Men die out as kind. Why die away Russian men

Information that male representatives began to die out as kind, they say long ago. This topic has become the most important topic for discussion at all international congresses and conferences. Mall, the Y-chromosome is the element is thin and weak in conditions of a harsh environment and there is no single chance to prevent its complete destruction. Also modern researchers are called the length of the life of men. They are confident that in the future 10 million years old men will be rare, but against the background of this two other types of person will appear.

The situation is so that the main genetic component of all men falls under the risk of destruction. At the 15th International Conference with the problems of chromosomes, modern professors shared their hypothesis that the chromosome inherent for men loses its genes, in particular the gene responsible for the amount of hormone produced. Perhaps this is connected with the mutation of the gene, such as the CFTR gene. As a result, the chromosome will cease to function that it provokes absolute not determining the floor of the embryo. It is worth adding that in the past time of human existence, this chromosome has already lost more than a thousand genes, and initially only 1438 gene is laid in it. This happens, because the chromosome as a fragile biological system cannot be restored after the damage, which is applied to it with cruel environmental conditions.

Numerous experiments on mice and rats experiencing a lack of a gene responsible for the production of hormones helped to identify that a completely different chromosome "feces" a gene, which determines the floor of the person. Researchers argue that if this happens with alive people, it will provoke the birth of two or more systems that determine the floor. As a result of such a lining, another couple will appear. different species man, not counting already existing view - Women. True, some researchers claim that Y-chromosome will definitely stop in its destruction, its disappearance is almost impossible, and all hypotheses and theories are absurd and should not be more expensive for universal discussion.

In addition to all, the famous professors of Oxford University believe that the extinction of men is a small phenomenon compared with the fact that people on the entire planet may disappear as a whole, explaining that only the current technology and innovation support the active development of humanity and that it exists only thanks Women's body.

Today on one hardworking, active, emotional, independent of alcohol and drugs, a man between the ages of 20 and 60 years accounted for 150 no less worthy women. And this is not only in Kiev, and not even in Ukraine! The same situation is observed in Belarus and Russia

This information was made public by demographers in 1999, and since then this issue has not been raised. Probably not to sow panic. It turns out that spoiled nerves and the "broken heart" according to the "fields" (scientists working with an energy information space at the level of torsion and other fields of a thinner plan) can be avoided. It is enough to "look" into the plane of the energy interactions of a man and a woman at the level of family and society.

Women differ from men with a large margin of vitality, but less stability due to their emotionality. Based on this, scientists have made the fundamental conclusion: the energetic and "bat" of the lady must necessarily need a "earth stabilizer", i.e. Man. And you need "on the section"! That is why the individuals of the beautiful floor are so "I will marry the innerpege", and they seek to find at least some kind of a couple. The famous Russian singer Alena Sviridov said in one of his interviews about it like this: "I do not need a husband for material support, I don't need a man to help creatively reveal, I need a man for stability emotional."

But how are things in men? Self-sufficient, on the terminology of Vyacheslav Gubanova (the rector of the International Institute for Social Ecology) of an energy excessive man, it turns out that there is no such pronounced aspiration.

But the energy is insufficient (with a small margin of vitality) is. Such a man in the form of a wife receives the "Mother-Kormilitsa", which is generously sharing with him, to all that she has at the level of its own energy, and a man, her mother-in-law, stabilizes. And everything would be fine, but! It turns out that the foundations of such a marriage change once every 5 years, i.e. A kind of inventory occurs, with the result that the potential of marriage can be recognized as exhausted.

But the children in the "field" level can marry not to strengthen, but on the contrary to break out. When the "mother" energy becomes a real and feed in the literal and figurative sense of his native child first, then the husband is moving into the background! Drinking to the theme of children, it is interesting to note that the child chooses as a sexual partner, mainly the energy information "portrait" of his parent of the opposite sex.

Another "rake", for which the couple comes, lie, oddly enough, in the plane of joys, pleasant surprises, and so on, which we are all waiting for a full-fledged family. Question: "Where does the partner know what to make you happy (VY)?" It turns out for the establishment of a long relationship, it is necessary to know myself and introduce your partner with you. In conjunction with feelings, emotions, abilities and consists, in principle, the essence of close relationships.

Returning to a healthy relationship, and we speak exactly this, the next "thin" moment, clearly visible on the "field" level, is sex. No, the description of the methods of meeting partners is beyond the scope of this material. Just there is one interesting nuance concerning the female desire to "turn on the head" (that is, the left, men's hemisphere) at the most inappropriate time. "Does he love me? How to make him a pretty?" - These and other questions make women get distracted from bodily sensations and think. The man begins to strain. After all, in the field level, next to Him suddenly turns out to be "man" - i.e. Activated "Male" hemisphere! The interest disappears. Meanwhile (unless, of course, the partner is not finished egoist) having received (let it even first) the maximum pleasure with the help of a partner, a woman lights it even more. Satisfied with everything!

The case of salary home is also a very interesting point! So a man of the centimeter "Greens" ($ 10,000) was brought or less - no matter, and wants in response to emotions. And he says to him - put it, where the money, on the shelf, and went on with the girlfriend on the phone talking. As a result, an emotional hunger in a man. So hesitated to throw dirty socks in the center of the living room, ash in flower to strain or generally with friends "on beer" leave. And everything and the matter was - 2 minutes aimed at rejoice.

You can not pay attention to all these nuances and under the fear of loneliness again and again to join people, in which either your true needs are constantly ignored, or you spit on the rest. And then, as they say, everyone will be given by faith. But it is still better to believe that the holy place is not empty. But for this place, i.e. Your heart (or, if you want, the field) must be really holy so that there is no temptation to do it there. (Interview: Ksenia Novohatskaya, especially for "Kiyan")
Rector of the International Institute for Social Ecology
V.V. Gubanov

February 6, 2015, 13:46

No wonder goes in a famous song that "for 10 girls on statistics 9 guys." In reality, men are born more than 5%, but in infancy, the male organism is less than lifest - from here and sad statistics. The instability of the body, apparently, has a direct relationship with male instability and other issues.

Putting on the keyboard the name "Mailing kind of men". It was about the representatives of the strong half, who keeps the word and is responsible for it from the beginning to the end. Here they are just an extinct view, alas and ah.

Some, for some reason it seems that celebrities with morality are much better that they keep the word better, because they are always in sight of the public. In fact, the situation is in a completely different way. Recalling at least promise Baskova, who promised to marry a Volochkova and even prescribed a wedding date, later, however, wrote that he loves the Volley, but he does not want to marry.

The next man is difficult to call the word celebrity, but a person is public at a certain period of time, it is still possible. Alexey Kuznetsov, who became the winner of the "X-factor" contest, promised to spend money won on the treatment of his father, but did not restrain the word, but he married the ballerina.

Gazmanov in 2008 promised to write a book that his fans would like so much, and three years ago they promised to imagine her, there are still no books. Yes, and is it necessary?) Everything and that know Gazmanov - Sailor, and since the sailor means a man!)

But not only domestic celebrities and talents do not fulfill their promises. I really love Da Caprio as an actor, which certainly awarded Oscar, but as a man, I identify him as an unreliable element: -d to 40 years he managed to meet with one dozen beauties, most of whom acquainted with their Mother Thus, showing his most serious intentions, but not on one of them did not marry. To your health.

In politics with promises, it is still worse. Poroshenko recently took the presidency of Ukraine quite recently, but already managed to accumulate at least 10 unfulfilled promises. Good start career, what to say!)

Other, even the richest businessmen of numerous billion not enough to fulfill their promises. Remember how Mikhail Prokhorov promised in 2014 to launch innovative hybrid E-mobile in production, and mass sales will take the start in 2015. So where are these hybrid e-mobile? Apparently, such innovative, that even invisible)))

I still think that relating to businessmen and entrepreneurs, success can be considered deserved only in the case, if it is generally recognized. You do not need to speculate on the steepness of your plans and the scale of projects, you will do, and everyone will appreciate!) Yesterday, the Finale of the Business - Success Award Forum was held, in which more than 200 municipalities and experts in the field of business activities took part. The winners of this competition did not declare the entire country on the launch of an innovative project, they simply did their work well, introduced new ideas without repaying it. Here they are true men.

In the nomination "Official of the Year", the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov won and received a statuette in the form of a jack. At the end of last year, a law on industrial policy was adopted, which was especially important for the country in the conditions of sanctions pressure, therefore the Prize "Official of the Year" can be perceived as an personification of the successful work of the whole government. Denis Manturov, perhaps, one of the few politicians today, who keeps the word and brings the matter to the end. It remains to hope that taking into account his serious position in the government, he also teachs his colleagues to fulfill promises and respond to his words.

I am confident that responsibility is a key point affecting a man. If he does not feel this responsibility, it is not necessary to hope for promises. And it concerns not only a relationship, but also any activity, therefore, the same irresponsible behavior creates the problems of the most different nature.

What do you think, the expression "the word of the man" still has the right to exist?

Scientists are alarming: men can extortion, as a view, according to the example of dinosaurs. Australian Professor Jeni Graves conducted a rather interesting scientific research. The findings obtained as a result of the research led the scientific and world community in shock.

According to these conclusions, earthly men live their last millennium, and the time will come when they fully worry and disappear, as a view.

It became known that it is the cause of such a development of events. According to Professor Graves, the calculations show that the number of boys appearing on the light is steadily shrinking and will pass no more than 5,000,000 years, when the male genus will completely disappear from the planet.

The reason lies in the destructive processes occurring in the Y-chromosome, which is responsible for the differences between boys and girls, ranging from the development of a male embryo to the formation of genital signs. Graves declares that this chromosome has lost almost 90% of its genes for the period of human development, moreover, the destructive processes in it continues to develop.

Repeated studies of the men's sexual y-chromosome and chromosome women found that women's X-chromosomes contain thousands of healthy genes, and men's chromosomes have them less than 100. Although at the start, according to the same scientists, they also had thousands of healthy sites.

Among other things, women chromosome have the ability to independently replace damaged areas, but the chromosome men do not have such a function. This is one of the main causes of male extinction.

However, men have a chance to save themselves as a person. True, it will have to borrow something in some animals whose males do not have this chromosome, but, nevertheless, they are successfully reproduced. Similar messages issues the Daily Telegraph newspaper.

If millions of years ago, the y-chromosome had about 1.4 thousand genes at the start, then only 45 genes remained to the modern period. Such information was given by Professor Graves in lectures for Irish medical students.

According to its calculations, Y-chromosome genes should disappear in approximately five million years. What will happen after its complete disappearance, no one knows. Y-chromosome has a specific gene, which is responsible for the development of men's sexual signs and for the production of men's hormones.

What will happen when humanity will finally lose this chromosome, is unknown, professor notes. A person cannot multiply without fertilization, as some types of lizards, since certain genes women should take from a man, indicates a specialist.

But the news of hope is that some types of rodents are missing Y-chromosomes and Sry genes. And it does not prevent them from having completely healthy males. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe likely magnitude disappearance of men worries scientists for husbands is no longer the first year.

Moreover, exists alternative opinion Professor Graves opinion that a man, as a view, will disappear much earlier. So, the calculations of Professor Oxford University of Brian Saikis say that men have only 125 thousand years old. Quite a bit, if judged on the scale of the universe.

Chromosome y is an ancient structure that cannot restore the damage from the environment, indicates a specialist. Today, 4-5 boys from every 100 thousand detects syndrome De La Chapel.

They have no y-chromosome, and the male gene contains one or both X chromosome. Syndrome De La Chapel gives his owner a woman-like appearance and deprives the opportunity to have children.

With faith in the future

Professor Robin Lovell Bage from the London National Institute of Medical Research believes that scientists have sufficient time to find the exit and salvation of male genus. Optimist scientists believe that men's half of humanity will be preserved, since the Y-chromosome will cease to decrease.

"Research suggests that Y chromosome has learned very effectively to protect his important genes," explains Richard Wilson from Medical center With the University of Washington in St. Louis, Missouri. In any case, the disappearance of men will not ignore the people of the future for extinction.

The development of technology will allow people to multiply, even if there will be some women on the planet. Genetic engineering will help create an embryo from a female cell, which is implanted by the core of another woman donor. In general, a very interesting perspective is charged for the male half of the planet!

Just as in the famous Polish film "New Amazons". The only hope for the fact that men for the 125000 years let them come up with something and will not allow their kind of extinct like dinosaurs. It's time to think about how to keep your own kind and stop spending time and money for mutual destruction in wars.

Russia came out at first in Europe among countries with the highest percentage of men's mortality up to 65 years, the data of the World Bank published on Friday. According to WB, 43% of men in Russia are dying under the age of 65.

However, this is progress: in the mid-1990s, men in Russia did not live up to 56.

In Ukraine and in Belarus, the mortality rate of men is 40%, in the fourth place of Moldova (37%), on the fifth - Lithuania (36%). Also, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Estonia fell into a group of countries with the highest indicators of men's mortality. From countries that were not included in the USSR, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania came here - however, the countries from the Soviet sphere of influence.

The smallest level of men's mortality in Europe was recorded in Iceland and Switzerland.

Like cheese in palm oil

This data is absolutely not surprised, because the reasons for such a defold are obvious, says the recovery of health statistics with the health and informationalization of Health Alla Ivanov.

"Almost the first ten in this antiting is occupied by the countries of the post-Soviet space. This is understandable: cultural and socio-economic roots are common. And the consequences of the Soviet economy model affect them all about equally - because the life expectancy cannot be increased rapidly due to some reforms, this is a factor that accumulates decades, "she said" Ridus ".

For all post-Soviet countries, therefore, the causes of high mortality, which have arisen in the USSR, are drawn to decades after the disappearance of the Union, as if the tail behind the core of the comet.

"According to WHO classification, there are mostly three such reasons. The overall quality of life, which includes the level of health care system, the state of the environment, infrastructure, is once. Social and cultural factors, such as the presence of useful or harmful habits and traditions, are two. Hereditary genetic factors are three, "Ivanova lists.

If the last factor is little dependent on the will of the people, then the first is quite in power of the government of a country, and the second is at all the free choice of each individual.

"In Russia, in Ukraine, in Belarus, there is still a phenomenon, peculiar to only former Sottranas: when, conventionally speaking, the professor and handyman live in the same house and buy food in the same" crossroads "next to the house. That is, both are forced to eat low-quality products, stuffed palm oil. But at the same time, an educated person is engaged in sports, regularly goes to the dentist, does not smoke, does not drink counterfeit vodka. And with the same external situation, the first one lives for decades longer than the second, "explains Ivanov.

Praphrasing the famous Bulgakov character, it can be said that the life expectancy is not in balls, but in the heads. However, this does not explain why men in Russia live so little: after all, women breathe the same air, eat the same palm oil and drink the same rusty water as their husbands and brothers?

Peasant you or not

It is just very easy to explain, and no WHO is able to understand. To do this, you need to live in Russia, the director of the Institute of Demographic Safety Irina Medvedev says.

"A man in Russia in centuries is used to feeling himself with a strong floor - responsible for the case entrusted to him, for the well-being of his family, for the security of the country entirely. When such an opportunity for some reason disappears, a man loses the motivation to live as such. He has sex identification. Russian men are not that consciously led self-disseminating lifestyle, the instinct of self-preservation did not disappear. But most of them simply "sank hands" - because they do not see in their lives, where to attach themselves in the existing conditions, "she said" Ridus. "

This motivation erosion began long before the collapse of the USSR, in the Brezhnev years of "stagnation" (for which many Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians) are so nostalgic). No matter how paradoxically, but it is stable, predictable, the boring life of decades of "developed socialism" has become the beginning of the degradation of the male population at the then Six of Sushi.

One of the characters of the novel "Aelita", Red Armenian Gusev, described this self-treatment: "There is no way there is no way, where to give me myself? So I decided - I fly to Mars! " But the novel was written by Alexey Tolstoy in the mid-1920s, when it would seem to call the life of a boring could not be called.

"So that the man wants to live, he needs to feel that without him life will stop. And what does he see in reality? There is no job worthy, from family issues of his woman and the state pushing, military conflicts, so that such a number of soldiers need, too, thank God, now there is no. That's why for many Russian men, life is something, for which they especially and do not cling, "Medvedev explains.

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