Planning the work of the speech therapist in school 8 of the species. Teacher's work plan for school year

State budgetary educational institution

Bauxite special (correctional) boarding school boarding schoolVII View

"AGREED" "I argue"

Deputy Director for OIA I.O. Director of GBOU GBOU, 7 species ________ A. N. Nurmukhametova ____________ A. N. Nurmukhametova

Annual work plan

logopeda Teachers Galimova A.B.

for 2015-2016 academic year

2015 year

The purpose of the work of the school logopping speech therapist- The provision of speech therapy assistance to students with CPRs, which has a deviation in the development of oral and written speech, which in the future can cause a violation of written speech, that is, the prevention of secondary violations, as well as the correction of existing violations of written and oral speech.


Organization and conducting diagnostic measures, in order to timely identify students with speech pathology, the correct qualifications of the existing defects of oral and written speech.

Organization of adequate defect correctional workaimed at overcoming interpretation of oral speech, letters violations and reading any form;

Organization of cooperation between teacher-speech therapist with primary school teachers and the Russian language of study in order to develop unity of requirements for students who have violations in the development of oral and written speech, from teachers and speech therapist.

The organization and conduct of complex speech therapy works on the entire speech system: a psychological speech base, impressive and expressive speech.

Name of the event


Organizational work

Cabinet preparation for the new school year.

Cosmetic cabinet repair. Wet cleaning in the office. Cabinet design and corner of speech therapist.

until 01.08.2015.

Preliminary work with documentation.

Drawing up a work plan for a logo in the 2015-2016 academic year.

Preparation of diagnostic material, river card forms and primary speech therapy surveys protocols.

until 09/01/2015.

Diagnostic and analytical activity

Primary and in-depth examination of the oral and written speech of children

Conducting a mass speech therapy examination of primary and secondary students, an in-depth examination of the oral and written speech of children enrolled on the logopunk.


Acquaintance with the data of medical examination, collecting anamnesis of children enrolled on the logopunk

Collecting anamnestic data and extract from medical maps Pupils of the information necessary for a teacher speech therapist


Monitoring the oral and written speech of children

Monitoring, processing results and filling out the relevant documentation.

02.09.2015- 15.09.2015



Registration of the documentation of the Logoped Teacher at the beginning and end of the school year

Filling speech cards, verbal and written speech survey protocols and visiting the necessary documentation, completing the package of documents in accordance with the recommended list.

Development of an adapted working program to overcome interference and writing violations. Coordination of these programs on the Methodological Council of the OU.

02.09.2015- 15.09.2015

14.01.2016 18.01.2016

15.05.2016- 30.05.2016

as well as in Tech. Uch. of the year

Packing groups and subgroups for correction work

Packing groups for correctional work in accordance with the speech therapy diagnosis

02.09.2015- 15.09.2015

Correctional development

Conducting frontal classes in the form of group according to the schedule of speech therapy

Correction of agrochemmatical dysgraphy, optical dysgraphy and dyslexia, acoustic dysgraphy, disgrave due to violations of linguistic analysis and synthesis, dysorphography, ONR 3 and 4 levels.


Conducting individual correctional classes according to the schedule of speech therapy

Dislavia correction, stuttering.


Consultative and Methodical Activities

Consultation of teachers based on the results of the survey of the oral and written speech of children

Results and results of speech surveys of students



Activities for promoting speech therapists among teachers and parents, holding group consultations (conversations, lectures, speeches at parental meetings, methodological associations, special consultations, consultations), conducting individual consultations for parents and teachers Oh

    « Didactic games and the exercises on the development of phonderatic perception "report with a practical part.

    Report with a practical part on the topic: "Ball and speech";

According to the work plan

Conducting a speech therapy week for teachers, educators and specialists of OU.

Report, open individual and subgroup classes, extracurricular educational event, registration of the speech newspaper, organization of quiz. Themes of open classes on calendar-thematic planning of correctional speech therapy occupations.

Interaction with primary school teachers, Russian midline, educators and psychologist.

Mutual action of open classes and extracurricular activities

Interconnection with specialists OU

Diagnosis of various areas of activity, certain functions of the child

Together with the teacher-psychologist, studying the sensory and cognitive sphere, small motors in children.

Analysis of the survey results, drawing up individual programs Development

Mutual exchange of information, in order to clarify and concretize the conclusion, as well as for the preparation of individual development programs

Acquaintance with content correctional learning

To acquaint a psychologist, primary school teachers, Russian-language teachers and educators with the directions of correctional (speech therapy) work for the current year.

september according to plan meeting of the school pamp

Correction of Correction Conditions and Educational Events

A visit to the correctional practices of the psychologist, primary school teachers, Russian teachers of 5-9 classes, open events of educators.

during the year according to the plan of work

Preparation of documentation for the PMPC and PMPK

Preparation of a speech therapy presentation if you need to clarify or change the educational route for a child

during the year according to the plan

Individual consulting

Weekly according to the work schedule of the logo

during the year

Work with parents

Individual consulting, conducting subgroups, speaking on parent meetings

Acquaintance with the tasks of the work of the school speech therapist. Report: "Providing speech therapy assistance to students in the boarding school of 7 species."

Individual conversations on the themes:

"Familiarization with the results of the survey of students' speech";

"Results of the school speech therapist."

Work on improving the equipment of the speech therapy office

Providing an application for the name of the director of the OU to the acquisition of methodical manuals, educational computer games

    Set of massage probes - 1 pc;

    Individual checks of sounds, letters and syllables - 8 pieces;

    Wall cassting sounds, letters and syllables - 1pc;

    Desktop mirrors for individual work (9x12) - 8 pieces

    Workbooks for students:

    E.V. Mazanova "I study work with the text" album of exercises for the correction of disgrace on the basis of linguistic analysis and synthesis - 10 pcs;

    E.V. Mazanova "Speech Stopedia. Distraphy due to violation of language analysis and synthesis »Notebook No. 1 - 5 pcs;

    E.V. Mazanova "I study not to confuse sounds" №1 and №2 Album Exercises for the correction of acoustic dysgrafy - 10 pcs;

    E.V. Mazanova "Speech Stopedia. Overcoming the letter violation "Notebook №2 - 5 pcs;

    E.V. Mazanova "I study to work with the word" album of exercises for correction of agricultural dysgram - 10 pcs;

    E.V. Mazanova "Speech therapy. Dysgraphy caused by a violation of language analysis and synthesis and agrochematic disgram "Primary learning No. 3 - 5 pcs;

    E.V. Mazanova "Optical Distraphy" - 5 pcs;

    V.V. Konovalenko "We write and read"

№1 - 5 pcs,

№ 2 - 5 pcs,

№ 3 - 5 pcs.

    Computer program on speech therapy "Tigers" - 1 pc.

    methodological manual "Speech therapy alphabet. From the letter to the Word "- 1 pc.

september October

during the year

Production of handouts

on lexical topics of speech therapy

"Vegetables", "Fruits", "Pets", "Wild Animals", "Tableware", "Clothing", "Shoes", "Heads", "Transport", "Toys", "Accommodation", "Products " etc.

during the holidays

Improving professional competence

Visiting courses in Biro, lectures, seminars, methodical associations

Passage of advanced training courses. Training. Festing attestation commission.

during the year

Work with scientific and journalistic literature

Study of articles of periodicals

during the year

Work online

Registration on speech therapy sites, the study of resources and publication in their own work. Publication on the website of the School of GBOU GBOUNES 7 species.

during the year

Conducting surveillance speech violations on the speech therapy occupations, Behind the influence of certain methods for speech development and correction of the speech of the child.

Implement innovative and computer technologies, programs, unconventional techniques for speech correction in speech therapy work (aroma, su-jok-, music and hippotherapy), excursions: "Signs of autumn. Leaf Falls, "Tuchciny Things", "Winter Garden", "Maritime Museum", "Zoo" (GUP Sanatorium "Yangan-Tau"). To monitor their effectiveness in overcoming speech violations in children with CPRs.

during the year

The work plan was: _____________ Teacher-logoped Galimova A.B.

Purpose: Timely identification and assistance of students who have disorders of oral and written speech.


  1. Diagnosis and analysis of the level of development of speech activity (oral and written speech) students.
  2. Development and implementation of the Working Program for the Prevention and Overcoming Violations of Oral and Written Speech at the students adopted on speech therapy classes.
  3. Development and implementation of individual-oriented programs for the development of children with the SNR II -
  4. III level, taking into account the structure of the defect.
  5. Development of correctional and developing speech therapy classes for the upbringing of the right speech in children with ABS in the direction of "optimization of the correctional process through computer technologies" (for students of special (correctional) schools VIII type with systemic underdevelopment of speech II - III degree).
  6. Explanation of special knowledge on speech therapy among teachers.

Priority activities.

  • improving correctional and educational work in the most important areas;
  • structured and dynamic observation of the speech activities of children in classes and outside them;
  • systematization of educational and methodical material.


Dates of carrying



I. Organization of an educational environment

1. Preparation of the Cabinet to the new school year.

Komovich E.V.

Cabinet passport.

2. Preparation of dispensing material for the correction of disgrace.

During a year.

Komovich E.V.

3. Preparation of visibility for speech therapy classes for the correction of sound prevention.

During a year.

Komovich E.V.

4. Registration of the general-fold speech therapy and the update of the material for students.

Once a quarter

Komovich E.V.

Photo Standa

II. Diagnostic and analytical activities.

1. Primary and in-depth examination of the oral and written speech of children.

01.09 to 15.09, 15.05 to 31.05.

Komovich E.V.

Survey protocols.

2. Study of documentation of children newly accepted on speech therapy classes.

Komovich E.V.

Speech cards, a magazine enrollment of children for speech therapy classes.

3. Enrollment of students who need speech therapy assistance, in speech groups, taking into account age and speech defect.

Komovich E.V. (Information for the PMPC).

Order at school about enrolling children for speech therapy classes.

4. Drawing up the schedule of speech therapy classes and coordinating it with the school administration.

Komovich E.V.

Schedule of speech therapy classes agreed with the school administration.

5. Conduct monitoring of oral and written speech of children 1-7 classes.

Komovich E.V.


6. Registration of the documentation of the Logopeda Teacher.

September, January, May.

Komovich E.V.

Journal of Accounting Attendance;
- journal of learning students with speech defects;
- Dynamic observation magazine;
- individual speech card;
- promising and humble plans;
- the cyclogram of the work of the teacher - speech therapist;
- Schedule of speech therapy classes;
- Report on the work of the speech therapist (statistical) for half a year and analysis of work for the year.

7. Continuation of work on the accumulation of special computer programs for speech correction and mental processes, as well as systematization of a methodological material in electronic form.

During a year

Komovich E.V.

Electronic database of the speech therapy service Ogokuski №28

8. Analysis of correctional work.


Komovich E.V.

Statistical and analytical report.

III. Correctional - developing work.

1. The performance of frontal classes according to the cyclogram of working time.

Komovich E.V.

2. Conducting subgroups according to the cyclic of working time.

Komovich E.V.

Pounding plans, notebooks students.

3. Conducting individual correctional classes according to the cyclogram of working time.

Komovich E.V.

Pounding plans, notebooks students.

IV. Scientific methodical work.

1. Development of a program of correctional and developing speech therapy classes on the upbringing of the right speech in children with OVI in the direction of "optimization of the correctional process through computer technologies" (for students of special (correctional) schools VIII type with systemic underdevelopment of speech III - III level).

During a year

Komovich E.V.

Self-education, workout development, participation in the All-Russian Competition "Open Lesson" on the site "1 september", in the nomination "Presentation to the lesson".

2. Conducting group consultations:
a) thematic advice for primary school teachers on SMO:
- "The concept, species and causes of the District"; "Correction of optical (articulator-acoustic, acoustic, D. associated with n various shapes Language Analysis and Synthesis, Agrochematic) Distraphy.
- Release methodical recommendations on the topic for teachers of primary classes.

Komovich E.V.

Message to SMOs of primary school teachers, booklet on the topic "Warning Distraphy"

c) thematic advice for primary groups (1 - 4 classes):
- "The causes and degrees of speech violations of children with the underdevelopment of intelligence";
- "The meaning and development of small motility for the correction of speech violations."
- Release of guidelines for educators on the topic.

Komovich E.V.

Message to SMO primary school tutors, booklet on the topic "Exercises for calligraphy moment on letters lessons"

3. Participation in MO Teachers-speech therapists of Tulun.

During a year

Komovich E.V.

Tasks on GMO, visiting colleagues.

4. Participation in special seminars, pedsovets, SMO in SKSH №28.

According to the annual plan of SKSH №28

5. Participation in the All-Russian Competition Open lesson on the "1 september" site, the placement of materials on the site "Logoped".

During a year.

Komovich E.V.

Publications, reviews.

6. Conducting open classes for primary school teachers and educators:
- subject…….
- subject……

By plan shmos

Komovich E.V.

Self-analysis, colleague analysis.

V. Relationship with OU specialists.

1. Acquaintance with the diagnosis of sensory and cognitive areas of children with speech violations held by a teacher-psychologist.


2. Acquaintance with the examination of the physical education teacher and the LFC of the state of the general Motorika again enrolled in the school of children.


Information for an individual speech card.

3. Analysis of the results of the survey of all school specialists and drawing up individual development programs.


Individual Correction and Development Program

4. Familiarization of permanent members of the school PMPC and other school teachers with the results of a speech therapy examination.

According to the school plan.

Komovich E.V.

Message to PMPK in SKSH №28

5. Familiarization of school teachers with the directions of correctional work for the current school year.


Komovich E.V.

Message on the diagnostic pedal track.

6. Maintaining the notebooks of the relationship of the speech therapist and the psychologist, speech therapist and educators, speech therapist and primary school teachers.

During a year

7. Visiting classes:
? Pedagogue - psychologist;
Purpose: Determine the methods and techniques for the correction and development of sensory and cognitive areas of children acceptable to speech therapy classes.

Shevchenko T.V.

Physical education teachers and exercises;
Purpose: Compare the level of formation of common motor skills in comparison with learning not having speech defects.

Merchants V.M.

Exchange of experience, self-education, monitoring.

Primary school teachers;

December - January

Reudova S.S.
Khodzinskaya S.A.

Exchange of experience, self-education, monitoring.

Purpose: Determine the level of automation of corrected sounds in free communication.

February March

Exchange of experience, self-education, monitoring.

8. Preparation of documentation for the PMPC.

During a year

Komovich E.V.

Vi. Work with children with OVD.

1. Development and implementation of individual correctional programs for children with OVD. Holding individual occupations to correct the shortcomings of speech.

During a year

Komovich E.V.

2. Consulting consulting activities with pedagogical workers for the implementation of programs for learning children with ABS.

During a year

Komovich E.V.

3. Use in working with children logo classes, as well as technology modeling and playing fairy tales.

During a year

Komovich E.V.

State budgetary educational institution

Bauxite special (correctional) boarding school boarding school VII View

"AGREED" "I argue"

Deputy Director for OIA I.O. Director of GBOU GBOU, 7 species ________ A. N. Nurmukhametova ____________ A. N. Nurmukhametova

Annual work plan

logopeda Teachers Galimova A.B.

for 2015-2016 academic year

2015 year

The purpose of the work of the school logopping speech therapist - The provision of speech therapy assistance to students with CPRs, which has a deviation in the development of oral and written speech, which in the future can cause a violation of written speech, that is, the prevention of secondary violations, as well as the correction of existing violations of written and oral speech.


Organization and conducting diagnostic measures, in order to timely identify students with speech pathology, the correct qualifications of the existing defects of oral and written speech.

Organization of an adequate defect of the correctional work, aimed at overcoming interpretation of oral speech, violations of the letter and reading any form;

Organization of cooperation between teacher-speech therapist with primary school teachers and the Russian language of study in order to develop unity of requirements for students who have violations in the development of oral and written speech, from teachers and speech therapist.

The organization and conduct of complex speech therapy works on the entire speech system: a psychological speech base, impressive and expressive speech.

Name of the event



Organizational work


Cabinet preparation for the new school year.

Cosmetic cabinet repair. Wet cleaning in the office. Cabinet design and corner of speech therapist.

until 01.08.2015.


Preliminary work with documentation.

Drawing up a work plan for a logo in the 2015-2016 academic year.

Preparation of diagnostic material, river card forms and primary speech therapy surveys protocols.

until 09/01/2015.

Diagnostic and analytical activity


Primary and in-depth examination of the oral and written speech of children

Conducting a mass speech therapy examination of primary and secondary students, an in-depth examination of the oral and written speech of children enrolled on the logopunk.



Acquaintance with the data of medical examination, collecting anamnesis of children enrolled on the logopunk

Collection of anamnestic data and extract from medical records of students needed for a teacher-speech therapist



Monitoring the oral and written speech of children

Monitoring, processing results and filling out the relevant documentation.

02.09.2015- 15.09.2015




Registration of the documentation of the Logoped Teacher at the beginning and end of the school year

Filling speech cards, verbal and written speech survey protocols and visiting the necessary documentation, completing the package of documents in accordance with the recommended list.

Development of an adapted working program to overcome interference and writing violations. Coordination of these programs on the Methodological Council of the OU.

02.09.2015- 15.09.2015

14.01.2016 18.01.2016

15.05.2016- 30.05.2016

as well as in Tech. Uch. of the year


Packing groups and subgroups for correction work

Packing groups for correctional work in accordance with the speech therapy diagnosis

02.09.2015- 15.09.2015

Correctional development


Conducting frontal classes in the form of group according to the schedule of speech therapy

Correction of agrochemmatical dysgraphy, optical dysgraphy and dyslexia, acoustic dysgraphy, disgrave due to violations of linguistic analysis and synthesis, dysorphography, ONR 3 and 4 levels.



Conducting individual correctional classes according to the schedule of speech therapy

Dislavia correction, stuttering.


Consultative and Methodical Activities


Consultation of teachers based on the results of the survey of the oral and written speech of children

Results and results of speech surveys of students




Activities for promoting speech therapists among teachers and parents, holding group consultations (conversations, lectures, speeches at parental meetings, methodological associations, special consultations, consultations), conducting individual consultations for parents and teachers Oh

    "Didactic Games and Exercises on the Development of Phoneship Perception" report with a practical part.

    Report with a practical part on the topic: "Ball and speech";

According to the work plan


Conducting a speech therapy week for teachers, educators and specialists of OU.

Report, open individual and subgroup classes, extracurricular educational event, registration of the speech newspaper, organization of quiz. Themes of open classes on calendar-thematic planning of correctional speech therapy occupations.



Interaction with primary school teachers, Russian midline, educators and psychologist.

Mutual action of open classes and extracurricular activities

Interconnection with specialists OU


Diagnosis of various areas of activity, certain functions of the child

Together with the teacher-psychologist, studying the sensory and cognitive sphere, small motors in children.


Analysis of the survey results, drawing up individual development programs

Mutual exchange of information, in order to clarify and concretize the conclusion, as well as for the preparation of individual development programs


Acquaintance with the content of corrective training

To acquaint a psychologist, primary school teachers, Russian-language teachers and educators with the directions of correctional (speech therapy) work for the current year.

september according to plan meeting of the school pamp


Correction of Correction Conditions and Educational Events

A visit to the correctional practices of the psychologist, primary school teachers, Russian teachers of 5-9 classes, open events of educators.

during the year according to the plan of work


Preparation of documentation for the PMPC and PMPK

Preparation of a speech therapy presentation if you need to clarify or change the educational route for a child

during the year according to the plan



Individual consulting

Weekly according to the work schedule of the logo

during the year

Work with parents


Individual consulting, conducting subgroups, speaking on parent meetings

Acquaintance with the tasks of the work of the school speech therapist. Report: "Providing speech therapy assistance to students in the boarding school of 7 species."

Individual conversations on the themes:

"Familiarization with the results of the survey of students' speech";

"Results of the school speech therapist."

Work on improving the equipment of the speech therapy office

Providing an application for the name of the director of the OU to the acquisition of methodical manuals, educational computer games

    Set of massage probes - 1 pc;

    Individual checks of sounds, letters and syllables - 8 pieces;

    Wall cassting sounds, letters and syllables - 1pc;

    Desktop mirrors for individual work (9x12) - 8 pieces

    Workbooks for students:

    E.V. Mazanova "I study work with the text" album of exercises for the correction of disgrace on the basis of linguistic analysis and synthesis - 10 pcs;

    E.V. Mazanova "Speech Stopedia. Distraphy due to violation of language analysis and synthesis »Notebook No. 1 - 5 pcs;

    E.V. Mazanova "I study not to confuse sounds" №1 and №2 Album Exercises for the correction of acoustic dysgrafy - 10 pcs;

    E.V. Mazanova "Speech Stopedia. Overcoming the letter violation "Notebook №2 - 5 pcs;

    E.V. Mazanova "I study to work with the word" album of exercises for correction of agricultural dysgram - 10 pcs;

    E.V. Mazanova "Speech therapy. Dysgraphy caused by a violation of language analysis and synthesis and agrochematic disgram "Primary learning No. 3 - 5 pcs;

    E.V. Mazanova "Optical Distraphy" - 5 pcs;

    V.V. Konovalenko "We write and read"

1 - 5 pcs,

2 - 5 pcs,

3 - 5 pcs.

    Computer program on speech therapy "Tigers" - 1 pc.

    methodological manual "Speech therapy alphabet. From the letter to the Word "- 1 pc.

september October

during the year


Production of handouts

on lexical topics of speech therapy

"Vegetables", "Fruits", "Pets", "Wild Animals", "Tableware", "Clothing", "Shoes", "Heads", "Transport", "Toys", "Accommodation", "Products " etc.

during the holidays

Improving professional competence


Visiting courses in Biro, lectures, seminars, methodical associations

Passage of advanced training courses. Training. Festing attestation commission.

during the year


Work with scientific and journalistic literature

Study of articles of periodicals

during the year


Work online

Registration on speech therapy sites, the study of resources and publication in their own work. Publication on the website of the School of GBOU GBOUNES 7 species.

during the year


Conducting observations over the dynamics of speech violations on speech therapy classes, for the influence of certain methods for speech development and correction of the speech of the child.

Implement innovative and computer technologies, programs, unconventional techniques for speech correction in speech therapy work (aroma, su-jok-, music and hippotherapy), excursions: "Signs of autumn. Leaf Falls, "Tuchciny Things", "Winter Garden", "Maritime Museum", "Zoo" (GUP Sanatorium "Yangan-Tau"). To monitor their effectiveness in overcoming speech violations in children with CPRs.

during the year

The work plan was: _____________ Teacher-logoped Galimova A.B.

Elena Andreeva
Annual work plan for a teacher-speech therapist at school

Work plan for teacher-speech therapist MBOU "SOSH No. 38" Andreva E. G. for 2013/2014 academic year

Areas of work Deadlines

Diagnostic and correctional work

1. Diagnosis of oral and written speech of students of 1-4 classes of MBOU "SOSH No. 38". September 1 - 15; 15-30 May

2. Completion of groups for speech therapy classes, taking into account the structure of the speech defect; Drawing up the schedule of speech therapy classes, familiarization with him of primary school teachers, parents. until September 20

3. Filling speech cards of students enrolled on speech therapy classes. September October

4. Conducting group and individual classes with children who have violations of speech. during a year

5. Survey of the level of formation of letters skill in students of 1 grades, registration, enrollment on speech therapy classes of children with problems in the development of diplomas. February, may

6. Preparation of documentation and participation in the work of school psychological and medical and pedagogical consultation. during a year

7. Monitoring the effectiveness of speech therapy classes (intermediate diagnostics of oral and written speech students on school logopunk; analysis of the dynamics of the development of students' speech). January, may


1. Teachers (on speech therapy assistance to students who have violations of speech). during a year

2. Parents. during a year

3. Pupils of grades 5-11. During the year (on requests)

Speech therapy enlightenment

1. Conversations with parents of students enrolled in speech therapy classes in order to familiarize themselves with the techniques of work on the tasks of the house. October

2. Speeches on parental meetings in primary schools on the adaptation of students with speech violations on the conditions of school education, prevention and correction of disgrace and dyslexia. During the year (at the request of class managers)

3. Speech to the parents of future first-graders on the topic "Speech readiness of a child for school learning." October, April

4. Speeches on SCO, thematic seminars, pedsovets, methods. According to the school plan

Organizational and methodical work

1. Development and adjustment of the working programs of correctional and speech therapy learning to overcome phonetic-phonematic and general underdevelopment of speech, dysgrafy and dyslexia in students of junior classes. August, January

2. Keeping a bank of these children visiting speech therapy classes and standing on the speech therapist. during a year

3. Updating materials of your own web page. during a year

4. Creating multimedia presentations for speech therapy classes. during a year

5. Update speech therapy tools: didactic benefits, tests, visual and handouts. during a year

6. Adaptation of developing computer programs, existing electronic textbooks for use in correctional and speech therapy work with younger students who have violations of oral and written speech. during a year

7. Speech at the city methodological association of teachers-speech therapists of secondary schools on the problem of "Development of language analysis and synthesis of students in 2 classes with dysgrafia". November

8. Speech at the republican methodological association of teachers-logopeds of general education institutions on the problem " Working programm Teachers speech therapist in the conditions of administration of GEF ". May

I argue:

Director MBOU SOSH №4

_______ / Strekalova MG /

Appendix __ to order _________

The annual plan of the teacher-speech therapist for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Purpose: Timely identification and assistance of students who have disorders of oral and written speech due to ONR, FFNR.

1. Diagnosis and analysis of sound impact, phonderatic perception and analysis, grammatical building Speech, connected speech of first-graders.
2. Analyze the oral speech and some non-ferry processes of students and determine the causes of the difficulties in mastering the written speech.
3. Analyze the written works of students of second and third classes.
4. Develop and implement the content of the correctional work on the prevention and overcomiating violations of the oral and written speech in students of primary classes.
5. Clarification of special knowledge of speech therapy among teachers, parents.

6. Development and implementation of individual-oriented programs for the development of children with disabilities, studying at home.

Direction of activity and form of work

The purpose of the holding

Dates of carrying

Diagnostic and project activities

    Primary examination Oral and written speech.

    Acquaintance with the data of medical examination, collection of anamnesis.

    Completion of groups and subgroups.

Detection of violations of oral and written speech.

Declaring the etiology of the nature of speech violations

Filling speech cards, drawing up perspective plans Work with each group.

    Repeated survey of oral and written speech.

    Checking the reading techniques in primary classes.

Filling speech cards.

Timely identification of students with reading violations.

At the end of the first half of the year.

Start of school year, input control.

At the end of each quarter.

Correctional and developing activities.

1. The performance of individual and group classes with students on the correction of violations of oral and written speech.

2. I Correction Stage

3. II Stage of Correction Work

3-4 classes.

4. I Stage Correction Work

II Stage of Correction Work

3-4 classes.

5.IIIITAP Correctional Work 1-4 Classes

Correction of speech violations in students.

Correction of speech violations in students.

Systematically during the school.

September October

November December


Consultative and methodical activities.

1. Parental meetings in grades.

"The results of the diagnostic survey of first-graders"

2. Consulting teachers and parents of students of 1-3 grades according to the results of the survey of the oral and written speech of children.

3. Activities for promoting speech therapy knowledge among teachers and parents (conversations, lectures, speeches at parental meetings, on conservids)

4. Speech at the MO primary school teachers

"Council to the teacher. Distraphy. "

"Tips to the teacher. Discovery."

"Tips to the teacher. Dizorphography. "

5. Interaction with teachers, psychologist. open lessons in 1-4 classes.

6. Work in PMP (K) MBOU SOSH No. 4. Filling out speech therapy representations on students. Drawing up individually correction programs. Collective conclusion.

Speech at the Pedagogical Council with the analysis of the work of the teacher-speech therapist for the school year.

7. Work in the city PMPC

Familiarization of parents with the result of the diagnosis of speech development of children

Ensuring an individual approach to the child, taking into account the identified features of his speech development.

Familiarization of teachers and parents with topical problems of the correctional education of the child

Timely identification of students in the primary school training program in primary schools.

Acquaintance with the results of the correction work.




Throughout the school year.


Throughout the school year.

February March



Methodical work. Improving professional competence.

    Methodical association of teachers-speech therapists.

Session MO №1

"Analysis of the activities of the speech therapy points of schools for the 2014- 2015.

Session MO №2.

1. "Non-standard motility development techniques (common, shallow, articulation) on speech therapy classes."

2. "Testoherapy on speech therapy classes."

Session MO №3.

    "Intermetal interaction"

    "Talegotherapy on speech therapy classes"

Session MO №4

    "Report on the activities of the speech therapy points of schools for 2015-2016.

    "Analysis of the activities of MO Teachers-speech therapists."

Familiarization of teachers-speech therapists with new approaches in the work of speech therapists. Improving professional competence.

Report of the teacher-speech therapist MBOU SOSH No. 4 Chernyavskaya I.V.

Report of the teacher-speech therapist MBOU SOSH No. 5 Belous L.V.

Report of the head of MO Teachers-Logopedov Gritsenko A.V.

Report of the teacher-speech therapist MBOU SOSH No. 6 Melelesenko G.G.

August. On the basis of MBOU SOSH No. 6.

December. Based on MBOU SOSH No. 5.

February. Based on MBOU SOSH No. 1.

May. Based on MBOU SOSH №1

2. Work with scientific and journalistic literature


3. Conducting observations over the dynamics of speech violations on speech therapy classes, for the influence of certain methods for speech development and correction of the speech of the child.

Choosing the most effective ways to train and restore the oral and written speech of children


Filling speech cards

4. Planning methodical work per year

5. Drawing up speech therapy programs for working with students.

6. Filling speech cards

7. Filling out the magazine of accounting attendance of speech therapy classes, survey magazines and consultation magazine.

8. Drawing up abstracts of classes

Improving professional competence.

9.Production of remote advanced training courses.

10. Passage of annual corresponding professional retraining courses in order to obtain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of special defectological education in the specialty "Speech Studdle", Taganrog Institute named after Schekhov (branch) FGBOU "RGEU".

11. Cost of material on the subject of self-education: "Diagnosis and correction of violations of written speech and reading."

Obtaining theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of special defectological education

1 time in a quarter



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Work on improving the equipment of the speech therapy office

    Production and acquisition of methodological manuals: "Interactive cards for educational and speech development of students."

2. Relating methodical literature on speech therapy.

Work with disabled children

1. Development and implementation of adapted individual correctional programs for children with disabilities. Conduct individual lessons for the development of oral and written speech.

2. Constitution of parents of children with disabilities.

3. Using in working with disabled children logo lessons, modeling technology and playing fairy tales, computer development programs.

Correction of speech violations

Familiarization of parents with topical problems of corrective education of the child-disabled

Improving the effectiveness of correctional work

During the school year

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