Mikhail Zadornov What stage of cancer. Mikhail Zadornov died, state of health in the last days, cancer, the latest news


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The famous Russian satirik Mikhail Zadornov died of brain cancer in one of the Moscow hospitals. Before his death, he was in serious condition, since dangerous ailment was constantly progressed and did not leave the chance of salvation.

As explained in the close environment of the artist, he had both hemispheres of the brain. Doctors refused forecasts, whereas Zadornov himself understood that his hour would come soon. It can be said that in the last days of his life, Mikhail Nikolayevich suffered in view of the fact that the deadly disease hit new bodies.

Throughout last year Mikhail Zadornov tried to cure a brain cancer. He passed through a grueling course of chemotherapy, and then the treatment moved to Germany. But neither foreign nor domestic specialists could restore his well-being.

Later it became clear that the illegent of satirism was found at the started stage. In such cases, the chances of salvation are zero. At one time, the singer of Zhanna Friske was the singer. She also diagnosed brain cancer. Numerous efforts of doctors only delayed the death.

It is noteworthy to add that in the summer of the current year, quite unexpectedly for those surrounding Zadornov announced the cessation of treatment. It became clear that the disease came too far and exclusively medical means Do not get rid of it. Then humorous appealed to shamans and alternative medicine. But it did not help. As a result, Mikhail Nikolayevich met the ambiguity from life and spent the last days in the circle of his relatives.

Before his death, Mikhail Zadornov made a will, in which he asked for a close environment of several moments associated with the funeral. So, he asked him to betray him in his native Latvia, next to the grave of his father. Together with this last will Zadornov was a request that his body moves after death exclusively on land transport.

Large concern of Zadornov expressed the name of the Russian-speaking library named after his father Nikolay Zadornov in Riga. He asked not to close it. I want to believe that the latter will of the famous satirik will not be ignored.


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The media periodically reported on cancer from Mikhail Zadornov, and in October 2016, Satiri confirmed terrible rumors. "In the body, unfortunately, a serious illness was found, peculiar not only. Treat immediately," he wrote on his official page in the social network "VKontakte", without specifying the diagnosis.


Despite health problems, Zadornov expressed his willingness to speak in Moscow and the cities closest to the capital. "Hopes for the future should always stay - this is my point of view. This is my main attitude to today," the writer said.

"I generally think that everything is not so hopeless, as sometimes it seems. In any case, it is necessary to resist. Yes, treatment will have difficult and long," the artist recognized. - And therefore many are canceled. For such therapy, as chemistry, you need Save forces, do not spill them on a different kind of lateral bustle. " However, he could not speak.

They say the disease discovered by chance. Satirik lost consciousness at one of the events, after which he came to the hospital at ambulance. Doctors could not make a diagnosis and sent Zadornov to MRI. The survey revealed cancer in the fourth, the last stage. The results of the tests have shown that the tumor refers to the same type that the singer Zhanna Friske had.

A month later, Zadornov pleased the fans of the news that he became better. The media reported that the artist suffered an operation in Germany, visited Latvia, and then returned to Russia. In the summer of 2017, materials began to appear, where falnial moods reigned. Allegedly in close surroundings satiric said that he was "melting in front of", and "doctors are bred by their hands," unable to help.

In July, Zadornov came into touch with fans to stop peres. He made it clear that he struggles and builds far-reaching plans. Meanwhile, the press wrote that the artist decided to resort to the help of alternative medicine.

They said that on the advice of friends, his relatives turned to Leo Shah, who had long lived in Poland. Healer arrived in August. He conducted 14 sessions for two hours, affecting the tumor with its energy field.

In October, Zadornov commented on this data, hinted that it was not necessary to believe the media. "It's a shame that the conjectures of journalists give rise to all sorts of rumors who are even more far from the truth. There are those who for the sake of their own PR will tell in detail how come to visit me, help me in treatment, bring me rare medicines prepared in secret laboratories According to the recipes found on the site of the UFO crash, flying to us to read the yellow press, "the artist grabbed.

The writer thanked the fans for support: "I am pleased that you do not forget me. I am grateful to all those who support me, encourages, wants to recover. Your letters and comments in the network give me strength, charge positive energy, instill a desire to live. Thank you ! " It was his last appeal to fans.

The other day, Mikhail Zadornov was compared, as the rector of Russian reported on Facebook orthodox church Andrei Novikov. "Dear fathers, brothers and sisters! Today, at the request of relatives and friends, Mikhail Nikolayevich Zadornov, Mikhail Nikolayevich, was concerned. Two months ago, Mikhail Nikolaevich brought God repentance in the sacrament in the Kazan Cathedral of Moscow," the priest clarified and stressed that he posted information from the permission of the artist's relatives. Cooling is the anointing of the body of a patient or dying, one of the sacraments of the Orthodox Church.

Recently, Mikhail Zadornov is in Jurmala, where he has its own home. In this city, in one of frequent clinicsHe conducted an operation, a course of chemotherapy and a number of recovery procedures. But, as they say surrounded by Zadornov, the efforts of doctors did not bring the desired result.


"Misha melts in front of her eyes. Neither European technologies, nor the Cains of Medicine have helped. Everyone is diluted with hands and sighs hard. Say, they did everything that in their power," the man quotes from the close environment of Mikhail Zadornov EG.R.ru.

Alleged Satirik decided to abandon the exhausting and, as it turned out, already useless treatment. He preferred droppers and injections of the quiet evenings in the circle of relatives and loved ones on the beloved Baltic dacha.

Recall, in October last year, Mikhail Zadornov told fans that he had a course of chemotherapy, and thus admitted that he was suffering oncological disease. "I generally think that everything is not so hopeless how sometimes it seems. In any case, it is necessary to resist. Yes, treatment will have difficult and long. And therefore many concerts are canceled. On such therapy, like chemistry, you need to save forces, do not spill They are on various kinds of lateral bustle. What a twig is well done! everything is doing right! " - Posted by Mikhail on his social network page.

Publication from Mikhail Zadornov (@zadornovmn) Jun 20 2017 at 7:49 pdt

In November 2016, Satiri suffered an operation in one of the most famous German clinics. Together with Zadornov in Germany was his family: Elena's daughter flew to his father from Malta Island, where he lives with a civil husband. Next to Mikhail was almost always his spouse, which, while the artist was treated in the hospital, was engaged in all his affairs.

The famous Russian satirik died - Mikhail Zadornov. According to the media, the artist died from the incurable disease, from which he had suffered for several years. On October 22, he was hospitalized in one of the Moscow clinics immediately after the concert held in the center of Meredian. From what Mikhail Zadornov died, details of the disease and his biography today is actively discussed among journalists and numerous fans of a nationwide pet. At the time of death he was 69 years old.


What did the artist died

For many, the news is not the news that Zadornov has no longer suffered serious disease: a brain tumor. The neoplasm was malignant.

The man was appointed long and enough heavy Course Chemotherapy and other methods of treating oncology. After they were passed only part of the procedures, the artist abandoned treatment.

This news upset many of his fans and loved ones. But Zadornov commented on its decision because, due to severe and prolonged treatment, he had to completely refuse concert activity, and, most importantly, from communication with him relatives to him.

Mikhail Zadornov died of brain tumor

The artist refused to comment on his disease to the press representatives. It is known that in 2016, right during the concert he had an attack of epilepsy, after which he decided to suspend any speeches. Then, on his page, Vkontakte Mikhail turned to fans with a short message about his ailment.

Since then, the artist has discontinued any concert activity. In order to treat Zadornov left for some time to Europe, but soon returned to Russia in order to be able to spend as much time as possible with his loved ones.

Mikhail Zadornov: Photo

Many very excited the fact that literally, Satiri accepted Orthodoxy before his death. Two months ago confessed in the Kazan Cathedral. Recall that today it is known, from what: the cause of death is brain cancer.


Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov was born on July 21, 1948 in Riga (Latvia). It is worth noting that the boy grew up in a creative atmosphere: the father of the future satirik was a writer, known not only in Latvia, but also in the entire Soviet Union. For the series of their novels, Nikolai Zadornov was awarded the Stalin Prize.

Even at school, the boy was very interested in the theater, he took an active part in school productions, distinguished by a bright and talented game.

But the profession, Mikhail, decided to associate with a more serious industry, and in 1974 they were over the Aviation Institute in Moscow. Zadornov received a specialty mechanical engineer.

Mikhail Zadornov in his youth with her mom

Unlike many artists who received education in the areas of activities that are not related to culture, he seriously worked in his position and achieved significant success. In MAI at the Department of Aviation and Space Technologies, Zadornov worked at the beginning of the engineer, and later - and the chief engineer. At the time of the student of Zadornov often took part in the KVN games.

Simultaneously with the main activity, Zadornov continued to engage in the work in the theater. The future artist served as director's director in the student theater of Mai "Russia". Then the team actively toured in many cities of the Soviet Union. Some editions began to appear short essays of talented young man, distinguished by a sophisticated manner to express his thoughts in satirical form.

Mikhail Zadornov in youth

On the screens, the future celebrity appeared in 1982 with his only monologue. But the "letter of freshman to parents" was remembered by many spectators.

Tighted, a pretty artist in an elegant suit favorably was distinguished from other satirists with a fresh approach and realism of his monologue. But a truly famous young man became after Faketon "Two Ninth Wagon", with whom he spoke in 1084. From this to 1985, he held the position of head of the humor department in the famous journal then.

In these years, famous satirities often performed with the monologists of Zadornov, including Evgeny Petrosyan. From 190s, satirik was in demand by leading in well-known humorous programs, such as "Achglag" and "Mortgage". In 1991, Zadornov became the first, and today, the only satyrian who spent on New Year's Eve with congratulations to residents of Russia instead of president of the country.

Zadornov was not afraid to discuss the political situation in the country on stage

It is known that Zadornov often discussed political life Countries in their monologues. This applies to both the internal and foreign policy of Russia.

A prime example is the recent conflict of Zadornov with Ukraine. After the start of hostilities in the Donbas, he began to be very negative about the politics and people living in this country.

It is worth noting that mainly Satirov performed as a patriot, often discussing other countries than the universal discontent of their inhabitants often brought himself. Nevertheless, Zadornov constantly ridiculed the weaknesses and habits of Russians, while simultaneously admiring them with their inels and stuff.

Mikhail Zadornov died, and the cause of his death is very sad. But he will always be considered one of the most popular satirists and artists of the USSR and Russia. It should be noted that Mikhail is the author of more than 40 books, most of which are satirical. But they are revealed by the deep political and social problems of the country, which Zadornov considered him native for himself.

With Regina Dubovitsky in the "Anshag" program

Zadornov managed to celebrate and as a good actor. In the detective TV series "Genius", the artist brilliantly played himself. He managed to play in such famous paintings as "depression" and "I want your husband."

Personal life

Zadornov was married twice. The first spouse was Valta Kalnberzin, the daughter of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Latvian Communist Party. With Mikhail Veta studied in a parallel class of high school, and then at the Institute. But a young couple lived in a big marriage for a short time, soon the relationship was cooled and the family broke up.

Mikhail Zadornov with the first wife

The second spouse Satirik Elena Bombina worked as administrator of Zadornov. Soon after the official design of relations, the pair was born daughter - Elena. Now Zadornov's widow, together with his daughter, remember, with how pleasure Mikhail was engaged in raising the child and was directly involved in its further formation.

With the second wife of Elena and her daughter

Unfortunately, the famous artist Mikhail Zadornov died, the cause of death - brain cancer. The artist died at the age when he could still write a lot of monologues and delight the public with his beautiful performances.


In the 70th year, the famous Satiri writer, humorist Mikhail Zadornov, left the life. A year ago, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. At the end of November 2016, he was operated on in Germany, but the treatment did not bring the desired result. When further chemotherapy did not bring relief, Satirov appealed to the "biotherapist" Leo Shah, and a few days before death, he was renounced paganism and accepted the Orthodox faith.

Brain tumors annually amaze About 250 thousand people, accounting for about 2% of all cases of cancer.

The most common of them is glioblastoma (malignant gioma), it accounts for 52% of all primary brain tumors. Five-year survival rate of patients with brain cancer over the past 40 years from 22.4% to 35%.

Causes of most tumors unknown . The risk factors include infection with the Epstein-Barr virus, the effect of gas of vinyl chloride and ionizing radiation, as well as neurofibromatosis - healthy diseasecharacterized by the appearance of skin tumors and internal organs.

In March 2017, 63 researchers out of 20 institutions based on data 30 thousand patients singled out 13 new DNA loci associated with the increased risk of glioma development, five of them for glioblastoma. Previously, 13 more loci was discovered. Such data allowed using genetic analysis to establish how much the patient is subject to the appearance of one or another type of tumor and thanks to early diagnosis To significantly increase its chances of successful treatment.

"Thanks to a big sample, we were first able to establish whether the development of certain tumors depends on genetic factors",

- Researchers say.

In 2015, the 60-year-old Spanish suddenly hit the religion and stated that she was talking to the very Virgin Mary.

A previously distinguished special religiosity a woman studied the Bible and other sacred books. Close friends and relatives suggested that the woman could manifest themselves to manifest itself - at that time she took care of a relative who suffered from cancer. However, the results of MRI revealed several affected areas in the brain. Biopsy has shown that the patient is gyoblastoma.

"No other reason for a sharp change of views, except for the disease, was not. So this is definitely a pathological phenomenon, "doctors say.

Since the tumor was already too large for the operation, chemotherapy and antipsychotic drugs were proposed for the patient. Five weeks later, religious visions gradually disappeared. It was not possible to save a woman - after two months she suffered a stroke, and after another half a year, it died.

Most effective way Treatment is considered to combine several methods: radiation therapy or chemotherapy with surgical removal Tumors (however, due to the localization and size of the brain tumor, it is often impossible to remove it), as well as with immunotherapy, the purpose of which may be the strengthening of the organism's own immune response to malignant education and an increase in cancer sensitivity to medical drugs. "Gazeta.Ru" has previously already about the latest methods of treating and diagnosing brain cancer and other types of cancer.

An important role in B. successful treatment Cancer plays a timely diagnosis. In June 2017, scientists found The way to predict the development of a tumor five years before the appearance of the first symptoms.

They allocated 277 cytokines (molecules associated with the regulation of immunity), a decrease in the number of which in the blood sample indicates an increase in the risk of tumor development.

They also identified a number of cytokines associated directly with the development of glioma.

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