How to remove scratches from glasses: effective methods and recommendations. How to remove scratches on sunglasses and is it safe to use such an accessory Is it possible to remove scratches on glasses

Is it possible to polish glasses from scratches and different kind damage? Where do home polishing techniques come from?

When a person sees that his vision begins to limp a little, he does the right action - he goes to a consultation with an ophthalmologist. However, if the spectacle lens is damaged or scratches are found, people try to deal with the problem themselves. They resort to the advice of their loved ones and the recommendations of the same type of articles on the Internet, which are written by people without medical education.

Phenomenal, but true! People are willing to pay big bucks for quality lens material and a reliable frame because they are concerned about eye health. When the glasses have served their purpose and have scratches, we forget for what purpose they were purchased and begin to skimp on their replacement. We remain in the opinion that everything can be corrected on our own, without knowing the structure of the lens, the composition of the material and reactions under various influences on it.

The Internet is full of methods on how to polish an eyeglass lens, be it polymer or glass. The quality of the lens, after the actions taken, is silent.

So what scratch removal options does the internet offer?

Toothpaste, baking soda, glass washer, car wax, copper and silver polish, petroleum jelly, wood polish, cigarette ash, wax. And the list does not end with this list! If none of the methods helped, they suggest using products that will fill in the scratches, making them less noticeable.

Overwhelmingly, many actually believe these methods are effective and safe! Ignorance of basic knowledge can impair your vision by wearing polished glasses with your own hands.

What happens to the lens during these operations?

If spectacle lenses are scratched, unfortunately it cannot be repaired. You will break the geometry of the lens and instead of the correct image through a scratched lens, you will see distorted objects through a smooth lens.

On the plastic lensesah polishing will damage the coatings that are always applied to organic lenses and thus improve their optical properties. The scratch may be less noticeable, but it will not go away, and the lens itself will become cloudy, and the image quality will deteriorate. In the best case, polishing will not give anything to mineral lenses, in the worst case, additional scratches from microparticles of rubbed means may appear.

Unfortunately, if any scratches are found on the lenses, all that remains is to replace them. You can clean the lenses with a microfiber cloth and special spray.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, be sensible and do not believe everything that is written on the Internet. Sign up for a consultation with an ophthalmologist and ask him all your questions. After all, who else, if not you, knows how important eye health is!


This accessory helps a person see better, serves as protection from the sun. It is important that the glasses are always clean and free from damage. Fresh scuffs, especially at eye level, make it difficult to see objects clearly. Try to remove scratches on your glasses at home. You will need funds that are at hand.

Is it possible to remove scratches on glasses myself

In order not to spoil your eyesight, you must always keep the accessory in order. If the glasses are scratched, professionals will come to the rescue and change them. It is far from always possible to do this.

You can cope with the problem yourself, using the materials at hand.

If the damage is small, it is easy to level it, polish the glasses so that the defect becomes less noticeable. If the defect is deep, a gentle abrasive can evenly renew the top layer of the glass.

Glasses lens polishing technique at home

In order for the accessory to serve you for a long time, you need to wipe it daily from dust and stains. All defects are clearly visible on a clean surface.

Glasses lenses are polished using the following technology:

    Make your own thick mass using simple recipes with tooth powder or baking soda. You can take ready-made products - glass etching solution, wax or polish.

  1. Apply the composition to the damaged areas.
  2. Use a microfiber cloth to rub it gently with minimal pressure. Do not use circular motions that can leave marks.
  3. Rinse with water.
  4. Repeat polishing until the defect disappears.
  5. Wipe the glasses with a napkin, fold the accessory into the case.

Helpful hints:

    Polish the lenses in a smooth motion.

  • Do not use newspapers or paper.
  • Check the manufacturer's recommendations for your glasses model.
  • For deep defects, contact the service center.

Glass lens scratch removers

To remove defects, you need to choose a composition based on their depth. Prescription glasses and sunglasses require different approaches in the selection of cleaning agents.

To repair the damage, use tooth powder, metal car polish, or a heavy-duty pickling agent. It should be taken into account that too soft pastes will not be able to polish glasses of glasses. Highly abrasive compounds will wear away the protective film.


Hard particles of this product will quickly clean the glass surface from scratches. To remove bumps:

    Dissolve the tooth powder with warm water - you get a viscous thick mass.

  1. Apply it and spread it evenly.
  2. Slowly rub the composition with a microfiber cloth, try not to press hard.
  3. Rinse the glasses with water to remove residues.
  4. Buff with a cloth.

Metal polish

This remedy can be found in men who are engaged in automobiles. To polish glasses at home, you need to buy metal polish and alcohol.

Technology to help remove scratches:

    Apply the polish with a cotton pad, rub in for a long time.

  1. Remove the composition - saturate the cloth with alcohol, wipe.

Glass pickling agent

This technique is for plastic lenses that are coated on the outside. You can find a glass etcher at a hardware store. It contains the active ingredient hydrofluoric acid, which helps to remove the outer coat and protect it from scratches.

The solution has a high concentration, so all work must be done quickly, observing safety measures. Use rubber gloves to protect your hands.

Glass cleaning technology:

    Apply the solution to the surface using cotton swabs, do not rub.

  1. Leave it on for no more than 5 minutes.
  2. Rinse thoroughly with running water or the liquid specified in the instructions for the substance.
  3. Wipe with a microfiber cloth. Use side-to-side movements only.

Methods for polishing glasses with plastic lenses

Accessories sometimes have an anti-reflective coating that can be easily damaged. Before deciding on how to remove scratches from glasses with plastic lenses, decide whether you will protect the film or get rid of it completely. It also depends on the depth of the flaws.

Plastic is easy to clean with toothpaste or furniture polish. First wash the surface, examine the damage in detail. To preserve the finish, choose gentle cleaning agents.

Low abrasion toothpaste

This method can be used to remove shallow scratches at home. Apply a small amount of non-abrasive toothpaste, sanding slowly. For very deep flaws, repeat the treatment several times.

Helpful hints:

    Do not use a highly abrasive toothpaste designed to whiten or remove plaque. It can damage the surface.

  1. Rub the composition with a soft cloth. Rough tissue sometimes leaves additional damage.
  2. Avoid circular motions when polishing. They form circular scuff marks.
  3. Wash off the composition with soap and water, wipe the lenses dry.

Soda paste

This ingredient is found in every home. Baking soda has a low abrasive index, so it will gently remove shallow scratches from the plastic surface.

Application procedure:

    Add water to the powder to form a thick paste.

  1. Apply to the lens surface.
  2. Soft cloth rub the mixture with your lungs in a circular motion.
  3. Rinse off with plenty of water.
  4. If defects remain, repeat the process.

Furniture polish

This tool helps to remove shallow scratches on the plastic. Be careful when using furniture polish.

Try not to damage the frame. The reaction of its material with polish is unpredictable.

Application recipe:

    Clean the surface to determine where the damage is.

  1. Apply polish to your lenses.
  2. Rub the composition with a microfiber cloth.
  3. Remove excess with a rag.
  4. Repeat until the scratch disappears.


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In case of careless handling of glasses or as a result of accidental damage, scratches inevitably appear on the surface of the glasses (glasses begin to transmit light poorly, the image loses clarity, color transfer is distorted, eyes strain and get tired). If the damage is serious, the entire lens or glasses will need to be replaced. However, in the case of ordinary small microcracks, you can grind the glasses yourself.

It should be remembered that prescription-correcting lenses cannot be polished - just like glasses with a special coating. But, if ordinary glass or polycarbonate sun-protection lenses are inserted into the frame, they can be saved from cracks and scratches at home.

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Paste GOI

The most effective way to eliminate damage from the surface of glasses glasses using a special GOI paste (based on chromium oxide). In order to qualitatively polish the glasses of glasses using GOI paste, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • GOI paste, or abrasive paste No. 80 (as a rule, it is used for polishing the car body);
  • Polishing material - cloth, microfiber, felt, felt, etc .;
  • Sander;
  • Cotton wool;
  • Vegetable oil.

Manual polishing

To manually polish the lenses of glasses:

  • Apply GOI paste to the fabric;
  • Gently grind the glass surface in a circular motion, evenly distributing the polishing agent over it;

Sanding machine

In order to polish the lenses with a grinder, you must:

  • Attach a polishing or felt tip to the machine;
  • Lubricate the nozzle with GOI paste or abrasive paste No. 80;
  • Polishing glass at medium speed.

Switch off the appliance every few minutes to avoid overheating. At the end of the procedure, the glass should be lubricated vegetable oil on both sides and rub in light circular motions.


In order to polish the lenses of glasses with toothpaste, you must:

  • Apply a small amount of toothpaste to cotton wool or soft cloth;
  • Wipe the glass gently in a circular motion;
  • Continue sanding for about 10 seconds;
  • Gently wipe off the remaining paste and rinse the glasses in warm water.

When you wear your glasses carefully and don't throw them everywhere, then the problem of lens scratches will not affect you. But people who do not pay special attention to the storage of the accessory have similar problems from time to time. Minor scratches are inconvenient and may impair vision. If the lenses are in coated glasses, then they will have to be replaced with new ones, but if the glasses are simple, then it will be possible to polish them and return them to their former transparency.

For high-quality polishing of lenses with glasses, you need to purchase a paste for polishing machines, toothpaste and GOI. You should also prepare felt, cloth and cotton wool. You will also need a sander. If there are small scratches on the lenses of your glasses, you will not need a sander. Take a piece of soft felt or thick felt and apply GOI paste to it. If the lenses are attached with screws, then it is better to remove them from the frame. To do this, unscrew the screws holding the glass and remove them. Then place the lens with the scratched side on the felt and polish it in a circular motion until the scratches on the glass disappear. After polishing, wash the glass in warm water and soap to rinse off the remaining paste and insert into the frame. When a large scratch occurs on the lens, it will be quite difficult to remove it without a sander. You need to put a felt wheel on the typewriter and apply car polishing paste on it. Start the machine at medium speed, and pressing the glass against the felt circle, polish it. Polish completely the entire surface, not the scratch itself. Look, when it has almost disappeared, then replace the circle treated with GOI paste and polish the lens further until it is completely transparent. When you have achieved transparency, then you need to further process it with vegetable oil. To do this, apply a few drops to the cloth and rub the glass in a circular motion on both sides. When finished, rinse the lens with warm water and soap. If you want to remove scratches from the glass, and you do not have special materials, then you can try to cope with the problem with the help of improvised means. You can apply toothpaste. Apply it to cloth or felt and polish to the transparency you need. True, you will have to act like this for a long time, applying the paste several times. Do not use bleach, which contains particulate matter that will further damage the lens. You can use chalk instead of toothpaste. It is applied to a cloth and the lens is polished until it is transparent until the scratches disappear. Then washed with warm water and soap.

These simple ways can extend the life of your glasses, but still try to treat them more carefully, and you will not have such problems.

For storing glasses, special cases are provided that protect the lenses from scratches. However, many people neglect this accessory. As a result, glasses are often subjected to mechanical stress from the outside, and over time, numerous scratches appear on the lenses. This not only makes the appearance of the product untidy, but can also harm your eyesight.

You can fix defects on glasses at home using available tools: wax, toothpaste, furniture polish and window cleaning spray.

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    Ways to remove scratches

    In most cases, removing shallow scratches from glasses is not difficult. First of all, you need to wipe the product with a special soft cloth, which is usually included in the kit, or with a cloth for computer monitors. The choice of further means will depend on the material from which the glasses are made.

    Methods for polishing watch glass from scratches and other damages at home

    Plastic glasses

    Remove scratches from plastic lenses (like sunglassesand for swimming) can be done using a special abrasive gel, which is sold in optical salons. It is necessary to apply it to the surface of the lenses, and then wipe it with the alcohol wipe included in the kit.

    You can also use the available tools at home.

    Wood polish

    You need to sprinkle your glasses with polish, then take Vaseline and rub the lenses with it.

    Copper and silver polish

    The algorithm of actions is the same as in the previous method: you need to distribute the polish over the surface of the glasses and rub at the scratches.

    Spray for computer

    To restore the performance of computer disks in services, they often use special tool... It also tackles minor damage to the lenses.

    After applying the liquid and wiping it for some time, the lens surface should be cleaned with a soft cloth.


    To remove scratches, a paste without abrasive particles, for example, for children, is suitable. You need to put a small amount of it on your finger, the size of a ball, and rub in a circular motion into the scratches. Then the treatment sites are wiped with a damp cotton swab.

    If the scratches are too deep, the procedure should be repeated several more times.


    To polish plastic lenses, you can use wax used in car body repairs and refurbishment. This substance must be rubbed in a circular motion into areas with scratches and scuffs until the damage becomes invisible.

    The remaining wax must be removed from the surface with a soft cloth or a piece of cotton wool.

    Washer for glass

    Some particularly inventive motorists use a car window washer to restore the appearance of plastic glasses. It repels moisture and smoothes out microscopic irregularities.

    In addition, lenses treated with this product will have less fogging.

    Glass glasses

    For grinding glasses with glass lenses you can use the methods described above using polishes, toothpaste and tools for computers.

    The most popular method for cleaning glass glasses is processing with GOI paste. It can be purchased at hardware stores.

    Paste GOI

    This product is made on the basis of chromium oxide and will help to get rid of defects on glass surfaces. The following items are also useful in the work:

    • The polishing material is cloth.
    • Microfiber.
    • Felt, felt.
    • Sander.
    • A piece of cotton wool.
    • A little vegetable oil.

    It is necessary to fix the felt attachment lubricated with GOI paste on the grinder and polish the surface of the glasses at medium speed. The device must be turned off every few minutes so that the mechanism does not overheat. After grinding, the glass is greased with vegetable oil and polished with a dry cloth. If there is nowhere to take a sander, you can use manual polishing. To do this, you need to apply GOI paste on the fabric and rub gently into the glass surface in a circular motion. It is important that the substance is evenly distributed over the surface. After processing, you need to remove the remnants of the composition with a dry cloth.

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