Beautifully wish good night guy in prose. Wishes good night in their words in prose

Wish. good night In the form of short messages by SMS, Viber or in another way, it is pleasant to get any man. So that the message was pleasant, it is important to choose the right tone, the words that will sound sincerely, truly.

It is important to follow the rules of the etiquette: formulate phrases neatly, avoiding ambiguous wording or slang, especially when the formal style of communication. Armed with these rules, you can proceed to writing reports in prose and even in verses.

Universal wishes Good night Men

Most often, the frank messages of this kind (SMS) are sent only to close, or well familiar people. The style of writing the wishes of good night a man depends on the established relationships.

A friend is quite admissible to write in free form, but for a person with whom relations at the initial stage of development, such a tone is not suitable, it is better to write restrained, but with a highlight.

Pleasant wishes Good night to your beloved man (short messages and SMS).

Universal wishes Good night, a man in the form of short SMS looks like this:

  • "Pleasant dreams ... Let dreams be pleasant!"
  • "Goodnight! I wish you a good rest, which will give strength and energy for tomorrow! "
  • "Good night! Let sleep bring rest and inspiration! "
  • "I wish good night and joyful morning!"
  • "Strong dream is best energy! Good night and good rest! "
  • "Good night! Let dreams be light like clouds outside the window! "
  • "Let all the conceived tomorrow come true! Have a nice rest!"
  • "Good night and bright dreams!"
  • "Goodnight! Carefree and Light Dreams! "

Messages must be short and clear to not be in them hidden meaning (Unless the sender initially puts such a task). Before sending a message, it is necessary to check that there are no errors in the text.

Short wishes to a friend in verses and prose

Friendly wishes of good night, a man in the form of short SMS can be written in a humorous key. For example, in this case, you can write like this: "Night without sleep is a pledge of headaches in the morning. So throw everything and go to sleep! Good night and good dreams! "

Many try to write wishes in verse. But to send such a message need confidence that the recipient will appreciate poetic lines. On the other hand, even if it is completely simple poems, the main thing is that they are sincere. Then they will produce a good impression.

"Sleep is a world where dreams come true,

The world where you do not need extra words,

The world without worries, in the glow of beauty ...

Let there be more bright good dreams! "

Wishes good night with husband in SMS or message

When one of the spouses have to go on business, wishing each other good night will be very by the way. In each message I want to say how the second half is missing now!

  • "I am sure that tomorrow I will miss you more than now, because even at that moment I don't want to say goodbye ... But you need to relax, so good night and sweet dreams!"
  • "Let the dream cover you with gentle palms, and let the night be good!"
  • "Sleep is a mirror in which we see our dreams, let it show you only pleasant paintings. Goodnight!"
  • "When you dream - it is easier to fall asleep, and dreams become bright and multicolored. Let your cherished dreams lull you, and let everyone come true tomorrow. Good night!"
  • "Only in a dream everything is possible ... And today we are not near, but in a dream we are exactly together! Good night, my love!"
  • "Good night! Let the dream leave all the concerns outside the door, makes the alarm and will give rest! "
  • "Goodnight! Let your dreams be bright as paints of true happiness! "
  • "Without your" good night "I can not sleep well!"
  • "Before you fall asleep, think about how much I love you - and then your dreams will be light and light. Good night, kitten! "
  • "Sleep is one of the little miracles of this world, let him give you ease and peace of mind. Bright dreams to you, native! "
  • "Let today we fall asleep not together, but I hope you feel my love and warmth. Sweet dreams to you, Favorite! "
  • "There are many miracles in this world, but there is another one that I appreciate the most others, and this is your love - the most amazing and beautiful thing that could happen! Good night, my happiness! I hope that you will dream of bright and gentle dreams! "
  • "I wish you colorful dreams and a serene holiday! Good night, my best! "

And there is nothing better than that moment when, in response to this message, an answer will come with the same romantic wish.
And if the spouses were in a quarrel, then this is also a wonderful chance to establish relationships. Let a message or SMS "Good Night, Favorite!" will be the first step towards reconciliation!

Wishes good night to a classmate

The wishes of good night a classmate may be neutral, friendly, just cool - it all depends on the adopted between the recipient and the sender of the communication style. Someone can say: "Well, all, hang up! It's time to hug a pillow! " And someone will have to be limited to formal: "Good night! See you tomorrow!"

SMS can be a continuation of the previous conversation or some events that happened per day. For example:

  • "Today was a difficult day, let everything be smooth tomorrow! Good night!"
  • "Enough gnawing granite science! Good night and serene sleep! "
  • "Well, tomorrow will go to look for new adventures? In the meantime, a good night! "
  • "Strong sleep is the best protection against nerves and panic. Good night, sleep firmly and wake up having rested! "
  • "Good night! Let dreams be bright and colored as pictures in Kaleidoscope! "
  • "In me, the battery was sat down, it's time to recharge. And I wish you relax and relax! Easy cloud dreams! "
  • "Goodnight! Bright and inspirational dreams! "

If the relationship with a classmate go beyond friendly, you can hint on romantic dreams about him. It will give piquancy.

Short wishes before bedtime for relative

Not everyone writes sms to relatives, limited to the circle of closest friends. In fact, such messages are very important because they allow you to maintain family connections and show that the person is really roads:

  • "Goodnight! Let the angel guards your sleep! "
  • "Let be deep sleep Washes accumulated fatigue! Goodnight!"
  • "We all had a difficult day, but we coped and deserved rest. Good night and sweet dreams!"
  • "Goodnight! I wish you sweet and happy dreams, and let the new day bring good luck! "

Excessive emotionality in the message to the relative will only hurt.

Cool wishes good night in sms

A friend can always be a fun message that calls him to throw off computer games or night cinema, and go to bed.

Cool options I can be such options:

  • "Eye to close the eyes, and let's sleep, otherwise now is exactly a gray wolf Pozov! Good night!"
  • "You can't think much, and then you will not be left for sleep! Goodnight!"
  • "I wanted to wish you good night, but it seems that the morning is closer!"
  • "For one night, you can learn more than the semester, but it's better to sleep! Good night and good luck! "
  • "Well, all, it's time for me to sit on the broom and fly out for a walk! And you strong sleep and good night! "
  • "It's time to rest. Goodnight! And let you dream of epic dreams, three-dimensional, and with sequels! "
  • "Who said, that new life Need to start from a new day? You can from the new night! Right from this, you can start going to bed early! Chocolate and caramel dreams! "

Erotic wishes to your favorite guy in prose

Men do not see meaning in ordinary chatter, even if modern technologies turned it into short messages on the smartphone screen. It is quite another thing - erotic SMS, those that intrigue are lured, give an emotional star.

To write such messages is a whole art, because it is very important to observe the line between tenderness and gentialness, between light flirt and obsession, between flirting and frank vulnerability.

  • "You are my biggest temptation ... When you touch me, my heart beats stronger. I want every your kiss lasts forever ... I look forward to the next meeting! For now - good night and bright dreams! "
  • "Dreams are like a movie that we remove themselves. My dreams are a sensual movie about you, about your hands, about your lips and kisses. I want your movie in a dream about me. Good night and bright dreams! "
  • "I'm going crazy from your smile. Your kisses still sound in me. I can not fall asleep, remembering touching your hands. But you, my desirable, I want to gently whisper "Good night!" And I want your dreams to be sweet and exciting! "
  • "When you hug me, and I feel the beat of your heart, I want this moment frozen in eternity. I want to fall asleep at the same time with you, in one bed, in such an exciting intimacy, feeling your breath and the warmth of your body. Let night be warm and affectionate, my treasure! ".

Short messages before bed with affectionate appeals

The great Italian poet Petrack said that a person knows how to express how much he loves, only when he loves little.

Therefore, it is not surprising that it is hard to choose the words or even just affection. But you can simply take advantage of small hints:

  • "Good night, my fluffy kitten!"
  • "Sweet dreams, bear bed!"
  • "Good night, my light!"
  • "I adore you, my dragon, rest, and let you dream of bright dreams!"
  • "Good night, my bright prince!"
  • "Good night, my gentle boy!"
  • "Let your dreams be blond, my knight!"
  • "Let the night lulls you, my favorite!"
  • "Good night and to a meeting, friend!"
  • "I want to wish you comfortable dreams, my elephant!"

And even better - contact your beloved by name. Only first it is worth clarifying which abbreviated form he likes. For example, Denis may not like the reduction of Deniska, because it seems to him infantile.

How to wish good night to a man in English?

The wish of good night in English sounds like this: "Good night". You can still add the wishes of the "Sweet Dreams". For example, it will sound like " I Wish You Sweet Dreams"Although often this phrase is reduced to the 2nd last words.

You can add affectionately to this. For example, " Sweet Dreams, My Angel» (« Sweet Dreams, my angel"). You can remember the lullaby "Good Night. Sleep Tight. See You in the Morning Light with good night wishes and strong sleep.

How to wish pleasant dreams in French?

Words "Good Night" in French sound like this - "Bonne Nuit". If at the same time the sender wants to say "good dreams", you can add "DORMEZ BIEN".

In french There are many ways to wish good night - just like in Russian. If the sender wants to write in SMS a wish of strong, like a baby, sleep, then it will sound like

"DORMEZ COMME UN BÉBÉ" (writing should be exactly the same transcription). This phrase can be translated as "sleep as a baby."

In Russian, after a difficult day, you can wish a strong sleep so - sleep like a grounding. In French, it will sound like this: "Dormez Comme Un Loir." The last word is translated as Sonya, and in this context is quite appropriate.

You can wish just sweet dreams. Then it will sound like: Fais De Beaux Reves. The penultimate word is translated as "beautiful" - so it is customary to formulate this wish in France.

How to wish good night in Ukrainian?

Wishes good night a man in the form short sms In Ukrainian, you can express literally very concise - "on Dobranіch!" (Although the fusion writing is found).

Sweet dreams can be watd with that - "on Dobranіch! Licorice snipe! " And pleasant dreams - "on Dobranіch! Snag! ".

If the SMS is sent to a loved one, then in Ukrainian it can be written so "on Dobranіch, Kohni!"

How to wish good night in Italian?

The wishes of good night with a short SMS and in fact it is possible to reduce one-sole word - "Buonanotte".

And when they want to wish good dreams, they say - "Dormi Bene".

The appeal itself depends on what relations the sender and the recipient consist. For example, beloved can be sent SMS: "Buonanotte, Tesoro Mio!" It translates as "Good night, my treasure!".

Or you can send even more delicate recognition - "Buonanotte Amore Mio! Ti Aspetto Nel Mondo dei Sogni "(" Good night, Favorite, I expect you in the world of dreams ").

The expression "Sweet dreams, my baby" can be translated into Italian as "Dormi Bene, Bambino Mio". And friendly communication can be completed by the phrase: "Well, sweet dreams", which will sound like this: "ALLOO, SOGNI D'ORO".

Wishes in SMS after a romantic date

Psychologists are not recommended immediately after a date, to send passionate SMS to hot trails. After all, it will only demonstrate a man excessive interest, and at this stage of the relationship should not do. This evening it is better to limit the wishes of good night and a light conversation.

You can write an SMS on the topic that interest both (for example, if a guy and girls have common hobbies), and at the end of the message wish good night. For example, if both love movies, you can remember that the premiere of a new film, which is written about all the media (or, on the contrary, do not write yet, and the more interesting to see it).

Cinema is easy to replace the photo exhibition, a sports match or any other event - the main thing is that it is interesting to both. And after mini-discussion, it is worth finish the conversation:

  • "It's a pleasure talking to you! Good night!"
  • "I had a great time, I hope we still see you! Good night and to a new meeting! "
  • "The time with you flew unnoticed. It is a pity that it is time to say goodbye! I wish good night and bright dreams! "
  • "Thank you for a pleasant conversation! Goodnight!"
  • "The evening was pleasant, I hope that tomorrow will be successful! Pleasant dreams!"
  • "It's nice to talk with such a witty interlocutor! I hope that we will continue this conversation! In the meantime - good night! "

If the guy lives in another area, and the time is already later, it will not be superfluous to learn how he got home. Such a message will show that the man is not sensible, his well-being is important. And such SMS can be short and straightforward. For example: "I hope you got home without any problems! Goodnight!"

These rules apply to the first romantic dates. If the couple is found for a long time, then you do not need to be artificially limited.

And one more rule is not worth putting too many exclamation marks. It can be perceived as excessive emotionality and enthusiasm, and this is not like everyone. No need to put a lot of emoticons - one at the end of the sentence should be enough.

And he must match the general confusion. The wishes of good night with a man in the form of short messages or SMS, overloaded with emoticons and Emodezh, look not very attractive. Such text can be regarded as an inquiring, as a desperate attempt like this person.

Rules for the same to violate them. And if it helps the sender to form your own style in SMS, unique and unique, like his personality, you can stick only the most general requirements etiquette. We write SMS to convey your feelings to the addressee, transfer your attitude to it, and not to comply with the protocol adopted in official communication.

Useful videos about nice messages for your beloved man

Goodnight. Let night take all the fatigue and the whole negative today's day. I wish to relax well and gain new forces. Let you dream the best dreams.

Goodnight! Let your sleep be sweet and strong. So that you dreamed something very pleasant, kind and good.

Sweet dreams. My kitten, I want to you as soon as possible. I hug a lot and gently. Till tomorrow.

I wish you sweet, kind dreams to sleep well, to fully relax and wake up in a positive mood for a new day. Good night.

Calm and sweet dreams to you. Let them dream about what you dream every day and constantly think. I hope that I will be!

Good night and the most kind, brightest, most wonderful and most exciting dreams. Sleep sweet, and wake up with a smile.

Goodnight! Sweet Dreams! Let you dream something good, I, for example.

Good night, bunny. Sweet Dreams. I send you a kiss and good sleep!

I wish you a calm night to the very wonderful little man on this planet. Sleep sweet, let dreams dream the most tender!

I wish good night and the most pleasant dreams. Let the night give a good rest and meeting with his dream, and morning will begin with a lot of luck and excellent mood.

I wish the most cute, kind, gentle, colorful, wonderful, inspirational, magical dreams. Sweet and dreamy night to you.

Good night! Let your vacation keep the angel. Sleep hard, sweet, gently. Whore in both cheeks.

Goodnight! Let dream of dreaming something beautiful, good, interesting! Sleep will be strong and calm and charges energy for the whole day!

Let it be sweet and kind of your dream, let this night tame you a magic blanket from bright stars. Good night. I wish to sleep perfectly and wake up with a wonderful mood.

Let the angel keep your wonderful dream. I wish to sleep tight and sweet. Let you meet a new day tomorrow with a smile. Goodnight!

I wish to relax from day care, relax in the cozy bed and enjoy beautiful dreams. Goodnight!

I want to wish you good night. Let you dream only good and good dreams like you yourself.

I wish you good and warm dreams in your gentle and soft pastels. Fall asleep only with good thoughts. Goodnight!

Goodnight! Let this night give a magical and relaxed rest, will carry out all the alarms. Let dreams be blond and positive, and the morning you will meet in good spirits!

Close your eyes, forget about bad memories, about a hard day. Let only wonderful moments flashes in memory. Sweet Dreams!

Recognition guy with kind morning love Good night beloved Good night with husband miss your beloved apology beloved for mood love guy

My beloved, let this night give you a multicolored dreams, silence and peace, enjoying rest, will return your shelted forces and will fill the reserve of energy for the coming day.

Let there be a beautiful, quiet and warm! Let them visit you the most affectionate and good dreams that will take you into a fabulous and amazing world. I wish you sleep from the soul and awaken in the excellent mood!

Every time, the night is in the Earth and inevitably comes, I send you thousands of air kisses. Let your dreams become the same lungs and pleasant as the touch of my lips!

Favorite, good night, let the world be in your soul, let him go away the noise of the day, carrying all the excitement. And only one of my voice will be gently sounded, making your way to you from the darkness of dreams a little bright asterisk!

The night falls on the ground, envelops everything sweet sleep. Favorite, I wish that your dreams take you a sea of \u200b\u200bjoy, happiness, saturated with inspiration. Throw all alarms, care, just rest!

Favorite, I wish you a cute, calm and genticeWhere pillows are like fluffy clouds from air caress, and the blanket is created from a hot passion that warms in any weather!

Good night, my favorite person! Let them dream of a moon road that you will go to the kingdom of big and eternal love, loyal and excellent relationship, fabulous and long life.

My beloved, good night! Let the stars bring you wonderful dreams, in which you will find in the desired place and where all your mysterious dreams will immediately return to reality.

Night is the time of stellar flicker, silence and sweet dreams. Let night will master you, a loved one, and I will penetrate your sleep, you will kiss the adversity and sadness, and stay in your heart.

Favorite, I wish you a calm and magical night! Let the stars take you to distant Dali, where there is only sincere joy, loyal love, present good and eternal happiness.

Let go all the day alarms, leave the threshold. Let you, my favorite, will give this night only blessed peace. Let the gosta wage, will lead you to the world of sweet dreams.

After the day, the night will bring you, loved, magic dreams, where we will be together, where your soul rests. And tomorrow will meet you with hoped hopes and joyful inspiration.

Favorite! Let the wonderful dream take you into the country of limitless opportunities and unrealistic good luck, where you want to stay forever, to live, not noticing the time and not counting the past days.

My favorite defender, in the afternoon you caught me, give peace and care. Night came and let me like a good wizard, get into your dream and tell you an amazing fairy tale of love!

Good and tender night to you! I will walk around the lunar light, enjoying touching the centuries. I quietly descend to you at night a star so that you can hardly kiss, my favorite, not disturbing your dream!

Alina Ogonek

The wishes of good night in prose is like a fairy tale at night: will prepare for sleep and make it magic. Werewolves and dragons, fabulous kings and princesses, enchanted forests and impregnable locks ... Dreams are expensive to you depend on you. Think no matter how you would like to do your loved ones?


My dear and your love! I wish good night and pleasant dreams who will lead you into other worlds, full of love and good, secrets and mysteries. Let you sleep quietly and warm, and your dreams will be bright and fascinating, with adventures. I kiss you strongly and satisfying, hug and love very much! Goodnight!

My dear, good, dear is my man! Night comes, and you go to bed. Let you sleep sweetly and calmly, and your dreams will be only kind and rainbow. Cut the blanket, and let you be cozy in bed. Include your fantasy and lack love. And I will be with you with a soul and heart, because I love you very much.

I love you, my good, strong, and on the eve of the night I want to wish you good dreams. Your city falls asleep, and you fall asleep with him so that in the morning with new forces to meet a new day, where new happiness is waiting for you. Pleasant, affection for you dreams, loved, good to you and joy, my dear!

I want you to sleep calmly this night. I love you very much and I wish only good. Let the night give you peace and harmony, affection and the air. And let the fresh breeze let you have magic fairy talewhere the main characters we will be with you. Let this fairytie you dream, and in it you will be happy.

Cute, I know that now you are going to fall asleep. I want to wish you pleasant and bright dreams that will be filled with all the colors of the rainbow. Fly at the bottom through the universe and open up new worlds, new planets, and new stars. Enjoy your travel in a dream, and know that I love you very much!

I know, dear that you love the night very much. After all, only she can give you peace and silence, lead from everyday problems into the world, full of harmony and Nirvana. This night I wish you a good rest and get into that world, so desirable you. Let your soul goes back there in order to joyfully you could meet a new day!


My native, beloved and desirable, my only! On the eve of the night I want to wish you to fall asleep quickly and sleep peacefully, with a happy smile on the lips. Let only color dreams dreams, reflecting the desires of your consciousness and subconscious. You will see other worlds and distant edges where you have not had yet, you can visit other countries and other cities. In a dream, this will be like in reality. And I will be your faithful companion. Holding hard by holding hands, we can travel a variety of places. It's so beautiful! Listen to the voice of the night - she manits and calls to himself. Close your eyes and give her. Good dreams, dear!

Favorite, my affectionate! Otrada with my whole life, my gentle charm! I want to wish you good night and pleasant dreams. Let them dream of a chic flight across the sky that you love so much, let the gold stars dream of you - you will fly between them and touch them with your hands, and they will not burn you. And let the full harmony, peace and nirvana be in your soul. Enjoy this condition and take the strength to adequately meet a new day with his everyday problems. But you are smart, you can solve them all. Sweet dreams to you, my queen!

Well, that's another day of your life ended, my favorite. Do not be sad about it, for life is long, and you will have one thousand such days. Better well rest before the new day. Let you be comfortable in your crib. I wish you to fall asleep careless and quickly, enjoying silence and peace. And let you dream of the gentle waves of the sea, which you love so much. You will swim in warm, sea water, and sun glare will gnaw your gentle skin. And there will be no difference between sleep and show. You will be happy and beautiful. Good night, you are my little, native and favorite sunshine!

My dear, my favorite and good! With the onset of this great Night I want to wish you sweet and calm sleep. Let you sleep peacefully and cozy, comfortable and good. List before bed - it calms down and helps to fall asleep. And at night you can in a dream to realize your dreams. Can you order dreams? It's so easy - you dream about the sea, and you dream of you, you dream about me, and I come to your dream in the image of a beautiful and kind knight. Fall asleep and do not think about anything bad, I love you very much. You are my happiness, bright and unique!

My dear girl, sweet, marmalade and marshmallow beauty! Night came, and you are tired per day. Going comfortable in your bed and fall asleep, and I find you a beautiful fairy tale about love that will come to your dream with the first few minutes. You will sleep well, smiling with your naive, children's smile, and I, like a wizard, I will show you unusual edges with rainbow flowers and sincere feelings, even in a dream we will love some other clean, great love, keep each other hands and frankly laugh! You are my joy, you are my sun, which is very tired for the day. Sleep my good!

The night shrouded the gray coat with your city. Already less often a creaking brakes passing by your home, cars. Passersby also began to walk less on the streets. You are tired, my girl, and it's time for you to rest. Lie down and sleep. Let your sleep be calm and light, and dreams are pleasant and rainbow, color and beautiful. Good night, my princess, and pleasant, night travel in the mysterious kingdom of Morpheus. Do not be afraid of darkness, and do not be afraid of the night - it is time for fantasies and dreams. And yet - I am always there, know it.

The day came to the end, the sun had long been hiding behind the horizon, all the birds were smashed. Everything around is preparing to sleep. Thoughts of lovers at such a time are always busy with each other. So pulls to write something gentle, affectionate and pleasant before bedtime to her boyfriend, remind about your feelings, wish wonderful dreams. Write wish good night beloved! It is impossible to overestimate the small, seemingly innocuous pleasantness that we can make native and close people to us. Even if the text is simple, but sincere, it will give a man forces for a new day, will give a desire to live. Sometimes it is enough just to say in the letter (SMS or Email) the words "good night", it is not necessary to rhyme something. And he will already feel your care and love. You can attach a slightly fantasy and text will become original and unforgettable.

If you want to create an unforgettable message, then think about writing in a wish. Prose a guy can be made various character - Both serious, and romantic, and passionate, and touching, and funny, and strict ... The most important thing in this matter is not to rearrange, everything should be in moderation. You can add your general memories to your message. Especially if you are familiar for a long time. But the message should not be aggression or other unpleasant sensations. It is best to invest a positive and good mood For the next day. If they are completely busy and no time to invent, then you can say a person literally a few words. But those that mean a lot for you and him. If you have a common favorite song - order it on the radio in the evening program of orders. Needlewomen can create something with their own hands.

Prose guy

My most desirable and beloved man, I wish you a calm and affectionate night. The soft bed is already making you in her hot arms, inviting dreams and dreams into the world. Let the lung cloud of sweet dreams pick up you and takes into a magical country of sweets and relaxes. This night my imagination becomes your abode, and you will definitely experience a powerful impulse of my love and sensuality.

The night covered a noisy city with his head and in silence we plunged us, you're cute my eyes and rest a bit. All plans and dreams for tomorrow postpone, and right now lie and tightly sleep. As always as always whispering that I love you much.

Favorite my, dear! Again the evening outside the windows, and I still look at the oval of the pale moon in the night sky. You can't even imagine, I envy her - she will be able to admire you all night and how you sleep sweetly! I am far from you ... Today, kilometers and circumstances were divided. But I really hope that this quiet starry night I will dream of you, and although B in a dream, we will be happy.

Good night, beautiful mine. All my thoughts are only about you. You do not leave my heart for a minute. I love you to death and appreciate you. Come to me in dreams. Let your dreams be the same sweet as you. Hot whole.

My beloved, I wish you good night! Your healthy and strong sleep is not overshadowing until the dawn. On the street, all the noises will die and only the music of the heavenly spheres will fill your blessed sleep. Your delightful body will not be fat on this beautiful bed and you will see wonderful dreams. My infinite love will protect your sweet drill, drivening out the fatigue and filling you with force.

My favorite, fall asleep and color dreams leafy, as if the alphabet in pictures, where color photographs. Choose the page of the one where the moon shines brightly and with the hand with a star dancing the dance there is wonderful. And other stars together, they sing live songs. This is a dream and he is like a fairy tale. It is only happiness and good. Sleep the kitten is very sweet, good night and love.

Good night cute, thanks for today, you very much pleased me today, I'm the happiest, and that's all thanks to you. You're very good manI'm glad I met you. You are my support, you're he who was looking for. Thank you for being.

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