Beautiful words about animals. Quotes about animals belonging to famous people

Retired goat drummer

The expression is used in relation to worthless people whom no one respects and does not give a penny.

The emergence of the phrase: the question is, why is a goat a drummer? The fact is that in the old days at fairs, trained bears were often performed for walking. The procession was accompanied by a boy-dancer disguised as a goat, and a drummer who provided musical accompaniment to the boy's dances. This is the "goat drummer". He was perceived as not very necessary and completely frivolous person. And this is with the goat, which itself performed was, in fact, an ordinary supplement to the bear. And if the goat also became retired, then what status did its drummer acquire, it's scary to even think :)

Bearish angle

A phrase about a distant, remote place. It can also be used in relation to small provincial towns with little traffic.

The emergence of the phrase: the title of the story (1857) P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky (1818 - 1883). It describes the life of a town called "Bear's Corner".


A phrase about a service or help, from which there is only one harm.

The emergence of the phrase: this is how the moral of the fable by IA Krylov (1769 - 1844) "The Hermit and the Bear" (1818) can be defined.
(A hermit is a hermit.)

The fable says that the Bear, wishing to serve his friend the Hermit, slapping a fly that had landed on his forehead, and killed the Hermit himself along with the fly:

“Here is Mishenka, without saying a word,
Weighty cobblestone in the paws raked.
I squatted down, does not catch my breath,
He thinks himself: "Shut up, I really love you!"
And on a friend's forehead he watched a fly,
That there is strength - to grab a friend in the forehead.
The blow was so dexterous that the skull rang apart
And Mishin's friend stayed there for a long time. "

The mosquito will not undermine the nose

To do something so that the mosquito does not undermine the nose, i.e. to do so well that there will be absolutely nothing to complain about! Make it perfect!

The emergence of the phrase: the Russian proverb "Here and the mosquito will not undermine the nose", is found in the dictionary of VI Dal (1801 - 1872). Its meaning: it is understood that the mosquito already has a very narrow nose, and it is not possible to make it even thinner. So in a figurative sense: the work is so well done that it cannot be done better!

The horse was not lying

The meaning of the expression: work has not even begun yet; absolutely nothing has been done yet.

The occurrence of the phrase: there are several versions.

1) According to one version, the emergence of the phrase is associated with the peasant custom of letting the horse roll on the ground before harnessing it and starting to work. It was believed that felting a horse before work improves its performance. Even if the horse hasn't fallen yet, it's still a long way to work.

2) According to another version, the phrase "the horse did not roll over" was formed from the consonant Arabic phrase "kn valle", which literally can be translated: "as if to take up work."

The cat cried

An expression denotes a very small amount of something. An expression similar in meaning: "With a gulkin nose."

The occurrence of the phrase: there are two versions.

1) The simplest version is zoological. Cats, by their very nature, really rarely shed tears. Cats have tear ducts to keep their eyes moist, but how often have you seen a cat crying?
Hence, they say, and the expression that you will not get tears from a cat, and, accordingly, a cat can cry only a meager amount of tears.

2) According to another version, the expression was formed from the Arabic "koty nailak", which can be interpreted as "stop getting enough money." That is why, according to this version, the expression about a crying cat is usually applied to money - "the cat cried money".

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Animals are more real than people. They don't want to flatter you, they don't want to make an impression on you. Nothing ostentatious. As they are, they are, like stones and flowers, or like stars in the sky.
Hermann Hesse.

No pet will jump into a chair during dinner unless it is absolutely certain that it can contribute to the conversation.
Fran Lebowitz.

Animals are very nice friends: they don't ask questions or criticize.
George Eliot.

In paradise, animals spoke, and therefore thought, because speaking without thinking is a later innovation of people.
Moses Safir.

Animals, which are few, were included in the Red Book, and there are many of them in the Book of Tasty and Healthy Food;
Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya.

The time will come when people will look at the killer of the animal the same way they look at the killer of man now.
Leonardo da Vinci.

Mouse: An animal whose path is littered with fainted women.
Samuel Johnson.

The yawning animal has a human face.
Karl Kraus.

Those who keep animals must recognize that they serve animals rather than animals.
Michel Montaigne.

The horse is the only animal that you can drive nails into.

Your dog is always on the wrong side of the door.
Ogden Nash.

Children love to have a dog in the house - until the dog has children.

If dogs could talk, they wouldn't seem so smart.
Sergey Savvateev.

When I play with a cat, it is not known who entertains whom more.
Michel Montaigne.

Cow: A creature chewing on a landscape.
Mechislav Shargan.

The cat is full of mystery, like a beast; the dog is simple and naive, like a person.
Karel Chapek.

Cat: A pygmy lion that loves mice, hates dogs, and patronizes people.
Oliver Herford.

A crocodile is a creature that has to choose all the time: life or wallet.
Gennady Kostovetsky and Oleg Popov.

The rabbit is a civilized hare.
Anthony Regulsky.

Buy a dog. This is the only way money can buy love.
Yanina Ipohorskaya.

The best thing a man has is a dog.
Toussaint Nicolas Charlet.

Don't look at your dogs as people, otherwise they will look at you as dogs.
Martha Scott.

No dog - get a friend.
Gennady Malkin.

Not ugly dogs - there are only unloved ones.

The horse's intelligence is best evidenced by the fact that it was afraid of machines even when people only laughed at them.

Why are the traces of animal paws please us more than the traces of human feet?
Tadeusz Gitzger.

From a sanitary point of view, a pigeon is nothing more than a rat with feathers.
Arthur Benline.

Dogs are loved because they do not want to become owners.
Gennady Malkin.

Dog - illustrative example human ingratitude.

The dog jumps on your lap because it loves you; a cat - because she is so warmer.
Alfred Whitehead.

Only someone who had never been a beast himself could have come up with signs prohibiting feeding them.
Jonathan Safran Foer.

The dog is so loyal that you don't even believe that a person deserves such love.
Ilya Ilf.

Dogs also laugh, only they laugh with their tail.
Max Eastman.

I hate horses: they are uncomfortable in the middle, and dangerous along the edges.

Only a person who has a dog feels like a person.

Children are just animals, except that no animal has even a quarter of childish selfishness.

Feelings rather than reason distinguish man from animals. Observing a cat is more likely to see the work of the mind than laughing or crying. Maybe the cat is laughing and reasoning silently, to itself, but then it is possible that the crab is also solving quadratic equations.

"Miguel de Unamuno"

The guinea pig is a unique animal. It has nothing to do with the sea or pigs.

You say that you love flowers - and you tear them; you say you love animals and eat their meat; you say that you love me - I am afraid of you.

"Tonino Guerra"

Dogs have only one drawback - they trust people.

Elian J. Finbert

Animals have horns, hooves, feathers and jaws! They fight in order to continue their kind!

If you see children torturing a kitten or a bird for their fun, you stop them and teach them pity for living creatures, while you yourself go hunting, shooting pigeons, racing and sit down for lunch, for which several living creatures have been killed. Will this screaming contradiction not become apparent and stop people?

People also have nothing to do with deer, but some walk with antlers.

No person who has ever lived side by side with animals living in the wild can then visit the zoo.

"Peter Heg"

We never forget to drop by the wolves, so unhappy in their cages, where they constantly walk in circles - more in order to give them a brotherly glance than to admire them.

"Marina Vladi"

Humans are the only animals that have children for a specific purpose. True, there are also guppies - they love to feast on their fry.

"P. J. O'Rourke "

Don't leave the animals ... please, they are the most loyal and love you no matter who you are or how much money you have.

I believe animals have senses and other signs of intelligence, but no one has yet been able to prove this. What is there, we cannot prove that other people are reasonable, what can we say about animals.

"Joseph Ledoux"

The question is not whether animals can think or speak, but whether they can suffer.

Jeremiah Bentham

A cat is a creature that plays with a mouse and imagines that a person is in front of him.

Leonard Louis Levinson

Discrimination against living beings solely for the benefit of their species is a form of prejudice.

"Peter Singer"

When an animal is beaten, its eyes take on a human expression. How much a person had to suffer before he became a person.

"Karel Chapek"

"Mikhail Genin"

Rabbits do not die at all - they become earflaps, fur coats, muffs and continue to live in our souls.

You can become a border guard if you run after the dog for a long time.


If God didn't want us to eat animals, then why did he make them out of meat?

Sarah Palin

The righteous man takes care of his cattle, but the sinner's heart does not know mercy.

I am always interested in: Why does some unicellular ameoba belong to animals - to living, and a more complex plant in structure, which can even feed on the same ameobas, bacteria, insects, birds, fish and can even sometimes move, but - animals are not considered ?

"Vladimir Borisov"

A kitten in the animal kingdom is like a rosebud in a garden.

Robert Southey

A good person is ashamed even in front of a dog.

Having an animal at home means taking responsibility for its life.

A lion remains a lion, even if he is as stupid as a donkey.

"Mikhail Genin"

Animals are like children and old people: without the right to choose, they are not to blame for anything and are often not needed by anyone.

"Yanna Serkova"

It's good that my cat can't talk - she knows too much!

Animals feed, people eat; but only smart people know how to eat.

"Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin"

And the four-legged stand on their hind limbs. What can you do for food and fear!

Cruelty to animals is one of the means of destroying moral sensitivity.

Benjamin Rush

Pets are like a diary: they know everything, but they won't tell anyone.

Only a person who has a dog feels like a person.

How often in conversations we remember our younger brothers. Viktor Mikhailovich's chickens don't peck money, dad keeps Katya in tight-knit mittens, and accountant Tatyana Akakievna is just a snake! We became interested in what these catch phrases mean. We were inspired by the newspaper material "Arguments and Facts" and made our own selection!

Read the article and arm yourself with knowledge. Now, if mom wants to rip out her little sister "like a Sidor's goat," you can popularly explain to her who this Sidor is. We are sure that mom will immediately soften.

Freeze the worm

The worm "appeared" on our plates thanks to the French expression tuer le ver. It literally translates to "kill the worm", but the French use it when they want to drink alcohol on an empty stomach.

Ate the dog

Nowadays, those who "ate" a man's friend are considered professionals in their field. The expression comes from the Korean tradition of eating dogs. The Russian people believed that the meat of these animals is tasteless, and to eat it whole, if not impossible, is extremely difficult. Anyone who is capable of such a task was considered a master of his craft. Hence the meaning of phraseological units.

On the bird's rights

So we are talking about those who have an unstable situation at work or not everything is in order with registration. Bird nests are so easy to destroy or ravage - apparently, it was they who inspired those who came up with this expression.


The custom of blaming all failures on another was invented by the ancient Jews. The Bible describes a rite in which a priest lays hands on an unfortunate animal, and all human sins are transferred to the goat. After the rite, the horned martyr was driven into the wilderness.

Secular lion

The expression appeared in London almost two hundred years ago. Men who were successful with women were jokingly compared to the lions who lived in the Tower: predators were very popular with Londoners.

The horse was not lying

In the old days, they knew very well that any horse, before allowing it to be harnessed, must lie in the grass. This behavior of the horses delayed the process of starting work in the field or laying the cart. Now this expression means that work has not even begun yet.

Chickens do not peck money

The expression came from the habit of a bird: chickens do not peck grain when there is a lot of it and they are already full.

Nose mosquito will not erode

Now this expression means accurate work in any field, but earlier it was used only among carpenters and jewelers. High-class craftsmen took pride in their polished products and assured them that they did not even have a tiny roughness that a mosquito could sniff.

Newspaper duck

Now this is called a false sensational rumor. In the Middle Ages in Europe, travelers told tales of countries where everything was in abundance. Shake a tree ... and fat ducks fall from the branches like overripe fruits.

Another version: in Germany, journalists used the abbreviation NT (“non testantur” - not verified) under the news, the reliability of which they were not sure. NT reads ente in German, which means ... you guessed it - duck!

Add a pig

The expression means to give someone big trouble. The catchphrase came from Muslims, for whom eating pork is prohibited by religion. When a Muslim accidentally ate the meat of a pig, they said "put a pig."


This is what we call an inept service that does more harm than good. The expression came from IA Krylov's fable "The Hermit and the Bear". One day a hermit monk went to bed, and the bear decided to drive away the flies from him. One fly did not fly off the monk, then the bear took the stone and killed the insect on the forehead of the unfortunate man. "The blow was so dexterous that the skull rang apart, And Mishin's friend stayed there for a long time!"

Bring to light

This is what they say when they want to convict someone of crimes or dishonest actions. The expression was introduced into everyday life by fishermen, who said "take fish out to clean water", which means to lure fish out of reeds into clear water, where it is easier to catch it. From this turnover, the word "honestly" was formed - not hiding anything, frankly.

Ride a hare

If you have ever traveled without a ticket in an electric train, then you are well aware of this shaking feeling at the sight of a conductor entering a carriage. The first to compare the fear of being caught with the trembling of a rabbit were the French, who invented the expression aller en lapin - traveling by a rabbit.

Fuck like a sidorov goat

Who is this evil Sidor who tortures the unfortunate animal? In the old days in the villages Sidor was called an old grumpy grandfather, so angry that he does not regret his goat either.

Every cricket know your six

This expression means "keep your head down" and "do as you are told." Six is \u200b\u200ba platform in front of the mouth of the Russian stove, on which crickets often sat. If the cricket came across in another place, the hostesses were very annoyed.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched

The expression came from Aesop's fable. The stupid milkmaid carried a full bucket of milk on her head and dreamed of how she would buy chickens from the proceeds from the sale of milk and get rich by selling eggs. She imagined so vividly how she would refuse her creditors that, imperceptibly for herself, she shook her head “no” and poured milk.

Hang all the dogs

This turnover has a truly eerie origin. The expression came from the guardsmen, close people of Ivan the Terrible. Not subject to the law, the oprichniks very soon began to terrify ordinary people... To give themselves an even more formidable appearance, they attached dog heads and brooms to the horses.

What fly bit you

The winged expression was introduced into everyday life by French soldiers in Africa, who were terribly tormented by the bites of dangerous insects (for example, the tsetse fly).

This is where the dog is buried

The story behind this expression was so touching that it made us burst into tears. When the Greeks decided to give the Persian king Xerxes a battle at sea, they put old men, women and children on ships to evacuate them to the island of Salamis. The dog of one old man did not want to part with the owner, jumped into the sea and swam, following the ship, reached Salamis, where it immediately died of exhaustion. Plutarch writes that the feat of the heroic animal was immortalized with the help of a monument. Travelers and tourists, seeing this place, said: "This is where the dog is buried."

Keep on tight

In the old days, special leather mittens without lining and fur were used to catch hedgehogs. And in Soviet times, the poster "iron grip" became very popular, on which the People's Commissar NI Ezhov holds a snake in tight-knit mittens, symbolizing the opposition authorities of the Trotskyists and Bukharinites.

They do not look at a given horse's teeth

When buying horses, it was customary to look at the teeth of the animal - according to the degree of their grinding, the age of the horse was determined. IN english language there is an expression close in meaning to look a gift horse in the mouth with the meaning to criticize or be suspicious of what was given for free.

Snake in the grass

In English there is a similar expression - a snake in the grass, which means a treacherous, unreliable person. A deck is a thick log. If the woodcutter lifted a log under which a snake lay, the situation took a dangerous turn.

The new collection includes quotes about animals and animals:
  • A Bold Comparison of Humans and Pigs - I love pigs. The dogs look up at us. The cats look down at us. Pigs look at us as equals. Winston Churchill.
  • An interesting statement about fishing - ... The art of fishing is the most cruel, cold-blooded, stupid occupation of all that claim the title of sport. Byron
  • Ingenious Comparison of Animals and People - In terms of loyalty, devotion, love, many two-legged animals are lower than a dog or, say, a horse. It would be great for thousands of people if they could stand before the judge and say; "I loved as sincerely and lived as dignified as my dog." And yet we continue to call them "low animals"! Henry Beecher
  • Your dog is always on the wrong side of the door. Ogden Nash.
  • The more I get to know people, the more I love dogs. Madame de Sevigne.
  • External circumstances affect the shape and organization of animals. Jean Baptiste Lamarck, Philosophy of Zoology
  • A man and a horse are united by a whip. Jan Lekhitsky.
  • All living beings seek happiness; so let your compassion extend to all. Mahavamsa
  • A person must feel his closeness and his duty to any form of life with which he comes in contact. Francis Bacon
  • Children love to have a dog in the house - until the dog has children.
  • Man is higher than animals, not because he can torment them, but because he is able to pity them. And man pities animals because he feels that the same thing that lives in him lives in them.
  • Discrimination against living beings solely for the benefit of their species is a form of prejudice. Peter Singer
  • A good person is ashamed even in front of a dog. Anton Chekhov.
  • Dr. Michael W. Fox
  • Dogs have only one drawback - they trust people. Elian J. Finbert.
  • If you see children torturing a kitten or a bird for their fun, you stop them and teach them pity for living creatures, while you yourself go hunting, shooting pigeons, racing and sit down for lunch, for which several living creatures have been killed. Will this screaming contradiction not become apparent and stop people? L. N. Tolstoy
  • Only a person who has a dog feels like a person.
  • Cruelty to animals is only the first experience for the same treatment of humans. J. Bernardin
  • I hate horses: they are uncomfortable in the middle, and dangerous along the edges.
  • Animals are part of natural law, they have their rights because they are intelligent. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Those joys that will give a person a feeling of pity and compassion for animals, will pay back to him a hundredfold those pleasures that he will lose by refusing to hunt and eat meat. L. N. Tolstoy
  • Animals cannot express their opinion. It seems to us that we could be the ones who represent their interests. River Phoenix
  • Dogs also laugh, only they laugh with their tail. Max Eastman.
  • The animals that we have made our slaves, we do not want to accept as equals. Charles Darwin
  • The dog jumps on your lap because it loves you; a cat - because she is so warmer. Alfred Whitehead.
  • The lecturer's task is to connect the conclusions of astronomy, astrophysics, geology that relate to the globe, derive from them, as a result, modern climates, the distribution of phenomena of dynamic geology, soils, plants, animals, and human tribes. Andrey Nikolaevich Krasnov

  • The dog is a clear example of human ingratitude.
  • Changes in external conditions can give rise to new needs in animals. Jean Baptiste Lamarck, Philosophy of Zoology
  • From a sanitary point of view, a pigeon is nothing more than a rat with feathers. Arthur Benline.
  • When a person in vain destroys one of the creations of mankind, we call him a vandal. When he unnecessarily destroys one of the Creator's creations, we call him an athlete. D. V. Kratch
  • Has not nature placed all these springs of feelings in an animal so that it can feel? Doesn't he have the nerves so that he can suffer?
  • Cow: A creature chewing on a landscape. Mechislav Shargan.
  • Nature has endowed man with a high and wonderful gift of compassion, which extends to dumb animals. And there is no doubt that the noblest souls have the greatest gift of compassion, and narrow-minded and narrow-minded people believe that compassion is not the quality that they need to show to other living beings; but the great soul, the Crown of creation, is always compassionate.
  • Cat: A pygmy lion that loves mice, hates dogs, and patronizes people. Oliver Herford.
  • The time will come when people will look at the killer of the animal the same way they look at the killer of man now. Leonardo da Vinci.
  • The rabbit is a civilized hare. Anthony Regulsky.
  • Why animal footprints please us more than human footprints. Tadeusz Gitzger.
  • The horse is the only animal that you can drive nails into.
  • The horse's intelligence is best evidenced by the fact that it was afraid of machines even when people only laughed at them.
  • I don't care about a human religion that doesn't care about the welfare of cats and dogs. Abraham Lincoln
  • There will never be peace among people whose hearts seek pleasure in killing other living beings. R. Carson
  • We are responsible for our smaller brothersbecause they are older than us. Kubersky, Igor Yurievich, "The Year of the Guinea Pig"
  • There are no ugly dogs - only unloved ones.
  • The meat industry is responsible for more deaths in America than all the wars of this century, all natural disasters and road traffic accidents combined. If you think meat is real food for real people, I advise you to live really close to a real hospital. Neil D. Barnard
  • There is no significant difference in intelligence between humans and higher mammals.
  • The time will come when humanity will be humane to every creature that breathes. Jeremy Bentham
  • Not to cause suffering to our lesser brothers is our first duty to them. But this alone is not enough. We have a higher mission - to serve them whenever they need it. Francis of Assisi
  • Interesting quotes about animals - Don't look at your dogs as people, otherwise they will look at you as dogs. Martha Scott.
  • It seems incredible to us that the ancient Greek philosophers embarked on such deep arguments about what is good and evil, but never noticed the immorality of human slavery. Perhaps, thousands of years from now, it will seem just as incredible that we do not notice the immorality of man's oppression of animals. The Sunday Times newspaper
  • No dog - get a friend. Gennady Malkin.
  • Mouse: An animal whose path is littered with fainted women. Samuel Johnson.
  • No pet will jump into a chair during dinner unless it is absolutely certain that it can contribute to the conversation. Fran Lebowitz.
  • One can wean oneself from pity even for people, and one can train oneself to feel pity, even for insects. The more pity a person has, the better for his soul.
  • Oh yes, how could it be without it! Wonderful Morning Kill! All have their necks rolled: all the birds are dead! Once upon a time they could fly! Fly and swim! Fly and swim! And now everyone is dead and sold for next to nothing in the bazaar! M. Corelli
  • The best thing a man has is a dog. Toussaint Nicolas Charlet.
  • Drive away from yourself everything that prevents you from seeing your connection with all living things. L. N. Tolstoy
  • Buy a dog. This is the only way money can buy love. Yanina Ipohorskaya.
  • The righteous man takes care of his cattle, but the sinner's heart does not know mercy. Book of proverbs
  • A crocodile is a creature that has to choose all the time: life or wallet. Gennady Kostovetsky and Oleg Popov.
  • Examples of people convicted of educating the human race are almost as numerous in physics as they are in morality.
  • The cat is full of mystery, like a beast; the dog is simple and naive, like a person. Karel Chapek.
  • Animals without reason also feel pleasant; beauty is only people. Immanuel Kant, Critique of Judgment
  • When I play with a cat, it is not known who entertains whom more. Michel Montaigne.
  • Irritability in all or known parts is the most common feature animals. Jean Baptiste Lamarck, Philosophy of Zoology
  • What a poverty of mind to say that animals are machines, devoid of understanding and feeling. Voltaire
  • Dogs are loved because they do not want to become owners. Gennady Malkin.
  • Of all animals, humans are the only ones who blush, laugh, believe in God and kiss with their lips. Therefore, the more we kiss with our lips, the more human in us. Jonathan Safran Foer.
  • A dog is a very unusual creature; she never pesters with questions about your mood, she is not interested in whether you are rich or poor, stupid or smart, sinner or saint. You are her friend. That's enough for her. J.K. Jerome
  • Animal life has its own purpose, not a means of satisfying human needs.
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