Ernest Seton-Thompson - Snap (Bull Terrier History). Seton-Thompson Ernest - (animal stories)

The narrator receives a bull terrier puppy as a gift from each other. The dog turns out to be very brave, boldly rushes into battle even with one who is more, and dies during a wolf hunt.

The narrative is leading from the first person.

The narrator received the parcel from his school comrade. The parcel was preceded by a telegram in which a friend reported that he sends a wonderful puppy, and asked to be careful with him - "So it is safer".

The box on which was "dangerous", the narrator opened with caution - his comrade, prone to draws, could send a "hellish car or mad ferret" instead of a puppy. All this time from the box heard the unfriendly growl.

A small white bull terrier puppy jumped out of the opened box and immediately tried to give a storyteller. He climbed on the table and sat on it to darkness, and Karaulyl puppy him. In half the eleventh, the narrator moved to the buffet, from him - on the fireplace, and from there to his bed, silently undressed and lean, leaning without disturbing his "lord." The fireplace has long been our way, the puppy became cold, he climbed into the Bed of the Narrator, who was not dared all night to move without his permission.

The narrator gave the puppy the name of Jingersnap (eng. Crisp ginger gingerbread), but called him abbreviated - Snap (Eng. Together, Schalek). In the morning, he began to train a plump puppy and chose the "leave without breakfast" method. All day, the narrator did not give food snap, and in the evening he took her from the hands of the host.

After three months, the owner and the dog became inseparable friends. Snap turned out to be unusually brave. Sometimes a storytellor seemed that the puppy was not familiar with the feeling of fear. He bravely attacked the huge dogs, if the boys began to flush in snaps with stones, he ran not from offenders, but to them, and quickly straightened with hooligans. Sometimes the Snap lost the battle, "But no bitter experience could not put in it and gravity."

The narrator served in a firm trading with hardware. One day, the company sent him to the northern states, trading a barbed wire. Snap he left with an apartment hostess, but they did not come together with characters - her puppy despised, she was afraid of him, "and both hated each other."

Once a week, the narrator received a letter from the apartment hostess, full complaints on the snap. Arriving in the state of North Dakota, the narrator met the farmers - the Father and the two sons of Penrouf.

Wolves have long ceased to come across a poisoned bait, so Penrouffs started to hunt predators with a dog. Each breed of dogs has certain advantages and disadvantages, and farmers have compiled their own different breeds. She had hounds, and greyhounds, and huge Danish Doves, and even mighty Russian wolfhounds.

The first hunt of the sutures were unsuccessful - the dogs managed to track down and catch up with a wolf, but they were afraid to attack him. Soon the narrator received a letter from the household "with the requirement of immediate removal of a snap", which was saturated in her room. Thille thinking, the narrator ordered to send the dog to himself, in North Dakota.

In twenty hours, the narrator met with his favorite. During this time, the Penrouffs managed to make a hunt for wolves several times, but every time she ended in failure. Hanging for a visit to the farmers, the narrator allowed a snap to participate in the hunt, and this time the injury ended in successfully - the coyote killed, but none of the hunters had time to see exactly how it happened.

At night, the "wolves stabbed several cows", and the farmers reached the hunt again. This time the bridge was driving a young wolf, and the hunters managed to see how the snap was first clung to the beast, and the rest of the dogs followed his example.

So the workers "allowed the wolf question", and now in each of their joints there is a small but desperate brave-bull terrier.

During the hunt, Snap was very wounded in the shoulder, and, going to another betrayer, a storyteller locked him in the barn. However, the dog managed to get out, caught up with the owner and bravely rushed into chasing for a huge old wolf.

The hunters quickly caught up with a guy predator, but the dogs did not all be solved to attack him. Instead of shooting the wolf, one of the brothers Penriflow decided to see what will happen next. Soon the coat was surrounded by a wolf, but never decided to attack. And then Snap came rang behind his short feet. Without any oscillations, he broke down "Through the Ring dogs"And clutched into the nose of the wolf, and the predator" hit him all twenty of his daggers. "

The rest of the dogs rushed behind the snap, and everything was mixed. When the crop finally broke up, the narrator saw the dead wolf, whose nose clung to a small bull terrier. He leaned toward the Snap and discovered that he was mortally wounded. The dog licked the owner's hand "and silent forever."

Future Snap buried "on the hill behind the farm", and the Penrouf Sr. called him a real brave.

Year of writing: 1901

Genre of the work: story

Main characters: Chink- Puppy


Chink is a puppy. He grew awkward dogs. It seemed like the qualities like a real chink dog would not have. One of your favorite classes was gnawing shoes. Darsman was active ps, chasing proteins and gophers. Suslik easily neutralized the opponent frozen on the spot, and then leaving underground. Koote attacked the dwelling. It all started with digging in the garbage, but later the beast bravely stole food. The owner ordered the PSU to drive a pest. But everything happened on the contrary. This coyote bicked chink. Once the owner left the tent, ordered to guard the dog. Every two minutes attacked Koote. Having come, the owner shot the animal. Because of this, I had to leave the place of residence - a quiet corner under the mountain.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Clumsy chink had bravery. Although the first fight with the coyote ended with defeat, he did not lower his hands. The next time she guarded the tent, without losing vigilance. The owner rewarded for loyalty, destroying the enemy. Although it cost him expensive.


E. Setton-Thompson Snap History Bull Terrier


I saw it for the first time at dusk.

Early in the morning I received a telegram from my school comrade Jack:

"I send you a wonderful puppy. Be polite with him. So it is safer. "

Jack has such a character that he could send me a hell of a car or a mad ferret instead of a puppy, so I waited for a parcel with some curiosity. When she arrived, I saw that it was written on it: "DANGER". From the inside with the slightest movement came the grillious growl. Looking into the sealed hole, I, however, did not see a tiger, and just a little white bull terrier. He tried to bite me and grimitically rode all the time. Dogs are lying on two Lada: a low, breast voice is a polite warning or fulfilled the answer - and loud, almost screeching is the last word before attacking. And the white dog was growling so. As a lover of dogs, I thought it would be able to cope with any of them. Therefore, letting the porter, I got my folding knife, successfully replacing the hammer, a hatch, a drawer with a tool and a poker (specialty of our company) and threw the grille. Babeen was growing up terribly with every blow on the boards and, as soon as I turned the mailbox, rushed straight to my legs. If only his foot was confused in a wire mesh, I would have badly - he was clearly not going to joke. I jumped on the table where he could not get me, and tried to cut him. I was always a supporter of conversations with animals. In my deep conviction, they catch the general meaning of our speech and our intentions, at least even without understanding the words. But this puppy, apparently, considered me a hypocriser and despised all my enchanting. At first, he sat down at the table, Zorko looking at all directions, would not appear to descend the leg. I was quite sure that I could bring him to obedience, but I could not see him into my eyes, and therefore I stayed on the table. I am a cold-blooded man. After all, I am a representative of a firm trading with hardware products, and our brother is generally famous for the presence of the spirit, externally, unless the gentlemen selling the finished dress.

So, I got a cigar and lit up, sitting in Turkish on the table, while the little despot waited at the bottom of my legs. Then I took a telegram from my pocket and reread her: "A wonderful puppy. Be polite with him. So it is safer. " I think that my coolness successfully replaced politeness in this case, for half an hour later, the growl was subsided. After an hour, he no longer rushed to the newspaper, gently lowered from the table to test his feelings. It is possible that irritation caused by the cell, slightly lowered. And when I climbed the third cigar, the puppy dismissed to the fireplace and lay there, however, without forgetting me - I could not complain about it. One of his eyes was watching me all the time. I followed both eyes without behind him, but for his short tail. If this tail at least jerked aside, I would feel that I won. But the tail remained motionless. I took out a book and continued to sit on the table until the legs were crushed and did not begin to go over the fire in the fireplace. By ten o'clock it became cool, and in half the eleventh fire finally ground. My friend's gift got on his feet and, writing, pulling out, went to me under the bed, where the fur rug was lying. Easy to crossing the table on the buffet and from the buffet to the fireplace, I also reached the bed and, without any noise, ignored, managed to lie down, not alarming my lord. I did not have time to fall asleep when I heard a light scratch and felt that someone walks on the bed, then on my feet. Snap, apparently, found that at the bottom is too cold, and decided to settle down with all possible comfort.

He curled my legs very uncomfortable for me. But it was in vain to try to get together, because I barely tried to move, as he clung to my leg with such a rage that only a thick blanket saved me from a terrible injury. Over an hour passed before I managed to place my legs, moving them every time on the hairs, which was finally sleeping. During the night, I was discreted several times an angry lever of the puppy - perhaps, because it dared to move the foot without his permission, but it seems, also for having allowed himself occasionally snoring.

In the morning I wanted to get early snap. You see, I called him a snap ... his full name was Gingesnap. Some dogs with difficulty embellish the name, others do not have to come up with nicknames - they are somehow themselves.

So, I wanted to get in seven hours. Snap preferred to postpone the rise up to eight, so we got up at eight. He allowed me to flood the fireplace and allowed to dress, never started me on the table. Going out of the room to cook breakfast, I noticed:

Snap, my friend, some people would raise you with a whip, but it seems to me that my plan is better. The present doctors recommend a treatment system called "Leave without breakfast." I try it to you.

It was brutally all day not to give him a meal, but I endured the character. He scratched the entire door, and then I had to diverse it again, but in the evening he wouldingly agreed to take some food from my hands.

There were no weeks as we were already friends. Now he slept in my bed, not trying to cripple me at the slightest movement. The treatment system, which was called "Leave without breakfast," made miracles, and after three months we could not be poured with water. It turned out that he was not in vain in the telegram, it was called a wonderful puppy.

Apparently, the feeling of fear was he unfamiliar. When he met a little dog, he did not pay any attention to her, but it was worth appear healthy PSUHow he string pulled his fat tail and took to be caught around the stranger, contemptuously shining his back legs and glanced in the sky, to the ground, in the distance - anywhere, with the exception of this dog, and noting his presence only with a frequent lever at high notes. If the stranger was in no hurry to retire, the fight began. After the fight, the stranger in most cases was removed with a special readiness. It happened and the Snap to lose the battle, but no bitter experience could instill in it and graziness.

One day, riding in the percussion carriage during a dog exhibition, Snape saw ilon-like Senbernar on a walk. His sizes caused such a mad delight from a puppy that he had rushed from the window of the carriage and broke his leg.

He did not know what fear is. He was not like any of the dogs known to me. For example, if the boy happened to throw a stone into him, he immediately started running, but not from the boy, but to him. And if the boy shoved the stone again, Snap was immediately divided with him than he had acquired universal respect. Only I and the emission of our office could see his good sides. Only two of us he considered decent friendship. By half the summer, Carnegie, Vanderbildt and Astor, taken together, could not collect enough money to buy my little snap.


Although I was not a community, nevertheless the firm in which I served, sent me in the fall on a journey, and the snap remained together with the apartment hostess. They did not compare the characters. He despised her, she was afraid of him, and both hated each other.

I was busy selling barbed wire in the northern states. Letters were delivered to me once a week. In his letters, my hostess constantly complained about the snap.

Arriving in Mendoza, in North Dakota, I found a good selling for wire. Of course, the main transactions I concluded with major merchants, but I also stumbled among farmers to learn their needs and needs, and thus met the Farm Brothers Penrouf.

It is impossible to visit the area where they are engaged in cattle breeding, and do not hear about the atrocities of some kind of evil and bloodthirsty wolf. The time passed when the wolves came across a poison. Brothers Penrouf, like all reasonable cattle products, abandoned the poison and cappos and began to train a different kind of dogs hunt for a wolf, hoping not only to save the surroundings from enemies, but also to praise.

The hounds were too weak for decisive contractions, Danish Dogs are too clumsy, and the greyhounds could not pursue the beast, without seeing him. Each breed had some fatal flaw. Cowboys hoped to achieve a sense with the help of a mixed sample, and when they were invited to hunt, I was very amused by a variety of dogs participating in her. There were a lot of bastards there, but there were also purebred dogs - by the way, several Russian wolfges, worthwhile, probably a lot of money.

Gilton Penrouf, the eldest of the brothers and the "boss" of the local hunt, was unusually proud of them and expected great feats from them.

Brokes are too wonderful for wolf hunting, the dogs are slowly running, but you will see the shreds fly when the wolfhounds will take.

Thus, the greyhounds were intended for Goh, the DOGs - for the reserve, and the wolfes - for the general battle. In addition, it turned on two or three hounds to be included, which should have been driving the beast, if the rest would lose sight.

The glorious was a spectacle when we moved to the path between the hills in a clear October day! The air was transparent and clean, and despite the later time of the year, there was no snow or frost. Horses hunters slightly hot and two times tried to show me how they get rid of their saddles. We noticed two to three gray spots on the plain, which could be, according to Gilton, wolves or coyotes. The crop rushed with loud lare. But I could not catch anyone, although they were worn until evening. Only one of the borsiers caught up with a wolf and, having received a wound in the shoulder, lagging behind.

It seems to me that Gilt is that there is no sense from your praised wolfges, "said Garvin, the youngest of the brothers. - Little black dog is much better, although he and a simple bastard.

I do not get it! - grumbled Gilton. - Even the coyotees never managed to get away from these greyhounds, not that wolves. Hounds are also excellent - they will go on a three-day trace. And the dogs can cope even with the bear.

I do not argue, "said their father," Your dogs can drive, can track and can cope with the bear, but the fact is that they are reluctant to communicate with the wolf. All the poured jacket is simply a pant. I would have given a lot to return the money paid for them.

So they quarreled and grumbled when I was suggested with them and left. Apparently, the failure was explained by the fact that the dogs, although they were strong and rapidly, but the type of wolf, obviously, horrified on them. They lacked the spirit to measure with him forces, and the imagination was involuntarily transferred me to fearless peel, separated by my bed for last year. How I wanted him to be here! The clumsy giants would receive a leader, who never leaves courage.

At the next one stop, in the baroque, I received letters, among which there were two messages from my mistress: the first one - with a statement that "this vague dog is absorbed in my room", another, even more fervently, is demanding the immediate removal of the snap.

"Why not write it in Mendoza? - I thought. - Only twenty hours on the way. Penrouffs will be glad to my snap. And on the way back I will come to them. "


The next meeting with Djjgerssnap was not so different from the first, as it was possible to expect. He rushed at me, pretended to want to bite, continuously grumbled. But the grumbling was breastless, bass, and the tail was plugged hard.

Penrouffs stood several times with wolping hunt, since I visited them, and were outside of self-failure. Dogs almost every time lifted the wolf, but could not end it with him; The hunters have never been close enough to find out why they are fruned.

The old Penrouf was now quite convinced that "in the whole unfair, there is not a single dog to install the rabbit."

The next day we went out at the dawn. The same excellent horses, the same excellent rises, the same large nurses, red and motley dogs. But, in addition, with us there was a small white dog, all the time stuck to me and acquainted with his teeth not only dogs, but also horses when they dared to me approach me. It seems that the Snap was remembered with every man, a dog and a horse in the neighborhood. We stopped on a flat top of a large hill. Suddenly Gilton, examining the surroundings in binoculars, exclaimed:

I see it! Here he runs to the stream, Skel. It must be coyote.

Now it was necessary to make and bore to see prey. This is not easy, as they cannot look into binoculars, and the plain was covered with a wormwood above the dog growth.

Then Gilton called: "Here, Dander!" - And put the leg forward. One with a prompt jump, Dander took off at the saddle and became there, balancing on the horse, meanwhile, as Gilton persistently showed him:

So he, Dandander, look! Kousy him, there, there!

Dander stared at the point, indicated by the owner, then, must be, he saw something, because with a light yard jumped into the ground and rushed to run. Other dogs followed him. We hurried to them, but significantly lagging behind, since our path made it difficult for ravines, barzuccus holes, stones and high wormwoods. Too fast jump could end in sad.

So, we are all behind; I, the person, unusual to the saddle, lagged behind the most. From time to time the dog flashed ahead, then the raced on the plain, which fluttered in the ravine in order to immediately appear on the other of his slope. A recognized leader was a greyhound dog Dander, and, having risen on the next comb, we saw the whole picture of the hunt: Coyote, flying to scribes, and dogs running at a quarter mile behind, but apparently overtaking it. When we followed them next time, Coyote was hopeless and all the dogs were sitting around him, excluding two hounds and djgeznap.

Lailed to the fight! - noticed Gilton, looking at the retired hounds. Then the Dandera was praised with pride: - after all, as you can see, your puppy did not need!

Tell me please, what courage: ten big dogs They attacked the little Coyote! - Mockingly noticed father. - Wait, let us meet a wolf!

The next day, we went to hunt again. Rising to the hill we saw a moving gray point.

The moving white point means Antelope, a red - fox, and a gray - wolf or coyote. Wolf or Coyote - determine the tail. The lower tail belongs to the cootter, raised upwards - hated wolves.

As well as yesterday, Dandera showed prey, and he, as well as yesterday, led to the Pestruk Fenius - greyhound, wolfhounds, hounds, dogs, bull terrier and horsemen. On the moment we saw the pursuit: without a doubt ahead of dogs, a wolf was moving long jumps. For some reason it seemed to me that the front dogs were running not as fast as when they chased after the coyote. What happened next, no one saw. Dogs returned back one after another, and the wolf disappeared.

Now there are ridicule and aparts on the dogs.

Eh! Stroxy, simply Strastili! - The old man of Penrouff said with disgust. - I could freely catch it up, but just turned on them, they drew. Ugh!

And where is the incomparable, non-resistant and heroic terrier? - asked Gilton contemptuously.

I do not know, "I said. - Most likely, he did not see the wolf. But if someday sees - I bet, he will choose a victory or death.

On this night near the farm, the wolves were killed several cows, and we went to hunt again.

It began approximately the same as the day before. In the evening, we saw gray well done with a raised tail no further as in a twin one. Gilton put Dandera on the saddle. I followed his example and called Snap. His paws were so short that he could not bother on the back of the horse. Finally he scored with my leg. I showed him a wolf and repeated: "Kusi, Kushi!" "As long as he eventually noticed the beast and not rushed with all his legs after already fledgering greyhounds."

The chase went this time not through the bushes in the river valley, but in open locality. We rose all together on the plateau and saw the pursuit of just at that moment when Dander Outigit Wolf and tried to grasp him for the back paw. Gray turned to him for the battle, and we have exceeded everything further. Dogs ran up two and three, surrounding the wolf ring, barking on him, until he flew out the last white dog. This one did not spend time on Lai, but rushed straight to the throat of the wolf, but missed and managed only to cling to him into his nose. Then ten big dogs closed over the wolf, and two minutes later he was dead. We rushed to scroll, so as not to miss the junction, and at least published, but clearly considered that Snap justified my recommendation and a laudatory telegram.

Now my turn is to triumph. Snap showed them how the wolves catch, and finally the Mendoza crop of the Wolf Cover without the help of people.

However, two circumstances have somewhat dying the joy of victory. First, it was a young wolf, almost wolf. That is why he squeezed rushed on the plain. And secondly, Snap was wounded - the wolf hurt him a shoulder.

When we proudly moved on the way back, I noticed that he washy.

Here! - I shouted. - Snap, Snap!

Two times tried to jump on the saddle, but could not.

Give me here, Gilton, "I asked.

Thank you pounding. You can sang with your rattling snake, "Gilton replied, since everyone now knew that they were not safe to contact Snap.

Here, Snap, take! - I said, stretching his whip. He grabbed him with his teeth, and thus I raised him on the saddle and delivered home. I cared for him as a child. He showed this cattle, who was not enough in their conservatory. At the hounds, beautiful noses, fighting fast legs, wolfhounds and dogs - silica, but they all stand nothing, because selfless courage is only at the bull terrier. On this day, the cattle breeders allowed the wolf question, what you are easy to make sure if you visit Mendoza, because in each of the local svop now there is your bullcherrier, for the most part of the Synodozoa blood.


The next day was the anniversary of the appearance of Snap. The weather was clear, sunny. Snow was not yet. We again gathered on a wolf hunt. To universal disappointment, Snap felt bad. He slept, as usual, I have in my feet, and traces of blood remained on the blanket. He, of course, could not participate in the grass. We decided to go without it. He was lured into the barn and locked there. Then we went to the road, but I was tormented by a premonition of the unkind. I knew that without my dog \u200b\u200bwe would fail, but did not imagine how it would be great.

We climbed far away, wandering among the hills, as suddenly flashed in the wormwood, it was angry with the White Ball. A minute later to my horse fell a snap, grumbling and waving the tail. I could not send it back, as he would never have obeyed. His wound had a bad look. Susp to him, I handed him a whip and raised him on the saddle. "Here," I thought, "you learn to return home." But it was not there. Creek Guilton "Atu, Atu!", I informed us that he saw a wolf. Dander and Rail, his rival, both rushed forward, collided and together stretched out on Earth. Meanwhile, Snap, Zorkko, looking at the wolf, did not have time to look back, as he jumped out from the saddle and rushed with zigzags up, down - through the wormwood, under his wormuck right on the enemy. Within a few minutes, he led the whole welfare. For a short, of course. Large greyhounds saw a moving point, and a long chain of dogs stretched along the plain. Grass promised to be interesting, as the wolf was quite close and all the dogs rushed to all acume.

They rolled in the bear ram! - shouted Garvin. - Behind me! We can go to them in reverave!

And we, turning, quickly rocked along the northern slope of the hill, while the chase, apparently, moved along the southern slope.

We rose to the ridge and prepared to go down when Gilton shouted:

He's here! We stumbled right on him.

Gilton jumped off the horse, threw the reins and ran ahead. I did the same. To meet us in open Polyana, overturning, carried a big wolf. His head was lowered, the tail is stretched in a straight line, and fifty steps rushed to him dander, twice as fast than the wolf. A minute later, Borzoy Dog Nastig him and already scolded his teeth, but I backed up as soon as the wolf turned to him. They were now just under us, not further like fifty pounds. Garvin grabbed the revolver, but Gilton, unfortunately, stopped him:

No no! Let's see what will happen.

After a moment, the second boosane was raced, then one after another and the rest of the dogs. Each rolled, griefly fry and thirst for blood, ready to break gray on the part. But each alternately retreated and began to bark at a safe distance. Two minutes later arrived and wolfed - nice, beautiful dogs. Approaching, they no doubt wish to rush right on the gray wolf. But a fearless look, muscular chest, deadly jaws frightened them long before the meeting with him, and they also joined a common circle, while the gray robber turned into one way, then to another, ready to fight each of them and Together together.

There are dogs, cargo creatures, each of the same weight as a wolf. Their heavy breathing was thrown into a threatening wheezing, as they came, ready to break the wolf in the shreds. But as soon as they saw him close - a sullen, fearless, with powerful jaws, with tireless paws, ready to die, if necessary, but confident that he wouldn't die, - these big dogs, all three, felt like the rest, A sudden tide of shyness: yes, yes, they will rush at him a bit of the weather, not now, but as soon as the Spirit will translate. Wolf they, of course, are not afraid. Their voices sounded courage. They knew well that the first who would be concerned, to unlock, but it was all the same, just not now. They still look a little to cheer themselves.

While ten large pieces idlely rushed around the silent beast, a rustle was heard in the wormwood behind them. Then the snow-white rubber ball appeared jumps, soon turning into a small bull terrier. Snap, the slowest and smallest of the sample, snapped hard breathe - it's hard that, it seemed to suffocate, and flew straight to the ring around a predator, with whom no one was daring to fight. Did he fit? For a moment. Through the rings of the dog's dogs, he rushed to the old impaot of the hills, getting ready to grab him for the throat. And the wolf hit him with all twenty her daggers. However, the baby rushed at him again, and what happened then, it is difficult to say. Dogs mixed. I was preparing that I saw how little white dog clung to the wolf's nose, which was now attacked by the whole coat. We could not help dogs, but they did not need us. They had a leader of an unsolved courage, and when the battle was finally ended, the wolf lay in front of us - a mighty giant - and a white dog clung to his nose.

We stood around, ready to intervene, but deprived of it to do it. Finally, everything was over: the wolf was dead. I called Snap, but he did not move. I leaned toward him.

Snap, Snap, all over, you killed him! - But Pesk was immobile. Now I just saw two deep wounds on his body. I tried to lift it: - Let me, older, all over!

He slightly plucked and let go of the wolf.

Rough beasts stood around him on her knees, and the old pendant muttered a trembling voice:

It would be better for me twenty bulls!

I took a snap in my hands, called him by name and stroked my head. He slightly cleaned, apparently goodbye, licked my hand and silently forever.

We were sadly returned home. With us was the skin of a monstrous wolf, but she could not console us. We buried a fatal snap on the hill behind the farm. I heard at the same time, as a pendant standing nearby murmured:

This is really a brave! Without courage on our business, you are not far away.

One rather experienced hunter someone sent a parcel with a surprise. In the parcel turned out to be a little, whlen, nice, fluffy puppy. But when the hunter opened the parcel, this "puppy" was so resolutely rushed at him, that the man had to urgently escape on the table. There, on the table, he sat all day until the puppy fell asleep. Well, the hunter knew perfectly with such a creature to bring up. The puppy was locked in the room without food for two days. And even though he swathed there all the door and walked all the furniture, the hunter did not give up and did not let the puppy, because he knew that everything would be fine soon, and they would be friends with a puppy. So it happened. When the hunter released a puppy, he rushed not at him, but on a bowl with a treat. The puppy fully appreciated the act of his new owner, and after that even stopped biting it at night. The hunter called the puppy "Snap". All men in these places often gathered together and arranged the hunt for wolves who destroyed the herd of sheep. The hunter began to take his little snap with him. However, he kept him in the saddle and did not allow to join the hunt. So it continued until the snap was gone. Once, the crop took the track of a small jackal and rushed after him. Snap for the first time took part in the hunt and rushed forward along with the sopholy. Borzy quickly caught up Shakal, surrounded him, ledali and did not allow him to leave. Soon the wolfhounds were shipped, and the russell over the jackal lasted not long. In this huge meal of dogs, gathered around the hopeless jackal, no one could see a small, white lump named Snap. It was simply not visible behind the backs of huge, thoroughbred animals. "Well," the other hunters of the owner of the Snap. - "From your plush puppy there was no proc. Well, okay! If you want, let him continue running along with the rest of the dogs. At least he does not interfere with anyone." However, the owner of the Snap was completely different about him. He just smiled and calmly told the rest: "You will definitely learn what he is capable! Only a little long, let them introduce a case!" The next hunting of the young wolf took the next hunt. It was already something more serious than a cowardly jackal. Broke again caught up predator, surrounded him and ledali. The wolfeds arrived here. But what is it? They are not in a hurry to pounce on the wolf, because he was not going to give up, but, on the contrary, sibnedy his teeth and bit one of the attackers. But nothing, nowadays the royal dogs! And here are the dogs! But no, they did not rush to the wolf at once! They first pour on the wolf, surrounding it, they will type forces ... and then the wolf does not see the mercy! The hunters see everything in binoculars, and are a little disappointed. In this situation, they will need to drive a little and shoot a wolf. But something incomprehensible happened here. From the bushes jumped out a small, white lump, silently ran through the gathered sick and not stopping to his owner came running a happy snap. Well, the owner had to plant a snap in the saddle and show him the wolf. But he jumped from the saddle and ran after his sovereign. Borzy immediately appreciated the power of this monster. Just in case, get away from him, they tried to bark not too much. Still, they understood that it was dangerous to annoy such an enemy. And suddenly, at that moment a small, white lumpy jumped out of the bushes. Was he stopping to hollow and scare a wolf? Without stopping, silently, he ran through the ring and rushed to the wolf. The wolf reacted instantly. He sharply hit the snap with all his fangs. Snap flew away with the baked side. But what does he do? He gets up and, so silently, again rushes on the wolf, aiming in his nose. And the wolf fell for a moment. This moment was enough for a snap to cling to the wolf in the nose dead grip. And when the battle finally ended, the wolf lay on Earth - a mighty giant - and clinging

E. Setton-Thompson

Bull terrier story

I saw it for the first time at dusk.

Early in the morning I received a telegram from my school comrade Jack:

"I send you a wonderful puppy. Be polite with him. So it is safer. "

Jack has such a character that he could send me a hell of a car or a mad ferret instead of a puppy, so I waited for a parcel with some curiosity. When she arrived, I saw that it was written on it: "DANGER". From the inside with the slightest movement came the grillious growl. Looking into the sealed hole, I, however, did not see a tiger, and just a little white bull terrier. He tried to bite me and grimitically rode all the time. Dogs are lying on two Lada: a low, breast voice is a polite warning or fulfilled the answer - and loud, almost screeching is the last word before attacking. And the white dog was growling so. As a lover of dogs, I thought it would be able to cope with any of them. Therefore, letting the porter, I got my folding knife, successfully replacing the hammer, a hatch, a drawer with a tool and a poker (specialty of our company) and threw the grille. Babeen was growing up terribly with every blow on the boards and, as soon as I turned the mailbox, rushed straight to my legs. If only his foot was confused in a wire mesh, I would have badly - he was clearly not going to joke. I jumped on the table where he could not get me, and tried to cut him. I was always a supporter of conversations with animals. In my deep conviction, they catch the general meaning of our speech and our intentions, at least even without understanding the words. But this puppy, apparently, considered me a hypocriser and despised all my enchanting. At first, he sat down at the table, Zorko looking at all directions, would not appear to descend the leg. I was quite sure that I could bring him to obedience, but I could not see him into my eyes, and therefore I stayed on the table. I am a cold-blooded man. After all, I am a representative of a firm trading with hardware products, and our brother is generally famous for the presence of the spirit, externally, unless the gentlemen selling the finished dress.

So, I got a cigar and lit up, sitting in Turkish on the table, while the little despot waited at the bottom of my legs. Then I took a telegram from my pocket and reread her: "A wonderful puppy. Be polite with him. So it is safer. " I think that my coolness successfully replaced politeness in this case, for half an hour later, the growl was subsided. After an hour, he no longer rushed to the newspaper, gently lowered from the table to test his feelings. It is possible that irritation caused by the cell, slightly lowered. And when I climbed the third cigar, the puppy dismissed to the fireplace and lay there, however, without forgetting me - I could not complain about it. One of his eyes was watching me all the time. I followed both eyes without behind him, but for his short tail. If this tail at least jerked aside, I would feel that I won. But the tail remained motionless. I took out a book and continued to sit on the table until the legs were crushed and did not begin to go over the fire in the fireplace. By ten o'clock it became cool, and in half the eleventh fire finally ground. My friend's gift got on his feet and, writing, pulling out, went to me under the bed, where the fur rug was lying. Easy to crossing the table on the buffet and from the buffet to the fireplace, I also reached the bed and, without any noise, ignored, managed to lie down, not alarming my lord. I did not have time to fall asleep when I heard a light scratch and felt that someone walks on the bed, then on my feet. Snap, apparently, found that at the bottom is too cold, and decided to settle down with all possible comfort.

He curled my legs very uncomfortable for me. But it was in vain to try to get together, because I barely tried to move, as he clung to my leg with such a rage that only a thick blanket saved me from a terrible injury. Over an hour passed before I managed to place my legs, moving them every time on the hairs, which was finally sleeping. During the night, I was discreted several times an angry lever of the puppy - perhaps, because it dared to move the foot without his permission, but it seems, also for having allowed himself occasionally snoring.

In the morning I wanted to get early snap. You see, I called him a snap ... his full name was Gingesnap. Some dogs with difficulty embellish the name, others do not have to come up with nicknames - they are somehow themselves.

So, I wanted to get in seven hours. Snap preferred to postpone the rise up to eight, so we got up at eight. He allowed me to flood the fireplace and allowed to dress, never started me on the table. Going out of the room to cook breakfast, I noticed:

Snap, my friend, some people would raise you with a whip, but it seems to me that my plan is better. The present doctors recommend a treatment system called "Leave without breakfast." I try it to you.

It was brutally all day not to give him a meal, but I endured the character. He scratched the entire door, and then I had to diverse it again, but in the evening he wouldingly agreed to take some food from my hands.

There were no weeks as we were already friends. Now he slept in my bed, not trying to cripple me at the slightest movement. The treatment system, which was called "Leave without breakfast," made miracles, and after three months we could not be poured with water. It turned out that he was not in vain in the telegram, it was called a wonderful puppy.

Apparently, the feeling of fear was he unfamiliar. When he met a little dog, he did not pay any attention to her, but it was worth it to appear a healthy ps, as he string pulled his fat tail and was taken to fly around the stranger, contemptuously shining his back legs and glanced in the sky, to the ground, the distance - anywhere, With the exception of this PSA, and noting its presence is only a frequent lever at high notes. If the stranger was in no hurry to retire, the fight began. After the fight, the stranger in most cases was removed with a special readiness. It happened and the Snap to lose the battle, but no bitter experience could instill in it and graziness.

One day, riding in the percussion carriage during a dog exhibition, Snape saw ilon-like Senbernar on a walk. His sizes caused such a mad delight from a puppy that he had rushed from the window of the carriage and broke his leg.

He did not know what fear is. He was not like any of the dogs known to me. For example, if the boy happened to throw a stone into him, he immediately started running, but not from the boy, but to him. And if the boy shoved the stone again, Snap was immediately divided with him than he had acquired universal respect. Only I and the emission of our office could see his good sides. Only two of us he considered decent friendship. By half the summer, Carnegie, Vanderbildt and Astor, taken together, could not collect enough money to buy my little snap.

Although I was not a community, nevertheless the firm in which I served, sent me in the fall on a journey, and the snap remained together with the apartment hostess. They did not compare the characters. He despised her, she was afraid of him, and both hated each other.

I was busy selling barbed wire in the northern states. Letters were delivered to me once a week. In his letters, my hostess constantly complained about the snap.

Arriving in Mendoza, in North Dakota, I found a good selling for wire. Of course, the main transactions I concluded with major merchants, but I also stumbled among farmers to learn their needs and needs, and thus met the Farm Brothers Penrouf.

It is impossible to visit the area where they are engaged in cattle breeding, and do not hear about the atrocities of some kind of evil and bloodthirsty wolf. The time passed when the wolves came across a poison. Brothers Penrouf, like all reasonable cattle products, abandoned the poison and cappos and began to train a different kind of dogs hunt for a wolf, hoping not only to save the surroundings from enemies, but also to praise.

The hounds were too weak for decisive contractions, Danish Dogs are too clumsy, and the greyhounds could not pursue the beast, without seeing him. Each breed had some fatal flaw. Cowboys hoped to achieve a sense with the help of a mixed sample, and when they were invited to hunt, I was very amused by a variety of dogs participating in her. There were a lot of bastards there, but there were also purebred dogs - by the way, several Russian wolfges, worthwhile, probably a lot of money.

Gilton Penrouf, the eldest of the brothers and the "boss" of the local hunt, was unusually proud of them and expected great feats from them.

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