C7 transportation of animals in the cabin of the aircraft. Tariffs and rules for transportation of animals by airline airlines Aeroflot (Aeroflot)

Transportation of dogs in Aeroflot requires compliance with certain rules that are fixed by the carrier. In addition, the passenger is personally responsible for the animal, the compliance of the documents provided, as well as compliance with the transport rules. For its part, the airline is not responsible for the delay, loss, death or dog's disease in a situation, if it was denied in the entrance to any country. This does not include cases where the factors mentioned were caused by a negligible attitude towards their work of the airline employees.

Transportation of dogs in Aeroflot - Rules

To get started to highlight Rules for transportation of dogs in Aeroflot aircraft. Here it is worth noting the following points:

  • The weight of the animal should not be more than 8 kg (together with the cell).
  • In one container, two or even three pets are allowed, but provided that the total mass does not exceed the permissible limit (8 kg).
  • If the animal mass is in the range of 32-50 kg, it is necessary to specify the possibility of transporting such an animal in advance. In addition, it is worth finding out the possibility of a container capacity for the transport of dogs Aeroflot.
  • The pet will be transported in the cabin only if it is well washed, does not have an unpleasant smell and does not bark. If the carriage of the aircraft believes that the animal carries the danger to passengers, they can prohibit its transportation.

The rules for transportation of dogs Aeroflot imply that the animal must undergo control of the veterinarian. Consequently, the owner must in advance (at least three hours) come to the airport and perform the following steps:

  • Pass the pet veterinarian for inspection.
  • Get permission to the flight.
  • Place the necessary documents.

During the transport of dogs Aeroflot in Russia and behind the territory of the country, it is desirable to have a veterinary first-aid kit at hand. Separate requirements are also presented to the container. It must have a reliable castle, high-quality design, as well as a comfortable and reliable handle that allows you to carry a cell from place to place without any problems. Boxing dimensions should be such that it can be easily placed under the seat. This is done in the most dangerous periods of the flight - in the process of take-off and landing, when entering the turbulent region and in other force majeure situations.

What changes occurred in the rules of transportation of dogs?

In 2016, Aeroflot made a number of edits in the carriage of dogs in the aircraft cabin. Now some breeds of "human friends" were banned.

Not allowed Pugs, bulldogs (all species), Beingeles, Boxer, Shi-Tzu, Belgian and Brussels Griffin, Bordeaux Dog, Japanese Hina and Boston Terrier.

The cost of transportation of dogs in the aircraft Aeroflot has changed. Previously, there was a tariff of 55 euros, and after updating the rules he rose to 75 euros. It is worth noting that any animals relate to additional cargo, therefore the cost of their transport is calculated with these norms. Above the tariff for external flights. If we are talking about the transport of dogs in the plane in Russia, the price will be 3,750 rubles.

Some changes affected the need to confirm. Now permission for the transport of the animal to the salon can be obtained by phone. At the same time, airport workers must give consent or immediately prohibit flight. Previously, the actions algorithm was different. It is necessary to first be called with the carrier, after which it is to apply and wait for some time to match. After that, you need to recruit the number and find out again, permission is provided or not.

As can be seen, the main change was the simplification of the coordination procedure. Also grown the cost of transportation of dogs Aeroflot. At the same time, many passengers believe that the price is highly overestimated.

Documents required for the transport of dogs Aeroflot abroad and in Russia

Considering the requirements of Aeroflot to the transportation of dogs, it is impossible not to note the bureaucratic - "paper" component. The main documents should be attributed:

  • Veterinary Certificate (Form No. 1). Previously, the document was needed when traveling with animals in Russia, but since 2017 it does not need. Now there is enough veterinary passport. If the transportation of dogs by Aeroflot is made abroad, without this reference it is not necessary. At the same time, the document acts only five days from the date of issue. Vehvaljb must make a mark that check is made
  • Veterinary Certificate No. 5.. This document is required for international transport of the animal. To obtain it, it is necessary to prevent the submissibility of Form No. 1 and change its mentioned certificate. It is also done in the airport veterinary service.
  • Vepasport. Such a document must have every pet. It makes records of vaccinations from rabies and various diseases. Records should be updated annually. In case of delay in the vaccination of the animal, it will be prohibited.

As can be seen, the rules for the carriage of dogs in Aeroflot airplanes in Russia and abroad have their own nuances from the position of documents. It should take into account.

Features of registration

After arriving at the airport, it is necessary to go for registration. The special racks are checked for documents, weighing, and then the passenger is sent to pay. Above, we noted how much the transportation of dogs in the aircraft Aeroflot is worth, so this nuance should not be a surprise. As for pet sizes, they are rarely checked.

After that, a paper ticket is drawn up on the animal with which you need to go to the registration rack and get a boarding pass (already for yourself). Further, head to the inspection or take a pet with a pet if your free time remains.

Knowing the requirements for the transport of dogs in airplanes Aeroflot is good. But it is worth considering another number of recommendations:

  • On the day of the flight, the animal is better not to feed four hours before the flight. Otherwise, the risk of vomiting is high, because the flight negatively acts not only for people.
  • Limit drink. The pet will be sufficiently small volume of fluid before planting. If the flight is long, it is allowed to give some water in the middle of the flight, because at the bottom of the dog can be hot.
  • Before the departure, it is desirable to spew the animal well so that it flies and slept.
  • Choose night flights in which the pet is sleeping longer and is less disturbing the owner.

If you take into account the considered rules and take into account simple recommendations, Flight with a dog in the plane will not deliver any discomfort.

24.03.2019, 15:29 43192

Often travelers want to take with you on the trip your pet or it happens that you need to transport the animal as a gift near man. So is it possible to transport animals in an airplane, and whether there are rules for the carriage of animals in the plane?

What animals can be transported on the plane

The plane can be transported by the following animals:
  • pets (cats, dogs);
  • rodents (rats, guinea pigs, squirrels, chinchillas, chipmunks, crops, gopters, tushkans, etc.);
  • birds
  • reptiles (snakes, turtles, iguana, chameleons, frogs lizards, etc.);
  • exotic animals
  • wild animals,
  • guide dogs
  • dog service dogs.
Transportation of animal or birds is possible only to a passenger, which turned 18 years old.

Do I need to buy a ticket for an animal

You do not need to buy a ticket for an animal, but you just need to order a special service, but no later than 1.5-3 days before departure.
If you buy a ticket to Aero ticket, then after buying a ticketrequest For order Services Protshchi Animal can be through our support service.
When ordering a special service for the transport of an animal in an airplane, you must specify information about the form, weight and size of the container along with your pet.

Be sure to get confirmation of the possibility of transporting the animal from the airline. Because the airline has the right to refuse to transport the animal. This happens in that if several people have already ordered animal carriage services on this flight.

2. Veterinary certificate (form number 1)

After checking these documents and the state of the transported animal, a special boarding pass is issued (it must be submitted when registering on the flight), and in the veterinary certificate it is stamped.

For flight with animals on international transport

For international transport, to adding the above list, additional documents will be required:
  • Veterinary certificate. It is issued if there is a veterinary certificate and is registered at the border control point in the veterinary service for a period of 1 month.
  • Certificate of tribal value or its absence on the transported animal.
  • If you need to transport some animal species, special permission. It is issued by the State Committee for Environmental Protection.
It should be taken into account that each country may prevent additional requirements and restrictions. Therefore, in order to avoid misunderstandings at the airport and on the border before bringing the animal to the territory of another state, it is better to clarify the relevant information in its embassy.

So, for example, countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Spain and Italy prohibit dogs belonging to the territory of their states owned by the fighters. And animals who took on a trip to Britain and Iceland should hold six months in Quarantine.

  • In order for your pet to be returned home, no later than, 3 hours before departure, you need to be at the airport for the passage of veterinary control and making your pet for the flight;
  • Do not forget to get a mark on the passage of veterinary control on arrival.
  • In the air, dehydration occurs much faster, so take with you drinking water for animal;
  • A couple of hours before departure, feed the animal with light food;
  • Before flying to walk pet.

Take a pet with you on the road - the idea for many is not such a strange and impossible. Homemade animals are perfectly moving around the country. And they can be performed on airplanes. The only thing that needs to be taken into account in such a situation is which animal transportation rules in the aircraft in Russia, 2018.

Air transportation of a particular animal is a complex, nervous and troublesome. It should be understood that the number of places on board the airliner allocated under these purposes may be small. So, it is necessary to inform the carrier in advance about your intention to carry a pet with me. It is advisable to do this at the stage of selecting a ticket.

General rules

Alone, a person can carry a cat or a dog on a plane only if he has already been 18 years old, i.e. He is an adult citizen. In addition, the owner of a pet or a person who takes the animal must necessarily be capable. Often, only standard pets are allowed for the flight - cats and dogs having a lot of less than 50 kilograms. For all others there is a version of transportation by special agents.

Rules of most of the airlines are quite similar. And air carriers do not refer to pets the following types of pets:

  • Rodents
  • Presbysey
  • Clavistonogy
  • Fish and other options that should be in the water
  • Unaccompanied beasts and birds

In addition, the liner is unlikely to take:

  • Pregnant females
  • Young piggy, i.e. puppies and kittens, which were not 3-4 months old
  • Sick animals
  • Elderly features
  • Pets with heart problems, breathing and brain

Separate prohibitions act on the categories of animals that have a short skull and a flat face - such include representatives of many fighter rocks, as well as decorative animals.

In order not to be in a delicate situation and not to exacerbate the situation, representatives of airlines recommend in advance to study on the official website of the carrier all nuances. In extreme cases, it will be possible to get detailed information by calling hot line Companies.

Follow the standard

How to transport a dog or a cat on the plane, you can learn in the airline itself. But in most cases the standard scheme is required. The animal can only be fleeting in special transportation - usually under it mean a special plastic container cell. It must comply with the following requirements:

  1. to be factory
  2. have a certificate of conformity
  3. be strong

You need to choose such transport so that the animal in it was comfortable. For example, he could lie down and pull the paws, without touching the rod. Also, ideally, he should get up in her full growth.

Often animals are transported in the luggage compartment, and their weight has been added to the baggage of the passenger. In this regard, the spending should be posted and advan. However, if an animal is petty, you can try to negotiate in the airline on the bore of it on board the aircraft. However, we will have to follow a number of requirements. Thus, the animal cannot be released from carrying (the exception is cases when passengers do not object to this), and when you take over and landing, you need to carry a standing seat with it.

Animal size and transportation

On where the animal will fly, its size and weight is affected directly. On board the aircraft is allowed to carry animals not more than 8 kg weighing.

Separate point - guide

Guide dogs belong to a separate category of animals, due to which they have the right to be on board with the owner. However, it should be understood that the dogs having special training certificates should be tied to the host chair and sit at his feet. At the same time, the guide must remain in a muzzle.

For a guide, you do not have to pay, as for the luggage.

Documents required for travel

Nobody will be used with the animal without prior preparation. Therefore, it is worth being prepared for the trip long before it. The Pet Plane will be allowed only if he has a number of documents. The list includes:

  • veterinary Passport Set Sample
  • a certificate of health - in it should be spelled out the age of the animal, its health status made by vaccinations. So, for example, if these documents are not standing on rabies vaccination, the animal will not fall on board. Such a vaccination should be at no less than a year before the trip, as well as no more than a month.

Some carriers require a chip appropriate vaccination.


To take a pet from point A to point to airplane, it needs to be correctly executed. Registration begins in 2-3 days. Inquiry to the carrier must be prescribed:

  • type of beast
  • weight - and you need to specify both the figures of its weight separately and together with the container

It is important to remember that for the transport of an animal in the cabin of the aircraft, its owner must receive confirmation from the airline.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that it will be necessary for a single time for the place of the animal at the airport. So, you do not need to come at the last moment. In the port, you should immediately go to the building of veterinary control - here the pet should inspect the specialist who will give permission to departure. Without it, the landing pass on the animal will not give. According to the results of such an inspection, a special seal appears in the certificate. Together with these permissible documents, you can pass on the reception.

How to minimize stress for animal

Specialists recommend not to feed the animal before flying, so as not to cause it against the background of stress vomiting and gastric problems. Moreover, such manifestations on an inspection at the airport may be regarded as signs of illness.

Also not recommended to give a calming animal - it can adversely affect its condition when changing pressure during take-off and landing. And another owner should be slowed down the level of anxiety - because the pet absorbs all the experiences and reacts acutely to them.

Frequent flights are becoming a problem for domestic owners. After all, look after the pet for this time it is usually no one, so people are spent on a trip with a pet. In such cases, airlines do not refuse to customers if the passenger follows certain standards. Consider the rules for the carriage of animals in the plane " AeroflotSince this carrier performs most transcontinental and domestic flights in Russia.

Let's start learning a problem with clarifying general requirements Airlines " Aeroflot"- Transportation of animals is permissible for all airlines, but each airline independently installs individual nuances. The first rule that is appropriate to remember the traveler is the transport permission to give airlines. To do this, the passenger will have to communicate about the four-side "fellow traveler". Moreover, the last period of informing expire over a month and a half before the departure of the board.

The second requirement of the carrier is the mandatory payment of the place occupied by the pet, regardless of the method of transportation. In addition, the client appropriate to take into account that the desire to fly with the beast in the cabin eliminates the booking of the place in the class "Business" and "Comfort". Immediately note the third rule - the owner provides decent conditions for the content of the beast on board.

The airline allows for the transport of tamed four-legged friends in special road baskets. And the plane will not take some breeds of dogs, fish, reptiles, rodents, wild or ill animals. And in the cabin is allowed to fly only with birds, or a dog.

The fourth requirement, which is important to know the owner, becomes observance of the norm of the animal by weight. Consider that pets, the mass of which with a container for transportation above 8 kilograms, traveling in the baggage compartment. Although there will be an exceptions about which we will talk below. Airlines require providing a passenger normal conditions for the transportation of an animal - spacious capacity, drinkers, necessary medicines.

Finally, animal procurement in the plane " Aeroflot»It is impossible without the design of the necessary securities and visits. veterinary clinic. Here doctors conduct an inspection of the beast, make required vaccinations And fill the veterinary passport, without which the pet will not be allowed to fly. Of course, a calm and friendly beast increases the chances of the owner to undergo a control inspection of the airport service and get permission to the flight.

Flight nuances in the passenger compartment

Let us dwell on the specific requirements that I installed Aeroflot"- Pets in the cabin are strictly controlled by airline services, so it is appropriate to clarify the details of the transportation in advance. In addition to the mass of the basket, along with the pet, there there are some more nuances that it is advisable to take into account. Remember, the airline does not limit the number of animals that the passenger intends to carry in the road container - the only requirement here remains the total weight of up to 8 kg and one container on the passenger.

Remember that on the road to open the cage is prohibited, so ensure normal conditions of the pet content in advance. It is important to equip a bag of moisture-absorbing and absorbent nasty smell Material, to provide ventilation, install ice, introduce an animal with carrying. Pernata cells should be covered with dark matter.

In addition, in the plane, the basket is under the seat or on his hands - it will not be possible to take even an empty place next door. Seats in the first line and in front of evacuation outputs in this situation are not available.

Consider that the pet basket is installed in such a way as not to create inconvenience for personnel and other airlines' clients. And at the request of the steward, the traveler rearranges the transfer to the place specified by the employee. Usually such situations are characteristic of take-off and planting a liner. Finally, to avoid the accidental opening of the container, choose products with strong locks.

Details of transportation in baggage compartment

Beasts whose carrier weight is 8-32 kg, fly in the luggage compartment. In addition, the airline does not exclude the transportation of pets with a weight of up to 50 kg. True, such a nuance will have to negotiate separately, warning workers. But the pets-heavyweights with a mass of 50 kg travel already in the cargo compartment. This question needs advance lighting, because the place in the cargo compartment is limited.

Now consider specific standards that suggest a similar flight with animals. " Aeroflot"It regulates that in a separate container is permissible to transport one beast. Moreover, the sizes of the cell in this case allow the pet freely to lie down, get up and sit down. In addition, it is appropriate to look for a stuffing and reliable design.

The cells provide holes for air circulation, equip the basket with a good locking system and lined with the bottom of the material that absorbs odors and liquid. Moreover, the passenger is appropriate to prevent the rash of such absorbent and hygroscopic capsules.

The shape of the carrying in such a situation excludes random damage to the pet - try to find a model without sharp protrusions and corners. Resistant to shock material container and good castle - the main requirements of airlines. Remember, for the life and condition of the four-legged favorite liability lies on the owner.


Transportation of dogs in the plane Aeroflot"Requires special attention. In these situations, airlines suggest some deviations from the rules. The first exclusion concerns the transportation of dog-brachicephalov. Breeds with a surcediped muzzle, which include pugs, pecineses, boxers, griffins, chins and bulldogs are not allowed to flights. This is due to the deterioration of pet health in overload conditions when set by a height aircraft.

The second exception relates to and animals that use power services. Here the airline allows you to transport the beast in the cabin, regardless of its mass. In addition, dogs do not need a container for transportation. The owner is enough to wear a favorite collar leash and a muzzle. In the way, such a beast will have to keep the passenger at the passenger chair. On the flight, control workers will pass only healthy and clean animals.

Moreover, the guide dog is transported for free if accompanies the visually impaired owner. However, the passenger will have to notify the airline in advance about the upcoming trip and present documents confirming the status of the pet and the diagnosis of the client.

In addition, on flights to the United States and in the opposite direction to the category of accompaniment dogs includes animals for emotional passenger support. True, this situation will require paper from a profile specialist confirming the need for the presence of the beast on board. The term of such a form is a year. As for the official application, here the traveler is appropriate to warn the carrier about this flight at least 48 hours before departure.

Pack of papers

Collection of documents for traveling in Russia and departures abroad is different. However, the main paper, on the basis of which the owner receives the necessary certificates, becomes a veterinary passport. Moreover, it is worth a mark that the pet is instilled in age, and at least 21 days and no more than a year passed from the date of the last vaccination. Without such a mark, only puppies will allow puppies that mother feeds.

The beast will have to arrange the necessary documents, otherwise the airport workers will not be allowed the animal to flight

When transporting animals on domestic flights or a trip to the countries entering the TC or the CIS, the traveler draws up a pet Veterinary Certificate No. 1.. In addition, here will have to get and Certificate of the Customs UnionIf the road passes through the territory of states that enter this Commonwealth is either not considered a member of the EU.

Both documents are valid for five days. Moreover, Form No. 1 contains a complete description of the route and is issued in state veterinary control.

When a person intends to fly to Asian countries, Africa, Europe, Australia or the United States, it will be necessary to issue International Certificate in Form No. 5A. Paper is valid 24 hours after receiving in cases of departure from the Russian Federation or 90 days, when the passenger is going to get to the territory of Russia. The document issues a veterinary service at the airport after an inspection of an animal and analyzing the concomitant visual documentation. With regard to transportation of accompaniment dogs, additional papers need to pass on animal learning.

Nuances of payment

Pet transport involves additional payment by the passenger. Here, the cost of the flight abroad is 75 euros on the provision of one pet. When traveling around the country, the master of the beast will pay 3,750 rubles. These airlines refer to the section "Non-standard baggage". The only exceptions are the dogs accompanying the blind passenger.

Transportation of domestic pets abroad will cost 75 euros, and rates for flight inside the country are 3,750 rubles

Note that the rules work in compliance with the size and weight of the container in which the animal travels. In cases of Fresher transport in the cabin, the size of the baskets fit into size 55x40x20 cm with a mass of up to 8 kg. The luggage compartment take animals with a weight of up to 50 kg. Exceeding this threshold forces the owner to pay for the carriage of a pet already like a cargo.

Information for familiarization

Finally, we list some principles of airlines, which appropriate to remember to customers. The owner of the pet is responsible for the health of the ward, and the carrier removes such responsibility. Moreover, the stewards do not provide services for the care of the beast throughout the flight. There is no relation to failure to enter the territory of another state of airline, since the collection of the necessary permits for the animal falls on the shoulders of the passenger.

In order not to receive a refusal in the last seconds before landing, teach the animal to behave in the presence of extraneous friendly

Tranquil and clean pets will be allowed to transport. Moreover, it is appropriate to consider and maintain the purity of the container at the time of travel. Do not neglect the veterinarian advice before expensive. Even a healthy beast needs the presence of first aid kit - do not be lazy to work required drugs for pet.

We hope our review will help avoid problems with preparing pet flight. Remember, such topics are advisable to discuss with the representative of the airline at the reservation stage of the ticket. Moreover, it is appropriate to ask an employee of your questions to properly prepare the animal on the road and not be late.

Flight with a homemade pet forces the owner to familiarize himself with the rules for transporting animals
Aeroflot admits transport of animals in special containers and charges payment for the animal as non-standard luggage
If the passenger is lucky lovers in the passenger compartment, you will have to install carrying under the chair or to my hands, so as not to interfere with the fellow workers and staff
Animals with a mass of 8 - 50 kg are transported in a baggage compartment
Airlines are not allowed to transport dog-brachicephalov, because the flight is negatively reflected on the health of such animals.

In this article, we will touch all the nuances of the Dog Transportation Procedure on the plane, consider the difficulties and the requirements faced by the owners of animals during air transportation.

Planning the future journey along with the dog, it must be remembered that the transport of a dog in an airplane is accompanied by certain requirements.

Firstly, about your intentions you need to inform the dispatcher at least 36 hours before the flight starts. The air transportation of animals is only with the consent of the representatives of the airline and with an adult accompanying person. The maximum mass of the being transported should not be above 8 kg. "Four Fri Friend" must be placed in a special container for the transport of dogs with fresh air access. Its maximum sizes in the aggregate must be no more than 1.15 m. The person accompanying the animal should be in the presence of a veterinary first-aid kit. Transportation of dogs in the plane occurs next to additional outputs, toilet or kitchen.

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Transportation of dogs in plane in baggage compartment

If the cumulative mass of the pet and the cells exceeds 8 kg, then he travels in the cargo compartment. The container must be selected for the size of the animal. The dog should not feel discomfort and should unfold without interference. The bottom of the cell must be covered with a moistureproof material with an absorbent layer. Sometimes, the airline may allow the animal or a bird in a carefully closed cell, the top of which is covered with a dense light-tight material.

Ticket registration for dog transportation in the plane

Registration of the animal ticket should also meet certain requirements. His encoding should look like Avih (animal in the hold), and not SPEQ (special load) with the addition of Dog. The computer system does not see comments, it places the cargo depending on the encoding. Loading dogs in the airliner occurs according to special separate requirements, in separate pallets and compartments, taking into account the specific distance between the animals. Therefore, if the encoding is incorrect, then unexpected problems may occur during loading.

Transportation of dogs in the plane implies the presence of certain documents:

Veterinary passport four-legged friend, Mandatory document for transporting a dog in an airplane.

By the beginning of the flight, the owner of the dog is obliged to provide a certificate of health status of his pet (Form No. 1). It is necessary to take it only in the State Veterinary Medication. It should be spelled out information about the smelled vaccines. Freshness vaccination must be carried out no later than 60 days before the trip, but not earlier than a year before him. The shelf life of such a document is only 3 days, therefore it is not necessary to take it too early. You will also need a certificate from RKF clubs or soon that the dog is not a tribal manufacturer. Customs workers with distrust relate to similar certificates if they are issued in other clubs.

It must be remembered that some states impose special requirements for animal imports to their territory. Therefore, it is advisable in advance to find out all the necessary information to avoid misunderstandings at customs.

Airline may refuse transportation Too much animals. In addition, it itself determines the method of transportation.

Exotic animals are transported by certain rules.You can get acquainted with whom you can order tickets.

Obligations for the safety of the animal completely assumes his owner. The carrier company is not responsible for all negative phenomena that can happen to the dog during its delivery through the territory of other countries.

Transportation of dogs in the plane: countries that you will not be happy

One of the countries in which the United Kingdom does not like such guests are considered. Immediately after arriving in England, they are waiting for a long, semi-annual, quarantine. The same requirements presents New Zealand, Cyprus, Ireland and Malta. In Sweden and Hong Kong, an animal isolation lasts 4 months. Singapore - 60 days, in Australia and the USA - 30 days, in Cuba and in Taiwan - 2 weeks, in Thailand - 7 days. In addition, all Scandinavian countries require an animal to pass a very strict test for immunity to a variety of diseases. An animal owner will have to pay for quarantine a round sum: already at the airport will be required from 150 to 500 dollars.
Quarantine will not need if the journey is planned to be in France, Germany and Austria.

Different airlines - various requirements for transportation of dogs in the plane

As mentioned earlier, Aeroflot permits to carry in the salons of its airliners of animals, but their number should not exceed two individuals on the salon. At the same time, the maximum weight of each beast should be no more than 8 kg.

"Air France" allows for transporting four animal beings in the cabin at once, but the weight of each of them should be a maximum of 5 kg.

"KLM", which is a Dutch airline, permits to transport only one small dog weighing up to 4 kg in their salons. The rest of the dogs do not correspond to these requirements travel to a container for the carriage of dogs located in the warm luggage compartment of the airliner.

The German airline Lufthansa draws attention not to the mass of the animal, but on the volume of its cell. The size of the container for the transport of dogs to be located in the cabin should not be more than 60 * 45 * 40 cm. The parameters of the container intended for transportation in the cargo compartment - 125 * 75 * 85 cm.

Delta provides more stringent requirements for transportation. In a flight in charge of one flight there may be a different number of pets in containers for transportation of 53 * 33 * 22 cm (they can be purchased in the representative offices of the company for 30-40 dollars). Only one animal is allowed to the business class, in the economy class - two. If the fluffy pet does not fit into a cage with these sizes, then it is transported in the cozy luggage compartment and is in a special cell.

Tranzaero plane salons categorically do not allow dogs. They can travel only in the warm luggage compartment. I must say that at some airliners (IL-86) is allowed to visit the pets during the flight.

Macedonia, France, Egypt and Slovenia does not allow to import animals to their territory that have not yet turned 3 months.

In Canada, their import is allowed, but there, again, there is a 30-day quarantine rule.

Some countries (for example, United Kingdom, Iceland, Sweden or Argentina) will demand from the master of a shaggy passenger to receive the official permit on the import of their pet on their territory.

The authorities of Tunisia will definitely check the pet for the presence of a vaccine against the disease of Carre.

Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian hotels will not sit in their rooms with animals.

Payment for the transportation of dogs in the plane

Animals and their containers are not included in the luggage listallowable for free transportation, so their transportation is paid for additional tariffs. Only dogs accompanying their visually impaired or blind owners are allowed.

Payment for the transportation of dogs in an airplane occurs on the tariffs of additional baggage: 5-14 dollars (depending on the mass of the cell). But, some companies practice fixed tariffs (150-300 dollars), which affects the direction of flight, but not the weight of the beast.

Dog preparation for flight

Preparing for traveling, it is necessary to teach your pet to the cage in advance. In order for the animal to transfer the flight more calmly, its favorite toys should be in a special container for the transport of dogs, as well as water.

6 hours before departure need to stop feeding the pet and not give him any medicinal products. In addition, veterinarians are negative about transportation in the luggage separation of pregnant and very small animals, as well as those pets whose age exceeds 10 years.

Video: Transportation of dogs by plane, with such difficulties, Natalia also collided with her "Dogac."

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