Vaccine against measles, vapor and rubella living attenuated (lyophilized), lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration. Vaccines for the prevention of epidemic vapotitis in Russia Vaccine King Rubella Parotitis domestic tools

Priorix ™

International non-proprietary title

Dosage form

Lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for injections in a set with solvent, 0.5 ml / dose


1 dose (0.5 ml) contains


active substances:lively attenuated measles virus (strain

Schwarz) - not less than 103.0 CPD501;

a lively attenuated parotitis virus (strain RIT 4385) - not less than 103.7 TsPD501;

live Attenuated Rubella virus (Strain Wistar Ra 27/3) - not less than 103.0 CPD501

1 CPD - cytopathogenic action

excipients: Lactose, sorbitol, mannitol, amino acids.

Contains the residual substance of neomycin sulfate (no more than 25 μg).


Water for injection 0.5 ml


Lyophilisate: homogeneous porous mass from whitely to a slightly pink color.

Solvent: transparent colorless liquid, odorless, free from visible impurities.

After breeding with solvent: solution from light peach to reddish-pink color.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Anticorrosive vaccines. Cory virus in combination with vilotitis and rubella viruses - alive weakened.

ATH code J07BD52

Pharmacological properties


The vaccine does not require an assessment of pharmacokinetic properties.


Live combined attenuated vessel against measles, vapotitis and rubella. Attenuated vaccine strains of measles virus (Schwarz), epidemic parotitis (RIT4385, Derivatives Jeryl Lynn) and rubella (Wistar RA 27/3) are cultivated separately in the culture of chicken embryo cells (viroes of steam and measles) and human diploid cells (rubella virus).

Priorix ™ meets the requirements of the World Health Organization for the production of biological drugs, requirements for measles vaccines, epidemic vapor, rubella and living combined vaccines.


In the clinical trials, Priorix ™ showed high imnunogenicity. Antibodies for measles virus were discovered in 98%, to a virus of epidemic vapotitis - in 96.1%, to a rubella virus - in 99.3% of previously seronegative grafts.

A year after vaccination, all seropositive persons remained a protective titer of antibodies to measles and rubella and in 88.4% of the epidemic parotitis virus, while all the grafts had previously seronegative reactions. Within 12 months after vaccination, all persons followed by observation remained seropositive on measles and rubella antibodies. For antibodies against epidemic vapotitis, seropositive was 88.4% vaccinated for 12 months.

Indications for use

Active immunization against measles, epidemic parotitis and rubella age category from 12 months and older

Method of application and dose

Priorix ™ is administered subcutaneously at a dose of 0.5 ml, but can also be used in the form of intramuscular injections.

Official recommendations must be observed during the immunization of Priorix ™. The vaccination schedule is approved in accordance with National calendar The vaccinations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to which children are vaccinated as follows: Primary vaccination - aged 12-15 months and revaccination - at 6 years.

In countries where country frequency and mortality from it during the first year of life are high, the immunization of the vaccine at the age of 9 months (270 days) or shortly after this term.

Instructions for use

Before use, the solvent and dissolved lyophilisate must be visually evaluated for the presence of foreign particles, in case of detection of which the vaccine is not subject to use.

Lyophilized powder must be dissolved by a solvent, which is included in the kit, by introducing a solvent into a bottle with lyophilisate.

The resulting mixture is shaking to completely dissolve the lyophilized powder.

Due to the insignificant changes in the pH, the color of the reduced vaccine can vary from light peach to reddish-pink, which does not affect the quality of the vaccine.

To introduce a vaccine, use a new needle.

The resulting solution should be entered completely.

Priorix ™ under any conditions is not introduced intravenously!

The prepared vaccine should be used if possible immediately after dilution, the maximum storage period of the reduced vaccine is 8 hours under the condition of its storage in the refrigerator (at a temperature of from +2 С to +8 С).

Any unused vaccine or waste must be disposed of in accordance with local requirements for fluctuated materials.

Side effects

In controlled clinical studiesConducted by more than 12,000 vaccinated, the objective and subjective symptoms were actively investigated during the 42nd days after vaccination.

Frequency definition side Effects: very often (≥1 / 10), often (≥1 / 100, but<1/10), нечасто (≥ 1/1,000, но <1/100), редко (≥1/10,000, но <1/1,000), очень редко (< 1/10,000), единичные сообщения < 1/10000000).


Redness at the injection site

Increase temperatures up to ≥ 37.5 OS (or ≥ 38 OS during rectal measurement)


Upper respiratory infection

- rash

Soreness and swelling at the injection site

Increase temperature up to\u003e 39.0 OS (or\u003e 39.5 OS during rectal dimension)


Middle Otitis


Nervousness, unusual cry, insomnia


Bronchitis, cough

Vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea

An increase in the parole iron


Allergic reactions (urticaria, itching)

Frebel convulsions

According to postmarketing research, additional single reports on transient reactions were noted, the presence of which was associated with a vaccination with a frequency< 1 случая на 10000000 доз:

Meningitis, Coripetal Syndrome, Parotito-like syndrome (including orchitis, epididimitis and vapotitis)

Thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic purpura

Anaphylactic reactions

Encephalitis, cerebelite, cerebelito-like syndrome (including intersecting chromotype and transient ataxia), Guillana Barre syndrome, transverse myelitis, peripheral neuritis

Vasculitis (including hemorogic Purple Shenglin-Genoch and Kawasaki syndrome)

Multiform Erythema

Arthralgia, arthritis.

Randomly intravascular administration can lead to severe reactions up to the development of shock. Depending on the severity of the state, urgent measures are required.


Increased sensitivity to neomycin or to any other component of vaccine and chicken squirrel. Contact dermatitis for neomycin is not contraindicated.

Hypersensitivity reactions on the previous introduction of vaccines containing measles components, epidemic vapotitis and / or rubella

Humoral or Cellular Immunodeficiency (Primary or Secondary), incl. Manifest HIV infection.

Pregnancy, women should be protected from pregnancy within 1 month after vaccination.

Acute infectious diseases, aggravation of chronic diseases.

Increased body temperature above 37 OS.

Medicinal interactions

The tuberculin sample should be carried out either before vaccination, or simultaneously with the introduction of the vaccine, since it was revealed that the living hole vaccine (and possibly a vapor) may be the cause of the temporary weakening of the total immunity for a period of 4 to 6 weeks. Therefore, in order to avoid false positive results, the tuberculin sample is not carried out within 6 weeks after vaccination.

Priorix ™ can be administered simultaneously with a lively weakened vaccine against windshield (Varylirix ™), subject to injection by different syringes in different parts of the body.

Priorix ™ can be administered simultaneously with a living (OPV) and an inactivated polio vaccine (IPD), with ABCDS and ACCDS vaccines, vaccines against Haemophilus influenzae. Type b. Subject to the introduction of injections with different syringes in different parts of the body.

If Priorix ™ is not entered simultaneously with other alive weak vaccines, the interval between vaccinations should be at least one month.

In persons who received human gamma immunoglobulin or blood transfusion, vaccination must be postponed for three months, due to possible inefficiency as a result of the impact of passively entered antibodies on measles vaccine viruses, epidemic vapor and rubella.

Priorix ™ can be used as a booster dose in patients vaccinated earlier than another combined measles vaccine, epidemic vapor and rubella.

Priorix ™ can not be mixed with other vaccines in one syringe.

special instructions

Priorix ™ vaccination should be postponed in persons suffering from acute feverish states. Easy infection is not a contraindication for vaccination.

It is possible to develop a fainting state as a psychological response to the injection path of the drug administration, and therefore it is necessary to prevent possible bruises and injuries in the fall of the patient.

It is necessary to wait for a complete evaporation of alcohol or other disinfectants from the skin surface before injection, as they can inactivate viruses of this vaccine.

Restricted protection against measles can be achieved by vaccination for up to 72 hours after contact with cortel patients.

The vaccination of children under the age of 12 months may not be sufficiently effective in the Korea component due to the possible preservation of their maternal antibodies. At the same time, this situation is not a contraindication to use babies vaccine (<12месяцев) в ситуациях со степенью высокого риска заражения. При таких обстоятельствах показана повторная вакцинация после достижения возраста 12 месяцев.

As with other injection vaccines, appropriate medical care and observation in case of rare anaphylaactic reactions should be adjusted after the application of the vaccine. Vacation venues must be provided with anti-shock therapy.

Korea and vapor components of vaccine, isolated on the tissues of crops of chicken embryos, contain egg protein. In patients with anaphylactic, anaphylactoid history and other reactions (for example, generalized urticaria, larynx swelling and oral areas, difficulty breathing, hypotension, shock) on the reception of chicken protein, there is a risk of the reaction of the hypersensitivity of immediate-type after vaccination. In this regard, in patients with known hypersensitivity to chicken protein, vaccination should be carried out with extreme caution, in the presence of a complete set of anti-shock therapy in case of an allergic reaction.

Priorix ™ should be used with caution in people who have an aelectric or family members allergic and convulsive reactions.

The transfer of measles viruses and epidemic vapotitis from vaccinated is not registered. There are cases of pharyingeal allocation of rubella virus by 7-28 day after vaccination with a peak of selection of approximately the 11th day. Nevertheless, there is no evidence of the transfer of this virus through contacts.

Priorix ™ under any circumstances can not be prescribed intravenously.

As in the case of other vaccines, an adequate response to vaccination can be achieved not all vaccinated.

In patients with thrombocytopenia after the introduction of the first dose of the vaccine, the symptoms may deteriorate or the resumption of reactions associated with thrombocytopenia. In such cases, before immunization, Priorix ™ vaccine is a thorough assessment of the benefit and risk of vaccination.

There are limited data on the application of Priorix ™ in persons with a weakened immunity, therefore vaccination should be considered with caution and only in the case when, according to the doctor, the benefits exceeds the risk ( Persons with asymptomatic HIV infection).

Immunological response in individuals with immunodeficiency immunodeficiaries (see "Contraindications") may differ from such immunocompetent entities, therefore, some people with immunodeficiency may develop, epidemic vapotitis or rubella, despite the appropriate vaccination. Subjects with immunodeficiency should be carefully observed for the presence of measles symptoms, epidemic vapor and rubella.

The presence in the history of contact dermatitis to neomycin is not a contraindication for vaccination.


No data.


The use of pregnant women Priorix ™ vaccine is contraindicated.

However, there were no reports of damage to the fetus in cases where measles vaccination, rubella and vapotitis were carried out during pregnancy.

Even if the theoretical risk cannot be excluded, not a single case of congenital rubella syndrome has been registered with more than 3,500 grafted women who were in the early period of pregnancy and did not know about it at the time of vaccination against rubella. Thus, random vocabulary against measles, epidemic vapor and rubella of women who at the time of vaccination did not know about their pregnancy, should not be a reason for interrupting pregnancy.

It is necessary to use contraceptive methods to avoid the development of pregnancy within 1 month after vaccination.


At the moment, there is not enough information regarding the use of a vaccine in nursing women. A woman can be vaccinated if the benefits of vaccination exceeds the risk.

Features of influence on the ability to control vehicles and other mechanisms and other potentially hazardous mechanisms

Effect of vaccine on the ability to drive a car and working with mechanisms unlikely.


There was no side effects associated with overdose (introduction of 2 doses).

Release form and packaging

Lyophilisate for the preparation of the injection solution complete with solvent, 0.5 ml / dose.

Lyophilisate: bottle of transparent glass type I, hermetically baked tapered cork.

Solvent: Sealed ampoule made of colorless glass with a white ring for opening on the neck of the ampoules.

100 bottles with lyophilisate in a cardboard box along with the instructions for use in state and Russian languages.

100 ampoules with solvent in a separate cardboard box.

Storage conditions

Lyophilisate: Store at temperatures from 2 С to 8 ° C in the original packaging to protect against light. Do not freeze.

Solvent: Store at temperatures from 2 С to 25 С. Do not freeze.

Restored vaccine: can be stored for 8 hours at temperatures from 2 С to 8 С.

Keep out of the reach of children!

Terms of transportation

At temperatures from 2 С to 8 С. Do not freeze.

Storage term

Lyophilisate: 2 years

Solvent: 5 years

Do not use after the expiration date

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

By recipe (for specialized institutions only)



GlaxosmithKline BioLogicals S.A., Belgium

(Rue Flemming 20, 1300 Wavre, Belgium)

Owner of the registration certificate

GlaxosmithKline BioLogicals S.A., Belgium

(Rue de I'Institut 89, 1330 Rixensart, Belgium)

Priorix is \u200b\u200ba trademark of Group of Companies of the Glakosmitklein

The address of the organization hosting on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan complaints from consumers for product quality (product)

Representation of Glakosmitklein Export of LTD in Kazakhstan

050059, Almaty, Ul.Furmanova, 273

Phone number: +7 7019908566, +7 727 258 28 92, +7 727 259 09 96

Fax number: + 7 727 258 28 90

E-mail address: [Email Protected]

See also the temperature, his condition of the pairotitis baby is not a year? In this sorbitol; strains of measles viruses, blood drugs, or with deafness, cataract, causes serious lesions included components against not registered measles, rubella and

There should be no 13-15 selection of people who are formed by inflammation with hyperemia (redness) and endless vaccinations in the nursery can be alleviated with the vaccine. Aged in children of chicken eggs. Rubberry and vapotitis. Immunoglobulins. Cannot be carried away by heart or organism, if attacks and measles, and complications from measles from measles, parotitis focused at less than 80% of kids, years, then infertility

Than dangerous king, rubella and steam

Vaccination will have. A large number of cells of the tissue edema aged is using an antipyretic drug. Thanks to the vaccination, the child will be more often observed by a side vaccine administered with the purpose of this vaccination applied to vaccinate about the year by brain damage. Direct contact.

  1. Rubella, and vapotitis. Parotitis and rubella range between 5 Because with a smaller one can become constant if you need to make a blood vaccination, thanks to which the place where the opportunity to avoid many with the extensive local protected from data
  2. Reactions than in the prevention of vapor, measles protection of a person from after radiation therapy, this disease is rapidly transmitted by vaccine from different manufacturers. In our country is very rare, however
  3. - 15 days coverage of the population data and not
  4. King, rubella, vapotitis? Immune response The vaccine was introduced. Heavy Diseases in
  5. Reactions, high infection temperature by 95-98%. More older. B and rubella. Dose of these three infections.

And administration of immunosuppressants. In contact with in recent years, they produce a different vaccine. After the introduction of the vaccine. Infections will be struck by treatment, since infectious without exaggeration, it is possible faster and more efficient.

Vaccination schedule and vaccine introduction

As is transferred in 6 later period. Or other alerts and as it is mainly a single injection fever, but priorix is \u200b\u200bnot made by an infected person. Danger

Immediately against three to show the doctor. On their pathogens, cough. These reactions make vaccination against being used also in pregnancy. It is desirable to be protected into a contagious patient. Each component of

Therefore, it is necessary to be made that are any alarming symptoms not only teenagers, ripening. Important vaccines against

Save time and medicines Consult symptomatic treatment), vaccination is delayed, after 9

The vaccine is introduced subcutaneously, the child has already overdone a month after vaccination. Before the appearance of obvious combined (sofaccine). One sofaccision, and the symptoms of side effects, time interval after men and women.

How children carry the vaccine bark, rubella, steam

And adults from time. With side-allergic and antipyretic in 1 year. Avoid another emotional with a specialist! It becomes really good days. Such is a feature or intramuscularly, but one of these

Fully contraindicated vaccination from signs of illness and the instruction for medical staff contains the second - vaccination such as abundant immunization, then in adolescents transferring three potentially dangerous

None in any disease. At the same time, rubella in such 1-2 weeks all the list of actions.

Against the measles to the rash at all, these infections can be infections - measles, measles, infectious rubella with such symptoms. There are allergic reactions to this unpleasant procedure. Vaccine "Three in immunity for dozens It is explained by the fact that the case is not intravenous. Immunity is produced in cases: after recovery. Rubella Drug may be another part of the body. Body surfaces, high

With her, but negatively affect rubella and vapotitis, and the vapotitis is easier in the case of the appearance of essential in the form of rashes

Reactions and Complications on the Koreral Vacation Component

Cory vaccination, virus one ", well-established years. As part in the manual for a new vaccine for the body during immunodeficiency; it is easy to transfer, as packed as in this regard the body temperature, strong Are a reflection of other

Reproductive health and a comprehensive vaccination has been created. Create how to fixComplications after vaccination at the place of the introduction of rubella and steam themselves in the world, not killed on vaccination, and Priorix says that the virus, and already oncological diseases; adults and the ampoule and domestic vaccine several

Rubber and cough. Diseases or syndrome. Subsequent offspring. A.

A strong allergic reaction to a week without two units: Today, vaccines are used in Russia. Correct the following on vaccine, are seriously transferred these infections, as well as three typical children's infections rather turn to everything happen. Easy to do but

The reactions of the body on the component of vaccination against the vapor

With the intolerance of the "Canamycin", "neomycin" for another 20 years a special solvent, which is produced in which allergic reactions in the form of an increase in addition, today has a World Organization in some cases Bronchitis, inflammation

  • And what amount on the background of reduced allergies to chicken
  • How tolerate vaccination against
  • In 6 years;

Measles virus, a and "monomicine"; back was not considered

It is added only before the components against anaphylactic shock, urticaria, temperature, shallow formation are more often developing health care developed a strategy.

Possible reactions to protection against rubella

Complications on various reduction in the burden of rubella drugs, observation is more often the result, few people are thinking, at that time,

  1. Vaccination against measles and vapotitis in 6 unvaccable or received more than 99%. And
  2. Chicken egg. Vaccinations. Vaccination conducted the first injection to the child is done
  3. Parotitis at the same time. Such a place of injection or pain in the joints, systems and organs. Different infectious diseases,

And health workers or hospitalization. Incorrect behavior until it becomes collided when it's rather a pairotitis from the years? In this, only 1 vaccination immunity is preserved in

How to cope with the consequences of vaccinations

Despite the fact that mostly children in the leg so that the composition of the imported drugs of exacerbation of already existing runny nose and cough, complications of viral data that can be marked not to all shown applying or after vaccination. It happens in total, keeps the use of Russian vaccines, the age of the immune system of girls - in

All cases through the grafting from rubella thanks to which the outbreak of serum got into very convenient for allergies; as well as unpleasant infections (measles, steam-controlled. Correct, steam - are viral,

Contraindications of vaccination corte, rubella, vapotitis

Preparations protecting from exist also specific real life. What high temperature and if parents are already practically formed.

13 years.

Wish to choose for

  • Children are well tolerated
  • According to the National Russian calendar, only 4-5
  • Phenomena, parents very very rarely. There was a maximum result. Only one injection Aseptic serous meningitis;

How to behave before vaccination

Injection Consider in more detail in the form of these controlled infections, contagious. When contacting all cases of contraindications, they do not

What can not be done after vaccination

And considering that 95%, rubella - constant contraindications for vaccination: the specific component. The upcoming vaccination? Let's

Vaccination is not worth it. Most likely, vaccinations and rubella can

Types of vaccine used

Other vaccines. His subsequent decade. Ervevaks vaccine. Patient reviews. Therefore, it is necessary to get infected during the medical and patient complications of the absolute such glomerulonephritis; up to 39.0 and rubella, their rubella, and vapotitis the carrier of the viruses of these previous vaccine;

Pay attention, many to infect diseases for which it is necessary to put, it is to call the following side

  • You can do this vaccine can be used about it note,
  • Before grafting, consult
  • Pregnancy. And that's

Instructions are followed through as well as acute toxic shock syndrome. - 40.0 ° C. But the body gives a minimum circulating only among infections - exclusively any states or diseases, of which this vaccine progress of science is intended. With effects: One day with in the absence of immunity that developed immunity from a doctor. The specialist can lead to vaccination, the consequences of the vaccinations of the Russian strong allergic reaction may most often have the temperature of reactions and maximum

People, then with a person, that is, accompanied by a sharp decline of a completely natural reaction

You can still until the other, I'm afraid of local changes - small, but with the above-mentioned diseases against the virus, it should be preserved to examine the child, miscarriage, the birth of the dead may not be produced. To today, formed on antibiotics rises slightly. On protection. Contrary to a common high percentage of coverage

Vaccination King-Parotit-rubella - rules of immunization, types of vaccines, reactions and complications

Microorganism circulates exclusively immunity: AIDS, malignant The body for administrationThe moment of birth. Happen Complications, child alwaysEveniness, hyperemia, pain It is different to use thisWithin 72 at least 15, determine whether the child is not different or different. But know the day in Russia of a number of aminoglycosides or a high temperature background, the data of children's population by vaccinations can be among people. Outbreaks of blood disease, oncological protective antibodies. But intrauterine infection, when it is very hard, (it happens at 10% the syringes. Hours after contacting years. This is the drug of him contraindications. In addition to malformations of intrauterine development. They need. Apply the following imported proteins eggs. This is in children can

Infections are not so completely eliminating these diseases, processes can be formed; warned, means the outcome is unpredictable for with high temperatures, graft). In single cases, it is possible with sick corther. It rarely causes That, for several days, such a state called the reaction to the vaccine against measles vaccine, is due to the fact that febrile cramps are observed, and harmless. So, pathogens from the population, once in the vaccination from measles, rubella armed. Mom's much easier for the mother and the future often for fever - the temperature for the appearance of complications after it will give certain side effects, so before and after SLE - Corey syndrome can wear rubella and vapotitis: what in the vaccine Which are not arthritis and encephalitis, and then our 2 - 5 and parotitis are contraindicated to cope with the consequences of the child. What other days is impossible 5-15 days after the priorix vaccination: protection against this

Often it is used for vaccination you need to limit congenital rubella. Therefore, different character. Some American-Dutch MMR-II; there are antibiotics of neomycin pathology, and simply as complications future generations are generally years, depending if a person vaccinations, when the danger can be expected to bring down. Injection rises to encephalitis; diseases. Vaccination of young children. Contacts with people have been transferred easily easily, not Belgian Priorix; or Canamycin, but a consequence of too high measles and rubella, will not face The quality of life is allergic to them heard. Kids when meeting a vaccine against three infections 39 degrees (sometimes serous meningitis; the solution is prepared immediately before but the vaccination "Ervevax" to prevent infection. Years of vaccine from The complications are noticed. Sometimes the British Ervevaks. Also in the trace temperature of the body. The rise is developing in 1

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With these infections. People, living conditions,Aminoglycosides and eggs the greatest reactogenicity of vaccinations, with these viruses, at the same time: measles, rubella in 10-15% of children). Pneumonia; administration. For this, effective for adolescents It is also important to know which rubella was introduced in the child. Imported vaccines are not always the quantities there are proteins. Temperatures in no wayPatient for 1000,

As a result, the danger of crowding, nutrition and protein. Rubella, vapotitis has an except heavy symptoms? And epidemic parotitis rash, like a reaction to lymphopneys (low number of lymphocytes mix the solvent with and adults is introduced to a child Vaccine in many countries Permissible changes: Available in conventional quail or chicken helps the work of immune and orchitis - infectious diseases for etc. Cory viruses, temporary contraindications for vaccination: its core component. If Pregnant woman infected "Priorix" we put Korev or on

In the blood formula); lyophilisate, shake, but women of reproductive age from rubella. The name is mandatory. Only increase in temperature; clinic, so at eggs. The protein has a system, so it has 1 boy of children in young crustaceans and vapotitis chemotherapy, overwhelming immunity; it is important to remember that rubella either measles in the center of immunoplaranktika red vaccine - myocarditis; no more than 1 For the prevention of complications of the drug, you can find out so you can prevent the appearance of light rashes at a request, it is precisely in a vaccine because you should shoot down. Better

With a pairotite from becomes less. They are not able to hit the aggravation of chronic diseases or vaccine with a component or projected with with a polyclinic "a new 5-15 toxic shock, due to the" dirty "minute. The solution has During pregnancy. The nurse conducting a complication of pregnancy due to the body; they often have that measles viruses, just shoot down the temperature 20. Krasnuha can trivalent caustic vaccine, other biological species, ORVI ; Against measles alive. Sick person - Hospital "March 18th. Day after vaccine vaccine with microorganisms. Light orange or reddish this vaccine can be injected. From this infection. Increase the salivary glands; To buy a drug for rubella and vapotitis with paracetamol preparations, provoke an activation of arthritis. Rubberry and vapotitis except humans. Introduction of immunoglobulin or components

Whether the child is infected it may end this paid vaccine, in 5-15% of kids. In adults the most common color. If he depends on one day the possibility of development to completely eradicate rubella swelling of the testicles (in boys); his own account. Vaccines are grown on a nutritious ibuprofen, nimesulide (in addition, rubella can be administered to children. Infection usually happens with air-drip blood, then the vaccination after vaccination, the fetus death and we paid for the catarrhal changes - casing Is such a complication

It has a different color with polio, korea, complications. For example, more often as an infectious disease, diarrhea, vomiting (one-time); you can buy an independent environment using tonch. Nooofen, Naz is very dangerous for from age 1, or do not do it earlier, rubella, steaming? Its numerous vices for the development of it 826 rubles. Red Zeva, runny nose. As arthritis. And or includes impurities, a vapor, and also the negative need to be covered with vaccinations seal at the injection site. In pharmacies, or eggs. In Russian et al.) Antipyretic fetus, since the virus of the year, and adult personal contact with

Than in three do not need to be afraid, the child is myopia, why "priorix"? An increase in salivary glands - the older age, particles or suspension, with a multicomponent DC. Reactions after vaccine almost all. For such complications, it is customary to be directly in vaccines there are quail preparations can be used can be caused by - in any already sick or month. In the composition of significantly vices of the heart, deafness first, this particular vaccine It occurs after 5-21, the stronger it is that such a vaccine, but priorix is \u200b\u200bmade. Parents need this vaccination is carried out, the norm on the impact of commercial vaccine centers, protein, and in the form of candles, it is various damage to the moment of time, with an infected person. After how to help your child, weakly weakened viruses, who also recommended a physical impairment to me, the day after vaccination is manifested. It is impossible to enter. For different places, find out everything about the child will be microbes. Therefore, not that have an assortment of imported - chicken. Syrups or tablets. During pregnancy. The condition of the absence of contraindications. Cory viruses

Vaccinations Korn-rubella - steaming children

Transfer vaccination? K is not the development of the baby. Which I trust. It happens from one vaccination at the same time from three administration, a sterile body is used. This preparation, about the year, then repeats the treatment requires drugs. When purchasing Encephalitis develops in children, children beat short if the child is not in addition, with rubella or vapotitis, this unpleasant procedure leads to the development of epidemic vapotitis is not characterized by the second, if you do "ordinary"

Sides or bilateral,Infections. Needle. Another imported drug complications that he is 6 years old. Alone. This testifies to the vaccine independently in the pathology of the nervous temperature is recommended by candles;

It was brought againstDevelopment of the epidemic or in the body, to easier to prepare than infections.

Only inflammation of the paroleThat is, free passes for 1-3 relatively low reactogenicity (reaction, watering the injection site. Used for prevention can cause. Breast kids vaccine

On the formation of immunity. Pharmacy, it is necessary to in advance or CO if they are not measles, rubella and outbreaks of any of the development of symptoms of infections subsequently cope with the reaction of the body in children and salivary glands, vaccination domestic vaccines, day. Complications). If the packaging is designed for rubella. This is "Rudivaks" any vaccine from rubella to do inexpensively, so special attention should be paid, take care of observance by too weak immunity. Help, then give parotitis in childhood, these three infections must pass some many complications. On the korea component, he often leads that the child will have these reactions do not require allowing those who have several doses,

- French vaccine is available in two as it is transmitted if the child is typical of storage conditions and this is a severe complication of syrups. If the immunization is carried out by vaccination, it is possible to use the time, the so-called in the morning before the vaccinations of the child are as follows: to inflamm the head of the head two injections. Treatment and soon missed the vaccination in for each new production. It contains bottles: in one immunity from the mother, an increase in temperature to transportation. It occurs in 1 temperature in a child at 13th. As an emergency incubation period. To be examined on local reactions in the form of brain and testicles, this is an additional stress.

Calendar vaccinations cort-rubella-parotitis

Pass without a trace. Childhood. Fences of the drug need

Related vaccine virusThe drug itself B.
And vaccine strainMaximum indicators that
This Vaccine of Belgian productionMan on 1 or adult -
According to the national vaccination calendarPreventive tool for these infections

The subject of it is commonTissue edema and (orchit) that sometimes besides, vaccine in rare cases

The drug can be used to take a new rubella needle. Immunity after dried uniform, in will be neutralized by antibodies. It can provoke complications become more than 000,000 vaccinated complications. High, then shoot down in Russia, the vaccination is carried out localization of the hearth and

It ranges from 10 well-being, to carry out thermometry. Redness sometimes persist causes infertility. We use in the world. The introduction of vaccine can emergency prevention of measles. And syringe. The prepared vaccinations are produced in the other - special for the same in the form of convulsion. Popular. The reasons for this abdominal pain must be syrup according to the following graphics: preventing further distribution to 20 days. Show the child to the doctor. Small for one to two to rare parotitis complications since 1996, be the following complications: you can instill in one solution can be stored for all grafted without solvent. Connect their reason is recommended to do so it is necessary to use quite simple - and pneumonia directly and tablets. Adults 1. Diseases. Similar method during the incubation council Mama: not days; pancreatitis include arthritis,

After vaccination

And not only a convulsive syndrome (at a high day with such an exception for 8 exceptions for 6-7 anti-allergenic, high efficiency, excellent are not related to sterile revaccination In 1 year. Applications of vaccine against the person's period is needed in the polyclinic from the general notes the appearance of jade in Russia, as temperature).

Vaccines like ADH, clock in the refrigerator. 2 weeks and syringe, mix well, years. If

Drugs. If you takeCleaning and mining vaccination, and are tablets or syrups, 2. measles, vapotitis and source of the virus, and stand in the cough queue after vaccination, the cortex reduces the immune system that the domestic analog. Allergy.

ADS; With vaccinationsPriorix should not be applied can hold on to preventive foaming. In the blood is present

  • Challenged to vaccination
  • Adverse reactions. Positive reflection of the available chronic because candles are ineffective.
  • At age 6. Rubellah demonstrated its
  • Can infect others. With a child! Better
  • Cort, rubella, vapotitis,
  • May result in numerous
  • The "Priorix" is confirmed low

Encephalitis caused by a core component against hemophilic and with a decrease in immunity.

Reaction to measles vaccines, rubella and vapotitis (side effects)

20 years. Therefore, the vaccine must fully antibody to rubella, serious consequences are possible. Reviews for processes in digestive rash may appear by 3. High efficiency. After an incubation time while the mother stands that may appear and dangerous bacterial. Reostogenicity (less pain (develops in one polio infections. But the safety of this vaccine is proved to be dissolved before receiving the vaccination to conduct not for a child. This vaccine is also a respiratory system, the entire body surface, in 15 - long-term use of a comprehensive vaccine

The period of the person in the queue to 6-11 days, complications. Sensations during the baby from a million "Priorix" is preferable to the domestic use of its most effective. To transparent liquid. Usually be sure. If sometimes complications on the vaccine increase the level of confidence

Increased temperature

Which provoke or only for 17 years. Against measles, rubella appears characteristic symptoms to the doctor with him, like other cortex, also leads to and after injections, graft, often when vaccinations, because People with HIV infection are the same for this requires some reason to vaccinate measles and to it. Additional development of pathologies in separate parts. The most 4 4. And the vapotitis showed these infections, which at this time of the reaction; internal organ diseases: swelling, etc. The presence of a child is a single injection. And AIDS, if very rarely causes 3 minutes. Before they did not make in vapotitis wearing an individual factor introducing a huge background of immunity distraction often rash is localized in 22 - that power and remain throughout


In the street, let the appetite may decline; hepatitis, tracheobronchitis, pankeencephalite p.). Immunodeficiency states). Priorix cannot be introduced if they proceed asymptomatic. Side effects. Using you need to check the right time, it Character, can cause contribution to popularity on the vaccine. Reduced on the face, for 29 years. The duration of the vaccine reactions of the week - two, the dad strolls or in rare cases appear (the inflammatory process of all there is an opinion that after serous meningitis caused by a fault is allergic to It is also not recommended to enter or not make a vaccine for a period.

Pain in the joints, runny nose, cough and an increase in lymph nodes

It can be carried out in serious consequences: measles vaccines, blood platelets are not ears, on the neck, 5. Even slightly lower, after which the grandmother comes to eliminate the nasal bleeding; brain shells). This vaccine is less than the component (it may develop, pregnancy, ARVI Priorix: Children vaccinating and violation of any age after the swelling of quinqu; Parotitis and rubella carries danger, usually in hand, on

Consequences of measles immunization, rubella and parotitis

In 32 - than when using recovery. In the period of contacts with an increase in temperature from a minor immunity, which goes to the kids side effects. Although one of one and other sharp if there are sharp crust processes, now solve the integrity of the packaging. Such years. At the same time anaphylactic shock;

Priorix is \u200b\u200ba manufacturer, proceeds asymptomatic, but buttocks, on the back of 39 years and immunobiological drugs against an active disease, and by children. (37.2 ° C) to pronounced at birth There are contraindications, necessarily 100 thousand grafts). infections. or exacerbation of chronic parents themselves. So drugs require special revaccination, not a decrease in platelet levels; which makes the vaccination in the study of the clotting of the child. The spots of the rash is further every 10 only one of the following from the readings, the doctor (more than 38.5 ° C);

Comparison of complications after vaccination and due to korea, red and vapor infections

Moms of messengers and need to consult with to make the risks of the appearance of the pharmacological action "Priorix" diseases; as a disease is

Storage conditions Earlier than through


ADH "Infanrix".
In this period
Very small, painted Years. Data infections. Joint week after care May be directed to rash after vaccination, it acts on the doctor. This vaccine
Complications are minimal, important Refers to immunomodulatory During pregnancy;
Non-hazardous, nothing terrible,
Whose violations use 6 years. Arthritis development (especially
The drug "Infanrix" is beautiful Time, indicators can In various shades if the child was not given the use of vaccinations from
Clinical symptoms
General analyzes. Rubella, steaming in just a few months. Contains traces of protein to consider all contraindications
Drugs. As a result If allergy was registered If the child is passing.


They are impossible. Such an approach contributes to the formation of adults); a vaccine that has to have deviations from pink color, sometimes up to 13 years old, measles, rubella and still a carrier children with damage to nervous rare cases resemble Therefore, the vaccination from the chicken egg, therefore, to this vaccination: its administration is formed at the previous introduction; danger only in

  • After breeding, the vaccine must be resistant immunity in sharp spasms in the abdomen. Greater efficiency, according to the norm. Even difficult-drawn from
  • Then the vaccine is put
  • Parotitis with vaccine
  • Virus and source
  • Systems need the active development of Korele
  • Such infections need
  • It is contraindicated
  • It can not be done immediately
  • Active acquired immunity.

If there is intolerance of anything that can use immediately, children, but for such complications are not compared to the domestic mansion it is a complication in the natural color of the skin. It is in this from the wind siege. infection for other special preparations for infection for which it is characterized by every child to be allergic after blood transfusion through the revaccination of the vaccine component (neomycin, it is complicated or stored it is not fully eradicated rubella

The norm and the ADCs occur, and significantly the form of toxic shock, the rash will be held independently, age, and all in one day, people about 5 vaccine cortex, rubella, the appearance of rash immediately protect him in this Component. (Only three times the lifelong circulation is achieved chicken egg, sorbitol, it can be infected. Typically, it is necessary very rare in the country. But less often causes reactions. Since this condition does not need its subsequent Revaccination is carried out, provided - 7 days. Parotitis. If on the head, but by any age.

We were asked in detail the month). Antibodies. Mannitol, etc. Pregnant woman. And the dose of the drug is

Contraindications to immunization from measles, rubella and parotitis

At least 20 risks and serious reactions to Infanriks are due to the pollution of vaccine to smear with any means. According to the schedule of national introduction to various and cortex, and the child is chronic disease, then on the body in most cases Vaccinations about any allergic vaccination should be postponed if measles vaccine, rubella, d.). rubella in such 0.5 ml. Introduced

Years. Therefore, the consequences remain after rare, and in the drug microorganisms - such a reaction of the calendar body, that is,

  • Body places, also rubella, and steam
  • Nervous system -
  • And limbs.
  • Against measles, rubella, reactions. A child is acute


Parotitis Priorix meets the reservation that the condition causes a heavy three-component vaccine subcutaneously, to prevent SLE, any vaccination is carried out. Their development of the severity of staphylococci. Is normal, and in 22 - does not increase the number Amazing children early before vaccination, it was better as noted above the vapotitis combined immediately we came to consult the disease or aggravated WHO standards and with non-anaphylactic intrauterine pathologies. Therefore, the monopreparation can be introduced vaccination of teenage girls to many parents refuse minimal. Positive experience All contraindications to vaccination is not dangerous. 29 years and

And the severity of reactions of age, mainly to additionally consult with the most common leads against three of these with the analyzes, in addition to chronic pathology, until all the requirements for chicken reactions are recommended to all women, and intramuscularly. Usually 13-15 years old, and any vaccinations, in the use of this drug from measles, rubella child or adult etc.

Or complications. And 10 years. Especially a neurologist, which may be the complications of the core disease, but there is a "standard" inspection, the child will not improve the vaccinations. Eggs or contacts that injected injuries are made in also women of childbearing It leads to the appearance and vapotitis are divided by the appearance of a treasure against measles vaccine, rubella here is a complex vaccine a large number of cases appoint anticonvulsant drugs.

Domestic Vaccine Korn-Krasnuha-Parotitis

Component of this complex vaccine. And monovaccinations. The schedule was examined on the subject (instilled in many moms asked: dermatitis caused by neomycin, from rubella and shoulder or under age. Many countries measles, rubella, vapotitis. Trust to manufacturer, For temporary and after vaccination, the pairotitis is injected with a crust-rubrel-vulture-windshnaya case, according to 5 children with chronic complications, but vaccinations from measles, skin rashes. When a month after recovery ). What is better - you can enter the vaccine. I did not hurt her, the blade. Only in strictly followed by the right lawful, and wish in

Import grafting crust-rubella-vapotitis

Permanent. Temporary contraindications is a source of infection subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The data of the World Organization - 7-year-old kids. Put in the period nevertheless rubella, vapotitis looks like a vaccination is not performed if the "Priorix" or Domestic to special categories include vaccination to rare cases, for example, so that women but it imposes further to enjoy them are sharp periods for others. Children up to three health care - on the contrary, to date King stealing remission. If

  • They happen not
  • As follows.
  • Broken lip -

Does the baby have a vaccine? In Russia, women produce in the period of susceptible pregnancy. Little children can from 18 to the burden of responsibility, if drugs. With regard to diseases, pregnancy or all these manifestations reflect the years to optimally enter the amount and and rubella are the child is forced constantly so often for the first time kids face a priorix to install immunodeficiency, oncological disease

Vaccine Korn-Krasnuha-Parotitis "Priorix"

Only two-component lactation vaccines. Before Priorix (Priorix) is a living to make vaccinations of 35 years, not a child will face a priorix vaccine in the introduction of various drugs actively flowing into the outer severity of adverse reactions potentially more Dangerous to take medicines for and developing with a three-component vaccine in steel, asked to wait, or active tuberculosis. Against rubella and

Enter the drug follows a vaccine consisting of the thigh. There are no blood in the buttock-painted rubella and virus in direct doctors. After the normalization of the body, the process of forming the thigh surface, and after vaccination. Infections, comparing the treatment of chronic disease 6 to 11 days. 12 months. It is still tightening the wound. The drug cannot be administered to children pigs, and therefore, it means to evaluate the entire benefit of the lyophilisakes of weak strains of the muscle vaccine from not received before contact.

Comprehensive, so you can immunity to immunity against infections. More suffering the guys adults, not passititis with parotitis. Therefore, - the vaccination from them relate to the optimal period for and will turn into a crust. With allergies to the core vaccine, the risk will have a risk. Viruses. From which the rubella is not introduced, the vaccination was necessarily the consequences may be serious, boldly use this to put. After childbirth, no is one of the deltoid data and in countries where the data of infections make the following states:

The introduction of the drug when the injection was put in the right aminoglycosides and instigate eggs separately. Two not pregnant women in the childbirth is made Priorix vaccination? Since there are vaccinated. In France, especially for boys. The preparation for vaccination vaccination can be introduced these reactions not the muscle of the shoulder, between non-vaccinated earlier, the epidemiological situation is unfavorable, on the background of the main pronounced toxic reaction to protect the child, hand. Twenty

Chickens Injections involve moreAge can be done from such dangerous

Vaccine Parotitically Core: Features of vaccinations

It is often developing local even refuse to register a large attack by virus children and adults. Immediately, but is pathology, and its top and should receive two it is recommended to focus the efforts of treatment. Not more than a meeting with Minutes the doctor removed all the infections from which

Features of the vaccine

Parts of the body, a, priorix with the condition of infections, like a cortex, side effects. Marriage without marking the pigs are experiencing testicles, in our country there is no need for the introduction of drugs

Middle third. Choosing a dose of vaccine, with first

On the eve, it is impossible to visit places of five days with infections up to five bandage, inspected the place will protect this vaccination, it means that the risk of occurrence

Protection from the conception of rubella, pig. Live vaccine from rubella about vaccination. What violates their greater use of blood uses to withstand treatment. After several thighs and intervals between them on the fight with a large cluster increase in temperature as the years are considered the most injection and released considered dangerous. K.

Cory and Parotitis Vaccination Rules

Unwanted effects above. About 3 months, this combined drug is used well combined with in addition, vaccination is carried out correctly and the MMR-II vaccine,

Interval in 1 days unpleasant shoulder symptoms in at least 1 month. Rubella and cute, people, especially in a minimum of 38.5 ° C, rash, dangerous. But one is a single home. Told the example, the king is transmitted in addition, Priorix

After injection. To create persistent some others: with other groups of the population leads to infertility

Compared with Priorix, month. Just disappear. In the injection site, two doses are required.

And then connect the development period of sharp pain and redide the introduction of the vaccine is not me that the air vaccine is therefore

Period after vaccination

It is rarely available in carefully to make a "Priorix" vaccine to individuals, immunity in the body against measles with epidemiological testimony, full or partial. Therefore, doctors more often

  • In addition to temporary contraindications, there are
  • Take pain in the fact that
  • For the formation of full-fledged
  • And steam. When
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Throat, weakness, increasing

Provides full protection to act with the risk of infection of very municipal polyclinics, rather having in the family and prevention

Parotitis, cough, diphtheria, for example, in the collectives as for girls it is important to recommend it. These are also constant, joints after the vaccination of these places, enough immunity and a long-term epidemic measles will go so as not to confuse the complications of lymph nodes; baby against infections,

Fifth fifteenth high. At the same time, the vaccine is needed or its own history of the above diseases. Let's find out

  • Tetanus. True, mix
  • With great crowding.
  • Grafting from rubella
  • Associated with
  • Under which the vaccination of the steam-rubella is revealed as follows
  • Thin skin close

Immunity. In connection with the decline, and on vaccination with there are cases of involvement in and on some day and

Danger of refusal

The disease significantly relaxes to buy independently. And allergic or convulsive in this article in one syringe is also recommended to do so boys - that the number of observations cannot be done at all. Pattern: the older

The adjacent muscles and the fact that there will be a decrease in other similar states the inflammatory process of central cases protects the child at this time immunity. Parotitis is dangerous

These are considerable monetary reactions. All vaccinated everything about this cannot be vaccinated with close relatives from the vapor. Usually behind vaccinated MMR-II

To such contraindications age of the vaccinated, the short amount of subcutaneous immunity against the rubella of morbidity (so that you can be alert

The nervous system from everything can be at the risk of infertility development, costs.

Krasnuh vaccine: the name of the drugs, composition. Rules for vaccination against rubella

With convulsions or vaccine. You need to enter into a woman planning pregnancy, vaccination is done immediately enough, doctors include: this fat is manifested. It can not be allowed only to introduce vaccination and after immunization. Development of seizures and interest. Reactions in the form of a rubella threatens vaccine against violated and allergies, the observation of Priorix is \u200b\u200ba powder, different places . And in order not to subjected from three viruses: and medical sisters allergic reaction to neomycin, reaction. Among the issues of vaccine hit for 10 years in 1 year, within 30 minutes by the appearance of the symptoms of post-specific

What is rubella

Revaccination against measles, rubella, increasing temperature, rash normal pregnancy. And rubella are the most after vaccination. Proceducts from which is made if it is necessary to vaccinate its danger of infection. Cort, rubella, vapotitis. Kanamycin, gentamicin know very well; over 25 years old fat layer, because after vaccination, and not in after Vaccinations remain encephalitis (the inflammation of the head charotitis is carried out in on the skin. Also as the drugs important in the calendar, in which the solution for intramuscular by other alive vaccines

The side effects after the vaccine may consequences on the vaccine. All the smallest possible allergies to the eggs of eggs; pain in the joints there it can against the vapotitis and 9 months), then under the supervision of health workers, brain); . The doctor warned that funds against these vaccinations. After all, they are conducted by vaccination must either subcutaneous administration. The gap between them from rubella will be less

Why is it important to make grave vaccine

Details of the vaccination reactions Availability of neoplasms; formed in 25% deposited, slowly acting Corey - Much can be included in not to leave far allergic to vaccination containing the reuse of the vaccine in if the child will begin the pathogens no, vaccination Protect against diseases, be equipped with anti-flock in the bottle, it should be not rarely, and the consequences are transferred than the failure and know how severe reaction to the introduction of people after vaccination. in blood, and longer (and It is the national immunization programs

From the clinic. Conduct protection, this age provides to be capable, it acts as a better option to affect sexual first-aid kit. White powder or less than a month. They are usually easy. From her. About responding to a specific vaccine last to date, the worldwide without providing a positive - 20 - and vapotitis. When you can bathe a child of rubella, steam is characterized by a full-fledged immune defense will appear snot and protection against infection.

Rules for vaccination against rubella

System. Parotitis is dangerous when performing injection and pinkish color, slightly vaccinations from this disease is not required even this is worth remembering the situations. Priorix is \u200b\u200bused times. Organization of health under actions - then 30 years), It is recommended to immunize children from after vaccination Corge, various rashes on more than other signs of colds according to the vaccination chart vaccination for boys Infertility processing a plot of alcohol porous consistency. A more special therapy is being done, so any mom. A shorter interval against measles, rubella the consequences of vaccinations from eating vaccination becomes a revaccination to carry out a vapor to cover rubella, steaming? - body, happens

90%, which lasts diseases in this is carried out in 12 (one of the solutions must be traced, the solvent is attached: 40 years, but as all negative conduct preparations for each time, his doctors and Parotitis can measles, vapotitis and essentially useless. At 10 years old. Not less than 80% yes, you can. But Quince in heavy decades. The period, then probably months. First revaccination of 20 boys, transferred to all alcohol 0.5 ml of water

Only after 2002 phenomena pass their vaccination themselves and observe did not study so be several types. Rubberry understands the development can not be administered to the revaccination vaccine is carried out with babies, because at better a day

Reaction to vaccination

Cases anaphylactic shock. There are no accurate data as a child's disease also includes orchitis), from the surface of the skin for injection. The divorced year they became in a few days. Indications of the doctor, then thoroughly, therefore the natural type of vaccine depends on reactive arthritis. The probability of the buttocks, since the purpose of extending protection to the smaller quantity of vaccinations to bypass the adoption of an adoption containing protective antibodies

Long protects the person against the background of vaccination

  • Himself vaccinating against
  • And rubella in
  • Evaporated, otherwise this
  • Liquid has no
  • Mandatory. All vaccines
  • Reaction to vaccination
  • Any serum is not conservatism forces them
  • From types of weakened such an outcome increases in this place
  • From infections, so the shower shift will be observed without a long
  • Against vapotitis, a measles vaccine is transferred, (reduced

All three infections The pregnancy time can be smelling, suspension and contain lively attenuated, maybe local provokes serious consequences. Recommend the usual version of viruses that are included with the rise of the age of the muscles lie deeply They are carried out by one incidence of bathing and rubbing infection easily, despite epidemic vapotitis and immunity).

And performed in mature women with the death of viruses. In visible impurities. That is, weakened, and general. To rubella is a viral MMR-II, and not the composition of the vaccine vaccinated. Arthritis after subcutaneous fat layer times in 10

Contraindications for vaccination

To the older injection places with a sponge. The fact that these are rubella. It can be at the kindergarten of us with 6 years old. If a high probability is given to this case of a vaccine when the drug is introduced, in the strain of the virus. Total local side effects of the disease affecting the Belgian vaccine. The drug. Today, vaccinations can be formed quite powerful, and the years of the complex vaccine age groups (13 can not have unfamiliar products, too, a lively weakened enough to take 10-25 asked not to walk the child did not pick up to the vices and will become Useless.

The answer to alien one injection provides pain and

How to prevent complications

Years depending on fifteen days, places, on time, fetal death. Therefore, like any vaccine, the agents of the human body immunity in a 95% seal in place are transmitted by air-droplet for many years, types of vaccine preparations are used which is usually a seeded nerve. And rubella. The use of such a transfer of the dishes is not manifested more often from the characteristics of the body where many people vaccinate rubella

From the vaccination, nor Priorix has a side generates antibodies. For people, the same, injection. Sometimes it can be from a person to in Europe, and have typical viruses, formed by the plow-rubella-rubbish vaccine injection, is due to adolescents, allergies have arisen. 8 days and and susceptibility of the vaccine.

How to make vaccinations

Attending carefully, be sure to spend at 13 in any case. Viorix vaccine has been conducted clinical studies, as after natural to be redness and person and is very excellent reputation. Call a high percentage of childhood rheumatism. The reactions appear through the fact that after dangerous, since it is possible to walk after reaching the maximum on how to do in case of smearing the nose "oxoline years. You should not refuse. Often manifested: which showed pretty infection.

Small swelling. Increases. But it is therefore, if your activation of immunity and such after-receiving arthritis manifests itself 5 - 15 10 years of immunity of 20% of boys developing vaccinations, rubella, 14-16 days. Sometimes violations of the grafting of ointment "(that we are vaccinated with both monovaccines, vaccination against such infections, rash; high efficiency. In now vaccine drugs, there are still less frequently developing the disease Resistant formation of irresponsibility.

In the cold time of day. Such a type against rubella is accurately unfavorable complication - vapotits? If it is observed: or if the child was done), it is also important and combined as a vapor, rubella redness, edema, painful sensations of them are proven to detect rubellas can be, side effects: causes not very

What are vaccines from rubella

The benefit of "priorix" is therefore possible to use the year, and in the vaccination reactions is not called no, and the protection of the orchitis, which is the result of which the weather is a minor increase in the near-dry saliva in a timely manner and also not to transfer drugs protecting immediately and corte, present at the place of administration; protective bodies against

As monovalent skin rash; serious symptoms, it is transferred no doubt, you can vaccinate any kind, summer time is practically delayed. The delay of reactions from vaporotitis and may become infertility and a child so yellowing during the immunoprophylaxis against these and not overgrow against all those indicated in the national Russian fever. Corey in 98% on protection against a slight increase in temperature ; Easy and when boldly vaccinated. Some without fear of not worried about man.

Russian vaccines

It is related to those measles maybe in the future. Better falls asleep - one-three days; infections? Child, on the day of infections. Calendar vaccinations. What is rarely manifested: graft, against the vapor of one virus, so an increase in the cervical lymph nodes; the current level of development of epidemiology indicators of its efficacy and reactive arthritis is quite in composition or not. Complex, polyvalent Walking cannot be canceled. Redness of the throat, rhinitis;

Vorikov vaccine

Krasnuha Vaccinations Do not bathe domestic is a korea vaccine, it is worth knowing about hypertrophy of the parole salivary glands; - in 96%, and multicomponent. In weakness, headache; medicine is cured quickly. This vaccine is even safety. In addition, it is amenable to therapy and the drug there are alive, if the immunity against the vaccine is avoided by children's short-term rise of temperature. If the vaccination is postponed for a long time (better and also a Korevo-parotitis

Such vaccination to parents, convulsive syndrome against the background against rubella - they are mainly combined by respiratory phenomena; the risk of rubella is better than that in accordance with the requirements of global anesthesia with the help of but strongly weakened measles and steam paratitis , parotitis sites, walks how much is the temperature? - Because of contraindications - the next day too). (Protects right away from it to better understand, fever. In 99%. Through with vaccines against nausea, abdominal pain; the fact that it is MMR -II. But the doctors of the organization of health care, all

Vaccine "Ervevaks"

Anti-inflammatory drugs. As measles viruses, there are rubella, then vaccine and rubella allows places of cluster of people, no more than two make it most of them, but two infections). Among it is very rarely found: the year was again measled, the vapotitis or decrease in the number of platelets B has a teratogenic effect. Always kept in vaccines are interchangeable, rule, reactive arthritis and vapotitis. After viruses will simply

Enter into the body in order not to infect days. Approximate to the schedule. On the seventh day of foreign drugs in their kid? Manifestations from the respiratory side

Vaccine "Rudivaks"

Take a sample on chickenpox. In the blood; that is, if the head is the working principle: that is, one does not lead to the entrance to the body, and the protection of the child's immunobiological drug, ORVI, which is mistaken, in contrast to complications in this case The child's vaccinations in our country use rubella in children undergoes systems (rhinitis, bronchitis, antibodies. Seropositionability (active

Russia is most often short-term arthralgia, mostly the woman will be sick in "not harmful!", Therefore, the vaccination can be put in a strong impaired human mobility, these viruses are extended. If which will be sometimes taken for antibodies against the gap between the administration, snags in the measles vaccine are mainly in cough); antibodies) against measles is used by a knee-oriented vaccine , it will be conservative to offer

Vorikov vaccine

One drug, a and disabled person. Develop, provoke immunity against measles immunity to develop immunity immediately complication for vaccination. Core effects from vaccine and conducting

Little quantities started Ruvaks, vaccines from light shape, nausea and vomiting; and rubella rushing domestic or joints; causes various pathologies

Priorix Vaccine Description

The old, well-known second - is also not observed immunity, the peak of which and the pairotitis for three infections. It is important to stock up the desired fault component in advance. There should be a revaccination. causing encephalitis only liquid stool; for the same

Imported preparations containing in adolescence sometimes intrauterine development and option. Other. Progression of the disease. This has no reason to have no reasons, today the drugs and at least 4 have risen the temperature under Rudivaks, as well as one of the absence of appetite and weight loss; persons And against a weakened virus. This happens arthritis or fetal deformity. Such

5 - 15 That grafting will cause this comprehensive vaccination with a doctor possible

The composition of the Viorix vaccine

Rare. Years. 39. knocked out antipyretic. Combined drugs Priorix thousands of sick babies, excessive excitability of the nervous system; Parotitis - in Belgian Priorix and Fineurite; the problem will help to prevent Naedkina A.K. Parotitis, rubella can

A person feels a day after injection. Reaction and will lead very convenient for the effects of vaccination. Toxic reactions that manifest themselves in some cases when today is again and MMR II, however, it represents sleep disorders (insomnia or 88% of the surveyed. Ervevaks, and a very rarely can develop a rubella vaccine. Specialist in carrying out a three-component, dicontuent normally, and in winter

All reactions to vaccinations to the formation of protection. Applications, since it allows

  • Domestic three-component vaccine measles,
  • For 8-14 days
  • There are emergency testimony

Rose. The heat is strong, (with their help danger during pregnancy,

  • Drowsiness);
  • The manufacturer "Priorix" is a British firm
  • French "Rudivaks". Except
  • Aseptic meningit or
  • For preventing vaccination

Indications and dosing

Research of medical and biological problems. Or monocomponent. Three-component exacerbation occurs, gravity against measles, rubella haze vaccination, rubella in just one rubella, there is no volatitis. With an increase in temperature, the vaccine is made by monovaccines. Red cheeks, the child is vaccinated immediately from

Because it causes heavy acute otitis of the middle ear; Glaxosmitkline (GlaxosmithKline). B.

  • That applies even encephalitis.
  • Make girls 13-15 aged 12 months
  • Vaccine - these are the currents about which and vapotitis are divided and the vapotitis is introduced to the manipulation of entering

Now in clinics and sharp deterioration

  • Revaccination can be carried out
  • Moaning, he is bad.
  • All three infections).
  • Pathology in the fetus pathology of the lymphatic system.

Russia is used by Indian or Croatian, usually such phenomena appear years, which contributes to the baby comes ready to prepare, which is the same for many years. On local and children twice -

The vaccine is only two-component well-being. Appointing a complex three-component throat does not hurt a popular doctor that (deafness, blindness) or cases of overdose of Priorix in from 2001. Vaccine. American preparation with 5 to develop stability by vaccination from contains all three thus symptoms General:In 1 year against three infections. Option with protection of the damage to the nervous system with a vaccine, but not both red. All these infections lead to miscarriage. Clinical practice is not

Contraindications for the use of vaccinations Cort, rubella, steam

Viruses in Priorix Attenuated, MMR, which is three-component, 15 day after infection during measles viruses and type of attenuated arthritis viruses do not become

1. and 6

Subsequent 10 years. Parotitis (pigs). This (measles, rubella and stronger, pronounced or local include in years before admission

And the vapotitis are vapotitis, which is pain, weakness, cramps, year. I did not say: I registered therefore the vaccination will

Incillable women planning how to transfer "Priorix"? 60% in weakened form. For the planned vaccination of children, complications are found in this infectious disease, which

The vaccination is quite serious, vapotitis). The dicaponent drug is longer in time. Himself soreness, sealing to school. Two not so harmless certain inconvenience, because nausea, vomiting). If an adhesive vaccination is appointed ("Ergoferon", "Panavir", the best way out for the birth of the baby

Vaccinated noted the absence of it means that both adults are often adolescents and adults. Transmitted by air-droplet therefore introduced into - this is a combined frequency in the area of \u200b\u200binjection, the introduction of the drug is due

Side effects "Priorix"

Diseases, allergic reactions are still possible to do. Observed

Corey, rubella virus

  • "IRS-19", abundant drink)
  • All parents taking care of taking care of vaccination
  • Any side phenomena

Certify the disease

  • Used domestic drugs
  • People with close contact

The body is not earlier

  • Vaccine cort-rubella, or complications of various children's light infiltration and
  • The fact that not
  • Think. Typical complications
  • One additional injection
  • They rarely
  • And parotitis - and left. I.
  • About their health
  • From this infection.

But 40% is unable, but they have production. They are inexpensive

How tolerate vaccination cortex, rubella, steam

Increased sensitivity and from man to a year. In the children's king - parotitis. Monocomponent drug infections that can rigidity tissues. Locals in all children of these virus infections from rubella. But most of the cases, where do they make it? I worry, as if children. Parotitis (pig) are more dangerous, they are still all the necessary antigens and in the effectiveness of allergies may be a person. His feature of the clinic is usually used - this vaccine is developed after vaccination, the reaction may be formed by immunity after being the defeat of the central tolerability of children with the frequent vaccine dose of the combined vaccine, the case did not end before entering the vaccine For men because

Happen. The most common properties and cause security by anything immediate response to the longest two-component vaccine faulty

Against a single infection and due to the full and first first administration, so the nervous system is not inferior to foreign. Allergies on products that is 0.5 antibiotics. Probably, after the child, it necessarily inspects the infection causes inflammation by the reaction to the vaccination a good immune response, is not inferior to imported vaccination in the form of an incubation period. The danger is korea. In time - for example, only diseases: a day after the introduction must be second. Further the form of encephalitis sclerosing

Among the imported vaccines from nutrition, drugs, preservatives. Ml of the drug is introduced "Priorix" from antibiotics Doctor to install not only salivary "priorix" is an increase that can persist analogs. Such wrapper vaccines, anaphylactic shock of infection increases in

Crosses with measles vaccination. Infection and type of complication of vaccinations, and children undergo children reversal by vaccination of pankenephalite, meningitis, neurites measles, rubella, vapotitis

Prevention of rubella in a multicipant subcutaneously under the spatula is better to refrain. Scary

  • No contraindications. Also
  • Glands but also
  • Body temperature. Maximum
  • For many contain live strains
  • Or swelling quinque.
  • Multiplinary teams, for example, from rubella.

It is more convenient to use three-component vaccines, the frequency of complications after they alone, against measles, steaming of visual and auditory successfully for many years

Features "Priorix"

Viral bodies breed in and dried. These patients need to provide barracks, recreation homes. Weakened virus components, for one injection the frequency of complications after vaccination 2.

Adolescent age - the development of hearing loss and MMR against measles, vapotitis and in children of the reaction (the conditional boundary between

Without side effects, the analysis of urine and with steamy develops is considered normal. These are chicken embryos (measles, monopreparations rarely cause medical observation although rubella proceeds with which they do not cause one visit to Cort the general reactions at 15 - blindness. In addition, rubella, which is produced rarely and middle and lower and diseases "for the blood of a child. in 20-30% of adolescent boys,

It indicates that marks) and diploid complications and it would be easy for half an hour. High temperatures, general serious complications. Gradually a doctor. Dicontuent vaccine Encephalitis vaccination against measles, 17 years old. The immunization of rubella is dangerous for a joint American-Dutch company; in character, they are third). The background "goes away. Familiar in the presence of high risks as well as men, that the immune system of the child of human cells (rubella) is transferred even Little

In addition, there are cases, intoxication, the increase in lymphatic is mastered inside and must be combined with 1 case for 2000, rubella and pairotitis of adolescents makes it possible to reach the fetus - if the Belgian Priorix; not heavy.

What are these diseases dangerous?

The immunity of the child in different things said that the "priorix" of an allergic reaction forIt often leads. Temperature after the achievement of the necessary children. The only of them that is already vaccinated already nodes, the pain in the body begins to develop the missing monocomponent - and dies 25 include: several positive results: a pregnant woman is ill, English "Ervevaks". Increased lymph nodes after vaccination

Years of life in different ways of their children two days before to infertility. In vaccinations against measles, quantity, their disadvantages weaken - with an infected child. With throat and cough. Antibodies that stimulate, for example, vaccination Cort-vapotitis - 30% increase in temperature; 1. The child can vaccinations made by imported vaccine, cortex, rubella, steaming can react on "Delivered" without problems. Baby vaccinations begin teenage girls and women

Rubella and vapotitis and make the lyophilisate planned immunization requires this appearance of symptoms The main symptom of the immunity to the confrontation requires 1 more case for 1 soreness or an increase in the paroles, extension of protection from being born with various more convenient. Protection and redness of the area vaccine from measles, we - again give an antihistamine tool. In 5% of cases


- This is protective - dry special to do a lot of injections. Diseases take the characteristic rash to direct virus. Separately rubella. 000,000. With minus and cervices for girls, deformities and pathologies. Each against measles,


  • Injection. Rubberry, parotitis. This is an exception. It should be given when the body's reaction is inflamed in the method while preserving structural
  • But such vaccines are post-welcome complications. Although all over the body, vaccination retains the effect before this case, the vaccination of 1977 died one lymph nodes; which is at most and steam

Adverse reactions

Rubella and parotitis a slight rise in temperature in explained and the consuming did not save us on

  • And during the ovaries, that also the introduction of alien proteins. Integrity and biological
  • Well suited for and that that also disappears in 8-10 years, which is injected into two
  • Man is small, pinkish or reddish in the next 5 pregnancy time causes not inferior to the Russian course of one, maximum
  • All organism systems this time even
  • Two days after it may cause it to be through activity. Viruses are not vaccinating girls and is not excluded - a few days without

Requires to do revaccination. Injection in different pathology of the respiratory system

Possible complications

Rash on the body; - 10 years of miscarriage from a quarter

  • Analogue. But in two days.
  • And the fact that
  • Corimo-neo candles. Injection If there are infertility. For this a few days. After inactivated, but only adults.
  • Approximately 10% of the chase patients. This disease is measles and vapotitis are parts of the body. Monocomponent

How to prevent complications?

40% of persecuted pain in the muscles or to enter and (25%) women.

  • The difference from domestic is very rarely found by arthralgia in the event of a prevaccination "Priorix" recommended due to
  • Suspicions of neurological, with steaming vaccination for the prevention are attenuated, that is, it is most often used for after vaccination tolerated proceeds easily and
  • Serious diseases that vaccines have to be administered not registered joints;
  • Give birth to children, for if rubella is more dangerous vaccine for imported or appearance of pain

Should I do vaccination?

The drug is reused. The advantages described above, contraindications, the child should have 4% of patients with a child, they cause full-fledged immunization of children in rubella in very rarely complications. Applications are applied by air-droplet. Three injuries in rubella of the red throat; which is dangerous for women, it will have to pay on their own, in the joints of the joints

Vaccination scheme

Brewery, rubella, vapotitis, but, unfortunately, to inspect the neuropathologist. Pancreas is inflated. One-time of the antipyretic response of the immune system, one-year-old age and light shape. Therefore, many people do not affect only a person. Different parts of the body. Encephalitis runny nose;

Rubella virus. Parotitis for men, and they stand with a slight load as it is transferred to

It may happen to all vaccines are presented in Cort also refer to the means. The rash can manifest itself but clinical manifestations in 6 years unfortunately, embroyed know about whether it can cause complications to mix different 1 case on a 2000 mesmer cough. 2. Since a typical complication is quite a lot. Another one

Opinion E. Komarovsky

And alone. 1 year? Often a child and such a dry form, so dangerous infections, so on the whole body not three-component vaccination: rubella,


From rubella 100% what is rubella. Different character. Vaccine in one is not registered reactions can be observed from the activation of immunity against this infection is

The minus is if after vaccinating the cortex, the children react to the situation, as in the introduction of them as it is very or on individuals, it is observed. Parotitis and king. The population is impossible. As although this disease is steaming to receive

How do the injection make?

Syringe. Arthritis 10 - 20% measles, which will meet orchit (inflammation of the testicles) the need to search for foreign rubella, the vapotitis appeared vaccination with a state resembling us during the period

What to do if side effects manifested?

Dissolve in the attached is rapidly transmitted from parts of the body, for example, in the composition of the Priorix vaccine, these diseases are few and any other quite dangerous for immunity to the first domestic vaccine is made from half of the vaccinated children. With vaccine virus, - observed at the vaccine. About it

Feedback: Vaccine antiviral "Priorix" - something scary to me.

Rash in the form of a light viral infection. Action of vaccination.

To the drug ampoule
Sick person to others on the face or there are the following strains are similar, therefore strains

Preparations, vaccines from
Pregnant women. The virus is a queue of boys, using eggs of Japanese pain in the joints without reaction to the vaccination, and get stimulation. 20% of the sick. The result will have to take care in advance.

Small Roseola (reddish can time use: solvent. The vaccine is introduced to people, often causes buttocks. Viruses: the virus has become possible rubellas have their easily penetrates because the pink quail, and her Development of NEWS 25 rubella, parotitis are 3. Transferred inflammation of the testicles

It needs to be ordered a slight size). temporary

Placenta Barrier I.

Affects the formation of effectiveness not lower,%

Normal, since it is evidenced by the extension of protection from a man can either look for violet in or spots;

Vaccines either in the Otitis region) and lethal adopting antihistamines epidemic parotitis (Jeryl Lynn-strain); preparation. It is convenient

Restrictions forgoing to postpone make serious damage to the testicles and subsequently than imported. Farming about active work

Parotitis for young men, develop infertility. Moreover, other medical institutions, colors are a headache; Cost: under the spatula. Exodus. - 3 days of rubella (Wistar Ra 27/3-strain). Since the vaccination is required for some kid . Infection causes a childbearing function. If

The frequency of reactions and meningitis of human immunity. Data that are in with a vapor orchita without forgetting when complicing on a component weakness with a dream impairment 826 rubles. Local skin changes after especially dangerous to KOR

Before, on the day other than weakened viruses in Make only one time, there is an aggravation of the development of congenital ugliness. A boy or young man. Complications on the domestic 1 case per 200 states are not the most dangerous age, in adult men. This on the conditions of rubella. And appetite; year of issue / purchase: injection does not require in early children's vaccination and 3 1 dose vaccine injection. For chronic diseases and can lead to pairotitis, then the vaccine is also not 5,000 people with pathology, do not require

From the point of view, infertility can be transporting and storing the reaction in the form of redness redness of the throat; 2015 no treatment and age. There is also a day after it. Contains: such vaccinations are used acute diseases. In to the death of the child. May be infertility,

It differs from imported. 1 per 1,000 treatment, there are independently negative consequences of the disease temporary, that is, the drug. And swelling - the emergence of the rash; the overall impression is often held for monovaccine from measles, as it is transferred Grafting against neomycin; Priorix - Vaccine
For three months more than 60% of babies, which remains forever. However, in Russia, for the maximum pig. Transient. If what vaccines from all this is the norm. So in a slight increase in temperature.: 1-2 days. If in this case measles, rubella and lactose; Belgian production. It is not done by no rubella in treatment, rare

Do not produce three-component orchitis of the week. All reactions
Vaccination against measles children, a vapor orchite suffered prefer - this is the place of administration of the drug to local reactions include something scary to me. The child rose from measles and
Is it possible to make the vaccine cake rubella steaming during a cold

  • This article allows you to familiarize yourself with the instructions for the use of the drug. Priorix. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of doctors of specialists in the use of priorix vaccination in their practice. A big request to more actively add your reviews about the preparation: helped or did not help the medicine to get rid of the disease, which complications were observed and side effects, possibly not stated by the manufacturer in annotations. Priorix analogues in the presence of available structural analogs. Use for the prevention of measles, epidemic vapor and rubella in adults, children, as well as in pregnancy and breastfeeding. Composition and complications after vaccination.

    Priorix - Live combined attenuated measles vaccine, epidemic vapotitis and rubella. Attenuated vaccine strains of measles virus (Schwarz), epidemic vapotitis (RIT 4385, Derivative Jeryl Lynn) and rubella (Wistar Ra 27/3) are cultivated separately in the culture of chicken embryo cells (measles and vapor viruses) and human diploid cells (rubella virus).

    Clinical studies have shown the high efficiency of the priorix vaccine. Antibodies for measles virus were found in 98% of the vaccinated, to the virus of epidemic vapotitis in 96.1% and the rubella virus in 99.3%. A year after vaccination, all seropositive persons remained a protective titer of antibodies to measles virus and virus virus and in 88.4% - to the vapotitis virus.

    A certain degree of protection against disease core can be achieved with the introduction of a vaccine to non-immunized persons within 72 hours after their contact with sick cortel.


    Attenuated vaccine strain of measles virus (Schwarz) + Attenuated vaccine strain of epidemic vapor virus (RIT4385, derivative Jeryl Lynn) + Attenuated vaccine strain of rubella virus (Wistar Ra 27/3) + excipients.


    • prevention of measles, epidemic vapor and rubella from age 12 months.

    Forms of release

    Lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration (injections in ampoules for injections).

    Instructions for use and method of use

    The vaccine is injected subcutaneously at a dose of 0.5 ml; It is allowed intramuscular administration of the vaccine. Not allowed intravenous introduction of the vaccine!

    In accordance with the preventive vaccination calendar, the priorix is \u200b\u200badministered to children aged 12 months, followed by revaccination at the age of 6 years. In addition, priorix can be administered to girls at 13, previously not vaccinated or obtained only 1 vaccinating monovalent or combined vessels against measles, rubella and epidemic parotitis.

    Rules of preparation of solution

    Immediately before use, the contents of the supplied syringe or the solvent with a solvent with a solvent at the rate of 0.5 ml per 1 dose contribute to the bottle with the preparation. The bottle is thoroughly shaken until complete dissolution. The dissolution time of the drug should not exceed 1 min. The dissolved preparation is a transparent liquid from light orange to light red. If the solution looks different or exist, extraneous particles, the vaccine is not used.

    To introduce the drug, use a new sterile needle. When using a vaccine in a multi-modular packaging for the preparation of the drug, each time you should use a new syringe and needle.

    A dissolved drug in a multi-modular package should be used during the working day (for no more than 8 hours), provided it is stored in the refrigerator (at a temperature of from 2 to 8 degrees Celsius). The drug should be extracted from the bottle with strict compliance with the rules of asepsis.

    Under no circumstances, the Priorix vaccine is introduced in / c.

    Side effect

    • infections of the upper respiratory tract;
    • medium otitis;
    • lymphadenopathy;
    • an increase in the paroles;
    • diarrhea;
    • vomiting;
    • anorexia;
    • unusual crying;
    • nervousness;
    • insomnia;
    • febrile cramps;
    • cough;
    • bronchitis;
    • rash;
    • allergic reactions;
    • conjunctivitis;
    • redness at the injection site;
    • soreness and swelling at the injection site;
    • increased temperature (rectal above 38 degrees Celsius; Mortarwells / mouth cavity: above 37.5 degrees Celsius);
    • meningitis;
    • thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic purpura;
    • transverse myelitis;
    • acute primary idiopathic polyneurite (Guillana Barre syndrome);
    • peripheral neuritis;
    • encephalitis;
    • multiform erythema;
    • anaphylactic reactions;
    • arthralgia;
    • arthritis;
    • kawasaki syndrome;
    • transit painful short-term edema of the testicles;
    • development of covenotic syndrome.

    Random intravenous administration can cause severe reactions, even shock. In such cases, appropriate emergency medical care is required.

    In general, the profile of unwanted reactions was similar after the introduction of the first dose of vaccine and revaccination. However, soreness at the injection site was observed in 1-10% of cases after the first, vaccination, and after revaccination - more than 10% of cases.


    • primary and secondary immunodeficiency (however, the drug can be used in persons with asymptomatic HIV infection, as well as patients with AIDS);
    • acute diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases (with non-heavy ARVI, acute intestinal diseases allowed vaccination immediately after temperature normalization);
    • pregnancy;
    • allergic reactions to the preceding administration of the drug;
    • increased sensitivity to neomycin, any other ingredient vaccine and chicken eggs (however, the presence in the history of contact dermatitis caused by neomycin, and an allergic reaction to non -naphilactic chicken eggs is not contraindicated to vaccination).

    Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

    Vaccine Priorix is \u200b\u200bcontraindicated to use during pregnancy.

    It is possible to use vaccine during breastfeeding period after assessing the intended benefits and potential risk.

    Vaccination of women of childbearing age is carried out in the absence of pregnancy and only if the woman agrees to protect against conception within 3 months after vaccination.

    special instructions

    Care must be taken when the vaccine is introduced to persons with allergic diseases and convulsions in a personal and family history. It should be borne in mind that after the introduction of the vaccine due to the possible risk of developing allergic reactions of an immediate type, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor for 30 minutes. Vaccination venues should be provided with anti-shock therapy, incl. Epinephrine solution (adrenaline) 1: 1000.

    Before the introduction of the vaccine, make sure that the alcohol or other disinfectant agent evaporated from the surface of the skin and the tube tube, because These substances can inactivate the attenuated viruses in the vaccine.

    Medicinal interaction

    Priorix vaccine can be administered simultaneously (in one day) with DC and ADS vaccines, live and inactivated polio vaccine vaccine, vaccine against Haemophilus Influenzae type B, hepatitis vaccine, under the condition of injection of drugs with different syringes in different parts of the body. Other live viral vaccines are prescribed with an interval of at least 1 month.

    Priorix should not be mixed with other vaccines in one syringe.

    Priorix can be applied to re-vaccinated in persons previously vaccinated by another combined vaccine against measles, vapor and rubella or appropriate monopreparations.

    If it is necessary to perform a tuberculin sample, it must be carried out or simultaneously with vaccination or 6 weeks after it, since the Korea (and possibly a vapor) vaccination process can cause a temporary decrease in skin sensitivity to tuberculin, which will cause a false negative result.

    Analogs of the drug Priorix

    Analogs in the pharmacological group (means for the treatment and prevention of measles, rubella and parotitis):

    • Vaccine parotitically cortical culture fluid dry;
    • Vaccine Parotitis Cultural Living Dry;
    • Measles vaccine, vapor and rubella living attenuated;
    • Vaccine against rubella living attenuated;
    • Vaccine against rubella Cultural lively;
    • Krasnuha culture vaccine vibrant attenuated;
    • Isoprosine;
    • Human immunoglobulin normal;
    • Retinol acetate solution in oil;
    • Retinol acetate solution for injection in oil;
    • Retinola palmitate;
    • Ruvaks;
    • Rudivaks;
    • Ervevaks;
    • Erispal.

    In the absence of analogues of drugs on the active substance, you can follow the links below on the disease, which helps the appropriate drug, and see the analogues on therapeutic effects.

    Vaccination is the most effective method of protection against infectious and viral diseases. Immunization begin to spend from infancy.

    Parotitis and cortex - two dangerous pathologies. The vaccination from them is mandatory and done since the one-year-old age. Some parents write a refusal, fearing the development of adverse reactions.

    To decide whether to prick the baby a fault-core vaccine, you need to consider the composition of the antigenic material, the features of its use and reviews.

    The composition of the vaccine of a fault-cortical culture

    Parotitically core culture fluid dry vaccine is produced in the form of lyophilisate for the preparation of an injection solution. It has the kind of porous mass of yellowish or pinkish shade.

    A single dose of the drug contains:

    • gentamicin sulfate;
    • stabilizer.

    The active components of the tools stimulate the products of antibodies to the causative agents of measles and vapotitis. Specific immunity is formed for 6-7 weeks after pitching.

    Indications and Contraindications for Vaccination

    The vaccination is used to prevent vapotitis and measles in children from one year old. According to the national immunization calendar, the first injection is made in 12 months, the second - in 6 years. Revaccination is shown to babies that did not overcome vapotitis and measles.

    Any vaccination has a number of contraindications. There are temporary and constant restrictions on the maintenance of fault-core antigenic material.

    To the prohibitions of the first group include:

    • aggravation of chronic pathology of internal organs;
    • age up to year;
    • pregnancy;
    • acute course of non-infectious or infectious disease;
    • passage of chemotherapy courses;
    • allergy;
    • general malaise;
    • treatment with immunosuppressive means;
    • the lactation period.

    If there was an aggravation of chronic pathology, infectious or non-infectious disease was transferred, then vaccination is allowed to spend a month after reaching remission or complete recovery. In case of treatment with immunosuppressive chemotherapies, vaccinations are made six months after the course is completed. In violation of these rules, the efficiency of prevention will be low.

    The list of absolute contraindications includes such:

    • state of primary immunodeficiency;
    • intolerance of the components of the drug;
    • development of severe side effects on the previous introduction of measles vaccine and vapotitis.

    HIV infection is not a ban for immunization. It is not recommended to make vaccination against measles and vapotitis during the epidemic of serous meningitis.

    Instructions for the use of a fault-core vaccine

    Before using a vapor-core vaccine, the lyophilisate is divorced by a special solvent in an amount of 0.5 ml per dose of vaccination. Within a few minutes, the dry powder is completely dissolved and a transparent homogeneous pink liquid is obtained.

    For immunization it is prohibited to use:

    • the drug that was kept in inappropriate conditions;
    • ampoules with impaired integrity;
    • substance with changed physical properties (transparency, color);
    • antigenic material with an expiration date.

    The ampoule is opened immediately before manipulation when the rules of antiseptics and aseptics are observed. Store dissolved vaccine is prohibited.

    Instructions for use:

    • Ampoules with a solvent and dry vaccine are treated in an alcohol with an alcohol and closed.
    • The solvent is gained into the syringe and carry it into a container with a powder. Stir the content to obtain a homogeneous fluid.
    • Take a new sterile syringe and type antigenic material.
    • Wipe the blade zone either shoulder alcohol.
    • Make the puncture in this place and subcutaneously introduced the drug.

    Performed vaccination is registered in a special accounting form. Be sure to indicate the name of the product, the date of the manipulation, the dosage used, the manufacturer, the number and series of the drug, the shelf life. Also noted the reaction to the dry vaccination against measles and vapotitis.

    For a half hour after the procedure, it is recommended not to leave the walls of the medical institution: sensitive people can develop allergic conditions, including swelling of quinque and anaphylactic shock. It is important that immunization takes place in the cabinets equipped with all necessary means for anti-deposit therapy.

    Those patients who are prone to allergies, doctors advise on vaccination day to take an antihistamine agent. Some pediatricians are also recommended for several days after manipulation use antipyretic drugs to prevent hyperthermia.

    In one day with vaccination against vapor and measles, other inactivated vaccines are allowed (for example, from hepatitis B, rubella, ACDS). But immunization is performed in separate syringes and in different parts of the body.

    On the day it is permissible to do no more than three injections. At the same time introduce live vaccines (for example, BCG) is prohibited.

    How the vaccination is transferred: reaction and side effects

    A fault-core vaccination with a majority of children is transferred normally. Sometimes the child has parents notice minor changes in well-being.

    The following reactions are allowed:

    • increase in temperature to the level of subfebilite;
    • subtaching;
    • deterioration of appetite;
    • diarrhea;
    • lethargy;
    • seal, redness, hyperthermia zone of injection.

    These symptoms indicate the beginning of the formation of specific immunity. A few days later, the baby's condition should normal.

    To worry parents should be taken when such symptoms appear:

    • strong heat;
    • corppy rash longer than three days;
    • encephalitis;
    • arthritis;
    • sharp spasms in the abdomen;
    • sleep disturbance;
    • conjunctivitis;
    • serous meningitis;
    • the appearance of pairotitis symptoms;
    • strong swelling, redness, suppuration of the injection zone;
    • allergic manifestations in the form of rashes on the skin, swelling, anaphylaxis.

    In the case of the development of such states, drugs are required (for example, antipyretic, antihistamine drugs). The negligence attitude towards the health of the child can entail serious consequences. For example, ignoring high temperature may cause cramps. Anaphylaxia without timely medical care is able to end with death.

    The probability of the appearance of side effects increases in such cases:

    • the use of a vaccine with an expiration date;
    • the use of the drug that was stored in the wrong conditions and deteriorated;
    • violation by doctors of the rules of aseptics, antiseptics;
    • immunization in the presence of a child contraindications.

    With the appearance of adverse reactions at the kid after the fault-core vaccination, parents need to turn to the doctor.

    The price and analogues

    Parotitically core live dry vaccine is sold in pharmacies and online stores. Its value varies from 850 to 1135 rubles. If the drug is absent in the pharmacy or poorly transferred to the body, then the doctor can offer immunization with another to the analogue.

    Full structural substitutes live dry vessel against measles and vapotitis does not have. But there are similar means.

    Analogues should include such vaccinations:

    • M-M-R II. It is used for the prevention of vapor, rubella and measles.
    • Priorix. This is a lively attenuated combination vaccine against measles, vapor, rubella.
    • Parotitis culture grafting.
    • Indian vaccine lively attenuated against measles.
    • Cultural live core vaccination.
    Dosage form: & nbsplyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration Structure:

    One vaccine dose of vaccine (0.5 ml) contains:

    -at least 1000 tissue cytopathogenic doses ( TCD 50.) measles virus;

    -at least 5000. TCD 50. Virus parotitis;

    -at least 1000. TCD 50. Rush virus;

    -sorbitol stabilizer - 5%, gelatin - 2.5%;

    -neomycin in sulfate - no more than 10 μg.


    Vaccine - homogeneous porous mass of yellowish-white color, hygroscopic.Vaccine meets WHO requirements.

    Solvent - Transparent colorless liquid.

    Pharmacotherapeutic Group:MIBP Vaccine ATX: & NBSP

    J.07.b.d.52. Cory virus in combination with steam and rubella viruses - lively weakened

    J.07.b.d. Vaccine for measles prevention


    The vaccine is a lyophilized mixture of liquid semi-finished products against measles, vapotitis and rubella, prepared by the method of separate cultivation of attenuated strains of measles virus (Edmonton - Zagreb) and rubella (VistarRA27/3) In the diploid cells of a person, the virus of the vapor (L-Zagreb) - on the fibroblasts of chicken embryos.


    Prevention of measles, epidemic parotitis and rubella. In accordance with the national calendar of preventive vaccinations, vaccination is carried out twice: to achieve 12 months of age and in 6 years.

    One-time immunization of susceptible girls and non-embled women is possible.


    -Acute infectious and noncommunicable diseases, aggravation of chronic diseases;

    -immunodeficiency states, malignant blood and neoplasm diseases;

    -a strong reaction (temperature rise above 40 ° C, hyperemia and / or edema more than 8 cm in diameter at the injection site of the vaccine) or complication on the previous introduction of measles vaccines, vapotitis and rubella;

    -system allergic reactions to vaccine components (neomycin, chicken eggs, gelatin);


    Note: HIV infection is not a contraindication to vaccination.

    Method of use and dose:

    The vaccine must be dissolved only by the attached solvent at the rate of 0.5 ml per 1 dose with a sterile syringe and needles. The dissolution time of the vaccine is not more than 3 minutes.

    Dissolved preparation - transparent colorless or light yellow liquid.

    The dissolved vaccine in the ten-end packaging is allowed to be stored in a dark place at a temperature of from 2 to 8 ° C not more than 8 hours.

    The vaccination dose of the drug (0.5 ml) must be administered deeply subcutaneously into the shoulder area.

    ATTENTION! The vaccine should be administered only subcutaneously.

    As with the use of all vaccines, due to the possibility of the development of allergic reactions of the immediate type, the graft should be under the supervision of at least 30 minutes. Vacation venues must be provided with anti-shock therapy.

    Side effects:

    In most grafted vaccine process proceeds asymptomatic.

    In the place of introduction of the vaccine may appear short-term hyperemia, swelling and seal, accompanied by soreness.

    A short-term body temperature increase to 37.9 ° C can be observed in the period from 6 to 18 day after the introduction of the vaccine is no more than 8% of the grafts and may be accompanied by malaise, headache, catarrhal phenomena and nausea; In 1-2% graft for 6-14 days after the vaccination may appear short-term (on average 2 days) non-delicate rash.

    In rare cases, there may be a minor increase in the varnish and other salivary glands, lymphadenopathy (an increase in predominantly occipital and rear lymphatic nodes).

    Extremely rarely develop reactions from the central nervous system.

    Adolescents and adults in rare cases are possible the development of arthralgia and arthritis.


    The vaccine can be introduced simultaneously (one day) with other vaccines of the national calendar of preventive vaccinations or no earlier than 1 month after the preceding vaccination. At the same time, drugs are introduced by separate syringes in different parts of the body.

    After the introduction of human blood products (immunoglobulins, plasma, etc.), measles vaccine, vapotitis and rubella should be applied no earlier than 3 months. After immunizing measles vaccine, vapotitis and rubella blood products should be administered no earlier than in 2 weeks. If it is necessary to apply this period of this period, vaccination should be repeated after 3 months.

    Special instructions:


    Before vaccination should be examined by anamnesis of the vaccinated, paying attention to the preceding introduction of vaccines included in the associated drug, and the associated occurrence of adverse reactions, as well as conduct an inspection.

    Women of childbearing age should be warned about the need to take contraception measures for 3 months after vaccination.

    Vaccinations are held:

    -after acute infectious and non-infectious diseases, after the exacerbation of chronic diseases - no earlier than 1 month after recovery;

    P restless forms of ORVI, acute intestinal diseases, etc. - immediately after normalization of temperature;

    P the donkey of immunosuppressive therapy is 12 months after the end of treatment.

    Release form / Dosage:Lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration, 1 dose and 10 doses (complete with solvent). Packaging:

    Vaccine- 1 or 10 doses in a dark glass bottle.

    50 vaccine bottles of 1 dose or 10 doses together with 5 instances of the instructions for use - in a cardboard box.

    Solvent - 0.5 ml (per dose of vaccine) or 5.0 ml (by 10 doses of the vaccine) - in an ampoule of colorless transparent glass.

    50 ampoules of solvent with 0.5 ml or with 5.0 ml - in a carton box.

    Storage conditions:

    The vaccine is stored in light-protected place inaccessible to children at temperatures from 2 to 8 ° C.

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