We and our health human body. Open lesson on the world "We and Our Health" (Grade 3)

Generalization and knowledge control under the section "We and our Health" (Grade 3) Objectives of pedagogical activity

Forming skill identify system of human organs, relate the name of organs of organs with their functions; Refine knowledge of rules Healthy lifestyle, protection and promotion of health, the rules of organization of home academic work

Type of lesson

Control and correction of knowledge and skills

Planned educational results

Subject: learn: talk abouthuman body trimmingrelate the name of the system of organs with their functions,perform test tasks; discuss balanced nutrition;will get the opportunity to learn: evaluate the correct / incurability of the suggested answers;news healthy image Life.

MetaPermet (Components of cultural and competence experiment / acquired competence - intellectual and meaning): regulatory - exercise a statement and predictive control on the result and method of action; put new training tasks in collaboration with the teacher;cognitive - use various methods search, collecting, processing, analyzing information; solve practical tasks by observation.

Personal: develop independence and personal responsibility for their actions, including in information activities, based on the idea of \u200b\u200bmoral norms, social justice and freedom; form a holistic, socially oriented view of the world; determine the personal meaning of the teaching; Develop the skills of cooperation with adults and peers

Methods and forms

Frontal, individual, pair work


Presentation " We and our health» , cards with tasks for work in Parach, textbook And notebook « The world ", Grade 3 (1-4). A. A. Pleshakov, tests for individual work

Organizational structure of the lesson

Stages lesson

and developing
components, tasks and exercises

Teacher's activities



educational actions

Intermediate control

I. Organizing time

Emotional, psychological and motivational preparation of students for the assimilation of the material being studied

Checks the readiness of students to the lesson.

Prepares for a visual material required for the lesson

Listen and discuss theme lesson



Personal: reveal a holistic, socially oriented view of the world; Determine the personal meaning of the teaching; Develop the skills of cooperation with adults

Oral survey

II. Motivation for training activities

Same moment with cartoon heroes

Offers studentslook at the board where the cartoon characters prepared a task.



Cognitive: brain teaser - satisfy cognitive interest

Oral answers

III . Self-determination to activities


Offers to unravel crossword to determine the subject of the lesson

Solid down crossword

Work in parach

Cognitive: general educational -
independently allocate and formulate goals; analysisourselvesreceivedinformation yu; brain teaser - satisfy cognitive interest.

Regulatory: Carry out a statement and predicting control over the result and method of action.

Communicative: argue its position and coordinate it with the position of partners in collaboration

Task performance

IV . Work on the lesson

Presentation " We and our health»

Demonstrates and comments on slides

We look at the slides, answer questions


Frontal ,

Cognitive: general educational - brain teaser


Regulatory: carry out a statement and predictive control over the result and method of action; set new training tasks in collaboration with the teacher; act with regard to the landmarks allocated by the teacher

Oral answers , work on cards

Task from cartoon heroes

It offers to perform the task, determine the system of organs, sign the names of the organs, to tell about the basic functions of this system

Perform a task on cards, abouttake the teacher's questions

Work in parach

V. . Fizkultminutka

Presentation "Fizkultminutka Machine"

Conducts Fizkultminutku In a game form with cartoon characters




Vi. P treatment of work on the subject of lesson

The game "Who is faster?"Perform jobs in the working notebookfrom the textbook(p.166-170) "Check yourself and appreciate your achievements."

Conversation "Rules of a healthy lifestyle."

Announces tasks performed by students in the working notebook.

Specifies questions on the topic.

Perform tasks in the working notebook.

Answer teacher's questions.



Cognitive: general educational - independently allocate and formulate goals;brain teaser - Search for the necessary information (from materials of the textbook, from the teacher's story, on memory playback).

Regulatory: carry out a statement and predictive control over the result and method of action

Check job in the working notebook

Oral answers

VII . Fastening learned

Turn assignments on cards for individual execution

Offers the control test by section "We and our health"



Cognitive: general educational - use various ways of searching, collecting, processing, analyzing information; Remove the necessary information from the viewed presentation;brain teaser - satisfy cognitive interest.

Personal: Aware of their capabilities in teaching; Adequately perceive the causes of their success / failure in teaching, connecting progress with efforts, hardly worry.

Regulatory: carry out a statement and predicting control over the result and method of action; apply, taking into account the landmarks allocated

Test execution

V. III . Reflection.

IX. The results of the lesson.

Self-assessment of the knowledge gained, aboutlimit ix naught gO Emotional gO States i at the lesson

Offers to evaluate yourself in a game form

It proposes to express his opinion: - I think it is necessary to know the structure of its body? -What sciences about a person help save their health?

Evaluate your work at the lesson


Personal: Understand the meaning of knowledge for a person and take it.

Regulatory: know how to predict the results of the level of assimilation of the material being studied; Adequately perceive the assessment of the teacher

Student estimation
for work in the lesson. Oral answers.

Formulate answers to teacher's questions.

Make conclusions.


To summarize the information obtained in the lesson.

X. . Homework

Draw a poster on the topic: "If you want to be healthy ..."

Explains the execution e. home tasks

REP isy homework.

Ask questions


Control test on the world around us and our health 3 class with answers. The test includes 7 tasks.

Check what you have learned by studying this section. Opposite each skill, put one of the signs:

"+" - I can do it;
"-" - sometimes I have difficulty;
"?" - I find it difficult to answer.

1. To establish the connection between the structure and operation of human system systems
2. Characterizers of human senses.
3. Use human body knowledge to preserve and promote health.
4. Support first assistance in accidents.
5. To produce the right posture.
6. Perform the rules of rational nutrition, hardening.
7. Understand the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Make sure your answers are correct. To do this, perform tasks 1-7. Please note: Quest numbers match the skill numbers.

1. Fill the table. Distribute the names of the internal organs of a person into three groups and enter them into the appropriate columns. Write down the missing column names.

Stomach, nerves, esophagus, heart, brain, intestines, spinal cord, blood vessels.

Nervous system ___________ ___________

2. Name the touch authority. What role does he play in a person's life?

3. Choose the right answer to the question: "Why do you need to air the room before bedtime and sleep with an open window in the warm season?" Circle the correct answer number.

1) It allows you to quickly fall asleep.
2) In the cold room it is pleasant to sleep under a warm blanket.
3) when inhalation of fresh air in the body, more oxygen flows.

4. Choose the right steps when frostbite. Tick \u200b\u200bcheck mark (✓).

1) To lose the skin with snow.
2) Back from home home.
3) Lower hands in hot water.
4) Heat to bite your hands.

5. Consider drawings. Select the one that shows how to sit at the table or school desk correctly. Circle its number.

Write down two landing rules at the table that will help save the correct posture.

6. Extract the rules of healthy nutrition.

1) you need to eat a variety of food to ___________
2) not to burn purph cavity, sip and esophagus, ___________
3) so that food is better absorbed, we must try ___________

7. What does it mean to keep a healthy lifestyle? Complete the scheme.

Answers to the control test on the world around us and our health 3 class
The first column. Nervous system: nerves, brain, spinal cord.
Second column. Digestive system: stomach, esophagus, intestines.
Third column. Circulatory system: Heart, blood vessels.
2. Leather. Protects internal organs man from damage, cold and heat, pathogens of microbes.
3. 3
4. 24
5. 3.
You need to sit at the table straight, slightly tilt the head forward.
The distance between the table and the breast should be equal to the width of the palm.
1) get the necessary nutrients;
2) it is impossible to eat too hot food;
3) There are at the same time.
Healthy lifestyle:
know rules for preserving health,
follow clean,
strengthen health.

MKOU Kuibyshevskaya Oosh

We and our health


by "surrounding world »

Performed: Novokovskaya Svetlana

Leader: Radchenkova T.I.


1. Find out the main factors of health.

2. Make sure the benefits of charging, sports, games in the fresh air.

3. Find out how to eat.

4. Understand why children and my friends often sick?

"I am health shore - i myself will help "

I can think

I know how to reason

What is useful for health,

I will choose

"My shore itself is i myself will help "

Main health Factors:

  • traffic
  • food
  • mode
  • hardening

"Prevention of treatment in infinity of the movement" Engage physical activity and sport!

  • We need to eat about 4 times a day. Each time the food must contain everything that needs to our cells.

For life, we need energy, and we get it from food and nutrition.

Nutrients supply us not only energy, but also by building material for growth and corrections of body damage

Each type of products is useful in its own way. It is very important that we can consume in the right

portions All necessary products.

Vitamin BUT.

If you want to grow well, see well and have strong teeth.

Carrots, cabbage, tomatoes.

Vitamin IN.

If you want to be strong, have a good appetite and do not want to disappear by trifles.

Beets, apples, turnips, salad greens, radish.

Vitamin C

If you want less frequently, it is vigorous, to recover from illness faster.

Currant, lemon, bow

Mode, one of the main terms healthy lifestyle

Daily regime - this is right time distribution

on the basic human life needs.

If you want to be healthy - dressing i !

Why are my classmates sick?

- Dress up not within the season

- walk with wet legs,

- do not observe the day of the day,

- have contact with patients,

- incorrectly feed

- bad habits.

Bad habit - the way of behavior, aggressive in relation to the person or to society, enshrined in the personality.

Smoking - the most common harmful habit of man who leads to

nicotine addiction, which adversely affects the human body and leads to many diseases.

Alcohol destroys the human brain and other organs. A man eating alcohol cannot think quickly and accurately, becomes inattentive,

loses control over himself, is able to make antisocial actions.

1. Content

4. More

in purity


your body,

clothes I.


3. Proceed

combine work

and rest

2. Right


5. Do not creek



Healthy world -

The lesson of the surrounding world "We and our health" (Grade 3).

About me: I work as a teacher since 1975. He graduated from the Pedium Institute with a degree in Russian Teacher and Literature. Currently I work as a primary school teacher. I love everything new, interested in new information technology. Following the work, Grant "Our Best Teacher" received.

Purpose: To summarize the knowledge of the body of the body, to cultivate a person who knows how to take care of his health.
Equipment: TV, human body contour, proverbs, textbook "Overlooking the world" A.A. Plaishakov 3 class, workbook to the textbook "Environmental World" A.A. Plaishakov 3 class.

During the classes.

Epigraph to the lesson: "In a healthy body, healthy Spirit»

I. Organizational moment.
1. How do you understand the word epigraph? (Listen to children's answers)

II. Check of knowledge.
1. Device of the human body.
Sticks, balls, spirals ... invisible simple eye Live creatures (microbes).
Protection from microbes is our skin, if there are no scratches on the skin, raschers, through which harmful invisible can penetrate the body. Microbes can freely fly in us, mouth or get into the eyes.

2. The fast run, pulls out food and oxygen (blood).
Through the blood in the body comes useful substances.

3. "Onions - from seven ailment."
In antiquity, doctors used healing properties Luke, prepared medicine from it. Onion juice helps with the inflammation of the throat, improves appetite. Onion treated fuunkula, corns, frostbed places.
Results by the answers of children.

III. Fizkultminutka.
A friendly stood! Time! Two! Three! We are now warriors! (Hands to the sides)
We are palm to the eyes stick, the legs are strong lay. (one two Three).

IV. Rules of a healthy lifestyle.
1. What does a healthy lifestyle mean? (Pupil Answers)

2. How bad habits are, which destroy health.
A) about the dangers of smoking
B) about the dangers of drugs
C) about the dangers of alcohol
D) about the benefits of hardening

I spoke to him in the winter
Would you remember with me
In the morning jogging and shower invigorating
For adults, real
Overnight windows open
Fresh air breathe.
Wash the Water Cold
And then the microbe is hungry
You will not overcome
Did not obey sick!
(I. Semenov)

E) challenge rules:
1. Light on the weather and do not bother
2. Essay charging and be friends with sports
3. Take a towel, take a cool shower.
4.The sets of verse I. Semenova
We understood brothers
How useful to tempt
I end to cough and sneeze -
We will take the shower, we take
From the water of ice.

V. The role of vitamins in a person's life.
Guess riddles. All the deposits are very necessary vegetables and berries, which are needed for the human body, so that the teeth were strong.

A) Stands grandfather at a hundred fur coats.
Who to undress it, that tears sheds (onions).

B) not the root, but in the ground
Not bread and on the table
And to the bird seasoning
And on the disease of the Garlic).

C) growth in the land in the garden
Red long, sweet (carrot).

D) in the spring hung, all summer sour
And the sweethew - fell on the ground (apple).

E) on the swamp, in the meadow
Vitamin burned in the snow. (cranberry)
All the riddles answers are the necessary vitamins for the body.

Now take the mirror and look at your teeth.
1.kom liked your teeth raise your hands.
2. What is needed so that the teeth are strong and beautiful?
3.The rightodont. Want to keep your teeth beautiful? Bite.
4. Shopping eyes for a second. It became dark. End of sensation. What should I do to see the eyes well see how to save sight?

View Film Jumping.
Take this exercise with everyone.

Vi. Proverbs, sayings about health.
A) reading from the board of proverbs.

B) To say its proverbs and sayings, which prepared at home.

VII. Working with a textbook.
1. Up the textbook p. 154-157.

VIII. Mini testing.
By notebook p.47-48.

To keep a healthy lifestyle it means?
A) keep clean
B) move a lot
C) Sit from a computer for a long time
D) physical education

What harm health?
A) Morning gymnastics
B) outdoor games
C) long sitting
D) physical education

What needs to be done to become stronger?
A) skiing
B) swim in the pool
D) there are buns
C) play computer games

IX. The outcome of the lesson.
1. To be friends with sports
2. How to order your body correctly
3. How to take care of the cleaning of your body?
4. What bad habits are destroying health?

X. Gifts from Beaver Supeba.

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