Images of dogs of different breeds. Dog breeds

What breed to choose a dog

The breeds, as researchers found out, began to arise after breeders tried to combine animals with the same abilities. Of course, they turned to the appearance of the dog. By the way, this can be confirmed if you see puppies who were bred in Greece, in ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, and not only.

Usually the breed is choosing, relying on the following characteristics:

  • the size;
  • body type;
  • shape of the head;
  • the form of the ears;
  • color;
  • nasal form;
  • length of legs;
  • the length of the ears;
  • wool length;
  • character.

Therefore B. modern world that a large number of breed.

How to choose a breed

To choose the breed, you need to be guided not only by the appearance of an animal that can be very deceptive. Taissure four-legged friend defined breed - it should be proper and deliberate decision.

The breed of the dog you choose for yourself should be such a rhythm of the life you stick to. And also, because you need to learn all the information about what addiction is your future pet, which you chose and about what is the way of its content.

In the modern world of dog breeding, there is a huge amount of breeds, among whom are popular designer, rare and hybrids. On the Internet there are many sites, where all breeds of dog breeds with photos and names are listed, and they are also necessarily accommodated according to the alphabet and the exact characteristic is given to each such note.

Experienced dog breeders believe that in order to start this animal, it is necessary to choose such a breed, which according to its activity corresponded to the activity of the owner itself. Therefore, purchasing a pet, it is worth considering somewhat simple, but very important rules:

  • Decide whether you need a dog.
  • What are the breeds of dogs and what a puppy you would like to buy.
  • What growth would you like to have a pet.
  • At the age of 10 years, the dog can not start a dog, as such a person is still small and dissatisfied.
  • The dog breed affects her behavior. It is necessary to choose such a four-legged friend who would come to the whole family. For example, Japanese puppies are ideal for home content.
  • It is worth considering the habitat: a city or countryside.

Breeds and types of popular dogs

Today in the modern world there are more than 450 breeds of dogs that are divided into different groups: service; decorative; Hunting. Let us dwell in more detail on the rocks that are considered in dog breeders now most popular.

Dogs without a certain breed. The first animals, which people tamed about the XXII Millennium to our era, were wolves who later became dogs. They helped a man in the hunt, and then became wonderful guard.

East European Shepherd It happened from the German shepherd. Now she is reborn. Applies an animal to service. By the way, any weather conditions are endured easily, but the performance is always increased. The height with the withers is equal to the girl - 62-72 centimeters, and the boy - 66-76 centimeters, and the weight of the bitch is 50 kilograms, and the dog has 50 kilograms.

German Shepherd. In the XIX century, she brought her captain von Stefanits, crossed shepherds from different regions of Germany. During the wars, she managed to establish themselves as a brave assistant. The character is calm and balanced, kind and sincere animal. This is reliable protection and protection.

Rottweiler. Troubleshide and balanced character inherent in animals with courageous appearance. Devotees I. loyal patterns Recently, enjoy great popularity.

Yorkshire Terrier. This bedroom dog was led in the XIX century in England. The name of the rock occurred from the terrain, where it was bred.

Labrador Retriever. It is distinguished by thick but short coat of black color, his ears are hanging. This breed, brought to Russia at the end of the XX century, is considered hunting.

Pekingese is considered not only a dog of Japanese origin, but also refers to the number of oldest rocks. Her character is independent and confident. The dog is energetic, but the main thing is devoted and faithful. An animal of this rock is considered an excellent watchman.

Boxer German. This breed was formed for many centuries, its initial origin was associated with ancient little mysters. Then the Germans were engaged in her breeding.

Animal, to which the person is so used, can have a lot of secrets and mysteries, but choose the breed for the content always need to be right And do not forget that we are responsible for those who have tamed.

Those who want to start a faithful friend in the city apartment, will be useful will be a description of breeds of dogs - ornamental, medium and large ones.

Little dogs


Small (growth of about 26 cm, weight up to 5 kg) Shaggy black peak has thick eyebrows, mustache and a beard that make him look like a monkey.

The character is cheerful, energetic, curious. The dog is well traced, loves to play.

Australian silky terrier

Bichon Frize.

Boston- terrier

To obtain the breed in the 19th century were crossed bulldog and terrier.

Height large PSA It can reach 43 cm, and the weight is 11 kg.


The breed comes from Yorkshire terriers, but differs in color with black and white spots.

These are small dogs tall up to 26 cm and weighing no more than 3.5 kg, affectionate, smart and fun.

Welsh- corgi.

The old breed of the smallest shepherd in England is a weight of up to 14 kg, an increase of up to 30 cm.

Today, several dogs holds the English Queen.

Amazingly smart, teaching, good caregivers for children, the owners are fine, do not smell.

Care is easy, but you need to comb your daily velsh Corgy. , and after walking my paws and belly - because short feet Wool gets dirt.


In the past, this breed was hunting and was called a miniature hound.


Dog breed names often reflect the features of appearance. The dog got his name for the ears, resembling the wings of the butterfly - "Papillon".

During molting, the dog should be scratched every day.

Japanese Hin.

A small growth dog (up to 25 cm) and weight (up to 3.5 kg), hotly loyal owner and family. This is one of.

Fuckingly having fun with children, never bite.

Unlike many decorative rocks, almost not bother.


A pretty dog \u200b\u200bin growth of up to 30 cm and up to 7.5 kg weighing with bearded face and standing ears may seem cute toy, but it is not.

Middle dogs

English Cocker Spaniel

Holding the hunting breed. He loves walking in nature, but can live in the city with sufficient loads.

Growth does not exceed 41 cm, weight - 15 kg. English Cocker Spaniel Loves children, always ready to defend the owners.

Quickly learns, eagerly wears a diarrhea.

It is necessary to regularly comb PSA, cut the wool between the fingers, pull the hair on the face, clean the ears if they are dirty food.

West- highland- white- terrier

The dimensions of the adult ps do not exceed 30 cm, and the weight is 11 kg. However, the white terrier is strong and tireless.

The dog can be contained in the apartment, but needs good loads - walks, games.

Not suitable for young children. Thick hard wool requires combing.

Scotch- terrier

Scottish terrier is always included in famous dog breeds.

The dog today is more decorative (weight up to 10-11 kg, height up to 29 cm), but initially its ancestors were used for hunting.

Scotch terrier smart, loves children - plays and protects.

Dog wool does not fall out itself, twice a year the standard of rock requires trimming and haircuts.


The statute dog is from China, invulnerable due to hard wool and skin folds. The growth is up to 50 cm, the weight can reach 25 kg.

"If you go to visit and carefully take Sharpei with me, do not be surprised that you just won't notice"

American Eskimo Spitz

Standard Spitz grows up to 48 cm and can weigh up to 17 kg.

The breed occurred from those brought to America.

This is an excellent choice for the city - the dog is smart, it is well trained, obedient, playful and gentlemen, guards the family and children. Thick wool with dense scrap needs combat, but often wash the dog is not recommended.

Winter spitza is useful snow baths.


A strong dog with an increase of up to 50 cm and weighing up to 19 kg. In the old days, Mittelshnuzers helped on the hunt, guarded at home.

Loving friend, faithful companion and defender, nannik children - this is what a miter today.

The smart, lean, quickly learns to teams. Requires education since childhood.

Does not learn, so it is necessary to scratch and trimming in autumn and in the spring.


Liser-like, Shetland Shepherd or sheltie Reaches a rise of 40 cm and weight in 11 kg.

The dog is very smart, not aggressive, loves to learn to teams, leaving for training.

Basset- hound

Massive (height up to 38 cm, weight up to 27 kg) and on the sight of a vague dog with big ears and a huge nose.

The nature is calm, balanced. Basset- hound Always becomes a full member of the family, very loves children, patiently takes out games and pranks.

Without education can be retreat. Care is easy, but when the dog is linked, you will have to compose it.

Basset Hound has a memorable appearance due to the long ears and sad-melancholic fords

Bull terrier

Bull terrier - fighter, derived in England. Enters the middle breeds of dogs. PSA growth should not exceed 46 cm, and weight - 30 kg.

It has strong embossed muscles and powerful jaws. IMPORTANT C. early age Prohibit aggression to other dogs and strangers.

The dog is playful, active, in content is unpretentious, but are required to walk with good loads and games.

Wool lins twice a year. For combing a rubber mitten is suitable.

Large dogs

Thai Ridgeback

The national pride of Thailand, which crowns local large breeds of dogs (growth up to 50 cm, weight up to 24 kg).

It is distinguished by the athletic constitution, muscular addition and the ridge - a comb of wool on the back.

Dog character independent and proud. Thai Ridgeback is inclined to trust only its own.

Alaskan Malamute

Cane Corso

The pride of Italian breeders who were able to revive the almost disappeared appearance.

Standard description of breeds of dogs speaks about Kane Corso as a strong, massive and muscular animal, taking up to 68 cm and weighing about 50 kg.

Character balanced, but security qualities at height. Very smart, get along with children, vigilant.


A large dog that can grow to 70 cm and weigh up to 90 kg.

Neapolitan mastiff

Dog known since Ancient Rome - A strong beast with a proudly planted large head, taking up to 75 cm and weighing more than 70 kg.

A vigilant security guard, devoted to members of his family, "flocks."

It is important to provide a puppy to the right upbringing and space, so for the apartment neapolitan mastiffs Do not recommend.

Good care about children. Wool is enough to comb with a mittens.

German dog

In the old days with his grandfather hunted on a major beast. This is a clever, understanding man dog.

English Setter

The hunting breed, known from the 18th century, is suitable for apartment content.

Smart dog with a living temperament that requires proper education and loads. The growth of the adult setter reaches 62 cm, and the weight of 31 kg.


Was bred as a shepherd dog. Adult collie grows up to 61 cm and can weigh up to 31 kg.

Breeders celebrate mind, obedience, easy learning, love for children, dedication to the owners.

It can live in an apartment, will not frown in winter and feels well in the summer, but needs a mione and caring for wool.

Combing the dog takes 20-30 minutes daily. Pooh undercoat can be sprinkled.

German Shepherd

One of the most intelligent and adapted to work with a man of dogs.

Large, strong (height up to 65 cm), fearless, but non-aggressive, good coming in the city.

German Shepherd - a true friend, companion, educator of children. Like, this is a reliable guard with a balanced psyche.

The dog needs work - execution of teams, training, long-term walks, communication on equal owner.


Large representatives of this breed can grow to 72 cm and weigh up to 45 kg.

Determining, large, medium, small breeds of dogs are suitable for the apartment, it is important to really evaluate their capabilities in the content.

Dog breeds: choose a friend

Determining, large, medium, small breeds of dogs are suitable for the apartment, it is important to really evaluate their capabilities in the content. Those who want to start a faithful friend in the city apartment, will be useful will be a description of breeds of dogs - ornamental, medium and large ones.

This lump of fur remains a faithful defender of monasteries and houses in Tibet since ancient times. Dogs with a thick protective layer and weighing from 45 to 80 kg are adapted to harsh winters in Central Asia.

Dandy Dinmont Terrier


These dogs brought out in Scotland in the 1700s. The breed is a mixture of Skye Terrier and Scotch Terrier (Scotch Terrier), which gives the dog a unique look. Farmers and Gypsies used it for hunting rats and badgers due to short legs. The animal retains the status of a rare, annually register only a few hundred units.


These fluffy animals are a mix of Newfoundland, Senbernar and the Pyrenean Mountain Dog. The weight of an adult individual reaches 80 kg. According to legend, they were brought to get a dog like a lion, adorning the coat of arms in the hometown of Leonberg, Germany. After the Second World War, only eight of these gentle giants were preserved.

Portuguese water dog

These dogs are known for beautiful curls and amazing fitness to water. Initially, they were bred on the coast of Portugal and used to drive the fish on the network, restore lost gear and exchange messages between ships. In the 1930s, the breed was on the verge of extinction, until a rich Portuguese merchant launched a program on their breeding, although they still remain rare.

Löwhen (Löwchen), lion dog

Löwchen (Löwchen) translated from German means "lion dog". This is one of the rarest breeds on the planet whose history leaves in 1442. The magnificent, elegant and loving dog everywhere accompanied the rich elite of France and Germany, it can be seen in historical paintings and tapestries.

Belgian dogs are the descendants of small terriers who were used for rodent hunting. The griffins of gentlemen are charming, curious and are known for their expression of a face like a human face. By the end of the Second World War in Belgium, Grydonov left. The breed remains extremely rare.

Novoguinea singing dog


"Singing Dog" was in full insulation for more than 30,000 years, found during a high-mountain excursion in Papua New Guinea in 1950. As follows from the name, this breed loves to sing. They are going together and spend, making unique sounds for dogs. Outside the natural habitat is less than 100 individuals, in the wild, they are almost impossible to track them.

Sholtenitskintyli or Sholo (also Xoloitzcuintli / Xoloitzcuintli or Mexican naked dog)

Ksoltyzkuintly exist for more than 3000 years, their history can be traced since the time of Ancient Mexico. They were early domesticated and used as hunting pieces. The mention of these animals is found in the objects of the art of civilizations of Aztecs and Toltec.

Czechoslovak Wolf Dog, Czechoslovak Vlchak

Since 1955, Volcc has existed since 1955, it appeared as a result of crossing German shepherds with Eurasian wolves. Dogs are obedient and friendly as German Shepherds, and also retain their wildlife and developed steel instinct.

Bergamskaya Shepherdarka


These shepherd dogs brought out for alpine climatic conditions, their developed thick wool does not learn and requires surprisingly little attention. These large animals are obedient, observed and patient. They tend to form a close connection with their owner, although they can be shy in the company of strangers.

Vandy Basset Griffon or Big Wanda Basset Griffon

Big Basset received its extravagant name from the French aristocrats, which was accompanied during hunting trips. It still serves as a magnificent companion, it is distinguished by short-haze.

Lancashir chieler

You probably have already guessed that the chieler is considered a descendant of the worskkore and Manchester Terrier. The dog is small, but strong and muscular, removed for the cattle pon. Smart, cheerful and infinitely loyal pet.

Moody (Hungarian shepherd dog)

These rare shepherd dogs growing in Hungary are priceless for their owners. Moody is extremely smart, strong, bold and, most importantly, loving. Their remarkable feature in wavy wool resembling sheep wool.

Russian Toy (Russian Toy Terrier)

These elegant dogs were popular among the Russian aristocracy, outside of Russia did not apply until the 1990s. With a rise of 20-25 cm and weighing from 3 to 6 kg, they are close to chihuahua in size, they have sports addiction and magnificent long wool in the ears area.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog


If you dream to keep the houses of the bear, but there is no such possibility, get the Caucasian Shepherd. With a weight from 50 to 90 kg and height up to 75 cm, these smart giants have protected their owners and cattle from bears and wolves for thousands of years.

Swedish Walhund or Dog Viking
For many years, he defended and guarded the herd of animals in Slovakia, as a result of which Slovak Chuvach turned into a guardian of all his flocks, including a person's family. Under the thick beautiful wool, these animals hides well-developed muscles, weight mostly make up the muscles.

Neapolitan Mastiff or Mastino Napoletano

Dog breeds were displayed many thousands of years. This process continues to this day. Other mammals do not have such a huge genetic diversity as a dog. What is just worth a huge difference between Chihuahua and the German dog.

There are different interpretations of what is called "breed". The breed is actually classified according to the functional purpose for which the breed was derived. Most of the registered breeds of dogs are traditional breeds with a very long history. The origin of some breeds of dogs are associated immediately with two or three countries. All traditional dog breeds are made to the FCI register (International Cynological Federation), but some new breeds are still under development.

According to the functional purpose, all breeds of dogs are divided into such subcategories as workers' dogs, homemade (family) dogs, dog shepherds, guard dogs, hunting and riding dogs. Working dogs are used, for example, for therapy or service in the police. Family dogs are derived for home and do not have a clear functional purpose. Shepherd dogs Work with domestic cattle. Watchdow dogs must protect property. They laid out loud when they feel an attacker, thus warning her owner. Hunting breeds of dogs help the owner on the hunt. Different types of dogs have special hunt skills. Riding dogs are derived for transporting goods in hard-to-reach regions.

Consider more each of the types of breeds of dogs:

    • Fight - these are dogs, the nature itself (often with the participation of a person) folded in such a way as to apply the maximum damage to the enemy. Initially, they were used in dog battles, but then, after this species banned all over the world, such dogs began to use exclusively in security and protective purposes.
    • Hypoallergenic - breeds of dogs causing allergies, first of all, due to the low content of certain substances that irritate the mucous membrane. But consider the fact that the allergy is different, and if a person, for example, asthma, with allergies on pets and fluff, then for him, the dog's hyposterity will not matter. After all, the seizure causes the wool itself, and the substances that make the skin of the dog, the secondary factor is already. Because if you have one or another allergies, before buying a four-legged friend, it is better to consult with an allergist doctor.
    • Decorative - as a rule, these are small dogs that have only one function - to be funny and cute companions to a person. Some of these breeds were previously used for hunting, but in the modern world, having sex with such small dogs is extremely rare.
    • For children - this category can be attributed to those dogs that are well referred to children and can act something like a nanny. For example, all dog lovers know that the breed Labrador Retriever is ideal for families with young children. In fact, even a fighter dog can have great love for children, a good example of this is a pit bullterier.
    • For protection - usually, here are those dogs that have high devotion and good fighting qualities. Such dogs may not be approached to protect the territory of a private house, but as for protection against the attack on the owner - there are no equal. Of course, if you want to make such a PSA, it is better to provide him with appropriate training from a professional trainer.
    • For an apartment - basically, these dogs include breeds, which, as a result, the features of the physique and adaptive psyche are suitable for maintenance in the apartment. In fact, despite the fact that most of these animals have small or medium sizes, it is not always a decisive factor. there is large dogswho perfectly get along in an ordinary urban apartment. And, on the contrary, there are dogs of medium-sized, which prefer to be on the street, and therefore, if they live in the apartment, need long walks.
    • Riding - despite the fact that traveling along the snow-covered plains on dogs is increasingly going to the past, these animals are very popular. First of all, due to spectacular appearance and developed intelligence. The most famous, perhaps the breeds of Husky and Malamut.
    • Hunting - first of all, these are those dogs that have genetic tendencies to hunt, so to speak, some kind of generic memory, as well as a certain physique. As an example, you can bring the Poistter breed - thin, muscular, very hardy dogs that have wonderful hunting instincts. Another very famous breed is Greyhaound, or Borzaya.
    • Watchdow - to this group include those animals that, as a result of their physique and features of the psyche, are ideal for protecting private land. Usually, these dogs are very territorial, fearless, have large sizes, greater strength and with incredulusity belong to unfamiliar people. The most striking example watchman - Alabai, or Central Asian Shepherd.

Choose a dog correctly.

As you probably already understood, each of the rocks can simultaneously relate to several categories. For example, a fighter dog can approach an apartment, and some decorative rock may well be hypoallergenic.

Choosing a four-way friend follows with the mind, having stigped everything for and against. Moreover, it is necessary to think not only about your own comfort and safety, but also how much the livingwhere you can offer the animal is suitable for it.

From your choice will be dependent not only your life over the next 10-15-20 years, but also the life of your four-legged friend, his health and well-being. And therefore, you should not make a choice based on momentary desires.

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