The child has a high fever and red cheeks. Why does the child have red cheeks

Redness of the cheeks in children is a symptom indicating the development of a disease. Most often, these manifestations in babies arise as a result allergic reaction to food, milk or external stimuli. Similar signs can appear for other reasons. The tendency of children to various kinds of diseases is due to an incompletely formed immune system.

Many parents believe that a blush on their cheeks is a sign of health. But peeling of the skin, the appearance of rashes and red streaks on the face does not just appear. In this case, you should consult a doctor and do not let the situation go by itself, especially if the manifestations are accompanied by itching, cause the baby discomfort and affect his behavior.

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    Causes of redness of the cheeks in children

    These manifestations may be accompanied by alarming symptoms: Fever, rashes on other parts of the body, behavioral changes, etc.

    If children develop a rash on their cheeks and chin, their ears and nose "burn", their body temperature rises, you should immediately consult a doctor. In no case should you resort to self-treatmentespecially when it comes to babies. Children's skin is very sensitive, therefore, the selection of drugs for both external and internal use should be carried out by the attending physician.


    The most common cause of red cheeks in children is allergies. The reaction in babies can occur to food, medicines, objects household chemicals, chlorine in water, pollen and pet hair. Most often, the disease affects children aged 1 to 5 years. But similar manifestations are possible in infants.

    Red cheeks with allergies

    If the child's cheeks turn red, this indicates the development of a pathological process inside the body. And skin rashes are only an external symptom of allergies. This often happens due to the fault of the parents themselves, who overfeed the baby, as a result of which more food enters his body than he can digest.

    The sucking reflex is developed in infants. Babies who are breastfed are less prone to overeating and allergies, as they earn the feeling of fullness by diligent efforts. "Artificials" put much less effort into bottle feeding. They eat faster, and satiety comes only 15 minutes after eating.

    In addition to reddened cheeks, symptoms of allergies in children are: roughness and dryness of the skin, a change in its color, the occurrence of puffiness, cough, runny nose, and watery eyes.

    If you ignore the first signs of allergy and do not eliminate the causative factor, then diathesis may develop against its background.


    Allergic dermatitis, or diathesis, is due to the child's tendency to allergic reactions. In children, it appears as red patches on the cheeks. The disease can develop both at 3 years of age and in infancy. Crowded rashes can spread to the neck, chest, abdomen and inner elbows.

    The manifestations are accompanied by itching, provoking the child to scratch his cheeks, which contributes to increased symptoms. Over time, the spots become crusty, peeling and wet. In addition to external signs, children may experience constipation, followed by diarrhea, pain throat, swelling, cough.

    Depending on the individual characteristics of the child's body and the factors affecting the development of the process, there are several types of diathesis:

    1. 1. Allergic, or exudative-catarrhal. Most often manifests itself in children during infancy.
    2. 2. Hemorrhagic.It is characterized by a pathological predisposition to bleeding.
    3. 3. Neuro-arthritic. It develops with a genetically determined violation of protein metabolism in the body.
    4. 4. Exudative, or atopic. It is the result of intolerance to certain foods.
    5. 5. Uric acid. The cause of its occurrence is metabolic disorders during the formation and filtration of urine. It is accompanied by a change in the qualitative composition of the physiological fluid and its amount.

    Atopic dermatitis

    it serious illness chronic in nature, which can manifest itself in children at any age. After this diagnosis is made, babies are put on a lifetime record with an allergist to monitor the course of the disease during periods of exacerbations. Many people identify such manifestations with allergies. Despite the close relationship, these are different pathologies that develop as a result of exposure to the same factors.

    Causes atopic dermatitis are still not exactly clear. The fact remains that the disease is genetically determined. That is why many babies have it from the first days of life. Scientists have found a number of genes encoding the body's predisposition to the perception of a number of chemical components.

    The increased susceptibility of the body to foreign substances is due to these genes. The impetus for the development of atopic dermatitis is an acute immune response to a trigger factor, which can be various irritants and allergens.

    Atopic dermatitis has several stages of development:

    1. 1. Contact with an allergen, as a result of which cells are activated immune system.
    2. 2. Immune inflammation, characterized by the release of biologically active interleukins (proteins with immunoregulatory properties). As a result, inflammation is delineated and damage to vital important organs... This reaction causes adverse clinical manifestationsbut performs positive functions.
    3. 3. Classic symptoms of the disease, accompanied by active inflammation and the appearance of the first pronounced signs. The duration of this period can vary from 7 to 14 days.
    4. 4. Transition to a chronic form. It is characterized by a calming down of the immune system and a decrease in the amount of toxic compounds formed as a result of an allergic reaction. At the end of the period, which lasts 2-3 weeks, the skin on the cheeks and other affected areas of the body becomes clear.
    5. 5. The period of remission. The child feels better. There may be a slight change skin.

    lupus erythematosus

    Another cause of redness in the cheeks in children is systemic lupus erythematosus. This the disease is caused by hormonal imbalance. Factors contributing to the development of pathology are:

    • solar radiation;
    • taking certain medications: tetracycline drugs, sulfonamides, anticonvulsants;
    • diseases of viral etiology.

    With lupus on the skin of a sick child, signs of urticaria, erythema with exudate and swelling appear. Infiltrates (accumulation of cellular elements mixed with blood and lymph) with necrotic ulceration and vesicles may be observed, after which scars and age spots remain on the skin. In addition to the cheeks, the areas of localization of infiltrates can be: the chest, arms and other parts of the face.

    lupus erythematosus

    Lupus erythematosus is dangerous disease, in which they are affected internal organs... Manifestations are accompanied by a high temperature of up to 40 degrees, weakness, redness of the cheeks. In the absence of adequate treatment, there is a risk of the disease becoming chronic.


    Similar manifestations on the cheeks in children can cause an infectious disease under the name Roseola. The cause of its occurrence is the ingestion of the herpes virus type 6 or 7. The transmission of a viral infection occurs by airborne droplets.

    After it enters the body, signs of the disease in the baby appear after a few days. Incubation period with roseola it varies from 5 to 15 days. The disease is characterized by an acute onset, accompanied by an increase in temperature from 39 to 40 degrees and seizures resulting from this. Three-day fever is most commonly diagnosed in children under the age of two.

    There are no other symptoms at first: babies do not have a runny nose, cough, and nasal breathing problems. A decrease in temperature in children is noted after 3-4 days. After that, the body is covered with small pinkish spots. In some cases, the symptoms are complemented by an increase in the jaw lymph nodes.

    What should parents do?

    In such a situation, first of all, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics in order to determine the disease that caused the reddening of the cheeks in the child, to do an ultrasound scan and X-ray, to pass blood and urine tests. In case of allergy, it is imperative to identify and exclude the allergen.

    Diathesis in children in most cases goes away on its own. You can speed up the healing process if you use the advice of Dr. Komarovsky:

    • try not to overfeed the child;
    • completely exclude contact with chlorine-containing detergents;
    • use only boiled water;
    • switch to hypoallergenic mixtures;
    • minimize the consumption of goat and cow milk;
    • do not buy bright textiles for your child, as the dye can cause contact allergies;
    • in the room where the child is located, ensure optimal conditions: the air temperature should be within 18-20 degrees with a humidity of 60%; you should periodically ventilate the room and do wet cleaning in a timely manner;
    • do not allow the child to overheat and be sweaty for a long period of time;
    • try to avoid taking certain medications: antibiotics, antiviral drugs, herbal drops from the common cold, antitussive syrups and suspensions, since these medicines can cause drug allergies;
    • to eliminate constipation, monitor the timely emptying of the intestines in a child, especially if he is prone to allergic reactions;
    • stick to a diet: exclude sweets from the diet, flour products, smoked meats, pickles, honey, nuts, cocoa, chocolate, mushrooms, carbonated drinks, red fruits, berries and vegetables, fish, seafood, fatty meats, broths and animal fats.
    • antiallergic agents;
    • decongestants;
    • anti-inflammatory medicines;
    • hepatoprotectors;
    • drugs with antiviral spectrum of action;
    • glucocorticosteroids;
    • anti-thrombotic agents, etc.

If a child's cheeks turn red, then most mothers immediately sigh with horror: "Ah, diathesis!" And the torment begins. Moreover, most parents do not even suspect that diathesis is not a disease. In fact, the word "diathesis" does not hide a specific disease, but only a predisposition to some kind of ailment or a non-standard reaction of the child's body to irritants familiar to adults.

If the child has red cheeks and you suspect an allergic reaction, it turns out that the diathesis does not need to be treated. But you definitely need to figure out what causes such a reaction and make the correct diagnosis. By the way, this is exactly what the famous Russian pediatrician Yevgeny Olegovich Komarovsky writes about in his book "Diathesis".

Medical science distinguishes about a dozen types of diathesis. However, the most common form is exudative-catarrhal diathesis. It is observed in almost 80% of modern babies. It is about him that every mom immediately thinks about when she sees the red cheeks of the child. But you should not be very scared. Under such a long and "scary" name, there is only an allergic reaction of the child's body to some irritant.

So, why does the baby have red cheeks? Komarovsky claims that in most cases these are external manifestations of allergic dermatitis. It is this disease that is characterized by the corresponding symptoms:

  • reddened areas of the skin (most often on the face);
  • rash in the form of dots or red spots;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • sometimes ulcers.

In this case, the main task of the parents is to determine the cause of the reaction, expressed in redness of the cheeks. Dr. Komarovsky identifies three types of allergies:

  • food - the allergen is contained in food and enters the body with food;
  • contact - the allergen penetrates the skin;
  • respiratory - the allergen attacks the child through the lungs, penetrating together with the air when breathing.

Most often, the cause of the allergy is obvious. Why the child suddenly became red cheeks is immediately clear. The baby (nursing mother) ate an orange or a couple of tangerines, the mother washed the bedclothes with new powder, or the father and the older daughter brought the kitten home. In such cases, parents just need to exclude the possibility of an allergen entering the body of their child.

When there is no apparent reason why a child has red cheeks

If it was not possible to immediately identify the reason, then you will have to resort to more stringent measures. In this regard, Dr. Komarovsky gives the following recommendations:

  1. Completely exclude from the diet foods that most often cause allergic reactions in children (citrus fruits, strawberries, exotic fruits, chocolate, etc.).
  2. Write down what the baby ate during the day and, by elimination, establish the cause of the allergic reaction.
  3. Make sure that the baby does not overeat. The fact is that undigested food, lingering in the intestines, begins to decompose and the products of this process are absorbed into the blood. In an adult organism, the liver easily copes with this "nuisance". But in children, this organ is not yet so active. Result: rash and red cheeks. So if the child did not eat "anything like that", then he simply should be fed less.
  4. Exclude contact of the child's skin with possible allergens. Primarily with chlorine, which is contained in water. It needs to be boiled, and the baby's clothes and linen should be rinsed in very hot water (at temperatures above 80 ° C, chlorine evaporates). Use baby soap and baby detergent for washing. Baby's underwear should be made exclusively of linen or cotton. Moreover, it should only be white - no dyes. Recall that these extreme measures must be taken if the child has red cheeks, and you cannot identify the cause - the allergen.
  5. Remove possible respiratory allergens, especially pets. Yes, unfortunately, you will have to get rid of your beloved cat or dog. This is the only way to understand whether the baby has rejection, for example, for wool or the smell of dry food. It is worth knowing that the number of animal allergens will decrease in the room not earlier than in 3-6 months. So for your pet you will have to look for new owners. In addition, you should not use air fresheners, scented candles and other "chemicals" indoors. Or perhaps it is worth giving up the use of perfumery products.
  6. Make sure that the child does not overheat. The fact is that in such cases, children sweat a lot, as a result, the amount of fluid in the body decreases and allergens are no longer excreted in the urine.
  7. Observe stool frequency. Constipation can be a cause of dermatitis because allergens are trapped in the intestines and do not rush to leave the body.
  8. Keep the room clean and tidy. The air should be moderately cool and humid. In addition, you need to spend more time with your baby in the fresh air in order to cleanse his lungs from possible allergens, and at the same time strengthen the immune system.

All this can be done by parents without consulting a specialist. But in order to help the baby (when the cheeks are red, especially with itching), it is better to consult a doctor. The doctor will be able to relieve discomfort from symptoms and reduce the manifestation of an allergic reaction.

Well, in general, if a child has red cheeks, then, as Dr. Komarovsky says: you should not dramatize the situation. Allergic dermatitis is temporary. With the development of the liver, intestines and the immune system, the baby's body will learn to cope with such problems on its own.

So it's very important not to heal the child. It is better to adhere to the above recommendations and let the baby develop naturally, while teaching him to healthy way life.

A slight blush on the cheeks has always been considered a sign of excellent health, and parents, without exception, are happy with this manifestation - which means that the child's circulatory system is working well. But it is worth distinguishing between the usual healthy blush from the painful redness of the cheeks. Surprisingly, red cheeks are a very common symptom and can indicate a variety of health problems, from frostbite to infectious diseases and dangerous allergic reactions.

The main reason to be alert is the sudden appearance of redness.... So, if the cheeks are filled with a blush after active games, running and other physical exertion, then this is quite natural and normal. Sometimes the baby's face turns red due to an increase in body temperature - here you need to understand the reasons for such a reaction of the body. But when the child's skin turns red sharply, and without any noticeable reason, then you should seek the advice of a doctor. The examination will help to identify the specific cause that causes this symptom, and will allow you to fight it in a targeted manner. Let's find out what can provoke redness of the cheeks in a child.

Red cheeks in a baby due to external factors

All babies have very delicate skin, so it reacts to external stimuli more actively than the skin of an adult. Therefore, when walking in the winter, it is important to understand that the lower limit of the child's temperature is lower. So, for frostbite of the skin on the face (it is this part that usually remains practically unprotected from frost) 10-15 degrees below zero will be enough.

Frostbite on the cheeks of a child is one of the probable causes

There is a fine line between simple redness from cold and frostbite on the skin. The active flow of blood to the frozen area is a natural process of thermoregulation, so this reaction cannot be avoided, the cheeks will definitely change their color while in the cold, and this is not dangerous. The first signal of frostbite is the appearance of white spots on ruddy cheeks. Noticing this, you need to immediately return the child to a warm room. Inaction in such a situation threatens to aggravate the condition: a decrease in body temperature, painful sensations, drowsiness and inactivity.

In order to protect the child from the effects of low temperatures, it is necessary not only to control the walking time and the current temperature, but also to use special fatty creams before leaving the house.

The cheeks can also turn red due to the opposite state - overheating. This is most common during cold weather. Parents sometimes overdo it and put too many warm clothes on their baby. Outdoor activities in too warm clothes will lead to overheating. To cope with such a situation is very simple, it will be enough to change your baby's clothes according to the weather and give him water to drink to restore the fluid balance in the body.

Redness of the cheeks as a symptom of diathesis in children of different ages

From the age of three months, the baby may have diaper rash on the skin. In the case of diathesis, limited bright red spots on the cheeks do not disappear, even in spite of careful childcare. Depending on the type of reaction of the body, the rash can be dry, wet or combined. Skin changes are accompanied by itching and soreness of the damaged areas.

Diathesis can be manifested by redness on the cheeks of the child

What is diathesis? This is a type of body reaction to certain stimuli. Diathesis is a harbinger of other diseases to which the baby has a predisposition. Red cheeks are a manifestation of an exudative-catarrhal form of diathesis, and indicates a predisposition to allergies.

Additional symptoms depend on the child's age:

Treatment of diathesis is necessary, and urgently. Without therapeutic measures, the body's reaction can develop into a full-fledged allergy or chronic skin diseases.

Food allergy in a child

Research shows that one in five children suffers from some form of allergy. The food type is the most common, it means increased sensitivity organism to a specific type of food. The peculiarity of food allergens is that they can change their properties, that is, cause more or less strong reactions depending on the type of culinary processing.

Doctor's opinion: parents often confuse the concepts of "diathesis" and "allergy", mistakenly believing that they are one and the same. It is worth clarifying that allergy is an acute reaction of the immune system to the penetration of an irritant (allergen). Diathesis cannot be called a disease in the classical sense of the word; it is a signal about the child's predisposition to one or another type of disease. Based on this, the treatment for these two diagnoses is also different.

The first symptom of an allergy is a skin reaction. The rash can be different appearance: bubbles, spots of different sizes, nodules, etc. It is because of an allergic reaction that the skin on the cheeks often turns red in children. Among other things, rashes provoke itching, which becomes especially severe at night. Associated symptoms food allergies:

  • digestive problems (pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may appear);
  • swelling of different parts of the body. Anything from eyelids to feet can swell with allergies.

Photo Gallery: Most Common Food Allergens in Children

The tendency to allergies appears in the baby even in the very early age... The most common food allergens are considered: dairy products (under the age of 1 year provoke an allergic reaction in 90% of cases), fish (proteins that it contains), egg whites and wheat grains.

Eczema is a common cause of red cheeks

Atopic eczema in a child as a likely cause of redness on the cheeks

Children often develop dermatosis, most often there is a specific type of disease - eczemaatopic type. According to statistics, it is diagnosed in a third of all cases. skin diseases... True eczema develops in children from the age of 3 months to six months, the process often begins in the cheek area. The skin becomes red, dry and cracked. From the cracks formed, fluid and blood can be released.

The danger of eczema is that it interferes with the natural ability of the skin to act as a barrier between the body and outside world... That is, the damaged areas are more susceptible to various infections, especially if they are combed.

Important facts about eczema: This disease is inherited by children from their parents; the itching that occurs is very strong, it is almost impossible for the child to control it; the disease is not cured, but its symptoms are eliminated drug treatment and local impact.

The accompanying symptoms in this disease are very limited - in addition to redness, only itching and cracks are observed. The lesion usually affects the skin in the folds, namely the wrists, knees, elbows, back knee joint etc. The key factor on which the effectiveness of treating a child for eczema depends is careful skin care. Healing activities usually supplemented by measures to combat secondary infections that significantly worsen the patient's health.

Children's roseola and its symptoms

Baby roseola has several common names, including three day fever, sudden eczema and pseudo-rubella. This disease is among the infectious, and it affects children aged 4 months to 2 years.Special viruses of the herpes type provoke the development of the disease, but they do not give the symptoms characteristic of ordinary herpes.

Baby roseola is characterized by fever, eczema, and pseudo-rubella

The following elements of the symptomatic complex indicate roseola:

  • temperature rise. This happens abruptly to the level of 39 degrees, for no apparent reason. The peculiarity is that no other symptoms typical of acute respiratory diseases are observed, which often confuses parents;
  • decreased appetite, irritability;
  • the temperature lasts an average of three days, after which an extensive pink rash appears on the baby's body. It begins with localization on the face, and then spreads throughout the body. When touched, the spots lose their color saturation. After the appearance of rashes, the temperature no longer rises. Unlike eczema, roseola does not flake off the skin.

In most cases, doctors do not intervene in the course of the disease. All that parents can do is to alleviate the baby's condition by providing him with plenty of drink and antipyretic drugs.

Video about the causes of reddening of the cheeks in a child

When the baby's cheeks turn red, this causes anxiety in the mother. Especially if the redness of the cheeks is profuse and intense enough. But often inexperienced parents try to treat not the cause, but only an unpleasant symptom, forgetting how important it is to carefully understand the situation in order to prevent its recurrence in the future.

Causes of reddening of the cheeks in a child

Redness of the skin on the face of a child can have several causes. The most harmless thing that can happen is weathering and freezing. Usually, the reddening of the baby's nose and cheeks after a long walk in frosty weather is associated precisely with the influence of cold and wind. In this case, after returning home, the cheeks and nose of the little one very quickly acquire a healthy pink color. Overheating is another possible cause of facial redness in a child. Moreover, due to the excessive care of parents, overheating in children can happen not only in summer, but even in winter. After all, the weather outside is often not so severe as to put on a fur coat and several jackets on the little one, as some mothers and grandmothers do. And when the parents don't know, such unpleasant situations happen. But all this is very easy to fix. The main thing is that adults pay attention to their mistake in time.

There are also other causes of redness of the cheeks in a child, which are radically different from the reasons mentioned above. This can be an allergic reaction of the body to the medications taken or, for example, a response to the chemical components of the detergent used for washing children's clothes, as well as an allergy to food. The main symptom of any allergy is redness of the baby's cheeks and chin.

In order to understand what exactly your child is suffering from, remember what he recently ate and drank, where he played and what he was in contact with. Start excluding everything in order possible reasons redness. First of all, the next time you go for a walk, check your child's clothes to make sure they aren't too hot. Spread a greasy cream on the nose and cheeks of the crumbs to prevent possible chapping. If the skin is still red, start to control the baby's diet, excluding from it all foods that may cause allergies.

If all else fails, be sure to visit your pediatrician. He will be able to more clearly identify the cause of the redness and prescribe a remedy for treating red spots on the skin to relieve irritation and soothe the skin. In addition, the doctor may prescribe a medicine for diathesis to the child. In order for the redness to disappear, it is very useful to make baths at home with the addition of chamomile, string, dandelion, as well as wheat bran and mountain ash. It is very important to ensure that the baby does not scratch the area of \u200b\u200bredness. If he still constantly touches his face, you need to at least make sure that his hands are clean, because dirty fingers can infect wounds.

Redness of the cheeks in babies

When the baby has redness on the skin, the mother must urgently review her diet. From it you need to remove all red, citrus fruits, cow's milk, fish, honey,eggs , poultry, chocolate, cocoa, spices, as well as products containing dyes and preservatives. In addition, you need to be more vigilant about the milk formula that you give to the baby. Because of mixtures (often dairy with cow's milk), a lot of children suffer from diathesis. If an allergic reaction occurs in a child, the mixture must be replaced (from dairy to dairy-free or just change the brand name). If the reddening of the cheeks in the baby does not go away, you need to think about which allergen he can come into contact with. Perhaps you have started using new powder for clothes, or you bought your child a new bright toy. Another redness on the cheeks of a child may be caused by the wrong one. Too large a portion of complementary foods may well provoke an allergic reaction. Older children often suffer from allergies due to the use of low-quality store-bought juices and purees, which contain extraneous additives.

When redness on the skin occurs in babies, you need to try to get rid of it as soon as possible. Since very soon the child becomes restless, stops sleeping and eating normally. To remove irritation in babies, areas of redness are smeared with a medicated baby cream. But at the same time, parents should try to accurately identify the cause of the redness. If you cannot figure this out on your own, you need to see a doctor. Despite the seeming harmlessness, redness of the skin itself is not like. It continues to bother the baby until the parents take the appropriate action.

Looking through feature films of the last century, leafing through illustrations for children's books, you can see that the image of a strong and healthy baby necessarily includes the presence of blush on the cheeks. A modern mother at least once, but she had to hear from grandmothers that the absence of a blush on the cheeks of a baby is nothing more than a sign of malnutrition or some kind of "childhood ailment". In reality, things are a little different.

Fortunately, medicine is last years goes forward by leaps and bounds, which means that any phenomenon can be explained. And, if earlier mothers were concerned about the pallor of babies, now the question of why a child's cheeks turn red arises quite often. The answer is simple: if in children's body some changes are taking place, the first organ that will respond will be the skin. Let's analyze the most common reasonswhy the baby's cheeks begin to turn red.

For some reason, the baby's cheeks began to turn red? This situation requires careful study and a serious approach, since a blush in a baby can be a manifestation of both a norm and a disease.

IMPORTANT! If a child's cheeks turn red after active play, or a long walk in the fresh air, there is no reason for concern. Such a blush disappears as quickly as it appears, and indicates an increase in blood circulation due to physical activity or an emotional reaction (anger, shame, shyness). Alertness should cause persistent redness of the cheeks, not associated with physical activity.

Why does the child's cheeks turn red? Teething.

During the eruption of a new tooth, the baby is not himself - restless, capricious, lethargic, without appetite. A milk tooth, making its way through, damages the gums, which causes soreness, swelling and inflammation of the oral mucosa. Often, this whole complex of symptoms is complemented by an increase in temperature, as a result of which the child's blush on the cheeks is persistent.

What to do?

In such a situation, all measures to alleviate the baby's condition should be aimed at reducing body temperature and eliminating inflammation in oral cavity... As soon as the condition of the crumbs is normalized, the pathological blush on the cheeks will imperceptibly disappear.

Why does the child's cheeks turn red? Allergic diathesis.

Plump ruddy cheeks have long been not considered a sign of good health of the baby, but rather indicate an error in the diet. Children are very fond of various sweets, most of which can cause redness and flaking of the cheeks. In addition, red spots, rashes, sores may appear on the face and body, which cause itching in the baby.

Chocolate, citrus fruits, nuts, honey, sweet soda are foods that most often provoke the development of allergic diathesis. In children under 6 months of age, when the main food is breast milk or an adapted mixture, the option of developing an allergic diathesis is also not excluded. An error in the nutrition of a nursing mother, for example, the use of protein products (milk, eggs, poultry) or red vegetables and berries (tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries) can provoke reddening of the cheeks in the child.

Remember, regardless of the age of the baby, the responsibility for his health lies entirely with the parents.

What to do?

In case of reddening of the cheeks in a child due to the development of food allergies, the primary measure is the elimination of allergens from the diet. In some situations, it is not possible to accurately determine the allergen product, therefore, the treatment consists in excluding sweet, starchy foods, citrus fruits, as well as products containing food colors.

IMPORTANT! Allergic diathesis is a reason for going to a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis and give helpful advice baby skin care. Reception of any medicines must be supervised by a specialist.

Why does the child's cheeks turn red? Allergy.

Emissions of harmful substances into the air at production, exhaust gases, animal hair, pollen, house dust - the list of allergens that surround the child every day can be enumerated indefinitely.

With the development of an allergic reaction, in addition to redness of the cheeks, the child will have symptoms such as lacrimation, sneezing, nasal congestion, cough, general malaise, etc. Unlike colds, which are also characterized by the above symptoms, when an allergy occurs, the body temperature does not rise.

Allergies can develop suddenly, or be the result of constant contact with allergens. An illustrative example of development is the appearance of a blush on the cheeks and other allergy symptoms in a child after prolonged use of drugs.

Contact dermatitis is why a child's cheeks turn red. This is a reaction of the skin in response to an allergen, which is most often skin care products (soap, bath foam, shampoo, moisturizer). In this case, redness will appear not only on the cheeks, but also on other areas of the skin in contact with the cosmetic.

What to do?

It will not be possible to completely cure the allergy, but you can achieve a stable remission of the disease. It is in the power of parents to limit contact with the allergen. If there is a suspicion that pollen or house dust is causing the allergy, daily wet cleaning of the house and installation of an air purifier in the nursery will be sufficient to alleviate the condition.

IMPORTANT! The selection of antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs is carried out by a pediatrician! Uncontrolled treatment can lead to the development of serious complications.

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