Mix with parnass. Afzal pan raas


Afzal Pan Raas 50 gramm:
+ Afzal Pan Raas 50 grams:
+ Afzal Pan Ras is a real cocktail of various flavors, very successful, must-have.
+ Afzal Pan Raas description: Flavor: Rose, Cherry, Mint. Traditional Indian soda taste with notes of Rose, Cherry and Mint. The most popular flavor of tobacco is Afzal, fresh and with an aroma (sandalwood and menthol) flavor. Try it out!
+ Afzal Pan Raas mix buy traditional Indian flavor with double freshness. Try the Indian soda, with hints of Pomegranate, Rose, Cherry and even Mint.
+ Afzal Pan Raas tobacco buy one of the most popular flavors of the line, very refreshing and even slightly smelling of incense (a unique mixture of menthol and sandalwood aromas).
+ Tobacco Afzal Pan Raas reviews:
+ Afzal Pan Raas mixes:
PAN RAAS (25%) + CHERRY (75%).
PAN RAAS (20%) + Ocean Mix (80%).
PAN RAAS (90%) + MINT (10%) = Afzal: Pan Raas + Al Fakher: Mint.
Well, a very fresh mix!
PAN RAAS (20%) + KIWI (80%) = Afzal: Pan Raas + Al Fakher: Kiwi.
A mix with an unusual, seemingly, combination, but an excellent taste of fresh Kiwi with spices.
PAN RAAS (40%) + LICHI (60%) = Afzal: Pan Raas. + Nakhla: Lychee.
Quite a popular mix in hookah bars, unusual combination fresh Spices and Lychee.
PAN RAAS (20%) + KOLA (80%) = Afzal: Pan Raas, Cola.
Mix with the unusual taste of the freshest Cola. This mix will especially delight fans of Pan Raas.
PAN RAAS (20%) + CACTUS (80%) = Afzal: Pan Raas + Adalya: Cactus.
One of the best mixes with Cactus, nothing superfluous, just a pleasant aroma with the taste of fresh Cactus.
Note: At the beginning you will feel mostly Pan Raas, don't be confused by that, after that the mix will be surprisingly good.
PAN RAAS (85%) + LAV 66 (15%) = Afzal: Pan Raas + Adalya: Love 66.
Fresh mix with a very bright taste! At the very beginning, you will feel freshness, but when Pan Raas opens up you will feel a spicy, perhaps for some, astringent aftertaste.
PAN RAAS (30%) + RASPBERRY (70%) = Afzal: Pan Raas + Nakhla: Raspberry.
An unusual mix with the taste of fresh herbs and spices complemented by sweet raspberry notes.
PAN RAAS (30%) + GUARANA (70%) = Afzal: Pan Raas, Guarana.
The exotic taste of Guarana is perfectly complemented by fresh spices.
PAN RAAS (10%) + ORANGE (90%) = Afzal: Pan Raas, Orange.
A mix that will energize your taste buds! Pleasant sweet taste and unusual taste.
Note: Pan Raas lovers can increase the Pan Raas share up to 30%.
PAN RAAS (20%) + GRAPE (80%) = Afzal: Pan Raas + Nakhla: Grapes.
A simple mix for lovers of Indian spice aromas. Grapes from Nakhla give a very juicy and sweet taste, and afzal adds its own unique taste of freshness. The mix turns out to be smoky, and also has a good strength.
PAN RAAS (20%) + TONY'S FATE (80%) = Adalya: Tony's Destiny + Afzal: Pan Raas.
An excellent mix for a hookah with no less wonderful taste of Cactus, Peach and Lime, with light hints of Pan Raas spices, which refresh this mix well and perfectly complement the whole range of tastes. The smoke will delight you with the taste of a fresh tropical cocktail.
Preparation: clog with sectors, that is, do not mix. Lay out each tobacco in a separate sector.
PAN RAAS (40%) + DOUBLE APPLE (60%) = Afzal: Pan Raas + Al Fakher: Two Apples.
Super fresh mix, the smoke of which will delight you with a strong aniseed taste.
PAN RAAS (20%) + GRAPE WITH MINT (80%) = Afzal: Pan Raas + Nakhla: Grape with Mint.
A very fresh mix with a sweet taste with hints of Grape.
PAN RAAS (10%) + ICE LEMON WITH MINT (90%) = Nakhla: Ice Lemon Mint + Afzal: Pan Raas.
The whole point of this mix is ​​that you can choose how sour the mix is. The more you warm the cup, the better the lemon will feel. As a result, we get an excellent combination of sour and fresh, Pan Raas is revealed a little later and the mix acquires notes of spice.
+ Afzal Pan Raas with what to mix?
PAN RAAS (10%) + CHERRY (45%) + COLA (45%) = Afzal: Pan Raas + Nakhla: Cherry + Serbetli: Cola.
Mix with a very pleasant rich taste of Cola and Cherry diluted with hints of Indian spices.
PAN RAAS (20%) + PEAR (40%) + LEMON (40%) = Afzal: Pan Raas + Adalya: Pear + Nakhla JTI: Lemon.
Sweet mix with a pleasant lemon aftertaste. Ideal to start your day on a good day.
PAN RAAS (10%) + PEAR (60%) + ROTANA (30%) = Afzal: Pan Raas + Adalya: Pear + Serbetli: Rotana.
An incredibly pleasant and fresh mix, with a delicate taste and hints of Pear.
PAN RAAS (10%) + GRAPE (50%) + LEMON (40%) = Afzal: Pan Raas, Grape, Lemon.
Mix with a very rich taste of sweet and juicy Grapes with a fresh spicy hint of Pan Raas and a light, subtle sourness of Lemon. The rich taste will delight for a very long time and does not bother even with frequent clogging. A good choice of mix for a relaxing evening both in the company and for home evenings.
PAN RAAS (20%) + Lime-Lemon (60%) + ROSE (20%) = Afzal: Pan Raas, Lime-Lemon, Rose.
A mix with an incredible taste of spices and fresh Lemon with light hints of Rose.
EARL GRAY (45%) + GUARANA (45%) + PAN RAAS (10%) = Mix 05.2018.
PAN RAAS (10%) + Ginger Ale (10%) + CRANBERRY (80%) = Afzal: Pan Raas, Gingerelle, Cranberry.
The mix has a light, slightly sour taste of Cranberry Morse with hints of astringency of Ginger with spices. Pan Raas perfectly emphasizes both flavors without interrupting and complementing them.
PAN RAAS (30%) + GUARANA (40%) + SWEET LIME (30%) = Afzal: Pan Raas, Guarana, Sweet Lime.
Pleasant exotic mix with sweet taste and fresh notes of Pan Russ.
PAN RAAS (10%) + CHERRY (50%) + DOUBLE APPLE (40%) = Afzal: Pan Raas + Al Fakher: Cherry, Two Apples.
Mix with Cherry flavor and refreshing notes of Anise with spices. A feature of this mix is ​​the unobtrusiveness of a double apple, those who do not like Anise will be pleasantly surprised by the taste.
PAN RAAS (20%) + LEMON PIE (40%) + LEMON (40%) = Afzal: Pan Raas + Adalya: Lemon Pie + Nakhla: Lemon.
A mix with an amazing taste of sweet and sour lemon, with fresh Indian spices.
PAN RAAS (10%) + GRAPE WITH BERRIES (50%) + LEMON (40%) = Afzal: Pan Raas + Al Fakher: Grape with Berry, Lemon.
A spicy sweet mix with sourness and freshness, with a fresh taste of grape and berry fresh juice with lemon wedges.
PAN RAAS (20%) + ICE LEMON / LIME WITH MINT (70%) + LIMONCELLO (10%) = Afzal: Pan Raas + Nakhla: Ice Lemon Mint + Fumari: Limoncello.
A very fresh and sour mix, where you can clearly distinguish the taste of Lemon, Lime and Mint.
Preparation: mix together nahlu with afzal and lay out in the first layer, lay out fumari in the second layer and nahlu with afzal in the third layer. This is done in order for the mix to get the necessary warm-up and not burn Fumari at the same time.
PAN RAAS (20%) + OCEAN BREEZE (40%) + CHOCOLATE WITH MINT / CHOCOMINT (40%) = Afzal: Pan Raas, Chocomint, Ocean Mix.
Delicious mix with the aroma of fresh chocolates and subtle hints of Blueberry.
PAN RAAS (5%) + KIWI (30%) + ROTANA (20%), MELON-MILK (20%) + RAPESODY (20%) + APPLE (5%) = Afzal: Pan Raas + Al Fakher: Kiwi + Serbetli : Melon-Milk, Rotana + Adalya: Rhapsody + Nakhla: Apple.
The mix is ​​not easy, but it justifies its complexity with its incredibly pleasant fresh taste. As you smoke, each taste will be replaced by another, but at the same time, without interrupting each other. At first, it will be more fruity and fresh, after which tender Rotana with Melon and Milk will open.
Preparation: Arrange the Kiwi, Rotana, Melon-Milk and Rhapsody in sectors, mix the Apple with Pan Raas and pour on top.
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Hookah tobacco Afzal- a relatively new product on Russian market, however, it has been around for quite some time.

Family company Sopariwala Exports is one of India's largest exporting companies in industries ranging from tobacco, seeds and spices to rice and flavored cigarettes. Since 2002, the company has launched a new cigarette brand SOEX, which initially sold flavored cigarettes (chocolate, menthol, vanilla, wild cherry, strawberry, coffee, lemon-lime, raspberry, clove, licorice and many others). A little later, the eponymous tobacco-free mix for hookah SOEX appeared, which became a harbinger of the success of AFZAL tobacco, which was born in 2004.

Afzal molasses- flavored hookah tobacco based on molasses. There are about 60 flavors in the tobacco line, among the most interesting are spicy and aromatic flavors with an Indian touch like Bombay Pan Masala, Pan Raas and others.

You can buy Afzal tobacco in many online stores in Russia, as well as in other countries, for example, in the UAE and India. In the near future, the appearance of excise tobacco Afzal is planned, most likely the Point Art company, which deals with Nakhla tobacco, will deal with the excise tax.

All flavors of AFZAL tobacco

Afzal grapes

Grape mix

Interesting mixes:

Afzal red cherry

Red cherry

Interesting mixes:

Afzal Red Toro (Red-Energy)

Energy drink aroma, weird

Interesting mixes:

Afzal watermelon

Interesting mixes:

Other rare Afzal tobacco flavors:

Afzal Cranberry is a very tasty cranberry aroma. We advise.
Afzal Rooh Afza Cool is a difficult mixture to perceive. There are notes of rose, lotus, mint.
Afzal Minty Grape - Nice mint grape flavor.
Afzal Ecstasy - similar to the aroma of strawberries and cream, not recommended.
Afzal Crush Ice is a fresh taste, somewhat reminiscent of Starbuzz's Winter Fresh, but with some medicinal flavor.
Afzal blue extreme
Afzal cinnamon
Afzal ice cocount
Afzal ocean mix
Afzal Pineapple
Afzal sweet lime
Afzal sweet lemon
Afzal cranberry
Afzal pan masala supreme
Afzal grape pan twist
Afzal Pan Apple Splash
Afzal Tropical Explosion
Afzal choco fusion

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In this article we will tell you about Afzal hookah tobacco, which is famous for its unusual and rare flavor combinations. This tobacco is controversial among the majority of hookah lovers. Some consider it very light, ordinary and not smoky, others, on the contrary, find it very bright, original and exotic.

This hookah tobacco is native to India from India. It is manufactured by Soex India Pvt. Ltd., also known nicotine-free and tobacco-free mixtures.

Afzal tobacco production

For the manufacture of Afzal, tobacco is used, which is grown on the plantations of India. Afzal tobacco blend is made from high quality tobacco leaf based on molasses, spices and herbs. The tobacco is finely chopped, although sometimes logs and twigs come across. Afzal is soaked well, also has good heat resistance. When smoked, it gives very a large number of fragrant and rich smoke, smokes easily and with pleasure. Afzal mixes well with tobaccos from other manufacturers.

Afzal is comparable in strength to tobacco, although some argue that Afzal is much lower in strength. Perhaps this is due to the good soaking of the tobacco leaves. Oh, and if you are a fan of strong haze, take a look.

This tobacco is represented by a unique range of varied flavors, with over 60 different flavors not produced by other companies. Many of them have hints of spice and mint.

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Afzal Top Flavors:

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Afzal tobacco flavors, a complete list

  • 4 Seasons is a unique combination of fresh sweet watermelon, melon and kiwi, with a pinch of Indian herbs.
  • Aniseed - Aniseed aroma with a spicy aftertaste.
  • Apple - The sweet taste of fresh juicy apples.
  • Apricot - A moderately sweet apricot.
  • Banana is a sweet, ripe apricot.
  • Berry Blast is a wonderful combination of kiwi, berries and cool mint.
  • Berry with Mint - a heady combination of juicy sweet and sour berries with a touch of cooling
  • mint.
  • Black Grapes - sweet and sour fruity taste, with a juicy and delicious black grape aroma.
  • Black Liquorice - A spicy black liquorice flavor with a sweet woody and light nutty flavor.

  • Blackberry - The soothing taste of freshly picked blackberries with a hint of mint.
  • Blueberry is a fresh and juicy fruity blueberry flavor.
  • Blue Extreme is a sweet and savory combination of citrus fruits mixed with fresh mint.
  • Blue Sky is a heady combination of fresh juicy black grapes, exotic blackberries and fresh blueberries.
  • Bombay Pan Masala is a spicy scent with bold tones of traditional Indian betel leaf surrounded by the sweetness of areca nut.
  • Bubble Gum is the favorite flavor of sweet bubble gum.
  • Cappuccino is the aroma of an Italian coffee drink.
  • Cardamom is an Indian spice scent.
  • Choco Fusion - chocolate flavor with a hint of fruit cherry.
  • Chocolate is the pure taste of chocolate.
  • Chocomint is the perfect balance of chocolate and mint.
  • Choco Pan Latte is the perfect combination of your favorite betel nut latte flavor.
  • Cinnamon - Spicy, unique and great cinnamon flavor.
  • Citrus Punch is a delicious combination of savory lime with sweet orange and mint.
  • Coffee is a magical aroma of pure coffee.

  • Cola is a popular cola flavor.
  • Cranberry - sweet refreshing taste of juicy cranberry.
  • Crush Ice is a heady mix of mint, menthol and a special "M".
  • Double Apple is a refreshing blend of sweet red and green apples.
  • Earl Gray is a classic taste of special English tea with a characteristic hint of citrus flavor, refreshing and pleasant.
  • Ecstasy is a combination of sweet fresh fruits and mint.
  • Energy Sprints is an excellent blend of guarana, mate herb, ginseng and herbal extracts.
  • Gingerelle - Spicy flavor with soothing notes of ginger and lime.
  • Golden Amber is the perfect combination of the sweetness of apple and the softness of honey.
  • Grape Pan Twist is a heady blend of traditional spicy flavors and juicy grape flavors, with a subtle hint of mint.
  • Grapes is the sweetness of fresh grapes.
  • Green Mango is a soft tart fruity green mango.
  • Guarana is a truly exotic Brazilian aroma with a sweet taste.
  • Guava is a unique sweet and fruity guava flavor.
  • Gum is a strong version of traditional chewing gum with a strong chilling flavor.
  • Gum Mastic is a combination of sweet gum arabic with mastic that is used for medicinal properties.

  • Gum with Mint is a mild and soothing scent of mint chewing gum.
  • Honey - sweet nectar taste with honey aroma.
  • Iced Coconut is a refreshing blend of coconut and fresh mint.
  • Kiwi is a subtle taste of exotic kiwi.
  • Kiwi Fusion is a refreshing scent of kiwi, blueberry and strawberry with hints of spice.
  • Lemon with Mint is a great combination of sour lemon and cool mint.
  • Lemon Tea - The mild taste of fresh lemon tea.
  • Lime Lemon - a sour scent of a mixture of lime and lemon.
  • Lychee - Not too sweet, amazing lychee scent with floral notes.
  • Mango is a sweet aromatic mango.
  • Mint - Ice cold mint flavor.
  • Mintos is a cool menthol aroma with a pleasant aftertaste.
  • Minty Grape - Perfect balanced the taste of mint and grapes.
  • Mixed Fruit is a popular mixed fruit flavor.
  • Ocean Mix is ​​a sweet citrus flavor with a floral aroma.
  • Orange - sweet aromatic taste of ripe orange.
  • Pan Apple Splash is a refreshing combination of fresh sweet apples and Indian betel nut.
  • Pan Masala Supreme is a delicious combination of Indian betel nut, areca nut and mint.
  • Pan Raas is a heady concoction of spicy betel leaves.

  • Peach - pleasant taste of ripe juicy peach.
  • Pinacolada is a refreshing tropical flavor of sweet pineapple and coconut.
  • Pomegranate is a juicy sweet scent of ripe pomegranate.
  • Pudina is a lovely mouth-watering spicy Indian mint that will pamper your senses and is perfect for a late night hookah session.
  • Raspberry - The sweet taste of ripe raspberries.
  • Red Cherry is an exceptional aroma of fresh red cherries.
  • Red Energy - a refreshing taste energy drink.
  • Rooh Cool is a refreshing tropical perfect blend of fruits, herbs, herbal extracts, rose and mint.
  • Rose - the soft taste of rose petals is a favorite of most girls and women.
  • Silver Fox is a relaxing scent of fresh apples mixed with the freshness of a cream.
  • Spearmint - This scent is stronger than regular mint, with a chilling cool aftertaste.
  • Strawberry - The sweet taste of ripe, aromatic strawberries.
  • Sweet Lime - sweet and sour fresh lime aroma.
  • Sweet Melon - The sweet taste of ripe honeydew melon.
  • Tropical Explosion is an exotic aroma of floral extracts with sweet, musky and mint notes.
  • Vanilla - pure sweet vanilla ice cream flavor. Great for mixing.
  • Watermelon - mouth-watering sweet fruity aroma of ripe watermelon.

Mixy Afzal

Below is a list of the most interesting Afzal tobacco mixes:

  • Pan Raas 40% + Pan Masala Supreme 30% + Crush Ice 30%
  • 4 Seasons 50% + Ecstasy 50%
  • Pan Raas 50% + Pan Masala Supreme 50%
  • Ecstasy 75% + Pan Raas 25%
  • Orange 50% + Pan Raas 50%
  • Cranberry 70% + Crush Ice 30%

  • Pan Raas 30% + Raspberry 70%
  • Silver Fox 70% + Pudina 30%
  • Mintos 10% + Lime Lemon 50% + Pomegranate 40%
  • Mintos 30% + Orange 70%
  • Black Liquorice 70% + Aniseed 30%
  • Apple 40% + Cola 30% + Cappuccino 30%
  • Apple 50% + Orange 50%

  • Orange 1/3 + Grapes 1/3 + Double Apple 1/3
  • Cappuccino 90% + Cinnamon 10%
  • Ecstasy 70% + Sweet Lime 30%
  • Cranberry 50% + Orange 20% + Strawberry 30%
  • Pan Raas 30% + Pudina 70%
  • Pan Raas 60% + Rooh Cool 40%
  • Orange 70% + Mintos 30%
  • Orange 50% + Lychee 40% Crush Ice 10%
  • Earl Gray 70% + Lime Lemon 30%
  • Double Apple 50% + Red Cherry 50%
  • Double Apple 50% + Cola 50%
  • Double Apple 40% + Vanilla 30% + Cinnamon 30%
  • Grapes 30% + Pudina 70%

  • Red Cherry 30% + Pudina 70%
  • Sweet Melon 30% + Pudina 70%
  • Grapes 30% + Pomegranate 30% + Pudina 40%
  • Watermelon 20% + Sweet Melon 20% + Grapes 20% + Pudina 40%
  • Gingerelle 50% + Orange 40% + Mint 10%
  • Gingerelle 35% + Mixed Fruit 35% + Vanilla 30%
  • Rose 25% + Red Cherry 70% + Crush Ice 5%
  • Watermelon 50% + Kiwi 30% + Crush Ice 20%
  • Orange 45% + Crush Ice 20% + Banana 30%
  • Crush Ice 30% + Apricot 40% + Sweet Melon 30%
  • Kiwi 40% + Watermelon 20% + Lime Lemon 20% + Mint 20%
  • Kiwi 50% + Grapes 40% + Mint 10%
  • Kiwi 60% + Guava 30% + Gum with Mint 30%

You will learn about the features of hammering and how to smoke Afzal tobacco from the video. Happy viewing.

If you are a true gourmet in hookah smoking, then after trying Afzal tobacco you will want to try it again and again. The bright rich taste and aroma of Indian spices will be remembered for a long time and you will definitely mix it with other tobaccos. And about what mixes of this brand or combinations with other similar ones share in the comments.

Pan Raas We explain what it is, why they don't like it and what you can mix with top-quality.

Pan Raas is a specific taste reminiscent of a fresh blend of Indian spices and incense. The tobacco also contains notes of rose, pomegranate and cherry. But collectively, the taste is more like incense. Therefore, Pan Raas has two camps - those who adore him and those who hate him.

Pan Raas. Specificity.

Pan Raas tobacco is distinguished by its persistence of its odor. When smoking indoors, the smell of incense remains for a long time, and the shaft and hookah pipe remind of such a smoke for a long time. If rinsing them is not enough, then the next poke will also be with shades of Pan Raas, so we do not recommend tightening it for a long time.

Pan Raas tobacco.

Pan Raas flavor is currently available from two tobacco manufacturers:

  • Afzal Pan Raas. Afzal is Indian tobacco, so the Pan Raas flavor in their lineup is not surprising. Tobacco is packaged in 50, 100, 500 and 1000 grams. The color of the tobacco is dark red, the cut is medium. There is practically no small debris in the form of twigs among the tobacco leaf. Tobacco has excellent heat resistance, so it is very difficult to overheat. This tobacco is suitable for beginners due to its ease of use. Afzal is famous for its excellent smokiness. With regards to the taste, Pan Raas - the taste is very pungent and rich, fruity notes are hardly felt in it. On the inhale one feels the usual freshness, on the exhale - incense. It is recommended to add a small amount to mixes in order to emphasize the taste in an interesting way.
  • Soex Pan Raas. Soeks is also an Indian company that makes tobacco-free shisha mixes. The mixture is based on sugar cane and flavors. The tobacco mixture is well soaked, does not have small debris. The mixture is not very heat resistant, but very smoky. The tastes are pleasant. Soeks is packaged in 50, 250, 500 and 100 grams, like Afzal. Soeks - very similar to Afzal, however, the fruity notes are more pronounced.

Pan Raas mixes.

Introducing the top mixes from Soeks Pan Raas.

  • Argelini Ice Berry 85% + Soex Pan Raas15% - a refreshing berry mix complemented by unusual Indian notes.
  • Fumari Limoncello 80% + Darkside Sambuka Shot 15% + Soex Pan Raas 5% - a sour mix with notes of alcohol and spicy freshness.
  • D-Gastro Grape 70% + Lemon 25% + Soex Pan Raas 5% - a juicy sweet and sour mix perfectly completes with an unusual taste of Indian spices.
  • Adalya Tony's Destiny 70% + Soex Pan Raas 30% - the finished mix reminds of a fresh invigorating energy drink.
  • Nakhla Ice Lemon Mint 25% + Soex Pan Raas 5% + Fumari Limoncello 70% is a rich sour mix with a refreshing aftertaste.
  • Nakhla Raspberry 70% + Afzal Pan Raas 5% + Tangiers Absinthe 25% - juicy raspberry taste with burning hints of absinthe ends with an unusual aftertaste of Pan Raas.
  • Al fakher Grapes / berries 60% + Pomegranate 30% + Soex Pan Raas 10% - juicy fruit mix with Indian notes.
  • Nakhla Raspberry 80% + Soex Pan Raas 20% - in this mix of raspberries sounds simpler, but no less interesting.
  • Al fakher Cardamom 75% + Soex Pan Raas 25% - a mix for the bravest. Try it.
  • Afzal Lime-Lemon 60% + Soex Pan Raas 10% + Al fakher Rose 30% - for the most courageous, part 2. Unusual floral-spicy aftertaste.

Pan Raas. Mixes.

What to mix Afzal with to make it wow:

  • Afzal Pan Raas 30% + Adalya Love 66 70% is a fresh and invigorating energy drink.
  • Afzal Cranberry 70% + Afzal Pan Raas 5% + Afzal Gingerelle 25% - real sourness with an unusual fresh aftertaste. Ideal for lovers of sour mixes.
  • Al fakher Kiwi 85% + Afzal Pan Raas 15% - sweet juicy kiwi perfectly harmonizes with Indian notes.
  • Al fakher Cherry 70% + Al Fakher Double Apple 20% + Afzal Pan Raas 10% - a mix where two most controversial tastes collided, it sounds great in combination with cherry.
  • Adalya Pear 60% + Serbetli Rotana 35% + Afzal Pan Raas 5% - the juicy yoghurt sound of the mix is ​​set off by a hint of spicy freshness.
  • Darkside Cola 85% + Afzal Pan Raas 15% - Great Cola from Dark goes well with Indian freshness.
  • Afzal Ocean Mix 50% + Afzal Chocomint 40% + Afzal Pan Raas 10% - a mix that resembles better days on a hot Indian beach.
  • Adalya Cactus 85% + Afzal Pan Raas 15% - the sweetness and juiciness of a cactus with a refreshing note.
  • Nakhla Cosmopolitan 70% + Afzal Aniseed 25% + Afzal Pan Raas 5% - invigorating cocktail taste with an unusual aftertaste.
  • Afzal Orange 85% + Afzal Pan Raas 15% - Afzal has a truly cool and natural orange that sounds interesting in combination with Indian spices.

Pan Raas. How to mix.

Pan Raas. Reviews.

In general, Pan Raas is more intended for the amateur. Those who like this taste smoke it even in solo, noting the versatility of the taste. However, for those who do not like this taste, we still recommend trying it in mixes. We promise they will sound completely different. This taste, as we said, is very smoky and heat resistant. Soeks, will be great for fans of tobacco-free mixtures.

Pan Raas. Results.

The aroma of a unique hookah tobacco Afzal pan raas has become one of the most popular among the entire Afzal collection, it consists of menthol freshness with a rich taste of sandalwood. Traditional Indian flavor with double freshness. Taste Indian soda with hints of pomegranate, rose, cherry and even mint. This is one of the most popular flavors of the line, very refreshing and even slightly scented (a unique mixture of menthol and sandalwood).

El Nakhla Mix Cosmopolitan (60%) + Afzal Aniseed (30%) + Afzal pan raas (10%)

An unusual mix with a pleasant sweet-spicy and at the same time fresh apple aroma.

El Nakhla Mizo Grape (80%) + Afzal pan raas (20%)

A simple mix for lovers of Indian spice aromas. Nakhla grapes give a very juicy and sweet taste, and afzal adds its own unique flavor of freshness. The mix turns out to be smoky, and also has good strength.

El Nakhla Classic Cherry (70%) + El Nakhla Mix Ice Lemon Mint (20%) + Afzal pan raas (10%)

Light mix for every day. While smoking, the taste of fresh lime with a slight cherry aftertaste is distinctly felt. We advise you to take the classic cherry so that the mix turns out to be exactly sour.

El Nakhla Classic Cherry (45%) + Adalya Cola Dragon (45%) + Afzal pan raas (10%)

Note: the flask must have 50% cola and 50% water; the packing is tight.

El Nakhla Mizo Lychee (60%) + Afzal pan raas (40%)

Quite a popular mix in hookah lounges is an unusual combination of fresh spices and lychee.

El Nakhla Classic Cherry (45%) + Serbetli Cola (45%) + Afzal pan raas (10%)

Mix with a very pleasant rich cola and cherry flavor, diluted with hints of Indian spices. Note: in a flask 50% cola and 50% water; the packing is tight.

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