Poured in the heart of the Holy Spirit. Christian love - Dar of the Holy Spirit

Ilchenko Yu.N.


I. Introduction

God is love (Agape), and the motive of everything that he does, comes from love. And God wants us to receive a revelation about it and served people from the love he invested in our hearts. Without it, we are not able to serve people. In the world, the deficit of love and this generates many problems: rejection, hatred, suicide, divorce, mental illness.

II. God's love never ceases

1 Cor.13: 8.Love does not cease, does not end, it does not stop, there will always be to exist. It will not fail, defeat, collapse. It will not weaken, will not lose force, will not go bankrupt.

III. God gives a revelation of love

In.17: 26. God loves us the same love that Jesus loves. In us the power of his love.

Rome.5: 5. When we accept Jesus Christ in our heart, we accept His essence, his love. It is given to everyone.

Ephesus.3: 20. God's love exceeds human understanding, and only God can open the truth about love.

1in.4: 16. We need to know God's love, Believe in it and not rely on feelings.

To do this, it is necessary: \u200b\u200b1) to put the Word of God for 1 bed, it changes our thinking; 2) reflect on the word about love, soak them - it prepares us for the adoption of faith; 3) Act according to the word, to proclaim it (there will be to you that you will say) - we submit our feelings to love. When we start thinking about a person with love, our attitude and actions change. We know God's love to believe and act in love (Gal.5: 6).

IV. The essence of God's love - Agap.

In.3: 16. Love God defeated evil. Agape is an unconditional, perfect God's love. Agape is a choice and solution, not feelings and emotions. Agap is constant, invariable, conscious. She always takes the first step to build relationships. If we are guided by feelings, we are offended, we are wounded, but the power of God's love will protect us because it is based on faith. God gave us capable of love to reflect the attacks of the enemy and win. God's love gives way out, salvation, hope. In.15: 10-11 Agap brings joy.

Matt. 5: 43-46. Agape helps us love enemies. Matthew 10: 36. - The enemy of the oppression can act through our relatives, through the family, but God gives us the power of love to bless them. Only God's love through us will change their lives.

Example Joseph: Although his brothers were betrayed, there was no resentment and vedney in his heart. God was with him, because Joseph was with God. Filled with God's love, he did not allow himself to be offended and did not allow darkness, maliciousness and hatred in his heart.

Gen.50: 30. Joseph allowed God to act and defeat evil good. Forgiveness is the movement and action of God's love. Directions your thoughts in good direction.

When we use love languages \u200b\u200bfor serving people and building relationships, the Lord manifests themselves through us: good words bring life and inspiration (make a list of good words, learn them and practical); Time - this victim of sociability is well-profitable to God (Heb.13: 16); Gifts say that a person is not indifferent to you; Help - good things you serve to people; Touch open hearts, God concerns people through us.

The power of God's love is the greatest strength in the universe, which will never stop and disappear. Therefore, do not allow evil to drive you, but trust God, be filled with his love and let him act through you to serve people to bless and change their lives.


Today we will continue to talk about the royal priesthood. This is such an infinite topic, like the kingdom of God, as God himself, like an endless Love Love. You can talk about it and talk for what? In order for us to absorb the Word of God, so that faith comes to our heart so that we become performers in the word, which we listen, and not just the listeners of this word.

1 Cor.13: 8. "Love never ceases, although the prophecies will cease, the languages \u200b\u200bare smelled, and knowledge will be abolished". Love agape never ceases. Advanced translation of the word "does not cease" - does not end. She cannot end, because God is the love itself - unconditional love that loves, without requiring nothing in return, which does not put any conditions. For our human understanding, this is a difficult topic, in fact, because our relationship is built on the understanding: I am you - you. Our relationship is often built on feelings. We, mostly prevailing "Fillet" (Greek word) - friendly love. This is love for people who like me are pretty, pleasant.

But God tell us about completely different truths. He says that we love our enemies. How can you like your enemies to love your enemies? Human you want not to love, but to kill. But we will see that the Word of God speaks on this topic. Truth makes us free. Only the love of God - "Agape", never ceases, she is infinite, she will not fail, she will not lose their strength, she will not weaken, it does not fail, it will not go bankrupt. What a great force is in God's love.

Relationships in the kingdom of God are built on the relationship of love. Why? Because God himself is always acting from the heart of love, his motive is a motive of love. All to do for us God - he does from love. It looks at us with love, thinks about us with love, comes to us with love. Therefore, in order for us to be, indeed, one with God, it is very important for us to understand God as love. Because God is love, God is Agape, God is unconditional love. For human understanding, it is very difficult, but we believe that the Holy Spirit will give us revelations. His revelations, his truth will bring freedom for us, and freedom will bring blessings and strength to us.

John 17:26 "And I opened your name yours and I will open, yes love, who you loved me, will be in them, and I am in them." If we look closely, we will find that Jesus Christ says that the love that Father loved Jesus Christ, she stays in us. Look at how much God loves us. According to human reasoning, his father should love Jesus anymore. He does everything for her father, he performed perfect will of God, he did everything that was needed, and continues to do. And for what you love? But Jesus says: "I will reveal them your love. The love you loved me, and she will be in them. " In us is the power of God's love. If you accepted Jesus Christ in your heart, together with him you took his essence - his love. God loves each of us the same love he loved Jesus, not at all silent us, and not humiliating us.

Rome. 5: 5. "And hope does not comply, because the love of God poured into the hearts of our Holy Spirit given to us". God's love strengthened into our hearts. Each believer has this great potential of God's love, in each of us who accepted Jesus Christ, is the power of God's love. She had already flowed into your heart, she already had you, we just need to see her, know her, believe in it, release it. Faith acts love. In the spiritual world, everything acts through faith. We can not get anything from God without faith. Without faith, God is impossible to please.

1 John 4:16. "And we learned the love that God has to us, and believed in it." We knew God's love. We always link love with feelings, we have either phileo, or Storge, or Eros, is what we feel. But here it is written that we learned the love that God has to us and believed in it. What do we need to do? We need to know - learn about her, enter the truth of God's love, and believe in it. Therefore, God's love Agape operates in faith, not by flesh. These are not our feelings, it is the power of God, which comes through faith. We need to develop faith in God's love. Faith comes from the hearing of the Word of God.

How do we use the principles of faith? We take the Word of God, put it in the first place, and we look at the Word of God talking about some topic. If we are sick, we take the Word of God, which speaks about healing. If we have a problem with finance or something else, we find a certain word of God, which speaks this topic, and we put this word in the first place. We do not put feelings in the first place, we put the Word of God in the first place. Then we reflect on the Word of God. Why do you need to reflect? When we think, then we are soaked with this Word of God, reflections prepare us to accept faith. Reflections prepare our heart, they prepare us so that we can accept it, and that our heart becomes good soil.


Why was a person blessed? Because he was in the Word of God day and night. He pondered about it, reflected, pondered until this truth was opened for him. This revelation brought him faith, because faith comes from the hearing of the Word of God. And in order for us to believe in God's love, we need to know her - this happens through our reflections.

If you need to know and believe something, for this you need to write the appropriate Scriptures. If we are talking about God's love, there must be appropriate Scriptures about God's love, which we will read and reflect on them. Then our heart will be freed from all sorts of stones, from Turn, from everything that prevents this word to root in us. Our heart will become a good ground for taking the word. Then we need to act in faith, because faith without any deeds. Not only to know, not only to believe in God's love, but also live in God's love.

How do we do it? I remind you of the principle of faith. We make a decision. It all starts with our solution. If you decide to live the life of love, and you think about it, and then begin to act, then your faith begins to act with love. Therefore, we need to update our thinking, we need to confess the Word of God. Do not confess your feelings, because most often, we confess our feelings: "How bad I don't care, I hurt me, as I do not like this man, he annoys me." Saying this, we confess our feelings towards yourself, to this man, not what the Word of God says. As a result, we have what we say, and often you do not even know why you do not like a person.

Sometimes you look at a person, and you think: "What I don't like him, like a normal person? But it seems to you that everything is not in it, and the clothes are not so, and goes wrong, and says wrong, but it laughs as disgusting. " Sometimes we do not even know where it appears in us and why. But if we put the Word of God in the first place, then everything is aligned, everything comes in accordance with the Word of God. Our reflections over the Word of God, change our thinking, and our confession releases faith. There will be you that you will not say. We need to speak with a victory: "Lord, I make a decision to develop faith in love, I take a decision to go to love, think in love, act in love, answer love." Because Jesus lived just such a life. He said: "Cases that I did, you will do". If his life was the life of love, the life of ministry, then each of us should have the same thing. Taking Jesus Christ in his life, together with him we accepted his mission, his plans, his desires. We must have the same feelings (Phil.2: 5).

But our feelings often contradict the feelings of the Word of God. But at first there was a word. You always need to remember what to do at the beginning - the first, second, third step. And so gradually, we enter the fact that God tells us to do. Therefore, you pray, you say, confess, and you reject any kind of egoism. We have a lot of selfishness in all. It is manifested in difficult situations very easily and quickly. While we sit, so cute, kind and fun, but it's worth someone to come on your leg, or say: "Move it, it's my place," it will immediately be seen how you love your neighbor, and that you will tell you in response. We should not be forgetful listeners. We are listening to God's love to believe in it and act according to God's love.

IN modern world A lot of love says. Films, songs, books, novels - This topic is the most frequently discussed, people think about it most often and say. Despite this, love is the biggest deficit on earth. There is a lack of love in the world. Why? Because the whole world lies in evil. Evil is opposite to love. Evil is a sin, hatred, not forgiveness, aggression. The whole world lies in this aggression, in no forgiveness, in hatred. The atmosphere of evil presses for each person, not only on unbelievers. But they are more susceptible to this, because they do not know how to resist it. But it also presses and on us, on believers. We must understand that God gave us the ability to reflect these attacks. And not only reflect, but also to win.

There are many different problems in society. For example, the problem of suicide. Why do people commit suicide? Because they feel unnecessary, rejected, they put a cross on their lives. They think not about what you need, they directly send their thoughts in the direction of life, but in the direction of death. What is the reason? Love shortage. But it is God's love that gives salvation, it is God's love that gives a way out, it is God's love that gives hope. When we accepted Jesus Christ, we took God's love, faith came with this, hope and love.

What other problems are there in the world? Divorces. Families disintegrate. In Russia, every second marriage decays, these are terrible things. This is especially true of young families to thirty years, at this time there are most of all divorces. Why? Because there is no foundation of the family, there is no foundation of love. Love is the strongest reason. If the family is based on love, it will be held and storms and storms, and floods. Everything will stand. We all overcome the power of the one who loved us (ROM.8: 37). We will not be able to overcome these storms in life, these problems, different difficulties, if there is no power of God's love. Therefore, so much divorces.

Also a lot mental diseases. Why? Because all diseases from the nerves, many people are very nervous, mental, very quick-tempered. What do they need to do? Some psychotherapist can give soothing droplets or pills, but will it solve the problem? Does not solve. The condition may calm down for a while, but the root of the problem is the lack of God's love. If there is no love, then the man is nervous, worried, angry. Therefore, we need God's love - Agape, which is unconditional.

It is very difficult for us to believe in unconditional love. We always think that if I have done something to you, then you also have to me. But if you did nothing to me, I don't want to do anything to you. Then I will be offended, insulting. When we do not bring love to God, but simply with our feelings, we are always offended. Because our feelings are infringed, affected. When we go in our feelings, our feelings are very sensitive, we wounded. If you do not look at us, we will offended. But the power of God's love will protect you from the resentment. The love of God is not based on feelings, it is based on faith. And faith makes a decision - to love. She does not wait that someone will love her. Many people sit and wait for who will love them? They say: "There are no love in the church, there is no love, there is no love anywhere, no one loves me." I remember one character from the film, there was such a Panikovsky who constantly complained that his girls did not like, and he had no geese, he had nothing, and his life is so pathetic and unhappy. The enemy wants us to make such miserable and unhappy. But God's love is power. And strong does everything arbitrarily (PR.26: 10). Agape first takes a step towards a person. She does not expect someone to suit you. If in you the love of God, you will come first, you will act, you will be expressed by love, you will serve.

Rome. 5: 8. "But God proves his love for us by the fact that Christ died for us when we were still sinners." God did not expect when he could love us. We often want to love people of pleasant, soft and fluffy, beautiful and wonderful. But God loved us when we were sinners (Rome.5: 8). And it is his love that God won evil. He did not wait, when all people would fix. They cannot be corrected without God's love - this is the most important ingredient in order for humanity to change and corrected. But we accepted God, we accepted the Savior, we took God's love, and therefore our life is changing, and we become different. God's love is a choice, it's neither feelings and not emotions. God loved us, but nowhere is not explained why. He loved us - he did this decision, made this choice. To move along with God, we must take the same solutions.

What else is the advantage of God's love Agape? So, it is not based on feelings, she is constant, she is conscious. All that is based on feelings, it is changeable. Therefore, we can see on TV that some people married it five times, and she got married eight times, and love quickly passed, and then another, third, fourth, to infinity appeared. In fact, it was not love. Love is a state that God gives us. This is what God himself is. Therefore, she is conscious, she chooses to love, it is not based on feelings. Our feelings are changeable, today you feel so, tomorrow is different, and after tomorrow, you do not want to see. Therefore, many people have problems in relations in families. Therefore, he sobbed, she sobally, where everything went, where did you go? You had love, Falio, she is amorphous, she often disappears. But God's love is constant, and our families will then be strong, stable. We need to understand what a great advantage gave us the Lord, pouring our love to our hearts, so that we are permanent, not threw up from side to side.

Focusing on feelings, we can wait, when finally, someone will like me so that I do something good. You can wait, when I want to do something good and good. If you sit and wait, you can never wait, but when you choose, you are the owner of the situation. You make a choice, you make a decision to love other people with God's love, and you do not have to wait. Want to have friends, you should be friendly, must take a step towards (PR.18: 25). When you start thinking about a person with love, it will change your attitude towards him. All your motives are changing from your relationship, and when your motives are changing, you act from the heart of God's Father. Because his motive is love. Good thoughts give birth to a good attitude, good attitude gives rise to good acts.

We talked about five languages \u200b\u200bof love. Someone remembered, what are love languages? Presents. It tells us egocentricity. The first thing we remember is what they did for us. Gifts - we are nice. In the previous ministry, when I spoke about gifts, many people stretched in a smile. Because we are pleased when we give gifts. But everything starts not from gifts.

Firstly, good words. It all begins with good words - with the words of encouragement, inspiration and consolation. The principle "first was the word" did not change. If we want to touch the person, touch His heart to build friendly relationships, we need to tell people good words. There is a shortage of good words in this world. What do we hear around? Negative, gossip, condemnation, criticism, discontent. Very rare people hear kind words. Most often they hear this once a year, when they have a birthday, then you tell you good words, they say what you are good, and you wish you all the wonderful.

We need good words constantly, they create us. "Death and Life in Slavty Language" (PR.18: 22). Good words give life and inspiration. To touch the man of God's love, start talking to the words. It is difficult if we are accustomed to talk negatively, criticize, discuss, it is difficult for us to find good words. I would advise you: "Write a list of good words, and learn this new language for you." How to learn foreign language? Written words, and begin to teach them. And when you learn them, you start practicing them. Drink good words and start practicing them. Maybe at the beginning they will sound awkwardly, the pronunciation is not very good, but gradually you will get used to them to pronounce. So far, we only swear, negative words simply fly out of us. But when you need to say good words, sometimes a person hangs: "Well, what do you say? You are good, you are very good, what else to say? ". Our lexicon must be enriched with good words. For good words to bring good fruits, you need to sow good seeds.

Secondly, time .

Jews 13:16 "Do not forget also beneficial and sociability, because such victims are well-known God." When you pay time not only yourself, but time to someone else is a well-good sacrifice for him, because at this time you build relationships. You are listening to a person, and not only tell him. The problem of believers is that we all know, and as if we are over unbelievers, over people. We say: "They are dark, they lived in the dark, do not know the lights of the Words of God." And as soon as they open their mouths, we immediately fall asleep them by what we know: quotes, tirasids, the scriptures. But in order to spend time with people and build relationships with them, you need to learn to listen to people, show patience, do not interrupt them. This is also not easy for our nature. If we know something, we immediately want to give it out, lay out. But it does not open the hearts of people. Because he may wanted to say something, but in response from the machine gun, you began to schedule the Word of God, and everything was already confused, closed.

Therefore, when we spend time with people, let's learn to listen to them, become good listeners. For a good listener, God will give a good situation, a person will open his problems, needs, and then referring from the mouth of the priest (Mal.2: 7). We, as priests, Gentlemen, we will give the floor from God into this situation. After all, when you sit and listen to a person, at this moment you are also praying and asking: "Lord, what do you want me to tell this person?" You are not talking about what you got into the mind, and you pray and ask: "The Holy Spirit, what kind of word is you need? What would you like to tell him? "

Thirdly, presents . It is wonderful when gifts give us, but God wants to teach us to give gifts to others. Gift - He says. If you give a gift, it means something for a person. We need to remember the birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, anniversary of people, all that happens to them. And when you give a gift, a person sees that you are not indifferent to him, it is your participation in his life. God gave us the biggest gift, he gave us a gift of eternal life. We cannot earn salvation, can not earn it. God for her grace and grace gave us this gift, this gift. Therefore, we must give gifts. The nature of God is to give, and do not require anything in return. Do not require: "I gave you out, and you didn't give me anything. Everything, I will no longer give anything. " Remember that you should act from God's love - Agape, his love is unconditional.

Fourthly help, good deeds . Help helps us establish relationships. When you help a person, you see what you can serve him. Each of us has different dating. What I can do cannot do no other. And the fact that maybe the other, I can not do this. Every thanks by your gift (1Pet. 4:10). Serve, help your gift to others, it will bring a blessing, it will strengthen your relationship with this person. Through this help, the Lord will appear, the Holy Spirit will act. Who is our assistant? Holy Spirit. He gives us what we do not have. The Holy Spirit gives us your gifts. Through relations with the Holy Spirit, we have the fruits of the Holy Spirit. When we serve another person, the Holy Spirit is acting through us and concerns the heart of this person.

Fifth touch . We all know that in some complicated situation, God touched us. It is this touch who opened our heart. All about what we are talking about, and words, and time, and gifts, and help - all this is a touch towards people through us. Why? Because God loves people most. And because of this love, he gave himself so that every believer did not die in him, but had eternal life. Let us love not only in a word, but the business and true.

We said that if we have good thoughts, good words, good deeds and then good feelings will appear and good attitude. Do good always nice. Some people say: "When someone does a bad, it becomes easier for me." While he does not catch any of his anger, irritation, - will not calm down. But this is not the way out that the Lord offers us. Our thoughts affect our decision, the decision affects our actions. Then our feelings and emotions are manifested. We must be rich in every good deed (2k.9: 8). And we will see how much it will be beneficial to influence ourselves how much for us it will be blessed. Helping and loving others, you will feel joy yourself.

When Jesus was born, there was a great joy in heaven. All the heavens were rejoiced, the angels were joined. They rejoiced to this gift, which God made mankind. Therefore, this joy will come to us, and our feelings will be touched upon when we do something for people. We are not starting with feelings, but feelings will also be affected. Because we have a soul, we have feelings, but we begin with a solution, with thought, with the words of God. If we think we think, pray, and from the relationship of love, then we begin and do the appropriate way. Some people think that if they are helping someone, love someone, they will suffer. Perhaps this is due to the past experience. You did someone good, helped, or did something good, wonderful, but in response, this man made you some kind of nastiness or meanness.

I want to advise you to read Mother Teresa's statements. It was great woman God, she served as humiliated and offended layers in India, the poorest and sick people who had no hope, no future.

"People are reasonable, illogical, selfish - all right to forgive them. If you have shown kindness, and people accused you of secret, personal motives, still show kindness. If you have achieved success, you may have many imaginary friends, real enemies, still achieve success. If you are honest and frank, then people will deceive you, still be honest and frank. The fact that you built years can be destroyed overnight, still build. If you have gained serene happiness, everyone will be jealous, still be happy. Good, which you made today, people will take back tomorrow, still create good. Share with people the best that you have, it will never be enough. In the end, you yourself make sure that all this is between you and God. "

All our actions are between us and God. This is Agape, which does not require anything in return. And I like the words of this woman of God. She not only spoke, but also lived such a life. I do not know who else from religious figures was so famous and influencing as Mother Teresa. She was taken by the kings, and presidents, and kings. Why? She did not move with feelings, she moved in the strength of God's love. If we live as she, to do what the Word of God says - to forgive and love, do not give evil for evil, but to defeat the evil good, then there will be completely different life for us, completely different prospects, another influence that will be Give God.

John 15:10."If my commandments keep them, they will be in love with my love, as well as I followed the commandments of my father and stay in his love. Sieu said to you, and my joy will be in you and your joy will be perfect ". Jesus in his life on Earth did not complain: "Father, you why I sent me to this human skin. I got and go with these thanks, which today I scream "Osanna", and tomorrow they want to crucify me. Today I help, heal, I liberate, and the next day they want to kill me. What ungrateful people, what bad ". All that Jesus did, he did with joy. Therefore, what we do, we need to do with joy. We will go, if not weakened (Gal.6: 9). Let us, we will not weaken, making good! Let's, we will receive the joy of what we do. Jesus said: " My joy will be in you, and your joy will be perfect " (In.15: 11). From this we will become happier and better. The power of love is the greatest strength, but for this you need to abandon your egoism, egocentrism.

Matthew 5: 43-46 "You heard that it was said: Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. And I tell you: Love your enemies, bless you curse you, the charity hate you and pray for those who have been offending you and drive you, let you be the sons of your heavenly, for he commands the sun to be ascended over evil and kind and sends the rain on the righteous and unrighteous. For if you love those who love you, what is your reward? Is the sootari do not do the same? "

Jesus tells us, love our enemies. And who are our enemies?

Matthew 10:36 "And the enemies to a person is home." When we come to faith in Jesus Christ, our loved ones usually do not express special joy and delight about this. They say: "Why do you need it? Where did you get? Throw this business faster until you have taken away everything. Everyone will take away, you will stay without Cola, without the court. " But rather, the enemies are not them themselves, and the Spirit that is behind this, the spirit of opposition. When we chose to go against the Spirit of this world, against demons and demons, we chose to go for God, of course, this world reacts. And above all, he reacts through our loved ones and relatives, but we will still love them and bless them, we will pray for them.

Let's look at Joseph from God's Love Father. The story of Joseph is very unusual. First, his close people were betrayed, his brothers. They betrayed and sold it into slavery. Initially, they wanted to kill him, but then they thought that it would be more profitable to sell. What feelings experienced Joseph? What feelings do you feel when people close to you betray you? But on this all bad did not end for Joseph. When he got into the house of Patifara, where he served, God was with Joseph. Why was God with Joseph? Because he was with God, and walked in God's love.

If Joseph did simply like a person who was deceived, wanted to kill, betrayed, what would be in his heart? In his heart, there would be a desire to take revenge, his heart would be filled with hatred and anger. If he lived in such a state, God would not be with Joseph, with Joseph would be a devil. Darkness and malice would fill his heart.

God is God's God, he is Agape. Joseph did not allow anger and hatred to fill his heart, he did not allow himself to succumb to the provocation of the enemy. But if he became angry and build plans, how to take revenge on his brothers, he would lose his spiritual strength, first of all. And when a person loses spiritual forces, he loses and mental strength, and peace of mind. Often, people when there is some kind of problem, begin to spin this problem, think and think. And the more you think, the worse becomes worse. Not that people get worse, and you get worse. Through these thoughts, the devil is starting to influence you. What thoughts, such a person. When you get angry, you begin to hate them, you just pour oil into the fire, and you get worse and worse. And you become devastated, lost. You already have no strength, no joy, nor peace, no future.

Why gave us God Love Agape? To protect us. It's like a shield of faith that is capable of fascinating the hot arrows of the flavored. Whatever the arrow is betrayal, treason, deception, and so on, there are many arrows, but the love of God covers you as a dome, and these hot arrows cannot get into target, they cannot get into your heart. What does the devil seek? Get into your heart. Therefore, the most stored, keep your heart (PR.4: 23). As soon as the poisoned arrows of anger, hatred, not forgiveness, this poison begins to kill you. And you gradually lose your strength, exhale, empty. When you become powerless, the devil is very easy to take you. You can't resist, you have come out of the position in Christ, you entered another position - anger and hatred.

What is the Iosif banner for us? If you look at his life with human eyes, it got worse. Initially, Patifara's wife accused him unfairly, he enters jail. Then in prison again injustice, one, the other, but God was everywhere with Joseph. His heart did not harm me, but was filled with God's love. And the most interesting moment when the brothers came to Joseph. They still did not recognize him. If Joseph was a man who kept anger, he would say: "A, we fell into my hands, well, now I'll see you for everything, now I will arise you a fun life." But Joseph was not like that, he was with God. When the brothers recognized Joseph, they all frightened. They are thoughts differently - evil for evil, betrayal for betrayal.

Genesis 50:19"And Joseph said: Do not be afraid, for I'm afraid of God; Here, you thought against me evil; But God turned it into good to do what now is: to keep the life of the great number of people ". As often happens in life that someone deliberately makes you evil. But God will turn this evil in good, if you are with him. If Joseph wanted to take revenge, and to give an evil to his brothers, God would not have done anything, could not promote him further, because it was not God's Will. But since he allowed God to act, God's love filled him, God himself did everything. God gave him a high position. Why? Joseph walked from faith to faith, from glory to glory.

There are people who make deep in themselves no forgiveness, insult, some pain, it does not allow them to move on God. Because this insult and the pain hold you as anchor. You clung for something, and you can't go further. Therefore, it is so easy to understand, you go to God's love. When you forgive - this is the action of God's love. God gives you the power to forgive, this is not your power. But you make a decision, and God gives you strength. You make a decision, and God with you just like God was with Joseph.

God can act in the most difficult situations. Joseph has preserved love and forgiveness in his heart. Here they are all languages \u200b\u200bof love: he helped him, he did gifts for them, he made all the best for them. And then the Lord touched their hearts. When we give God to God, then people change, because God himself acts.

Now in the modern world there is a lot of maliciousness and hatred. If a person did not give up on the road to someone, did not go, he crashes and no longer just swears, but pulls out a gun and shoots. People in peacetime satisfied shootouts on the roads, because they are ready to kill a person for the fact that he did not go. Hate is always released when a person has a pride. Why did he get angry? His "Ego" was infrounded, his "I", so anger rises so much that a person is ready to shoot, kill, beat, and so on. But God's love protects our hearts, she keeps our heart.

Many situations occur in our lives, but it all depends on how you react. You can also jump out: "You have a gun, and my machine gun. And I will shoot a machine gun. " The enemy will provoke us, will try to bring us out of God's peace, from God's love, but we must keep our heart. I do not allow the arrows of the enemy to hit you, I do not let Arhelm kill you, do not let malice and hatred devastate you. On the contrary, during difficult situations, send your thoughts in good direction. After all, at what direction you will send yourself, there you will be. You can choose feelings and flesh: "My feelings are infringed, he began to call me and insult." But you can choose another way, pray for this person, bless it, associate demons that manifest themselves through it, and not to curse him and not answer him the same.

What does bless? Bless it is not to encourage his actions, but give God to God to act in this man so that God's light came, the salvation of God, to allow God to touch this person and change his life.

EFES.6: 4. "Fathers do not annoy your children." We are very often irritable. Irritability is only the beginning, then it pours out anger. You can say not only fathers, but also do not annoy your children, do not be irritable and annoy others. When we love, we bless our enemies, we are the sons of the Father of Heaven. When we do, as your father comes, then our true nature is manifested, our sovidity is doing us by others, strong. Evil people are always nervous, irritable, dissatisfied, and they themselves suffer from it. Do not allow anger to dwell in you. Fill the love of God, she changes, frees and blesses us, then we are blessing people who are against us. We do not curse, do not do the same, but we bless, redirect our thoughts, our words and actions in the direction of God. And God begins to act.

Ephesians 3:20 "And to the one who actually act in us can make incomparably most of what we ask, or what they think."

I want to tell the story that happened when we recorded one of the albums in the Nightclub Rio. We were looking for a club so that there was worthy equipment, light, sound and so on to record our album on the video. We found the club, agreed, signed an agreement. And when we almost recorded, the director of this club came. He was very angry, and forbade us to record. But we negotiated with him, and at that time people prayed in the hall. God changed his heart, and he said: "Well, write down." But when we all recorded and going to leave, then suddenly huge showcases of this nightclub were collapsed. It was like the way, as during the bypass of Jericho, God's people, the Walls of Jericho collapsed inward, and not as usual. Similarly, it happened with the shop windows of the Club.

It was not just a nightclub, it was a very bad place (as we learned later). Drugs were sold in this place, people disappeared, various gangster disassembly were held. The inhabitants of this house, where the club was located, were afraid even to go to their entrances, because everyone there was always something happened. When the club closed, I read reviews on the Internet, as people were grateful. Before that, they also apply to the police, and to the authorities, but no one did anything, no one could help them. They did not know why he closed. But we know what he closed, because God came there. When the Lord intervened, then everything changed.

So, we all finished and have already arrived in the church, unloaded the equipment. At this time, one of the owners came to the club, one of the main gangsters. When he saw what happened in the club, he was so crowded with anger and hatred that he came here to the church. He asks: "Where is the pastor?". I was just on unloading, and I say: "I am Pastor." And then it suffered him, with him there was another coherent, thickened two times higher and wider than me. He began to threaten me, got his gun: "Yes, I will shoot you, and that only he wanted to do with me. On the flesh, I also washed him to say something in response. When our feelings are visited, we also want to answer somehow. But I prayed, and God told me: "Do not answer his attacks, just silence." And I stood and silent. I think if I answered, the situation would be completely different.

In the midst of this conversation, my wife comes out, Irina Ivanovna, sees this picture and takes the only one correct solution. Suitable, removes the gun in the hands of this bandit, and says: "God loves you." It seems that simple wordsBut in fact, this gangster suddenly crown, lowered his hands. And both of these gangsters silently, as two goose, went to their car, and we stayed standing and watching what the Lord could do. And he can make incomparably more when we make no evil on evil, but to defeat evil good, then God interferes and makes wonders. Wonders that we would never have been able to do.

Later, I learned a lot about this person. Well, that I did not know about him before. Many things, God does not immediately open to us. When we went to this club, we did not know what would happen there. But God always remains true. Therefore, when we are in God's love, the supernatural power of God acts. When we obedient to the Word of God, then our testimony has strength. Indeed, it was the power of God, no one could do it. I don't know what he felt at this moment why he suddenly cried, lowered his gun, and they both went to the car. But we understand that the impossible becomes possible when we release the power of God's love. She surpasses human understanding. God is love, and the power of his love is incurred more than we ask, or what they think.

The Lord wants us to get a revelation, I have been involved, I believed in God's love, and did not move by our strength. Our forces, whatever we be strong, are limited. Our resources whatever they are rich are limited. But God is unreserved, God without restrictions, he is above all restrictions.

Let our life change, our thinking will change. We suffer defeat, because we do not give the place to God, and we ourselves want to take revenge, we want to pay, we ourselves want to do something, even if not clearly, but in thoughts or words. The power of God's love is the greatest strength in the universe ..

Do not allow evil to manage you, do not allow you to control and dictate, how do you live, how do you think how to do you. Let God be God in your life, let God's love move through you, and you will see how something incredible, supernatural starts to happen. Many times in your life I saw God acts when I relied on him.

Joseph was the man with whom God was, and he was with God. God gave him promotion, God gave him growth, incredible success, because his heart was filled with God. Joseph did not allow any anger to enter his heart, no bitterness, no offense. He walked freely, he walked in the power of God's love, and therefore God was able to do what he did through Joseph.

Let's stand up and pray, because we have to practice in our lives what we are talking about. It is one thing to hear what you need to love your enemies and pray for the victims of us, and bless us to chase us. Another thing, really, do it in your life. We need to put the Word of God in the first place and reflect on the Scriptures that are talking about God's love so that they entered our heart. And through this God will clean, release, update and act in our lives.

I want to pray now, and I also invite everyone to the prayer who looks at us live. For God's love there are no distances, there are no restrictions, God's love is limitless. God's love is missing in this world, but we can bring it to people. Many people say: "I have something, there is this, I don't need your God." But we know exactly what they have no love of God. God's love has only God, and without accepting God in his heart, no person can get this God's love.


Dear Lord, we thank you that you teach us, open us our truths. Your truth makes us free from any maliciousness, from any no forgiveness, from any egoism. We renounce everything in the name of Jesus Christ. We make a decision, think of the thoughts of love. We make a decision to act on love, go to love, respond to love. This is what you did here on Earth, Jesus, and we must do and we, as you lived, so we must live.

We pray and believe that through the power of love, our loved ones, our relatives, our colleagues, workers, they recognize you. Your love strength will touch people, and they will open for you, Lord. It is impossible to defeat evil evil, but evil can be defeated by God's love. Evil can be defeated by God's force. For a carnal man, it will not be clear, but for spiritual, understandable. Spirits about everything.

Let the spirit of wisdom and revelation continue to work with us, continues to influence us, continues to act through us. We are here, the Lord to fulfill our will, but to fulfill your will. Thank you, the great God is the God of Love Agape, the God of unconditional love. We worship you, glorify you, because your love saved us. Your love brought you to the cross. Your love took our sins, our diseases, our curses. Your love saved us and made healthy, made blessed and happy. You told us, walk in God's love, to enjoy in God's love. Thank you. Slaving you. Exodus you, Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

And hope does not cover, because the love of God poured into the hearts our spirit of the holy given to us.

Romans 5: 5

Pentecost is repeated in the heart of every believer, when God's love is poured into his heart to the Holy Spirit. Let me offer you a small historical analogy to illustrate it. Pupils of the Lord were very saddened when he died on the cross. They were in a huge depression and experienced a special pain at one thought only about his tragic death and burial in the tomb of Joseph. But after a short expectation and patience, their hope came to life again, as their Lord was saved from the dead, and they saw him as hearing heaven. They again caught fire with a special hope, because their Lord entered the glory in heaven, leaving them a promise that he would come again and give them to participate in his victory. So, the Lord again sowed in their hearts hope so that the time appointed by God they accepted the Holy Spirit, whose divine influence was poured on them, so they were fulfilled by his strength. They became brave. They were no longer ashamed of their hope, but they proclaimed her in the preaching of Peter and other students. They were visited by the Holy Spirit, and now they fearlessly proclaimed the world of Lord Jesus, their "Hope of Glory" ( perev.zagl.) (Colossians 1:27).

Truly, history repeats himself. The story of our Lord is a modity of experiences of all his people. What happened to the firstborn is in one way or another with all children of God. We have an excellent example of this in the first part of the fifth chapter of the Message to the Romans, from where our passage is taken. In the third verse, our grief is mentioned - our torment, the cross, which we carry. Then it says that thanks to our patience and experience at the appointed time there is a blessed hope. We are updated by the life of the resurrection of our Lord and leave our concerns and sorrow. He resurrects us from the grave of our disaster. Then we are experiencing a divine visit to the Holy Spirit and enjoy our Pentecost: "The love of God poured into the hearts of our Holy Spirit given to us." I believe you know what it means, and now enjoy it.

As a result of this visit to the Holy Spirit, our hope becomes clear and confident, so we boldly have witnessed our hope and about the blessed, which is its essence. I hope you have already proven that you are not ashamed of gospel. If not, I hope you do it. Our God visited us in grace and bestowed the Holy Spirit - his special gift for his children. Thanks to the Holy Spirit, we know and feel God's love, and now we can no longer tell others about the fact that the Lord has opened to us. Thus, in a small scale, we have already repeated part of the history of the early church in our own personal history. You will find that not only in this, but in all cases the life of the believer is the life of Christ in miniature. The one who first said: "We will create a person in the image of our" (Genesis 1:26), everything is the same as a model of Christ, making the "new creation" (2 Corinthians 5:17) in the image of his son.

Now let's look at some secrets of our spiritual experience. Mentioned by me above the passage from the fifth chapter of the message to the Romans is similar to the small map of the inner life:

And it's not a sim only, but we praise and sorrows, knowing that patience is happening from the grief, from patience is experienced, from experienced hope, and hope does not comply, because the love of God fade into the hearts our spirit of the holy, given to us.

Romans 5: 3-5

This passage can only understand only those people people who recorded it with capital letters in their hearts. "Be patient from grief," said the apostle. This is not so in the physical world. Usually, it is impatient "from grief", and impatience does not bring the fetus of experience and "blastent," turning into hopelessness. Ask any person who buried the beloved child, lost his wealth or suffered from pain in his body, and he will tell you that the natural result of suffering is that it produces irritation, a riot against God, doubt, disbelief, quit and all sorts of evil. But what a wonderful change occurs when the heart is updated by the Holy Spirit! Then, and only then, "patience takes place from grief."

The one who is not concerned about cannot be patient. Angels cannot be patient because they are unable to suffer. In order for us to have and be patient, we need to be tested, and a big measure of patience can only be gained through a large test measure. You heard about the patience of Job. Where did he learn to him - among his herds, among his camels or being with his children, when did those donated? No, he truly learned him, sitting in the ashes and brave himself as a shard when his heart was burdened by the death of his children. Patience is a pearl, which can be found only in the depths of suffering; Only grace can find it there, lift to the surface and decorate her the neck of faith.

Patience also gives us a personal experience of knowing the nature of God. In other words, the more we transfer and the more you feel loyalty, the more we are convinced of his love and the more realize his wisdom. One who never transferred anything can believe in supporting grace, but he never worried her. You must go to the sea to know the skill of the Divine Cordic, and must be transferred to the storm before you learn His power over the winds and waves. How can we see Jesus in all its strength, if there are no storms that he tame? Our patience makes the experience of the meeting with the truth, with loyalty, with the love and power of our God. We are inclined in patience, and then rising in the joyful experience of heavenly support. What is the wealth of the world can be compared with the wealth of the person gained as a result of the suffering of human experience? Experience teaches.

This is a real school for God's children. I do not think that we will comprehend anything good enough without rugs suffering. Undoubtedly, we mostly knowledgeable in what we experienced on our own experience. This truth should be lifted in us with a rotary gland test, before it can become useful for us. After such experience, no one and nothing can frighten us, because the stigma of the Lord Jesus will stand on our hearts. Thus, patience teaches experiments.

It is quite unusual that then in Scripture it is said that the experience makes hope. It is unusual not in the sense of doubtfulness, for there is no hope brighter than the hope of a believer who knows God's loyalty and love by experience. However, doesn't it seem unusual that the grievous sorrow, these unbearable suffering, these bringing punishment in the end give birth to this particular bright light in us, this morning star of hope, this is the perpetual day of glory? Beloved, the divine chemistry miraculously produces pure gold from the metal, which we considered not anywhere!

The Lord in his grace spreads the bed for his people on the gum of grief, and it is there that we find peace like a Vozous from the book Ruth. He believes a terrible roar of suffering flows. From the foam of the sea of \u200b\u200bsadness, he erects a bright spirit of hope that "does not comply." Consequently, that passage from which our text is taken from is the selected extract from the inner life of the spiritual person. This is a fragment of the mystery of our spiritual life. We must read it with a spiritual understanding.

Our main text for this chapter describes any other as the House of God and the Gate of Heaven. You can see it in the temple of the worship of the Divine Trinity. Read the fifth and sixth poems of the fifth chapter of the Message to the Romans and note that all three identities of the Divine Trinity are mentioned there:

The love of God (God's Father) strengthened into the hearts of our Holy Spirit given to us. For Christ, when we were still week, at a certain time died for wicked,

Blessed three in one! It is necessary to participate the three personalities of the Divine to create a Christian. The trinity is needed to encourage Christian, the Trinity is needed to continue the case of the improvement of a Christian. In order to create the hope of glory in a Christian, it is necessary to participate all three: the god-father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I always like such places in Scripture, bringing us so close to Trinity. They cause me a desire to honor the Divine with the words of the hymn:

Glory to Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit,

As it was first, as it is and how will be forever and eyelids!

How to beautifully be prompted to take a special worship of one true God, One in three faces, and feel the desire of your heart, readily to do it. By faith, we bow together with the sitmons of redeemed before the famous throne and worship the living forever. We fully read it when we think about the unity of the sacred trinity in our salvation! Divine Love is given to us by the Father, manifests itself in the death of the Son and flows into our hearts with the Holy Spirit. Oh, what a feeling of unity with the Triune God! Let us bow the sacred greatness of Jehovah, and, considering our text, let the Holy Spirit teach us to his truths, in order to know the truth, we were able to enter his temple.

In the text it is written: "Hope does not comply, because the love of God pumped into the hearts our spirit of the holy given to us." The apostle developed his thought until he reached the hope of the hope of glory. Having reached this height, he could not say anything about it. A distraught from his main theme, as he often did, he gave us some shining proposals about the hope of the believer.

Initially, he explains the confidence of our hope - that "hope does not comply." Next, he describes the reason for our confidence, which, I hope you enjoy today, for we are convinced that we will never be disappointed in our hope, because God's love strengthened into our hearts with the Holy Spirit. Then he reveals, to which result we come, having a firm hope - we are not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ and are witnessing the world.

Confidence of our hope

Some people do not have hope or have such a hope that could be ashamed to be ashamed. Ask those who denied the validity of the Scriptures, what is their hope for the future. "I will die like a dog," they will answer, "and when I die, then I will come to an end." If I had such a pathetic hope, I would probably not proclaim it all over the world. I would not think about collecting a big audience and tell people: "Friends, rejoice with me, for we will die like cats and dogs." I would never consider such hope a reason for the celebration.

The agnostic does not know anything, and therefore I suppose he does not hope for anything. In this case, I also see no reason for delight. If I had only such hope, I would be ashamed. The best hope of Catholic is that when he dies, in the end, everything will be fine with him, but before that, he will have to undergo purifying purulent flames. I know little about this place, for I can not find a single mention of him in the Holy Scripture. However, those who know him well, because they came up with him and keep the keys from him, describe it as a sad place where even great bishops and cardinals should go. I myself personally heard invitations to ensure that the faithful members of the Church prayed for the eternal rest for the Spirit of one famous Cardinal; If such is the fate of noble people of the church, where will ordinary people go? There is no big superiority in this hope. I do not think that I would collect people in order to tell them: "Rejoice with me, for when we desire, we will all go to purgatory." They would not see any special foundations for joy. I do not think that I would say a lot about it, and if someone had to ask me about it, I would try to get away from the question and declare that it was a deep mystery that would be better to provide the clergy.

We, however, do not be ashamed of our hope. We believe that Christians absent in the body are with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5: 8). We expect the city laid on a solid foundation, the chief architect and the builder of which God himself is (Jews 11:10). We are not ashamed to hope for glory, immortality and eternal life.

Not asimize the object of our hope

Moreover, we are not ashamed of our hope object. We do not believe that heaven is indecent, carnal pleasures. We do not believe in the Islamic paradise of sensual jellies, otherwise we could also be posed of our hope. Whatever images we use, heaven is clean, holy, spiritual and exquisite happiness. False propeller would not consider it a sufficient bait for his followers. However, our hope is that our Lord will come for the second time with all their holy angels, and "then the righteous will reach as the sun, in the kingdom of their father" (Matthew 13:43). We believe that if you desire before this time, we will so much in Jesus and we will be blessed with him. "Now you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43) - not only for the thief, but also for all of us, who has tried their spirit to crucified to the Savior. We expect a glorious resurrection during his second coming. When he comes from heaven with an exclamation, with the Glory of Archangel and the sound of the pipe of God, then our spirits will be returned to our bodies, and we will live with Christ as perfect, updated personalities. We believe and are convinced that since that day we will be with him forever. He will give us the right to share his throne with him, his crown and his heavens - forever and eyelids! The more we talk about the promised bliss, the stronger we feel that I can't be ashamed of this hope of glory.

The final reward of faith, the final award of the life of righteousness is that we rejoice, anticipating it. Our glorious hope includes cleanliness and perfection: freedom from all sin and the presence of all virtues. Our hope is that we will be like our perfect Lord and we will be with Jesus where he is to see His glory. Our hope is performed in this promise: "For I live, and you will live" (John 14:19). We will not just exist, but live, and this is completely different highest level. Our life will be the life of God in our spirit forever and eyelids. We are not ashamed of this hope. We strive to achieve it.

Do not be ashamed of our hope

Our hope is based on the solemn promises of God, which he gave us through his prophets and the apostles and confirmed in the personality of his beloved son. Now, when Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead, we, united with him faith, are confident that we are resurrected from the dead and will live with him. The fact that Christ was resurrected is the assurances for us in the fact that we will be resurrected, and his entry into glory is the key to our glorification, because we have become one with him for God's destination and grace.

We all fell with Adam, because all of humanity was born in it. Similarly, we will be resurrected and we will reign with Christ, because now they are in it. God is not the dead, but alive; He is God Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and therefore these men are still alive. We believe in the same in relation to all who died in faith: that they did not stop existence, but everyone is alive in it. Our hope approved not on reasoning, which may be foggy can prove the immortality of the Spirit and the future award for the righteous. On the contrary, our hope is based on the Word of God, which is clear and understandable to approve the truth about eternal life, without leaving any doubt. If the Bible is a lie, then we must refuse our hope; But since we did not follow the "hit fables" (2 Peter 1:16), but they took the evidence of the right eyewitnesses of the Resurrection and the Ascension of our Lord, we believe the Holy Scripture and do not be ashamed of our hope. The fact that God promised is true, but the fact that God did, fully confirms it. Therefore, we have no fear.

Do not be ashamed that we hope

Someone can tell us with a smirk: "So you expect that you will be in glory, right?" Our answer is: "Yes, we expect it, and do not be ashamed to accept the weakly reasonable accusation that has nominated by you, because our confidence is very reasonable. Our wait is based not just at some proud statement about personal merits, but on the promises of the faithful God. " Let's remember some of these promises. He said: "The believer in me has eternal life" (John 6:47). We truly believe in it, and therefore we know that we have eternal life. In his word, he proclaimed that "who (he) justified, those and glorified" (Romans 8:30). We are justified by faith; Consequently, we will be glorified. Our hope is not based on the senses alone, but on the fact that God promised eternal life to those who believe in his son, Jesus Christ. We heard our Lord prayed: "Father! Which you gave me, I want to where I, and they were with me, but see the glory of my "(John 17:24). We believe that the Father gave us Jesus because we laid our hope for him, and faith is a faithful sign and a symbol of divine election. So, since we are Christ, we expect that we will be with him where he is.

We also read in the Word of the Lord: "So that anyone who believes in him, did not die, but had an eternal life" (John 3:16); Therefore, we are kept for this promise and know that we have eternal life. This is a rather logical argument. Unless this is a mistake that God said that the believer will live forever, we are not in any mistake, waiting for eternal life. However, God's Word is the right one, and we do not be ashamed to keep any approval that rightly arises from it. We dare to believe that God will keep his word given to us and all the rest of the believers.

Not asimize the definiteness of our hope

In addition to this, beloved, we are not ashamed of the absolute certainty that our hope will be fulfilled. We believe that if we are actually justified by faith and have peace with God, we have the hope of glory that will not let us down at the end or towards an end. We do not think that we can turn out to be abandoned and left that we can disappear from the grace of God: "For (he) said:" I will not leave you and not leave you "(Jews 13: 5). We do not expect to stay granted by yourself what will mean our faithful and certain death, but we expect the one who started a good deal in us will make it even until the day of Christ (Philippians 1: 6). We are confident that this hope that created in us will justify this hope at the appointed time performing it. He will retain us throughout a long life if we have to live long, he will save lively in us when we will have time to die, and he will even remember our ashes and ash when they are hidden in the grave. "Who will send us ... from God's love in Christ Jesus, our Lord?" (Romans 8:35, 39). It is written: "Who will believe and be baptized, will be saved" (Mark 16:16). That is how everything will be. Believers "will not die in their way" (Psalm 2:12), or on the way. Did God not say: "And the fear of my imagine in the hearts of them so that they do not retreat from me" (Jeremiah 32:40)? He will not give his children to stumble and fall. He says: "And I give them (my sheep) the life of eternal, and will not die forever; And no one will kidnap them from my hand. "(John 10:28). We will never be deceived if we fully trust Jesus. No one can say: "I tried that the Lord Christ would save me, and he did not save me. I relied on Jesus that he would retain my spiritual life, and he did not save me. " Never. We will not seem to be in our hope.

The cause of this confidence

I introduced you to confidence that gives believers, especially experienced and experienced believers, the complete hope "which does not comply." My second goal is to focus on the reason for this confidence. Why do believers who have good hope rejoice in it?

Love of God

One of the main supports of this hope is God's love. I expect one day I will sit among the angels and see my beloved face. I expect this not because I am some kind of special, or achieved this thanks to special deeds, but simply because of the limitless God's love. I do not care for my love for God, but only in God's love for me. We trust him because he loves us. We are confident that he will fulfill our hope because he loves us too much to bring.

All our hopes are born from God's love and rely on God's love. If it were not for the love of the Father, the greeship will never exist.

If it were not for its limitless love, there would be no victim of concentration. If he had not shown his love in action, the Holy Spirit would not give us life and would not update us. If it were not for his unchanging love, everything is good, which was in us, soon passed. If it were not for his almighty, unchanged, endless love, we would never be able to hope to see the face of the king in all his glory in the distant edge. He loves us and therefore leads, nourishes and asserts us forever. Don't you believe in it all your heart? If this love could have been able to stop at least a moment if she stopped supporting you for a moment, what would happen to you? God's love is the main reason for our hope for him.

The dear believer, pay attention to the fact that the real reason for our confidence is that "God's love strengthened in the hearts of our Holy Spirit." The Holy Spirit is in the heart of every believer, and he makes many of the grace. In addition to all the rest, he strengthens God's love in those hearts where he dwells. Let me illustrate this for example. Imagine that the room was placed richly decorated box filled with precious incenses. This is a wonderful fragrance of hidden in the box. This is an exquisite fragrance, but no one inhabited his fragrance. God's love that comes into the heart of the believer is similar to this rare aroma; It is impossible for her until it is poured. The Holy Spirit takes this box, opens it, then the pleasant fragrance of Divine love expires from it and completely fills the believer. This love penetrates inside, impresses, enters and fills all his nature. When roses make their fragrance, pleasant fragrance fills the entire room. In the same way, when the sincere believer reflects on God's love, inviting the Holy Spirit to help him in this, then these wonderful thoughts fill his mind, memory, imagination, reasoning and emotion. God's love is so comprehensive that it is impossible to limit in some one sense, just as it is impossible to keep the fragrance of incense in a certain narrow space.

Moreover, just as the fragrance delivers a pleasure to the sense of smell, God's love, pouring into the power of the Holy Spirit, overwhelms our emotions with a supernatural sense of grace. All the clothes of the Lord Love are fragrant with Smirny, Aloom and Casia (Psalm 44: 9). What can be compared with God's love? The fact that the eternal and limitless God loved all the humanity that the love of Heaven's father is so strong that he gave to the death of his son is the truth that immediately surprises and brings joy. This is the root from which the flower of perfect joy grows. This is an ivory palace, every inhabitant of which is rejoicing. You can reflect on this love until it sees you and will not capture you; Until your soul becomes similar to "noble chariots" (song. 6:12), before you notice it.

The fragrance of fragrant incense not only saturates the air and delivers the pleasure of all in the room, but also remains there. You can remove incense from the room, but a pleasant fragrance will stay where they were, many more hours. Some smells seem to remain forever. Perhaps yesterday you opened the drawer of the chest and drew attention to the wonderful smell of Lavender, but you did not put a bag there since last year. The smell remains. A few drops of pure spirits will fill a large room with their smell, and it will stay long after the bottle is already tightly closed.

When God's love is included in the heart and flows through the Holy Spirit, which is a great master of art to spread love, she remains in the heart forever. Everything else may stop, but love remains. We may for a moment to forget about God's love in the middle of all the cases of this world, but as soon as the pressure subsides, we will return to our peace. The pleasant fragrance of divine love conquers the disgusting smell of sin and never leaves the heart, who has known his magnificent pleasures.

Let me bring another comparison. God's love, pouring into the heart of the Holy Spirit, is similar to the rain cloud, black and crowded blessings spilling countless silver drops, fertilizing any place that they fall. Binding the living moisture, the drooping plants straighten up and renewed the revival sent from heaven. After a while in the place where the rain shed, gentle couples begins to rise, which is ascended to heaven and forms new clouds. God's love is just as poured into our hearts and saturates our nature until our spirit goes to her; Then this new life Produces flowers of joy and fruit of holiness. Subsequently, our grateful praise crashes like Fimiam, an inquisitive on the satellite of Jehovah in the temple. Love is poured in us and produces back love in our hearts.

And now let's leave these comparisons. The abundant outpouring of God's love in our hearts of the Holy Spirit means that he gives us a special sense of gratitude and accepting this divine love. We heard about her, believed in her and reflect on her. In the end, we are conquered by her greatness. "For God so loved the world, which gave the Son of his only municipal" (John 3:16). Such love is impossible to measure anything. She captures us completely; We are full of surprise and admiration. We are striking her greatness, her uniqueness, her difference, its infinity. It is poured into our hearts.

Then we truly begin to take his love. We exclaim: "He loved me; He gave himself for me. " We begin to feel that God's love was love not only to people in general, but also with love for us specifically, and it just knocks us down. Taking this special love for us, we are ready to dance from joy. Vera sees that it is true, and then we want to "praise him on soniced kimvals" (Psalm 150: 5). Of course, behind this, in turn, the return of love should feel the human heart. "We will love him because he first loved us" (1 John 4:19). Once we doubted his love for us, but now we can no longer succumb to such doubts.

If we were asked three times as Peter: "Do you love me?" (John 21:15), we would answer humbly, but with the deepest feeling: "Lord! You know everything; You know that I love you "(verse 17). "Lord, I would not live, not like you. I would like a thousand times soon I would never be born than not to have love for you. Although I do not love you as it should, and my heart wishes a much greater love for you, I really love you, not only in words, but in practice. You know that this is the case, and I would have sinned against my own conscience, denying it. " That's what it means when God's love is poured into your heart of the Holy Spirit given to them. It means to know her, enjoy her, take it, rejoice in it and undergo her divine influence. May this pleasant fragrance never leaves the depths of your soul!

Christ died for wicked

Next, I want you to pay attention to a particularly pleasant detail, which seemed to the Apostle Paul's amazingly remarkable. He told us that the most influenced him. He said: "For Christ, when we were still weak, at a certain time died for wicked" (Romans 5: 6). Another important detail about which we should think about is that God gave his son to die for wicked. The fact that God loved those who love him that God would love his renewed people, striving for holiness, is really beautiful, but most of all conquers the idea that he loved us when we were not completely good. He loved us even before the foundation of the world. He saw that we were fallen and disappearances, but he was taking loved us, which decided to send his son to die for us. Jesus came not because we were good, we were evil. He gave himself not for our righteousness, but for our sins. What prompted the righteous God to act on love? It was not the superiority of his human creation, which was already at that time or should have come true. It was just the favor of God of love. Love was born from God himself. She was so great in God's Heart,

He saw us, ruined the sin,

However, wondered in no way.

He loved us when we hated him; He loved us when we opposed him when we cursed it when we drove his people and hooling his ways. How is it perfect! Oh, let the Holy Spirit approve this truth in our hearts and will give us to feel its strength! I'm not even able to express the depth of God's love for you, not to mention to pour it into you, but the Holy Spirit can do it, and then you will find yourself so fascinated, so humble and at the same time so full of praise to the Almighty God !

Therefore, the apostle was not satisfied only with a reminder of the immense love of God to us. He also did not want us to forget that Christ died for us. Beloved, the fact that Christ loved us in heaven - this is in itself perfect, but much more excellent is that he came to the ground and was born in Bethlehem. The fact that he lived the life of obedience for us was wonderful, but the fact that he died was the culmination of the sacrifice of love, the top of the mountain of love.

Some attractions of the world are especially impressive when we see them for the first time. We are interested in seeing them again, but then they become ordinary. The victim of Christ on the Cross is superior to human understanding; The more we learn about him, the more you are striking. For a believer, which was saved for two thousand years, the Calvary's victim is still a big miracle than when he first recognized about her. The fact that God himself went to the ground, becoming a man, and in this nature died by the death of the offender, put on the pile of execution, to save us who were his enemies - this is what it would be impossible to believe if they told us Someone who has less authority than God. This is a perfect miracle, and if you allow him to master you if you allow the love of God to strengthen in your heart of the Holy Spirit, you will feel that in comparison with it there is nothing that you should know what to believe or what is worth it. Nothing will never compare with our interest in the Cross of Christ. We can learn many areas of different sciences, but the knowledge of the crucified Savior will still remain the most great of all sciences.

Christ will save us with her life

Then the apostle says that now, when we reconciled with God, the Lord will love us forever. He said it like this: if God loved us when we were his enemies, then he will surely continue to love us now, when we became his friends. If Jesus died for us when we were ruffers, he will not refuse to us now, when God reconciled with us. If he reconciled us with his death, he will certainly be able to save us with his life, and will do it (Romans 5:10). If he died to reconcile the enemies, he will surely save reconciled.

Do you see the whole picture completely? We have many reasons for maintaining our glorious hope, so that we were not ashamed of her. When the Great God himself gives us to feel superior to the greatness of His love, we expel all doubts and fear. Based on the nature of his love, which we saw in the past, we conclude that he could not throw us in the future. How can it be - die for us, and then throw? Is it possible to shed the blood of his heart for our redemption and at the same time allow us to disappear? Can Jesus, designed to the bugger of his own victim of the mother-in-law through death, to show themselves to us - what he does not open for the world, and then, after all this, tell us: "Go from me, damned" (Matthew 25:41 )? It's impossible! It does not change. The main stone of the arch of our hope is the unchanged love of Jesus Christ, who "yesterday and today and forever" (Jews 13: 8). The Holy Spirit poured God's love in Christ Jesus into our hearts in such a way that we are completely confident that nothing can overcome us from her. In the meantime, we are not ignited from her, our hope of glory remains as true as the throne of the eternal.

The apostle also reminds us that "we received now reconciliation" (Romans 5:11). Now we already feel that we are united with God. Through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus, we have peace with God. We love him, our concentrations stopped with him. We enjoy them, we strive to glorify it. This wonderful feeling of reconciliation is sufficient assurance in grace and glory. Hope of glory burns in the golden lamp of the heart, reconciled with God Jesus Christ. Since now we are in complete agreement with God, seeking only to be as he wants, and to do what he wants, we have the earring of heaven, a leaning day. Grace is glory that has not yet blocked. Life in harmony with God is the seed of perfect holiness and perfect happiness. When we are under the rule of holiness, when there is nothing in us, for which we continue to keep, knowing that it goes against the thoughts of our Holy Lord, then we can be sure that he accepted us that we have his life and In the end, we will enter his glory. The one who made his enemies with his sincere friends will not allow this kind thing to be destroyed, and his holy goal - to remain not achieved. Our current pleasure in God is the key to our infinite joy in it. Therefore, we are not ashamed of our hope.

Holy Spirit acting in us

Another thought on this topic. Pay special attention to the fact that the apostle not only mentions God's love and the fact that it flowed into our hearts, but also mentions the divine person through which it was committed. The outpouring of God's love in our hearts was committed by the Holy Spirit given to us. It could only be done by the Holy Spirit. Could you be conquered by God's love as a result of the influence of the devil? Would you be conquered and filled with the breathtaking joy in God's love through the strength of your own fallen human nature? Judge for yourself! People who felt God's love pouring into their hearts can no doubt say: "This is God's finger, the Holy Spirit made it in me." This can only be done by the Holy Spirit. Someone can say: "Thanks to God that I was given a privilege to listen to a strong preaching!" Yes, it could be, but still you could never feel God's love in your heart. Preachers can pour love through preaching, until they cannot pour it into human hearts. Internal nature should be subjected to higher influence than human speoral art.

Perhaps you were alone in our room or walked along the road, when the pleasant fragrance of love penetrated into your heart. Oh, God's love! Stunning, immeasurable, incomprehensible father's love! Oh, how beautiful to feel this love is so much that our soul itself is becoming new fire, and our not having love of nature will light up with love for a great beloved, loving the soul of people! Who can commit such a miracle except the Holy Spirit? And how did we get the Holy Spirit, as not by the gift of God, whose gifts and the vocation "immutable" (Romans 11:29)? God does not give then to take away; His gifts are our forever. If you were given to the Holy Spirit, isn't he the key to God's love?

Does the new covenant describes it as a deposit, the deposit of our heritage? Did not the deposit, is the guarantee that all other conditions will be performed? Would you put the Holy Spirit in the document on the document, which would later be wrong and could not fulfill its purpose? Never! If the Holy Spirit is in you, he is a guarantee of eternal joy. When his divine stay brings grace, followed by fame. When the Holy Spirit comes into a person, he comes to create a monastery. He will stay in us until we are admired to the highest spheres to see the face of our Lord forever.

The result of our faithful hope

This faithful hope produces internal joy. A person who knows that his hopes of glory will never bring him due to the great God of God, whom he tasted, will hear music in the night. Mountains and hills will sing everywhere wherever he went. He will rejoice at "and to praise the hope of God's glory" (Romans 5: 2), especially at the moments of grief. Often, it is at the moments of the strongest suffering that a person may truly feel the deepest consolation, because then God's Love will be in a special way to open in his heart to the Holy Spirit, whose name "Comforter" (John 14:16). Then he knows that correctional rhoda was soothered in the mercy that his losses were sent to Father's love, and his pain and suffering were measured with a good goal. In our suffering, God does not make anything with us, whatever we ourselves wished for themselves if there were so wise and loving like God. Dear friend, you do not need gold to make you happy; You don't even need health to make you rejoicing. If you only learn and feel Divine Love, the sources of pleasure are being explored - you will visit a banquet of special happiness.

Our inner joy carries with them the grace of holy courage in the proclamation of our hope. Christians do not often demonstrate unbelieving the joy of their hope. We do not wear our best form, we are not talking about the joy of staying in serving the Lord, we are not talking about the fee that our Lord will pay at the end of the day. We are silent, as if we are ashamed of our hope. We even complain about the various lifestyles, whereas we have the reason to be the most happy people on God's Earth. I think this is because we rarely experience the outpouring of God's love in our hearts. If within us was the fragrance of God's love, the surrounding would feel it. When you drive past a perfume factory, you immediately catch a pleasant smell. Let non-believers know the fragrance of our joyful hope. Let's take a particularly talking about this to those who most like us over us, for I know from my own experience that some of them are likely to change the fastest of others.

Many times reverently wrote to his unbeliever friend, telling him about his great change and a new joy, and this friend was postponing a letter aside with a smirk or joke. However, by reflection about it, after some time he spoke to himself: "In this, it is possible that there is something. I am alien to the joy that my friend says, and for sure I need in all the joy, which I can only get, for I have been dedicted enough. " Let me tell you that not all unbelieving such fools, which some of them are considered. They know about the problem in their heart and crave to know something better than what this empty world can give them. Therefore, it often happens so that as soon as they find out what is good, they immediately take it. Even if they do not feel hunger in God, I do not know best way Make a person to avail food than to start eating himself. Watching will feel like his mouth moisturizes, and suddenly feel the appetite.

In the parable of the prodigal son, the servants were ordered to bring the best clothes and wear a younger son, put on his finger to his finger and footwear. However, the father did not tell them to make the son there. He said: "We will have and have fun" (Luke 15:23). He knew that when his hungry son would see how others were singing, he would start eating himself. When those who belong to God's family eat and drink in joyful communication and rejoice with the Lord, pouring in Divine Love, the poor hungry brother will want to join you, and it encourages it.

May we enjoy true piety so as to never disagree him and feel shame because of it. So come all who have the hope of glory, and let all people see that you are not ashamed of this hope. Be for those who do not know the joy of God's love by squeezing. In other words, let the pleasant notes of your happy life attract people to Jesus! May the Lord give you to distribute the love he poured into your hearts, and let the fragrance, fragrant in your hearts, will fill your homes, your jobs, your communication and your whole life!


Twice repeated St. John the statement that "God is love" (1in.4: 8,16), - one of the most striking biblical truths. And it is her who most often understood incorrectly. Around this truth, like a barrage of a barley shrub, there were false ideas that hide its true meaning from us, and it's not so easy to get through this intricate. But the grievous mental work required to make the truth is more than rewarded when the authentic meaning of these statements finally falls into the heart of Christian. The climber, who climbed the mountain Ben-Nevis and looking around everything around, standing on her top, does not complain about the severity of the path done.

Truly happy one who, after John, can repeat his words, directly standing in front of the phrase "God is love": "And we learned the love that God has to us" (4:16). Know God's love - here he is heaven on earth! And the New Testament proclaims the knowledge of God's love at all as a special privilege for a few chosen, but as an integral part of the life of an ordinary Christian, unfamiliar only to those who are spiritually unhealthy or suffering from spiritual deformity. Saying that "God's love strengthened in the hearts of our Holy Spirit given to us" (Rom.5: 5), the Apostle Paul does not mean the love of God, as Augustine believed, but the knowledge of God's love aimed at us. And although Paul was not even familiar with the Christians of Rome, to which he applied, he considered to go without saying that this statement is true for them as well as for him.

In the words of Paul, pay attention to three points. First, look at the verb "poured". It is this word that the "outpouring" of the Holy Spirit itself is described in Acts 2: 17-18.33; 10:45; Tit.3: 6. This word implies a free, powerful flow - influx, flood. Therefore, it says that "Love God floodingour hearts". Paul describes not weak or simultaneous experiences here, but deep, exciting all our creatures of feelings.

Secondly, pay attention to the grammatical shape of this verb. It expresses a solid state that appeared as a result of a perfect action. It means that the knowledge of God's love, flooding our hearts one day, fillthey are now - just as one day a flooded valley remains immersed in water. Paul suggests that Roman Christians, like he himself, will live with the joyful and durable consciousness of God's love for them.

And the third moment. This is the outpouring of the knowledge of God's love and there is everyday, the usual ministry of the Holy Spirit, his care about those who take it, - that is, about all truly believers. It is a pity that this aspect of his ministry is paid so little attention. Because of the great perversion, which removes us and makes a pitiful, today Christians are entirely occupied by the extraordinary, exceptional moments of the service of the Holy Spirit, and we simply do not pay attention to his permanent service. We are more interested in the gifts of healing and speaking in languages \u200b\u200b- gifts, which, as Paul pointed out (1 Cor.12: 28-30), not all Christians are given than such gifts of the Holy Spirit, like peace, joy, hope and love, filling hearts Our knowledge of God's love. But the latter is much more important than the first. Turning to the Corinthians who believed that the more speaking in the languages, the more fun, and piously, Paul insisted that without love - without consecration and transformation into the likeness of Christ - the languages \u200b\u200bare not worth anything (1 Cor.13: 1-3).

Paul, undoubtedly, would feel that they need to talk about it today. Sadly, if the desire for the awakening, which we see now in a variety of places, will credit in a dead end created by new Corinthians. Let's not forget the words of Pavel Ephesians about the Holy Spirit: he wished to serve the spirit (described in the message to Romans 5: 5), with increasing force, was deeper and deeperily led them to the knowledge of God's love in Christ. In Nab, the excerpt from the message to Ephesians 3: 14-16, but his meaning is well transmitted: "I stand on the knees before my father ... And I pray that ... He gave you power in his heart and power to his heart, .. In order for you together by the Narrow of God, God's firmly realized that there is a latitude and longitude, the height and depth of the love of Christ, and knew this love, even though she is above all kind of understanding ... ". Awakening means that with God's assistance, the dying church will return to the principles of Christian life, which in the New Testament are described as quite ordinary. This awakening consists not in pursuit of other languages \u200b\u200b(ultimately, it does not matter, we say in languages \u200b\u200bor not), and in the desire to know God's love that the Holy Spirit with even greater force is withdrawn into our hearts. For it is from this that the personal rebirth begins (which is often preceded by the deep work of the soul in relation to sin), it is precisely that a revival in the church is supported and strengthened.

The purpose of this chapter is to reveal the nature of God's love extended to our hearts with the Holy Spirit. To do this, we will focus on the approval of John that God really has love. In other words, the love that God gives people who know and which Christians are rejoiced, there is a revelation of his own heart. This thought will bring us to the very deep secrets of God's natural, who can only comprehend the person, and we will go deeper than you have done to penetrate so far. Looking at God's wisdom, we understood something about his mind; Thinking about God's power, we somehow felt his desk; Speaking of his word, we learned something about his will. Now, reflecting on his love, we will see his heart. We enter the holy land; We need reverence to walk on it without sin.


It is necessary to make two general notes about the words of John.

1. "God is love"- this statement can not be called an exhaustive truth about God, open to us in the Bible.This is not an abstract definition; Rather, from the point of view of the believer, everything is made in it that Scripture tells us about your author. "God is love" - \u200b\u200bthis statement suggests all the rest of the biblical testimony of God. The God, which John talks about, is God, created the world and judged this world by a flood; Calling Abraham and the people who made it, and then punished this people with whom he concluded his covenant, captivity and exile. This is God, who sent his son to save the world. This is God who turned away from the unbeliever Israel and soon after John wrote his messages, destroyed Jerusalem. And this is God who once will judge the world in truth and truth. It is this God, says John, and there is love. It is stupid to oppose these words of John, as some do, "biblical certificate of harsh God's justice. Naively think that God, who has love, cannot at the same time be God, condemning and punishing those who will not obey him, because it is about such God and Says John here.

To avoid the wrong interpretation of the words of the Apostle, consider them together with another two statements, which, by the way, are recorded from the words of Christ himself. First we meet in the Gospel of John: "God is the Spirit" (Ying.4: 24). These are our own words of our Lord, spoken by a woman-Samarian. The second appears at the beginning of the 1st Epistle. John writes: "Here is an evalness that we heard from him and bring you," and claims: "God is light" (1in.1: 5). Words that God is love cannot be broken from these two statements. Let's see what they teach us.

"God exists spirit".Saying this, our Lord sought to remove the idea from the consciousness of the Samaritan that there is only one true place of worship, as if God could be somehow limited in space. "Spirit" is opposite to "flesh", and if a person, being "flesh", can attend only in one place, then God, as the "spirit", is intangible, inexpensively and, therefore, does not know this limit. Therefore, the condition of true worship will not be a place where you are standing in Jerusalem, or Samaria, or somewhere else - and your heart that felt and adopted his revelation. "God is a spirit, and worshiping him must worship in the spirit and truth."

The first of thirty nine poems even more reveals the meaning of God's "Spirituality" (as it is called in books) in a somewhat strange statement that God "without body, without parts and without passion." In these denials, something very affirmative is expressed. There is no god body -so, as we just noted, it is free from any restrictions in time and space, that is, omnipresent. There is no in God parts- This means that the properties inherent in it merge into his personality in perfect integrity, so nothing has never changed in it. He has "no change and shadow of change" (JAK.1: 17), thus, it is free from natural (natural) restrictions and always remains unchanged. There is no god passion- It does not mean that he does not feel anything and therefore impassive or that there is nothing in it, which would fit our emotions and experiences. But if human passions (especially painful, such as fear, suffering, regret, despair) in some sense are passive, involuntary, are caused and suppressed by circumstances, then the corresponding qualities of God are of the nature of the deliberate, voluntary choice and therefore in all completely different from human passions.

So, the love of God, who is the Spirit, is not similar to the non-permanent and ever-changing human love. And this is not a fruitless thirst for something impossible - this is the solution of the whole of God's creature about the favor and the benefits towards us. And this relationship is chosen voluntarily and firmly fixed. In the love of the Almighty God, who has the Spirit, there is no impermanence or changeability. His love "Strike, like death ... Large waters cannot put out love." Nothing can postpone from this love those whom she once opened (Rome.8: 35-39).

But God, who is the Spirit, at the same time and "shine".John proclaimed it, referring to some Christians who lost moral sensitivity and declare that they do not sin. To emphasize your thought, John adds: "And there is no darkness in it." "Light" means holiness and purity, according to God's law; "Darkness" is a moral perversion and the wrongness, determined by the same law (CP. 1in.2: 7-11; 3:10). John argues that only "walking in the world" seeking to be similar to God in holiness and righteousness of life, avoiding everything incompatible with it can have communication with his father and son. The walking "in the darkness", whatever they spoke about themselves, do not know such relationships with God (Art. 6-7).

So, God who has love, first of all there is a light, and therefore it is necessary to leave all sorts of sentimental ideas that his love is all allowing, complacent condescension, far from moral norms. God's love is holy love. God, whom Jesus opened to us is not indifferent to moral issues; This is God, who loved righteousness and hate lawlessness, God,: who wants to see their children "perfect, as the father is ... Heavenly" (MF.5: 48). He will not allow any person to himself, no matter how correctly His convictions were, if he does not seek holiness in his life. And everyone he calls for himself, he subjures harsh tests to achieve this holiness. "For the Lord loves whom he punishes himself; There is any son who takes, .. for use, so that we have to participate in holiness ... Any punishment ... The peaceful fruit of righteousness is reduced across it "(Heb.12: 6-11). God's love is strict, for expresses the holiness of the one who loved and seeks to lead to holiness of the beloved by him. Scripture does not make a reason to think that since God is love, he will reward happiness for those who do not want to strive for holiness, or protects his beloved from trouble, knowing that these troubles are needed for their further sanctification.

Now we need to make a second remark about the words of John.

2. "God is love"- this is an exhaustive truth about God for Christian.Saying "God is light," we mean that God's holiness is expressed in everything he does and says. Similarly, the statement "God is love" means that God's love is manifested in everything he says and does. And knowledge that this is true, there is the highest consolation for a Christian. Being a believer, he finds in the cross of Christ confirmation that he, it is he who personally loves God: "The Son of God loved me and betrayed himself for me"(GAL.2: 20). Knowing this, a Christian applies a promise that a loving God, designed to enjoy everything to promote good (ROM.8: 28). Not only something,note, A. everything!In each event, which happens to believers, God's love is expressed, and everything happens to fulfill God's plan. So, with regard to the Christian, God has love for him - the Holy, Almighty Love - at any moment and in any events of his daily life.

Even if the believer is incomprehensible, why and for which God is exactly so acting in his life, he knows that in front of him is love. He can always rejoice, even if, from everyday point of view, his dear things. He remembers that when the story of his life will be known to him entirely, it turns out that the whole she, as he comes in the hymn, was "grace from beginning to end" - and this is pretty him.


So far, we have tried in general terms to describe God's love, only by approximately showing how and where it acts - but this is not enough. What is its essence? How do we determine it and analyze? In response to this question, the Bible puts forward the concept of God's love, which can be formulated as follows:

God's love - this is the expression of his goodness towards each sinner,from whose well he identified himself and gave his son to become his savior, and now teaches this sinner to learn and love himself, enteringfrom him in the relationship of the covenant.

Let's explain this definition in parts.

1. God's love is the expression of his goodness.Under God's goodness, the Bible implies his universal generosity. Berkhof writes that God's goodness is "then perfection in God, which encourages him with kindness and generosity to treat all his creations. This attachment that God is experiencing to their live creations as such "thanks to this goodness of God's love is the highest and most majestic phenomenon. "Love, in the general sense," said James Orr, is the principle that encourages one moral being to strive for another essence and rejoice in him; It reaches his highest expression in such a personal communication, when one lives the life of another and is joying, giving himself another and getting a flow of response from him. "Such is God's love.

2. God's love is the expression of his goodness relation to the sinner.The essence of God's love itself - goodness and mercy.This is the outpouring of God's kindness, not only undeserved, but also exactly the opposite of our sinfulness. After all, God's love is aimed at reasonable creatures that violated God's law, whose nature is perverted in God's eyes and who deserve only condemnation and final expulsion from his presence. It is amazing that God can love sinners, but it is. God loves creatures that have become so unsightly, that seems to; Loving them is no longer possible. In the objects of his love there is nothing that this love could cause; There is nothing in people that could awaken or attract his love to him. Human love is caused by some kind of quality of his beloved person, but God's love is completely voluntary, does not depend on anything, it is not caused by anything. God loves people because Charles Wesley wrote about it: "He loved us, he loved us, because he wanted to love," and his love would not explain anything other than his own favor. In the Greek-Roman world of New Testament times and did not dream of such love; Their gods often fought lust to earth women, but never flashed with love for sinners. Therefore, the authors of the New Testament had to enter in their dictionary actually new then the Greek word agape (Agape),to describe God's love, what they have learned her.

3. God's love is the expression of his goodness to to eachsinner. This is not a vague, blurry benevolence towards everyone at all and to anyone in particular. On the contrary, since it comes from omniscient omnipotence, then in essence it specifies and its object and its focus. God's purpose in love was decided even to creation (see EP.1: 4); It included, firstly, the election of those whom God wished to bless, and, secondly, the definition of specific gifts of this blessing and those paths that these gifts will be given and used. All this was determined from the very beginning. So, Paul writes Christians in the Fesaloniks: "We should always thank Godfor you, beloved by the Lord's brotherhood that God from the beginning of the consecration of the Spirit and faith the truth (the path through which the blessing is transferred), elected you (choice) to salvation (concrete finite blessing) "(2 FES.2: 13). The expression of God's love for each sinner is the fulfillment of his plan to bless those the most sinners he created in eternity.

4. God's love for sinners suggests that he identifies itselffrom they are well-being.Such identification is found in any love: this is what is checked, love is true or not. If the father remains carefree and happy when the son got into trouble, and the husband indifferently looks at the tears of his wife, the question immediately arises how strong the love between them is. After all, we know that those who truly love, happy only when happy and their loved ones. Also, God in his love for people.

In the previous chapters, we noted that God in everything shows his own glory - to see him, they knew, loved, glorified. This statement is true, but incomplete. It is necessary to admit that having loved people, God voluntarily connected its own higher happiness with their happiness. No wonder the Bible constantly says that God is loving father His people. From the very nature of these relationships it follows that the happiness of God will not be complete, while his beloved will not get rid of all his troubles:

And they redeemed church

Free from sin.

God was happy and without a person, before he was created. He would be happy and further if he destroyed humanity after the fall. But it happened that in his voluntary decision he was loved by some sinners, and now he will not recognize the newly perfect, unlucky happiness until he will lead each of these sinners to heaven. Thus, he forever put his happiness dependent on our. Therefore, God saves not only for his fame, but also for his joy. This largely explains why there is a joy (God's joy) at the Angels of God and at one sinner who enter (LK.15: 10) and why there will be a lot of joy when, on the last day, God will introduce us immaculate in their Holy Presence (Judu.24) . This thought surpasses any reason, and it is almost impossible to believe in it. However, according to Scripture, it is the love of God's love.

5. God's love for sinners is so great that he gave his son to save them.Love is checked by what she gives, and God's love put it in the fact that he gave his son to entered the world as a man and died for sins, that is, became the only mediator who could lead us to God. It is not surprising that Paul calls his love "Great" and superior to any understanding (Eph.2: 4; 3:19)! Where else can you find such inexpressible generosity? Paul proves that this gift in itself is the key to all the remaining gifts: "The one who has not spared his son, but betrayed him for all of us, how doesn't it give to him and everything"? (Rom.8: 32) The authors of the New Testament constantly point to the Cross of Christ as proof of the authenticity and infinity of God's love. So, John immediately after his approval "God is love" continues: "The love of God has discovered that God sent to the world of the only soccer son of his own so that we get life through it. In that love that we were not loved by God, but he loved us and sent his son to the ointment of our sins "(Lin.4: 9-10). Also in its gospel, John writes: "For God was so loved the world, which gave the son of his own only to everyone who believes in him ... had the eternal life." (In 3: 16). And Paul talks about this: "But God has proves his love for us by the fact that Christ died for us when we were still sinners" (Rome.5: 8). And the proof that "the Son of God loved me," he finds that he "betrayed himself for me" (Gal.2: 20).

6. God's love of sinners reaches its goal when leads them to the knowledge of God and connectsfrom Him in the relationship of the covenant.The relationship of the covenant is such a relationship when two sides are forever devote themselves to each other in mutual ministry and dependence (for example, the relationship of spouses in marriage). When concluding the covenant, a promise is given (for example, a promise of marital fidelity). In the biblical religion there is a form of relationship relations with God. For the first time, such relationships were clearly marked, when God appeared to Abram as El Schaddai (God almighty; God, who all seeks) and solemnly gave him the promise of the covenant: "I will be your God" (God.17: 1-7). As Paul says in the message to Galatians 3: 15-17, through faith in Christ, all Christians will inherit this promise (see Art.29). What does it mean? This is truly a comprehensive promise, it includes almost everything. "This is the first and fundamental promise," Puritan SibbS proclaimed. - Truly, in him the life and soul of all promises. " Another Puritanin, Brooks, more thoroughly develops this idea:

"... it's still like if he said: you will be the same as noticeable everything is mine for your own good, as far as it belongs to me for my glory ... My grace, God says, will be yours to forgive you, my The power will be yours to protect you; My wisdom will be yours to guide you, my goodness will be yours to free you from the burden; My grace will be yours to give you everything you need, and my glory will be yours to get off you. This is an extensive promise that God will be our God: it includes everything. Deus Teis Et OMPIA (God is mine and all mine), said Luther. "

"Here is true love for any, - wrote Tilloton, - dofor beloved all the bestwhat we are capable of " That makes God for those who love, is the best thing that he is capable; And the best is the best thing that God is capable of, - His omnipotence! Therefore, faith in Christ introduces us in relationships, abundant innumerable blessings - and now, and in eternity.


Is it true that for me, like a Christian, God is love? So I understand God's love as we just said? If so, some questions arise.

Why am I grumbling, show discontent and take offense on the circumstances in which God put me?

Why do I sometimes feel distrust, fear and depression?

Why sometimes I allow myself to serve God, who loves me so much, not from the heart, cold and formally?

Why is my loyalty not always sent only to God, and he does not belong to all my heart?

John's belief that "God is love," forced him to make an ethical conclusion: "If God loved us so much, then we must love each other" (1in.4: 11). If someone obsesses me from the side, whether he can, for the love, which I exhibit to another - to his wife; to her husband; to the family; to neighbors; To people in my church; To work colleagues - at least to learn something about the great love, which God loved me?

Think about it. Look at yourself.

This woman began to doubt whether she had something somewhere from God or not. I told her:

Sister, look into my eyes and tell me out loud: "I hate my mother-in-law", and then check your spirit inside. The Bible says that God's love strengthened into our hearts, and not in our heads (Rom. 5: 5). When you say: "I hate my mother-in-law," tell me what is happening inside you.

She looked into my eyes and said:

I hate my mother-in-law.

I asked:

What happened inside you?

Inside something is gnawing me, - the woman replied.

I said:

Yes I know. You see, within you there is something that is trying to attract your attention, because the love of God is trying inside you. But you allow your head to take over you. This is the whole problem - in your head, in your mind.

She said:

I think you are right.

I said:

Of course, I'm right. This is the Bible. In the heart you love everyone, isn't it?

Yes, she answered, "I think, yes.

But, - I said, - in my head you allowed it to influence it to you. Now you should allow you to command your heart, not head.

Several evenings later, the wife of this minister invited us with yelling to her home after the evening meeting. She also invited mother and sisters of her husband and their families. Previously, the wife of this minister did not do anything like that, because it was reigning on them.

We went to her home after the ministry and spent a great evening. I remember how she whispered to us with his wife: "You know, I do not feel hate to my husband's relatives, I love them. You were absolutely right - God's love was in my heart all the time. I just allowed the mind to take the top due to what happened in the past. "

The mother-in-law "was also saved and performed by the Spirit, but allowed the feelings to drive themselves. Sometimes, when Mother has one boy, she thinks that in the whole world there is no girl who would come to her son. And sometimes she does not try to hide their feelings that Very often just spoil!

The wife of this minister told me: "You know, I found that my husband's relatives are very cute people. I was completely wrong, and you are absolutely right. The confusion was in my head before your arrival. But the Word of God allowed me to put everything in order. "

Moving Mountain Vera acts love

A woman about which I just told you, and her husband had three children. One child was native (the oldest), and they adopted the remaining two several years later. The youngest adoptive child was a girl. When they took her even a baby, the doctor said: "We examined it, and how much we can judge, she is completely healthy."

The first two and a half years with the child everything was in order. Physically, she seemed completely healthy. But then, somewhere in two and a half years old, she began some attacks. Parents showed her doctor, and then the leading specialist of their region, and he said: "These seizures are epileptic. Your daughter has epilepsy. "

After examining the brain of the child, the doctor said: "I am a specialist in this field of medicine and I am considered one of the leading experts in the United States for this disease. I am engaged only to the treatment of epilepsy and associated with her ailments. For all the years of my medical practice, this is the worst case of epilepsy, with whom I had to face. "

Parents began to give the girl medicines. But the attacks continued, although not so strong, because it was constantly under the influence of drugs. Naturally, the woman wanted her child to be completely healed. Behind the girl began to pray, and the mother stopped giving her medicines - not because someone told her about it, but because his own faith encouraged her to do so. And the child felt excellently.

Passed days without any symptoms of the disease. But one day the mother called us and said: "Brother Haygin, could you come to pray for my daughter with yell. She starts the attack. "

Before the main epileptic seizure We usually happen weak convulsions, and this is what happened with the girl. Therefore, we went home to them.

On the way there, the Lord addressed me and said: "Do not pray for a child. Tell his mother's thing that in the Old Testament, I told Israel: "Serve the Lord, your God ... And I get a disease from you ... The number of days will do complete" "(Ex. 23: 25,26). (The Lord spoke this to the Israelis several times.)

The Lord continued: "Tell her that there is only one commandment in the New Testament. I said: "The commandment is new I give you, but love each other; As I / Love You, so you love each other "" (John 13:34).

"Oh," someone will say, "we should not fulfill the Ten Commandments?" Well, the new commandment is love. And if you love me, then you do not need to say: "Not Licks on Brother Hapigina." If you love me, you will not talk about me a lie. If you love me, you will not steal me.

You see if you live according to the law of love, then you never break any charter, which was given to curb sin. You do not need to worry about any other commandments, because if you go to love, you automatically execute all the commandments. That's just simple;

Jesus also brought other explanations to the new commandment of love.

John 13:35

According to that, everything you know that you are my students if you have love between sob.

John 3:14

We know that we switched from death, because we love the brothers; Without a loving brother dwells in death.

On the way to this woman, Jesus spoke to me through the Holy Spirit: "Tell her that if she is to fulfill my commandment of love in the New Testament, then I will delete the disease from the environment and the number of days will make it complete."

When we arrived at her house, I handed it all these words. I said: "I'm not going to pray at all. Now you go to love. You have already established everyone in relationship with mother-in-law and her husband's sisters and go to love. Therefore, I will not pray, and the child will not be an attack. If you go to love, illness, will no longer. "

While our conversation lasted, the convulsions were released. We stayed in that city for three more weeks, conducting meetings, and we know that the girl no longer had symptoms or hints to the attack.

Before the girl happened the attacks, she looked like a mentally retarded child. Before the disease took possession of it was not observed. During the seizures, its coordination was broken, and the view was absent.

Five years later, when the child was eight or nine years old, we visited their home again and saw this girl again. She was the best student in the classroom. In all subjects she had five. Her eyes shone, she was a lively and full energy.

We asked her mother: "Did she ever repeated the attack?" She said: "No, nothing more like it happened to her. Only once, she began to be convulsions, but I just said: "Oh no, the devil, you can't impose it to my child. I go to love, obeying the word of God. I observe the commandment of love, so God disgashes the disease and the number of our days will be complete. When I said it, convulsions, as a click on my fingers, immediately stopped. "

Praise God, this girl has grown and married, has its own family.

If you do not go to love and do not forgive others, as it commands the word, then it is better for you to start going to love and get rid of obstructions. Faith acts love (see Gal. 5: 6), and love never ceases. When you forgive and stick to good confession, your faith will produce results and move the mountains for you.

Chapter 5.

Faith must be released

The importance of "pronounced" faith

For I truly tell you if someone says this mountain: "Lift and plunge into the sea," and it is not possible in his heart, but it will believe that it will come true. it will be him that will say.

Mark 11:23

Notice, Jesus completed the statement in the Gospel of Mark (11:23) with the words: "... there will be him that will tell me." The fifth, the most important circumstance you should know about faith is that faith needs to release the words of your mouth.

I remember how many years ago I spent a meeting of awakening in the small town of Texas. At that time I had a custom during the meetings for two days a week to fast. I always fastened on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

In this regard, about the post, someone asked me: "Brother Haygin, will you fast? What was your longest post? " I replied: "I never fastened for a long time for longer than three days in a row. You see, during the post you must put some goal, and I have always received the answers within three days. "

But those Tuesdays and Thursdays, which I highlighted during the meetings, were simply days when I fasted not to get specific answers, but to get closer to God. For example, if I eaten dinner, then the next twenty-four hours fasted. I drank water, but did not take food.

Then I went further in God and achieved spiritual progress, fasting twice a week every week. Then, finally, the Lord told me to stop doing it, because, holding meetings with two ministries a day and fasting for two days a week, you will feel strong fatigue after some time.

The Lord spoke to me:

I have more than your life of your fasting, than yours separated for fasting days.

I asked:

Lord, what do you mean by the "life of the post"?

The fact is, "he said that the post would not cause changes in me, because I am the same before the start of your post, during the post and after you finish fasting. I will not change. Your post will not make me change. But, "he said," can, serve what you will constantly keep your flesh under control. " You can all the time to win your flesh and is not all that you want.

Therefore, for years, when you hold most of my meetings, I just eating once a day in the middle of the day, and then sometimes a little snack after the church.

At the time when I fasted on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the meeting, one of these days I almost completely spent in the church building, reading the Bible, having taught on the stage, on the aisles of the hall, praying and expecting God or reflecting on his word.

Quite often, I reread all the Gospel of Mark. For this, no time was required - because there are only sixteen chapters. So I could fully read it

I do not know why, but the gospel of the brand has always been my favorite. I suppose the reason is that this is the Gospel, the 11th chapter, raised me from Odra's illness, when I was a Baptist boy with a practically completely paralyzed body, two serious problems of the heart and an incurable, blood disease.

And once, having stopped knees, I read the gospel of Mark. I reached the 16th chapter, and began to read the end, where Jesus said: "We assumed that these signs will accompany: my name will be cast out demons, will speak new languages; will take snakes; And if that the deadly bother will not hurt them; Hands will be laid on patients, and they will be healthy "(Mar. 16: 17,18).

I stopped reading, rose from my knees and sat on the floor in front of the benches. I began to reflect on the words of Jesus: "We assumed that these signs will accompany ..." I thought about it. I did not think about the Gospel of Mark, chapter 11th this place was then occupied by my mind.

So I sat, reflecting on the gospel of Mark, chapter 16, as a result, I just lay down on the floor and continued to inflate. IN Old Testament Scripture says: "Stop and know that I am God ..." (Ps. 45:11).

Finally, I came to such a fortune when my mind simply calmed down, and at this time inside myself, in the spirit, I heard such words: "You noticed that in the Gospel of Mark (11:23) the word" say "in one way or another The form is repeated three times, and the word "believing" is only once? "

You see, God does not tell your mind and he does not tell your body. God is the Spirit and he communicates with you through your spirit. And you communicate with God through your spirit. To do this, it is enough just to calm your body. In the evening you go to bed, and your body calms down. But your mind can continue to work and work.

But in this case I managed to calm my body, and my mind, and as soon as it happened, the Lord spoke to me. Inside ourselves, in the spirit, I immediately heard the voice of the Lord. It was not like a voice that could be heard ears. I did not hear it with my natural hearing.

But somewhere inside itself - and it was as real as if someone told me physically, - I heard these words. When I heard them, then I remember, I jumped to my feet and said loudly: "No. No, I did not notice it! "

It is impossible to say how many thousand times I quoted the gospel of the brand (11: 23,24). For odds of illness, almost with death, almost all nights, I was delivered to these verses. I spoke them again and again. Therefore, it is impossible to count how many times I quoted these verses, but I never noticed what the Lord told me.

The same can happen to you. Perhaps you are reading some chapters and poems for years, and then one day when they are reading something like jumping from the page, and you begin to see in the word what has not seen before. You feel so stupid and surprised why it was not noticed before.

You see, you can't understand the Bible head. You must get a revelation in the heart. It is for this reason that you have not seen this before - it simply did not get into your spirit.

Therefore, I told the Lord: "No, I did not notice this." I quickly shipped back the pages of the Bible to the Gospel of Mark (11:23) and there I read:

Mark 11:23.

For truly I tell you if someone says this mountain: "Lift and plunge into the sea," and will not get to sleep in his heart, but it will believe that it will come true in the words of him, "he will say to him.

Everything was there. I saw it. The word "say" in various forms is found in this verse three times, but to "believe" Sh Just once.

I told the Lord: "That's right! I have never noticed it before, but this is exactly the way! "

Then, inside, I heard the following words: "My people are mistaken, mainly not in the matter of belief. Their error lies in their proclamation. They were taught to believe, but the faith should be released by the words of your mouth. You can have what you say. "

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