Modern remedies for head lice - how to apply. Pediculosis (head lice): treatment, prevention, warnings What is pediculosis and how to treat it

Treatment of head lice at home is carried out using ointments, special shampoos, solutions and gels. Give a good effect folk remediestime-tested. How to get rid of lice and nits quickly? Let's figure it out.

Causes of appearance and ways of infection

Characteristic signs and symptoms of head lice

The main signs of pediculosis:

What are lice afraid of:

  • frost (from -20 degrees), hot water (temperature from +55 degrees). When identifying a wardrobe variety of causative agents of pediculosis, it is useful to boil clothes, bedding, in winter to take out things to be processed in the cold;
  • drugs that cause intoxication in adults;
  • enveloping compositions that provoke suffocation.

Five rules for dealing with lice:

  • Select a product according to the age and condition of a person: children under five years old are allowed only natural formulations with an enveloping effect. During pregnancy, a drug or folk remedy is prescribed by a doctor.
  • If the effectiveness of the product is low, replace it with another one as soon as possible. Means for animals cannot be used.
  • Do not exceed the concentration of the solution during preparation, strictly observe the frequency and duration of processing.
  • After removing the drug or folk remedy for lice from the hair, it is forbidden to wash the hair for 5-6 days: this way the residual effect of the composition will remain.
  • For the duration of treatment, forget about nourishing hair masks, conditioners.

Warning! Do not forget about one more side of pediculosis: lice carry dangerous infections... If you crush an infected individual, you can bring typhus or Volyn fever. Fortunately, serious illnesses are rarely diagnosed.


Effective formulations:

  • Medilis Super.
  • Lauri.
  • But yes.
  • Couple Plus.
  • Spray Pax.
  • Parasidosis.
  • Chemerichnaya water.
  • A - Steam.
  • Medifox.
  • Permethrin ointment.

Pediculosis remedies for children:

  • Paranoid.
  • But yes.
  • Parasidosis +.
  • Pediculen.

General rules of application:

Proven funds:

See an overview of the most effective means from, and also find out the rules for their application.

How to remove mold from the walls of a private house and prevent the growth of fungus is written on the page.

Go to the address and read about how to get rid of midges in the house.


Prevention of head lice:

  • wear only your own headdress;
  • never use someone else's hairbrush, hairpins, hoop, rubber bands;
  • do not try on things of other family members / girlfriends / friends / colleagues;
  • change bed linen more often;
  • in public transport, make sure that the hair of people standing nearby does not touch the head. If there is a constant crush on the bus, curls should be picked up;
  • do not swim in water bodies in which a large mass of people splash;
  • when choosing a sexual partner, be careful, prudent;
  • add 3-4 drops of tea tree oil to shampoo or conditioner balm: head lice do not tolerate this aroma;
  • put only clean things in the closet. Clothes soaked in sweat, with dead particles of the epidermis, provokes the reproduction of dangerous fungi, creates a favorable environment for lice to feed;
  • never dry yourself with someone else's towels (this remark applies to face and body). It is worth remembering that there are not only head lice, but also pubic lice;
  • via RSS, or stay tuned

As practice shows, not everyone correctly distinguishes between the concepts of lice and nits. Actually, lice are called adult insects and their larvae. The latter are smaller in size, but outwardly similar to adults and also feed on human blood. Nits, on the other hand, are motionless and simply glued to the hair by females so that a person cannot shake them off.

Accordingly, treatment for head lice is to kill adult insects and remove nits from the hair.

On a note

On a note

  • Constant itching on the head, body or in the groin area (depending on what kind of lice the person is infected with).
  • Bite marks in the form of small swellings with puncture points in the center. They can be seen in the mirror. The photo below clearly shows.

  • Sometimes an allergic reaction occurs in the form of a rash on the body and small blue spots around the bite sites.
  • And, of course, the presence of the insects and nits themselves, which can almost always be found upon careful examination.

The procedure for the treatment of head lice

Most effective methods lice treatments include etching adult insects with insecticide-containing scalp and skin treatments, and mechanically removing lice and nits from the hair.

On a note

Previously, having noticed a louse, they used the most effective method treatment - shaving the head or shaving other parts of the body bald. By the way, therefore, the absence of pubic hair in women was considered a sign of promiscuity - the workers of the most ancient profession usually had to shave the causal place, who regularly picked up the pubic louse on duty.

In parallel with treatment for lice, measures should also be taken to protect the rest of the family from infection. To do this, you need to treat lice immediately upon detection, and before that, stop direct contact with the patient - hugs, kisses, games. Do not use clothing and hats of a person infected with lice.

In general, the main thing that needs to be done in order to quickly and effectively recover from lice is to choose correct drug and use it wisely.

Lice shampoos

Shampoos are some of the most popular treatments for head and pubic lice. They allow effective treatment from lice in humans in just a few hours, and at the same time they do not require serious expenditure of energy and are quite safe.

The principle of treating lice with shampoos is that in addition to aromatic agents and detergents, these preparations also include effective insecticides - poisons that poison lice, but are relatively safe for humans. Only in rare cases can they cause allergies in sensitive people.

It is necessary to treat lice with shampoos by applying the product to wet hair and thoroughly foaming it.

After that, the foam is kept on the head for one and a half to two hours (the exact time is prescribed in the instructions), and then washed off. It is advisable to cover your head with a plastic bag while holding the shampoo to enhance the effect.

After a week, treatment for lice and nits with shampoo should be repeated to destroy the larvae that have emerged from the surviving nits.

The most famous and, judging by the reviews, the following shampoos for lice are effective:

  • NOK is a product based on Permethrin, one of the most powerful insecticides available today. Used to treat head lice. NOC shampoo is applied to the head for 30-40 minutes, then washed off with running water. The product, when applied to the skin, can cause a burning sensation, if it gets into the eyes, they should be rinsed with plenty of water, and if it enters the stomach, drink boiled water and activated carbon... According to the instructions, NOC is not used for infants: treatment for lice is possible only in adults and children over two years old. NOC is also contraindicated in pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Veda and Veda-2 - an analogue of the NOC from another manufacturer. Treatment for Veda is done in almost the same way as prescribed above for the NOC.

  • Nyx is also a remedy with Permethrin as active substancebut is mainly aimed at treating pubic lice on hair in the groin and anus. Nyx is applied to dry, clean hair, and after half an hour is washed off with clean water. To consolidate the result and reliable treatment for nits, it is applied in several repetitions with a break of 5-7 days. The drug is not used to treat lice and nits for children; it cannot be used regularly and as a prophylactic agent. The price of one bottle of this remedy for the treatment of lice is 320 rubles.
  • Biosim is another shampoo that allows you to quickly cure lice, including for children and adolescents. It is applied to the head for 15 minutes, for one treatment procedure, about 20 ml of shampoo is required.

Not everyone knows, but anti-flea shampoos for pets can also be effective for treating lice. However, to treat the head for lice with these means should be careful and at the first signs of allergic reactions, stop using the drug.

Special pediculicidal solutions and creams

These lice treatments are the most common because they are versatile and can be applied even to areas of the body that are not hairy. Usually they are simply applied to the infected areas, kept for an hour and washed off with clean water.

The most famous of them are the following.

Medifox, which is a Permethrin solution and allows you to treat a person from lice in one session.

Medifox is considered one of the most powerful pediculicidal agents. However, the drug, generally speaking, is not recommended to particularly smear the head, since it is used mainly for body and pubic lice.

“Our son brought lice from school. I think he contracted them a long time ago, but only now they became especially noticeable, and he began to behave differently. He scratches his head all the time, cannot concentrate on anything, does not communicate with the guys. I went to the forum to look for how to carry out treatment, how lice are generally removed. There everyone advises Medifox and writes, and nits with it. Someone wrote that they cannot handle the head, but I decided to take a chance. I bought it, spread it as advised, smeared it with Teme. Lice from it climbed directly in a crowd. There are so many of them that I was horrified. They held it under the bag, waited an hour, washed their hair ... and forgot what it was! A very powerful thing, I advise everyone. "

Anna, Tver

Nittifor is a remedy that allows you to treat lice both on the head and on the trunk. The lotion is rubbed into the sites of infection, and after half an hour of exposure, it is washed off with running water.

The analogue of Nittifor is Paranit. This remedy is very effective in curing a child or adult of lice and nits, but it has one small drawback - it is difficult to wash off the head with water. Shampoo for oily hair is best suited for cleaning your scalp.

Lice sprays

Head lice sprays work in the same way as lotions. Their plus is that with the help of sprays, a more complete treatment of the scalp is achieved - in a finely dispersed form, the spray penetrates even where it is problematic to rub in the lotion.

Sprays such as Lavinal, Para-Plus and LiceGuard have proven themselves well. After applying the drug, you need, as with other means, to wait about half an hour, preferably under a kerchief, after which you can wash off the product.

Combs in the fight against lice

Combs can be seen as a supplementary means of controlling lice and nits, greatly enhancing the overall effect. It is safest to comb your hair with them after treatment with insecticidal preparations.

However, sometimes, especially if you do not want to treat lice from adults or children with various chemicals, the combs are also used independently. In this case, with their help, it is also quite possible to get rid of lice, but such treatment requires at least a week of time and a very thorough combing of the hair.

Today special lice combs are produced by the brands AntiV, NitFree, Robi Comb (from Lice Guard) and some others. The effectiveness of all of them is about the same.

This is interesting: There is still an opinion that insects are turned on from strong emotional experiences or from rarely washing their hair. This statement has no scientific basis, it is false.

Insects can get on the hair of children in only one way - to crawl off the head of another person. Infection is possible when using a common comb, hairpins, elastic bands. Babies, especially girls, can exchange hats, panama hats, scarves for fitting, which also causes the development of head lice. The most rare common way of transmission of insects from person to person is to visit public places:

  • baths;
  • pool;
  • saunas.
  • it is easy to fix eggs (nits) on clean hair, and it is much more convenient to pierce the washed skin with a proboscis to extract fresh blood;
  • messy and matted hair is the perfect setting for active reproduction, because you can hide and disguise in them itchy skin from bites under the symptoms of seborrhea.

The hardest thing is for the parents of girls. First, the louse easily clings to long hair. Secondly, the boy can simply be shaved bald and this is the end of the treatment.

How does head lice manifest

Suspecting pediculosis in a child, inexperienced parents are looking for signs of the vital activity of insects on the child's head for a long time. Contacting medical institution would help to quickly diagnose the disease and take measures to eliminate it. The dermatologist's office is equipped with special lamps that emit fluorescent light. When the device is pointed at the hair, adults and larvae turn blue. But even at home, it is not difficult to detect blood-sucking insects with a careful study of the hair. Here are the main signs of head lice in a child:

  • when biting through the skin, insects secrete saliva that is toxic to the human body, which prevents blood from clotting. Under its influence, the strongest itching occurs -;
  • after contact with the waste products of lice on the skin, erythema, vesicles, papules are quickly formed. They appear as small red bumps and sometimes appear as bluish blue patches;
  • when examining the strands, nits can disguise themselves as oily dandruff. But trying to remove the whitish scales from the hair will not bring the desired result. The nit is tightly attached by a special substance produced by the female insect;
  • if you look at the hair for a long time, you can catch the movement of lice on the scalp. They are constantly looking for intact sites for blood saturation. Adults are yellowish-brown in color, and when you hover over them with an ordinary table lamp, they can shine dimly.

If it was possible to remove a living nit from the hair, then when squeezed between the nail plates, it emits a sharp characteristic crackle. Dead eggs will not "click", and their detection indirectly indicates advanced head lice.

Scalp scratching is also a sign of contagious pathology. Their swelling and severe redness of neighboring areas signal that they have joined bacterial infection (staphylococcal, streptococcal), requiring urgent additional treatment.

Warning: If head lice therapy is not carried out or does not bring a positive result, then after a short time erythema and papules will take the form of chronic dermatitis.

Many parents in prosperous families simply cannot believe that their child has lice. Therefore, when a baby complains of severe itching, they wash his head once again, making it easier for insects to all life processes. This leads to a loss of baby's appetite, nervous disorders, and sleep problems. As a rule, head lice is diagnosed with regular examinations by medical personnel in child care facilities.


Pharmacists and pharmacists in pharmacies often listen to customer complaints about the ineffectiveness of the treatment of head lice with the most modern and expensive drugs. Of course, there is a small probability that this particular agent will not show therapeutic activity, but it is minimal. Usually parents neglect to read the annotation attached to the spray or solution package. Having processed the hair once, and then upon examination, did not find living insects, they consider the problem solved. Not surprisingly, after a couple of weeks, the baby starts combing his head again.

Recommendation: No anti-lice remedy can kill all lice and their eggs after a single application. A week later, young insects will appear from living nits, provoking a new round of negative signs of infection.

The use of the drug may also be ineffective as a result of re-infection in the following way:
  • without putting a guide children's institution in the knowledge of the discovered head lice, parents risk sending the treated child to a kindergarten or school. It is possible that other babies are still infected;
  • moms and dads love to play with children, kiss and hug them. With close contact, there is a high probability of developing head lice in parents. They can re-infect an already healthy baby.

In an attempt to stop the spread of blood-sucking insects in the family circle, pets are often treated with anti-lice preparations. This method of prevention will only be the reason allergic reaction in a cat or dog, as head lice do not live on animals.

Folk remedies

Often, parents are embarrassed to go to the pharmacy with what they think is a delicate problem, so they are used to treat head lice. On the Internet, you can find a wide variety of ways to treat lice in children. Practicing the use of essential oils, decoction onion peel and even cranberry juice. It is not surprising that this "therapy" continues for a very long time and ends with a visit to a pharmacy or hospital. But to the most common folk ways Treatments include the following:

  • ... It is hard to believe, but this method of disposal is still used today. At best, it has a therapeutic effect, although, together with blood-sucking insects, the child gets rid of most of the hair as a result of total damage to the bulbs. In the worst case, doctors diagnose a severe skin burn, an acute allergic reaction or general intoxication of the baby's body with poisonous kerosene compounds;
  • With vinegar. , but ineffective. A positive result can be achieved only with a combination of rinsing hair with diluted vinegar and frequent combing out of nits and live insects. Dead adults are missing due to disability food product destroy lice.

Radical folk methods for getting rid of insects also include the use of hair dyes with aggressive chemical compounds or curling irons, irons, and hot rollers. Such techniques take a lot of time, effort and health for both children and parents.

Mechanical methods

What to do if lice are found in a child - comb the hair as often as possible. Correctly performing this procedure 1-2 times a day brings very good results. Lice eggs are attached to the hair by a sticky and very strong substance that prevents them from separating. Before combing out lice and nits, rinse the strands thoroughly with any acidic solution. In this case, cranberry juice and a weak (1-2%) dilution of apple cider or table vinegar are just useful. After rinsing, the procedure can be started in 15-20 minutes. During this time, softening and partial dissolution of the adhesive that holds the nit to the hair will occur. How to comb out lice correctly:

  • spread a light-colored cloth or thick sheets of white paper under the hair;
  • for combing, you need to use a special comb, which is sold in a pharmacy or hygiene store;
  • combing must start from the very root, gradually moving towards the tips;
  • the scallop needs to be constantly rinsed to get rid of nits and live lice that have accumulated between the teeth.

Paper or cloth containing insects should be rolled up and, if possible, burned. No matter how carefully combing is carried out, there is a high probability that nits will remain on the hair - a source of re-infection. Most best result provides manual sampling of insects and eggs with subsequent destruction. They can be crushed between nails or dipped in a container of water. This procedure takes a lot of time, so the child needs to be distracted by reading or watching your favorite cartoons.

The removal of nits should start from the temples and the back of the head. In this place, there is a thin and delicate skin that lice easily bite. Carefully examining each hair, it is necessary to carefully separate the egg, smoothly sliding it down. In this way, the entire head of the child is examined.

Tip: If you combine this technique with the use of anti-lice preparations, you can quickly get rid of nits and lice.

Pharmacological preparations

When purchasing a lice remedy for children at a pharmacy, age restrictions should be taken into account. For example, the popular drug Para-Plus is not intended for children under 2.5 months of age. Anti-lice medicines are available in the form of lotions, solutions. As a rule, all products are applied to dry hair and evenly distributed with a comb. After a while, indicated in the annotation, the drug is thoroughly washed off with a stream of warm water. To secure therapeutic effect, you can rinse your hair with a mild vinegar solution and carefully comb out dead insects.

Warning: Do not cover your hair with cellophane or keep the product longer than the time indicated by the instructions for use in the hope of strengthening curative action... This can cause the development of an allergic reaction or the manifestation of symptoms of general intoxication of the body.

When buying any drug for the destruction of lice, parents first of all read the colorful inscriptions on the packaging. Manufacturers often indicate that the product they produce destroys eggs and adult insects at once. This is just a common advertising gimmick - a drug with such efficiency has not yet been synthesized. If the manufacturer's approval was true, then it would not be required secondary processing hair. And in each annotation to the anti-pediculosis agent, the need to reapply the lotion or solution after 5-7 days is necessarily indicated.

The drugs for lice for children that show the greatest therapeutic activity include the following drugs:

  • Full Marks. The solution contains isopropyl myristate and cyclomethicone, which have pronounced anti-pediculosis properties. The packaging is completed with a special;
  • Medifox. It is produced in the form of a concentrate, which is diluted with boiled water before use. One of the advantages of the remedy is the possibility of using the drug in children from 12 months;
  • Pediculen. The lotion contains ethanol and anise essential oil. The drug has a specific smell, and the presence of the herbal component makes it possible to use the product only from the age of five;
  • Paranoid. The shampoo contains clearol, which exhibits dehydrating and asphyxiant activity against adult lice;
  • Veda. A cheap and effective product with permethine and additional ingredients that prevent hair damage from an aggressive chemical compound;
  • Pedilin. Time-tested anti-lice drug with malathion, a substance that is a powerful insecticide;
  • A couple plus. The high efficiency of the spray is provided by the combination of three active ingredients - malathion, permethrin and piperonyl butoxide.

Recommendation: After recovery, wash the baby's bedding, clothes, scarf and hat in hot water. If possible, it is better to get rid of combs, hairpins and rubber bands to prevent re-infection.

Is it possible and how to remove lice and nits from a child at home? Getting rid of the lice themselves is extremely simple. For this there are a huge number medicines, among which the most popular is soap with dust.

How to deal with lice in children at home? An integrated approach is needed - simultaneously remove the insects themselves and their eggs.

You should also know that head lice - not so dangerous disease. Lice are not carriers of diseases and the only consequence of their appearance is discomfort, itching, peeling of the scalp. Therefore, you should not panic unnecessarily and immediately resort to the use of toxic fungicides of the highest class - this will only harm the child, and it is possible to treat head lice in children at home.

A photo

To your attention are photos that clearly demonstrate the symptoms of head lice in children:

How to treat?

So, you are faced with a problem - lice in a child - what to do at home?
Some of the most effective remedies in the fight against head lice are:

  • vinegar;
  • fresh cranberry juice;
  • mint herb combined with pomegranate juice;
  • lemon juice;
  • comb with frequent fine teeth (for mechanical removal of insects and their eggs).

How else can you treat lice in a child at home? Here are some remedies: but they are less effective and most likely will not help:

  • kerosene;
  • dust (destroys insects, but chemical burns, blisters remain after it);
  • sunflower oil;
  • onion and garlic.

Lice in children: how to get rid of at home?


How to remove lice from a child at home? Doctors advise using specialized medications to combat lice, by type Pediculen, LiceGuard (in the form of a repellent), soap with dust (concentration not more than 10 percent of the active substance).

IMPORTANT! They include a fungicide that is toxic to insects, but not dangerous to humans. Only in rare cases can it cause short-term irritation of the nasal mucosa and eyes.

Dust soap - one of the oldest such remedies, but experts recommend abandoning it, since it is a powerful allergen.

Traditional methods

If you find lice in children, home treatment can be very effective.

It is best to use vinegar - it dissolves the sticky substance that attaches the eggs to the hair, after which they can be easily removed with a comb.

The lice themselves can be removed lemon juice - apply it for 20-30 minutes on curls (for an ordinary boyish hairstyle, 30-50 milliliters will be enough), wrap with cellophane.

Doctors recommend boil or wash all of the child's everyday clothes, which he actively wore during the period of lice detection. This also applies to bed linen. If washing is performed, the water temperature should be above 60 degrees (optimally in the range from 70 to 80).

If certain clothes cannot be washed at this temperature according to the manufacturer's recommendation, they should be packed for 3-4 days in a sealed bag. Vacuum sealers for food storage are ideal for this purpose.

Without contact with human skin, both lice and nits die about after 72 hours. Then it remains only to rinse the fabric in cool water. In a hard fabric (carpets, decoration of sofas, armchairs, beds) insects do not settle, so their processing is not needed. But the clothes after washing must be ironed with an iron.

IMPORTANT! Even if the child has never had lice, parents should talk to him about it. Explain that there is such a disease, that it is not dangerous, and so on. Otherwise he may meet with ridicule from their peers. Unfortunately, doctors do not pay enough attention to anonymity in such situations. In difficult situations, this can result in psychological trauma.

Dust soap

Before treating pediculosis in children at home using dusty soap, it is important to be extremely careful and before the procedure check for an individual reaction. It is enough to lather the skin in the neck area with it and wait 5-10 minutes. If there is redness, itching does not occur - everything is in order.

How to use soap? It is enough to wet the hair, lather and lather. Then a rubber cap is put on (you can use a bath), everything is wrapped on top with a towel.

After 30-40 minutes, the hair is thoroughly washed with a regular shampoo. (at least 2-3 times). After that, it is recommended to treat them with a conditioner balm or at least chicken yolk.

It remains only to dry the curls and take up the comb, combing out the rest of the nits. As a rule, manufacturers special substances are added to dusty soap, which contribute to the dissolution of the sticky base of the cocoons.

This is the most complete answer to the question: "how to treat pediculosis in children at home?"

  • avoid close bodily contact with an infected person;
  • the use of personal hats, as well as combs, hairpins, elastic bands, hoops;
  • regularly changing underwear, followed by washing or boiling;
  • treatment with shampoos for prophylaxis (with a very low concentration of the active substance).

If you find lice in a child, home treatment will quickly kill an adult, but in addition, it is recommended every evening on your own. examine your head ( hairy part) for the presence of nits. If any are found, immediately begin to eliminate the eggs.

Prophylaxis for household members can be supplemented with the use of special deterrent agents. These include tea tree oil, rosemary, lavender. You can purchase essential oils these plants in the pharmacy and apply to the skin of the neck in a few drops every 4-6 hours.

Disease prevention

Annually in Russian Federation 110 thousand cases of lice infestation are diagnosed among school and preschool children.

In view of this, a program for the prevention of head lice developed by the Ministry of Health.

It consists in carrying out several times a year examination of the hairline by pediatricians for the presence of lice. But this does not give a 100% guarantee against infection.

It should be understood that the measures taken by the state will not be able to completely protect the child from infection - this is the prerogative of the parents.

REFERENCE! And in order to avoid treating lice in children at home, their task is to regularly examine for the presence of lice, and if detected, immediately take measures to eliminate the disease and use preventive measures to protect the rest of the family from infection.

So, thanks to this article, you learned everything about head lice, its treatment, how to get rid of lice at home in children, read the photo.

Useful video

In the next video, everything about pediatric lice, its treatment and prevention:

Traditional methods

Can be applied pharmacy productsbut recipes traditional medicine are considered more secure. Many patients hesitate to contact pharmacies for medicines, which is why home remedies for lice and nits are very popular.


You should not count on a quick result, because it will work out after several treatments. You need to take apple cider or wine vinegar at a concentration of 9% in the amount of one tablespoon and dilute with 100 ml of warm water. The mixture is applied to the hair with a sponge or a towel soaked in the solution.

A polyethylene cap is put on the hair, which is moistened from root to ends. After 30-60 minutes, the hair should be combed out with a fine comb, then rinsed with water and shampoo several times. The next procedure is carried out in 3-4 days.

Tar soap

First, the head must be cleaned with soap from dirt and grease, rinsing with water. Then lather a second time, cover your head with plastic and a towel, leave for one hour. After the hair is washed with water, dried and the larvae are combed out. Such elimination of head lice at home is carried out daily for a week.


Technical or lighting kerosene is used in pure form or diluted with olive oil and shampoo in a ratio of 3: 2: 1. The composition is applied to dry hair, cover the head with cellophane and a towel, and stand for two hours (keep from nits for 3-4 hours). After the hair is washed with shampoo and rinsed with a weak vinegar solution. After 3 days, the treatment for lice and nits is repeated.


The people have long known how to get rid of lice and nits at home with the help of turpentine. It is mixed with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10, applied to the hair and skin covering heads. Further, it is kept under a plastic cap for 1.5-2 hours.

You can use turpentine ointment. It contains turpentine, a substance that has a toxic effect on lice and nits. The ointment is applied to the entire scalp and hair, without missing a single area. Then leave to act for two hours under cellophane.

The product is washed off with shampoo and the remaining nits are combed out with a comb. The disadvantage of the ointment is that it is difficult to wash off, which makes the hair look greasy. After a few days, the procedure is repeated.

Chemerichnaya water

The product is applied to the hair, carefully treating the entire head, cover and leave for 20-30 minutes, you cannot keep it longer. Hair is washed with shampoo and rinsed several times. Nits are combed out mechanically. This water against lice and nits allows you to cure at home in 1-2 treatments.

Vodka or alcohol

How to get rid of head lice at home and remove lice with vodka? The liquid is considered ineffective, since it does not adversely affect insects. Vodka and diluted alcohol only make it easier to separate the nits from the hair by dissolving the sticky substance.


Treatment of head lice with folk remedies involves the use of a safe and available means - cranberry juice. The berry syrup is non-toxic, effective and safe for children. The substances contained in cranberries break down the gluten under the nits, which causes them to move away from the hair and are easily eliminated.

One procedure requires juice squeezed from 100 grams of berries. How to get rid of lice with it? Spread freshly squeezed juice on the head and hair, soak under cellophane for 25-30 minutes, then rinse the head well and comb it out. If there are a lot of lice, the treatment is repeated 2-3 times in a few days.


Treatment with folk remedies includes the treatment with burdock tincture. 20 grams of dried root must be poured with boiling water in an amount of 250 ml, leave for an hour and drain. The composition is applied to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe scalp, it should act for at least two hours. After the head is washed, and the treatment is repeated several times.

Burdock does not belong to the means with a powerful effect, so you need to think about how to treat the disease in combination with this plant. You can use any of the listed means, and use the burdock as an excipient.

Essential oils

Healing oils:

  • tea tree;
  • corn;
  • aniseed;
  • bergamot;
  • mustard;
  • lavender;
  • mint.

The head, treated with the selected oil, is covered with a bag and towel, the effect lasts all night. In the morning, the head is washed and the larvae are combed out. With such folk remedies at home, you can effectively cure head lice in 1-2 applications. On long hair use oils several times every other day.

Combing out

Recipes by themselves may not work. If you have lice, home treatment involves laborious and lengthy combing. It does not require the use of medication. You should take a lamp with a bright light and a comb with frequent teeth, you can additionally use a magnifying glass. Treatment of head lice in children in this way should be carried out in a calm environment: the child is turned on a cartoon or given a favorite toy so that he is not distracted.

You must not allow at least one larva to remain in the hairline. There is no need to dry your head before combing. Using the shampoo will lull the lice to sleep, making it easier to get rid of them.

Precautions when using folk remedies

Using folk remedies against lice, the following safety measures must be observed:

Pharmacy products

How to treat head lice using pharmaceuticals? You can use a shampoo, spray, ointment, solution or emulsion for scabies. The result of combating the disease at home with the help of funds purchased at the pharmacy is as effective as using folk recipes.

All pharmaceuticals are divided into two types - affecting nervous system lice and limiting their access to moisture. The latter are best chosen by parents of children with allergies and pregnant women.

When carrying out procedures for lice and nits at home with the help of chemicals, avoid contact with eyes and prolonged inhalation of vapors. Many medicines have a pronounced odor, which is dangerous for allergy sufferers.

Regardless of what products are used, it is recommended to repeat the treatment several times to completely destroy the insects. 7-10 days after treatment, it is necessary to carefully check the head under a bright lamp and make sure that the insects are dead and there are no new larvae on the hair.

Useful video on how to treat head lice at home

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