This dream does not turn into. How do knowledge of quantum physics help turn your dream into reality? Dreams should be only yours

Have you ever had a dream? And what did you do to become a reality? Someone thinks that the dream is something invisible and intangible, something that adds an additional incentive to a person, and if the dream comes true, then life loses its meaning. Of course, such a conviction is very controversial. Just dreaming, lying on the sofa - this is useless. How to turn into reality? We offer to start right now!

Step 1. Need

Step 2. Faith in yourself
Believe in yourself and your strength. Any desire can become better if you believe and hope. Of course, one faith will not cost, but if you are not sure about your abilities, then never put a high goal. Someone dreams of self-realization in a certain professional industry, someone wants to fly into space. In any case, faith in own strength is a key to success.

Step 3. Give yourself a time
Determine the time interval for which you must implement your dream. Think rationally, do not fantasize that in a month you will learn 10 languages \u200b\u200bor earn a million. Imagine how much time you need in order to achieve a goal. To do this, you can write an approximate plan. For example, you dream of becoming famous musician. To do this, it is necessary to master the skills in this area, to practice a lot, to express yourself and much more. To study and practice will take several years, further - in circumstances. Try to meet the specified time.

Step 4. Cherry you go ...
Every day, waking up, think about that today you can do for your dream. Daily work on yourself, movement along the path with small chains - the road to the execution of your desire. Think and dream - it is half anteen, it is important to show some kind of activity.

Step 5. Resistance
Do not pay attention to skeptical comments and ulcer comments. It is clear that not everyone can split and understand your views. For some people, your dream may seem like a children's fiction or a fairy tale. Therefore, do not take misunderstandings of others close to heart. But it is worth listening to adequate critics: perhaps one of them will be able to give you a good advice.

Step 6. Awareness of the main
The most important thing is to learn how to enjoy the process of turning the dream into reality. If this case gives you discomfort, you are not satisfied with your activities, then it will not bring you happiness. Learn to enjoy every moment, because the path to the accomplishment of dreams is the road to happiness.


I am proud of my daughter who asks great questions that wants to understand how the world is arranged, which puts self-esteem goals, although there is no exact plan for how to come to them, but it goes on the steps that are available and they really promote her forward. She is clever, already now actively coming out of the paradigms of thinking of their aluminors ...

Why did I write it? ... I like her proposal, studying in grade 8, to figure out and write a report on a free topic on the subject of Ecology - "as knowledge of quantum physics affects the life of a modern person."

The resulting work will help many in a simple understandable language to disassemble their success stories, see the patterns that occur with you, to solve randomness that are not accidental .... Explain miracles, expand its idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves .... Remember how much you can yourself ...


Research work on the topic:

How do knowledge of quantum physics help turn your dream into reality?

Everything in the world is energy. Energy underlies everything. If you configure the energy frequency of the reality you want to create for yourself, then you will get exactly what your frequency is configured. This is not a philosophy. This is physics. Albert Einstein


Work student 8B class Bulavina Valeria


Great questions - the key to the doors in the new consciousness

So what is quantum physics?

Communication between energy and matter: E \u003d MC2

Why do we need goals?

Law of action

The power of faith

Main part

Practice - How to turn into reality

What is an impeccability zone and how to get it?




Great questions - the key to the doors in the new consciousness

"Specifying" eternal "questions, we discover new ways of existence in this world. It is like a sip of fresh air. This is what gives joy. Life becomes much more interesting when we discard our conviction in the "all-in-law" and stand in front of the door leading to the mystery. " Fred Alan Wolf, a physicist theorist in the field of quantum mechanics.

Great discoveries preceded great questions. Answers to these questions reveal to us what we did not know before. And the search for such answers is the only way to penetrate per Borders of the famous.

But why do not we like to ask such questions? When you ask a great question, you do not have an answer to it, and you enter the field infinite capabilities . Do you agree to get an answer that you may not like or with whom you disagree? What if he delivers you an inconvenience or to bring out of a comfortable security zone, sometime created by you? What if you hear not the answer that you were waiting for?

Now let's think about what makes a great question. The great question is not necessarily taken from philosophical treatises, he should not necessarily be dedicated global problems... but the answer to such a question can Radically change your life.

Such is the essence of the great question: he can change the life of a person ...

Most of us are asked by great questions only when they are experiencing a serious life crisis.

Small children constantly ask questions, they like to know a new one, and every day they travel to unknown and make discoveries.

So, now I wanted to find answers to the following questions.

How often do we dream, but our dreams do not bring us anywhere? Everything remains still, the changes do not occur. Although it is not so much ...

I wanted to figure out why some easily realize my dreams, everything is more confident and more confidently walking in life, revealing all the big and great opportunities, while others do not have any things, their life is becoming less and less joyful, dull and from some moment of little interest They themselves.

And more and more often hear about quantum physics, a quantum jump, quantum transition ... And I wanted to know whether the knowledge of quantum physics can be applied in ordinary daily life to implement their own .... Dream, desires for a completely anyone, even very, far from the world of science?

Initially, in a simplified form, we will get acquainted with the basics of quantum physics to understand what we are made and what this world is made from what this world is made. This is the first step to know, which will allow us to achieve that everything worked as we wish. After that, our world will change - we will never see it as you have seen before. We gain an amazing sense of involvement, feeling that all the power of the universe at our disposal.

So what is quantum physics?

You may be surprised: what does quantum physics have a quantum physics? And how can you build a house, not knowing what it is made and how to build it?

Quantum physics explains our world. Quantum physics is the study of the building blocks of the universe. For example, your body consists of cells. These cells in turn consist of molecules consisting of atoms that consist of subatomic particles like electrons. Here the world of quantum physics begins. All that surrounds us consists of "large clusters" of subatomic particles. Your body, trees, thoughts, cars, planets, light and everything else is the "clusters" of energy. All this - large groups All the same subatomic particles. The only difference between all these things is how these particles are connected to each other into building blocks, much more than these particles according to their size. Knowledge of how it works is the key to knowing how to change and create yourself how to re-create the world around you.

Subatomic particles are energy "packets", sometimes called quanta. All in this universe consists of energy, and these energy education, these "packages" show the most amazing properties! They can be managed! The reason why they add up, for example, in luxurious yachts are our own thoughts. All you want from you is to choose what you want to watch. Choose confident and definitely - and it will force energy fields with time to materialize it in this, and the speed of this materialization depends only on the clarity of your intention, your confidence and concentration.

All you do, any of your thought, like the circles, divergent from the stone thrown into the water, changes the device with the whole universe, no matter how small this change is. Quantum physics gives us to understand that our world is not something dense and unchanged, although it may look like that.In reality, the world is a very mobile, constantly changing medium that uses individual and collective thoughts of people for its formation.

Communication between energy and matter: E \u003d MC.2

It is hardly an adult who does not know this formula. Sometimes it is even called the most famous formula in the world. She became famous mankind after Einstein created his theory of relativity. According to Einstein, his formula shows not just the relationship between matter and energy, but the equivalence of matter and energy. In other words, for this formula energy can turn into matter, and matterium can turn into energy.

Turning the mass into energy you can watch directly in your hands. Light a match - and here it is. For some chemical reactions, for example, burning, energy from loss of mass is distinguished. Moreover, when you filed, food through complex chemical reactions due to the meager mass loss gives the energy that you then use to play table tennis, well, or on the sofa in front of the telecom to raise the remote and switch the channel. So when you eat a sandwich, part of its mass will turn into energy by the formula E \u003d MC2 .

Why do we need goals?

Objectives ask your thoughts the right direction in the desire for a dream. Goals focus your thoughts, give them the right form, acceptable and understandable for the universe, streamline your images and give them constancy. Proper goals are turned into a powerful and efficient effect.It is your thoughts and images that become the drawing, the scheme that your world creates is created for you and your own plan.

How many goals do you need to put in front of yourself? Be too much will never be. The most successful people have their hundreds. Some even thousands. If you want to understand why so much, you must understand the nature of the goals.

- Goals - images of our mind, this is the material that the Universe uses to create. So the more goals do you have, the more you give the universe of the working material, and there is nothing impossible for the source or too hard

- Objectives have the property "just implemented in reality", at the most unexpected time and the most unexpected way. The more goals you have, the riche will be your life experience.

- When you reach any goal, its strength disappears. You no longer have a driving force, and the universe is no longer doing something. Therefore, the more goals you have, the better.

A person with one goal will reach little than a person with a hundred. A person with a hundred goals will reach little than a person with a thousand. The smaller your goals, the smaller you reach. The more goals you put yourself, the more you get.

Law of action

Decide the task. Five frogs were sitting on the sheets, one of them decided to jump into the water. How many frogs stayed on the sheets of water lily?

Ideas do not stand without actions. Even the most insignificant action may be thereby missing link that you need to fulfill your dreams. All matters: Each action matters and each action determines how your tomorrow looks like. The universe is one big chain reaction.

Do not try to do anything. Just do it. If you are trying to do anything, the universe will try to reward your efforts. But if you just do something with determination, the universe will appreciate your determination and will answer you.

Opportunities are increasing as they use.

"Do a step, and the road will appear by itself." Steve Jobs

Maximum use the opportunities that are given to you at the moment - and it will open you the hidden ways to even great opportunities.


Confidence, faith, conviction - the necessary part of the Cituation in general, anything.

All things are so possible and impossible smoothly as well as your belief and your thoughts are clear. But in reality, nothing is impossible.

Faith give rise to perseverance and constancy. You can use perseverance to increase your faith. And with faith you will find perseverance.Being persistent, even when everything looks like, it would seem, it would be better to surrender, you increase your faith in the result and thereby create it. This is a conscious decision you are taking, as faith makes possible perseverance. Everything here is firmly connected with one another. In reality, nothing impossible does not exist.

Whenever you not noticize doubts and fear, immediately stop these thoughts; Do not let them develop.

Why does Donald Trump so rich? Because he took the opportunity to earn up to three million dollars a day. He built a model of the possibility that most other people do not have. The model of most other people allows them to get, perhaps, 300 dollars a day, but not more. He just added to the digit a chain of zeros and accepted it. He did not appear at all with a special gift.

All secret in the ability of adoption. How do you increase your level of adoption? Athletes increase it training and participating in contests. Thus, they recognize not only the boundaries of their capabilities, but also their strengths. The coach helps them, and in the end their physical capabilities increase, and some of them are becoming even Olympic champions. Why should work with consciousness occur otherwise? Should we not exactly train consciousness, increasing its capabilities?

Main part

Practice - How to turn into reality

The implementation of a dream or desire begins with thoughts - light, air, barely by caught.

Consider the stages, as being implemented, the thought in physical reality is compacted.

  1. THINK

Take the usual, all clear example. The man lies on the sofa, and suddenly he remembered that he did not rest for a long time and he wants to relax.

Thoughts in huge numbers flow through our consciousness, but we are now considering exactly the thought that we deliberately noted, turned close attention to it and began to develop. The first stage is the thought - grains that can be sowed.

  1. IDEA

We further ask ourselves promoting the question, as I want to realize my journey and begins to manifest Step 3 - the form - in our case it is a cruise. Pay attention, the person still lies on the sofa and only reflects.


Our thought increasingly acquires rigidity when we further ask yourself promoting questions as, with whom we receive the answers and the structure is manifested. For example, this is a weekly cruise on the Mediterranean Sea along with his parents.

  1. PLAN

Everything we talk about before - it was a thought action still lying on the sofa to move along the path of incarnation in the physical tangible world of our dreams from the sofa will have to get up and start to implement the plan, otherwise the dream will remain a dream, which is not destined Improte in reality. The grains that ripe it is necessary to plant, and carefully care for it: watering, giving the weeds ... Create conditions for growth.

Very often, the error is that, having acquired a dream, we will overeat: we believe that since we thought about something, it will be done. Alas, nothing will happen while we are not focus on your thoughts .

The weak link in most people are realization and daily exercises. I am very easy to read something, say: "Yes, I know" and put aside.

The paradox is that our mind consists of 2 parts: a conscious part, which is aware of the processes occurring in life, and the other - the subconscious - just the mysterious world that our behavior dictates, manages our deeds, opportunities, etc. When you put a certain purpose, declare the implementation of some intention, say what you want, then it works your conscious part, and you can really believe in it: "Yes, I want it." This is your intelligence, intellectual part of your brain. But the paradox is that a completely different part of the brain is engaged in the process of implementing and implementing the entire intentional in life.

Understand: All that puts goals is one part, conscious. A one part that helps everything in life is another part, subconscious. It is programmed without exception to repeat a certain situation over time so that you live in the future, as you lived before.

Who faced the fact that small desires come true, and when you put the global goal or the task, the slipboard begins, and in the end, come to disappointment?

Need to take into account that the universe is abundant that there is different variants development. You always have an insane number of choices, various potentials of capabilities, a large number of what can be done. But if it were a "smooth" fee, and it would be possible to go to it, then we would say that everything went for free and effortlessly. In life, however, on the contrary, the Universe gives everything, but for everything you need to pay. Pay ... effort.

The first signal is that something cool will happen in life are resistances. When we come to the path of something unknown, the feeling appears inside that we are not ready for this and you need to make efforts to overcome this step. This is a signal that we are ready and become on the path that it was necessary to get up, that we are approaching the desired desire, a dream, etc. The universe takes the efforts. Then everything is cool flowing, this suggests that the challenges were small. Call is a fee.

So, back to the further embodiment of our dreams.

When we start writing a plan, our thought from the level of information descends to the level of energy, and even more passing energy, the thought is manifested in matter.

How to fill our idea of \u200b\u200benergy and, ultimately, to compact it before manifestation in matter, that is, in obtaining a specific result we have thought.

You have sails, and you clung to anchor. Confucius

Do not look for reasons - look for opportunities. Henry Ford

No matter how big your dream - you have power and energy to achieve it. Create the necessary conditions for your own success.

  1. I want to call it and important. What it is? When a person begins to sneak into the tooth, he strides everything, unconsciously calls it important and runs to the dentist to learn pain. Therefore, it is necessary to really understand that you need it, and, accordingly, under any circumstances, the necessary time and resources for promotion to the set goal are always a priority number 1 every day.
  2. Believe that it is possible.

- I can not believe this! Said Luke Skywalker, seeing the iodine just one of the strength of thought pulls out a star fighter from the swamp.

"That's why you fail to do this," Iodine answered calmly.

k / f "Star Wars"

Your brain can all. Everything. The main thing is to convince yourself of this. Hands do not know that they do not know how to squeeze, the legs do not know that they are weak. It knows your brain. After convincing yourself that you can all, you can really all. Robert Kiyosaki

  1. Start yourself to lead as if your dream was already implemented. See how something like others do. Here the success stories in various areas of life work well - such stories are inspired, strengthen faith in their own strength and help to go further, emotions are connected that help strengthen new neural connections.

In the set goal there must be a specific and presence of Ya.

If you want to get what has never had, become those who have never been. Brian Tracy

What personality is I getting to my goal?

What habits do I need to replace to become the person who I want to become?

What way of life I will lead when I come to my goal?

What environment will be around me? It is very important with whom you go to your goal.

The goal should excite. The goal should be scale. The goal should be a grandeur!

Remember the principle of the ant - I see a goal, I do not see obstacles.

If the target is Grandman, then no barrier will stop me. The ant does not think about obstacles, but focuses on that purpose where it moves. Often plans can change, but the goal remains unchanged.

  1. Creating a visualization board. Imagine how it will look when it happens - see pictures in magazines, find information on the Internet and place images in places where you can see it during the day and get used to new images - Screensaver on the computer screen, on the phone screen, Just on the wall or separate visualization board.

What is an impeccability zone and how to get it?

When a bright interesting thought comes to us, which inspires us, then energy comes to the realization of this goal, we feel the tide of the forces. If you have not paid attention to it, then if you check. It happens this manifests as follows: you lie on the couch, tired and in general, I want to sleep ... But suddenly a phone call is heard, and you are invited to an interesting meeting ... You have a thought "I really want to go there" ... and continue almost instantly The following stages of creation, but notice how fatigue passed immediately, a dream and a vigorous state appeared, the desire to realize the plan already manifested in the head for the implementation of this thought and receiving the result, that is, to be at this desired meeting.

When the desire is not very large, then from the manifestation of the desire before receiving the result, that is, before the materialization, the stages of creation take place almost easily and simply, without much effort, but the greater the big one is your desire, the more effort or energy is required to implement it.

And in the second case, the following happens in the second way - you begin to strive for your dream and everything works out, everything goes according to plan ... But at some point it comes the time that you do everything in your opinion necessary for the realization of the dream, and nothing happens , and the internal sabotage starts to turn on, doubts "I will not succeed", "I can't do anything," the state of "I can not" ... And it is at the occurrence of this moment that most people have a rollback back ...

But if you understand what is happening during this period, it becomes easier to go through this condition. In different sources it is called in different ways, but one essence - the blind zone came - we seem to be blind, that is, we do not see the result, although we do everything that they planned or this zone is called the flawless zone - we do not see the result, but on And further perfectly perform the plan in front of it.

How much this zone does not know no one knows, it usually depends on how large it is for you this purpose, but the most important and most important thing is that this zone does not last forever, it necessarily ends. The most important thing is to believe in yourself in your capabilities that "I will succeed,", despite any obstacles.

When you're ready to give up, you are closer to your goal what you think. Edison made 10,000 unsuccessful attempts before inventing the light bulb. Walt Disney for the founding of Disneyland had to listen to 303 rejuvenations from various banks before he achieved the desired one. Do you feel pattern? If you want to achieve the desired, be stubborn and do not give up!

But when you were able to reach your dreams, especially if this dream was a real challenge, a breakthrough for you, you will feel how the tide of energy is tide, pride for yourself, comes "I CAN DO EVERYTHING". And put a new goal ...

It is impossible to give up not only after one, but after one hundred defeats. Abraham Lincoln

You did not lose until I gave up. Michael Jordan


We are constantly creating our own world. And when someone asks the question: "How can I create my reality?", It looks like ... If the fish in the ocean felt thirst and asked someone from the underwater inhabitants a sip of water, everyone would have laughed. After all, fish so live in water. We realize what we are, when we go beyond the partitions and the usual ideas. And then much becomes clear.

Check out everything yourself.

The thought is creating. In whatever situation you would have led you to your thoughts.Barbara Martiniak

If you try to check the proposed scheme, and discover that it does not work - you yourself will program your wrong. The universe will provide you with the confirmation of your world theory of any number of facts.

Acting technique can start only when you use it with faith in success!


1.David Cameron Dzhikandi "Happy pocket full of money"

2. John Assaraf and Murray Smith "Answer: How to succeed in business, find financial freedom and live happily"

3. ARTTZ, Betsy Chase, Mark Vicente "Rabbit Nora or what we know about yourself and the universe"

It often happens that, having belonging to dreams, do you achieve the desired? Returning from the world of dreams, do not know how to make a dream in reality? Believe me, the dream can become a reality and passing the training "how to turn the dream into reality", you will understand that it is possible.

Training gives an understanding of itself, helps to tune in to perform the conceived, gives impetus to the conquest of new peaks. The lessons tells about the main rule of the dream of the dream, the process of motivation is described, provided step-by-step instruction. You get confidence, faith, without which it is impossible to achieve anything.

Training Elena Vos: fulfillment of desires

Training is free of charge and consists of 3 step-by-step lessons. The learning process is very convenient, having received lessons by email, you save them, and have permanent access to your free time.

Leading training - Elena Bos, a recognized international expert in the field of women's transformation, author over 350 articles, 10 books, online speaker and offline projects. Competently can convey and prove that dreams and reality are close concepts.

Combate the training and understand that everything is in your hands, and soon the cherished dream will be incarnate.

To date, the Internet is literally shot by all sorts of equipment, rituals and rites that help to fulfill any desire. Fortunately, or unfortunately, such methods really really make it possible to achieve the desired: visualization, maps of desires and affirmations, of course, can adjust you to the necessary thoughts that motivate perfectly, but not more. To achieve something, it will take something more weighty than the steamer pictures, hollows passed on Watman. Despite the fact that everyone's wishes and goals are completely different, there are four simple and universal ways to turn any dream into reality: we will tell about them in this article.

Method first: not a dream, but a goal

The first way to turn the "air locks", which you are accustomed to holy and cherish years, in everyday reality is to learn to call things with your own names. Dreams or desires are something ephemeral and, as a rule, unnecessary. Our task is to stop at last to dream of looking into the ceiling and make the desires of Jaw. For this, first of all will have to reformulate the very concept: now it is not a "dream", and the goal: you can move to the goal and reach it, and "dream," sorry for the pun, you can only dream, and nothing more. For example, an abstract desire like "I want a car" is psychologically much harder to implement than "I want a car model A and brand N" - In the first case, the brain can simply not understand what they want from him: in the end, there are different cars. The power of human thought, of course, is great and indisputable, but in some cases one visualization will be not enough: to implement a long time, it is necessary to act actively, and moreover, act according to plan. On how to draw up a competent plan, and most importantly, how to learn him to follow - Next.

Method of the second: make a clear action plan

In order for your efforts to be in vain, and temporary and material resources were not in vain, it will be necessary to make a clear action plan, which in the end will lead to the goal. To begin with, you will need to identify two things: what time do you want to achieve your goal and what your resources and opportunities today are. Of course, it is not necessary to limit yourself, but it is desirable that your goal is at least somehow close to reality: not worth it, for example, to establish a task "accumulate to the house for three months", if you live in a small town, working on low-paid Posts and, in general, are not going to change anything. Such an approach will allow you to protect yourself from unfulfilled hopes: overestimated expectations, faced with a harsh reality, may well bring a person to depression for a long time - so that it still does not want to do anything at all.

As we have already found out the action plan, with the help of which you will achieve the desired, should be more or less close to reality - otherwise you risk quickly lose interest and motivation to business. So that your plan really worked, it would be thoroughly talking to knowledgeable people (Or even get paid consultation of a specialist - it all depends on the scale of the task): so you will spend much less time on errors that significantly slow down the process of executing your desire. However, collect useful informationwhich will fight for errors, it is quite possible and independently without resorting to the help of paid consultants. How to do this is the next part of our article.

Method Three: Collect as much information as possible.

Knowledge is power, and therefore try to arm yourself and collect as much information about your dream, or rather, already about the goal. This will not only allow you to better work out a plan (which, by the way, is at least half a success), but also will give you the opportunity if you need, change your wish. For example, if you dream about building your home, but not yet thought about the materials, necessary information On the advantages and disadvantages of the tree, stone or brick will allow you to more accurately determine the future budget, and even faster to fulfill your desire: suddenly it turns out that for one of the options you have enough money? Additional Information Expanding your horizons and your capabilities, allowing you to find the best ways to solve the task, and also helps not to make stupid mistakes, because of which all efforts spent on the achievement of the goal can go to the Nammark.

Four way: Do what you can, even if it seems to you that this is not

Many people believe that they have not enough opportunities to achieve the desired, however it is often not so. Of course, today, not all people have the same amount of money or opportunities, but each has certain resources: the "recipe" success often lies only in the fact that some of the existing means are competent, even if they are small, and as a result, achieve success Whereas others, having much greater opportunities, because of their inability to correctly distribute resources to fail. Nothing is galloping to start with a small one, no: unlike those who just dreams, you do at least something that brings you to the goal. In addition, already in the process you can get motivation, thanks to which you think about how you can do more to achieve the desired: it would be stupid to miss such a chance.

As you can see, everyone who is not afraid of labor and difficulties can turn the dream into reality: it's just that nothing is given. Here, many may argue - they say, we all have seen children of rich parents who live on all the prepared and sometimes even a finger of the finger will not hit the elementarily to cook for a breakfast or point out the bed. The share of truth in this, of course, is, but do not forget that such children also pay for wealth, which are used, even if you do not notice this: often they have to choose the profession that parents chose (otherwise - no support and twisted how you want ), keep a certain lifestyle (for example, accompany parents at various meetings, even if this does not want this), they often do not see these richest parents finally. It is often the first thing you need to do to achieve your goal, whether it is to buy your own apartment, a new car or the implementation of a business project, it is to stop envy: In our article you will find several ways that will help you cope with this feeling . Envy forms in your consciousness a negative installation associated with money, and you can even unknowingly begin to avoid them - and they could help with the implementation of your desire! Tell us in the comments about what you think about dreams: Is it worth building "air locks", or is it just preventing what you want? Leave your answers in the form of comments on our site, and do not forget to click on the buttons: Be sure to share our publication in social networks and

Did you feel that you are fatally tired of everything going around you?

Have you ever come home after a long day, barely dragged my legs, because you have tried to please all in addition to yourself?

Well, I must confess - once I was the same and felt the same.

Most of my life was worried about too many people who did not deserve this attention. Tested terrible stress because of all the little things, which did not even succumb to my control. I provided emotional support for those people who forced me to ultimately understand the bitter truth - they were spitting on my emotions, they perceived this concern as due.

And then, reaching the limit, looked at the surrounding eyes.

And the first truth was the awareness that no one forced me to worry and worry about other people's opinions. Nobody forced to worry about things, completely impossible to my control. No one forced me to spend years on people I am indifferent. Nobody turned me into a pessimistic and depressive person.

I myself did it all with me.

There was a time when I was convinced that I was simply not lucky. That all this happens because it is destined to be a loser that the universe for some reason fell on me (I don't know why).

Just think, because I was really sure that in my misfortunes were to blame external factors And other people.

Finally, I left this disturbing look at the world and my own life behind my back. To do this, I had to do a long way, but I did it all.

The art of self-esteem is, first of all, in awareness of their own significance, the ability to defend against negative external phenomena, as well as the ability to pay attention to the events and people who really are worthy.

The meaning of respect for himself is to, first of all, focus on his own difficulties. Because if you do not do this, then no one else will do this for you too. In addition, surrounding and not obliged to do it. You yourself must be responsible not only for your own actions, but also for their consequences.

Mastering art is not worried about superfluous and unnecessary - it means to stop accepting things that you hate. It means to stop agreeing with the opinion of other people only to enjoy it.

This means - not content with a mediocre life, barely warm love, stagnant relationships, not bringing joy to work, a small salary, fake friends and disrespect. It means to get out of the cozy and warm comfort zone, no matter how terrible and dangerous is the outside world of your shell.

This means for the first time for long years, To become slightly selfish - precisely because you finally realized the meaning of the concept of "self-esteem." This means, finally, put yourself in the first place in the world, where no one will appreciate your loyalty and devotion.

To master the art of self-esteem and stop worrying about others - it means to grow yourself a couple of eggs in the metaphorical plan, and to learn how to defend your interests. This means that you have to find enough courage to get up and voice your opinion, even if it is very different from others.

And when you finally achieve this almost divine state of mind, when you realize that the only person who has control over your actions and your life is you yourself ... Then you will become disbounds.

Uncompresentable, but not at all invulnerable.

Because only in vulnerabilities you can truly open yourself.

When you become fully honest with yourself, when laying out all the cards on the table and open fragility and vulnerability in yourself ... only then you will become freedom. Free from Rusty Cell, in which they signed up!

Publisher: Gaya - September 18, 2019

In the end, life is not only sunlight and smiles. On the way there will still be difficulties, and sometimes you will be bad. But without it, you will not be able to appreciate the good moments, and therefore do not despair if life suits you tests.

Instead, when something goes wrong, as you wanted, just remove from this lessons and develop. And you can reconfigure your mind so as not to give negative thoughts to master them.

How to do it?

At one time, Psychiatrist Viktor Flank spoke about "will to meaning." He advised a person to ask his life, what she expects from him, and not the opposite - to expect something from her.

Being in the Nazi concentration camp, he was convinced of the ability of people to find sense everywhere, even in the most terrible suffering. This experience is Frankl and used to create its treatment method - logotherapy. Its essence is this: you are trying to find and understand the meaning of every moment in your life, whether it is negative, neutral or positive.

Below are 4 words about which you need to think about the next time you find yourself close to despair or feeling of internal empty.

I see the point of ...

As soon as you say this phrase, try to finish it to see what the meaning in your particular situation. It doesn't matter how bad it is, you can always find a drop of positive hidden in moments. All you need to find it.

Believe me, these 4 words can help you go through dark times and it is better to understand the plans of the universe. You have to ask yourself: what is waiting for life from me at this very moment when I ran into all these things?

Yes, sometimes life is waiting for we will be sad, regret the loss or in despair. But as soon as you realize that there is a certain meaning in your sufferings, they will become much easier to survive.

Often the search for meaning is the first step towards healing. They open our ways to cope with what is happening. Yes, they do not have pain, but this is not their purpose. The meaning gives us relief and peace, as short-term they would be.

Publisher: Gaya - September 18, 2019


7 affirmations that will help avoid melancholy and sadness.

At the beginning of the new year or the new season it is useful to establish intentions for this time. They ask us the direction where to move and how. It can help avoid autumn melancholy and disturbing thoughts.

Determine these intentions for the autumn season, write plans and goals that would like to implement and achieve, then you will be easier to not notice cloudy weather and dirt under your feet, so you will have a certain lighthouse.

These intentions can be your mantle or affirmation during the day or during meditation. You can record them on a leaflet and hang on a prominent place to serve you with a reminder:

I send my attention to really important things

In everyday affairs, it is very easy to lose focus of attention and lose sight of truly important things. Do not forget to pause and ask yourself, which is a priority for you at the moment.

I slow down

After a summer holiday and at the beginning of the work season, we begin to "accelerate" to catch everything immediately. It is not surprising that after several months of such a race we have no strength, no desires. Stop being "reachable", and start enjoying the process yourself.

I care about myself

I live in harmony and balance

Follow your principles and make a list of cases that for you in priority. Learn to find a support primarily in yourself. Do not give in to the manipulation of others, remember your borders even with close people.

I am happy with small victories

It is important to learn to live in the moment, to appreciate every day of your life and rejoice even to small achievements. The big goal is achieved by small steps, do not be too strict with yourself, praise yourself for doing even small tasks.

I develop flexibility

Not everything in life happens as we would like, and as we planned. It is necessary to learn to take circumstances as it is. For example, if you are stuck in the road traffic jam for several hours, anger and irritation will not help you.

Difficulties, difficulties, unpleasant situations, problems are given to us for our growth and development.

Flexibility is power. Develop the flexibility of mind and awareness to make it easier to overcome obstacles and take what is happening.

I act from love

From love to your business and others. Showing compassion to others, no longer getting angry or quarrel. Always keep two questions in your mind - "Why am I doing this?", "What can it lead to?" So it will be easier to control emotions.

Decide with the intentions for autumn, you can choose them from this list or make your own. Push your plans and act in the direction of your goals. Every season gives us the opportunity to work on yourself and change something in your life.

Publisher: Gaya - September 18, 2019


Why maybe it seems that we do it wrong, and how to correct the situation?

For many of us, meditation appears in the form of a key to calm and happiness. In an attempt to stop the flow of negative thoughts, we sit down in the lotus pose, but only more thoughts. It seems to us that we do something wrong.

To meditate, it is not necessary to fit into special clothes, use a pillow and desire to achieve Nirvana. The word "meditation" is surrounded by many clichés who begin to scare and impede practice. Instead, start using "awareness."

Science awareness

Awareness - an attempt to draw attention to what is happening around, body and mind. The main way to do it is to breathe. Deep breaths activate parasympathetic nervous systemresponsible for rest and restoration.

Sit on the rug, close your eyes and focus on the breath. Start counting the duration of breaths and exhale, by this you will help the body and the brain relax, which will have a positive effect on your health.

Try these 5 simple techniques if you think that you are not able to meditate.

Basic breathing

This technique will help you not to be distracted by disturbing thoughts, and you can perform it at any time and anywhere. Calm you will feel in a few minutes.

Breathe evenly and slowly, consider every exhalation. Take up to 5 and start first. But if you counted up to 10 or 15, then - your mind wanders. You need to start counting again and only to 5.

"Square" breathing

Imagine that draw the square in the air. For a start, you can led the index finger in the air or immediately present with open or closed eyes. Repeat several cycles.

Inhale: 1-2-3-4 - left side

Delay: 1-2-3-4 - upper side

Exhale: 1-2-3-4 - right side

Delay: 1-2-3-4 - lower side

Voltage and relaxation

Lie on a rug with closed eyes. Strain the muscles of stop, legs, abdominal muscles, squeeze the fists, tighten your shoulders to the ears. For a few seconds, stay in this position, then release the voltage and relax. Repeat 2-3 times.

This technique will help you better realize your body and feel the difference between tension and relaxation.

5 feelings

When you focus on touch, taste, hearing, eyesight and smell, you notice what is happening around. Creatively approach the practice of awareness and this technique.

For example, use aroma oils For smell, delicacies - for taste, photos - for vision, toy / pillow for touch, favorite music - for sound. To get a larger effect, use only favorite things.

Close your eyes and focus on each of the senses or choose only one thing. Slow your breath and perceive your feelings.

Breathing belly

Take a comfortable position and put one or two hands on the stomach. Slowly breathe deeply and imagine how your belly is filled. This will help the makismal amount of oxygen to get into the lungs. Immediately imagine how it is empty. Often, people breathe in the opposite way: the stomach is drawn on the breath, in exhalation - pushed.

Perceive the daily practice of awareness as a training session for your mind. We have to train it in the same way as we train the body - regularly and with dedication.

Publisher: Gaya - September 18, 2019


What is so bad "Comfort Zone", and why we need to go out of it.

When we hear the word "Comfort", we have pleasant associations. Comfort is what many seek in life: house, clothing, atmosphere and even relationships.

We say: "I feel comfortable," confirming it that everything is fine. And only psychologists see in this word a trap and constantly call us to leave the so-called "comfort zones".

Often this zone for a person becomes his usual life. And his many complaints have accumulated for this life, "the work has long been pleasure, the relationship does not develop, the dreams have long been waving a hand. From comfort, such life is very far away.

But a person is not in a hurry to change it. The reason for this becomes a banal fear, no matter how worse.

Unloved work - but the money is paid, the relationship cause pain - but you can stay alone alone. And dreams of a house on the sea remain just beautiful picture in the journal.

Sometimes something to change to fear is mixed. So that the dreams and desires become a reality, it is necessary that they turn into a goal. And the goal requires steps to achieve it.

So it turns out that it is much more comfortable to continue to live that measured life with stable problems than try to change it.

We dream of dreaming, however, we continue. And then our life turns into an eternal "zone of waiting." We are waiting for favorable circumstances, there will be some people and give us a helping hand or will do everything for us - something will change itself for the better.

But it does not happen. Making once over and the same, you can not expect another result.

To fly on the plane, you must first get out of the expectation zone. The plane is waiting, but only on us depends on whether we will sit in it or we will miss a flight for a flight, tightening fear and doubts.

Psychologists claim that fear accompanying us when we decide to change your life, it's good. He shows that everything goes as it should, and we are moving towards our goal. The main thing to continue to go ahead, even if the exit is not yet visible, even if it became even worse.

Churchill has an expression: "If you go through hell - do not stop." Even small timid steps can entail big changes.

  • Describe what you want to see your life in all its aspects. Reformulate dreams in the goal. Write them down. Now imagine your goals are already achieved. What was your life? If you like the feeling, then proceed to implement.
  • Spice each goal to smaller, make a plan. It will help to remove the alarm and fear that you must immediately turn your life from the legs. Move at least small steps.
  • Do not worry that in the process your goals and plans may change. It is absolutely normal. Your life must eventually become the same as you want to see it.
  • Sample your own desire, feel it. Is it really yours? How will you feel when it is fulfilled? If everything is in order, move in this direction. If not - change goals until they are completely satisfied.

The big path begins from the first step. Leave the waiting room, exit an imaginary comfort zone and finally live your life.

Elena Kuzmenkova

Publisher: Gaya - September 18, 2019


Of course, we are by our nature and there are happiness. But as long as we all have not reached at least one of the types of samadhi, let's deal with what external attributes can we clear the way to this authentic accommodation itself.

Quality communication

It is through communication that a woman can become relaxed and calm - when she can exercise her emotions, without having without holding them down, in full confidence that she is safe.

Liberation from her thoughts in the head, sophisticated feelings and experiences makes a woman calm and satisfied. The most direct and short road for it is to such an extent to develop confidence in yourself, to be able to open a partner especially when to do this is the most difficult.

If her partner is quite wise, to just listen to a woman carefully, and not react, sending his emotions in response or trying to solve her problem, a woman can easily feel relaxation and liberation.


A woman should feel that it is realized that her creative nature is in demand and can manifest itself without restrictions.

A modern woman who is discovered by the knowledge of yoga and the opportunity to act in society, is not enough to be a mistress, even if she read everything in the world "Family Vedas" and has overwhelmed all lectures on the "right woman."

A modern woman is similar to a ten goddess: its energies and creativity grabs everything if she can give him freedom and include self-discipline when necessary.

The problem begins when the woman sickly connects several of his divine hands, and they begin to interfere with it.

Creative manifestation needs a woman like sunlight. And, if she limits himself only with a family hearth or a lot of time at work, which does not bring her joy, sunlight begins to disappear.

A woman increasingly feels discontent, but really does not understand what it applies to. Exit from this situation is to start doing at least something that really pleases. Take some kind of occupation and promise yourself not to miss the day without him.

Or come up with a goal, a creative project, let the small, but necessarily such that would be able to estimate even 3 other people.


The main need of a woman is a sense of security. This is what she is waiting for from a man: that he will bring in her life stability and confidence in tomorrow.

The paradox is that no man can give her to give it until she herself finds the inner support - a feeling of complete security in an infinitely changing world.

Communication with nature helps here. Well, if there is a park or forest near the house, but even better if there is time and the opportunity to lie down the belly on earth or even sit on a few hours on the tree. When it rains, do not hide under the umbrella, touching, but openly take the element with straightened shoulders.

Trust is the quality of the element of the Earth, the first chakra. Therefore, it will also be good for all practices for Molandhara and a permanent training of Asan, in which you need to stand on one or two legs. (For example, Visarabhadsana or Parcshasana).

To be relaxed, but at the same time concentrated and creative is the main challenge and blessing of a woman. When she stays in this state, its presence itself becomes healing. It is not even necessary to do something - everything is happening.

Publisher: Gaya - September 18, 2019

monday, September 16, 2019

"Block energy" means that you have fewer strength, money and reasons for joy every day. And more and more reasons in order to be offended by fate and defend themselves from life.

Do not want such an existence? Exclude these 4 habits from your life:

To complain

Remember: There is not a single place on Earth where you could complain. No matter how difficult is your situation, know that melting out loud - only aghesive it. No need to wear a mask "Everything is just wonderful." But also emphasize negative sides His life means to make it harder and worse.

To gossip

There is nothing tempting than to discuss someone's behavior, published beyond the ideas about good man. But as soon as you did it - know that they have taken responsibility and the consequences of the behavior of this "non-good" person on themselves.

Do you know how to make everything in the team treated you well? Speak compliments to other people behind them.


This habit must have been formed with you not one year - and get rid of it in a couple of days will not work either. Remember one wording: "Let the heart be fixed in the sky." Then the energy will move freely along the spine, and you will not only feel good, but also know what you need to do at the moment, and what does not fit you at all.

Hold breath

The next time, in any tense moment or even during some negative thought or emotion, - pay attention to your breathing. In 9 cases out of 10, you will find that involuntarily detained it. As soon as they discovered this - immediately begin to breathe, and cycling the aperture, rounding the stomach on the breath.

Watch: Such informed breathing very often leads to the fact that the intense situation dissolves without your participation.

Publisher: Gaya - September 16, 2019


It makes no sense to give all the strength to care for loved ones until you learned to love yourself. To give love is needed excess. To be an excess, you first need to learn how to handle your emotions and body. These 5 exercises will help to see their value.

Separate self-criticism and inner me

The way to find out the difference between them is to record your thoughts. On one sheet of paper, write negative thoughts about yourself - criticism. On another sheet, write qualities that you have in reality.

Write the facts, separate the correct, structural criticism from the patient and excessive. Remember that your negative thoughts do not define the one who you are.

Speak the words of love

To perform this exercise, you need several people: family members, friends. Each of them will be the object of discussion. You will talk about them. Alternately tell everyone about the qualities and strengths that you appreciate them. Tell them why you love them.

Create positive affirmation

Write your statements in the present time. Focus on who you are. Show love for yourself. Write not from an unauthorized person, but from myself. Examples of affirmations:

  • I am a good person
  • I deserve love and respect
  • I accept myself and love

Repeat the installation any number of times. You can repeat in the morning to fill the remainder of the day with love and loved ones.

Remember that everyone is equal

Do not compare yourself with others and do not speak phrases: "They are better than me," I do not deserve what they have. " This is the wrong course of thoughts. Remember that all people are equal and deserve love and happiness. And you are among these people.

Put one's love

One of the ways of expressing love - touch. We kiss and hug the expensive people for us. Hold hands and make a massage. You can apply it to yourself. Hug yourself by the shoulders, make a foot and neck massage. Relax the body with yoga is also a manifestation of care and love for yourself.

Publisher: Gaya - September 16, 2019


What is your understanding of financial freedom? From an economic point of view, financial freedom is unlimited material and monetary resources, steady passive income, the lack of debts and loans and active "working" accumulations, for example, in the form of a contribution.

In the presentation of so many people, financial freedom includes a huge amount of material benefits that can be bought for money: an apartment, a car, yacht, real estate abroad ... For example, the participants in the first lesson on the transfing season "Monetary Season" to Tatiana Samarina's question about What is financial freedom answered the following: "Do not think about money," "Allow everything", "buy everything that wants" ...

However, before you, perhaps, agree with this, we suggest you think - is it really what you need? Is this what is your soul asks? Or are you just the habit of repeating someone's thought that "each successful man Be sure to have ... "- and then on the list.

What is financial freedom for transfing?

From the point of view of transrefing, money is primarily an attribute of the target, that is, something that goes into your life while you are moving to your goals. Also, the money is a pendulum, that is, at the expense of which system manipulates, and money is energy. Accordingly, we consider the very topic of relationships with money not with generally accepted, but from a slightly different point of view.

Financial freedom for transfing is not only not so much luxury attributes. First of all, it is an understanding of what you actually want to do in life, understanding your true goals that you inspire you and give you the point of waking up in the morning. This is the ability to do what you like that inspires you and fills you.

For example, you are doing business, and not because you want a lot of money, but from a completely different motive: to share with the world and there are thereby best that you can offer them, yours better qualities, skills, knowledge or ideas. You are not working because it is necessary, but because you sincerely like your business. When you implement your true goal, financial well-being becomes a natural consequence and confirmation of what you are on the right track.

Financial freedom is not in outdoor world, not in what surrounds you, and within you - in your consciousness. When your consciousness is free from negative installations, from other people's programs, from imposed stereotypes and scenarios, in which you "fall asleep" - then you have a real freedom. After all, even the person who owns plants, yachts, real estate, can not be free financially: if it is not free in his thoughts, if everything comes up, and money does not bring satisfaction. If he constantly seeks to overtake his friends and partners, buy a car cooler than a neighbor, to buy another yacht, one more ... This race is infinite, and very many in it forget about their true purposes and destination.

In this video, Tatyana Samarin says what is the financial freedom on transfing, and how to achieve it in the conditions of the new time!

How to achieve financial freedom for transfing?

1. To be founded with old programs and scenarios on money - not only by your personally, but also universal, because the money is the strongest pendulum, which has been there for several millennia. The first step to financial freedom is to get independence from destructive patterns of thinking and behavior, negative installations and in general any borders in the subconscious. When your consciousness is free - you get what you really want. Knowledge of Taphty and the energy of the new time allow you to "wake up" in the old inefficient scenario and ask for yourself absolutely different reality.

2. Understand your true goals. Think not from logic and mind that tells you: "I guess I want a country house" or "Every successful person must have a good car," and listen to the desires of your soul, which can quietly whisper to you at all about the other.

3. To gain knowledge that the universe is abundant, and the money will have enough money to feel it and really feel on yourself. This knowledge is on the level of solid confidence: "I am a really rich man, money come to me with ease, I always have enough money." When you acquire this knowledge and enter this condition, you begin noticeable changes in physical reality. It is then that you become financially free truly!

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