Quotes. Dumbledore in harry potter was played by different actors Dumbledore's full name from harry potter

All of the previous commentators have quite rightly noted perhaps the most important aspect of this issue: Albus Dumbledore cannot be categorized unequivocally in terms of "good / bad". The reason, in my opinion, is simple: Albus is above such a categorical division into positive and negative in essence, both the character and the archetype, whose place is allotted to him.

Everything I said further is the purest IMHO based on the opinion of people who are authoritative for me (where I can, I will put links). I warn you right away about the subjectivity of my assessment and interpretations: I consider Albus Dumbledore one of the best characters in the entire series of Harry Potter books, and in my personal top he occupies a stable first place, overtaking even Hermione Granger. Accordingly, my position is very, very pro-Dumbledore, and the assessment of his activities is very positive (other opinions, of course, have every right to exist).

When asking a question, you asked to base on the conversation between Albus and Severus from the memories that Harry saw in the Pool of Memory. Very characterizing, the climax of the book, when it finally becomes clear to all of us where everything is going, and what Dumbledore's plan was from the very beginning. Someone turned away from Albus (there is even a stable cliche in fanfiction called " Dambigad", although he appeared before the seventh book), and someone reluctantly was able to accept his goals, objectives and actions, although this took a lot of time and effort. Personally, I was helped to do the latter by the well-known work of two Russian authors anna_y and cathereine entitled "The Big Game of Albus Dumbledore"... Particular attention in it should be paid to the first three parts, where the authors simply lay out everything that happens on the shelves, but the greatest value, in my opinion, is a short essay about the last book, where Dumbledore's goals are plainly stated: "Dumbledore never<...>did not refuse to try to save a person if there was even a tiny chance of salvation. And as illusory as this chance was, it invariably became for Dumbledore a reinforced concrete foundation for rescue work. "

It was Dumbledore who all seven books was the translator of one of the fundamental ideas of the Potteriana: "The choice should not be an easy, but the right way", and the problem of this choice is very well illustrated by the authors of BI:

"There are two people. It is known that if you allow one of them to be killed, the other will survive. If you do not allow, then there is a certain risk that both will die, but there is also the possibility that both will survive. So, Dumbledore always puts purpose: both must survive... Because you cannot choose, you cannot sacrifice, you have to fight for everyone. "

If Harry had not gone into the forest to Voldemort and voluntarily had not decided to destroy himself and the Horcrux along with him, then Voldemort would not have been destroyed one hundred percent. Dumbledore foresaw various options for the outcome of the war, but he knew one thing for sure: Harry have to destroy the Horcrux in yourself so that Voldemort is destroyed. And he passed on this knowledge to Harry through Severus Snape, who, as Albus knew for sure, would do ALL so that Voldemort is defeated. Not everything went as planned, but in the end, Dumbledore's faith in the best was justified - Harry managed to survive and simultaneously destroyed the Horcrux.

If you look at Albus as a mentor figure, you can see his clear function in relation to Harry: he is a kind of Merlin under King Arthur, who brings up the boy as a child, teaches magic and helps to achieve royalty in the end. In a lecture "Harry Potter: Rowling's Gospel"(by the way, look, very interesting parallels and interpretations) Dmitry Bykov directly identifies Dumbledore with the figure of God the Father. I like the first version more simply because Merlin himself is somehow closer, although, if you think about it, Merlin in the magical world is just a kind of analogue of a generally recognized deity, though without an attached religious cult.

I will not consider aspects of Dumbledore's biography in order to reveal exactly how he came to the position in which we find him at the beginning of the books, this is a topic for another question and reasoning. In the books, we see what is: Dumbledore is a very old man, battered by life, who nevertheless has not lost his cheerfulness, faith in people and the ability to sincerely love his loved ones. His fundamental trait, which he has suffered and acquired throughout his life, I consider his ability to admit and correct his mistakes (the formation of Voldemort and his destruction), learn from them (raising Harry Potter), and also pay the bills when the situation cannot be rectified (the story with Ariana and Grindelwald). He is primarily human, and is human in the highest degree and therefore cannot be completely good or bad; he knows how to forgive, trust, and appreciate the best even in the most reputedly lost people (Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy, etc.). And at the same time, as we can see from the Harry Potter books, the mistakes of great people are very, very expensive, and Albus Dumbledore made many mistakes and paid in full for their consequences.

Hair color: gray-haired, in the past - chestnut
Eye color: Light blue
Faculty: Gryffindor
Blood purity: Half-breed
Loyalty: Order of the Phoenix, Hogwarts
Patronus: phoenix
Magic wand: Elder Wand
Role in films: Richard Harris, Michael Gambon (starting with GP and KO)

Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore(English Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, 1881-1997 ) - one of the main characters in the Harry Potter series of books by the English writer J.K. Rowling, director of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Supreme Sorcerer of the Wizengamot (the court of wizards), Commander of the Order of Merlin, First Class, founder of the Order of the Phoenix.
Dumbledore's collectible card says the following about him:
Albus Dumbledore, currently the headmaster of Hogwarts. Considered the greatest wizard of our time. The professor is famous for his victory over the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, the discovery of twelve ways to use dragon blood and his works on alchemy, co-authored with Nicholas Flamel. Hobbies - chamber music and bowling.
Throughout the first six books, the image of Dumbledore practically did not differ from the classic images of Merlin and Gandalf. He appeared before the readers as a powerful kind wizard, possessing, despite his majestic appearance and venerable age, a lively sense of humor and remarkable strength of mind. After the release of the last book of the cycle, which describes Dumbledore's dark past and reveals the true motives of many of his actions, readers' opinions regarding him were divided. In particular, many accuse Dumbledore of the calculated and brutal use of Harry Potter and Severus Snape to defeat Voldemort.

Dumboldore family

Albus Dumbledore was born in 1881 to Percival and Kendra Dumbledore. Three years later, his brother Aberforth was born, and shortly after that, his sister Ariana. When Ariana was six years old, she was attacked by Muggle children (after seeing her use magic). As a result of this attack, she became mentally ill. Albus' father Percival took revenge on them and was sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban. He did not tell the court about the reasons for his action, so that Ariana would not be admitted to the hospital of St. Mungo. After this incident, the family moved to Godric's Hollow. Kendra carefully hid her daughter from prying eyes, from which the neighbors concluded that Ariana was a squib.
Soon Dumbledore entered Hogwarts School, the Gryffindor Faculty and became the most brilliant student in its history. He received all the honorary awards that were established by the school, entered into correspondence with the most famous wizards of that time, including the famous alchemist Nicholas Flamel, the famous historian Bathilda Bagshot and the theorist of magic Adalbert Woffling. Some of his articles have been accepted for publication by such scientific journals as Transfiguration Today, Problems of Enchantment, and The Practice of Potion Making.
After leaving school, Dumbledore planned to go on a traditional journey with his old friend Elfias Doge, but this was prevented by the death of Kendra, who was accidentally killed by Ariana during another attack.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald

As the head of the family, Dumbledore was forced to stay at home with Ariana while Aberforth completed his education. According to him, he returned home angry and unhappy. It seemed to Dumbledore that his brilliant career had been given up, that his life was ruined, and these feelings overpowered his love for his family. Therefore, when the young and equally capable magician Gellert Grindelwald, the great-nephew of Bathilda Bagshot, settled in the neighborhood of Dumbledore, his ideas literally inflamed Dumbledore. And not just ideas, Dumbledore admired Gellert. Grindelwald was a brilliant young man, handsome, intelligent, and most importantly, sharing the ideas of Albus. Grindelwald advocated the subordination of Muggles to wizards "for the greater good." Dumbledore drew attention to the fact that such power imposes a huge responsibility, and advocated the use of force only to the extent of the bare essentials, but generally agreed with his new friend.
The Deathly Hallows, the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the Invisibility Cloak, were to be the instruments in achieving this dubious goal. Dumbledore planned to use the stone to resurrect his parents so that they would remove the burden of responsibility for his sister and brother from his shoulders.
Dumbledore had already planned to go in search of gifts, but Aberforth strongly opposed this. He reminded his brother that he must look after the sick and uncontrollable Ariana. A scuffle broke out between Albus, Aberforth and Grindelwald, during which one of them accidentally killed Ariana. After that, Grindelwald disappeared. It was undoubtedly a big blow for Albus, his beloved friend used the Cruciatus on his brother and possibly killed his sister! At Ariana's funeral, a furious Aberforth broke Dumbledore's nose.
Ariana's death marked a turning point in Dumbledore's life. He admitted the fallacy of his ideas and realized that he did not deserve to have both the gifts of Death and great power (and later repeatedly refused the post of Minister of Magic).
Dumbledore soon returned to Hogwarts as a Transfiguration instructor. Meanwhile, Grindelwald began to implement his plans for world domination. Until the last moment, Albus avoided meeting his former friend, fearing to learn from Grindelwald that it was he who killed his sister, or simply because he was afraid of a fight with his former idol. Only when it was no longer possible to remain on the sidelines, Dumbledore entered into a duel with him and defeated him. According to Ephias Doge, Dumbledore's victory and its consequences for the entire wizarding community are considered a turning point in wizarding history. After the duel with Grindelwald, Dumbledore became the new owner of the Elder Wand. Dumbledore himself put it this way: "I was allowed to own and use it, because I took it not for profit, but in order to save others from it."

Dumbledore and Voldemort

One of the assignments given to Dumbledore when he was a teacher was to find the young magician Tom Riddle, who later became Voldemort, and invite him to study at Hogwarts. Dumbledore was impressed with Riddle's abilities, however, he noticed the dark sides of his personality and never trusted him. When Riddle grew up and expressed a desire to work as a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts, Dumbledore convinced Director Armando Dippet to decline the request.
In 1956 Dumbledore became the head of Hogwarts. Meanwhile, Riddle began to gather followers around him and began to call himself Voldemort. Soon, he again applied for teaching at the school, but was refused, this time from Dumbledore himself.
To fight Voldemort, Dumbledore created an organization called the Order of the Phoenix. Among its members were Harry Potter's parents James and Lily. Soon, Dumbledore learned that James had an invisibility cloak, one of the inherited gifts of Death. By this time, Dumbledore had already abandoned the idea of ​​reuniting the Deathly Hallows, but the temptation to look at one of them and study it properly was too great, and with James' permission, he took the mantle for himself for a while. After the Potters died, Dumbledore decided to hand her over to Harry.

After the birth of Harry Potter

From Harry's first years at Hogwarts, he and Dumbledore developed a warm relationship. Dumbledore more than once came to his aid in difficult times: for example, he sent him his phoenix Fawkes and the sword of Godric Gryffindor in the Sorting Hat, without which the boy would never have coped with the basilisk ("Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets") or suggested using the flywheel of time to save the condemned to death Sirius Black ("Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"). At the same time, Dumbledore was never completely honest with him. He never told the boy about his past, for a long time he hid the content of the prophecy from him, where it is said about Voldemort and Harry that “one of them must die at the hands of the other, for neither one can live in peace while the other is alive. ", Fearing for Harry's peace of mind. In addition, Dumbledore kept many facts about Severus Snape from the boy.

Confrontation with the Ministry

At the end of Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire), Dumbledore gives a speech to the students, in which he announces the revival of Voldemort. Thus, he comes into conflict with the Ministry of Magic, which does not recognize this fact, and loses the post of Supreme Sorcerer of the Wizengamot.
At the beginning school year Dumbledore appeared at the meeting of the Wizengamot and acted as attorney for Harry, who was accused of using magic outside the walls of Hogwarts (which is strictly prohibited). Dumbledore managed to prove that Harry had to defend himself against the Dementors (in fact, he did). Meanwhile, the Ministry of Magic began to openly interfere in the internal affairs of Hogwarts. It got First Deputy Minister Dolores Umbridge to become the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and gradually delegate more and more powers to her. Umbridge argued that Voldemort posed no danger, and Dumbledore was just spreading panic in order to get the chair of the minister of magic. Harry and his friends created an underground circle - "Dumbledore's Squad", where they prepared for a fight with Voldemort, studying protection from the dark arts. When Umbridge became aware of this, Dumbledore took all the blame, said that he was allegedly preparing a riot against the Ministry, stunned Umbridge and her henchmen, and left the school. Umbridge herself became the new director of Hogwarts. Shortly thereafter, a duel between Dumbledore and Voldemort took place at the Ministry of Magic building. It ended in a draw, the Dark Lord managed to escape, but after that it was impossible to deny the fact of the revival of Voldemort. Dumbledore was reinstated as Headmaster of Hogwarts and Arch Sorcerer of the Wizengamot.

Search for Horcruxes

The mysterious properties of Tom Riddle's diary, destroyed by Harry in his second year of study, and the phrase dropped by Voldemort on the night of his rebirth (“I, who walked the farthest along the path of immortality”), made Dumbledore think that Voldemort was Mort created a number of Horcruxes, placing fragments of his soul in them, and began to search for and destroy them. In the summer, between the fifth and sixth years of Harry's studies at Hogwarts, Dumbledore managed to find the second (after the diary) Horcrux - Marvolo's ring. Finding that inside the stone is one of the Deathly Hallows - the resurrection stone, Dumbledore lost his head and put it on his finger in the hope of returning his family. However, the deadly spell applied to the ring worked, and, despite the fact that Snape was able to stop the spell from spreading, Dumbledore was doomed.
Knowing that Voldemort had instructed one of Slytherin's students, Draco Malfoy, to kill him, Dumbledore asked Snape to do it for him. By this he achieved several goals: firstly, to save Draco's still not completely damaged soul, secondly, to protect Draco from Voldemort's anger for an unfulfilled task, and thirdly, to finally convince Voldemort of his devotion to him Snape (who worked as a double agent), fourthly, transfer the ownership of the Elder Wand to Snape. For a year ("Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince") Dumbledore told Harry about Voldemort's past and about the Horcruxes, but did not reveal to him his agreement with Snape. The most terrible truth that Dumbledore hid from the boy was that one of Voldemort's horcruxes was Harry himself, and he, therefore, had to sacrifice himself for the sake of defeating the Dark Lord. Harry should have learned this information from Snape only after the destruction of all the other Horcruxes, with the exception of Nagini.
Everything happened exactly as Dumbledore had planned. While trying to get another Horcrux, Dumbledore became very weak and became an easy prey for Malfoy. Draco disarmed him, but could not kill him, and Snape did it (with the help of the Avada Kedavra spell) (the only thing Dumbledore did not expect was that the Elder Wand chose Draco, who disarmed him) as its new owner. Harry went in search of the Horcruxes ("Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"), gradually destroyed them, learned from Snape about the need to sacrifice himself and made this difficult step. However, Harry did not die, as a small amount of his blood protected by magic maternal love, flowed in Voldemort's veins (Dumbledore foresaw this, but could not tell Harry about it, otherwise the self-sacrifice would not be complete, and the shard of Voldemort's soul in Harry would not have been destroyed). Hanging between life and death, Harry met with Dumbledore, who finally shared all his secrets with him. For the last time on the pages of the book, the spirit of Dumbledore communicates with Harry through a portrait hanging in the headmaster's office. Harry informs Dumbledore of his intention to get rid of all the Deathly Hallows except the Invisibility Cloak, and Dumbledore "watches over him with boundless love and admiration."
One of Harry's sons, Albus Severus Potter, was named after two Hogwarts school principals Dumbledore and Snape.

Dumbledore's personality


Albus Dumbledore appears in the very first chapter of the first book ("Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"). He is described as “a tall, thin, and very old man with silver hair and a beard (both were so long that he could have plugged them in his belt). Blue eyes shone with a bright light from under glasses with glasses in the shape of a crescent, sitting on a long hooked nose so that it seemed as if this nose had been broken in at least two places. Above his left knee is a London subway scar.


One of the main character traits of Dumbledore is that he does not accept any formalities, speaks clearly and simply, pronounces Voldemort's name without fear and advises Harry to do the same. Dumbledore has no prejudice. He allows Hagrid, who has giant blood in his veins, to serve as gatekeeper and teach at Hogwarts and says that he would trust him with his life. He also recruits the werewolf Remus Lupine and the former Death Eater Severus Snape.
Dumbledore is solely responsible for the Hogwarts students. He rarely gets angry with Harry and allows him to ask very unpleasant questions for himself, but once Harry said that Dumbledore often leaves school and leaves his students unattended, Dumbledore got angry and said that during his absence the students were under full magical protection. Harry instantly falls silent, realizing that he has crossed some invisible line.
Dumbledore is capable of eccentricities and strange actions in the eyes of others. Confirmation of this is his speech at the solemn ceremony of the beginning of the new academic year:
"Welcome! Welcome to the start of the new school year at Hogwarts! Before starting the banquet, I would like to say a few words. And my words will be: Olukh! Bubble! Remainder! Trick! Thanks to everyone! "

Outlook on life

According to Dumbledore himself, at the beginning of his life he was not much different from Voldemort, for, like him, he was looking for a way to defeat death. In the future, a calm attitude to death became one of the main life principles of Dumbledore. Here are just some of his sayings: "In the end, for a properly organized consciousness, what is death if not an interesting new adventure?" Voldemort). Another fundamental belief of Dumbledore, constantly ridiculed by Voldemort, is that love is stronger than all magic.


Commander of the Order of Merlin 1st Class
Great Wizard
High Sorcerer of the Wizengamot
President of the International Confederation of Magicians

The universe of the beloved wizard Harry Potter cannot be imagined without the wise mentor of the young magician - Albus Dumbledore. It is he who for the most part directs the actions of little Harry, protects him from the dangers of dark sorcery and ultimately prepares him for the final battle with the terrifying Lord Voldemort. It is impossible to imagine the Hogwarts school without such a familiar director, and in almost every plot-wise scene of the epic Dumbledore appears in one way or another. The actor who played the old wizard in the first two films passed away from fatal disease however, no Michael Gambon story is complete without a reference to Richard Harris.

First Dumbledore

Many fans consider the first two Harry Potter films to be the most magical and memorable. It is possible that the great, kind and wise Dumbledore contributed in part to this. The actor, who played a powerful magician in the films "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" and "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", became a kind of symbol of "book" Albus.

Richard Harris was born in 1930 in Ireland. At the beginning of his life, he dreamed of becoming a professional rugby player. In his youth, Harris showed tremendous success in sports, but soon he was diagnosed with tuberculosis, and the aspiring athlete was pushed out of the field of professional rugby.

The beginning of the way

It took Harris two years to fully recover from the illness. All this time, he studied literature and eventually came to the conclusion that he was more interested in art than sports. In 1956, the future Dumbledore (the actor, by the way, originally planned to become a director) enrolled in the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts. In the same year, he made his theatrical debut in The Square Guy, and Harris began to perform successfully on stage alongside such celebrities as Albert Finney.

The first film of the talented Irishman was the completely unknown film "Alive and Healthy" in 1959, but after that the actor who played Dumbledore starred in many other films. His impressive track record includes such world-famous titles as “The Cannons of Navarone”, “Mutiny on the Bounty”, “Such is the sporting life.” Richard Harris has managed to prove to Hollywood his ability to shine along with undeniable stars such as Marlon Brando.

Last years

Richard Harris went on to play in acclaimed motion pictures, including Russell Crowe's Gladiator, which was released in 2000. Already in 2001, he got the role of one of his favorite literary characters. The actor who plays Dumbledore sincerely hoped to work throughout the film adaptation of J.K. Rowling's novels, however, a year after the release of the first film, he passed away from a rare cancer- Hodgkin's lymphomas.

New professor

After the death of one of the leading actors, the director had to urgently look for a new director of Hogwarts. Several candidates claimed to replace Harris, but in the end, the role went to Michael Gambon - the second Irish theatrical figure who managed to bring to life the image of such a complex character as Albus Dumbledore.

The actor was born in Dublin in 1940 and played for a long time on the stages of London theaters before trying his hand at cinema and television. Gambon is almost unknown to the ordinary Russian viewer - his only significant role was the character of the director of a magic school from the exciting series of books about Harry Potter. It must be admitted, however, that the second actor playing Dumbledore did not at all seek to surpass or somehow "catch up" with his predecessor in terms of the realism of performance and the level of skill. On the contrary, Gambon brought a bit of his own vision of a multifaceted character into the next five films about the Boy-Who-Lived.

Young Dumbledore

The actor, invited to participate in the so-called "flashbacks" (scenes from the past of movie heroes), had little experience in acting in films, but immediately fell in love with the audience and fans of Harry Potter.

Toby Regbo was born in 1991 in London. The young man became famous for his role as young Nemo in the movie "Mr. Nobody". He was invited to play the young Stefan in the film "Maleficent", but the director eventually decided that such a character should be played by a younger performer.

Interestingly, Toby's father is descended from a Norwegian clan, while his mother is native British. The young actor's grandfather was the captain of an Italian ship, and his grandmother was a ballerina from Australia. Being an extraordinary personality and possessing a non-trivial talent, the young Rugbo was able to adequately show himself in the world of cinema and win the recognition of eminent masters of the genre.

Who lost "Harry Potter"

Dumbledore (the actor doesn't really matter) is one of the key characters in the acclaimed book series, and casting for this role was exclusively conducted among British and Irish filmmakers. Although it was originally planned that Richard Harris will play the wise director of Hogwarts until the last film of the epic, his sudden death shattered the hopes of the director and the entire crew, which turned into a kind of friendly community thanks to the magic of the Harry Potter universe. Dumbledore (the actor, by the way, was not immediately chosen) at that time set the main background of the storyline.

Even before Michael Gambon, the famous Ian McKellen was listed as a candidate. However, the legendary "Gandalf" turned down the role, explaining his decision by the fact that the previous Professor Dumbledore (actor Richard Harris) considered his performance frankly unsatisfactory. In addition, McKellen did not want the images of the White Wizard Gandalf and the powerful headmaster of the wizarding school to be associated with the same face in the audience.

The new part of the Harry Potter prequel, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, unsettled fans who had already studied the history of magic. A completely unexpected ending made everyone who had already watched the film gasp and grow to the cinema chair. ATTENTION! Now there will be a very serious spoiler, so if you haven’t seen the "critters" yet and do not want to know the main intrigue, do not read this material.

Not only did one of the main characters of the saga - Credence Barebone - survived, but, judging by the words of Grindelwald, he also turned out to be the brother of Albus Dumbledore. Nothing was previously known about the difficult fate of the boy, who had the power of an obscuri and did not know how to control his magic, and, frankly, everyone thought that the teenager fell victim to the indifference of adults and the monster inside him even in the first part. Almost the entire film was believed that Credence is the younger brother of Lita Lestrange, in fact, his name is Corvus and he disappeared in early childhood... But at the end, Grindelwald decided to drive the fans of the wizarding world crazy and declared that the young man belonged to the Dumbledore family, and as evidence presented him with Fawkes - a phoenix that we have not seen since Deathly Hallows. So who is Credence Barebone and now Aurelius Dumbledore?

Younger brother

The main and main theory today is Credence / Aurelius - the younger brother of Albus, Aberforth and Ariana Dumbledore. It is not known why neither close friends of the family, nor Bathilda Bagshot, nor other characters of the Potter have mentioned him before. As well as it is not known where he could have come from at all, because the illness of the youngest daughter of Dumbledores created many problems for the family and they did not have more children. Despite the fact that Credence is introduced to us as the brother of Albus, this theory has too many inconsistencies to be believed.

Credence is still an orphan

The information that dumbfounded viewers was so incompatible with what was already known that fans opted for denial tactics. Many believe Gellert Grindelwald lied to Credence about his origins. As we already understood, the dark wizard had a phenomenal gift of persuasion, and the lonely boy had to believe that he had a family, preferably influential and powerful. In addition, Grindelwald said that he needed a man who could kill Albus, because he himself could not go against him (yet). And the suddenly found brother, whom the future director of Hogwarts will surely accept with all his love after the tragic loss of his sister, is able to stab him in the back. Only Gellert knows the main fear of Albus Dumbledore - the terrible truth about the death of his sister. For those who have forgotten: Ariana Dumbledore died during the fight between the young Grindelwald, Albus and Aberforth, she was struck by the spell of one of them. Since then, Dumbledore has not met with Gellert, because he is afraid to learn that he is responsible for her death. In a conversation with Lita Lestrange, he noted that he constantly lives with a feeling of regret, and Credence, perhaps, could heal the professor's heart wounds. As for the evidence, that the phoenix appears to all of the Dumbledore family is perhaps just a legend. There is a possibility that Fawkes originally belonged to Grindelwald and after defeating him went to Albus, like the Elder Wand.

Ariana Dumbledore's son

The young man was called the brother of Albus only because Grindelwald told him the phrase "Your brother wants to kill you." However, Dumbledore naturally never wanted Credence dead. And, perhaps, it was about Lita's half-brother, Yusuf Kama, who tried to kill the boy in the film. Therefore, if Barebone really belongs to the Dumbledore family, he is possibly the son of Ariana and is a half-breed. Everyone knows that Ariana became dangerous after several Muggles saw her doing magic and did "terrible things" to her. What exactly things were discussed was never specified. Perhaps several boys raped the girl and she gave birth to a son, whom the Dumbledore family decided to abandon. However, there is one "but": Ariana was attacked when she was only six years old.

Obscurus of Ariana

According to another version, Credence could unwittingly become a non-blood relative of the family. It was recently revealed that Ariana's illness was actually an obscura. After being bullied by the Muggles, the girl began to suppress her magic and an obscura appeared. That is why, according to the Dumbledore brothers, she periodically "lost her temper" and once, in a fit of rage, killed Kendra's mother. Some think that Ariana's obscura did not disappear after her death, but possessed Credence, who also suffered from the suppression of his own abilities.

A distant relative of Albus

The boy could have been a distant relative of the Dumbledores, such as the son of Albus' aunt Honoria (mentioned in Beadle the Bard's Tales). Nevertheless, on the ship where Lita replaced the babies, one of whom was Credence, his mother was clearly present (and then died). The woman was shown several times, but no one recognized her as any particular sorceress. But nothing is known about Honoria herself, it seems like she was engaged to a wizard from the Ministry of Magic, but broke up with him.

Despite all this, it is hard to believe that Credence / Aurelius really is Dumbledore's brother. In fact, this is basically impossible: Dumbledore was born in 1881, and Ariana was born in about 1885. When Ariana was six, she was attacked, and their father Percival decided to avenge his daughter and was sent to Azkaban, where he died when Albus was ten years (one year before entering Hogwarts). That is, approximately in 1891-1892. While studying Albus, Ariana inadvertently killed her mother. And the funeral of the sister herself, according to Elfias Doge, was shortly after Albus graduated from Hogwarts. That is, by 1900-1901, almost all Dumbledores had died, and the actions of the first "creatures" took place in 1926. Credence is known to have been a teenager at this time.

Nevertheless, even such a number of questions does not exclude the possibility that everything will really turn out as Grindelwald said. It should be borne in mind that the writers (in the person of J.K. Rowling, by the way) in the last film showed the young Professor McGonagall, although in these years, in theory, she was not even born yet.

Gender Male
Hair color gray, formerly brown
Eye color Light blue
Blood Purity Half-Blood
Loyalty to the Order of the Phoenix,
Patronus phoenix
Magic Wand Elder Wand

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (1881-1997) - one of the main characters of the English, director of the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, Supreme Sorcerer of the Wizengamot (the Cavalier of the Order of Merlin) Phoenix.

Dumbledore's collectible card says the following about him:

Albus Dumbledore, currently the headmaster of Hogwarts. Considered the greatest wizard of our time. The professor is famous for his victory over the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, the discovery of twelve ways to use dragon blood and his works on alchemy, co-authored with Nicholas Flamel. Hobbies - chamber music and bowling.

Throughout the first six books, the image of Dumbledore practically did not differ from the classic images of Merlin and Gandalf. He appeared before the readers as a powerful kind wizard, possessing, despite his majestic appearance and venerable age, a lively sense of humor and remarkable strength of mind. After the release of the last book of the cycle, which describes Dumbledore's dark past and reveals the true motives of many of his actions, readers' opinions regarding him were divided. In particular, many accuse Dumbledore of calculating and cruel use and for defeating.

Origin of the name

Dumbledore's name is Albus in Latin - white. The surname Dumbledore is derived from the Old English word for bumblebee.

Biography of Dumbledore

Before the birth of Harry Potter

All of the following information becomes known to the reader only in the seventh book of the cycle ("Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows").

Albus Dumbledore was born in 1881 to I. Three years later, his brother was born, and shortly thereafter, his sister. When Ariana was six years old, she was attacked by Muggle children (after seeing her use magic). As a result of this attack, she became mentally ill. Albus' father Percival took revenge on them and was sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban. He did not tell the court about the reasons for his action, so that Ariana would not be admitted to the hospital of St. Mungo. After this incident, the family moved to Godric's Hollow. Kendra carefully hid her daughter from prying eyes, from which the neighbors concluded that Ariana was a squib.

Soon Dumbledore entered Hogwarts School, the Gryffindor Faculty and became the most brilliant student in its history. He received all the honorary awards that were established by the school, entered into correspondence with the most famous wizards of that time, including the famous alchemist Nicholas Flamel, the famous historian Bathilda Bagshot and the theorist of magic Adalbert Woffling. Some of his articles have been accepted for publication by such scientific journals as Transfiguration Today, Problems of Enchantment, and The Practice of Potion Making.

After leaving school, Dumbledore planned to go on a traditional journey with his old friend Elfias Doge, but this was prevented by the death of Kendra, who was accidentally killed by Ariana during another attack.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald

As the head of the family, Dumbledore was forced to stay at home with Ariana while Aberforth completed his education. According to him, he returned home angry and unhappy. It seemed to Dumbledore that his brilliant career had been given up, that his life was ruined, and these feelings overpowered his love for his family. Therefore, when a young and equally capable magician, the great-nephew of Bathilda Bagshot, settled in the neighborhood of Dumbledore, his ideas literally inflamed Dumbledore. And not just ideas, Dumbledore admired Gellert. Grindelwald was a brilliant young man, handsome, intelligent, and most importantly, sharing the ideas of Albus. Grindelwald advocated the subordination of Muggles to wizards "for the greater good." Dumbledore drew attention to the fact that such power imposes a huge responsibility, and advocated the use of force only to the extent of the bare essentials, but generally agreed with his new friend.

The Deathly Hallows, the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the Invisibility Cloak, were to be the instruments in achieving this dubious goal. Dumbledore planned to use the stone to resurrect his parents so that they would remove the burden of responsibility for his sister and brother from his shoulders.

Dumbledore had already planned to go in search of gifts, but Aberforth strongly opposed this. He reminded his brother that he must look after the sick and uncontrollable Ariana. A scuffle broke out between Albus, Aberforth and Grindelwald, during which one of them accidentally killed Ariana. After that, Grindelwald disappeared. It was undoubtedly a big blow for Albus, his beloved friend used the Cruciatus on his brother and possibly killed his sister! At Ariana's funeral, a furious Aberforth broke Dumbledore's nose.

Ariana's death marked a turning point in Dumbledore's life. He admitted the fallacy of his ideas and realized that he did not deserve to have both the gifts of Death and great power (and later repeatedly refused the post of Minister of Magic).

Dumbledore soon returned to Hogwarts as a Transfiguration instructor. Meanwhile, Grindelwald began to implement his plans for world domination. Until the last moment, Albus avoided meeting his former friend, fearing to learn from Grindelwald that it was he who killed his sister, or simply because he was afraid of a fight with his former idol. Only when it was no longer possible to remain on the sidelines, Dumbledore entered into a duel with him and defeated him. According to Ephias Doge, Dumbledore's victory and its consequences for the entire wizarding community are considered a turning point in wizarding history. After the duel with Grindelwald, Dumbledore became the new owner of the Elder Wand. Dumbledore himself put it this way: "I was allowed to own and use it, because I took it not for profit, but in order to save others from it."

One of the assignments given to Dumbledore when he was a teacher was to find the young magician, who later became Voldemort, and invite him to study at Hogwarts. Dumbledore was impressed with Riddle's abilities, however, he noticed the dark sides of his personality and never trusted him. When Riddle grew up and expressed a desire to work as a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts, Dumbledore convinced Director Armando Dippet to decline the request.

In 1956 Dumbledore became the head of Hogwarts. Meanwhile, Riddle began to gather followers around him and began to call himself Voldemort. Soon, he again applied for teaching at the school, but was refused, this time from Dumbledore himself.

To fight Voldemort, Dumbledore created an organization called the Order of the Phoenix. Among its members were the parents of Harry Potter and. Soon, Dumbledore learned that James had an invisibility cloak, one of the inherited gifts of Death. By this time, Dumbledore had already abandoned the idea of ​​reuniting the Deathly Hallows, but the temptation to look at one of them and study it properly was too great, and with James' permission, he took the mantle for himself for a while. After the death of the Potters

After the birth of Harry Potter

From Harry's first years at Hogwarts, he and Dumbledore developed a warm relationship. Dumbledore more than once came to his aid in difficult times: for example, he sent him his phoenix Fawkes and the sword of Godric Gryffindor in the Sorting Hat, without which the boy would never have coped with the basilisk ("Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets") or suggested using the flywheel of time to save the condemned to death (""). At the same time, Dumbledore was never completely honest with him. He never told the boy about his past, for a long time he hid the content of the prophecy from him, where it is said about Voldemort and Harry that “one of them must die at the hands of the other, for neither one can live in peace while the other is alive. ", Fearing for Harry's peace of mind. In addition, Dumbledore kept many facts about him from the boy.

Confrontation with the Ministry

At the end of Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire), Dumbledore gives a speech to the students, in which he announces the revival of Voldemort. Thus, he comes into conflict with the Ministry of Magic, which does not recognize this fact, and loses the post of Supreme Sorcerer of the Wizengamot.

At the beginning of the school year, Dumbledore appeared at a meeting of the Wizengamot and acted as attorney for Harry, who was accused of using magic outside the walls of Hogwarts (which is strictly prohibited). Dumbledore managed to prove that Harry had to defend himself against the Dementors (in fact, he did). Meanwhile, the Ministry of Magic began to openly interfere in the internal affairs of Hogwarts. It made sure that the first deputy minister became the teacher of defense against the dark arts and gradually delegated more and more powers to her. Umbridge argued that she posed no danger, and Dumbledore was simply spreading panic in order to get the chair of the minister of magic. Harry and his friends created an underground circle - "Dumbledore's Squad", where they prepared for a fight with Voldemort, studying protection from the dark arts. When Umbridge became aware of this, Dumbledore took all the blame, said that he was allegedly preparing a riot against the Ministry, stunned Umbridge and her henchmen, and left the school. Umbridge herself became the new director of Hogwarts. Shortly thereafter, a duel between Dumbledore and Voldemort took place at the Ministry of Magic building. It ended in a draw, the Dark Lord managed to escape, but after that it was impossible to deny the fact of the revival of Voldemort. Dumbledore was reinstated as Headmaster of Hogwarts and Arch Sorcerer of the Wizengamot.

Search for Horcruxes

The mysterious properties of Tom Riddle's diary, destroyed by Harry in his second year of study, and the phrase dropped by Voldemort on the night of his rebirth ("I, who walked the farthest along the path of immortality"), made Dumbledore think that he created a number of Horcruxes , having placed in them the fragments of his soul, and began to search for and destroy them. In the summer, between the fifth and sixth years of Harry's studies at Hogwarts, Dumbledore managed to find the second (after the diary) Horcrux - a ring. Finding that inside the stone is one of the Deathly Hallows - the resurrection stone, Dumbledore lost his head and put it on his finger in the hope of returning his family. However, the deadly spell applied to the ring worked, and, despite the fact that Snape was able to stop the spell from spreading, Dumbledore was doomed.

Knowing that he instructed one of the men to kill him, Dumbledore asked Snape to do it for him. By this he achieved several goals: firstly, to save Draco's still not completely damaged soul, secondly, to protect Draco from Voldemort's anger for an unfulfilled task, and thirdly, to finally convince Voldemort of his devotion to him Snape (who worked as a double agent), fourthly, transfer the ownership of the Elder Wand to Snape. For a year ("Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince") Dumbledore told Harry about Voldemort's past and about the Horcruxes, but did not reveal to him his agreement with Snape. The most terrible truth that Dumbledore hid from the boy was that one of Voldemort's horcruxes was Harry himself, and he, therefore, had to sacrifice himself for the sake of defeating the Dark Lord. Harry should have learned this information from Snape only after the destruction of all the other Horcruxes, with the exception of Nagini.

Everything happened exactly as Dumbledore had planned. While trying to get another Horcrux, Dumbledore became very weak and became an easy prey for Malfoy. Draco disarmed him, but could not kill him, and he did (with the help of Avad Kedavr) (the only thing Dumbledore did not expect was that the Elder Wand chose Draco, who disarmed him, as its new master). Harry went in search of the Horcruxes (""), gradually destroyed them, learned from Snape about the need to sacrifice himself and made this difficult step. However, Harry did not die, as a small amount of his blood, protected by the magic of maternal love, flowed in Voldemort's veins (Dumbledore foresaw this, but could not tell Harry about it, otherwise the self-sacrifice would not be complete, and the shard Voldemort's soul in Harry would not have been destroyed). Hanging between life and death, Harry met with Dumbledore, who finally shared all his secrets with him. For the last time on the pages of the book, the spirit of Dumbledore communicates with Harry through a portrait hanging in the headmaster's office. Harry informs Dumbledore of his intention to get rid of all the Deathly Hallows except the Invisibility Cloak, and Dumbledore "watches over him with boundless love and admiration."

One of Harry's sons, Albus Potter, is named after two Hogwarts school principals, Dumbledore and Snape.

Dumbledore's personality


Albus Dumbledore appears in the very first chapter of the first book (""). He is described as “a tall, thin, and very old man with silver hair and a beard (both were so long that he could have plugged them in his belt). Blue eyes shone with a bright light from under the glasses with glasses in the shape of a crescent, sitting on a long hooked nose so that it seemed as if this nose had been broken in at least two places. Above his left knee is a London subway scar.


One of the main character traits of Dumbledore is that he does not accept any formalities, speaks clearly and simply, pronounces Voldemort's name without fear and advises Harry to do the same. Dumbledore has no prejudice. He allows, in whose veins giant blood flows, to serve as gatekeeper and teach at Hogwarts and says that he would trust him with his life. He also recruits a werewolf and former Death Eater Severus Snape.

Dumbledore is solely responsible for the Hogwarts students. He rarely gets angry with Harry and allows him to ask very unpleasant questions for himself, but once Harry said that Dumbledore often leaves school and leaves his students unattended, Dumbledore got angry and said that during his absence the students were under full magical protection. Harry instantly falls silent, realizing that he has crossed some invisible line.

Dumbledore is capable of eccentricities and strange actions in the eyes of others. Confirmation of this is his speech at the solemn ceremony of the beginning of the new academic year:

"Welcome! Welcome to the start of the new school year at Hogwarts! Before starting the banquet, I would like to say a few words. And my words will be: Olukh! Bubble! Remainder! Trick! Thanks to everyone! "

Outlook on life

According to Dumbledore himself, at the beginning of his life he was not much different from Voldemort, for, like him, he was looking for a way to defeat death. In the future, a calm attitude to death became one of the main life principles of Dumbledore. Here are just some of his sayings: "In the end, for a properly organized consciousness, what is death if not an interesting new adventure?" Voldemort). Another fundamental belief of Dumbledore, constantly ridiculed by Voldemort, is that love is stronger than all magic.

Commander of the Order of Merlin 1st Class
Great Wizard
High Sorcerer of the Wizengamot
President of the International Confederation of Magicians

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