The very first braces. Braces

The general process of bite correction is simple: the orthodontist puts on braces, you wear them, then remove them, then put the retainer on the lower teeth and the mouthguard on the upper ones. You probably know many people who have or have had braces, and perhaps you yourself are one of them. Braces may seem quite ordinary, but there are actually many incredible facts about them that you may not know!

Fact # 1 - braces are almost 300 years old

French physician Pierre Fauhard, known as the father of modern dentistry, made the first set of braces in 1728. They consisted of a flat piece metal materialtied to the user's teeth with a thread. 200 years later, dentist Edward Engle has made some important advances in correcting problematic tooth alignment more effectively. He created modern braces in 1915 using 14 and 18 carat gold due to its malleable properties.

Fact # 2 - The type of wire used for braces was invented by NASA.

You might like the fact that the wire used for the braces was created by none other than NASA!

Dr. Angle's vision was modern, but gold braces were also expensive. The field of orthodontics took a giant leap forward when NASA developed a metal alloy called nickel-titanium in 1959. While they created this heat-resistant metal for the space shuttle, it is also ideal for making thin, flexible wires that can hold their shape after they are bent and attached to a patient's teeth.

Fact # 3 - braces aren't just for straightening your teeth

While perfectly straight teeth are a wonderful aspect of braces, one of the main benefits is that braces fix the wearer's bite. If your upper front teeth overlap your lower teeth and the protrusions of your molars are not touching, you have a perfect bite. Not many people can boast of this.

Brackets are more than just cosmetic accessories. Because they fix your bite, they also ease a host of health problems, including:

  • Breathing problems;
  • Problems with chewing and swallowing.

Fact # 4 - Smile like the Egyptians

The desire for straight teeth can be traced even further than before the 18th century in France, all the way to Ancient egypt! Who knows if the ancient Egyptians were aware of the health benefits of the previous fact, or if they just wanted straight teeth for cosmetic reasons, but some mummies have indeed been found with temporary "braces." Archaeologists believe that animal intestines, wrapped around the teeth of mummies, similar to modern braces, were an attempt to straighten crooked teeth.

Fact # 5 - there are over ten different types of braces

You may think that all curly braces are the same; however, they are different from each other. You and your orthodontist are evaluating which type of braces are ideal for you. Invisalign (lingual) is a great option for patients who do not want to see braces. Mini braces or porcelain braces are also sometimes an option for people who do not need invisible braces but want the braces to be less visible.

Fact # 6 - All orthodontists are dentists

Remember you studied in primary schoolthat "all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares"? It looks like! An orthodontist is actually a dentist who specializes in the prevention and treatment of abnormal inclusions and other dental disorders. Orthodontists go to dental school, but then they complete an additional two to three years in orthodontic practice. About 6% of dentists are orthodontists.

Fact number 7 - braces not only for teenagers, but also for adults

Braces are only for children and adolescents, of course, this was a stereotype of the past. The American Association of Orthodontics reported that approximately one in five orthodontic patients are adults. These days, parents, grandparents, and even great-grandmothers have decided to reap the benefits of a healthy bite and a smoother smile. It's never too late!

But you should know what is the maximum effective treatment with braces it is in children. The sooner you take your child to the first orodont consultation, the sooner you will know what he may need. The American Orthodontics Association recommends seeing your child to an orthodontist at the age of seven. Some misalignments are best corrected young; in fact, sometimes timely orthodontic care for a small child can completely solve the problem with an incorrect bite and the child does not have to wear braces!

Fact # 8 - you need to bust some myths!

Sometimes myths prevent us from making the right decision and putting on braces, destroy the myths that prevent you from taking a step towards a beautiful smile?

  • You can go in for any sport without restrictions;
  • You can effectively play musical instruments, including those that use your mouth;
  • Staples do not squeak in metal detectors;
  • Brackets do not interfere with radio signals;
  • The brackets are not magnetic;
  • It is impossible to "lock" braces while kissing another person with braces!

Phew! No one wants to have airport security problems, hobbies, or kissing. Good news!

Fact # 9 - wonders of time and pressure

Time and pressure ensure the collaboration that makes the perfect smile! If you've ever wondered why you have to wear braces for a long time, you will find this fact especially interesting.

Each tooth has a nerve ending inside it known as cellulose. If your teeth were realigned too quickly, the process would cut off the blood supply. Instead, we reshape your teeth with slow, steady pressure so that the pulp continues to move with the tooth, providing dental tissue with the blood and nutrition it needs. Bracket fittings are designed to get the perfect amount of pressure on each tooth by moving it to the right place as efficiently as possible!

Fact # 10 - One in four million

Going through big changes like wearing braces can sometimes make people feel lonely or shy. Although there is nothing wrong or awkward about taking care of your smile. Why? Because FOUR MILLION other people are wearing braces right now and this is only in our country!

The American Association of Orthodontics reported that four million people also have braces this minute. Not only are millions of people looking for healthier and more beautiful smiles, but about a million of these orthodontics patients are adults over the age of 18.

Be healthy, destroy bad myths and smile with good ones!

What are braces and is it worth it?

It seems to many that braces have always been worn, but I want to surprise you - fixed systems in their current form became widespread only in the late 80s of the last century, and they came to Russia even later. Every year, new methods for aligning teeth appear, however, the proven iron structures are still successfully used at any age and for any bite defects. So what are braces, what are they?

A bit of history and who invented braces?

Orthodontics is now working with might and main with various types of fixed devices, but this was not always the case. The very first such systems were invented by the American Edward Engel at the beginning of the 20th century. Yes, they performed the function of correcting malocclusion, however, they were very inconvenient and even hazardous to health due to their bulky design.

Time passed, orthodontic instruments were improved, but the main impetus in the rapid development was space technologies and the invention of new materials. Prior to that, high-quality structures were made of expensive metals, and only a wealthy person could afford such pleasure. With the advent of an alloy of nickel and titanium (hello from NASA), aligning your teeth using braces has become available to all people.

Arcs of apparatus are made of a unique nickel-titanium alloy, which are flexible and have the property of "memory", that is, they tend to return to a predetermined position. Nickel and titanium made orthodontic treatment more efficient and faster. Although mouthguards are still used in orthodontics, nevertheless, with serious anomalies of the dentition, it is impossible to imagine treatment without braces.

What are braces, how are they arranged and what do they do?

The bracket system is a non-removable device that is attached to the inner or outer side of the teeth for the entire period of treatment to obtain the correct bite. One bracket (special lock) is glued to each tooth, which sets the direction. The locks are interconnected by an orthodontic arch, which serves as a source of force for the movement of the dentition. Whatever shape the arc takes, and whatever obstacle stands in front of it, it always strives to return to its original state and thus aligns the teeth.

The design also uses various auxiliary elements for applying force to the teeth: brush locks, springs, rings, rubber bands. In the classic version, the arch is attached to the clasps with metal or elastic ligatures, but today non-ligature braces are becoming popular, which represent the next generation of fixing elements, in which the ligatures are already included in the design of the locks themselves.

Although fixed systems are regularly improved and modernized, one cannot say that such braces and innovative developments are much more effective. First of all, the success of the treatment depends on the professional experience of the orthodontist, and all other components are tools on the way to getting a beautiful smile. The only thing that can prevent you from correcting the bite will be gum inflammation and severe allergies.

Popular types of braces

The first important parameter when choosing a bracket system is the material, what the structure is made of. Metal are considered the most affordable and unpretentious, they remain the most popular among all other systems. Nevertheless, for many patients, the aesthetic side of treatment and maximum invisibility are important, they choose plastic, ceramic or sapphire systems, each of which has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, but their principle of operation is the same and the purpose is the same - to get rid of the curvature of the teeth.

The issue of aesthetic beauty was completely closed with the advent of the lingual system, which is installed on the inner surface of the dentition. Although crooked teeth in themselves are absolutely not aesthetic, nevertheless, if you are not satisfied with the numerous things sticking out outward, then this type of invisible apparatus will completely satisfy your need. Unfortunately, the cost of installing invisible braces remains the highest among all other types of bracket systems.

In any case, knowing what braces are and how they are used to correct malocclusion is the first step towards a charming and attractive smile.

Who invented braces

Correcting malocclusion with the help of various bracket systems is traditionally considered one of the many technologies that the twentieth century brought to mankind.

Indeed, if we talk about the first professional association of orthodontists in history, it arose in 1901 in the United States. Thus, professional orthodontics is in a sense the same age as the 20th century. This organization eventually developed into the American Association of Orthodontists, and its creator was Edward Engle, who is considered the founder of modern orthodontics.

The merit of Edward Angle is not only that he was the first to scientifically classify and analyze various types of malocclusion, but also that he clearly formulated the principles of their elimination.

The devices he created were non-removable and looked like a metal arc, which was installed on the molars. The rest of the teeth were attracted to it by metal ligatures, which made it possible to gradually correct the inclination of the teeth. This device underwent various modifications, in one of which the ligatures were replaced by rings that were put on each tooth. However, such a system did not become widespread due to the complexity of regulation and the discomfort that it caused when worn.

Only in 1928, Edward Angle created a system called edgewise technology and made it possible to correct not only the angle of inclination of the teeth, but also the position of the dental roots. The fundamental difference between this system and the previous ones was the replacement of the vertical groove with the horizontal one. The Edgewise technique became the basis of all burquet systems and remained so for a long time, until the emergence of new and newer bite correction systems for adults and children. With some modifications, the edgewise technique is still used in orthodontics today.

Meanwhile, the first braces appeared in ancient times. It is known that the ancient Egyptians were among the first dentists, surgeons and dental prosthetists. They were also the first orthodontists in history. This is evidenced by mummies found by archaeologists with teeth fastened with gold wire. It is unlikely that such systems could effectively correct the bite, because gold is too soft a metal. However, these orthodontic constructions held the dentition and did not allow the teeth to move or move apart after death, which was important for the afterlife.

For the same purpose, orthodontic constructions and the Etruscans who inhabited Italy in the pre-Roman era (IX-VI centuries BC) were used, who buried their dead with special devices in their mouths, retaining the shape of the dentition.
In ancient times, occlusion correction was a topic for reflection of the philosopher Aristotle and the doctor Hippocrates, who wrote about it in their treatises. However, we know nothing about the practical successes of ancient Roman and ancient Greek orthodontists (unlike, for example, dental prosthetics).
Thus, for millennia, this problem remained unresolved. And only in 1728 was published the book of the French surgeon Pierre Fauchard (1690-1762) "Dental Surgery or Treatise on Teeth", one of the chapters of which was devoted to correcting the wrong bite.

In his book, Pierre Fauchard described the device he invented in the form of a horseshoe made of precious metals. Foshar's braces were called "Bandeau" and were actually the first real orthodontic system in Europe and worldwide.
The next major study in the field of orthodontics was done by the American doctor Norman Kingsley, who published his Treatise on Jaw Deformities in 1880.
It is noteworthy that Kingsley was not only a dentist, but also a sculptor, painter and writer. In 1868, he founded the New York Dental Society, and his treatise on the pathology of the occlusion had a significant impact on the subsequent development of orthodontics.

Another significant orthodontist of the time was Dr. John Farrar, who published a two-volume treatise On Malocclusion and Correction.

And finally, the already mentioned Edward Hartley Angle, who in 1886 created his "universal Angle apparatus". This was the first bracket system in the sense in which we understand it. And more than forty years later, his famous edgewise technique appeared, which was improved by his student Charles Tweed, who invented to make bends on the main arch of the bracket system, which ensured optimal bite correction.

In the future, in the development of bracket systems, many technological innovations were applied - the use of special titanium-nickel alloys, the attachment of braces to the teeth using special glue, etc. etc.

In 1970, Bergensen invented and patented special plastic mouthguards for correcting bite, which could be worn during the day and removed at night. These mouthguards were the forerunners of what we know today as invisalign.

Nowadays dental clinics offer a wide variety of bite correction systems not only for children, but also for adults - metal, ceramic, sapphire, conventional (with external attachment) and lingual, incognito, invisalign systems, Marco Ross apparatus and many other inventions and developments.

Since time immemorial, people have wanted to have beautiful and even teeth, so as not to be shy about their smiles and feel comfortable at the same time. You will be quite surprised to learn how long ago people have been using dental straighteners. The Egyptians were the first to use them. They made catgut orthodontic appliances that were very similar to modern bite correctors.

Every day more and more achievements are being made in the field of orthodontics.

It is impossible to say exactly what advanced technology will be used in the next generation of tooth aligners. All technologies that are used today have an optimally diligent look, compared to those that were among the Egyptians. Patients endure less discomfort and can align their teeth in less time than before. And these indicators are rapidly improving.

Originally there were only metal staples

They did not look very aesthetically pleasing and therefore many people could not decide on orthodontic treatment. But now there are ones that look quite aesthetically pleasing. They can be made in different colors and thus create a certain image that will emphasize your style. A little later, they appeared, which are placed on the inside of the teeth. They are almost invisible on the teeth.

A special kind are, which are a transparent set of plates. They can be worn and removed during treatment. The use of Invisalign aligners is ideal for patients who have to often attend corporate events and appear in public. For example, models, singers, presenters or movie stars. New braces are a great way to treat malocclusion, guaranteeing you one of the most wonderful Hollywood smiles ever.

From the history

In the history of dental treatment there are two people who became the founders of orthodontics. One of them is Norman Kingsley, who has done great research on malocclusion and wrote a book called "Treatise on Dental Anomalies" in 1880. There was another dentist, Dr. Farrar, who was one of the first to propose to create a special orthodontic apparatus that would act on the teeth for a long time and thus it would be possible to correct the position of the teeth. It was a great idea to ensure the transition of teeth into correct positionthat made the smile perfect. Then, in 1890, the very first braces were created.

Dr. Edward Angle can rightly be called the “father of modern orthodontics,” as he was the first dentist to demonstrate the relationship between dental health and teeth in the correct position.In 1901, Edward Engle and the Dental Association opened the first orthodontics school. Teeth straighteners have really come a long way since then, refined, transformed and helped dozens of people get the smile they dreamed of.

The information on our website is presented for informational purposes only and should not be used as experiments without consulting a dentist or other medical expert... We do not accept any responsibility for your actions performed without the approval of the orthodontist.

Since ancient times, mankind has tried to straighten teeth using various methods, but all of them were ineffective. It was only at the beginning of the twentieth century that an orthodontic apparatus was created, which changed history and became the prototype of all modern bracket systems.

The creator of this orthodontic appliance was the "father of modern orthodontics" American physician and scientist Edward Engle. He developed a fixed orthodontic system, which is now called the Angle apparatus. This first "bracket-system" had several modifications, each of which more and more acquired the features of modern non-removable orthodontic technology.

Engle's orthodontic appliance modifications:

1. E-arc

The orthodontic apparatus consisted of rings on large molars, a rigid orthodontic arch with threaded ends and nuts, which were twisted to expand the perimeter of this arch, and the teeth were tied to it with a wire. The E-arm could only tilt the teeth, but it could not ensure the accuracy of the placement of each tooth.

2. Pin and tube

To solve the problem of the accuracy of setting the teeth, Engle began to install rings on other teeth in addition to the first large molars, tubes with pins were soldered to each ring. All this gave additional rigidity to the orthodontic system. By twisting the pins, the orthodontist could adjust the position of each tooth.

3. Tape arc

In the next modification of the orthodontic appliance, Engle replaced each vertical tube with a rectangular groove. A rectangular orthodontic arch in the form of a gold wire band was installed in these grooves and secured with pins. Thanks to these changes, the Angle orthodontic appliance has become more effective in straightening misaligned teeth, and therefore has gained great popularity. However, the weak point of this technique was poor root control.

4. Edgewise technique

In this modification, Edward Engle made the groove not vertical, but horizontal. As a result, a rectangular wire was used that was installed perpendicular to the tooth surface. This orthodontic appliance was invented in 1928 and became the main one in fixed orthodontic technology, because the perpendicular position of the rectangular wire to the tooth surface allowed good control of the position of the root and crown of the tooth in all 3 planes of space.

It was the edgewise technique that became the first bracket system, the prototype for all modern bracket systems, since it is the horizontal position of the orthodontic arch in relation to the outer surfaces of the teeth that is their design feature, which allows you to achieve good control of the position of the teeth.

Later the edgewise technique was further modified. The width of the groove was reduced, while it became deeper.

Straight arch technique. Classic braces.

In the 1980s, Lawrence F. Andrews developed bracket options for different types of teeth to compensate for differences in the anatomy of tooth shape and size, thus avoiding multiple bends in the orthodontic arch. This is how the straight orthodontic arch technique appeared.

Changes in braces:

1. The thickness of the braces.All teeth in the human oral cavity have different thicknesses, so in order for them to align with the orthodontic arch, braces must also have their own thickness to compensate for these differences.

2. Angulation of the groove in the braces. Angulation is the inclination of the bracket around the axis of the tooth. The fact is that normally, different groups of human teeth are located with different axial inclination in relation to the vertical, which makes a smile beautiful and natural. Therefore, a different angulation value was built into the bracket for each tooth so as not to make angular bends on the orthodontic arch.

3. Torque grooves of braces. Torque is the inclination of the face of the tooth relative to the vertical. It is different for all teeth. In order for the outer surfaces of the teeth to be in the same plane, the orthodontic arch is even, it is necessary that the torque is built into the braces. Previously, it was necessary to apply torsion bends to the orthodontic arch of various sizes in the area of \u200b\u200bdifferent teeth. In modern bracket systems, the average torque value for each tooth is realized.

Thus, the classic bracket systems appeared, in which the standard anatomical parameters for each tooth (thickness, angulation, torque) are implemented, which allows avoiding multiple bends on the orthodontic arch. This greatly simplified the work of the orthodontist and improved the results of orthodontic treatment.

The structure of a classic bracket.

1. The base of the bracket. The base of the bracket is glued to the tooth surface. Thickness and sometimes torsion are built into the base of the bracket.

2. Bracket groove. An orthodontic arch is inserted into the groove, which moves the tooth. It has built in the meaning of angulation and sometimes torque.

3.Wings of the bracket. In classic braces, the wings are used to fix the ligature, which holds the orthodontic arch in the bracket groove.

From classic braces to modern ones.

The main difference between the most modern bracket systems and classic ones is the way of fixing the arch in the bracket groove.

In classic bracket systems, the orthodontic arch was held (tied) in the bracket groove using ligatures (metal or plastic retainers), which created strong friction in the bracket system. There was also a constant risk of weakening the ligature, as a result of which the arch could come out of the bracket groove and the process of bite correction was disrupted.

Dr. Dwight Damon invented a mechanism (latch) in the Damon System braces that securely holds the arch in place in the braces. This allowed to reduce friction in the bracket system, which led to a decrease in the level of orthodontic forces. The concept of low friction and small orthodontic forces has led to a decrease in the time of bite correction, teeth movement has become more physiological. This design of the bracket over time will appear in other bracket systems. Due to the reliability of finding the orthodontic arch in the bracket groove, control visits to the orthodontist have become much less frequent. Instead of once a month, it became possible to visit the orthodontist once every 2, or even 3 months. Due to the fact that modern bracket systems have this self-ligation mechanism, these bracket systems have come to be called self-ligating or ligature-free.

In parallel with the improvement in the therapeutic performance of braces, work has been carried out since the 1980s to improve aesthetics during orthodontic treatment. Therefore, transparent or light materials were used in the design of braces. This is how sapphire, ceramic or plastic braces... They come in both ligature (classic) and self-ligating (modern) braces.

These aesthetic braces look much better in the mouth than metal braces, but they are still visible.

Lingual braces

Another way to improve aesthetics during the bite correction period was the development of braces that are fixed on the inside of the teeth. These are called lingual braces.

Treatment with lingual braces in the 1980s and 90s was very difficult due to the fact that the orthodontic arch from the inside could not be straight. And to realize good angulation and torsion seemed to be a big orthodontic problem due to the imperfection of the lingual braces themselves. Modern technologies came to the rescue.

The emergence of digital technologies.

Thanks to a sharp leap in modern digital technologies, new types of orthodontic appliances have appeared that surpass everything that was before in terms of accuracy of teeth alignment, predictability of the result of orthodontic treatment, and patient comfort.

Technologies of 3D scanning of the dentition, 3D modeling of tooth movements, smart software and robotics have created a completely new class of orthodontic systems that are purely individual for each patient.

Modern digital technology has made it possible to move from the orthodontic standard to individuality.

3D lingual braces

These lingual braces, unlike lingual braces of previous generations, are made individually for each patient and programmed so that the result of orthodontic treatment with them is absolutely predictable. The parameters of angulation, torque and thickness of these braces are adjusted at the stage of computer modeling of tooth movements, orthodontic arches are bent by a robot according to the parameters in a computer program.

This allowed 3D lingual braces to outperform external braces in almost all parameters, including the ease of orthodontic treatment.

Representatives of these orthodontic systems are Incognito and Win lingual braces.


Another most modern method bite correction is an orthodontic treatment without a bracket system at all. This is a set of removable transparent plates (aligners), which are put on only on the teeth and as they are systematically changed one after another, the teeth are aligned. This is a completely new revolutionary method of orthodontic treatment, which, like 3D individual lingual braces, appeared thanks to a breakthrough in high technology.

Here, too, scanning of the dentition takes place, modeling in a special program of tooth movements, but instead of lingual braces, a set of aligners is printed on a 3D printer.

The flagship in this production is the Invisalign aligner system.

You just change aligners and your smile becomes even and beautiful. 100% comfort is provided to you. In many cases, the treatment period with aligners is much shorter than with braces.

Fast, easy, convenient!


Thus, over 100 years there has been a giant leap in the development of orthodontic systems from coarse and imprecise iron wire to individual, comfortable, hard-coded for the result, created in virtual reality and the most accurate systems. This gave patients more freedom of choice!

I constantly follow current trends in the world of orthodontics, so I can offer you quality treatment on any existing orthodontic systems at a reasonable cost. My approach to orthodontic practice will save you time and money in a comfortable environment, which is very important in the modern world!

Braces have become so quickly introduced into our lives that modern patients of orthodontic clinics no longer even imagine how people used to do without them.

Wanting to become the owner of a beautiful smile, many do not even think about the negative consequences of structures that correct the bite.

However, they do exist, and there are quite a few of them.

Complications when wearing

Ideally, the orthodontist should inform the patient about all the consequences that may arise after the installation of braces.

Some of them are the norm for the adaptation period, but there are also complications that may require specialist intervention. Let's consider the most common problems.

The presence of a foreign object in the mouth

Naturally, the presence foreign body in the oral cavity will cause discomfort. However, after 1-2 weeks, the owner of the system adapts and does not feel the presence of the structure.

Periodontal pain

Unpleasant sensations in some areas of the gums are considered to be the norm, since under the pressure of the plate, the teeth begin to gradually move into the correct position.

This symptom is not observed in everyone, it all depends on the severity of the defect. However, if you encounter it and cannot stand it, you can take a pain reliever.


Often, when a headache occurs, the owners of braces do not even think about the fact that unpleasant sensations can be triggered by wearing the structure.

However, the pressure that the braces create on the teeth is transferred to the maxillofacial bones, touching the nerve endings.

As a result, orthodontic clinic patients may suffer from headaches for some time.

Profuse salivation and chafing

Braces that are foreign object, irritate the oral mucosa and cause increased salivation. Therefore, this phenomenon is considered to be the norm.

In addition to the fact that braces cause a feeling of discomfort during the adaptation period, they also cause irritation of the mucous membrane.

Especially, bulky structures very often in the first weeks can injure the surface of the lips, tongue, cheeks. To avoid this situation, experts recommend using a special dental wax.

Inflammation of the gums

If a soft tissue inflamed precisely because of the installation of braces, the problem is easily solved by rinsing with anti-inflammatory compounds or massaging them with a soft brush.

The situation is much worse when the painful process was caused by bacteria due to poor hygiene.

Then you need to seek advice from an orthodontist, who, after certain examinations, will prescribe adequate treatment.

Violation of diction

Unfortunately, wearing braces and impaired speech are two essential processes. Especially, diction is influenced by lingual constructions that are installed on the inner side of the teeth.

However, in most cases, the speech defect goes away over time. Reading aloud helps to speed up this process.

Diet restriction

The bite correction process does not significantly affect the daily diet. But you still have to give up hard and viscous products.

Unnatural smile

Despite the introduction of modern designs into orthodontics, which have minimal parameters, not all braces owners allow themselves to smile with their teeth exposed.

Most people try to hide the structure behind their lips. However, the mouth is unable to grasp the increased volume of the teeth. The result is a tense and unaesthetic smile.

Dry lips

Not all orthodontists dare to voice this consequence of wearing braces. Nevertheless, the owners of the designs note such an unpleasant symptom.

Caries and enamel damage

Poor oral hygiene leads to the accumulation of plaque on the teeth, which subsequently becomes the cause of caries.

Improperly installed braces or poor hygiene can damage the enamel structure.

Destruction of the top of the tooth roots

This phenomenon can be observed due to excessive pressure to move the teeth. In most cases, owners of short and rounded organs suffer from this consequence.

Therefore, six months later, patients of orthodontic clinics are recommended to undergo an X-ray examination in order to prevent the development of pathology.

Difficulties in leaving

Since product residues often get stuck between the arch of the braces and the enamel, the owners of the structure should be cleaned oral cavity after every meal.

In cases where you don't have a toothbrush or orthodontic brush on hand, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly. Owners of structures are simply obliged to pay increased attention to oral hygiene.


Most modern orthodontic designs are hypoallergenic, but there is always an exception to any rule.

Therefore, if, after installing the plates, you notice a reaction that is atypical for your body, consult a doctor immediately. You may need to change the material of the braces.

Problems after removal

After removing the systems, when, it would seem, all the troubles are behind, the patients of orthodontic clinics face new problems:

  1. Changing the shape of the face. After wearing braces, the face visually acquires an oval shape, becomes more elongated. Patients note the retraction of the cheeks and the appearance of nasolabial folds.
  2. Enamel stains. At the end of the orthodontic treatment, unfortunately, patients see in the mirror not only even dental rows, but also spots on the enamel.

    Such a defect becomes an obvious consequence of insufficient hygiene, due to the design features. Even the most diligent owners of the design cannot prevent tooth pigmentation.

    Especially if a system is used in which each bracket is glued to the tooth separately.

  3. Demineralization of enamel. The pressure of the staples often leads to changes in the structure of the enamel. It becomes thinner, becomes more sensitive, and undergoes carious lesions.
  4. Displacement of teeth in the opposite direction. Despite the long period of treatment, after the removal of the structure, the teeth tend to return to their original position.

    This phenomenon can be caused by the anatomical features of an adult organism or the refusal to wear retainers - fixed or removable products that allow fixing the result.

  5. Gaps between teeth. This consequence can occur for the same reasons as when teeth are displaced in the opposite direction.

    The teeth tend to take their original position, which is already taken after the bite correction. Naturally, the teeth become uneven, as a result of which gaps appear. However, retainers can prevent this complication.


Orthodontic treatment requires more than high level professionalism from the specialist installing braces, but also significant responsibility from the patient himself.

In general, all of the listed complications are the result of:

  • poor quality oral hygiene;
  • disregard of the doctor's recommendations regarding nutrition;
  • weakened immunity;
  • incorrectly selected design;
  • anatomical features of the jawbone, which prevents the teeth from moving;
  • mistakes made in the manufacture of the structure, for example, the presence of sharp edges;
  • created excessive pressure on the teeth;
  • weakened enamel.

How to avoid?

Prevention of unpleasant consequences consists in some actions:

  1. Observance of thorough oral hygiene. The need to cleanse after each meal has already been mentioned above. During daily procedures, it is recommended to use dental floss, orthodontic brushes, irrigators.
  2. Cleaning technique... During hygiene, excessive pressure should not be applied to the enamel and gums.
  3. Exclusion of self-removal of the structure. Even if there is a very weighty cause and a serious complication, only a specialist should remove the braces.
  4. Timely visit to the orthodontist... If suddenly you are faced with a breakdown or damage to the structure, immediately contact a specialist for help.

The video provides information on the benefits and dangers of braces.

Braces, more precisely, bracket systems, are dental constructions for eliminating malocclusion and problems with the incorrect position of teeth. Alignment with orthodontic braces began to be practiced as early as 1776 in France, but the heavy structures used then interfered with speaking and extended beyond the mouth. More than a hundred years later, the apparatus was radically improved in America. Today the classic system looks different and consists of three main elements:

braces - locks that are attached to the teeth

orthodontic arch

fastenings (ligatures) for connecting the arc with locks

The main types of braces

Previously, when alignment with braces was necessary for many patients, the aesthetic side of the issue was the stop factor - the structures were made exclusively of metal and were fixed on the outside of the teeth. Now there are many types of orthodontic systems for every taste. The main differences between braces are the installation methods and materials of manufacture.

External and internal braces

A frequent question from patients is whether it is possible to place braces on crooked teeth without being noticed by others. Internal, or lingual, braces allow you not to worry about the aesthetic aspect. Unlike external ones, lingual systems are fixed on the back of the teeth and are completely invisible to others. True, the patient gets used to the lingual system longer. And for people with allergies, it is not always suitable, since it is made of metal, which can provoke an allergic reaction.

Ligature and ligature-free braces

Ligature and ligatureless systems differ in the way they are attached to the arc. The former are fastened with clamps (ligatures), while the latter are devices of a more advanced level that do not require additional fasteners. Ligature-free braces allow you to adjust the position of the arch once every 2 to 3 months. However, many specialists prefer monthly monitoring of the treatment. Despite the more perfect structure, it is difficult to say that ligature-free dental braces are superior in efficiency to traditional ones.

Types of braces

Someone does not attach importance to the presence of a metal apparatus in the mouth - back in the 90s, Cindy Crawford not only wore dental braces, but even starred in them in the Pepsi Cola advertising campaign. For those who have chosen external orthodontic braces, but prefer not to advertise the treatment, there are other options.

Types of braces depending on the material

How do braces differ from each other?

* Prices are approximate in Moscow and only for the bracket system.

How do braces align teeth?

Nature is laid so that our teeth can change position - independently or under the influence of external forces. Thanks to this property, orthodontic treatment with braces becomes possible. Its principle is as follows.

  1. Based clinical picture For the patient, the doctor plans the trajectory of movement for each tooth; one bracket is responsible for one dental unit.

  2. In the process of fixing the braces, the locks are joined together by an arc with a shape memory, which it tends to take over time.

  3. Under the action of the arc, the dentition begins to take the desired position.

  4. During the treatment, the archwire is replaced with a harder one to increase the impact.

How many years do braces cost?

The term of wearing braces is on average one to two years. These figures may vary, which depends primarily on the quality of the work performed and the characteristics of the patient's body. The difference in braces in terms of materials and construction does not affect the duration and effectiveness of treatment.

Indications and contraindications for installation

Problems that alignment with braces helps to deal with:

  • crooked teeth due to their improper growth
  • displacement of the dentition as a result of the removal of dental units
  • malformation of the jaw

In cases of crowding and gaps between the teeth, braces are the best solution. In the latter case, it will not be possible to do only with orthodontic treatment; complex procedures with the participation of a surgeon will be required.

At what age do you get braces?

The mobility of the teeth in the jawbone is maintained throughout a person's life, therefore, the answer to the question "Is it possible to put braces on crooked teeth in adulthood?" - positive. However, it is much easier to correct a child's bite with braces.

You can start treatment as early as 9 years old - even if not all milk teeth have been replaced by permanent ones. The most optimal age for installing braces is 12-13 years old, but at 30 braces will show nice results... It just takes more time.

Braces for crowns, veneers, implants

Crowns are not a contraindication to orthodontic treatment. The best option for placing braces on crowns is the metal system. It will provide reliable adhesion to the artificial material of the prosthesis. If a bracket system is required to be installed on the teeth that serve as a support for the bridge, the doctor will simply remove the prosthesis and supply the patient with temporary plastic crowns for the period of treatment.

As for veneers, if they are already on the teeth, this will not be a contraindication to installing a bracket system. However, it is still better not to install veneers in front of braces, especially taking into account that an incorrect bite is, in principle, a contraindication to veneering.

With an implant, it is already more difficult to correct the bite with braces - the artificial root sits firmly in the bone and is unable to move except upward. If possible, it is better to correct the curvature of the dentition before installing an artificial root. However, if the implants are already in place, orthodontic treatment can still be planned and delivered successfully.

Extracted teeth braces

It is realistic to place an orthodontic structure in the absence of one or more teeth, but it depends on the specific clinical picture. For example, it is quite possible to align a slight curvature in the frontal zone, even if there are no molars in the row. But is it possible with braces to close the void when there are no abutment teeth? In this case, it makes sense to put the system only if we are talking about 6, 7 and 8 teeth. If the figure eight (wisdom tooth) is absent, movement is impossible, since the chewing teeth will not be enough for full functioning.

Braces for one jaw and for several teeth

If the patient is worried about the curvature, for example, of only the upper teeth, fair questions arise. For example, why do you need braces on two rows of teeth? And do they put braces on one jaw? Installing only upper brackets or only lower brackets is really possible in the absence of global problems... It is important that the treatment gives an effective result without affecting the function of the jaw.

If the patient has several crooked teeth in the same area, the doctor may suggest partial dental braces. They are installed on a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe dentition for about six months.

Contraindications to the installation of braces

The placement of braces on teeth can be hampered by relative and absolute contraindications.

Relative contraindications for braces can be eliminated. These include:

  • poor hygiene
  • caries
  • allergy to materials in braces
  • periodontitis, periodontal disease
  • bruxism

Absolute contraindications are serious health problems that make orthodontic treatment impossible. These include:

  • oncological diseases
  • epilepsy
  • psychiatric disorders
  • pathology bone tissue
  • alcohol and drug addiction
  • venereal diseases
  • blood diseases
  • tuberculosis
  • diseases of the immune and endocrine systems

Can braces be worn during pregnancy?

During the carrying of a child, the dental tissue in women becomes more fragile, and there is a risk of damage to it by the orthodontic structure. Can braces be used during this period? Yes, but ideally, orthodontic treatment is best done before or after pregnancy. If the braces are already on the teeth, it is imperative to inform the orthodontist about the changes in your body. The doctor will prescribe a detailed diagnosis and decide if the braces and pregnancy are compatible.

If everything is in order, the dental braces treatment can be continued as usual. If the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment is questioned, the specialist will recommend removing the system and using retainers - until the process can be resumed.

Wearing result: before and after photos

The effect of wearing the orthodontic system is noticeable already in the first two months - gross violations are corrected. Further, the position of the teeth and roots is normalized. By about the eighth month, the entire dentition can be corrected with braces, the next stage begins - bite correction with braces. During the final stage, the teeth are "worked through" in detail in order to perfectly fit together.

The course of treatment does not end with the removal of the braces. Further, the doctor uses special structures to stabilize the teeth after braces - retainers. The device is installed on the inner side of the dentition for 2 - 4 years. The duration depends on the patient's age (the younger he is, the shorter the period of wearing the retainers) and the severity of the anomaly.

In some cases, orthodontic systems have a positive effect not only on the position of the teeth. After braces, the face becomes more toned, and the cheekbones become more pronounced. In the process of wearing the construction, other muscles begin to work, emphasizing what was not noticeable before.

Teeth after braces

Many patients fear the negative effects of braces. It is known that dental braces make oral hygiene more difficult. However, following the dentist's instructions for dental care during treatment will help avoid exposure to carious bacteria. If caries does appear, in most cases the specialist will be able to carry out the treatment without disturbing the braces.

Removing sapphire or ceramic braces may damage the enamel - during the procedure, they may crumble, which significantly complicates the work of the orthodontist. If damage occurs, the defect can be easily corrected with a small restoration.

How to fix crooked teeth without braces?

Today dentistry offers several alternative solutions that allow you to straighten teeth without braces:

  • Restoration: Correction of dental crown defects using composite materials. Provides fast results at an affordable price, but will last about five years, and over time, the color of the material will change.

  • Veneering: fixation of plates on the teeth, almost indistinguishable from natural enamel. The method is used instead of braces for small curvatures or increased gaps and will not work if the patient has complex curvature of the teeth or malocclusion.

  • Installation of removable braces. In fact, these are orthodontic designs that do not need to be worn all the time. However, it is not entirely correct to call them braces, these are completely different systems.

Are there removable dental braces?

Removable orthodontic systems are divided into trainers, plates and aligners. However, only the latter can be considered an alternative to bracket systems.

Aligners are special mouth guards made of plastic material, invisible to others. They are able to quickly and comfortably align almost any dentition defect. The aligners are removed during meals and brushing your teeth, which is very convenient. The Invisalign® system is considered the best today - it allows you to cope with defects that previously could not be straightened without braces. The design is made individually for each patient, so its cost is quite high and amounts to about 250,000 rubles.

Despite the many positive qualities removable systems, the decision on whether to put braces or if other methods of correction can be dispensed with, the patient should take only in conjunction with the attending physician.

Do's and don'ts when straightening teeth with braces

Orthodontic treatment is a long and demanding process. At home, braces require a number of rules to be followed.

  • Eliminate hard and viscous foods from the diet to avoid damaging dental braces or getting food stuck in them.

  • Do not allow sudden changes in temperature in the mouth (that is, you should not drink ice cream with hot tea). This affects the elasticity of the orthodontic arch and may cause the clasp to come off.

  • To avoid staining ceramic or plastic braces on your teeth, you should avoid coffee, jam, wine and drinks with dyes. Smoking also contributes to the discoloration of the system.

  • The oral hygiene procedure should be carried out using an irrigator, floss (dental floss) and a special brush with a V-shaped bristle. Oral care is necessary after every meal.

  • If the bracket is loose or peeled off, you should not worry - just consult a doctor, and he will easily and quickly correct the situation.

At the first time after the start of correcting teeth with braces, all these restrictions may seem rather burdensome and lead to thoughts: was it worth it to put braces? However, the patient gets used to them very quickly. In addition, the result of the treatment definitely justifies all these not very pleasant nuances.

Can MRI be done with braces? If a patient with orthodontic apparatus an MRI scan of the brain or jaw is to be expected, the doctor must be notified of the presence of the system Metal braces can distort diagnostic results. However, undergoing MRI with braces does not pose any danger to the body.

Before and after photos

It is impossible to create a truly Hollywood smile without straightening your teeth and correcting your bite. Therefore, if the patient has orthodontic problems, braces are included in the mandatory treatment plan. Malocclusion and crooked teeth are one of the main contraindications for the installation of aesthetic restorations. If you ignore orthodontic treatment and start veneering right away, the veneers simply won't stick to your teeth. This fact is confirmed by personal example of many celebrities who put braces on their teeth for the sake of a perfect smile.

Tom Cruise decided to correct teeth with braces only after 40 years.

After the collapse of Spice Girls, Melanie Jane Chisholm had to seriously work on her image, and, above all, to straighten her teeth.

Cristiano Ronaldo was not always handsome, as one might think looking at his flawless smile. According to rumors, he spent not a million euros on straightening his teeth and other procedures.

Price for braces in Moscow

As a rule, the cost of braces in Moscow is formed from the price of the system itself, as well as the total cost of installation and further treatment. The cheapest braces are, of course, metal. Their price starts from 50,000 rubles. Relatively inexpensive ceramic systems that cost about 75,000 rubles. The cost of a sapphire braces starts at 85,000 rubles. You need to be careful here, as sometimes ceramics are passed off as sapphire. The most expensive will be lingual systems, especially if they are made to order, their approximate price starts from 100,000 - 150,000 rubles. When figuring out the cost, be sure to ask what it includes and what services will need to be paid additionally. It happens that the initially low price for braces increases significantly during treatment. However, when choosing an orthodontic dentist and a bracket system, you should not focus solely on cheaper or more expensive ones, remember that poor-quality orthodontic treatment is fraught with lack of results and the occurrence of a number of complications.

The country Manufacturer Manufacturing materials The cost


3M Unitek Metal braces from 25,000 rubles
Ceramic braces from 70,000 rubles
Sapphire braces from 80,000 rubles
Ormco Metal braces from 20,000 rubles
Ceramic braces from 45 000 rubles
Sapphire braces from 50,000 rubles
American Ortodontics Metal braces from 40,000 rubles
Ceramic braces from 70,000 rubles
Sapphire braces from 50,000 rubles
Ortho Technology Metal braces from 15,000 rubles
Ceramic braces from 35,000 rubles
Sapphire braces from 40,000 rubles
The Dentsply GAC Metal braces from 20,000 rubles
Ceramic braces from 30,000 rubles


TOP-Service für Lingualtechnik GmbH Platinum-gold braces (lingual only) from 175,000 rubles
Forestadent Metal braces from 30,000 rubles
Ceramic braces from 60,000 rubles
Sapphire braces from 90,000 rubles


HT Corporation Metal braces from 20,000 rubles
Sapphire braces from 30,000 rubles


SIA Ortodontic Metal braces from 20,000 rubles
Ceramic braces from 25,000 rubles


Pilot Metal braces from 8,000 rubles
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