Professional rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. Vocational and labor rehabilitation

· Occupational therapy

· Professional education

· Employment

Occupational therapy- one of the methods of medical rehabilitation of sick and disabled people, which in its essence has not only medical, but also a pronounced social orientation. It includes various types physical exercisecontaining elements of everyday and professional activities. The main goal of occupational therapy is the restoration and development of impaired functions, the formation of compensatory skills for self-service, housekeeping, handicrafts, and performing labor operations. Occupational therapy is carried out in combination with other methods of rehabilitation therapy and rehabilitation, consolidating the effect of their influence.

Occupational therapy, individually substantiated and rationally selected, acts as a therapeutic factor, contributing to physical and intellectual development, correction of motor functions and normalization of general physiological parameters of the body. In the process of occupational therapy, the formation of personality takes place, psychological complexes are overcome, new interpersonal relationships are formed; a person is involved in collective activities, as a result of which the level of his adaptation in society increases.

Requirements for the organization of occupational therapy:

Ensuring the diversity of work processes and their gradual complication,

Maintaining interest in work,

Psychological comfort,

Constant supervision by the attending physician and labor instructor.

When organizing occupational therapy, it is necessary to take into account a number of clinical, physiological and social criteria: the nosology of the disease, the nature of functional disorders, the state of the intellectual and mental sphere, the level of development or preservation of professional and labor skills, working and living conditions.

Taking into account these criteria, occupational therapy can play the role of general strengthening therapy, restorative (functional) therapy, industrial (professional) occupational therapy.

Occupational therapy is used in individual and group forms. It is organized in inpatient medical institutions, boarding schools, social service centers, rehabilitation centers and is carried out directly in the field (for example, in hospital departments) or in specially created labor workshops or specialized workshops. The organization of occupational therapy at home is also possible.

Occupational occupational therapy can be considered not only as the final stage of medical rehabilitation, but also as one of the forms of social and labor rehabilitation of sick and disabled people. It is carried out in the conditions of specialized industrial enterprises or specialized workshops of ordinary enterprises. At the same time, the main tasks of rehabilitation are to develop work skills, work reorientation, prepare and teach a new profession.

After World War II in Great Britain, Canada and a number of other countries, occupational therapy(translated from English as "therapy by everyday activities") as a method of social, household and labor rehabilitation. At its core, occupational therapy combines such traditional methods for our country social rehabilitation, like employment therapy and occupational therapy. Occupational therapy is a broader concept than occupational therapy and includes all activities within its scope. It involves carrying out individually selected activities to restore social skills, the ability to independently organize their life, leisure, and assistance to active forms of life.

Occupational therapy includes the following areas:

Productive activity - professional activity, paid and social work, study, parenting, caring for loved ones, etc.;

Self-care - problems with personal hygiene, dressing, cooking and eating;

Leisure - physical education and sports, music, art, handicrafts, gardening, games, entertainment;

play (children's games are considered an important activity for the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes related to productive activities of adults). According to the observations of E. I. Kholostova, occupational therapy allows:

Increase independence in daily activities and related self-care skills (for example, handling money, planning meals, preparing meals);

Develop acceptable skills for the independent functioning of the individual, problem solving and life management;

Provide funds and adaptive equipment to compensate for deficiencies;

Inhibit or prevent the degenerative effects of aging or functional difficulties;

Cope with the changes and losses that come with older age (find resources in the social environment; recognize and overcome depression);

Along the way, teach the necessary skills to caregivers.

Occupational therapy, being interdisciplinary, requires a combination of the efforts of specialists of different profiles and different departments.

The main goal of vocational rehabilitation is to provide a sick or disabled person with the opportunity to obtain or maintain a suitable job and thereby contribute to his social integration, the achievement of material independence or an increase in income and self-sufficiency. The rights of persons with disabilities to vocational rehabilitation are enshrined in a number of regulatory documents, the main ones of which are:

Law of 19.02.91 "On employment of the population in Russian Federation"(With subsequent changes and additions);

Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" as amended on 01/13/96

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 25.03.93 "On measures for vocational rehabilitation and employment of disabled people";

Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 09/28/93 "On the list of priority professions of workers and employees, the mastery of which gives disabled people the greatest opportunity to be competitive in regional labor markets";

Order of the Federal Employment Service of Russia dated 02.28.94 "On approval of the temporary regulation on specialized units for vocational rehabilitation and employment of disabled people."

Study the needs of people with disabilities in different types rehabilitation in Moscow, conducted by TsIETIN, showed that 62.6% of disabled people need some kind of vocational rehabilitation measures. The need for vocational rehabilitation is especially high among disabled young and middle-aged people - respectively 82.8 and 78.7% of the number of disabled people in the indicated age groups.

The development of a vocational rehabilitation program is based on three components.

Assessment of the type and degree of disabilities,including learning ability.

Assessment of the "professional and labor" component of the rehabilitation program,including the determination of the characteristics of the integral reaction of the disabled person's body to work, an assessment of their significance for labor activity and the possibility of its continuation, determining the possibility of adaptation to work by maintaining an adequate state, developing a strategy for work.

Assessment of the general and professional educational status of the disabled person,including a comprehensive analysis of social characteristics associated with educational activities, the main characteristics of educational activities, as well as determining the compliance of the requirements for a disabled person in the learning process, his professionally significant physiological, psychophysiological and psychological qualities and determining the development of professionally important sensory, motor and thinking skills.

Vocational education is one of the main, most problematic areas of vocational rehabilitation , the initial stage of which is vocational guidance. Vocational guidancesolves the problem of informing and consulting people with disabilities in order to choose a profession, mode and working conditions, training opportunities. Orientation is carried out in the field of professions and the modern labor market, existing educational institutions and vocational retraining centers intended for persons with disabilities, in order to achieve professional optimal self-determination of a person.

Professional orientation of disabled people provides a complex approach taking into account medical, psychological and social aspects. An integral part of career guidance is the availability of data characterizing professional activities. Such material is contained in descriptions of professions - professiograms. They include information about the forms of professional training, a description of the workplace, the content and conditions of work, a description of a person in the labor process (positive and negative aspects in work, difficulties, degree of responsibility, element of creativity, psychophysiological qualities and medical contraindications, positive and negative consequences of work for a person), socio-economic characteristics of the profession.

It is important to take into account not only indications, but also contraindications to professional activity and, ultimately, professional suitability. Professionally fitone is considered whose psychophysiological capabilities and abilities correspond to a certain profession. In order to assess professional suitability, psychophysiological diagnostics are performed. Then, with the help of psychological and functional tests, the types of work for which the subject is considered to be professionally suitable are selected.

When studying the professional interest and inclinations of a person, it should be borne in mind that many people with disabilities, especially those with disabilities from childhood, do not adequately assess their capabilities when choosing a future profession. Explanatory work, correction of individual professional plans and claims are carried out, psychological support is provided. The final decision in choosing a profession, educational institution, place of work remains with the disabled person. Any form of influence on his motivation and decision in the field of self-determination by hiding or changing information is not allowed.

After choosing a future profession, a list of possible measures to assist in its acquisition is planned. The real difficulties of the process of mastering a profession and employment and possible ways overcoming them. At present, the employment authorities, which are entrusted with the duties of vocational rehabilitation, including vocational guidance and vocational training of disabled people, pay great attention to the development of a differentiated and flexible approach to solving labor examination issues, which makes it possible to use the professional residual working capacity of sick and disabled people.

When vocational trainingsick and disabled as the next method of rehabilitation, a complex task should be solved, in the solution of which the mastery of special knowledge, skills, skills will be combined with the formation of abilities for socio-psychological adaptation. In a market economy, it is necessary that vocational education for disabled people provides training in competitive and prestigious professions, the basics of entrepreneurial activity, which will serve to ensure equality of opportunities for disabled people in terms of employment.

Professional education provides for a system and process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities in the area of \u200b\u200brecommended professional activity.

Professional education provides the sick and disabled with the following opportunities:

Acquire a qualified profession if they did not have one before;

Acquire another specialty if, due to illness or disability, work in the previous specialty becomes impossible or unproductive;

Improve the existing qualifications for the work performed.

When deciding on retraining, it must be borne in mind that the main indications and contraindications for learning a new profession are the same as when choosing a profession for the first time.

For retraining, a profession is chosen taking into account not only the possibility of a disabled person performing production operations, but also making the most of his knowledge and skills associated with the old profession, taking into account his personal interests.

There are three main ways to get a new profession:

Independent retraining (a disabled person pays for training himself);

Free retraining through the employment service. Disabled persons of groups III and II have the right to do this, persons with disabilities of group I - with labor recommendation;

Finding a job that does not require retraining or training on the job.

Professional training is carried out on-the-job or on-the-job.

One of the important conditions for successful labor rehabilitation of disabled people is their general education. The availability of secondary and higher education significantly increases the competitiveness of disabled people. The receipt of a professional education by a disabled person does not yet guarantee his employment, but it increases the chances of profitable employment and makes him competitive in the labor market.

Employment. Labor devicesick and disabled - the final stage of rehabilitation. It is an assessment of the validity of an expert opinion on the ability to work, career guidance decisions, the effectiveness of the prior learning process and all rehabilitation measures.

For young people with disabilities who have insufficient social experience, it is important to help in the development and formation of social skills that increase the likelihood of employment: job search in their specialty, the ability to write a professional resume, interact with representatives of official structures, make search phone calls, and the ability to use Internet resources ...

Employment of a disabled person is carried out both in the conditions of ordinary production (the so-called "protected" workplaces), and in the conditions of specially created enterprises. The latter differ from ordinary enterprises in terms of financing, working and resting regimes, and production targets.

It is important for specialists engaged in the employment of persons with disabilities to have a database of existing vacancies in production, for which it is necessary to actively search for potential jobs, to maintain constant communication with the heads of enterprises.

When employing a disabled person, it is important not only to provide for the adaptation of the workplace to its functional capabilities, but also to help him in psychological and physiological adaptation to the new working conditions and work collective.

Organization of home workwithin the framework of a specialized enterprise is allowed only for persons who have the necessary living conditions, as well as practical skills in a particular job or profession (or can be trained in these skills). The specific type of work for homeworkers is selected taking into account their professional skills and health status. The enterprise provides the disabled person with the necessary equipment, tools, raw materials and materials for free and ensures the sale of finished products.

A large reserve in the regulation of the labor market for disabled persons is their self-employment and the organization of their own business. Disabled people who organize their small businesses are legally guaranteed subsidies and assistance. However, work with people with disabilities to teach entrepreneurship skills, provide professional assistance and psychological support has not yet yielded a tangible effect.

In relation to persons with disabilities, the concept is accepted "Rational labor arrangement"... This means that the place of work is potentially adequate for a disabled person in terms of his health condition, psychophysiological characteristics, personal motives and professional training. A work place for a disabled person must also comply with the necessary sanitary and hygienic standards and have a socio-economic equivalence with previously performed (in the event of a change) or similar work performed by a healthy employee (in the case of initial entry into the labor market).

At the present stage, with the introduction of computer technology into the practical activities of institutions and organizations, it became necessary not only to characterize functional disorders, but also to develop qualitative and quantitative characteristics of functional disorders identified uniform unified criteria,which could be used by both medical experts and workers of various rehabilitation services, which for the most part do not and should not have a medical education.

The main component of the developed technology for the formation of an individual program of social rehabilitation of a disabled person is a complex expert system for determining the potential capabilities and needs of a disabled person in combination with a professional reference book. The computer program "Professiographic reference book" is designed to automate an expert assessment of the accessibility for a disabled person of professions included in the reference book, taking into account his potential professional capabilities and inherent psychological qualities. The guide was created as an integral part of the software and information system for providing vocational rehabilitation and assistance to the employment of people with disabilities (which also includes a data bank on people with disabilities in the region, an expert system for assessing the potential professional opportunities of persons with disabilities, a bank of jobs for employment of people with disabilities and a bank of training places referral of disabled people for training and retraining), i.e. software and information system, which forms the basis of a single information space for the comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled people, primarily to address the issue of their professional rehabilitation.

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List of references

1. Give a detailed description of the psychological structure of a job post in the profession of a violinist

Subject - musical activity, playing the violin.

Objective goals - playing the instrument for concert events, performances, etc.

Subjective goals - improving the skills and abilities of playing the instrument, building a career as a violinist, fame, popularity, fans.

Tools and tools: instrument (violin), sheet music, library of specialized literature, a place that promotes good sound and calm (where you can rehearse calmly).

Specific working conditions: the place chosen for the rehearsals should contribute to the good sounding of the music, on the other hand, it should not interfere with the people around (if it is at home, then there should be sound insulation), the time of rehearsals should not fall too late or too early.

2. What are the features of the crisis of revision and correction of professional choice that takes place in the course of a person's professional development?

The professional formation of a personality begins from the stage of option - the formation of professional intentions. At the age of 14-16, at the age of early adolescence, optants begin to professionally self-determine. By the age of 14, girls and boys have already formed a versatile knowledge of the world of professions, they have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe desired profession.

You need a specific professionally oriented plan: whether to continue your studies in a general education or vocational school. For some, everything has been decided, others are forced to define themselves professionally. At the stage of option, a reassessment of educational activity occurs: depending on professional intentions, motivation also changes.

Studying in the senior grades is acquiring a professionally oriented character, and in vocational educational institutions it has a clearly expressed educational and professional orientation. There is every reason to believe that at the stage of option there is a change in the leading activity from educational-cognitive to educational-professional. The social situation of development is changing dramatically.

At the same time, a collision of the desired future and the real present is inevitable, which takes on the character of a crisis of educational and vocational guidance. High school students who have continued their studies in grades 10-11 clearly experience this crisis at the age of 16-17, before completing schooling. The core of the crisis is the need to choose the method of obtaining vocational education or training.

It should be emphasized that at this age, as a rule, one chooses the option of continuing education, focused on a specific professional field, and not on a specific profession. Experiencing a crisis, reflecting on one's own capabilities lead to the correction of professional intentions. Corrections are also made to the "I-concept" that took shape at this age. 2. At the stage of professional education, many pupils and students experience disappointment in the profession they are receiving.

Dissatisfaction with certain academic subjects arises, doubts arise about the correctness of the professional choice, and interest in learning decreases. There is a crisis of professional choice. As a rule, it is clearly manifested in the first and last years of vocational training. With rare exceptions, this crisis is overcome by the change of educational motivation to social and professional. The professional orientation of academic disciplines, which is growing from year to year, reduces dissatisfaction.

Thus, the crisis of revision and correction of professional choice at this stage does not reach the critical phase, when a conflict is inevitable. We can note the sluggish nature of this crisis. But the change in the social situation of development and the restructuring of the leading educational and cognitive activity into a professionally oriented one make it possible to single it out as an independent normative crisis of the professional formation of an individual.

3. After completing vocational education, the stage of professional adaptation begins. Young specialists start their independent labor activity. The professional situation of development is radically changing: a new multi-age team, a different hierarchical system of industrial relations, new social and professional values, a different social role and, of course, a fundamentally new type of leading activity.

Even when choosing a profession, the young man had a certain idea of \u200b\u200bhis future work. In a vocational educational institution, it has become much richer. And now the time has come for the real performance of professional functions. The first weeks, months of work cause great difficulties. But they do not become a factor in the emergence of crisis phenomena. The main reason is psychological, which is a consequence of the discrepancy between real professional life and the formed ideas and expectations.

The discrepancy between professional activity and expectations causes a crisis of professional expectations. The experience of this crisis is expressed in dissatisfaction with the organization of labor, its content, job responsibilities, industrial relations, working conditions and wages. There are two possible options for resolving the crisis: constructive: intensifying professional efforts for the earliest possible adaptation and gaining work experience; destructive: dismissal, change of specialty; inadequate, low-quality, unproductive performance of professional functions.

3. What factors characterize the professional activity of people with disabilities. What are your suggestions for psychological support for the labor rehabilitation of such people

All people with disabilities should have access to activities and means of restoring their abilities for independent domestic, social and professional activities, including information on self-service technologies and means of adaptation.

Any person with disabilities, every family with a disabled person should receive the rehabilitation services necessary to optimize their mental, physical and functional state in order to develop the ability of a person with disabilities to lead an independent lifestyle like any other citizen.

People with disabilities should be given a central role in the design of individualized assistance and rehabilitation programs, and disability associations should have adequate resources to share responsibility for planning national rehabilitation and independent living programs.

Community based rehabilitation should be widely disseminated nationally and internationally as the most appropriate, effective and supportive approach in rehabilitation services in many countries.

In the third millennium, the task of all nations should be the evolution of society towards protecting the rights of people with disabilities by maintaining their powers and including them in all aspects of society

Every person with disabilities, and every family that includes a disabled person, should receive the necessary rehabilitation services, sufficient to achieve an optimal physical, mental and functional level, enabling the disabled person to manage their lives independently and lead an independent lifestyle like any other member of society. ...

People with disabilities must play a central role in the design of individualized assistance and rehabilitation programs, and, likewise, disabled people's associations must have adequate resources to share responsibility for planning national rehabilitation and independent lifestyles programs.

List of references

professional choice of violinist limited

1. Andreeva G.M. Social psychology: A textbook for universities. - M .: Aspen - Press, 1999 .-- 376 p.

2. Grishina N.V. The psychology of conflict. - SPb .: Peter, 2000 .-- 464 p.

3. Klimov E.A. Introduction to the psychology of labor: Textbook for universities. - M .: Culture and sport, Unity, 1998 .-- 350s.

4. Morozov A.V. Business psychology. Course of lectures: Textbook for higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. SPb .: Publishing house of the Union, 2002 .-- 576 p.

5. Ryzhichka I. Some problems of social psychology: Per. with czech. / Ed. and a foreword by Yu.A. Sherkovina. - M .: Progress, 1981 .-- 215 p.

6. Shooters Yu.K. Engineering and professional psychology: Tutorial for students of higher. study. institutions. - M .: Publishing Center Academy; Higher school, 2001 .-- 360 p.

7. Scott D.G. Conflicts. Ways to overcome them. - Kiev .: Vneshtorgizdat, 1991 .-- 189 p.

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annotation scientific article on sociological sciences, the author of the scientific work - Pokhvoshchev V.A., Kolesnikova O.A., Firsova Yu.A.

Purpose: This article is devoted to the issue of the formation and development of the system social protection of disabled people in Russia. The country's modern social policy is focused on ensuring equality of rights and opportunities in the implementation of the potential abilities and individual resources of each member of society. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the invariably high number of people with disabilities. According to the UN, every tenth person on the planet (more than 750 million people) has some form of disability and at least 25% of the population suffer from various health disorders. At present, the disability of citizens of working age, especially among those initially examined, is significant. Every year in Russia, more than 2 million people acquire the disabled status, of which about 700 thousand people for the first time, about half of whom are citizens of working age. Almost 80% of disabled people of working age do not work. People with disabilities as a special social category of people need significant measures of social protection. These types of assistance are determined by legislation, however, it should be noted that these regulatory legal acts relate to benefits, allowances, pensions, etc., aimed at maintaining life, on the passive consumption of material support. However, people with disabilities need such state support, which could stimulate them to socially useful activities, suppressing dependent moods. In essence, we are talking about the full integration of disabled people into society, which is their ultimate goal. In this regard, at present in modern Russia there is a need for the formation of a scientific concept vocational rehabilitation disabled people based on the restoration of the social and labor status of disabled people and their inclusion in labor activities. Methodology of the work: This article is based on the use of graphic methods for processing and generalizing information, methods of system analysis, expert assessments and analysis of empirical data. Results of work: In the process of research, various approaches to the study of aspects of vocational rehabilitation disabled people. Conclusions: The practical significance of the study lies in finding ways to increase the employment rate of people with disabilities in order to attract additional labor resources to the country's economy, as well as to improve the level and quality of life of citizens with disabilities.

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Methodological basis of the vocational rehabilitation and employment promotion of people with disabilities

Purpose: this article focuses on the question of formation and development of the social protection system of disabled people in Russia. Modern social Russian policy is aimed at ensuring equal rights and opportunities in the realization of potential abilities and individual resources of each member of society. The importance of the chosen topic is connected with the consistently high number of people with disabilities. According to UN statistics, every tenth person on the planet (more than 750 million people) has some form of disability and at least 25% of the population suffer from various health disorders. Currently, the disability of working citizens, especially among initially examined, is very significant. Annually in Russia the status of a disabled person is acquired by more than 2 million people, among which about 700 thousand people for the first time, and this is a half of working people. Almost 80% of disabled people of working age don "t work. Disabled people as a social category of people need significant measures of social protection. These types of aid are defined by the legislation, however, it should be noted that these legal acts relate to privileges, benefits, pensions, etc., aimed at the maintenance of life, passive consumption of material support.However, people with disabilities need such state support, which would encourage them to socially useful activity, inhibiting dependency. Essentially we are talking about the full integration of disabled people into society, which is the ultimate goal of their vocational rehabilitation.In this regard, currently, in modern Russia there is a need for a scientific concept of vocational rehabilitation of invalids, based on the reconstruction of the social and labor status of people with disabilities and their inclusion into the labor market.Methods: this article is based on the use of graphics processing methods and synthesis of information, methods of system analysis, expert assessments and analysis of empirical data. Results: in the article different approaches to the study of aspects of vocational rehabilitation of people with disabilities are shown. Conclusions and Relevance: the practical significance of the research is finding ways to increase employment of people with disabilities in order to attract additional labor resources in the economy, and improve the level and quality of life of citizens with disabilities.

Text of scientific work on the topic "Methodological foundations of vocational rehabilitation and promotion of employment of people with disabilities"

UDC 331, 364 R01: 10.18184 / 2079-4665.2017.8.2.330-336

Methodological foundations of vocational rehabilitation and promotion of employment of people with disabilities

Vladimir Alexandrovich Pokhvoshchev 1, Olga Andreevna Kolesnikova 2 *, Yulia Alexandrovna Firsova 3

1 Moscow International Higher Business School "MIRBIS" (Institute), Moscow, Russia

2 Voronezh Institute of High Technologies, Voronezh, Russia

3 Budgetary institution of the Voronezh region "Voronezh Regional Rehabilitation Center for Young Disabled Persons", Voronezh, Russia

* E-mail: [email protected]


Purpose: This article is devoted to the formation and development of the system of social protection of disabled people in Russia. The country's modern social policy is focused on ensuring equality of rights and opportunities in the implementation of the potential abilities and individual resources of each member of society. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the invariably high number of people with disabilities. According to the UN, every tenth person on the planet (more than 750 million people) has some form of disability and at least 25% of the population suffer from various health disorders. At present, the disability of citizens of working age, especially among those initially examined, is significant. Every year in Russia, more than 2 million people acquire the disabled status, of which about 700 thousand people - for the first time, about half of whom are citizens of working age. Almost 80% of disabled people of working age do not work. People with disabilities as a special social category of people need significant measures of social protection. These types of assistance are determined by legislation, however, it should be noted that these regulatory legal acts relate to benefits, allowances, pensions, etc., aimed at maintaining life, on the passive consumption of material support. At the same time, people with disabilities need such state support, which could stimulate them to socially useful activities, suppressing dependent moods. In essence, we are talking about the full integration of disabled people into society, which is the ultimate goal of their professional rehabilitation. In this regard, at present in modern Russia there is a need to form a scientific concept of professional rehabilitation of disabled people, based on the restoration of the social and labor status of disabled people and their inclusion in labor activity.

Methodology of the work: This article is based on the use of graphic methods for processing and generalizing information, methods of system analysis, expert assessments and analysis of empirical data.

Results of the work: In the course of the research, various approaches to the study of aspects of vocational rehabilitation of disabled people are shown.

Conclusions: The practical significance of the study lies in finding ways to increase the employment rate of people with disabilities in order to attract additional labor resources to the country's economy, as well as to improve the level and quality of life of citizens with disabilities.

Keywords: disabled person, vocational rehabilitation, promotion of employment of disabled people, social protection of disabled people

Thanks. The authors express their gratitude and deep gratitude to the scientific advisor, Doctor of Economics, Professor Vladimir Aleksandrovich Pokhvoshchev for his sensitive guidance and paternal guardianship, valuable advice and comments while working on this article.

For citation: Pokhvoshchev V. A., Kolesnikova O. A, Firsova Yu. A. Methodological foundations of vocational rehabilitation and promotion of employment of people with disabilities // MIR (Modernization. Innovation. Development). 2017.Vol. 8.No. 2.P. 330-336. 001: 10.18184 / 2079-4665.2017.8.2.330-336

© Pokhvoshchev V. A. Kolesnikova O. A., Firsova Yu. A., 2017


Methodological basis ofthevocational rehabilitation and employment promotion of people with disabilities

Vladimir A. Pohvoshev 1, Olga A. Kolesnikova 2 * Yuliya A. Firsova 3

1 Moscow International higher business school MIRBIS, Moscow, Russian Federation

2 Voronezh institute of high technologies, Voronezh, Russian Federation

3 Voronezh regional rehabilitation center for young people with disabilities, Voronezh, Russian Federation * E-mail: [email protected]

Purpose: this article focuses on the question of formation and development of the social protection system of disabled people in Russia. Modern social Russian policy is aimed at ensuring equal rights and opportunities in the realization of potential abilities and individual resources of each member of society. The importance of the chosen topic is connected with the consistently high number of people with disabilities. According to UN statistics, every tenth person on the planet (more than 750 million people) has some form of disability and at least 25% of the population suffer from various health disorders. Currently, the disability of working citizens, especially among initially examined, is very significant. Annually in Russia the status of a disabled person is acquired by more than 2 million people, among which about 700 thousand people - for the first time, and this is a half of working people. Almost 80% of disabled people of working age don "t work. Disabled people as a social category of people need significant measures of social protection. These types of aid are defined by the legislation, however, it should be noted that these legal acts relate to privileges, benefits, pensions, etc., aimed at the maintenance of life, passive consumption of material support.However, people with disabilities need such state support, which would encourage them to socially useful activity, inhibiting dependency. Essentially we are talking about the full integration of disabled people into society, which is the ultimate goal of their vocational rehabilitation.In this regard, currently, in modern Russia there is a need for a scientific concept of vocational rehabilitation of invalids, based on the reconstruction of the social and labor status of people with disabilities and their inclusion into the labor market.

Methods: this article is based on the use of graphics processing methods and synthesis of information, methods of system analysis, expert assessments and analysis of empirical data.

Results: in the article different approaches to the study of aspects of vocational rehabilitation of people with disabilities are shown. Conclusions and Relevance: the practical significance of the research is finding ways to increase employment of people with disabilities in order to attract additional labor resources in the economy, and improve the level and quality of life of citizens with disabilities. Keywords: disability, vocational rehabilitation, employment promotion of people with disabilities, social protection of the disabled people Acknowledgments. The authors express their gratitude and deep appreciation to the scientific adviser, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor Pokhvoshchev Vladimir Aleksandrovich for sensitive leadership and paternal care, for the valuable advice and comments on the article.

For citation: Pohvoshev V. A., Kolesnikova O. A., Firsova Yu. A. Methodological basis of the vocational rehabilitation and employment promotion of people with disabilities. MIR (Modernizatsiia. Innovatsii. Razvitie) \u003d MIR (Modernization. Innovation. Research). 2017; 8 (2 (30)): 330-336. DOI: 10.18184 / 2079-4665.2017.8.2.330-336


Over the past almost 20 years, the total number of disabled people in the Russian Federation has increased by almost 3 million people and, as of January 1, 2017, according to Rosstat, amounted to 12.25 million people - 11.9% of the total population of the country ( 146.8 million people).

Literature review and research

A group of scientists (A. A. Shabunova, O. N. Kalachikov, N. A. Kondakova and others), who studied the issues of disability of the population, came to the conclusion that by 2030 the number of disabled people may increase by another 10% ... In this regard, the problem of social protection of persons with disabilities becomes the most important and

relevant, and their invariably high share in the general structure of the population is a stable trend and can have a negative impact on the socio-economic development of the country.

The most important area of \u200b\u200brehabilitation for people with disabilities is vocational rehabilitation, which is commonly understood as "a multidisciplinary set of measures aimed at restoring a disabled person's working capacity or acquiring new professional skills in working conditions accessible to him for health reasons."

Vocational rehabilitation of disabled people includes the following activities and services:

Source: Situation of the disabled / Official statistics // Federal State Statistics Service. 2017. Access mode: http://www.gks.rU/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/population/disabilities/# (date accessed: 25.06.2017).

Figure: 1. Dynamics of the number of disabled people in the Russian Federation, thousand people

Resource: The situation of persons with disabilities / Official statistics. Federal state statistics service. 2017. Mode of access: .. (date accessed: 25.06.2017) (in Russ.).

Fig. 1. Dynamics of the number of disabled people in the Russian Federation, thousand people

Professional orientation (professional information and consulting, professional selection and selection, correction of professional plans);

Professional training and retraining;

Assistance in employment, including rational employment in various conditions and forms;

Industrial adaptation of disabled people.

Materials and methods

As a methodological base, the article uses the following regulatory documents: Situation of the disabled. Official statistics // Federal State Statistics Service. 2017; Rehabilitation of the disabled. The main types of rehabilitation services. GOST R 53874-2010. Enter. 2011-10-01.

Research results

The state has determined a set of rehabilitation measures guaranteed to disabled people by federal and regional legislation and which include medical, social and professional rehabilitation.

Comprehensive vocational rehabilitation, i.e. with their subsequent employment, is economically beneficial to the state. Conducting timely vocational guidance and vocational training is a prerequisite for effective vocational rehabilitation, since they create the necessary basis for the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities for people with disabilities. It is important to understand that funds invested in vocational education for disabled people are returned to the state.

through the payment of taxes. Education and subsequent rational employment will allow people with disabilities to implement the concept of an independent life, provide them with independent income, regardless of state social assistance in the form of benefits and pensions.

Vocational rehabilitation as an integral part of comprehensive, multidisciplinary rehabilitation can be viewed as a system and as a process of restoring the competitiveness of a disabled person in the labor market, the essential features of which are both a systemic and a procedural approach.

Considering the professional rehabilitation of disabled people from a systemic standpoint, it seems to us appropriate to define it in the following provisions:

The system of vocational rehabilitation is a complex system, the effectiveness of which is based on many factors (political, economic, social, psychological, legal, etc.);

This is a system that includes controlled and control subsystems, target settings, tasks, principles, directions, forms and methods, criteria for the effectiveness of the system's activities and other backbone elements;

This system is a social structure that affects a person with a disability and society and, above all, creates conditions for the full integration of disabled people into the world of work;

The vocational rehabilitation system is a higher-order subsystem that determines and implements the state's social policy in relation to disabled people;

Figure: 2. The system of integration of disabled people into the world of work Fig. 2. The system of integration of disabled people into the world of work

Other social systems act as components of the vocational rehabilitation system: social protection, labor and employment, health care, education, medical and social expertise, physical education, etc.

In fig. 2, in general, the system of integration of disabled people into the world of work through comprehensive rehabilitation is presented.

On the other hand, due to the diversity, complexity and multidimensionality of vocational rehabilitation of disabled people, it can be considered as part of a comprehensive rehabilitation system for disabled people with similar components and

elements. Based on these views,

the system of professional rehabilitation of disabled people includes:

Conceptual and methodological foundations;

Legal and regulatory framework;

Scientific and technical developments;

Medical and social expertise;

Individual rehabilitation or habilitation programs for the disabled (IPRA);

The rehabilitation industry, including rehabilitation and recovery, rehabilitation and educational, social, industrial institutions and organizations of various departmental subordination, where

professional rehabilitation measures of various types and objectives are carried out;

Bodies of organization and coordination of the system of rehabilitation of disabled people;

Public organizations of disabled people, etc.

From the conceptual and systemic positions in the system of vocational rehabilitation of disabled people, three hierarchically subordinate, but relatively independent levels can be distinguished: 1) state-regional (macrolevel); 2) procedural and technological (meso-level); 3) individual (micro level). In light of the ratification by the Russian Federation in 2012 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the state is taking measures aimed at the full integration (reintegration) of persons with disabilities into society. The concept of full integration of people with disabilities into society includes the following provisions:

1. People with disabilities should live in a normal environment and (with the necessary support from the state) lead a fulfilling life along with ordinary citizens.

2. People with disabilities have the right to receive state-guaranteed social assistance and rehabilitation in ordinary and specialized institutions.

3. People with disabilities take an equal part in the socio-economic life of society, including the realization of the right to decent, affordable work.

4. Have equal responsibilities with other members of the community.

However, persons with disabilities face various barriers to integration into the world of work. For comparison, disabled people registered with the employment service and recognized as unemployed have the longest period of unemployment compared to other categories of citizens. The World Report on Disability identifies the main barriers and limitations associated with disability:

1. Inadequate policies and standards. Policymaking does not always take into account the needs of persons with disabilities, or does not apply existing policies and standards in practice.

2. Negative attitude. Prejudice and prejudice create barriers to education, employment and social participation.

3. Lack of rehabilitated services and problems with their provision. Acute deficiency

rehabilitation services, weak coordination of departments, inadequate staffing and low level of professional training negatively affect the quality, accessibility and adequacy of social assistance to people with disabilities.

4. Insufficient funding. Resources for social policy are often insufficient or inefficiently spent.

5. Lack of availability. Many buildings and transport systems and information are not available to everyone. Lack of access to transport for many people with disabilities is a common reason for refusing to seek employment or limiting access to health care.

In a number of regions of the Russian Federation there are programs "Promotion of employment of the population", "Accessible environment", the activities of which reflect the participation of interested institutions and organizations in terms of information and educational work on tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities, the formation of an accessible environment for people with disabilities, vocational rehabilitation and promotion of employment of persons with disabilities.

In 2016, 142,929 disabled people applied for assistance in finding a suitable job, of which only 55,758 people found a job (profitable employment). 99,986 disabled people received vocational guidance services. At the same time, the employment rate of disabled people in 2016 was only 12.5%. In our opinion, the main problem of low involvement of people with disabilities in the world of work is that the state does not take into account that the employer does not need a disabled person, but an effective employee, and complex vocational rehabilitation is to make a competitive employee out of a disabled person.

Currently, the need for vocational rehabilitation is especially high among disabled young and middle-aged people - respectively 82.8% and 78.7%. Every fifth citizen needs vocational guidance, and almost every tenth citizen with a disability needs vocational training. The need for labor adaptation is experienced by 25.4% of disabled people. 59.5% of disabled people need rational employment. Lack of funding, low degree of accessibility of vocational education institutions reduce the opportunities for training disabled people in them. At the same time, specialized educational institutions often do not provide competitive vocational training, and

M I R (Modernization. Innovation. Research), 2017; 8 (2): 330-336

some of them train workers who are obviously not in demand on the labor market.

In our opinion, the situation in the field of vocational rehabilitation and promotion of employment for disabled people should undergo significant changes, since only ensuring the opportunity to be financially independent will allow people with disabilities to improve their level and quality of life. To achieve this, more decisive steps should be taken to improve the comprehensive rehabilitation system for disabled people in terms of organizing and developing effective interdepartmental interaction of all stakeholders on the path of integrating disabled people into the world of work and society.

List of references

1. Problems of social consolidation: disabled people in the regional community: monograph / count. ed. under the hands. A.A. Shabuno howl. Vologda: ISERT RAN, 2014.136 p. S. 2. URL: http: // www.\u003d1165 (date accessed: 05.24.2017).

2. World report on disability. Malta, 2011.S. 9-11. Access mode: Ua \u003d 1 (date accessed: 24.05.2017).

3. Semenova OV On the issue of vocational rehabilitation and employment of disabled people in the Russian Federation // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Problems of personality socialization in the context of continuous professional education / ed. prof. V.N. Skvortsova. St. Petersburg, April 11, 2014.S. 445-448. URL:\u003d22886150

4. Gribanov V.V. Formation and development of the concept of a social market economy as a theoretical basis for modern

social state // Corporate governance and innovative development of the economy of the North: Bulletin of the research center of corporate law, management and venture investment of Syktyvkar University. 2013. No. 2. S. 1-10. URL:\u003d20888258

5. Dargan A.A. Reflection of the determinism of social well-being and social mobility of people with disabilities in models of disability // Bulletin of the North Caucasus State Technical University. 2011. No. 2. S. 158-161. URL:\u003d16381789

6. Dombrovskaya A.Yu. Social adaptation of disabled people // Bulletin of the Tula State University. Humanitarian sciences. 2015. No. 1. S. 57-65. URL: asp? id \u003d 23211783

7. Kohno P.A. Visually impaired people in intellectual production // Man and labor. 2011. No. 8. S. 33-35. URL: https: //\u003d20694638

8. Tikhomirova V.V. Targeted social assistance in the system of social protection of the population / ed. Ph.D. Yu.A. Gadzhiev. Syktyvkar: Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013.138 p.

9. Topilin K. People with disabilities in the labor market: a regional aspect // Man and labor. 2011. No. 8. S. 27-32. URL: item.asp? Id \u003d 20694637

10. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, Short Version. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2001. URL:

11. Bickenbach Jerome E. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health and its Relationship to Disability Studies. In: Routledge Handbook of Disability Studies. DOI:

12. Moretti Marta, Alves Ines, Maxwell Gregor. A Systematic Literature Review of the Situation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health-Children and Youth Version in Education. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2012; 91: 103-117. DOI: https: // doi. org / 10.1097 / phm.0b013e31823d53b2

Received: 28.05.2017; approved: 06/15/2017; published online: 26.06.2017

| Pokhvoshchev Vladimir Alexandrovich |, Professor, Moscow International Higher School of Business "MIRBIS" (Institute) (109147, Moscow, Marksistskaya str., 34, building 7), Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Olga Andreevna Kolesnikova, Professor , Standalone non-profit educational organization higher education "Voronezh Institute of High Technologies" (394043, Voronezh, Lenin st., 73a), Professor of the Department of Labor Economics and Fundamentals of Management, Voronezh State University (394063, Voronezh, University Square, 1) Doctor of Economics, Professor , [email protected]

Firsova Yulia Aleksandrovna, Budgetary institution of the Voronezh region "Voronezh regional rehabilitation center for young people with disabilities" (394044, Voronezh, Kaliningradskaya st., 110), candidate of economic sciences, [email protected]

1. Problems of social cohesion: people with disability in regional communities: monograph. Ed. A. Shabunova. Vologda: 2014. p. 2. Mode of access: (date accessed: 04.24.2017). (In Russ.)

2. World report on disability. Malta, 2011. p. 9-11. Mode of access: (date accessed: 24.04.2017). (In Russ.)

3. Semenova O.V. To the question on vocational rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons in the Russian Federation. In: Materials of the International scientific-practical conference "The

problems of personality socialization in the context of continuing professional education. "VN Skvortsova, editor. Publishing house of the Leningrad state University AS Pushkin (Saint-Petersburg). 2014. p. 445-448. Mode of access: https: // elibrary .ru / item.asp? id \u003d 22886150 (date accessed: 24.04.2017). (In Russ.)

4. Gribanov V.V. Formation and development of the concept of social market economy as the theoretical basis of the modern social state. Corporate governance and innovative development of the economy of the North: Bulletin of the Research Center for Corporate Law, Corporate Governance and Venture Investment of Syktyvkar University. 2013; 2: 1-10. URL: asp? id \u003d 20888258. (In Russ.)

5. Dargan A.A. Reflection of the determinism of the social well-being and social mobility of people with disabilities in models of disability. Bulletin of the North-Caucasian State Technical University. 2011; 2: 158-161. URL: (In Russ.)

6. Dombrovskaya A.Yu. Improvement of methods of social adaptation of the disabled in Russia. News of Tula State University. Humanitarian sciences. 2015; 1: 57-65. URL: item.asp? Id \u003d 23211783. (In Russ.)

7. Kokhno P.A. Visionary people in Man and work 2011; 8: 33-35. URL: asp? Id \u003d 20694638. (In Russ.)

intellectual production.

8. Tikhomirova V.V. Targeted social assistance in the system of social protection of the population. In Yu.A. Hajiyeva, editor. Syktyvkar: SC UB RAS, 2013.138 p. (In Russ.)

9. Topilin K. Persons with disabilities in the labor market: a regional aspect. Man and work. 2011; 8: 27-32. URL: item.asp? Id \u003d 20694637. (In Russ.)

10. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, Short Version. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2001. URL: (In Eng.)

11. Bickenbach Jerome E. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health and its Relationship to Disability Studies. In: Routledge Handbook of Disability Studies. DOI: (In Eng.)

12. Moretti Marta, Alves Ines, Maxwell Gregor. A Systematic Literature Review of the Situation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health-Children and Youth Version in Education. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2012; 91: 103-117. DOI: https: // doi. org / 10.1097 / phm.0b013e31823d53b2. (In Eng.)

Submitted 05/28/2017; revised 06/15/2017; published online 06/26/2017

About the authors:

| Vladimir A. Pohvoshev |, Moscow International higher business school MIRBIS (34, Marksistskaya street, Moscow, 109147), Moscow, Russian Federation, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation

Olga A. Kolesnikova, Professor, Autonomic not-commercial educational organization of higher education "Voronezh Institute of high technologies" (73a, Lenina str., Voronezh, 394043), Voronezh State University (1, University square, Voronezh, 394063), Voronezh , Russian Federation, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, [email protected]

Yuliya A. Firsova, Budgetary institution of the Voronezh region "Voronezh regional rehabilitation center for young people with disabilities" (110, Kaliningradskaya str., Voronezh, 394044), Voronezh, Russian Federation, Candidate of Economic Sciences, [email protected]

All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

Professional rehabilitation of disabled people - consists of vocational guidance, vocational education, vocational and industrial adaptation and employment.

Social and vocational rehabilitation should be based on the fact that people with disabilities are much more difficult to adapt to negative social changes, having a reduced ability to protect themselves, due to which they are a poor part of the population.

Rehabilitation includes the following aspects:

Medical rehabilitation consisting of reconstructive surgery, prosthetics, spa treatment;

Vocational rehabilitation consists of vocational guidance, vocational training and education, assistance in employment, industrial adaptation;

Socio-environmental, socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological, socio-cultural rehabilitation, social adaptation;

Physical culture and sports;

Components of the professional rehabilitation process for the disabled:

The vocational rehabilitation program includes the following activities and services: vocational guidance; psychological correction; training; creation of a special workplace for a disabled person; vocational and production adaptation.

Vocational guidance is a system and process for determining the structure of the most developed abilities of a disabled person in order to further assess the suitability and aptitude for a particular profession, as well as to predict possible measures of assistance in his future profession.

Goal: assist a person in obtaining, in the shortest possible time, a suitable place of work in accordance with the needs of employers, the labor market, personal interests, abilities and opportunities through professional counseling, information and psychological support.

Tasks: informing and consulting disabled people in order to choose a job, work schedule, training opportunities;

orientation of disabled people in the world of professions (professional information, professional advice, professional diagnostics, psychological support); provision of professional information services to disabled people, including disabled students from among students, psychological support for disabled people employed in labor activities during the period of professional adaptation.

A necessary component of career guidance work is to ensure the choice of a profession in accordance with his own interests, inclinations and abilities.

- Psychological correction, including purposeful recovery, development, the formation of individual mental functions, abilities, skills and personality traits, lost or weakened due to illness or the characteristics of the social environment, which act as obstacles to the successful self-realization of the individual in various activities.

- Training: personal safety, which includes the acquisition of knowledge and skills in such activities as the use of gas, electricity, toilet, bathroom, transport, medicine;

Social skills, which includes the development of knowledge and skills that allow a disabled person to prepare food, clean the room, wash clothes, repair clothes, work in a personal plot, use transport, visit shops, visit consumer services;

Social communication, which includes ensuring the realization of the possibility of a disabled person to visit friends, cinema, theaters; social independence, which should be aimed at the possibility of independent living, the ability to manage money, enjoy civil rights, participate in social activities;

Providing assistance in solving personal problems, which includes providing people with disabilities with birth control, gaining knowledge in the field of sex education, raising children;

Legal counseling, which should provide legal assistance to a disabled person in the field of social protection and rehabilitation;

Training in the skills of recreation, leisure, physical education and sports, which includes the acquisition of knowledge and skills about various types of sports and leisure activities, training in the use of special technical means for this, informing about the relevant institutions that carry out given view rehabilitation.

- Creation of a special workplace for a disabled personmust ensure occupational safety, exclude the possibility of deterioration in health and injury.

The design and equipment of special workplaces for people with disabilities should be carried out taking into account the profession, the nature of the work performed, the type of disability, the degree of functional impairment and limitation of the ability to work, the level of specialization of the workplace, mechanization and automation of the production process.

Working conditions at workplaces of disabled people must comply with the Individual Rehabilitation Program for a disabled person, developed by the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise. At special workplaces for people with disabilities, optimal and acceptable sanitary and hygienic conditions of the working environment must be provided, work with minor or moderate physical, dynamic and static, intellectual, sensory, emotional stress.

1 and 2 class according to the "Hygienic criteria for assessing working conditions according to the indicators of harmfulness and danger of factors of the working environment, the severity and intensity of the labor process, approved by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia

- Vocational and production adaptationit is a system and process for determining the optimal level of production loads associated with the fulfillment of the requirements of the recommended professional activity in a specific production environment, with the adaptation of disabled people to them.

Rational labor arrangement is a system and process of organization and legal regulation of the labor activity of persons with disabilities, aimed at providing conditions for the effective implementation of their professional abilities.

The role of the social worker in its implementation. Havethe part of a social worker in the rehabilitation of disabled people has a multidimensional character, which implies not only a versatile education, awareness of the legislation, but also the availability of appropriate personality traitsallowing the disabled person to have confidence in this category of workers. Uses various methods of distracting a disabled person from a pessimistic assessment of his future, switches him to everyday interests, orients him to a positive perspective. Provides assistance in the employment of a disabled person, which can be carried out (in accordance with the recommendations of the medical labor expertise) either in normal production, or in specialized enterprises, or in home conditions. In this case, a social worker should be guided by regulations on employment, on the list of professions for disabled people, etc. and provide them with effective assistance.

Rehabilitation of disabled people - according to the definition of the federal law "On social protection of disabled people" No. 181-ФЗ dated November 24, 1995. "a system of medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic measures aimed at eliminating or as fully compensating for disabilities caused by health disorders with persistent disorders of body functions. The purpose of rehabilitation is to restore the social status of a disabled person, achieve material independence and social adaptation." ...

Rehabilitation of people with disabilities is a process and system of medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio - economic measures aimed at eliminating or possibly more complete compensation for disabilities caused by health problems with persistent disorders of body functions. The goal of rehabilitation is to restore the social status of a disabled person, achieve material independence and his social adaptation.

Rehabilitation of disabled people includes:

  • 1) medical rehabilitation, which consists of rehabilitation therapy, reconstructive surgery, prosthetics and orthotics;
  • 2) vocational rehabilitation of disabled people, which consists of vocational guidance, vocational education, vocational and industrial adaptation and employment;
  • 3) social rehabilitation of disabled people, which consists of socially - environmental orientation and social - everyday adaptation.

The World Health Organization Committee (1980) gave the definition of medical rehabilitation: "rehabilitation is an active process, the goal of which is to achieve full recovery functions impaired due to illness or injury, or, if this is an unrealistic optimal realization of the physical, mental and social potential of a disabled person, his most adequate integration into society. "Thus, medical rehabilitation includes measures to prevent disability during the period of illness and help the disabled person achieve maximum physical, mental, social, professional and economic value, which he will be capable of within the framework of the existing disease.

In recent years, the concept of "health-related quality of life" has been introduced into rehabilitation. At the same time, it is the quality of life that is considered as a characteristic that must be guided by when assessing the effectiveness of rehabilitation of sick and disabled people.

The best is the elimination or complete compensation of injuries by carrying out restorative treatment.

The basic principles of medical rehabilitation are most fully described by one of its founders, K. Renker (1980):

Rehabilitation should be carried out from the very onset of illness or injury to the full return of a person to society (continuity and solidity).

The problem of rehabilitation should be solved in a comprehensive manner, taking into account all its aspects (complexity).

Rehabilitation should be accessible to all who need it (accessibility).

Rehabilitation must adapt to the ever-changing patterns of illness, and also take into account technological progress and changes in social structures (flexibility).

Taking into account the continuity, stationary, outpatient, and in some countries (Poland, Russia) - sometimes also sanatorium stages of medical rehabilitation are distinguished.

Since one of the leading principles of rehabilitation is the complexity of the impact, only those institutions in which a complex of medical-social and professional-pedagogical activities are carried out can be called rehabilitation. The following aspects of these activities are distinguished:

The medical aspect - includes the issues of the treatment, diagnostic and treatment plan.

Physical aspect - covers all questions related to the application physical factors (physiotherapy, exercise therapy, mechano and occupational therapy), with an increase in physical performance.

The psychological aspect is the acceleration of the process of psychological adaptation to the life situation changed as a result of the disease, prevention and treatment of developing pathological psychological changes. The psychological form of rehabilitation involves the impact on the mental sphere of the disabled person, on overcoming in his mind the idea of \u200b\u200bthe futility of the measures being taken.

Professional - for working people - prevention of a possible decline or disability; for disabled people - if possible, restoration of working capacity; this includes the issues of determining the ability to work, employment, occupational hygiene, physiology and psychology of work, labor training for retraining. Successful implementation of vocational rehabilitation measures: allows you to raise the standard of living of disabled people, provide for the family, achieve economic independence; facilitates the integration of people with disabilities into society; contributes not in words, but in deeds to ensure equal opportunities for all members of society. Vocational rehabilitation of disabled people with their subsequent employment is economically beneficial for the state. Since the funds invested in the rehabilitation of disabled people will be returned to the state in the form of tax revenues resulting from the employment of disabled people. In the event of limiting the access of disabled people to professional activities, the costs of rehabilitation of disabled people will fall on the shoulders of society even more.

The social aspect - covers the issues of the influence of social factors on the development and course of the disease, social security of labor and pension legislation, the relationship between the patient and the family, society and production. Social rehabilitation is aimed at restoring lost social functions, at acquiring self-service skills, independent movement, and at returning a disabled person to society. The essence of social rehabilitation lies not only in restoring health, but also in restoring (or creating) opportunities for social functioning in the same state of health that a disabled person has. Within the framework of social - rehabilitation activities, such areas as social adaptation, social - household rehabilitation, social - environmental rehabilitation are distinguished. The process of social adaptation is a complex social phenomenon that includes various aspects of a person's life. For a disabled person, adaptive processes are associated, first of all, with a new social role for him and finding a new place in society in accordance with his new status.

The need for social and environmental rehabilitation of persons with lost functions is due to the fact that disability leads to a significant number of restrictions in the possibilities of self-care and movement, which healthy man uses it without even thinking about their importance. A disabled person, on the other hand, may be dependent on outside help for the most everyday, everyday needs.

Rehabilitation social and household infrastructure implies a sphere of life that is organized taking into account the needs of the disabled person. We are talking about the creation in the process of construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures, development of cities and other settlements of conditions that provide disabled people with equal opportunities with all citizens in obtaining education, employment, use of residential and public buildings and structures, services of social and cultural institutions ... The goal is the complete integration of the disabled person into public life, which undoubtedly corresponds to the goals of social rehabilitation in general. Thus, we can say that social - household adaptation is understood as the system and process of determining the optimal mode of social and family life of a disabled person in specific social and environmental conditions and adaptation of disabled people to them.

Economic aspect - the study of economic costs and the expected economic effect when different ways rehabilitation treatment, forms and methods of rehabilitation for planning medical and socio-economic activities. It also assumes their economic support: the payment of pensions, benefits and the provision of benefits.

The purpose of rehabilitation is to restore the social status of a disabled person, achieve material independence and his social adaptation.

For the possibility of rehabilitation for a disabled person, an individual rehabilitation program is developed - IPR. The IPR indicates the types, forms of recommended activities, volumes, terms, performers, and the expected effect. The IPR of a disabled person is mandatory for implementation by the relevant state authorities, local authorities, as well as organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

The main reasons that negatively affect the final result of comprehensive rehabilitation and social adaptation of disabled people, children with disabilities and disabled children from childhood are the lack of rehabilitation centers, qualified personnel and the lack of generally accepted methods in comprehensive rehabilitation. It is necessary to improve the standards of rehabilitation assistance to disabled people, disabled children and disabled from childhood, taking into account modern rehabilitation technologies.

At present, there is an urgent need to create a unified rehabilitation service for the disabled, to carry out comprehensive medical, social, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation measures for all categories of disabled people. The rehabilitation service for the disabled should coordinate the efforts of specialists in various fields, provide the necessary level of diagnostic and medical care, an integrated approach to the organizational, scientific and methodological support of rehabilitation measures.

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