Legends and superstitions about dogs. Dogs and evil spirits Dog Tales Choosing a dog from the point of view of magic

"Dog witch" (and sometimes "dog witch") is my self-name, as ethnographers say. So, grinning, I call myself when I am too lazy to pronounce, and most importantly, to decipher the tricky word "ENIOetologist", which appears in my official document giving the right to engage in biofield practice. And I often refer to this document as a "witch diploma".

What? It’s true: people like me, even three hundred years ago, were burned by hundreds and thousands at bonfires that blazed throughout Europe. I read The Hammer of the Witches, a medieval guide to trapping, identifying and exterminating my sisters, and I, an inveterate materialist of the second half of the twentieth century, amazed only by the stupidity and cruelty of monks-inquisitors. Hey, Sprenger and Insistoris, if you like, you can even consider me a witch! And the canine - because it became so thanks to dogs and for dogs. Although ... not only for them now.

There were no sorcerers, magicians and soothsayers in my family who inherited straight from the Atlanteans and then passed on to me in a single spell all the ancient wisdom. In any case, I know absolutely nothing about such outstanding ancestors. The only thing that could play a role in terms of heredity was an extremely bizarre combination of bloods: from French, German and Polish to some of the Central Asian ones, now there is no one to remember which one. From vague recollections of parental conversations heard sometime in childhood, I can very roughly judge how different genetic possibilities entwined in me into a single ball. In the family of a devout communist of the fifties and sixties, any talk about genealogy was, of course, prohibited. And now, when it has become not only possible, but also fashionable to find the old family coats of arms, I will find in the archives only official records, but not in any way indications of a dark past.

It's a pity! How nice it would be to tell you that I trace my lineage in a straight line from Hermes Trismegistus or, at worst, from Ambrosius-Merlin ...

Born in 1950, I received the only correct upbringing, exclusively and unswervingly materialistic and atheistic. I will not bend my heart, I still remember with gratitude the university teachers of Marxist-Leninist philosophy, who managed to instill in me, despite the typical disregard for social and political disciplines, solid methodological foundations on which my understanding of the world order is still built. It is not for nothing that one of the plans dearest to my heart is called the “Course in Materialistic Magic”.

I remember my first conversations with doctors and physiologists, who became interested in my unusual relationship with dogs. How tactfully and carefully they figured out how heavy a blow it would be for me to learn that these possibilities were not so divinely inspired ... well, no more than any other activity of the brain. "Scientific medical fact," as they say. And I was delighted with the opportunity to explore the mechanisms of telepathy and clairvoyance objective methods... And I decided to write this book itself only after numerous and fruitful conversations with doctors and scientists of other specialties.

As a matter of fact, all the "miraculous", "magical", astounding facts, presented in abundance in the practice of any magician, find their explanation under one single assumption. It is necessary "only" to include in consideration, on equal terms with matter and energy, the third type of matter - information. Then, having closed the triad, we will understand that there is nothing impossible or even surprising in the direct interaction of the brain that generates this very information with other information-active structures. This type of relationship with the world can be called, if anyone likes, the old fashioned way - Magic. And it is possible and super modern - energy-informational interactions (the same as biofield).

And it is not so important how many charlatans and swindlers travel around the cities and towns of our long-suffering Motherland under the guise of High Degree Initiates, presenting the rudiments of the healer's craft as a secret Great Deed. The main thing is different.

On the Earth in all ages lived, live and will live people who differ from the rest only in that they "hear" themselves, being able to actively use the capabilities of their own subconscious. Unlike extended sensory perception, these abilities are not given to a person at birth, but are created by training and life experience. Man goes in different ways to the knowledge of the Mystery of Secrets - himself!

I do not want you to consider me and my animals as some kind of unique phenomenon worthy of the Guinness Book or, what good, the Kunstkamera exposition. I am familiar with many canine-feline-human families, in which the same miracles occur, only people, without trying to analyze what is happening, consider these events either a coincidence or a play of their own imagination.

But why has this kind of relationship with a dog not become the norm for everyone? Are there any significant restrictions on the choice of the breed, on the upbringing of the dog, on the way of life with it?

Yes there is. First of all, it will be easier for you to achieve full contact with the dog if you are able to recognize "your" breed from the very beginning. For example, you may be annoyed by a vocal lapdog, and your best friend will not like a good-natured, but not very mobile Newfoundland, but as communication partners the former is not inferior to the latter. Take your pick! Among the three or four hundred breeds, each of which was bred to perform quite specific functions and has its own characteristics of the psyche and behavior, there is probably one that seems to be specially designed for you. The only warning is that you need to choose precisely according to psychological specifics, and not according to size, coat length and breeding qualities.

The second most important condition is the full development of the dog, both physical and mental. There is no absolute norm or immutable requirement here. The dog is able to adapt to very diverse types of relationships, only complete mutual understanding of the animal and the person is required. And yet the breed specificity is reflected here as well.

Sheepdog, who in life has not heard a single command outside the training area ... Rottweiler, who spends his days between a bowl and a sofa ... A sensitive Doberman, deprived of the opportunity to closely and sincerely communicate with a person ... All of them are flawed, I dare say, no less than St. Bernard-rescuer, who the owners, at their whim, embittered and, as they naively believed, trained to be guards. What a mutual understanding here! The owners of these dogs can say goodbye to all hopes for those delights of communication, which I told you about.

And, finally, the third most important condition, inextricably linked with the previous one: the dog must recognize you as a full member of the pack. Then and only then can you rightfully claim all the "benefits" prescribed by Mother Nature. The structure of the pack is quite complex, and the roles and social ranks in it (there are six of them in total, and in three out of six additional subdivisions are also distinguished) are determined by the distribution of the spheres of decision-making and responsibility. Therefore, it would not hurt to first familiarize yourself with the "typical staffing table" of the dog pack and learn in advance your " job descriptions».

And if these conditions are met, then there is only one obstacle for the contact of the subconscious - this is our utterly rational consciousness, which does not agree even for a minute to believe in the existence of "supernatural" capabilities of our own organism. Having usurped the power over our thinking, over the human perception of the world, the logical consciousness, as a rule, denies us "dating" with our own and other people's subconsciousness. But one has only to cross the psychological barrier, to loosen the oppression of rationality, and after a little training you yourself will do what now seems to you to be my groundless invention.

I think it is no coincidence that telepathic communication occurs primarily in very close people and animals. Before you start catching thoughts without words, you need to know each other well and be able to predict each other's actions and reasoning with almost one hundred percent probability. Now I already know how to "tread the path" to non-verbal communication with a dog, and I can tell you something about it. I just warn you: it all starts with the most complete and detailed understanding of the partner's inner world. That is why I insisted so much that you try to understand what makes up your dog's world, how it sees, hears and feels.

In order to “hear” the dog, see the world through its eyes, there is no need to concentrate and strain, drilling it, unhappy, with the heavy “look of Kashpirovsky”. On the contrary, try to relax mentally (and if it helps you, then physically), let your thoughts wander a little in complete disarray, and then let them calmly go away. There are images that help to weaken the power of consciousness; everyone chooses them for himself. If you like, let your thoughts wash away with a transparent sea wave. Or let them burn out in a cleansing flame - not in a threatening raging fire, but in a calm, kind hearth or in a campfire playing softly with almost tame tongues of fire. Let your thoughts dissolve in the azure spring sky - this is a very effective way. The highly esteemed Tibetan Lama Lobsang Rampa advises to imagine a dark, deep curtain made of loose fabric, which seems to absorb your thoughts, worries, worries, all the fuss and nervousness of everyday life. The choice is yours. And do not be afraid to come up with something of your own. After all, what is suggested by your intuition will always turn out to be more true than general recommendations; it is your subconsciousness that makes a path for itself through disturbing everyday life, helps to find a mysterious connection. So trust him.

Try yourself to "catch" the images created by the dog's brain. Imagine, please, a kind of invisible funnel formed by spiral vortices and directed by the bell towards the dog, and the narrow end towards the middle of your forehead, towards the very "third eye". This funnel, as it were, pulls in the information coming from the dog and directs it to the brain. For example, I almost physically "hear" the thoughts of a dog. Do not complain about my naivety - I am not describing the essence of the process, but just some kind of mechanical analogy. True, technically, this option is far from the only one, but historically such a presentation of information exchange was the first for me.

You can also, in full accordance with popular guidelines for mastering telepathy, imagine yourself as a dog in its specific, momentary state. I usually use this for emergency non-verbal suggestion - an urgent one-way transmission of mental images to the dog, which most often affect her emotional condition... The difficulty here lies only in the fact that just for this it is necessary to very well imagine the true state of the dog, and not what the person thinks about it. It seems to me that the specific features of the object play a decisive role here, and what I, a professional zoopsychologist, quite easily apply, may not be very convenient for you.

There are other representations that facilitate non-verbal contact. Soon after I began to consciously master this craft, I almost accidentally (although there are no coincidences in these matters!) I came across a book by the American Richard Satfen, in which he describes the technique of "connecting chakras" developed by him for people. It was not without interest and some vanity that I recognized in her the techniques that by that time had already been used intuitively for intimate communication with dogs. Like Satfen's technique, my chakra connection works best when the dog is calm, for example, when it is necessary to spy on her sleep. I imagine an immaterial cloud enveloping the head and base of the dog's neck and spreading from it to me, to the same upper chakras. In this cloud, as on a screen, those images are reflected with which the brain of the beast is occupied at this moment. I can only make out these images, and not with my eyes, but directly with my brain.

In canine perception, objects (when I manage to "examine" them) appear somewhat schematic, devoid of details that are unimportant to the animal. It seems to me that this is due to pragmatics, which makes many details irrelevant to the dog. So they "cleanse" their perception of these unnecessary details. Well, what's the use to them, for example, in the geometry of the guitar deck? But on the other hand, they are perfectly aware of the guitar itself as a source of sound vibrations, pleasant or unpleasant. In the existence of abstract thinking in dogs, I, as you understand, do not doubt for a second, only abstraction goes in slightly different ways, otherwise the so-called differential features stand out. And it is not their fault that these are not the signs that we humans are used to.

Their mental images most often differ from human representations not only by a certain schema, but also by a special "illumination", they seem to be outlined by a softly fluorescent greenish outline. In any case, abstract and symbolic concepts in their imagination look exactly like this. Without having the right to talk about this in more detail, I will only say that many of my ideas from the field of esoteric knowledge were dictated to me by my Dzinechka and only later were tested in special literature. I remember how she showed me the Egyptian pyramids from the inside, I remember the face, which I called the "Jinky Madonna" ... And every time I later found in books and in conversations with experts on these issues, confirmation of many of the facts communicated by her. But ... these are no longer my secrets. I shut up.

To transmit a suggestion without words to a dog, you can use the same tuning methods, which, however, sometimes have to be supplemented with some minor "technical improvements." These auxiliary techniques are most often improvised along the way.

One of the main ways is the one in which I once called the baby Rolfushka into the kitchen for an apple. In a state of light trance, disconnection of consciousness (then this was facilitated by the so-called "sub-sleep state", one of the classic "altered states of consciousness" studied by human psychiatrists), I repeat to myself a phrase addressed to the "addressee", and imagine as clearly as possible, as if I say it out loud. It is best if the repeated words seem to lose their meaning, ceasing to be perceived by the consciousness, and become only external "labels" for the image formed in the subconscious. Try to repeat over and over again, as monotonously as possible, any word, and you will notice this effect in a couple of minutes. In this way, a more or less complex message can be conveyed quite accurately and reliably, and the repetitions themselves help to maintain and strengthen the state of light trance. However, this method also has a significant drawback - it works slowly, requiring both preliminary configuration and some time for repetitions. Although the time it takes for the non-verbal transmission to trigger is reduced after some exercise, it is still calculated in at least seconds, which you may not have at your disposal.

The matter is somewhat accelerated in the case when the recipient, who should willingly or unwillingly accept your message, is already tuned in to your "wave" - \u200b\u200ba well-known dog, close person... It is also not bad if he is also in an altered state of consciousness, if not disconnected, then at least inhibited. The role of a distracting factor (for both the transmitting and perceiving subjects) can be played, for example, by not fast, but rhythmic music or some background thoughts, slow and uncomplicated, not directly related to the situation and the subject of the message. The technique of such non-verbal communication is very close to the methods of Ericksonian hypnosis, and, in fact, borrows some of the techniques developed by Milton Erickson. The only difference is that specific actions and images are not programmed in advance, but information is only written into the partner's memory. How to use it and when, he decides for himself.

The wisdom of biofield contact, mastered with the help of dogs, is easily transferred to communication with people. However, I am obliged to repeat the main warning: never, under any circumstances, do not allow violence against someone else's will! Do not put things in order in someone else's soul, even if it seems to you the only right thing and you are acting with the best intentions! After all, each of us has a right to error and error, and it is sacred. And those who interfere with the structure of someone else's personality will backfire three times.

My interlocutors can feel completely safe - I do not resort to suggestion even when I really want to convince someone that I am right.

It happens, I must admit, that I use my opportunities out of prank. For example, I play preference only occasionally, only with my relatives and with purely symbolic money rates. I never look into the cards of partners, although I can do it. But I happened to be naughty and make them make the most absurd mistake, pull out the wrong card. How funny my husband got angry when he let me go correct play I was guaranteed at least six bribes! But one day, without knowing it, my own brother punished me when, annoyed by my winnings (this time - extremely honest), he very much wished that I was mistaken. Here I had to pay. Well, I deserve it!

I would also like you to use these abilities only for the benefit of others. For yourself, you can use them only for self-defense.

Much and much of what the dogs who love me have taught me, I use in the most wonderful way in my work, for the benefit of my wards. Some of my techniques are quite consistent with traditional magical actions - a spell, a spell. As a matter of fact, all my activities can be compared with beneficial spoilage aimed at improving the personality of a dog, and the only justification for me is that these goals are never achieved by violence against the person. For other techniques, names borrowed from human psychotechnics can be applied - hypnosis, non-verbal suggestion. We can also talk about the use of so-called True Names (sound correspondences reflecting the structure of the biofield in the same way as the aura serves as its visible representation). I also have my own author's methods of directing dreams, which I mentioned earlier, reforming motivations, biofield modulation. Believe me, it is simply impossible to tell about them within this book.

However, the name does not change the essence of the matter. Any of these effects is based on those biofield mechanisms that I tried to tell you about.

And in conclusion, I will repeat to you what I often say to my interlocutors. It doesn't matter if you believe in these things. They are there anyway!

Myths, legends, beliefs

The dog is one of the most common animals living with humans both in the countryside and in city apartments. Probably, it is already impossible to find a courtyard, even in the city, in which dogs would not be walked at dawn.

Such popularity of the dog, of course, is not accidental. Many people subconsciously feel that the dog harbors very powerful magical properties. No wonder the "Avesta", the oldest religious and cultural monument of the East, says: "The mind of the dog keeps the world."

By the way, it also says the following: “A dog is a watchman and a friend given to you ... She does not ask you for clothes or shoes. She helps you catch prey, she watches over your property, she amuses you during your leisure time. Woe to the one who offends her or regrets healthy food for her. The soul of such a person after death will wander forever in solitude: even a dog will not come out to meet her. "

Unlike other animals, the magical properties of a dog are closest to humans. Even a cat and a cow cannot compare with them in this regard. That is why, perhaps, it is impossible to find another such animal that would be so strongly devoted to man.

The New Assyrian parable is an excellent confirmation of this dog's affection for people:
“One man had a dog that long years guarded his house and garden. But time passed, the dog grew old, and then the man decided not to keep the dog with him anymore, but to drown him. He put the dog in the boat, tied a stone around its neck and swam to the middle of the river. There he threw the dog into the water. But the boat swayed from a sharp jolt, the man could not resist, fell into the river and began to sink. The noose with the stone slipped off the dog's wet neck, and she was free. But instead of fleeing from the man who wanted to drown her, she rushed to save him with all her might, grabbed him with her teeth and pulled him ashore. The man survived and returned home with the dog. He began to care for and look after her while she was alive. And since then, no one else in the village has tried to kill the dog. "

Dogs were so revered by people that sometimes they even erected marble monuments, such as, for example, a dog named Soter. It is believed that she and forty-nine other dogs saved the ancient Greek city of Corinth from enemies.

Legend has it that one night, when the inner garrison was asleep, an enemy flotilla sailed and on the outskirts of the city a battle began with dogs, loyal guards. Help of people arrived in time when only one dog, named Soter, survived. The enemy was defeated, and the citadel was saved, while Soter received as a reward for his bravery a silver collar with the inscription "Soter - protector and savior of Corinth."

The dog was the sacred animal of many gods. So, for example, Anubis was introduced to the inhabitants Ancient egypt in the form of a man with a jackal's head or a dog (sometimes just in the form of a jackal or a dog). He accompanied the souls of the departed to the courtroom, where their hearts (the symbol of the soul) were weighed on special scales balanced with truth. The center of the cult of Anubis was considered Kinopol (in the original name - Kas) - "city of dogs". And if any of the inhabitants of other cities killed a dog from Kinopol, then this was considered a sufficient reason to declare war.

In the kingdom of Hades, on the banks of the sacred river Styx, monstrous dogs accompanied the retinue of the goddess Hecate (in Greek mythology, the goddess of darkness, night visions and sorcery), who was considered an assistant in witchcraft. In addition, she sent nightmares and difficult dreams to sleeping people.

There was a belief that of all living creatures, including humans, only dogs could see this goddess.

The dog accompanied other gods - Artemis (in Greek mythology, the goddess of the hunt, daughter of Zeus and Leto, sister of Apollo), Diana (in Roman mythology, the goddess of vegetation, obstetric aid, the personification of the moon), Hermes (in Greek mythology, the messenger of the gods, the patron of travelers, the guide of the souls of the dead and the patron of esoteric knowledge), Mercury (in Roman mythology, the god of trade), Ares (in Greek mythology, the god of war), Mars (in Roman mythology, the god of war) and many others.

There are many beliefs and legends about the origin of the dog. So, according to the legend of the Californian Indians of the Kato tribe. God Nagai-ho created the world out of nothing, created all things, natural phenomena and living beings. But he did not have to create a dog, because it was always there.

And here is one of the eastern legends about the origin of the greyhound.
Once King Solomon, according to the command of God, ordered all the animals to get together so that each of them could express their needs and wishes and in return listen to the Creator's command on how to relate to each other. At the call of the king, all the animals gathered with the exception of the hedgehog. The king, enraged by such disobedience, turned to them with a question:
“Would someone volunteer to go in search of the disobedient?
There were only two hunters - a horse and a dog.
The horse said:
“I will find the recalcitrant, I will drive him out of the den, but I will not be able to take him - for that my height is too great and, moreover, my nostrils are not protected from the pricks of hedgehogs.
The dog said:
“I’m not afraid of spiky needles, but my face is too thick, and I will not be able to push it into the hedgehog’s den in case he escapes there before I grab it.
After hearing this, Solomon said:
-Yes you are right. But I do not want to disgrace the horse by reducing its height, it would be a very bad reward for its diligence and obedience. I would rather add beauty to the dog in order to reward her for her zeal.

Having said this, the king took the animal's face with both hands and stroked it until it became completely thin and pointed. Then all those present saw that the dog had turned into a slender graceful greyhound. Both volunteers immediately set out on a search and soon presented the stubborn animal to the king. King Solomon was very pleased, he punished the hedgehog severely, and expressed special favor to the horse and dog:
“From now on you will be the companions of man and the first after him before the face of God.

But the Chow Chow dog breed, according to legends, comes from the union of a wolf and a panda bear.

In Tibet, it was believed that the Chow Chow has pronounced strong telepathic abilities. Therefore, dogs of this breed were bred by Tibetan monks.

It was believed that the dog became for the meditating monks the “guardian of the body,” which temporarily left the soul of the monk who was in spiritual practice. As the Tibetan texts used to say: "So that no evil spirit or other entity can enter the abandoned shell, and the owner's soul would have somewhere to return."

The process of attaining enlightenment sometimes lasted three to five days, and all this time the Chow-Chow was persistently in place and maintained telepathic contact with the meditator.

Many peoples have a widespread motive for the origin of people, leaders, ancestors of a whole family from an association with a dog. So, for example, in the mythology of the Lepcha people (the Tibetan-Burmese group) from the ice of the sacred mountain Kanchenjunga, the god Tasheting created the first man Furong Thing and the first woman of Nazongnya. Furong Thing had intercourse with the dog at night. The children of Nazongnya were born animals. When God learned about Farong Thing's relationship with the dog, he ordered her to be honored. Then the first people had a generation of children in human form. But these children killed the youngest, the most handsome boy. For this, their father and mother drove them out of Kanchenjunga, and from the children came humanity.

The Kirghiz have preserved a legend about their origin from a red dog. They say that after the raid of enemies, only the daughter of the khan remained of all the Kyrgyz tribes. She had a red dog, from which she took care of children. They became the ancestors of the Kirghiz.

The Ainu also have a legend, which tells about the origin of the Ainu from the first woman on earth and a dog.

Also, the peoples of the Miao-Yao group, who live in large areas of southern and southwestern China and northern Indochina, also originate from the dog. The two main peoples of this group - Miao and Yao - are called so in China, in the countries of Indochina they are known as Meo and Zao.

The dog myth is most represented in Yao. It tells that once the ruler of a large country (sometimes called the ancient Chinese emperor Gaoxing) waged a difficult war. Not hoping for victory, he announced that he would give his daughter-princess to the conqueror of the leader of the enemies. Soon, the five-color dog Pan-hu, who lived in the yard, came with the head of the enemy. The emperor had to give his daughter for her. The dog took his wife south to the mountains, where the couple had descendants - yao.

In honor of the ancestor of Panhu, festivities began to be held, and women wear a headdress that resembles the ears of a dog in some miao and yao, and in others like a princess's headdress. Men have a tail-shaped bandage hanging from the back.

In Yao, the Panhu dog also serves as the main guardian and protector spirit, helping the Yao in their ancient wanderings by the sea. An altar dedicated to Panhu is installed in the houses of Yao.

Sometimes a dog in Yao is a cultural hero. So, among the Liannan (China) Yao it is believed that a dog brought them rice grains for the first time in its wool.

In some traditions, the dog also acts as the Bread Spirit. This idea of \u200b\u200bit is widespread in France, Germany and in the Slavic countries. For example, when waves of bread sway in the wind, peasants often say: "There's a mad dog in the field," "There's a big dog there."

In some parts of Silesia, a Wheat Dog or Pea Dog is a person who has squeezed or tied the last bundle. But the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Bread Dog is especially vividly manifested in the harvesting customs in northeastern France. In the event that one of the reapers, whether due to illness, fatigue or laziness, cannot or does not want to keep up with a comrade who has gone ahead, the local peasants say: "A white dog ran next to him", "He got a white bitch "," He was bitten by a white bitch. "

In some countries, the dog was especially revered. For example, various tribes in Ethiopia believed in the existence of God in the form of a dog. They saw approval of any case of wagging a dog's tail. The more active the wagging, the more charitable the deed. If a dog licked a person, then this was perceived as a great mercy of the Almighty, and the evil barking of a dog in their understanding meant his obvious displeasure.

In some legends of African peoples, the dog is the catcher of fire. The ancient beliefs of the Himba tribe say that the Creator sent a dog with a flaming branch to people. Since then, dogs have been allowed to sleep by the fire.

In the Nyanga tribe, it is believed that the talking dog Rukuba stole the fire for people from the god Nyamurairi. For this, people gave her their friendship forever.

Now the dog is perceived by us as "man's best friend", but not always and not all peoples thought so. In many superstitions, she appears before us in a completely unexpected light: a dog is both an inhabitant of the other world, and a messenger of death, misfortune, and a demon of pestilence.

Often the dog was associated with the dark side of life, and in particular, the demons of hell and evil spirits sometimes appeared in the guises of dogs. For example, the 25th spirit of the "Lemegeton" treatise, the powerful governor of the underworld, Glasia Labolas, when summoned by the magician, appears in the form of a dog with the wings of a griffin. He instantly teaches all the arts, talks about all the phenomena of the past and the future, arouses the love of friends and opponents, and can also make a person invisible. But he is also the culprit of the bloodshed and the leader of the murderers.

And according to Philostratus, during the plague in Ephesus, Apollonius of Pianeus ordered the crowd to stone one beggar old man with stones. When, after the execution, they dug up a pile of stones that covered the unfortunate man, under it was the corpse of a dog, and the epidemic then stopped.

In general, it must be said that the ominous significance of dogs was recognized by many peoples. In some cases, the howling of dogs at night or their sudden appearance in the house caused superstitious fear in people: this was considered a harbinger of death or misfortune.

Often the dog was associated with the world of the dead, it was believed that black dogs are in a special connection with the afterlife. They believed that they see the angel of death when he approaches a person.

The same properties were attributed to a dog with light spots above the eyes and a dog of the first litter. It was believed that not a single ghost could hide from her gaze. But it is very difficult to grow it, since the sorcerers are trying in every possible way to lime it.

In some countries it was said that before a person dies, a mysterious black dog runs around the house three times or lies down at its gate.

Some peoples had the idea of \u200b\u200ba dog as a human soul, wandering the earth. For example, the people of Siam believed in special demonic people who had no pupil in their eyes. They believed that at night, when they slept, their souls seemed to turn into dogs or wild cats, prowl the world and only at dawn return back.

By the way, they say the same about witches: while the body of a witch is immersed in sleep, her soul in the form of a black dog, cat or bat wanders around the world.

Many peoples believed that a witch was especially willing to turn into a dog. And quite often one could hear a story about a man who, having mutilated a dog that he came across at night, was convinced the next day that he had injured his neighbor, a witch. Similar motives are very often found in world literature, for example, in N. V. Gogol or in Chinese fairy tales.

And here is one of the folk tales about the appearance of the soul of a dead man in the form of a dog: “Once two Christians killed a Turk, he became a dog and appeared not only at night, but also at noon, attacking the flocks and the soul of sheep.”

According to German belief, in the form of black dogs with red eyes, the souls of suicides, treacherously murdered people and great sinners - depraved priests and unjust judges - wander at night.

According to Polish belief, in the form of dogs, souls of drowned people emerge from the water, souls of witches and suicides return to the world.

Over time, the image of a dog-soul gradually turns in beliefs into dogs-demons, which in the Christian world are identified with the devil. They usually wander around graves and cemeteries, and are often also transported to the land of the dead or to hell.

Even more often, dogs are guides to the next world or guardians of the underworld, for example, the famous Cerberus - a three-headed dog, on whose neck snakes moved. According to Greek mythology, he guarded the exit from the underworld of Hades to souls of the dead couldn't go back to earth. Hence the belief to put honey cakes in coffins. This was done so that Cerberus did not devour the bodies of the dead.

For a long time in Persia there was a custom to show the body of the deceased to the dog. Characteristically, in the event of the death of a pregnant woman, two dogs were brought into the room.

The Hurons believed that the soul of the deceased on its way to the afterlife should cross the bridge, where a dog would attack it.

The Eskimos had a custom of placing dog skulls in children's graves so that they could protect the souls of children in the afterlife.

In some traditions, the dog was also used as a kind of "scapegoat". For example, the inhabitants of the western Himalayas once a year give a dog to drink with alcohol or hashish and, having fed it with sweets, lead it through the village and unleash it. They chase the animal and kill it with sticks and stones, believing that now they are insured against diseases and other misfortunes for a year.

And in other places it was customary for the New Year to bring the dog to the door, give it a piece of bread, and then drive it away with the words: “Get out, dog! If by the end of the year a pestilence or death of cattle should happen in this house, let it all fall on your head. "

Practical use

As mentioned above, of all animals in their own magical properties It is the dog that is close to a person, since its aura is in the best harmony with his energy field. Most of all, it is in harmony with children's energy. Therefore, modern magicians recommend that children communicate more with dogs, since with their powerful energy potential, they will support the intensive growth of the child, who constantly needs new strength, new energy recharge.

The presence of a dog near a child will contribute to his healthy development, both physical and spiritual. The fact is that in dogs, unlike other animals, the chakra is very highly developed, which is responsible for the manifestation of selfless love.

A child who constantly plays with a dog will fall under its influence and thereby open his heart towards the world of wonderful feelings, his heart will learn to disinterestedly give love, like a dog does.

In addition, the dog frees the child from focusing on himself, relieves him of the feeling of loneliness and abandonment.

It is also important that if a child has his own dog, then he becomes not only an object of education, speaking in the language of psychology, but also his subject, that is, he not only takes care, care and attention of others, but also gives them to his ward. The dog will teach the child to understand the world of another creature.

Of the magical properties of a dog, its ability to guard and protect the house from evil spirits is most often used. It was believed that the guarding ability of dogs is so strong that even witches bypass those yards where there is a dog. This was especially true for those dogs that were puppies of the first whelped bitch. Therefore, according to Slavic beliefs, having learned that somewhere a dog has brought puppies for the first time, witches always try to steal or kill the first of them.

Dogs are very sensitive to various astral entities. When they appear in the house, they begin to rush or bark loudly, either at the place where the dog noticed something unusual, or at the owner, trying to attract his attention.

Dogs were used by many wandering sorcerers, who often had to spend the night in other people's houses or in the forest. Their dogs warned their owner about the presence of astral entities, which could very well be malicious spirits.

Such a protective ability was so remarkable that it was reflected in many myths about watchdogs... Therefore, magicians working with the occult properties of animals argued that in the presence of a dog, especially a white one, no witchcraft was effective. The dog's aura is so strong that it can neutralize any kind of black magic. And dogs of a red color are able to ward off the evil eye and damage from their master.

To guard the house, some village sorcerers sprinkled the blood of dogs on the walls or buried it under the threshold. It was believed that after such an operation, no evil would enter the house.

Parts of the dog were used very actively for the preparation of various magical potions. For example, a dog's claw was part of a magic drug that made a person invincible, and the ashes of a burnt dog's skull was considered a cure for many diseases. In one medieval treatise on witchcraft, we read: "Against the bite of poisonous reptiles, blood from a dog helps, no worse than known antidotes."

The dog's predictive abilities have also become very popular. Due to the fact that a dog is very close to humans in its energy properties, and its mental body is more developed than that of other domestic animals, it is best able to predict the future of a person. Not even a cat can compare with her.

The prophetic ability of dogs was also used by priests at temples, and village sorcerers and witches, who, according to the behavior of animals, predicted many different events, and in some cases the weather.

Here are some examples of interpreting animal behavior in terms of predictive magic.
Someone will die soon if the dog:

  1. howls downward;
  2. does not eat crumbs after the patient;
  3. digs a hole.

It will be bad weather or rain if the dog:

  1. lying around;
  2. howls and holds the muzzle straight;
  3. eats a lot of grass;
  4. hugs the owner;
  5. eats little and sleeps a lot.

It will be good luck if the dog:

  1. cracks in a dream;
  2. rolling on the ground in front of the house;
  3. reached for the person;
  4. rubs near someone walking down the street.

In some magical traditions of pagan Europe, the dog was used to achieve courage and daring. For this it was necessary to eat her heart, as, for example, the sorcerers of North America did.

The same was true of the prophetic abilities of dogs, which, according to the ancients, could be transferred to humans. To do this, you just had to eat the tongue of the animal.

And on the Hawaiian Islands, already in our century, the sorcerer-priest, invited to the patient, sacrificed a dog and a rooster, ate some of their meat and went to bed. After short nap he called the name of the person who caused the illness.

In healing, dogs were used to relieve nervous and mental stress. For this, it was enough to stroke the dog for a while. But unlike the cat, which takes on your negative energy, the dog, on the contrary, gives you its positive, which helps to get rid of stress.

To get rid of rheumatism and back pain, traditional healers often used dog hair belts.

From the point of view of healing, Chinese crested dogs that do not have hair have unique properties. Their body temperature is 40-42 degrees. These four-legged healers help relieve pain in renal colic, rheumatism, gout, radiculitis.

In magic, dogs were often used for ritual cleansing. For example, the famous ancient historian Plutarch wrote that some priests for ritual cleansing offered a person to pass between the parts of a dog cut in half. But modern sorcerers simply circle the puppy around the body of the person being purified for this.

Dogs were also used in agricultural magic. For example, dog droppings mixed with rotten cheese were thought to keep seeds and plants from livestock.

Dog rules

But with all the good nature of the dogs, several very important rules, since a dog is not an independent creature in magical terms - it will serve faithfully to any owner, be it a good person or an evil one.

From the point of view of magic, a dog is a certain accumulator of a powerful energy charge, so you need to be very careful with them. It is not for nothing that there is a popular belief that it is impossible to buy a dog if a person has died in the house and not yet 40 days have passed, since the spirit of the deceased can enter the animal. If this happens, then the soul that is not sent to the higher layers of being can become embittered, and your beloved dog has every chance of turning into an evil, vengeful dog. Therefore, if someone died in the house, then under no circumstances should a dog be brought into the room where the deceased is.

Choosing a dog in terms of magic

It is very important to choose the right cats and dogs alike, especially if you want to fully use the magical abilities of these animals. After all, the wrong choice of this or that animal for magical purposes can lead to unpredictable consequences, you can end up with completely different things than you expect. Therefore, sorcerers and magicians of all times and peoples paid such close attention to the choice of magical animals. So, in any business, the first thing a master chooses is a tool with which he will be able to fulfill the task set for himself with the greatest efficiency.

Here are some tips to follow to help you choose the right dog based on your goals.

Pure black dogs are the conductors of the most powerful energy flows, but if you have at least one negative thought, then a dog of this color will amplify it many times over. Therefore, such dogs are recommended only for those who always have peace and joy in their family. Then the black dog will only generate more of this energy.

In some popular beliefs it was believed that the black dog protects the house from thunderstorms, lightning and thieves.

Such dogs are advised to give birth to those who wish to actively engage in spiritualistic seances (summoning spirits), since it is believed that black dogs contribute to a lasting and reliable establishment of contact with the other world, in particular with astral entities.

And, of course, dogs of this color are good for those who are professionally engaged in occult sciences.

Chow Chows are more suitable for those who are seriously engaged in spiritual practices - yoga, meditation, and so on. This dog will help them keep their different energies in balance.

Dogs, having a white spot above each eye, are very good for protecting the house from evil spirits and identifying astral entities, as well as for predictions. It is believed that these spots, which are sometimes called "other eyes", are endowed with magical abilities, that is, the dog sees objects of our physical world with ordinary eyes, and with these spots-eyes - things and essences of the astral world.

A pure white dog can be got by almost all people, because even if your family is not very calm, if you feel some tension all the time, then a white dog will still transform negative energy into positive.

It is best to start red-colored dogs where there is a high probability of the evil eye and damage - they are endowed with powerful protective abilities.

Sorcerers and sorcerers recommend dark-colored dogs to those people who are overly excitable, extremely impressionable and emotionally unstable. Dogs of this suit will help balance any energies, especially diametrically opposite ones. We can say that such dogs help a person find a "golden mean", because you cannot simply remove the emotional aspect from your life, there will only be another extreme, which will still not lead to good. And these representatives of the animal world, due to their magical properties, will help balance any vibrations.

The dog is used for:

  • identifying astral entities and evil spirits;
  • fostering the child's ability to take care of another creature;
  • protecting the house from evil spirits;
  • protecting the house from thunderstorms and lightning;
  • protection from the spell of evil sorcerers;
  • getting rid of loneliness, psychological feeling of abandonment in children;
  • getting rid of sciatica and rheumatism;
  • getting rid of back pain;
  • getting rid of stress;
  • treating gout;
  • neutralizing black magic;
  • protecting the house from thieves and robbers;
  • gaining prophetic (predictive) abilities;
  • gaining invincibility;
  • gaining courage and courage;
  • removal of the evil eye and damage;
  • maintaining, feeding the energy of a growing child's body;
  • developing in children a sense of selfless love;
  • developing the child's understanding of another being;
  • ritual cleansing;
  • relieving pain in renal colic;
  • relieving nervous and mental stress;
  • spiritistic sessions (invoking spirits);
  • promoting the physical and spiritual growth of the child;
  • transformation of negative energy into positive;
  • balancing various energies;
  • establishing contact with the other world.

When we hear an intriguing word "WITCH" or "witch", we vividly imagine an old woman of a frightening appearance, a cauldron with a potion boiling in it, various amulets in the form of the bones of the deceased and, of course, a black cat. Some believe that a witch needs a black cat to transform into if she needs to commit some villainy.

Here is the story of one woman in confession at church:

“I woke up in the middle of the night because something was pressing on my legs. Opening my eyes, I saw in the moonlight that a black cat was sitting on my bed on my feet and staring at me. We lived at that time on the eighth floor, there were no animals in the house. For some reason, I was not afraid of the cat, I thought that it was the neighbor's who got over the balcony. Most of all I was outraged that she was sitting on a clean bed. I tried to push her away, but the cat only moved slightly and still did not take her evil yellow gaze from me. Then I moved her leg forcefully. The cat turned its back to me, just turned, like a person about to leave, turned its head, once again looking into my eyes and began to jump out of bed. Her head had already disappeared under the bed, and her body continued to stretch and stretch like a snake. Only then I got scared, instantly turned on the light, first in the bedroom, then throughout the apartment. I woke up my husband. Together we searched every corner. No cat was found, and the balcony door was also closed. After a while, about two weeks later, my husband and I began to swear like dogs, although before that we lived well. Divorced after a couple of months. The children and I began to get very sick, and the doctors could do nothing to help. Everything passed after we sold that apartment and moved to another city. "

Some believe that it is the black color of the animal that attracts various dark forces and protects the owner of the cat from the effects of these forces. In fact, the black color is taken more for a beautiful word - if she does black deeds, then her assistant should be black.

And, for example, Elizabeth Francis, a witch from Chelmsford who lived in the 16th century, had a white cat, only the spots on it were black, and this cat successfully coped with all the errands of the mistress. The sorcerer Edin, who lived in Ireland, had a tabby cat. After its owner was executed, the cat sat for some time at the place of execution, then disappeared without a trace. So in fact, the black color of an animal has more impact on the psyche of clients than on the success of magical activities. But why a cat?

Now it is no secret to anyone that there is an information field around us. There are people who feel this field well and can read information from it. These are our clairvoyants, seers and fortune tellers. There are not so many of these people, but among the sensitive animals there are much more. These are not only cats, but also dogs and horses. It is often said that they bad person they smell a mile away.

Only cats are designed in such a way that they feel better with the negative energy of this field, they seem to be fed by it, and dogs and horses with positive energy. Previously, there was such a custom, and even now it is in use among some peoples - before moving into a new house, they let a cat there. Where the cat lies down, you cannot put a bed or a table there. This is because the cat, after going around the whole apartment, will choose a place for itself exactly where the negative energy is most. If you put a bed or a dining table there, tenants will often start to get sick.

There are also well-known cases when cats treat their owners by lying on sore spots and, as it were, drawing out negative energy from people. Now some private clinics have even begun to conduct therapy sessions with cats for their patients. Astrologers also did not stand aside, they developed a horoscope, which zodiac sign which cat is more suitable.

But no matter what color the cats are, black, white or striped, they all have so-called animal magnetism or special astral energy. Witches used cats as small living generators of this energy to communicate with the dark forces.

Why weren't dogs used? Or do they not possess astral energy? They have, but their energy has a positive charge, which is not suitable for communication with dark forces. You can understand this by comparing the behavior of cats and dogs, and also remember that with rare exceptions, these two species of animals are more often at enmity than reconciled. Cats love to walk and hunt at night, when there is no sunlight, dogs sleep at night. It is very difficult to force a cat to obey commands, dogs can be trained easily. Cats, with all their tenderness and affection, are always "on their minds", rarely forgive an insult, and if they begin to hate, they know how to take revenge.

Dogs are always cheerful, open, know how to forgive and forget the harm done. Such animals are completely unsuitable for contact with dark forces, or, simply put, with demons and their derivatives. A cat is another matter. They will not only help to establish a connection, but also absorb all the negative energy, and the witch, after breaking off contact with dark forces, can still use it for some time.

There is a sign - a black cat crossed the road, which means that you will not be lucky, and even worse, there will be trouble. Maybe those who believe in this omen are not so wrong? The cat, crossing your path, leaves a negative charge in the subtle energy space. It takes time for this charge to be neutralized in space. This charge does not affect all people in the same way. There are those who are absolutely immune to it, there are those for whom this charge suits. These people may not pay any attention to signs. The rest is better not to risk it.

From all of the above, it does not at all follow that cats, especially black ones, should be avoided. For example, in England and Japan, it is believed that it is the black cat that brings good luck and happiness. The Japanese love it when a black cat rubs at his feet, crossing the road dozens of times a day. And no misfortune happens. On the contrary, the country is prospering and its citizens live with dignity.

Well, now, it's up to you how to treat Black cats and cats.

Do dog owners understand their daily routine behavior? What does dog kissing really mean? American professor of psychology, specialist in animal behavior - on the differences in the perception of the world by humans and their pets.

In someone else's skin

Be able to recognize essential elements umwelt animal means, in essence, to become a specialist in ticks, humans, and so on. This is how we can close the gap between what we think we know about dogs and what they really are.

We can try to internalize umwelt another animal, to incarnate into an animal (remembering the restrictions imposed by our sensory system). It’s amazing to spend the day at the same height as the dog. Sniffing (even with our far from perfect noses) objects that we encounter during the day radically changes our understanding of familiar things.

Now pay attention to the sounds in the room where you are - sounds that you are used to and usually not listen to. So, with some effort, I hear the noise of a fan in the corner, the hum of a truck in the distance, the unintelligible voices of people climbing the stairs; a wooden chair creaks under someone; my heart is beating; I swallow; the turning page rustles. If my hearing had been sharper, I might have heard the scratching of a pen on paper at the opposite end of the room, heard the flower grow and the insects chatting under my feet. Perhaps other animals hear these sounds clearly.

The meaning of things

Different animals see things around them differently. The dog that looks around the room does not at all consider itself surrounded by the things of a person - all these are objects of his world. Our ideas about what an object is intended for may or may not be the same as that of a dog. The meaning of things is determined by what we do with them (von Uexkühl called this "functional tone"). A dog may be indifferent to chairs, but if you teach him to jump on them, the chair becomes the thing on which to sit. Subsequently, the dog can independently discover that there are other things intended for sitting: a couch, a pile of pillows or, for example, a person's knees.

So, we begin to understand how the ideas about the world of dogs and humans are similar and how they differ. For dogs, many objects in the world are associated with food - much more than for humans. Moreover, they distinguish between "functional tones" that do not exist for us - for example, things that you can lie on with taste. If we are not children and are not inclined to such games, then the number of such objects tends to zero for us. Conversely, a huge number of things that have a strictly defined meaning for us (forks, knives, hammers, pushpins, fans, watches, and so on) have no (or almost no) meaning to dogs.

So, for a dog there is no hammer. He does not mean anything to her, at least until it is connected with another, significant, object (for example, the owner uses it; a cute dog who lives down the street urinated on him; he has a wooden handle that you can chew on).

Comment on the article "How a dog sees the world - and what dog kisses mean"

I add: Umwelt in German "the world around, environment".

22.07.2017 10:33:41, Natalia Neznakomkina

And where does the pets? Cats and dogs don't lick their owners' faces because wild animals do. Where is the connection in general?) Animals eat from bowls and the face of the owners has nothing to do with it. And they lick their face solely because of their great affection for a person.
For example, my dog \u200b\u200bconstantly licks my face - at the meeting, when I wake up, but clearly not expecting to get a piece of meat out of my mouth)) And because of love. Let's say she doesn't lick my husband's face, although he ate a huge steak for dinner, she can lick, but rarely.

11.10.2016 14:57:40,

I don't know if kisses on a dog mean love or affection, but here interesting fact - my shelter dog can't kiss. Apparently, she did not learn in childhood - she did not have a person to kiss or lick him. I don't know if she licked other dogs at the shelter, but she doesn't even try to me. Conclusion - dogs kiss a person, because they understand that it will be pleasant for him and they learn this in childhood.

20.02.2016 02:32:58,

Total 13 posts .

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