In a dream to see a dark sky. "Sky to what dreams in a dream? If you see in a dream the sky, what does it mean? Black sky and sea

Often, the sky seen in a dream is interpreted by dreams, as the nearest future of the dream. Therefore, his color and condition plays a small role, in the interpretation of what it dreams. If you dreamed of a black sky, then be careful, taking any decision, since a similar heavenly shade warns about the danger.

Giving preference to Miller's interpretations, you will get quite accurate and clear answers. If in a dream you see in your head of a dark brightest, almost black sky, then be prepared for the fact that there is a conflict in your team, and perhaps even a strike.

The other thing, if the dark skies were highlighted by the heavenly luminaires - Moon, the stars, the Sun means that, despite the dark prospects, the reality will be not so frightening.

But, explaining to the woman, what dreams the inside horizon, Dream Interpretation gives such an interpretation: This vision promises sadness and tears, because means "broken" heart and the same hopes.

Luminous, "Bouring" light

If you dreamed of a black sky, then this is not a very unbelief sign, for the most part. However, if in a dream you see that heaven is at least a little bit, but are highlighted by something, then you can hope for a joy in the mass of negative. Here, why dream some of them:

  • full moon on the black sky - you are waiting for painstaking work on yourself;
  • round stars at the night sky - look for positive moments in everything they are;
  • through the darkening clouds breaks through the ray of the sun - the problems will soon go;
  • comet, disseminating nightly, to a bright impression.

Heaven midnight, as a symbol of distrust

According to the interpretation of sleep dreams of a wanderer, to see the night without stars in a dream - a symbol of your hiddenness and distrust.

The starry night dreamedled - the "spark of joy" will enter life. But, see in a dream that the asterisks are hidden behind the clouds - a sign that you are carrying grand plans, but hide them from fear to be incomprehensible.

Thunderstorm clouds - a sign of a problematic future

What dreams of a black sky with thunderstorm clouds that are fantastic zippers will tell the dream book Ezopa. Pay attention to whether the clouds were "breed" with rain or not: if the rain went - you are threatened with danger; The sediments did not fall out - the risk of getting into trouble, of course, small, but he is, remember it.

Dreamed that clouded clouds, slaughtered lightning and did you see a black sky over your head? Freud's dream book explains the dream: you do not associate failures that pursue you, with problems in sexual life, and do it in vain. Talk to the partner, mark the problems and decide them - see how life transformed.

Cloudy Tornado, or show a mixture!

The vision in which you see the Black Sky and the Tornado Bush in it, warns about the possible troubles that can be avoided by showing the Moeklock, it prophesoes the lunar dream book.

If in a dream, the tornado happened during the day - this is a sign of help. A friend will take part in the device of your life. But, if a tornado, starting in the afternoon, does not subside and with the onset of darkness, you will have to cope alone, not counting on support for loved ones.

What dreams of the sky to a woman:

See the clear sky - to the journey.

See the stars in the sky - to great joy.

See heights of heights - to joy.

See the blazing sky - it foreshadows indignation in the city or space.

See the sky - to sorrow or difficulty

To see the blazing sky - to some heartstand.

To see the stars falling from the sky - means that the people will die as a result of the war or dying.

To see the Heavens of Christ - to joy.

Dreamed 😴 Sleep was

Normal 0. Nightmare 0

2 Dream Snark

See the sky in a dream means:

What does the sky mean in a dream. People always associated the sky with the preversion of the presence of Divine Forces. Thus, dreams about the sky often represent highest level The implementation of ambitions to which the sleeve seeks.

Positive value

A clear sky can foreshadow a bridge of contentment ahead, when nothing can prevent you. It is also a sign of a future solution to a problem that will be crystal clear.

Negative implications

Dreams about tight clouds sky predicts rapid times. Perhaps the "cloud", in other words, you carry the burden of hard problems.

An immense sky in a dream can mean a huge creative potential. Have you been nice to see this sky or it seemed to you that it was unattainable far?

Flight. If in a dream you walked in the sky, try to understand why it happened. Maybe you tried to look at a bird's eye view to problems real life? Blue sky. According to some analysts, the bright blue sky means that you will find a lost or stolen item. It is also a sign that the upcoming journey will be successful. Colorful sky. It is associated with romantic hobbies. This is a symbol of relationships at present or caution about a unpleasant date.

The more strange it seems to us, the more deep meaning it has.

Sigmund Freud

3 Creative dream book

You dreamed of the sky to what it was. 1. In dreams, the sky represents the mind or our hidden potential. To fly or swim across the sky: these actions have a dual value, as they can mean either an attempt to avoid everything earthly, or the study of other possibilities. If the sky is dark, then it reflects our gloomy mood if the bright is our joy. 2. The sky is unattainable. Whatever efforts we attached, we can never make the sky tangible. 3. From a spiritual point of view, the sky personifies eternity, but also denotes the order - especially the one that applies to an intuitive function.

4 Online dream book

Sleep with sky means:

Dream Interpretation explains the clear sky - as evidence that you will have universal respect, and it is also nice to spend time with decent people.

If it is cloudy and gray - your plans are not given to come true, the girls will enlite huge problems.

It was harmful, it would be blushing - you will be in conditions of social instability and a popular protest.

In a dream, climbing the sky - your hopes are not justified, and the changes will bring some chagrins.

To soar among ephemeral beings - to a big trouble.

The signs in the sky - they say that you are unclear what is happening with you now, and you need the Council of Wise and an experienced person.

If there are flashes of bright light appear in it - complete mutual understanding and well-being in your house will enjoy each other's society in an intimate setting.

If a rope staircase in the sky in a dream, and you climb it - you are waiting for a rapid promotion in service and family well-being.

To see in a dream the steps leading to the sky - the circumstances will be as successful as possible, and you have no longer efforts to achieve large social and material benefits, but you will be disappointed with what you got everything so easy.

According to the dreams, rushing his eyes into the sky - you will soon be able to restore your physical strength and find the inner harmony.

The dream in which you saw the sky, destroyed by the stars - promises you an increase in your well-being, suddenly you will become much richer. It says that your most intimate desire is incarnated, but for you it will be a complete surprise, a pleasant surprise.

If the sky is black - be prepared for the fact that fate prepares you serious tests, problems and disappointment are waiting for you, everything is expensive to the horse.

According to the dreams, the blue light sky is a sign that soon you have a very entertaining and informative trip, during which you will have a meeting with whom you could connect all your further fate with whom will create a harmonious and happy union.

See the sky dark - the reflection of your current mental mood, you are overcome by negative emotions, and everything that happens to you will also have a negative color. Therefore, try to think only about good, and your problems are solved quickly and easily.

If the sky is dreaming in the night - it means that there is something that you cannot understand, but it turns out, try to figure it out.

The dream in which the cross in the embroidery is given to you - it says that you are living, pleasing to God, and if you continue to create good, the highest strength will support you all.

Inside each, even the best of us, a hazard unmanaged wild beast that wakes up when we sleep ...


5 Altercore 1829.

Sleepness Sleep:

Sky to see pure and bright road - foreshadows a happy path, patient recovery, lost from a quest lost seeking the venue of their desires, who wanted to marry a favorable marriage; The sky is dark and covered with clouds means illness and failure in any enterprise; Sky burning - foreshadows the persecution of a strong person, also marks the lack and hunger; The sky, destroyed by the stars - means the opening of the mystery and the patronage of the notable person.

6 Dream Interpretation Krada Veles.

Heaven - buy land, success; Red - War will be a quarrel, winning; dark - mor; Gloomy - obstacle, sadness, illness; Star - fulfillment of desires, inheritance; clean - good, good way, recovery, find lost, wedding; In the crimson clouds - the disease; To the sky to climb - works.

7 ABC Interpretation of dreams

Sky - symbolizes the mental state that correlates with the view of the sky.

Beautiful sky - harmony, ease of feelings; Dark, gloomy - severe premonitions threatening events.

Fly in the sky - experience a mental lift, success.

Look at the sky, stars - have high goals.

Dark clouds in the sky - difficulties in life.

Dissolving clouds - clarification of circumstances.

After sleeping, the hand should be reeling immediately, because when we fall asleep, the unclean spirit is applied to our hands and it is still there. The face should be washed, without touching the eyes.

8 Dream of winged phrases

Heaven, in a dream means:

Sky (heaven) - "Being in the seventh heaven from happiness", "smoke the sky" (aimless existence), "Heaven promised" (paradise). "Rather heaven" or "go to heaven" - die; Spiritual revelation. "Heaven Forces" - patrons, defenders - to call on these forces - to misfortune or help; "The cloudless sky" is favored; "Throw lightning" is to be angry. See add. Clouds, weather.

9 Dream-Horoscope

The sky, covered with stars - says that the trip you are going to, will be happy.

The sky is blue, cloudless - remove yourself from your experiences, otherwise it is not avoiding the nervous breakdown.

10 Imperial dream book

Why dream of a woman's sky:

Sky in Chinese mythology - is higher Category Universe: Under the sky, all the transformation of the five most bases (land, metal, water, wood, fire), between heaven and earth live, obeying their laws, man. At the same time, the sky is involved in all earth transformations, pouring on the land of Yansk energy pure light and heat: the fire is lit from heavenly light and heats the ground that creates metal and the like. Sky and cosmos need a person, as well as a person needs them. And the earth, and the space is needed for awareness of a single living body living among the sky and land observer-man.

To look into the sky for a person - means a symbolic effect, comprehending the complexity of the universe, awareness of itself as a particle of space.

In the sky to look in a dream - contemplate clean Jansky light, fill out the lack of energy yang.

Looking into the sky / see the sky with satisfaction / watch the clouds running around the sky - sleep means a favorable match of the dream rhythms with seasons or winter rhythms, at another time it is a coincidence of personal rhythms with the rhythms of nature and space as a whole.

Thirst to look at the sky in a dream arises either in childhood, when a person is not yet cut off from the sky with earthly problems, either in more conscious years, when the most terrestrial part of the path is safely passed and a person realizes that all this was committed for something even higher - Dream foreshadows the disclosure of creative opportunities and assistance in their implementation.

To look at the sky with heavy clouds, but without fear and desire to hide - means an unfavorable external situation: some unfinished affairs or not fully developed to the end of the worldview prevents the new path, but the desire is and is required only to move forward.

Watch / see a low, heavy sky with fear and desire to hide - the amount of incorrect actions and inadequate worldview closes the path to the sky from the dream. Fear points to his personal, internal problems and at the first kidney weaken, liver, bladder, gall-bubble. Problems with the intestine are possible: not only the assimilation depends on the intestine physical food, but also accepting information as a whole. Health should begin to correct itself and the situation around (the sky of the sky is not reaching the dream).

When in a dream it seems that someone wakes up and call you, do not speak and do not look out the window - this is someone from the dead relatives call you to yourself.

11 Dream of Freud.

What dreams of the sky to a woman:

Seen in a dream clear sky is good signHe shows that everything in your personal life is the best way, you feel on the crest of the waves, all the failures that have suffered on sexual "Niva" will disappear. Enjoy this time, it can be very brief.

If the sky in your dream was cloudy, it was not visible to the sun on it - it means that something bothers you, but you don't associate this anxiety with a sexual life, although it is completely in vain if you pay a relationship with a partner, then life will go On the way. New acquaintances are also not rebored.

See the starry sky - to a romantic meeting, on which you really hope. It all depends only on you, as far as you can relax and enjoy yourself, not forgetting to deliver it to your near person.

12 Family dream book

See the sky in a dream means:

Sleep about the clear and clean sky - promises an exquisite society, honors and exciting travels.

Sky sky - promises broken hopes and female resentment.

Baging sky - a sign and excitement.

Star sky - foreshadows the beginning of a successful struggle for the right of self-realization.

If you saw yourself as chasing to heaven - an attempt to take advantage of the opportunities that opened before you will be unsuccessful.

If, in a dream, you climbed the sky on the stairs - you will have a rapid elevation in society. True, it will not make much satisfaction, since you do not invest any effort.

13 School Schiller Dream

Sleep with sky in the dream interpretation is extruded as:

clean, clear - joy, peace and pleasure; Gloomy and covered - Tosca, sadness and failure clouds.

14 Dream Interpretation Catherine Great

Sleep with sky means:

Sky - you see a clear sky in a dream - you will win the honors; You will be honored to be present in Supreme Society; Perhaps a reward for your merits will be a pleasant journey. The sky is clear night, but no stars - sleep warns you from some danger. The sky that you see in a dream, gloomy - your hopes are not destined to come true; In the thoughts you will constantly return to your offense. You dream that the sky has a crimridge color - perhaps you will take part in the mouse. You seem to see the starry sky - the dream says that you know your own place in society and understand your purpose; You steadily follow your destination and therefore will necessarily achieve the goal. You see a few light in the sky - to live with the pleasures and interests of the middle person you are bored; You are looking for higher order entertainment - as a rule, this is the entertainment of thought; You comfort yourself in wisdom where the other will not comfort in the material acquisitions; The speed of life is not a revelation for you: first all the name days yes weddings, then all more often the funeral goes like a life that you are flying through the sky together with fantastic or mythical creatures - you will have to overcome the pain physical or spiritual; You will not allow jealousy to pick up the power over you; Unrequited love will not choose you from the rut; Your time will come, and you will achieve the whole desired. You climb the sky on the infinite staircase - your activity will raise you in the eyes of people; Your selflessness - will make rich; You will be offered a responsible position; However, it is possible that all the benefits will wake up with some deletion when you are already brave, therefore you are unlikely to experience satisfaction.

15 Dream 2012.

Sleepness Sleep:

The sky is a reminder that there are no boundaries for growth. Reminder of the huge opportunities of man. Reflection of enlightenment, bliss, unity and peace.

16 Esoteric dream book

What does it mean if a woman is dreaming sky:

Heaven - Spaciousness for thoughts.

Pure - in your thoughts full order.

Night - thoughts about the secret, you have to get secret (esoteric) knowledge.

Thunderstorm, gray in your head - too many negative thoughts.

Drawings, words, images in the sky - you are invited to think about them, concentrate our attention on mysterious phenomena.

If someone shudders means this man grows.

17 Icelandic dreamy

What can the sky be dreamed:

Rose into the sky - to earnings.

18 Star Sonnik

Heaven, in a dream means:

You dreamed of the sky - blue - to good luck and enjoyment. The world in the shower. Possible vacation. Sky covered with clouds - to problems.


If the girl dreams of the sky, then that means:

To see the summer blue sky and admire it - to good weather.

To see in a dream, as you burned the palate when they drank tea - to the powerlessness.

Blue sky - you will be very rejected for your children.


Why dream of a woman's sky:

See a clear blue sky - always to prosperity and well-being in life; See the starry sky to achieve the highest goals.

Sleep, visible church on a holiday, may not be later than half the next day. They say: "Festive sleep - before lunch", and under Friday "Valid" all day. Who is crying in a dream, then I will laugh.

21 Dream St. Crublevskaya

To see the sky means:

Sky - symbolizes aspiration to high targets, especially flight to heaven. Dark, dark sky with clouds - reflects heavy premonitions threatening events.

22 Dream Interpretation Martina Zadaee

Interpretation of sleep about the sky:

Sky - joy; Gloomy - sadness.

23 Erotic dream book Danilova

Interpretation of sleep about the sky:

The dream in which you see the pure blue sky - promises a fascinating journey, where there is a chance to get acquainted with an interesting, pleasant person. It was him that you were waiting for all my life, it is he who is able to give you the joy of love and happiness of family life.

If in a dream you fly across the sky and see the earth from a bird's eye view - carefully and with interest watching what happens at the bottom, this suggests that in real life you are careful before you come with someone in intimate relationships.

See in a dream sky, tightened clouds, cloudy, with rain and lightning - you are waiting for the wreck of hopes that you lay on close manAnd the resentment that he will cause you soon.

You should never sleep along the floor boards (along the floor only the dead), and certainly you should send a bed across the boards.

24 Vedic dream book Shivananda

Sky in a dream predicts:

The remaining part of life you will feel spiritual calm. You are waiting for a calm death.

25 Dream Azara

What dreams of the sky:

Sky - peace of mind, long life.

26 Nina Grishina's dream book

Sky - image of the soul, picture of her life.

Day Sky - always symbolizes such phenomena in the life of the soul, which you can clearly realize.

See clear, clean - the quiet clock and internal collens are coming; Can be used for spiritual development.

Over your head - honor.

Thunderstorms, storms high in the sky - disharmony in the life of the soul.

The sky is unnatural - strange, sometimes dangerous conditions in the life of the soul.

Red - quarrel, disagreement.

Yellow or greenish - malice, envy, etc.

Assimate - to live in the incessant works.

The night sky - symbolizes the phenomenon of the life of the soul, which is beyond the wakeful consciousness, which is for him a mystery.

The sky with the stars - the execution of the cherished secret desires, joy, the sign that your soul is in your hands of your highest.

Brightly burning stars - a happy future.

Blurred, filled with light haze - secret sadness.

A bright Milky Way to see - the hopes are not the strength of the soul and the help of over / inseparable bonds of exterior life with otherworld.

Fire signs in the sky - evil all kinds: War, Ma and the like.

The flame in the sky is great - the unpleasant news / death of a high-ranking person.

Fire falls from it - good.

Instant Zarnitsa in the sky - news of the event producing coup in life.

27 Dream Dream of Indian Otavalos

If the moon dreamed of the moon in the sky, which is inside the semicircle of the rainbow - the white person is waiting for difficulties and problems. Dreamed in the sky of the Rainbow - according to the Otavulos Indians, this bad sign. If the rainbow in the middle of the high-mountain steppe ("paramo"), then it is to heavy rains, rains, and even to the earthquake.

28 Dream E. Erixon

Which means in a dream the sky is clear - award. To see the clean sky from the edge to the edge - to be in society of educated noble people. Gloomy sky - deceived hopes, for men - trouble with women. Part of the sky is scarlet - riots, a solid red sky - folk unrest. Blue sky - Waiting for good. In the day sky, the stars are visible - getting an inheritance. Night sky without stars - danger. The walk under such a sky together is promoting separation forever. Sky in the bugs dark clouds - the disease. Brightly fiery clouds are a big unexpected joy. To fly high in the sky and feel the joy of flight - to a joyful and happy event. Rise into the sky - to achieve protection or justice.

29 Dream E. Erixon

If the sky in your dream is clear and clean - this means that there is no need to worry about your personal life, everything is going as not better. You are happy in sex, but this time can quickly end.

Cloudy sky without the sun - means hidden anxiety associated with intimate life. You think that the reason lies in the other, but your problems will disappear if you pay your relationship with a partner. New hobbies are welcome.

Starry sky - symbolizes a romantic meeting. When it happens, it depends entirely on you. It all happens well, if you do not behave selfishly and try to delight the pleasure of a close person.

30 American dream book

What dreams of the sky:

Heaven - will become much available.

31 American dream book

Blue sky - aimless evasion: unrealized potential. Over me

Something influential, descending from heaven, for example, a giant hand, a storm or a figure, as a symbol of truth - the intervention of God in the affairs of the individual.

32 Modern dream book

The sky in your dreams is a sign of exceptional honors and an interesting journey in a cultural society. All this will happen if the sky in your dream is clean.

But if the sky is gloomy or tightened by clouds - it predicts the collapsed hopes and trouble to women.

To see that you fly across the sky surrounded by fantastic faces and animals is an extremely bad omen. All the grief, all the painful pain is alive in one torrentant sting of jealousy, which will come into your love and destroy it.

To see the sky, becoming the Baghrov - the head of public unrest and rebellion.

If you dream that you are ascending to the sky - you will not give satisfaction the situation you reach, and joy will change sadness.

If young people dream that they rise to heaven but the stairs - they will pass the way from the unknown to glory, but they will not find any pleasure or satisfaction.

33 Egyptian dream book Pharaoh

If a person sees himself in a dream, seeing the sky with rain, is bad, it means that the quarrels will begin against him.

34 Ukrainian dream book

If you see in a dream, clean, clear sky is a beautiful sign, something will be new and best in life.

The sky is red - anxiety, riot, war.

35 Dream Miller

What dreams of the sky:

Sleeping about the sky promises exceptional honors and a fascinating journey in the very exquisite society, if the sky in your dream is clear and clean. Otherwise, this dream means broken hopes and women's resentment.

If you dream that you fly across the sky surrounded by bizarre faces and fantastic animals and amazed what is happening or in a dream, or when it is possible to sleep, then this means that all the grief, the whole painful pain, touched even rough undeveloped souls, will expire Jealousy that your unhappy love is accompanied, and the wrongfulness will be debunk.

See in a dream the focusing sky is a sign of rebellion and public unrest.

Starry sky means that you enter the path of the real struggle for the right to come true in this life, but this struggle will be successful for you.

If you see the illuminated sky with heavenly luminais - the sleep promises the upcoming work of the spirit of the Spirit, returning to nature, which will give you wisdom and consolation.

If you see yourself asked for heaven - then this dream foreshadows you an unsuccessful attempt to take advantage of your excellent opportunities and achieve success in your work.

If you are climbing the sky in a dream - sleep promises you a rapid elevation in a society, which, however, will not bring you desirable satisfaction, since you will not pay any efforts for it.

36 Dream interpretation of happy signs

Stars falling from the sky - to the execution of the main desires.

37 Dream Artemidora

You dreamed of the sky - a pure blue sky - by luck, the sky in the clouds - to trouble.

38 Russian dream book

You dreamed of the sky - pure, clear blue sky - to pleasant news; With white clouds - successful work; Dark clouds - to sorrow, failure, problems; Fire-red clouds - severe disease; Starry - to joy.

39 Dream of Future

If the sky is clear - this is to pleasant news; in the stars - to joy; In clouds - to sorrow, failure, problems.

40 Dream icons

What dreams of the sky:

Heaven - a symbol of what is given, descends over.

Depending on the type of consecable, it is a misfortune (the sky in black or dark-blood clouds) or gifts, the fulfillment of desires (starry sky); Expectancy (Dark) or opening good features (pure, light blue, sunny sky).

Sun, moon, month, clouds, stars, comet, meteor ... - depending on its contrast, brightness, color gamma give the event appropriate specifics and painting and have a separate one's own meaning.

Different signs, inscriptions, images and objects in the sky are also obtained by interpretation also their additional reinforced value, as they are a message from the very majesty of Mrs. Destiny. Sometimes signs in the sky are reported by something uncomplicated, illusory.

41 Historic female dream book

The sky is a symbol of purity and inaccessibility, the abode of God.

The sky in the thunderstorm clouds - the danger was hanging on you; Fall in the sky - to good luck and resolve complex issues.

42 Persian dream book Tiflisi

Blue sky - to abundance.

Scarlet Sky promises cripples, loss of property.

Yellow sky is the head of severe disease.

43 Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

The burned packed - dream of deprivation of rights. You, roughly speaking, will plug your mouth.

Blue sky - to improving life.

44 Dream Healer Feedorovskaya

Blue sky - predicts happy love.

Low, gloomy sky - warns of unfortunate love.

Baghro - to trouble on the love front.

Star sky - dream of romantic date In an intimate setting.

If you dreamed that you fell from the sky - you can blame and even arrest.

In a dream, you saw someone or something fell from him - someone from your relatives may be trouble.

45 Russian dream book

What dreams of the sky:

Blue sky - great happiness and well-being; In heavy black clouds - sorrow, sadness, sadness.

46 Dance Deniz Lynn

Sky - you can grow in all directions.

47 Dream of flowers

Light - success;

blue - Waiting for good;

red - quarrel;

star - fulfillment of desires, great inheritance;

darkless - danger;

in fiery clouds - great joy;

in the red, crimson clouds - severe disease.

Also see Fly, Gul.

48 Health Dream Interpretation

See a clear sky - a sign of a relaxing and favorable event of events; the sky covered with clouds - the difficulties and conflict situations are scheduled; The sky is dark with thunderstorm clouds - a dangerous situation is created.

49 Dream Sheremeinskaya

The sky is a place where we turn our eyes, hopes, from where we can be sent to both happiness and grief. Heavenly light in a dream "lights" and reveal.

If you see a clear sky - you are waiting for a high position, both on spiritual and earthly field.

All rays of light in the sky - fortunately; to patronage in affairs.

Pure, light sky - success; Blue - wait for the successful completion of all your affairs.

Sky in the stars - the fulfillment of desires, great inheritance; Night, dark without stars - danger.

Zarnitsa in the night sky - a sign of false alarm, your fears and fears have no reason.

50 Dream Taro.

Yellow sky symbolizes positive (sunny sky, sunlight). On the cards of the night sky blue. In the map Tarot, the most important in the image of the sky is the weather. From here stems and the value of this symbol. For example, a thunderstorm in the cards of the five swords or a knight of sword refers to the swiftness and destructiveness of actions. In the top ten and troika swords - the sky is gloomy and gloomy, hanging on the clouds, which symbolizes suffering and pain. In the five pentacles - the sky is snow-covered, which also points to sadness and suffering. As we see, the sky is most often emphasized in the masses of swords, because the air (and the sicks - the elements of the air) are closely connected with the sky. Large clouds in the sky (of which in Tarot are often drawn hands in the aces) symbolize mysticism, the intervention of the highest strength. For example, in the top five cups, one of the cup offers a hand, and in the seven cups of hands from the clouds surround the bowl. In Arkana, the world depicts flying characters in the corners of the card, with clouds.

51 Children's dream book Danilova

If the sky is clear - then you will be waiting for a cloudless life.

If the sky is frowning, it means that Tuchka is "thicken", some problems will soon begin.

Heaven - also symbolizes the nature of your life.

52 Dream Khasse

clear - success in enterprises
covered with clouds - overcome obstacles
In fiery clouds - is waiting for a big joy
Distributed stars - get a big inheritance
Rise into the sky - Dove protection
Dark - terrible danger.

53 Proper dream book

Red - quarrel; Blue - joy; Clear - big winnings; Star - fulfillment of desires; Crane - Success in Affairs

54 French dream book

To see a clear sky - a good sign. Your dream foreshadows well-being in the house. If you have dreamed of the sky on fire, - you will be attacked, after which poverty and despair will come. The sky in colors - promises that soon you will open a certain cherished truth.

55 Muslim dreamnik

If anyone sees the sky in a dream - he falls into a fraction of greatness and high position. If anyone sees in a dream, which is asked to the sky, - will make a distant and long journey, which will benefit. If someone sees what he ascended to almost the sky, will acquire a high position both in the affairs of religion and in the affairs of the world.

56 Small dream book

If in a dream you see a clear blue sky, then you are assigned to meetings with interesting people And fascinating trips. But if the sky is gloomy or tightened by clouds, then such a dream symbolizes the wreck of hopes. The dream in which you fly across the sky surrounded by fantastic creatures is a bad omen. Fake your jealousy, do not let her take possession of you. If in a dream the sky from blue becomes bugs, then the cataclysms are possible in the form of public unrest and rebellion. The dream in which you are ascending to the sky means that you can achieve the goal, but this will not bring you the expected joy. If such a dream will dreamed young man, he may impose ascent of the stairs of Glory.

57 Dream Cleopatry

The sky is a symbol of purity and inaccessibility. The people of the sky are considered the place where God lives and where he looks at the sins of human. When the weather was sharply spoiled and thunderstorm clouds appeared in the sky, it was believed that this is anger of God, who was dissatisfied with the behavior and thoughts of people. In prayers and repentance, people add face and hands to the sky, asking for forgiveness and help from the Most High.

See a dream in which you carelessly parry in the sky - the foresight of the prosperous resolution of complex issues; to luck; To the recognition of you innocent.

See the sky, full of heavy thunderstorm clouds, which are literally bursting from precipitation, but still do not smoke rain, - this dream warns about the danger that hung over you; Do not take risky steps; Do not trust strangers, because it may end very badly; To confusing cases and not clarified problems.

See in a dream that you are going to pray, but different things are constantly distracted, and you are delayed with the desired - to disbelief, doubts and disappointment; To implement the conceived, you will have to try to trough; to long and tedious affairs.

58 Dream lovers

If you dreamed of a clean cloudless sky - such a dream promises a pleasant romantic trip, during which you have a chance to meet your chosen one.

Cloudy and gloomy sky - foreshadows disappointment in love and female resentment.

If you dream that you are climbing the sky on the stairs - this means that thanks to a successful marriage you will be prominent position in society, but this will not bring you satisfaction, as it does not require almost no effort.

59 Dream interpretation for bitch

The sky is clear and clean - joy, peace, pleasure, exciting journey with interesting fellow travelers.

Gloomy, tightened by the clouds of the sky - sadness, sadness and grief.

The starry sky is a long and heavy struggle for the right to be called the best of all will end in your favor.

To see the sunny sky is a rich spiritual life, a change in lifestyle, which will bring wisdom and calmness.

60 Dream of the XXI century

If you see a clear and clean sky in a dream - this is a sign that you will have any honors or you will go on a fascinating journey.

To dream of a blue sky - the forever of your success, a sign of overcoming difficulties; Starry sky - to joy; Red sky - to a quarrel; Sky with lightning to see - to a happy occasion.

Gloomy, closed with clouds of the sky - serves as a call for patience, overcoming temporary difficulties.

Being in the clouds - to receive news, a new position.

If in a dream, throwing the head, look into the sky - this is the foresight of wealth and knowledge; If the sky clarifies after the rain is a sign that all sorrow and care will be held.

61 Dream of the XXI century

Heaven. Infinity. Everything is available.

Liberty; expansion.

62 Dream Interpretation Alphabetic

A clear blue sky in a dream foreshadows you success in the enterprise, honors and money that you can spend not stupid. Cloudy, tightened by low clouds sky - a sign of serious obstacles in love and ridiculous offense.

The thunderstorm sky with flashes of lightning in black clouds - the fores of great joy and solemn gathering about this. If the rain does not cease from the sky - it promises you reliable protection in the face of loyal and devotional friends, if the Snow Pillettelet or deceases, it foreshadows troubles and the probability of losing the state.

Night skill, covered with bright stars with a month in the middle - the prospect of achieving everything you wish, if you donate something expensive for you. Dark, completely hopeless abyss of the night sky - Get an unexpected inheritance from anyone from where the concerned relative comes from. Fire spoors in the sky foreshadow cute family joy and love joy on a married bed. The sky, brightly lit among the night with an outbreak of a falling big meteorite, is such a dream about the upcoming babble on the launction of nature in a funny company of friends.

If in a dream you fly in the sky, waving your hands like wings - this means that the immeasurable happiness is awaiting you, which you have achieved so long. To see the birds, insects or animals fluttering in the sky - will achieve the protection of their legal rights in the deregious property or inheritance.

Rising into the sky on an airplane or other transport air means means an unsuccessful attempt to succeed with illegal means. Rise into the sky by hanging from there the endless staircase promises you a successful career and debugged family life.

63 Dream Interpretation Simeon Prozorova

To see in a dream high, blue sky with white clouds floating around it - you are waiting for honors and a fascinating journey. If the sky was absolutely cloudless - you are waiting for a cloudless life, full of joy and pleasure. Tightened by clouds gray sky foreshadows sadness of hopeless life, routine concerns and constant fatigue. If you see that the pure blue sky suddenly darkened and the black cloud comes on you - your hopes will disarm the irresistible obstacle. If you see the night sky, filled with the light of the moon and the radiance of stars, - in front of you will open up excellent opportunities to implement any goal. Falling in the sky high above the ground - you will be elevated. However, if you fell from the sky, such a dream means that you are too closed and soon it can cause your failure. If the girl dreams the day sky, on which the thin strip of the month is visible, the groom will soon appear. The young man seeing the moon disk at the daily sky, the dream promises a quick marriage.

Imagine that the sky is absolutely clean. If the day is bright blue, huge, high. If there is a night-filled with the radiance of millions of stars.

64 Dream of 20th century

Symbolizes fate, a person cannot change.

To see in a dream that an event unfolds in the sky: means that you can experience something similar.

Most often, such dreams carry not direct, but a symbolic meaning.

Clean, clear sky: foreshadows good luck and well-being.

Thunderstorm clouds: this is a warning about danger. Perhaps, in reality, you risk calling any anger.

Brown clouds: warn about sudden flashes of aggression, the victim of which you can become. After such sleep, it is better to avoid conflict situations.

White clouds in the sky: sign of your dreamability. It seems that your life plans do not reach clarity and certainty.

65 Dream Rommel

Light, cloudless sky - to successes, peace, enjoyment or yawn purification.

Dark, gloomy, with heavy clouds - to danger, illness, adversity.

Blue sky - something good for something.

Torn the stars - to the fulfillment of desires, inheritance.

Rays of light in the sky - fortunately, high patronage.

Red sky - to quarrels.

With lightning - to a happy randomness.

With crimson clouds - to public unrest.

The sky with planets - to turning to nature, giving wisdom and strength of the Spirit.

Being in a dream ascended to heaven - to an unsuccessful attempt to use everything possible to promote your affairs.

Climbing the sky on the stairs - to quickly achieve a high position in society.

Fly across the sky - suffer from infidelity in love.

66 Newest dream book Ivanova

Starry sky - your choice will be justified.

67 Dream interpretation for girls

The dreams about the sky characterize the state of the soul.

The day sky symbolizes simple, clear feelings.

Blue sky and light clouds - peace.

Dazzling blue, cloudless sky - joy.

Lonely bright cloud over head - honor.

Curish clouds - a mystery of light sadness.

Fly in the sky - joyful works, happy troubles.

To turn in the clouds - the desire to see life in pink color.

The clubs are poured away - your fears, anxiety.

Night sky in a dream tells about the secret sensations of your soul.

Gloomy, a sad night sky - you anticipate the trial time.

The night sky, in which snow clouds are lowered - you will fight for your views.

Clear Silent Night Sky - Title: You feel in a dream that your efforts are crowned with success.

Blimey! How many you see and you know! Maybe in astrologers are served?

68 Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

Along with itself the sky in clouds - to natural disasters.

To see the palate, burned with hot milk or tea - you are not allowed to say honestly, as you are doing at work.

Blue sky - an explanation will be held, which you will be happy.

69 Dream of Wanderers - Terentia Smirnova

The sky is light, bright, clean - favored in everything.

Dark, gray, muddy - troubles, failures, illness.

The bugger, bloody - misfortune in the family, trouble in person.

Something in the sky - can be a dream of dreams, really achievable or fruitless.

70 Akulina healer dream book

You dreamed of the sky - you are waiting for honors and a fascinating journey. Imagine that the sky is absolutely clean. If the day is bright blue, huge, high. If the night is the shining of a million of the stars.

71 Dream interpretation housewife

Sky - Mind. The color of the sky is the vision of his life at the moment. Clean, clear sky - joy, peace; Gloomy and cloud-covered sky - longing, sadness; Bagher sky - anxiety; Star sky - dreams; The illuminated sky with heavenly luminaires - work on themselves; climbing the sky on the stairs - elevation in society; Ascension to heaven - an attempt to take advantage of the opportunities to achieve success.

72 Dream interpretation for the whole family

Clean blue sky - always symbolized a peacefulness, a calm cloudless life, so you can hope that this grace will decrease both on you, cloudy - the discrepancies of desires, the blue sky with the clouds - new ideas, lightning in the sky - unexpected help.

Night sky is a loss of self-confidence.

Star sky - sudden illumination.

73 Universal dream book

Creative people claim that inspiration often comes from the sky, so if you dream of the blue sky - it means you are craving for inspiration. The sky symbolizes and infinity. So you perceive life at the moment? Does she spread out before you and has no boundaries? Is it an exciting or frightening perspective?

The color of the sky in a dream - reflects your mood.

For example, the gray sky is a sign of melancholy, while the blue sky is a sign of joyful, light mood.

The sky is still - and the symbol of the world, as it is the shelter of God.

Does the sky associate with your heaven in the spiritual sense? - What is your impression from the sky?

At the moment, you feel particularly good, as if reached the highest good? Or feel uncertain, uncomfortable, as if you want to catch a crane in the sky? - Perhaps you have a mystery, a skeleton in the closet, and you are afraid that all the secret will become apparent?

74 Chinese dream book Zhou-Guna

Speakes how the sky clarifies and rain ceases - all sorrow and concerns will be held.

Throwing the head, look into the sky - big wealth and knowledge.

The sky splits - there will be sadness in connection with the section of the state, the country.

The sky and the Earth are connected - to achieve what you want.

Often, the sky seen in a dream is interpreted by dreams, as the nearest future of the dream. Therefore, his color and condition plays a small role, in the interpretation of what it dreams. If you dreamed of a black sky, then be careful, taking any decision, since a similar heavenly shade warns about the danger.

Dream Miller

Giving preference to Miller's interpretations, you will get quite accurate and clear answers. If in a dream you see in your head of a dark brightest, almost black sky, then be prepared for the fact that there is a conflict in your team, and perhaps even a strike.

The other thing, if the dark skies were highlighted by the heavenly luminaires - Moon, the stars, the Sun means that, despite the dark prospects, the reality will be not so frightening.

But, explaining to the woman, what dreams the inside horizon, Dream Interpretation gives such an interpretation: This vision promises sadness and tears, because means "broken" heart and the same hopes.

Luminous, "Bouring" light

If you dreamed of a black sky, then this is not a very unbelief sign, for the most part. However, if in a dream you see that heaven is at least a little bit, but are highlighted by something, then you can hope for a joy in the mass of negative. Here, why dream some of them:

  • full moon on the black sky - you are waiting for painstaking work on yourself;
  • round stars at the night sky - look for positive moments in everything they are;
  • through the darkening clouds breaks through the ray of the sun - the problems will soon go;
  • comet, disseminating nightly, to a bright impression.

Heaven midnight, as a symbol of distrust

According to the interpretation of sleep dreams of a wanderer, to see the night without stars in a dream - a symbol of your hiddenness and distrust.

The starry night dreamedled - the "spark of joy" will enter life. But, see in a dream that the asterisks are hidden behind the clouds - a sign that you are carrying grand plans, but hide them from fear to be incomprehensible.

Thunderstorm clouds - a sign of a problematic future

What dreams of a black sky with thunderstorm clouds that are fantastic zippers will tell the dream book Ezopa. Pay attention to whether the clouds were "breed" with rain or not: if the rain went - you are threatened with danger; The sediments did not fall out - the risk of getting into trouble, of course, small, but he is, remember it.

Dreamed that clouded clouds, slaughtered lightning and did you see a black sky over your head? Freud's dream book explains the dream: you do not associate failures that pursue you, with problems in sexual life, and do it in vain. Talk to the partner, mark the problems and decide them - see how life transformed.

Our experts will help you find out what dreams of a black sky in a dream, just write a dream in the form below and you are plundered what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try!

    I'm trying to escape from the black sky with lightning. I come across various doors. And when I enter them - then I get into different places. And there is no dark sky in the sky with lightningry. It happens when it comes to the door is very close to the dark sky with yellow zippers as if I had teleported through the door. Then I go to the next door I find myself in the room of a strange institution. In a dream, near the beds there is some kind of "grandfather" well from the word grandfather. It can be seen in a dream that this is a guy who is afraid of the rest of the guys on the beds, because something is worn there. He well, the chief "grandfather" in the room comes to me and with respect trying to shake my hand. In case of the institution, the hands can be seen what it starts to be afraid of me. This is noticed the rest. And they disappear from the room he and everyone else. I start to wash my hands in the sink. In the sink, another ashtray was stood. Ashtray with cigarettes evaporates somewhere. But water does not merge, as the sink is scored. I clean her hands. And yellow water runs away from the shell. Then I open the door again, in the hope of teleporting further, but I get into the usual corridor of the same building. The corridor is not long meters 12-15. At the end of the corridor, a person comes out with the face of the color orange-cinnamon in all white and lights - I realized that his face of an alien outline. He goes to me. First of his words. "I know that Vitaly is your name. You were a drug addict, but you have changed for the better. I will effake you. Then a few, as it were, I see the bright blue soupe of Egypt. And I wake up. Colored dreams are rare for me. In this dream, the color was: the sky, lightning, face, water, the zhostok energy.

    Dreamed black, gloomily sky. I seem to look out the window, and I see what upset me. The sky was gray, with the overflows of black clouds, namely, the black house was abandoned, such a terrible strip, as if she was a tornado

    I dreamed that I and many other people look into the sky, where the rapid towards each other moves from two sides, dense white clouds, as if a stupid sky. But the premonition is not good, as as half the sky rapproche the sky they get dark and met into Fasting, turning the sky into a black leaf, everything is immersed in darkness for a while, then the light of the alleged zipper appears at the junction of these two clouds, and the thunder is heard . After that, the sky becomes lighter. Such an episode dreamed overnight a couple of times.

    I have in my apartment, looked outside, I didn't like something, looked at the sky, and saw that the black one was coming, the sky was divided into half and on the left side half the sky is all tightened with heavy lead clouds and all this is approaching, then the call was then heard The door, my older brother arrived, I was very surprised, he brought carcass chicken, a lot, I began to clean them in the freezer of the refrigerator, then woke up ....

    i saw how the blue sky quickly delayed with black clouds blow strong wind And when I looked from the shelter, I saw a thunderstorm, the tornadoes who carried a lot of big cars. It was very scary and I was afraid that now some car falls into my house and break it

    dreamed how the sky dares, on it shapes with the wings of birds (birds like the cores are still depicted on the symbols of the Nazis), I look at the sky, but there is no fear, but I think about myself that the war came to himself. Next, in the sky, the clear Frame of the Holy (Woman) she is all in red robe, I scream - see God! She heard me and turned to me ... Next, I already go Sleys somewhere, but she turned out to be a simple girl in a sundress and handkerchief, a bright face and kind. She says to me, they say I'm not correctly doing something (but as I did not say), he said that she was tired of praying for me to God. I asked, they say everything will be fine with me, what she smiled ... I asked her name, she replied - Zinaida ... Very smart, movable girl

    Hello! My dream, who will ask if possible to express: First, ordinary actions occur on the street I see yourself familiar, but as soon as I raise my eyes up I see: a black sky, and on it a gold wide road, it is so bright that hesitates from her. Further it is the road, moves throughout the sky. And suddenly she suddenly circles in the sky, like a whirlpool. So much that noise and wind are created because of this .. I quiet, let go of my head, I closes my hands .. and right in a dream I feel a terrible feeling of fear. Dealer I see that because of such anxiety in a dream I wake up, in the dream I see that I woke up with a terrible feeling. I see that I run away from someone, perfume, ghosts ... In general, some kind of devilryI'm trying to hide from them and even struggling. In general, I woke up with such a feeling that I must know the interpretation of this sleep. If this service is paid, you can not bother yourself!

    I dreamed like I work as a security guard in a cafe (pizzeria), and watching animals in the form of animals. Bear, fox, chicken, hare. And I had to do behind them. After which they tried to get into my workplaceBut I closed the doors and watched them into the camera. Still, I think they wanted to scare me. But they were sorry for me because I didn't want to let them. Maybe they needed my help.

    i look out the window and see a black sky as if the thunderstorm is going and the searchlight that weighs on the wall of the house shines on the ground and on the ground growing high brightly bright green grass with small flower

    Zdrastvuyte, ya videl vo sne kak svetloe nebo postepenno pochernelo, kajetsya kto to mne skazal chto v evrope nachalas atomnaya voina, po etoi prichine vo vsem mire nastupil mrak i golod.Ludi nachali kupit i sobirat zapas edi.Pojalusta obyasnite smisl etogo sna.Armen .

    hello! I dreamed of the sky with black thunderstorm clouds I fled on asphalt and looked at the sky. It was terribly black but at the same time it was beautiful and felt the power of nature, I didn't get under the rain.

    Hello. At first it was light, there was a day. I was with my sister and her mom near my grandmother's house, then we saw my girlfriend, who went with her friends, one of them had a birthday, and they were sent somewhere. When they reached us, stopped to talk. Then everything darkened, somehow it happened smoothly that we were not even noticed at first. When I raised my head to the sky, it was all very dark gray, unusual, I never seen such a sky in my life. There was a feeling that an explosion will be followed from him that the end of the world comes. And I already expected something, for example, very loud rolled thunder. But it did not follow it. In some places, yellowish colors flashed in the sky, as if there were no thunder, but there was no thunder, and lightning and rain too. One of the girls said that this sky simply warms up. Strange phrase.

    We sit at home. We have 3 guests (and 2 of them are completely unfamiliar to me, but in a dream I know them for some reason). Going to go home. I go out into the street, I look at the side where they need to go and there is a lightning of the grace and the sky black black, I will go to them as you are now to eat there what a woven, and one of the events says it is not the weather. I turn into a distant standing a few guys and something harness and the smoke from this black black is straight a pillar worth the sky slaughters, but there is no fire!

    I do not know the bot you or not, well, so. I dreamed me that I see a black sky, everything delays him and delays black (not clouds) purely black and yellow thunderstorms trying to hit me twice, first time I was sure, and the second time I managed to escape to the house. Decipher.

    We drove with friends by car and suddenly I saw the window as part of the sky worked, we go further, I turned around and saw how the black spot was in the sky in the Black Dragon and then in the tornado who was moving in our direction. We stopped the car and I hid in the subsidence of some kind of home, and friends ran into the other side. Everything was still far enough, but it was scary.

    night dreamed of, almost black sky, rain, I stand at the entrance to the store and launch buyers, and they raise the goods and recommend that you still bring half the rainbow in the middle of the sky, and a golden-transparent cloud is moving to it, and on it Lies the month of the young upside down horn, swam to the rainbow and stopped. Unlikely beautiful !! And after sleeping some kind of peace.

    normal sleep without a special plot. At the end of sleep, I need to look at the sky, I draw attention that the sun shines as if in the morning, but not in his place. Then it disappears inherently and the sky darkens, there are some kind of thunder (it doesn't look like natural thunder) and I wake up. And in the dark, looking at the ceiling the icon of Jesus Christ fell, ...

    i go on the road from the house towards the store, suddenly the roar, the sky sharply smoked and the sun became red, it became hot, it began to run around the sky (the whole cycle from the sunset until dawn is very very strong) I ran toward bushes and fell into them, more I do not remember…

    At first I walked out on the street, drew a track. On the street there was a wonderful weather, a bright blue clear sky, I had a raised nothrian. But then, due to the neighboring building, the mutilated men armed with cold weapons were swung sharply. I was afraid and thought that these were some criminals or maniacs. In confusion, I would breathe and looked at their actions, one of them awakened right near me, looking at me in my eyes, I would scare less stronger, but did not move from the place. Next, they started to attack passersby and throw some NNPONATE rolls (type of scrolls) and the sky began to be painted black. At this moment I knew to shout and panic ahead. All I was in my thoughts, it is "Black Sky." I managed to run home how Mozhgo quickly, because I was frightened for my relatives, running home and briefly told my about what was happening, I watched the window and saw that a lot began to appear on the SECN Sky bright starsas in the pictures from space. I became easier for me. At that moment, the "thugs" began to drop on the door, I took a gun (I was sure that the real, he was leaving) opened the door and sent them to them, and they only looked at me with a grin. I tried to crawl out, I was literally half a meter between us, but the bullets are like envelopes and fell down. My fear came back. Space. Before your eyes again, a black starry sky. I woke up with a sense of strong excitement, to Kota, who makes itself felt already the second or third day.

    i walked with my mother on the seashore, she said that he wants to live here later I looked at the sky and from there I began to push the black with a crow, I was frightened and we ran into the train tambour of people. Next, I look again on the sky But I'm already in my city and it blacks and heavy clouds are running to me and from under them the red color I run to my mother and ask where the children she speaks in the kindergarten I run there the sky is already black and I wake up.

    For a long time, for several years. The plot of dreams is different. But in all dreams there was one feature - a black sky, but everything around was lit by the sun, the time change was changed. The black sky looked like space, only without stars. Not a single cloud in the sky. And yesterday suddenly dreamed a dream with ordinary sky, everything was clear, there was a sun and cloudy.

  • The rain ran out, and the blue sky was opened in the blue haze. Lee Bo.
  • First elements -Metal, water, wind, fire.
  • Elements - dry, cold, wind, heat.
  • Emotions - sadness, fear, anger, joy.
  • Authorities - Lightweight, kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas, thin and thick intestine, bladder, gallbladder.
  • Planets - Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars.
  • The sky in Chinese mythology is the highest category of the universe: under the sky there are all the transformation of five high-bases (land, metal, water, wood, fire), between heaven and land lives, obeying their laws, man. At the same time, the sky is involved in all earth transformations, pouring on the land of Yansk energy pure light and heat: the fire is lit from heavenly light and heats the ground that creates metal and the like. Sky and cosmos need a person, as well as a person needs them. And the earth, and the space is needed for awareness of a single living body living among the sky and land observer-man. The sky trigram is Qian (three Yansk solid features personify clean Jansky light without his mixing with the Yin Energy Energy). The seasonal action of Tsian's trigms - from the beginning of October to mid-December: on earth at that time it is cold, the foundations of the future growth of growth are laid, but the mixture of heavenly light with earthly yin is very small. Qian symbolizes a set of specific properties. In the ancient Chinese book, changes say: ... Qian - immobility and strength; Trigram Indicates: Horse, Head, Heavenly Sphere, Father, Sovereign, Circle, Metal, Red, Good Horse, Old Horse, Skinny Horse, Picky Horse, Fruits Trees ... and the like. All in the list refers to the primacy of the genus, to seniority, to brightness and strength, everything, one way or another, is approximate to the sky. To look into the sky for a person means a symbolic effect, comprehending the complexity of the universe, awareness of itself as a particle of space. If the contemplation of the sea cleans the soul from fumes, the contemplation of the sky purifies the immortal spirit, preparing it to the possibility of conversation. In the sky to look in a dream - contemplate clean Jansky light, fill out the lack of energy yang. Looking into the sky / see the sky with satisfaction / watch the clouds running around the sky - sleep means a favorable match of the dream rhythms with seasons or winter rhythms, at another time it is a coincidence of personal rhythms with the rhythms of nature and space as a whole. Thirst to look at the sky in a dream arises either in childhood when a person is not yet cut off from the sky with earthly problems, or in more conscious years, when the most terrestrial part of the path is safely passed and a person realizes that all this was committed for something even higher. Dream foreshadows the disclosure of creative opportunities and assistance in their implementation. To look at the sky with heavy clouds, but without fear and desire to hide - means an unfavorable external situation: some unfinished affairs or not fully developed to the end of the worldview prevents the new path, but the desire is and is required only to move forward. Watch / see a low, heavy sky with fear and the desire to hide-see the wrong actions and an inadequate worldview closes the path to the sky from the dream. Fear points to his personal, internal problems and on the first bubble, a bubble, a gallbladder weakened first. There are also problems with the intestines: not only the absorption of physical food depends on the intestine, but also acceptance of information as a whole. Health should begin to correct itself and the situation around (the sky of the sky is not reaching the dream).
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