What can a candidate do for a Duma deputy. How to become local government deputies


How to become a candidate for deputy



Note: the original (large) version of P. Miloserdov's instructions has been cut down. This option is intended for self-nominated candidates in deputies and collection of signatures of residents

This text is addressed to those who have already made a decision for themselves to participate in the elections of deputies to municipal assemblies in Moscow. It does not cover all legal aspects of the election campaign, and is devoted to one topic - the process of nomination and registration. For ease of perception, the text is divided into 12 consecutive steps, the most important points are marked with an exclamation mark, potential hazards - a mine icon, and answers to frequently asked questions - a question mark.

The author recommends that you carefully read the Electoral Code of Moscow (aka Law of the City of Moscow No. 38) and Federal Law No. 67 "On the Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation." Another publication, indispensable for those who are serious about winning, is the book "Administrative electoral technologies and the fight against them."

I would like to draw your attention to the following. Election commissions usually have people who are not interested in your victory. Most of the Moscow District Administrations have long drawn up a list of candidates “convenient” for the authorities, who will be provided with the most favored nation treatment, and most likely you will not be among them. Employees of the commissions will be correct with you, perhaps even demonstratively kind. This should not mislead you. Do not take their "good advice" on faith, especially regarding paperwork. There are dozens of cases when potential candidates for the commission were deliberately misled. From this, of course, it does not follow that you should be in an aggressive mood - be correct, polite, calm. Do not try to show off your legal knowledge for no reason - it will be better if the members of the commission consider you an inexperienced person. In the end, the main thing for you is to overcome the registration period with minimal problems, and not to prove your intellectual superiority or moral correctness.

STEP # 1

choose a district

If you decide to run for deputies of the Municipal Assembly, then, first of all, you need to decide on the district. The simplest recommendation is to go to the Territorial Election Commission (it is located in the building of the District Administration) and ask for a "division of districts" - the distribution of houses by districts. Decide in which district you are going to run, remember its number. Which district should you choose? The most logical advice is the one you live in.

Note: The dates below in the text refer to the 2008 elections.

You can submit an application for nomination to the election commission of a municipality (the role of which in Moscow, as a rule, is played by territorial election commissions) (hereinafter, in the text - EC), as soon as the decision on the appointment of elections has been published in the district municipal newspaper. The deadline for filing an application for nomination is the 30th day from the date of publication in the newspaper, 6 pm. That is, for example, if the EC published the decision on the appointment of the elections on December 6, then - you can submit an application until 18:00 on January 4.

By the way, you must get and keep a newspaper with a publication on the appointment of elections: you may need it when you appeal violations. And other issues of the regional newspaper will contain useful information for you.

Since the elections will be scheduled for March 2, the decision on their appointment must be made by the Municipal Assembly no later than December 12, and the publication in the newspaper must appear no later than 5 days after that. That is, no later than December 17th.

From the day of publication, the election campaign officially begins. Many deadlines are counted from the day of publication, so after publication, determine the most important deadlines and draw up your campaign calendar.

STEP # 3

how to nominate

You can take part in the elections by self-nomination, or you can be nominated by a political party registered with the Ministry of Justice.

Self-nomination of a candidate

Option 1:

Collection of signatures

Option 2:

Bond deposit

Self-nomination does not mean that in the election campaign you cannot enjoy the support and symbols of the party if you are a member; in case of self-nomination, you can indicate in all documents that you are a member of the party, including this, if you wish, is included in the ballot paper.

There are cases when the municipal newspaper, which publishes the decision on the appointment of elections, is printed in a small circulation, or - is distributed in such a way that it gets into only a small number of mailboxes. This is done in order to cut off potential candidates from participation in the elections.

To find out for sure about the fact of publication, we recommend that you establish working contact with those members of the EC or deputies of the municipal Assembly who represent parties disloyal to the Moscow authorities. Through them you can find out the date of appointment of elections, other important information


You must know exactly the date of completion of the acceptance of documents for nomination (30 days from the date of publication of the decision on the appointment of elections), the date of the city party conference (if you decide to go to the elections from the party), the deadline for the submission of documents for registration (45 days before voting day ).

STEP # 4

preparing a package of documents

In general, it should be borne in mind that all electoral actions must be performed carefully, but in advance, so that there is time to challenge the illegal decisions of the EC.

The package of documents required for nomination is as follows:

1. Statement of consent to run in the relevant constituency.

It is written in any form, but must contain the following information:

Full Name;

Date and place of birth;

Residence address (namely: the one indicated in your passport, and not the actual one);

Series, number and date of issue of the passport (or a document replacing a citizen's passport), the name or code of the authority that issued the passport (or a document replacing a citizen's passport);



Main place of work or service, position held (in the absence of main place of work or service - occupation);

Indication of the county in which you intend to run

The phrase "In case of election, I undertake to terminate activities incompatible with the status of a deputy or with the replacement of another elective position";

If you go to the elections not from a political party, but by self-nomination, then you MUST write the phrase “I inform the IC<указать полное название избирательной комиссии> about my self-nomination ”.

If you are a deputy and exercise your powers on a non-permanent basis, the application must contain information about this and the name of the relevant representative body.

If you have unreleased and outstanding convictions, we MANDATORY indicate in the application.

You also have the right (but NOT OBLIGATION) to indicate in the application:

Your affiliation to a political party or to no more than one other public association registered not later than one year before voting day in the manner prescribed by law;

Your status in this political party, this public association.

3. A copy of the passport or document replacing it. We recommend that you copy ALL pages of your passport.

4. Copies of documents confirming the information on education specified in the application: a copy of the diploma

5. Certificate from work, stamped and signed by the head. If you are not working anywhere at the moment, then you do not need to imagine anything.

6. Information about the amount and sources of your income, as well as about the property owned by you. See SAMPLE # 1 (it is taken from Federal Law # 67 "On Basic Guarantees ...").

Income information is for the past year.

7. Application to the IC with the following text:

“In accordance with Article 30, Part 2, Federal Law No. 67, Art. 23, part 3 of the Electoral Code of Moscow, please give me the forms of documents that I need to submit to<указать полное название избирательной комиссии> for my registration, approved<указать полное название избирательной комиссии> Also ask for a copy of the document approved by the decision of the Moscow City Electoral Commission dated November 22, 2007 No. 13/4 "The procedure for opening, maintaining and closing special electoral accounts for the formation of electoral funds of candidates for deputies of the municipal assembly." Do not put a date on the application yet. Put it down the day when you take the entire package of documents to the IR.

Make this statement in 2 copies, when submitting it to the commission - ask to sign one copy, put down the date and time of its receipt at the IK, and put the seal of the IK. You will take this copy with you.

In general, all documents submitted to the election commission (with the exception of annexes to documents) must be prepared by you in two copies: you give one of them to the commission, and on the second you receive a record: “Received”, date, time, surname and signature of the recipient. Printing is also desirable, but if the employees of the IC flatly refuse - do not persist. The signature is enough. Keep the second copy as proof that you have handed in this document. This rule must be followed by you throughout the campaign.


So, you must prepare from 5 to 7 documents, depending on whether you intend to be nominated from a political party, whether you are employed or not. Prepare them in advance.

STEP # 5

apply for nomination

As mentioned above, if you go to the elections by self-nomination, without party support, then you can bring the entire package of documents listed above to the EC the day after the publication of the decision on the appointment of the elections in the district newspaper.

So, to be promoted to the IC, you submit:

1. Protocol (other document) on the nomination of you as a candidate for the party conference (if you go with the support of the party, otherwise, you DO NOT need to submit it)

2. The entire set of documents listed in the previous step. Namely:

1. Statement of consent to run in the respective constituency;

2. A document confirming your party membership (OPTIONAL, submit only if you want your party membership to be reflected on the ballot);

3. A copy of the passport or document replacing it;

4. Copy of the diploma;

5. Certificate from work (for those who work, for the rest - NOT NECESSARY);

6. Information about the amount and sources of your income, as well as about property in the form specified in the law;

7. Application to the IC with a request to give you the forms of documents approved by the IC.

After submitting the documents, drawing up their inventory, you receive from the IC members in your hands:

1. Inventory of submitted documents

2. Certificate for the bank to open an electoral account

3. Form of the protocol on the collection of signatures

4. Form of the financial report (if the IC approved its form)

5. Bank details for posting the collateral (if you are going to post the collateral)

Carefully check the list of submitted documents, pay attention to the fact that all documents are indicated there, up to copies. On paper containing the bank account details for posting a deposit, be sure to ask the IC member to sign and put the IC seal.

In 2005, during the elections to the Moscow City Duma, there was a case when three candidates who intended to post bail were given deliberately incorrect bank account details by the employees of the Electoral Commission. As a result, they were subsequently denied registration on the grounds that they had transferred money to the wrong account. If IC members refuse to sign and stamp on paper with bank details, justify your requirements with the above example, write a written application to the commission demanding to issue details certified by the seal and signed by the IC member.

From the moment the IR is notified of your nomination, you have the right to:

1. Appoint a member of the EC with the right deliberative voiceswho will have the right to directly participate in the work of the commission;

2. Start pre-election campaigning (do not forget to pay for campaign materials from the election account, which you will open at step 7).


So, you have handed over to the IR the documents required for nomination. From that day on, you have acquired the status of an unregistered candidate for deputy.

If you are nominated by a "parliamentary" party, then you do not need to collect signatures. In this case, you actually only need to open an electoral account, prepare the first financial report and submit it to the EC with a request to register you as a candidate.

If you are self-nominated, or a candidate from a party that is not represented in the State Duma, then the next stage for you is collecting signatures or paying a deposit. However, according to the legislation, on the same day you have no right to start collecting signatures, only the next.

Moreover, the collection of signatures must be preceded by the opening of an electoral account and payment from the account for making signature sheets.

So, you have announced your nomination in the IC. Now you have time to open an electoral account, collect signatures, post a deposit, and other actions required for registration. But consider: deadline for submitting documents in IR - 45 days before election day, and the deadline for re-nomination is 30 days from the date of publication of the decision to call elections. Therefore, urgently start collecting signatures or posting a deposit.

It is better to submit documents for registration within the first 10-15 days after the publication of the decision on the appointment of elections, in this case you will have the opportunity to re-nominate if your registration is denied.

The sequence of actions here is as follows:

1. We go to Sberbank with a certificate from the IC and a passport;

2. We open an account;

3. Further actions depend on how you are going to participate in the elections - self-nomination or with party support

If you are self-nominated or from a party that is not represented in the State Duma and intend to ...

collect signatures

... post a deposit

1. We put at least 200 rubles into the account, so that it is enough to pay for a pack of paper;

2. We buy a pack of paper and be sure to take a sales receipt for it;

3. Again we go to the bank, and we withdraw money from the account according to a sales receipt for a pack of paper.

Do not deposit money into your account!

Go to step # 9 for a detailed description of the deposit procedure


Thus, you opened an electoral account and paid for the production of subscription lists from it, as required by law.

If you do not need to submit signatures, you can limit yourself to just opening an account.

STEP # 8

collecting signatures

The number of signatures you must collect for registration under the law is one percent the number of voters in your constituency, divided by the number of seats in the district... As a rule, we are talking about 50 ... 60 signatures.

The exact number of signatures required for registration is published in the municipal newspaper, together with the decision to call the election. In the IC, you have the right to submit signatures in an amount not exceeding the specified number + 10% of it. That is, if, for example, the number of signatures required for registration is 57, then you can submit to the IR 57 + 10% of 57 \u003d 63 signatures.

1. It is necessary to make signature lists on a printer, in accordance with the model given in the Electoral Code of Moscow. (see SAMPLE # 2) Do not in any way deviate from this pattern.

Pay attention to the correct design of the subscription list. Please note that in IK you are unlikely to be prompted by someone on how to properly arrange the header of the sheet. One of the subtleties here is to correctly indicate the name of the district in Moscow in which you live ( according to passport, but NOT actually).

The simple requirement in practice turns out to be a trap for many. Check the correct name for your area. "Voikovsky District of Moscow City" or "Voikovsky District of Moscow City"? (For example). Precisely because of inaccuracies in the indication of the district in the registration of the subscription list, dozens of candidates were removed from the elections in 2004.

Also, you should not write your exact address in the subscription list: this will also lead to a refusal to register.

Not all voters remember that they are registered at this particular address, although they have been living here for years. You only need those voters who are registered in your constituency, ask them to look at their passport;

Ask voters to indicate the full address, without abbreviations; the address must be exactly the same as indicated in the passport, in particular, there must be the words “Mr. Moscow ", if they are in the passport;

Make signature lists that include no more than 5-7 signatures per sheet... The law does not limit the number of signatures per sheet, but the fact is that following the collection of signatures, you (and the signature collector) will be required to certify all sheets. And, in case you make a mistake when certifying the sheet, all signatures on the sheet will be considered invalid. Therefore, it makes sense to minimize losses in case of your mistake by making the number of voters' signatures on one sheet small;

All information about voters can be filled in both by the voter himself and by the signature collector. However the voter must sign the signature and the DATE of affixing the signature only! There should be no exceptions, since it is on this basis that signatures are often rejected;

Do not use pencils;

The collection of signatures at workplaces at the place of study, in the process and at the places where wages, pensions, allowances, scholarships, and other social payments are issued, as well as when providing charitable assistance is prohibited;

The signature collector must be over 18 years old;

Collect signatures in excess of the required by 25% -100%, this will give you the opportunity to cross out “questionable” signatures;

The data on voters in the subscription lists must be uncorrected. If the voter made a mistake, cross out the entire line in the signature sheet and ask to write the signature again;

As required by law, it is possible to submit to the IR the number of signatures exceeding the required one by no more than 10%;

3. Each signature sheet must be certified by the candidate, as well as by the person collecting the signatures, according to the sample. If the candidate collected signatures himself, he must certify the signature list twice!

4. Cross out “questionable” (with blots, abbreviations, incomplete information, illegible) signatures.

5. Necessary number the signature sheets, stitch them, sew them with thread and seal the bundle with paper(as is done in notary offices).

6. It is necessary to draw up a list of persons who collected signatures. The list is compiled in any form. It makes sense to indicate the full name, the exact address of the place of residence (that is, according to the passport) of the collectors, indicating the subject of the Federation where they live.

7. If you yourself did not collect signatures, then you must notarize the information about these persons and their signatures (passport, sample signature) in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Justice.

8. Fill in the protocol on the results of collecting signatures of voters (fill it in according to the form taken earlier in the EC).

9. Before the submission of signature sheets to the commission, you should make their photocopies and leave them with you in case the originals are "lost" in the commission.


As a result, you should have in your hands bound, stitched, numbered sheets, each of which is certified by the collector and the candidate, on each of which you have discarded “low-quality signatures”, as well as a protocol for collecting signatures, a list of signature collectors, data on the collectors of signatures certified by a notary.

This step should be taken by those candidates who run for elections by self-nomination or from a “non-parliamentary” party, but do not want to collect signatures. Others skip this step. You can pay a deposit on the same day when you submitted your nomination documents to the IR and opened an electoral account.

There are many possible ways to form a pre-election deposit. For details, see the Electoral Code of Moscow. Also, follow the IPCC Instruction on maintaining electoral accounts, which we mentioned above.

Below are two of the most simple schemes.

Single-member constituency,

the amount of the pledge is 22.5 thousand rubles.

Multi-member district,

the amount of the pledge is 60 thousand rubles.

Option number 1

Option number 2

Option number 1

Option number 2

Candidate RUB 15,000

Candidate RUB 15,000

Candidate 40,000 rubles.


10 physical persons for 750 rubles.

Legal entity 7500 rubles.

10 physical persons for 2000 rubles.

Legal entity 20,000 rubles.

So, suppose you are running formulti-member constituency. In this case, the sequence of your actions is as follows.

1. Find 10 individuals (friends, relatives, acquaintances, colleagues)

3. Each of them deposits 2,000 rubles into your electoral account by filling out payment orders. Each payment order must contain: surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, address of residence, series and number of the passport or a document replacing it, information on citizenship. It is advisable to indicate the address of the place of residence in detail - indicating the postal code and region, without abbreviations.

4. Payment cards may indicate: "To pay an electoral deposit"

5. Then - yourself, personally, transfer 40,000 rubles of your own funds to your account.

6. By a payment order, transfer the ENTIRE AMOUNT (60,000 rubles) to the IK account and receive a payment document with a mark (ask for the Sberbank stamp) of the branch of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation to transfer the electoral deposit to a special account of the election commission

7. Make copies of all payment documents. Leave the originals.

2. There are also a number of restrictions. The following categories of legal entities DO NOT HAVE the right to deposit money into your account:

Legal entities with foreign capital in the founders;

If individuals transfer money to you (this is called "voluntary donations from citizens"), then you should pay special attention to legibility and accuracy when filling out payments by them. This is not so easy, given that a payment order is a very small piece of paper on which you need to indicate a lot of information.


As a result, you should have on hand payment documents confirming that you have correctly formed and transferred the entire amount of the collateral to the IK account at a time

You submit the following package of documents to the IR:

1. First financial statement of the candidate. In it, you MUST fill in the line "making signature sheets", indicate in it the amount spent on the purchase of a pack of paper (If you collected signatures, if not, then DO NOT). Approach this matter carefully, fill in all the lines. If there were no expenses for some items, put the number “0”, not a dash. The report includes information as of a date that is no more than five days before the date of the report.

If you made a deposit, then this information must be indicated in the financial report.

2. If you have collected signatures, then you submit:

1. Signature sheets, bound and stitched;

2. Protocol on the results of the collection of signatures (filled in according to the form taken in the IC);

3. List of persons who collected signatures (if they themselves collected signatures, then DO NOT)

4. Notarized information about the persons who collected signatures (if you yourself collected signatures, then DO NOT)

3. If you have posted a deposit, then you are submitting:

A copy of the payment document with a mark (ask Sberbank employees to put the seal of the branch) of the branch of the Savings Bank Russian Federation on the transfer of the electoral deposit to a special account for paying the electoral deposit. Hand over a copy again in duplicate, as before, the original remains with you

4 Information about changes in the data on the candidate, previously submitted to the EC. You submit this document to the IC only if the changes have taken place. (If they were not there, then DO NOT take it). The document should look like this: "Changelog. I inform you that I want to make the following changes in my data…. "

5. Application to the IC

"Statement. I, full name, I ask EC, in accordance with the requirements of the Electoral Code of Moscow, I ask:

If you find incomplete information in the documents I submitted or non-compliance with the requirements of the Moscow Electoral Code for the execution of documents, in accordance with the law, notify me of this no later than three days before the day of the meeting of the election commission, which should consider the issue of my registration;

Inform me about the place and time of verification of the signatures I have provided, including during verification by experts (this is written if you have collected signatures. If not, then DO NOT);

Notify me of the place and time of the EC meeting, at which a decision on my registration will be made

Also, I notify you that the actual address of my residence is<указать адрес> (If different from what is indicated in the passport. If not, then DO NOT), telephones -<указать телефоны>»

Bring this statement to the IC in two copies, on one of them, which you will take for yourself - ask to sign, affix the date of acceptance and seal the commission.

6.2 color photographs 3x4 (the law does NOT require this, but you still need to hand it over to issue a candidate's certificate)


After you submit the above documents to the IR, you will receive a written confirmation of the acceptance of signature lists and other documents in the IR, indicating the number of accepted signature lists and the declared number of signatures, the date and time of their receipt.

STEP # 11

work on bugs

In accordance with Art. 37, part 1.1. Electoral Code of Moscow “... Not later than one day before the day of the meeting of the election commission, which should consider the issue of registration of the candidate ...a candidate has the right to make clarifications and additions to documents containing information about him ... as well as to other documents (with the exception of signature lists with voters' signatures) submitted to the election commission for notification of the candidate's nomination ... "

Thus, if the IC has claims to the documents you submitted (namely, documents, this does not apply to subscription lists), then it MUST no later than three days before the day of the meeting of the EC, at which the issue of your registration should be considered, notify you of this, and you HAVE the RIGHT not later than one day to correct them before the day of the EC meeting.

You can form your electoral fund immediately after submitting the notification of nomination. Although you will need it in full after your registration, when you will need to pay for the production of propaganda products from it.

You need to know the following about the electoral fund:

1. The maximum amount of all expenditures from the electoral fund of a candidate for deputy of the municipal Assembly running for single-mandate constituency, cannot exceed 150 thousand rubles, and running for multi-member constituency - 400 thousand rubles.

2. Possible sources for the formation of the fund, and their maximum size is explained by this table:

Source of funds

No more, %

Single-member district, amount

Multi-member district, amount

Candidate's own funds

Funds of the party that nominated the candidate

Voluntary donations from citizens

0.5% (for each citizen)

750 RUB (for every citizen)

RUB 2,000 (for every citizen)

Voluntary donations from legal entities

If you made a deposit, then most likely you have already exhausted the possibility of depositing your own funds. You will have to ask individuals or legal entities to deposit money.

In this case, the sequence of your actions is as follows.

1. Find individuals (friends, relatives, acquaintances, colleagues)

2. Go with them to the branch of Sberbank where you have an electoral account

3. Each of them deposits no more than 2,000 rubles to your electoral account by filling out payment orders. Each payment order must contain: surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, address of residence, series and number of the passport or a document replacing it, information on citizenship. It is advisable to indicate the address of the place of residence in detail - indicating the postal code and region, without abbreviations.

If you decide to ask a legal entity to deposit money, then you should pay attention to the following:

1. The payment order must contain the taxpayer identification number (TIN), the name, bank details of the legal entity, the date of registration, a mark on the absence of restrictions provided for by part 2 of article 59 of the Electoral Code of the city of Moscow.

2. Please note that certain categories of legal entities listed in Article 59 of the Electoral Code of Moscow DO NOT HAVE the right to deposit money into your account. For more information on this topic, see step # 9.

If individuals transfer money to you, you should pay special attention to legibility and accuracy when filling out payments by them. This is not so easy, given that a payment order is a very small piece of paper on which you need to indicate a lot of information.

However, it is necessary to be careful: as practice shows, Sberbank employees do not monitor compliance with the requirements of the electoral legislation, the main thing for them is that the payment system meets their own requirements.

At the same time, ICs quite broadly interpret the concept of "anonymous donation", referring to them, for example, payments, in the address of the payer of which the region in the subject of the Federation where it is registered is not indicated.


Upon successful completion of the 12 steps described above, the EC must decide to register you as a candidate for deputy of the municipal Assembly. Attend the meeting where you will be registered.

In the future, your competitors may try to reverse the decision on your registration. But this requires good reasons and "newly discovered circumstances."

TEC address of Presnensky district:

Moscow, Shmitovskiy proezd, 1st floor of the Administration.
Tel: 499_


Tables(their type) for collecting signatures of voters must necessarily comply with the latest edition of the Moscow Election Code.

The article, which is found on the Internet request "How to become a deputy", is the most visited on our resource, although the theme of our site is completely different - this is business.

How did it happen? The fact is that the head of the Club Artyom Mitin he himself was an acting deputy of one of the districts of Moscow in 2012-2017, and in general on his account three consecutive local election campaigns.

In the process of communicating with colleagues, Artyom gathered his personal experience coming to power, and also analyzed the experience of several dozen deputies. And in the end deduced the sequence steps towards becoming a local deputy. Basic material you can get in free book follow the link in the article further.

Immediately warn you from fantastic illusions. Often in their desires, people see themselves immediately as a deputy of the State Duma or, at least, a regional parliament. Forget about it for now. If no one knew about you before, you did not actively show yourself in any way, and you are unfamiliar with the situation on the territory, the arrangement of political figures, as well as connections with key people on the ground, become a deputy of the State Duma or regional parliament - chances are scanty... A huge number of people with serious resources apply for these places. And there these people are jostling well to get these positions. You will be lucky if you do not fall under the "rink" of this crush.

But there is great news. The thing is that in our country 250,000 deputies, but 99.9% of them are LOCAL level deputies, and the remaining 0.1% are deputies of the State Duma and regional parliaments, where the main battle of resources and connections is taking place.

Based on the available interest, we see that becoming a local deputy is conditional lighter about 1000 times... Of course, if you are ambitious and decisive enough in life, you do not have to limit yourself, but in the local government you will be easier to win higher level elections.

Become a deputy in principle reallyif you follow a certain algorithm. The local level of the deputy as a whole is an ideal platform for strong changes in his life in the movement forward. According to our observations, almost all local level deputies aged 20-45 have made great progress in their development.

Moreover, entrepreneurs, active "housewives", students (in our practice they were 19-20 years old), managers, programmers, people of working specialties, businessmen and a businesswoman become local deputies (at the local level, entrepreneurs can be deputies). And the examples of older active deputies are also quite enough.

But of course you have to, of course work to become a deputy even at the local level... This path requires determination and the ability to see things through. Not everyone succeeds in this, especially if the person is not strongly “charged”. And on this path 90-95% of people go astray.

There is also another kind of difficulty. Inaccessibility of up-to-date information. There are few places where they teach how to become a deputy. Few people give clear step-by-step plans and instructions for a reasonable price. And if you need personal consultations of political strategists, then for an ordinary person it is indecently expensive.

As we wrote above, what needs to be done to become a deputy of local authorities, a small book “How to become a deputy of local authorities? 12 Steps to Victory ”. In it, our leader told how he went this way himself, being, in principle, an ordinary person, not connected with the authorities, not working as an official and without relatives in the government. He shared his experience, setting out this path in the form of instructions.

In addition, Artyom continues to train and promote people who seriously want to become deputies of local authorities and are ready to take active steps for this.

Therefore, if you need more extensive consultation, and possibly comprehensive support, then write directly Artyom Mitin

Free step-by-step book “How to Become a Local Government Deputy? 12 steps to victory ”can be downloaded through the form below

The book contains the most interesting in this topic. We wish you an informative reading)


Even if you did not succeed in becoming a deputy for the first time, or the local elections are not yet soon, or if you feel that you have not yet gained strength and "muscles" to become a deputy, and you still don’t really believe in it - there is one more possibilitywhich will lead you closer to your goals.

It is to become an ASSISTANT OR ADVISOR of a local deputy. As a rule, local level deputies few smart people in their state... And given that the majority of deputies are public figures and do not receive a salary for the work of a deputy, it is difficult to hire a good specialist without more or less normal money. The deputies get out of this situation in different ways, but the fact remains that there is a very good niche of opportunities here. And the most important thing is that you can become an assistant not on a permanent basis, but on a partial basis, and often this is exactly what the deputies need. And it's more convenient for you.

Even a local deputy can give you many interesting development opportunitiesthat will move you forward. There is a strong staff shortage in the country, and an interesting proposal can be made to a deputy based on his needs and your capabilities. Let us repeat that there are almost 250,000 local-level deputies in the country who can be offered certain ideas based on the region where your activities are taking place. And that means you have 250,000 opportunities to move forward.

Get an individual consultation about:

- how to get in touch with the authorities;

- how to become “your” person;

- how to get all the promotion opportunities;

- how to speak with the authorities in "the same language"

- and how else to find time for this

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Many politicians, public leaders, business representatives and other people who take an active life position sooner or later begin to think about becoming deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. And if some are driven by a desire to work for the good of the country, others sometimes strive to do so in order to resolve their personal issues and protect their business interests.

Whatever the motive, work as a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation opens up wide opportunities and prospects for a person. Moreover, the status of a deputy provides him with immunity, recognition and many benefits, such as high wages, all kinds of benefits and privileges.

So, in 2017, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation have the right to:

  • for service housing in Moscow;
  • free travel on public transport;
  • free air travel;
  • free mobile communication, sanatorium improvement and much more.

A person who has received the deputy mandate of one of the most important government bodies in the country acquires new acquaintances and connections. At the same time, he should use his deputy status to take part in the development of the most important decisions for our society, to promote the development of cities and regions, and to stabilize the work of enterprises.

The deputy's job is to change people's lives for the better, to solve their social problems.

At the same time, the political path itself can be difficult and winding, given the constant confrontations between opponents and leading political forces.

Main responsibilities

The deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation is elected to office for a term of five years. For this period, the main activity of each of the 450 elected is reduced to attending parliamentary sessions.

The State Duma of the Russian Federation is the place where various bills are discussed and approved. Their consideration and adoption is preceded by the work of specialized commissions and committees, discussion at meetings and much more. If necessary, before making decisions, deputies of the Russian State Duma work out bills with representatives of the government and other executive authorities.

In addition, the duties of the deputies include:

  • development of own bills;
  • study of draft laws developed by colleagues;
  • making amendments to the discussed draft laws;
  • control over the execution of adopted laws by the executive authorities.

Another important duty of a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation is meeting with voters. Each deputy must communicate with people, explaining to them the specifics of certain bills. Since it was the people who hired him, the chosen one is obliged to regularly report to them about the extended activity. It should be open and accessible to everyone.

At the same time, meetings with voters are needed not only for reporting. It is on them that you can learn about the most important problems that worry people, hear their comments and wishes.

Some deputies devote all their time to parliamentary activity, while others manage to combine it with other work. This is possible since parliamentary work usually takes one to two weeks a month. At the same time, deputies are allowed to engage exclusively in scientific, teaching or creative activities, which, unfortunately, does not always correspond to reality.

The procedure for becoming a deputy

In order to become a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, you need to go through a difficult path that requires full commitment, time, effort and money.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • registration by a candidate for deputy (for this, an application is submitted and signatures are collected in their support);
  • payment of a parliamentary deposit (refundable if the candidate gains at least 3% of the votes in the elections);
  • selection of the team of the campaign headquarters;
  • conducting an election campaign (there are many ways and opportunities for it, while their choice depends on the availability of financial resources of the candidate);
  • holding meetings with people and speaking in the media.

Registration as a candidate for deputy can occur from any party or by self-nomination.

At the same time, an independent path requires a lot of effort: all organizational issues, financial costs, and the election campaign fall on the shoulders of the candidate. In any case, you need to be prepared for the fact that the campaign period can be difficult.

The election campaign starts three months before the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation and ends one day before them. If a candidate gains the required number of votes, he takes up his professional duties in accordance with the established procedure.

What should be a deputy

Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation is a representative essential body authorities, therefore strict requirements are imposed on him.

The obvious advantages for a candidate for deputy can be considered:

  • availability higher education, preferably economic, legal or in the field of public administration (this is not a prerequisite);
  • positive experience in leadership positions.

For a person who plans to represent the interests of citizens in the Russian parliament, personal qualities are no less important.

You will need qualities such as:

  • initiative;
  • responsibility;
  • flexibility;
  • active life position;
  • analytical mind;
  • openness, ability to listen to interlocutors;
  • ability to persuade.

Also, a person applying for work in the State Duma of the Russian Federation must have a pleasant appearance and be able to win over people. Without these qualities, it is very difficult to get much support.

According to the legislation, a person who turns 21 can become a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Obligatory conditions are also legal capacity, permanent residence in Russia and the absence of a valid criminal record.

What is needed for a good start

It is easier to become a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation if the candidate for deputy has a high position in society, deserved authority, necessary personal qualities and good acquaintances.

Candidates who have previously:

  • held positions of assistants or advisers to deputies or prominent political figures;
  • worked in high management positions in the executive authorities;
  • were deputies of local or regional authorities;
  • held strong positions in public organizations or political parties;
  • acted as experts on the most important political, economic or social issues;
  • worked as reporters of well-deserved authority;
  • ran large state corporations;
  • led large industrial enterprises, the work of which influenced the life of the entire region.

In addition, for a successful start, it is desirable to have support from local authorities, financial resources, connections with the right people, high authority and certain fame.

Also an important point is a good and cohesive team of the campaign headquarters, on whose actions the final result largely depends.

A deputy is a successful and highly respected person who holds a high office and has good earnings. Moreover, the face of power has a number of privileges, the sweetest of which is immunity. A representative of the authorities cannot be arrested, he cannot be searched, interrogations are also prohibited, and he cannot be brought to any criminal or administrative responsibility, except for a number of special cases.

If a person aspires to become a deputy, then he thinks very seriously about his future. Being a deputy is prestigious and profitable. But don't rely on easy lifelike in the movies. In addition to a huge number of privileges, the chosen one of the people has a large number of responsibilities. This is the same job as everyone else.

Who can become a deputy? According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, any citizen of Russia over the age of 21 and permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation can become a deputy. Restrictions can only apply to incapacitated citizens and people in prison. Well, I think that's understandable.

What you need to become a deputy

If you meet all the requirements and feel the strength and desire to move along the vertical of power, then you can start!

To become a deputy, you first need to put forward your candidacy in the elections. To do this, you must be a member of any electoral bloc, electoral association or a party.

But joining one of the parties will not be enough to get to the polls. It is necessary that the party would nominate you. How to do it? Want an honest answer? Pretty hard. Usually, the parties already have their own core of leaders. This is tantamount to coming to a factory and trying to become its boss. But do not rush to get upset, you have another pretty good chance!

And so, if you are not accepted into any of the parties, or you cannot immediately achieve your nomination for elections, then the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of self-nomination. To do this, you must collect at least 2% of voters' signatures. If you are going to a post in some small town, then you do not need to collect many signatures, but if you are aiming for the State Duma, then you have to do a good job.

There is another way: electoral deposit. For parties it is about 6 mil. rubles, and for self-nominated candidates 250 rubles. Moreover, if in the elections you get less than 3% of the votes, then the money will go to the budget, and if more than 3%, then the deposit will be returned back to you in full. It is this kind of protection against people trying to attract attention to themselves.

Pre-election campaign

Having achieved the title of "candidate for deputies", you should start the election campaign.

But sticking leaves with your face all over the city will not be enough. An election campaign is a real art!

To become popular is not as easy as it seems, but you can use the experience of people who have already gone this way. "Experienced" advise to begin with, be sure to arrange meetings with voters, at which to tell them in detail your plan of action.

By the way, this plan should be given special attention. In short, it should contain answers to these basic questions:

  1. What do I want to change when I come to the post of deputy?
  2. Why should you choose me?
  3. What knowledge and experience will help me cope with the tasks?
  4. That SPECIFICALLY I will change when I come to power.
  5. How important are these changes for ordinary citizens?
  6. What I want to achieve by coming to power. What will a high-ranking post give me myself?

But meeting everyone is unrealistic. Be sure to start a page in the social. networks and communicate through them. Moreover, it is worth a couple of three times to appear on TV screens and radio receivers. By the way, the state will provide you with time on TV at its own expense!

In general, your best bet is to hire a team of experts to promote you. Professionals will teach you how to speak correctly and how the public likes it.


Even if the first time you are not lucky, you will get an invaluable experience, and the next time you will be able to approach this issue more carefully. But remember, in order to sit in the honorary chair of the people's chosen one, you need to be worthy of this chair. If you just want more money, then perhaps you should choose another, less public, profession. Well, if you are eager to change the surrounding society for the better, then dare and achieve your goal!

There are deputies in every municipality. They form the local city council.

Just like the deputies of the State Duma, they have powers. What do ordinary residents need to know about the rights and duties of a local council deputy?

There are a little less than five hundred deputies in the State Duma, and what a countless number of them are representative bodies of local self-government throughout the country! The smallest cities have their own city council, which includes local deputies. It is they, and not the servants of the people sitting in the capital's Duma, who turn out to be closer to ordinary residents.

You should start your visits with a deputy of the local council, if you think that you can't figure it out without the help of the authorities. Here it would be nice to find out not only how to turn to the people's servant, but also what capabilities and rights he has to provide assistance to the population.

Who is a deputy of a municipal formation

So, a deputy of a municipal formation is a person elected by the people inhabiting this formation, a person who will represent the interests of the local residents who elected him.

By law, local government is not an institution of state power. It is believed that here the population itself controls its life, decides what to do to make life better, which laws to introduce, etc. It acts theoretically through its representatives elected by the population.

The powers of the deputies of municipalities, naturally, are less than those of the same representative of the State Duma. However, even such a “small person” in the hierarchy of power decides a lot. For example, local deputies decide what the budget will be in their municipality. It is calculated based on the number of residents of the Moscow region. They also report to the population about where the municipal money was spent. In addition, a deputy of local representative bodies of power adopts, approves and changes the local Charter - the main document of the municipality. The charter is built on the principle of taking into account local traditions, cultural characteristics of the place where it is introduced.

The deputies are responsible for matters of guardianship and trusteeship. They manage municipal property, supervise the sports life of the district and the leisure of the population. It is this combination that can attract unscrupulous people, simply put, bribe-takers, to offer bribes to the people's choice for providing premises for a sports section or a leisure center.

Local deputies should generally monitor the development of the municipality and be responsible for the implementation of their orders. That is, the deputy can influence the organization of a children's playground in the courtyard of a house. But he must also make sure that the work is really carried out, that the site is of high quality and does not cripple children, and that the work is completed on time.

The right to legislate

Local government deputies have the right to make laws. One can hardly think that the laws proposed in some tiny town will be adopted in the State Duma. Local self-government should not strive for this. His legislative initiative is very local. Local deputies should be concerned about what laws to pass so that the life of this particular district changes for the better - taking into account its peculiarities, problems, traditions, etc.

The city duma decides to hold a local referendum. By the way, it can be initiated by the people if they are dissatisfied with the current government. Local MPs generally have to listen to the population they represent - even when citizens come up with unexpected initiatives.

They can also hold public hearings on, for example, a town planning initiative, order maintenance, and the establishment of local holidays.

That is, the people's representatives should strive to coordinate issues of local importance with representatives of state authorities in the region. To do this, they have the right of parliamentary inquiry, with which they can apply to almost any state authority. For example, local deputies can check the activities of the head of administration, that is, a representative of the executive branch. They can go to court to resolve municipal disputes. A local deputy has the right to express his position in the media and thereby draw attention to the problems of the population.

Addressing social and economic issues

On the shoulders of municipal deputies falls the duty to control the activities of officials of municipalities and organizations, which must act to resolve issues of local importance. These same people's representatives decide how to combine their efforts with neighboring districts in order to jointly solve similar problems.

Local deputies decide on socio-economic issues. For example, in Peterhof, representatives of the local council are even obliged to collect statistics that would show the state of the social and economic spheres in the municipal circle. Then this data is provided to government agencies.

How local MPs work

The holder of the State Duma mandate is entirely devoted to the service of the people - at least that's what is commonly believed. Therefore, he cannot engage in so-called “entrepreneurial and other paid activities”. The exceptions here are creative, scientific and teaching activities. What about local deputies - are they the same? Not quite, it turns out.

If the servant of the people exercises his powers on an ongoing basis, then all these requirements apply to him. But the fact is that only 10% of the deputies of local representative bodies can work on a permanent basis, and in the districts where it is required by law (and it is based on the population size) to have only 10 deputies, only 1 will work on a permanent basis. Most often , of course, this is the chairman of the city duma.

A permanent deputy of the municipal district receives class ranks: municipal councilor of the 1st or 2nd class. They are assigned as follows: if a municipal deputy has worked for 5 or more years on a permanent basis, while already having the rank of municipal councilor of the second class, he is assigned the rank of 1 class.

Privileges and guarantees for municipal deputies

These are all powers, you will notice. What about privileges? Do the deputies of local representative bodies really have them? Why, then, is everyone trying to get the cherished crusts? There are privileges - free travel on public transport. Also, the deputy has the right to be accepted in the first place when applying to local government bodies regarding his activities.

In addition to privileges, guarantees are provided to the local deputy. They are necessary for the representative of the elected bodies to be able to safely perform their powers. A local deputy can personally attend the discussions in all local self-government bodies and take part in them, can make comments and suggestions on the issues discussed.

Obligations to the people

But there are also obligations - for example, the deputies are obliged to meet with the population for several hours every two weeks. Not everyone follows this statutory requirement. It is far from easy to get to many busy deputies - even by appointment.

Distinctive features of a local council member are a certificate and a badge (not in all municipalities). The certificate is issued for the term of election (for local, this term is set at 4 years long), it contains the name of the people's choice and a confirmation of his authority is given.

How to become a deputy? How much does a deputy earn?



3. The beginning of the path of becoming

4. Elections


6. Useful video

We have already told on the pages of the magazine "Business earnings" about such professions as a janitor and an economist and how much they receive. In this article, we will explain how to become a deputy and what is his salary.

The professions associated with politics are not suitable for everyone. But those who want to try themselves in this area, namely to become a deputy, need to take into account and know some aspects of this difficult work. So, a natural question arises: how to become a deputy? To begin with, it is necessary to clarify that deputies are those people who can be elected by voters to a specific representative body of state or local government. This is all done by secret ballot. It is worth noting that you can become a deputy at one of three levels. It is easier to get into the City Duma than, for example, into the State Duma. In the latter, only “star” and well-known candidates are accepted.

Advantages of the position of a deputy

Becoming a deputy gives a person some opportunities.

Here is the list of privileges:

1. Deputies of Russia become inviolable. What does it mean? This means that MPs cannot be punished with the help of administrative and criminal codes. Also, they cannot be arrested, searched, interrogated. But all this can be allowed by the legislative body of state power.

2. Deputies of Russia are released from military service for the period of their service to the people.

3. The salary is quite high and amounts to more than 100 thousand rubles.

Requirements for a candidate for deputy

So how do you become an MP? There are a few simple requirements to follow. Firstly, a person applying for such a position must be at least 21 years old. Secondly, the candidate must have Russian citizenship. Well, thirdly, the candidate needs to live permanently on the territory of Russia. Here are the main three requirements, let's say, for an applicant. As for education, it is, in principle, unimportant. The main thing is that a person graduates from school, for example, secondary special education... The rest is aspiration and sincere desire.

The beginning of the path of becoming

To become a candidate for a city or State Duma deputy, you first need to join a political party. Further, it is important to recommend yourself in such a way that there is an opportunity to stand for candidacy on confidently standing feet. The party and its leadership must support an active member.

If the party leadership does not support, then you can go the other way. To become a candidate for deputy, you must try to win over the voters. It is important to collect a certain percentage of votes in order to obtain candidate status.

For especially impetuous people with unsuccessful attempts, there is a third option for becoming - this is the payment of the amount of the deposit. There is one nuance here, if a candidate fails the vote (less than 3% of the vote), then his money is transferred to the Russian budget, in case of a successful outcome, the money is returned. This is how to become a deputy of the City Duma or the State Duma is not entirely easy.

When he managed to become a candidate, the person must submit an application and a certain package of documents to the territorial election commission. It includes:

Citizen's identity document - passport.

Help from the place of work.

Education documents.

The submitted documents will be checked, after which it will be necessary to pay the state fee. And after that, you can campaign yourself, your person, and collect the votes of the people. The Election Commission will follow the votes very closely, forgeries will be punished by "leaving the race" for becoming a deputy.


When half the work is done, the matter is still far from small. Question: how to become a deputy? - is still relevant. It is important to win the elections themselves. Here big role election campaign is playing. It is necessary to come up with your speech in advance: let it be not too short and not too long. To make it easier to write, you need to answer a few simple questions for yourself.

For example: How am I better than other candidates? What can I give to the people? In addition, it would be a good idea to place advertisements on the street in the form of large campaign signs. It would also be useful to organize the distribution of leaflets with their goals and plans for this city, region or country as a whole.

Something is free, but you will have to invest in something. For example, the latter is a site with its own program, goals, achievements, and so on.

During the election campaign, one must remember about the legislation. Illegal actions can lead to disastrous consequences, and the dream of becoming a deputy can collapse overnight. But there is an opportunity to get another vacancy - assistant to the parliamentarian of the State Duma. In this case: how to become an assistant to a deputy? This person is chosen from among “his confidants”. A mandatory requirement for an assistant is Russian citizenship.

In addition, you need to be well versed in office work.

What is the salary of parliamentarians

How much do parliamentarians get? The earnings of people in this profession are difficult to represent in concrete figures. But we can say about the average earnings. It is about a little more than 100 thousand rubles.Of course, depending on the position and region, city, size wages will vary. How much do assistants get? Their earnings will be more modest. In some cases, parliamentarians practically do not need help and they manage on their own. Thus, becoming a parliamentarian is possible if you try to achieve this. It doesn't matter how long it takes, the main thing is to achieve a result.

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Who is a deputy? The Law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation” defines a deputy as “a person elected by the voters of the respective electoral district to a representative body of state power or a representative body of local self-government on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage with secret voting ”.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, "citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to elect and be elected to state and local government bodies."

How to get the coveted status?

To begin with, you need to become a candidate for deputy, i.e.

become “a person nominated as a candidate for a position to be replaced by direct elections or for membership in a body (chamber of a body) of state power or a local self-government body, or registered by the relevant election commission as a candidate”.

The legislation establishes a number of requirements for candidates for deputy.

First, you must be a citizen of Russia.

Secondly, you need to reach the appropriate age - 21 years.

Thirdly, to live permanently on the territory of Russia.

A deputy cannot be a citizen who is recognized by a court as incompetent or is in places of imprisonment by a court verdict. In addition, other restrictions may be established by law.

If you meet all the above requirements, then you can safely put forward your candidacy for the elections. Electoral blocs, electoral associations, political parties can nominate candidates for deputies. Nobody wants to nominate you? It doesn't matter, for such cases the law provides for self-nomination of candidates. True, do not forget that in the case of self-nomination, after submitting an application to the election commission, you will have to collect a certain number of votes in your support or pay an electoral deposit.

Finally, you were registered as a candidate for deputy. Then it is time to prepare for the next step - the pre-election campaign, during which it will be necessary to convince voters that they simply cannot find a better deputy. Election campaigning should be carried out only in the forms permitted by law and by legal methods. Campaigning is held from the day of registration as a candidate for deputy and ends at 00 hours local time one day before the elections.

After the elections, the votes are counted. As a rule, the candidate who received the largest number of votes of voters who took part in the voting is considered elected, provided that more votes were cast for him than against all.

1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On basic guarantees of electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation"

2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation"

3. Laws of subjects of the federation on the election of deputies.

Who are these people making laws for our benefit and well-being? And how to become one of the members of the Duma? What stages do you need to go through for this and can an ordinary person do it?

The elections of deputies to the State Duma of the seventh convocation have just taken place. They did not bring any fundamental changes, except that United Russia can now officially make decisions on its own, without consulting the opposition, since the ruling party has an absolute majority of votes (over 50%).

People are looking at people's deputies, assessing their privileges and salaries, inevitably thinking about how they become deputies. Suddenly, it's not difficult, why not try it? Thoughts, I must say, are good. The authorities need responsible, proactive, principled workers. If you, the reader, are one of them, then let's figure out how to become deputies.

Personal qualities

You need to know that not every person is capable of such an activity. If you are interested in how they become deputies in selfish interests, evaluate your personal qualities. The fact is that the people love charismatic leaders who know how to inspire respect and lead. Quality is complex and multifaceted. It is not as easy to light hearts with words as it seems from the outside. Look, for example, at the State Duma deputy V.V. Zhirinovsky. Do you think his small "performances" that regularly appear in the media are character? No, they are arranged for advertising purposes.

Your political power must be promoted constantly, every minute. To do this, you need to be able to speak in public, speak competently, think quickly, know a lot and be able to. At the federal level, serious life experience is encouraged. Yes, and when working in a local council, you cannot do without him. After all, it is not enough to win elections. This, by the way, is the simplest one. Then you have to work - to make decisions that literally affect people's lives. And how to do this without education, broad erudition and knowledge of local conditions? This is a question for reflection for those who are thinking how to become a member of the Council of Deputies.

Work capacity

For reference, it would not hurt to look at the working schedule of the people's choice. We see these people on screens or in beautiful halls, where they are, so to speak, on parade. It seems that their life is raspberry and sugar. Smile, read clever oils from a piece of paper, and get money for it. And after the removal of powers, the pension will also be such that an ordinary person will not see. And deputies go abroad for budget money. But this is only the outward side of the matter. It should be taken into account by those who are interested in how they become deputies. There is another side to the coin.

The people's choice has a very busy work schedule. It is necessary to have time to meet people, study documents, travel to enterprises, delve into the problems of citizens, issue assignments and monitor their implementation. Believe me, the work is exhausting and stressful. Sometimes there is no time to even get sick normally, "like people." Voters demand constant attention. They write inquiries, look for personal contacts. People now know their rights. They will not lag behind until the problem is resolved positively. And journalists are running after them, suspecting that you are taking time off from work. You have to endure a lot. And what is even more difficult, all life is spent in public. Everyone is interested in who you spoke to, where you went, where you rested. We do not even remember the property that you own. The deputy is obliged to publish the list - to submit a declaration.

Minimum Requirements

If you are not already scared, then let's go further. When you start to figure out how to become a deputy of local authorities, you need to open and carefully study the laws. You can't do without it. After all, you will have to follow many formalities. Believe me, a lot of people striving for people's choices "burned out" on bureaucratic moments. The first thing to know is the requirements for candidates. They are observed sacredly, like other clauses of the law. A deputy has the right to be a citizen of the country who has reached the age of 21 and permanently resides in the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, this person must be competent, not have a valid criminal record. Fortunately, we have the majority of such citizens. But you shouldn't dwell on this if you are really interested in how to become a local deputy. Someone has to nominate you. There are two ways here. And each of them is rife with complexity.

Two ways to extend

Once again, for those who are interested in how to become a deputy of local authorities, a clear and solid knowledge of the legislation is simply necessary. There are many pitfalls at the advance stage. A party can recommend your candidacy to the people. Moreover, it is not necessary to be a member of it. It is necessary to prove oneself, demonstrate business qualities, and inspire confidence in the leaders of the political force. How to do it? You need to communicate, talk, put forward initiatives. In general, it is constantly in sight. Stay-at-home, albeit very smart, is difficult to promote to deputies. And political forces do not like to lose. They nominate only "people who pass", in their opinion, people. If the parties are not interested in you, there is another way. The candidate can nominate himself. To do this, you must submit a package of documents to the relevant election commission. Please note, personal data is not enough. You will be asked for a list of people who support the candidacy. He will be carefully checked for fake. It requires the signatures of real citizens living in this territory.

Moving forward, what's next?

This question would have to be put first. Those who are really interested in how to become a local deputy are preparing for the election process a long time ago. After all, you will have to actively engage in campaigning. For many, this is the most difficult moment. Elections are real competition. Please note that the public is not particularly willing to run to the trash bins on the right day. People need to be interested, persuaded, nudged to this step. Otherwise, everyone will disperse to their dachas, and you will be left without votes. In addition, your voters will be drawn to your competitors. In general, the struggle even at the lowest level is serious. We have to hire assistants, purchase campaign materials, publish in the media (not free), participate in television programs, and so on. You understand - you need funds. Their volume depends on the region and the number of competitors. Are you still wondering what it takes to become a deputy? Then let's move on.

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