Lanenek: droppers or injections? Indications and contraindications to the procedure, influence on the human body, treatment diagram. Restore liver functions will help the new hepatoprotector of Lanenek Psoriasis treatment: clinical studies involving volunteers

Lanennek (hydrolyzate of human placenta) is an innovative medicinal original injection drug.

Pharmacotherapeutic Group:
Immunomodulating and hepatoprotective agent.
Lanenek in ampoules 2 ml is produced.

Registration certificate Drugs №013851 / 01 dated October 24, 2008

Clinical effects of Lanenek:

  • immunomodulating and immunostimulating effects;
  • antitoxic and powerful hepatoprotective effect;
  • stimulation of the regenerative activity of tissues;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • antifibrotic action;
  • improving the adaptive capabilities of the central nervous system;
  • reducing the activity of processes provoked by free radicals;
  • mitigation of radiation impact on man;
  • the effect of harmonization of structures and systems of the body.
Lanennek regulates the activities of human physiological systems, stimulating in the cellular sound, stagnant, fading due to various diseases or age changes, and, on the contrary, adjusts and draws pathological conditions.

The composition of "Laennek"

The history of the preparation of the drug "Laennek"

The use of the placenta in medicine in our country began when in 1934 the Soviet ophthalmologist, Professor Founder of the Odessa Medical Institute, Filatov began to use the frozen components of the human placenta for the treatment of wounds, burns, operational adhesions internal organs

In experiments on plant tissues and placenta, it found that when freezing in the tissues, the concentration of biologically active substances, which can be separated and used in medicine are sharply increased. This tissue therapy enhances protective forces, activates the self-regulation of the body and allows you to successfully resist the diseases. During the Second World War, when there were not enough fundamentals, doctors remembered the forgotten way to treat wounds active substances Placetes. Of course, in those years, this method did not receive this method, however, for research in the field of tissue therapy in 1945, Professor Filatov was awarded the Lenin Prize. IN THE USSR liquid extract The placenta was used to restore the immunity of astronauts.

After the tragedy in Hiroshima and Nagasaki question effective recoveryFor example, such a complex in the treatment of the organ, as a liver, has become very relevant. In 1953, the Japanese scientist Hyad Cantaro developed a unique placental drug for the treatment of liver.

Medicine still has no analogues in the international pharmaceutical

  1. Cytokines (active centers)
    1. Cell growth factors (36):
      HGF (FRG Hepatocyte Growth Factor)
      NGF (FRN nerve growth factor)
      EGF (FRE Epidermal Growth Factor)
      FGF (FRF Fibroblast Growth Factor)
      CSF (FRK Growth Factor Colonies)
      IGF (IFR insulin-like growth factor)
      TGF (TFR transforming growth factor)
      VEGF (Fed Factor Growth Endothelium Vessels)
    2. Interleukins 1-6, 8, 10, 12
    3. Erythropoetin
    4. Interferon Gamma
  1. Amino acids, including indispensable (only 18)
  2. Nucleosides, nucleotides
  3. Peptide Dna.
  4. Glycosaminoglycans
  5. Macroelements:
    N, P, C, S, NA, MG, CA, K
  6. Trace elements:
    Zn, Br, Si, Fe, Mn, SC, SE, CR, V, CU, LI, B, CO
  7. Vitamins:
    B1, B2, B3, C, D, PR
  8. Enzymes

Indications for use

The drug is used in complex therapy Next diseases:
  • chronic recurrent herpes;
  • atopic dermatitis medium and severe flow (including complicated);
In the form of monotherapy when chronic diseases Liver:
  • steatogeatites (alcoholic, metabolic and mixed etiology).


  • hypersensitivity;
  • childhood;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.
The complex natural composition of the drug, first of all, the presence of active factors of growth factors and interleukins, the high biological availability of its components determine a wide range therapeutic effects Lanennek and variety of therapeutic "application points".

Production of "Laennek"

Japanese scientists have developed in 1954 a truly unique technology of placenta processing, obtaining a purified, stable and efficient drug of Lanenek. It was tested for toxicity, pyrhyness, sterility and viral safety, while all low molecular weight bioactive components are preserved in the preparation and there are no hormones and stem cells. Careful compliance with the preparation technology complies with the GMP standard, and the degree of cleaning allows you to enter the lanene in the patient's body. different ways: intravenously, intramuscularly and pharmacupuncture method.


  • Laneneck's safety has been proven to 60 years of experience in Japan.
  • Controlled in Japan by the State Program of Placementary Recovery.
  • He is supervised and subsidized by the Medical Department and is the State Insurance Medicine of Japan.

Advantage of lanenek in front of other drugs

  • Lanenek has a significant advantage over chemical drugs due to absence side phenomena In the form of various sensitizations, up to drugs and other numerous complications.
  • Experimental and clinical studies have been established by the practical safety of therapy of Laennek, the lack of adverse effects on the body, its oncological safety.
  • Therapy of Lanenek does not cause allergies, addiction, does not possess histamic and cumulative effect. It does not reduce, but, on the contrary, increases the antitoxic function of the liver.

Advantages of therapy of Lanenek:

  • A rich component composition (more than 300 components, cytokines, interleukins, interferon, amino acids, etc.), which provides a complex of clinical effects.
  • Naturality of the composition, "recognition" by cells, authenticity. The base of the Lanenek is a complex of biomolecules (not a cell), which cannot be created by artificially.
  • Lanes contain all biodactors and biomolecules Homologic healthy tissue and when entering organs and tissues implement the effect of replenishment, i.e. The deficiency of biocomponents arisen as a result of the effects of pathogenic factors, eliminating disorders at molecular and biochemical levels.
  • Potentiation effects in complex therapy.

Lanenek Pharmacopuncture administration

Biologically active points - these are special zones on the skin surface. The diseases feed signals into biologically active points that become painful. During the impact on these points, already therapeutic signals are sent back.
Pharmacopuncture (biopuncture, pharmopleopuncture) is a complex method of therapeutic effect on the body by injection of drugs into biologically active points of the human body.

The effectiveness of pharmacopuncture is due to the fact that it combines organically synergistically:

  1. Reflex impact.
    The impact is carried out on biologically active points (projections of internal organs, trigger points, traditional points of Chinese medicine).
  2. Energy action point.

Traditional medicine

Injection method for the introduction of drugs is borrowed from traditional medicineThe treatment is carried out only on the basis of the diagnosis and clinical examination in the best traditions of official medicine.
Lanennek When introduced into biologically active points, the systemically affects the body, adjusting the activity of human physiological systems, stimulating in the cellular leveling, stagnant, fading due to various diseases or age changes, and, on the contrary, adjusts and draws pathological conditions.

Rhana Corporation

Leontiev Pereulok.
house 2a, Building 1

monday Friday

Lanenek is an injection drug from Japan, rapidly gaining popularity worldwide. The medicine made on the basis of human placenta, which has undergone the necessary procedures for disinfecting and subsequent training, is widely used by specialists of many medical spheres, including dermatologists and cosmetologists.

Basic information about the drug Laennec

The drug Laennek is based on the hydrolyzate of the human placenta. In view of this, Lanenek therapy is also known as "placental therapy". In accordance with pharmacological properties The preparation under consideration refers to the group of hepatoprotectors and immunomodulators.

Mechanism of action preparation Laennec. It is caused by various biologically active substances, enzymes and other elements obtained during placental hydrolyzate.

The production of Laennec is performed on a patented Japanese technology from human placenta. In this case, the material is selected taking into account a number of strict criteria, namely:

  1. Placental fabric is taken exclusively when natural Rodahwho have passed without complications.
  2. The child must be planned and welcome.
  3. The kid should be born on time and without health problems.
  4. The donor must give written consent to the further use of the placenta.
  5. The donor must be healthy (the list of disease is aligned in a separate manner).
  6. After the donation, the placenta of the woman for the set time is regularly examined by the doctor and surrender analyzes on different kinds of infectious diseases.

Thus, the drug Lanenek is not just another Bad, but effective toolmade by complex technology. There is no analogues of the drug under consideration.

The laennec medication includes many useful substances, including:

  • cell growth factors contributing to the intensification of collagen production, refreshing skin, restoration of liver tissue and other essential organs;
  • cytokines. Thanks to these substances, high-quality interaction between cells is ensured, which contributes to the normalization of the main exchange processes in organism;
  • amino acids. Contribute to the production of protein, reproduction and growth of cells, normalize their nutrition;
  • vitamins of different groups;
  • more than a hundred enzymes, including means of protection against malicious effects of free radicals;
  • substances for the proper construction of the walls of the cells;
  • minerals and trace elements.

Thus, the Laennek in cosmetology has not only a rejuvenating surface effect, but it works from the inside of the body. It is enough to study the reviews of patients about the drug Laennek to understand: the effect of using the medication is not only not only in the mirror, it is felt from the inside, saturating the body with energy and life forces.

Application of drugs in cosmetology

Japanese drug Laennek in cosmetology has found very wide application. Thanks to this drug, you can achieve the following results:

  • rejuvenate
  • align and return a healthy face complex;
  • provide an excellent lifting effect;
  • get rid of many problems and skin diseases.

Under the influence of biologically active substances present in the composition of the placental hydrolyzate of Laennek, the following effects are noted:

  • restoration of cells of the main organs of the body, including the skin;
  • cleansing the body from slags and other harmful substances;
  • reduction in the intensity of fat deposition;
  • an increase in the activity of tissue respiratory reactions;
  • restoration of metabolic processes;
  • reduction of connective tissue;
  • stimulation of humoral and cellular immunity.

Important! Lanenek in cosmetology is used to restore the skin of the entire body from the inside.

The following positive effects are observed under the influence of substances that are part of the drug:

  • activation of collagen production;
  • renewal of epithelium cells;
  • improving the color of the skin;
  • return to the skin of former elasticity and freshness.

Important! Lanennek in cosmetology provides a safe natural lifting effect, which is an additional advantage of the drug.

Often, Lanenek therapy is practiced plastic surgeons To restore the condition of the skin of patients after a different kind plastic Operations. Thanks to the drug, recovery is less painful and in a faster pace.

Indications and contraindications for lanenek therapy

Lanenek is prescribed with many different diseases, only their brief list:

  • allergic pathology. This includes bronchial asthma;
  • hair loss;
  • climax;
  • prostate hyperplasia;
  • diseases of the endocrine and other character for whom the existence of exchange disorders is characterized;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • arterial pressure problems;
  • liver disease;
  • stressful states;
  • neurosis;
  • chronic character migraines;
  • diseases of the spine, including osteochondrosis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • problems with intestines;
  • anemia;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle;
  • infertility;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

Directly in the cosmetology of Lanenek is mainly used for:

  • healing of chronic ulcers and all sorts of wounds;
  • treatment of fungal diseases and gunnings;
  • prevention and treatment of keloid scars;
  • treating a wide range of skin diseases;
  • prevention and improvement of the condition age-related changes Skin cover.

Important! In no case begin to conduct lanenek therapy without prior examination of the doctor. Only a specialist can make the final conclusion about the feasibility of applying the drug under consideration and the procedure for treatment.

The main contraindications to the use of the drug Laennek are given in its instructions for use and look as follows:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • age less than 18 years;
  • allergies or excessive sensitivity to any component of the drug.

Very rarely (no more than 4% of the total number of cases) are found adverse reactions The organism on the lanenek. First of all, the doctor together with the patient makes an allergic test for the drug to eliminate the risk of anaphylactic shock.

Among other unwanted manifestations are sometimes found:

  • painful sensations in the field of administration of the drug;
  • itching and redness at the injection site;
  • numbness of injection place;
  • breast increase in men.

Lanenek: instructions for use

Lanennek in cosmetology is used in 3 basic forms:

  • in the form of a drug for administration intravenously;
  • in the form of medication for injection intramuscularly;
  • in the form of injections for mesotherapy.

The best rejuvenating effect is noted when combining several methods of drug administration. The most optimal is the course of 5 droppers of Laennec twice a year in combination with mesotherapy (injections of the drug in skin problem areas).

Positive results are noticeable after the first course of Lanenek therapy:

the intensity of the severity of mimic and gravitational wrinkles is reduced;

  • pigment stains, freckles and irregularities of skin tone are disappeared;
  • elasticity and elasticity of the skin of the face increases;
  • there is an improved humidification of the skin;
  • purchase acne and other rashes.

Remember: Procedures with the use of the drug Laennek should only conduct an experienced specialist. If there is due skills and the absence of objections from the doctor's injection, Laennek can be made independently at home, but the prior consultation of the doctor and compliance with its recommendations is mandatory.

The standard dose of the placental preparation is 1-2 ampoules per 1 session. Pricks are made 1-2 times a week, total usually 5-12 procedures. The specific values \u200b\u200bof the duration and periodicity of the procedures, as well as the duration of the course directly, are installed by a doctor.

Anesthesia during therapy is not done, because The anesthetic effect is sufficiently ensured due to the reflexogenic stimulation. The drug is consistently entered into paired biologically active points on the face or patient's body.

After the administration of the drug Laennek in the fields of injection, minor seals appear or the nodule. Usually they pass for 30-50 minutes. Sometimes bruises appear. Longer than 3-4 days they, as a rule, do not hold.

Lanenek: User reviews

He learned about the drug Laennek on the thematic forum about beauty. There, satisfied girls told about a miracle, manufactured from human placenta. As it should be, consulted with a doctor about his idea of \u200b\u200brejuvenation and improving the body. The doctor gave good, and I went to the pharmacy for the drug. I decided to prick on the point on the face. Detailed video techniques found on the Internet. The first results saw approximately 3 weeks. I achieved what I wanted: there was less wrinkles on the face, the hair began to grow normally, and in general, after the course I feel much better. Anna, 33 years old.

Photo before and after

Lanenek I was advised by my cosmetologist. Began to learn information and decided to try, after all, Japanese developments have always inspired confidence. Made injections in the face where the doctor explained to the person. After about a month, the hair acted on the temples and under the bangs, on the face it became less than acne, wrinkles were smoothed, everything was noticeably better with eyebrows and eyelashes. I can not say about the state of health: before I was not bothered before, now everything is fine, so I did not track the moment. Victoria, 26 years old.

He heard about Japanese medicine from the placenta of the feminine on TV and immediately decided to discuss him with his cosmetologist. At the next reception, we have already studied the reviews about Laennek, because Even for a specialist, the drug was in a novelty. Making sure the absence of allergies to Laennek, the doctor appointed me an individual course. Injections made a cosmetologist, because I am afraid myself. Injections did not hurt, he was heal very quickly. Lanenek especially liked its soft action. The results are also great: I wanted to align the complexion and remove small mimic wrinkles, and I helped Lanenek.

If you want not only to improve the condition of your skin outside, but also to treat the body from the inside, placental therapy with the use of the drug Laennec will become an excellent helper. Be healthy!

Video instruction

Eternal youth becomes more real. Maybe the abnormal, but long definition. For many years, the alchemists of the whole world tried to create a drug that will reduce the time of aging. In the pursuit of philosophical stone was the Odessa doctor Vladimir Petrovich Filatov. He expressed the idea that the human placenta can be used as a regenerating drug.

The works of the Odessa doctor fell into hand to the Japanese doctor of Hyad Cantaro. It was fascinated by this idea, and after the tragedy on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the question of intensive recovery of the body became more relevant. And he managed to get closer to the formula of youth.

Features of the composition of the drug Laennek

The uniqueness of the drug lies in the fact that its main element is human placenta. The drug was able not only to slow the aging of the cells, but also allowed the restoration of the liver functions, improved the work of all internal organs, and also made it possible to remove stress and insomnia.

And this is another small list of what can Lanenek. He has no analogueAnd so far is the only one in your own.

Since ancient times, people noticed that the females of animals immediately after the birth of the cubs eat the placenta in which life developed. Thanks to this, the mother's body is restored faster after pregnancy and childbirth.

The placenta is very important, and most importantly, unique organ The female organism, which is formed only as a result of pregnancy. The placenta exists in all females of mammals, some silent and vivorny fish.

She connects the body of the mother and child, thanks to which the embryo gets everything you need for development. The role of the placenta in life is indispensable - it is responsible for the flow of oxygen and nutrients Embryo and allows you to withdraw from the body of the mother's products of the child's vital activity.

Children's place consists of many substances:

  1. Amino acids.
  2. Enzymes.
  3. Biologically active substances.

This is what makes the placenta necessary element medical and cosmetic drugs. A fully "ripe" placenta is sent to a medical examination, it is necessary to work in a desired way and only after that they are used in the manufacture of drugs.

The placental drug activates the "sleeping" cells, due to which some changes are observed in the body. Thereby the cellular composition is updated And there is a general rejuvenation of the body.

People taking placental drugs notice a tide of cheerfulness, disappears fatigue syndrome, the mood changes for the better, the skin becomes younger and tightened.

Production of drug

Before the placenta become an element of the drug Laennek, it passes a number of studies. For him only take a high-quality and mature placenta. Donor can be only absolutely healthy Japanese woman who should not travel beyond Japan during pregnancy.

In order for the woman to become a donor of the placenta, it passes a number of prenatal surveys on various diseases, such as AIDS, hepatitis B and C, as well as syphilis, tuberculosis, chlamydia.

Woman should be completely healthy. The child must be desirable, the pregnancy should proceed normally in a relaxed atmosphere, childbirth - only natural on due time, the child should be born healthy.

The use of placenta for medical purposes is carried out after the written permission of the feminine. Mom and kid after that are located under the close observation of doctors A few more years.

The placenta during this time passes a number of studies. She is running careful treatment and cleaning, Then goes to the laboratory, where histological analysis passes, after which the placenta will have a re-examination. Only after all analyzes it is processed and sent to disinfection and cleaning from proteins and hormones.

The study occurs at different stages of the processing of the placenta. Ready product Laennec should comply with all standards and standards.

For many years, the study of the material as an element of Laennec preparations, scientists were able to create a molecular method for obtaining placenta extract. It is not only treated, but also divided into smallest particles, then passed through special sieve equipment.

After that, only the necessary molecules are chosen from the total mass - they are part of the placental preparation. Due to this method, small particles of the placenta in the composition of the drug Laennec independently find weak points and have an action on them.

The placental preparation of Lanenek also includes the necessary substances:

  • Amino acids.
  • Peptides.
  • Vitamins.
  • Hyaluronic acid.
  • More than forty minerals.
  • Enzymes.
  • Various growth factors.

The drug Laennec has been used for years In many countries, Japan, South Korea, USA, Canada and others. Lanenek is allowed to use in Russia. Ministry of Health recognized drug safe. It is intended for the treatment of the liver.

Indications for use and contraindications

You are familiar with such syndromes like headache, insomnia, stress, allergies? All this is treated with simple injections of the drug Lanenek. The drug refers to K. powerful hepatoprotectors and immunomodulators. This drug is possible treatment of a large number of diseases:

And this is only a small list of diseases that are treated with the drug Lanenek. In addition to him used in cosmetology For healing of wounds and small scars, skin diseases are treated, and also restore the youth of the skin. After placental therapy, it felt that the skin became more elastic and elastic.

Recently, placental therapy increases male potency and female sexual energy. Thanks to the drug Lanenek, maybe fast restoration of the body After plastic and surgical interventions.

A drug contraindicated pregnant women and breastfeeding women, persons under 18 years old, before use should be ensured in the absence allergic reactions on the components of the drug.

The side effects on Laennek and reviews are rarely observed (usually no more than 4% of the total). In order to avoid unwanted consequences, the doctor makes a sample. This allows not only to know the reaction to the body, but also prevent anaphylactic shock.

Among the unwanted consequences of the reviews of women who have passed this procedure, sometimes noted painful feelings In places of injections, itching and redness, numbness, sometimes an increase in breasts in men.

Application in cosmetology

The optimal option is the combined administration of the drug into the body. Usually, according to reviews, prescribe a course consisting of five droppers of Lanenek twice a year. The effect, according to the reviews of women, noticeable immediately - the skin becomes young, smooth and elasticAs if 15 years ago.

The placental drug of Lanenek in cosmetology is usually applied in three forms:

  1. Intravenously.
  2. Intramuscularly
  3. In the form of injections for mesotherapy (the introduction of the drug in the problem areas of the skin).

In addition, women in reviews noted that the skin becomes moistened, smoothed wrinkles, pigment stains and tone irregularities disappear, sowing faces becomes more adjusted, acne and other rashes.

But if you read all the reviews that you can find about this preparation, you can make some conclusions. Injection procedures must carry a specialist. Using at home is possible only if there are certain skills and resolution of the doctor, so the doctor's consultation is required before applying.

The duration and frequency of injection is appointed by a doctor. Usually the course consists of 5-12 procedures. Injections are entered by 1-2 ampoules per session, no more than two sessions of placental therapy may be per week.

Anesthesia with the introduction of the drug is not required. After the injection, small seals are possible at the point of puncture, sometimes small bruiseswhich take place within 3-5 days.

In 2003, at the Institute named after N. I. Pirogov Laennek pursed pre-registration tests and received permission to use in cosmetology, hematology and immunology.

When buying a drug, pay attention to the date of manufacture. The shelf life of Lanenek is 3 years. Country of manufacture - Japan, Japan Bioproducts Industry CO. In Russia and in the CIS countries, the drug does not apply to online stores and pharmacies. Sale is carried out requires a doctor's prescription.

In Russia, only a package consisting of 10 ampoules with the Russian title was legally presented. Each package is tested for compliance. On the package must be a JBP hologram, its absence may mean that in front of you fake. Therefore, when buying a drug necessarily check out the quality certificate.

The price of the drug is considerable, it is this that attracts scammers to the manufacture and selling cheaper "analogues". Follow this on the forum, where you can usually meet many of the most different reviews.

However, no one is responsible for such a drug and he may be dangerous to health. Be vigilant and do not chase for cheap. It is better to spend time looking for an original medicine than after "treatment" by this drug to correct your health in the clinic.

Every day, science moves forward. Perhaps very soon, humanity is invented eternal youth. In the meantime, it is possible to extend it as long as possible - you need to use this opportunity.

Of course, it all depends on the person himself, but in the conditions of a fussy urban life it is quite difficult to keep the nerves in order. Permanent stress and fatigue makes itself felt. And hope for the preservation of youth is still placentamentary therapy by the drug Laennek.

Quality of preparation

The quality of the drug says feedback on many forums. You can make sure about it going to the forum and read the reviews. Placentamentary therapy helped a variety of people and they tell about the unique effect of the drug.

With such a large spectrum of treatment, you need to be very careful with the use. Treatment of placental therapy occurs only after the permission of the doctor. Independent treatment According to reviews it is impossible, only the doctor may appoint the number and time of the adoption of the drug.

Lanenek - Reviews

Katya, 43 years

Elderly people and persons suffering from allergies, the drug is allowed to take only under the scrutiny of the doctor. Although there was no serious complications of the body, after the adoption of the medicine, but still Lanenek is a serious drug that needs to be taken with mind and caution.

I'll say right away, I did not help. I bought 2 packs, I decided to pierce. The result is zero, but the price is good. Maybe other reviews on any forums and help you, but I can not say anything good about Laennec.

Twentieth ago "Japan Bioproducts Industry" - a well-known Japanese company - released a new means for intravenous injections of Laennek. In the future, it entered formulary medicines "Vidal". In essence, the drug is a product obtained by processing the human placenta. Its influence on people is studied by Donyn.

In the Russian Federation, Laennek passed a number of serious tests in several major universities of our country. According to the results of research and experiments in 2003, Laennek was officially permitted in Russia as a means for injection. Initially, the drug was recognized as a hepatoprotector, and in the 2009 immunomodulator.

Area of \u200b\u200buse of Lanenek

Lanenek is improving the physiological abilities of the body, settles the work of some functions, gives protection against antioxidants, accelerates the metabolism in tissues, contributes to the restoration of liver cells, enhances immunity through its immunomodulatory effect and contributes to rehabilitation without medicines.

All these amazing properties allowed Lenneka to show well as in complex treatment Many of the ailments in which it allows to achieve a long remission, and sometimes even cure and the role of a prophylactic and anti-aging drug. Now it is actively used for therapy of hepatitis of various types, psoriasis, inflammatory diseases Skin, various allergies, dermatitis, herpes, anemia.

The system action of the hydrolyzate of the placenta allows to reduce immunity to other drugs and much to reduce or cancel the reception of antihistamine tools that are used in the above pathologies. Lanenek demonstrated positive results as well as chronic fatigue syndrome therapy. In addition, this tool enhances men's potency and enhances the female libido.

Lanenek is a universal drug, which is perfectly transferred to patients and is easily combined with other medicines, diving their therapeutic effects and annuling side effects. The remedy is strictly contraindicated by children, pregnant and nursing women. In the treatment of older people, it is necessary to observe increased caution.

Being an anti-aging drug, Lanenek is actively used by cosmetologists for both systemic and local exposure. It is used for therapy of alopecia, acne, cellulite, in preparation for socting, for skin suspenders and removing pigment spots, when recovered after the laser grinding procedure, mechanical and acid peeling, in plastic surgery With preoperative preparation of patients, as well as after complex operations.

Efficiency of Laennec

Tissue with useful substances, the drug Laennek has a beneficial effect on the body, namely:

  • lanenek softens the skin;
  • slows down the aging processes;
  • strengthens and tones the body;
  • lanenek doubles the speed of tissue regeneration;
  • restores acid-alkaline equilibrium;
  • stimulates the resorption of fibrous fabric.

As a result, the skin becomes more elastic and acquires an attractive appearance, wrinkles disappear in the corners of the eyes. This is exactly what allows you to achieve a bright rejuvenating effect when using Laennec plastic surgeons, as well as cosmetologists.

The sewage system occurring in the tissues of restoring processes, an increase in the body's resistance to infection, as well as the anti-inflammatory effect of this drug, reduce the risk of complications, catalyzed healing, reduce the period of recovery after complex operations and some aggressive procedures that are a real stress for the skin.

Lanenek is not able to lead to biological and psychological addiction, since it is not a drug. This tool is used not only for the purpose of treatment, but also as prophylaxis. Therapy Laneneck can be effectively combined with the use of pharmacological preparations, which leads to strengthening their effect and neutralize them negative Parties. Also, the use of Laennec can be combined with any cosmetology procedures. However, the mixing of lanenec with other drugs representing strong bases with a pH of more than 8.5 leads to a decrease in its activity.

Lanenek activates hidden opportunities for restoring and improving the body, rejuvenation and increasing the appearance of the appearance.

Method of administration of Laennec

For a full-fledged cosmetology effect of Lanenek used by intramuscular injections For 21 days (injections are accomplished in a day) or drip intravenous injections twice a week (total 10 injections), or by introducing an innovative method that is denoted by the term "pharmacacupuncture" and consisting in the introduction of micro-drugs to certain points according to the needloreflexotherapy scheme, What makes it possible to achieve a comprehensive impact and leads to a general recovery. In addition, the patient rises pain thresholdAnd the organs start working more simply.

Pharmacoakupuncture with Laenneck was designed and remains very popular in the country of the rising sun. She was repeatedly tested by scientists from the clinic at the institute. Anokhina, studying her from the standpoint of reflexotherapy. This technique is substantiated, it entered the list of medical technologies, which were approved by Russian health organizations. The optimal option is 10-15 sessions several times a week. They cause a tangible effect that remains over three to four months.

Locally, Lanenek is introduced by transdermal and mesotherapeutic methods using physiotherapy instruments. In the lifting of the face, this drug is injected intramuscularly in small doses (separately in each point) in eight acupuncture points, which are called "youth points". Each case is individual, therefore the number of procedures is not fixed and depends on the specific situation.

Side effects of Laennec

In some cases, the appearance of the following side effects is likely:

  1. allergy (changing the pigment of the skin, itching in the field of redness, anaphylactic shock);
  2. weak painfulness either numbness in the field of injection;
  3. gynecomastia (finally no connection with this means).

Composition of Laennec

The placenta contains the entire set of elements that are necessary. human organism. Lanenek is a product obtained from human placenta by hydrolysis, which contains in itself:

  • water-soluble cytokines (growth factors involved in inflammatory reactions);
  • amino acids;
  • protein molecules;
  • low molecular weight protein substances;
  • vitamins of groups B, C, D;
  • nucleosides and natural acids that enhance the synthesis of protein molecules.

Due to such saturated composition, Laennek has unique healing properties.

The key to the improvement is the growth factors (protein molecules) capable of effective interaction with some target cells. After reaching the 18 year old age, the body's ability to synthesize growth factors is significantly dropping. Because of their lack, cell renewal slows down, which leads to their aging and accelerated fat. Protein molecules also give cells to protect against the negative effect of bacteria and viruses. There are several growth factors, among them:

EFG - promotes regeneration and reproduction of epithelium cells and provides normal operation of melanocyte functions;
FGF - accelerates the growth of fibroblasts;
HGF is a hepatocyte growth factor that causes them to regenerate;
NGF - contributes to the restoration of the nervous system cells;
JGF exists receptor susceptors to insulin and leads to normal the level of somatotropin.

In general, the preparation contains about 100 different enzymes, low molecular weight peptides, interleukins, 18 amino acids and over 40 minerals (including sulfur, phosphorus, cobalt, zinc).

Features of Laennec Technology

The program of placental recovery carried out in Japan is carried out under the curacy of the Medical Department. The state subscribes and fully regulates this program.

Fence placenta to receive Laennec

The manufacturer guarantees the full safety of the produced drug:
The fence of the placenta is carried out exclusively after normal generics of fully healthy Japanese women;

  1. first with a donor woman lies in the primary contract, and the questionnaire on suffering from diseases and departures (even one-day), which were committed over the past fifteen years from Japan to other countries, special attention is paid to states in which outbreaks of infectious diseases of large cattle (if there is a history of such trips, a woman will not be allowed to become a donor of the placenta);
  2. for donor women, it is forbidden to leave Japan before the fence of the placenta;
  3. each donor woman has the right to terminate the concluded agreement at an arbitrary moment and refuse to participate in the program;
  4. analyzes are taken to the presence of a female candidate donors of hepatitis of various types, HIV, Papillomaviruses, syphilis and prion proteins that affect the central nervous system;
    Preventing the infection of the material provided by the donor is achieved by complying with all standards and storage requirements.

Production of Laennec

Laennec manufacturing technology is patented by the manufacturer and is based on the latest technologies. It guarantees the maximum obtaining from the placenta of a full-fledged set of beneficial substances, their integrity, cleaning from unnecessary elements, and guarantees the safe use of Laennec.

Preparation stages:

  • checking raw materials for the absence of carriers of infection and conformity of raw materials
  • physiological standards for color, smell, mass;
  • removal of blood by washing with saline and filtered water;
  • grinding raw materials in a homogenizer to obtain subsequent powder by degreasing the sample during vacuum drying;
  • enzyme hydrolysis of the resulting powder with pepsin - by a special gastric enzyme - in order to separate hormones and achieve the desired acid and alkaline media by means of
  • applications of ion exchange resins;
  • molecular distillation of hormones and their complete removal, extraction of nucleic bases through membrane dialysis;
  • disinfection using ultraviolet membrane filtering technology.

Thus, high content remains, as well as the structure of the components, absolute safety, benefits and product quality are ensured.

Form of release Laennec

Lanenek is produced in the form of a transparent injection fluid with a weakly pronounced aroma. The color of the solution varies in the range from the sandy to light brown. The active substance in this case is the hydrolyzate of the placenta weighing, as a rule, in 112 mg. As auxiliary substances, the preparation contains water for injection and sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid. Lanenek comes in ampoules of darkened glass sealed in a package from cardboard, inside each of which laennek instructions are invested.

About the author: Ekaterina Nosov

Certified specialist in the field of reconstructive restoration and aesthetic surgery. Extensive experience, leading a specialist in Moscow in the field of thread lifting, blepharoplasty and endoprosthetics of the mammary glands, conducted more than 11,000 operations. More details about me in the heading doctors-authors.

According to many famous cosmetologists the drug Lanenek is one of the topics to improve the condition of the skin and the body as a whole.

This miracle preparation has been developed in Japan many years ago, but we have appeared relatively recently and has already been submitted to the register of medicines, which are beneficial to the normalization of many processes of the body's vital activity.

Initially, such a drug was aimed at applying liver treatment, but over time it was found that his action is much extensive.

Today, the drug Laennec (Laennek, Linek) is widely used in cosmetologywhere it has a very good lifting effect, because medical properties. For many qualities, the results of the application are comparable to the surgical suspender of the face.

The mechanism of action of the Japanese drug, composition and active substance

The main substance from which this cosmetology is made is the human placenta obtained during childbirth.

Laennec (Laennek, Linek) is a hydrolyzate of a man's placenta, The action of which is caused by enzymes and other biologically active substances of placental hydrolyzate.

The main feature of such a drug is that he himself finds inoperative and damaged cells and restores their normal life functions.

It includes the following substances:

  • Cell growth factors;
  • The combination of water-soluble cytokines;
  • Low molecular weight proteins and amino acids;
  • vitamins C, D, E, PP, B1, B2;
  • organic and nucleic acids, etc.

What is the drug - indications for use

Laennec (Laennek, Lainek) is a drug in cosmetology, accelerating the processes of tissue regeneration, activating the process of recovery of cells. This drug is known in the treatment of more than 80 diseases.

In addition, his action is very extensively affected by the treatment and rehabilitation of the whole organism:

  • improves the work of the internal organs;
  • applied in the treatment of herpes;
  • treats various types of dermatitis;
  • various liver diseases;
  • improving memory, voice, hearing;
  • infertility;
  • few of strength and fatigue.

The use of Laennek (line) in cosmetology - for what

According to cosmetologists, with the use of this drug, immunity is being strengthened, refreshed and rejuvenated skin covering, the effect of lifting appears, wrinkles are smoothed, and it is effective in treatment. skin disease, acne and skin pigmentation.

Laennec (Laennek, Lainek) is a drug in cosmetology, which, due to its composition, has a rejuvenating, medical and generalifying effect.

Doctors pay attention to the use of such a drug after surgical operations affects significant improvement general status The body in the postoperative period:

  • accelerates the healing of scars;
  • accelerates regeneration of processes in tissue;
  • the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • there is a resistance to infections in the wound.

The effect of the drug has a bactericidal effect. Leukocytes in the blood, which contributes to the destruction of pathogens of any infections in the blood.

Efficiency and results of use for skin rejuvenation

When using Laennec (Laennek, Linek), the cell aging processes are noticeably slow down, the complexion of the face is improved, the skin becomes elastic, acquires natural color, the effect of lifting on the face is felt, the pigmentation is decreased, wrinkles and folds decrease.

recent studies have proven - if you use the remedy in the middle of the peeling cosmetology of the skin, the effect of rejuvenation of the face without surgical intervention is improved.

Placental injections of the drug are not stimulants, they are a normalizer, which leads to the physiological balance of the patient's entire body.

Lanenek - instructions for use

Before starting procedures, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination and pass tests for hormones, the presence of infections and blood sugar levels. Given the condition of the body to each patient, an individual application of the drug is selected.

In cosmetology, the drug Laennec (Laennek, Linek) is used intramuscularly, intravenously and subcutaneous administration method of mesotherapy, as well as pharmacopuncture injection injection, but for better effect Introduction methods are better combined. Dosage for each patient is selected individually.

It is optimal to consider 5 droppers 2 times a year, and for deeper treatment, 10-12 procedures are prescribed 2-3 per week.

Note!After administration of the drug, seals may occur, which may be lost after 30-50 minutes, as well as the appearance of bruises.

Security of drug

Receiving Laennec specialists pay special attention. The donors of the placenta are observed throughout the pregnancy, they regularly follow their health. And the body of a pregnant woman is checked for infections and viruses.

Laennec (Laennek, Linek) new drug in modern cosmetology

After successful generic activity The placenta passes a multi-level check and cleaning, which speaks of high drug safety.

The tool does not cause addiction and can be combined with other rejuvenating drugs and drugs.

It's important to know!Agreement for fence placenta The patient concludes long before delivery, and only a Japanese can be a donor, which did not go beyond the country over the past 15 years and during pregnancy.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of the drug Laennec (Laennek, Lainek) in cosmetology is prohibited:

  • children under 18;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with allergies or sensitivity to one of the components of the drug;
  • sick oncological diseases.

In rare cases, side effects of the drug may appear. At the time of study, side effects were discovered by no more than 4% of patients. After administration of the drug, seals can be observed, redness of the skin, soreness, itching, an increase in breast in men, hematomas that pass over time.

It's important to know! To prevent occurrence side effects An allergic test is performed on the components of the drug to avoid the appearance of anaphylactic shock.

The use of Laennec is often recommended for people with impairment of well-being and fatigue, because in addition to the use of it in cosmetology and treatment of various types Diseases he treats syndrome perfectly chronic fatigue, after which the well-being, memory, tide of strength is improved, the mood improves and confrontation of stressful situations.

Laennec (Lanenek, Linek) drug in cosmetology

Thanks to many regenerating properties, the drug has a soothing effect on the body and can be used to treat stresses, depression.

The use of the drug for such purposes is useful to people of old age, as well as people tired of hard work, working in a stressful environment for the recovery of the nervous system and the like.

! The use of the drug Laennec (Laennek, Linek) is possible only after consulting a doctor who objectively estimates the feasibility of its use in cosmetology and calculates the dosage, and also compares its interaction with other drugs (in the case of receiving other medicines).

Terms of sale, shelf life and storage method

For today's time on the Internet a lot of suggestions for the sale of this medicinal product.

Lanenek is quite expensive, and for a certain course of treatment, not all packaging can be used. In such cases, it is better to apply to special medical institutions that are ready not only to introduce an inside the drug, but also to spend the whole complex of treatment under the supervision of specialists.

Store the drug is necessary In the sun protected from the sun at a temperature of 18-25 ° C. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years.

The average cost of the drug Laennec (Laennek, Lainek) in cosmetology is 13 000 rubles.

If you contact cosmetic centers, the cost of introducing one ampoule is about 3000 - 6000 rubles, and pharmacopuncture introduction is even more expensive.

It is no secret that any woman wants to look irresistible at any age and spends a lot of time and money for care. But the time mercilessly takes the youth of the body, the beauty of the body and psychological stability.

Many specialists and doctors are confident that thanks to Japanese development, it was possible to return their strength and youth without surgical impact.

Video about the benefits and properties in the cosmetology of the drug Laennec (Laennek, Linek)

Action and features Applying Lainek (Laennek), in this video:

Famous TV host about the drug Laennek (Linek):

Placental therapy by the drug Laennek:

Pharmacopuncture by the drug Laennek:

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