What is the dream for weeks. What days of the week are the festive dreams? Interpretation of dreams by the numbers of the month

For the execution of dreams affects the most of different factors. As is known in ancient times, scientists attached great importance to the movement of heavenly bodies, no exception was the interpretation of dreams. So each day of the week has a connection with a specific planet of the solar system.

The origins of this approach takes place in Eastern culture. For example, in India The names of the week of the week are absolutely consonant with the names of specific planets. There are similar compliance in other cultures, so in english language Sunday is Sunday, which even with minimal knowledge of languages \u200b\u200bis obviously translated as "Sun Day". Of course, at this stage of the development of society and science, such an opinion can be cast as much as possible, but there are not so many alternative estimates of the evaluation of dreams at all.

Modern look at the question

In addition, to determine the significance of the SPONS specific for the week, direct conclusions made in practice during long-term analysis were used. The foundation for such an analysis is rather psychologythan esoterica. This approach is due to the fact that on different days of the week, the person's subconscious concentrates on various topics. So, for example, Monday's dreams are brain attempts to analyze the events of last week and plan what is to be done on the future. The dreams of the medium and Thursday are complex, because they fall on the middle of the week, which in some way is considered the peak of tension and fatigue for a person. Whereas are dreams last days Weeks, as a rule, are associated with something detached from life and innermost for a dream. It should be borne in mind that those people whose way of life are far from the concept of a working week, a weekend or ration cannot be fully confident that with the above approach, they will be able to find an answer to the question of whether it is important Sleep or not.

Also, in no case, it is impossible to forget that in itself the ratio of the day of the week in which the dream happened is not key, because the calendar date of the dream and those lunar days for which sleep has come, have a much more influence on his Execurability.

Thus, the material describing the value of dreams depending on the day of the week, presented on this page, is the result of the harmonious synthesis of the experience of past years and conclusions made by psychologists of modernity. Such an approach to the question allows you to more fully and relevant to establish the importance of a sleep, without giving up any view.

Which night are prophet dreams, and when - meaningless "pawners"?

Spring- best timeTo look at night Greets carefully.

From Sunday for Monday

The dreams seen on the first night after the weekend, most often, show a rather superficial picture of our psychological state. The more conflicts are present in your life - not only with other people, but with yourself, the more difficult there will be vision. At the same time, such dreams, as a rule, do not affect anything of fateful; You can quietly prepare for upcoming concerns at the week, not paying attention to them. In other words, this is the same "Sleep-desert", vain and rather meaningless. And if he comes true, then, most often, it can be interpreted through minor home care.

Monday on Tuesday

In the morning on Tuesday, we are more often visible to bright, dismanting dreams that express our creative potential. If the dream was negative, then this week is not recommended to begin new business projects, sign important contracts. And vice versa, if he turned out to be pleasant and positive, then it is necessary to act strongly and immediately. Pay special attention to the dreams in which you win - for Tuesday, which is under the auspices of Mars, such visions are not just symbolic - they can be considered prophetic. If they come true, then over the next 10 days. And if this did not happen during the specified period, it is likely to never happen already.

From Tuesday on Wednesday

Another night with exciting storylines. In contrast to the second, such dreams are more controversial and concluded in themselves the opposite meaning. In addition, it is unlikely that a dream seen on this night will ever fully come true - only some of its aspects can be shot in reality. Key value: bright optimistic dreams in this period foreshadow the offensive of a new stage in lifewhich will be full of a variety of events.

From Wednesday to Thursday

Try not to forget this dream - he contains hints relating to your career. The morning is wiser than the evening? It's about Thursday morning! Often to early hour, a few minutes before awakening, it is clear to see the way to solve some important problem, dispute or conflict. Such dreams may even prompt you how to get out of a financial deadlock for a short time.

From Thursday to Friday

It is known that on the night of Thursday on Friday, people see prophetic dreams, especially if they concern love affairs. It is believed that it was at this time that the intuition of a person is as much as possible, and all the dreams that you manage to remember are considered things. Positive emotions and feelings indicate that you have a period of victories and achievements ahead. The same ones are associated with fears and losses, warnance of possible troubles. Dreams from Thursday on Friday require special attention, since reflect the real experiences of a person.

From Friday on Saturday

Let's call Saturday dreams - "sweets". Large changes in life they do not guarantee, but can bring a pleasant aftertastelike after a lollipop. Be sure to ask close manThat he has dreamed today - in the Gresses of loved ones and native people can contain valuable prompts. Even gloomy and frightening dreams, in the end, promise good luck - even if it is difficult.

From Saturday to Sunday

Another thing about the night in the week - such dreams can come true on the same day.! And with a pleasant reservation: Positive - in the same form in which they were seen; And negatives are instantly forgotten, without reflecting on your life.

The dreams do not simply reflect experienced events per day, but also can rule the future, warn a person about danger, give an answer to complex questions. In order to find out the meaning of dreams, it is necessary to pay attention to what day of the month he dreamed. It is important to remember that the interpretation will be complete when the day of the week on the lunar calendar is taken into account.

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Among all dreams should be noted prophetic dreams. They may be vacated on the eve of large church holidays, every month of the third number, as well as from Thursday to Friday.

By the numbers of the month

The sales of visions can be determined by dates. In some months they mean nothing. On other days of dreams are things and can warn about the dangers. There are dreams by the number of months, which suggest that the value can be literal, but negative. Interpretation depends on the exact date when the vision was hardened:



On the night of 1 number only positive plots come true, and negative urge to look at the setting in the family

Vision does not carry any semantic load. If a unpleasant plot dreamed, he does not foreshadow any negative in the dream life

This night can dream of the prophetic dreams. They are executed either very quickly, or have to wait long waiting for their execution

Visions warn about the dangers and future troubles

Night dreams have great importance And quickly come true

If a pleasant plot has been hardened, it will come true pretty quickly. Negative dreams come true for a long time. During this time, a person can adjust the events.

Dreams do not foresee anything, the likelihood that bad plots will come true, very low

A pleasant dream foreshadows joyful events. Bad sleep says it's time to take up the solution of old problems

Only colorful visions have a value. The interpretation must be associated with a dream career. Complete pretty quickly

Vision warns of unforeseen obstacles in affairs that will appear within 10-14 days

Snnowment can only come true for three days

Vision do not come true and do not foresee anything significant

Dreams about love and long journeysthat only pleasant memories will bring. Come true with great accuracy

Vision with a positive plot come true quite accurately. If something bad dreamed, it could be a tip to acceptance right solution In any sphere of life, except for romantic relationships

Night dreams empty

Vision concerns the health and well-being of a dream. Performed quite quickly

You can see the prophetic night dreams about the success in professional activity or public life. Executed within 20 days

Dreams have a pleasant plot and concern the material well-being of a person, his property

Vision warns of possible troubles in the family. Performed for quite a long time, so the dream has time to change the current situation

The dream will be fulfilled under the condition that the person will not tell anyone to his plot

From 20 to 21 numbers come true dreams about achieving the goals

From 21 to the 22th number should pay attention only to good symbols for a dream career

Vision warns about approaching problems and troubles

Execution of good dreams occurs within two weeks

Vision warns about deception, however, it will not be easy to determine where it will happen

Greps about small joys of life

Vision foreshadow nothing

Dreams talk about the feelings and emotions of the dream

Empty night dreams

Only dreams about achievements come true. Other visions mean nothing

Night dreams give tips to improve financial welfare

By day of the week

It is important to pay attention to the distribution of dreams by day of the week:

Day of the week



On Monday night, the vision is talking about the emotional and psychological state of the dream. Stressful day life causes the appearance of strange and intricate night dreams. Do not pay attention to these vision. Even if they come true, only certain small details

Vision reflect creative abilities and creative thinking of a person. The bright visions that need to be carefully analyzed are shot. If the plot was enjoyable, then this suggests that it has come to realize his most bold ideas. All the undertands of the dream will be quite successful. Bad sleep suggests that it is worth up with new projects. See yourself the winner - win the victory in reality for 10 days

On this night all night dreams are very confused. Do not expect their execution. Even if they are executed, then only some small details from sleep

On the night of Thursday, significant images and plots are played. At this time, you can get an answer to important questionsconcerning material well-being, a dream career, as well as a relationship with a loved one

There is a high probability that the dream diskeding from Thursday to Friday will come true. Visions on this night are addressed to those who personal experiences are much more expensive career and money

Only visions with positive plots are performed. Dreams matter not only for the diligence, but also for people who surround it


Only good dreams come true on this night. Come true in a very short time

On the lunar calendar

For the right interpretation of dreams, it is important to turn not only for months and numbers, but also on the lunar day. The moon affects the physical and on emotional condition man. There are certain cycles when lunar calendar In a dream, you can find an answer to an important question:

  • Descending Moon. During this period of the month, you can see what will soon become unnecessary. If we prompted bad Son.This should be perceived as a good sign. He means that the whole negative will leave once and forever. All insults, problems and troubles will remain in the past. Do not expect the performance of good dreams.
  • Waxing Crescent. This period is associated with strengthening strength and energy. Dreams on a growing moon talk about changes in the dream of a dream, which will occur very soon. Dreams are often things. They suggest a person what awaits him in the near future what steps should be taken to succeed and from what to refuse. Dream Interpretation argues that it is necessary to interpret dreams in integrity, and not separately every item.
  • Full moon. Dreams at this time become colorful, bright, emotionally painted. It is necessary to memorize everything that has dreamed during this period, analyze your feelings and emotions. Dreams will give a prompt that a person can use in extraordinary situations.
  • New moon. Visions in the new moon remind of something forgotten, but soon necessary. Vision can help get out of a difficult situation. During this period, a person can see a dream about what to do for happiness and well-being in the future.

Interpretation of dreams on the lunar days

It is important to pay attention not only to the phase of the moon, but also on the lunar day, when the dream was given:

Moon day


Vision will come true if you tell you a close person

On this day, dreams are often things and quickly come true

Dreams are not executed. Do not fear dreaming nightmare

Dreams do not carry anything bad. Come true but not soon

This is a period of doubt and uncertainty. Dreams do not carry a special semantic load

Visions are executed. To be successful, should not tell anyone about the story donated

Pleasant vision come true

Fight a dream about troubles. You should remember the plot to avoid them. Good dreams will dream of luck

Visions come true

On these days, the prophetic dreams are shot. Should be vigilant

The most successful time for prophetic dreams. Interpretation of vision straight line

Need to remember the plot of sleep to avoid problems and trouble in the future

Only short and clear dreams are performed.

Only bright dreams come true

Dreams in these days. You can not talk to anyone to tell the plot of sleep

Only bright dreams come true. Blurry and messy plots are not executed

Vision is necessarily executed

Dreams come true. You should pay attention to the most minor little things in real lifeto avoid trouble

Visions are performed, but no soon. You should write the plot of the seen sleep

If this day dreamed of a nightmare, he will help to find an answer to an important question

Vision empty

Vision prophets come true in a short period

Dubious plots, vision do not come true

Only positive plots come true

Performed dreams that have a clear and understandable plot

Related dreams are starred

Visions are not always executed

Performed visions that shoot before Awakening

That the vision is fulfilled, you need to tell you about him a close person

Only positive visions are executed

When can I see the prophetic vision?

The prophetic dreams can be seen in the period seven days between Merry Christmas and the baptism of the Lord. These days are called the Holie.

For Christmas Dreams suggest how to achieve the desired goal and avoid failures in life. Most often visions are executed within 7 days. However, they can be fulfilled in 5 years.

IN Sky Dreams are performed within 6 months. They characterize the deeds of a person and are related to the daily business of man. Special attention should be given to dreams disinterested in the following nights:


What can dine sleep

Song says about the plans of insidious enemies and envious

This night does not make a question

Dreams answer questions of women about the family, the fate of close people

Vision will tell about material well-being and career

If a man is interested in issues related to business development and material well-being, then you need to pay attention to dreams from 11 on January 12

Vision will answer any tormenting question

Vision will tell the tactics of behavior with the opponent

This night do not make anything

Dreams will tell about problems and adversity over the next year.

Vision will give information about romantic relationships with a beloved man, family and children

It is guessing for the sinic dreams, you need to not forget to repent, as the Church considers fortune telling by one of their sinful classes.

On baptism Vision is related to human life, his fate, and they can be fulfilled for 20 years.

In any church holiday can dream vision's meaningBut he must be fulfilled until noon (lunch) of this day.

Every month of the third number We should expect prophetic dreams. Visions on the 25th number are empty.

Almost always true. Especially should pay attention to Fridays the run-up of some church holidays.

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a fault, problems at work and in personal life pursued me. However, I decided that I still need personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in you, all the failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad strength.

But who will help in a difficult life situation when it seems that all life rolls under the slope and passes by you. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when it was necessary for renting an apartment 11. What was my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I could not even imagine that you can earn so much money that some kind of trinket at first glance could have affected.

It all started with the fact that I ordered myself personal ...

According to calculations, a person spends more than 20 years of his life in a dream, but it cannot be said that he falls out of reality, since in it he continues to communicate, love, work, that is, to live and move. In addition, our dreams can be a continuation of the events that occurred during the wakefulness or their omen. therefore it is very important to know what a dream is in different days of the week., because this depends on the decision of some problems.

Usually these dreams are about life and family troubles - they say that you will be waiting for the next seven days. If you see that in a dream, quarrel with relatives, then try to be restrained so that there are no large quarrels and in real life. Pay attention to the one who dreamed of this night - he will be a permanent fellowship next week: besides, he can be as a culprit of your upcoming problems and assistants in solving them.

It is important that in length was your dream - a short talk about small troubles, and the long - predicts that there will be a difficult week, rich in events and meetings, not always pleasant.

This dream tells about you. So, if in it you are a leader seeking what and reaching the desired one, it will be possible - you can put goals - you will succeed, if all the time you have passed in the search for an exit from a difficult situation and did not find it, you should not this week to put in front of you complex tasks - nothing will happen - you will prevent or circumstances or the environment.

As for sleep length, the shortests say that your minor tasks will be solved, and a long sleep is a sign that serious troubles are waiting for you.

These dreams are usually about friends. In them, you can make up with those with whom in a quarrel in real life, or crouch with the offender, expressing what silence, by the way, after that it will be easier for you in the soul. If your dream is about friendly sites, then get ready, most likely, we will spend the weekend with friends, even if you did not plan to entertainment programs. When the dream tells you about some conflict or friend's deception, then in life try not to trust him - maybe it is somehow connected with the personal problems of your comrade, but it will be unpleasant what you say, and it will turn against you.

Sleep length is very important on this night, since it depends on it, how your relationship with loved ones will be folded: short - you will quarrel, a long - pleasant pastime with a circle of buddies.

This night will tell you about work. It is today that you can find out what awaits you in the future, or to solve the working question for a long time. On this night, you can even make a dream to find out whether there will be an increase in the career ladder or salaries when the conflict between employees is resolved, how to act to notice the bosses and the like. By the way, in this dream you will see your and distant future - if in it you are in the same team, then you will not change the work soon if you are surrounded unfamiliar people - Very soon you will change the place of work.

For those who want to know whether the cardinal changes will be able to remember how long the dream was - short - you are not waiting for big changes, long - the thorny path to the goal set will lead to victory.

On this night, the girls can make a loved one, saying such a phrase: "From Thursday to Friday, on the holy fodder, you dare, who in love with me." Be sure to see a guy thinking about you and find out what awaits you ahead. Dreaming on Friday night is considered love - there may be sexual dreams, and dating, and establishing family relationships. During such a dream, there is a complete relaxation and acquisition of positive energy - you wake up happy and pleased.

A short sleep on this night predicts a light flirt, long - a serious love relationship.

The fateful dreams come on this night, so it is desirable to memorize them, because they can predict your future. Often in these dreams you can see death or a disease of your loved ones, some personal problems, actions that will occur in real life, etc. But if I did not remember, you should not worry - it means that nothing serious will happen.

A short dream will tell about frivolous changes in your life, long - about global.

Dreams on this night will be associated with those who are most worried about the sleeping. Parents can see their children, lovers - the soul mate, well, and children are friends. These dreams are often prophetic, so if in a dream, children are in a difficult situation, they need to save them in real life - talk to them, maybe you can learn necessary information. The same applies to other expensive people close to you.

As for sleep length, it doesn't matter on this night.

Our dreams, depending on the day of the week, have miscellaneous meanings. Each day of the week manages its planet. ----The effects of planets on the dreams are very important when interpreting dreams.

Dreams from Sunday for Monday

Since Monday is a difficult day, it is also under the influence of the moon, which has a greater impact on our dreams. Therefore, any dreams of this day are reflected most often on everyday things and family life.

If a sleep was long and filled with actionsthen trouble in life add, and they will be connected with homemade focus. Therefore, it is better if you have dreamed of nothing noticeable sleep, in which there were no meaningful events.

There is one important point In the dreams of this difficult day - you should not perceive them as veins. Therefore, there is nothing supernatural and symbolic. As a rule, they are reflection of our subconscious Over the past week.

Dreams from Monday to Tuesday

Tuesday is under the impact of Mars. We all know about this red planet, which is different like, that is why dreams on this day are hospiters Coming confrontation, conflict situations or cardinal change.

If the dream was calm and measured, then you have nothing to fear. This means that all obstacles will be passed easy and successful, and you - are on right way.

If the dream was full of events, Yes, and left behind anxious and restless feeling, and your energy just shines through the edge, then it's time take into one's handsshow initiative and find out output From the situation. remember, that clear it is impossibleOtherwise it will be a complete nonsense: get such a powerful signal and sit, folding hands.

Naturally, dreams are always reflected in real life. When to expect this if the dream dreamed from Monday to Tuesday? Mostly on Thursday or Friday.

Dreams from Tuesday on Wednesday

Astrologers say that dreaming from Tuesday to Wednesday is mostly under the influence of Mercury, and this planet explains a lot, but even more questions leaves after himself.

Because dreams are characteristic diversity, it is not always possible to remember it in the morning. But if you still have been able to do this, then the likely probability is that it will be possible to understand the dream correctly, take out of it favor and take the right decision.

Most often dreams on this day indicate relations With friends and our surroundings in general. If we see a lot of friends, friends or relatives - this means that these people in life need in our aTTENTION, council or aid. In other words, if in a dream events bright and interestingfilled with communication - it displays how sociable you are in real life. If the dream is radically different from the foregoing, was boring or invasivethen he means you need to communicate or reflects your experiences about what no one help In a difficult moment.

Dreams from Tuesday on Wednesday display in real life in friday or Saturday.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday

On the fourth day of the week, Jupiter affects our dreams, and this means that changes are most likely at work or its stability, as well as reflect the options for solving an important case or problem.

Aside important For you a career? Sleep this day will help reply for this question. If the dream was about some serious businessand you participated in it personally, then this is promulit career growth or tempting perspectives. If a lot of people were involved in a dream, then a career for you minosphennaTherefore, it should not be waited.

Performances Sleep should be expected on Saturday or Sunday.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday

On the fifth day of the week, our dreams are under the auspices of the beautiful planet of Venus. It is with dreams that day is associated with our sensory side.

As you already understood, most of the dreams are intertwined with emotions, experiences, ours personal Life or relationships in family. As a rule, dreams on the fifth day of the week reflect many of our hidden desires or thoughts, giving the opportunity friend Their, which in real life, alas, do almost unable.

To dreams S. thursday on Friday It should be treated attentionbecause it is on this day the greatest probability Performance of sleep in reality. When will it expect it? We don't have a specific answer to this question: the dream was bright and dynamic - Wait for B. soon His incarnation, if the dream was gloomy and negative, then you should review your personal relationship and change them, because after some time interval problems come out and spoil what has already required so long ago changes.

Dreams from Friday on Saturday

If you want to change in life, then pay attention to dreams with friday on Saturday. They carry very important events, which can change Your life because the dream is influenced Saturn. But not everything is as simple as it seems. Changes ourselves do not get enough if you do not and step to the meeting them.

If sleep is filled paints, bright objects or huge space then in the close future there will be no barrierswho will prevent the goal to go, and your plans - implemented.

Dreams on Saturdays on Sunday

On this day, the sun is influenced on our dreams, and this planet is considered a catalyst, that is, sets up and opens the other side of your nature, which reflects creativity.

Most often in dreams of this day we see people that occupy main place in our life. And since the Sun affects the dreams, then as a rule, they have rainbow shades, and after leaving nice impression. This suggests that in your life will soon appear humanwho will give emotions, wonderful meetings, and changewho bring to life will go to you on favor.

Sometimes there are boring dreams, as in the sun spots. It is here that it is worth think about and start change lifeOtherwise, the period of stagnation and lack of any events awaits you.

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