Ephraim Novotorzhsky, Rev. (Life). Ephraim Novotorzhsky, Rev. (Life) Transferring the relics of the PRP Ephraim Novotorzhsky

(† 28.01.1053 (?), Nov. Torg, now Tverskaya oblast), PRP. (PAM 28 Jan., June 11, in the 3rd week in Pentecost - in the Council of Novgorod Saints, on Sunday before July 28 - in the Cathedral of Smolensk Saints, on Sunday after June 29 - in the Cathedral of the Tver Saints), Novotorzhsky, founder of Novotorzhsky In the name of the Holy Princes Boris and Gleb of the Male Monastery.

Information about E. and his worship is the life of the saint, as well as drawn up in the XVII century. Tale of the relics, commendable word and legends on the transfer of the relics by E. In 1690. From these writings, the most widespread in the lists was given in lists. According to the revision of the life created in the XVII century, the most ancient life of the saint, which was stored in the Borisoglebsky monastery, was taken away by Tver during the capture of trading troops led. kn. Mikhail (led. KN. St. Michael Yaroslavich, who ruined the Torzhok in 1315, or his grandson was led. KN. St. Michael Alexandrovich, who captured the city in 1372). Since the Inkoks of Borisoglebsky Mont-ry lived "in the majesty poverty", they could not "pretext of the lives of redemption", during the fire that followed these events in Tver, the manuscript burned. The new edition of Vesti E. was drawn up in the post. Third of the XVI century, after gaining June 11, 1572, the relics of Saint, Ier. Joasaf from Yuryev Novgorod husband. Mon-rod. In this edition, the biography of E., based largely on the narration of the Kiev-Pechersk Catering, is complemented by the stories about the miracles of E., where the residents of the trading con is mentioned. XV - 1st floor. XVI century, local marks, Novotorzhi and Novgorod landowners who took place mainly from Moscow (for example, Princes Khovansky and Putyatin-Dutin; The circumstance is that in the records of miracles appear Moscow on the origin of the landowners, it is apparently due to change in environment The Novgorod patrovers of the Mont-Rya after the joining of Novgorod to the Russian State Ventation in 1478), the well-known Ochrichnik Demensha Cheremisinov, etc. The narrative of miracles contains a number of unique news about the life of a trading and Russia in con. The XV-XVI century, it also testifies to the tradition of reading E. in Torzhok to gaining the relics (a number of miracles described in life are associated with the punishment of the holy landlords or royal servants, who are brutally treated with people dependent on them).

In the XVII century Life in the editorial office by Jer. Joasafa was recycled. Apparently, it was associated with the events of the vague time, when the interventories plundered the Torzok and survived only the monastery Borisoglebsky Cathedral, where they won the power of E., which was perceived by contemporaries as the intercession of the saint. All R. XVII century Life was supplemented with the praise holy and recording of new miracles, the last of which dates back to 1647, some lists of a commendable word contain a miracle related to 1681. The brief life of E. was written for the publication of the prolobe in 1661 (Kuchkin V. A . The first editions of Russian prologues and handwritten sources of publication 1661-1662 // Handwritten and printed book. M., 1975. P. 142-143). In 1744, in Moscow, Ye.'s life was published in Moscow and the service to him, apparently, apparently, on the basis of 3 lists of Life XVII century. From the Borisoglebsky monastery. Tale of the relics, commendable word and the tale of the transfer of the relics of E. in 1690 are presented by the few lists of the XVII-XVIII centuries.


PS Ephraim Novotorzhsky. Fragment of the icons "Novgorod Wonderworkers." Scripture icon painter. Georgy Alekseev. 1726 (GIm)

PS Ephraim Novotorzhsky. Fragment of the icons "Novgorod Wonderworkers." Scripture icon painter. Georgy Alekseev. 1726 (GIm)

According to Life, E. was "Right Ugric" (Hungarian), served as the keen on the Rostov CN. sv. Boris (see Boris and Gleb), also belonged to the friend of the brother E. Sv. George Ugrin. In 1015 at the place of the death of the KN. Boris on r. Alte E. Found a broken head of his brother, K-ry died, defending Siser. As the relic, E. kept the head of St. George all life. E. Removed from the Kiev land in Upper village, where on the shore r. Tver laid the wooden temple of the Bud. Borisoglebsky Mon-Rya. Life reports that in 1038 E. Together with his student and Clacer. Arkady Novotorzhsky and others. Monks have been erected in the new. Trading Stone Cathedral in the name of St. Princes Boris and Gleb. Next to the temple was the previously established a stormy house, with the temple, Mont-ry, E. became its abbot. Before the death of the holy of the stone, the grains of the coffin, in K-Rus, bequeathed to bury himself along with his head. George. According to Life, E. was buried in Borisoglebsk c.

Life E. Contains a number of inaccuracies. According to archaeological data, the Stone Cathedral in Torzhok was built in the 2nd floor. The XII century, although in the area of \u200b\u200bMont-au, scientists found items of the XI century., And the most early samples of stucco ceramics are dated the IX-X centuries. (Malygin P. D. Ancient Torzhok: East.-Archaol. Essays. Kalinin, 1990. P. 49). Construction of a stone cathedral in the Borisoglebsky Mon-Rea in the 2nd floor. XII century may talk about fairly ancient origin the monastery, which by that time it became obviously to play a prominent role in church life Novgorod land. Anakronism is an indication of the life that E. was Archimandrite Borisoglebsky Mon-Ka (such a status of the rebels of this monastery received no later than 1572).


June 11, 1572 on the blessing of the Novgorod archive. Leonid has occurred the relevant of E., which turned out to be incredible; The head was also the head of St. George Harrina, later she was kept on the Cancer Rev.. E. was canonized to local reverence at Miter. Dionusia (1581-1587), at the same time the Sector was compiled, the most ancient lists of which relate to the con. XVI in. (Badgers. Stb. 197). Worship E. contributed to the education in 1576 Tver Delivery of the king and led. kn. Simeon Bekbulatovich. The composition of his possessions entered the Torch, Churches and Mont-Ri-ryo began to enjoy his attention and patronage. A number of miracles are associated with intercession E. For Torzhok in troubled time. According to a brief chronicler, trading XVII century., 2 Oct. 1617 The city was delivered from the troops of the Smolensky Son of Boyarsky I. Meshherinov, together with the "Lithuanian people" the attacked on Torzhok. The city was not taken due to the intercession of "Rev. Father of our Ephraim Archimandrite, Novatorskago Wonderworker" (Stanislavsky. P. 236). Information about reading E. In Torzhok in the beginning. XVII century It was reflected in the test book Torzhka and his pose, compiled in 1625/26. P. D. Narbekov and others. According to this source, in Borisoglebskaya c. One of the features was consecrated "in the name of the Rev. Chudo-Handtop of Ephraim" (there is information about the arrangement of this, in 1577, with Archim. Misaile), there was a cancer with the relics of E. In a dedicated holy adhere, there was an "image of the local Ephraim Chudo-making on gold, groans " In Borisoglebsk c. Along with the icons of equivaler. kn. Vladimir (Vasily) Svyatoslavich and Saints Boris and Gleb were "The image of Ephraim Chuudthewor on Gold", "The image of Marsh Ephraim Chudvitzer, the groin, the crowns on the finifsty with the stone, yes, at the appearance of the crosses of all sorts of silver and bang Doors in the kyota besides the icons of the princes-martyrs was the image of the "Rev. Chuudthetter Ephraim." In the execution of the Borisoglebsk c. It was listed "Pokrov of the Distulator, and on it the image of Efrem's Chuudthemant, and at its edges" Shit Tropear and Kondak ". At Posad, the barisoglebsky monastery belonged to Voznesenskaya c. At one of her icons were images "Oleksa Metropolitan and Rev. Ephremia, Novotor Chuudthetz" (Torzhka and Posadov, Pizard 7133 (1625). // Memorative book of Tver province at 1865 Tver, 1865. Dep. 4. With . 24-27).

In 1621, at the direction of the Patriarch of Philaret (Romanov), the celebration of the memory of E. In the Moscow Assumption Cathedral of the 26 Jan., however, after the death of the first graduate, it was canceled (no later than 1634). In the description of the celian treasury Patriarch Filaret 1630, the Pheirch and Canon E. (Dimitri (Sumbikin). Monasses. P. 208). Service E. In the charters was placed under the 28 Jan. In the issuance of the Charter of 1641, the general worker celebration of the memory of E. was canceled, it was indicated to send it to the Borisogleban monastery and there, "where the Ecclesirah will judge (see: he. 1991. P. 86. Note 1). In the "Paliniodia" of Zechariah (Kopystensky) 1621. There is an entry about the memory of E. 28 Jan. With a litter: "New Wonderworker" (Rib. T. 4. STB. 851). In a monthly Month of Simon (Azaryin), compiled in the Ser. 50s. XVII century, 2 days of memory "Efrema, Novotorzhskago Chusudtz" are given: 28 Jan. (death day, as a year of death, 6543 (1035)) and June 11 (acquisition of relics) (RGB. F. 173. MDA. No. 201. L. 310, 320). In 1675/76 in Borisoglebsk c. The Novotorzhsky Monastery was arranged 2 stone chapels, one of the first, as before, was devoted to E. In 1690, the relevance of the reverend (perhaps in a new cancer) took place.

To gray. XVIII century Ancient Borisoglebskaya c. Dilapidated and by decision of the sacred. Synod in 1784 was disassembled. In 1796, the consecration of the newly built Borisoglebsky Cathedral was made, erected by means of donated imp. Catherine II. The Empress sent to the consecration of the Cathedral of the Empress from Golden Parcers, 3 clothes for 3 thrones, clothes on the altar and cover on the power of E. The founder of the monastery was devoted to the right side of the new temple. In 1839-1840. In the cathedral, they were repair work, after which he was consecrated again, came in the name of E. Preserved. E. E. Power won in the center of the Borisoglebsky Cathedral, on the right side, in silver gold-plated cancer under the bronze canopy, decorated with Venetian velvet with gold fringe and brushes. In the XIX century Wooden liturgical vessels, which, according to legend, consumed E. in 1893, were kept in the monastery scenic. Savva (Tikhomirov) appealed to the Synod with a petition for the establishment of a general terrorist celebration of the memory of the Novotorzhsky Wonderviews E. and Arkady and about making their names to Tipikon, followed by a psalter and other liturgical books. The petition was transferred to Vladimir Archp. Sergia (Spassky), who gave a negative feedback, due to the synod the definition of 19 Feb. 1897 decided to leave the existing procedure for the local celebration of Novotorzhsky Wonderworkers. In the XIX century On the day of the memory of E. June 11 in Torzhok was committed in front of the Liturgy procession from the Savior-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in the city, after Liturgy - a procession with the relics of E. around the monastery of Borisoglebsky Cathedral. 26 hundred. 1900 at the request of the Tver Arkon. Dimitria (sambikin) Synod allowed annually to make a crosses with an Icon E. From the Borisoglebsky Mon-Roma and the temples closest to it, formerly to it - former. Monastery Temple "At the parochosphere" in the territory of Sov. der. Semenian. Every year the relics of the Saint 15 Saint. were transferred from the Cold Borisoglebsky Cathedral in the warm monastery century. In honor of the introduction of the CVC temple. The Mother of God, May 1, the shrine returned to the Borisoglebsky Cathedral.

5 Feb. 1919 The power of E. was opened, in 1931 elevated from the Borisoglebsky Cathedral, their further fate is unknown. The restoration of the general worker reading E. was made by the inclusion of his name to the Cathedral of the Tver Saints, the celebration of K-Rom was established on the initiative of the archite. Kalininsky and Kashinsky Alexy (Implis) in 1979

East: The Life of Ephraim Novotorzhsky. M., 1774; Rib. T. 4 STB. 851; Ponomarev A. I. Monuments Old Russian. Church. - Little Lit-Ry. St. Petersburg, 1898. Vol. 4: Slav.-Rus. Prologue. Pp. 27-29; Diplomas Novotorzhok's husband. Borisoglebsky Mon-Rya. Tver, 1903; Budovnitz I. W. The story of the ruin of the trading in 1315 // Todrl. 1960. T. 16. P. 449-451; Stanislavsky A. L. Brief chronicler Trading XVII century. // Chronicles and Chronicles: Sat. Art., 1984 M., 1984. P. 235-236; Description of Russian saints. P. 182-183; Monuments lit-ry dr. Tver / Sost.: V. Z. Isakov. Tver, 2002. P. 77-80, 192-197.

Lit.: SESSPC. P. 96-97; Rn N. Sketch Torzhka // Memorative book of Tver province at 1865 Tver, 1865. Depth. 3. P. 80-81; Nekrasov I. S. Nationality of Nats. Lithing in North. Rus. OD., 1870. Part 1. P. 31-32; Klyuchevsky. Old Russian lives. P. 335-336, 371; Badgers. Sources of agiography. STB. 195-197; Kolosov I., holy. Novotorzhsky Borisoglebsky Mont-Pl. St. Petersburg, 1890. Tver, 1913; Leonid (Cavelin), Archim. St. Rus. № 495. P. 124-125; Dimitri (sbikin), archive. Monasses. Vol. 5. P. 207-209; He is Monasteries and parish churches Tasking and their sights. Tver, 1903; He is Tver grada. Tver, 1991r. P. 85-87; PS Ephraim Archimandrite and Arkady, his student, Novotorzhsky miracles. Tver, 1895; Sergius (Spassky). Monasses. T. 2. P. 24-25; Levotov E. Efrem // PBE. T. 5. STB. 533-535; Golubinsky. Canonation of saints. P. 117, 416-417; Shamurins Y. and Z. Kaluga. Tver. Tula. Torzhok // Cultural treasures of Russia. M., 1913. Vol. 7. P. 65-67; Droblenkova N. F. Yefrem Novotorzhsky's life // SCCR. Vol. 1. P. 148-150; Ferinz I. Moses Ugric and his brothers // Studia Slavica. BDPST., 1993. S. 19-25; Lopatina N. A. Regional Almanac No. 4: Mat-Lians on the history of Novotorzhsky Borisoglebsky Mon-Rya. Tver, 2004; Cottages O. V. About "Archprint of Old Russian Life" // Rus. Ageiography: Research, publications, controversy / d. ed. S. A. Semyachko. St. Petersburg, 2005. P. 28; Viktorov V. V. Life PrP. Ephraim Novotorzhsky in the foundations of Nior RGB // Zap. OR RGB. M., 2008. Vol. 53. P. 61-68.

A. V. Kuzmin


Description of the appearance of E. is contained in MN. iconographic scripts of the XVII-XIX centuries. Under the Jan 28. and June 11 (see: Markelov. Saints Dr. Russia. T. 2. P. 108-109). The most early of them - in the manuscript of the 2nd four. XVII century In a special list of "new miracle artists": "Sed, Vlasi is simple, schim on the shoulders, and Brother Aki Semyon Status" (RNB. O.XIII.11. L. 251). Rev. compared ch. arr. with SVT Nikolai Wonderworker: "Sed, Brother's share of Nikolina, at the head of Schima, keeps the church in Ruta" (Avd. Chetve. XVII V.: Irley (PD). Bobk. No. 4. L. 71 OB.; See also: Filimonov. Icon painted script. P. 58, 259-260; Bolshakov. Original icon painted. P. 69, 106); "The similarity that Nikola, on the head of Schima, in the hands of the Church" (Kon. XVIII V.: Ban. Strict. No. 66. L. 114); "In Shima, Brother's share of Nikolina, Korcevat, in the hands of the Church, BOS" (40th. XIX V.: Irley (PD). F.P. Revenue. Op. 23. No. 294. L. 58) . In the script of the 30s. XIX century Holy is specified twice, under the 28 Jan. The text noted that "Brother Menshi Zlatoustova", in the fields of the searches: "Nicolina" (Irley (PD). Peretts. No. 524. L. 117, 171). T. about., characteristic feature Iconography E. is an image of a model of the temple in his hand or hands (obviously, built by him the Cathedral of Bligv. Princes Boris and Gleb in the new. Torge).

In iconographic manuals. XX century The image of E. was supplemented by national features: "Type of Hungarian, with a bughed color of the body, an elder; Clothes of presented, in Epitrohili, like Archimandrite. In his hands, the model of the Church, like the organizer of the temple and the monastery. You can write to him the charter, for life: "Leaving your Bolyarsky San and the house, Estimizes the temple in the name of the sovereigns of its own, with [VS] Tychy Boris and Gleb, and many of the inkon collecting, the abode of the arrangement, pretty in post and prayers hungry" "(aprons . Guide to Scripture Icons. P. 170-171).

Early famous images E. refer to the XVII-XVIII centuries. From Novotorzhskiy Borisoglebsky Mon-Rya, there were 2 facial cover on the power of E., one of them - 1644, the contribution of F. S. Kurakina (Vishavsky. 1888. No. 539, 540). Icon E. (in monastic robe, with one-eyed white church in hand) and SVT. Nikolai Wonderworker in the dissection of Emmanuille in the cloud segment, beginning. XVIII century, comes from c. In the name of the arch. Mikhail (Blagoveshchenskaya) in Torzhok (in the present time in the meeting of the Camiger). Such fare could be the basis for the preparation of the text of icon-painted scripts. In c. In the name of the arch. Mikhail is the sole growth of E. amb. Third XVII - Nach. XVIII century (With late poning) - in Schima, with a camp on the head and divorced on the sides, the hand is blessed by nameslors, in his left hand - the model of the temple of a kind of architecture. Personal performed in the "alike-like" manner, a little beard, slightly split at the end, with curly strands and recite; At the top field - the image of the rescue of Emmanuil. The image of a similar means ("ancient icon" of the saint in the salary, with the TsAT) was reproduced on chromolithography of 1882 (Moscow workshop D. Gavrilov, RGB, with a stamp B-ki Rumyantsev Museum).

The most common iconographic favings - Rev. E. and Arkady Novotorzhskie on the background of the Borisoglebsky Mon-Korek. In 1720, the Ponomar C. In the name of the AP. Philip in Torzhok Iconpo part of E. F. Poshonoskov wrote the icon of the Reverend in the scenario to the Savior with the panorama of the Borisoglebsky Mon-Rya (with the designation of all buildings) and the scenery with the view of the trading, K-parada. Stored in the Tver Museum (Liberty. 1888. No. 59; Uvarov A. S. Icon Reverend Ephraim and Arkady, Novotorzhsky Wonderviews // He. Sat. Small Labor. M., 1910. T. 1. P. 152-153 Tab. 86, 130). There are 2 darisses from the XVIII Icon. With a close type of image, E. is presented with a small beard and curly hair along the edge of Kukol (Markel. Saints Dr. Russia. T. 1. P. 238-241).

Such icons are Figure E. placed on the left - they were widely distributed in the XIX century., Like, for example, the image created in the Torzhok in the 2nd floor. XIX century (with a particle of sv. relics), - Sedoborogenoe E. holds Igumensky rod, the view of the Borisoglebsky Cathedral accurately reproduces the building 1785-1796, Icon in the Silver Oaklo. Third XIX century. (Both of the c. In the name of the arch. Mikhail in Torzok) - E. Raised her hand with rosary, image OK. 1883 (CMIR). Sometimes the image of the Mother of God was placed at the top (Icon-Platniki 1st floor. XIX century. From the iconostasis c. In the name of the arch. Mikhail in Torzhok). Small pilgrimages include E. icons and PRP. Arcadia with the conditional view of the monastery cathedral and the disarm of the unpretentious at the top, which often wrote on a gold or silver background, sometimes E. Indicates the church, keeps the detachable scroll in his hand (Con. XIX - beginning. XX century, Tsmiir, TKG, c. The name of the arch. Mikhail, private collections). On the back of one of the icons (approx. 1890, the Cathedral of St. Trinity ("White Trinity") in Tver) There is an inscription - the blessing of Archim. Makariya M. I. Maslennikov "For living participation when publishing a book about Novotorzhsky Borisoglebsky Monastery" 28 dec. 1890

In the Cathedral of St. Trinity ("White Trinity") in Tver in the south. Fake in the name of E. and the PPP. Arcadia is a temple image prescribed in con. 60s - Nach. 70s. XX century Images of the Rev. are included in the painting of the main altar (40th. XX century, rejoicing to the con. Xx century), in the walls of the summer part of the Church (Ser. XIX century, rejoicing in the con. Xx century), south. Appeaded over cancer PRP. Makaria Kalyazinsky (50-60s. XX century, rejoicing in 2007), written in ancient Russian. Stylistics on the outer wall of the cathedral from the side of the apse. Icons E. and PPP. Arcadia is available in C. Prick. Elijah in Staritsa, in the cemetery church of the Savior of the Unclean in Bezhetsk (with a particle of relics), etc. There is a watercolor figure of 1865 P. Vavulina (TCG) with a view of the Novotorzhskaya Resident and images of 2 of its St. patrons.

In addition, the production was developed with the image of 4 local Novotorzhsky Saints: E., PRP Arkady, Blgv. kn. George Harrina and Blgv. king. Julia (1797, TKG). On some icons, Novotorzhsky Reverend (E. with the temple in hand) are presented with BLGV. Princes Boris and Gleb (1st floor. XIX century, TKG). On dr. Icon E. (left, in the hands of a rod and a detachable scroll with the text: "Breath, replaced by the blessed king and the Grand Duke") is shown with SVT. Nikolai Wonderworker and CPS Neil Stolobensky (last one third of the XIX century, Novotorzhsky Borisoglebsky Mont-Pie). Icon E. and PRP. Nile Stolobensky Nach. XIX century In 2007, the Nilov Stolobenskaya nylovskaya cathedral was empty in the local series of the iconostasis. The image of E. was introduced into the composition of the elected saints, for example. On the icon of the 2nd third of the XIX century. From the trading with Deesus and Evangelicals (E. with the staff in the desk on the left in the 1st row, together with the PSA. Arkady, in the center - Svt. Nicholas Wonderworker); In the upper row among the semi-imaging - on the icon "Introduction of the Virgin in the temple, with angels, selected plots and the saints" XIX century. (both in the TKG meeting). At that time, the sole Icons of E., as well as lists of early works (TCG), were also told.

The unique Icon of E. with 30 livelists of 1712, who was in the Cathedral of the Borisoglebsky mon-ane to the right of the entrance, was captured by photograph 1901 (TGOM). E. Presented in the camp, with a single-eyed temple in his right hand and a detailed scroll in the left, on the background of the monastery, in the upper corners - the Savior and the Virgin, at the bottom of the left - the steps of the reverend, on the right stamp with the text. In other photos of the interiors of the Cathedral (TGOM): Schitty straight image E. In growth, in a schift and doll on the lid of cancer; Picture E. and PPP. Arkady on Khorugvi; Figure E. with a staff in painting on the eastern wall near the crayfish (perhaps, sacred. Fragmentary). Among the surviving fragments of the murals of the monastic apparers. In honor of the rescue of the non-manual (1804-1811?) It is estimated that the image of E. Obviously, there were also other images of E. XVIII - Nach. XX century

In monumental painting, the image of E. (with the model of the temple in hand) is found in the painting of the Assumption Cathedral of the TSL 1684 on SEZ. The face of South-Zap. Pillar (prone to workshop N. M. Safonova in 1859, 1865-1866). The image of E., executed in an academic manner, was placed in the Altar Arch, GWGV. kn. Alexander the Nevsky Church of Christ the Savior in Moscow, next to the PRP. Efrem Pereyaslavsky - painting of the 70s, XIX century. Art. V. D. Fartusova on the sketches of N. A. Lavrov (Mostovsky M. S. Church of Christ the Savior / [Sost. Case. Part B. Disporates]. M., 1996p. P. 76). Among the devotees of the XI century. E. depicts in the walls of the gallery Rus. Saints leading to cave. PS Iova Pochayevsky in the Pochaevsky Assumption Lavra (painting Kon. 60s - 70s. XIX century. The works of Ierodicacons Paisius and Anatoly, was understated in the 70s. XX century).

One of the early examples of the E. In the works of decorative and applied art - engraving with a mobile in an oval medallion on a silver-mounted cross (1776-1788, TGOM; see: Bushlyakova V. A. Cross Archim. Feofilakta // Calendar-chronological culture and Problems of its study: To the 870th anniversary of the "Teachings" Kirika Novgorodtsz: Mat-Lians. Conf., Moscow, 11-12 Dec. 2006 M., 2006. P. 86-88). To the anniversary of the saintness of the saint in 1903, commemorative tokens were made with a frontal semi-imagination E. on the front side and view of the Borisoglebsky Cathedral on the turn (private collection). Then (Tsorzan resolution of 30 Apr. 1902) in the workshop of E. I. Fesenko in Odessa printed chromolithography "Summary will of the Brahria Reverend Efrem, Novotorzhsky Wonderworker" (RGB, Novotorzhsky Borisoglebsky Monastery, C. In the name of Arch. Mikhail in Torzhok). The saint is shown by sitting in the cell, it indicates the PRP. Arkady and monks on the head of his brother St. Passionworthpaca George Harrina, near the book and rosary, at the top - detailed text about the teachings and testament E. in the 50s. XIX century Chromolithography was repeated Lviv artists in the painting on Zap. The wall of the G. C. In the name of the arch. Mikhail in Torzhok.

Philaret (Gumilevsky). RSV. May. P. 96-97). Presumably E. (or the PRP. Efrem Perekomsky) is presented in the right group on the icon of the con. XVII century (Spigiahmz, see: Icons of the Sergiev Posad Museum-Reserve: New Arrivals and Opening Restoration: Album-Cat. Serg. P., 1996. Cat. 26). Its image in the camp, with a small beard located in the 3rd row of the left group (3rd on the left, inscription: "PR Efremi") on the Icon "Miraculous Icons and Novgorod Saints" 1721 from the assembly of Assumption (GE, see: Kostozova A. S., Pobedinskaya A.G. Rus. Icons XVI - Nach. XX century With the image of monasteries and their founders: Cat. Write. / GE. St. Petersburg., 1996. P. 59, 136. Cat. 54). E. Written on the icons "Novgorod Wonderworkers" holy. George Alekseeva 1726 and 1728. (GIm, GTG), on the drawing from the icon of the Cathedral of the Novgorod Wonderworkers, the upcoming Sofia, the wisdom of God, XVIII V.- 1st to the center in the 4th row of the right (Markelov. Saints Dr. Russia. T. 1. P. 398 -399, 618-619).

As part of the Cathedral of the Russian Saints, E. introduced into the 2nd row of the right group of reverend on Pomeranian icons: Con. XVIII - NCH. XIX century (MIRK, inscription: "PRP (D) B Efrem Novotorzhski"); 1814 letters of Peter Timofeev from the meeting of the Tam SPBD (timing; managing - Markelov. Saints dr. Rus. T. 1. P. 454-455) - with a scroll in his right hand, the inscription: "P. Efrem Novgorod (s)"; 1st floor. XIX century from der. CHAZHENIGA Kargopol district Arkhangelsk region (GTG - Icônes Russes: Les Saintes / Fondation P. Gianadda. Martigny (Suisse); Lausanne, 2000. P. 142-143. CAT. 52). On icon start. XIX century from Chernivtsi region (NCPICS) E. Shown in the 6th row of the 5th on the right with the model of the temple in the hands, was named Novgorod ("PRP (D) Efrem New (D) O"). The saint is presented twice, in the right group of the presented in the 1st and last rows on the 1st floor icon. XIX century From the old-supplied prayer on the wolf cemetery in St. Petersburg (GM). On the icon "The image of the Saints of Russian Wonderworkers" Ser.- 2nd floor. XIX century (GTG, see: ibid. P. 144-147. Cat. 53) E. Written by the middle-aged, with a scroll in his left hand, in the 4th row of the extreme left.

E. depicts among the Tver Wonderworkers on the icons "All Saints, in the Earth of the Russian Same" 1934 (Canelic Mode Svt. Athanasius (Sakharov)), and 50s., Con. 50s. XX century Letters of MON. Julia (Sokolova) (Risnica TSL, SDM, see: ADOSHINA N. E. Blessed Labor. M., 2001. P. 231-239) and their ows. The repetitions (Church of Christ the Savior, C. Resurrection of Christ in Sokolniki, C. Svt. Nicholas in Kleonnikov in Moscow). Figure for Mine MP, made prot. Vyacheslav Savinov and N. D. Shelyagina, represents E. In growth, in Shima, with a camp on the head, with a small curly beard, in the prayer (images of the Mother of God and Saints Ugra. Churches. M., 2001. P. 148).

In the temples of the Tver Diocese, there are many E. icons (as a rule, with a model of the temple in hand) written in con. XX - NCH. XXI century In particular, in the introduction of c. The Novotorzhsky Borisoglebsky Monastery is revered by analya straight image E. with a particle of sv. The relics on the other icon of the Saint is presented in growth, together with the PRP. Arkady, the upcoming sauce of non-manual. E. It is also depicted in the SOC. Compositions of the Cathedral of the Tver Saints (usually in the 1st row of the 2nd right, with the model of the temple on the oversized hand), for example. On icons of start. 90s. XX century From the Tver Cathedral of St. Trinity ("White Trinity"), 2001 from the Cathedral Tver Resurrection Cathedral.

Lit.: Zvynevsky A. K. Description of the Tver Museum. M., 1888. No. 59, 539, 540; Markelov. Saints dr. Rus. T. 1. P. 238-241, 398-399, 454-455, 618-619; T. 2. P. 108-109; Kochetkov. Dictionary of icon painters. P. 437.

Princes Boris and Gleb, the favorite children of the Grand Duke Vladimir, who shifted the Light of the Faith Christ all Russia, was distinguished by piety and strong faith. Reverend Efrem served them in Boyarskaya rank, the rank of keen. He came from the Ugric land and had two native Brothers George and Moses who served with the same princes. Rev., from his youth of his scientific faith of Christian, with the ministry of such pious princes, what were Boris and Gleb, even more strengthened in the hardestness of the faith and the prayer elevation of the Spirit of Christ. He was completely devoted to the gentlemen. Love, commitment and notion of dedication to the princes before that were strong in all three brothers that they were all ready to put the soul for them. In the way the time of war, invasion, civilian, cunning and murder were particularly strong in Russia. Pechenegi, especially wild and ferocious, then, the Russian limits devastated with their raids. Equal-to-Apostor Kninja Vladimir ordered Son to reflect Pechenegov, who attacked the southeastern limits of Russia to his Boris. A young prince happily went hike to enemies. Among the squads were Moses and George; The very same Efrem for the special arrangement of God's fishery did not happen to be in this campaign. The enemies even earlier arrival Boris fled, and the prince happily returned home. On the road insidiously, the prince Vladimir also died and the Svyatopolk, adopted nephew Vladimir, wanting one to own Russian land, declared himself a great prince and sent the killers to destroy Boris and Gleb. Boris did not want to admit the thoughts about the evil and cunning of the elder brother and did not accept any precaution.

Soon, on the night from Saturday to Sunday, the killers sent by the Svyatopolk, broke into the princely tent and rushed to the prince with the spears. Brother Efrema Georgy, trying to protect the master, taled him with his body, was pierced by spears and died. The killers could not remove the gold hryvnia from him, presented by Boris, and cut off his head. And the Blessed Prince, the famous, but still lively, taken to the Svyatopolk, who commanded the uncertainty - to put the sword in the heart of the passionwater. This happened on July 24, 1015 on the banks of the Alto River, in the current Poltava province.

Another Brother Ephraim Moses saved from death and took a monasticism in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery.

Following, the Prince Gleb was killed on September 5, 1016. He, like a brother, knowing about the evil intentions of Svyatopolka, did not want to fight against him. The martyrs brothers were buried with the honors in Vyshgorod. When reburied, everyone revealed that the bodies remained imperishable, and some time from the grave of martyrs began many wonders and healings. The church ranked Passion Passion Princes Boris and Gleb to the Family of Saints.

Bitter and severe loss of St. Princes and Brother Georgy touched to the depths of the soul of Reverend Ephraim. He went to the scene of the tragedy, so for the Orthodox custom to betray the body of Brother Earth, but he discovered there only his chopped head, which he took with him. Shocked by the atrocities performed here, from nature a devout and religious, he decided to leave the world, home, fatherland, wealth, his San Boyarsky and was looking for solitude. Autumn grace of God, he decided to devote himself to God. From Kiev, the Monk came to the land of the Treak and next to the current city, a stagnicious house on the river is expensive, where with deep humility and christian love I went for the sick and everyone served himself, giving shelter and soothe all the suffering and burdened everyday agers and passions of the thorny world.

Special of God Providening in a few years pointed him other exploits and another place, namely, the monoty feats and the arrangement of the monastery even closer to the tall on the shore r. Tver, on Mount. Here he arranged a monastery, and in 1038, with employees with his own partners, Dieshlisaniya built a stone temple in the name of the Holy Princes and Passion Passioners Boris and Gleb, why and this monastery was called Borisoglebsky. Prayer-laudatory songs and gloriousness to God, towering more and more in the spirit of Christ, the reverend collected many monks.

He was a sample of high inochetic feats for them. He spent in the writings for the improvement of his abode, and the night in the knee-freeness and prayers. For high Christian virtues, their reverend was put in his abode of Archimandrite and until the most recent minutes of sending his eternity never left church worship and did not change his monastic rule. Having received a revelation about the mortal approaching hour, convened his monastery and taught him the instruction to keep strictly brotherly, they provided a strict violence, I applied to alms, I observed the post, I prayed incentively and had our fear of God, you also had a dead brother's head in my coffin, which secretly kept all the years.

Rev. Efrem On January 28, 1053, fully betrayed his spirit, having lived thirty-eight years after the killing of the Boris and Gleb princes. His body was buried in the temple created by him, in the stone coffin, Izish him with his hands.

For more than five centuries, the holy relics of St. Ephraim rest in the depths of the earth and remained imperishable and unharmed. He was presented to the Lord for the prevalence of the insidency, which, rising and towering, came more and more in a flowering condition, attracting hard admirers and benefactors. Despite the serious those times of the Torzhka, when he was repeatedly ruining and burning, the abode of St. Ephraim protected was one like the shrine of the Lord. In the reign of John the Terrible Archbishop of Novgorod and Pskov, Leonid drove past the tricks. In the abode of St. Ephraim, he asked his relics. When the brothers indicated the place where his body lay, the Lord with the great reverence commanded the coffin. Immediately, the entire temple was filled with fragrance from the relics of the Rev., which were imperishable.

Immediately hurried to report this to the king and Metropolitan of Moscow Kornili.

The king and the saint, performed by spiritual joy and love for the pretended, commanded to examine the nonsense of the relics, which was made solemnly and nationwide. And from that time has been established a celebration of the memory of St. February 10 - the day of his presumption, and June 24 - the opening day of its miracle relics. Exactly one hundred years after the acquisition of the relics of Rev. Ephraim, the relics of St. Arkady (student PRP.Frema) were opened, which were in the ground for more than six centuries.

Ephraim Novotorzhsky
archimandrite (CC. 01/28/1053), who came to the Hungarian, arrived at Junior on Russia with his two brothers, and all of them entered the service for the book. Boris Vladimirovich Rostovsky. One of the brothers, George, was killed on r. Altea in 1015 with his sovereign, which he tried to protect. Another brother is the future Moses Ugric Pechersky - managed to run. Sv. Ephraim saved a random excommunication; Returning to the place of killing St. Prince, he found only a severe head of his brother. Taking her with me, he retired to the bank. Tver, founded the monastery and a stirrerinth, and on the glorification of St. Princes - Passion Straps Boris and Gleb - Church in their name. Rev. died in 1053, and on the will, the remains of Brother were buried in his grave. In 1572, the remains of both brothers were gained intense, and the PRP. Ephraim was ranked saints.
Memory PPP. Ephraim is celebrated on January 28 / February 10 and 11/24 Nyunnya (transfer of the relics).

A source: Encyclopedia "Russian Civilization"

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    - (The second half of the X century. The first half of the XI century), the founder and the first igumen of the Novotorzhsky Borisoglebsky Monastery (1038). Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church, worshiped as a miracle ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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Rev. Efrem NovotorzhskyThe founder of the Borisoglebsky monastery in the city of Torzoke, was from Hungary. Together with its brothers, Holy Moses Herin (memory July 26) and saint George He left his homeland, perhaps because of the persecution of Orthodox.

Having come to Russia, the brothers entered the service to the Rostov Prince of St. Boris, the son of the Equal-Apostles Grand Prince Vladimir.

In 1015, the Brother Efrema Georgy was killed at the Altea River along with Holy Prince Boris. The killers cut off his head to remove the golden hryvnia, which he wore on his neck. Moses managed to escape, and he came from the monks of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery.

Ephraim, who was at this time, obviously, in Rostov, arriving at the place of murder, found his brother's head and took her with him. Leaving the service under the princely yard, Rev. Efrem retired to the river Retrzder so that there would be a secluded inochetic life. After several monasters settled near him, he built a monastery in honor of the holy princes of Passion Straps Boris and Gleb. Britia elected him with their abbot. Near the monastery, located near the shopping path to Novgorod, a stable house was arranged, where poor and wanderers were held for free.

Rev. Efrem died in deep old age, his body was buried in the monastery staged by him, and in the coffin, according to his testament, was the head of his brother, St. George. The relics of St. Ephraim were gained in 1572.

Icon painter

Russia. XIX.

PS Ephraim Novotorzhsky. Icon. Russia. XIX century Tver art gallery.

Russia. 1814.

Russia Saints (fragment). Figure (translation from icon). Russia. 1814 year. Sheet 4. Museum of SPBD, Table. 59. Retown.

Russia. XVIII.

Cathedral of Novgorod Saints (fragment). Figure (Draw from the icon / image, except for signatures of the saints in the nimbach, mirror). Russia. XVIII century. Posters, 1899, tab. LXIX. Retained.

Rev. Efrem, as his life conveys, was a native of Hungary and brought his mother brother. Moses Huruina (+ OK. 1043; Memory July 26 / August 8), as well as Georgia, beloved and devotional to the Latches of St. Prince Boris (Memory 2/15 and July 24 / August 6). Leaving his Fatherland, Rev. Together with the brothers, he entered the service to St. Boris. When, on July 24, 1015, the prince was killed by the Svyatopolkiy's fallen murderers, and the native brother of the PRP. Ephraim George is beheaded by them for the sake of gold hryvnia, entrusted to him with a holy prince, the PRP. Ephraim, who was at that time in the absence, came to the coast of the Alto River and was looking for the body of a dead brother. But he found only one chapter George and took her in order to come off later put with him in one tomb. Soon after that the Monk left the world and settled in a secluded place on the bank of the river Tver, not far from the town of Torzhka or from the place where he originated. For its funds, Rev. Ephraim built a strange house here and accepted the feat of the strangeness, common among the pious and rebelievous people of ancient Russia. When the relics of Saints Straighpathers Boris and Gleb were open and installed in a general worker celebration, in 1038, the Monk built the temple in the name of the Martyrs of Christ and founded the monastery in which he was pregnant to deep old age. Revised on January 28, 1053.

Honest relics of Rev. Ephraim were found on June 11, 1572. Novgorod Archbishop Leonid, returning from Moscow to Novgorod, then visited the Borisoglebsk prevail for prayer. He asked the rector and brotherhood, where the relics of the wonderworker are laid. When the Saint Tomb was shown, the Archbishop ordered to open and the most coffin. Then the present saw the body of the reverend with the imperishable and felt fragrant. After that, in the 80s of the XVI century, the local celebration of Rev. Efrem was established. Currently, the memory of the ward of God is honored in general waste.

The Lord glorified Rev. Ephraim in the Wonderfulness. Of the many recorded miracles, it will be reported only two.

Former King Kazan Ediger, who accepted the name of Simeon in the Holy Baptition, received from Tsar John the Tver and Torzhok from the king. Often visiting the Borisoglebsky abode, he began reverendily to read Rev. Ephraim and decided to arrange a cypress cancer for him. But he instructed this case to a careless master, who dropped the tree into the cancer and crushed the bone of the foot of the presence. At this very time, the wonderworker appeared in a dream to the abbot of Misaile and said about the carelessness of the master, showing his feet of his own, and asked to transfer to the king Simeon so that he would change the masters. Misail hurried to Simeon, and the pious king not only performed the will of the saint, but also decorated his temple with holy icons and church utensils.

At the same time, the Terrible sent were in Novgorod with the royal tremendous dementia of Cheremisin and Zelenty-Zaplyutsky. Cheremisin wanted to carry out the treasury against the stream of the river River; But he himself drove dry by committing accompanying the treasury Zamny. Tsarist servants severely robbed the people and monasteries on the way. So they collected a lot of estates. Swimming up to the Borisogleban monastery, the jury demanded from brethren under the royal treasury of people and many reserves. Brachia was forced to borrow money to pay off them. But when the jam was sailed along a solid, burdened by monastic richness, he dropped money into the water, and suddenly sickly sick. Dali know Cheremisin. He was horrified, ordered to carry a sick comrade in the prevail and accompanied him himself. Here were the prayers to the holy martyrs; Both cried about their sins and returned with silver from the monastery. Then the old man was sick; Wrought him for the plundering of the monastery, he was humbled and gave him healing.

Tropar, voice 1

Divine more thanks to the grace, Reverend, many patience in the temporary life was made of the feat. The sick of miracles grace everyone with faith that comes to the rare of your power, Ephraim is predicted, this is for the sake of call: thank you the fortress, thank you, who glory to the existing healing.

Kondak, voice 8

Jaco Epiphany Russian star, Blowing the shiny wonders, appeared to Efrem's reverend. Nevertheless, praying for your herd, keep your fatherland, grave and people, others like you to honor and your honest power of diligently running out, and you are yelling you: rejoice, Bogomud Efrem, our own.


About the Preslav of the Lord of His and God assembled about you a herd of Christ, the pre-protected shepherd and a mentor, Reverend and Godonos, our Ephraim! We will accept the miserable soune, and small from love, the soul-brought prayer and do not despose us, sinners, requiring your help and intercession. Be Bo We, the concept of the rest in the needs of the unbeatago, we urge your petty in the petition, you, Yako, having a dying to the Lord and the most prechings of His mother, Budy the prayer room, assistant and password about everyone, with careful in the divine temple of the coming, honest And the multi-purpose relevant with your fear and the reverence of touched, hear, Saint God, and the proud of the merciful Okom to the upcoming clerk of your coffin. We are truly veam truly, IKOs at the reference of your flesh and separated from us from us, but the spirit is relentless of being with us, the fact that we are also useful to salvation, diligently asking, the prayers of your petachi. Prior to the rest of the reverence of your garbage, about the good and great of our intercessory, and do not have to pray for our country and about people, at any place for help to help you. The mainstream of all degrees and countries are Russian from the invasion of an intersendennic, interne-friendly brahi, nervous winds and from all slander evil. All of us get rid of all sorts of troubles and sorrow. Yako, yes, you are controlled by a multi-time alive of the lives of this sea, which will be pretext, will achieve in the desired heavenly refuge and glorify everyone, the even-minded trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and are also sainted and forever. Amen.

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