Cool hour healthy lifestyle. Abstract of the class hour "Health - everything head! Test "Your Health"

State budgetary educational institution

secondary school № 461

Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg

Methodical development of the class hour

"Healthy lifestyle"

Kryukova Tatyana Vitalevna

primary school teacher

first qualifying category


St. Petersburg

Class hour "Healthy lifestyle"
Explanatory note

Health is the main value in the life of any person. Recently, health-saving technologies aimed at maintaining the health of children and directing them to keep a healthy lifestyle are very widely introduced into the practice of schools.

To lead a healthy lifestyle is to self-improve spiritually, psychologically, physically and improving the socio-economic conditions of life. One of the main objectives of the state in the field of education is recognized as a comprehensive concern for the safety of life and health, the physical development and education of children.


Give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat human health is and a healthy lifestyle; Promoting a healthy lifestyle.



Cause interest in the problem of health, the desire to think about the fact that health is the most valuable heritage of a person.

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe value of nutrition, physical culture, hardening in a person's life.

Try to form a motivation for intolerant attitude towards bad habits.


Develop the ability to reason, analyze, summarize the knowledge gained.

Develop oral speech students.


Brief feelings of love and care for your own body.

Shape communicative skills in children.


Schoolchildren's health protection is a priority for the development of the education system. Children's health is the basis of our future. Education in the younger generation need to lead a healthy lifestyle is impossible without preventive work, in the process of which the most important task to preserve the health of children is solved. This class hour contributes to the formation of pupils to the motivation to a healthy lifestyle.

Class hour time:
1. Organizing time.


In the morning there are someone strange

Looked at my window,
The palm appeared
Bright red stain.
This sun looked,
As if hand stretched out
Thin ray gold.
And as with the first best friend,
Spearled with me!

The sun meets each of us warm and smile. Gives each good mood. And I want to wish you that every day brings you only joy.

Guys and what a person needs to be always in good mood, in a good shape?

On the board, the letters s, d, o, r, o, b, b, e. (Interspersed).

Make a word from these letters. Children make up the word "health."

2. Message the theme and class target.


Health is the biggest wealth and you need to take care. If there is no health, there is no happiness, there is no mood, but not everyone remembers it. While you are healthy, it seems that it will always be ...

Today we will talk about health, about the admission to a healthy lifestyle, about the role of health in the life and human activity. Let's talk about how to behave to keep health. Recall the rules that each of you must follow to keep your health on long yearswhich bad habits should be avoided.

Class hour: "Healthy Lifestyle".

Teacher: What does it mean to be healthy?

Children: Being healthy - it means to live without disease.

Teacher: Health more depends on ourselves. What can affect the health of health?

Children: Lifestyle, Environment, Food.

Teacher: What includes the concept of "healthy lifestyle? (Children's responses).

Teacher: Based on the picture presented, let's make a conclusion:

A healthy lifestyle is compliance with the day mode; proper nutrition; Hardening, physical culture, charging; compliance with hygiene rules; no harmful habits; Good attitude towards nature, people; Proper organization of labor and recreation.

3. Running day

Teacher: Let's remember what kind of day is? (children's responses).

The day of the day is a certain rhythm of life when alternate different kinds Your activities: study, rest labor, food, sleep. He helps the student becomes disciplined, volveva. The guys who prepared a message on this topic should be told.

Pupil:The day of the day is the routine of the day (translated from french Means the set routine of life, work, nutrition, recreation, sleep).

We offer our day mode:

  • Lifting: 7.00 Need to get up early to have time to fix the bed.

  • Charging. Do not forget that charging needs to be done only in a well-ventilated room. After charging you need to wash at 7.20. First you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap, then face, ears, clean your teeth. Do not forget to suit.

  • Breakfast: 7.30. For breakfast, you can eat cottage cheese or cheese, or yogurt. Bread with butter, jam. Tea or cocoa with milk. Fresh fruit (apple or banana).

  • Exit home. The road from home to school is the morning walk in the fresh air.

  • In class, we arrive 10-15 minutes before the call.

  • At school, we are again breakfast and get hot food. After classes at 13.20 go home.

  • Lunch at 13.50. Daily for lunch you need to eat vegetable dishes, meat or fish. After lunch - rest at 14.15. 1.5h-2h. You can sleep, read the book. And you can also take a walk in the fresh air.

  • Then proceed to the homework at 16.30.

  • After completing your homework, make gymnastics.

  • At 17.50, you can start your favorite classes: modeling, drawing, reading, visit the circles, sections. Help home.

  • Dinner at 19.00. Dinner should not be dense. You can eat a salad of vegetables, fish or eggs, or a piece of ham. After dinner, you can watch TV. But not more than 30 - 40 minutes. Before bedtime, it is necessary to ventilate the room, wash, clean your teeth.

  • Sleep at 21.00- 21.30. Children 9 - 10 years old are recommended to sleep 10 - 11 hours.
If a person after sleeping is cheerful, then sufficient sleep. Scientists calculated that a person sleeps a third of his life, about 25 years old. To learn well, engage in many important and interesting things, rest and grow healthy - observe the day of the day!

4. Proper nutrition.

Teacher: Why does a person eat? (children's responses)

Without food, a person can not live for a long time, the food is necessary for a person throughout life.

The Azerbaijani proverb says "the tree is rooted, and the person is food." How do you understand the meaning of this proverb? (Children's responses).

Teacher: Not all products that a person uses him is helpful.

Now each of you will receive a card on which products are listed. . (Fish, Pepsi Call, Kefir, Scam, Sour, Chips, Hercules, Meat, Sunflower oil, Cakes, Carrots, Cabbage, Candy, Butter, Apples, Pear, Supliki, Sweet, Bread, Cottage cheese, Yogurt, Milk, Eggs, Rice, Grech)

Select products that are useful for you and emphasize them with a green pencil. (verification and discussion)

5. Equalization

Teacher: And how can a person order his body? (children's responses)

Listen to the poem I. Semenova "Everyone who wants to be healthy"

Children read.


I spoke to them in the winter:

I would have stopped with me.

In the morning, running and shower invigorating.

As for adults, real!

On the night windows open,

Fresh air breathe.

Legs wash with water cold

And then the microbe is hungry

You will not overcome forever.

Did not obey - they sick!


We understood late, brothers,

How good to temper.

I end to cough and sneeze -

We become a shower we take

From the water of ice.


Wait! Oh oh oh!

Strong it is impossible instantly

Stand gradually!

Teacher: Hardening is one of the forms of human health. There are many hardening methods. Very simple I. effective method Hardening - Baking barefoot. The fact is that the soles of the legs are an unusual piece of skin of our body. There are points - projections of our internal organs. By pressing them, you can remove pain, to have therapeutic effects on certain organs. Regularly in the mornings, sinking, hugging on a bosewood rug. And you will make sure. As immediately, the feeling of cheerfulness after sleep will come to you, the body will be better prepared for mental and physical work. Useful contrasting hot - cold baths.

6. Compliance with the rules of hygiene.

Pure live - healthy to be!

Teacher. How do you understand this proverb? What needs to be kept in order?

(hands, nails, ears, teeth, face)


I am water, water, water,

I invite everyone to wash

So that the eyes are slaughtered,

To the cheeks are hot ...

You need to clean your teeth

In your hand, take a brush,

Toothpaste will apply.

And for the case they took boldly,

Teeth clean we skillfully:

From top to bottom and right left

Bottom up and left left.

Them outside, from the inside

You are diligently.

So as not to suffer with teeth,

We drive a brush with circles.

Teeth clean carefully,

after all, it is possible to damage the gums ...

And what's next? And then-

Teeth we will dispense.

Teacher: Of course, it is necessary not only to wash. We need to wash your hands, brushing your teeth, take a shower, wash with soap and washcloth, clean shoes and clothes, to air the room, regularly clean the apartment, keep your courtyard cleanly, never throw garbage on the street past the urn ...

A healthy lifestyle begins with purity!

7. Do not start harmful habits.

« Brainstorming »Distribute these words into 2 groups (Sports, Life, Alcohol, Smoking, Books, Drugs)

On the board: Yes! Not!

sport alcohol

life smoking

books Drugs

Teacher: Today I would like to talk about bad habits. As a rule, a person has many different habits. Habits can make a person benefit, keep his health, because they are called useful. But there are those who harm health are bad habits. The most harmful habits are smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs. We have already spoken repeatedly about the effect of these detrimental habits, but today we will talk again.

Smoking is very harmful for the lungs, and for the whole body. A child who begins to smoke, grows worse, gets faster at any work, does not cope with study, more often sick. All this is happening because in tobacco smoke contains a dangerous poison - nicotine and many more other harmful substances. The non-smoking person is light pink, and the one who has been smoking for a long time, they become gray from harmful substances. Scientists considered that the human life is reduced by 15 minutes from each repurchased cigarette. Alcohol (alcohol), which is contained in alcoholic beverages, the disease of the stomach and other organs causes a disease, disrupts the work of the whole organism. Alcohol is especially dangerous for a growing organism. Even a few sips can cause severe poison from the child. Drugs are special substances that destroy the human body. Having tried drugs once or two, a person gets used to him and can no longer do without him. He develops a severe drug addiction, to cure, which is very difficult. The drug violates the work of the brain and the whole body and eventually kills a person. Drug proliferation is a dangerous crime for which they are strictly punished.

And now let's look at a few situations and find out what we need to say: yes or no (Appendix No. 1)

8. Game "Gather Proverbs"

Teacher: Now I will give you proverbs that crumbled into two parts. You need to find the beginning and end of each proverb and explain their meaning ( work in parach).

Health more expensive will be healthy

Human disease disease will not catch up

Loving cleanliness does not paint

Quick and healthy wealth

9. Memo of a healthy lifestyle.

Teacher: Now I will give you memo, which I hope will be your companions in life.

1. Comply with cleanliness!

2. Easily eat!

3. Operate work and rest!

4.Golly move!

5. There are no harmful habits!

10. The result of the class hour.

Teacher: The main thing in the preservation of health is the concern of the person himself about its body. And it is necessary to take care of it since childhood, to fulfill all the necessary rules of hygiene, to engage in physical culture and not make deals that harm the health.

In conclusion of our classroom hour, I suggest listening to the poems that your classmates prepared for you.

Children read:

Health is a storehouse,

It can not be bought.

Once lost,

Do not return it.

Do not borrow from a friend

Not win in lotto

After all, without health, happiness,

Believe me, not that.

Sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness without health

Does not fill the soul to you.

Does not give the setting

Not you and not friends.

Will not please work

Yes, and do not kill money.

In general, no health is bad

Very bad people live.

No doubt that health

Since childhood, you need to strengthen:

Physical education to engage

Run, jump and play.

Fruits have as much as possible,


And walking after school,

Do not forget about lessons.

Appendix No. 1.

Lesson Topic: Health and Healthy Lifestyle

Type of lesson: Lesson studying a new educational material.

Objectives lesson:

Training: to acquaint students with the concept of "human health", health criteria, factors that affect the formation of health. To form students outlook on a healthy lifestyle.

Educational: to bring up responsible attitude towards their health and health surrounding.

Developing: develop cognitive skills to analyze and draw conclusions. Develop creative thinking of students.

Logistics lesson: posters. A computer,


1. Organizational moment: Message Topics and objectives of the lesson, familiarization with short content lesson.

2. Actualization of supporting knowledge and motivation of training activities: brainstorming "What is health?"

On Watman depicts a drawing of the sun. Let's imagine that this sun is our health and on the rays of this sun we write answers to our question. The teacher records all answer options. Then proposes the definition of the concept of health of the World Health Organization. By definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), health is a state of physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not only the absence of diseases and physical defects. In applied to us - this is the ability of a person to adapt to the environment and its own opportunities, standoff by external and internal "enemies" and diseases.

3. Statement of new material

Problem question. 1. What is the importance of health in a person's life? 2. What does health depend on? Lecture with interview elements.

Health is the first and most important human need, which determines its ability to work and ensures the harmonious development of the person. It is the most important prerequisite for the knowledge of the surrounding world, to the self-affirmation and happiness of man. Active long life - This is an important term of the human factor. In general, we can talk about three types of health: the health of the physical, mental and moral (social): physical health is the natural state of the body due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. If all organs and systems work well, the whole human body (self-regulating system) is properly functioning and developing. Mental health depends on the state of the brain, it is characterized by the level and quality of thinking, the development of attention and memory, the degree of emotional sustainability, the development of volitional qualities. Moral health is determined by those moral principles that are the basis of human social life, i.e. Life in a certain human society. There are a number of definitions that, as a rule, contain five criteria that determine human health :. full physical, spiritual, mental and social well-being; . The normal functioning of the body in the "Man -Oruptive Wednesday" system; . The ability to adapt to the ever-changing conditions of existence in the environment; . lack of illness; . The ability to fully fulfill the main social functions.

Factors affecting health. What affects health?

Exercise "Factors affecting health."

Students write on cards in the form of clouds Factors affecting human health, and these clouds then close the sun. What is the mood when the weather is solar and warm? And when is overcast? Discussion. This influence is expressed by two groups: internal and external. Internal - this is the effect of heredity (genetic factor) - 20% External - Environment (20%), health care activities (10%) The lifestyle is 50% affected by our health! Everything will be able to deliver the nature of the natural gift and, of course, on what conditions we will dispose of them. Lifestyle is a system of human relationship with itself and the factors of the external environment.

External environment factors are:

 Pysical (pressure, radiation, temperature);

 chemical (food, water, poisonous substances);

 biological (plants, microorganisms, animals);

 psychological (affecting the emotional sphere through vision, touch, smell, taste, rumor and causing a positive or negative reaction).

A healthy lifestyle is the individual system of behavior and habits of each individual, providing it with the necessary level of life and healthy longevity. A healthy lifestyle greatly contributes to the reasonable satisfaction of the physical and spiritual needs of a person, the formation of a socially active personality that understands personal responsibility for his health as a criterion. socio-economic development. It is necessary to emphasize that the formation of motivation to a healthy lifestyle in young people becomes particular importance. Proper nutrition is the most important condition for human health, its working capacity and longevity. What does it mean to eat right? This means to receive with food in sufficient quantities and in the correct ratio of the necessary organism of the substance: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins and water. The mode is the set routine of a person's life, which includes work, food, rest and sleep. Question: Is it possible to consider a healthy lifestyle "individual system of behavior"? Each person is individual and unique. He is individual in his hereditary qualities and in his aspirations and opportunities. To a certain degree surrounding man Wednesday (home, family, etc.) is individual, it means that the system of its life facilities, and the implementation of designs is individual. Everyone may not smoke, but many smoke; everyone can play sports, but they are engaged in relatively few people; All may comply with the rational meal mode, but do it units. Thus, to preserve and strengthen their health, each person creates its own way of life, its individual behavior system that best provides him to achieve physical, mental and social well-being. In order to form a healthy lifestyle system, you need to know factors that have a positive effect on human health. These include compliance with the regime of the day, rational food, hardening, physical culture and sports, friendly relations with others. It is also necessary to take into account the factors adversely affecting health: smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs, emotional and mental tensions when communicating with others, as well as unfavorable ecological situation. Question: What do you think that factors prevent health?

4. Fixing a new material:

 Health is ....

 What are the types of health?

 List the main factors that affect health.

 What conclusions did you do in the process of discussing the topic of today's lesson?  Is it possible to make a person want to be healthy?

5. Summing up the lesson:

Once in ancient China, there lived a very clever and proud, noble nobleman. Once the country has passed the rumor that the sage on the border lives, the smartest and wise in the world. I learned about it myself. He was very angry: who can name the monk the smartest? Welject ordered to invite this monk to himself. He himself came up with him a riddle: "I will take a butterfly in my hands, and I will ask behind my back, and then I will ask that I have a living or dead in my hands. If he says that alive - I will give up a butterfly. If the dead says - I will cut your hand and butterfly take off. " And then the day of the meeting. A lot of people gathered in the hall to listen to the verbal duel of two high-end people. Welject was sitting on a high throne and kept a butterfly behind his back, I looked forward to the monk. The doors opened, and a slight increase in a slight increase in the hall. The monk greeted the venel and said he was ready to answer his questions. And then, smiling, noble asked: "Tell me that I have a living or dead in my hand?" The sage thought a little, smiled and answered: "Everything is in your hands!". Welject was confused and released a butterfly, which, feeling freedom, happily Mahaya with his beautiful wings, flew away. Already today you hold your future in your hands. And only you yourself are responsible for it. From your today's and your today's decisions depends on what you will be tomorrow and you are in the future.

6. Homework:

Make the mode of your day you consider most effective; Indicate the main reasons negatively affecting your health

Class hour on the topic "Healthy lifestyle".

Prepared: Votorova S.O.

Purpose: organize students' activity to consolidate knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;

develop creative abilities, memory, attention, cognitive interest;

educating the responsible attitude of students to their health.

Travel course.

Teacher: We have an unusual class hour, as guests are present on it. Greeting guests

1. Senitar speech class.

Guys from our class have health problems. (Often sick cold illness, many guys caries)

Teacher: - What are we going to talk about today?

Pooh reads student

We solve with you big problems,

Put a serious task,

Healthy Life The most important topic

It is impossible to rely on good luck

Children: - Today we think about what you need to do to be healthy

2 .Students read poems

So that you were not silent, sluggish,
Did not lie under the blanket
Not riff and was fine
Do every day charging!
Forget about the TV,
MAPSH NA Street Walking -
After all, good health
Fresh air breathe.
No bad setting!
Do not be sad, do not hump, do not cry!
Let you always help you
Ski, jumping and ball!
Though you will not become an athlete,
This right is not trouble -
Healthy Spirit In a healthy body
Let always be present! (Movement, Sport)

Viewing a presentation "Our class is friendly with sports"

3. You are friends with the Red Sun,
Cool wave happy
You are not afraid of a rain
Do not worry snowfall.
You are not afraid of the wind,
In the game you do not get tired
And go to bed early sleep.
And stand up with the sun.
Winter in skiing.
Sports on the rink,
And in the summer, tanned,
Bathing in the river.
You love to jump, run,
Play tight ball
You will grow healthy!
You will be sweet! (Day and hardening mode)

Teacher. We are visiting the day of the day.

Day Mode: Hello, guys! My name is "Day Mode". Today I will remind you how to plan your day.

You decided to become healthy.

So, perform ...... (mode).

In the morning, seven rings are stronger

Our cheerful friend ...... (alarm clock).

All over the charge

Our friendly ... .. (family).

The mode, of course, does not disappear

I wash under the cold ... .. (shower).

Believe me, no one helps me

Bed itself ...... (drag).

After the shower and refueling

I am waiting for a hot ... .. (breakfast).

After breakfast always

I run to school, ... .. (friends).

I try at school very much:

With a lazy sport friendly ....... (Does not want).

Well, cheers! Rings a call!

The latter ran out ... .. (lesson).

With tops spend home

Say that I always ...... (hero).

After lunch, you can sleep,

And it is possible in the yard ....... (Play).

And in the frost, and in the heat

On the street to play ... .. (Love).

Ball, rope and racket,

Skiing, sledge and skate

Best friends ... .. (mine).

Mom waves out the window,

So I go home ....... (It's time).

Now I do lessons,

I like my job).

I am important finished the case

And I'm going to walk .... (Burly).

I guys are not sad:

Pope from work ...... (waiting).

We go home:

We dinner Mother's home ... .. (waiting).

After dinner fun:

In hand we take dumbbells,

With dad are engaged in sports,

Mom of our ... .. (smile).

Mom from us does not lag behind:

In the hands of the rope she ...... (takes).

Looks to us in the window of the moon,

So, sleep is given .... (it's time).

I run speedy under the shower

My eyes and ears.

I am waiting for me my bed.

"Good night!"-

Need sleep).

Tomorrow will be a new day! Did you like the mode?

Guys play a song.

(Song Kota Leopold Song sounds "if good you", music. Savelyev.)

If you follow the mode.

Each day get up exactly at seven hours,

You will be cheerful then.

Observe the mode - this is good

Heard how water droplets are ringing,

And you need to clean your teeth.

If pure you, it is always easy,

And when on the contrary, it is difficult. (2 times).

His day start with joy always.

Start charging in the morning.

Physical education, friend, is good.

And when the opposite is bad.

Observe the mode - this is good

And when the opposite is bad. (2 times)

Word sanitation class (shows how to clean your teeth correctly)

    Toothbrush is located along the lines of adhesion. Movement of toothbrush - top down. Thoroughly clean each tooth.

    Clear the inner surface of each tooth. Toothbrush movement - bottom up.

    Clean the chewing surface of each tooth. Brush movement - forward-back.

    The tip of the brush to clean the inner side of the front teeth with circular motions.

    Do not forget to clean the language.

4. Refusal of bad habits.

Consider illustrations (homework)

I do not want to be like ... (Drawing a smoker)

Presentation of prizes to the winners of the competition of posters "Net-harmful habits"

4. Important health is nutrition.

No - diseases, no - the contraction,
Pugh's vitamin complex!
Our hands will be healed
Delicious, children's "complivit"
There and calcium and iron,
For health so useful!
And winter and warm summer
Vegetables and fruits, eat everything in a row.
After all, no wonder they say:
"Health is close -
Look for him in a bowl. " (Food)

Speech by children. Staging« Who is more important" Vitamins overlook the basket of fruits and vegetables.
Vitamins A, B, with
summary on the porch,
And they shout, and argue:
Who is more important to health?
Vitamin A:- I, - said it is important A, -
I would not grow without me.
Vitamin C:- I, - interrupts with, -
Everything is sick without me
Vitamin C:"No," proudly inflated, -
I need on Earth.
Who does not respect me
He sleeps badly and happening.
Leading: So argued b
In quarrel spending all days
If I use the student
Did not say directly:

Song sounds "About our food"

(on the motive of the song "Weather in the house" L. Dolina)

What food is it useful to children?
The question cares each of the moms.
Building function disassemble
So necessary proteins.

Both cheese, and fish, and nut.
As well as meat, cottage cheese, eggs,

But how to do without carbohydrates?
Take their kids in the morning.
They are with fats together in bad weather
Heat will support us in the body.

Chorus: The most important thing in the menu to be
Both cheese, and fish, and nut.
As well as meat, cottage cheese, eggs,

Then I am struck by all.

Awarding medals to students who did not miss a single sick day. (Berestovaya Anastasia, Turner Evgeny, Shcherbak Vladislav)

Outcome: So what do you need to do to be healthy? (Children's responses)

The poem "We wish you guys" read parents of the class.

We wish you guys

Always healthy.

But to achieve results

It is impossible to easily.

Try not to be lazy:

Every time before meals

Before the table to sit down,

Hands wash with water.

And in charge

Daily in the morning.

And, of course, stop -

It will help you so much!

Fresh air breathe

If possible, always.

For a walk and in the forest go -

He will give you strength, friends.

Pupil 1: We are for health,

Pupil 2: We are for happiness,

Pupil 3: We are against pain and misfortune!

Pupil 4: For sober mind,

Pupil 5: For clarity of thought,

Pupil 6: For childhood, youth,

Student 7. : For the joy of life!

Teacher: Children to be healthy need to smile more, be kind and wish to health others.

Students treat all guests and friends with fruit and wish health.


I want to be healthy!

I can be healthy!

I will be healthy!


1. Saladaeva R. V. "Some techniques for the development of critical thinking in elementary school lessons" article.

2. Myasnikova O. V. Application of the technology "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing" on the topic "Healthy lifestyle.

3. A. A. Pleshakov "Peace around us" Part 1, textbook for grade 3 elementary school.

To create a development, the materials of Zorina Alexandra Dmitrievna, teachers of the initial classes of ISS (K) OU with (k) OshVIII. View, Izhevsk.Scenario of extracurricular activities for healthy lifestyle "Flower of health" for students of primary classes

Class hour - discussion in elementary school "Healthy lifestyle. what it is?" Tasks: 1. Show students a huge importance of compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle. 2. To form students to comply with the rules of a healthy lifestyle. Design: Book exhibition, student drawings, thematic pictures on the topic "Mode of the day", "Sport", "Rest". Challenge of Classroom I. Statement of the problem. Classroom teacher. April 7 World Health Day. Why is it paid all over the world? And because health is the most precious gift that a person receives from nature to strengthen the body, to eat properly, strive for physical excellence, be resistant, strong and endless. Listen, how many wisdom makes folk proverbs and sayings about the meaning of health: health is only more expensive. Man's disease does not paint. Healthy doctor is not needed. Hold your head in the cold, stomach in hunger, and legs warm. Do you know the proverbs about health? (Answers of children.) Folk wisdom reads: "Health will lose everything." But let's think about why we lose this precious gift. Imagine such a situation. The teacher asks schoolchildren why they missed the lessons. In response, hearing: the head was sick ... I was cold ... I was poisoned, probably ... and so it can continue without the end. Why do we get sick and lose your health? There are a lot of reasons for here. It is a bad air poisoned by exhaust gases of cars and poisonous emissions of industrial enterprises. It is strongly styled by various fertilizers and noadochimicates of the soil that feeds us. This is a polluted water that we drink. But the disease arise through the fault of the person himself: an adult or schoolboy. Pay attention to the word "cold" in the list of reasons for the lack of students in school. Is of her, it turns out, schoolchildren most often missed classes. But there are schoolchildren and adults who completely got rid of the cold due to their ordering. And they achieved it themselves. Petit had a bad head, and he did not go to school. And how does the poor head do not hurt, if he looks a TV daily for a long time, goes to bed late, almost never happens in the fresh air .. and headache It can only be the first sign of a starting more serious illness. The tooth of the patient was removed. In many cases, the student is also to blame. No clever teeth or did it badly, from the case of the case. And the council of the dentist missed the ears past. He advised to clean the teeth at least 3 minutes, and the external and inner surface of the teeth, diligently removing the collapse on the teeth and massaging gums. In addition, many of you love plumes and buns, cookies, crackers, chips, candies, lollipops and caramels,

Cakes and cakes, and carrots forget to bite. For inspection to the dentist, too, not everyone goes, and the disease does not wait for the teeth collapse. Food chewing deteriorates, and these are additional difficulties for the stomach. Sick teeth contribute to the occurrence of heart disease, joints, throat and other organs. Do you know how to clean your teeth correctly? II. Hygiene rules. Guys, keep cheerfulness, high performance for many years can be possible only with strict compliance with hygiene rules. There is a special science to preserve and strengthen the health of human hygiene. What is meant by the concept of personal hygiene? This is primarily the day of the day, balanced nutrition, care for your body, rejection of bad habits, motor activity, compliance with the prevention of infectious diseases. And now we will talk about these components of human hygiene in more detail. We all know about the mode of the day, but do you fulfill it? (Student Answers.) Mode, Guys, brings up organized, will, discipline. He is especially important to you, children. Your day of the day should be like this: to get up no later than 7 hours. Within 710 minutes, make gymnastics, wet a wet towel, take a shower. It is necessary to take food at the same time so that it is better absorbed. Remember: It is necessary to eat 1.52 hours before exercise and 40 minutes after their end. Dinner 2- 2.5 hours before sleep. Keeping 45 times a day. There are more vegetables and fruits, less salted, fat, sweet. Home training sessions should also be performed in the same clock. Every 45 minutes arrange the 10 minute breaks, during which you need to get up of the table, to like, perform several exercise, and not turn on the TV and sit in front of it. Each schoolboy must perform various types of homework: to clean his room, take the garbage, wash the dishes. In their free time you can read, walk in the air, to do your favorite thing. It is impossible to carry out the training sessions or sleep too much time to carry out a TV or computer. Systematic lacking is dangerous. It leads to the depletion of the nervous system, a decrease in performance, weakening the protective forces of the body. But overly long sleep is undesirable. Sleep duration depends on age. Children 10-11 years old should sleep 1010.5 hours. In a period of tense study, workouts and competitions need to sleep more. It is necessary to go around early and get up early: sleep from 22 hours to 67 hours. Clean health pledge. Throughout his life, each person must carefully care for his body of leather, hair, nails, the oral cavity, wash his hands before eating and after visiting the toilet, no less than 1 time a week washing hot water, and better, take a shower in the morning and in the evening each Day, keep clean clothes and shoes, room where you live. III. Student stories. In the course of the class hour, students tell how they caress their health. For example: 2 times a day I clean my teeth; Every day I walk one hour on the street; I always go to bed on time; I always dress up the weather. IV. Reasoning on the topic "What is harmful to health?".

Teacher. Guys, what destroys the health of children, adolescents, adult children? Right, smoking, alcohol and drugs. They are incompatible with the concept of a healthy lifestyle. Coteko from the guys mistakenly believes that smoking harmlessly, it, they say, even stimulates mental activity, gives cheerfulness. Wrong! Smoking is a harmful and dangerous habit. When smoking, many poisonous products of nicotine, hydrogen sulfide, acetic, formic, blue and oil hydrogen sulfur, ethylene, furine and carbon dioxide, various resins, radioactive substances come to the body of a person with tobacco smoke. They settled in the lungs, fall into the blood. Specific substances and nicotine, which is the strongest poison, have special toxicity. When smoking one cigarette in the body, about 1 mg of nicotine arrives. Smokers often have headaches, dizziness, sleep disorders, reduced mental and physical activity. Smoking contributes to the emergence of various diseases of cardiovascular and respiratory systems (infarction, ulcer of the stomach, lung cancer). Especially dangerous smoking for the health of children and adolescents. Slow down the growth and development of the body, negatively affects the functions of the central nervous system and others of the most important organs. At the same time the body's resistance is reduced by various infections. Unfortunately, the detachment of young smokers does not decrease. Statistics show that 95% of smokers were addicted to tobacco to 15 years. But do you know that the smoker poison not only itself but also other people? After all, only 25% of tobacco smoke enters the light smokers, everything else goes into the air and poisoned the environment, damages the health of those who are near smoking, and the term "passive smoking" arose. British doctors counted that each cigarette reduces life for 5.5 minutes. In short, you want to live do not smoke. Already affects the human body and alcohol. 89% of alcohol adopted inside, sucks the stomach, the rest of the intestines. Most of all alcohol absorbs brain fabric. Alcohol is not long. But it accumulates and delayed (for a period of 28 hours to 15 days, even after a single drink) in the most important central bodies nervous system, liver, heart, stomach. "Tide of fresh strength" with the adoption of vodka, wine, beer is a deceptive feeling, as alcohol, which is a narcotic substance in them. A person who uses alcoholic beverages cannot quickly think, becomes inattentive, allows many mistakes. It decreases the speed of the motor reaction, the accuracy of movements deteriorates, pulse and breathing are studied. In a state of intoxication, a person loses control of himself, behaves misconception, is able to commit offenses and crime. Among the causes of death mortality, alcoholism and related diseases, occupy the 3rd place, yielding only cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Speaking of bad habits, you need to remember another terrible misfortune of our life of drugs. Their use leads to a severe, terrible drug addiction. Drugs are insidious in that with systematic use there is a need for a constant increase in the dose. Large doses cause strongest poisoning of the body with deep violations of mental and physical activity. For drug addicts are characteristic increased irritability, unstable mood, hand shake, sweating, disturbed coordination of movements. They reduce mental abilities, the memory deteriorates, disability drops sharply, the will of the will, the sense of duty is lost. Drug addict degrades as a human person and often makes dangerous crimes.

"Caution infections!" Often you have to hear and read this warning. Sources of infection: Sick people, animals. Pause microbes are transmitted through air, contaminated food products, drinking water, household items, they carry them flies, insects. V. Final word the doctors. Each person from an early age should know well and certainly perform the following: strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene and body care; systematically carry out wet cleaning of premises and air them; pay attention to the benignness of products, to carry out the rules for their storage; Carefully wash the water and fruit boiled water; Do not shy away from the appointed vaccinations and make them on time. If you were not lost, they felt bad, then immediately tell about this to parents, teacher, coach, consult a doctor. Additional material for class hour Profile form 1. Do you do sports? 2. Do you like sports? 3. Are you doing one or parents? 4. Do you charge charging? 5. Do parents do together with you? 6. What types of sports do you like most? 7. Do you like physical education lessons in elementary school? 8. What kind of physical education did you have in 4th grade? 9. What is your mark now? 10. Are you satisfied with this mark? 11. What sports mugs or sections do you attend? 12. Do you like to do in them? 13. Want (a) would you achieve success in sports? 14. What sports achievements do you have? 15. What athletes of the country and the world did you recognize in physical education lessons? 16. Who would you like to consider for yourself an example for imitation? Memo for students to form a habit of healthy lifestyle If you want to be healthy and successful today and tomorrow, do not forget to perform these simple actions that will help you achieve results not only in keeping your health, but also in teaching, communication with friends and just in life. Get up always at the same time! Hardly wash your face and hands, strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene! In the morning and in the evening thoroughly clean your teeth! Conduct enough time in the fresh air, doing sports! Make long walks! Dress up the weather! Do motor exercises in breaks between homework! Do not be afraid physical Loads, Help the house in economic affairs! Execute sports, learn to overcome difficulties! Memo for students "How to extend the activities of the eyes" guys! Every year the number of people who have lost sight are growing. These include both adults and children. A person must take care of the invaluable gift of vision and take it. These rules will help you. Hang them in the most prominent place and do not forget that simple rules extend the active activities of your eyes! Read and write with good lighting!

With bright sunlight wear sunglasses! Do not spend a lot of time at the computer and television! Take care of your eyes from shocks and injections, various injuries! When performing tasks associated with a voltage of view, make the gymnastics for the eyes! Talk to the doctor in a timely manner! Feel free to wear glasses, if there is a need for this! Memo for students "How to correct your teeth?" Direct the brush at an angle of 45 ° hairs towards the guy. Such movements increase blood circulation in the gums and strengthen them. Clean all the side and outdoor (luminous and brushing) surfaces of the upper and lower teeth. Clean the chewing surfaces of the upper and lower teeth. Clean all the internal (paternal) surfaces of the upper and lower teeth. Clean all the surfaces of large indigenous teeth. Clean all the inner (paternal) surface of the front teeth and interdental intervals.

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