The head is spinning and feeling unwell. Dizzy and nauseous: causes of symptoms and diagnosis of diseases

Any person at least once in their life has come across such a concept as dizziness. Moreover, each describes this condition in different ways. Someone feels that all objects around him begin to spin; someone feels that balance is suddenly lost; and someone in general mentally goes on a flight. Most often, this phenomenon is also accompanied by darkening in the eyes.

Sudden dizziness: causes

The main and most common reason sudden dizziness is a sudden change in body position. This condition is controlled not only but also by muscle receptors and visual analyzers. From here come additional effects such as darkening in the eyes and weakness in the muscles. But do not forget that all of the above "controllers" of our perception obey the main organ in our body - the brain.

There are many types of vertigo, each of which has its own significant cause. However, the most common causes are central and peripheral. The first of them is a consequence of disorders and injuries of the brain, and the second occurs with disorders of the vestibular apparatus.

Functional causes of vertigo

Many people are interested in the causes of sudden dizziness, since each of us at least once faced such a situation.

Very often, even an absolutely healthy person can feel the state when everything is spinning around, and weakness appears in the body. The head may begin to spin after lying or sitting for a long time, as well as when the head tilts and turns. This state will leave your body in a few seconds, but unpleasant sensations may still remain. Some people may start to make noise in their ears, or darken their eyes. Such effects are formed as a result of the redistribution of blood through the arteries and veins.

Causes of dizziness that are not related to changes in body position

There are also causes of sudden dizziness that are completely unrelated to how you change your body position. These include:

  • small amount intake nutrients and vitamins;
  • constant lack of sleep and overwork;
  • a sharp decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood (most often this condition is observed in pregnant women, as well as in women during menstruation).

All of the above causes of sudden dizziness are the result of a small amount of oxygen entering the brain. Thus, human brain cannot cope with the load, and therefore weakness appears in the body, the head begins to spin, balance is lost, and the heart does not beat so fast.

In order to cope with such a problem, you need to correctly build a daily routine. Exercise, walk more often in the fresh air, eat right, and get enough rest.

Try to consume plenty of vitamins. You can drink active vitamin complexes.

Arterial pressure

Sudden dizziness can be caused by swings blood pressure... After all, such a phenomenon affects on Very often, at reduced pressure, other phenomena occur:

  • darkening in the eyes;
  • general weakness and;
  • there may be a feeling that the lungs do not have enough air;
  • very often the body begins to sweat excessively;
  • sometimes minor hallucinations occur.

Increased pressure is characterized by the following signs:

  • lack of coordination;
  • severe pain in the temples;
  • a feeling that the face is on fire;
  • may have a headache in the back of the head.

Of course, treating diseases associated with surges in blood pressure is very difficult. Therefore, at the first sign, you need to urgently go to the hospital. However, if a change in blood pressure rarely bothers you, then at a reduced pressure, you can drink sweet tea, and at an increased pressure, a sedative. In this case, to bring yourself back to normal, it is enough to simply act healthy image life.

Problems with the vestibular apparatus

Sudden dizziness and nausea, the causes of which can be very diverse, very often visit people with diseases of the vestibular apparatus or ears.

Pay attention to diseases that cause sudden dizziness very often.

  • Vestibular neuritis... This disease is characterized by inflammation of the vestibulocochlear nerve. The main symptom of such an ailment is sudden, but very frequent dizziness, which is not accompanied by hearing loss. Also, patients very often suffer from bouts of nausea and vomiting. Usually, the disease goes away on its own. The only thing that is required concerns the intake of medications that help eliminate the feeling of nausea and dizziness.
  • Otitis... The disease is characterized by inflammation of the middle ear. If you describe the causes of sudden severe dizziness, then ear diseases are not in the last place. The usual symptoms of this ailment are severe pain in the ear, discharge from it, fever, and significant hearing impairment. In no case should you ignore this disease, otherwise there is a risk of losing your hearing completely. Be sure to contact an otolaryngologist. Otitis media is usually easily treated with antibiotics.

  • Meniere's diseaseaffecting the inner ear. During its course, there may be sudden weakness and dizziness, the causes of which lie in severe ear inflammation. The usual symptomatology of this ailment is expressed in severe pain in the ears, as well as ringing and noise. Hearing can be severely impaired at times. This disease is not treatable, but with the help of special drugs prescribed by a doctor, you can minimize the manifestation of symptoms.

Other diseases associated with the vestibular apparatus and ears also lead to dizziness. This can also include damage tympanic membrane and the inside of the ear.

Sudden attacks of dizziness, the causes of which do not cause headache, weakness in the body, darkening in the eyes, are most often associated with diseases of the ears and vestibular apparatus. If you notice such symptoms quite often, then be sure to visit an otolaryngologist.

Brain injuries and diseases

There are many diseases of the brain that can lead to sudden dizziness. Each of them is extremely dangerous and requires immediate treatment. Let's consider some of them.

  • Epilepsy - a disease of the brain, characterized by frequent loss of consciousness, seizures, as well as accelerated or, conversely, slow heartbeat. Treat this disease need special drugs throughout the patient's life.
  • Tumors of the brain... Lead to severe headache and dizziness. The main methods of treatment include chemotherapy and surgery.
  • Migraine - brain disease, also accompanied by headaches and dizziness. To reduce pain, doctors recommend using special pain medications, as well as trying to lead more

Other causes of dizziness

Sudden dizziness for no reason is usually not a cause for concern. However, if the head is spinning more and more often, and the person feels worse and worse, then this is an occasion to seriously think about his health, to undergo a medical examination.

If you eat a lot of fatty and fried foods, then you may begin to build up cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that an insufficient amount of oxygen gets to the brain. Hence the headaches, loss of balance, weakness and nausea.

Stroke is a very serious disease associated with a violation of the blood supply to the brain. It is characterized not only by dizziness, but also by loss of coordination, impaired speech function and breathing problems. This disease is very dangerous for human life, so doctors strongly recommend that you properly alternate sleep and rest and eat right.

Dizziness can also be caused by illness digestive system... may be the result of serious poisoning. It can also be associated with metabolic disorders.

The main causes of dizziness in women

The sudden is described in this article) in individuals of the weaker sex is very often associated with age-related changes or it can occur if there are pathologies in the body. In this case, dizziness is accompanied by a loss of coordination, nausea, as well as a feeling of alcoholic intoxication without drinking alcoholic beverages... If this happens quite often, then a woman should definitely see a doctor.


Pregnancy is considered one of the main causes of dizziness in women. This is due to a decrease in the level of hemoglobin or blood glucose. Usually on early dates pregnancy, many women complain of frequent dizziness. However, this is considered completely normal.

If this condition continues at a later date, then you should be wary. This is especially true for women after forty years.

Dizziness during menopause

Sudden dizziness, loss of balance, the causes of which are associated with menopause, very often alarm women. However, this condition is considered completely normal. During this period, women are encouraged to spend more time outdoors, rest and eat right. By using the right hormones, you can quickly improve your condition.

How to provide first aid

If a person's sudden dizziness is not accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, darkening of the eyes and breathing problems, then it will be enough to put the victim on a horizontal surface, while propping up his back. High pillows can be used. Unbutton your clothes, open the window for fresh air. If the person seems very pale, then give him tea with sugar. If the condition persists for several minutes, urgently call ambulance.

Dizziness in a person can occur for various reasons. Often this symptom is accompanied by a general weakening of the body, nausea, and in some cases even vomiting. There are certain rules of what to do if you feel dizzy during the day. These rules must be followed to shorten the duration of an attack or to prevent an unexpected fall.

What is Vertigo

Vertigo is one of the causes of dizziness (

Often a person does not know what to do if his head is spinning and there is unexpected weakness. Dizziness may occur unpredictably, for example when trying to get up from a sitting position. If your head is constantly spinning and there are pain, it is worth thinking about what to do and identifying the cause of what is happening. You should not worry only if your head is spinning with happiness.

In fact, dizziness is not a disease, it is just a signal that something is wrong in the body. But to questions about a symptom of what disease is caused of different nature headache, and what to do if you feel dizzy quite often, only the attending physician can answer.

Sometimes the head is spinning, nausea and weakness may occur if the vestibular apparatus does not work properly - vertigo. Many people do not know what to do or how to recognize vertigo syndrome if their head is constantly spinning.

The symptom of such a deviation is an unexpected attack of malaise, which is accompanied by:

  • loss of coordination of movements;
  • cold sweat;
  • nausea and vomiting.

What to do if your head starts spinning unexpectedly? Doctors hear this question quite often. The reason for this may be shaking and motion sickness, they most often manifest themselves with an increase in the load on the vestibular apparatus. Many people experience this syndrome when traveling by boat, riding on a circular carousel, or during normal spinning in one place. The reason for this is that when the body moves, the brain tries to analyze all the signals given, as a result of which confusion arises, and the person experiences unpleasant sensations in the form of head dizziness.

In order to make sure you don't get dizzy, you need to get rid of the source of pain.

Reasons why your head is spinning

Many people cite the weather for headaches and dizziness, which is a rare cause of dizziness. One of the main reasons why you feel dizzy for 2 days or more is the uneven flow of blood to parts of the brain.

There are many reasons for this, but what needs to be done if you are constantly dizzy and have a headache:

  1. Do not be alarmed if dizziness occurs after a stressful situation or an unpleasant conversation - this is normal, and everything is in order with your health. A surge of adrenaline could cause a slight vasospasm, resulting in impaired blood circulation in the brain.
  2. The reason why you may feel dizzy may be a loss of balance, or doing intense exercise that you should stop doing.
  3. With a long adherence to a diet, or an untimely meal, the question arises, why is your head spinning? The main reason is the lack of glucose in the blood. To make sure you don't get dizzy, you just need to eat.
  4. Also, the cause of a headache can be mental disordereg hysteria, depression or neurosis.
  5. Sometimes there is dizziness with a cold, as a result of complications, and the attending physician will tell you what to do.
  6. After chemotherapy, dizziness may also appear; only a qualified specialist can answer the question of what to do in this case.
  7. One of the causes of headaches may be a hangover. Many have figured out what to do to avoid dizziness after drinking. It is necessary to restore the fluid balance of the body and take special pills for a hangover.
  8. In women, pregnancy may be the reason why they often feel dizzy. What to do with dizziness in women, a gynecologist observing pregnancy can tell you.
  9. Brain diseases. A weakened condition occurs due to poor blood circulation, and dizziness can also occur when a tumor or osteochondrosis of the cervical spine appears.
  10. Violation of the organs. In case of a malfunction of at least one organ, a failure occurs in the whole body, for this reason, the head can be constantly spinning.
  11. Hormonal changes in the body. This is often accompanied by iron deficiency anemia, due to which the level of hemoglobin is significantly reduced. The main signs of anemia are tinnitus and high blood pressure. This disease, if not properly treated, can lead to a stroke. What needs to be done with dizziness caused by hormonal causes, the doctor will prescribe after passing all the examinations.

What to do when you feel dizzy

What needs to be done so that your head does not go round:

  1. In case of nausea with dizziness, do not restrain vomiting.
  2. When your head is very dizzy, the first thing you need to do is lie down. The head and shoulders should be at the same level, in this position, blood circulation quickly improves.
  3. Soak in cold water towel and place it on your forehead. In this position, you must lie for 2 to 20 minutes.
  4. In case of dizziness, it is necessary to cover your eyes or try to stop your gaze at a stationary object in the room.

Doctor's advice. To prevent or prevent dizziness, it is recommended cold and hot shower, with alternating cold and hot water flow. Thus, the vessels will begin to actively contract, and this will lead to the normalization of blood circulation in the brain.

What to do if you are often dizzy

Many people do not even realize that diseases such as:

  • latent migraine;
  • undetected epilepsy;
  • vascular diseases of the head;
  • undetected concussion;
  • old head injury.

In this regard, only a qualified specialist can answer the question of what to do when weakness arises and dizzy, in the absence of obvious symptoms. Doctors recommend:

First aid

Symptoms such as unsteadiness of gait, sharp headaches, loss of consciousness, nausea and vomiting that occur may indicate the presence of foci of cerebral hemorrhage or ischemia. If such symptoms are found, you must call an ambulance.

But what to do after calling a doctor to avoid a stroke if the patient is very dizzy?

First aid is as follows:

  • take off clothes that somehow restrict the body and disrupt blood circulation in the body;
  • open the window to provide air flow;
  • give the patient a horizontal position, with the head raised by 25 degrees;
  • remove the gum and dentures from the mouth, if any, so that the patient cannot choke on them.

Medication methods

What to do if you feel dizzy after first aid can only be determined by the attending physician. In most cases, drug therapy will be prescribed. It depends on the reason for this condition.

Treatment methods:

  • carrying out antihypertensive therapy. Such treatment is prescribed in the event that a diagnosis of arterial hypotension is made;
  • treatment with preparations containing iron. Such medicines are prescribed for anemia;
  • the appointment of psychotropic drugs. Appointed in violation of the work of mental activity;
  • from dizziness, pronounced pain medications are also prescribed (Mexolin, Betaserc, Promethazine). It is not worth stopping treatment without a doctor's recommendation.

Traditional methods

If my head is constantly spinning and feeling a little shaky - what to do then? In this case, traditional medicine can come to the rescue.

  1. It is necessary to do aromatherapy for dizziness. For her, it is better to use special oils such as rosemary, sage and thyme oil. Calculated: 1 drop essential oil 10 ml, for example, olive. Can be applied by massage of the neck area. These oils can help relieve dizziness.
  2. If you are very dizzy, a cup of strong coffee or tea can help. These drinks contain chemical substancesthat increase vascular tone and normalize blood circulation.
  3. What to do if your head is spinning due to surges in blood pressure, for example, due to the weather? It is necessary to take 10-20 drops of ginseng tincture. And the next day, with normalization of weather conditions or elimination of other factors provoking attacks, dizziness will pass by itself.

Such 2 symptoms as weakness and dizziness can accompany serious illness. It is very important to recognize the cause in time and start the necessary treatment. It is necessary to carefully consider all the existing symptoms, as they can be a signal of serious problems with the heart, blood vessels and diseases of other internal organs.

Causes of dizziness in women! Dizziness appears for various reasons, but the main one is any defects in the transmission of impulses to the brain. The vestibular apparatus located in the area inner ear, controls the sense of balance and sends signals to certain nerve cells.

Why do women experience dizziness?

Many people experience mild dizziness during a sudden rise from a chair, during a rapid change of position, lying on a seated position, during quick turns from side to side. This state can last less than a minute. Most often, women do not attach any importance to this, but in vain - this is the first call that it is time to go to the doctor.

The tactile, vestibular, and visual systems are responsible for the correct spatial orientation of a person. When they stop correctly supplying information to the brain, dizziness occurs.

Such violations signal violations in the following systems:

  • cSF dynamics;
  • medulla oblongata;
  • vascular neck, head;
  • analyzers;
  • cerebellum.

Violations in the functionality of the vestibular apparatus are called vertigo, which is characterized by:

  • gag reflexes;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • failures in the coordination of movements;
  • cold sweat.

With vertigo, women experience an internal rotation and reversal of the visual image.


Frequent dizziness in a woman can warn of serious illnesses and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • it seems that objects and objects around tilt, swing, rotate;
  • the illusion of movement appears;
  • excessive sweating;
  • noise in ears;
  • auditory hallucinations;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • light-headedness;
  • great weakness in the whole body;
  • tachycardia;
  • pallor;
  • a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure.

Young girls experience vertigo during puberty, the causes of vertigo in this case are hormonal.

In children under 12 years of age, pathology can indicate poisoning, overwork, heavy workload, hearing problems, and much more.

If dizziness occurs:

  • pass together with headache;
  • combined with weakness in the muscles of the limbs;
  • lasts more than 45 minutes;
  • observed in diabetics or hypertensive patients;
  • accompanied by prolonged bouts of vomiting.

We urgently need to see a specialist.

Most of all the symptoms of dizziness indicate that disease-causing processes are taking place in the body.

The nature of the pathology

When a woman has dizziness with normal pressure, the specialist must determine from what it happens, identifying the reasons. He should consider the following seizures:

  • Peripheral vertigo, which has a vegetative basis. It is accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, increased sweating. The attack releases quickly and does not disrupt vestibular functions.
  • Central vertigo. The attack comes abruptly and negatively affects the work of the vestibular apparatus. Repeated vertigo can interfere with speech, restrain movement, and create double picture one object. In this case, there are all the prerequisites for problems with brain activity.

The reasons

Dizziness may occur in the following cases:

  • Profuse menses. Large blood loss, iron deficiency - causes of weakness and dizziness.
  • Pregnancy. In this case, women may feel dizzy in the first weeks of the term.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Psychological illnesses.
  • Panic attacks, phobias.
  • Migraine. With periodic headache, all the signs of vertigo appear.
  • Brain diseases, benign and malignant neoplasms.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Disturbances in stability nervous system.
  • Spine injury.
  • Anemia - low hemoglobin counts.
  • Violations of the blood supply to the brain, inner ear.
  • Vertebrobasilar insufficiency and much more.

Also, the cause of weakness and dizziness can be chronic fatigue, nervous strain (stress), lack of sleep, large physical exercise, lack of oxygen. All these signs are typical for women of childbearing age up to 45 years.

Over 50 years old

Experts note following reasons dizziness in women after 50 years:

  • household stress;
  • insomnia;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • unhealthy diet, fasting, strict diets;
  • high or low blood pressure.

Dizziness in women of elegant age is most often a signal of the following pathologies:

  • meniere's disease;
  • labyrinthitis;
  • anemia;
  • chronic hypotension;
  • vestibular neuronitis;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • inflammation of the inner ear.

The main reason why women may feel dizzy is menopause. This is not a disease, the body simply rebuilds to a different life cycle, which is inevitable. This process starts after 45 years and lasts up to 55 years, or even more. In this connection, during this period, in addition to hot flashes, women experience frequent weakness and dizziness.

Older people can suffer from vertigo against the background of severe stress and emotional upheaval, which is typical for those over 65.


To find out why women are dizzy, and to remove this unpleasant symptom, it is necessary to diagnose and identify the main cause, of which there can be many. You can address the problem to the following specialists:

  • therapist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • hematologist;
  • neuropathologist.

Modern medicine offers a range of diagnostic procedures in order to pinpoint the causes of frequent dizziness:

In parallel, the specialist must pay attention to the following factors:

  1. How often my head is spinning.
  2. Period.
  3. When it appears.
  4. Symptoms
  5. How long has pathology been observed.
  6. The connection between the patient's movements or his body position.
  7. How the patient takes the drugs.
  8. Than independently treats dizziness.
  9. Color of the skin.
  10. Shaky gait.
  11. The mental state of the patient.
  12. Tremor.

What kind of diagnostics the doctor decides to carry out.


Therapy for severe dizziness is prescribed in accordance with the identified cause only by a competent doctor. All therapies are aimed at improving the patient's quality of life and preventing relapse. Applicable:

  • conservative;
  • unconventional;
  • surgical methods.

Treatment of vertigo is conservatively carried out using a number of medicines... The following drugs are recommended:

  • Blockers of H1-histamine receptors, reduce the stimulation of the vestibular apparatus, can be used for motion sickness.
  • Corticosteroids for general improvement.
  • Antiemetics.
  • Anticholinergic drugs.
  • Benzodiazepines.
  • Correctors for loss of circulatory functionality.
  • Diuretics.
  • Histaminomimetics.

Also, to remove the causes of dizziness and nausea, the following methods are used:

  1. Epley maneuver.
  2. Semont's maneuver.
  3. Lempert's method.

All these methods are based on manipulating the movement of the head and help to remove lung symptoms dizziness.

Surgical intervention is prescribed when conservative therapy is ineffective and there are several types:

  • Dissection of the vestibular nerve. This helps to stop the flow of balance information. There is a danger of hearing loss in connection with which the doctor must be highly qualified and experienced.
  • Classical labyrintectomy. A radical method of treatment, used only in special cases.
  • Chemical labyrintectomy is carried out by means of the introduction of special drugs that reduce defects in the transmission of impulses.
  • Laser destruction.
  • Removal of neoplasms.
  • Ophthalmologist assistance.
  • The use of a vestibular implant.


Over the years, dizziness can appear more and more often for no reason and treatment with folk remedies can become the safest and in a simple way remove signs of persistent vertigo.

There are a number of recipes that have been proven effective for centuries. Modern medicine recommends using traditional medicine, but only in combination with drug treatment, if it was prescribed.

  • Melissa tea.
    A crushed tablespoon of a soothing plant is poured over a glass of boiling water and brewed like tea. Drink to relieve sudden vertigo. Also, the infusion will relieve pain and calm the nerves.
  • Hawthorn tincture.
    100 g of chopped berry buds are mixed with 40 g of honey + 0.5 l. cognac + 2 g of cinnamon + 1 g of vanilla. The composition is shaken, insisted for a week and drunk a tablespoon before meals for about 90 days. This recipe is completely contraindicated for people with alcoholism and pregnant women. Patients with high blood pressure you can use the tincture with extreme caution.
  • Infusion with honey and apple cider vinegar.
    Add 2 tsp to one glass of boiling water. apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey is all mixed and taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Tea can be taken with sharp spikes in cholesterol, as a sedative.
  • Massage with essential oils.
    For the procedure, take 100 ml of 10% camphor + 20 ml of juniper + 40 ml of fir oil, the resulting composition is thoroughly mixed and applied with gentle, periodic movements to all lymph nodes of the neck and head.
  • Acupressure.
    In this case, simply press on the points that are located on the inside along the edges of the eyebrows. Also, the procedure is performed on the earlobes. The pressure is carried out for at least five minutes.

Advantages of folk methods:

  • the minimum number of side effects;
  • no time limits for application;
  • affordable cost;
  • ease of use.

Facilities traditional medicine can be a good help for conservative treatment.

Prevention and safety

In case of signs of persistent dizziness, it is worth taking precautions:

  • Do not drive;
  • Bypass trauma dangerous places;
  • Do not stay alone for a long time;
  • If an attack begins, it is best to sit down and tilt your head so that it is between your knees.

You can also carry out the following preventive actions:

  • drinking plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration
  • after 30, do not forget to monitor your health and carry out special vestibular gymnastics;
  • monitor blood pressure, preferably measured every day;
  • during "women's" days take vitamins and special meansraising hemoglobin in the blood;
  • to exclude bad habits, especially smoking;
  • get enough sleep;
  • have a good rest;
  • to reduce the level of conflict situations, stress, nervous overstrain;
  • visit a doctor at least once a year;
  • during menopause, take maintenance drugs;
  • ventilate the room;
  • more often be in the fresh air, preferably where there are many trees that produce oxygen;
  • do sport.

Observing all the rules, you can avoid unpleasant consequences.

Dizziness and general weakness are very common complaints that patients report. Symptoms belong to various disorders in the cardiovascular and nervous system. They are often companions of severe viral, bacterial infections, diseases of the eyes and nasopharynx organs. And this, by far, is not the whole list possible diseasesthat may be accompanied by such disturbing manifestations.

Frequent dizziness and weakness, doctors are wary, due to their subjectivity and the impossibility of an accurate description by the patient. Usually, dizziness is a feeling of unstable support under the feet, loss of balance, disorientation in space. It seems that everything revolves around and there is a desire to sit down or lie down. Weakness or impotence is characterized by a decrease in general tone, lack of physical strength, and the appearance of fatigue. A voluminous and complex work awaits the doctor in order to deal with all the symptoms and make the correct diagnosis.

Description of symptoms of weakness and dizziness

Symptoms of dizziness and weakness are two inseparable manifestations associated with each other, for example, weakness in the legs, will be accompanied by dizziness during severe fright or stress. With a sharp rise from the bed or prolonged rotation in one direction, the head may spin and nausea may appear, which will also be accompanied by a lack of physical strength.

In medicine, vertigo is conventionally divided into two types - this is false (lipotimia) and true (vertigo). Patients who have never experienced vertigo before can often confuse it with any other changes in the body. But there are always prerequisites for these erroneous symptoms. True vertigo appears without apparent reason and, as a rule, it accompanies many serious pathologies.

Symptoms of false dizziness

Symptoms characteristic of true vertigo

increased sweating;

frequent heartbeat;

pale skin color;

the feeling of flashing flies before the eyes;

cloudy eyes;

unsteady staggering gait;

a condition similar to alcohol intoxication;

headaches, heaviness and emptiness in the head;

heart pains can cause fear, panic, and dizziness

the feeling of spinning your body or rotating all objects around;

increased symptoms when the head is raised quickly or bending over;

increased sweating combined with dizziness in the head;

vomiting, nausea, headaches in combination with dizziness;

sudden tiredness;

loss of balance with the likelihood of falling;

ringing in the ears;

pale skin color and rapid heartbeat combined with dizziness

Diseases that cause weakness and dizziness

Rare, short-term weakness and dizziness may occur in healthy people... Systematic progressive seizures, which are accompanied by other additional symptoms, are already a reason to make an appointment with a doctor and undergo an examination.

Diseases or symptoms for which there are signs of false dizziness:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • spinal injury ( cervical spine);
  • depression and neurasthenia;
  • migraine;
  • hypotension;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • heat;
  • intoxication;
  • disruption of the heart muscle;
  • eye pathology;
  • pregnancy;
  • menopause;
  • low hemoglobin.

True dizziness accompanies such basic diseases:

  • head trauma;
  • brain tumors;
  • inner ear injury
  • disruption of the vestibular apparatus;
  • tumor-like formations of the inner ear;
  • long-term chronic otitis media;
  • labyrinthitis;
  • meniere's disease.

Causes of weakness and dizziness

True dizziness can be divided into two subgroups, depending on the reasons that cause it:

  • peripheral (appears when the vestibular apparatus malfunctions and inflammation of the vestibular nerve fibers);
  • central (appears in diseases of the brain).

But not always weakness and dizziness can be the cause of serious illness. For example, prolonged spinning on rides can make you dizzy and nauseous. Diet abuse due to a decrease in carbohydrates in the diet will lead to decreased performance and dizziness. Stress, insomnia, overwork, a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits - all these factors can cause vasospasm and blood pressure surges, resulting in dizziness, headache and loss of strength.

Diagnostics of the weakness and dizziness

With complaints of dizziness, accompanied by weakness and other symptoms, you must come to an appointment with a neurologist or therapist. Treatment directly depends on the factors causing these symptoms. In order to establish the diagnosis as accurately as possible, you should undergo a number of such examinations:

  • x-ray of the spinal column (cervical spine) and head;
  • Ultrasound blood vessels neck and head;
  • encephalogram;
  • computer brain research;
  • you also need to consult with an ENT and ophthalmologist;
  • donate blood for general and biochemical analysis;
  • donate blood for sugar;
  • make a general urine test.

Basic principles of treatment

The main treatment is aimed at improving the patient's condition, after all the causes of dizziness and weakness have been identified. The following drugs are used to eliminate symptoms:

  • Chonolytic, Scopolamine will help relieve nausea and calm the nervous system;
  • the antihistamine Meklozin has been successfully used to prevent and treat dizziness and vomiting;
  • the neuroleptic Meterazine has a strong sedative and antiemetic effect;
  • Vasodilator, Vasobral will improve cerebral circulation.

Gentle manual therapy, acupuncture and physical therapy (darsenval, reflexology) will also be helpful.

Emergency measures for sudden dizziness and weakness

Often, sudden powerlessness and a feeling of dizziness in the head can be harbingers of fainting. The patient hears ringing in the ears and complains about severe dizziness... Sweat appears on the face, the limbs become cold, the skin turns pale. There is a feeling of wobbling in the legs, the orientation in space is lost. It is necessary to take action as soon as possible, otherwise the person may fall and get injured.

Actions to be taken to help with fainting:

  • Find a place where you can put the patient.
  • Raise your legs to ensure blood flow to the head.
  • If there is no possibility to lie down, then the person should be seated, and his head should be lowered on his knees.
  • Provide good air access.
  • Remove tight clothing.
  • Let the cotton wool soaked in ammonia inhale.

A sharp appearance of weakness and dizziness, accompanied by difficulty speaking, numbness or paralysis of the arms, legs, facial muscles, can be a symptom of a stroke. Place the patient on a flat surface immediately and call an ambulance.

Prevention of weakness and dizziness

If no serious organic disorders have been identified, then dizziness and weakness can be defeated by yourself. For this you need:

  • Spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.
  • Exercise in moderation.
  • Reduce consumption of coffee and strong tea.
  • Leave bad habits in the past.
  • Establish a daily routine.

The causes of vertigo and weakness can be very diverse. The main ones are inflammatory processes or pathological changes in the inner or middle ear and brain. It is the vestibular apparatus, which is located in the inner ear cavity and is closely connected with the brain, that is responsible for the balance of the body. It is impossible to independently diagnose and cope with the disease. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and undergo an examination in order to eliminate the main factor that causes dizziness.

Dizziness and weakness cause a lot of unpleasant sensations, but such symptoms are not always paid attention to.

Often, such problems are not stopped or diagnosed, and this may be a sign of certain diseases.

Especially if attacks occur frequently and are complemented by other feelings of discomfort.

Possible causes not caused by disease

Not always, when the head is spinning and weakness arises, these are signs of diseases and other pathologies.

Often, such a condition can be of a physiological nature, for example, after a difficult day at work or exhaustion of the body.

This is why symptoms can appear in the evenings. They often go away quickly on their own.

If fatigue is quite strong, then in order to normalize the body's work and get rid of unpleasant sensations, you just need to rest and sleep well.

Also, the head is spinning and weakness arises as a result of colds that are not cured.

The problem also appears after treatment, because the body spends a lot of energy to fight the infection and recover.

Often, the body needs about two weeks to normalize its work. It is important to know why the discomfort occurs over a long period, when the symptoms do not go away for about a couple of weeks.

In addition, people may experience other unpleasant sensations:

  1. Dyspnea.
  2. Severe fatigue and poor performance.
  3. There is a feeling of constant malaise.
  4. Lethargy, weakness and drowsiness.
  5. Appetite disappears.
  6. Numbness of the limbs is possible.

The described symptoms can be a signal of certain diseases, in which case it is better to consult a doctor and undergo a diagnosis to determine why the head is constantly spinning.

Risk group

Among people who can be exposed to this condition, there are:

  • Adolescents who start puberty. At this time, adolescents begin to restructure the hormonal background, which is why they often feel dizzy, and also appear weakness, fatigue and, in general, their health worsens. Teenagers during this time can react negatively and aggressively to many things.
  • Women during their period. This group of people may develop the symptoms described, in addition, almost all develop weakness, fatigue and performance deteriorates.
  • Women during menopause. In older women, hormonal changes also begin, as a result of which they feel dizzy and constantly sleepy. At this time, the body becomes few in certain hormones, which previously could regulate the body's activity.
  • Women during pregnancy. In this state, women often feel dizzy, weakness can be constant throughout pregnancy.
  • People with unstable blood pressure. With hypertension or hypotension, people may feel dizzy due to pressure, if symptoms appear, then you can use drugs that normalize the pressure and the condition should improve.
  • Diabetics are at risk, because when the blood sugar level drops, the head becomes dizzy, weakness and other unpleasant sensations appear.
  • Aged people. In this category of the population, all organs and systems begin to work worse, in slow motion. As a result of this, various diseases may appear, fatigue and weakness often appear, and work efficiency decreases. Drowsiness may appear, but sleep is not possible as a result of insomnia.
  • Office workers. In this category of people, the head is spinning due to low activity and mobility, and the problem may be in improper posture, which leads to diseases of the spine and pinching of blood vessels.
  • People who are addicted to dieting or starving. If the body does not receive the proper amount of useful vitamins and minerals, then this can cause various ailments, including weakness in the body and muscles, drowsiness, dizziness, and possibly shortness of breath.

During the diagnosis, the doctor will need to clearly tell everything about how dizzy, from what it can presumably be, what kind of diet and daily routine.

Additionally, it is necessary to indicate possible diseases that were or are in a chronic form, as well as medications that could be used.

Such data will allow you to determine the reasons why you are constantly dizzy, and which treatment will be more effective.

Possible reasons

Worth knowing possible reasons, as a result of which there are attacks of dizziness and other types of ailments.

Among the main and often found, there are the following:

  • Constant lack of sleep. For this reason human body cannot recover normally, and sleep is very important for the normal functioning of the body and health in general. Its duration should be from 7 hours a day. But not always a lot of sleep is beneficial, because the head is dizzy even when oversleeping, when it continuously exceeds 10 hours.
  • Constant stress. Emotional stress puts a strain on the entire body, and it starts spending a lot of energy. As a result of stress, exhaustion and fatigue occur, this condition can be the cause of any illness and ailment.
  • Anemia. A similar pathology occurs if the body does not receive enough iron, hemoglobin decreases, as a result of which the blood cannot carry oxygen in the required amount. After this, tissue hypoxia occurs, the skin becomes pale and dizziness and weakness appear.
  • Infectious contamination. Diseases of this kind are always complemented by weakness, the head constantly hurts and dizzy, possibly fever, nausea. In such a situation, it is not recommended to independently carry out treatment; it is better to consult a doctor for medical help.
  • Neurological diseases. Such pathologies arise as a result of malfunctions and improper functioning of the nervous system, a person has many unpleasant sensations.
  • Failures of the vestibular apparatus and concomitant diseases.
  • Disease of the heart or blood vessels. Often, doctors diagnose vegetative-vascular dystonia or arrhythmia, these pathologies often lead to dizziness and weakness.
  • Failures of blood circulation in the brain. In this case, the person still has noise and whistling in the ears, as well as a disturbance in concentration.
  • Hypertension. During an increase in pressure, attacks of vomiting, dizziness are possible. These symptoms occur when the pressure rises sharply, due to this, some organs begin to malfunction.
  • Cardiopsychoneurosis. This disease is typical for the female half of the population and the head is spinning as a result of stress or emotional stress.
  • Neoplasms in the brain. When tumors appear in the brain, there may be various symptoms, often a headache, vision or hearing deterioration. If the condition worsens sharply, then an urgent need to consult a doctor, since tumors, like other diseases, are easier to treat at the stage of development, and not in an advanced form.
  • Migraine. Pathology leads to circulatory problems, the brain does not receive enough nutrients, the vestibular apparatus malfunctions and the head can turn dizzy.

It is important to understand the ailments that appear often and that they are quite intense in themselves must be identified. Only after determining the reasons can you know what to do. Doctors can indicate the correct treatment for dizziness and weakness.


For high-quality and quick relief from ailments, you need to undergo a medical examination, which will allow you to establish an accurate diagnosis.

In some cases, doctors can use complex diagnostic methods, which include the following procedures:

  1. Blood and urine is collected for laboratory tests and the installation of possible inflammation in the body.
  2. X-rays are taken to assess the condition of the neck and spine.
  3. Doctors can prescribe various methods for diagnosing vessels for their patency.
  4. MRI, CT are performed. Such methods provide data on the human brain, as well as on the functioning of the body as a whole. These methods allow you to assess the severity of diseases that are already in the body.

When the diagnosis is established, you can proceed to treatment, and it is better not to stop the dizziness on your own so as not to harm yourself.

If using tablets or folk remedies for self-medication, it is recommended that you discuss their use with a doctor.

Possible treatment

It is worth noting that the head is spinning and weakness arises due to diseases not so often and, according to statistics, pathologies are diagnosed in 10-15% of all cases.

The malaise itself does not belong to the disease, which means that it is necessary to treat or act on the root causes.

If a person has a syndrome chronic fatigue, then you just need to adjust the day and nutrition, after a while everything will return to normal.

In general, doctors may use the following remedies to treat:

  1. Held drug treatment, and doctors prescribe the dosage and choice of drugs themselves, based on the reason.
  2. For quickest deliverance from discomfort, you need to adjust your diet, as well as your day. The diet should be balanced, with a sufficient content of vitamins and nutrients. This will allow you to receive strength and energy. It is also important to schedule the day so that there is time for work and rest.
  3. Additionally, you will need to normalize sleep, which should mostly fall at night and is 7-9 hours.
  4. If possible, you will need to protect yourself from stress and other emotional stress.
  5. Useful to do remedial gymnastics and other exercises. Physical activity improves blood circulation, as well as metabolic properties in the body, in addition, you need to spend more time in the fresh air, especially during pregnancy or if the work is sedentary, office.
  6. It is important with frequent dizziness to control the pressure and, if necessary, correct it using special medications.
  7. Treatment of colds and other illnesses must be carried out to the end. Otherwise, untreated diseases will lead to weakness and dizziness.
  8. It is necessary to undergo all types of diagnostics included in the list during the clinical examination of the population. This allows you to timely identify pathologies and reduce the likelihood of complications.
  9. Should be strengthened immune system, especially during colds. To do this, you can use natural methods, folk remedies, or drug therapy, which includes the use of vitamins.
  10. It is important for diabetics to monitor blood sugar, which also leads to ailments.

It should be noted that there is no unambiguous and correct method of treatment. The symptoms are quite specific and can be stopped based on the cause, as well as the characteristics of the organism.

These can be physiological disorders that often go away on their own, or they can be pathological ones that require complex therapy.

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