Domestic protein species. Squirrel tamed forest rodent

These cute tiny creatures are in the literal sense of the word "pocket" animals, since they are experiencing deep attachment to their owner. They will be happy to spend the clock with you enough or sleep, loyering into your clothes.

Fluffy folding-refill between the front and rear paws give them a special charm. And such big loving eyes are able to melt the heart of each. That is why volatile proteins are now quite popular as pets.

Flying like a pet

In general, these are very curious and affectionate animals, if we take proper attention to them. At the age of 6-8 weeks of the Lachata are ready to go to new house. Cut them with hands so that they are accustomed to their new family as quickly as possible. The average life expectancy in captivity is 10-12 years old. Reaches very small sizes, weight is only about 200 grams. Squel-flying is a night animal, but because of devotion to the owner is ready to rebuild its natural rhythms to spend as much time with him. In natural conditions, the folds of the skin, which form the semblance of wings, help them quickly move and escape from predators. Their natural enemies are predominantly large owls, less often the cunits and sable.

Purchase fly aged no more than 8 weeks. Cake and wear in the chest pocket of the shirt for several hours a day for at least 2-3 weeks. So they will be accustomed to your voice and smell. Your warmth and care will make them truly manual.

For the first two weeks, we recommend keeping a bobcon in a small plastic carrying. Then you will need a good high and spacious cell at least 60x60x90 cm (width between rods no more than 1.5 cm), and better aviary. The cell must be away from direct sunlight, batteries and drafts. The filler should be changed 1-2 times a week. Letters are required for movement to feel comfortable. After all, in nature from a height of 12 meters, they can jump up to 50 meters away! Secure on different levels A large number of branches, install toys, wheel and hammock for overnight. It is best to use natural materials - cotton, wool wool or ready-made rod baskets. In the wild, these proteins prefer pine, cedar or spruce with abandoned hollows that did the woodpecker. Moss and lichens are used to arrange nests.

It is worth not to forget that they are quite frightening and can bite in case of danger. Therefore, let's communicate with other people, play and feed flying with early age. Then the protein will not attack strangers, protecting you. We would recommend to start two legs at once, as they are social animals and may arise in behavior, because they will be lonely. But this is not such a mandatory rule. Proteins should be spent a lot of time and out of the cell so that they can play and not gain overweight. But do not release them to the street, because they jump on the tree and you lose them.

Features of manual feeding Lachat

Manual feeding is necessary in order to touch the Belchonka as soon as possible. But it is important to treat it with all the responsibility, since incorrect feeding can lead to fatal outcome. If you get flying from a proven breeder, it should already be accustomed to feeding. Previously, it is necessary to prepare a syringe, a mixture (goat milk or substitute) and a napkin. In no case do not feed the baby on the back, he should stand! Show him the tip of the syringe, he will dyate to him. Slowly press on the syringe, stopping every 5-8 seconds to give the bobcon to completely finish with a portion. This is very important because the mixture into the lungs is too fast, and the baby will die for several hours.

The amount of feedings at least 3 times a day with a duration of 6-10 minutes (the total consumption of the mixture of 3-5 syringes). Kids will not eate more than they need. After it is necessary to wipe the face and attribute back to the cage. It is recommended not to play with them for an hour so that they can calmly digest. Puttingled luckers feed on the mixture already 2 times a day with the addition of apples (oranges) and coniferous seeds into the ration. Two weeks later, it is necessary to gradually refuse feeding and go to the main feed, fruits and vegetables.

What to feed a belly-flying?

The food tract of heating is adapted to gross vegetable feeds that contain hardly digestible fiber. It can be fed with fresh twigs of willow, birch, serges of alder, fruit cones, rowan berries, lettuce, cabbage, dandelion, delicate maple shoots, aspen and kidney of deciduous trees. Seeds of ate, cedar and pines, as well as sunflower and pumpkins, are a treat for these animals and a mandatory additive to the daily diet. Be careful when buying in ordinary stores, there should be no salt in the product!

Square-flying (Momong) at home

"Spins as a squirrel in the wheel" - this phrase can be quite accurately characterized by this restless rodent. Recently, people are increasingly thinking about to start at home not just a dog and a cat, but a wild animal. And protein is no exception. With sufficient care and proper attention, the protein becomes a true friend for a person. And when observing this energetic animal, the person himself becomes active and cheerful.

Advantages and disadvantages of proteins like a pet

Protein is a very clever, curious and graceful animal. Her fur coat has an attractive reddish shade, for which is valued most. Squirrel is very trusting and gentle, it is easily tied to a person if it feels good attitude. Proteins are perfectly tamed at free areas, for example, in country houses. If your building is located on the border with the forest, and you regularly attack the feeder of food, the squirrel will return to you again and again, pleased with its presence. Protein is the most clean rodent, after which there is almost no smell. This causes the incredible popularity of protein content in apartments.

Among the negative features of the protein content, it can be noted that the animal may not be adopted. Often, one incorrect movement or gesture leads to the fact that the protein does not recognize the owner in man. Wild proteins can bite, sometimes it is very painful and ruthless. In the period of molting, the protein skin crepes, leading the home is not in a very neat state. One of the difficulties of protein content is their "weakness". Squirrel can also spin even thin metal rods, getting out. And if you have an open window - you will no longer see your favorite. Squirrel is confidently moving and can take away from any floor. In addition, proteins are very poorly multiplied in captivity, and your pet can never bring offspring.

Cage for protein

In order for the protein to be comfortable, it is necessary to buy a spacious cell for it. Height, length and width of the new housing should not be less than half a meter. Otherwise, in such a cramped, the squirrel will inhabit. If there is a bobcon in your house, but there are no cells yet, you can cook for him a mitten or cap. Proteins love a warm place and will certainly settle there. But how to explain to the animal that this mitten is for him? Just put a row saucer with milk.

The cell must be a house or shelter for the animal. It can be wooden or ceramic. Inside, the asylum is certainly old rags, so that Rodent is comfortable and cozy. It is better to split the cage to the upper and lower tier. It will give an animal more space, besides, the squirrel can exercise in the skills of Lazagan, regularly moving around the cage. Between the first and second floor there is a row round hole.

Do not forget to place a feeder and drinkers in the cage. Drinking can be attached to the bar of the cell. Do not use simple cups with water as a drinking bowl - the utensil's briber and will remain without water. The feeders should be two - one for dry feed, the second for fresh vegetables and fruits.

In addition, in the cell of the animal there must be branches, rods, wooden lumps. The squirrel will be able to move on them and sharpen their claws about them. It is really very important. If the claws of the animal do not sharpen, their rapid growth can lead to the fact that the protein will not be able to move, will all be cling.

Do not forget about the wheel for proteins. This is an animal with restless energy and the stock of forces. To at least tire a little rodent and give it the opportunity to throw out this energy, you need to install the wheel in the cell. Choosing this accessory, note that there are no large holes on it - the animal foot can enter it.

In nature, the squirrel feeds on the gifts of the forest - nuts, cones, fruits, berries, mushrooms, grains. In order for the animal to feel good at home, it needs to be secured by balanced nutrition. What feed the animal?

  1. The first thing you can offer the animal without fear are dry grains. In veterinary shops there are special food for rodents. It includes wheat grains, oats, millet, lentils, various beans. Usually a squirrel is enough about 2-3 spoons of dry feed per day.
  2. White can be treated with fresh or dried mushrooms, acorns.
  3. Favorite delicacy for proteins - Pine seeds and ate. In the spring, the animal loves to enjoy young escapes of various shrubs.
  4. Squirrel loves forest berries - strawberry, strawberries, blueberries, blackberry. From fruit you can offer rodent apples, bananas, pears, peaches.
  5. Do not forget to treat animal nuts - they contain a huge number of rodent of trace elements. You can give walnut, cedar and earth nuts.
  6. In nature, the protein can eat eggs of birds, small bugs, lizards and even chicks. For proteins, this source of protein. To fill this drawback, offer the petomice chicken eggs and boiled pieces of meat.
  7. A huge number of vitamins have young kidneys of trees - do not forget to lift the animal in the spring.
  8. Rodent loves sunflower seeds and pumpkins - for proteins it is a special delicacy.
  9. Invite the animal vegetables - cucumber, cabbage, carrots.
  10. In addition to the water, the protein can drink milk or fruit juices.
  11. To avoid avitaminosis in the winter, add a honey droplet to the water.
  12. In addition to milk, the protein loves to be touched by dairy products - cottage cheese and cheese. Among the other "human" treats, the protein especially attracts bread. You can offer animal dry and fresh pieces of white loaf.

All the food you give animal should be safe. No fried foods - even seeds must be raw. An exception is eggs. They are boiled before giving protein, it protects the animal from infections. Consulted with the veterinarian, it is possible to give an animal a multivitamin complex consisting of vitamins A, E and D. One drop per week is usually enough.

Protein can be wild or home. To tame the wild protein is quite difficult - for this you do not need to limit it in space, regularly offer food with your hands. If you handle rodent well, she will understand your intentions, and without fear will take a treat. Here are some features of the content of this amazing animal.

  1. In the spring, the protein begins molting. In females, she passes immediately after the estate, the males a little earlier, but lasts longer. Often, animals change their behavior during this period. Some become aggressive, and other proteins, on the contrary, are sleeping almost all the time. So that the Pooh proteins did not fly throughout the apartment, you need to comb freeze. However, this is suitable for domestic protein - Wildlife will not give you. Carefully read the animal fur coat, avoiding head and abdomen area. With the right approach, you are not only eliminating the animal from an unnecessary gun, but also deliver a pleasure to the protein.
  2. If you hold the cage with animals on the balcony or open plot, do not forget to make a roof from rain above the cage.
  3. Animals in captivity live longer. This is due to good nutrition and the treatment of diseases arising. Protein lives around 16-18 years old.
  4. Clean the animal cage regularly. To make the belchonokok, close all the windows and doors, and then release the animal into the room. After cleaning, do not drive the rodent inside the cell - you still can not catch it. When the baby is hungry, he will enter the cage himself.
  5. Constantly communicate with a protein, because she quickly forgets everything. For several days of your absence - and contact will have to be installed again.
  6. Diseases of protein are similar to hamsters - with any ailment or change in behavior, contact the veterinarian.

Protein is a very smart animal. She understands how you treat it. You can keep in a cell only a pet who was born and grew into captivity. It is not worth drivening a wild protein into a cage - it is difficult to tame it, it will bite and, in the end, will die without freedom.

Protein is the most charming, movable and cheerful animal that can live in your house. Proteins are eagerly tamed with patient and good-natured people. If Belchonok appeared in your house - be prudent. Patience, time, love and care will give you the most affectionate and reliable friend-rodent.

Video: Breastfall Care

By appearance Proteins can be concluded that these cute, affectionate and playful animals are just charm, but if they have a good idea, it will certainly become a good idea. However, the home protein requires special care, which is far from every breeder. The content of home protein is not a simple and the owner needs to make a lot of effort to ensure the animal of proper care.

Character of protein

According to statistical data, 90% of proteins are completely not created for home content, and in the end, almost in any case, it is harmful to its owner, it is only a matter of time. But after all, in the remaining 10% of cases, tame the protein in more fully, but it is necessary to do it in a very young age.

Fluffy pets sometimes change the hormonal background, so they are subject to the change of mood and can easily show aggression, to all who interfere with them. Even more such drops they are subject to closed space.

A few words about protein

If you decide to start a squirrel at home, then be prepared for the fact that it will begin to host in your apartment, and sometimes it can be aggressively behaved in relation to other cohabitants.

You also need to be ready for unpleasant odors that will come from the housing of your pet, so cleaning should be carried out very often. Another negative feature is a year-round molding of home protein, so people with allergic reactions Such a pet is clearly not suitable.
Despite all the frightening parties, the protein can become a real favorite in the family, and it may even respond to the name or on the sounds that she often hears.

Place for housing

For housing, home protein is best suited a solid cell with dimensions of 0.6x0.6 m, and a height of at least one and a half meters. Some owners prefer to redo their loggia or a balcony under the housing for a pet, so that the protein is as comfortable and spacious as possible.

The presence of a wheel for home protein is optional, in most cases it is put to the protein to be subjected excess weight. But the presence of a nest for the favorite is necessary. For its construction, it is possible to use a cardboard box.

If children live in the apartment, the content of homemade proteins is extremely not recommended, since the animal can bring harm to a small child.

Features of feeding

For his favorite pet, you will have to spend decently, since the question is - than feeding the homemade protein, is relevant to many potential owners. Proteins prefer walnut, forest, as well as cedar nuts, pumpkin seeds, vegetables, chestnuts, dry mushrooms and fruits. But as for the cashew, because of its arrogant fatness, nuts are not suitable, and almonds are generally contraindicated.
Feeding is carried out twice: in the morning and in the evening. It is important not to reconnect the pet, because the protein may obesity with the further death of the animal. One portion of the delicacies should be 40 - 45.

Remember! The home protein is inclined to obesity, which adversely affects health and eventually can lead to the death of a pet!

The whole feed intended for a pet, in no case cannot be frying, and even more so saline. All nuts should be given exclusively in the shell. If you do not comply with the right diet of home proteins, the animal can get very sick, and later such feeding can cause a fatal outcome.

Live period in protein

In the natural medium, proteins own a certain territory, which is constantly tagging, and if a stranger hit them, they seek to immediately drive not the last guest. Domestic protein is not an exception in this matter, natural instincts are not blocked in animals even in captivity. Consequently, some difficulties may arise in the selection of a partner for proteins.

You can reduce protein for reproduction after the first year of life, and it is desirable that the individuals are about one age. If your pet for a long time I lived alone, you follow a couple of weeks to put a partner into a cage on the contrary so that the proteins are used to each other, and only then place them in one place.

For female individuals who are in position, mineral salts should be introduced into the feed, and add vitamins. During this period, the female will not damage bone flour and cottage cheese, which the owner should be added to the feed. For about a couple of weeks before delivery, you need to supply a cage with a dupel, on the bottom, to which the hay is located. After the appearance of kids, the squirrel is there will place its nest.

The female lays toddlers for 35 days, after which they appear in the amount of from 2 to 12 individuals. Immediately before childbirth, the future mother can be aggressively guided by his partner, so the male is better to remove in another housing. In the case of a cool microclimate, it is necessary to put the heater so that the young does not froze.

So that your pet is not subject to stress, it is necessary to behave before childbirth, it is extremely careful, once again not to make noise, and do not include a sharp light. Sometimes you can cover the cage with a pregnant female with a black cloth so that it is less than the external stimuli.

Your home squirrel will feed young individuals with their milk. But in the case of its shortage, it will be necessary to carry out lures. There are two options: 200 ml of cow's milk in which you need to add 2 tbsp. Spoons of burst from oatmeal, or condensed milk, dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 2.

Both supplements need to be brought to a boil, and give cool to room temperature. If the female refused to feed the kids, you need to feed them every 2-3 hours, increasing the intervals. It should be given at no more than half of the pipette.

Question price

It is worth a home protein depending on the time of year and your location from 10 to 15 thousand rubles. But there is no guarantee that the animal you bought will be calm and affectionate. Some sellers are asking for no 3 to 5 thousand, but this is unlikely to be manual proteins divorced in nurseries.

In natural habitat conditions, the average life expectancy of proteins is 4 years. However, protein at home can live much longer, it is usually from 8 to 10 years, and in rare cases and up to 16. This is all due to the constant presence of feed, and the correct conditions that the owner created for it.

Undoubtedly, to watch how this wonderful animal is very interesting, and absolutely everyone will have to taste. If you manage to tame your pet, then for a long time will only please you.

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The appearance of these animals in apartments occurs, as a rule, in two ways. The first, this is when people are thoughtlessly and, who spare an animal, as a rule, it is a Belchonok, take it to her home, without having a place for its content and possessing scant information about his needs. The second, it is a deliberate and "planned" establishment of such an animal at home, for example, after buying it in belly nursery.

The life expectancy of the protein of the ordinary in captivity is 7 - 10 years, good conditions Contents and feeding.

Faster everyone and easier all adapt to the new setting of young animals, most of them forget about their former habitat per day. Female males acquired in the marriage, adapt in the apartment for 2 to 3 days, the females will need more time for this, sometimes up to 2 weeks.

Before you start a squirrel in the house or already, after you brought her to your apartment, she needs to create the right conditions of detention so that the animal felt good.

Proteins Very movable and playful animals, they can run and climb clock. Therefore, as far as it is comfortable to live home depends in many respects from the size of its new dwelling. The best thing that can be suggested by it is a high-voltage made of metal grid, its minimum size is a height of 100 cm, length and width - 50 cm. If it is on the street or balcony, it must necessarily be covered with a gable roof from tin. Housing for proteins should be in place without drafts, heating and noise. In the aviary there should be a nest - like those who protein build themselves in the wild, but a birdhouse is also suitable. Also there should be one large or several little branches, whatever the animal can run on them and complete claws, skimming, barbecues and shelves, on which the animal will sit.

Most difficult period In the domestic life, the protein comes during a molting, which occurs 2 times a year. Some animals become sluggish, single, others, on the contrary, are activated or behaved as usual. Spring molting in ordinary proteins occurs immediately after flow. The males of the link begins earlier and is delayed until the middle of the summer. The females are linked later by males, but more intense, it ends on the birth of the belch.

For the owners of the animal molt does not bring any big trouble, as it passes gradually. But still it is recommended to put the base of the base or the plaque from any material with a height of 10 cm around the perimeter.

Caring for protein It also implies regular cleaning of her house, which must be produced as dirty (approximately 1 time per week). It should not be disturbed by her nest, so they love their smell very much and is very worried when it does not touch him. Feeders need to wash every day, just once a day to change water in a drink or bowl.

Some people contain protein in the apartment outside the cell or often release them from it.

Just before releaseing the squirrel to walk freely around the apartment, you need to remove all substances and items dangerous to the health of the animal, as well as close the wiring. You can not open the windows and doors, as the animal unfamiliar from the apartment is not realistic.

If the protein runs out of the cell, then it is not possible to catch it. This is a very clever animal, but also he during stress during fishing may not be resist and, falling, get injured. Therefore, when the animal is hungry, it will go into the cage, for food.

In order for the squirrel to feel well in the home conditions well and did not sore, besides the right conditions of content, it must be properly fed. Its diet should include cedar nuts and hazelnuts, fresh and dried mushrooms, acorns, seeds, fresh eggs, insects, worms and beetles. She is also needed fir and pine cones with seeds, kidneys on spruses spruce and pine, young leaves of birch, earring of willows and aspen, blueberry berries, lingers, clouders. In a word, everything is what they eat in the wild. Protein can not eat sweet, pepper and food cooked for man. No need to forget that protein, it is primarily rodent. Whatever the animals have experienced a deficiency of minerals, when maintaining at home, they need to give the scratched eggshell, chalk, or calcium gluconate tablets or calcium glycelophosphate, raw spongy bones, a large cook salt.

In order to be able to have a pleasant time to transmitting and communicating with a protein, it should be calm and tamed to hand, otherwise such contact will not bring anything but stress for the animal and the bows of the owners. Start contact with animals need immediately after its adaptation period in the apartment. What to make friends with a protein, it should be treated as much as possible to treat food from the hands, seeking that she walked to contact. And only after that, it can be slowly and with caution to take into arms and stroke, starting with a short period of time and with each time increasing it. Protein requires constant attention, as it has a very "short memory" and without regular communication quickly seeks.

An indisputable advantage in the content of the home protein is that they are very clean animals, without an unpleasant odor, and if they are accustomed to the hands, it is very affectionate and friendly.

Nowadays, few people surprise an unusual pet. Chinchillas, capybaras, hedgehogs, ferrets, snakes, lizards, tarantulas and even tigers become households. Not exceptions and proteins. Often, the protein falls into the house or due to human pity and compassion to a lost or wounded animal or this is a conscious purchase of a animal as a pet.

What is in the first that in the second case you exactly have to solve whether to cope with such a difficult task.

Should I get a squirrel as a pet?

Before bringing a little Belchenka to the house, you should ask yourself some simple questions.

If you are ready for such trials and answer all questions "yes", then boldly buy or pick up Belchenka's crumb. It is a crumb, since if it is large proteinYou can't get friendship with her. Adult animals do not tame and remain wild. For taming, it will fit the lush at the age of 3 months.

If you consciously come to the appearance of proteins in your home, then you need to know where to take it. Where to take such a crumb, you ask? For example, you can buy it.

Where to buy protein?

Now there are many places where you can purchase a protein: nurseries, bulletin boards on the Internet, pet stores, zoos, huntsman, hunters and a bird market. The last option (avian market) is not from the best, there is a chance to buy an unhealthy or wild animal absolutely not adapted for life with a person. The chance to get caught on the unfair seller is online. Although in the case of buying over the Internet there are a little more chance to buy a healthy and brought up bobcon. To buy exactly such a little animal to take into account the following recommendations:

  • contact the seller and find out how animals got to him and how they were grown;
  • if there is an opportunity, ask to show your skype shine;
  • ask, you can look at the protein live;
  • ask how the animal is fed;
  • ask about vaccinations, degelmintization and overall animal well-being.

Having received the seller's responses to all these questions, you can make a complete picture of the proposed protein and decide to buy or not buy this animal.

The most optimal options for the purchase of proteins are nursery, breeder or pet store. Buy the animal in such places is safer. The conscientious seller always provides a guarantee and is responsible for his pet. If you call a request to return or change the animal nursery, the breeder or pet store will always agree.

By purchasing a squirrel in Eger or Hunter, there is a risk to buy an absolutely wild animal that will never be manual. Therefore, before you buy an animal from them, look at him, and find out his age. The smaller the protein, the easier it will be tame.

Buying proteins in the zoo can be carried out through the administration, but it is possible not everywhere, because there are no zoos.

Choosing a suitable place to buy proteins, it should be done by arranging the place where it will live. To accommodate proteins in the house or apartment, the cell is well suited or aviary.

Cage for protein

Cell dimensions

The first thing that should appear in your home with the advent of proteins is a cell or aviary. For a bobcone, a cell is a 60 cm high and a width of 50 cm. Adult protein will need space anymore. An older animal is better to purchase a cage about 1.5 m in height and wide 60x80 cm. In such a protein housing will feel comfortable. When choosing a cell, pay attention to the presence of a pallet in it. Comfortable extensive, galvanized and equipped with a handle The pallet will save your cleaning time in the dwelling protein.

Employment of aviary or cells

It is also very important to equip the dwelling of the protein inside. First of all, the cell should be equipped with a watering for water and a bowl for food. The bottom of the cell fill the filler for rodents. Set the house reminiscent of the nest or hollow and put in it dry hay, chopped cotton fabric or fur loskutka. Buying a lodge for proteins, make sure that there is a folding top or a comfortable hole in which your hand will fit. The dwelling of such a design will be easier to clean. But do not buy a house without the bottom, because it will still need to secure as much as possible in the aviary.

In addition, it is necessary to put a snag into the cage or fasten the branch, which protein will carry teeth and claws. If the animal will not be overthrown for claws and teeth, then soon the protein will have health problems.

For active spent spent time, you can install additional elements in the aviary: wheel, hammock, ladder, buying. Only when installing additional accessories, keep in mind that the wheel should be nonsense, and the mounting on the hammocks is carefully hidden.

Having arranged a place in the house for the future or newly arrived pet, you should take care of its diet.

How to feed the protein at home?

Perhaps this is the most important question that interests every newly-made protein owner. If the Belchonok was selected on the street, the age of the baby should be installed before starting it to feed it. Focusing the animal of not appropriate food, there is a risk to ruin his life. Lachats that should be fed only with milk, it is easy to determine in the absence of upper incisors. Recognize kids who eat hard food are also quite simple, they are completely covered with wool, have outdoor eyes, have fully formed upper incisors, they begin to grow brushes and break the tail.

Very small put up to two weeks (with closed eyes and without wool) feed every 2 hours 2 ml of milk. The 3-oh weekly animals are fed every 3-4 hours 2-4 ml. The kids of 5 weeks are given 4-6 ml of milk in 4-5 hours. The last feeding of a 5-week-old Belchonka can be carried out at 00:00 hours, and the first morning start at 06:00. Also at the age of five weeks in the diet, firm food, purified pumpkin seeds, cedar nuts, degreased cottage cheese and dried fruits are injected into the diet. Starting feeding, in no case add a bobcon fruit or vegetables. The toddler's stomach cannot simultaneously overrapace fructose and lactose.

After each feeding, the baby needs to massaging the tummy so that he can go to the toilet.

At the age of 2 months, the Belchonok is completely translated into solid feeding. From this period, the baby begins to eat by all the products that.

Proper feeding and care for the animal will help you keep health for a long time and will extend life for several years. At home, proteins live about 10-12 years.

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