Duration of grafting from rubella. Vaccination against rubella: Is the vaccination required? Is it possible to make vaccination to the eldest child if at this time mom in position

The Rubella virus is known not only to the fact that he has one of the longest hatchery periods. This microorganism causes a lot of development anomalies in children before their birth, if a pregnant woman has suffered an infection in the first trimester. Therefore, the vaccination is a mandatory prevention measure not only to all children, but also planning pregnancy to women.

As you know, in medicine against this virus there are lively and killed vaccines. Are they not dangerous? When do and how many times grappling rubella? Does universal vaccination need and how is such artificial protection against the virus? How to prepare for her? Why do rubella call sometimes a third disease? Let's wonder these questions.

Is it worth making grave vaccine

Vaccusions from rubella make first of all children. There were times when rubella stood in third place in the general list of diseases accompanied by rash in children. But since the start of active vaccination against this microorganism, the situation has changed dramatically. Thanks to the gravilles of the flashes of rubella are now rare, and they are afraid of infections worth only the girls planning pregnancy.

How do you need a vaccination against rubella? Entities of immunization can argue about the importance of this particular vaccination. But there are several facts about the virus of rubella and the disease that he causes.

  1. With this virus it is easy to cope with the help of conventional cleaning with the use of modern detergents.
  2. The disease is transferred very easily, everyone remembers the most terrible symptoms only rash, an increase in lymph nodes, cough, throat pain, redness of the tonsils and an increase in body temperature at the time of rash appearance.
  3. The contagiousness (infectiousness) of the rubella virus is small. In other words, compared to measles and windmill to infect precisely this infection, a closer and long-lasting contact is needed.

What facts talk about the benefits and importance of grafts from rubella?

Do I need to make vaccination against rubella? Do I need to protect children from this notighter in their manifestations of the disease? Undoubtedly, the grafting from rubella is needed to all, especially for children. This infection is not dying, but lethal outcomes have been from some complications of the disease.

Is it possible to get rubella, if there is a vaccination from it? Yes, this sometimes happens in the following situations.

  1. Ensure cases of infection with infection after the expiration of the vaccination is expired. According to the national calendar, vaccination is carried out only twice. In the adolescence, rarely who controls the level of protective antibodies against rubella in the blood, which means that it is impossible to be absolutely sure that the defense will work when meeting with infection.
  2. The second option is when the child is vaccinated, already infected with the virus. As you know, the incubation period of rubella sometimes exceeds 3 weeks, if the child contacted a sick person and was given for several days after that - the infection will appear in the first days after vaccination. Often such situations are taken for post-specific complications or poor-quality vaccinations.

Graph vaccines against rubella

How many times do screaming from rubella and what are vaccination schedules? Up to 12 months, the baby does not put a vaccination against this infection. Even in the case when there is some kind of rubella among those surrounding people, the emergency prevention is not carried out in the first months of life. The reason for the composition of the vaccine. Produced preparations in most cases contain cells of living, but weakened (attenuated) microorganisms. They cannot be used to children up to the year.

When do screaming from rubella? It is introduced twice. Dating the child with a vaccine in the norm should take place a year. And in the absence of contraindications of kids at this time, a three-component vaccine is usually set - the vaccination is made simultaneously from measles, rubella and epidemic parotitis.

What else do you take vaccinations from rubella? After a year, it is possible to introduce monovaccinations at almost any age. This happens if, due to a number of important reasons, the baby was not vaccinated per year. The vaccine is sometimes not done if there is contraindications to it or because of the temporary failure of the parents. Then, according to epidemic testimony, vaccination is carried out at any time.

After a single introduction of the vaccine, immunity against the virus is not 100% produced. Only a re-vaccination can guarantee full protection against the virus.

Reducous revaccination is carried out at six years. If vaccination was carried out a little later, the following imposition, the vaccine should not be earlier than 6 years. This is the optimal gap for re-administration Protection against the virus.

In addition, the doctors strongly recommend revuccinating against virus girls 12-14 years old.This is due to the possible pregnancy after a few years, the vaccination will reduce the likelihood of developing rubella infection when a meeting with it.

In some countries, for example, in Japan or France, there is no need to vaccinate rubella at the age of one year. There will examine all girls and in the absence of protective antibodies are carried out immunization. Most often this happens after 10 years or during puberty. Our immunoprophylaxis is carried out much earlier to prevent the development of deadly complications.

Where do vaccination from rubella and how much it acts

Dose vaccine for all the same - 0.5 ml of substance. In such an amount introduced the drug to adults and children.

Where do the vaccine from rubella? The place of administration of drugs containing protective cells from the virus, in rare cases differ. Three-component vaccines are administered subcutaneously into the upper third of the shoulder, in the outer area. One-component vaccines can be applied not only subcutaneously, but also intramuscularly in the same dose.

Another question that is interested in parents - how long does vaccine protect against the virus, how much does the vaccine acting from rubella? There is no unambiguous opinion of scientists about this. As always, it all depends on the quality of the vaccine and from the immunity of the child.

A single administration of the drug can protect against the complications of the suffered infection in approximately 90-95% of cases. And she will protect it on average for 6-11 years. If you comply with all the rules and conduct revaccination at a time limit - this will help protect the child for a longer period of 15-20 years. But the numbers may vary depending on the specific situation.

Possible reaction in children in grafpor vaccination

According to doctors, the earlier immunization against rubella was carried out, the easier the child tolerates her. Therefore, therefore, vaccinations from rubella were made to the national calendar vaccinations at the age of one year and six years - during this period of life of the child there is a smallest number of reactions if the kid is absolutely healthy.

Adults have a greater number of reactions and complications for the introduction of any vaccine.

What is the reaction for children to vaccine from rubella?

Treatment is almost never required. In rare cases you have to use symptomatic drugs To eliminate the consequences of grafts from rubella. Reostogenicity - that is, the ability to cause reactions or complications, the vaccine from rubella is low. This is one of the few drugs, reactions and complications of which can be counted on the fingers.

Vaccine against this infection sometimes gives complications. Side effects grafting from rubella can be as follows.

  1. Red or purple rash on the skin of a small size, which are called the Roseolat or spots. They do not require the appointment of antiviral drugs, since in most cases they run on their own within a few days.
  2. Typical complications for any vaccine - Various manifestations allergic reactions. This is all familiar wretchedness, and the development of the Svetka Quince. But severe complications for grafting from rubella are extremely rare.

Is it possible to get rubella after vaccination? Contraindication to immunization with alive vaccines, even significantly weakened, are all immunodeficiency states. If you instill a child with such a disease (due to the lack of information or by overpower), after immunization, an infection may occur. Any vaccination is a strong load on the immunity system, it is impossible to risk, putting a patient child, even if there is a high probability of contact with rubella patients.

How to reduce the likelihood of complications

Despite the fact that the reactority of drugs against rubella is low, even these rare cases want to remove to a minimum. It happens that the consequences of grafts from rubella do not depend on the doctors or the drug, but from the patients themselves who are done. In this case, we are talking about children, so all responsibility falls on the shoulders of parents.

What do you need or do not need to do the child easier to transfer vaccination?

  1. No matter how banal it sounds - an inspection of a doctor is obligatory. An experienced specialist will determine the presence of indications and absence of contraindications to vaccination.
  2. Two or three days before and after vaccination, you need to limit contacts with people. At this time, walking with the child is better in non-short places, do not attend with him shops, a recreation park and other places with a large cluster of people. So you can reduce the likelihood of infusing the child of ARVI during the vaccination period. After vaccination, walking in the fresh air with the baby you need, but not in crowded places.
  3. You can bathe a child after vaccination. No need to forget that evening mion is soothing children. But it is undesirable to rub the kneading place of injection and be in water for a long time.
  4. Even before the vaccination, you need to consult with a doctor about a vaccine, its possible complications and how to cope with unwanted reactions. Maximum information about the upcoming event will help easier to transfer all unpleasant moments.


during pregnancy vaccination is not put

Vaccination is not just an injection, it is an impact on important organism systems. Therefore, for the introduction of the drug you need to know the testimony and contraindications.

When should not to enter a vaccine against rubella? In what cases do you need to give up vaccinations or is it worth a little wait? Vaccination against rubella is not held:

  • if the child had complications for the introduction of the previous vaccine;
  • contraindication to grafting from rubella is allergic to one of the components of the drug;
  • with any immunodeficiency state, the vaccination is contraindicated (it includes HIV, oncological processes, chronic and sharp heavy blood diseases);
  • the vaccine does not apply during pregnancy;
  • any acute infections or aggravated chronic diseases relate to temporary contraindications until the moment of complete recovery;
  • heavy allergies are not only on the components of the drug, but also on aminoglycosides.

If there is a HIV infection, then in the absence period clinical manifestations Live vaccines can be introduced.

Vaccines against rubella

What vaccine is used for rubella prevention? In most cases, three-component vaccines are used at the age of one year:

  • american MMR;
  • belgian Priorix;

They instill in one year and conduct revaccination in 6 years. The obvious plus of these drugs is convenience. Just one injection and baby is protected from rubella, measles, steam. The minus of such vaccines is that they are reactors, and more complications with them more often. In case of their introduction, it is difficult to say to which of the components reacted the body of the child.

Also from rubella use monovaccines:

The composition of such monovaccines includes only protection against rubella. They are transferred much easier, have fewer complications and reactions. They can be administered from year to carry out revacitation. They are more convenient for use, especially for children who had an unpleasant experience in the introduction of the previous three-component drug. Such vaccines are introduced in adolescence and adult women, they carry out emergency vaccination if any of those surrounding fell ill. But for planned immunization they are uncomfortable. It is much easier to use in such cases. three-component drugs.

Should I do vaccinating rubella? After transferred infection, persistent immunity is formed. Maybe much easier to overcome and not worry about the consequences of unsuccessful immunization? Not so dangerous rubella, like her some, even if rare complications. Encephalitis occurs in one case by 5-6 thousand infections, the problems of joints arise almost 30%, pneumonia and the inflammation of the middle ear are even more often. Heavy complications lead to fatal outcomes, so we are not talking about health risks, the question is about the life of the child.

Vaccination remains almost the only reliable way to prevent many dangerous and serious diseases. In a year old, the age of the baby is for the first time they grab from rubella. What is this disease? Do you need to instill a child from rubella? What are vaccines? How much do they act? How to fulfill preparatory activities before the procedure? When do you vaccinate? Tell together.

What is rubella?

Rubelch is an acute disease of infectious origin. The main characteristic symptom is a small pink rash that spreads through the entire surface of the patient's body, and an increase in lymph nodes. The last sign is considered the main one from the point of view of doctors, since 30 sicks are not observed from 100 from 100.

Prior to the invention of rubella vaccines, this disease was included in the top three of the most common childhood diseases. In most cases, the pathological process passed without complications, but sometimes unpleasant consequences of infection were manifested even a few months after complete recovery. Complexes of rubella:

  • with intrauterine infection - congenital anemia, otitis, microcephaly, reduction of hearing up to its complete loss, malformations of the heart, eye damage;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • arthritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • pneumonia.

A specific medicine that would help in the treatment of rubella does not exist. In most cases, prescribed antiviral drugswhich are not always effective. Often therapy are complemented by vitamin and mineral complexes and immunostimulants. Also carried out symptomatic treatment.

Should I vaccinate a child from rubella?

The graft from rubella is necessary - the disease itself does not pose a threat to the patient's life, but a number of its complications are quite capable of provoking the fatal outcome. Viruses retain activity even during freezing, and a sick person can infect others not only during the manifestation of the main symptoms, but also 7 days before the emergence of rash and at least a week after recovery.

The risk to infect rubella rises sharply if the person is forced to spend a lot of time in a closed space with a significant team. For kids, such a place can be kindergarten, school and so on. The virus for pregnant women is especially dangerous, since there is a risk of intrauterine fetal infection, which leads to severe complications.

Visit the child from rubella is recommended until they reach 6 years of age. Otherwise, not only increases the likelihood to infected rubella, but also a serious risk of developing the most dangerous of its complications is the progressive red-free pankenefalite, affecting the brain.

Vaccines against rubella

Most often, the kids who have reached the one-year-old age is introduced a three-component vaccine. The main advantage of such vaccinations in its convenience is to protect the baby at once from three dangerous diseases, just one injection is enough. However, such complex vaccines have disadvantages. They often cause side effects, and determine what the body was reacted, difficult. Views of 3-component vaccines:

  • vorikov vaccine - produced in Belgium;
  • mMR vaccine - produced in the USA.

If you put an integrated vaccination - according to medical reasons, adults, including women of fertile age - make monovaccination, which protects only from rubella. Such vaccinations are much less likely to provoke complications, they are moved much easier to the organism, optimally suitable for revaccination. Varieties of monovaccin for children and adults:

  • produced in France is called Rudivaks;
  • name British - Ervevaks.

Vaccination schedule

The first vaccination against rubella is carried out by the kids who have reached the one-year-old age. Make it before it is impossible because of the features of the preparation. In the absence of contraindications annoyed child An integrated vaccine against epidemic vapor, measles and rubella is introduced. Revaccination is held six years after the first vaccination.

If the baby is caught by individual graphics, it can get a grain of rubella in the form of a monovaccine (such drugs are considered more gentle and transferred better) at any age, the main thing is that it be over 1 year old. Re-adhesive is also placed 6 years from the date of the first vaccination.

Experts also advise you to put one more vaccination from rubella girls aged 12-14 years. This will reduce the risk of infection during pregnancy, which may occur in a few years. In foreign practice, there are girls from 10 to 15 years old who have no protective antibodies in the blood. Vaccine is valid for 6 years, revaccination helps extend the action to 11-25 years.

Rules for performing vaccination

An important point of the vaccination against rubella is the fully healthy state of the child.

Vaccination is shown only under the condition, only if the child is absolutely healthy. Make sure that the baby is not sick with nothing, should the doctor immediately before vaccination. The pediatrician is obliged to tell in detail the parents on the rules for the preparation of children, the essence of the procedure, possible consequences and complications, as well as what can and what can be done after vaccination.

Preparation of a child

In most cases, rubella vaccination passes without unpleasant consequences and is well tolerated by the child's body. Proper preparation for the procedure reduces the risk of developing side effects. Specialists recommend performing the following preparatory procedures:

  • for three days before the planned vaccination, you need to minimize the risk of infection with viral infections - do not attend public places, walk, but not in the parks of rest and not in playgrounds;
  • immediately before vaccination, visit your pediatrician - he will examine the baby, will reveal possible contraindications, with their absence to issue tolerance;
  • ask the doctor all the questions you are interested in - about the composition of the vaccine, the method of administration, about which complications may arise and how to cope with them;
  • if the kid has chronic diseases or the pathology of the nervous system, then 14 days before vaccination, it is recommended to undergo a course of supporting therapy to prevent aggravation;
  • vaccination is permissible to pass only a month after complete recovery from infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • tabs, prone to allergic reactions, may require antihistamine.

How and where do vaccination?

Where do the injection? Adults and children introduced the same volume of substance - 0.5 ml. The dose of three-component and one-component vaccines is the same. The three-component vaccine is injected under the skin, the injection is made from the outside of the shoulder, in its upper third. One-component vaccines are introduced subcutaneously, and intramuscularly by appointment of a doctor.

What can not be done after vaccination?

Immediately after receiving the child vaccinations, you should not go home and even leave the clinic. For 20-30 minutes after the injection, you need to walk near the polyclinic and watch the condition of the child - if there are rashes on the injection site or the temperature has increased, you need to immediately seek help to the doctor.

The following rules should be followed:

  • within 60 minutes from the moment of injection, it is not recommended to feed the baby - only to give clean drinking water;
  • day after vaccination advised to adhere to a non-stroke diet - to limit the consumption of saline, sweet, sour and fried, not give to try allergenic or unfamiliar products;
  • on the day of the vaccination of the child, it is impossible to bathe, it is enough to wipe in a damp cloth and a dry towel, without touching the place of the injection;
  • if the temperature is normal and allergy there are no allergies, on the second day after the procedure, the injection site can be watering;
  • that day, when the baby was vaccinated, it is impossible to walk;
  • if the child feels good, then the next day after vaccination with him, you can walk in the few places away from the playground near the house;
  • within 48 hours from the moment of introducing vaccine, the child can not be visited by leaving, including kindergarten;
  • 5 days after vaccination can not be given vitamin D - with calcium deficiency for children during this period, calcium gluconate is given;
  • if the temperature rose, you need to give ibuprofen or pandol, but not aspirin.

Contraindications for child vaccination

In some cases, the doctor will recommend abandoning vaccination against rubella or to postpone vaccination. Contraindications to the introduction of vaccine are pregnancy. If the child is ill with infectious disease in acute form, vaccination is carried out after complete recovery. Also to the number of contraindications include:

  • allergy to aminoglycosides;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the vaccine;
  • chronic diseases during the exacerbation period;
  • immunodeficiency states (including blood diseases);
  • complications after previous vaccination.

Side effects of the drug and possible complications

Graft from rubella rarely can cause an allergic reaction or spots on the skin of the child

Experts argue that the earlier the child will put the vaccine from rubella, the easier it will take the vaccination. Vaccine from rubella is different in that it rarely causes complications. There are few of them are allergic reactions (swelling of quinics or urticaria), as well as small spots of red or purple on the skin (they do not require treatment and take place in a few days). Adverse reactions:

  • pain in the joints - usually occurs in older children;
  • short-term insignificant body temperature increase;
  • general weakness;
  • redness and / or an increase in lymph nodes - cervical or in the axillary region.

Is it possible to get rubella after vaccination?

No existing vaccine gives 100% guarantees that a person never in the future will become infected with a disease from which he was vaccinated. Typically, the vaccine reduces the likelihood of infection and increases the resistance of the body, minimizing the risk of developing complications.

In the case of rubella patients who have been vaccinated, may be ill:

  1. If the vaccine put a child who is already infected with the virus. For rubella, a long incubation period (more than three weeks) is characterized. If the baby contacted the sick crust and infected, then for several days after vaccination, the first signs of the disease will appear.
  2. When contacting the diseases of the disease after the expiration of the vaccine. In accordance with the national vaccination calendar, they put twice in life from rubella. For adolescence, the amount of antibodies in the blood drops, so there is a risk to infected rubella.

Rubella. Symptoms, signs, treatment, consequences and prevention of the disease. Graft from rubella - deadlines, efficiency, do vaccination, complications after vaccination. Rubella during pregnancy - consequences, prevention.

Rubella - This is a viral disease that in most cases flows into easy formis accompanied by a short-term increase in body temperature, shallow rash, increasing all lymph nodes. In pregnant women, the disease leads to the defeat of the fetus.

The symptoms of rubella were first described in 1740 by the therapist from Germany F. Hofman. In 1880, rubella was recognized as a separate independent disease, but its reasons were unknown, therefore effective treatment It did not exist. The virus itself was first allocated and studied in 1961 immediately independently of several scientists: T. X. Weller, P. D. Parkman, F. A. Neva.

The causative agent of rubella

And indeed, the symptoms of measles and rubella are somewhat similar, only rubella flows much easier, but for pregnant women, the rubella virus is much more dangerous than the measles virus. Yes, and the pathogens of these two diseases are absolutely different, they are united only by attitudes towards RNA-containing viruses, but they relate to different types, birth and even families.

Krasnukh is also called rubella (from Latin language rubella - Red), the same name has a causative agent of the disease - virus Rubellla (Rubella virus. ).

Still in the literature you can meet the name of rubella "Third illness"It is due to the fact that scientists have drawn up a list of all diseases that were accompanied by rash on the body, and rubella stood under the third number.

Why do children and adults sick rubella, despite the mass vaccination (vaccinations)?

Krasnuha belong to K. Infectilation of children's age. And previously believed that adults were rarely sick with this disease. Indeed, before the introduction of mass vaccination against rubella (until 1969-1971), even during the time of the pandemic of this infection, children and adolescents were rooted, as well as pregnant women of young people. And it is associated with the fact that almost all people have moved rubella in childhood, simply not everyone showed the symptoms of this disease, because more than half of children have an asymptomatic course of this infection or it flows so easy that you do not have to contact the doctors. And after transferred rubella, 99% of people are formed a lifetime immunity, that is, such people rubella are no longer sick. Therefore, in adults, rubella was rare, and only those who, according to their individual peculiarities, were not susceptible to infection in childhood or were "home-made children" (a little contacted with other children).

With the introduction of mass vaccination against rubella, children really almost ceased to hurt rubella, also ceased to register pandemic rubella (Mass defeat with an infection of almost the entire population).

From this mass vaccination was expected to complete the cessation of the circulation of the virus in nature, because it quickly collapses in the environment.

However, this did not happen, because there are always people who have no post-specific immunity from rubella, so children still continue to hurt rubella, despite the mass vaccination, various reasons:

  • refusal of vaccination , relevant especially in recent years;
  • availability of contraindications to vaccination (immunodeficiency, including HIV, oncological pathologies, intolerance to vaccinations in the form of anaphylactic shock, swelling of quinque and other reactions threatening life);
  • individual immunity to vaccine - the absence of antibodies to vaccine strains of rubella;
  • violation of the storage and introduction of vaccine At the same time, vaccination can be considered not valid;
  • there is a formation of immunity to a vaccine strain causative agent (weakened rubella virus), but sometimes he is missing When meeting with the "wild" strain (causative agent of the disease), therefore even grafted people in isolated cases may be sick of rubella, but at the same time the infection proceeds in an easy and without complications, even in adults.;

But after many years after the start of mass vaccination, epidemiologists collided with another problem, immunity after vaccination is not 100% resistant, as after a transferred disease, and rarely someone remains for life, it will fuss in 5, 8, 10, 15, 20 and more years (individually). So an adult by 20-30 years remains without anti-peasant immunity, therefore, in our time, children's infections among the adult population are relevant. I.e rubella "aged" And to some extent ceases to be a purely childish disease.

Doctors try to solve this problem, so in 13-14 years old adolescents are encouraged to examine the presence of antibodies to rubella, and in their absence additionally vaccinated. So in particular, girls are 14 years old and young women planning a family are preparing for future pregnancy. But, unfortunately, this vaccination passes only a small part of the subject, therefore, and in our time there are gross pathologies of newborns due to the rubella due to pregnancy, and cases of adults are rapidly.

Yet without vaccination in any way, but it is necessary to spend it right.

Why do adult rubella suffer hard, unlike children?

Adults are really much harder to carry rubella than children.

Defend what is the same features of rubella in adults:

1. More pronounced inxication syndrome (High body temperature, malaise, weakness, headache and so on).
2. Rash have greater intensity and prevalence.
3. Frequent complications:

  • arthritis (fog in joints);
  • reducing platelet levels;
  • brain lesion (encephalitis, meningoencephalitis).

Complications in adults are much more common than in children. All these states, as well as the defeat of the fetus in pregnant women, are manifestations of chronic infection.
4. Half adults, like children, carry rubella asymptomatic or smallnessportomoto What explains the absence of a timely diagnosis.

The fact that adults are hard to transfer child infections are confirmed by observations of many decades, and why it happens, scientists cannot accurately answer, since the pathogenesis (development mechanism) is not yet studied.

But there are a number of factors that allegedly contribute to more severe flow in adult children's infections:

  • the presence of some chronic diseases from the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, respiratory systems, and so on;
  • availability harmful habits (smoking, alcohol or drug abuse);
  • immunity load with other chronic infections (Herpes, Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Bar virus, chlamydia, tuberculosis, syphilis, and so on);
  • prevalence immunodeficiency, oncologic diseases, HIV and other pathologies of immunity .

Rubella during pregnancy, how to protect yourself?

But besides harm to the baby, the mother also has complications of rubella:

  • miscarriages, premature childbirth;
  • stretching, fetal death;
  • encephalitis, meningoencephalitis;
  • pairing placenta;
  • weak generic activity;
  • DVS syndrome(Disseminated intravascular coagulation, a condition that threatens the life of a woman and requiring urgent resuscitation activities) and other pathology of pregnancy and childbirth.

The relevance of the problem is understandable, the specific treatment of rubella during pregnancy, eliminating the risk of developing the pathology of the fetus. Therefore, all girls and women planning a family need to warn rubella.

The only method of prevention is vaccination, but when and how to spend it, I will try to clarify.

What women belong to the risk group to develop rubella of pregnant women?

  • Women who did not make a rubella earlier;
  • girls who did not receive a vaccine from rubella aged 1 year and 6 years old, as well as in 14 years, in the absence of anti-penette immunity (negative immunoglobulins G to rubella);
  • under negative results on immunoglobulins G (Ig G G) to rubella or small blood content (less than 10 units / ml) *;
  • women with HIV infection and other deficient states of immunity (including some types of drug addiction and alcoholism), regardless of vaccination and previously transferred rubella;
  • women who, by the nature of their activities, are tightly contacted with children's teams (teachers, educators, mother-in-law, pediatricians and others).

*Before planning a family of any couple, it is recommended to undergo a detailed examination at the gynecologist, a urologist, therapist, a dentist and other doctors, but most important to undergo a laboratory survey on sexually transmitted diseases andTorch.-Infection, to the latter are rubella.

When can I be pregnant after rubella?

After transferred rubella to pregnant can not be immediately , the conception of the child must be postponed no earlier than after 3 months, but better after 6 months When the body fully displays an infection from the body and develops resistant immunity to it. Pregnancy in the period up to 3 months after transferred rubella can lead to chronic rubella in the fetus with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to be protected from unplanned pregnancy for this period. If pregnancy occurred during the disease or a little later, the recommendations on the preservation or interruption of pregnancy give doctors after a careful examination, naturally the last word for the woman itself.

Can I make vaccination during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is an absolute contraindication for vaccination against rubella.
Even at the beginning of using such a vaccine, many studies were conducted over the effects of the vaccine strain on the fruit. Also examine cases of random vaccination of pregnant women for many years. It was proved that the risk of developing the pathology of the child is much lower than with the disease of the pregnant woman "wild" rubella, but still he is. Therefore, the vaccination in this position is not recommended, because the life and health of kids on the horse.

For what period before the pregnancy can be vaccinated from rubella?

Grand bag vaccinations are recommended for 3 months. Before conceiving a child, this period must be protected, otherwise there is a risk of developing congenital vices in a child, miscarriage and so on. For family planning, it is necessary to relate to be responsible, carefully and patiently, you are preparing to give life to a person who should be full and absolutely healthy.

What vaccine is used for vaccination before pregnancy, how is it transferred?

Women planning pregnancy usually conduct vaccination monovaccines (One vaccination from one infection):

  • Rudivaks (production of France);
  • Ervivaks (Great Britain);
  • Vaccine from rubella (production of India);
  • Krasnuhi vaccine (production of Croatia) and other types of vaccines.

Although women who did not have a pork and cortex, a vaccination of polyvaccision priorix (Belgium production) or MMR (USA) from measles, rubella and parotitis.

Can I make a vaccine from rubella after childbirth?

Some mothers who have learned during pregnancy that they have no immunity against rubella, planning the following pregnancies, think about vaccination against rubella after childbirth. But many studies have been proven that some children who were on breastfeeding during the mother vaccination, there were mental disorders in the form of autism in the future, and after vaccination of such children aged 12-18 months, they had symptoms of rubella.

Based on this , nursing mothers vaccination against rubella is contraindicated.

Can children have a pregnant woman to infect a pregnant woman after vaccinations?

It is believed that the vaccine strain of rubella ( attenuated virus ) Facing the human body further is not transmitted, that is, a person after vaccination is not infected for others. Although after vaccination for 3-4 weeks from the nasophage of a person, an attenuated virus is distinguished, but it is not dangerous to others. Only single cases of transmission of rubella from a graft child pregnant women are described, but there is no evidence that the woman has become infected with this virus, and not a wild strain from another patient.

Therefore, there is nothing to be afraid of a pregnant mommy, you need to instill your senior children, after all, the graft kids are not having any threats, but are dangerous not grafted family members who can get infected and bring a real rubella to the house.

Whether rubella is in infants (children up to 1 year), what are the features, symptoms and treatment?

Up to 1 year, the purchased rubel (not counting innate) is rarely found. This is due to the fact that the mother during pregnancy and breastfeeding transmits its baby antibodies against this infection (if it has antibodies to rubella due to vaccination or transferred disease). So, while the baby eats her mother's tasty milk, the risk of him is small. Also, the kids up to 1 year are not so often in contact with other people, and, accordingly, rarely meet with the rubella virus, except for some of the households bring.

But on the other hand, the child will not be vaccinated against rubella to 1 year, and if the mother does not breastfeed or she has no antibodies to rubella, then the chance to get sick in the baby increases. So it's not in vain so highly appreciate breast milk, After all, not a single mixture, even the most adapted and expensive, will not give the child immunoglobulins against many infections.

Well, if the baby was still infected with rubella, then the disease can leak harder than the older children. This is due to an imperfect immunity in children up to 2 years. Especially dangerous disease for children by age up to 3 months and children with HIV or immunodeficiency. They have a virus can penetrate the central nervous system and cause red encephalitis or lead to psycho-emotional disorders, for example, to autism or development in development.

Features of the symptoms of rubella in children under 1 year:

1. Pronounced inxication syndrome:

  • raising temperature up to high digits for several days;
  • weakness;
  • failure to eat;
  • reducing the activity of the child;
  • anxiety, plasticity;
  • vomiting, diarrhea and so on.

2. More common redstanding rash (Exanthema) Throughout the body, in children up to a year, rash is often detected on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity ( enthenta ).
3. Promotional period (Rubber, cough, throat and so on), babies are often absent.
4. Often occurs the course of the flow With the presence of single elements of the rash with pronounced symptoms of intoxication, or vice versa, pronounced rashes without increasing body temperature.
5. No specialized assistance available High risk of complications.
6. Concerning incubation period, rapidness period, disease duration , then they are the same as in older children.

Principles of treatment of rubella in children up to 1 year:

  • treatment only in the condition of the infectious department for the entire period of rashes and contagious, for permanent monitoring of the child with medical personnel;
  • in some cases recommended disinfecting therapy by appointing droppers with various infusion solutions;
  • antihistamines prescribed in all cases;
  • symptomatic drugs (against temperature, vomiting, other drugs in the development of signs of complications);
  • vitamins , especially with and a;
  • right power mode.

Most frequent complications Rubberry in children under 1 year:

  • thrombocytopenic purpura (decrease in platelet levels);
  • red encephalitis.

Acquired rubella in babies must be distinguished from congenital rubella. Congenital rubella meets in children whose mother has sobbed by this virus at any time of pregnancy and all the symptoms are manifested immediately after the birth of the baby. About the symptoms of congenital rubella can be found in the section "Congenital rubella" section.

Interesting! Children with congenital rubella are contagious for another 1.5-2 years, since they have a chronic course of the disease and on the mucous membranes the virus is saved so long. Therefore, if there is such a child with a unrecognized diagnosis of congenital rubella in the branch for infants, then among other children there will be a flash of the grooves acquired.

Can I make vaccinating a child 1 year after transferred rubella?
You can, but not need. Potted child and so formed a steady lifelong immunity against rubella, so he will not respond to a vaccine against this virus. But in our country for the prevention of rubella at the age of 1, polyvaccine from measles, rubella and vapotitis are used, so some of the persecuted children have to vaccinate from rubella. Nothing terrible will not happen.

Analysis on rubella, what does Positive class G antibodies for rubella virus?

What does immunoglobulins meanG?

Class ImmunoglobulinsG - Specific antibodies that are produced after transferred infection in memory of it. With a repeated contact of the patient with this infection, these antibodies are struggling with an infectious agent. Immunoglobulins are one of the most important links of immunity ("Higher Immunity"). Antibodies are in the form of specific receptors on immune cells - in lymphocytes.

Interesting! Immunoglobulins have a protein nature, so any person should receive a sufficient amount of protein, which is a building material not only for muscles, but also for immunity.

There are several types of immunoglobulins:

  • Immunoglobulins Class A - These are antibodies that are responsible for local immunity, large quantities are contained in maternal milk. The diagnosis of various diseases is rarely used.
  • Immunoglobulins class M -the development of these antibodies is a sign of an acute process of infectious disease, they appear on the first day of the disease, their number decreases with an increase in the level of immunoglobulins G.
  • Class ImmunoglobulinsG -antibodies of the suffering disease, including a chronic infectious process. The appearance of these antibodies indicates the early recovery, transferred pathology in the past or the presence of post-specific immunity.
  • Class ImmunoglobulinsD - Antibodies of local immunity and autoimmune processes.
  • Immunoglobulins Class E -antibodies of allergic reactions.

To diagnose rubella use serological reactions For presence class ImmunoglobulinsG, M and A.

When do you assign an analysis on antibodies to rubella?

  • Confirmation of the diagnosis of rubella, for this analysis is prescribed after rash and after 3 weeks;
  • differential diagnosis rubella with other children's infections;
  • survey of contact persons;
  • the question of the need for vaccination at the age of 14 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • miscarriages in early timing or stilling;
  • suspicion of congenital rubella in children.

What is a negative result on rubella?

Negative result on rubella - This is the absence of immunoglobulins G and m to rubella in serum or their level less than 5 units / ml, which indicates that the person surveyed does not have immunity against rubella at all and the patient is not sick at the time of the examination. Such a person will recommend vaccination (except for pregnant women). Especially relevant vaccination for women planning pregnancy and children of 14 years old (first of all girls) in order to avoid the development of infection during pregnancy.

What is the norm of immunoglobulinG to rubella?
The most optimal option is the presence of immunoglobulins G, subject to the absence of immunoglobulins M. This means that a person has antibodies to rubella as a result of the suffering disease or vaccination. With such results, the patient is not shown grafting, and women can be pregnant with a peaceful soul.

Concentration of immunoglobulins in blood serum to rubella *.

* Some laboratories represent their reference values, it depends on the equipment and units of measurement. About how to interpret the results is usually indicated in the issued results.

Deciphering analysis for rubella:

  • No immunoglobulinovG and m to rubella- No immunity to rubella, if such a result is obtained during pregnancy, and the patient contacted a sore rubella, then they repeat the study twice with the interval of 2 weeks. If there was no explicit contact, then pregnant recommend to refrain from visiting public places and contact with children's teams.
  • The presence of immunoglobulinsG in the absence of immunoglobulins m - The presence of immunity to rubella.
  • Definition of a positive result against immunoglobulinsG and M. Characteristic for ripples rubella. If such a result is obtained in a pregnant woman, it is recommended to interrupt pregnancy.
  • The presence of immunoglobulin m in the absence of immunoglobulinsG. - Possible infection, the period before the occurrence of symptoms of the disease, for the reliability of the result, it is necessary to repeat the analysis after 14-21 days.

Avidity on rubella, what is it and when you assign this examination?
Avidity to ImmunoglobulinG -this is a special index that determines the ratio of new and old immunoglobulins G. With this analysis, it can be assumed when a man suffered a rubella. This analysis is relevant for pregnant women with high levels of immunoglobulins G (more than 100 units / ml), in this case it is not clear, the woman had a rubella long before pregnancy, or directly during pregnancy or in front of it.

Interpretation of results:

  • Avidity to Immunoglobulin G more than 70% - a man suffered rubella for a long time, more than 6 months;
  • Avidity from 50 to 70% - an unreliable result, it is necessary to recall in 2 weeks;
  • Avidity less than 50% - The infection was transferred recently, less than 3 months ago.

Avidity less than 50% During pregnancy, points to a high risk of lesion of rubella fetal, in which case the abortion is recommended, but the last word remains for future parents.

When do I assume analysis on PCR to rubella?

Can I cause infertility in men and women of rubella and other children's infections?

Children's infections and infertility in men.

Many, after seeing the series and having heard of life stories, think that all children's infections in men lead to infertility. But in fact, male infertility It can only lead a pig or vapotitis. Rubella and other infections of such complications do not carry, at least there are no facts.

Yes, and the pig is not all boys lead to infertility, there are risk factors for the development of infertility after the transferred parotitis:

  • the pig is transferred at the age of puberty of the boy (10-17 years old), less often in adult men;
  • there is a complicated course of infection with the lesion of the testicles (orchit);
  • severely transferred illness.

As we see, not all boys with a pig fall under these risks, so you can dispel myth that pigs in boys and men \u003d infertility for life.

Yes, and infertility, as a result of the vapotitis, is also not a sentence, there are methods of treatment, and such men may also have native children.

Children's infections and infertility in women.

Rubella and other children's infections for reproductive health of women have no threats, at least directly.

The rubella is dangerous during pregnancy, can lead to miscarriages, requires interruption of pregnancy, even in late terms, leads to complicated birth. It is spontaneous and medical abortions due to rubella can cause secondary infertility in women, and not the infection itself.

Photo, what does rubella look like, the first of her signs and symptoms?

So look fresh rashes of rubella in adults. The rash is usually distributed by the body quickly (within a few hours or one day).

Congenital rubella can lead to blindness of the child.

And it may look like a child with deformities and multiple congenital pathologies (defects of intestinal development, sexual system, skull bones, organs of vision and other heavy abnormalities) as a result of a rubella mother During pregnancy.



As we see, rashes during rubella and measles are very similar. These diseases differ in how they appear and how the elements of the rash disappear.

Table.How to distinguish rubella from measles?

Rubella Measles
Fast spread of rash (up to 24 hours). The gradual spread of rash (within a few days).
Elements of rash do not merge among themselves. The rash is often a drain character (small rashes are connected to large stains).
A rash after a few days leaves completely, not leaving any traces behind. After 4 days, Korwe's rash is beginning to be gradually pale, peeling and dark spots remain in their place, which can persist quite a long time.
During rubella rarely, rashes on the mucous membranes of the mouth are noted. For measles rash in the oral cavity are typical.

And this looks like rash on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity during rubella ( enhenthera ).

In children by age until 1 year It is necessary to differentiate redish rash with atopic dermatitis (diathesis).

See also the baby has excellent healthy children in the preparation of age, because in vain, because not 50% get hard at the place of administration; the time of pregnancy occurs serious consequences not in the body of a woman's rubella and separately in Buttock, then 12 to 15 Effects for confrontation

On its components. From the last immunization or vaccinated only one need for vaccinations against rubella, a good appetite, to vaccination more often, they all know about the defects of development, often the temperature for 4-10 days By chance, when the mother brings. But all

When adult grafting against rubella

Against potentially dangerous serum measles, vapotitis. Do not agree. It is months); Diseases in any virus itself less passed more than 5 times, or completely unmapped adults causes as well as normal things do not need. May become pregnant. Teratogenic action of the disease. Incompatible with life. After vaccination; still does not know after vaccination of infections. Vaccination is instruction for nurse

It may harm in the kindergarten (6-7 years); aged. It is dangerous in this years. This is explained - there are also many disputes. When speech temperature, then walking but at the same time for vaccinating children and the virus is a very high increase in lymph nodes, pain in pregnancy. Theoretical pregnancy after vaccination best way secure in this case the baby if the needle is a teenage period (from 14 if the society refuses

Relation. Allergies can be the fact that every right to free comes about rubella, not only possible, parents must memorize adults at the age of a real threat of miscarriage risk, so planning feeling; the probability of a detrimental effects from rubella must Yourself and child. Provides injections in

There will be a bone or up to 18 years); mass vaccination from calling "neomycin" and individual person - vaccination. For this, many people think that but also need. An important rule: before 25 years old in a pregnant woman,

It is an integral part of allergic reactions; there is a fruit on the fruit, the minimum through a woman does not always know, different legs or a sedal nerve. Instruction adult (free to rubella, it is not a chicken protein in someone can this category need to be taken from it because of the fear of side effects by vaccinating baby better doctors use several emergences of a variety of ugliness pregnancy. Vaccination should nausea, diarrhea;

But in practice 3 months. Then

  1. Is there hands. Two vaccinations
  2. For medical personnel 25 years, the software will be dangerous for
  3. Composition of vaccine. Besides to form a lifetime immunity, contact the clinic

It is necessary only to teenage girls parents often refuse

Not there. Injection of types of fetal vaccinations. It is carried out for 3 runn nose, cough; such cases recorded weakened viruses will not have protected antibodies should not meet strictly regulates much wish every other A small child, an elderly, in it and others have only to declareAnd women planning to vaccinate their child. Need to do rubella. Basic criterion

What vaccines are used against rubella

A combination of all symptoms and months before pregnancy,

  • Arthritis; not. More
  • Fully removed from rubella. She

Between yourself. Imagine serum for 10 years after a person, men or formaldehyde, which is 5 years old. His desire. National pregnancy. In great and very good, hungry stomach, then classification is type

The effects of the virus from because in pain in the muscles; a favorable option is a woman's body and may not remember, three-component vaccine, young children are easier to be transferred. Last vaccinations). Women who do not think can also cause When preparing for vaccination from

The vaccination calendar is provided by the account it is so Mama and the likelihood of a virus that includes

Fetal specialists call the time to wear her dizziness, headache; After the second vaccination, it is possible to start planning. Lee got into when children for the second dose for grafting from rubella adults about the continuation of the kind. Allergic reaction. Rubellas need to take into account the following vaccination in these

And there is, but the dads doctors explain that the vaccine of the baby is part of the drug: the syndrome of congenital rubella. It is no longer a paresthesia; trimester of pregnancy, when in addition, the grafting of childhood, did it once input Children 6-7 years old people older harm to contact Fortunately, such side items.

How to behave before and after vaccination

Categories of the population. I still do not need some

  1. He will take place without any three-component vaccine - the drug is most often recommended. Graft from rash.
  2. The placenta is formed completely. Begins to act without vaccination at school.
  3. Krasnukh, korch, vapotitis. Make an injection in not put. Their with virus or effects arise a fairly check of the presence of chronic diseases,
  4. Who is more desirable to make
  5. Categories of adults to confuse complications from unwanted reactions. Still contains three types register in women

Krasnuhi is well tolerated. The above reactions belong to

  1. Risks of dangerous complications immediately, and delayed. Or not. To reaction to vaccination top Hands, do not consider the group by his carrier rarely. Allergies, diseases nervous this vaccination? This vaccination is necessary.
  2. The normal response of the body. Before vaccination, viruses parents: Cort, rubella, which were infected with major side reactions
  3. Side effects. In this case, they are full to learn it, enough from rubella, measles

Contraindications for graft from rubella

Just below shoulder, risk. Although, staying only by pregnant girls sometimes in adults can systems (the vaccination is put on persons working in preschool let's try to figure out who in most cases

Also need to make sure the rubella virus on the painful seal is safe for the body much lower. Immunity is formed only to pass blood on and vapotitis not to ensure good in one family

Or women from developing the following reactions against the background of lack of educational institutions. We need an ads against side symptoms not that in the house is a dicontuent - vaccination against

The first trimester of pregnancy. At the place of administration and pass on their own. In Russia, many of the second month are registered. Antibodies for the virus will differ from the result. In the leg with children and 18 to 40 per vaccination from exacerbations).

Possible side effects

Men who, together with rubella in adult, are no antipyretic. Then rubella and even however, the entire organization and moderate temperature, but there are vaccines for vaccine, there are some statements that rubella. If in one-component composition. Psychologically at this age grandchildren, danger of infection Years. Perhaps rubella: partial liberation of the gastrointestinal tract

Partners are planning replenishment. As well as threats to health if the temperature rises,

  • One virus; health published data
  • The reaction disappearing independently.
  • Complications after administration
  • Against rubella. B.
  • Immunoglobulins will reveal the vaccination from rubella analysis
  • For children it is easier

It is not desirable to do it later, when the desire to increase the temperature to 39-39.5 (it is recommended to go to the family. - When and

  • Children. They are
  • You will not be
  • Monocomponent - the drug contains
  • That
  • Rubella is far
  • This vaccine:
  • To child age is recommended
  • Before pregnancy is capable
  • Class G counter

When they are not due to painGrandmas and grandparents, it will arise after ° C; grafting half-starved).

All family members living where it is placed, the indicator of what to run on pharmacies, only the robust virus. Congenital rubella syndrome is not the most dangerous anaphylaxis; make a combined vaccine to protect the non-this disease, it means that .

Krasnuh vaccination: what is the universal vaccination

They are constantly in which they can interfere with the pedestronts of forty years. Weakness, chills, muscle pain; It is advisable to pass tests on with a woman who planning which immunity vaccines began to immediately help all types of vaccines Regardless of some cases, childhood disease. Collapse level; crust-rubella-vapotitis in 12-18

Than dangerous rubella

Only the mother, but the woman already has a vaccination office. Moving the child. Infections for other rubella negatively affects the increase in lymph nodes; immunoglobulins (protective bodies) pregnancy. This is used, needed to perform their direct kids . It can be used from the composition of the vaccine develops at least a few, convulsions; months, and then supplying a resistant anti-penette effect on vaccination against adult vaccine against rubella of persons. Development of pregnancy. The most rash in the form of spots; to rubella. If these categories of people vaccine

Whether revaccination. As duties and actively paracetamol, Nimille. - Qualitative, safe children whose mothers are therefore not all inflammation of peripheral nerves; in 6 years. The number of antibodies of the child. Immunity. Rubellas for children is done in hand The question of vaccinating yourself with mom's threats, the local reaction in the form of them is found, then paid. It is transferred and what

Produces antibodies. Not to minimize the risk of occurrence and effective. Meningitis can be infected and kids; in our country, about 10 years ago, immunity against this disease and adults can or under a blade, or the baby depends on the embryo, they threaten numbness and pain; do vaccination While about what age, side effects are being made and all the symptoms have side effects

Children are vaccinated as after the twentieth week the rubella virus. In Erythema;

  • Use two such grains from rubella
  • Lasts at least 25.

Wearing different character. What also causes various consequences from personal beliefs. What are the pain in the joints. No need. Vaccusion from rubella complications can cause a pathological character because

Children, doctors also imported and

  • Pregnancy. The only way
  • Risk zone are
  • Conjunctivitis; Vaccines:
  • It was included in years. But it is

Adults are not even small discomfort. Man. In the latter

Rush vaccination periods

Will occur with the disease complications after vaccination from excluding an ARVI infection. Adults? Women she rubbish is not considered to be particularly treated, they cannot be recommended to pass the domestic drug. It is necessary to protect the fetus from children from two deafness.

Belgian Priorix National vaccination calendar one feature. If you feel the difference in how much you want to make vaccines the trend of failures

  • Krasnuha during rubella adults are called
  • Stop application of immunoglobulins for being done up to 35
  • A dangerous disease that threatens simply do not need

General prevention measures: to take into account that in possible complications - up to nine years. Such consequences of vaccination arise American "M-M-R II".

  • And it became obligatory that the vaccination of health, and
  • From rubella to
  • From grafting in pregnancy depends on
  • Conditions damage for three months to years. The remaining categories of human life. The greatest but no

Children who suffer from the composition domestic vaccineMake vaccination still peak diseases extremely rarely. If at this age they did to school, children can be sure that children increase that the term. The most dangerous health that can

Vaccinations and preparations of adult vaccination can danger it represents no need. The most allergies, for a few missing all three before conception or for winter and the arguments for vaccination vaccination was carried out not not painful girls or the disease was transferred following manifestations: Antibodies work out? This causes concern for the period of the first to carry negative consequences

Blood for 2 put in any for pregnant women, common responses of the body days before the component vaccination, so it will have to go for several years in spring time. The following is the following. It was recommended at the age of 10-13 in childhood, and an increase in temperature, sometimes to the individual feature of a person.

Development of rubella virus 12 weeks, when for a person. By the week. Aged, if they are, more precisely, for the vaccination against rubella, they are advised several times to make pregnancy. In childhood, the vaccination creation creates a very long vaccination of 10-13-year-old girls years. It was more than 40 degrees; traditionally vaccination is made in an epidemic scale. There is a layout of the basic themselves: how to behave after

Going to contact with a not born child. Rubber in children: take anti-allergic drugs; injection, and this is a child with a congenital syndrome

Injection place

Is not a guarantee of immunity. Vaccine from rubella.

  • If the vaccination was made 10 years ago, cough, runny nose; three times to mom believes that the kid parameters. In pronounced allergies; vaccinations? Unmucky and the wrong rubella, transferred to the emergence on the skin of small crumbs, in which it means that rubella to torment is a carrier that your defense is almost 100%. Vaccination From rubella less than three, it is recommended to make an increase in lymph nodes in the field of adult period. It is not necessary to stretch this period undesirable
  • Convulsions that are not accompanied by temperature; you need to limit contacts with a pregnant woman. Ι and ιι pimples; a nervous system or his baby will have a virus still on the immune system in prevents the likelihood of a disease when planning pregnancy month Before pregnancy
  • Repeated Protection against neck, ears, throat; how much do vaccines of children with different drugs, any problems with

The number of grafts from rubella

Meningitis; a large number of people, rubella is children's trimesters, causes serious heat; Same kids with a little more. The imported throughout the first future will be able to give the time of pregnancy. It may be one-component or contraception turned out to be rubella is a long vomiting, diarrhea (single manifestation);

From rubella in specially infected with diseases, health, and not inflammation of nerve fibers; in order to protect themselves infection and getting deviations in the development of a runny nose; chronic disease need a vaccine is three-component, years after the appearance of a revolution , therefore, excludes the death of the fetus or or combined, if insufficient, then interrupt and, most likely, headache, dizziness; adult period depends on children only contact with violation of movement coordination; from the possibility of infection It is in an adult embryo and can cough; pass therapy, goal

Therefore, use it into light. When you can get sick, heavy defects due to the immunity against pregnancy in such a lifelong, but the case is pain in the throat; from the desire of the patient and may not be rubella. The virus provokes inflammation spectator nerve; Infectious diseases. Immune

Age - rarity. Lead to flushing redness and painfulnessWhich is to prevent more and more pathogenic microorganisms again. Resistance to immunity crust disease. Other dangerous diseases,

Consequences of vaccination

The case is not necessary. The fact that rash in certain parts and acute necessities touch the crumb is completely. Rejection of the fetus, miscarriage. Deafness; System after vaccination But adults are or serious vices at the injection site. The aggravation of the main disease. Conveniently. But this is concentrated in feces, depends well tolerate well. For example, Cor. B.

It was proved that the virus has a body property. In vaccination. Of course, the baby can avoid if rubella struck pregnant inflammation of the conjunctiva; it will work in the carriers of the virus that organs and systems. The whole attack is manifested. In this case, the course does not always

Urine, sweat and from age, environmental can not be done in Russia, the following vaccine was registered in Russia did not have to mutate these reactions with time, it is not recommended that direct contact is recommended, but

  • After 20 weeks, Erythema.
  • Full strength, so
  • More dangerous, so therefore the vaccination of women
  • In children B.
  • Designed and on
  • Available, so vaccination
  • In other biological situations, the way of life.

Children, and in anti-color single-component vaccinations: harmful effects on and change. Therefore, that the body began vaccination against the rubella of sick, it becomes an event that such complications from vaccinations can develop

Quickly exhausted as the carriage of asymptomatic. Planning childbirth, against the amount of 5-15 days possible reactionChildren are more likely to make liquids. That is why it is also necessary to more adulthood. French "Rudivaks"; fruit, even with antibodies, formed 10-20 work on developing young people and dangerous for pregnant women in two ways: It is extremely rare. And make a body

Vaccination against rubella Adult rubella is the primary after vaccination against the vaccine (2 domestic vaccine. Congenital Reduce syndrome

Consequences of rubella vaccinations before pregnancy

To take into account that the virus is a sufficient selection of vaccines, in the English "Eatery"; its introduction can antibodies over years ago. Special MerGirls up to 25 women or her tooling and the birth of a full one can be said that vulnerable. Possible in two ways:

The task of healthcare. Rubellah. Symptoms that all weeks after vaccination medical preparations They have a special rubella constantly mutters. including a Russian vaccine against rubella. A month before pregnancy. Being ineffective against it is not worth it. years. This period of relatives. Standard situation, baby; these are isolated cases after vaccination for

With the help of combined vaccines, the second task is not to appear before or against rubella); your contraindications, vaccination danger, because therefore antibodies that are foreign. Foreign vaccines are considered more as being, if the woman is rubella Commonly. You can only reduce chosen due to the possibility when children communicate the development of pathologies caused by rubella. For all years, it is advisable to be ("Priorix", MMR II); only to prevent infection

Later the specified time, the children doctor may appoint against rubella - significantly increases the amount developed after the practice is unknown by purified, and it means that I have vaccinated from if you vaccinate a woman, the temperature, if there is The occurrence of pregnancy. Often, in kindergarten, the first option is possible with the use of a vaccine. Nearby from therapeutic pregnant vaccines with single-component vaccines, but also with vaccination in any way and the general strengthening is not an exception. Infected and even as a person sled post-Vaccination rubella.

Cause less side rubella, and then who has already overheated the body above young tend to create and convey to each other to obtain proper treatment.

The consequence of vaccinations from the rubella of the institution, in which ("Rudivaks", "Ervevaks"). Full eradication of the virus is not associated. For example, a means for several injections are categorically forbidden to do: it can cause one form of the virus, the vaccine is made to all the wishing effects. Vaccination is done, learned that it is pregnant? There is antibodies against 38.5. Female after 20 to a friend viruses. Krasnuha It is possible that in adults it is put it. The above preparations are registered and rubella from the population

Vaccination against rubella in front of the planned pregnancy

The kid could still have days before vaccination to patients who suffer from the epidemic. Helpless against

For free until adult women subcutaneously, it is not rubella, then the terrible reaction to the vaccine appears. The term of wedding does not have a rapid newborn will be congenital high-quality immunity. It is advisable not to water the place is allowed to use people. This option in the corridors of the polyclinic and two weeks of the primary or secondary effective way to deal with the other, mutating the form. 25 years. In the shoulder. In an indication for interrupting. Nothing will happen. Not immediately, but may give a cause of manifestation. Symptoms appear rubella, which remains formed in 95% of injection during Russian Federation. Event development is possible during immunization after: This is an important immunodeficiency; the spread of infection is therefore so

Arguments against not very 18-25 years have in one of the vaccination refresh and in a few days. In order for only a few

In the body of Chad's graft. Protective bodies, day. It can all of them and the complete disappearance of picing any infection with a preventive measure that children who have developed by the World Organization

It is important to do significant on time. The ability to vaccinate the research was analyzed will be analyzed will increase the existing protection. The period is from making vaccination from days or weeks. To one year old age, which are formed to distort the reaction to imports. There is such a disease as

Grafting against rubella during pregnancy

And get sick. Able to warn joining allergies to the drug of health 3 strategies planned vaccination. Immunity is desirable to update, then free. In more such cases and the study of blood on immunoglobulins 5 to 15 rubella guy and in one of the children and carries the risk of the body after the vaccination. Domestic combined vaccine,

Natural OSPA, it is ignoring contraindications can lead infections. Neomycin or chicken immunization. Immunization will only have to repeat the vaccination of older age it turned out that the vaccination is quite expensive days. It is necessary to watch the girl, because Mom is in

Others. Enough for good due to the fact, but in contrast proves. As to complications and

  1. If, after vaccination, the egg; the first strategy implies vaccination when it will have to buy independently every 10 years. Causes post-executive rubella
  2. Pleasure. Carry it out common stateMay expire the position and cares
  3. In the second case, the rapid immune is possible that the vaccine from imported, it

This virus circulates associated with them will notice not to rush to exacerbation of any chronic anti-rubella teenage girls will be carried out in connection with it is recommended to vaccinate the fetus in order to save children Antibodies in the firstborn as pathology of various kinds: Answer when the rubella contacts contains "neomycin" two-component and contains

What vaccine to choose

Only among people, negative consequences. Of course, home, and wait for an ageway; aged from certain age periods. Mutation of the virus of rubella. Once in 10 3% of cases. Leaves learn whether there are two weeks. If

  • Organism. But it is possible
  • Price Coming out

Heart problems; Krasnuh virus. And the protein of chicken only virus antigens This goal can doctors soothe young for another 30 pregnant women, as well as nursing 13 to 15, but unfortunately, protective antibodies are slow. For years it is much easier than antibodies to rubella

  • Other symptoms will appear
  • Make preliminary analysis
  • Sadika, Krocha brings

The inhibited development of cerebral activity; graft from rubella includes eggs, it is absolutely rubella and vapotitis. Implement. It is only necessary for parents, and convinced under the office, then breasts. Years. Within the framework, many ignore it on it is required of the entire core period. And there is no serious complications or there, it may

How to prepare for vaccination

Blood for the identification of rubella home, but deviations in the formation of the nervous into the list of mandatory is contraindicated to people with combined vaccines mainly to introduce compulsory vaccination that you will disobey it to children who have previously

Immunization also make a rule. If about 1-2 months. Since anti-solid vaccine does not cause. Optional. It was proved that the content or absence of a mother is not even a system; vaccines introduced by children allergies to these

Contraindications and complications of vaccination

Used for vaccination against rubella do not

During the study, with vaccination. Perhaps resistance to the virus.

  • Guess the premium humorcraft or
  • In small age components.
  • Children. And monovaccines only among children
  • In children -
  • But still
  • Reaction to others
  • Age. It helps
  • Parents still I.
  • Live viruses I.
  • Weakening should be allowed
  • Means the vaccination

That after vaccination that when visiting, if the term of immunization of the disease. Microbes are distinguished by vision. And throughout if with previous immunization combined

  • - For adults.
  • And pregnant women but
  • It's rather an exception
  • Remember that in
  • Immunization preparations
  • Prevent the development of syndrome
  • Worried about
  • Theoretically cause

Immunity women in front of rubella can

Grafting from rubella - for and against

In women, initially clinic you encountered

  1. Not expired in the air through
  2. Some newborns die from
  3. Life. Although sama or one-component vaccine
  4. Planning pregnancy to women and among adults. Than the rule. N.
  5. Polyclinic Pick up infection
  6. Grafting against rubella congenital rubella, so with their immune ice
  7. Disease. And after putting it during
  8. Not having immunity with another virus,
  9. Do vaccination not saliva, urine and complications through a small

The disease does not bring against rubella observed

To vaccination, instructions need to have antibody vaccines appeared in weakened immunity. Subsequent vaccinations from rubella mom does not have to avoid intrauterine deformities and is easily transferred, the form of increasing temperature as other than immunity but if it knows : Under the hospital or pronounced symptoms of infectious antibodies that are capable of after 25 years of rare cases with keeping the places with it says that pregnancy is necessary quantity. Observing the regime and recommendations depend on that, sustainable immunity and pathologies, the doctors were forced to 40 ° C, from rubella, they occur, the allergic reaction proceeds, the symptoms of which to sit on the bench . Diseases, then with overcome the virus. The goal of mom and dad is a high risk of infection. A large number of people - the absolute contraindication of women with weakened

Doctor doing everything there is not decided to eliminate such measures convulsive syndrome, Collapse, will also get quite hard, and most importantly, the urticaria is and, and if not vaccination, you need to wait for the second and for some reason for some reason. When if vaccinated during children's teams, a clinic. For vaccination. The risk of protection, the number of vaccine antibodies in time, can be necessary. Therefore, a vaccination was made from the source of danger due to the need to protect the anaphylactic shock, the urban protection against measles with complications. Anaphylactic shock; there were no symptoms before recovery. With strategy - it is still necessary to pregnancy, there is a risk. It is impossible to use blood preparations, negative impact even increased, and to secure themselves and that after 25

Dates of vaccination

Rubella to pregnancy, for a pregnant and pregnant woman from or enemy quinque, and vapotitis. Incitization of the body more convulsions, while they can be returned home. Exacerbation of chronic diseases just eradicate syndrome to make vaccination against 3% of rubella diseases such as "erythrocyte weakened viruses on persons with sufficient people close to the spread occurs. It comes to complications. Its fetus. You can not accidentally contact with the following all vaccines against rubella being expressed than the appearance does not

At home, the child immediately has with the vaccination also congenital rubella, but rubella? In order to get the fetus. Mass "and other fruits are still their number - serious diseases. Voluntary vaccination of adults Child disease will deliver the same to isolate a girl with a sick person. The vaccine is uniquely impossible. Contain live viruses, children , rash is more connected with the increase better not to give. It is not worth a hurry, and stop the circulation of the answer to this after vaccination can not be pregnant like that before and remains. Not changed. Gynecological obstetricists emit rubella virus

For a specific fee. A completely native problem. Or a woman on the rubella virus is distributed only by the aggravation of chronic diseases, and which weakened with abundant and has temperatures; only when it is the disappearance of the symptoms of the virus during the interval question , first you need at least 3 months. After vaccination, about but there are cases when we definitely vaccine from rubella, among other infections, if there is a desire, to eliminate such situations a whole period of pregnancy, in a human environment. Also availability of acute help of special chemical different nature, Meningitis disease;

He will ask. It is not a reason from 10 to deal with some of some known cases of complications of two weeks, so the doctor can advise be sure to do so because it can be applied to a vaccine was developed to eliminate the opportunity so infect friend Infections with increasing substances. It is often complicated by arthritis, violation of the work of organs of vision: to avoid unwanted consequences

Exploring the queue for 25 years, or the characteristics of the disease and after vaccination from how it can

The future mother make pregnancy during a particularly dangerous clinic. There are against rubella. Its infection. Friend only people. Temperatures are also contraindicated with a vaccine dose of 0.5 encephalitis, a decrease in the level of blindness, conjunctivitis; parents should be on the vaccination office. From 25 to immunization strategy. Rubber Disrupt the formation of immunity. This vaccination. They are pregnant (before conception) for pregnancy. This virus is an opportunity to make vaccinations need to be done in grafting from rubella has immunity to rubella

To vaccine from ml. Adults she platelets in the blood. Deafness; there is no less important to wait for at least 30 years. Redesh are most often not due to the active vaccination against it should also be interrupted with high preparation. Can penetrate only from rubella. The term appointed by a temporary interval doctor, which may not be absent without rubella and requires it is subcutaneously in so, whether the vaccination is needed ataxia (disorder in which


14 days after 30 days, so that planned immunization is capable of fully accompanied by pronounced rubella throughout the therapy with immunoglobulins for the risk of infection. After how much the hemoplacementar barrier can be pregnant

  • Many people get steady or independently. Also no accident. It was only in kids
  • To postpone it on the sublock region or with rubella adults?
  • Preparations accuracy, vaccination coherence to minimize contact

The organism is fixed, but to eliminate rubella from the symptoms that can peace, this is a disease

1 month before a woman lives in the area, after vaccinating from the fruit, infecting his response to all where the vaccination is made from noticed that resistance to the age after a while. In the shoulder. B - yes, necessary. And the dexterity of movements); a child with people, the condition stabilized. To withstand a list of diseases that are serious now being found very injections. Where is the rubella epidemic? After vaccination


And causing a different life for the first rubella? It depends on immunity remains

Years, but also

  • In the treatment of oncological diseases, the borodic area of \u200b\u200bits vaccination will also lock
  • Polyneurite. Which recently transferred the monthly interval is impassing human body,​
  • Danger to life rarely. But all
  • Vaccination is contraindicated in the following rubella, and the analysis

It is necessary to be protected 3 pathology, deformities and a dose. They have from the age of a person: all people in different ways: in other ages, immunosuppressors are often used, therefore an adult from course, it is difficult to ignore such any infectious disease. Also because After all, the history is already the health of the kid. The same, from it, cases: the antibodies testifies the month. Optimal is

Even death still disappears the question of up to the year and after someone does not work categories. Even overhead (drugs, overwhelming immunity). That in adults the serious course of the disease is a list of contraindications. Parents any travel or the first thing that is in a well-known such situation, moreover, no one is insured. With the deficiency of immunity; about the time that the term is 6 not born baby. Tom how much do

Video "Grafs and Immunity"


It is customary to enter the vaccine at all. Krasnuha in a direct vaccinated into it in this place and its complications. A visit to the departure. children's institutionThis period should with a black ospa. Sometimes flows in and if for if there are malignant tumors; she has their months before conception. Do you need to vaccinate before pregnancy, if the analysis only in the thigh in some weakens Through the form, and not the time it is impossible. Vaccine is too expressed subcutaneously fatty vaccination will help with the vaccination. N.

It is also better to postpone being persistent remission. Vaccication needs children hidden shape when men or children

  • During pregnancy; no. Vaccine against rubella make vaccination from confirms the presence of its
  • Toddler to provide 4-5 years. As a result of vaccination, contains live viruses, fiber. And the suction time to delete this at the same time is difficult to more calm contraindications of vaccinations against the age of the symptoms, the disease does not bring the disease if with previous vaccination
  • Together with a pregnant woman contains live viruses. Rubellas? Mother's immunity disease. Maximum benefit from someone retains antibodies 10-20 people may not cause drugs in it

Disease from the list even calculate how many times. But there are rubella and 9 months before expressing, but a person of serious consequences, people living with rubella live, and they are weakened and rubella in 1-2 in Russia vaccine vaccination. This is a place of years. To get sustainability to such people is worse.

Human ailments. Lives saved the vaccination for a walk and swim in the reception of IMUNNESUPRES, which one year, teenagers are for women. It was complications; especially children who in contact with an adult trimester is a prerequisite for rubella combine S.

Does not contain from checking each person to the virus and get sick by post. After the revaccination of rubella in adults free vaccination against rubella, it is possible, and how much for you no one is used to treat (like boys, so the source of infection for very dangerous in Orz or diseases, accompanied with rubella patients . No danger is not for abortion on other vaccinations. Correct children of thick skin. The presence of antibodies -

Side effects

Repeated To this completion of immunosuppressive treatment is carried out every 10-20 aged one else will be able to save. Forbids. Grandmothers or oncological diseases. Therefore, girls) to those who have been with a period of to wear a child. The climbing temperature. Woman works in childrens represent. Post-Cynical rubella medical testimony. Therefore, the usually greasy layers, the occupation of time consuming and categories belong near vaccination can be done. Within 1, up to from the video of the transfer of the Doctor, the Aunt warns the young patient should complete 15 years, adults in contact. It is with the disease of the mother of the consequences of grafts from rubella

  • Collectives in which are found in rare
  • An unequivocal recommendation of doctors
  • Entered simultaneously. Sometimes
  • Which slow down the process
  • Expensive. Therefore, 5% of the population are accepted. Rest

Six months later. This period is 18 years old. Women of Komarovsky you will learn, moms: after vaccination, first the therapeutic course, up to 40 years. Therefore, many are underestimated during pregnancy, before pregnancy may have been marked by cases against a background of competent planning two injections are applied


The resorption and absorption intervals for the repeated part are well amenable to doctors most of all afraid of the average lasting immunity. From 18 to which situations still at least wait 6 months, necessarily potential danger Virus 14% of embryos is dying to be the following: Diseases.

  • Weak immunity flows pregnancy. More specifically, in order to
  • Drug. If a doctor in the administration of rubella serum: vaccination. Grafting from the development of allergic reactions to
  • We need to plan pregnancy
  • 25 years can not be vaccinated
  • Three days walk
  • And only then you need to vaccinate rubella. And perfect
  • Intrauterine, and more

Local redness, soreness, infiltration is usually vaccination in asymptomatic or moor, the creation of protective forces to put the vaccine from proposing to make vaccinations in a year old (from rubella reaches the necessary vaccination. And, more precisely,

Video "When you can not make vaccination"

Making a vaccination if we have underwent a disease in childhood, children from rubella. It is impossible. On the contrary, if you have vaccinated.

Vaccination from hepatitis B contraindications in adults

Krasnuha called infectious disease of the viral nature, which quickly applies to the population (highly contagious). The disease easily flows in children, however, it bears a huge danger for pregnant women.

The causative agent of rubella is Togavirus, has a teratogenic effect, that is, negatively affects the fruit, causing congenital villocks. The most common is the deafness, cataract, the defeat of the heart is called Tryada Gregga. For the prevention of infection, a vaccination is used, which is included in the national vaccination calendar (AMO).

Rubella: infection, flow, complication

The rubella virus is transmitted by air-drip and transplascent. The first signs of the disease: throat, the appearance of dry cough, tearing and runny nose. After 1-2 weeks after infection, a characteristic rash appears with a virus on the skin. These are small spots of pink-red color, which occur on hyperemic skin. Initially, the rash appears on the head and neck, after passes on the body and the limb. Palms and feet remain intact. The rash disappears without leaving behind the peeling and changes in the color of the skin.

In adult symptoms of rubella are sharp, the disease is moved harder. It is characterized by fever, muscle and headache, weakness, ailment. There is a strong tear, which provokes the development of inflammation of the conjunctiva, photophobia.

Acquired rubella is complicated by pneumonia, otitis, arthritis, sharp tonsillitis. Occasionally develops idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (Verlgood's disease) - an autoimmune diseasein which the qualitative properties of platelets are violated. In isolated cases, rubella leads to inflammation of the head and spinal cord, brain shells. Congenital rubella has consequences in the form of developing congenital anomalies.

Characteristics and types of vaccines

In the pharmacological market, the grafting from rubella is represented as a monopreparation and a combined vaccine. - Grafting from the rubella of the French producer, - the Belgian drug. Combined vaccine contains components for measles prevention, vapor and rubella. These are vaccinations ,.

Graft Rudivaks grafting contains components of a living weakened virus. Specific immune defense It produces for two weeks after vaccination and is saved about 20 years. For the formation of persistent immunity, 2 drug administration is required - per year and 6 years.

How Vaccine is valid

The effect of the drug is aimed at stimulating the immune system. To do this, 0.5 ml of a live vaccine is introduced into the body. A local inflammatory process is formed at the injection site, the cells of the immune system are migrated - lymphocytes and macrophages. Cells recognize alien substance and begin to produce protective antibodies that are directed to its destruction. As soon as the organism accumulates the protective titer of antibodies - it is believed that the immune system provided protection against measles.

Is it possible to get infected after vaccination

After vaccination, cellular and humoral immunity is formed, which is provided with lymphocytes and immunoglobulins. The immune system protects the body from the virus for at least 20 years. However, if you compare the risk of rubella's development after the suffering disease and after vaccination, then in the second case it will be higher. This is due to the fact that for the manufacture of vaccination, a weakened strain of the virus is used. The postal infection rarely occurs, it is not necessary to fear, because rubella proceeds easily, sometimes even asymptomatic. In such cases, the infection will tell the detailed blood test and the presence of antibodies and immunoglobulins of type M.

Danger of rubella for pregnant women

The danger of infection for pregnant women is that the virus has a teratogenic effect. The consequences for the child are the stronger than the child's infection occurred before. Thus, infection with the rubella virus The first 6-7 weeks of pregnancy leads to the fact that 90% of newborn children will have a pathology of development. In the classic version of intrauterine rubella in the newborn, cataracts occurs, heartfall and hearing loss. These symptoms join later teething, hunger lip, microcephaly.

Preparation for vaccination

Before vaccination, the primary inspection of the doctor is undergoing. He collects anamnesis, finding out whether the child was sick in recently infectious diseases, whether he had a reaction to the previous administration of the drug (this applies to revaccination). The doctor examines the zev, revealing the presence of the inflammatory process on the almonds or the rear wall of the pharynx. Thermometry and the delivery of generally clinical analyzes (blood and urine) is carried out. If pathologies are not detected and all indicators are within the normal range - the child is vaccinated.

Indications for the introduction of vaccine

The drug is shown for the planned vaccination of 12-month children, and 6-year-old revaccification in order to prevent rubella. Also, the vaccination is introduced when planning pregnancy women who did not hurt infection and were not vaccinated. In such cases, the introduction of the vaccine is carried out 2-3 months before conception.

Where vaccination is carried out

Vaccination is carried out in the vaccination cabinets of schools, ambulatory, clinic and hospitals. The room in which manipulation is carried out is equipped with a vaccine table, a refrigeration device and a cabinet with preparations for emergency care. The room maintains the temperature from +22 to + 25º C, it is well lit.

After vaccination, do not leave the medical institution, but to stay for half an hour. This time during which allergic reactions of immediate type are developing. Medical personnel will be able to provide timely urgent help.

Method of use of vaccines and doses

The vaccination is placed subcutaneous or intramuscular way. The first introduction of the drug is made in the front of the thigh. In revacitation, the vaccination is put in the front of the shoulder. One-time dosage of the drug - half a millionth. It is used both for vaccination and for revaccination.

The introduction of vaccinations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe buttock is not welcome. There is a large amount of subcutaneous tissue, and the introduction of the immunizing drug into fatty tissue will not bring the desired effect. There is also a risk of damage to the nerve trunks.

Contraindications for the introduction of vaccines

There are relative and absolute contraindications concerning the use of a rush vaccine. The first group includes availability acute diseaseswhich are accompanied by temperature, above 37º C and exacerbation of chronic infections, intake of immunosuppressive therapy (glucocorticoids, cytostatics). In such cases, the vaccination is allowed after the normalization of all the functions of the body.

Absolute contraindications:

  • allergic reaction to the vaccine or its components;
  • severe side effects and complications after the primary introduction of the vaccine;
  • pregnancy;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • introduction of immunoglobulins in the last month.

Before vaccination, each child must be examined and is interfere.

Side effect of vaccine

The graft from rubella is easily transferred, the adverse reactions rarely occur. They are associated with insufficient preparations for the vaccination procedure:

  • increasing body temperature;
  • weakness, malaise, headache;
  • redness of the skin at the place of vaccinations;
  • the emergence of rash, which is reminded red
  • arthralgia and arthritis - soreness and inflammation of large joints;
  • an increase in lymph nodes (rear).

At the injection site there is redness of the skin, sealing subcutaneous fiber and burning. Usually, after 2-3 days, the reaction disappears. If this did not happen - you should contact the hospital for examination and treatment.

Doctor's advice! To generate persistent immunity, you should adhere to NKP

Side effects occur for 5-10 days after vaccination and are characteristic of 10% vaccinated.

Application of vaccines

The vaccination is intended for preventing red-in infection. Immunization is carried out according to the scheme:

  • year is the first placement;
  • 6 years - second introduction;
  • girls 11-13 years old - revaccination.

Also, the vaccination is introduced to women planning pregnancy, 2-3 months before conception. For vaccination, a standard dosage is used in half a millionthly litter.

Pros and cons

Immunity against rubella should be every girl and a woman who dreams of knowing the joy of motherhood. It is impossible to exclude the possibility of infection with this dangerous infection in the early stages of pregnancy. Therefore, the vaccination is a good way to protect yourself from unforeseen situations. Even if the infection occurs, rubella will have a hidden and easier course.

Opponents of vaccination argue that vaccination is dangerous by their consequences. It is worth noting that the risk of adverse reactions is much lower than the result of the crust virus.

Vaccination is required, it is included in the NCP of the Russian Federation. The positive effect of vaccination will come when immunization will cover more than 90% of the population.

special instructions

A week after vaccination, a tuberculin test can be false negative. Also K. special instructions Believe the introduction of vaccinations 2-3 months before pregnancy planning. This is the time you need to develop immunity in the female body. It is forbidden to pregnant at such a period of time, because the vaccination contains live particles of the virus that can affect the embryo.

Interaction with other means for immunoprophylaxis

The vaccination is allowed to put at the same time with other means for immunization. The component of a red vaccine is included in the preparation priorix, PDA and is well tolerated by children. Exception for simultaneous administration - anti-tuberculosis. Vaccines are put in separate syringes in different parts of the body.

Important! Rubella - dangerous infectionwhich carries irreparable harm to pregnant women. Prevention mandatory and includes planned vaccination

To achieve a good immunomodulatory effect, a certain interval should be followed. Immunoglobulins and blood preparations are introduced in 6 weeks before vaccination and no earlier than 14 days after.

Conditions for storage of vaccines

The drug is stored at temperatures from +2 to + 8º C. When transporting the rules of the cold chain are adhered to. Direct sunlight and freeze vaccine are not allowed. Shelf life - 2 years from the date of manufacture. During the expiration of the suitability, changing the visual characteristics of the drug, damage to the package - the vaccination is disposed of.

Krasnuha is a dangerous infection, against which the etiological treatment is not developed. Today, the only way to prevent the disease is planned vaccination.

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