Celebrities who are fighting cancer. Who will win? Russian stars who are fighting a deadly disease

Cancer is a terrible disease, we offer stories of famous women who managed to defeat it. We hope this will help someone find the strength to fight. All health!

Darya Dontsova

When the writer learned about oncology, the cancer was already in the fourth stage. She had no time to feel sorry for herself: an elderly mother, mother-in-law, three children - they all needed a healthy Daria.
She did not go to psychics and was not treated with herbs. Dontsova tried all the most effective methodsuntil the disease receded.

Kylie Minogue

Even 12 years after the victory over the disease, it is difficult for the singer to remember the then state. When her own struggle ended in victory, Kylie began to actively urge women to get tested on time to save their lives.

Svetlana Surganova

Although Svetlana herself is a pediatrician by training, she was in no hurry to see doctors when she began to suffer from incomprehensible pains. Only when they became unbearable did the singer go to the hospital.
Now Svetlana urges everyone to carefully monitor their health, because early diagnosis of cancer is exactly what one day can save lives.

Cynthia Nixon

Her mother and grandmother had cancer in their time. Unfortunately, the disease reached the artist. Due to the fact that oncology was discovered at the first stage, Cynthia's life was saved.

Yulia Volkova

She found out about her illness quite by accident when she went to visit her close friend with cancer.
When the singer was diagnosed with cancer, she could not recover for a long time. Only years later, Julia decided to talk about what she had experienced.

Cheryl Crow

The singer was among the lucky few who were diagnosed with the disease at the first stage. She underwent surgery to remove the tumor, and she didn't even need chemotherapy!


The singer learned about her illness when she wanted to reduce her breasts. A course of chemotherapy helped her, but after 10 years the cancer returned. Anastacia agreed to a complex operation so as not to leave any chance for oncology.

Sharon Osborne

Sharon literally fought intestinal cancer on the air, although doctors practically did not give her a chance for life.
After removal of the tumor, it turned out that metastases had spread throughout the topic, so she also underwent a course of chemotherapy. And although there was no reason for this, Cheryl decided to also remove the mammary glands in order to protect herself from a possible relapse.

Janice Dickinson

When the happy Dickinson was preparing for the wedding, her mood was darkened by the terrible news - she was diagnosed with cancer. Janice immediately began treatment, and at the end of last year, she finally tied fate with Dr. Robert Gernett.

Shannen Doherty

The star of Beverly Hills, 90210 and The Charmed Ones can once again delight us with her bewitching smile. Since 2015, when she was diagnosed with cancer, she bravely confronted the disease and finally defeated it!

Singer, 32 years old

The artist learned that she had thyroid cancer in 2012 during a diagnostic examination. Julia went to the clinic after learning that her close friend and former producer of the t.A.T.u. Ivan Shapovalov was diagnosed with a brain tumor. When the suspicion of cancer was confirmed, Julia did not want to discuss this topic with anyone. Only years later did she dare to tell publicly what she had to face.

Volkova went through a complex operation to remove the tumor. The operation was completed successfully in terms of fighting cancer, but due to medical error the artist could only whisper - due to damage to the vocal nerve, her voice disappeared. The singer underwent three more reconstructive surgeries: two in Germany and one in Korea. Now Julia speaks with a hoarse voice and even sometimes speaks.

Darya Dontsova

Writer, 65

The popular author of detective stories Daria Dontsova caught breast cancer suddenly - at the fourth stage. The professor, to whom the writer got an appointment, suggested that the writer had three months left to live. The fear of death, according to Daria, she did not experience. But she realized that she has three children, an elderly mother and mother-in-law, as well as pets - there are those for whom to live. Dontsova was determined to win. As she later admitted, she knew that she would not die.

The writer underwent radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery. The celebrity is convinced that it is impossible to joke with the disease - these methods help to defeat it, and in no case should you waste precious time visiting psychics. The writer reinforced the course of treatment with increased sports. Her favorite work also helps Daria - she writes every day. She is convinced that only the work of a person on himself helps to get out of the pit and move forward, no matter what.

Cheryl Crow

Singer, 55 years old

When, in 2006, a routine mammogram revealed calcification of tissues in both breasts in Sheryl Crow, the artist postponed her world tour. Cheryl completely focused on the problem and devoted about two months to recovering from a lumpectomy (surgery to remove a breast tumor) and a course of radiation therapy, and also added to traditional treatment acupuncture and herbal teas. Diagnosed on initial stage breast cancer was stopped without chemotherapy. Now Cheryl Crow lives without relapses of breast cancer and oncological diseases in general and is convinced that she is a "walking advertisement" for timely diagnosis.

Kylie Minogue

Singer, 49 years old

Even now, 12 years later, Australian singer Kylie Minogue is experiencing the emotional repercussions of her harrowing battle with breast cancer. On May 17, 2005, Kylie was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had to undergo surgery and chemotherapy. The star compares this experience with the "test of the atomic bomb" in terms of the effect it had on her body and psychological state.

After completing her treatment in 2008 in France, Kylie Minogue began to share her experience and drew the attention of women around the world to the importance of timely diagnosis. Doctors noted the "Kylie effect" when young women began to undergo regular check-ups.

Even after defeating cancer, Kylie continues to fight it. In 2010, the star campaigned against breast cancer and celebrated her anniversary with a charity concert to raise money to fight cancer and raise public awareness. In 2014, the singer organized a charity campaign to raise funds for research. Kylie encourages everyone to undergo preventive screening and does not get tired of drawing the attention of her audience to the importance of early diagnosis of oncology. After all, it is she who is the key factor in maintaining health and life.

Sharon Osborne

TV presenter, 64 years old

Sharon Osbourne, wife of rocker Ozzy Osbourne and heroine of reality TV "Osbourne", faced cancer in 2002. Viewers watched on the air as Sharon and her family confronted one of the most dangerous species cancer - bowel cancer (colorectal, CRC). Today, this type of cancer has already reached the second place in mortality among Russians, the early stages are usually asymptomatic, and the disease is usually detected too late.

In Sharon's case, the doctors made a sad prognosis: the probability of survival is no more than 30%, since the tumor managed to hit the lymph nodes. But that couldn't make Sharon fold her arms. On the contrary, she actively took up treatment and did not interrupt the shooting of the show because of him. Shortly after the diagnosis, surgery was performed to remove the tumor and lymph nodes. As it turned out, the metastases spread beyond the intestine, so after the operation, a course of chemotherapy was needed.

The disease was defeated, Sharon no longer faced the problem of cancer, but a few years later she underwent surgery to remove her mammary glands to eliminate possible risks.

As in Russia and in the United States, bowel cancer is the second most common cancer. Developing imperceptibly and asymptomatically, colorectal cancer is often detected at a later stage, when it is already difficult or impossible to help the patient. Intestinal cancer poses a particular threat at the age of 40.

Svetlana Surganova

Singer, 48 years old

Rock musician Svetlana Surganova faced bowel cancer when she was not yet 30 years old. Although the diagnosis was made in the second stage, the singer struggled with the disease for eight years. A pediatrician by training, Svetlana herself felt that something was wrong with her body. The symptoms manifested themselves as in the textbook, but the singer hesitated to see a doctor. And only a sudden unbearable pain forced her to go to the hospital.

The doctors did not give the artist any guarantees ... cancerous tumor sigmoid colon, doctors were forced to make a hole in abdominal cavity, bring out the tube and attach to the stomach a pouch with which I had to live and perform for several years. Only the fifth abdominal operation helped Svetlana return to normal life.

Remembering that nightmare, Svetlana urges everyone to be attentive to their health and visit doctors on time. The singer realized that "you need to check your body, despite the unpleasant procedures." In this they will definitely agree with her medical experts: proven that thanks to early diagnosis 9 out of 10 patients can be saved from developing bowel cancer. Screening colonoscopy is recognized as the most effective method for diagnosing colorectal cancer today. With age, the risks of colorectal cancer increase, and at the age of 40, doctors definitely recommend undergoing the procedure. Further, colonoscopy should be done at least once every 5 years.


Singer, 49 years old

Anastacia's story has two victories. In 2003, the singer decided to do a breast reduction: a size 5 bust brought a lot of inconvenience. Before plastic surgery, it was necessary to pass standard tests, including mammography. Then breast cancer was discovered. After a course of chemotherapy, the disease subsided, and Anastacia began to recover from a difficult ordeal - she not only lost weight, but also lost her voice. Ten years later, the disease came again. And because of this, the singer had to postpone the It’s A Man World Tour. This time, the singer decided to have a mastectomy (removal of the mammary gland) so that the disease would no longer have a chance to catch her by surprise again.

“After cancer, I became stronger, more inspired, even more beautiful and feminine! In addition, I was taught from childhood to be firm, so I went through the tests with a smile, ”said Anastacia.

The spread of oncological diseases is rapidly increasing, mortal danger lies in wait for everyone. However, many, having entered the struggle with this disease, overcome the paralyzing fear and come out of it as winners ... "TN" reminds of some idols of the public who, faced directly with such a terrible disease, either won a victory over it, or continue to remain in the midst of a fight. when its outcome is still unknown ...

Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's illness became known in 2015. Suffering from constant headaches, the singer underwent a medical examination, which resulted in a diagnosis: a malignant brain tumor. At first, he did not make this information public, but later on his pages in social networks he spoke about what had happened and assured that he did not intend to give up, but, on the contrary, would fight with all his might. "Hope" is now my most vital word! .. As they say, I will still play checkers! " - wrote Dmitry.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Photo: Global Look Press

After going through several courses of chemotherapy (in the UK, since he has been living in London for a long time) and barely recovering from them, Hvorostovsky resumed his concert activity, again began to appear on stage. Unfortunately, the disease has not receded yet, and the fight with it continues. As the performer wrote, addressing his fans and explaining the impossibility "in the foreseeable future" to participate in opera productions: "I have problems with the balance ... therefore, it is quite difficult for me to perform." The immune system is too weakened, which causes many risks - even a mild cold can lead to irreversible consequences. But the singer doesn't give up. Having overcome pneumonia, he continues to stand firm.

Fortunately, Hvorostovsky has tremendous support: both from countless admirers of his talent from all over the world, and from friends and relatives. His wife Florence, a singer and pianist of Italian-Swiss origin, gives him a particularly powerful charge of so much needed positive emotions and positive energy. This is the second wife of Dmitry Alexandrovich.

His first, eight-year marriage (with the ballerina of the corps de ballet Svetlana, who died two years ago) fell apart, according to the singer, because he “does not forgive betrayal”. In 1996, the couple became the parents of twins: Alexandra and Danila, in addition, Dmitry adopted his wife's child, Maria.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky with his wife Florence. Photo: Global Look Press

The singer's family life with Florence has been going on for 16 years, the couple have two children: son Maxim (2003) and daughter Nina (2007). As one of Hvorostovsky's friends said, “in the period before meeting with Flosha, Dima was confused, depressed, and his new love turned him into another person - happy, with burning eyes. Flosha takes care of him, protects him. "

Alexander Belyaev

Alexander Belyaev. Photo: East News

He spoke about the shock he experienced when the doctors acquainted him with the diagnosis, stressing that oncology had developed against the background of type 2 diabetes. About how he immediately quit smoking "not because it is dangerous to health, but because he simply could not smoke." About two terrible losses over the past two years that I had to endure (mother and wife of Belyaev died of cancer). About the urgent request, addressed to his son Ilya, to immediately undergo a medical examination. And about the conclusions I came to: “Only with age did I realize that health should be taken care of. And it is imperative to see doctors in advance, without waiting for the development of the disease. Especially if someone in the family has encountered such a problem. "

Alexander Buinov

Singer Alexander Buinov, having heard in 2011 the doctor's conclusion: "You have a tumor," initially did not fall into pessimism. Despite the fact that long before that, while discussing with his wife Alena the hypothetical possibility of a dangerous disease, by his own admission, he told her that as soon as he felt weak and helpless, he would shoot himself - "like Hemingway!" However, in reality, he took the medical opinion on the need for surgical intervention with restraint and calmly went to the operation (removal of the prostate gland) at the Moscow Oncological Center named after V.I. Blokhin. Then he joked: "Something was cut off to me, but still I have complete order in the male part." Subsequently, undergoing courses of the necessary treatment, the singer did not even cancel the performance. It happened that injections were given to him just before going on stage.

Alexander Buinov. Photo: East News

During the most difficult period, Buinov, as he said, felt tremendous support, care and love from everywhere. And, first of all, from his wife, who selflessly fought for him. At the same time, he stated: "Everyone was worried about me, except ... myself." Explaining the reasons for this indifference, he formulated four factors. Firstly, Alexander considers himself a fatalist, and therefore declares: "Everything that fate has prepared, any life blows, I take for granted - calmly and with gratitude." Secondly, he is convinced that any illness is a punishment for previous sins: "There is a reason, enough of them have accumulated in my entire life, so it never occurred to me to feel sorry for myself." Thirdly, Buinov followed the example of his father - a military pilot, a front-line soldier: "Dad often said that one should believe only in the surgeon's scalpel, and not in some pills." And, finally, fourth: Alexander Nikolaevich did not allow himself to become limp: “Yes, this is an unpleasant thing, but I did not feel dying. For some reason I was sure: everything will be fine. "

Laima Vaikule

In 1991 she was on the verge of death and. Breast cancer was discovered in America - at a stage that left minimal chances of survival. As doctors said: even after surgery, only 20 percent of patients manage to avoid death. But the singer did not give in to the disease. Although it was not easy for her, and primarily because it required a colossal internal readjustment. “Dying is scary, I know for sure, because I went through it. But it's much easier when you believe. Vera helps, ”she once admitted. And she said that it was precisely such a difficult test that made her rethink a lot in life and look at many things in a new way.

Laima Vaikule. Photo: East News

Emmanuel Vitorgan

Emanuel Vitorgan was struck by the tragedy of lung cancer in 1987. The operation to remove the malignant tumor went well. But the actor found out about his diagnosis only after its completion. Prior to that, her husband, actress Alla Balter (died of cancer in 2000), hid the true disease from her husband, even persuaded the doctors to hide this information from him. Therefore, Emmanuil Gedeonovich was sure that he had tuberculosis, amenable to simple treatment. And when the truth was revealed, he said to his wife: “I can't imagine how I would have survived this, after that it is difficult to find an incentive to live. If I knew the real state of affairs right away, I would have been left with bare nerves. And so I did not think about the disease and did not doubt that I would get on my feet. " Subsequently, the artist admitted that he coped with the disease and fully recovered thanks to the love and care of his beloved wife. “Having woken up after anesthesia, I saw a smiling Allochka, who said:“ Hello, I love you! ” And he was happy. For such a moment it was worth fighting for life. "

Emmanuel Vitorgan with his wife Alla Balter. Photo: Global Look Press

Andrey Gaidulyan

Andrei Gaidulyan, 33, who became famous for the TV series "Univer" and "Sasha Tanya", was diagnosed with a malignant disease of lymphoid tissue (lymphogranulomatosis or Hodgkin's disease) two years ago. Discovered lymphoma in the middle sections chest... The 31-year-old actor had to go to the Moscow Oncology Center. Blokhin, and then undergo chemotherapy sessions in Germany, at the Munich clinic.

Andrey Gaidulyan with his wife Diana Ochilova. Photo:instagram.com

A sinister illness intervened in Andrei's life in the midst of preparations for the wedding ceremony with his beloved Diana Ochilova. In this regard, the bride changed her pre-wedding chores to taking care of her groom's recovery. And she succeeded a lot in this. As Andrei admitted, it was love that helped him not to give in to his illness, to return home as a winner and still carry out his plan - to marry his girlfriend. "We are happy and thank all the powers of Heaven for this!" - said the newlyweds. In addition to changes in his personal life and physical recovery, the actor underwent internal changes - he began to be very active in helping people in need. "Now it is difficult for me to pass by someone else's grief," he admitted.

Darya Dontsova

The writer (real name Agrippina Arkadyevna) learned about the presence of breast cancer in the fourth - last stage in 1998. The oncologist's prognosis "maximum three months of life" was ruthless and did not leave an ounce of hope. Nevertheless, the 46-year-old woman did not give in to panic. Although there were enough reasons. “I have three children in my arms, an elderly mother, mother-in-law, a cat, dogs, which means that it is simply impossible to die. Therefore, I did not feel the fear of death, ”the author of bestselling detective stories told about her mood of that time.

Darya Dontsova. Photo: Global Look Press

Without complaints or groaning, she began treatment - repeated hardest operations, chemotherapy courses and countless procedures. Stoically endured all the suffering. Instead of complaining about her bitter fate, she began writing her first novel right in the hospital bed - which gave the start to Daria Dontsova's long life as a writer. And the disease, having resisted, gradually backed down and eventually left its victim alone.

By her example, the writer gives hope for recovery to every person suffering from cancer. Having experienced all the torment on herself, having overcome all the circles of hell, she has the right to instruct pessimists: “If you give yourself the instruction that life is not over, it will not end. Yes, you can feel sorry for yourself, but only the first two hours, no more. And then wipe the snot and realize: this is not the end, but there is a long treatment ahead. And it will lead to results. Cancer can be cured. "

Mikhail Zadornov

At present, 69-year-old Mikhail Zadornov is struggling with cancer in an extremely painful way. In 2014, he was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor, according to doctors, deeply embedded in the brain. As the satirist-writer admitted on social networks: “Unfortunately, in the body, a very serious ailment is found, which is characteristic not only of age. It is necessary to treat immediately. " According to media reports, the humorist was made surgery to remove education. The attempt was unsuccessful. Chemotherapy courses followed. Unfortunately, in recent years, the state of health of Mikhail Nikolaevich has deteriorated sharply. Due to the severity of the disease, the satirist was forced to cancel all tours, concerts, but it is known that, despite the acute pains, he continues to work on the script for the film "Once Upon a Time in America, or a Purely Russian Tale."

Mikhail Zadornov. Photo: Global Look Press

German doctors (part of the treatment Zadornov took place in Germany), came to the conclusion that they could not help their patient anymore. And he decided to return to Latvia, to his summer cottage in Jurmala, located on the shores of the Riga Sea. The press wrote that Mikhail Nikolaevich completely refused the services of medicine, since no medical actions bring improvement. It was even reported that he said goodbye to loved ones, primarily to his former wife Velta and current Elena. And yet people who love the legendary wit, believe in him, in the strength of his spirit, hope for a miracle, and thereby prolong the life of the comedian.

Joseph Kobzon

Since 2002, Joseph Kobzon has been overcoming a severe illness. According to the singer, it was then that the disease made itself felt for the first time, manifesting itself first in a feeling of constant malaise and weakness. After the examination, the doctors delivered a verdict: prostate cancer, the prognosis was disappointing. The diagnosis was perceived by the artist as hopeless.

In 2005, Joseph Davydovich made public information that he had oncological disease and confidently declared his imminent death and the desire to spend the remaining days with his family. “I don't have much left,” he stated, “oncology is incurable.” And he made a will. However, Nelly's wife did not share her husband's pessimistic mood and, showing remarkable perseverance, managed to reconfigure him.

Joseph Kobzon. Photo: Global Look Press

Kobzon was operated on more than once and was subjected to radiation and chemotherapy sessions. The first surgical intervention could be fatal - the artist fell into a coma and was in this state for 15 days. The next most difficult surgical operation to remove the tumor took place at a clinic in Germany. However, after such an overload, the body failed: immunity dropped sharply, a blood clot formed in the pulmonary vessels, pneumonia began, an infectious process arose in the kidneys. Later, German surgeons performed a second operation. Having completed successfully, she still gave complications - in the form of fainting, provoked by the developing anemia. In Astana, at the World Forum of Spiritual Culture, the singer fell unconscious right on the stage. After he regained consciousness, he tried to continue his performance, but again lost consciousness, and was recovering already with the help of the ambulance team - the doctors gave him artificial respiration.

Subsequently, Kobzon underwent surgery again, this time in Russia. Then he underwent treatment in various clinics - in particular, in Milan, using all the latest techniques and procedures based on state-of-the-art medical technologies.

As a result, the disease receded. Although the artist's treatment and control of his health continues to this day. “He has such willpower, character and desire for life that he outwitted death,” the doctors said about him. Currently, Joseph Davyzhovich, to the delight of the members of his large family (he has two children: son Andrei, daughter Natalya, as well as five granddaughters and two grandchildren) and fans, remains fully capable, is still optimistic and continues to lead an active creative life.

Boris Korchevnikov

The artist, who became famous for his participation in the series "Kadetstvo", as well as TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov, handing the wheel of the talk show "Live" into the hands of his colleague from a rival channel Andrei Malakhov, admitted in front of the cameras that for two years he has been fighting against a brain tumor.

Boris Korchevnikov. Photo: East News

According to the 35-year-old TV presenter, when he did not yet know what kind of tumor it was and how quickly it was growing, he began to think "about the number of days left before death and the intention to devote them to preparing for death." He also spoke about the complex operation he had undergone to remove a benign mass in the region auditory nerveand partial hearing loss caused by this. Subsequently, the media wrote that it was for this reason that the presenter resigned from the Rossiya channel, but Boris refused this version in his comments. Having switched to work for the Spas TV channel, he claims that overall he feels well. At the same time, he considers that for full recovery it takes much more time, so while it continues to remain under the control of doctors.

Svetlana Kryuchkova

Having celebrated her 65th birthday in June 2015, Svetlana Kryuchkova decided to undergo a medical examination due to her deteriorating health. It revealed a dangerous disease - lung cancer, and in a late stage. Domestic doctors admitted that they are powerless in this situation. As the actress said in one of the TV programs: “I went abroad for treatment, because in Russia they first missed my diagnosis, and then refused to treat. In our country, if the stages of the disease are not the first, they refuse from cancer patients, and there they fight to the end. " And often, as practice shows, it is successful. In any case, for the actress, the treatment in a German clinic turned out to be effective: her state of health improved, which allowed her, after recovery, to start her favorite work and re-enter the BDT stage.

Svetlana Kryuchkova. Photo: East News

The funds for the expensive treatment of the actress, who shone in the films "Big Change" and "Liquidation", were allocated by colleagues in the theater, charitable foundations, and also fans.

According to Svetlana Nikolaevna, the roots of her disease stretch from her youth - from mercury poisoning: she lived for seven years in an apartment located above the warehouse, where a huge amount of this poisonous liquid metal was stored, some of which was spilled. Reflecting on the question: "For what sins did you receive a punishment in the form of oncology?" - the actress replies: "Obviously, for too serene youth."

Vladimir Levkin

Ex-soloist of the group "Na-Na" Vladimir Levkin had to overcome the test of cancer lymphatic system - lymphogranulomatosis. In 2000, when the singer had already begun his solo career, the first signs of a terrible illness appeared: weakness, shortness of breath, loss of hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, then an enlarged lymph node formed. Numerous surveys began to establish the cause of the problems.

When the diagnosis was finally determined, the oncological disease was already in the fourth stage. The deadly phase, according to doctors, did not give any guarantees of survival. It turned out that the disease had been developing for seven years. The first stage of the struggle for life in the clinic under IVs lasted for a year and a half. Vladimir underwent nine courses of chemotherapy, then underwent a complex operation.

Vladimir Levkin. Photo: East News

He was supported by his relatives and closest ones - they called everyone who could provide at least some kind of help, and above all material. However, the then wife of the performer, Oksana Oleshko (dancer, ex-soloist of the "Hi-Fi" group), left her sick husband and filed for divorce - perhaps frightened by a far from bright prospect. This added mental anguish to Vladimir's physical suffering. Rescued books. “I needed to distract myself with something. And I read non-stop, read an unreal number of books during this time. And more letters from fans, ”the vocalist recalled. He said that he began to write himself - prose, poetry, but they turned out to be too painful, therefore, upon leaving the hospital, he burned his creations - he did not want to leave a reminder of that terrible period of his life.

Fortunately, during the struggle with a serious illness, a girl appeared in the singer's life - model and TV presenter Alina Yarovikova, who gave Vladimir her love, provided maximum assistance and, becoming a support in everything, in fact helped a miracle to happen ... The musician managed to get out of the disease. Slowly, but he began to come back to life. “At first it was unbearably difficult to walk,” Levkin said. “I could only take a few steps a day ...” Nevertheless, three months later, the musician began to actively organize concerts. And here happy relationship with Alina gradually faded away.

Some time later, at one of the events, the singer met with the casting director of the series "Interns", actress Marina Ichetovkina, his fan for the period of "hire". The young people were covered by a wave of love, and they decided to enter into an official marriage (for Levkin - the fourth). However, fate continued to test Vladimir's strength: almost immediately after the wedding, it turned out that the disease had given a relapse - ten years later. Marusya was pregnant. “I was expecting the birth of my daughter (the singer also has a daughter from his first marriage - Victoria (1993) and did not consider it necessary to give up, give up,” Levkin recalled.

Vladimir Levkin with his wife Marina and daughter Nika. Photo: Global Look Press

He had a bone marrow transplant operation, which the vocalist went to after completing six New Year's concerts. This time the treatment lasted almost a year. And all this time, the wife was next to her husband, not allowing him to lose heart. They coped with it ... Currently, 50-year-old Vladimir Alexandrovich is quite healthy and happy: in his work - as a producer and director of major events, in the family - as the husband of his loving wife and father of five-year-old daughter Nika.

Yuri Nikolaev

12 years ago, Yuri Nikolaev learned from doctors that he was diagnosed with intestinal cancer, he was 56 years old. “The world seemed to have turned black for me,” he recalled. However, timely, competent treatment made it possible to hope that the disease was defeated, as evidenced by the state of health. But still there were later relapses. And there were new operations and new procedures. But every time the TV presenter found the strength to overcome these ordeals. He believes that the secret of such resilience lies in only one thing: not to fall into despair, and not to allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself. “I strictly forbade myself this weakness and removed any panicky thoughts from my head. It was in such a simple way that he mobilized himself for survival, ”Yuri Alexandrovich once admitted. And the TV presenter is very much supported by faith in the Almighty, since he is a truly churchly person.

Yuri Nikolaev with his wife Eleanor. Photo: Global Look Press

Svetlana Surganova

Rock singer Svetlana Surganova - violinist, vocalist and one of the founders of the Night Snipers group, entered the fight for life in 1997, at the age of 29. The diagnosis of intestinal cancer, made by the doctors, did not bode well. Doubts in a positive outcome were added by the fact that a week and a half after the first operation, during which, according to the artist, she had “cut out half of her intestines,” a second was required - because “inside began to fester”. Then there were wild pains, life on painkillers, weight loss up to 42 kilograms, nightmares, despair. And no encouraging predictions from doctors, except for assurances that they are doing their best.

But the disease clung tightly and did not intend to retreat. Svetlana had to lie down on the operating table several more times. During one of the surgical interventions, clinical death occurred. And in total there were five abdominal operations. "Today, artistic scarring is in fashion," the artist later joked. The last time a scalpel went over Svetlana's stripped belly was in 2005 - the gallbladder was removed and, finally, the discharge tube with a bag, which the singer did not part with for eight long years, was removed. The disease gave up and surrendered.

Svetlana Surganova. Photo: East News

Remembering her experiences, Sveta talked about what, in addition to medicine, helped her to heal. “Most of all I was afraid to become a burden for my family and friends, so I prayed to God to give me the strength to withstand and withstand all trials with dignity. And she gave all sorts of promises: to stop using foul language, to learn foreign languages, to become disciplined ... In addition, she imagined - according to the stories of her grandmother, mother - the Leningrad blockade, I thought: “Since people could survive this, then it would be a sin for me to surrender.” And I also realized very important things: firstly, while you live, you need to behave with dignity; secondly, in no case should one despair and, thirdly, no matter how difficult it is, it is categorically contraindicated to withdraw into oneself and experience the tragedy alone - on the contrary, you need to communicate to the maximum.

And among other things, for herself personally, the singer concluded that the fatal illness was sent to her for a reason, but for some kind of global life breakthrough. As a result, she founded the group "Surganova and Orchestra", which became successful and creates many hits that repeatedly occupy the top lines of the charts.

Vladimir Pozner

TV presenter Vladimir Pozner proved by his example that cancer can be defeated. Doctors diagnosed him with this terrible disease in 1993, when the journalist was 59 years old, and he was in the United States. Having experienced the initial horror from the realization of the collapse of all hopes and the final line of life, even crying, the TV presenter gathered courage, will, and made a decision: not to give up, to resist in spite of everything. "I said to the disease: no, you won't wait!" - he recalled his condition of that period. Subsequently, he advised everyone: you need to fight with your last strength.

Fortunately, the tumor was detected at an early stage. In this connection, over time, another piece of advice from Posner arose: "My example testifies to the fact that if this disease is caught in time and everything is done, it can be overcome, and it will recede." The TV presenter underwent an operation, then underwent the necessary rehabilitation treatment and ... Not immediately, gradually, but Vladimir Vladimirovich's health was restored. And oncology remained in my memory as a bitter, but at the same time rewarding experience.

Vladimir Pozner. Photo: Global Look Press

Reborn, Posner began to lead exclusively healthy image life, keep fit and monitor your health. That gives strength and allows you to still actively do what you love. And, of course, in the process of recovery, as Pozner said, the support of family members (at that time he was married to Ekaterina Mikhailovna Orlova) and friends played a colossal role: “They never stopped believing in my healing, but at the same time they behaved with me as if nothing terrible was happening. "

A longtime friend of the TV journalist, also a journalist and TV presenter - American Phil Donahue, from the very beginning, seeing Posner's bitter despair, said to him: “What are you, fucking saying goodbye to life because of this ?! Yes, half of men your age have the same problem. Stop it. Straighten up, smile, and everything will be fine! " - this is how Vladimir Vladimirovich told.


Singer Shura (real name Alexander Medvedev) managed to recover from lymphogranulomatosis. This ominous disease was preceded by two others: alcohol and drug addiction. What is characteristic: after going through all the circles of hell for long-term treatment, which included, in particular, an operation to remove a testicle and 18 chemotherapies, Shura made a confession that it was drugs, in his opinion, that were responsible for the appearance and development of his oncology. “We all have cancer cells, but they turn on only when immunity is reduced. And I ate drugs, and they completely killed my immunity, ”he said.

The first problem (malignant formation on the testicle) was discovered in the singer, as he told the media, in 2004, and the cancer was in advanced stage. “My jaw really fell to the floor,” Shura said. After that, a difficult five-year medical odyssey began, with procedures aimed at simultaneously getting rid of two diseases. “I was injected with drugs for drugs into one hand through a dropper, and in the other for cancer,” Shura said. The artist was treated first in Moscow, then abroad - in a Swiss clinic. For a year and a half, he had to move to a wheelchair. "I could not walk at all, and even the tremor of my right hand appeared - it was shaking so much that they put a pillow of sand on it at night."

Shura. Photo: East News

And yet Shura conquered the disease and began to recover. So much so that he put on weight up to 120 kilograms, after which he began to rapidly get rid of the excess, and again turned to the doctors - this time about liposuction. As a result, the weight dropped to 70 kg. In an interview, explaining the reason for the formation of obesity, Shura said that during the period when he constantly used drugs, all the money went to them. “I didn't eat anything, I drank only yogurt and vodka; and then, when the body got rid of addiction, it seemed to go nuts, and a mad appetite appeared ”.

Now 41-year-old Shura has completely changed his lifestyle. First, he plans to get married - his beloved, Elizabeth, is organizing festive events. Secondly, he observes a diet, swims, sleeps ten hours a day, and in terms of nutrition, as he says: "I do not harm my health, not only with drugs, but even with fried sausage." And he says: "Now I listen carefully to my body - I realized after the illness how important it is ..."

Valentin Yudashkin

Last fall, 2016, at the Paris Fashion Week, the presentation of the newest collection of Valentin Yudashkin was conducted by his 26-year-old daughter, the art director of the fashion house Galina Maksakova. The 52-year-old fashion designer himself could not attend the show - literally the day before he was urgently hospitalized. Having previously recorded a video message on french, in which he apologized for his forced absence. The media leaked reports about oncology, but there was no official confirmation of this.

Valentin Yudashkin. Photo: East News

Subsequently, the couturier's wife, Marina Yudashkina (nee Patalova), a top manager of the fashion house, made public the information that her husband underwent an urgent kidney surgery in Moscow, after which he underwent the necessary rehabilitation course. A friend of the fashion designer, Maxim Fadeev, who at one time suffered from kidney disease, said: “I know how painful it is. What Valya is experiencing is unbearably painful. " However, despite the pain, Valentin Abramovich continued to do what he loved - right from the hospital ward, he directed the organization of the show.

To date, Yudashkin's health is stable, there is no threat to his life. After recovering, the fashion designer expressed his deep gratitude to the Russian doctors who saved his life, and his main support - family members and close friends.

Cancer is a terrible disease that is very difficult to fight. He is not stopped either by the social or material status of his victim. Money can delay, but not reverse, cancer. Topnews.ru remembers celebrities who died from this deadly disease.

Zhanna Friske, 40 years old
June 15, 2015 at the 41st year of life. In 2014, doctors diagnosed her with a brain tumor. In January 2014, the family and loved ones reported that the tumor was inoperable. The artist was treated first in the USA, then underwent rehabilitation in the Baltic States and continued treatment in China. In recent months, the singer has lived in a country house near Moscow.

Steve Jobs, 56
The ideas of this genius were always ahead of their time. He drove the entire global mobile community crazy and finally gave the world an iPhone 4S. After 3 years of fighting the disease, Steve passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2011.

Marcello Mastroianni, 72 years old
In recent years, the actor was seriously ill. He had pancreatic cancer. Being seriously ill, Mastroianni continued to play. He, being a lover of life, worked until the very end. Before going on stage in the evening, in the morning he underwent chemotherapy.

Linda Bellingham, 66
In 2014, actress and TV personality Linda Bellingham passed away at the age of 66. Linda battled colon cancer, which later spread to the lungs and liver. The disease was diagnosed in July 2013. In early 2014, the actress announced that she no longer intends to continue treatment, and refused the course of chemotherapy. She explained her decision by the fact that she wants to live the rest of the time calmly, without exhausting herself with difficult procedures.

Edith Piaf, 47
In 1961, at the age of 46, Edith Piaf learned that she was terminally ill with liver cancer. Despite the illness, she, overcoming herself, performed. Her last performance on stage took place on March 18, 1963. The audience gave her a standing ovation. Edith Piaf died on October 10, 1963.

Joe Cocker, 70
On December 22, 2014 in Colorado, at the age of 70, the outstanding blues singer Joe Cocker, who became one of the stars of the legendary Woodstock festival, died of lung cancer.

Linda McCartney, 56
In December 1995, Paul McCartney's wife underwent surgery to remove a malignant breast tumor. The cancer seemed to recede. But not for long. In 1998, it turned out that metastases even affected the liver. On April 17, 1998, she became very ill. Heartbroken Paul with his children did not leave his dying wife a step, but the disease turned out to be stronger than feelings. Before the "pearl wedding" - the 30th anniversary of her marriage - she did not live a little less than eleven months, leaving her husband four talented children.

John Walker, 67
John Joseph Mouse was born on November 12, 1943 and was known in the music industry as John Walker, founder of The Walker Brothers. Together with two other team members, Scott and Harry Walker, he rose to fame in the United Kingdom in the 1960s. On May 7, 2011, John Walker died of liver cancer at his home in Los Angeles.

John Lord, 71
On July 16, 2012, John Lord, keyboardist of the legendary rock band Deep Purple, passed away from pancreatic cancer.

Patrick Wayne Swayze, 57
In 1991, Patrick Wayne Swayze was named the "sexiest" man. Patrick single-handedly battled pancreatic cancer, making everyone believe with his positive attitude that he almost won. However, on September 14, 2009, he was gone.

Luciano Pavarotti, 71
The famous trio, Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo and José Carreras, shocked the whole world of classical music and opera. Unfortunately, on September 6, 2007, the trio lost Pavarotti, who died of pancreatic cancer.

Jacqueline Kennedy, 64
In January 1994, Kennedy-Onassis was diagnosed with cancer lymph glands... The family and doctors were optimistic at first. But by April, the cancer had metastasized. Until her death, she did not pretend at all that something was wrong. She died on May 19, 1994.

Dennis Hopper, 74
On May 29, 2010, prostate cancer claimed the life of Hollywood actor Dennis Hopper. He is best known for the films Rebel Without a Cause and The Giant.

Walt Disney, 65
His animated films will stand the test of time. Perhaps he lived too short a life and died on December 15, 1966 from lung cancer, but his ideas continue to live, and the characters have long crossed the boundaries of screens and embodied in theme parks and attractions around the world.

Jean Gabin, 72
The cause of death of the famous French theater and film actor was leukemia.

Juliet Mazina, 73 years old
Juliet Mazina, a faithful companion of the brilliant Federico Fellini, a great actress herself, has created on the screen a reference image of a sad clown, a fragile but determined woman with a crystal clear soul and an open heart. By the end of her life, an avid smoker Mazina was diagnosed with lung cancer. She did not tell anyone about her illness, not even her husband, she refused chemotherapy, was treated at home, in fits and starts, secretly. Continuing to take care of her husband until the last days. She died on March 23, 1994, having survived Federico Fellini by only five months.

Charles Monroe Schultz, 77
The creator of entertaining characters of small comics: Charlie Brown, Snoopy and Woodstock - Charles Monroe Schultz entertained more than one generation of children in weekly newspapers. Comics by the legendary artist, translated into 21 languages \u200b\u200band published in 75 countries. He died on 12 February 2000 while undergoing cancer treatment.

Yves Saint Laurent, 71
In April 2007, the famous designer was diagnosed with brain cancer. Yves Saint Laurent died on June 1, 2008 at the age of 71 in Paris, where he came for treatment. According to newspaper reports, two days before his death, Saint Laurent entered into a same-sex marriage with Pierre Berger.

Bob Marley, 36
In July 1977, Marley was diagnosed with malignant melanoma on the big toe (which appeared there as a result of a football injury). He refused amputation, citing the fear of losing the opportunity to dance. In 1980, the planned American tour was canceled when at one of the first concerts the singer lost consciousness: cancer progressed. Despite intensive treatment, on May 11, 1981, Bob Marley died in a Miami hospital.

Wayne McLaren, 51
The legendary "ad man" Marlborough, a stuntman, model and rodeo rider, became a staunch opponent of smoking propaganda as soon as he was diagnosed with lung cancer. He fought long and hard with his illness, but it turned out to be stronger.

Ray Charles, 73
The iconic American composer and performer, one of the most famous musicians of the 20th century, Ray Charles, died in 2004 at the age of 73. The cause of his death was a long and serious illness, apparently liver cancer, which began to manifest itself back in 2002. According to the recollections of his relatives, in recent months Ray could no longer walk and barely spoke, but every day he came to his own studio, RPM, and did my job.

Gerard Philip, 37 years old
The French theater and film actor has starred in 28 films. In May 1959, Gerard suddenly felt sharp abdominal pains. X-ray showed inflammatory process in the liver. Philip had an operation. But the disease was incurable - liver cancer. Only his wife, Ann, knew about this, and to the end she did not betray herself in any way. Gerard Philip died on November 25, 1959, at the age of thirty-seven.

Audrey Hepburn, 63
In mid-October 1992, Audrey Hepburn was diagnosed with a tumor in the colon. On November 1, 1992, an operation was performed to remove the tumor. The postoperative diagnosis was encouraging; the doctors believed the surgery was done on time. However, three weeks later, the actress was again hospitalized with acute pain in a stomach. Tests showed that tumor cells reclaimed the colon and adjacent tissues. This indicated that the actress had only a few months left to live. She passed away on January 20, 1993.

Anna German, 46 years old
In the early 80s, Anna Herman was diagnosed with cancer - a bone tumor. Knowing this, she went on her last tour - to Australia. When she returned, she went to the hospital, where she underwent three operations. Two months before her death, Anna wrote: “I am happy. I was baptized. I accepted my grandmother's faith. " She died in August 1982.

Hugo Chavez, 58
On March 5, 2013, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez died from complications of cancer. In 2011, he was diagnosed with a cancer in the pelvic region - metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma. The cause of death of Hugo Chavez was complications caused by a course of chemotherapy.

Evgeny Zharikov, 70 years old
The famous Soviet and Russian actor Yevgeny Zharikov, the star of such immortal films as Ivan's Childhood, Three Plus Two, and Born by the Revolution, was seriously ill in the last years of his life. In 2012, he died at the Botkin hospital. Zharikov was sick with cancer.

Anatoly Ravikovich, 75 years old
The actor who played the spineless Khobotov in "The Pokrovskie Gates" did not in any way resemble this character in his life. He was a knight, sharp at his word, a real Petersburg intellectual. Anatoly Ravikovich has changed a lot in the last year: he has lost weight, his vitality was pulled out of him by a disease - oncology.

Bogdan Stupka, 70 years old
The cause of Bogdan Stupka's death was a heart attack against the background of an advanced stage of bone cancer.
“He didn’t like to complain, so very few people knew about it,” said the actor's son Ostap Stupka. - The disease progressed rapidly.

Svyatoslav Belza, 72 years old
On June 3, 2014, music and literary critic, TV presenter Svyatoslav Belza died in Munich after a short stay in a German clinic. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

Lyubov Orlova, 72 years old
Once, when returning home from the scoring of her last film "The Starling and the Lyre", Orlova began to vomit. The doctors of the Kuntsevo hospital, where the famous patient was taken, decided that she had stones in gallbladder, and appointed the day of the operation. However, Orlova did not have any stones. Immediately after the operation, the surgeon called her husband Grigory Aleksandrov and said that Lyubov Petrovna had pancreatic cancer. The diagnosis was hidden from her. She knew nothing and felt much better. One day she even asked me to bring a ballet barre to the ward, with which she was used to starting her every day. Aleksandrov brought the machine, and his dying wife did gymnastics for an hour and a half a day. She moaned in pain, but continued. She died in the Kremlin hospital.

Oleg Yankovsky, 65 years old
In 2008, Oleg Yankovsky started having health problems. The actor turned to a Moscow clinic for help, where he complained about feeling unwell... The survey first showed ischemic disease heart and after a course of treatment, Oleg Ivanovich was sent home. But the pain returned and on the eve of 2009 the actor was hospitalized. He was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis: advanced stage pancreatic cancer.
Oleg Yankovsky went to an expensive German clinic for treatment, which was famous for its experience in the therapeutic treatment of oncological diseases. But the doctors couldn't help it. As a result, the actor interrupted the course of treatment and returned to his homeland. On May 20, 2009, Oleg Yankovsky passed away.

Lyubov Polishchuk, 57 years old
In March 2006, the actress finished filming My Fair Nanny, her last role. Lyubov Grigorievna, who was literally bedridden due to a spinal injury, was diagnosed with an oncological disease - sarcoma. The actress was in unbearable pain. Her condition was so serious that the doctors of the polyclinic, who examined the patient, had to prescribe narcotic analgesics. On November 25, 2006, relatives could not wake up the actress, she fell into a coma and was taken to the hospital. She passed away on November 28, 2006.

Clara Rumyanova, 74 years old
She is known to absolutely everyone who grew up on good Soviet cartoons. The voice of Clara Rumyanova speaks Cheburashka, the Hare from "Well, wait!", The Kid who was friends with Carlson, Little Raccoon, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi - all the cartoons she voiced cannot be listed. In 2004, Rumyanova was recognized as the main "cartoon voice" of all times and peoples. For the 75th anniversary of the actress, a small concert tour was planned in Russia, but all plans were canceled out by the disease - the doctors discovered breast cancer.

Boris Khimichev, 81 years old
Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia Boris Khimichev died on September 14, 2014, in Moscow at the age of 82. The cause of death was inoperable brain cancer. He was diagnosed with this in June 2014. He “burned out” from this disease in two months.

Valentina Tolkunova, 63 years old
Tolkunova has been fighting cancer for several years. In 2009, she had a tumor removed in her brain, had previously undergone a mastectomy, and underwent several courses of chemotherapy. However, in 2010, the disease began to progress dramatically. The singer was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer with metastases in the brain, liver and lungs. Journalists reported that Valentina Vasilievna refused the course of chemotherapy and did not even begin to transfer to the oncology center. Died on March 22, 2010.

Nadezhda Rumyantseva, 77 years old
The actress has suffered from a serious cancer in recent years - brain cancer. She lost a lot of weight, her head ached insanely, she began to faint. And then, at the very end, I could not even walk on my own, moved only in a wheelchair. Nadezhda Vasilievna Rumyantseva died in April 2008, she was 77 years old.

Georg Ots, 55 years old
In his blooming age, Ots contracted brain cancer. Ots fought for his life as much as he could: he underwent eight difficult operations, an amputation of an eye, but practically until the end of his life he continued to work. Six months before his death, before the next operation, he began to sing right in the hospital ward. I could not refuse the women who recognized the great singer in this man, exhausted by the disease. Ots died on September 5, 1975.

Valery Zolotukhin, 71 years old
Valery Zolotukhin died in 2013 from brain cancer. IN the last days his life, the actor was in a consistently serious condition. In order for the body to cope with a serious illness, doctors were forced from time to time to inject the artist into a drug-induced coma. However, on the eve of his death, Zolotukhin's condition worsened especially - the organs began to fail one after another. In the end, the actor's heart stopped. Doctors were powerless in the face of brain cancer literally "devouring" the artist.

Oleg Zhukov, 28 years old
A member of the Disco Crash group in the summer of 2001, during a tour, began to complain of headaches. In August 2001, Oleg was diagnosed with a brain tumor. On September 3, he underwent surgery. Zhukov continued to perform with the group Disco Crash, but in November he stopped touring due to a sharp deterioration in health. Died of a brain tumor on February 9, 2002 at the age of 29.

Ivan Dykhovichny, 61 years old
About the terrible diagnosis - lymph cancer - Dykhovichny knew and in recent months he had been preparing his closest relatives for his death.
“When I was diagnosed with lymph cancer and told that there were three or four years left to live, I thought that, given my age, this is quite a lot. And I also thought that the worst thing is to start feeling sorry for yourself, ”said Dykhovichny in an interview a year before his departure.

Maya Kristalinskaya, 53 years old
The singer had lymphogranulomatosis - cancer of the lymph nodes. Maya fell ill when she was 28 years old. She was treated the best doctors... From time to time she underwent chemotherapy and radiation. The disease was preserved. In 1984, her illness worsened, and she managed to live for another year.

Elena Obraztsova, 75 years old
The greatest singer of our time, Elena Obraztsova, died in January 2015 in a clinic in Germany. Immediately after the death of the prima, no one could accurately name the diagnosis and causes of death of Elena Vasilievna. Only a few hours later was information released that the cause of Obraztsova's death was a serious illness - blood cancer. The immediate cause of death was cardiac arrest, which could not withstand the debilitating treatment.

Nikolay Grinko, 68 years old
By the age of 60, Nikolai Grigorievich had more than a hundred roles. He was given the title of People's Actor. Grinko started to get sick. A strange malaise put him to bed for several days, and then released him. The doctors could not make a diagnosis. Later, the cause was determined - leukemia, blood cancer. He died on April 10, 1989.

Alexander Abdulov, 54 years old
Alexander Abdulov died on January 3, 2008 from lung cancer. The disease was discovered very late, and after the diagnosis was made, the actor lived for only a little over four months.

Mikhail Kozakov, 76 years old
The renowned Russian actor and director Mikhail Kozakov suffered from lung cancer. In the winter of 2010, Israeli doctors found Mikhail Mikhailovich's lung cancer at the final stage. As such this disease modern medicine It cannot cure, but patients go through radiation and chemotherapy to prolong life. Died on April 22, 2011.

Anna Samokhina, 47 years old
In November 2009, Anna's stomach started to hurt. At first, she did not pay attention to it, going to rest in hot India. But at some point, the pain became unbearable, and the actress turned to a gastroenterologist. Having made her an endoscopy, the doctor was horrified. And he made a terrible diagnosis: stomach cancer of the IV degree. Russian and foreign doctors could no longer help at this stage of the disease. The prescribed chemotherapy did not help either. The actress passed away on February 8, 2010.

Oleg Efremov, 72 years old
One of the greatest Russian actors and theater directors, a popular favorite. Heavy smoker. Tried to quit smoking several times, but could not cope with his bad habit... In the last months of his life, Efremov barely moved, sat at rehearsals, connected to a device that ventilated his lungs. And in his hand was a permanent cigarette. Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov died of lung cancer.

Anatoly Solonitsyn, 47 years old
Favorite actor of Tarkovsky. We remember him from the films "Andrei Rublev", "Solaris", "Mirror", "Stalker". Died of lung cancer. The operation did not help.

Rolan Bykov, 68 years old
In 1996 he underwent surgery for lung cancer, and after a couple of years, the disease returned. He felt that he had not done everything in life that he could. Before he died, he told his wife Elena Sanaeva: “I am not afraid to die ... You will not have time to grieve. You will have to finish what I did not have time to. "

Ilya Oleinikov, 65 years old
In July 2012, Oleinikov was diagnosed with lung cancer, the actor underwent a course of chemotherapy. In late October, he was hospitalized from the set to the hospital with pneumonia. After some time, he was put into a state of artificial sleep so that the body could cope with the septic shock acquired after chemotherapy, and was connected to a ventilator. The situation was complicated by serious heart problems, as well as the fact that the actor smoked a lot.
Without regaining consciousness, he died on November 11, 2012 at the age of 66.

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The popularly beloved writer Daria Dontsova at first accepted the first symptoms of the disease with joy - suddenly, as always dreamed of, her breasts began to increase. However, a close friend did not share this joy and sent him to a doctor, who passed a ruthless sentence - the stage is neglected, there are several months left to live, something can be done, but it is pointless. Daria flatly refused to put up with the sentence: three children, husband, mother, mother-in-law, dogs - how can one die here? The treatment was long, painful - 18 operations, chemotherapy, radiation. But Dontsova's attitude was no less important than the treatment - she did not give herself a minute to think about death, she developed a “daily obligatory program of work on herself”. It included very different, at first glance, insignificant things - the main thing is to move, to occupy oneself. It was then, in the hospital, that Daria first began to write, where her first detective novel was born, which marked the beginning of a further successful career. Since then, sports and writing have remained unchanged on the list of mandatory daily activities. And Daria has been the Ambassador of the Together Against Breast Cancer charity program for many years.


The viewers learned about Laima Vaikule's struggle with a terrible disease from the TV broadcast with Oksana Pushkina, which became a revelation for many Russian women. Until then, few of the stars dared to confess so secret and urge women to take care of themselves, to go to the doctor more often. Lyme said that in her case, cancer was found in last stage, a very advanced tumor gave no more than a 20% chance of survival. An operation was urgently performed, then a long recovery process followed.

The singer admitted that she went through several stages - a terrible fear, a desire to hide in a corner and feel sorry for herself, envy of those who are healthy, an understanding of the need to accept the help of loved ones. “Nothing is the same,” says Lyme. - My attitude to many things, to people has changed, I myself and my idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is really important have changed.


The famous "Wolverine" recently revealed that his childhood in Australia made him an ideal candidate for skin cancer, and he never used sunscreen, despite the fact that Australia has a long and strong lead in the number of patients suffering from this disease. Such carelessness left the actor sideways: in 2013, doctors diagnosed him with skin cancer - basal cell carcinoma. Moreover, Jackman's wife literally forced him to go to the doctor - to check a suspicious mole on his nose. As a result, it became clear - cancer, and even on the face! What could be worse for an actor? However, Hugh treated the whole situation with courage and humor - he regularly posted in his social networks photo after procedures with frightening blotches on the nose, did not hesitate to appear in this form at social events and actively urged everyone: “Please, do not be stupid like me. Be sure to check. Every three months I have a check-up. Now this is the norm for me. "


The performer of the role of Miranda, one of the four girlfriends from "Sex and the City", is in many ways like her most famous heroine - for example, the resilience of character. This trait helped her when she found out about her diagnosis - breast cancer. In addition, Cynthia had a positive example before her eyes - her mother successfully overcame the disease when the actress was still a child. This is what saved Cynthia herself - knowing about her genetic predisposition, she was regularly examined, and the tumor was found at an early stage. Nixon did not disclose her illness to almost anyone except her family, and the press learned about everything only a few years later. The experience was reflected in her career as an actress: she later played in a Broadway theatrical production based on the play "Wit" by Margaret Edson, where her heroine, poetry teacher Vivian Biring, also has cancer. For this role, the actress even shaved her head, which caused a lot of hype in the press - many media outlets suggested that the disease had indeed returned.


The wife of the legendary rock musician Ozzy Osbourne was diagnosed with rectal cancer, and given a completely disappointing prognosis - no more than 30% chance of survival, since the tumor had time to metastasize to the lymph nodes. Sharon, known for her cocky disposition and iron character, did not shy away from cancer - surgery and chemotherapy even became part of the reality show "Osborne", the shooting of which Sharon refused to interrupt.

Now Sharon is healthy and even jokes about herself - according to her, instead of hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on plastic surgery, where it was more important to check the "rear", and encourages all women at risk (after 40 years) to regularly do colonoscopy. "Colon cancer develops slowly, it can be detected at an early stage, then you will be saved," Sharon insists. - If nothing hurts, it does not mean that everything is in order. When it hurts, it's too late! "


Svetlana Surganova will probably agree with Sharon, whom a timely colonoscopy could save from many years of torment. Since childhood, Svetlana suffered from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - the body did not absorb even ordinary porridge and bread, she was prescribed the strictest diet. When the choice arose between working in her specialty (pediatrics) and a career in the Night Snipers group, Surganova preferred music. Constant touring, lack of a normal routine and healthy eating aggravated her condition, but the singer ignored the alarming symptoms for a long time until the pain became unbearable. The hospital was diagnosed with cancer of the sigmoid colon, followed by two operations, the doctors were forced to make a hole in the abdominal cavity and bring out the tube and attach a pouch to the stomach, in which they had to go to the toilet for several years. With these pipes, Svetlana bravely continued to perform, tour, participate in photo shoots.

Only recently did the singer get rid of this painful reminder of her illness, but she still monitors her health very carefully: “Now I understand and I want to tell everyone that you need to check your body, despite the unpleasant procedures. Get tested at least once a year, overcome your fear or laziness! The sooner a tumor is found in you, the more hope for recovery. "


The popular singer found out that she had breast cancer in 2005. In the press, this information had the effect of an exploding bomb, arousing a very unhealthy interest - very emaciated, hiding her head under multi-colored scarves, Kylie could not take a step without the annoying attention of the paparazzi. However, neither this, nor the difficult operation and the chemotherapy that followed it did not break the fighting spirit of the miniature Australian beauty.On the contrary, Minogue often talks about how the difficulties she experienced made her stronger and made her look around, think about who was in the same situation and needs help. Kylie organized her own fund to fight breast cancer, constantly participates in charity, actively encourages all women not to forget about the need for constant preventive visits to the doctor so as not to give the disease any chance.


The Oscar-winning Hollywood actor faced a terrible disease at the age of 60 - he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Fortunately, the actor did not neglect preventive examinations, so the tumor was found at an early stage. De Niro underwent a radical prostatectomy, which his colleague Arnold Schwarzenegger once did, and since then, for about 15 years, the actor's illness has not worried. The doctors noted that the recovery period took De Niro very little time, because despite his age, Robert is actively involved in sports, and most importantly, he does not avoid doctors and undergoes all the necessary examinations on time.


American comedian Ben Stiller can be called De Niro's friend in misfortune - he, too, learned about prostate cancer during a routine examination, and does not stop repeating how lucky he was to be vigilant. Ben admits that upon hearing his diagnosis, first he felt fear, and then confusion - it was not clear how to live on, plan shooting, what awaits him: “My doctor talked about the chances of survival, impotence, how the operation will take place and which one is better to choose, and I felt that his voice was moving away and becoming illegible - everything is like in these films, where a guy finds out that he has cancer, but I was not in the movie! "

Fortunately, after a successful operation, the 51-year-old actor continues to successfully act in films and live a normal life. However, there are also changes - Stiller's medical examinations now take place twice as often and actively encourages all men to take the prostate cancer test that saved his life.


The star of "Dexter", one of the most successful TV series in history, also did not escape the sad fate of suddenly hearing about a terrible diagnosis - Hodgkin's lymphoma, cancer of the immune system. Michael was 39 - at the same time his father died of prostate cancer. Hall saw this bad omen, began to think that he was overtaken by karmic retribution for playing the role of a maniac killer. However, wife Jennifer Carpenter did not give up, supporting in the most difficult moments, when the treatment began to change Michael's appearance - he became very emaciated, his eyebrows, hair and eyelashes fell out, his face was swollen.

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