Cartoon wishes good night. Good night and sweet dreams

We suggest you download free animations and pictures " Good night, Sweet dreams "in the catalog of our site. Put the one that you like your beloved spouse, to a friend or girlfriend, baby. The Internet gives us an excellent opportunity to communicate with people at a distance.

If a native and close person is far away, communication has been tightened until the night, or you just want him to feel that you are near, you can wish him pleasant dreams you can use a beautiful postcard.

Do not neglect the old and very good tradition on awakening to wish the surrounding and good night, leaving for sleep.

If "Sweet dreams!" It seems to you a banal, you can choose any other of the set of wishes for the night, including in English.

At night, man is important to fully relax, sleep well. But is it always possible? The child falls asleep emotionally excited, because the whole day he learned something new, worried a whole bouquet of emotions. A woman or man had to experience stress at work. The head of the brain is difficult to disconnect. But you do not need to immediately grab the sedative and sleeping pills. Even psychologists believe that the best thing that may be for a full night recreation is the wishes for the dream coming - good night, strong, calm sleep, pleasant, sweet dreams.

Perfectly, if we can hear these in the deepest sense, traditional for hundreds and thousands of years, magic words from the mouth of people close to us. They help tune in to positive way and relax, raise the mood, create a feeling of need for someone, security. But how to be if your favorite girl, a guy, a good friend is not near? Please close man free beautiful postcard With the inscription or animation of the theme "Good night!".

Wishes pictures with inscriptions

Our ancestors did little just like that. The actions that they repeat from day to day always had a deep meaning. A tradition desires good night did not arise from an empty place. What is her roots?

Sleep condition, the nature of dreams was previously an absolute mystery for a person. Many nations considered sleep and death with something similar, believed that the soul of a man who went to the embrace of Morpheus, separated from the body and begins to travel. Wish "Good night!" Then it was possible to consecable to the wish of the "happy way!": In order for the travels of the souls to be pleasant, and in the morning, when the sun hits, she returned safely into the body.

There is also a version that the wishes for the night first appeared among the peoples who suffered from barbar raids. These raids occurred at the dark.

Today we know that the dream is necessary for us to restore the body, the normalization of all processes occurring in it. The better it will be, the better we will feel the next day. We fall asleep in our secure houses, cozy beds. But we are still nice to hear pleasant words overnight or see the gentle or funny, in verse or prose, an ordinary or animated postcard with a wish of pleasant, magical dreams!

Pictures and photos with wishes in verse

With advent mobile phones There was a new tradition - wish goodnight SMS messages. Short verses of general maintenance or addressed to his beloved guy, a beloved girl, a friend, parents, children, became especially popular.

Tradition has twisted and on the Internet. IN social networks, applications for communication, intercelred messrooms Play each other is no longer just a quatrain, but beautiful pictures With inscriptions in verse.

Beautiful animation pictures

Have you talked for a long time on the social network forum? Your communication was very interesting, dragged until late at night? How to interrupt it, not offended interlocutor? Send him a gif - a living picture, an animation with the inscription: "Good night!", "Good night!", "Enough dreams!".

Gentle or cool animation postcards move, bright, shimmer and definitely make you smile, feel good before bedtime. If you liked any of those that we offer you here, download it for free and send to someone who you want to wish good night.

Wishes good night to loved ones

Pictures on the Internet with wishes for the night, probably millions. How to choose the one that you like the close to you? First, choose a suitable inscription. If you can not find text in prose or verses that you like, it is better to stop on something brief, for example, the simplest inscription "Magic Dreams!".

Choose a suitable image. As a rule, this is a photo and drawings with a sun-sining horizon, moon and arrival, night landscapes, sleeping people and animals, funny lambs or elephants, which are considered to overcome insomnia.

For a beloved man

Loving girl - she is so! It believes that her favorite guy, a man who is not near, will not fall asleep without the wishes of sweet dreams from her. And prefers to download and send mimic pictures with sleeping children, animals, cartoons and the inscription "Good Night!".

Beautiful greeting girl, girlfriend

In response to your girlfriend, the guy can send a postcard with flowers, also with cartoons, animals and cute babies. The girl will definitely pay attention to the drawing itself, and on the text of the wishes. He must be personal, as if the sender wrote him himself.

Wish for a child

The child is especially important to observe sleep mode, go to bed on time, fully uttered. Again, for a long time, moms cared for their sleeping kids in peace and security. They sang the lullabies, hung over children's bedding chambers. Today you can wish the baby with sweet dreams using the picture.
Older child who has mastered modern means Communication and for a long time "freezes" in social networks, you can send a postcard "Good night!" As a hint that it's time to turn off the device and go to bed.

It is impossible to let go of a close man to sleep without wishing good night. To say these cherished words has become a mandatory night ritual, almost routine. So why not divert the usual wish, sending a beautiful or funny image with the inscription? We have prepared a large collection of pictures with the inscription "Good night, sweet dreams!", Part of which are funny, part beautiful. Among them, you will also find GIF animation.

112 high-quality pictures for the wishes of good night and sweet dreams

Beautiful picture with an incredible night atmosphere by the ocean. Bed with light bulbs stands right on the shore.

Cute wish of good night and sweet dreams written by an unusual font with sleeping lamb

Puppy sleeps in an embrace with a plush penguin. Milot this picture rolls!

Gloomy picture, almost gothic, if not Santa on sleigh in the sky on the background of the moon

A kitty and cat sleep on his friend, very cute! Your girlfriend will like it.

Beautiful, fabulous forest background and inscription "Sweet dreams!" In the center of the image

A cute little puppy yawns and wants to sleep.

Romantic picture "Good night, sweet dreams!" With a couple sitting in the distance against the background of an infinitely large and beautiful sky

Beautiful blue sky with crescent at night

If Phil is already arriving, then it's right to sleep. Sweet Dreams!

Anime with a pair embracing in bed before bedtime

Girl - Cat falls asleep on turquoise pad

The girl sleeps in the wool of a huge fairytale beast, as in a dream!

The risks of sleeping under the blanket of the couple and the wish of sweet dreams

Anime picture with a couple lying on a native on a beautiful heavenly background

The fabulous angel will visit your native person if he falls under this picture, and he will dreamed that he was visited by a fabulous angel

Kiss before bedtime, or before something else

Incredibly beautiful coast with blue glowing water and starry sky

Valuev will easily put your child to sleep, even if he is already 30.

Father, all night, molding the child, falls asleep in any position with any subject on the head.

Beautiful mountain lake, Moon, reflected in it, and the inscription "Good night and sweet dreams" on this great picture

The huge moon decorates the already stunning coast and water

Good night and sweet dreams! Cot is already waiting.

Interesting combination of cheese yellow moon and a slightly purple cloud

Romance, and only! The endless starry sky, in which the inscription "Good night and sweet dreams!"

Does your kisa know how to fall asleep in any pose?

Anime picture with sleeping girl in panda pajamas

The couple clung to each other under the blanket. If you can't so much today, then send this half this picture.

Girl in a light nightie sleeps on the bed, covered with petals and daggers

Wish a good night with a kiss \u003d *

Incredible beauty is going on in the sky, and the girl runs to sleep soon

Krohtotlyu tired and fell asleep. Sweet Dreams!

Cute Sleeping Dark Cattle

Pigs on small wings fly, and your relatives think and falls asleep

Cool wish good night with bed linen for bachelor

Wish of good night and sweet dreams with a beautifully highlighted sleeping cat

Cute kitten sleeps under a blue blanket along with a teddy bear

Pensik fell asleep with a small plush version of himself

The wish of good night with the Bolshevyzham with a black cat and a pink balloon, giving pictures of solemnity. She has a birthday today! Act.

Picture with a littered horizon. And if seriously, then a very beautiful sky with a crescent and stars, clouds.

Wish good night in blue-yellow, sunny marine colors

Cute kitten sleeps, putting forward the paws forward

Call to go to sleep from a cute anime girl with ears

Gifka with sleeping puppy and wishing good night

Another gif with a wish of good night and a puppy for your favorite doggyman

Kotten Milo sleeps, gathering his paws together

Overflowing gifs with a purring kitten

Wish dreams to you bright. A man is already lucky crescent

Cat Garfield settled on a whipped pillow and fell asleep

Panda is resting on a cobblestone and wishes good night, sweet dreams!

Sleeping on a red blanket cat

Wish of good night and pleasant dreams with a girl, rawing star dust from the moon

One tiger has already fallen asleep, and the other will only fall off after your half.

A small star picture with the wish of good night and nice dreams!

Picture with a beautiful hand drawn view of the lake and mountains

Wishing sweet dreams for animeshnik or anime

North Mishka Speit

This girl is not sleeping, because her boyfriend did not want her good night. Do not repeat his mistake!

Bears climbed onto the tree and sleep

And these plush bears sleep at home in the pads

The wish of sweet dreams with a teddy bear in the forest on a branch

Cute Bluebird Teddy Tear and Wishes Good Nights, Sweet Dreams \u003d *

Massive stars in the night sky, this can only dream

Very beautiful picture of "Good night, sweet dreams!" With the sky, covered in the stars until the horizon, where the most important star goes to sleep

Cute kitten fell asleep on his back

Have you missed the holiday of flying lanterns with your half? Let him dreamed after watching this picture before bedtime.

Big, beautiful moon, reflected in perfectly smooth water stroit

Best friends fell on the same bed. Who knows, maybe this picture will help in the future and you will be with a girlfriend on the same bed?

Better so than nothing. Sweet Dreams!

Beautiful animated picture with winter scenery, home, forest and wish sleeping sweetly

So I want to dive into this lining, full comfort and love

Very beautiful lake and reflection in it. Dark inscription "Good night, sweet dreams!" perfectly harmonizes color

Good night, calm sleep. Like a quote from the song V. Tsoi and the "Cinema" group.

Picture filled with homemade comfort. So good to be in the cold night at home where the light is burning

Beautiful natural view of the moon, which floods everything with its reflected light.

Heavenly Wish Sweet New ...

Forest Moon

Wish of good night and sweet dreams against the background of the woods and purple sky, covered with stars

Cattle fell asleep in a cool pose

Pinsik dorms on the windowsill and at the same time on the back, and outside the window is a beautiful night city

Puppies sleep, pleasant silhol for the night

The next night sky of incredible beauty with the inscription "Good night and sweet dreams"

Wish good night for your little monkey

Beautiful night in purple shades

Cool fevering dog

Remember old reflexes and fall asleep 15 minutes after you see these guys

Beautiful twilight and multicolored sky

Beautiful view of the valley of the river

Fabulous stars and an incredible planet in this picture with the wishes of good night and sweet dreams

The cat washed before bedtime, the mouse removes fallen stars. Time to sleep!

The picture of incredible beauty with birds, stunning sunset views in purple colors. We really like this picture. It is crowned with the inscription "Good night, sweet dreams!". Available in a large resolution of 1600 pixels in the width of clicking on it.

Puppy fell asleep on merry slippers

If you do not want your half to eat tomorrow in the subway just like this guy, send it this picture and lay down to sleep.

Light in row

The bridge in the dream looks like this

Beautiful fabulous view of the night sea with a luminous moon somewhere in distant

Picture with a crescent consisting of patterns and wishing good night, sweet dreams

Beautiful view of the bridge at sunset. And above it - a piece of space and the wish of good night

So the next evening came, quiet and calm. Everything slept around and gradually prepares for long night sleep. It seems everything is wonderful, but still something is wrong? The feeling of loneliness does the soul, when the sweetheart is not near.

And so I wanted to say good night with your beloved, wish sweet dreams, because there was so much tenderness inside. In this case, an excellent option will be the wishes of good night to the girl who is very easy to download for free, and then send both the Internet and in the SMS message.

To express your own experiences and thoughts are beautifully as in prose, and in verses. Postcards with photos or short wishes Sweet dreams can transmit tenderness or passion. Much depends on your own taste. Each girl or woman will be insanely nice to get verse or wishes in prose with the words of tenderness, fervent love.

Whatever your relationship between relationships, the wishes of a good night with your beloved girl or a woman will not be superfluous. Romantic postcards or pictures sent by the beloved will help you not only express your own feelings, so you can take care of your loved one.

You can wish sweet dreams in your own words or send short messages about how happy you have found a soul mate, really miss you want to be near this evening.

The words "native", "My Girl" will be appropriate in the wish of sweet dreams. Write pleasant, warm words with a beloved woman, because it's just when the heart overwhelms a sense of love. Thanks to this expression of their emotions, your second half will once again be convinced of the seriousness of your relationship, thereby ensuring a pleasant extinguishing to sleep.

Do not doubt, beautiful words In prose or verses, "kick" the soul of his beloved girl will make it take to think about you more often.

We suggest you download the most funny pictures With the wishes of "good night, dear", which will be pleased to get any woman. If you have conquered her attractiveness, overcomes the desire to tell your beloved about it, then wish her wishes in verses with photos containing the words "native", "dear."

Short electronic messages or SMS with inscriptions will bring your second half a great pleasure and will give a peaceful, a serene sleep.

Choose for your favorite greeting cards that most like you: cool or comic, in verses or prose. The wishes of sweet dreams can be rewritten in your own words or download ready-made pictures to send. Thanks to the warm, romantic message, you will show care and tenderness, although you are far from each other.

Separation can strengthen your relationship, even during sleep. The wish of "good night, dear", the lover sent by the beloved can be completely different: the beautiful or romantic. Wishing "good night, sweetheart," you can pass the deep feelings of affection and love that overflow your soul at the moment. And there is no difference, send you verse on SMS or via email, native and such a favorite woman will feel your reverent attitude towards it.

Romantic postcards may accommodate amazing animal photos: cats and dogs. How can I not like this charm? Such messages are able to transfer all the completeness of feelings as well as emotions. Squeezing postcards "Good night, dear", you talk about how much the way is a woman and how strong feelings are to her.

An excellent background of the picture will be a photo of the moonwalk or climbing the moon in a clean sky over the ocean, which will symbolize the romantic setting, configure on calm dream. If your beloved like the way you express your love for her, then do similar surprises more often. She will be sure that at a distance your relationship is getting stronger.

The image of lovers and wishes of sweet dreams in verse will be a great idea for a love card. Send a short message good night to my wife when you are for a long time in separation. After all, the spouses who lived for many years in marriage, very hard to worry and nights alone. At the bottom of the postcard containing verse, you can sign "I love, miss." Is it really that wishes will look so cute?

Do not forget to delight your simple, but so pleasant surprises. Undoubtedly, your love message or verse will not be noticed, it will wake up a passion, as well as a mass of romantic feelings that will be sure to appear at the meeting.

Beautiful pictures sent for the night of your beloved will help you soon step up a new step of relationships, reveal your sensuality, tenderness. A woman will feel that she is already not only a favorite for you, but also native.

By sending a romantic verse for the night of a girl, a woman or wife, be sure that such a manifestation of tenderness, care will warm his souls, responds from other thoughts, will set up on positive dreams. Show love in different ways, because it's so easy!

"Good night, dear" - you say you are familiar, putting on the night next to your man. These words are so firmly included in your life, this is a simple wish of sweet dreams entrusted to the feeder, so when, because of different things, you are far from each other, others cannot fall asleep if you do not observe the usual ritual, without wishing good night to your love husband.

If he was on a business trip, or you, in any case, wish you quiet dreams and not only in your own words. Before you is a luxurious selection of all sorts of wishes of a good night with a beloved man or friend in verses, and not only. If you want, send a handsome pictures with cute inscriptions with the wishes of sweet dreams. Or maybe you will like funny pictures or poems that are more suitable for sending them to the best friend when he is far from you?

What can I say if you were never near, and your communication takes place only on the net? He, your man, lives somewhere in another city or even the country, but when comes sms from you, even with the most simple, but so warm words, he is certainly smiling. And let you have far from each other, you can become even a little closer at least in the network, wishing good night to your favorite guy, sending tender pictures with verses.

Having received postcards from your second half to the coming dream, he will be happy - this is so nice when lying in bed, you get a cute poem. Small, but such a pleasant sign of attention, let a man and sick, but in his soul it will be very nice - because even being not near, you will remind him of your love, about your feelings and how the roads are your relationship to you.

Funny photos with good night wishes Beloved in prose or verses can be downloaded completely free, and quickly, literally a couple of clicks with a mouse or a pair of fingers touching your gadget. And you can save the whole selection of myself on the pages on social networks so that they are always at hand and reminded such an important case for you.

In truth, it is difficult to stay from not throwing a loved one with cute and gentle photos, in a huge amounts presented below - after all, each of them is perfect and unique, so it is difficult to choose it.

Move the warm wishes of sweet dreams with a heart friend in SMS - if it is not available on the network. Then your message will definitely find your addressee, short poems filled with warm words will definitely fall to taste a romantic and sensitive man.

In secret - all representatives of the male species are sensitive and romantic, just some of them were brought up in rigor, forbidden to show feelings, as if it was something bad and unworthy man (remember the immortal "be a man!").

This is all nonsense - anyone, regardless of sex, needs manifestations of love and affection, and also rejoices when these signs are obtained.

Here, in our selection, cool SMS, which will appreciate the man endowed with a sense of humor, and loving funny pictures with steep inscriptions.

After all, in harmonious relations there should be a place of everything - and tender romance, and passion, and in particular, a healthy yumor, who helps to be able to cope with small quarrels. Agree, it is difficult to quarrel and screaming around the trifling occasion when your second half is kindly hanging this trifle?

It would seem that the short phrases of "good night, cute", "quiet dreams, beloved" - about so we accompany the man in the kingdom of Orpheus, but how much heat and tenderness in them!

Let them say in their own words, let it not pictures or funny postcards - But the value of human communication is difficult to overestimate, but alas, we can not always be with our loved ones, relatives in spirit, and then comes to helping in social networks of various kinds, ranging from ancient classmates and ending with new-fashioned telegrams.

And as well, that in the century, when there is no internet except that the wild tribes in Africa can send beautiful photos with the wishes of good night with a man who is now far away.

It may not be for the raid lands, perhaps your costly half is guarding about the order, and maybe it saves life on the operating table, and then your short, but capacious SMS will be achieved before it.

Well, in your own words, you will tell this heart friend personally, without an e-card, when it comes home, and you will meet it with warm hugs, or when you meet with a cozy evening.

Short poems with the wishes of good night. Husband can be saved in advance on a computer or a personal gadget so that at the right moment simply send to your beloved postcards filled with warm words impregnated with love and tenderness.

Good night, the guy can wish, sending playful postcards with teasing verses - in the end, why not felt the coming on sleep? True, in this case, be prepared that at a personal meeting you will be taped and kissed to half dead. But, most likely it does not scare you, because you are not for nothing that you are with this person together?

See, choose the appropriate for you carefully selected pictures, and share them with your second halves - at least in SMS, at least in ordinary emails. Be closer to your loved ones - because it is so easy to do, and the distance is not a hindrance!

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