Self-healing of the body. Simple but powerful techniques for human self-healing

Hello, friends.

Today I want to discuss with you a very important topic - self-healing, the hidden reserves of our body. Or you can put it another way - self-healing from all diseases.

Because by understanding it and putting it into practice, you can improve
your life a thousand times, to become healthy and, to defeat many of your sores.

The body's ability to heal itself

Even in ancient times, people knew that our body is capable of miracles of self-healing. This is how wise nature works.

Thanks to her, huge reserve forces are laid inside us that can restore a damaged organ, grow new cells to replace the dead, and maintain internal homeostasis.

It's like a lizard grows a new tail to replace an old or damaged one.

Of course, everyone knows how external injuries recover from a cut. But few people understand that the same mechanism works with internal organs and with the entire body as a whole.

If a person gets sick, complex deep processes begin to take place inside us, many of which are still incomprehensible to us. The body temperature rises, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea begins, and the release of dead cells or foreign substances and organisms occurs.

Thus, the body is trying with all its might to get rid of the disease. Yes, there are diseases that he cannot cope with, but still the forces that are hidden within us are truly unlimited.

Ancient healers and sages understood all this. Therefore, in those distant times, the main goal of treatment was not to interfere with the body's recovery, and also to help it open those reserve energy sources that would heal a person themselves.

Herbs were also prescribed to stimulate natural processes. Cough and runny nose were intensified, but not stopped, to remove bacteria and viruses through the mucous membrane.

But most importantly, the emphasis was placed on the prevention of diseases by improving overall health by increasing the body's energy. Thus, with the onset of the disease, the person coped better with it without outside help.

But at some point, medicine changed the vector of its development. Deeper and deeper into the study of each organ and cell, as well as viruses and bacteria that attack us, she imagines that she knows everything about the human structure and is able to defeat many diseases.

All this led to the fact that doctors began to treat only a specific organ, forgetting about the integrity of the whole organism. All sorts of drugs were invented that cured one thing, but harmed everything else in a complex way.

And also the doctrine of human energy was forgotten, that there are healing forces within us that are capable of miracles of self-healing.

Internal energy of the body

The human body is a very complex system. And scientists are still far from fully understanding all internal processes, how the body's self-healing mechanism works.

The fact is that until recently science has not studied everything that relates to the subtle world, where the human soul and subtle energy dwell.

That is why modern medicine is powerless against many diseases; it does not study these processes and considers a person in the narrow plane of classical physics.

Only recently did quantum physics make a profound breakthrough in understanding how the world and the human body actually work, as a part of this world.

Such concepts, which have long been known in ancient times, such as energy channels and meridians inside us, internal energy, Power, have become not abstract concepts, but real things.

We'll talk more about quantum physics next time.

Now the main thing is to understand that it is the knowledge of these things and the application of it in practice that will give you the key to a true and complete acquisition of health and happiness.

You will have an advantage over others who are not familiar with what I am going to tell you about today.

Attempts to become healthy and happy without knowing how the subtle processes within us work are doomed to failure.

Intuitively, many understand this and are treated in the ways that the soul suggests, and not what doctors prescribe.

Of course, I am not saying that modern medicine is not capable of curing and one should not neglect the advice of doctors.

But the cure will not be complete and can even be harmful if you deny knowledge about the inner energy of a person.

What is internal energy?

This is a complex system, consisting of large and small energy channels, closely interconnected with each other and setting everything that happens to our body.

It is the state and fullness of these channels that determines how general state our health and the work of a particular organ.

If you have disrupted the work of any organ, then, first of all, little energy passes through it due to either clogging of the energy channel responsible for this organ or due to a general decrease in the energy of the body.

Therefore, it is useless to treat any disease without restoring the work of the human energy system. It is important to understand why the energy does not fit the organ, and to eliminate this reason.

But the most interesting thing is that the body itself is able to make up for the lack of energy flow through certain channels. Our task is not to interfere with him and help open the way to reserve energy sources that he will find himself.

This is human self-healing. Nature will do everything herself. It works like that. You can't even imagine what miracles the Life Force is capable of. She can, in order to grow a plant, punch through the asphalt in order to preserve the form of life, exist in very unfavorable conditions. And there are a lot of such examples. The same forces are embedded within us.

How to start the self-healing process

Everything is very simple.

In order for the self-healing process to start, successfully relieve us of diseases and restore health, it is necessary to increase the level of internal energy of the body, as well as remove obstacles to its launch.

This is how diseases should be treated first of all. Of course, knowledge must be applied to heal modern medicine, but starting the body's self-healing should be paramount.

This is how they always treated in the East.

During internal healing, complex processes begin to rebuild tissues, remove foreign substances, and align internal homeostasis. All this requires a lot of energy. And if it's not enough, self-healing simply won't happen or won't be complete.

You also need to restore the flow of energy to the diseased organ, if for some reason it has been disturbed.

In oriental medicine, a lot of methods are used to restore energy and restore its flow to the internal organs - acupuncture, acupressure, sound massage, other types of massage, aromatherapy, heating and much more.

Also suitable for these purposes, and other methods.

There are various exercises, meditations, and visualization techniques for increasing energy.

But the best techniques, proven for more than one millennium, are of course yoga and qigong.

Better yet, a modern technique that includes both yoga and qigong -. I have been doing it for many years, which helped me get rid of many diseases.

It is the energy-meditative practice that successfully launches the process of self-healing of the human body.

But we will talk about this another time.

And also in a separate article I will tell you in more detail how to increase your energy level.

Also, understanding the process of self-healing sheds light on such a mysterious concept as, where there is a mood for self-healing of the body.

For a better understanding of the above, I suggest watching an excerpt from the wonderful film "The Secret":

And that's all for now.

See you soon on the blog pages.

Best regards, Sergey Tigrov

Regeneration bioregulators - work in small doses

As you know, the ability of a person to restore injured tissues and organs in comparison with our smaller brothers is very limited. Indeed, even among cold-blooded vertebrates there are such "aces of regeneration" as newts, who easily restore a lost tail or limb. A person does not have a chance to grow a severed finger, but nevertheless, many of our tissues, such as connective, epithelial and bone, are successfully restored when damaged. Cellular sources of regeneration are either still undifferentiated stem cells, or cells that “lose” their specialization and turn into other cell types. However, the mechanisms of these processes are still largely unclear.

A team of Moscow biologists and chemists managed to isolate a group of protein regulators from the tissues of various higher organisms (plants, such as plantain and agave, as well as fungi and animals), which, when applied in ultra-low doses, can trigger regenerative processes at the site of injury. On their basis, therapeutic preparations were developed, some of which are already successfully used in medical practice for damage to the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye and articular cartilage, ensuring the restoration of full-fledged healthy tissue.
In vertebrates, there are two cellular sources of regeneration, due to which a full set of differentiated cells is restored in damaged tissues. Firstly, these are the so-called multipotent stem cells, that is, undifferentiated cells capable of transforming into any specialized cells of tissues and organs; secondly, already differentiated cells that “lose” their specialization and are redifferentiated, that is, they turn into other cell types that are in demand at the moment.
But although the mechanisms of such differentiation are currently being actively studied, questions about the nature and pathways of the signals coming to cellular sources of regeneration remain largely unclear. However, it has been proven that protein bioregulators play an important role in all these regeneration mechanisms.

As a result of many years of work, a group of researchers from the Moscow Institute of Developmental Biology. NK Koltsov Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Organoelement Compounds. A.N. Nesmeyanov RAS under the guidance of professors V.P. Yamskova and I.A.Yamskov managed to isolate from the tissues of various higher organisms a new group of bioregulators that trigger regenerative processes in damaged tissue when applied in ultra-low doses (the "working" range of their concentrations - 10-7-10-15 mg protein / ml)

Using the methods of immunohistochemistry, it was possible to show that protein-peptide bioregulators are localized in the intercellular space of tissues of animals and plants on the surface of cells. For example, a bioregulator isolated from cow's milk was found on the surface of cells forming the mammary duct of a laboratory rat (a). Although bioregulators from animal tissues are species specific, they may be present and affect other tissues derived from the same germ layer. This is confirmed by the localization of the bioregulator isolated from the bovine lens on the surface of the corneal epithelium of the needle newt in the limbus region (b) and in the center of the cornea (c), since these tissues have a common embryonic origin.

Such low concentrations immediately cause associations with homeopathic medicines, but this is a misconception. The principle of homeopathy is to treat like with like: a homeopathic substance in a high concentration causes a pathology, in an ultra-low dose it cures this pathology. The mechanism of action of new bioregulators, which are peptide-protein complexes, is completely different and is determined by their peculiar physical and chemical properties, including a rather disordered secondary structure of fragments of protein chains.

Academy of Regenerative Medicine is a training, research, medical, recreational, regenerative and gerontology (rejuvenation) institution founded in Swiebodzice, Poland in 2010. In a short period of time Academy of Regenerative Medicine gained worldwide fame and became one of the leading medical centers in Europe. Patients from 30 countries (the USA, Canada, Australia, Israel, EU, CIS, Asian and African countries) have already undergone successfully their treatment and regeneration in our center. The Academy of Regenerative Medicine is not only a leader in preventing and treating many chronic incurable and genetic diseases but the only center in the world in which the integrated method of body regeneration with the help of simple harmless natural techniques is implemented and widely used. A promising new direction in complementary and regenerative medicine was developed, proven and implemented in practice in our center.

The invaluable advantage of this technique is the rapid restoration, regeneration and rejuvenation of the body in so much that our patients in any condition and at any age almost completely stop taking any medications, including painkillers, food supplements. They also stop restricting their food and keeping to any diet. THEY LIVE A FULL LIFE WITHOUT DISEASES AND MEDICATIONS!

The Academy of Regenerative Medicine works on the basis of the author's method of Aliaksandr Haretski “The method of human organ regeneration, biological body rejuvenation, integrated healing of chronic“ incurable ”diseases and aging with the help of regenerative medicine techniques”.

You can get acquainted with the basic elements of our method on the official website of our Academy We have posted lots of practical information there. You can learn how to effectively cleanse the body of harmful toxins and parasites, how to eliminate the main causes of diseases and boost the immune system. You can also learn how to launch the mechanisms of body regeneration and self-healing in sick people with various severe diseases.


Our Academy of Regenerative Medicine is the only health care institution in the world in which only harmless natural methods of treatment and our own know-how developments are used. We are in Poland and Russia.


The uniqueness of our method is that it allows us to stop the aging process and replace the name of many “incurable diseases” with “curable diseases”. The use of this technique offers an opportunity to give people a new lease on life at minimal cost. It's universal and harmless. It has virtually no contraindications. It can be effectively used not only for prevention and treatment of many diseases but also for body rejuvenation at any age. The positive side effect, which manifests itself as the regeneration and rejuvenation not only of the skin but also of the whole human body, means that this is the best place on earth to relax and improve your health and beauty. After undergoing treatment in our Academy, every person looks and feels healthy and many years younger without any plastic surgery. We invite you to see it for yourself!


The Academy of Regenerative Medicine has earned high accolades and recognition from its patients all over the world owing to our highly professional specialists, our high level of customer service and the possibility of comprehensive disease treatment. The staff of our center speaks Polish, Russian, English and many other languages \u200b\u200bfluently and provides high-quality assistance to patients from any country.


The cost of our services, compared with the cost of services of other medical centers in European countries, the USA, Japan and even China, is tens or even hundreds of times lower than when using other methods of treatment of incurable diseases. Our prices are lower but the effectiveness is higher!


The important advantage of our work is a high quality of life of our patients after their treatment in our center with healthy organs and rejuvenated cells in the whole body, with a strong immune system, without diseases and drugs.


Our Academy is located in the foothills area in the south-western part of Poland. The main advantages of this region are clean air and a mild climate with favorable weather conditions all the year round.


We offer comfortable self-catering accommodation with home atmosphere in well-equipped one bedroom and two bedroom apartments with a bathroom and a kitchen in our center. It allows our patients not to feel like staying in hospital and provides psychological comfort.


After getting acquainted with the information posted on our website many people think that we are wizards and within a week we can eliminate big problems that have existed for many years. Sometimes very quick fantastic results are achieved in our center - God works miracles, but this is an exception. In most cases, we and our patient must work hard and long hours with the help of God in order to achieve a goal. Our task is to cleanse the body and make it replace its old, sick and damaged cells with young and healthy ones. The regeneration process of the very damaged and weakened body is very time consuming. We can only recommend the right course of regenerative therapy for you. The choice always remains with the patient and depends on his faith, desires and possibilities! And thereby the result depends on your choice!



After getting acquainted with the information posted on our website many people think that we are wizards and within a week we can eliminate big problems that have existed for many years. Sometimes very quick fantastic results are achieved in our center - God works miracles, but this is an exception. In most cases, we and our patient must work hard and long hours with the help of God in order to achieve a goal. Our task is to cleanse the body and make it replace its old, sick and damaged cells with young and healthy ones. The regeneration process of the very damaged and weakened body is very time consuming. We can only recommend the right course of regenerative therapy for you. The choice always remains with the patient and depends on his faith, desires and possibilities! And thereby the result depends on your choice!


Self-healing - hidden reserves of our bodya topic of increasing interest to modern man. Read about the hidden mechanism of self-healing, what is needed to restore the body's defenses, the reasons for blocking and how to turn on its hidden reserves in our article.

What is self-healing?

Self-healing is a natural property of all living beings to regenerate. In science, this ability is called homeostasis. According to this natural property, our body is capable of self-healing, self-defense, self-healing and even self-rejuvenation. In other words, the natural mechanism of homeostasis returns the body to a state of balance of efforts and energy costs.

Self-healing mechanism

Scientists have not yet discovered the natural mechanism for triggering self-healing. But we ourselves are convinced of the unique ability of our body to heal itself.

Each of you has ever received small cuts in your skin. If you could see through a microscope what happens to a cut, you would be surprised at its miraculous transformation into a small scar. As a result of the formation of a clot of blood cells - platelets - at the site of the cut, the damaged vessels become clogged, and bleeding stops. Cell division along the edges of the wound occurs until it heals completely.

A similar healing and restoration of the functions of diseased organs occurs inside our body.

Reserve forces of the body

Nature has laid in us enormous reserve forces that can restore a damaged organ, grow new cells to replace those that have died, support and restore impaired body functions.

When we get sick, incomprehensible complex processes begin to take place inside us. The body temperature rises, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea appears. In this way, the body is cleansed of dead cells and foreign substances.

Those reserve sources of energy are opened that heal the patient.

What do we need to recuperate and reduce energy costs?

To understand this and help yourself to recover, you need to believe that each of us is a particle (cell) of the Universe, and does not have disabilities... Our hidden inner capabilities usually manifest themselves in extreme situations and save our lives, as well as suggest how to cope with the disease. This happens because a person through the subconscious is connected with the Universe and through it, with all of humanity - this is a fact proven by scientists.

A disease is a signal to our subconscious mind that some of our actions or thoughts, emotions come into conflict with the laws of the Universe. Thus, the body, getting sick, tells us about wrong behavior and violation of the laws of the surrounding World. In order to recover from a disease, you need to correct the mistakes of thinking, and bring thoughts in line with the Universal laws.

But we are used to believing only the obvious, the material. Meanwhile, we do not suspect what huge resources are hidden inside us. We have to learn to recognize them and manage them, then we will gain health, wisdom and strength.

Reasons for blocking the hidden reserves of our body

If a person lives in ecologically clean nature, he eats natural food, does not experience constant stress, does not bad habits and weighed down by heredity, leads a moderately active lifestyle, lives with good intentions and thoughts, then all the processes in his body proceed efficiently, providing him with a state of complete health.

This means that his body has enough positive energy, his blood, lymph, intercellular space, liver, kidneys, intestines, etc. do not contain an excessive amount of toxins and microorganisms. And the immune system is able to provide reliable protection to the body in case of ingress of an excessive amount of pathogenic pathogens, that is, if necessary, hidden reserves are launched.

However, in the modern civilized world, the bulk of people live in an environmentally unfavorable environment, eat foods stuffed with harmful chemicals, experience constant stress, trying to earn more money, lead a sedentary lifestyle, think with envy, anger, and sometimes with hatred.

Constant stress and slagging of the body with waste products disrupt the functions of many organs. The accumulating toxins and toxins block the hidden forces of the body, do not allow the immune system perform its purification function.

With age, when a person's physical activity decreases, a negative attitude towards life grows, the blocking of hidden reserves increases, not only functional, but organic lesions of internal organs appear in the form of chronic diseases. In such conditions, the reserve forces of the body cannot manifest themselves in full force.

Ways to turn on our reserve forces

3 main ways

Enabling the process self-healing - hidden reserves of our bodydepends on many factors: inheritance of parenting stereotypes, knowledge about the structure and development human body, life habits of the individual, moral and intellectual skills of his thinking and behavior, as well as belief in health and the Higher mind.

Nevertheless, there are 3 main ways to activate the reserve forces of the body, acceptable for almost all of us:

  1. Stop or limit your exposure to chemicals. Modern products food contains a ton of toxic chemicals. In everyday life and in caring for our body and face, we also use products with the presence of toxic chemicals. Accumulating in the body, chemicals impede the functioning of cells, pollute our body, disrupt the complex natural processes of homeostasis, lead to chronic diseases, resulting in reduced self-defense.
  2. Gradually switch to and. After all, the lack or absence of essential minerals, vitamins and others nutrients in food, as well as junk food (fast food, yeast baked goods, sweets, carbonated drinks, etc.) interfere with the natural process of self-healing and self-renewal of the body, polluting it with toxins and toxins, disrupting metabolism.
  3. Recognize and initiate and negative attitudes that have the most aggressive destructive effect on the healing and cleansing powers of our body. To enable self-healing - hidden reserves of our body, you need to bring your thinking and behavior in accordance with the universal laws. Inner harmony will be translated into harmony outside. If you start to change positively inside, you will be able to recover from the disease, create a beneficial space around you that will have a positive effect on your health, environment and prosperity.

A variety of techniques for enabling the body's reserve capabilities

There is a lot of enabling the reserve capacity of our body. So, power of thoughtas our main hidden reserve has been proven by Roger Sperry, a leading neuropsychologist who won the Nobel Prize in 1981 (with Thorsten Wiesel and David Huwbel). Sperry proved that our thoughts are material and all events in life are a consequence of the thought forms of our inner mind.

Resentment, self-pity, anger, hatred, envy in the form of the corresponding energy, fall into the Universe filled with energy, and return to us, forming diseases, quarrels, poverty, disasters, etc.

But the purity of our thoughts and desires, a positive attitude increase ours and form good events in life. Therefore, this is the most effective method inclusion of our internal reserves.

Self-hypnosis the Dagestani philosopher and psychologist Hasai Aliev and the professor of the Vienna clinic Zonald Veld (back in the middle of the nineteenth century) consider the strongest human reserve.

Research has proven that with self-hypnosis you can cause certain changes in the body: not only heal yourself, but also drive you into sores.

Moreover, scientists advise talking to your DNA cell, which stores all the information about us and our kind. If something doesn't suit you, you can make changes to your DNA.

Meanwhile, we cannot dispute one fact - each of us can launch our reserves in everyday life and in difficult situations, if we are not lazy and believe in our hidden capabilities.

How to learn to feel and use your hidden powers correctly

  • Motivate yourself, that is, constantly support.
  • Correctly formulate your goals (recover, improve relationships with loved ones, reveal your purpose in life, etc.).
  • Consistently and persistently work on your Self. Control your thoughts and emotions sent to the World.
  • Regularly study the necessary literature and research experience.
  • Help your healing powers: proper diet, weekly fasting, moderate physical activity, hardening, etc.
    Let the examples of survival and healing presented in the video "Self-hypnosis, placebo effect, self-healing" inspire you.

I wish you health and perseverance in self-recovery!

Did you know that in order for the body to function at its maximum capacity, it must be brought into the correct balance? If you think that this is impossible to do, then you are greatly mistaken. The method we propose is very simple and has been tested by dozens of generations. All you need is 10 minutes of time and a desire to remain healthy and sane as long as possible.

Unique way

This method belongs to Ayurveda. Traditional Indian medicine is the oldest in the world, recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). Ayurveda has three main elements: Vata, Pitta, Kapha. The first regulates breathing, the second maintains the strength of the body, the third controls metabolism.

The body's self-healing method uses all three of these elements, due to which such an amazing result is achieved.


Your morning routine will take you five and a half minutes.

1. Cleaning the tongue - 30 seconds.

Use a special cleaner or the dull side of a knife to remove any plaque residue from the tongue after standard brushing. Toxins and harmful deposits accumulate on its surface, which have a negative effect on the entire body.

2. Use sesame oil - 2 minutes.

After cleansing your tongue, rinse your mouth with sesame oil for two minutes and then with warm water. This product is the best of all oral cosmetics. And the mouth is known to be the dirtiest organ on the human body.

3. Self-massage - 3 minutes.

Massage your neck, shoulders and arms in light circular motions. This will improve blood circulation, invigorate all the senses, and also help the internal organs to function better.


During the day, you only need two and a half minutes.

1. Drink hot water - 30 seconds.

Pouring water into a clean glass will take you no more than 30 seconds. Bring half a liter of water to a boil, then gently sip it in small sips and drink the liquid for half an hour. Boiled water removes toxins from the body; hot liquid is especially useful.

2. Relax with breathing exercises - 2 minutes.

Take a deep breath through your nose. After holding it inside for a few seconds, exhale through your nose. Try not to think about anything during this time. Repeat inhaling and exhaling through your nose for two minutes. During this time, your body will come to a calm state, forgetting about stress and problems.


In the evening, you only need to take two minutes of your time.

Stimulate Digestion - 2 minutes.

Just before going to bed, heat some sesame oil until warm. Lie on your bed and apply it on your stomach. Massage in circular motions for 1 minute. After that, cover the stomach with a towel, having previously moistened it in hot water. Lie in this state for one more minute. This procedure has a beneficial effect on digestive systemand also help you achieve deeper and more rewarding sleep.

By repeating these procedures every day, you can forget about almost all diseases, constantly stay in a good mood and get tired less.

Agree, in 10 minutes - an amazing result!

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