Cetirizin Sandoz: Instructions for use. Cetirizin Sandoz - Instructions for use, doses, side effects, contraindications, the price where to buy - Drug Hanochor Drug Effects Medicines

Dosage form

Drops for intakes in the form of a transparent, colorless solution without extraneous particles.


Cetirizina Dihydrochloride 10 mg

Auxiliary substances: glycerol 85% - 125 mg, propylene glycol - 125 mg, distilled water - 765.6 μg, sodium acetate trihydrate - 15 mg.


Histamine H1 receptor blocker. It has an antiallergic effect. Practically does not possess sedative effect when applied in recommended doses and practically does not have anticholinergic and antiserotonin action, warns development and facilitates the current allergic reactions. He has a contamination and anti-dispersonal effect.

Affects early Stadium allergic reactions, as well as reduces the migration of inflammation cells; Inhibits the release of mediators involved in the late allergic reaction. Reduces the permeability of capillaries, warns the development of tissue edema, removes the spasm of a smooth muscles. Eliminates the skin reaction to the introduction of histamine, specific allergens, as well as cooling (with a cold urticule). Cetirizine significantly reduces the hyperreactivity of the bronchial tree, arising in response to the release of histamine in patients with bronchial asthma.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is manifested on average 60 minutes after reception. Against the backdrop of the course reception, tolerance does not develop.



After taking inside the cetirizin quickly and quite fully absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Cmax is achieved in 40-60 minutes.

Meal does not have a significant effect on the absorption value, but in this case the suction rate is slightly reduced.


Bonding with plasma proteins is approximately 93%. VD is low and is 0.5 l / kg. Cetirizine does not penetrate the BC and inside the cells.


Cetirizine is substantially metabolized in the liver with the formation of an inactive metabolite. When applied at a dose of 10 mg / day for 10 days, the cumulation is not observed.


It is removed mainly by the kidneys (70%) mainly unchanged. Systemic clearance is about 54 ml / min. After one-time reception at a dose of 10 mg T1 / 2, it is about 10 hours.

Pharmacokinetics in special clinical cases

Children aged 2 to 12 years old T1 / 2 decreases to 5-6 hours.

With a pronounced violation of the kidney function (KK 11-31 ml / min) and in patients on hemodialysis (QC less than 7 ml / min), T1 / 2 increases 3 times, systemic clearance decreases by 70%.

Against the background of chronic diseases and in elderly people, there is an increase in T1 / 2 by 50% and a reduction in systemic clearance by 40%.

Side effects

From side digestive system: dry mouth, dyspepsia.

From the CNS: headache, drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, excitement, migraine.

For more information, see instructions

Features of sale

Released without recipe

Special conditions

Against the background of the use of the drug should not be used ethanol.

Impact on the ability to driving vehicles and control mechanisms

During the use of the drug, it is necessary to refrain from classes potentially hazardous species Activities requiring increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.


Year-round and seasonal allergic rhinitis (as symptomatic therapy);

Urticaria (including chronic idiopathic);

Dermatoz leaking with itching (including atopic dermatitis, neurodermit);

Allergic conjunctivitis.


Increased sensitivity relative to cetirizin or other components of the drug; Heavy kidney diseases.

Childhood up to 1 year.

Pregnancy, lactation period.

Carefully: chronic pyelonephritis medium and severe severity (dosing mode correction is required), elderly age (It is possible to reduce glomerular filtration).

Medicinal interaction

Not established clinically significant interactions of Cetirizin with others drugs.

The co-use with theophylline (400 mg / day) leads to a decrease in the general clearance of cetirizin (the kinetics of theophylline does not change).

For details, see Instructions

Prices for Cetirizin in other cities

Activity: Cetirizine;

1 tablet contains cetirizine dihydrochloride 10 mg

Auxiliary substances: lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, silicon colloidal dioxide, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide (E 171), hyprontellos, macrogol 4000.

Dosage form"Type \u003d" Checkbox "\u003e

Dosage form

Tablets covered with film shell.

White oblong tablets covered with film shell, with notch on one side.

Pharmacological group
"Type \u003d" Checkbox "\u003e

Pharmacological group

Antihistamines for systemic use.

Cetirizin - Anti-Histamic agent II generation, selective and powerful blocker N 1 prolonged receptors. Cetirizine does not produce a significant anticholinergic and antiserotonin effect. IN therapeutic doses It does not have sedative activity and does not cause drowsiness. Cetirizin affects the early histamine-dependent stage of allergic reactions and late cellular stageSuppresses the release of histamine, reduces the migration of inflammatory cells, such as eosinophils. Prevents the occurrence of bronchospasm induced by high concentrations of histamine.

Cetirizina Dihydrochloride is quickly absorbed from digestive tract. The maximum plasma concentration (0.3 μg / ml) is usually achieved 40-60 minutes after reception. Maximum therapeutic effect Developed after 4 - 8:00 and continues up to 24 hours. Approximately 93% of cetirizin binds to blood plasma proteins. The volume of the distribution of cetirizine is approximately 0.50 l / kg. The application at a dose of 10 mg does not lead to cumulation of cetirizin. Approximately 70% of the dose entered is highlighted by the kidneys mainly unchanged. For renal failure Elimination of the drug slows down.


Symptomatic treatment allergic diseases: chronic (year-round) allergic rhinitis seasonal allergic rhinitis allergic conjunctivitis Itching of various types and urticaria, including chronic idiopathic urticaria, swelling quinque.


Increased sensitivity to cetirizin or other components of the drug. Heavy forms of nephropathy; Violation of the kidney function (Creatinine clearance<10 мл / мин).

Proper security measures when applying

The drug contains lactose, so it should not be prescribed to patients with rare hereditary forms of galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose maleabsorption syndrome.

Reception of cetirizine should be discontinued at least 72 hours before skin samples, since it is possible to obtain erroneous results.

As with the reception of antihistamine drugs, alcohol use should be avoided.

Application during pregnancy or breastfeeding

Since Cetirizine penetrates breast milk, it is not appointed to women who feed the breast.

The ability to influence the reaction rate when managing motor vehicles or other mechanisms

Before finding out the individual reaction to Cetirizin during treatment, care must be taken when managing vehicles and classes by other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentrations of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.


Due to the lack of relevant data, appoint Cetirizin babies and children under 2 years old is not recommended; Aged 2 to 6 years, the drug is recommended to be used in another dosage form (solution).

Method of application and dose

It is used inside, regardless of meals, preferably in the evening.

Children over 12 years old and adults take 10 mg (1 tablet) per day.

For children from 2 to 12 years, the dose depends on body weight:

  • when body weight is less than 30 kg - 5 mg (½ tablets) (aged 2 to 6 years old, the drug is recommended to be used in another dosage form)
  • with the mass of the body more than 30 kg - 10 mg (1 tablet), in individual cases it is possible to divide into 2 separate doses (by ½ tablets in the morning and in the evening).

Patients with hepatic insufficiency are not required dose correction. Elderly patients may exhibit greater sensitivity to the drug, which requires a dose correction.

Patient with impaired kidney function.

The dosing interval should be adjusted individually, depending on the status of the kidney function. Dose should be adjusted in accordance with the table.

* For children with a body weight less than 30 kg - ½ tablets (5 mg), according to

The duration of the drug is determined by the doctor. Typically, the course of treatment is 7 days. With seasonal allergic rhine, the course of treatment can last 3 - 6 weeks (in children - 2 - 4 weeks). In chronic idiopathic urticaria and chronic allergic ritin, the available data indicate the possibility of treatment for up to 1 year. In the case of supporting the treatment of asthmatic states of allergic origin, the treatment time can be 6 months.


With a significant overdose, drowsiness, tremor, tachycardia, urination delay, itching, skin rashes may occur.

In cases of overdose, standard measures should be applied to remove the drug and prevent its further absorption, in particular, washing the stomach. It should be observed for the further state of the patient. Specific antidote is unknown.

Cetirizin hydrochloride is not amenable to dialysis.

Side effects

From blood and lymphatic system: very rarely thrombocytopenia.

From the immune system: rarely increased sensitivity; Very rarely - anaphylactic shock.

Mental disorders: not common - arousal; Rarely - aggression, confusion, depression, hallucination, insomnia.

From the side of the nervous system: often - headache, drowsiness, insomnia are not common - paresthesia, dizziness is rare - convulsions, violation of coordination of movements; Very rare - fainting, change in taste, tremor.

Violation of vision: very rarely - violation of accommodation, fuzziness of vision, oculotor crises, especially in children.

Violations: rarely - tachycardia.

Disturbance GTS: often - dry mouth; Not common - pain in the abdomen, nausea, diarrhea, digestive disorder, gastritis.

Registration number: LS-001055-030815
Trade name of the drug Cetirizin Sandoz®.
International UnPatented Name: Cetirizin
Dosage form: Drops for reception inside


active substance: Cetirized dihydrochloride - 10 mg;
excipients: Glycerol 85% - 125 mg, propylene glycol - 125 mg, sodium acetate trihydrate - 15 mg, water - 765.6 μl.

Transparent, colorless solution without extraneous particles.

Pharmacotherapeutic Group: Antiallergic means - H1 histamine receptors blocker.

ATH code: R06AE07.

Pharmacological properties

Cetirizin - hydroxyzine metabolite, selective antagonist H1-histamine receptors, has practically no anticholinergic and antiserotonin action. It has a pronounced antiallergic effect: warns development and facilitates the course of allergic reactions. In therapeutic doses, there is practically no sedative effect. He has a contamination and counter-applied effect. It affects the "early" histamine-dependent stage of an allergic reaction, limits the release of inflammation mediators at the "late" stage of an allergic reaction, and also reduces the migration of eosinophils, neutrophils and basophils, stabilizes the puffed cell membranes. Reduces the permeability of capillaries, warns the development of tissue edema, removes the spasm of a smooth muscles. Eliminates the skin reaction to the introduction of histamine, specific allergens, as well as cooling (with a cold urticule). Reduces histamin-induced bronchokonstriction with a bronchial asthma of a light flow. The therapeutic effect of the drug is manifested on average 60 minutes after reception. After canceling therapy, the effect remains up to 3 days. Against the background of the course treatment, the tolerance towards the antihistamine action of cetirizine does not develop.
After taking orally, the cetirizine is quickly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, bioavailability when taking the tablet and the solution is the same. Meal does not affect the absorption value, but reduces the absorption rate. The maximum concentration in the blood plasma is achieved through 1 ± 0.5 h and is 300 ng / ml. Communication with blood plasma proteins - 93 ± 0.3%. Pharmacokinetic settings of cetirized varies linearly. Distribution volume - 0.5 l / kg. It is weakly metabolized in the liver by o-dexyholding to form a pharmacologically inactive metabolite. When receiving cetirizin in a daily dose of 10 mg for 10 days, the cumulation is not observed. Penetrates breast milk in small quantities. 2/3 of the adopted dose of cetirizin is excreted by the kidneys unchanged. Half-life (T1 / 2) is about 10 hours; In children aged 6-12 years - 6 hours, 2-6 years - 5 hours, from 6 months to 2 years - 3.1 hours. In elderly patients and patients with chronic liver diseases, T1 / 2 increases by 50%, systemic clearance - by 40%. In patients with renal insufficiency of medium severity and patients on hemodialysis (creatinine clearance (CCC) less than 7 ml / min), T1 / 2 increases 3 times, the clearance decreases by 70% relative to patients with normal kidney function, which requires correction Dosing. Cetirizine is practically not removed from the organism during hemodialysis.

Indications for use

Symptomatic therapy of year-round and seasonal allergic rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis; Urticaria (including chronic idiopathic), allergic dermatoses, accompanied by itching and rash (incl. Atopic dermatitis).


Increased sensitivity to cetirizine and / or other components of the drug, hydroxyzine or other piperazine derivative; renal failure in the terminal stage (creatinine clearance less than 10 ml / min); Age up to 1 year (the experience of applications in children under 1 is limited); pregnancy; Lactation period.

Carefully The drug should be applied to patients with moderate and severe impairment of the kidney function (creatinine clearance from 11 to 49 ml / min inclusive) - the correction of the dosing mode is required (see "Method of Application and Dose"); patients with epilepsy and risk of developing seizures; Patients with chronic liver diseases, as well as elderly patients (it is possible to reduce glomerular filtration).

Application during pregnancy and during lactation

The use of the drug pregnant women is contraindicated due to the lack of reliable clinical data confirming the safety of the use of cetirizin during pregnancy.
Cetirizine In small quantities, excreted with breast milk, so the drug is contraindicated to use during breastfeeding period.

Method of application and dose

Inside, regardless of meals, dissolving in water before taking.
Adults and adolescents over the age of 12: 10 mg (20 drops) 1 time per day.
Children aged 6-12 years: 5 mg (10 drops) 2 times a day or 10 mg (20 drops) 1 time per day.
Children aged 2-6 years: 5 mg (10 drops) 1 time per day or 2.5 mg (5 drops) 2 times a day.
Children aged 1-2 years: 2.5 mg (5 drops) 2 times a day.
Elderly patients With normal kidney function, the dose correction is not required.
Patients with renal failure Dose correction should be performed depending on the value of creatinine clearance (CC).
CC for men can be calculated based on the plasma concentration of creatinine by the formula:
KK (ml / min) \u003d x body weight (kg) / 72 x KPLSMEN (mg / dl)
CC for women can be calculated, multiplied by the value to the coefficient of 0.85.
Dose correction should be carried out taking into account the data of Table No. 1.

Table number 1.

Children with renal failure, the dose correction is carried out individually taking into account the QC, age and body weight.
Adult patients if there are simultaneously pack and liver failure The dose correction is carried out according to the table above.
Patients with violation only liver functions Correction dose is not required.

Side effect

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), undesirable effects are classified in accordance with their development frequency as follows: Very often (≥1 / 10), often (from ≥1 / 100 to
often: dry mouth, nausea;
infrequently: diarrhea;
seldom: abdominal pain.

seldom: hypersensitivity reactions;
rarely: anaphylactic shock.

often: Headache, increased fatigue, dizziness;
infrequently: paresthesia, assessment;
seldom: drowsiness, convulsions, aggression, depression, hallucinations, insomnia;
rarely: violation of taste, dyskinesia, dystonia, fainting, tremor, tick, confusion of consciousness, excitation;
frequency unknown: Violation of memory, including amnesia, suicidal thoughts.

rarely: violation of accommodation, uncertainness, nystagm (involuntary movements of the eyeballs);
frequency unknown: Vertigo (dizziness).


rarely: thrombocytopenia.

seldom: Changes in the functional samples of the liver (increasing the activity of "liver" transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, gamma-glovedransferase and bilirubin concentrations).

infrequently: Itching skin, rash;
seldom: hives;
rarely: An angioedema edema, resistant erythema.

rarely: Dizuriy, Enopere;
frequency unknown: Urine delay.

often: Rinith, pharyngitis.

seldom: Improving body weight.

infrequently: asthenia, malaise;
seldom: peripheral swelling;
frequency unknown: Raising appetite.
If any of the side effects specified in the instructions are exacerbated, or you notice any other side effects that are not listed in the instructions, report this to the doctor.


Symptoms: confusion of consciousness, diarrhea, dizziness, increased fatigue, headache, malaise, mydriasis, itching, anxiety, sedative effect, drowsiness, stupor, weakness, tachycardia, tremor, urine delay.
Treatment: If the drug in a dose exceeding the recommended, has been adopted recently, it should be considered about the washing of the stomach. No specific antidote. Recommended activated carbon, symptomatic and supporting therapy. Hemodialysis is ineffective.

Interaction with other drugs

Not established clinically significant interactions of Cetirizin with the following drugs: azithromycin, pseudoephedrine, ketoconazole, erythromycin, cimetidine, glipisid, diazepam.
With simultaneous use teofillin In a low dose (400 mg / day) and cetirizine, a slight decrease in the general clearance of the latter is noted. This interaction is not clinically significant, however, it can be more pronounced when applying higher doses of theophylline.
When applying cetirizin in therapeutic doses of clinically significant interaction with ethanol (At the concentration of ethanol in the blood of 0.5 g / l), it was not observed, however, it is necessary to refrain from its use during Cetirizin therapy to avoid the oppression of the central nervous system (CNS).
Myelostatic drugs Enhance the manifestations of the hematotoxicity of the drug.
In the study while receiving ritonavira (600 mg 2 times a day) and cetirized (10 mg per day) It was shown that the exposure of cetirizine increased by 40%, and the exposure of ritonavir changed slightly (decreased by 11%).
Before appointing allergological samples, a three-day "wash" period is recommended due to the fact that the Blocators of H1-histamine receptors inhibit the development of skin allergic reactions.

special instructions

Impact on the ability to manage vehicles and perform other activities requiring the concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions
When receiving cetirizin in the recommended dose (10 mg), it was not revealed by its negative impact on the ability to control vehicles and other mechanisms. Nevertheless, during the treatment period, the drug should be refracted from practicing potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentrations of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Special precautions in the destruction of an unused drug preparation Cetirizine Sandoz® is not required.

Active substance

Cetirizina Dihydrochloride (Cetirizine)

Release form, composition and packaging

Shell-covered tablets White or almost white, oblong, with a notch on one side.

Auxiliary substances: monohydrate lactose - 80 mg, microcrystalline cellulose - 23.8 mg, silicon colloidal dioxide - 600 μg, magnesium stearate - 600 μg.

The composition of the shell: The dying is the dedry white (monohydrate lactose - 1.8 mg, titanium dioxide - 1.3 mg, hypimosellos - 1.4 mg, macrogol 4000 - 500 μg) - 5 mg.

7 pcs. - Packaging cell contour (1) - packs cardboard.
7 pcs. - Packaging cell contour (2) - packs cardboard.
7 pcs. - Packaging cell contour (3) - packs cardboard.
7 pcs. - Packaging cell contour (5) - packs cardboard.

10 pieces. - Packaging cell contour (2) - packs cardboard.
10 pieces. - Packaging cell contour (3) - packs cardboard.
10 pieces. - Packaging cell contour (5) - packs cardboard.
10 pieces. - Packaging cell contour (1) - packs cardboard.

Drops for reception inside In the form of a transparent, colorless solution without extraneous particles.

Auxiliary substances: benzoic acid - 2 mg, glycerol 85% - 125 mg, propylene glycol - 125 mg, distilled water - 763.6 μg, sodium acetate trihydrate - 15 mg.

10 ml - Dark Glass Drops (1) - Cardboard Boxes.
20 ml - Dark Glass Drops (1) - Cardboard Boxes.

Syrup Transparent, colorless, without outsided particles, with a banana smell.

Auxiliary substances: sorbitol 70%, glycerol 85%, propylene glycol, sodium acetate, methyl aprichedroxybenzoate, propyl aprichedroxybenzoate, sodium saccharin, acetic acid 20%, Banana flavoring.

75 ml - dark glass vials (1) complete with a measuring spoon (5 ml) - cardboard packs.
150 ml - dark glass vials (1) complete with a measuring spoon (5 ml) - packs cardboard.

pharmachologic effect

Blocator histamine H 1 -receptors. It has an antiallergic effect. It practically does not have a sedative effect when applied in the recommended doses and practically does not have anticholinergic and antiserotonin action, prevents development and facilitates the course of allergic reactions. It has both an anti-discharge effect.

Affects the early stage of allergic reactions, and also reduces the migration of inflammation cells; Inhibits the release of mediators involved in the late allergic reaction. Reduces the permeability of capillaries, warns the development of tissue edema, removes the spasm of a smooth muscles. Eliminates the skin reaction to the introduction of histamine, specific, as well as for cooling (with a cold urticule). Cetirizine significantly reduces the hyperreactivity of the bronchial tree, arising in response to the release of histamine in patients with bronchial asthma.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is manifested on average 60 minutes after reception. Against the backdrop of the course reception, tolerance does not develop.



After taking inside the cetirizin quickly and quite fully absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. C MAX is achieved in 40-60 minutes.

Meal does not have a significant effect on the absorption value, but in this case the suction rate is slightly reduced.


Medicinal interaction

Not established clinically significant interaction of cetirizin with other drugs.

The co-consumption with theophylline (at a dose of 400 mg / day) leads to a decrease in the general clearance of cetirizin (the kinetics does not change).

special instructions

Against the background of the use of the drug should not be used ethanol.

When prescribing the drug with diabetes mellitus, it should be borne in mind that 1 tablet corresponds to less than 0.01 x, 10 ml of syrup (2 dimensional spoons) contain 3.15 g of sorbitol (800 mg of fructose), which corresponds to 0.026 x.

Impact on the ability to driving vehicles and control mechanisms

During the use of the drug, it is necessary to refrain from practicing potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated to use during pregnancy. If it is necessary to appoint the drug during the lactation period, it is necessary to resolve the issue of cessation of breastfeeding.


The drug in the form of droplets for intakes is intended for children over the age of 1 year.

The preparation in the form of a syrup is intended for children over the age of 2 years.

The preparation in the form of tablets is designed for children over the age of 6.

With violations of the kidney function

Contraindicated in severe kidney diseases.

Caution is prescribed the drug in chronic pyelonephritis of medium and severe severity (the correction of the dosing mode is required), elderly people (due to a possible decrease in glomerular filtration in this category of patients).

Instructions for use:

Cetirizine - anti-allergic drug. Blocator histamine H1 receptors.

Composition and form of release

The drug is produced in three dosage forms:

  • White, oblong shape of tablets containing 10 mg of cetirizine dihydrochloride each. Auxiliary components: lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, titanium dioxide, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. In packs of 7 or 10 tablets.
  • Colorless, transparent drops for intakes, containing 10 mg of cetirizine dihydrochloride in 1 ml. Auxiliary components: sodium acetate trihydrate, benzoic acid, propylene glycol, glycerol 85%, distilled water. In flocks-droppers of 10 or 20 ml.
  • Colorless, transparent syrup for taking inside, with a banana smell, containing 1 mg of cetirizine dihydrochloride in 1 ml. Additional components: Glieceol 85%, saccharium sodium, banana flavoring, sorbitol 70%, acetic acid, 20%, propyl aprichedroxibenzoate, sodium acetate, methylpaultydroxybenzoate, propylene glycol. In dark glass bottles of 75 or 150 ml, complete with a measurable spoon.

Cetirizin analogues are the following drugs: Alertzetin, Anâtelgin, Zoda, Zetrin, Zetetinax.

Pharmacological action of Cetirizina

According to the Zetirizin instruction, the histamine HT1 receptor blocker has a pronounced antiallergic effect on the body.

The use of cetirizine in recommended dosages is practically no sedative, as well as antiserotonin and anticholinergic. It facilitates the course of allergies and warns its development. According to Cetirizin reviews, it has anti-acudative and anti-face effects.

Affects allergic reactions at their early stage, reduces the migration of inflammation cells. In the late stage of allergies, the allocation of mediators is slowing. Reduces the permeability of capillaries, removes the swelling of the tissues and spasms of smooth muscles. Removes the skin reaction to the introduction of histamine, specific allergens and cooling (for example, with a cold urticule).

In patients with bronchial asthma, cetirizin according to reviews significantly reduces the hyperreactivity of the bronchial tree, resulting from the release of histamine.

According to the instructions, Cetirizin has a therapeutic effect about an hour after reception.

Indications for the use of cetirizin

According to the Cetirizin instructions, it is shown in the following cases:

  • urticaria, including chronic idiopathic;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis (as symptomatic treatment);
  • dermatoses leaking with itching, including neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis.

The use of cetirizine and dosing mode

1. Tablets

The drug or Cetirizin analogues in a tablet form take children over twelve years and adults one tablet per day, preferably before bedtime.

Children aged from six to twelve years, with a mass of body less than 30 kg accepted by half the chalk, with a mass of body more than 30 kg - one tablet before bedtime. It is allowed to divide the reception of the tablet twice (half the chast up in the morning, half the chalk - in the evening).

Cetirizine syrup is prescribed children aged two to twelve years, with weight less than 30 kg, in a dosage of 5 ml per day, with weight more than 30kg - 10 ml per day.

Children over twelve years and adults take 10 ml of Cetirizin Syrope per day.

In the form of drops, Cetirizin takes children aged one or two years in a dosage of 2.5 mg (5 drops) per day. Aged two to six years, the dosage is 5 mg (10 drops) per day. At the age of six to twelve years, children take the drug or an analogue of cetirizine at 10 mg (20 drops) per day.

Children older than twelve years and adults, as a rule, take 20 drops (10 mg) per day. Reception of the drug is carried out in the evening.

Reception of cetirized reviews for renal failure requires a reduction in dosage twice.

With caution, you should select the dosage in disruption of the liver function, especially in combination with renal failure.

On average, the duration of treatment during seasonal allergies is 3-6 weeks, and with short-term allergies, it suffices for the drug for one week.

The duration of cetirizin treatment in children over the age of six is \u200b\u200bup to one month.


The use of cetirizine is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • heavy kidney diseases.

According to the Zetirizin instructions, one should be prescribed with caution to persons of old age, since this category of patients can reduce glomerular filtration. In addition, care must be taken in the case of prescribing the drug in chronic pyelonephritis of the average and heavy stage.

The preparation in the form of droplets is designed for children aged one year. In the form of a syrup, the drug can be taken to children over two years. Tablets are recommended to be prescribed, starting from the age of the age.

Side effect Cetirizina

According to Cetirizin reviews, the following side effects can cause:

  • Allergic reactions: urticaria, skin rash, angioedema swelling, skin itch.
  • CNS: drowsiness, dizziness, headache, migraine, excitation, fatigue.
  • Digestive system: dyspepsia, dry mouth.

Positive feedback on Cetirizin indicate that predominantly the drug is well tolerated by patients. Usually, side effects are transient.


Overdose Cetirizin causes the following symptoms: inhibition, drowsiness, tachycardia, weakness, headache, urination delay, irritability, fatigue.

In this case, it is necessary to carry out symptomatic treatment, make the stomach wash and take activated coal.

Storage conditions Cetirizina

Cetirizine is stored in a dry place at room temperature no longer than three years.

The drug in the form of droplets after opening the bottle cannot be used longer than six months, and the syrup must be used for three months from the moment of autopsy.

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