Burnout syndrome: prevention and treatment. The prevalence of burnout syndrome People burn out

The well-known expression “burned out at work” is not fiction, but a very real phenomenon, which is called in psychology as emotional burnout (syndrome mental burnout, combustion, occupational burnout). This is an independent condition (not a symptom of any disorder), characterized by chronic fatigue, indifference to work, oneself and other people, a feeling of emptiness that arose against the backdrop of a steady stressful impact of work.

The first studies and notes on the decrease in psycho-resilience and performance, refusal to perform actions in demanding situations caused by prolonged exposure to stress, belong to the American psychologist Richard Lazarus and the Canadian doctor Hans Selye.

The terms "burnout" and "mental burnout" were introduced by the American psychiatrist Herbert Freudenberger in 1974. Then the author characterized all employees experiencing chronic stress, provoked by abundant and highly emotional communication with clients, or in areas with increased emotional stress and responsibility.

At the same time, only doctors and social workers were classified as such professions, but soon this list became much wider:

  • policemen,
  • prison guards,
  • guards,
  • military,
  • doctors,
  • social workers,
  • politicians,
  • lawyers,
  • managers,
  • sellers.

Thus, emotional burnout is understood as the depletion of physical, psychological (emotional) and intellectual forces. And in modern view The risk group includes all professions where you have to contact many other people every day:

  • teachers of all spheres and levels of education;
  • doctors and medical staff;
  • psychologists and psychiatrists;
  • social workers;
  • veterinarians;
  • employees of law enforcement agencies and the penitentiary system;
  • trainers;
  • judges;
  • employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • guards;
  • customs officers;
  • managers and agents;
  • athletes;
  • operators;
  • drivers;
  • pharmacists;
  • artists;
  • other professions of the "man-to-man" type.

The structure of emotional burnout

Emotional burnout includes 3 components: emotional exhaustion, cynicism and simplification of achievements (personal and professional). Let's consider each element in more detail.

emotional exhaustion

This feeling:

  • eternal fatigue;
  • dissatisfaction;
  • emptiness in relation to work and, as a rule, other areas of life.

If the work of an adult takes the bulk of the time, then it is logical that it is the fundamental basis of a person's relationship to the whole world. If , then it also disappears in other areas. Develops over time complete apathy and, of course, cynicism.


Depersonalization, or a cynical attitude to everything that happens, is another characteristic element of emotional burnout. If we are talking about the fact that burnout is more common in social professions, then in this context cynicism means:

  • immoral, inhumane, indifferent attitude towards customers;
  • transfer of relations from subject-subject to subject-object.

Suffice it to recall the evil women sitting in the windows of public services, doctors who have no time all the time and "they gave the prescription, what else is needed." All these are signs of emotional burnout and, one might say, hatred of work.

Achievement reduction

Reduction - simplification (from complex to simple). But it's not so much about a decrease in productivity, but about personal and professional depreciation. The specialist does not feel his competence, but he feels failure in the professional field. This lowers self-esteem.

Modern consideration of the problem

Although it is still customary to primarily consider burnout in the social sphere, science has proven that this can happen in any profession, although work “man-to-man” remains the main risk group.

In the modern view, emotional burnout is interpreted as a professional crisis in any labor activity. It is connected with itself and the person, and not with interpersonal relationships within the framework of work.

Then the components of the burnout structure also change:

  • exhaustion remains such, but there is more risk and;
  • cynicism extends to the attitude towards the activity itself, its product (quality suffers);
  • reduction is replaced by professional efficiency (the performance of labor is simplified).

Signs of emotional burnout

Professional mental burnout makes itself felt through:

  • growing negative attitudes of a person towards work, himself and colleagues (clients);
  • decrease in self-esteem (personal and professional);
  • feelings of inadequacy;
  • loss of valuables;
  • formalities in relations with clients and colleagues;
  • cruelty towards clients (colleagues), which first manifests itself in internal irritation, hostility, hidden, but gradually comes out through immoral acts and open aggression.

The leading symptom is a feeling of exhaustion, which at first makes itself felt by fatigue, deterioration in health (frequent illnesses or temperature rises are possible), but gradually exhaustion causes anxiety and tension throughout the body and makes itself felt in several directions:

  • somatics (weakness, drop in immunity, sleep disturbances, stool disorders, headaches, other individual reactions);
  • psyche (irritability and apathy, loss of desires, interests, and inability to rejoice);
  • the highest level, or noetic (depreciation of oneself and the world, avoidance of communication, work, reality).

The long-term influence of these emotions causes a general depressed emotional background. Then he already begins to dictate the rules of life (perception of the world and himself). A person is overtaken by an existential (mental) crisis and emptiness (frustration). Like a weed, a sense of meaninglessness grows: it creeps from work to everyday life, leisure, family, personal life.

As a result, if the condition is not corrected, the person will be lost and thrown overboard in life. It will exist, complexes, syndromes and grow. They often join. In order not to bring the situation to such a peak, it is important to identify the burnout syndrome in time and engage in its correction and further prevention.

Joseph Greenberg developed the symptom-based burnout theory. There are 5 stages in total:

  1. "Honeymoon". No matter how stressful the job is, a person is driven by enthusiasm. But the longer a person works in such conditions, the lower his energy reserve becomes. Gradually, interest and fuse disappear.
  2. "lack of fuel". The first signs of exhaustion appear: apathy, fatigue, sleep disturbances. If there are no additional incentives and motives, then a person very soon completely loses interest in work. Efficiency and productivity decrease, violations in discipline or failure to fulfill duties are noted. If there are additional incentives, then the person will continue to work with the same productivity, but internally this will hit his well-being and health.
  3. "Chronic symptoms". Irritability, anger, depression, fatigue, sickness are the consequences of workaholism and stressful work. Often a person at this stage feels as if “in a cage” and suffers from a lack of time and energy.
  4. "The crisis". Dissatisfaction with oneself and life intensifies (as well as other symptoms), health noticeably weakens, diseases arise that limit one's working capacity.
  5. "Punching through the wall". In the life of a burnt person, many problems accumulate in various areas, often life-threatening diseases occur. If a person consciously cannot leave the work that kills him, then the subconscious mind will make sure that he cannot physically work there.

T. I. Ronginskaya, who devoted a lot of research to the issue of burnout, identified 6 phases of symptom development:

  1. Feeling tired and sleepless, preceded by excessive activity and a feeling of indispensability at work.
  2. Decrease in one's own participation in relations with colleagues and clients with increased demands on others.
  3. The appearance of signs of depression or aggression.
  4. Destructive and noticeable changes (decrease in concentration and, rigidity of thinking, weakness of imagination), motivation (lack of initiative), (avoidance and passivity).
  5. Any and addictions (dependencies).
  6. Despair and disappointment in life, feeling of helplessness.

Psychologist Victor Boyko considered symptoms in 3 stages: tension, resistance, exhaustion.

  1. At the stage of nervous tension, experience, dissatisfaction with oneself, a feeling of a "cage", anxiety and depression are noted.
  2. At the stage of resistance, there is an inadequate selective emotional response (perceived as disrespect from the outside), emotional and moral confusion, expansion of the zone of emotional economy (a person is restrained in emotions not only at work, but also at home), reduction (avoidance of duties that require high emotional dedication) .
  3. Exhaustion is manifested by a feeling of emotional deficit (the person himself does not feel able to empathize, enter into someone's position), complete emotional indifference (neither positive nor negative events are affected), weakening of mental and physical health, psychosomatics and depersonalization.

Turning into a “robot” is the most dangerous and striking symptom of burnout, it is also a sign of professional personality deformations. And this is not even a violation, but brought to the point of absurdity.

Types of burnout

There are 4 types of burnout according to the structure: one-factor, two-factor, three-factor, four-factor.

Single factor burnout

The main factor is exhaustion (emotional, cognitive, physical). The remaining components (depersonalization and reduction) are a consequence. This type of burnout affects all professions, not just social ones.

Two-factor burnout

The effect is exerted by exhaustion (affective factor) and depersonalization (setting factor). This type is rather characteristic of social professions, but not necessarily (if depersonalization occurs in relation to the person himself, and not others).

Three factor burnout

All three factors (exhaustion, depersonalization, depreciation) have an influence. Exhaustion is manifested by a reduced emotional background, oversaturation with contacts or indifference. Depersonalization can manifest itself in two ways: dependence in relationships or negativism and cynicism. Devaluation affects either professional self-esteem or personal self-esteem. This type of burnout is characteristic of social professions.

Four-factor burnout

With this type, any factor (exhaustion, depersonalization, reduction) is divided into two more. For example, there is an immediate depreciation of the object of labor and customers.


Mental burnout is a long process, at the beginning of which a person seeks to "squeeze all the juice out of himself", to find new resources. But in fact, irritation, dissatisfaction, anxiety, frustration, depression only increase, and then exhaustion, depersonalization and reduction come.

Interestingly, not only personality traits affect the development of burnout, but burnout also causes changes in personality. Due to the adaptive, but different from social norms, behavior of a burnout person, professional deformations arise. This is a variant of self-justification of the personality, resolution of the existing contradiction. Professional deformations are the result of restructuring and the appearance of neoplasms.

Read more about deformations in the article. And about the causes of emotional burnout in the article.



Snezhana Ivanova

The term "emotional burnout" appeared at the end of the last century, but it has gained particular relevance at the present time. Many people find themselves in the unenviable situation of being forced to work hard.

The term " emotional burnout”appeared at the end of the last century, but has gained particular relevance at the present time. Many people find themselves in the unenviable situation of being forced to work hard. Moreover, the activity itself does not bring them the expected moral satisfaction. American psychologist Herbert Freudenberg confirmed the negative consequences of the development of burnout syndrome. Burnout is dangerous not by itself, but by its accompanying characteristics: fatigue, indifference, apathy, unwillingness to act and make responsible decisions.

Most of all, office workers and workers in helping professions suffer from the syndrome: psychologists, doctors, consultants. Every day they are forced to give a huge amount of their own energy to strangers, but they do not always receive a worthy reward for this. Retailers also suffer from burnout: endless interaction with visitors gradually begins to depress. The burnout syndrome is especially pronounced when the person is weakened physically and emotionally. If there are endless stresses at work, the risk of developing nervous breakdown increases.

Symptoms of emotional burnout

Emotional burnout has its own symptoms, according to which it can be concluded that there is a serious problem. As long as these symptoms are not present or they are not particularly pronounced, as a rule, a person does not even think about the need for change. So, what are the most striking symptoms of emotional burnout?

Oppression of emotions

The first thing that catches your eye when communicating with a person who has a burnout syndrome is suppression of the emotional sphere. He ceases to respond adequately to significant stimuli. A sense of humor goes somewhere, interest in what is happening around is lost. There is a desire to hide in your shell and not come out for a long time. Such self-absorption gives rise to some lethargy, depression and detachment. The suppression of emotions leads to the fact that important feelings are hushed up, a person cannot fully express them, risking being misunderstood, ridiculed.

Accumulation of irritability

As the syndrome develops, irritability accumulates. This symptom is simply impossible to ignore. As a result, a pessimistic view of the world and current events is formed. A person loses the ability to think positively, to make any rosy forecasts. He even ceases to understand what is of great value to him, and what should be abandoned. Burnout undermines the will of a person. That is why people are in no hurry to quit a job they hate, which brings them nothing but severe suffering. A strong feeling of weakness suppresses any attempts to influence one's own state, so the situation may not change for a long time.

Feelings of guilt and failure

The syndrome of emotional burnout makes a person constantly feel his own failure. The personality begins to delve into itself, engage in reflection, it seems to her that everything is going badly, and she herself is not capable of anything else. A person's feeling of criticism in his address increases, additional claims appear. Burnout devastates a person from the inside. In part, this strong dissatisfaction is also facilitated by others: constant conflicts give rise to doubts about their own strengths and capabilities. Self-confidence is undermined, a person drops his hands. Feelings of guilt and failure are pronounced symptoms of emotional burnout.

Causes of emotional burnout

Burnout syndrome, unfortunately, is familiar to many people firsthand. A person's sleep is disturbed, appetite disappears, anxiety and depression increase. Emotional burnout has its own causes, eliminating which in time, you can get rid of the problem.

Long work "wear and tear"

Nowadays many people work 12-14 hours a day. Such a schedule does not bother anyone, but it cannot but have a negative impact on the health and general well-being of a person. With this approach to work, the burnout syndrome manifests itself very quickly. The reason is the suppression of basic physiological and spiritual needs. After two or three months of vigorous activity, sleep is disturbed, optimism and faith in one's own prospects disappear. Burnout is manifested by tangible fatigue, strong nervous tension, motor activity is disturbed, it constantly makes you sleepy, and in the morning you don’t want to go to work. As a result, labor productivity and awareness of one's own competence are disturbed. A person ceases to understand his value, does not realize why and who needs him.

Unloved business

Another reason is disgusting work. When we are minding our own business, we need to put in twice as much effort in order for the task we are performing to be completed successfully. The burnout syndrome is especially pronounced in the case when a person literally forces himself to go to work, to carry out some monotonous actions there from day to day. An unloved business depresses a person more than a failure in one's own enterprise, therefore burnout occurs faster. As a rule, an unloved activity is highly stressful. A person has to overcome disgust, constantly tune himself in the right way, which in itself leads to exhaustion. nervous system.

Stress and conflict

Constant nervous tension sooner or later leads to burnout. The reason is the depletion of the emotional resources of the individual. Emotional exhaustion occurs as a result of prolonged stress. They undermine self-confidence, destroy the personality from the inside. Over time, a person begins to feel that he has nothing significant left in his soul. Conflicts with the environment contribute to the fact that fatigue falls on a person, a feeling of apathy arises, there is no desire to do anything. The burnout syndrome suppresses the development of personality, completely devastates a person.

Stages of emotional burnout

The syndrome of emotional burnout develops gradually, over time, more and more subjugating a person, leaving him no way to search for alternatives. A person really burns out from the inside, ceases to be aware of himself, to fully enjoy life. First of all, the emotional sphere suffers: relations with others, the perception of oneself in society are violated. Below are the stages of development of emotional burnout. If you notice them in time, you can help a person cope with the problem, and not take it to the extreme.


This is the first sign by which the emerging syndrome can be diagnosed. A person begins to feel that his internal resources are not enough to carry out successful activities. He begins to complain to others about the exorbitant load, not realizing that you just need to give yourself the opportunity to relax a bit. As a rule, a competent daily routine can solve the problem, even if the work schedule remains tough.

In the second stage, a person can also help himself if he acts deliberately and consistently. It should be remembered that the syndrome of emotional burnout can be corrected only when we do not ignore it and do not close our eyes to the disturbing problem. This stage is characterized by severe emotional exhaustion. What does it mean? A person ceases to control his feelings, often breaks into screaming and swearing. Sellers in huge supermarkets suddenly begin to be rude, doctors in clinics make sarcastic remarks to patients. Emotional burnout shows a person that he does not have the resources to maintain cheerfulness and excellent health. This syndrome indicates that a person does not use his internal forces correctly, does not know how to rest, because his spare reserves do not have time to recover. It should be remembered that burnout is always the result of being too strict with yourself and unrealistic requirements.

Severe burnout

In the case when significant signs of burnout are stubbornly ignored, the third stage begins. The syndrome in this case is characterized by increased anxiety. A person completely loses the ability to adequately perceive ongoing events. Everywhere and everywhere he sees a threat, he sees betrayal and deceit. Employees in helping professions become ineffective, they lose the desire and opportunity to work fully. The burnout syndrome at the third stage is a danger both for the person himself and for those around him. A person can become uncontrollable, aggressive, constantly break into screams and accusations.

How to deal with emotional burnout

Emotional burnout definitely needs to be corrected. If a person is not attentive to his own mental and physical health, he will very soon tear himself up, stop responding adequately to any stimuli. How to deal with burnout syndrome? Let's consider in more detail.

Complete rest

This is the first thing to do if you want to completely get rid of the manifestations of burnout. Nothing will replace you healthy sleep and have a good time. If a person is constantly thinking at work, he depletes his vital resources much earlier. Burnout indicates that you are obsessed with one thing and do not let favorable changes into your life. It must be understood that we have a limited supply of energy and it needs to be replenished in time. Good rest includes not only sleep, but also freedom of thought, a positive mood.

Analysis of the situation

If burnout does occur, you need to try to reconsider the situation and find resources in it to achieve the result that would suit you personally. The reason must always be sought in oneself. Think about how you feel about life? Are you often dissatisfied, indignant, blame relatives, neighbors, the government? There is no point in wasting your energy and endlessly complaining about injustice. Reconsider your own attitude to life, find a “hole” through which your time, resources, and health flow.

Physical activity

It is often said that in healthy body- a healthy mind. Physical activity will really help get rid of burnout syndrome. If daily mountain climbing or active cycling seems out of reach for you, don't despair. You need to start small. Sometimes it is quite enough to do banal exercises in the morning to feel better. Move more, communicate with people, learn something new. You shouldn't stay in one place.

Having a hobby

Have you noticed that someone who has a constant hobby lives easier and calmer? That's right: a hobby helps to maintain a positive attitude, restore peace of mind. The presence of a favorite thing is incredibly inspiring to numerous aspirations. A person suddenly begins to realize that for many years he was spending his strength in the wrong direction, and now he has the opportunity to correct it. Syndrome emotional exhaustion will gradually disappear if you start investing in yourself, filled with beautiful thoughts. Usually, with the advent of a hobby comes inspiration, a boundless desire to act, backed up by an unchanging belief in success.

Thus, emotional burnout is a topic that deserves close attention. This condition can be fought, but it requires a person to take full responsibility for the result.

Emotional burnout- this is a psychological defense mechanism developed by a person in the form of a complete or partial exclusion of emotions in response to selected psycho-traumatic effects.

Emotional burnout is an acquired stereotype of emotional, most often professional, behavior. "Burnout" is partly a functional stereotype, since it allows a person to dose and economically spend energy resources. At the same time, its dysfunctional consequences may occur, when "burnout" negatively affects performance. professional activity and relationships with partners.

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Causes of burnout syndrome

  • Lack of a clear connection between the labor process and the result;
  • Inconsistency of results with the expended forces;
  • Limited time for the implementation of the goals;
  • Inability to regulate their own emotional states;
  • Large workloads and responsibility to superiors;
  • Lack of communication skills and the ability to get out of difficult situations.

Phases and symptoms of emotional burnout

Methodology V.V. Boyko allows you to assess the phase of emotional burnout and the severity of certain symptoms in each phase.

Below are given detailed descriptions each of the phases and symptoms.

I voltage phase- is a harbinger and "triggering" mechanism in the formation of emotional burnout. Consists of the following symptoms:

1. Symptom"experiencing psychotraumatic circumstances."

It manifests itself as an awareness of psycho-traumatic factors of activity that are difficult to eliminate. Despair and resentment build up. The insolvability of the situation leads to the development of other phenomena of "burnout".

2. Symptom self dissatisfaction.

As a result of failures or inability to influence psychotraumatic circumstances, a person usually feels dissatisfied with himself, his profession, and specific duties. The mechanism of "emotional transfer" operates - the energy of emotions is directed not so much outside, but on oneself.

3. Symptoms"trapped in a cage".

They do not occur in all cases, although they are a logical continuation of developing stress. When stressful circumstances weigh on us and we cannot change anything, a feeling of helplessness comes to us. We are trying to do something, focusing all our possibilities - mental resources: thinking, attitudes, meanings, plans, goals. And if we do not find a way out, a state of intellectual-emotional stupor sets in.

4. Symptom"anxiety and depression".

The symptom of "trapped in a cage" can turn into anxiety-depressive symptoms. A professional experiences personal anxiety, disappointment in himself, in his profession or place of work. This symptom is the extreme point in the formation of phase I.

II Phase "resistance"- the isolation of this phase into an independent one is very conditional. In fact, resistance to growing stress begins from the moment the tension appears. A person strives for psychological comfort and therefore tries to reduce the pressure of external circumstances. The formation of protection at the stage of resistance occurs against the background of the following phenomena:

1. Symptom"inadequate selective emotional response."

An undoubted sign of "burnout" when a professional ceases to catch the difference between two fundamentally different phenomena:

- economic manifestation of emotions;

- inadequate selective emotional response.

In the first case, we are talking about a useful skill of interaction with business partners - to connect emotions of a rather limited register and moderate intensity: a slight smile, a friendly look, a soft, calm tone of speech, restrained reactions to strong stimuli, concise forms of expressing disagreement, lack of categoricalness, rudeness. If necessary, a professional is able to treat the ward or client more emotionally, with sincere sympathy. This type of communication is indicative of high level professionalism.

It is a completely different matter when a professional inadequately "saves" on emotions, limits the emotional return due to selective response to situations. The principle “I want it or I don’t want it” works: if I consider it necessary, I will pay attention to the ward, partner, if there is a mood, I will respond to his condition and needs. Despite the unacceptability of this style of emotional behavior, it is very common. The fact is that most often it seems to a person that he is acting in an acceptable way. However, the subject of communication or the observer fixes something else - emotional callousness, impoliteness, indifference.

Inadequate selective emotional response is interpreted by partners as disrespect for their personality, i.e. goes to the level of morality.

2. Symptom"emotional-moral disorientation".

It is a logical continuation of inadequate response in relations with a business partner. A professional not only realizes that he does not show the proper emotional attitude towards his ward, he also makes excuses: “you can’t sympathize with such people”, “why should I worry about everyone”, “she will also sit on her neck”, etc.

Such thoughts and assessments indicate that the moral feelings of the social worker remain on the sidelines. A doctor, a social worker, a teacher has no moral right to divide the wards into "good" and "bad", worthy and unworthy of respect. True professionalism is an invaluable attitude towards people, respect for the individual, whatever it may be, and the fulfillment of one's professional duty.

3. Symptom"expanding the scope of the economy of emotions".

Symptoms of emotional burnout are manifested outside of professional activities - at home, in communication with friends, acquaintances. A well-known case: at work, you get so tired of contacts and conversations that you don’t even want to communicate with your loved ones. At work, you still hold on, but at home you lock yourself up or even “growl” at your spouse and children. By the way, it is homeowners who often become the “victim” of emotional burnout.

4. Symptom"reduction of professional duties".

It manifests itself in an attempt to lighten or reduce responsibilities that require emotional costs. Wards are deprived of elementary attention.

III Phase of exhaustion- characterized by a drop in the overall energy tone and a weakening of the nervous system. "Burnout" becomes an integral attribute of personality.

Symptom of "emotional deficit". The feeling comes to the professional that emotionally he cannot help his clients, wards. Unable to enter into their situation, to participate and empathize. The fact that this is nothing more than emotional burnout is evidenced by the past: there were no such sensations before, and the person is experiencing their appearance. There is irritability, resentment, harshness, rudeness.

A symptom of "emotional detachment". A person gradually learns to work like a soulless automaton. He almost completely excludes emotions from the sphere of professional activity. In other spheres he lives full-blooded emotions.

Reacting without feelings and emotions is the most striking symptom of "burnout". It testifies to the professional deformation of the personality and damages the subject of communication.

The ward can be deeply traumatized by the indifference shown to him. A demonstrative form of emotional detachment is especially dangerous, when a professional shows with all his appearance: "I don't give a damn about you."

A symptom of personal detachment, or depersonalization. It manifests itself not only at work, but also outside the sphere of professional activity.

Metastases of "burnout" penetrate into the value system of the individual. There is an anti-humanistic attitude. The personality claims that working with people is not interesting, does not give satisfaction, and does not represent social value. In the most severe forms of "burnout", a person zealously defends his anti-humanistic philosophy: "I hate ...", "I despise ...", "I would take a machine gun and everyone ...".

In such cases, "burnout" merges with psychopathological manifestations of the personality, with neurosis-like or psychopathic states. Professional work with people is contraindicated for such individuals.

4. Symptom"psychosomatic and psychovegetative" disorders.

If everything is normal with a person’s morality, he cannot afford to “spit” on people, and “burnout” continues to grow - deviations in somatic or mental states may occur. Sometimes even the thought of difficult patients, wards causes a bad mood, bad associations, a feeling of fear, discomfort in the heart, vascular reactions, exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Method for diagnosing the level of emotional burnout

Test yourself. If you are a professional in any area of ​​interaction with people, you will be interested to see to what extent you have developed psychological protection in the form of emotional burnout. Read the sentences and answer yes or no.


1. Organizational shortcomings at work constantly make me nervous, worried, tense.
2. Today I am satisfied with my profession no less than at the beginning of my career.
3. I made a mistake in choosing a profession or profile of activity (I take the wrong place).
4. I am worried that I began to work worse (less productively, qualitatively, more slowly).
5. The warmth of interaction with partners is very dependent on my mood - good or bad.
6. The well-being of partners does not depend much on me as a professional.
7. When I come home from work, for some time (2-3 hours) I want to be alone so that no one communicates with me.

8. When I feel tired or tense, I try to quickly resolve the partner's problems (curtail the interaction).
9. It seems to me that emotionally I cannot give partners what professional duty requires.
10. My work dulls emotions.
11. I'm frankly tired of the human problems that I have to deal with at work.
12. It happens that I fall asleep (sleep) badly because of the experiences associated with work.
13. Interaction with partners requires a lot of stress from me.
14. Working with people brings less and less satisfaction.
15. I would change jobs if given the opportunity.
16. I am often frustrated that I cannot properly provide professional support, service, help to my partner.
17. I always manage to prevent influence bad mood for business contacts.
18. It makes me very sad if something goes wrong in a relationship with a business partner. .
19. I get so tired at work that at home I try to communicate as little as possible.
20. Due to lack of time, fatigue or tension, I often pay less attention to my partner than I should.
21. Sometimes the most ordinary situations of communication at work cause irritation.
22. I calmly perceive the justified claims of partners.
23. Communication with partners prompted me to avoid people.
24. When I remember some work colleagues or partners, my mood deteriorates.
25. Conflicts or disagreements with colleagues take a lot of energy and emotions.
26. It is increasingly difficult for me to establish or maintain contacts with business partners.
27. The situation at work seems to me very difficult, difficult.
28. I often have anxious expectations, saints with work: something must happen, how not to make a mistake, whether I can do everything right, whether they will be laid off, etc.
29. If a partner is unpleasant to me, I try to limit the time of communication with him or pay less attention to him.
30. In communication at work, I adhere to the principle: "do not do good to people, you will not get evil."
31. I willingly tell my family about my work.
32. There are days when my emotional condition badly affects the results of work (I do less, quality decreases, conflicts occur).
33. Sometimes I feel that I need to show emotional responsiveness to my partner, but I can’t.
34. I am very worried about my work.
35. You give attention and care to your work partners more than you receive gratitude from them.
36. When I think about work, I usually feel uneasy: I start to prick in the heart area, my blood pressure rises, and a headache appears.
37. I have a good (quite satisfactory) relationship with my immediate supervisor.
38. I often rejoice seeing that my work benefits people.
39. Recently (or as always) I have been haunted by failures at work.
40. Some aspects (facts) of my work cause deep disappointment, plunge into despondency.

41. There are days when contacts with partners are worse than usual.
42. I separate business partners (subjects of activity) worse than usual.
43. Tiredness from work leads to the fact that I try to reduce communication with friends and acquaintances.
44. I usually show interest in the personality of the partner besides what concerns the case.
45. I usually come to work rested, refreshed, in a good mood.
46. ​​I sometimes find myself working with partners, without a soul.
47. At work you meet such unpleasant people that you involuntarily wish them something bad.
48. After communicating with unpleasant partners, I sometimes have a deterioration in physical or mental well-being.
49. At work, I experience constant physical or psychological overload.
50. Success at work inspires me.
51. The situation at work in which I found myself seems hopeless (almost hopeless) to me.
52. I lost my peace because of work.
53. During the last year there was a complaint (there were complaints) against me from a partner (s).
54. I manage to save my nerves due to the fact that I do not take much of what happens with my partners to heart.
55. I often bring home negative emotions from work.
56. I often work through force.
57. Before, I was more responsive and attentive to partners than now.
58. In working with people, I am guided by the principle: do not waste your nerves, take care of your health.
59. Sometimes I go to work with a heavy feeling: I’m tired of everything, I wouldn’t see or hear anyone.
60. After a busy day at work, I feel unwell.
61. The group of partners I work with is very difficult.
62. Sometimes it seems to me that the results of my work are not worth the effort that I spend.
63. If I had luck with my job, I would be happier.
64. I am desperate because I have serious problems at work.
65. Sometimes I treat my partners the way I would not like to be treated.
66. I condemn partners who count on special indulgence, attention.
67. Most often, after a working day, I don’t have the strength to do household chores.
68. I usually rush time: I wish the working day would end soon.
69. Conditions, requests, needs of partners usually concern me sincerely.
70. When working with people, I usually put up a screen that protects from other people's suffering and negative emotions.
71. Working with people (partners) disappointed me a lot.
72. To restore my strength, I often take medicine.
73. As a rule, my working day is calm and easy.
74. My requirements for the work performed are higher than what I achieve due to circumstances.
75. My career has been successful.
76. I am very nervous about everything related to work.
77. Some of my regular partners I would not like to see and hear.
78. I approve of colleagues who devote themselves entirely to people (partners), forgetting about their own interests.
79. My fatigue at work usually has little effect (no effect) in communication with family and friends.
80. If an opportunity is given, I pay less attention to my partner, but in such a way that he does not notice it.
81. I often get on my nerves when dealing with people at work.
82. To everything (almost everything) that happens at work, I have lost interest, a lively feeling.
83. Working with people had a bad effect on me as a professional - it pissed me off, made me nervous, dulled my emotions.
84. Working with people is clearly undermining my health.

The test developer used a complicated scheme for calculating test results. Each answer option was preliminarily assessed by experts by one or another number of points, which are indicated in the "key". This is done because the signs included in a symptom have different meaning in determining its severity. The maximum score of 10 points was given by the experts to the sign that is most indicative of this symptom.

There is a three-stage system for obtaining indicators: quantitative calculation of the severity of an individual symptom, summation of symptom indicators for each of the "burnout" phases, determination of the final indicator of the "burnout" syndrome as the sum of the indicators of all 12 symptoms. The interpretation is based on a qualitative-quantitative analysis, which is carried out by comparing the results within each phase. At the same time, it is important to highlight which phase of stress formation the dominant symptoms belong to and in which phase they are the largest number.

Thus, in terms of semantic content and quantitative indicators calculated for different phases formation of the "burnout" syndrome, it is possible to give a fairly voluminous characterization of the personality and, in the author's opinion, it is no less important, to outline individual measures for prevention and psycho-correction.

Data processing.

In accordance with the "key" the following calculations are carried out:

1. The sum of points is determined separately for each of the 12 symptoms of "burnout", taking into account the coefficient indicated in brackets. So, for example, for the first symptom, a positive answer to question No. 13 is estimated at 3 points, and a negative answer to question No. 73 is estimated at 5 points, etc. the number of points is summed up and a quantitative indicator of the severity of the symptom is determined.

2. The sum of symptom scores for each of the 3 phases of "burnout" formation is calculated.

3. The final indicator of the syndrome of "emotional burnout" is found - the sum of the indicators of all 12 symptoms.



  • Experience of traumatic circumstances: +1(2), +13(3), +25(2), -37(3), +49(10), +61(5), -73(5)
  • Dissatisfaction with oneself: -2(3),+14(2),+26(2),-38(10),-50(5),+62(5), +74(3)
  • "Caged": +3(10), +15(5), +27(2), +39(2), +51(5), +63(1), -75(5)
  • Anxiety and depression: +4(2), +16(3), +28(5), +40(5), +52(10), +64(2), +76(3)
  • Inadequate emotional selective response: +5(5), -17(3), +29(10), +41(2), +53(2), +65(3), +77(5)
  • Emotional and moral disorientation: +6(10), -18(3), +30(3), +42(5), +54(2), +66(2), -78(5)
  • Emote Saving Sphere Expand: +7(2), +19(10), -31(20), +43(5), +55(3), +67(3), -79(5)
  • Reduction of professional duties: +8(5), +20(5), +32(2), -44(2), +56(3), +68(3), +80(10)
  • Emotional deficit: +9(3), +21(2), +33(5), -45(5), +57(3), -69(10), +81(2)
  • Emotional Detachment: +10(2), +22(3), -34(2), +46(3), +58(5), +70(5), +82(10)
  • Personal detachment (depersonalization): +11(5), +23(3), +35(3), +47(5), +59(5), +72(2), +83(10)
  • Psychosomatic and psychovegetative disorders: +12(3), +24(2), +36(5), +48(3), +60(2), +72(10), +84(5)
Interpretation of results.

The proposed method gives a detailed picture of the "emotional burnout" syndrome. First of all, you need to pay attention to individual symptoms. The severity of each symptom ranges from 0 to 30 points:

9 or less points - not a developed symptom,
10-15 points - a developing symptom,
16-20 points - an established symptom.
20 or more points - symptoms with such indicators are dominant in the phase or in the entire burnout syndrome.

The next step in interpreting the results of the survey is understanding the indicators of the phases of stress development - "tension", "resistance" and "exhaustion". In each of them, the assessment is possible in the range from 0 to 120 points. However, the comparison of the scores obtained for the phases is not valid, because it does not indicate their relative role or contribution to the syndrome. The fact is that the phenomena measured in them are significantly different: the reaction to external and internal factors, methods of psychological protection, the state of the nervous system. By quantitative indicators, it is legitimate to judge only how much each phase has formed, which phase has formed to a greater or lesser extent:

36 points or less - the phase has not formed;
37-60 points - phase in the formation stage;
61 or more points - the formed phase.

Burnout Syndrome is a concept that is increasingly mentioned by HR specialists and psychologists in the business environment. But in our country, not all experts understand what it is and how to deal with such a “disease”. In our Company, where the average work experience of employees is 6 years, the issue is very acute.

The aforementioned syndrome is usually formed against the background of constant and insurmountable stress. It leads to complete personal and emotional-energetic depletion of the body. Usually the accumulated negative emotions that the employee cannot allow to come out lead to this problem.

Experts divide emotional burnout into 3 stages. Which?

As part of first stage syndrome, the employee suffers from excessive forgetfulness of details and trifles.

Example: An employee constantly loses an important thought, or may regularly forget whether he made the necessary entry in the document and whether he asked the planned question.

This stage of emotional burnout can last from 3 to 5 years.

Second stage “Illness” is a loss of interest in work and in communication both with colleagues and with loved ones.

Example: An employee may avoid contact with superiors or clients, and in the evenings abstract from communication with friends or family members. Also, often this person can work in the “week lasts unbearably long” mode and literally wait for the start of the weekend.

This stage of emotional burnout can last from 5 to 15 years.

As part of third stage burnout syndrome, the employee demonstrates a complete loss of interest in work and life.

Example: An employee in the third stage demonstrates emotional indifference, a feeling of continuous decline in strength and loss of sharpness of thought. Usually such people seek solitude. And all their contacts may be limited to interacting with pets and walking alone.

The duration of this stage can be up to 20 years.

It is also worth noting that all deadlines can be greatly shifted down if the employee has a specialization that is most prone to burnout.

Which employees should be given special attention?

Emotional burnout primarily affects people who, as part of their work activities, are required to constantly contact other people (mostly strangers). Occupations at risk include: executives, sales or client managers, human resources specialist (recruiters), teachers, social and medical workers, government employees.

The most difficult thing is for introverted people - they "burn out" the fastest. Their psychological characteristics are absolutely not suitable for constant communicative contacts with people.

It is worth noting that emotional burnout can also affect people who constantly experience internal conflict as part of their professional activities. A great example is women who are torn between jobs.

Workers over 45 years of age are also at risk, as they usually worry that in the event of an unexpected layoff, they will not be able to find a new job.

Ecology and life in a big city are also one of the possible catalysts for the emergence of problems with burnout syndrome.

Is it possible to protect an employee from burnout syndrome? Prevention.

Like any other disease, burnout syndrome is prone to prevention. What advice would you give to employees at risk?

First, you need to truly love yourself and try to develop sympathy for your personality.

Secondly, employees need to choose a profession that they "like". HR managers should keep this in mind when recruiting and placing employees in vacant positions.

Thirdly, it is important to look for interest and benefit in all the tasks that the employee performs.

Fourth, you need to stop living for other people and concentrate on your own life.

Fifth, you need to observe the integration of lifestyles.

Sixthly, there is a need to look for an opportunity to soberly comprehend the events of the past day. Summing up the daily results is fine.

The syndrome of emotional burning out is revealed. How to treat it?

At Major Cargo Service, we divide work with burnout syndrome into 2 stages: “treatment” of an employee after the initial detection of the syndrome for six months and work with an employee whose manifestation of the syndrome remains at the same level or intensifies despite the measures taken.

To begin with, we, of course, give feedback leader. Then there is a meeting with the employee himself. During these meetings, the possible reasons the onset of the disease and ways out of the current situation.

According to statistics, the most working tool is the career growth of an employee (and often quite horizontal), involving him in work on a new project and, oddly enough, regular elementary meetings with the manager.

  • Use of time-outs (5 minutes after an hour of work), change (if necessary) the schedule, control the vacation in accordance with the vacation schedule.
  • Try to limit the number of face-to-face meetings per day (no more than 2 meetings per day).
  • Avoiding unnecessary competition, excessive striving to win gives rise to anxiety, makes a person aggressive.
  • Mastering the skills and abilities of self-regulation (relaxation, ideomotor acts, goal setting and positive inner speech help reduce the level of stress leading to burnout).
  • Professional development and self-improvement (one of the ways to protect against SEB is the exchange of professional information with representatives of other services, which gives a sense of a wider world than that which exists within a separate team, for this there are various ways- refresher courses, conferences, etc.).
  • Emotional communication (when a person analyzes his feelings and shares them with others, the likelihood of burnout is significantly reduced or this process is not so pronounced).
  • Maintaining good physical shape.
  • Try to calculate and deliberately distribute your loads.
  • Learn to switch from one activity to another.
  • It's easier to deal with conflicts at work.
  • Do not try to be the best always and in everything.

It is important to remember that there is no single panacea for burnout syndrome. Despite the fact that this problem is more than solvable, this very solution needs to be dealt with purposefully. Any person needs to stop from time to time to realize what he is doing at the moment, where he is going and what he is striving for. Looking at your activities from the outside, there is a chance to see many new opportunities.

The term burnout syndrome was first introduced by the American psychiatrist Herbert Fredenberg. In 1974, he gave this name to a condition associated with emotional exhaustion, which leads to severe changes in the sphere of communication.

At its core, burnout syndrome resembles chronic fatigue, more specifically, it is its continuation. Any person working in any field, even housewives, can be affected by this disease. As a rule, workaholics are more prone to this condition, such people have a strong sense of responsibility, they tend to take everything very personally.

A person with burnout syndrome experiences an acute reluctance to go to work, even if just recently she was loved and enjoyed. He has frequent headaches, heart problems, worsening chronic diseases. A person cannot relax, he constantly feels internal tension. Loss of health is one of the most severe consequences of the burnout syndrome, in addition, a career that had to be built with such difficulty, family relationships, etc. can be destroyed.

Burnout Syndrome

Burnout syndrome refers to a condition in which mental, emotional and physical exhaustion occurs, develops as a result of constant stressful situations. Such mental condition occurs in people who, by the nature of their activities, have to communicate with other people quite often. Initially, the risk group included specialists from crisis centers, psychiatric hospitals, but later it also included other professions that involve close communication between people.

The burnout syndrome, as already mentioned, occurs more often among altruists who care about their neighbor exceeds their own interests (social services workers, doctors, teachers, etc.). The development of the disease is facilitated by increased activity at work, when a person gives all his strength, completely or partially ignoring his own needs. After this period there is complete exhaustion, a person loses the desire to do something, he experiences constant fatigue, suffers from insomnia and various nervous disorders. At the emotional level, anxiety, irritability, guilt, hopelessness appear. Aggression in behavior, pessimism, cynicism may appear. A person begins to skip work, which he used to go to with desire and pleasure, the quality of work deteriorates, delays begin, abuse of the break, etc. Detachment in behavior also appears, a person feels completely alone, and at the same time he has no desire to communicate with anyone (with patients, students, etc.).

Usually, the inability to withstand stress leads to burnout syndrome. The factors that provoke the development of the disease are divided into organizational and personal, and the organizational factor has a greater influence on the course of the disease.

The organizational factor includes:

  • heavy work load
  • lack of time to complete their work,
  • complete or partial lack of support from the boss, relatives, colleagues, etc.,
  • insufficient moral or material reward for the work done,
  • inability to control the work situation and influence significant decisions,
  • versatility of requirements
  • constant pressure due to high risks of receiving penalties (reprimand, dismissal, etc.),
  • uniformity and monotony of the work process,
  • improper organization of labor or workplace (noise, conflicts, etc.)
  • the need to restrain emotions or show not those that actually exist,
  • lack of days off, vacations, non-work interests and hobbies

Personal factors include:

  • heightened sense of anxiety
  • low self-esteem, constant guilt,
  • focus on the point of view of other people, action according to accepted standards
  • passivity.

Burnout syndrome in healthcare workers

The work of health workers is more connected with communication and interaction with other people. That is why timely diagnosis and correction of behavior in case of emotional burnout of medical workers (doctors, nurses) is very relevant.

The activity of a doctor is associated with emotional oversaturation, strong psychophysical stress, and a high probability of stressful situations. The doctor carries a "burden of communication", he is under the constant influence of other people's negative emotions. It serves either as a "vest" into which they cry, or as a "target" for a splash of aggression and irritation. A person is forced to erect psychological protection from others (patients), becomes less emotional, more indifferent to other people's problems, so as not to provoke a burnout syndrome in himself. Such behavior occurs at a subconscious level, in addition to the will of a person. Thus, the body is protected from stress.

Emotional burnout syndrome among teachers

The professional activity of a teacher is associated with close contact and communication with a large number of people. In addition to pupils, students, I have to communicate with colleagues at work, parents of my students.

A teacher's burnout syndrome can develop due to the confluence of several circumstances related to labor activity. First of all, the constant stress of the psycho-emotional state, fuzzy organization of work, lack of information, constant noise and various interferences. The teacher constantly has an increased responsibility for the duties assigned to him.

Emotional burnout in a teacher can occur in case of a tendency to emotional rigidity in behavior. It has been noticed that a person who restrains emotions burns out mentally faster.

Too close perception of the circumstances that are associated with labor activity, usually people who have a too developed sense of responsibility for the entrusted task or obligation are prone to this.

Over time, the emotional reserves of the body come to an end, it becomes necessary to preserve the remnants, building psychological protection.

Emotional burnout among teachers is often associated with insufficient motivation (both material and emotional return for the efforts spent).

According to scientists, the main cause of burnout is a personal factor, when a person has an increased sense of anxiety, suspicion, irascibility, emotional instability. Opposite to these qualities of character, including cordiality, kindness, flexible behavior, independence serve as protection against emotional experiences and stress.

With burnout, various types of psychotherapeutic assistance, medications, socio-psychological assistance in developing qualities that contribute to the preservation of emotional resources in the body help.

Professional burnout syndrome

The syndrome of professional burnout is associated with the work activity of a person. There is a professional burnout from the fact that a lot of negative emotions accumulate inside a person that do not find a way out (there is no emotional discharge).

The burnout syndrome in this case is dangerous in that it is a long process of complete combustion. Negative experiences in people exposed to high degree burnout are associated with the loss of the meaning of one's professional activity, the inability to fulfill oneself, and the lack of prospects for the future.

A desperate state due to misunderstanding and indifference of people around, lack of results in work, leads to the fact that a person ceases to appreciate his own efforts, efforts, loses meaning not only in work, but also in life. Such experiences have a strong impact on all aspects of a person's life. If a person stays in this state long enough, he loses interest in life, he loses everything that used to be the basis for him.

A sense of well-being in a person provides a normal physical and internal state. Satisfaction with success in life, achievements, relationships with other people, as well as self-control contribute to confidence in professional activities.

The reason for professional burnout is the need to take care of your neighbor: a doctor about a patient, a teacher about a student, a consultant about a client. The syndrome of professional burnout, first of all, affects people whose work activity is associated with direct and frequent communication with other people. The need to take care of others every day leads to a constant state of stress. Doctors, teachers, psychologists, etc. sooner or later face the syndrome of professional burnout. When this happens depends on some circumstances: conditions and intensity of work, personal psychological qualities. It is generally accepted that a teacher burns out in an average of five years. Stressful situations can be aggravated by a lack of recognition of work activity by other people, insufficient material remuneration for their work - in other words, insufficient stimulation in work.

Syndrome of psychological burnout

Psychological burnout does not occur suddenly, it is a rather long process that manifests itself gradually, symptom by symptom. Our life is filled with various emotions, inner experiences. Some circumstances can lead to the fact that emotions are dulled, and eventually completely disappear. Complete exhaustion sets in - both moral and physical. Usually, before burnout, a person experiences a great desire to work, to be useful. However, it is not labor enthusiasm that plays a key role here, but the energy recharge that a person needs. When overloads turn into a chronic stressful state, a gap appears between a person’s capabilities and requirements for him (at work, in a family, in a circle of friends, etc.), a process of gradual exhaustion of forces starts, and as a result, a burnout syndrome develops. Activity is replaced by fatigue, a person loses the desire to go to work, do what he loves. This desire is especially acute after a day off. At work, a person with burnout syndrome minimizes his duties: the doctor does not pay attention to the patient's complaints, the teacher does not notice problems with the student, etc. If at work it is not possible to “shrug off” their direct duties (communication with a patient, student), a person refuses to communicate with relatives and relatives, does not do housework, etc. With such an attitude to work, a person is not able to move up the career ladder, previously significant goals are abandoned, and the family is destroyed.

Syndrome of mental burnout

Burnout syndrome has various definitions, in general it is considered as a long-term stress reaction to professional stresses. The syndrome of mental burnout (also known as professional burnout) leads to the destruction of the personality under the influence of stress associated with professional activities. Emotional exhaustion leads to feeling constant fatigue, emptiness, which is provoked by professional activity. There is a decrease in emotional tone, interest in what is happening around is lost, in some cases the opposite effect is observed: a person is overwhelmed with emotions, often negative, he is prone to outbursts of anger, irritability, aggressive behavior, signs of a depressive state appear.

Also, when burnout occurs, the development of an indifferent, negative, cynical attitude towards one's work, towards the people around.

As a result, a person becomes more and more confident that he is incompetent in his field, he has a heightened sense of failure in his professional activities.

Burnout Syndrome

Personality burnout syndrome manifests itself as a negative, too distant, soulless response to various aspects of work activity. People with burnout describe their own detached state as an attempt to cope with emotional stress at work. A person changes his attitude towards people with whom he is forced to communicate by the nature of his profession. Such behavior is a kind of protection from irritants that interfere with the performance of professional duties. In severe cases of burnout syndrome, there is complete apathy towards another person, towards work, positive or negative working moments do not cause an appropriate response.

When evaluating his work, a specialist mainly feels incompetence, loss of values, low significance of his own achievements. A person ceases to see prospects in the future, there is no satisfaction from the work process, faith in one’s own professional opportunities. Burnout syndrome negatively affects a person's personal life. After a day oversaturated with emotions, a person needs solitude, which he can only get to the detriment of friends and family.

In the process of development of the burnout syndrome, ambiguity of thinking appears, concentration of attention becomes difficult, memory worsens. A person begins to be late for work, despite all attempts to arrive on time, errors appear in work (reservations, incorrect diagnoses), conflicts at home and at work.

People with burnout affect their colleagues to a great extent, as they often cause interpersonal conflicts, disrupt the work plan, etc. As a result, burnout extends to colleagues in informal interactions.

Burnout syndrome at work

Burnout syndrome is closely related to the routine at work. Sooner or later, a moment comes when a person gets bored with his work, although he used to like it, and he enjoyed the process. Almost every one of us wants stability, confidence in the future. This person goes for years, first education, then the long-awaited favorite job. But there is always another side. A person gets used to the good, he begins to treat what he previously desired very much as something ordinary, boring, uninteresting. Each new day is similar to the previous one: work, lunch, work again, then home, in the morning back to work. It seems like an endless process. And it seems that such a life is not bad, it allows you to confidently look into the future, but thoughts that something is going wrong are increasingly visited. A person thinks that something needs to be fixed ... but what to fix if everything seems to be fine ...

In school, student years, everyone had great hopes, plans for the future, dreams. For the sake of achieving our goals, we risked and sacrificed everything, lacked sleep, worked and studied at the same time, managed to meet friends. Life seemed interesting, it literally boiled, and we succeeded in everything, no matter how difficult it was. We received a diploma and life was filled with the search for a good job, with prospects, with the possibility of career growth. And now, the long-awaited work, the favorite thing, the nerves about whether I can handle it, whether I have enough strength, knowledge ... But after a few years, experience, confidence, enough knowledge appear. It seemed that the goal was achieved, you can work calmly, enjoy life ... but for some reason there is no feeling of happiness.

And there is no happiness, because a person has no incentive to move on, no aspirations, goals, peaks that need to be conquered. For a happy life, a person needs to constantly strive for something, one goal has been achieved, another has been set - and new efforts are being made to achieve it. And so constantly, in a circle. But there is a short period in life between the joy of achieving goals and the definition of a new goal for yourself. This period can be called differently, burnout syndrome, midlife crisis, depression ... This period is a respite before moving towards a new goal. Man is so arranged, he is happy and rejoices only when he strives forward, fights and overcomes difficulties.

In order to avoid burnout syndrome, you just need to enjoy what you have in the present. You need to appreciate your achievements, improve them, calmly expect new life tasks, look for new ones on your own.

There are many situations in life, some cannot devote time to their relatives and friends due to overload at work. Because of this, burnout at work can occur, a person simply loses interest in it, because work takes away the most valuable thing from him - the time that he could spend with his family. In this situation, you can change your job, which will be closer to home, talk with your superiors about a more acceptable mode of work for you. Management always makes concessions to valuable employees, so you need to start with yourself: improve your professional skills in order to be able to set conditions for managers.

Burnout syndrome in psychologists

Burnout syndrome is a rather serious problem, this disease is a kind of retribution for constant stress.

The work of a psychologist is associated with constant psycho-emotional stress, he must interact with a large number of people. A person should listen to the patient, sympathize with him, offer a way out of the situation or push him to solve the problem. Moreover, clients are often mentally unbalanced, people prone to inappropriate behavior.

The psychologist is basically thrown out all the accumulated negativity, aggression, irritation. This happens because when a person is happy, he does not need the help of a psychologist, and when he is depressed, devastated, problems appear, he needs help that a psychologist can give.

The work of a psychologist is associated with close communication, constant interaction with other people (and not always benevolent ones). A person cannot show his true feelings at work, he must be strong, confident, knowledgeable, because only in this case his advice will be heeded, his recommendations will be fulfilled.

As a result of such heavy pressure, burnout occurs. A person is not able to cope with the mass of other people's complexes, problems, deviations, etc. The burden of responsibility for the health of his patients begins to press on him. There is a feeling of detachment from reality, from their patients, from their problems, there is a feeling of incompetence, etc. People with a low level of security and insufficient experience are especially prone to burnout syndrome. Personal problems (death of a loved one, patient, divorce, etc.) can also aggravate the situation.

Internal burnout syndrome

Burnout syndrome is the result of mental, psychological overwork, when requirements (both internal and external) prevail over human capabilities. A person becomes unbalanced, which causes the development of the syndrome of internal burnout. Prolonged professional stress caused by caring for others, responsibility for their health, life, future fate of other people leads to a change in attitude to professional activities.

Stressors that can provoke the development of the burnout syndrome are strictly established work hours, a lot of emotional overstrain as a result of communicating with various people, and long-term communication (sometimes for hours). The situation is aggravated by communication, repeated over the years, when patients are people with a difficult fate, criminals, children from dysfunctional families who have suffered from various accidents or disasters. All these people talk about their fears, experiences, hatred, about the most intimate things in their lives. Stressful situations in the workplace appear as a result of the fact that there is a discrepancy between the capabilities of a person and the duties assigned to him.

The human personality is an integral and stable structure that is looking for ways to protect itself from destruction. Burnout syndrome is the result of a person's desire to protect themselves from psychological deformations.

Diagnosis of burnout syndrome

Burnout syndrome has approximately 100 symptoms. As already noted, the profession can become one of the reasons for the development of a person's emotional burnout syndrome. A very frequent companion of the disease is chronic fatigue, reduced performance.

With the development of burnout syndrome, a person often complains of severe fatigue, poor exercise tolerance (with which there were no problems before), muscle weakness or pain, insomnia (or vice versa, constant drowsiness), irritability, forgetfulness, aggression, decreased mental performance, inability to concentrate, focus.

There are three main signs of burnout syndrome. The previous period consists in very strong activity, a person is 100% absorbed in work, refuses to do anything not related to the work process, while consciously ignoring his own needs.

After this period (it lasts differently for each person, there are no clear boundaries), a period of exhaustion begins. There is a feeling of overstrain, depletion of emotional energy, physical resources. A person feels a constant feeling of fatigue, which does not go away even after a good rest at night. Rest slightly reduces the symptoms of burnout, but when you return to the workplace, all symptoms resume, sometimes with greater force.

Then there is the detachment of personality. Specialists regard the change in their attitude towards the patient, the client, as an attempt to cope with the emotional burden at work. Severe manifestations of the disease consist in the complete lack of interest in professional activities, the complete loss of interest in the client or patient, which is sometimes perceived as something inanimate, causing hostility.

The third sign of the development of the burnout syndrome is a feeling of worthlessness, low self-esteem. The specialist does not see any prospects in the future, the feeling of satisfaction that used to come from work decreases. A person does not believe in his abilities.

To diagnose burnout syndrome in humans, in 1986 a test was developed that allows you to determine the degree of burnout. Burnout syndrome has two factors for determining exhaustion: emotional ( bad feeling, nervous strain, etc.) and a disorder of self-perception (a change in attitude towards oneself and others).

There are 5 main manifestations that are characteristic of the emotional burnout syndrome:

  1. Physical - overwork, fatigue, sleep disturbance, deterioration in general well-being, increased pressure, inflammation on the skin, diseases of cardio-vascular system, excessive sweating, weight change, etc.
  2. Emotional - cynical attitude, pessimism, scarcity of emotions, callousness (to colleagues, subordinates, relatives, patients), indifference, severe emotional experiences, etc.
  3. Behavioral - lack of appetite, bouts of aggression, frequent “shirking” from work, injuries often occur due to reduced concentration.
  4. Intellectual - new ideas and theories in the work process do not arouse interest and previous enthusiasm, preference is given to patterned behavior, the manifestation of non-standard, creative approaches is reduced, refusal to participate in developing programs (trainings, tests, etc.).
  5. Social - a decrease in social activity, loss of interest in one's hobbies, leisure activities, interaction with other people is limited to working moments, a feeling of loneliness, poor support from outside (colleagues, relatives), etc.

When identifying the burnout syndrome, it is necessary to take into account all possible symptoms(emotional, behavioral, social, etc.). It is necessary to take into account conflicts at work, at home, existing diseases (mental, chronic, infectious), use medicines(antidepressants, tranquilizers, etc.), laboratory tests ( general analysis blood, function internal organs etc.).

Burnout Syndrome Treatment

Burnout syndrome must be treated as soon as its first signs appear, i.e. you can not start the process of self-destruction of personality.

You can cope with the first signs of the disease on your own. First of all, you need to determine what brings joy (possibly hobbies, hobbies at this stage of life) and what contributes to joyful, happy moments in life, how often these most joyful experiences happen in life. You can use a sheet of paper, divide it into two columns and enter the relevant items there. If there is very little that pleases in life (no more than three points), then you need to reconsider your attitude to life. First of all, you need to do what you love, you can go to the cinema, theater, read a book, in general, do what you like.

You also need to learn how to deal with negative emotions. If it is not possible to answer the offender, you need to throw out negative energy on paper (paint, tear, crumple, etc.). What is it for? Because emotions (any) do not go anywhere, they remain inside us - we can either hide them deeper (“swallow resentment”) or throw them out (sometimes we break down on loved ones). During anger, you can’t calm down, you need to give it free rein - throw a pen on the floor, shout, tear up a newspaper ... Regular exercise helps get rid of negative experiences, so you need to go to the gym to release your energy.

At work, you need to prioritize and correctly calculate your strength. Constant work in emergency mode will eventually lead to burnout. The working day should start with a plan. Even the smallest accomplishments should be celebrated.

The next step in treating burnout is to control your emotions.

Burnout syndrome correction

Burnout syndrome is quite severe psychological illness requiring special assistance. Corrective methods with the development of the syndrome, they are similar to prophylactic ones. Organizations of a social orientation have quite a few problems that are associated with the emotional burnout of employees. Interpersonal relationships between colleagues, between the administration and subordinates, staff turnover, unfavorable atmosphere in the team - all this provokes stressful situations in people.

Team principles in work allow to solve a number of problems. Actions should be primarily aimed at eliminating stressors:

  • regular training (contributes to professional development, you can use seminars, advanced training courses, etc.)
  • proper organization of work (the administration should introduce various rewards for achievements, it is also necessary to use psychological relief for staff)
  • improvement of working conditions (here, relations between employees play a predominant role)

If these principles are observed, it is possible not only to reduce the severity of the burnout syndrome, but also to prevent its development.

To correct the burnout syndrome, you need to distribute your own loads, taking into account your strengths and capabilities. You need to be easier to relate to conflict situations at work, do not try to become the best among everyone and in everything. You need to learn how to shift your attention from one activity to another.

With signs of burnout syndrome, you need to try to improve working conditions, establish mutual understanding in the team, and pay attention to your diseases.

When treating burnout syndrome, special attention should be paid to the patient; with the right approach, a person can not only reduce the severity of the syndrome, but also successfully get rid of this disease.

It is necessary to push a person to determine important goals for him, this will help increase motivation.

To ensure both psychological and physical well-being, it is necessary to take breaks from work, to be distracted from the work process.

In the treatment of burnout syndrome, attention is paid to teaching self-regulation methods, relaxation methods, etc.

Prevention of burnout syndrome

Prevention of burnout syndrome uses some of the methods that are used in treatment. What serves as a defense against emotional exhaustion can also be used effectively in therapy.

In order to prevent the syndrome, personality-oriented methods are used, which are aimed at improving personal qualities, resisting stressful conditions by changing their attitude, behavior, etc. It is necessary that the person himself participate in solving the problem. He must clearly understand what a burnout syndrome is, what consequences occur with a long course of the disease, what stages there are, what is needed in order to avoid the development of the syndrome and increase their emotional resources.

At the beginning of the disease, it is necessary to provide a person with a good good rest (this requires complete isolation from the working environment for a while). You may also need the help of a psychologist, psychotherapist.

The following recommendations have good preventive properties:

  • regular rest, you need to devote a certain time to work, a certain time to leisure. An increase in emotional burnout occurs every time when the boundaries between work and home disappear, when work takes up the entire main part of life. It is extremely important for a person to have free time from work.
  • exercise (at least three times a week). Sport contributes to the release of negative energy, which accumulates as a result of constant stressful situations. Gotta do those kinds physical activity that brings pleasure - walking, running, cycling, dancing, working in the garden, etc., otherwise, they will be perceived as boring, unpleasant and all kinds of attempts to avoid them will begin.
  • sleep helps reduce stress. Full sleep, which lasts an average of 8-9 hours. Lack of sleep at night can exacerbate an already tense state. A person gets enough sleep when he easily gets up at the first ringing of the alarm clock, only in this case, the body can be considered rested.
  • Maintain a positive work environment. At work, it is better to take frequent short breaks (for example, every hour for 3-5 minutes), which will be more effective than those that last longer, but less often. You need to reduce the consumption of foods high in caffeine (coffee, cola, chocolate), because it is a strong stimulant that contributes to stress. It is noticed that after three weeks (on average) after stopping the use of caffeine products, anxiety, anxiety, and muscle pain decrease in a person.
  • you need to share responsibility, learn to refuse. A person who lives by the principle “to be good, you need to do it yourself” will inevitably become a victim of the burnout syndrome.
  • you have to have a hobby. A person should know that interests other than work can reduce stress. It is desirable that the hobby helps to relax, for example, painting, sculpture. Extreme hobbies increase the emotional stress of a person, although for some people such a change of scenery is beneficial.

Prevention of burnout syndrome

Burnout syndrome is, first of all, fatigue from prolonged work in enhanced mode. The body will use up all its reserves - emotional, physical - a person has no strength left for anything else. Therefore, the prevention of burnout syndrome, first of all, is a good rest. You can regularly spend weekends in nature, travel vacations, play sports. Psychological trainings, various relaxing techniques (relaxation, yoga, etc.) also help well with the development of burnout syndrome. You need to develop on a personal level - read new books, learn new things, look for new areas to apply your skills. It is necessary to achieve the set goal, to lead healthy lifestyle life, to get rid of the constant feeling of guilt. It is necessary to achieve the set result and appreciate it, each new achievement is a reason for joy.

Prevention of professional burnout syndrome

One way to protect yourself from emotional exhaustion is through professional development and self-improvement. The exchange of information, experience with representatives of another service is in a good way experience the world more broadly (and not just within your own team). There are many ways to do this now: conferences, seminars, advanced training courses, etc.

One must learn to avoid unnecessary competition. Sometimes there are situations in which the desire to win, by all means, gives rise to a feeling of anxiety, aggression, irritability, which causes the development of burnout syndrome.

When communicating, when a person shares his feelings, experiences, the likelihood of emotional exhaustion is significantly reduced. Therefore, share your experiences with your loved ones, look for a way out of a difficult situation together. After all, support and understanding loved one This is a good prevention of emotional burnout.

To reduce the risk of developing occupational exhaustion syndrome, it is necessary to:

  • correctly calculate and distribute loads as much as possible
  • be able to shift attention
  • deal with emerging conflicts more easily

Burnout syndrome is the result of stress, strong, prolonged, severe. This disease can develop in any person, someone more, someone less. To reduce the risks of development, you need to learn how to get rid of negative emotions within yourself, it is impossible for them to accumulate and burden us. Sooner or later, this will lead to a complete decline in strength, both physical and moral. The condition with the syndrome of emotional burnout sometimes reaches an extremely difficult one, which requires qualified help from a specialist, taking medications. But in order not to bring yourself to this, you need to tune yourself in a positive way, enjoy life, your own successes and achievements.

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