Cat mustache 8 letters crossword clue Why do cats need whiskers? What is the name of a cat's whiskers? The correct name for the mustache

Whiskers are possessed not only by representatives of the feline family, but also by many other animals, such as dogs, rats, beavers, raccoons, etc. Interestingly, for a rat, whiskers mainly perform the function of touch, while beavers and seals need them to search food underwater.

A beautiful and long mustache is an absolute dignity of every cat. With the appearance of a little furry friend in the house, children often ask: "Why do cats need whiskers?" But even adults do not always guess about their true purpose.

Often, the child strives to play "cat hairdresser" and cut the mustache of his beloved pet. But what will be the consequences of such a game? mustache? What function do they perform? How necessary are they? What does a cat need a mustache for? Let's try to answer these and some other questions.

Also, among the many questions, the question is also common about what the whiskers are called in cats. Cat's whiskers have a scientific name - vibrissae (vibrissae from Lat. To vibrate, to vibrate) or as they are also called "tactile hairs". They are very flexible, thickened and long formations, the roots of which lead to the area blood vessels and nerve endings. Vibrissae are dead formations similar in nature to normal hair. The average length of a cat's whiskers is about 6-7 cm.

Cat mustache in the Guinness Book of Records

The longest mustache in a cat was recorded by the Guinness Book of Records. The record holder was a Maine Coon cat, living in Finland, named Messi. The length of his mustache has reached 19 cm.

Whiskers reflect your pet's mood

By the direction of the whiskers, you can easily determine the mood of the representative. If the whiskers are directed forward, the animal is clearly excited and shows curiosity. On the contrary, the pressed ones are evidence of the manifestation of aggression. In a dormant animal, the mustache is in a relaxed state.

Mustache: briefly about the main

Let's figure out what a cat needs a mustache for?

It is known that in a kitten in the embryonic stage, vibrissae become the initially developing hairs. This state of affairs is no coincidence and is explained by the fact that it is the mustache that first of all helps the baby to establish contact with the environment that he is surrounded by.

The mustache sends out nerve impulses that are recognized by the cells in the brain. The visual function of the eyes is carried out in the same way. Summarizing these signals, the cat perceives the world around it.

To answer the question of why a cat needs a mustache, let's remember what a graceful animal it is. Its grace and agility are also achieved thanks to vibrissae. It is the "tactile hairs" that make it possible to feel the direction of the air currents, which is of great importance when making a jump, at the moment of falling and during normal movement. The information received by vibrissas helps to avoid unnecessary injuries.

A cat's whiskers are known to be very sensitive. For this reason, human touch is not very pleasant for the animal.

Whiskers are capable of providing data that cannot be obtained using other senses. The difference between vibrissae and ordinary hair is that vibrissae go much deeper into the tissue than simple hair. As mentioned earlier, "tactile hairs" have many nerve endings, thanks to which the animal receives a lot of information about the world around it.

Mustache helps to navigate in space

Scientists, having become interested in the question of why a cat needs a mustache, found that with the help of vibrissae, the animal is perfectly oriented in the surrounding space, regardless of the time of day. Vibrissae are and are located in the cheeks, lips, above the eyes, as well as on the paws. Thanks to them, the cat recognizes various objects without physically touching them. Whiskers allow you to determine the presence of obstacles in the path in complete darkness, which greatly simplifies movement at night.

Vibrissae also tell the cat whether she can get through the narrow opening. They also help to navigate in an unknown area. It is thanks to the mustache that the animal will never get lost and will always find its way back. Each of us has heard stories about how the cat ran away and returned several months later. Or how she found her owners who changed their place of residence. The whiskers are a kind of "compass" for the animal.

The mustache is a hunter's weapon

So, speaking on the topic "why do cats need whiskers", one cannot fail to mention that vibrissae are involved in the hunting process. With their help, even the smallest movement of prey can be easily recognized. The cat is a predatory animal and prefers the dark time of the day for hunting. The whiskers allow you to get the necessary data about your future victim and perform a lightning-fast striking jump with the required accuracy, which will not leave the prey the slightest chance of salvation.

Everyone knows that a cat can rid the house of rats, mice and other small rodents. When the animal, having caught the prey, carries it in its teeth, the tips of the whiskers control the state of the victim (whether it is killed, or attempts to resist it are still possible).

Mustache: structural features

The cat's whiskers are arranged in four rows of 12 pieces on both sides. The movement of the two upper ones occurs independently of those that are located below. The base of the vibrissa falls on the surface layer and has a good blood supply due to the fact that the root of the blood antennae is located in the blood vesicle, also called the sinus or blood lacuna. Branches are brought to vibrissae facial nerve, and striated muscles provide their movement. Thanks to vibrissae, the cat will notice even the smallest fluctuations in the air.

Can cat whiskers be trimmed?

The above information characterizes the functional feature of the vibrissa, thereby explaining why a cat needs a mustache, and explaining their need. Given that a cat needs whiskers to maintain balance and good orientation in space, trimming them is strictly not recommended. Without them, the cat is capable of experiencing serious discomfort and confusion.

It is believed that when a territory is divided, a cat is able to deprive its opponent of its whiskers. And she does this so that the rival feels weak and defenseless. An animal doubting its own strengths will easily give up its positions, admitting its defeat.

Considering the information on the topic "why cats need whiskers", it is important to mention that there are breeds with insufficiently developed "tactile hairs" or with their complete absence. Such animals need constant care from humans and in the wild, unfortunately, they will not be able to survive.

However, many may have heard of veterinary mustache cutting. Indeed, such a practice exists and is used by veterinarians. It is used in situations where the area of ​​germination of vibrissae has been affected. Cutting the mustache in veterinary medicine helps to carry out decontamination treatment and eliminate the possibility of bacterial contamination.

There are cases when blind cats made good use of the information obtained with the help of vibrissae. Therefore, cutting off a cat's whiskers for the sake of participation of an animal in an exhibition or due to the fault of a momentary child's whim is impossible. Although the trimmed whiskers may not lead to the death of the animal, they will still leave a significant imprint on the self-awareness and quality of life of your cat.

Mustache fragility. What to do?

Having received an answer to the question of why a cat needs a mustache, one can understand how important they are for a small predator. However, an animal's whiskers can break. If the hair follicle has not been damaged, the mustache can regenerate. Sometimes the damage is accidental. Systematic damage and loss of the mustache can be due to the following factors:

  • Incorrect diet, in connection with which the cat's body is deficient in calcium and other vitamins.
  • The appearance of worms that eat nutrients, which is why the animal also lacks calcium and other substances.
  • Fungal diseases.

A specialist will help to establish the true cause of injury and mustache loss veterinary clinic... He will also prescribe the necessary course of treatment and offer a diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

Responsible for those who have been tamed

The decision to have a pet implies a great human responsibility for the life and health of the animal. Having decided on such a serious step, it is necessary to provide the animal with comfortable living conditions and carefully monitor the state of its health. Your pet will appreciate the attentive and affectionate attitude towards himself, giving in return his devotion and love. From communicating with your pet, you will certainly get a lot of joyful emotions and a lot of great mood.

After reading the information about why cats need whiskers, explain to your child how important they play in the life of a pet.

What are the cats' whiskers and eyebrows called ... and got the best answer

Answer from Thin Thing [guru]
Tim, these are vibrissae, don't you know?))

Answer from Julia N.[guru]
Vibrissae Contrary to popular belief, a cat does not see in complete darkness, but orientates itself with the help of hearing and touch. It is the perfectly developed sense of touch that makes the furry predator so confident at night, even in absolute silence. Touch helps the cat in close orientation, with direct contact (far orientation is provided by hearing, sight or smell). Thanks to the superbly developed sense of touch, your pet easily chooses the most comfortable place to sleep and easily navigates the terrain at any time of the day. Vibrissae of a cat The organs of touch in a cat are large, protruding above the surface of the coat, sensitive hairs - vibrissae [? ]. Vibrissae are not even hair as such, but receptors that have changed in the process of evolution. The longest and most sensitive of them are located above the upper lip (on both sides in four rows). Much shorter than the mustache, they are located on the chin, in the cheeks and above the eyes. There are vibrissae on the tail and on the ankles - they help the cat to hunt for moving prey. And also between the pads on the paws. Unlike ordinary hairs, which perform a heat-insulating function, vibrissae perform a tactile function. They perceive the smallest changes in the environment, including changes in atmospheric pressure. Air currents are reflected from nearby objects and are captured by vibrissae. This property allows the cat, regardless of vision, to determine the location of objects and dodge obstacles without touching them even in complete darkness! To "get acquainted" with a new object, the cat approaches it with its whiskers directed forward. Having widely spaced the vibrissae, she determines the size of the hole through which she is going to crawl through - perhaps the ends of the spread whiskers correspond to the width of the cat's body and allow her to orient herself whether the whole body will follow the head. with the information received, correct the position of the body and the strength of the push in the jump. When a cat is hunting, its whiskers are extended, because with their help it captures any rustle. And, holding the caught prey in its teeth and not being able to see it, with the help of its whiskers, it controls the behavior of the victim, which at that time is out of sight. Vibrissae not only give your pet this or that information about the world around them, but are also an indicator of it. mood. A cat's whiskers pointing forward often signify curiosity or friendliness. Aggressive cat presses its whiskers to its face. As already mentioned, the tactile receptors in cats are not only on the face. Vibrissae are scattered all over the body; if you look at the skin of the cat, you will see individual hairs sticking out from the flat surface of the fur. These hairs are softer and not as sensitive as whiskers, but they also help the cat to determine where and how they are being touched. So the cat easily identifies dangerous or, conversely, pleasant contacts for her. It is not for nothing that your pet likes to be stroked on the coat - in fact, in fact, your hand slides along the vibrissae. And I don't like it when you stroke it against the grain - such stroking creates uncomfortable sensations caused by electrostatic discharge. Also, everyone knows how anxious a cat treats its tail and reacts very nervously to touching it. Now a few words about how vibrissae "work". Cat's vibrissae The base of vibrissae is located in the surface layer of the skin. Vibrissae are well supplied with blood - the root of the sensitive tendril is located in a blood bubble called the sinus or blood lacuna. Branches of the facial nerve are suitable for vibrissae. The slightest fluctuations in the environment will not go unnoticed for the cat - even the lightest touch of the vibrissa is transmitted to the root, where the surrounding nerve endings instantly send information to the brain.

Answer from Puma4ka[guru]
Vibrists 🙂

Answer from Spaun[guru]
Yes vibrissae.

Answer from Euphoria[active]
Of course vibrises))

Answer from Elena Rudometova[guru]
Not just mustaches and eyebrows. Vibrissae are sensitive hairs on the body of animals.

Answer from `Myka[active]
vibras that's for sure

Answer from Esther K[guru]
Vibrissae The cat has a well-developed sense of touch. But even in absolute darkness and silence, when the cat cannot navigate in space with the help of eyes and ears, it is not helpless, it has tactile hairs - vibrissae. Vibrissae play the role of highly sensitive antennas and provide invaluable assistance to the cat in close orientation. They are located above the eyes, on the upper lip, cheeks, chin, on the underside of the front legs. These hairs are very coarse; thick, their roots are located in the skin much deeper than the rest of the hair and are richly innervated, that is, a huge number of nerve endings penetrate into the hair root. Vibrissae do not fall out during molting. Vibrissae on the muzzle are especially developed, they are usually called mustaches. The mustache is located above the upper lip in four horizontal rows. The most powerful and longest mustaches are in the second and third rows. They say that a man without a mustache, that bread is without salt, but a cat without a mustache is an unfortunate invalid. A cat's whiskers are not a decorative element - they perform vital functions. Thanks to them, the animal receives a wide variety of information. Whiskers are incredibly sensitive to the slightest irritation, they catch air vibrations, they don't even have to touch objects, but it is enough to catch those air currents that arise when a cat approaches various obstacles. The slightest vibration of the tip of a hair is transmitted to the root, where it is perceived by sensitive nerve endings, which immediately inform the brain about it. With the help of the whiskers, the cat instantly defines the outline of the victim's body and bites the back of the neck. Such interesting experiments were carried out when the heads of the mice were sewn to the tail, but this "rearrangement" did not embarrass the cat and she still dug into the back of the victim's head. But as soon as the mustache is trimmed, the cat loses its abilities, becomes insecure and may even show signs of mental disorder. The night hunting of a cat devoid of vibrissae can be compared to a hunter who went into the forest without a gun. It is hearing and touch that make a cat so confident at night when she goes for a walk, hunting or when she wants to "go out on the warpath" and get a winning ticket in the mating lottery. Luxurious mustache plays an important role in facial expressions. The cat can push them forward in a pleasant expectation of affection or press them against the muzzle with an angry grin. Tiny blind kittens know how to find the mother and the nest, and the mother has the ability to very delicately feel her children, and here tactile hairs play an extremely important role. Sometimes caring mother cats chew off their whiskers in infancy for their most restless kittens to make them easier to control. The cat loves to get acquainted with a new subject. She not only sniffs him, but also touches him with her paws, while receiving necessary information: size, density, distance. In this she is helped by tactile hairs located on the back of the front paws. If the cat gets wet or dirty paws, she immediately begins to shake them off and lick them. Tactile functions are performed not only by vibrissae, but also by the pads of the paws - the crumbs, the tip of the tongue and the whole skin of the cat - she hates when she is stroked roughly or against the fur.

A very large number of people around the world keep animals such as cats at home. But how much do we know about our pets? Cats are very complex creatures by their nature. You can talk about their features for a very long time, but this article will be devoted to the question of what the cat's whiskers are called.

Different names for mustaches

Few people know that cat whiskers have several different names. This organ is, in principle, very important for a fulfilling life cat, and therefore owners of fluffy pets should know as much as possible about him. By the way, there is interesting fact, associated with a cat's whiskers: they are located, contrary to popular belief, not only near the animal's nose, but also between the pads of the paws, on the eyebrows and chin.

There are several ways to call these long hairs on a cat's face.:

  • Vibrissae;
  • Tactile hairs;

The scientific name of a cat's whiskers

Like any organ, cats' whiskers have their scientific name - vibrissae. It comes from Latin, where the word "vibrissae" means "to vibrate, to vibrate." Indeed, cats' whiskers are in motion for a very long time, vibrate and sway.

In Russian, this name is read as "vibrissae", it is also used in Russian scientific literature, where there is a description of the whiskers of cats.

Another name for mustache

Cat's whiskers also have a second name - "tactile hairs". It is also not given to these hairs by accident. The fact is that in cats, whiskers occupy an important place among the senses, or, more specifically, the sense of touch. They help animals move smoothly, navigate in space, hunt, and also act as a kind of indicator in communicating with people (the position of the whiskers often spreads information about the mood of the cat).

In addition, and importantly, cats literally feel with their whiskers whether there is a danger, for example, from just caught prey. Carrying it in their teeth, with tactile hairs, animals feel whether she is alive or not, and if she is alive, whether she has the ability to resist.

Due to the fact that the mustache is an important organ of touch for a cat, with which they literally "probe" the terrain, prey, etc., they are called tactile hairs.

The correct name for the mustache

Many people mistakenly believe that a cat's whiskers are nothing more than ordinary hairs, and therefore they call them accordingly. But this definition is not entirely correct. Vibrissae are not just compacted hairs on the body of an animal. Yes, by their nature they are similar to hair, but vibrissae are dead formations, the roots of which lead to nerve endings and blood vessels.

In addition, as mentioned, tactile hairs act as senses that make everyday life much easier for cats both at home and outdoors.

It is because of the connection with the nerve endings and the important functions of the mustache that it is not entirely correct to call them regular hair.

So, the name of the cat's whiskers is a rather interesting topic that opens up to us a lot of new things in our pets. Whiskers are important organs in cats, and knowing how they are called correctly will be useful to anyone who has the pleasure of keeping this furry friend at home.


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