Misdiagnosed cancer. Personal experience: how Ukraine is mistakenly diagnosed with cancer

anonymous, Female, 42

My sister gave birth to her second child at the age of 40. Two years later (in 2014), accidentally touching her breast, she felt pain in her left breast. During self-diagnosis, I found a seal with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm. I did not go to the doctor. A year later, an ultrasound scan took place at the medical examination, where the presence of changes in the breast was also confirmed and was sent to the oncologist. In total, she turned to the oncologist only two years later, after the seal was discovered (in 2016). During this time, the seal grew in diameter to 4-5 cm. She feels normal, except for chest discomfort. In the analyzes, leukocytes were increased and blood pressure was increased. The oncologist took a puncture and sent me for a mammogram. According to the results of which he said that there was a high probability of cancer, but suggested that the puncture be redone. They redid it, the result is the same, like cancer, but there are some doubts. Sent to the head, he offered to make a puncture under the control of ultrasound. According to the results, they said there were cancer cells. I don't know how to do it, but we do it like that. Under local anesthesia, the tumor was removed, she was sent for diagnostics, while it was sewn up, the result came, they said everything is fine, come for a dressing. She went to the dressing for a week, glad that everything worked out, and when she came to remove the stitches, she was told that it was a preliminary diagnosis, and they were sending all the material for histology to another city, the result of CANCER came. Chemistry was prescribed. Two years after the detection of the tumor, besides the increase in the diameter of the tumor, there are no changes in the state of health, there are no metastases, the lymph nodes are normal. The person does not feel sick. Chemistry was prescribed. After the first block, hemoglobin decreased, the second block was postponed. What worries me most is that in two years no metastases have formed and the lymph nodes are clean. On the one hand, this is very good, on the other hand, doubt creeps in, and is it not a mistake? Or really, cancer can go without suspicious symptoms for so long? Could the diagnosis be a mistake and where to go now, when the tumor is excised, in order to be re-diagnosed? Or is it not worth checking, but being treated and rejoicing that there are no metastases?

Hello! The growth rate of malignant tumors at the beginning of their development is usually very low. So, for example, it takes about 15 years for one cancer cell to grow a tumor () measuring 1 cubic centimeter. Tumors grow exponentially (periods of cell doubling), so that by the end of their development, the growth of cancers becomes very significant. This is a possible clarification to the question / situation about 2 years (from 2014 to 2016). Further. Even in the case of one localization (in our case, we are talking about the mammary gland), tumors are very diverse in their behavior and their potencies. Including there are individual characteristics in the ability to metastasize. Therefore, if the tumor is removed within the local stage, when it did not have time to give not only clinically significant, but also subclinical metastases, the chances of long-term (or even life-long) remission are very high. What stage was your sister's illness at the time surgical treatment I, alas, cannot understand from your story. The scope of surgical treatment also remains unclear. If we limited ourselves to simply sectoral resection, then this is gross neglect clinical guidelines and existing standards. But if a radical sectoral resection was done, then everything is within the framework of the standards, and we are talking about early, when the forecasts are most optimal. All of the above is written as part of the answer to your question - is it a mistake or not. No, it is quite possible situation with breast cancer, if we are talking about an early stage. However, to accurately answer your question without seeing the primary medical records, does not seem possible. Good luck!

The Ukrainian journalist shared the story of how she was mistakenly diagnosed with cancer several times.

In an article for the portal Ukrainska Pravda.Zhittya, journalist Yekaterina Sergatskova told a personal story about what she had to endure when she was diagnosed with "cancer", which turned out to be a big medical error.

One day I found out that I have cancer

The first thing I felt when I saw the word "sarcoma" in the conclusion of the laboratory, which was checking a recently excised tumor in the uterus, was how my legs suddenly became hot. And cheeks. And hands. In an instant it became very hot.

The first thing I did when I left the laboratory was to call my friend and recount what was written in the conclusion. Low-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma.

- Well, since there is a low degree, it means that you can be treated, - she said. - Do not worry.

A few minutes - and my husband's parents and I are already calling friends in the pathological laboratory in Kramatorsk. The next day, we pick up the material from the first laboratory and send it there. They say that the diagnosis may not be confirmed.

- It happens often, - assures a friend. I calm down.

A week later, the laboratory in Kramatorsk confirms the diagnosis. I no longer feel anything: no heat, no fear. Only a strange, dull loneliness.

- The cells are scattered, it's not scary- retell me the words of a friend who looked at the material. - The main thing now is to check the body to make sure that these cells have not moved anywhere else. People live with it for years.

You will have to delete everything

My next step is to go to the clinic at the place of registration. This is a mandatory procedure that a person diagnosed with cancer must undergo. The local gynecologist must write a referral to the oncology clinic.

The gynecologist-oncologist in the clinic superficially looks at my papers and shakes his head.

- Oh-oh, well, it was clear from the ultrasound that this was oncology, she says. - Why didn't you delete everything at once?

- Wait, this is just one of the ultrasounds, the very first, - I answer. - After it, five more doctors looked at me and most of them assumed that it was benign.

In December last year, during a routine examination, I was found to have a tumor. I didn’t pay attention to this: there were too many cases, postponed the examination for six months. Six months later, the doctor, looking at the neoplasm on the ultrasound, said something like “interesting something” - and recommended to consult with an oncologist.

The next uzist called the neoplasm, literally, "incomprehensible garbage." Another doctor did not call me otherwise than "a girl with something unusual." The fourth doctor said that there was no reason to worry, but the tumor should be removed. MRI concluded that there was a massive seroma in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cesarean scar. Each doctor interpreted it differently.

In August, the tumor was excised. The first laboratory tests showed that it is a benign leiomyoma.

- In any case, you will have to delete everything, - the gynecologist puts a point and sends to the clinic.

Women who refused, then greatly regretted

The next day I am at the National Cancer Institute health center. A place where horror swarms.

Nausea of \u200b\u200bhopelessness rolls up even before entering the hospital. A young girl right on the steps sobs into the phone: “ Mom, how did I know it was cancer!“Someone leads the elderly with withered faces out by the arm. Someone like me smokes sadly.

There is a queue of a couple of dozen people in the office of the gynecologist Victoria Dunaevskaya. Many are standing close to its door, so as not to let anyone in ahead who wants to get through earlier. Others sit on chairs in their outer garments with their heads down.

Nobody smiles.

Nobody talks.

Screaming silence. Unhappy, hunted, people gray with permanent horror.

The gynecologist does not ask me about anything significant. Not about how I felt while walking with the tumor (and I would tell her that I did not feel anything), nor about when the tumor could appear. Just reading papers.

Asks if I have children. Later, they will explain to me: doctors ask this question, because according to the protocol, a woman who was diagnosed with cancer of the reproductive system needs to be cut out in order to save the mother for the child. After the first appointment, I am prescribed an examination of all organs. I go to the Cancer Institute as if to work. Instead of work. Instead of life.

The queue to each doctor is so huge that when I come to the opening of the clinic at 9-00, I leave about an hour before closing, at 14-00. All the nurses who work with doctors are in their sixties and can't talk to patients.

One shouts at the old man that he has been digging around with things for a long time before entering the office. Another scolds those who came without a ticket. The third complains that the doctor will not have time to examine everyone.

Examinations show that everything is in order with the body. No metastasis, no neoplasms, nothing that could alert. Only one analysis turns out to be bad: the laboratory of the Institute (for the third time) confirms that the excised tumor is malignant.

A repeated appointment with a gynecologist becomes a nightmare that will dream more than once at night.

The gynecologist out of the corner of his eye examines the doctors' notes and stops at the conclusion of the laboratory.

- For your surgery, she says suddenly, without even looking into my eyes.

- In what sense? I say.

- You need to remove the uterus, appendages,- all, she says. Without looking again.

I sit in a chair, waiting for the doctor to tell you more about what's what. She is in no hurry to explain. The next patient is already breaking into her office, she switches to him.

- So wait, is this required? I'm trying to get her attention back.

- Girl, - the gynecologist moves closer to me, pulls his eyebrows and says loudly and slowly: - You have uterine cancer. You need to go for surgery. Urgently.

I continue to sit in the chair, trying to squeeze out something like "maybe ...". The doctor is not listening. It fills in the direction to remove the uterus and appendages. Above her stands her colleague, a surgeon, nods in time to the movements of a ballpoint pen.

- Here is the surgeon you go to, you can talk to her,- says the gynecologist, giving way to a colleague.

I don't miss my chance.

- Is there another option? I say.

- Which one? Do not delete? she says. Her lips move like a grin. - You can, of course, be observed. But I’ll tell you this: all the women who refused the operation, then very much regretted it. Very much.

She focuses on "very", and then adds again that absolutely all women are sorry. Everything. And when asked why a sarcoma could have formed, for some reason he answers that "no one in the world knows why cancer appears." Nobody in the world. Nobody at all. For some reason I say "thank you very much" and run out of the office. Another patient with an unhappy face takes my place on the chair.

Uterine cancer is life-long

The last visit to the Cancer Institute - for some reason it was he - makes me think about how serious this is. Until the point is put to the point, you doubt. You hope that someone will say that everything is in order and you can live on, think about having a second child or just about something everyday.

Perhaps this feeling is called despair. Three laboratories - three conclusions about sarcoma. Several doctors agree that it is necessary to remove the organ, and this does not guarantee that the sarcoma will not "pop out" somewhere else. It throws me into a fever, then into cold sweat, and I want to fall asleep and live in a dream in which there is no cancer diagnosis.

One day I dreamed of a gynecologist from the Cancer Institute shutting me up in a cold hospital room and looking into my eyes: “ Rak uterus is for life«.

I don't understand if I can plan my life for the next year. I can't really get down to work. I drop out of conversations with friends, worrying over and over that conversation with the gynecologist. Her words "girl, you have uterine cancer" and a detached, icy look randomly pop into her head. Something like how on the set of a sitcom after another joke the sign "Laughter" is lit up.

Every day I live like I’m flying in an airplane that lost a wheel on takeoff, and no one knows if it can land.

Wait, we're not deleting anything yet

After a while, I enroll in Lisod, an Israeli oncology clinic near Kiev, which is called the best in the country. The last step is to make sure you follow the guidelines of the Cancer Institute.

- Well, tell me - says the head doctor of the clinic, gynecologist Alla Vinnitskaya calmly.

I do not immediately find what to answer. No one gave me the floor before. But what should I tell? How did I go to the Cancer Institute, where every millimeter of air is saturated with the fear of death? How did you look for the causes of the disease in yourself? How did she persuade herself that removing the uterus was not the worst outcome?

- I was told to remove the uterus. And I wanted a second child ... I begin. Alla Borisovna smiles.

- Well, well, wait she says cheerfully. - We are not deleting anything else. And no need to say« wanted« ... Say: I want.

She explains that tumors like mine often behave like malignant without being "evil." Insufficiently professional look at cells can give bad results. The material is sent for research to a German laboratory. The result comes in a week. There is no cancer. No treatment needed. There is no need to remove the uterus. Things are good.

In two months of living with a diagnosis of cancer, I have learned a lot.

I learned to boldly read the test results and come to terms with the truth, even if it is lousy. Recheck everything in different laboratories. Do not trust doctors who say there is no problem. Do not trust doctors who say that there is only one way out. Do not trust doctors in public hospitals. Learned to endure public hospitals. I realized that a wrong diagnosis is not the worst thing that happens to a patient.

The worst thing is the attitude of the doctors. The way they talk to the patient. How are they convinced that the patient is doomed to a painful death, instead of exploring his body with him and looking for solutions.

Doctors perceive the patient as a subordinate who has no right to challenge their instructions. Post-Soviet hospitals are such a repressive system in which the patient is put in place instead of helping. Another important discovery for me was that it turned out to be incredibly difficult to talk about cancer.

My cancer has become my secret, which is inconvenient, painful, unpleasant to tell others. An inner emptiness without color, in which a feeling of shame grows that here you, an active young woman, fell ill with a bad disease and no longer have the right to be a part of society.

It should not be. You can't keep silent. Silence makes life unbearable.

I spent two months flying in an airplane that lost one wheel. And in an instant the plane landed. The passengers applauded and the pilots gasped. You no longer need to be afraid and think about death. You can just keep on living as if nothing had happened. And fly yourself further with a favorable wind.

Watch the video in which we asked the oncologist's most exciting questions about cancer:

Oncology is a field of medicine that requires the latest medical imaging equipment and highly qualified doctors to make an accurate diagnosis. If these conditions are not met, erroneous diagnoses are often made. According to statistics, 35% of patients who come to Israel for oncology treatment leave home healthy, because Israeli specialists do not detect cancer in them.

Navigating the article

How to get treatment in Israel during the coronavirus? Interview with Dr. Irina Stefanski.

TOP-5 wrong diagnoses for cancer

We will tell you about the most common mistakes in cancer diagnoses.

  • Diagnosis 1:

Breast cancer is most common in women. Due to the prevalence of mammography and ultrasound of the mammary glands, this tumor is now detected at a very early stage. Sometimes these studies reveal in women very small formations of 2 mm or more, which may not degenerate into a malignant tumor. It is not uncommon for women to pass surgical operationswhich they could well do without. And sometimes, with an incorrectly performed histological analysis of the tumor, even such non-harmless studies as radiation therapy are unjustifiably prescribed.

Advantage in undergoing treatment with Israeli professors Are improved surgical methods that allow you to save most breast with breast cancer.

  • Diagnosis 2:

According to statistics, this diagnosis holds the record for the number of errors, which sometimes reaches 80%. Brain tumors are diagnosed using MRI and computed tomography. It is during their interpretation that errors occur due to insufficient experience and qualifications of the doctor. Sometimes hematomas or brain abscesses are mistaken for malignant tumors.

  • Diagnosis 3:

In lymphomas, misdiagnoses are made in about 50% of cases. The cause is usually inaccurate histological analysis of the tumor. Lymphoma is often confused with inflammation of the lymph nodes (lymphadenitis), which can be caused by various infectious diseases... Sometimes tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, dermoid cysts, various diseases liver. With all these diseases, an increase (hyperplasia) of the lymph nodes is possible.

  • Diagnosis 4:

Biopsy sampling for bone sarcomas should be performed by a team of specialists. This team should include a radiologist, morphologist and surgeon. This condition is not always met. Therefore, often the pathologist cannot accurately conduct differential diagnosis between different kinds tumors. The percentage of diagnostic errors in this type of neoplasm reaches 60%. Patients with sarcomas are often prescribed treatment for osteomyelitis - antibiotic therapy... At the same time, the disease continues to progress. The fact is that the radiological manifestations of osteomyelitis are very similar and only a very experienced specialist can distinguish between these diseases.

  • Diagnosis 5:

Colon cancer is fairly easy to diagnose, but mistakes are common. Their cause is untimely, the symptoms of which resemble many other diseases, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), non-specific, etc. Patients are often not assigned the necessary examinations, and they are being treated for one of the listed diseases, wasting precious time. In this case, the cancer progresses.

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Why do oncologists make mistakes?

  • Reason 1. The same symptoms can indicate completely different diseases. AND great importance has correct biopsy sampling and tumor morphological analysis. Not every doctor can do this job efficiently. Therefore, it is not uncommon for a patient to have a malignant tumor in one medical institution and a benign tumor in another.
  • Reason 2. Accurate interpretation of the results is also important. instrumental research... For example, in order to learn how to decipher the results of PET-CT, a doctor must undergo lengthy and expensive training c. This opportunity is far from all hospitals.
  • Reason 3. It happens that, having discovered a neoplasm, they do not prescribe all the necessary studies to the patient and rush to prescribe treatment. In most cases, this treatment turns out to be incorrect or unnecessary.
  • Reason 4. Sometimes we are talking about a rare tumor, which the oncologist might not have encountered throughout his entire work. He may commit a diagnostic error if this medical institution does not have the practice of obtaining an independent second opinion or resolving controversial issues at a medical council.

How to check the diagnosis?

In you can get a second opinion of oncology professors about your diagnosis. If you want a consultant physician of the Association to study your medical documents and assess the chances of an accurate diagnosis in Israel, fill out the contact form below... We will reply to you on the same day.

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Publishing house "Medicine", Moscow, 1980

Provided with some abbreviations

From the standpoint of medical deontology, each doctor conducting examinations of the population and dispensary observation, must be aware of modern methods of detecting tumors, since there are still many cases when late diagnosis is associated with under-examination of patients who have recently undergone a medical examination: either a woman with an initial form of cervical cancer did not undergo a cytological study that would reveal a tumor in the very early period, or was not produced on time x-ray examination lungs, and then diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, etc. There are also mistakes by radiologists and other specialists who do not notice early symptoms disease.

Oncological imprudence should force a doctor of any specialty to use this examination for any reason when examining a patient and in order to establish whether the patient has signs of a tumor.

Presumptive diagnosis of cancer in the absence of a tumor, that is, overdiagnosis, causes anxiety and anxiety, but this is better than underestimating the existing symptoms, leading to late diagnosis.

A common mistake of surgeons of non-oncological institutions is that during operations, when they establish an inoperable tumor, they do not produce a biopsy, which makes it difficult to resolve the issue of possible chemotherapy when a patient is admitted to an oncological institution. Having decided that the patient cannot be helped by the operation, the surgeon often advises him to contact an oncological institution and speaks of the need for treatment with special non-surgical methods, but at the same time he has no information about the nature of the tumor, since he did not make a biopsy.

From the standpoint of deontology, no mistake should go without discussion. Errors made in other institutions that refer a patient to a cancer hospital must be reported to these institutions.

In the oncological institution itself, every diagnostic error, every error or complication in the treatment process should be discussed. It is very important for the team to know that criticism and self-criticism does not only concern young people, but applies to all employees, including managers.

The tradition of self-criticism in Russian medicine was promoted by N.I.Pirogov, who saw the harm the concealment of medical errors in scientific medical institutions brings. “I was convinced enough that measures were often taken in famous clinical institutions not to discover, but to obscure scientific truth. When I first entered the department, I made it a rule not to hide anything from my students ... and to reveal to them the mistake I made, whether it will be in the diagnosis or in the treatment of the disease. " Such tactics are necessary from the standpoint of deontology, as well as in order to educate young people.

Late detection of tumors often depends on the fact that the patient himself seeks a doctor too late, which is associated with low symptoms, in particular with the absence of pain in the early stages of the disease, as well as with insufficient awareness of the population due to poorly delivered popular scientific anti-cancer propaganda.

Correct information of the population is the duty of specialists, but it is not an easy job. How should cancer awareness be promoted from a medical deontological perspective? In any speech for the population, whether it is a popular science lecture, a brochure or a speech on television, as well as in a popular science film about cancer, one must first of all truthfully present information about the disease, its dangers, high mortality, emphasize that the etiology and pathogenesis of tumors not completely studied, etc. One should not underestimate the importance of the problem or exaggerate the success in solving it. This will only cause distrust.

On the other hand, it is necessary to communicate information about the curability of tumors, especially in the early stages, and to promote the need to consult a doctor with minimal symptoms that may be a manifestation of a tumor process. It is necessary to popularize periodic preventive examinations, to fix attention on early signs diseases, as well as fight against factors contributing to the emergence of certain tumors (smoking, abortion, etc.).

There is no need to frighten the audience, given that even without this fear of malignant tumors among the population is very large. Among patients who turned to an oncologist too late, there are people who say that they have known about their illness for a long time, but have never gone to a doctor, fearing to hear that they have cancer. This indicates an overly widespread fear of malignant tumors and insufficient knowledge about the possibility of a cure.

A speech for the general population is a meeting with a large number of people, many of whom have a special interest in the issue under discussion, perhaps suspecting a serious illness in themselves or in those close to them. Such speeches require the doctor to adhere to the principles of medical deontology.

After decades of misdiagnoses of cancer with subsequent treatments and millions of crippled healthy people, The National Cancer Instittute and the influential JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) have finally admitted they were wrong all along.

Back in 2012, the National Cancer Institute brought together a team of experts to re-evaluate the classification of some of the most commonly diagnosed cancers and then “overdiagnose” them and over-aggressively treat these conditions. They determined that probably millions of people had been misdiagnosed with breast cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer and lung cancerwhen in fact their states were safe and should have been defined as “ benign formations epithelial etiology ”. No apologies were made. The mass media completely ignored this. However, the most important thing was also not done: no radical changes in the traditional practice of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of cancer have occurred.

Thus, millions of people in the United States and around the world who were confident that they had fatal disease cancer and who have undergone violent and crippling treatment on this matter, as if they heard “Oh ... We were wrong. You didn't really have cancer. ”

if you look at the problem only in terms of “overdiagnosis” and “retreatment” of breast cancer in the United States over the past 30 years, the estimated number of women affected is 1.3 million. Most of these women do not even suspect that they have become victims and many of them refer to their “aggressors” like the Stockholm Syndrome, as they think that their lives were “saved” by unnecessary treatment. In fact, side effectsboth physical and psychological have almost certainly significantly reduced their quality and life expectancy.

When the report of the National Cancer Institute was made, those who have long defended the position that the often diagnosed “ early cancer breast ”, known as encapsulated mammary duct carcinoma (DCIS), was never inherently malignant and therefore should not have been treated with lumpectomy, mastectomy, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.

Dr. Sayer Gee, Founder of the Scientific Archive Project medical work greenmedinfo.com, for several years has been actively involved in educating people about the problem of "overdiagnosis" and "retreatment". Two years ago he wrote an article "Thyroid cancer epidemic caused by misinformation, not cancer", which he substantiated by collecting a lot of research from different countries, which showed that the rapid increase in the number of diagnoses of thyroid cancer is associated with misclassification and diagnosis. Other studies have reflected the same picture in the diagnosis of breast and prostate cancers, and even some forms of ovarian cancer. It should be remembered that the standard treatment for such diagnoses was organ removal, as well as radiation and chemotherapy. The latter two are potent carcinogens leading to the malignancy of these harmless conditions and secondary cancers.

And, as is usually the case with studies that contradict established treatment standards, those studies also did not make it to the media!

Finally, thanks to the efforts of many honest oncologists, one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers has been reclassified as benign. It is about papillary thyroid cancer. Now there will be no excuse for those oncologists who suggest that patients treat these harmless, inherently compensatory changes with the help of total resection of the thyroid gland followed by the use of radioactive iodine, putting the patient on synthetic hormones for life and constant treatment of concomitant symptoms. For millions of people “treated” for “thyroid cancer,” this information came late, but for many it will save many unnecessary suffering and deterioration in the quality of life due to crippling treatment.

Unfortunately, this event did not become a sensation in the mass media, which means thousands more people will suffer "by inertia" until the official medicine reacts to it.

Film: THE TRUTH ABOUT CANCER Cancer is only a symptom, not a cause of disease

Oops ...! “It turns out it wasn't cancer at all!” Admits the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

On April 14, 2016, in an article entitled “It's Not Cancer: Doctors Reclassified Thyroid Cancer,” The New York Times pointed to a new study published in JAMA Oncology that should forever change how we classify, diagnose, and treat the common form. thyroid cancer.

“An international group of doctors decided that the type of cancer that had always been classified as cancer was not cancer at all.

This resulted in the official change in the classification of the condition towards benign. In this way, thousands of people will be able to avoid having their thyroid gland removed, treatment with radioactive iodine, lifelong use of synthesized hormones, and regular examinations. All this was in order to "protect" from a tumor that was never dangerous.

The findings of these experts and the data leading to them were published on April 14th in the journal JAMA Oncology. The change is expected to affect more than 10,000 thyroid cancer patients per year in the United States alone. This event will be appreciated and noted by those who pushed for the reclassification of other forms of cancer, including certain masses of the breast, prostate and lungs.

A reclassified tumor is a small lump in the thyroid gland that is completely surrounded by a capsule of fibrous tissue. Its nucleus looks like cancer, but the cells of the formation do not go beyond their capsule and therefore an operation to remove the entire gland and subsequent treatment radioactive iodine is optional and not crippling - this conclusion was made by oncologists. Now they have renamed this mass from “encapsulated follicular form of papillary thyroid carcinoma” to “non-invasive follicular thyroid neopolasm with papillary-like nuclear features, or NIFTP”. The word "carcinoma" is no longer featured.

Many oncologists believe that this should have been done long ago. For many years, they fought to reclassify small formations of the breast, lung and prostate, as well as some other types of cancer, and remove the name "cancer" from diagnoses. The only reclassification before that was early stage cancer genitourinary systemmade in 1998 and early changes in the cervix and ovaries about 20 years ago. However, apart from specialists in the thyroid gland, no one else has dared to do this since then.

“In fact, the opposite was true,” says American Cancer Society chief physician Otis Broughley, “the changes happened in the opposite direction of scientific evidence. This is how pre-cancerous small breast lumps became known as stage zero cancer. Small and early prostate masses turned into cancerous tumors. At the same time, modern methods examinations such as ultrasound, cT scan, Magnetic resonance therapy is finding more and more of these small "cancers", especially the small nodes in the thyroid gland.

“If it's not cancer, let's not call it cancer,” says the president of the American Association. Thyroid gland and professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic dr. John Sea Morris.

Dr. Barnett Es Krammer, Director of Prevention oncological diseases The National Cancer Institute said: "We are increasingly concerned that the terms we use do not match our understanding of cancer biology." He goes on to say: “Calling education cancerous tumorswhen they are not, it leads to unnecessary and traumatic treatment. ”

The article goes on to say that although some specialized medical centers are already beginning to treat encapsulated thyroid masses less aggressively, in other medical institutions this is still not the norm. Unfortunately, there is a pattern that usually takes about 10 years for scientific evidence to be reflected in practical medicine... Therefore, medicine is far less “scientifically sound” than it claims to be.

It is obvious that the truth about the real causes of cancer, as well as the truth about the myths spread by the cancer industry, is beginning to seep even into such medical institutions like JAMA and even in the media, which usually plays a huge role in spreading misinformation on this topic.

Despite this success, we must continue to work in this direction. Research and educational work should go on. In addition to papillary thyroid cancer, this primarily concerns encapsulated cancer of the breast duct, some formations of the prostate (intrapithelial neoplasia) and lungs. When reclassification of these conditions can be achieved, this will entail a significant change in their treatment protocols. Now they will not be treated with organ excision, carcinogenic chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which means that millions of people will not receive the crippling treatment that condemns them to constant suffering and dependence on mainstream medicine, as well as many of them will avoid the appearance of secondary cancers caused by these treatments. ... Many also do not experience malignancy of the process as a result of toxic treatments that destroy the body's defenses and convert a benign process into an aggressive malignant one.

Just imagine how many people around the world have already suffered and may still be affected, if only in the United States and only for breast cancer there are 1.3 million women? Now it should be obvious to everyone where the official oncology gets such optimistic statistics, where it cures cancer in more than 50% of patients. Most of them did not have a properly diagnosed cancer and if these “patients” survived the treatment, they became officially cured of cancer. Moreover, if many after 5-15 years developed secondary cancers, then of course they have never been associated with the previous carcinogenic treatment.

Many oncologists, and especially those who use the naturopathic concept of understanding and treating cancer, believe that asymptomatic cancers do not need to be treated at all, but only make certain changes in their lifestyle, nutrition and thinking. You can, however, go further and quote the words of the professor of the University of California at Bakerley, Dr. Hardin Jones, who argued that according to his statistics of working with cancer patients for 25 years, those who have been diagnosed with advanced cancer, and who did not use the official three treatment, lived on average 4 times longer than those who received such treatment.

All this forces us to take a fresh look at the situation with the diagnosis and treatment of this disease, as well as the fact that, unfortunately, today we cannot trust in this official medicine.

The article was written using material from greenmedinfo.com

Boris Grinblat's interview in the 'TRUTH ABOUT CANCER' project
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