Ecology and human nutrition in modern conditions. Environmental Issues of Human Nutrition: The Use of Soy in Products

Food and habitat are highly interrelated factors. A balanced diet and an ecologically clean environment for humans, animals and plants is the basis for the health and proper development of the body. There is a direct link between ecology, food hygiene and human health.

Environmental features of nutrition

Man eats products of plant and animal origin. Indicators of harmful compounds in food directly depend on how polluted the environment is. In nature, there is a certain cycle of substances and it is important for a person to monitor the purity and environmental indicators at each stage. Let's take a closer look at this process.
Food Chain Composition:

  1. Under the influence of the sun, water, air and soil, crops grow, which are used for cooking food products.
  2. Agricultural plants are fed to animals and birds that fall on the human table.

As you can see, the state of human health and the degree of pollution of water, soil and air are closely interrelated. If crop and livestock products are grown near industrial cities, then food products from it will be with a high content of harmful impurities and toxic substances.
As a result of the industrialization of cities and the emergence of a large number of industrial giants, the degree of pollution of the external environment with fluorine, cadmium and lead is increasing every year. This, in turn, leads to a significant deterioration in the ecological foundations of nutrition, since these elements from the soil enter the plants. Vegetables and fruits grown in these zones cannot be fed to animals or consumed by humans due to the high content of toxins in them.
The development of agriculture lags behind the development of human needs for food. A certain imbalance arises - there are not enough products and it is necessary to constantly increase their production at any cost.
To increase the yield of grain, root crops and green crops, producers significantly exceed the permissible doses of fertilizers. Intensive use of nitrogen fertilizers has led to soil contamination with nitrates and nitrites, which with food enter the body of animals and humans, causing their intoxication.
The use of pesticides for weed control leads to an increase in mercury in soil and in food. High mercury content was found in bottom sediments of lakes, rivers and seas. First, fish, especially predatory fish (tuna), are infected with mercury, and then, according to the food chain, they enter the human body and cause numerous diseases, including death.
Violation of the cultivation technology, harvesting and storage conditions of grain causes their infection with microscopic mold fungi. As a result, highly toxic by-products of their metabolism and vital activity - carcinogenic microtoxins - enter the human and animal organism.
Today, the top priority is compliance by all food manufacturers with regulations and laws on food quality and safety.

Nutrition as a factor in human health

Nutrition is one of the factors of human health. Taking food several times throughout the day, the body receives a set of essential building materials and metabolic (exchange) elements. Modern man eats a large amount of sugar, flour products, confectionery products and few live uncanned vegetables, herbs and fruits. This leads to numerous diseases, metabolic disorders and a decrease in the body's energy.
A return to a healthy diet is an increase in the consumption of salads from live root vegetables, green leafy mass of vegetables, the introduction of bread from wholemeal flour, dairy products and cereals, fish and lean meat into the diet.

Types of human nutrition

Depending on the biological effect of food, there are 4 types of nutrition - rational, therapeutic, therapeutic and prophylactic and prophylactic.

  1. Rational nutrition takes into account factors such as the degree of mobility (activity), energy consumption, gender, type of activity, age, climate and place of residence, the rate of flow metabolic processes.
    Rational nutrition is good nutrition healthy people and supplying their body with the necessary energy and building material for metabolic processes. Regular consumption of food protects the body from diseases caused by protein and energy deficiency, as well as a lack or excess of various vitamins and minerals.
  2. Medical nutrition is the nutrition of a sick person. It is also called dietary because of certain restrictions in food intake.
    Used when necessary to limit or increase the intake of certain components into the body. For example, limiting sugar intake for diabetes or protein foods for kidney disease.
  3. Therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition is the nutrition of healthy people who work in difficult or harmful conditions. Vitamin mixtures, teas, milk and fermented milk products are used due to which the body's resistance to adverse conditions increases.
  4. Preventive nutrition is nutrition for still healthy people who are classified as risk groups as a result of their propensity to certain diseases of non-infectious origin due to the lack of certain elements. With such a diet, the possibility of the occurrence of diseases associated with a lack of certain substances is prevented by including them in the diet. For example, when living in a territory where there is no iodine, they include in the diet foods rich in iodine: fish, seafood, seaweed, nuts.
    Human health, ecology and nutrition are closely interrelated with each other.

If we take into account these main factors, then it is possible to correctly correct a person's nutrition, depending on them, and maintain health and longevity.

All-Russian distance competition "Green Planet"

Nominated: project

Educational research work

Larkin Nikita Sergeevich, Mazieva Anna Evgenievna,

Popovich Victoria Vitalievna students of grade 8a


Balatskaya Tatiana Alekseevna

chemistry and biology teacher

MKOU SOSH No. 14 of the village of Pyatigorsky

Foothill region of Stavropol Territory

OU address:

357355 Stavropol Territory

Foothill area

settlement Pyatigorsky

krasnoarmeyskaya street 1.

year 2013

Annotation …………………………………………………….… .2


    1. 1.1 Foreword …………………………………………… .3

      1.2 Research stages …………………………………… 3

      1.3 Purpose and objectives of the study ............................................. 4

      1.4 Research methods ………………………………… ..... 4

    Theoretical part

    1. 2.1 Nutrition of ancient people ............................................................. 5

      2.2 Nutritional features of a modern person …………… 7

2.3 What is “FOOD ECOLOGY”? ........ …………… ..9

    Practical part

3.1 Sociological survey ……………………………… ..11

3.2 Research of schoolchildren nutrition …………………… ..13

3.3 Examination of products …………………………………… 18

    Conclusions ……………………………………………………… ..22

    Ways to solve the problem ………………………. …… ..… ..... 23

    Used literature ………………………… .. …… ... 24


Research work "Nutrition ecology" was conducted by grade 8a pupils under the guidance of a chemistry and biology teacher Tatiana Alekseevna Balatskaya in order to develop a cognitive interest in natural science subjects, to interest students in the problem of healthy organic food, to learn more about the composition of food. The aim was also to show that research is a way of knowing the world through observation, comparison and logical thinking. Deep insight into the research problem also encouraged students to think about what they were eating and to analyze the proposed set of foods at home and in the school cafeteria, which undoubtedly contributed to their health.


    1. 1.1 Foreword.

    No one doubts the fact that eating environmentally friendly products, balanced in the main components and calorie content, a diet is a guarantee of normal physical and mental development children, increases resilience child's body to various infections, strengthens the immune system and health. We receive a lot of information on this problem from the media: television, educational and documentary films, the Internet, and print media. And we wondered, what do the students of our school know about the ecology of nutrition? How is their diet composed? Are we properly fed in the school cafeteria? This is how the topic of our research was born.

      1. 1.2 Research stages.

        Choice of topic and direction of research

        Goal and task setting

        Choice of research methods

        Study of theoretical material

        Sociological survey of school students

        Practical research

        Generalization, comparison, establishment of patterns, etc.

        Formulation of conclusions

        Summing up and determining the scope of the results obtained.

        1. 1.3 Purpose and objectives of the study


          Find out what a modern student eats and how ecologically safe the food products that make up his diet are.

          To actualize the problem of food ecology.

          Promote environmental literacy among young people.


          Study of various sources of information on the ecology of human nutrition.

          Conduct a survey among high school students in order to establish a set of basic food products.

          Study of the quality and composition of food products most popular among schoolchildren.

          1. 1.4 Research methods

            Theoretical (work with scientific, journalistic, reference and encyclopedic literature)

            Empirical (observation, comparison, measurement, experiment)

            Statistical (questioning school students)

          II Theoretical part

            1. Ancient man nutrition

          About a million years ago, the first ancient man.

          More and more scientific minds are inclined to think that all ancient human ancestors were vegetarians. This can be found even in the Old and New Testaments.

          Conditions on earth were truly heavenly - a huge number of all kinds of plants grew on Earth, capable of feeding everyone. Hunting as a way to get food for itself appeared later, when climate changes on Earth led to serious changes in the nature of the northern regions. Some anthropologists argue that people began to eat meat during the difficult time of the ice age, when plant food became impossible due to its inaccessibility, and a person was forced to eat meat in order to survive. The struggle for survival in harsh conditions left an imprint on the diet of our ancestors and led to morphological and physiological changes in their bodies.

          35 thousand years ago, new people appeared in Europe, very close to modern man - Cro-Magnons. New people knew how to make spearheads, daggers, needles from bone. They later designed the bow and arrow. Cro-Magnons built housing that allowed them to hide from the weather. They first tamed wolves, from which domestic dogs later descended. The first cave paintings were also made by these people. Cro-Magnons were excellent hunters and passed on their experience from generation to generation. They used spears, javelins, arrows and stone throwing discs. In hunting, they were very resourceful, using deep camouflaged pits and corrals in narrow gorges to catch prey. They often put on skins to get closer to the herd of animals. Hunting for large animals was collective. The Cro-Magnons first invented the harpoon and began to fish with it. They also successfully trapped birds, devised elaborate death traps for predators. Using the techniques and tools of hunting, Cro-Magnons were able to get highly nutritious animal food and significantly expanded their diet. This, obviously, contributed to the successful survival and reproduction of the species and helped them populate even the harsh cold regions of Siberia. Cro-Magnons did not disdain to collect edible plants, roots, fruits, berries. Usually women and children did this. Some of the plant prey was cooked on fire. Boiling and toasting plant foods increased their nutritional value and helped to break down and soften cellulose that is inedible to humans. The tubers of many plants were poisonous, but heat treatment removed harmful toxins from them. People learned in practice how to survive in harsh conditions, accumulated the experience and taught the younger generation. Scientists have made a reconstruction of the Cro-Magnon diet. It turned out that plant and animal food was consumed by people in a ratio of two to one. The body obtained proteins and fats from the animal food component (mammals, fish, birds, insects).

          About 10 thousand years ago, climate warming began in Europe, and this was a good precondition for the emergence of agriculture. This event can be viewed as a revolutionary step that contributed to the evolution of Homo sapiens. But the development of agriculture also had a downside. The majority of the population switched to carbohydrate food. The transition to a diet with a predominance of cereals led to a violation of the nutritional balance. Thus, agriculture, on the one hand, made it possible to solve the problem of survival and expansion of the area of \u200b\u200bmankind, but on the other hand, people paid for this with their health.

            1. Features of nutrition of a modern person

          The nutrition of a modern person completely depends on the quality of food that he purchases in stores or in markets. Modern scientists sound the alarm that our nutrition is not complete and adequate, and there is also a significant deficiency of many nutrientsnutrients... Even such a science appeared - nutritional sciencestudying the nutrition of a sick and healthy person. It is within the framework of this science that all kinds of recommendations for healthy eating, therapeutic diets used in hospitals to treat diseases, and nutritional norms for healthy people are developed, which are taken as the basis for calculating rations in various institutions. We are primarily interested in the nutrition of adolescents, because a teenager is a person between the ages of ten and eighteen, i.e. teenagers are us. We looked at the statistics and found that every third teenager suffers from chronic diseases. And most of these diseases are associated with poor diet.

          The school load that modern teenagers have to withstand today requires a lot of mental and physical strength from them. And if you add to this and outdoor games with friends, doing home assignments, sports sections and other activities, it turns out that schoolchildren are in constant motion from morning to late evening. As you know, any expended energy of the body must be replenished. Chips or chocolates eaten on the way from school to a sports club or while playing on your favorite console will not be able to replenish this energy. A modern adolescent needs good nutrition, perhaps even more than an adult.

          There are six groups of foods that are simply vital for the full growth and development of a teenager:

          1. Complex carbohydrates... These are the main suppliers of energy, which is so necessary for rapid growth. They are found in cereals and cereals.

          2. Foods containing protein. This is animal meat, poultry and fish. Protein is the main building block for soft tissues and internal organs... And, by the way, meat, especially red meat, contains iron, if not enough, a teenager may become anemic.

          3. Vegetable fiber. These are nothing more than vegetables, roots and fruits. Fiber is essential for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cleansing the body of toxins thanks to the natural antioxidants contained in these products.

          4. Vegetable fats. it vegetable oils and various nuts. Eating these foods can be great for helping your teenager avoid the fairly common problems of hair loss and brittle nails at this age.

          5. Milk and fermented milk products. They are irreplaceable suppliers of calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus in adolescent nutrition.

          6. Net drinking water... For normal functioning of the body, you need to drink an amount of water per day at the rate of 30 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

          And if the younger generation adheres to these simple dietary recommendations, health and normal development will be ensured. By the way, if at this age a person does not get used to healthy food and does not start eating right, then it will be quite difficult to change his habits and eating habits with age. And problems associated with unhealthy nutrition can manifest itself not only in excess weight, but also various diseases.

            1. What is FOOD ECOLOGY?

          Recently in the media you can hear such a term as "food ecology". So what is it?

          The concept of food ecology includes various aspects. First of all, food ecology means choosing foods that would not harm our body. Nowadays, we eat a lot of foods whose ecology is violated, and our body spends too much time on processing which, at the same time, sometimes we do not receive the correct calories necessary for its development. Judge for yourself, we drink powdered milk, we eat a lot of canned foods, sausages and sausages are made with the addition of soy. And who knows what is more in them - soy or meat. And the invention of fast food had about the same impact on the ecology of food as the invention of the nuclear bomb on the ecology of the planet.

          One of the main business requirements for fast food products is long-term storage. After all, food needs to be transported from the point of production to the point of sale, and this sometimes means transportation for hundreds of kilometers. The need to preserve food for a very long time means that a certain amount of preservatives must be added to the food, which makes food less environmentally friendly. Do you know how many preservatives affect our body? Allergies, headaches and general fatigue are the least they can cause. A product far from environmentally friendly can cause asthma attacks, the appearance malignant tumors... Others increase cholesterol. Still others weaken immune system... How can you raise the food ecology to the proper level with such products? Scientists claim that all of these nutritional supplements supposedly absolutely harmless, questionable for the simple reason that new preservatives appear quickly, and for a qualitative experiment to determine harmlessness, it is necessary to observe changes in the body over several years, and maybe even generations.

          Another human invention that strikes a blow to the ecology of food is flavorings, which are also added to food. The flavor enhancers supposedly make the ice cream even tastier, add aromas to the berry jams, as if in a grandmother's village, endow the toothpaste with an unnaturally bright taste of fresh strawberries. One of these flavors, monosodium glutamate E-621, affects the sensitivity of the taste buds on the tongue, which means at least it is addictive to this particular taste sensation. And how many surrogate products are disguised as real ones! First of all, these are assorted margarines with an indispensable green cross on the package; "Environmentally friendly" sausage and cheese made from transgenic soybeans; long-lived yoghurts with aspartame, etc. A normal product does not need to advertise itself at all, calling itself "environmentally friendly": "Vologda oil" or, say, refined sugar, we have not yet awarded "environmentally friendly" titles, but these are quite decent products quality.

          Who determines the ecological purity of the product?

          Ecology is the science of the relationship between living organisms and the environment. The objects of ecology can be populations, communities, the biosphere, but not food. However, more and more food manufacturers are passionate about giving themselves green food indulgences and rewarding themselves with green crosses. However, these actions are nothing more than advertising idle talk.

          In Russia, the only organization that has the right to issue "environmental certificates" to manufacturers is Gosstandart, and only the GOST certificate issued by the RF Gosstandart has legal force.

          Most developed countries of the world have already introduced mandatory labeling of products that contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or are made from raw materials based on genetically modified sources. In Russia, in accordance with the amendment to the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" since 2005, each product containing any amount of GM ingredients must be marked with a special label. However, the requirements and rules for the control of the corresponding labeling have not yet been developed. This allows manufacturers to disregard labeling rules.

          From the above it follows that food ecology is a sensible, healthy and green approach to food selection and consumption. We must take care of how high-quality and nutritious food we consume. Indeed, our health and life expectancy directly depend on the ecology of nutrition.

          III. Practical part

          3.1 Sociological survey.

          Having studied the theoretical material, we proceeded to the practical part of our research. We compiled 2 questionnaires, including the questions that interested us.

          Form No. 1 "School cafeteria"

          1. Do you always have time to eat at home before leaving for school?

          almost never

          2. Do you go to the school cafeteria?

          3. How many times do you eat in the school cafeteria?

          just having breakfast

          i have breakfast and lunch

          just having lunch

          4. Do you like the food prepared in the school cafeteria?


          it depends

          i do not like

          5. If not in the school cafeteria, where do you get your food?

          bring from home

          in the nearest store

          Nowhere, I only eat at home

          Form No. 2 "Meals outside the school cafeteria"

          94 senior pupils from 7-11 grades took part in the survey.

          1. What products do you buy outside the school cafeteria?

          flour products

          chips, croutons

          other (specify)

          2. What drink do you prefer?

          carbonated sweet drinks

          mineral water

          energy drinks

          3. Do you know about the benefits or dangers of those foods and drinks that you buy?

          i have a vague idea

          i do not care

            1. Study of schoolchildren nutrition.

          After reviewing the results of the survey, we decided to visit the school cafeteria to see what our high school students eat for breakfast and lunch. And also calculate the calorie content and the real content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in a school breakfast and lunch and compare the data obtained with the norms established by the Federal Service of Rospotrebnadzor.

          A) Day one.

          We found out that for breakfast our senior pupils choose mainly bakery products and drinks - tea, compote, cocoa. As an experiment, we agreed with Nikita Larkin (co-author of this work) that he would take for breakfast the set of products that he most often buys in the school cafeteria. And that's what happened.

          Breakfast menu

          student of grade 8a Larkin Nikita



          energy value (kcal)


          Tea (2 pcs.)


          Daily physiological nutritional norms for children of different ages:

          11 - 13 years old (boys) - 2700 kcal

          11 - 13 years old (girls) - 2450 kcal

          14 - 17 years old (boys) - 2900 kcal

          14 - 17 years old (boys) - 2600 kcal

          The distribution of calorie intake during the day: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 35-40%, afternoon tea - 10-15%, dinner - 25%. The ratio in the diet of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in adolescence should be 1: 1: 4.

          Correlating Nikita's breakfast with these norms, we found out that

            In terms of calorie content, breakfast does not reach the norm of about 200 kcal;

            The ratio of proteins: fats: carbohydrates instead of the prescribed 1: 1: 4 is

          B) Day two

          This time we sent the second co-author Anna Mazieva to the school cafeteria. Anya is going to become a medical worker after school, since there is a whole dynasty of doctors in their family. Therefore, we were not surprised that Anya took the lunch offered by the school canteen.

          Lunch menu

          for students MKOU SOSH №14

          Name of the dish

          Output in grams

          Energy value (kcal)

          Fresh cabbage soup with potatoes

          Potato casserole with beef meat

          Beetroot salad

          Compote from a mixture of dried fruits

          Wheat bread


          818 kcal

          Lunch should be 35 - 40% of the daily energy value.

          Analyzing the results obtained, we see:

            the calorie content of a school lunch corresponds to 32%, which is slightly below the norm;

            The ratio of proteins: fats: carbohydrates is 1: 1.1: 3.8;

          C) Day three

          On this day, we decided to allow the third co-author, Victoria Popovich, to choose a meal for an afternoon snack from food products that the guys buy for themselves in stores. There were many of them, and Vika chose some of them, namely:

            viennese waffles with condensed milk;

            glazed curd cheese with condensed milk;

            coca - cola, carbonated drink;

          Having counted and recorded the results, we learned that the calorie content of Vika's "snack" will be 857 kcal, although the norm should be about 260 kcal. The content of proteins: fats: carbohydrates in these products is 1: 3: 9, which also does not correspond to the norm. But before feeding Vika these products, we decided to conduct their expertise.

            1. Examination of products

          So, we decided to conduct an examination of the products that our classmates and friends buy in stores. We have made an examination of 7 food products, but we will tell you so far only about three, about those that our co-author Victoria Popovich chose for an afternoon snack.

          Report No. 1

          Product name

          Viennese waffles with condensed milk

          Expertise of packaging

          Examination of labels

          The legal address of the manufacturer is not indicated on the label, the addresses of the production network are indicated, the energy value of the product and the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates per 100 g of the product are indicated. There is no content of micro and macro elements, there is no corresponding labeling about the content of GM ingredients, the date of manufacture and the expiration date of the product are indicated, but there is no description of how to store and how long the product can be stored after the package is sealed. There is a 13-digit barcode.

          The product contains a preservative - potassium sorbate E-202, emulsifier - lecithin E-322, flavor identical to natural - vanillin, preservative - sorbic acid E - 200 antioxidant - vitamin C E - 300.


          The product has been verified for authenticity (by barcode) and is not a fake. No harmful food additives were found. There is no record of the absence of GMOs, which indicates their presence. The shelf life of the product is 13 days overdue. The product is not suitable for consumption.

          The examination of this product was carried out by Popovich Victoria.

          Report No. 2

          on the primary examination of a food product.

          Product name

          Glazed curd cheese with condensed milk.

          Expertise of packaging

          The packaging is paper, the product is sealed, there are no damages or violations.

          Examination of labels

          The label contains the legal address of the manufacturer, the addresses of the production network, the energy value of the product and the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates per 100 g of the product. There is no content of micro and macro elements, there is no corresponding labeling about the content of GM ingredients, the date of manufacture and shelf life of the product is indicated, there is a description of how to properly defrost the product before use. There is a 13-digit barcode. There is an abbreviation GOST.

          Presence of preservatives and food additives

          The product contains an emulsifier - lecithin E-322, a flavor identical to natural - vanillin.


          The product has been verified for authenticity (by barcode) and is a fake. No harmful food additives were found. However, the shelf life of the product is 3 days overdue. Not suitable for use.

          The examination of this product was carried out by Nikita Larkin.

          Report No. 3

          on the primary examination of a food product.

          Product name

          Coca Cola is a highly carbonated soft drink.

          Expertise of packaging

          The packaging is metal, the product is sealed hermetically, there is no damage or traces of corrosion.

          Examination of labels

          There is no legal address of the manufacturer on the label, the addresses of the production network are indicated, the energy value of the product and the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates per 100 g of the product are indicated. There is no content of micro and macro elements, the date of manufacture and the expiration date of the product are indicated. There is a 13-digit barcode.

          Presence of preservatives and food additives

          The product contains an acidity regulator - orthophosphoric acid (E 338), a flavor identical to natural, sugar color (E150), crimson (E122), caffeine.


          The product has been verified for authenticity (by barcode) and is a fake. Harmful food additives found. The shelf life of the product is not broken. Not suitable for use.

          The examination of this product was carried out by Anna Mazieva.

          After the research, it turned out that the entire set of products selected for Vicki was not suitable for consumption. But we were glad that at first we carried out an examination, and did not feed Vika with such an afternoon snack. True, Vika remained a little hungry!

          IV. conclusions

          So, having analyzed the results of our research actions, we can draw the following conclusions:

            Most high school students eat in the school cafeteria, but mostly eat breakfast. Only every third high school student dines in the school cafeteria.

            The menu of the school canteen, although it differs in variety, does not fully comply with the norms of high-grade nutrition for schoolchildren.

            The quality of the prepared meals almost always satisfies the demanding taste of children.

            Most adolescents (70%) know what a rational and healthy diet is, however, 66% of high school students choose flour and high-calorie foods, as well as products of questionable production (judging by the results of our expertise).

          V. Ways to solve the problem.

            Conduct a conference on the topic "Nutrition Ecology" at the school, where to tell all high school students and school employees about the research results.

            Draw the attention of high school students to insufficient nutrition.

            In winter and spring, take ready-made multivitamins.

            Recommend school canteen employees to provide a higher calorie content of meals, take into account the energy value of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and their ratio in ready-made meals, and also include more salads and fruits in the menu.

            To every modern teenager by personal example to promote a healthy lifestyle at school and at home.


            Article "Nutrition Ecology" by O. Afanasyev

          1. . Calorie table and content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins in food.

            no GMO icon picture.

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    Product research by label

    Soy products are now more widespread. Soy is a plant susceptible to disease, so it is treated with pesticides to get a high yield. In the shops of our city there are many products with soy additives: pates, sausages, confectionery. It is not only genetically modified soybeans that cause concern, but also the excessive use of conventional soybeans. We looked at many labels and found that soy supplements are often masked by the labels: protein, vegetable protein, and others. Soy foods contain antitrypsins, which can interfere with the natural process of food digestion. Estrogen-like substances in soy have been found to reduce fertility. Excessive amounts of aluminum and copper are especially dangerous for infants. Our recommendations: soy products, which are a good source of vegetable protein, can be used in moderation for adults.

    Simple school arithmetic may suggest that there is certainly not enough fresh fruit to produce such a mass of cheap natural yoghurts. Today, the total annual strawberry harvest is not enough to satisfy 20% of the US strawberry appetite. It is best to avoid yoghurts with "pieces" of fruit. For sterilization, fruits and vegetables are irradiated with a “peaceful atom”. We compared labels of different yoghurts by shelf life. Developed recommendations: When buying yoghurt, you should remember that among them there are “live” ones (those in which there are live microbial cultures of leaven) and those in which these cultures are killed. The latter are distinguished by an unusually long shelf life achieved due to heat treatment of the product, during which the starter cultures die. It is no longer yoghurt, but a useless or even unsafe yoghurt product. Real "live" yogurt has a shelf life of no more than a week and should only be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding 8 C.

    We bought yoghurts in stores in our city and analyzed their composition for the content of food additives. (see Appendix 1)

    1. “Fruit rainbow”. Analysis of the composition according to the label showed: the content of citric acid, dyes E - 104, E - 110 (the most dangerous dyes).
    2. A milk-vegetable yoghurt drink contains citric acid, dyes E - 104, E - 110, carotene.

    Analysis of the composition of stew made according to TU (according to the label)

    Textured Soy Protein

    E-621, fortified with monosodium glutamate

    Color stabilizer E-316 - for creating a meaty illusion.

    Trisodium diphosphate E-450

    All this, together with preservatives, antioxidants, emulsifiers, constitutes, according to manufacturers, a useful and valuable product.

    Research on products sold at the school canteen (by label)

    We monitored the nutrition of students in the school cafeteria. Most of the products of the school canteen are made according to TU. For example: Milky Way, Manifesto, Nuts, Picnic, Straws, Pizza, Sandwich, Chupa Chups, Airy Chocolate, etc.

    According to GOST, only “Just a miracle” and “Slavushka” were made.

    School buffet showcase

    Popularity rating of school canteen products.

    1. “Chupa - Chups” candies contain dyes E – 124 - ponso 4R, E – 142 - green S, E - 110 (Can provoke the formation of malignant tumors).
    2. Picnic contains E - 471, E - 476, E - 422
    3. M & M`s: E - 104 yellow quinoline (the most dangerous pd.), E - 110 (dangerous pd.), E - 122, E - 124 (the most dangerous pd.), E –129 , E - 133, E - 171 - titanium dioxide (suspicious p. D.).
    4. Nuts Е-476, vegetable fat, cocoa butter equivalent, glucose syrup, soy lecithin, flavorings (hazelnuts, vanillin).
    5. Airy chocolate contains emulsifiers (soy lecithin) E - 476.
    6. “Slavushka” GOST 45–70, “Prosto Miracle” GOST 45–70

    Detection of sweeteners in products by label analysis.

    You cannot replace sugar with anything. Sugar is the most readily available and relatively harmless tranquilizer, which is especially important for some people. If the mood is terrible and all the fears of the world prevail, it is enough to eat something sweet and the world will smile and the fear will recede. You can come across sweeteners not only in sweet tablets, but also in confectionery, toothpaste and many other products. Read labels carefully to find them. Sweeteners: E-950, E-951, E-952, E-967, E-420. If the product does not contain a special European designation, remember: surrogates do not and cannot have any GOST. Therefore, when buying a food product, look at “TU” or you are taking the wrong food. Natural sugar: GOST 21–78. A natural product is not labeled "suites", "pluses" and "extras". Its name does not use the associative part of the word "nature".

    * In the shops of our city, we found: Crab sticks, "Bird's milk", Bon - pari - contain sorbitol.

    * Drinks: Peach (sweeteners: Aspartame E - 951, Saccharin E - 954, etc.)

    Buratino (contains saccharin)

    Premier raspberry jam

    We compared the composition of raspberry jam of different manufacturers.

    Methodology: test purchase in the store “Sweet House” in Kotelniki, analysis of labels, tasting.

    Observations and conclusions:

    1. Firm "Premier".

    The label says "raspberry". The product contains a berry. Visually and taste - red currant with a little raspberry.

    2. Firm "Veres". On the label there is an inscription "raspberry", in the composition: raspberry, in reality - raspberry jam.

    Read product labels and you will learn a lot!

    Determination of the content of polyhydric alcohols in chewing gum.

    Popular among school children, chewing gum contains nutritional supplements and PCS.

    The presence of polyhydric alcohols in “Orbit” chewing gum can be established by interaction of aqueous solutions of chewing gum with copper hydroxide CuSO 4.

    Take a 1.4 g gum plate, add 5 ml of water. Insist for 10-15 minutes, then drain the aqueous solution and add to it a freshly prepared precipitate of copper hydroxide. (Get the remainder of copper hydroxide in advance by adding 0.5 ml of 5% copper sulfate solution to 1 ml of 5% sodium hydroxide solution).

    There is a dark blue coloration of the aqueous extract of the chewing gum, which indicates the presence of polyhydric alcohols in Orbit.

    Butter research

    We investigated different varieties of butter using test purchasing, label analysis, and response to fluorescent light.

    Butter can only be called a product obtained from cream and meeting the requirements of GOST 37-91 "Butter of cow", fat content not less than 82.5%. If the product is made from cream without the addition of hydrogenated fats, then this is butter. ANY AMOUNT of hydrogenated vegetable or animal fats added instantly transforms the butter into margarines or spreads.

    Many resellers, passing off margarine for cow butter, like to resort to optical illusion. When packing or repacking, they often stylize the picture on the package under the familiar brands of butter. For example, we met the Vologda oil from the Ivanovo region. There are few traditional varieties of cow butter: "Peasant", "Amateur", "Sandwich". But falsifiers like to use clarifications like “special”, “extra”. If the word “creamy” is missing on the package, and vegetable fats, mixtures of fats, or any additives, emulsifiers and preservatives are mentioned among the ingredients of the product, you have a surrogate product — margarine, spread, or cooking oil. You can't trust the word “oil” on imported packaging. IN english language one word denotes both butter and paste. The Polish word for “grease” refers to anything that can be smeared. Formally, according to Russian laws, the reseller has the right to translate the name of the resulting margarine as “butter”. We met a package on which the Russian word is reproduced in Latin letters, for example Maslo, and in this case it is difficult to find fault with the inaccurate name of the product, because it is unknown in what language it is given. The image of cows on the wrappers puts natural and counterfeit food on a par. We became interested in the problem of styling various types of oil under the popular Vologda oil. Vologda oil is recognized as natural in our country and the world community. We raided the Auchan store. We watched for 2 hours which oil was better sold.

    In the first place - "Vologda" at a price of 57 rubles.

    In second place - "Peasant from Vologda" at a price of 27 rubles.

    The "natural Vologda" at the price of 27 rubles was not a success.

    We examined the samples of "natural Vologda" and "Krestyanskoe from Vologda" under the microscope "Biomed-4". “Peasant” has a yellowish tint, that is, it is more natural than the natural Vologda.

    Vologda oil from Ivanovo (blue tint) and peasant oil from Vologda (yellow tint) under the Biomed-4 microscope.

    They put forward a hypothesis: since Vologda oil is in demand among buyers, manufacturers use the principle of mimicry.

    A simple experiment was carried out to test the hypothesis.

    Equipment: beakers, acidified potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) solution, various types of butter.


    1. Prepare an acidified solution of potassium permanganate.
    2. Dispense in 20 ml quantities. in beakers.
    3. Put in these glasses one teaspoon of different types of butter.
    4. View the result after 8 hours.

    Observations: After 8 hours, the potassium permanganate solution discolored in the following sequence (from maximum to minimum):

    1. Margarine "Hostess"

    2. Oil "natural Vologda" from Ivanovo

    3. Oil "Peasant" from the Moscow region

    4. Oil "Vologda" from the Moscow region

    5. "Peasant" from Vologda

    6. "Vologda" from Vologda

    7. "Anchor"

    Conclusion: The oil produced in Vologda is better in quality than “Vologda” oil from the Ivanovo region or from the Moscow region.

    Discoloration of potassium permanganate different varieties butter

    Research on labels and empirically the composition and quality of butter.

    Margarine can be distinguished from butter by the presence of starch.

    Detection of starch in margarine:


    1. Melt the margarine in a water bath or over low heat.
    2. Remove the bottom layer of the liquid with a pipette.
    3. Dilute with water 2 times.
    4. Add 2 drops of iodine.

    Blue staining indicates the presence of starch. Thus, you can distinguish margarine from butter.

    Result: In the studied samples, we found starch in the Krestyanskoye oil from Vologda.

    Conclusions: Butter can only be called a product obtained from cream and meeting the requirements of GOST 37–91 “Cow's Butter”, with a fat content of at least 82.5%. If the product is made from cream without the addition of hydrogenated fats, then it is butter.

    ANY AMOUNT of hydrogenated vegetable or animal fats added instantly transforms the butter into margarines or spreads.

    Investigation of the composition of butter by labels showed insufficient fat content of butter, even with GOST 37-91. Cheaper butter has a longer shelf life, which suggests the presence of preservatives.

    "Vologda" oil must be made in Vologda!

    1. Read the labels carefully before purchasing a product. Determine food additives according to the table (see Appendix 1).

    2. Buy products according to GOST, not TU.

    3. Eat natural foods! Unrefined, natural food that has been subjected to minimal heat and chemical processing, in the best way supports human health, of course, if people assimilate it within reasonable limits. A diet rich in vegetables and fruits protects against cancer in almost all organs.

    4. Vitamins and trace elements are essential for the body. But it should be remembered that the need for them is met at the expense of food. There is NO NECESSITY, with the exception of winter-spring time, to take vitamins especially, especially without a doctor's prescription.

    5. Avoid refined foods! Dietary fiber has a radioprotective effect. A useful microflora develops on them, which absorbs toxins, neutralizes nitrates, produces vitamins, protects against dysbiosis, and improves immunity.

    6. And what about the environment? Since in a number of regions of Russia the ecology is violated and products purchased in stores and markets can be contaminated with salts of heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, nitrates, radionuclides (especially a lot of them in the stalk, apple peel), you need to take measures to reduce the danger their effects on the body. Already one rinsing of food in water, soaking, cooking allows you to do this. Vegetables, salad plants should be soaked for 10-15 minutes in cold water, then boil fresh. As a result, the nitrate content is reduced by 60–80%. When pickling, pickling vegetables, the amount of nitrates decreases due to their transfer to the brine.

    If there is a suspicion of radioactive contamination, it is necessary to peel the vegetables 3-5 mm, from cabbage - at least 3 leaves, soak the meat for two hours in salt water. Potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, radish, and cabbage accumulate very little radionuclides. Egg shells are reliable protection against radiation. Seafood is capable of removing radionuclides from the body or reducing their level. These are squid, seaweed, high-protein foods - cottage cheese, cheeses, eggs, fish. Increases resistance to radiation consumption of foods containing calcium - milk, eggs; potassium - beets, dried apricots, nuts.

    7. When eating fish you need to know:

    There are more fungicides in old fish and in predatory fish. Know the rules of "marketable neighborhood" - fish and eggs are not sold. River fish may contain DDT.


    Taking care of the health of citizens is one of the priority directions of development of our state. This indicates the special relevance of the study of some problems of nutritional ecology. Today, more and more unnatural, synthetic products are included in our diet, some of which are hazardous to health. A civilized person, a competent buyer should be able to distinguish between them and deprive unscrupulous edible producers of the opportunity to earn on their health. I believe that the problem of food pollution today is no less, if not more acute, than the problem of water and air pollution. No amount of population growth can justify the creation of "artificial food." In this work, along with a special study (Biotox-10M device, chemical experiments), simple everyday methods are presented that allow you to distinguish a surrogate from a natural product. For example, if you shine fluorescent lamp for margarine, you will take away a bluish tint, and if for butter - yellow.

    The ability to read labels does not require special laboratory equipment. “Our little brothers” can be used as ideal bioindicators. Margarine can lie outside the refrigerator for almost years, and this will not interest flies, rodents and even cockroaches. Dogs and cats prefer tap water over filtered water.

    Just as food affects our organs and their functions, it also affects our thinking. A brain fed by toxin-laden blood is unlikely to do its job well. Our thinking and our health are in direct proportion to what we eat.

    Eat right and be healthy!

    Appendix 1. "Food additives"

    Supervisor: Nesterova Vera Nikolaevna, Romanova Oksana Vladimirovna

    Place of performance: Moscow region,
    about. Kotelniki, MOU KSOSH No. 3

    Food from the store

    The food production market is constantly expanding, and the emergence of new products and brands leads to the fact that each manufacturer is trying to present his product as almost a panacea that helps preserve health, beauty and youth. A catchy name, bright advertising and non-standard packaging do everything possible to distract customers from reading the composition of the product.

    How not to get hooked

    When shopping for food, you should carefully read the list of ingredients and pay attention to the typical tricks of marketers, because food from the store does not always meet our expectations. On some food products you can find one of the markings, which are also called bogus labels ("100% natural product", "environmentally friendly product", etc.).

    Let's consider several popular options:

    1. "With pieces of fruit." In principle, no one is obliged to track the presence of fruits in food, so manufacturers often replace them with sugar, syrup or concentrate.
    2. "Natural product". Manufacturers use this term even if artificial analogs obtained in the laboratory are used instead of natural components.
    3. "Grain", "Multigrain". In most cases, we are talking about bakery products prepared using refined premium flour, which is practically devoid of useful vitamins and minerals.
    4. "Contains antioxidants", "Strengthens the immune system." Most research confirms the fact that these words are empty phrases.
    5. "Rich source of fiber." The laboratory origin of fiber casts doubt on the ability of such foods to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

    All markings must be confirmed by the presence of a special mark from the certifying authority: if such a mark is absent, then there is nothing left but to study the composition of the product indicated on the label.

    The harm of dyes and preservatives

    Quite often, when entering the store, food is selected based on price criteria, and not on its ingredient composition. In this case, we can save money at the expense of health. E-food additives such as E103, E105 (prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation), E110, E122, E124, E211, E216, E217 and E222 pose the greatest risk to the human body: if the product contains any of them, then you should choose another, safer product. All in all, choose your foods wisely and stay healthy!

    About vegetarianism

    The long history of mankind suggests that our ancestors were forced to become "predators", since the killing of animals helped to survive in the absence of plant food, and giving up meat would mean starvation. Fortunately, now we can get any fruits and vegetables regardless of the season, which means that we have a choice: vegetarianism or meat-eating.

    The benefits of vegetarianism

    To begin with, consider the types of vegetarianism:

    • lacto-vegetarianism (allows the use of eggs and dairy products);
    • lacto-vegetarianism (allows the use of dairy products);
    • veganism (excludes all types of meat, dairy products, seafood, eggs).

    Thus, veganism is strict vegetarianism without any compromise. Veganism has a positive effect on human health and the body as a whole, reducing the risk of the following diseases:

    • type 2 diabetes;
    • atherosclerosis, hypertension;
    • osteoporosis, arthritis, arthrosis;
    • coronary heart disease;
    • stones in the gallbladder;
    • some types of cancers.

    The harm of vegetarianism

    A complete rejection of meat entails certain consequences:

    1. In the intestines of a vegetarian, saprophytic bacteria gradually appear, which process fiber and give the body essential amino acids, and onions, garlic, antibiotics and other drugs worsen the state of the intestinal microflora. Therefore, vegetarians are more dependent on her condition than meat eaters who eat meat enough.
    2. If you constantly eat foods with a low biological value and insufficient protein content, then protein deficiency can develop, provoking growth retardation, fatty degeneration of the liver, edema and hypoalbuminemia.
    3. Sometimes, when switching to plant foods, the endocrine system is disrupted. Hormonal disruptions in women are accompanied by changes such as disruption menstrual cycle and the work of the thyroid gland, dry skin, poor cold tolerance, decreased heart rate, etc.

    The main rule is no sudden movements!

    It should be noted that nutritionists are in no hurry to write off meat products, which are the basis of a balanced diet, which is extremely important for people engaged in physical labor, suffering from anemia and having problems with the intestines, pancreas or thyroid gland. Children, pregnant women and nursing mothers are completely contraindicated in such "experiments".

    It follows from this that before trying yourself as a vegetarian, you must definitely undergo a gastroenterological and therapeutic examination and only then make a decision based on the results of the examination.

    The impact of ecology on health

    This may sound a little paradoxical, but human health, as well as the occurrence of most diseases, largely depends on the quality of the environment, which people have the most direct influence on. For example, car exhaust fumes and toxic industrial waste negatively impact our health and also pollute the ecology, which is responsible for the biosphere, ecosystem and population. In other words, health and the environment are two sides of the same coin.

    Convenience in exchange for health

    Environmental factors can have a beneficial effect on the human body, however, the solid foundation that nature has given us is gradually being destroyed, and through our own fault. Every year the air quality is deteriorating, it is more and more difficult for us to find sources of clean water and grow ecologically pure products, and the immunity of the elderly, born 70-80 years ago, will easily give a head start to modern youth.

    Problems associated with poor ecology:

    • a general decrease in immunity;
    • the development of oncological diseases;
    • deterioration in reproductive function (in both sexes);
    • problems with the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract;
    • development of genetic abnormalities, etc.

    How to be and what to do?

    It is quite obvious that an individual person is unlikely to be able to change the environment at the global level, but taking into account all of the above, one can come to the only correct conclusion: you need to reconsider your lifestyle and make the necessary changes that will minimize the impact of polluted ecology on our health.

    Health Tips:

    • switch to proper nutrition;
    • cook with clean drinking water;
    • develop self-discipline;
    • give up bad habits;
    • walk, do fitness, yoga;
    • get enough rest and sleep;
    • try to be less nervous;
    • see your doctor regularly;
    • spend more time in nature, away from civilization.

    Diseases will begin to bypass you, and the body will be filled with energy, if you live with pleasure, enjoying every moment!

    About Ayurveda

    Ayurveda is an ancient science that helps to achieve the unity of body, mind and soul. The human essence is multifaceted and diverse: physical, mental and emotional states are closely intertwined in it, each of which can improve health, or vice versa, become an "Achilles heel" that disrupts the work of the entire system. Improper nutrition, bad habits, regular care and constant worries - all this, in one way or another, affects us and introduces some chaos in the initial harmony of internal states.

    Ayurveda nutrition

    The Ayurvedic nutrition system is selected on an individual basis, although you can follow a normal diet. First of all, you need to determine the prevailing dosha, for example, using special tests. Further, depending on the test results, you can choose one of three categories:

    1. Vata doshas. It is recommended to eat foods that help keep warm (porridge, meat, rich soup, hot milk), as well as to give up raw vegetables and sour fruits, which speed up the already fast metabolism.
    2. Pita doshas. Fish, chicken, vegetables, unsweetened fruits and hot dishes will be appropriate here, and in order to maintain a slim figure, it is worth removing red meat, salt and nuts from the usual diet.
    3. Kafa doshas. The lucky ones in this category can indulge in spicy dishes, turkey, cabbage and cucumbers, but also avoid sweets that add excess weight.

    Ayurveda treatment

    Unlike modern medicine that treats symptoms, Ayurveda considers possible ways to restore internal balance, as this is the basis for a long and healthy life, but the lack of balance of pitta, vata and kapha - on the contrary, is the source of diseases according to Ayurveda. This system does not make a diagnosis, but looks for deviations from the natural state of mind, body or mind that affects our health. If a person finds the balance of the five elements (water, earth, air, fire, space), then he will achieve a state of ideal health, which is called "prakriti": all that is required for this is the presence of motivation and desire to develop.

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