How to make redcurrant jelly for the winter: a classic simple recipe and dessert options with an original taste. Cooking tender redcurrant jelly according to the recipe Redcurrant jelly how to do

In the midst of summer, a very burning topic is how to make redcurrant jelly. Do you have your favorite winter recipe? If not, read on, I'll tell you how I make jelly with and without cooking, with gelatin and without gelatin, poured in a slow cooker in a cold way.

Why jelly? Because red currant is more suitable than any other garden berry. Ruby color, transparent as glass, fragrant and indescribably tasty. And how many useful things are there. You can just eat with a spoon, drinking tea, and if you want, then put it in pastries.

  • 1 How to make redcurrant jelly delicious recipes for the winter
    • 1.1 A simple recipe for redcurrant jelly for the winter
    • 1.2 Redcurrant jelly for the winter without cooking step by step with a photo
    • 1.3 Redcurrant jelly five minutes
    • 1.4 Redcurrant jelly through a juicer
    • 1.5 Cold red currant jelly
    • 1.6 Redcurrant jelly recipe with gelatin
    • 1.7 Redcurrant jelly - video
    • 1.8 Red currant jelly in a slow cooker

How to make redcurrant jelly delicious recipes for the winter

The most interesting thing is that you can do without gelatin or other gelling additives during cooking, the properties of this berry are such that it gels by itself due to the large amount of pectin.

Jelly is made from the juice of the berry, so that it is really transparent, you need to prevent the seeds and skin from getting into the final product. For cooking, I always use a fine sieve and a wooden pusher or spatula. It is better to take a sieve not metal, but kapron, because the currant berry is sour and quickly breaks down the metal.

We know that redcurrant contains a "champion" amount of vitamin C, in order to preserve it for the winter, jelly is made without boiling, but in this case it must be stored only in the cold and for a very short time. If you do not have such an opportunity, then it is better to make a blank according to the simplest recipe.

A simple recipe for redcurrant jelly for the winter

For the simplest recipe, we will need to take:

  • Two kilos of berries
  • Kilo of sugar

How to make jelly:

We take only ripe berries, but not overripe, without damage, so that everything is elastic to the touch. We carefully cut off the stalks and ponytails so that we do not spoil the taste. We wash the berries well, and you don’t need to soak them in water, just rinse them in a colander with handfuls and that’s it. Remove excess moisture.

You can grind the berries quickly with a blender, you can also through a meat grinder, the main thing for us is to make gruel out of them so that we can squeeze the juice. By the way, I don’t do it through a juicer, a lot of juice remains in the cake, and seeds sometimes get into it.

We gradually drive the resulting mass through a sieve, with the help of a wooden pusher it is quite fast. Then we pour the resulting juice into a stainless steel container, if there is none, then you can use an enameled one.

Juice in its pure form is about a liter, pour a kilogram of sugar into this amount and begin to slowly heat, stirring all the time. So the sugar will completely dissolve quickly. If you have a lot of juice, then do not make jelly at once from the entire amount, divide it into parts so that it does not burn.

The finished jelly will be liquid until it cools, so do not worry, pour it into small sterilized jars and roll up the lids. You can’t turn over, leave the jars to cool completely naturally, then lower them into the cellar.

Redcurrant jelly for the winter without cooking step by step with a photo

Who wants to eat delicious vitamins all winter, there is a recipe for jelly without cooking. There is one “but” here - it will be necessary to store the live product in the refrigerator. But there are those who add more sugar and then the preservation can be stored simply in a cool place.

Jelly without cooking - step-by-step instruction:

We will use only berries and sugar, on a one-to-one basis, and the volume is measured not by the berry itself, but by the resulting juice.

We twist the already washed berries through a meat grinder or chop in a blender, as you prefer.

We wipe the berry mass through a sieve.

Add sugar according to the norm.

Stir the juice and give a couple of hours for the sugar to completely disperse.

Before packing the jelly, mix well. We lay out in sterile jars and put it in the refrigerator without turning over.

Redcurrant jelly five minutes

The five-minute recipe always helps out if you need to quickly put the berry in jars. This option can be stored both in the refrigerator and in the cellar, and just in a cool room, jelly stays all winter, because it is boiled.

How to make five-minute jelly at home:

In this case, we take such a norm, for a kilo of berries - a kilo of sugar. The berry must be washed, sorted and whole, without damage. After washing, you need to dry it, I just sprinkle it on a towel for a few minutes in an even layer.

We make juice from the berry in any way that is more convenient for you, in the old fashioned way, some years are stewed and rubbed through a sieve, I just grind it in a blender.

We fall asleep in the juice norm granulated sugar, stir and heat slowly until it boils. The temperature should be as low as possible so that it does not burn. Always make sure that this does not happen, stir regularly with a wooden or plastic spatula.

After boiling, about five minutes should pass, it should boil evenly. Immediately remove the jelly from the heat and pack it in such a hot form in jars. Before you twist them, you need to cover the neck with parchment, only then close the lids. Cooled jelly can be stored anywhere.

Redcurrant jelly through a juicer

I have a Rosinka juicer, but all housewives know how to assemble and disassemble it, especially since sometimes it skips seeds and the jelly is no longer so beautiful. Therefore, I use a mechanical juicer, it is much faster in assembly and squeezes well.

Cooking jelly through a juicer:

It is important for us to take berries of about the same ripeness, not watery. If you have your own currants, do not collect them immediately after the rain, the jelly will be liquid and tasteless. That is why it needs to be washed quickly, then spread on a towel to dry. You also need to carefully remove all the branches and only then pass through the juicer.

By the way, do not throw away the remaining cake, it can be dried on a baking sheet and added to tea or pastries in winter. You can cook compotes on it or add it to winter berry preparations.

The resulting pure juice is poured into a stainless saucepan and we measure the sugar at the rate per liter of juice, a kilogram, two hundred grams of sugar. Stir and set to heat slowly. We are waiting for the moment of boiling, remove from heat and immediately pack in sterile jars.

Cold currant jelly

This recipe is obtained in the same way, without cooking, therefore, in a cold way. We save all the vitamins, plus we make such a blank that can be safely stored simply on a shelf in a cabinet or pantry.

Cooking process:

Grind the berries with a blender or through a meat grinder and run through a sieve to get pure juice. Next, you need to measure the amount of juice in order to know how much sugar to fill, we will do one to one and a half, so that the product is stored better.

Stir the sugar in a circle in the juice until it is completely dispersed and the gelling process begins. Then, as usual, we lay it out in jars and put it away for storage.

Redcurrant jelly recipe with gelatin

Although there is a lot of pectin in the berry, but with gelatin the jelly is thicker, holds its shape better and is great for baking.

We will take a kilo of berries:

  • 600 grams of sugar
  • 20 grams of edible gelatin
  • One third of a glass of water

How will we cook:

Pour gelatin with water and leave to swell. In the meantime, let's take care of the berries, rinse, cut off the tails and pass through a meat grinder. Pass the resulting mass through a sieve.

There is a way that speeds up the whole process, you need to add quite a bit of water to the washed berry and stew it until it becomes soft, while cutting off the tails is not necessary. Then we wipe it through a sieve and the juice is ready.

We put it together with the addition of sugar to heat up and also heat the gelatin until it becomes liquid. Pour it into the juice in a thin stream, stir and pack in jars. Banks can not be turned over, we remove the cooled ones for storage.

Redcurrant jelly - video

Jelly from red currant berries in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, jelly turns out to be thick and without gelatin, and most importantly, you don’t need to stand and watch over it. Very comfortably.

How to cook jelly in a slow cooker:

We will add sugar at the rate of one to one, only not to the berry, but to the volume of juice. Half a liter half a kilo of sugar. Mix well and pour into a bowl. It remains to set the mode of stewing or jam for twenty minutes and the jelly is ready. Pack hot into jars and let cool.

Red currant jelly

Currant jelly

Red currant is not as velvety-thick inside as black, it has a lot of watercolor berry sourness and bones are felt. Of course, it is pleasant to nibble red currants from the twigs, feeling how you are filled with vitamins. But even better is to make redcurrant jelly.

Exactly this tasty dish with currant, which can be eaten as an independent dessert, and used in other delicious dishes!

Washed red currant

1. Redcurrant jelly (without boiling, cold method)

1.1. Proportions

  • For 1 liter of juice, 5.5 cups of sugar (1.25 kg = 1 kg + 1 heaping glass).

1.2. How to make cold redcurrant jelly

  • Prepare berries: rinse in cool running water, dry and pick the berries from the branches. (Some people wash with boiled cool water, but I think this is not necessary).
  • Squeeze currant juice: ceiling the berries, and then strain the puree through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.
  • Mix juice and sugar in the above ratio until the sugar dissolves (to speed up the process, you can slightly warm this currant syrup, stirring constantly).
  • Unpack and close: as soon as the sugar has dissolved, pour the syrup into prepared jars, cover with a nylon lid or parchment on top (tie the parchment with twine or pull off with an elastic band for money).
  • Keep redcurrant jelly in this package until spring in the refrigerator or cellar (but usually it is eaten much earlier!).

Currant jelly like a ruby))))

Redcurrant contains a lot of gelling agents and acids, so it keeps well. Such berry jelly can be boiled or cold jelly is prepared (without heating the juice at all or only slightly warming it to dissolve the sugar).

If you want to get high quality jelly, transparent, without impurities, you don’t need to apply force and squeeze out all the puree from the berries, take only that part of the liquid that drains from them by itself (stir the berry mass with a spoon, helping the juice drain).

What to do if currant jelly is not frozen

Properly cooked currant jelly solidifies in the process of transferring to jars (turns into jelly as it cools). If suddenly your jelly is completely fluid and does not solidify, you can put it back on the fire and heat it for another 2-3 or 5 minutes, depending on the thickness of your syrup. As soon as you see that a pink coating remains on the walls of the dishes (that is, the syrup already sticks slightly to the walls of the basin or pan), then you can pour the jelly into jars.

It is better to cook jelly in a low wide basin so that the evaporation surface is higher and the jelly thickens faster. The larger the volume of berries and the narrower and taller the dishes, the more time it will take to cook the jelly.

Where to put cake from berries

From the cake from the berry puree, you can cook compote - throw it into a pot of boiling water, boil for a minute or two and let it brew.

Currant jelly can be added to other confectionery products, soufflés, creams, cocktails, ice cream, fruit salads, put in tea, and prepared from jelly fruit drinks.

This is how redcurrant grows, it is harvested directly with twigs, with a whole brush, and then, after washing and drying, it is separated from the twigs. If you immediately pick currants without twigs, it will choke and release juice during transportation


A glass = 250 ml of water = 250 g of water, this is the volume of an ordinary tea glass, which used to be placed in a cup holder. A simple measuring cup (measuring cup) can replace it.

A faceted glass is 1/5 less than a tea glass, its capacity is 200 g.

In the recipe, a large glass = 250 ml is always implied, in the case of using a faceted glass, this is negotiated separately.

A bowl of currants waiting to be processed into jelly.

Red jelly is delicious on its own, and with tea, and with a bun!

Redcurrant is valued for the content of a whole range of nutrients and trace elements. It contains pectin, folic acid, vitamin complex of group B, iron. In summer, the berry is available, but freeze a large number of it won’t work, but in winter, when the body is weakened by beriberi, you won’t find it anymore. The best option is to make redcurrant jelly with your own hands. This is a very tasty, healthy treat for the whole family, which will support health in cold period of the year. The calorie content of the dish will not harm your figure.

Each housewife has her own secrets for preserving currant jelly. Some are cooked hot, others cold. Small cans are used, they are rolled up with a key or a euro cap. Here are some tips for making jelly:

  • Do not use metal objects to turn berries into puree, this increases the likelihood of fruit mass oxidation.
  • Instead of instant gelatin, use natural pectin, which is healthier than artificial powder.
  • Use agar-agar to get a dense jelly structure. This ingredient will add an additional amount of useful substances to the finished product.
  • The berries themselves are sweet. Some cooks do not add sugar, being content with the glucose of the currant itself. Others prefer to sweeten the dish to reduce the risk of oxidation, spoilage of the blanks.
  • Before starting conservation, pay attention to the preliminary preparation of containers, wash the jars well, sterilize.
  • Filter thick juice from berries through gauze, exclude cuttings or cake from getting into the finished mass.

How to make redcurrant jelly without cooking

The process of making jelly begins with proper preparation. The berries should be washed well, cut off the cuttings, trying to crush the fruits.

  1. Then dry the currants well so that the remaining water does not get into the final product.
  2. To puree, use a wooden pestle, blender, or a quality juicer. You can not crush the berries with an iron object or twist in a meat grinder.
  3. Then carefully squeeze the resulting mass through a dense cheesecloth or sieve.
  4. Jelly juice is ready.
  5. Add sugar to the resulting liquid, stir until completely dissolved. A method of partial heating of the juice is known (a microwave is used with a mode not higher than 40 degrees), this increases the rate of dissolution of granulated sugar in the liquid.
  6. Pour the finished syrup into containers and close.
  7. The resulting sweetness will be stored until spring without significant loss of taste and benefits.

How to make with gelatin

If you want to make jelly beautiful color with a dense consistency, use gelatin. The substance does not cause much harm to the body in limited doses. Gelatin will help the dish stay in its original shape longer (it is used to make marmalade). Necessary ingredients for making jelly:

  • red currant (150 grams);
  • gelatin (2 tablespoons);
  • water (600 ml);
  • lemon juice (1 tablespoon);
  • granulated sugar to taste.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Before cooking, soak gelatin in warm water for 35 minutes. Take about 1 cup of water per 1 tablespoon of the substance.
  2. After the gelatin is completely dissolved, add sugar to it, bring to a boil, let cool slightly.
  3. Grind the pre-washed and dried berries through a sieve, strain well.
  4. Mix the squeezed juice with a warm gelatin solution, to which add lemon juice.
  5. Stir the resulting mass until smooth. It is not necessary to heat and boil, the temperature of water with gelatin is enough for the complete dissolution of sugar in jelly.
  6. Pour the resulting product into containers until it cools completely.

Cold currant jelly recipe through a juicer

The method of making jelly jam in five minutes with a juicer is faster and more convenient. Required components:

  • boiled water 0.3 l;
  • red raspberries 0.5 kg;
  • sugar 0.5.

Step-by-step instructions for rolling jelly "five minutes":

  1. Peel the currants from cuttings, wash well under running water and dry. The ingress of raw water into the finished dish causes a fermentation process that will ruin all your preparations.
  2. Put water on fire and gradually add sugar to it (its amount can be reduced if the fruits are sweet).
  3. Pass the prepared berries through the juicer, mechanical processing is very fast. The juice is pure, it is used without additional filtration.
  4. Mix the resulting product with sugar syrup, bringing to a homogeneous consistency.
  5. Sterilize the container before canning.
  6. Pour the resulting delicacy into jars (roll up tightly).
  7. The finished dish will be stored in a cool place for up to 12 months.

Red and black currant berry jelly without gelatin

Jelly from two types of currant looks spectacular and unusual (as in the photo in a glossy culinary magazine). For piquancy, you can leave whole berries of both varieties or one of your choice. Jelly Ingredients:

  • red currant 1 kg;
  • black currant 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar 1.5 kg;
  • dry white wine 100 ml.

Easy step by step recipe:

  1. Pre-prepare red currants, clean from legs, antennae, damaged areas. Grind it through a sieve or squeeze it with a meat grinder. Next, separate the juice through a tight cheesecloth (reserve two handfuls of whole berries for further decoration).
  2. Peel the blackcurrant thoroughly (following the example of the red one), leave it whole.
  3. Strained red currant juice mix until the sugar is completely dissolved. It is better to heat the mass to 40 degrees, this will allow you to quickly get a homogeneous syrup.
  4. Add black currants and the rest of the red, half a glass of wine. Alcohol will allow the dissolved sugar to quickly penetrate into whole berries, the jelly will not deteriorate.
  5. Pour the dish cooled to room temperature, turn the jars periodically. This proportion will give a beautiful effect - the berries will be evenly distributed throughout the volume.

Jelly from a mixture of juices of red currant, raspberry and gooseberry

If you have raspberries and gooseberries at your disposal, make a delicious platter with the addition of red currant juice. Mix Ingredients:

  • gooseberries - 0.5 kg;
  • raspberries 1 kg;
  • red currant 1 kg;
  • water 0.5 l;
  • gelatin 120 grams;
  • water 0.5 l.

Carry out the preparation according to the following scheme:

  1. Peel and rinse the berries under running water, remove all roots and rotten fruits, because of them the jelly runs the risk of becoming moldy.
  2. Soak gelatin in warm boiled water for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Treat the berries individually with any convenient way(meat grinder, sieve, mortar and pestle), mix the resulting juices in turn, mixing with sugar.
  4. Let the liquid stand for 15 minutes, check the quality and completeness of the dissolution of the sand. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  5. Mix dissolved gelatin and juice.
  6. Jelly-like dessert is ready, it remains only to pour into containers.

How to cook currants with oranges

Currant jelly with oranges is very useful in winter, it retains the maximum amount of vitamins. Constituent components:

  • 5 kg of red currant;
  • 5 kg of sugar;
  • 1 kg of orange.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Prepare the berries.
  2. Wash and dry the oranges, cut off the stems.
  3. Pass the currant through a juicer.
  4. Grind citrus fruits in a meat grinder or blender.
  5. Mix the resulting puree and juice, adding sugar.
  6. Heat the mixture in an enamel saucepan to 60 degrees, stirring constantly to dissolve the sugar. You can not cook the mass, it causes a loss of vitamins.
  7. Let the jelly cool and pour into a sterile container. Put the blanks in the refrigerator.

Making homemade jelly with agar-agar through cheesecloth

Instead of gelatin, order agar-agar, it is healthier and more practical to use. Required Ingredients:

  • red currant 1 kg;
  • water 300 g;
  • sugar 300 g (for sweet berries);
  • vanillin 1 g;
  • agar-agar 3 tsp

Step by step list of actions:

  1. Press and filter the berries through 4 layers of gauze.
  2. In hot boiled water, add 1/5 juice, vanillin, agar-agar; let the ingredient swell for an hour.
  3. Add sugar to juice and stir.
  4. We combine the obtained components and beat thoroughly with a whisk.
  5. The finished product is poured into clean molds.

Diet without sugar on fructose

Low-calorie fructose redcurrant jelly will provide you with the opportunity to indulge your own body with a treat without fear of extra centimeters at the waist. This recipe is indispensable for diabetics. Jelly Ingredients:

  • currant 500 g;
  • fructose 150 g;
  • gelatin - 30 g;
  • dry wine (any - white or red) 100 ml;
  • boiled water 250 ml.

How to cook diet currant jelly on fructose:

  1. First, soak the gelatin for 40 minutes in warm water.
  2. While the soaking time has passed, peel and rinse the berries well. Do not leave cuttings on them, which will ruin the entire batch.
  3. Mix fructose with wine.
  4. Crush the currants with a wooden pestle in a mortar.
  5. Pour gelatin into the resulting liquid syrup and add fructose.
  6. Mix everything well and leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes, covering the dishes with a lid. Use only enamelware or ceramics.

What to do if the jelly does not freeze

Why does the jelly not thicken after several hours of waiting? Do not rush to panic, this dish freezes after 2-3 hours or even after a week. But if "woe" happened, there is a way out:

  • The problem arises from low-quality gelatin or a small amount of natural pectin. Pour the berry mass into a saucepan and heat a little, separately dilute an additional portion of gelatin in a small amount of water. Pour it into the heated juice, mix well and pour into molds.
  • Even the most strict observance of the recipe points does not guarantee the desired result, the reason for this is certain fruits. Citrus fruits and gooseberries contain a lot of acid, which dilutes the gelatinous mass. Before cooking, pour boiling water over the fruit, this will reduce the acidity of the environment of the final product.
  • Add high-quality wine to jelly, cheap alcohol destroys the structure of gelatin and agar-agar algae by the action of benzene compounds. This will ruin your entire workpiece.
  • To “save” the jelly, make an additional portion of currant juice by adding an increased portion of the gelling agent to it. Combine both parts and mix well.

Video recipe: making gelled jam without heat treatment

Red currant jelly is a storehouse of vitamins, most of which can be lost during the heat treatment of berries or fresh juice. Use proven and reliable recipes for making jellied jam without impact high temperatures. Watch the video recipe below with step-by-step instructions on how to make jelly without cooking. This method is very practical and affordable, takes less time and effort. You will be able to pamper yourself, your household with a fragrant, healthy treat.

It is quite possible to cook redcurrant jelly without cooking. Moreover, without the use of heat treatment, such a delicacy is much tastier and healthier. After all, it is no secret to anyone that elevated temperature many berries are deprived of most of their vitamins and other elements.

There are several ways to make redcurrant jelly at home without cooking. In this article, we will present you the most simple recipes, for the implementation of which will not require too much free time.

Step-by-step recipe for redcurrant jelly without cooking

Many cooks know that redcurrant contains a large amount of pectin. Such a substance is a gelling agent. Thanks to him, currant jam always turns out thick and very tasty. By the way, pectin is very useful for those who have problems with joints and cartilage. Therefore, we recommend that you stock up on the mentioned berry in advance and make a large amount of a delicious dessert out of it, which you can enjoy throughout the long winter.

Product selection

Where can you buy a product like red currant? It is advisable to prepare jelly for the winter without cooking using freshly picked berries. Therefore, it should be purchased on the market, from summer residents.

If you yourself are one, then the red currant should be harvested only after it is fully ripe, when it has just begun to crumble from the bush. If you use such a berry in an unripe form, then your dessert (especially without heat treatment) will turn out to be impossibly sour.

processing process

How is red currant (jelly) processed? A recipe without cooking may require a different sequence of actions. It depends on which method of preparing this delicacy you have chosen. But in any case, the berry must be carefully sorted out and separated from the branches.

This product must be washed. It is poured with warm water and kept in it for about 10 minutes. After that, red currants are put in portions in a colander or sieve and rinsed thoroughly. Then it is shaken off and used for its intended purpose.

Cooking delicious jelly from redcurrant juice without cooking

From the very beginning, it may seem that making such a treat is very difficult. But when you delve into the process of its preparation, it will become clear that there is nothing supernatural in this. You only need to strictly follow all the recommendations of the recipe and use the required amount of products.

So what ingredients do we need to make redcurrant juice jelly without boiling? To implement this recipe, you must purchase:

  • freshly picked ripe berry (red currant) - about 3 kg;
  • beet sugar - about 2.8 kg.

Step by step cooking method

Now you know how red currants are selected and processed. Jelly without cooking will turn out to be the most delicious if you use a conventional meat grinder to grind such a berry.

All currants are carefully passed through this kitchen device. In this case, a rather thick and fragrant slurry of bright red color is formed. How to get berry juice from it? A juicer is not suitable for this, so we decided to use the old-fashioned way.

Taking a deep dish, put multi-layered gauze or any other cotton fabric (preferably dense) on it. A few tablespoons of berry gruel are laid out in it, and then they are taken by the edges and squeezed hard.

As a result of such actions, you should get highly concentrated currant juice. By the way, the cake left after spinning should not be thrown away. It can make a very tasty and healthy fruit drink.

As soon as the juice is completely squeezed out of the twisted red currant, proceed to the preparation of jelly. To do this, put all the granulated sugar into the drink and stir it very intensively. By the way, for these purposes, you can use a mixer or blender.

How many red currants are whipped? Jelly without cooking should not crunch on the teeth. Therefore, the ingredients should be mixed until the granulated sugar is completely melted. During this process, you should end up with a thick, jelly-like dessert.

How to store and eat?

As you can see, redcurrant jelly without cooking is quite simple to make. After you have formed a thick and sweet berry mass, it is distributed among the jars. Containers for such a dessert should be used in small sizes (0.5, 0.7 and 1 l).

A fragrant product is laid out in them, covered with plastic lids and put into the refrigerator. If you store such a delicacy at room temperature or in a cellar, then it can deteriorate very quickly, as it has not been subjected to heat treatment.

Tasty and fragrant berry jelly should be consumed with hot tea. Some cooks use this product to make sweet sandwiches. To do this, jelly is applied to a slice of bread or crispy toast, and then served for breakfast or an afternoon snack.

Making a delicious berry dessert with gelatin

Redcurrant jelly without cooking can be prepared in many ways. Like it or not, but the above recipe is quite laborious. If you don’t have time to squeeze out all its juice from berry porridge, then we suggest making such a dessert, bypassing this difficult and costly process.

So, to make redcurrant jelly without cooking, you need to purchase the following components:

  • freshly picked ripe berries (red currant) - about 3 kg;
  • beet sugar - about 2.8 kg;
  • drinking water - 2/3 cup;
  • food gelatin - 25 g.

The process of making homemade dessert

Prepare red currants for jelly in exactly the same way as described at the very beginning of the article. After the berry is devoid of debris and twigs, they begin to grind it. To do this, the product is portioned out in a blender bowl, where part of the granulated sugar is also added.

After whisking the ingredients well at the highest speed, they are transferred to a deep bowl and proceed to process the remaining components.

As soon as the redcurrant with sugar turns into a puree, it is thoroughly mixed and left at room temperature for 45-60 minutes. Meanwhile, start preparing the gelatin. Pour it into a bowl and pour 2/3 cup drinking water. In this state, edible gelatin is kept for 35 minutes. After that, it is put on a very low fire and slowly warmed up.

After preparation and partial cooling of the gelatin solution, it is poured in a thin stream to the sweet berry mass. At the same time, it is constantly stirred with a large spoon.

Final stage

Having achieved complete dissolution of sugar and obtaining a homogeneous berry mass, it is distributed over pre-prepared jars. Having closed the containers with boiled lids, they are sent to the refrigerator.

Red currant treats should be consumed only after a few hours (6-8). During this time, the dessert will harden well, become thick and very tasty.

Rinse the berries with cold water.

Boil water in a saucepan and add currants to it.

Then, using a pestle, rub the currant through a sieve.

We do not need the cake remaining in the sieve, it can be thrown away.

Add sugar to the resulting currant juice, mix.

Pour the juice with sugar into an enamel saucepan.

Roll up the jars with boiled lids, turn them over, wrap them in a blanket until they cool completely, and then put them away for storage (such jelly is perfectly stored in an apartment (without a cellar)).

Red currant jelly turns out bright, unusually tasty and fragrant. The very next day after cooking, the jelly becomes thick, similar to marmalade. If there is not enough pectin in the berries, the jelly according to this recipe may not thicken immediately, but within 3-4 weeks, so do not be discouraged if you still have juice in the jar the next day. In winter, redcurrant jelly will be a wonderful reminder of summer days.

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