The most terrible dog of the world Chinese Crested. The most terrible dog in the world

Come to us, we are interested! :-)

Answering the question, for which people love dogs, in the first place, it seems, you can put dedication and amazing ability to raise the mood of the owner at any time, it is only a bit to upload. Dogs love their caregivers is not dependent on what - it doesn't matter how much money has a person, as he looks and where it works, as far as he is successful in life. Probably, this should be true love, and our four-legged friends, in something feeding an example, it is perfectly demonstrated.

In turn, for most dog breeders, it is important that their wards perfectly looked: were beautiful, slender, strong, fluffy, cute - in other words, corresponded to the standards that are presented to one or another breed. But despite this most, today there are those for which the most terrible dog in the worldit is the best friend and companion. These dog lovers together with their animals participate annually in numerous competitions, and some such animals are even filmed in the horror film, not to mention a variety of photo shoots. Such dogs are truly ugly and sometimes little remind of their normal relatives, therefore increased interest in their photographs.

The most terrible dog

The leader in this unusual ranking is undoubtedly possible to name the PSA nicknamed Sambelonging to the breed of Chinese crested. It is surprising that representatives of this breed most often fall into the list of the most ugly. Sam died in 2005, winning this title three times in a row as the most terrible dog in the world.

Probably if he lived, he would continue to win the year from year, because In uglity, he simply does not have equal. Competition "WORLD'S UGLIEST DOGS" Every year it is held in America, where many applicants are involved, and the award is quite a major amount of money. An unusually popular Sam began after his third victory, when he was actively started to tell the media - newspapers and television. Then his photos got on the Internet and spread with extraordinary speed. The most amazing thing is that Sam is the perfect pedigree, so even judges of the competition were amazed by how terribly the dog in principle looks.

This small animal is completely bald - there are only a few blocks of absolutely gray and raden hair on the head, fruit and ugly ears. Dark-colored dog leather, wrinkled and covered with warts - few people can have a desire to touch such creation. Plus, the dog is absolutely blind, which is not difficult to guess from unnatural white color His eye, which seems to be devoid of pupils - really, as in the horror movie. The picture complements the front teeth sticking in different directions. Honestly, it is difficult to believe in the reality of the existence of such a creature, the first thing that comes to mind is a computer graphics and the like.

As soon as Sam received popularity on the Internet, he immediately became the object of interest of a large number of network users - he was devoted entire sites, peculiar fan clubs of Sam. This legendary dog-horror even became the hero of several comics. The hostess of the creature was Susan Lockhid - she took it from a dog nursery in 1999, apparently, regrets and making the decision to fade and go. So, Sam lived for a long time - as many as 14 years old, but as a result, the vet after the next inspection reported that the heart of the dog is in very poor condition. PSA had to be sealed to get rid of long and painful death.

Despite the fact that Sam has not long since, thank you, as the most terrible dog, still lives. It is surprising that usually dog \u200b\u200bbreeders are trying to select the most beautiful and strong individuals for breeding further offspring, but in this case the owners of Sam in memory of him remained his no less "pretty" sint named Pippi.

On the second place of the most terrible and terrible after Sam, you can put a tiny dog, which also belonged to the Chinese crustacean and wore a nickname Iodine. Today, this creature is written in the past time, because He is also not alive - iodine died from old age in 2011, having received the title of the most terrible on the same competition. It is surprising that, despite congenital uglyness, iodine also lived up to 14 years. This creation with its mistress Terry Schumacher lived in California, where, by the way, the aforementioned competition is held - in San Francisco, Petaluma. Every year there are several dozen challengers here, with the result that before the jury there is a difficult question for the choice of the freak champion.

Iodine occurred from Chinese Crested and Chihuahua. At the time when she was quite small, Terry, walking along with his daughter in the park, saw her and decided to take his home. At first it is strange to look at the kind of creature for the rat, but then, seeing closer, understood that this is a dog, but very ugly. The iodine has grown wool around the body, the tongue was never cleaned into the mouth and hung out. Such an extravagant species brought a hostess of a dog thousand dollars in the form of a reward for winning the competition.

In the third place among the recent champions on uddly among dogs, you can put a miniature doggy of the Chihuahua breed, which proudly carries the loud name of Princess Abigail Francis, or simply EBBI. This dog won the title of the most terrible in 2010. The winner today is alive, but not healthy - the left of her eye does not completely open, there is absolutely moaning is only the right. In addition, the animal twists the spine, so when walking it is very sharp on the side. All this is completed by the curves of the legs - as a result, it turns out a very unfortunate picture. Despite this, Ebby's owner named Kathleen Francis does not consider his favorite terrible - she, on the contrary, seems to be the most beautiful dog in the world.

Abby lives his hostess relatively recently - before that she was in a shelter for animals, from where she was then lucky to move to new house. Interestingly, having submitted an application for participation in the competition, Kathleus did not expect her nurse to win her pet. All the defects of her ward - congenital, but it does not prevent the dog to fully live. In the nursery she fell from the street, and the veterinarian Karen Halligan was engaged in the inspection.

Such a competition is held today in the UK. Here the leader in the "terrible" estimates is the peak by clicking Doug. The fate of this dog is practically no different from its previous ugly fellow fellow: he was also seen in the nursery and took home - in other words, the dog smiled good luck and now she lives happily in a private house with the hostess. Dag's trustee is Eypril Parker: She says that as soon as he saw her future pets in the shelter of Maiflauer, immediately fell in love with this curve and semi-blind creation. Epril has two daughters - Sky and Jasmine - they took the dawn from the nursery all together. Now a friendly family lives in South Yorkshire, Doncaster. Despite its terrible view and the ability to accumulate all objects in a row, Dag has a very friendly and affectionate character, so everyone who has the opportunity to communicate with it, there are several mixed feelings.

First of all, people love dogs for the fact that they are true to their owner. Also, pets can give their breeders a little bit of happiness in the event that the owner lasted. Animals, unlike people, do not pay attention to the material state of a person, his profession, appearance And for life achievements. This demonstrates that animals are the best friends of a person and, to some extent, gives people an example of the imitation.

The most terrible dogs on our planet

Usually, people want their pet pets are not terrible, and were the most beautiful and attractive. However, there are owners who want their most terrible pets to be good friends who will never betray. Lovers of such pets take part in various competitions every year. Special participants can get a role in horror. Also, the most terrible dogs are often photographed, as they are interested in people with their unusual appearance.

The worst dog is the Chinese Crested Sam

In America, every year a competition is held. There are many pets in it, and the award gives a huge financial sum. The first place in this list of the most terrible dogs occupies Sam. He belongs to the chokhlah Chinese breed. Interesting Facts:

  • chinese crested breed dogs most in this top;
  • the puss was three times the title of the most terrible dog on Earth;
  • the dog's fame gained his fame when she won the third victory.

At that time, the ps wrote articles and filmed plots. Sam's photos became very popular and quickly separated by the World Wide Web.

He left our world for another two thousand fifth year. The dog still remains the most terrible and if it were alive, it took prizes.

Parents of the dog looked very well, for this reason the jury of the competitions were shocked by how terribly the dog looks. This animal is very small, also it almost completely without wool. He has only a few small hair beams on the ears, face and head. Sam completely in warts, its skin has a dark shade, and it is covered with wrinkles. People are unlikely to want to stroke the most terrible dog. Also, a dog listened, the color of her eye is extremely white. It may seem that Sam does not even have pupils. PSA teeth grow in different sides.

In truth, in the fact that such a dog is in general there is very difficult to believe in the world. It may seem that this is just an edited photo or something else. After the dog has become popular in the World Wide Web, it has become interesting to many people. There were even individual sites about the PSA. It was something similar to the places of cluster of dog fans. The image of this dog was even used in various comics. Sam was sheltered Susan Lockrid.

The woman found him in one of the shelters back in 1999. Apparently, she was sorry for Sam and she decided to help the poor man. Sam i lived 14 years oldWhat is quite a lot for such animals. However, the doctor, when looking, found that the PSA has very large heart problems. For this reason, it was decided to plant Sam, since the PSU foreshadowed painful and continuous death. The dog has long left our world, but people still remember her as the most terrible dog. As a rule, dog lovers choose the most beautiful dogs to continue the kind, but in this case the PSA breeders remained a puppy by nickname Pippie. His appearance is also not the most attractive.

The next in our ranking will be a very small dog, which was called Iodine. It treated the rocks of Chinese crested dogs. This dog, unfortunately, is no longer next to us, since she died with his death in 2011. Iodine also won the title of the most terrible dog after Sam in the same competition. The dog was quite terrible since birth, but also lived fourteen years. Iodine, together with his breeder, Terry Schumacher lived in California. It is just a contest for the most terrible dog of the planet. Every time there are dozens of people with their dogs come to the competition, but only one wins.

Dog parents are Chihuahua and Crested Chinese. When the dog was still small, then the future hostess, together with her daughter, picked up the iodine in the park. At first, the owners even thought that this was not a dog, but rat. The dog was increasing wool scraps, and the tongue was always out of grazing. The breeder received one thousand dollars for an extraordinary appearance of the dog.

  • PSA has problems with the right eye. It does not open to the end, so the dog sees only one eye.
  • The dog has a spinning spine. For this reason, the dog can not fully walk, it is noticeably overwhelmed by the side.
  • The dog has twisted legs.

By gathering all this together, it turns out a rather terrible look. However, the hostess does not consider his pet ugly.

Pet has not lived so long for his breeders. Before that, the dog lived in the shelter, from where the hostess took her away. When the breeder wrote an application in order to participate in the competition, the woman did not count at all.

About tastes, as you know, do not argue. And the fact that one seems repulsive, the other opposite is touched. Therefore, this top is based on a purely subjective opinion, but we will be happy if in the comments you share and your ideas about beautiful. So, you are offered to your attention the most terrible dogs in the world.

This is a low chunky dog \u200b\u200bwith a very unusual fruit. He has a long and quite wide nose, but at the same time small rocky eyes. In bullteries combat, they adore to fight both among themselves and with other representatives of the animal world.

The breed is well to train and, as the owners note, has a magnificent sense of humor. The main thing in their upbringing is to understand who is the main thing, otherwise command all the bull terrier, he has all the inclined to it.

Standards of this breed do not provide strict restrictions on growth and weight. The main thing is that the dog has been developed harmoniously, looked tight and muscular. As for the color, most often there are white individuals, but there are more rare - tiger, black and red, tricolor.

Humanity is slowly accustomed to naked cats, but a naked dog still causes a lot of emotions. Especially when she has such a funny joker on his head, thin legs and a naive look. The breed has a mass of fans and no less opponents.

However, appearance is not the main thing. Cheerful mischievous temperament of the Chinese crested doggy simply cannot leave anyone indifferent, who at least a little with her is talking.

Interestingly, in the family of each such a dog, the "down jacket" necessarily appears - completely covered with wool. It happens in each litter; Fluffy can be both one puppy and two. And this phenomenon is completely independent of the purity of the parents.

How can a dog be a head of sheep? And so - look at the photo. But this does not mean that this dog is defenseless, as if sheep. On the contrary: the breed has always actively participated in dog battles and won the race.

In addition to the head, the dog as a whole is the original exterior. The shape of the body resembles a riding, wool is very lush and always pure-white. Bedlington Terrier is an active animal, he is ready to run around the clock and jump.

Initially, the breed was bred as a rat. That is why these dogs are so clever and strong - not only with the rat, but also with a whole badger. Nevertheless, now they are most often hardened as a cute family friend.

And the appearance of this PSA is not just original, but also quite frightening. It would seem that terrible in a round head with a short fur, eyes-buttons and expressive mustache? But when the dog shows the teeth, it becomes like a small devil!

The dog has a combat character and is always ready to stand up for itself and for the owner, despite the modest sizes. This applies to male individuals, women are much softer and stopped.

Do not think that a small dog is decorative by default. On the contrary, Affentpincing has unsurpassed working qualities. This is also visible according to a strong muscular physique, and according to lively movements.


This breed is unusual not only with its appearance, but also by the sobs. Bullets - shepherd dogAnd that it was more convenient to watch Otar, she is involved to jump sheep on his back. The spectacle is interesting - despite the fact that the bullets with their shaggy dreadlocks are almost merged with the sheep.

Today, a person knows this breed as an excellent assistant in the hunt. Especially deftly such dogs are pulled out of the water fell there to dyk. Train bullets is very easy, the dog is dying and faithful.

Wool, similar to cords, and makes the appearance of an animal so unforgettable, performs important functions. It is also protection against water, and heating, and a means of masking from predators.

According to the appearance of this PSA, you can compare with hyena, only he is much longer-legged. Another name of the breed is a deer dog. It is not entirely clear what it is connected with - with exceptionally long thin legs or with good hunting qualities.

Initially, the breed was generally output to participate in dog runs, but then they found its effectiveness in the fight against the coyotes. By the way, American Staghound is still officially recognized by the International Cynological Federation.

In terms of health, the most weak point of the breed is of course legs. Despite the fact that running for such dogs is vital, it is reasonable to limit the load. Otherwise, physical activity will lead to problems with joints.

This is a small dog with rather rigid and standing rice of wool, which makes it similar to the aggressive dragon. In fact, the breed is very cheerful and intended that all owners recognize in one voice.

As it is clear from the name, the Moscow Dragon was brought out in Moscow or Moscow region. The dog has a good health, as a result of which representatives of the breed are often taking part in sports competitions.

In general, the breed is considered decorative, but is allocated to a steady psyche, unlike many collections. Train the Moscow Dragon is easy, he literally grabs everything on the fly. But education needs to be paid enough attention.

Although, in the opinion of many people, this dog belongs to the most terrible dogs in the world, his appearance simultaneously inspires respect. He looks like a wise wrinkled elder who has known all the joys and sore life.

Another association is Italian mafiosi, no wonder the breed appeared in the south of this sunny country. In fact, the dog was removed for "gladiator fights" many centuries ago.

Despite the calm and phlegmatic appearance, a strong character in Napletinian mastiff. The owner's instinct is especially noticeable. The dog is very jealous, and will defend "his", including the owners, at the first signs of danger.

Representatives of this breed have a very beautiful elegant face, but it was brought into the list of terrible breeds of dogs because of an incredibly thin angular body. It seems that the dog consists of alone lived and bones.

Of course, such an exterior was disappeared. Azavaki is a talented hunting partner, which due to its thinness and lightness can catch up even the fastest sacrifice.

The character of such a dog is rather timid and grated. You need to treat a pet, because the loud swearing or the use of physical strength can forever break his psyche. But with good terms it is one of the most affectionate and devoted animals.

These fluffy fell in this list due to an unusual face. It looks very sad, and in addition, huge shaggy "mustache" hangs from it. The view is so much severe that the PSA can be compared with some professor.

True, the Schnauzer character is far from sullen. True, they are distinguished by infractiveness, but at the same time good and obedient. There are three subspecies of the schnauzers, but they do not differ too much - only with dimensions.

Official leaders

You will be surprised, but even special contests have passed to identify the most terrible dogs. Here are their winners.

This pet won in the competition more than once. But he was not born such repulsive, to blame for health problems here, from whom Sam eventually died. Rather, he had to sleep.

The dog was not just a lie, but also covered warts, and in some places - random white wool. The eyes were white and without pupils, and the teeth sticking out in all directions as it fell.

Its proportions are so illogical that according to some photos it seems like this work in Photoshop. This is what happens if you combine some not the most terrible breeds of dogs together, without considering as implications.

And this pussy, whose name is translated as peanuts, became so not from birth. The fact is that he had a chance to survive a strong fire in which the animal miraculously survived. Fortunately, he now has a loving mistress for which his appearance does not matter.

Of course, the main role was played at all the compatibility of the parents, and the congenital defect of the spine, as a result of which the dog has a very short and humpbound. Such a form really gives him similarity with quasimodo, the character of the novel Hugo.

This elderly dog \u200b\u200bpaws look like a frog, the language all the time sticks out of the mouth, and the strange look of "Iroques" grows on the head. In addition, from the old age, they are completely blind.

We have already mentioned this breed. But Martha is allocated among the fellows primarily by its red eyes of a terrible look. It was blind, but with the help of volunteers managed to organize several operations, as a result of which the vision was almost restored.

There is no doubt that for any owner, the main thing in the pet is not an appearance, but the mind, kindness and loyalty. Almost all dogs possess these qualities, but the appearance is just a matter of taste.

Many people in the house have a favorite pet - a dog. However, not all breeds boast beautiful representatives. Often this is due to the hostility of the owner or any disease. However, there are such dogs that have an extraordinary look from birth. Collecting information and conducting polls, you can clearly allocate the top of the most terrible dogs in the world. This list contains certain dogs, with their own history of life.

Fourth place

The last place in the list was taken by Ageli, or AG (from the English. Words ugli - freak), she lived most His life in the British nursery. Because of the peculiar appearance of those who want to shelter it was not. However, when she became famous as the worst dog in the world, its popularity immediately increased. There were hundreds of people who wanted to pick up Agi, but managed to make a regular woman, the mother of two children working as a simple waitress. She immediately fell in love with this modest face and, without hesitation, not a minute, sheltered her at home. The dog got his offensive nickname in the shelter, but the new mistress was replaced by an arc on the very first day. Jasmine, the youngest daughter, Eypril, said that it was difficult to make friends with a new pet because of his impressionable appearance, as well as her permanent grunts and a kind of manner to blow his eyes. But, as it often happens, the Agi turned out to be very kind, devoted and affectionate. Now the dog lives in love and affection, in the family, where the souls do not have the souls and consider himself best dog on the planet.

Third place

Miss Eil, who became a laureate in the nomination "The most terrible dog in the world" in 2009, ranks third. In the city in which she lived along with her mistress Dona, she is considered a hero. She had his comedy show, which became quite popular only after the death of the dog. The image of Eili often appears on US billboards. Thanks to her, more than 100,000 dollars were collected for an organization that deals with humanitarian aid. Another about Miss Eil was removed a report, and the mayor of the city proclaimed on November 12 her day. A dog died on the 17th year of his life. In memory of the pet, the hostess plans to build a shelter to help animals.

Second place

The second place gets ugly, but at the same time glamorous Munchkin. She is the most terrible dog in the world, but this did not prevent her from participating in exhibitions and conquer the first places, which confirm the awards in her arsenal.

Macchin is a fairly famous dog worldwide. She has a lot of fan clubs, website on the Internet, a large number of articles in newspapers and magazines, as well as a huge number of plots for the show. It is impossible not to note the fact that the worst dog in the world (photo in the article) cooperates with companies specializing in the sale of dog accessories.

She is a simple osranion, which possesses outdoor. In addition, due to excess weight, the dog moves, without reversing the back of the body from the ground, with the help of two front paws. It makes it even more frightening. However, by the nature of the Macchin is a very kind and affection.

First place

The most terrible dog in the world - Sam. It is not in vain considered as such, because, besides the fact that the dog was quite aggressive, his appearance is very frightening. Sam looks ugly, although it belongs to the purebred representatives of the Chinese breed of dogs. In all his life, the dog took three times the first place in the annual contest "The Most Scary Dog in the World" (photo below), and also constantly pulled the leading positions at all competitions of ugly dogs in which he participated. Sam died at 14 years from cancer.

Dimensions of the dog are not impressive, but it did not prevent him in life to throw on everyone without disaster. The owner was the only thing that the dog really loved and did not move away from him.

Ugly breed

Unfortunately, the official list does not exist, therefore, it is almost impossible to say with the accuracy of what the terrible breed of dogs in the world is almost impossible. However, many dog \u200b\u200bbreeders constituted their rating, the leader of which is a Chinese crested dog. Representatives of this breed are bald, with wool only on the paws, tail and face. But it was this breed that Sam was. On 2 and 3th place are Pug and Shi-Tzu, respectively. The first hit this list due to his nostrils, and the second - abundant woolen. Because of the constantly sullen muzzle on the 4th place, the standard Schnauzer was. And thanks to its wrinkled skin, the top five closes Chinese Sharpes. Also on this list fell and hounds. Due to the fact that the dogs of this breed are skinny, they look like an anorexic creation that does not feed the owner completely. Japanese Hin is located on the 7th place. His diagonal eyes can allow the rear and front door at the same time. Close Rating french Bulldog And Chihuahua. The first is more reminiscent of a small dog that rested by steroids, and the second has scolded eyes and too small sizes.

In the dog world there are breeds that contradict the beauty canons with special individual beauty.

How did they appear on the world and at the expense of what survive? Rating of the most terrible dog breeds in a detailed review further.

We all strive for the better, choosing the most beautiful and expensive. In our society, ideals of appearance are accepted and affect and their pets.

Such dogs are not so famous, but they can have positive qualitieswho do not have, etc. in our age everyone strive for individuality, and our satellites should not be an exception.

1. Peruvian Orchid Incas

The breed with such a beautiful name is headed by our rating. So, this South African aboriginal dog is the most terrible in the world.

Peruvian Orchid - a wonderful hunter (withdrawn like a boosane), does not sleep at night, By evening, her activity increases.

A unique feature of the breed - orchid sweats with all body. The skin changes the shade depending on the ambient temperature - when it is cold - brightens when it is hot - pose.

Peruvian Orchid Incas (should not be confused with) - one of the most calm and balanced dogs in the world.

2. KAI

Tiger breed is very rare even in his homeland in Japan. If the circumstances are required, Kai it is capable of making a decision and make a deed.

Kai-Inu recognizes only one person, for whom it will go to the fire, even in the water. This, in his own way a terrible dog, it has strong health, is not inclined to disease and mutations. Despite its small height of temperament and brave.

3. Leopard dog Kataotuly

Pretty terrible breed with a glass discharge view and color of wool, which adapts to the environment.

Breeders say: Katahula has a "sixth sense" and will prevent in advance about danger.

Differs in a pronounced hunting instinct - it does not get tired, has an acute scent and instant reaction. For the family will be a good guard and faithful defender.

4. Dirhaound

Terse sullen Giant Middle Ages - Dirhaound. Big overall dog it does not get along poorly in the city apartment, clumsy, but defiantly faithful to the owner.

Universal Borzaya, the best assistant when hunting for a deer.

It is impossible to keep on the leash, No matter how strong the owner was, therefore it is necessary to achieve unquesting obedience.

Dirhaound needs long workouts, his the body was created for running and persecution of production.

5. Dandy Dinmont Terrier

The dog "Old England" has a very extraordinary, terrible appearance - a pretty face resting on the head of the body.

Kid a squat, has a freedom-loving character and a clear mind. Dandy Dinmont Terrier straightline and leaning as a real warring, has an iron grip and sharp fangs.

The dog is very live - loves active games and sports.

6. Bergamskaya Shepherda

Bergamasco - informal among the fellow The owner of a specific appearance and the carrier of the Dredis (should not be confused with).

The Bergarm Shepherd does not tolerate loneliness and can even fall into depression.

It is intended for serving a person without which can not live. Despite the terrible appearance, he loves and loved by all family members for congenital playfulness.

If the puppy leave one in the apartment, then he can dissect everything in the fluff and dust.

7. Mudi.

Small farm dog easily adapts to new conditions, it is easy to train, vigilant and agile.

Dogs did not love this breed because of her specific exterior, but on the farm is the first friend and assistant.

Moody is an inexhaustible source of energy.

This breed super sensitive psyche, a dog is very playful and emotional.

8. Cataburun

The main feature of the breed - split nose What gives the ability of an ultrathone scent.

Cataburne - the representative is very valued for his working quality - endurance, reaction and flair.

Smart balanced nature, easy to make friends with children. In my homeland - these terrible dogs in Turkey Live on the street - Because of the hyperactivity, they simply closely in the four walls.

9. Chinese Khokhlatoy

Exotic style of wool Makes the appearance of a Chinese christian dog extravagant. In China, it is still worship as a symbol of well-being and wealth.

According to the legend, this dog found a lost infant in the forest and to warm it, shook his wool on him, And when their parents found them, took the animal home and now the dog is forever tied to a person. By the way, in the litter there are also fluffy puppies, the so-called "PUWTICS", but they do not belong to purebred individuals.

- Nature with a having character, cheerfulness and friendliness.

10. Slug

Arabic boosa (salva) completes our, very subjective, a list of the top 10 of the most terrible dogs in the world. Despite its unlimited appearance, this breed is valued:

  • in Africa among nomads for their ability to hunt and excellent guarding quality;
  • in Europe - as a participant in the run;
  • in America - as a family dog.

Saluses need movement, its space cannot be limited. She is clean, does not hide, licks yourself as a cat, odorless.

Arab Borzaya needs special nutrition, favorite dish For her - a young lamb.

Completing the review, we note: each dog is beautiful in its own way! Look again at these representatives of special appearance - These are rare animals, they need care and attention.

Each of them can be the best friend, companion and a domestic pet. These are special friends faithful and devotees, unlike the rest.

Additionally, read the brief video about the worst dogs in the world:

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