is based howling his mental development ( sensations, pro riyatia, thinking, memory, etc.) and personal developed iA: needs, emotionally volitional sphere, interests and abilities, self-consciousness, self-esteem, levels of claims, etc.

Under communication it is understood as an informational, emotional and subject interaction, in the course of which are implemented, interpersonal relationships appear and form. In the process of communication there are certain relationships. On the nature of the relationship of the child with others, it depends largely, which personal qualities are formed from His.

Experimental studies conducted under the leadership of M. AND. Lisina, showed that during the first seven years of life there are several more and replaced by several forms of communication of children and adults - during preschool childhood, a child in falls in different kinds of contacts with about Adults, the content of communicating it with others changes. It is communication, its content and communicative abilities tusse one of the most important points determining the development of children S. about adults. Most of the whole child satisfies the content of communication in which he has already had a need. In accordance with the compliance of communication, the need for the child has a location and adult to adult y, in the case of inconsistencies (advance or lag) The degree of attachment of the child to the adult decreases. Knowledge conditions Development communicative abilities preschool children help find the right approach to solving communication problems , c. it determined the relevance of the selected research themes.

An object: The process of developing the communicative abilities of the preschooler .

Subject of study: conditions for the development of the communicative abilities of the preschooler .

Purpose: Izu read psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of the communicative abilities of the preschooler .

Hypothesis: Communicative abilities of the preschooler will develop more successful if you create appropriate for their development from

Activis oving

, as complex funds aimed at overcoming difficulties communication;

- accounting age and individual specimens development of preschoolers.


1) reveal the psychological and pedagogical conditions affecting the development of the communicative abilities of the preschooler;

2) to explore the means and methods used by the educator for the development of the communicative abilities of the preschooler;

3) develop a system of requirements for psychological and pedagogical conditions for the dynamic development of the communicative abilities of the preschooler;

4) experimentally check the influence of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the success of the development of the communicative abilities of the preschooler;

Research methods:

1) theoretical: analysis and generalization of psychological and pedagogical literature, modeling of the hypotheses of the study, the design of the results and processes of their achievement at various stages of work;

2) empirical: Conversations, observation, diagnostic methods of studying forms of communication of preschoolers, experiment.

The following psychological was used in the work. methods:

1. The technique "Detection of ability to communicate" (E. N. Probotskaya);

2. Methods "Studying Communicative Skills", developed on the basis of the methodology proposed in the manual "Workshop on Child Psychology" ed. G. A. Uruntaev, Yu. A. Afonkina;

3. Observation of children in games and joint activities and primary introductory conversation with parents and teacher of the group under study.

Research base:MDOU №266, city Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic. The study involved 10 children of preschool age (5-6 years).

1. Theoretical aspects of studying the conditions for the development of communicative abilities of preschoolers

1.1 Approaches to the problem of communication and communicative abilities of preschoolers in the concepts of foreign and domestic psychologists

The study and description of the development of any aspect of the child's mental life is always considerable difficulties. Communication and self-knowledge are two big problems that have long worried the minds of humanity. Back in the XVII century, the English philosopher John Locke considered the child as a clean board ("Tabula Rasa"), on which the environment and society in the person of their representatives write what they need. If parents and environment have a proper impact on the child, he assimilates the positive forms of behavior and becomes a good member of society. Mental development, based on this, is to accumulate socially acceptable forms of behavior and the development of useful habits and skills.

Another direction is based on the views of the French philosopher of the XVIII century Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who already in a newborn child saw a human personality with congenital abilities and positive deposits. The main task of educators is not to disturb the natural ripening of these deposits and not change the innate child nature. Mental development is considered as ripening of natural deposits and their implementation. Currently, few of psychologists hold these views in pure form. The role of heredity is also recognized, and the role of the environment in the mental development of the child, but one, or another factor, is put forward at first place.

One of the first began to develop the problem of the genesis of communication English psychologist John Bowlby. He spoke about the important meaning of the child's relationship with his mother. Close to him in their creative positions Rena Space in France, Anna Freud in Austria, also believed that the lack of communication with his mother threatens the child's life, prevents his physical and mental Development.

The deficit of communication at an early age imposes a fatal seal for the subsequent fate of the individual, determining the formation of aggressiveness, antisocial inclinations and mental devastation. Supporters of the "Impriting" theory - Imprinting, also assign the primary role to the early experience of the child in the formation of his relationship to others. Essence of her for holds in the transfer of the mechanism of "Impriting" (described for the first time K. Lorentz m based on chickpeas observations) without proper grounds and on behavior nie child. According to the hypothesis "Impriting" Children in young children are captured by adult features, cauting for them - His appearance, voices, clothes, smell. They constitute an image that causes the child affection by analogy with the image of a mother or other adult replacing it.

In the 50s. US scientists within the framework of the "social learning" theory were held many works aimed at analyzing the contacts of the child with adults and other children at different stages of childhood. Communication of a child with mother and with peers received in their works of interpretation as a kind of phenomena, obeying the law "Stimulus - Reaction".

At the beginning of the 60s. widespread research The genesis of communication turned into the USSR. N. M. Socilovanov, his colleagues and students: N. M. Ascarina [Education of children ..., 1955], M. Yu. Kistyakovskaya, R. V. Tonkov-Yampolsky [Social adaptation ..., 1980] studied the interaction of children with surrounding adults . In Soviet children's psychology, an approach to development is being implemented as the transformation of gradually accumulating quantitative changes to indigenous qualitative, based on the principles of dialectical materialism [D. B. Elkonin, 1960; A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin - in the book: Psychology of children ..., 1964; Psychology of personality ..., 1965; A. N. Leontiev, 1972].

A vast contribution to the study of the formation of communication children was made by a domestic psychologist M. I. Lisina and her students. Maya Ivanovna Lisin introduced a new subject to domestic psychology - communication child with adults - and developed his concept in which communication is considered as a special type of activity (communicative activities) having its specific structural components: the need, motives and means [M. I. Lisin the problem of ontogenesis of communication. - M.: Pedagogy, 1986].

Only adult for little child It is a carrier of human culture, and only he can transfer her to a child. This provision is traditional and generally recognized in domestic psychology. The process of interiorization of external, material means, which become internal funds of the child, was repeatedly studied by Russian psychologists on the material of various mental processes - thinking, perception, memory, attention, etc. In all these studies, cultural experience was transferred to the child in the process of communication and child relations with adults remained beyond these studies as something secondary and not directly related to the absorption of cultural samples.

Communicative abilities allow the child to solve various types of tasks arising in communication: overcome egocentrism (i.e., understand the position and state of another person who are inevitable with its own), recognize various communicative situations and the rules of action in them, to build their behavior adequately in the communicative situation. And creatively. In modern pre-school education, the development of the communicative sphere occurs spontaneously, is not the subject of special formation. At the same time, it is the formation of well-defined forms of communication ("cooperative-competitive" with peers and "contextual" with adults) is the necessary prerequisite for school readiness (see the research of Kravtsova E. E.).

The successful development of communicative abilities is part of social competence, meaning the readiness of the child and meeting with new social situations.

1.2 Development of forms of communication in ontogenesis

The need for communication in the child appears early, about 1 month, after the crisis of newborn (according to some data in 2 months). He begins to smile at mom and rapidly rejoice at her appearance. Mom (or other close man, causing a child), should satisfy this new need as fully as possible. Directly - emotional communication with about Adults creates a joyful mood in a child and increases its activity that becomes the necessary basis for the development of his movements, perception, thinking, speech.

When moving decity Activities to maintain the usual living conditions lose the status of the lead, although, of course, does not disappear. There is a new leading activity, the content of which is directly emotional communication of the adult and the child [M. I. Lisin and S. Yu. Mescheryakova, 1986]. The functions of the child and adult in this activity are the functions of communication partners. Accordingly, their functioning is represented by similar manifestations: mutual smiles, vocalization, etc. In the mental regulation of the functioning of the child, the motive of communication becomes dominant. Initially, it represents a variety of motive to preserve the usual living conditions: the communicating adult acts as one of the elements of the situation of satisfaction of needs. Over time, the motive of communication becomes independence.

The motive of preserving the usual conditions was not specified in any external objects and existed only in the form of certain subjective states. In contrast, the motive of communication has an external addressing and is expressed in various manifestations directly directed towards an adult: a smile, laughter, crying, etc. Communication, the child looks at the adult all the time. The adult becomes the external object in which the motive is specified, that is, the purpose of individual acts of communication. This defines the central psychological neoplasms of the infant period. These include the subject image and emotions of a new type: those defined not only by the motive, but also the goal (positive - with its presence in the field of view, negative - in the absence). In the future, along with the face of an adult, the child begins to allocate other objects - in particular, toys. Manipulations with them become a means of communication with adults. The child begins to use other means of communication: tinted, gestures. Thus, communication loses its immediate nature and turns into a "business".

When moving to an early age (ongoing for the 2nd -3-year-old lifestyle), manipulations with objects are isolated from the activities of communication (just as previously she selected from previous activities). As a result, a new leading activity is a subject. Its content is the development of subject and speech actions. The joint nature of this activity often falls out of the field of view of the researchers, however, D. B. Elkonin [Children's Psychology ..., 1960] rightly emphasized the decisive importance of the adult performing the function of the sample of the constructing of the subject action. The function of the child is the function of the artist. Its functioning (direct performance) can flow largely autonomously from an adult, which generates the illusion of individuality of subject activity.

When moving to the preschool age, under the influence of samples specified by adults, the individual objective actions of the child begin to integrate into more complex systems. The content of the leading activity becomes the simulation of the holistic behavior of adults, a holistic situation. It is reflected both in the plot-role-playing game and in children's drawing, design, etc. [L.A.Verger, 1979]. The function of an adult, as at an early age, is the task of samples, but now these are samples of non-individual actions, but a holistic behavior in which they are included in the system of human relations with the world and, above all, with other people. The child's function consists in an indirect (symbolic) imitation of these samples (in contrast to an early age, in which the execution directly imitates the sample).

During the crisis of the third year of life, the desire to reproduce the behavior of adults is very generalized [K. N. Polivanova. Psychology of age crises - M., 2000]. The child is trying to fully become adults. However, many forms of their behavior are not available or prohibited. The clash with these prohibitions generates negative manifestations of the crisis of the third year - just as a similar collision that happened at the level of individual actions was becoming a source of negative manifestations of the crisis of one year.

The functioning of the preschooler is significantly more comprehensively and structurally than at an early age. Only now it really becomes "not additive", that is, ceases to reduce the aggregate of individual actions. They are combined into a more general structure of the holistic behavior of the preschooler. This defines the main psychological neoplasms of preschool age. The child begins to focus on the ratio between the individual action and the general structure of the behavior in which it is included, that is, aware of the meaning of both its action and the situation in which it is performed. As a result, he becomes able to form his own intention. Awareness of the meaning of actions is inextricably linked with the advent of the primary image "I", that is, with awareness of itself as a subject with the same qualities as the surrounding adults [L. S. Vygotsky, 1996].

The need for communicating is to strive for the knowledge and evaluation of other people, and through them with their help - to self-knowledge and self-assessment. Specific motives encouraging communicative activities are the qualities of the person and other people themselves, for which a person comes into communication. Among these qualities, business, cognitive and personalities are distinguished. Means of communication are those operations with which communicative activities are carried out. These funds can be expressive-mimic, subjectual and speech.

At various stages of the child's development, these parameters form stable combinations, which are qualitatively peculiar forms of communication. Development of communications with adults from birth to seven years M. I. Lisin represented as a change of several forms of communication.

Forms of communication are:

1) the time of the occurrence of this form;

2) the main content of the need for communication satisfied by the children during this form of communication;

3) the main motives that encourage the child at this stage to communicate with adults;

4) Basic means of communication, with the help of which, within this form, communicate the child with adults.

The subject of communication is another person - a partner for communication. M. I. Lisin formulated the provision that communication is a "cross-cutting" mechanism for changing the activities of the child. Adults are always for a child not only with a carrier of funds and samples of action, but also alive, unique personalities that embody their individual motives and meanings. They are for a child a kind of personification of those holistic and motivational levels that have not yet possess. At these levels, the child can only rise with them - through communication, joint activities and general experiences. Motivation, like any other than the highest mental function, detects themselves twice: first as a form of interaction and cooperation between people (that is, as a category of interpsychic), and then as its own, the inner heritage of the subject (as a category intrapsychic).

As a result of the research, four main forms of communication were identical for children of a certain age [A. V. Zaporozhets, M. I. Lisin - in the book: Development of communications from preschoolers, 1974].


forms of communication



Motives of communication

Means of communication

Situational personality

1 - 6 months

Attention and goodwill adult



Situational business

6 months - 3 years

Cooperation with adults

Subjectual effective


Respect for adults


Puttopic personality

Adult empathy and mutual understanding


Situational personality form of communicationarises in ontogenesis first and has the most a short time existence in self-form - until the end of the first half of life. The most significant feature of situational personality communication is to meet the needs of the child in friendly attentionadult Especially important for infant adult attention. And this is understandable, since the presence close man Near the child and concentration on the baby, in essence, guarantee the last safety and stream of gentle, love influences that children have already time to allocate from all other manifestations of an adult and evaluate as unusually important actions.

Situational business form of communicationappears in the ontogenesis of the second. But it is very different from the first genetic form of communication. Start with the fact that she no longer occupies the leading activity - now the subject-manipulative activity of children is now put forward. Communication with adults is woven into a new leading activity, helping her and serving it. The main reasons for the contacts of children with adults are now related to their common matter - practical cooperation, and therefore on the central place among all the motives of communication is made business motif. The child is extremely occupied by both adults with things, and the senior are revealed now to children from this side - as amazing craftsmen and artists who are able to create true wonders with objects.

Impact-cognitive form of communication.

In the first half of the preschool childhood, a child can be observed the following, third form of communicative activities. Like the second, it is mediated, but it is not crowded in practical cooperation with adults, but in a joint cognitive activity - one can say to the "theoretical" cooperation. Significant manipulations of young children were largely aimed at identifying property properties; The practical "samples and errors" of the child serve as the basis on which its approximate and perceptible effect [A. V. Zaporozhets, 1960; N. N. Podkakov, 1977]. But the primitiveness of early manipulations and elementary forms of cooperation with adults allow children to establish only the most superficial, lowest properties of things. However, the development of curiosity and continuous improvement of the methods of its satisfaction (perception, visual-effective, and later visual-shaped thinking on the mastering speech) cause the child to put more and more complex questions. It is shown that the preschooler is trying to understand any little, as the origin and the device of the world, the relationship in nature, the secret essence of things. Children's "Toward" fell on the elder avalanche questions. Therefore, it is natural that the leading in the third form of communication is cognitive motive.

By the end of the preschool age, children appear the fourth and highest for preschoolers a form of communication with adults - puttopic personality. As can be seen from its name (personal), it is similar to the first genetic form of communication and marks that the development process has completed, thus, the first turn and, describing the spiral, moved to the second round. The difference between the first and fourth genetic forms is that one of them is situational, and the other is incoming. But the difference in the degree of situability turns into the greatest differences in the possibilities of contacts, their nature and the impact on the general mental development of children. The situitation of primitive personal communication in the infant determined the amorphy of the perception of the adult and himself, the peculiar limitations of the analysis of the impacts of the surrounding people and the ability to express their attitude towards them only directly emotionally. Personal motif Communication is a leading in the fourth form of communicative activities - has a perfect different character than in the first. The adult protrudes in front of children in the greatest completeness of his tissue, characteristic features and life experience. It is now for a preschooler not just an individual or abstract person, but a particular historical and social person, a member of society, a citizen of his country and his time. The child reflects not only the direction in which the adult treats him, feeds, teaches, - an adult gets his own, independent existence in the eyes of the child.

An adult for a child is the highest authority, whose instructions, requirements, comments are made in a business, without offense, without whims and refusal of difficult tasks. This form of communication is important when preparing for school, and if it does not work out to 6-7 years, the child will be psychologically not ready for school learning. The system of relations with other people, which is characteristic of a specific period of ontogenesis, L. S. Vygotsky called social development situation. The social development situation is the most important characteristic of the period.

According to A. V. Petrovsky [Learn to communicate with the child , 1993] Social development situation, or wider - Social medium may be stable or changing, which means relative stability and changes in the social community in which roy is a child, a man. The occurrence of a child as a social being in The life of this community assumes passage of three phases: adaptation to existing norms, forms of interaction, activities; individualization how to meet the need of an individual in maximum personalization and inte g. radio personality in this community. If individualization is characterized by searching for funds and methods to designate their individuality in order to remove the contradiction between this desire and the result of adaptation (it became the same as everything in common), the integration is determined by the contradictions between the subordinate the subject of the subject to be ideally represented by its peculiarities And significant for him, the differences in the community and the need for generality to accept, approve and cultivate only those demonstrated by the individual characteristics that impressed it corresponds to its values \u200b\u200bcontribute to the success of joint activities.

Joint activities carried out within the framework of leading activities given by a specific social development situation in which his life (child) life is committed, is one of the main conditions for the development of the personality in any social situation. The situation occupied by the child in this society is determined, on the one hand, existing ideas about what a child should be at every age stage, and on the other - the child reached level of development, its individual opportunities to satisfy the public requirements for one or another stage of age development. .

Currently, in our society there has been a tendency to change the requirements for the child, to strengthen its independence and at the same time to aware of the special rights of the child. The social development situation can vary greatly in children of one age due to social bundle in society.

1.3 Features of the development of communicative abilities of preschool children

The ability to communicate or communicative abilities must be developed from an early age. Communicative abilities include:

The desire to come into contact;

Ability to organize communication;

Knowledge of norms and rules when communicating.

Development of communicative abilities of children - Change of qualitative and peculiar holistic formations representing a certain genetic level of communicative activities and called communication forms [M. I. Lisin ; Principles of development ... , 1978 ] .

There are two forms of incoming communication - cognitive and personal. With a normal course of development, the incoming and cognitive communion makes up for about four or five years. An explicit testimony of the appearance of such communication becomes his questions addressed to an adult. These issues are mainly aimed at clarifying the laws of living and inanimate nature. Children of this age are interested in Sun ё: Why proteins from people run away, where the butterflies are winter, from which they make paper, etc. Answers to all these questions can only give an adult. The adult becomes for preschoolers the main source of new knowledge about events, objects and phenomena occurring around. So, for the cognitive communication of the child with adults are characteristic:

1) good speech possession, which allows you to talk with adults about things that are not in a specific situation;

2) cognitive motives of communication, curiosity, the desire to explain the world, which manifests itself in children's issues;

3) the need for adult respected, which is expressed in resentment for comments and negative estimates.

Over time, the attention of preschoolers is increasingly attracting events that occur among those around people. Human relations, norms of behavior, the quality of individuals begin to interest the child even more than the life of animals or the phenomena of nature. What is possible and what is impossible who is good, and who is angry that good , and what is bad - These and other similar questions are already worried by senior preschoolers. And answers here again It can only give an adult.

In six to seven years, the rules of behavior, human relationship, quality, actions are interested in children themselves. It is important for them to understand the requirements of adults, to establish yourself in their right. Therefore, in senior preschool age, children prefer Ra sign S. about Adults are not for informative topics, but on personal people relating to people's lives. So arises the most complex and higher in preschool age. e - Putting the personal form of communication.

An adult is still for children a source of new knowledge, and children still need his respect and recognition. But for the child it becomes very important to evaluate certain qualities and actions (and their own and other children) and it is important that its attitude to one or another events coincided with the attitude of an adult. The community of views and ratings is an indicator of their correctness for the child. The child in the older preschool age is very important to be good, to do everything correctly: to behave correctly, correctly evaluate the actions and the qualities of your peers, the right but build your relationship with about adults and with peers.

The development of the communicative abilities of preschoolers contributes to the work of the teacher, taking into account the psychological and pedagogical conditions, like :

Activation and stimulating the teacher of the process of communication of senior preschoolers with the help of special interconnected forms of organizing an educational process;

Analysis of the reasons that cause difficulties in communication (a shortage of communication with others, the deficit of a full, appropriate age of activity and the development of speech);

Implementation into an educational process of integrated classes The use of game techniques for the development of communicative abilities (as the game is the leading activities in preschool age);


Methods for the development of communicative abilities of children may - As specially organized activities of the teacher - classes, exercises, training classes, and free game activities of children, but under the supervision and management of the teacher.

Of the most important in the occurrence and development in children of communication have the impact of an adult, the leading initiative of which is constantly "pulling" the activity of the child to a new, higher level on the mechanism of the "zone of the nearest development "[L. S. V. gotsky, 1996. ]. The practice of interaction with children organized by adults contributes to enrichment and transformation of their social needs. Without adult support, especially in the first months and years of life, the development of communicating with others slows down or even stops. But the active intervention of the adult is able to cause a relatively short time to cause favorable shifts in the communication of children of even senior preschool age, to correct defects and deviations in their communicative leader ost.

Thus, in preschool age, the child develops the need for a trustful attitude to an adult and the ability to feel its emotional state (joyful, enthusiastic, sad, calm, angry, etc.), to understand the reason for changing the mood, communicative abilities are developing.

2. Experimental study of the conditions for the development of communicative abilities of preschoolers

2.1 Organization and conducting a statement research

  • The purpose of the experimental study wasstudy of the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of the communicative abilities of the preschooler.

Hypothesis: TO the oxygen abilities of the preschooler will develop more successful if the PS appropriate for their development ego-pedagogical conditions:

Activation and stimulation by the teacher of the process of communication of senior preschoolers with the help of special interrelated forms of organizing an educational process;

Analysis of the reasons that cause difficulties in communication (a shortage of communication with others, the deficit of a full, appropriate age of activity and the development of speech);

Implementation into an educational process of integrated classes , as complex funds aimed at overcoming the difficulties of communication; The use of game techniques for the development of communicative abilities (as the game is the leading activities in preschool age);

- accounting for age and individual features of the development of preschoolers.

AND flash vania took place on the basis of MDOU №266 , city \u200b\u200bIzhevsk , Udmurtia . IN the study was involved 1 0 children up school age (5-6 years).

Methods of a statement experiment:

1. Methods "Detection of ability to communicate" (E.N. Probotskaya) (see Appendix 1);

2. "Studying Communicative Skills" Methodology developed on the basis of the methodology proposed in the manual "Workshop on Child Psychology" ed. G.A. Uruntaeva, Yu.A. Afonokina (see Appendix 1).

3. Observation of children in games and joint activities and primary introductory conversation with parents and teacher of the study group (see Appendix 1).

Thus, the goal, hypothesis and methods of experimental research were identified. The following presented the results of the stateing experiment.

2.2 Conducting a statement experiment and analysis of the results

First stage The research was a survey, a conversation with parents and a teacher who spent the maximum amount of time with children during classes. The results of the survey - conversations with parents and with a teacher are reflected in Table number 1.

Table №1

Results of the conversation-survey of parents and teacher for sociability of preschool children

Opinion of parents

Pedagogue opinion

Number of points

The level of sociability

Number of points

The level of sociability

From this table, it can be seen that in the experimental group, according to the poll of the parents and the teacher of 10 people, no one from the children was detected a high level of sociability. All parents to one degree or another note the difficulties and difficulties of communication of children with peers, the reason for which is related to the peculiarities of family education, the development of intelligence, psychophysical development, as well as as a result, with possible difficulties of adapting to a new team, to new conditions and The type of activity. The teacher did not notice the high level of communication in any of the examined children.

The low level of sociability (1 point) is marked in 6 children - 60% (according to parents), which determines the fact that the child is universal, conflict, almost does not have friends. He himself is trying to create problem situations and does not try to solve them. Does not want to contact either peers, no with adults and 7 children - 70% (according to the teacher).

Other children have an average level of sociability (2 points) in the opinion of both parents and a teacher, which suggests that the child, according to adults, is sociable, if necessary, trying not to enter into long-term dialogues, solves the necessary questions and stops communication. As a rule, children from this group are considered to be poor and reluctantly enter into negotiations. With adults, there are also no problems in communication, but also the communication itself is not so often.

The second stage The statement has been the diagnosis of methodology"Studying Communicative Skills" (See Appendix 1), developed on the basis of the methodology proposed in the manual "Workshop on children's psychology" ed. G. A. Uruntayev, Yu. A. Afonkina. As a result of a survey on this technique, the results were obtained reflected in Table No. 2.

Table number 2.

The results of the methodology "Studying Communicative Skill" (a statement experiment)

Methodology "Studying Communicative Skillings"

Level No.

Levelformed communication skills

It can be noted that in the experimental group of children there is an extremely low level of formation of communication skills. In the study group, only 3 children (30%) marked the average level of development of communicative skills, which indicates that when making a general solution, children experience small difficulties, which may be associated with either passive participation and insignificant interest, or with reluctance and inability. Take the intention of the partner. In the process of the contract, you can observe such funds as conviction and persuasion. The interconnection is situational. Activities are used with some difficulties, which manifests itself in a dispute with a partner due to unwillingness to share pencils and wait for their turn. The emotional atmosphere is generally positive, but there are some negative reactions to partner actions.

The remaining 7 children (70%) - low indicators - Children do not come to mutual agreement. Performing work, cannot agree on their actions with the actions of a partner. There are no mutual constraints and mutual assistance. The indifference is noted, both to the activity itself and its result, negative reactions to the partner, in the process of adopting a general solution and the use of means of activity.

At the next stage, the experimental group was tested by method "Detection of communication ability " (E. N. Probotskaya; See Appendix 1), where the ability of children participating in the experiment to communicate (communicative abilities) was outed. Table No. 3 presents the results of this survey.

Table number 3.

The results of "Methods for identifying the ability to communicate" (E. N. Probotskaya)

Number of points


development of communicativeness

As a result, according to the data obtained during the examination on the methodology for the identification of the level of communication of communicativeness according to the E. N. Probotsk method, it was noted that in the experimental, group again, no one of the surveyed notes a high level of communication ability, in 3 children ( 30%) in the experimental group - the average results, which indicates some difficulties in communicating, impactivity and some kind of closure of the child, fear of the first to start a conversation, in 7 children (70%) of the experimental group - a low level of development of communicative skills, which indicates that What these children are extremely closed, inevitable and do not seek to communicate.

The last stage of diagnosis has become observation Behind the children in the process of free gaming activities. The level of formation of communicative skills was evaluated by a 10-point scale.

During the monitoring of the game of children, the results were obtained, presented in Table No. 4 (observation protocol, see Appendix 1).

Table # 4.

Surveillance results in the game activity

Number of points

Leveldevelopment of communicativeness

During the observation of the children, it was found that in an experimental group of 10 people only in 3 children, the formation level of communication skills average, which indicates that the child is sociable, when communicating, it tries not to enter into long-term dialogues, decides Required questions and stops communication. As a rule, children from this group peers are considered to be poor and reluctantly enter into negotiations. With adults there are also no problems in communication, but also the communication itself is not so often, the remaining 7 children the level of sociability is low, which speaks of insufficient sociability of the child, conflict, the preschooler of this subgroup almost does not have friends. He himself is trying to create problem situations and does not try to solve them. Does not want to contact either peers or adults. High indicators that determine a good level of formation of communication skills of the child and indicate that the preschooler has many friends, rarely arise conflicts and disputes with them, and in case of occurrence of peaceful way, with adults, it is also practically no difficulty in communicating - was not identified .

Output: Analyzing the data obtained during the entire experimental study, it was found that children from the preschool age there is an insufficient formation of communicative skills, abilities, communication skills - children do not know how to communicate with adults and peers themselves. It was determined that in the study group only in 30% of children there is an average level of development of communicative skills and abilities, the rest of the children are low. The results obtained determined the need to select recommendations, systems of classes, games and exercises aimed at developing communicative abilities, skills and skills of children - preschoolers, taking into account the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of communicative abilities.

Based on the results of a statement study, it can be noted that the development communicative skills in children of senior preschool age should be more efficient, if you create the corresponding PS for their development ego-pedagogical conditions:

Activating and stimulating the teacher of the process of communication of senior preschoolers with the help of special interconnections anosal forms of the organization educational process;

Analysis of the reasons that cause difficulties in communication (a shortage of communication with others, the deficit of a full, appropriate age of activity and the development of speech);

Implementation into the educational process of integrated classes , as complex funds aimed at overcoming the difficulties of communication; The use of game techniques for the development of communicative abilities (as the game is the leading activities in preschool age);


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The work considers the problem of the formation of communicative skills of children of senior preschool age in psychological and pedagogical literature. The principles of the work of institutions and the principles of work on the formation of communicative skills are described. A further system is proposed for creating and processing information to a holistic system of receptions, methods and tasks for children.

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The problem of the formation of communicative skills of senior preschool children in psychological and pedagogical literature.

E.A. Marina,

Annotation: The work considered the problem of the formation of communicative skills of children of senior preschool age in psychological and pedagogical literature. The principles of the work of institutions and the principles of work on the formation of communicative skills are described. A further system is proposed for creating and processing information to a holistic system of receptions, methods and tasks for children.

Keywords: communication, psychological and pedagogical research, skill, educational environment, reception, preschoolers, game.

The Problem Of The Formation of Communication Skills of Children of Senior Preschool Age in The Psychological and Pedagogical Literature.


on the Creation and Processing of Information Into An Integrated System of Methods and Tasks for Children is Proposed.

Keyword: Communication, Psychological and Pedagogical Research, Skill, Eding ENVIRONMENT, Reception, Preschoolers, A Game.

Recently, teachers and parents are increasingly alarming noting that many preschoolers experience serious difficulties in communicating with others, especially with peers. Many children do not know how to turn to another person on their own initiative, sometimes they even shy to respond accordingly, if anyone appeals to them. They cannot support and develop the established contact, adequately express their sympathy, empathy, so often conflict or closed alone. At the same time, sociability, the ability to contact with the surrounding people is the necessary component of human self-realization, its success in various activities, the location and love of it to those surrounding people. Formation of this ability - important condition The normal psychological development of the child, as well as one of the main tasks of preparing it for further life. For preschool children, communication includes knowledge of what to say and in what form to express their idea, an understanding of how others will perceive said, the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor.

Today, the term "Communication" was widespread, along with the term "Communication". Communication is the process of mutual exchange of information between communication partners. It includes: the transfer and reception of knowledge, ideas, opinions, feelings. The universal communication means is a speech with which the information is transmitted and the participants in joint activities are influenced by each other. In the dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegova "Communication" is dispersed as a message, communication. In the synonyms, the concept of "communication" and "communication" is characterized as close synonyms, which allows us to consider these terms equivalent.

Modern pedagogical practice relies on psychological and pedagogical studies, theoretically substantial essence and importance of the formation of communicative skills and skills in the development of a child of preschool age. The basis of numerous publications is the concept of activities developed by A.A. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin, A.V. Zaporozhet and others. Based on it, M.I. Lisina, A.G. Ruzskaya consider communication as communicative activities. In a number of research, it is noted that communication skills contribute to the mental development of the preschooler (A.V. Zaporozhets, M.I. Lisin, A.G. Ruzskaya), affect the overall level of its activities (D. B. Elkonin).

The development of communicativeness is a priority basis for ensuring the continuity of pre-school education, a necessary condition for the success of educational activities and the most important direction of socio-personal development.

Communication is the interaction of two and more people aimed at harmonizing and combining their efforts to establish relationships, achieve a general result.

Catching a child is not only the ability to come into contact and talk with the interlocutor, but also the ability to carefully and actively listen and hear, use the facial expressions and gestures for more expressive expression of their thoughts.

Skill is automated components of conscious activities that arise as a result of exercises that have strengthened ways of action. Speaking about communicative skills, meaning the automated communicative components of speech activity, the formation of which is facilitated by an example of communication with peers, with teachers, parents, an example of adults.

Communicative skills are the ability of a person to establish contact with other people, correctly interpret their speech, behavior and adequately respond.

A.I. Savenkov proposes allocates three groups of components in the structure of communication skills:

a) Cognitive: social knowledge, social memory, social intuition, social forecasting;

b) emotional: emotional expressiveness, sensitivity, emotional control, empathy, establishing emotional ties with others;

c) behavioral: social interaction, the ability to self-regulation, the ability to work under stress.

E. Kormiltsheva and L.G. Solovyov believes that any communicative skill implies, first of all, recognizing the situation, after which the menu floats in the head with the methods of reaction to this situation, and then selected from the list of the most suitable and convenient way For further use.

Recently, educators and parents note that preschoolers are experiencing difficulties in interactions with peers. Even in the usual communicative situations, modern children behave extremely selfishly, cannot establish and maintain personal relationships, coordinate their actions in joint activities, adequately respond and take into account the interests of partners. A number of domestic studies describe the specificity of the "social maturation" of the modern child. DI. Feldstein writes: "There is an insufficient social competence of children ..., their helplessness in relations with peers, the inability to resolve the simplest conflicts ...". Psychologists argue that the "communicative deficit" and the lack of elementary communicative skills leads to violations of communication of children with peers and adults and affects the formation of the personality. In foreign psychology, it is also indicated that "the inability of children to communicate ... leads to negative social consequences, ... complex interactions with peers, ... an increase in behavior problems."

To the external (socially determined, sociocultural, median, objectively determined) factors that influence the effectiveness of the process of development committee of preschoolers, we are related to us:

The level of communicative culture of family members of the child;

The level of communicative culture of all specialists of the children's pre-school educational institution, which attended the child;

The level of communicative culture of the child's peers with which he spends a significant amount of time, and which seeks to imitate;

The style of family education (in particular, even at a sufficiently high level of communicative culture of the parents themselves, for any reason, they do not pay attention to the child's speech, they are not considered possible (or necessary) to correct his speech errors);

The presence or lack of parental deficit syndrome;

The level of adoption or rejection of the child in the peer group;

The presence or absence of sufficiently stable friendly connections, etc.

To the internal (subjective-due, personal-conditioned, psychophysiological, individual-peculiar) factors that influence the effectiveness of the process of the development of communication skills of preschoolers, we include:

Age and individual characteristics of the child (in particular, type nervous system, temperament, physiological features of the structure of the organs of the speech apparatus, etc.);

The presence / lack of psychophysiological disorders, somatic and hereditary diseases;

The level of intellectual development of the child;

Emotional instability of a child (restless, disturbing children, etc.);

Manifestations / non-recovery of increased excitability;

High or low level of shyness as an individually peculiar personal property of the child;

A high or low level of emotionality, impressionable as the individual-peculiar personal properties of the child; Elevated or reduced extroversion level / introversion

The presence or absence of a child hyperactivity syndrome.

The formation of communicative skills is to upbringing the ability to communicate and interact with peers and adults. This development is based on several desires of the preschooler: the desire to interact, the desire to listen and hear the interlocutor, desire to own elementary communication standards.

The timely formation of all communicative skills contributes to communication and of course an example of the elders. For communication, at least two people are needed, each of which acts as a subject. Communication is not easy, but it is interaction - it is carried out between the participants, each of which is equal to the carrier of activity and implies it in its partners.

Senior preschool age is a sensitive period for the formation of communicative skills of children, mastering social norms and the development of the motivational - most important sphere and the sphere of communication. The formation of a child as a person is expressed in the formation of character. The leading social situation of the child's development is the development of social norms, self-consciousness and self-esteem is formed. Senior preschool age is also characterized by torture, curiosity, which, in turn, encourage the development of cognitive and communicative spheres.

The formation of communicative skills of senior preschool children can be implemented using plot-role-playing games, rolling games, psychodastics, finger games (gymnastics), reading poems and prosaic works, various theatricalizations, psychocorrection games, etudes; Relaxation and reflection techniques.

Due to the fact that the leading activity with the older preschool age continues to be gaming activity, therefore it can be one of the main means of forming communicative skills.

The game allows to strengthen the social identity of the child, facilitates the communication process, makes it possible to experiment with the most different feelings, explore and build them into social and acceptable forms. The following communication facilities are developing in gaming activities: Mimic, Pantomimik, Emotions, Sensorika, attention, memory, thinking, speech. In the process of gaming activities, children are developed to understand some problems and ways to solve them, the social norms of the role are better absorbed. The game not only helps the child to master the skills of social communication and assimilate the norms of behavior, but is important for emotional development.

The game can be used as a diagnostic and as a means of forming communicative skills of senior preschool children.

Consider the types of games contributing to the formation of communicative skills:

1. Didactic game - Gaming method of teaching children, form of training, independent gaming activities, means of comprehensive education, as well as one of the means of developing cognitive activity and the development of communicative skills of children.

2. Director games are a kind of independent story games. Here the child is a director, manager and guidance actions of artists toys. Such games are entertaining and helpful. Preschoolers "voicing" the heroes and pronouncing the plot, use different means of verbal and non-verbal expressiveness. The prevailing means of expression in these games are intonation and facial exposure.

3. The plot role-playing game keeps in itself great opportunities for the development of communication skills. In the game there is a clash of minds, characters, ideas. It is in this clash, due to the interaction of gaming and real capabilities, the identity of each child is formed, a children's team develops.

4. Theatrical games enrich children with new impressions, knowledge, skills, develop interest in literature, activate the dictionary, contribute to the moral and ethical upbringing of each child.

So, the formation of communicative abilities from senior preschoolers in the educational process of the preschool institution is carried out in various types of childhood activities in the relationship of various forms, methods and techniques. To the older preschool age, the child is mastering communicative skills. This group of skills make up well-known skills: to cooperate, listen and hear, perceive and understand the information, speak himself. High level Communicative abilities acts as a guarantee of successful adaptation of a person in any social environment, which determines the practical significance of the formation of communicative abilities from the earliest childhood.


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Vorontsova MA Communicative skills of children of preschool age and the need for their development tools / M.A. Vorontsova, S.S. Abdrakhmanova // Pedagogy and Psychology: Actual Questions of Theory and Practice: Materials VIII International. scientific study. conf. (Cheboksary, 23 Oct.) / Roll.: O.N. Shirokov [and others] - Cheboksary: \u200b\u200bCNS "Interactive Plus", 2016. - P. 107-112.

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