How to understand the dog: body body pet. Why dogs wish the tail and what does it mean to the valy of the tail of the dog

An amazing thing, as the breeders did not try to withdraw a pacifier dog, nothing had nothing. It suggests that the tail of dogs is vital. After all, the tail is the continuation of the spine and has a similar structure.

Tail functions

  1. The tail is responsible for the transfer of nerve impulses, for normal pressure. spinal fluid and the adjustment of the muscular balance.
  2. To preserve equilibrium when moving. This is especially noticeable when the dog runs and overcomes obstacles. The tail of the dog "RUAL". When a dog floats, the tail helps to maintain the optimal position of the body in the water.
  3. Tail is a dog mood indicator. The dogs are very emotional, their mood changes as the situation changes, and the situation is constantly changing, although people usually do not notice.

Why the dog wags the tail

Like people, dogs are experiencing emotions: interest, chagrin, satisfaction, fear, anger, joy, suspicion, attachment, love, shame, pride, feeling of guilt. But unlike people, the dogs do not know how to hypocrite and hide their true feelings and movement of the tail, together with other movements of the dog body demonstrate them.

Consider the main positions of the tail in dogs:

Calm and interest

The tail calmly hangs in the middle - the dog is calm, she is confident in himself and just waiting for the development of events. Dogs are very impatient and very soon the tail begins to loosen slightly, and the dog looks at the owner, waiting for his order. If the order is not given, it will try to change the position - sit down or lie down.

Also, the weak doubling with a lowered tail happens when the dog does not understand the situation, but the alarms does not feel. In the presence of the owner, the dog is calm, but the uncertainty confuses him, and the dog can start to yawn.

At the form of an unfamiliar object, the dogs are fastened, they are interested and a little scary. It is usually characteristic of puppies or adolescents. They have no exhaust behavior scheme, and they are trusted by instinct. The tail is lowered or slightly raised, depending on the confidence of the dog, and aggregates. The owner must bring a dog to such an object (it can be a balloon, and a newspaper in the bushes) quietly convincing a pet that is all right and nothing to be afraid.

If the dog feels his guilt or is not sure that her behavior will approve of the wagging of the tail faster and amplitude of the Mahania more than in the previous cases, but the tail is still omitted, and the neck is inclined. It must be borne in mind that the dog may not be aware of which it is specifically scolded, especially if time passed, but the owner is always right and if scolding, it means that there is something.

Alertness and suspicion

The tail will stretch almost parallel to the ground and slightly aggregates, the withers are calm - a dog waiting, she can start the game, and is ready to defend himself, depending on the behavior of the second side.

If the tail is raised and tense, wool on the withers rises like a ridge at a dinosaur, then the dog feels danger and prepare for attack. Many dogs especially service breeds, the opinions are preferring that the best defense is an attack. The development of the situation can go different ways: a leash jerk will provoke aggression, and a quiet exhort of the owner on the contrary, will allow the world. At such moments it is useful to distract the dog to the "Sit" and "next" team.

Plowed up the tail is peculiar to alpha male. Such dogs are confident and prefer to find out the situation to the end. Serious fights are very rare, even if they happen. One dog will put another, stand on it, holding his head over the withers and go away. There are often cases when confidence allows smaller, and physically weak dog dominate others. And the intellect of such dogs is above average.

Aggression and malice

If the dog is aggressive (the result of bad education or its complete absence), the attacks of aggression are observed at a meeting with another dog. The dog begins to rush, the tail behaves very actively - the dog can whip himself with the tail, turn them. Extension is useless. We need to sharply support the dog and give the team to "nearby", "stand."

Even if the dog is very complacently waving the tail to consider that the situation is changing for the dog, and the person does not realize this. The outstretched stranger's hand, for example, a security dog \u200b\u200bchange dramatically towards protection, and the attack follows.

Fear and submission

If the tail occupies the position between the paws - fit, the dog is discomfort, more often this fear, but it happens that the dog simply has nowhere to go and avoid unpleasant communication with anyone. It can be a nearby dog, an annoying child (the children love to grab the dog's tail, which is explained, but really do not like the dogs) or, unfortunately, the vet.

The submission pose before the dominant dog is also characteristic of the tail, the ass will be thrown into the ground and the dog demonstrates its humility, opening the neck (reducing or lowering his head).

Satisfaction and joy

When the tail is having fun, then the dog is satisfied and happy. At the exhibitions "Merry Tail" delivers many experiences to the owners, if for example, the requirements for the tail - elongated, like Labradors, or lowered, like German shepherd.

The higher the excitement of the dog, the more actively the tail behaves. Dogs react so not only on living beings - people, the meeting with which they are especially pleased with the dogs, but also on pleasant events. It is not clear how, but they will preny them. It can be a hike in the forest for mushrooms, and a trip by car on the lake.

Pride and vanity

Human words cause these feelings. Any dog \u200b\u200bis jealous if another dog and proud praise in her presence, when her praise her. The tail is pretty wisers and the muzzle expresses vanity. People enjoy this. When you need to wear a dog in a jumpsuit, what the dogs do not like, then it is worth saying a cops that he is beautiful and how everyone will look and admire it, then stubbornness disappears and the tail expresses complete contentment. But the words are well supported by the work and while walking it is useful for a couple of times to warm the dog vanity with your admiration.

The dog wins the tail unconsciously, the tail is subordinate to the signals that the brain sends him. But the movement of a dog tail helps people and other animals to understand the mood and dog's intentions.

Total picture

  • A. Self-confidence.
  • B. Aggression.
  • C. Observing attitude.
  • D. Self-confidence (from aggression).
  • E. Defense.
  • F and G. Normal behavior.
  • H. Between the norm and concern.
  • I. Friendly attitude.
  • J and K. Subordination (J-Durable, K - with fear).

Why does a dog wags the tail?

You bought a dog, brought her home and started getting acquainted with her, and she would be so friendly with a tail. But is it friendly? And in general, why do you need a dog with a tail?

Most people today are holy confident that if the dog wags the tail, then it shows her friendliness and good attitude towards a person, but it is not always the case.

Consider the question of the tail, but it should be remembered that there are not only it, but all their body, as well as sound signals to communicate the dogs.

Why does a dog wags the tail?

The tail is one of the means of communication in dogs, with it, they show their attitude. That's just what?
Several years ago, scientists found out the pattern of wary of the tail: if the dog wieled the tail to the right, then she has a positive attitude to the object, and if left is negative.

Relationship depending on the position of the tail

If the dog is aggressive, then her tail will be highly raised and only the tip will be viven, if playful, then the tail is highlighted and wags completely all the tail, well, if the tail is at the bottom, then the dog is or is afraid, or submits.

Surely some of our readers will want to check if there is a difference in the wary of the tail of their dogs, depending on the situation. As a person wrote on one of the forums about dogs, he also decided to check whether it was true, and therefore attracted his German shepherd to the tests. He confirmed that all this is true: on family members, the dog's tail wie to the right, on someone from acquaintances - it was hard to disassemble in what direction the tail wags, but at all unfamiliar people - The tail wie on the left side.

It is hard to say whether it is possible to interpret the movement of the tail unequivocally or not, but it is possible that these studies will lead to a better understanding of our pets.

It is known that dogs are the best friends of a person. They not only love him all the soul, but also ready to defend to the last breath. In order for the owner to better feel the behavior of the dog, you need to deal with it, and it must be brought up. The owners and other people must correctly understand the behavior of dogs so that if necessary, to respond correctly to it.

The dog is mainly talking to people using the body language, while quite often using and voice. Here are its main movements and nuances of behavior.

Valyanie tail

When the dogs are joy, they are masting the tail. Note that exactly what they do. If the dog rejoices, her tail is moving from side to side. So it happens when the home dog sees the owner after his long absence, as well as when she shows her favorite toys or delicacies. At the same time, the movement of the tail is wide and squeezed. If the dog makes the tail short and rapid movements, it can be a sign of aggression. Stay away from the animal than the tail when acking is raised upward, while it is intense and hard. This is a sign of dog's readiness to attack.

Digging land

Dogs often dig in the ground. After all, they originated from wild animals, the main way of feeding which was hunting. Drop the earth, however, not only hunting breeds, but any other. This is what they do in order to hide their favorite toys or food about the reserve. Sometimes dogs dig up the land from boredom or desire to move. If they have forced for a long time to stay without movement, they begin to experience anxiety and nervousness, the main signs of which are prolonged Lai, chewing toys, digging in the owners' shoes and damage the legs of the chairs and tables.

Sniffing people and subjects

Sniffing is an instinctive behavior of animals. Dogs have a very well developed sense of smell, which helps them get more information about the surrounding. They are able to detect odors of other animals and man. When they lick a person, it means not only the love of it, but also processing about it information that helps the dog then recognize this person in the future.


Jump more often puppies than adult animals. Such a movement can be seen when the dog wants to show his appreciation to the owner or worries. If the animal jumps too often, it does it to attract attention. True, sometimes jumping can demonstrate the approval of superiority.


The bumping of objects or hands of the owner is also more often observed in puppies when they teck their teeth. Adult dogs can bite when they are scary, or they protect their territory. If the dog is going to bite, sometimes before that she grows and scalps his teeth. Some dog breeds bite more, some are less. To wean an animal to bite, it should be specifically trained.

Leaving tags:

You probably saw dogs that ripen on the wheels of cars or trees. So they march their territory. If your dog sniffs the corners of the houses and is passing along the way, it means that it reads the information left by other dogs, and leaves his own. If suddenly the dog is lost, according to its preliminary "records" on the trees and other items, it can easily find the way home.


Lai is the usual phenomenon of all dogs. They go to strangers, warning them about not to enter their courtyard or house. They are so welcome familiar people and dogs. If animals are nervous, their barking becomes sophisticated. Sometimes animals marvel without any reason. In this case, they are most likely required special training in order to correct behavior.


Dogs usually whine when they miss or want to get the desired. Sometimes they do it only in order to attract the attention of the owner.


Dogs are growling while playing or aggression. In most cases, they give a roar to understand that it's time to stop doing what you are doing at the moment.


Dogs can be in response to certain sounds - for example, when the sound of the siren or the sound of a musical instrument is heard. Similarly, they react to stress or long lack of owner.

Problems with behavior

In dogs there are certain behavioral problems. The owner should know about them so that with the help of training it was possible to fix them. Dog disorders include the following:

Excessive aggressiveness

Too aggressive dog becomes a big problem for both the owner and the people around him. She is especially dangerous for children. The evil dog is usually a lot of bodies, bite without any reason and chews the items that are not intended for chewing at all.

Talking leash:

Most dogs, pulling the leash, show that they are the main here, and everyone should go behind them where they do. So that such behavior was not, the dog from early childhood should be taught obedience with the help of a professional filmologist.

Urination and defecation in the house:

If your dog does not tolerate when the owner displays it to the street, and it helps you need it right in the house, it may mean that it expresses its discontent with something - for example, by the fact that it was left for one for a long time or replaced the beloved food to others. Sometimes, however, this can be explained by the presence of some diseases in the animal, therefore, before punishing it, show it to the veterinarian.

Understanding and changing the dog behavior will help you strengthen your connection with it and make your life easier. The life of the dog can not be allowed on samonek. Animals need to be constantly engaged, including, and in specially intended establishments, where they are taught obedience and good behavior.

Our smaller brothers are faithful and devotional people's friends. All your short life are defenders and friends. Helps rescuers, blind, ministers of the law, are engaged in worn, guard, work in a circus.

To have a dog is not only joy and happiness, but also responsibility. You need to learn to be able to understand the four-legged pet. But the dogs do not say, but they give us such signs as a bark, wabbing the tail, wrinkling the face, grin, squeezing, etc.

What is hiding behind the movement of the dog's tail

Consider this "gesture". The dog in the distant past was a mustache animal. Tail - Communication function between members of the pack. The tail is reported a lot of information.

It is only in our philistine view of the wagging tail associated with the friendliness of the animal. Everything else, each dog has its own individual smell, which is distinguished through the anal glands.

As we all know, dogs social animals. And now, when we live next to each other, the tail serves as a bright "tongue" of communication. The tail of the tail may be different in direction and intensity.

Express a lot of feelings and emotions - joy, fright, interest, sympathy, aggression, guidance.

Visible values \u200b\u200btail

Winning tail easily replaces a smile or thanks, for example for a toy. But if you only personally handed a gift. The dog will not be grateful to the subject, she is grateful to man.

If during the game the dog actively plays, jumps, growls, but the tail is wisers - sympathy and intimacy occurs.

During the execution of teams, training the tail insecrately and slowly wins - the animal does not understand the task. From here, we can conclude that in understanding and understanding what they want from it, the amplitude of the tail rises. And in practice it is confirmed.

The tail is in a not tough horizontal position - the manifestation of interest in this situation. For example, protein on a tree.

Raised in the position between vertical and horizontal - the gesture of the leader. Doodle and raised little up - the dog dominates. The position of the tail is below the horizontal (but not between the legs) - the dog is relaxed.

The sweened tail is interpreted in different ways. If the dog stands, the paws are straightened, and the tail is moving back - forward - depression and bad state of health. Paws with this position bent - this is already insecurity.

If the tail is clamped between the legs is a sense of fear, the dog takes its lower status. This, for example, manifests itself in an unfamiliar atmosphere. The tail was sophisticated - the manifestation of aggression.

Tail although an important part of communication, but when interacting with four-legged friend It is necessary to take into account the position of the head, ears, body, eyes, paws, etc.

A good owner must understand his shaggy comrade, feel His mood swings, predict desires. Before you need to become friends, and when a common language is found, mutual understanding will begin.

True friendship is based on consent and unanimity.

Both professionals and lovers unanimously argue that the wagging of the tail of the dog means good intentions. Meanwhile, such an approval is the same erroneous, as well as the fact that similar behavior of the cat indicates its bad mood. In fact, this animal behavior suggests that it is in a state of internal conflict.

The condition of the internal conflict means that the animal is under the influence of two opposing emotions. At the same time, it would like to go back and forth, or at the same time turn to the right and left. Due to the fact that these desires are mutually exclusive, the animal does not move from place, but at the same time remains in voltage. The whole body or only its separate part begins to perform the movement according to the initially accepted solution, then stops and triggers moving in the opposite direction. As a result, the beast appears a whole range of external manifestations of this phenomenon. For example: swing and rotation of your head, stealing from legs on the leg, shoulders movement, tilting of the body, beating the tail on the sides or, like dogs and cats, known to all waistly tails.

What happens in the soul of a dog that wags the tail? In principle, this means that she wants to escape and stay in place at the same time. The desire to escape, understandable, caused by fear. The reasons for which the dog would like to stay in place may be many. For example, it may be hunger, a sense of sympathy or vice versa - antipathy, as well as much more. For this reason, it is quite difficult to unambiguously interpret the wary of the tail, because In each particular situation, this may mean something completely different. Here are some examples.

Newborn puppies are waced by tails. This movement was noticed by a puppy for the seventeenth day of life, but it was rather an indinitious case. At the age of 30 days, this movement takes about half of all puppies, the rest acquire this skill to 49 days of life (values \u200b\u200bare average).

Puppies begin to vive the tail at the time when their mother feeds with milk when they lie along it, and its dairy glands begin to allocate milk. This is usually due to the fact that they show their joy from meals. But, if it really is so, then why didn't they start doing it before, for example, at the age of 2 weeks? At that time, the need for milk had significantly higher, and the tails were just well formed. The reason for this should be in something else.

At the age of about two weeks, the puppy still lying clung to each other, heating each other and not competing. By the age of six-seven weeks, when all the puppies have already learned to vive the tail, the stage of mutual hooks and play games occurs. Now to drink milk puppies must put it tightly to each other, although a few moments ago, they dug a friend's arc and brake. Therefore, in their psyche there is a confrontation of hunger and fear. It wins, of course, hunger, but every puppy, starting to drink milk, breaks between the desire to eat and the desire to separate from the conifer. The expression of this internal conflict is the characteristic rotational movement of the tail.

The next circumstance in which this televizhenic can be observed is that the requirement of food puppies, which adult individuals brought. In this case, the same conflict appears: on the one hand, a hungry puppy would like to approach the face of an adult of the PSA, and on the other hand, I would not like to approach your peers.

At an older age, when dogs occur after long-term separation, it is also accompanied by the wagging of the tail. The conflict occurs when warm feelings go paired with a certain caution. The tail of the tail is also an important part of the marriage games, during which the feeling of fear struggles with sexual intention. In the same place, where dogs that do not eat warm feelings, the tail waves the tail, which besides dislike, also feels fear.

Sign different types Welings tail. The subordinate individuals of the retail movement are wide and soft, in the dominant-cord and tense. The lower in the hierarchy of the flock there is a dog, the lower it holds the sow during the vicinity. Feeling confident dog, waving tail as directed vertically up.

All this is easy to notice, watching the behavior of dogs in different circumstances. Despite this, the wagging of the tail is still unequivocally perceived as a demonstration of positive emotions. Most likely, the reason for this lies in the fact that most often we have the opportunity to observe a vibrant tail during contact with people, and not with yourself like. If we have several dogs at home, then they are in each other's society during the course of the day, with us they will break up and occur daily. In such a situation, we can observe how the dog meets its owner, which is for her the dominant member of the pack. Usually at this time the dog is in a joyful state, with the concerns present at the same time. This is quite enough to occur in the internal conflict, accompanied by squeezed tail movements.

This interpretation is difficult for our perception, because It is difficult for us to imagine that the dog in relation to us can be some feelings other than love. And it is very difficult for us to get rid of the thought that our dog can be afraid of us. Just compare the sizes of your body with the size of the body of your pet. We are also significantly higher over it, which also acts overwhelming. You should also not forget that we dominate our pet in many situations, in the same number of situations he dependent. Do not be surprised that he is experiencing mixed feelings.

The wary of the tail is not only a dog mood signaling device, but also an assistant in the perception of olfactory signals. To understand this, we need to look at the world from the perspective of the dog. Their perianal glands allocate a specific smell, unique for every dog. Similarly, like fingerprints in humans. Energic movements of the tail promotes the cleansing glands and spread the smell. The man's slicer is poorly developed so that it can feel this smell, but it has a tremendous value for animals. That is why the wary of the tail has a very high mean In the life of a dog community.

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