Multidisciplinary clinic "Union. Soyuz

I really liked everything. Svetlana Alekseevna explained all Tolkovo, according to the results of the analyzes, I will appoint me therapy. She has a very good attitude, she is very friendly and it seemed to me that it was highly formed.

Leonova Marina Leonidovna (therapist)

Doctor attentive and polite! I liked it to talk to her, my doctor explained everything to me and answered my questions, appointed analyzes and when I pass them, perhaps I will come to re-consult. I have already recommended it!

Knyazeva Larisa Sergeevna (Lor (Otolaryngologist))

I got to Larisa Sergeyevna at the reception accidentally and understood that this doctor sent me the fate itself! In my confusing history and diagnoses could deal, put the right diagnosis and appoint competent treatment only a professional who is Prince of Larisa Sergeyevna! Very attentive, heart and experienced doctor! Thank you, Larisa Sergeyevna!


Tranfofilov Mikhail Mikhailovich (hepatologist, oncologist, surgeon)

The doctor learned via the Internet, the disease was serious, the treatment applied before, did not help. MM Offered an operation - ablation. He said that the risks are minimal that it will certainly help, all the tests are only talking about it. Operation is not cheap. It all started with the fact that they promised one amount, and in fact it turned out to be one and a half times more. Then you need to buy something, then I didn't lie in that hospital, ...

Maksimov Viktor Alekseevich (urologist, andrologist, oncurologist)

The doctor looked attentively, explained everything intelligible, it is clear to people who do not understand medicine. Told all the results that will be if you do or make an operation. Information gave a lot. Doctor has a lot of experience, held high posts, of course a knowledgeable specialist.

Noyakov Oleg Nikolaevich (Proctologist, Surgeon, Flabog)

Everything arranged. The doctor showed himself as a professional. Everything is quite calm, I did not scare me. Man knows his work. He told me in detail, explained. Polite, nice doctor. No professional arrogance. I am fully satisfied and turns to this doctor for treating my problem.

Mikolana Svetlana Vasilyevna (gynecologist, obstetrician, gynecologist-endocrinologist)

I visited the Gynecologist Mikolana Svetlana Vasilyevna. I can describe it as a professional, attentive and friendly person. The doctor delicately spent inspection, listened to me. I received a consultation useful recommendations and tips. I am satisfied. Thanks!

Tatyana Igorevna

Sinyavin Dmitry Yuryevich (oncologist, chemotherapist)

Everything is great. Doctor told us everything. Not only consultation for the patient was free. We will continue to treat this doctor. Attentive, sensitive doctor. He answered all questions, told positive and negative scenarios.

Demborinsky Oleg Ivanovich (Gastroenterologist)

I arrived specifically for this doctor, he owns those knowledge that is necessary for the gastroenterologist. Very attentive, very responsibly refers to their work. If other doctors were such as he, then probably there would be much less diseases.

Farhat Faiyad Akhmedovich (Neurosurgeon)

I can tell about him for hours. The best doctors on all white light! Very decent, very responsive doctor, very sensitive to all sores. He will listen to everything, everything will do 100-200%. Doctor primarily helps. I have such a disease that there is no doctor on all white light that would make me the procedure painlessly. I have trigeminal nervewho is not treated. I am supporting 35 years old, in ...

For more than 40 years, a multidisciplinary clinic of the Union helps people to restore health and not to yield to diseases none of the opportunities that life gives a healthy person.

We created a clinic and hospital under one roof. The continuity of clinic and hospital provides completeness, timeliness medical care and increases the responsibility of the clinic.

Our hospital can be safely called the expert hospital. It means:

  • high-tech surgical care;
  • anesthetic service providing highest level security;
  • own blood bank;
  • personalized postoperative care and observation of specialists;
  • high qualifications of surgical brigades.

To date, more than 100 specialists of various profiles work in the clinic. Our doctors are leading staff of the Department of Medical Universities in Moscow. These are candidates and doctors of medical sciences, specialists with many years of experience. Their knowledge and skills, multiplied by the high-quality equipment of the clinic, allow you to be treated effectively, safely, comfortable.

Services clinic Union on ul. Sailor Silence:

  • Neurosurgery
  • Traumatology
  • Surgery
  • Gynecology
  • Oncology
  • Mammalogy
  • Urology
  • Therapy
  • Gastroenterology
  • Proctology
  • Phlebology
  • Neurology
  • Cardiology
  • Stomatology
  • Hepatology
  • Endocrinology
  • Bariatrics
  • Plastic
  • Cosmetology

2 years ago

Smiling, the chief doctor of the clinic proposed to consider the rudeness of the guard by a misunderstanding. It is clear that he is too lazy to do this and even more so pick up a worthy person to work with a meager salary. I, in general, was not gentle with the guard. Bydlova, the guard managed to create a negative impression from the first second - at first I made me with a cigarette right in the door of the clinic, then in my back "Hey, where did you go, hand over the upper clothes, you chollow, come here, do not touch your problems" ( - Quote). Nahamil me the guard today is serious. Have you ever sent three letters in a paid clinic in which you came to spend a significant amount of money? I also did not think what would happen. Especially in the clinic in which I leaned my teeth is already a huge number of years. And come back. And returned again. The last time, of course. Aunt administrator at the entrance, being a witness, without blinking and eye, right in my face I was told that there was nothing that the guard was silk and, in general, the client himself is a fool ... the staff has no regret. No, all the more apologies were not. People just do not understand where they are taken from the salary. You bring your money, and we will be Hamit for this. Union showed himself to the scoop. Unpleasant and terribly too lazy to look new clinic. There are loyal customers on inertia. I just like this. Lyoral to the first rudeness. It was treated here about 15 years. But this, as you understand, a farewell letter. And you do not advise you to be treated in the clinic of the Union.


To answer

7 499 268-05-00 Russia, Moscow, ul Matrosskaya silence, d 14

Hello, Vladimir Vladimirovich. Thank you for your feedback and syllable it is written. After all, we do not see ourselves from the side, so the criticism is always useful. However, questions remained ... 1. You don't like to equally when you rude and when you smile? 2. Are you a high flight person and from this height other people look "bydly-free type"? 3. You are the breadwinners and Piece of "Aunt Administrators" and other "unworthy people with a meager salary"? 4. Since you have been beneficial for 5 years and once again came to spend a substantial amount of money, then the "bydial type" is not only the staff of the clinic, but also other patients who are proudly passing in white upper clothes? Vladimir Vladimirovich, you are a professional portrait photographer. I am sure that you can see the soul of a person through the camera lens. I saw your work. Handsomely. Your work causes respect. And you respect yourself, it's great. And you know, a long time ago, in my childhood, I went to the photo compartment. Can you rock ancient and make your photoportion? ... yes no, it's not worth it. I'm afraid that the illuminated frame will be released. With a little inscription: Pride. With respect. The admirer of your talents, chief doctor of the clinic "Soyuz", A.A. Polyras.

To answer

2 years ago

It came there on the advice of the girlfriend, since it urgently needed a good gastroenterologist. Accepted quickly. What surprised that the doctor really listened to me, asked a lot of questions. Usually doctors are waiting when the patient is already silent and leaves, and here I have already started thinking "Yes, where many questions, just give me a magic tablet and I will already go." But the doctor still decided to dig. I got to the Demborinsky Oleg Ivanovich, which is very glad. The clinic passed a study on gastro and kalonoscopy under anesthesia, it was not possible to do this before, it was not normal in the center there was no normal equipment, and the study is quite specific, which is frankly terrible for many. But here there is no, Oleg Ivanovich sent me to Vavilova Elena Vladimirovna, who led the entire process of procedure. I woke up with a rested and in excellent mood. Really slept. There were no nobles or unpleasant sensations. Doctors clinic Many thanks for the highest level and huge professionalism! Already ok normally. And I would still like to say thanks to the administrators, especially Lylo Lylo Anatolyevna. Three minutes after the procedure, I decided that I was completely moving normally, but still I got out of the office after anesthesia it turned out that I did not really go with coordination. Lyubov Anatolyevna noticed me, captured in the corridor and took to the second floor to the doctor's office. Ten minutes later, the condition was at least behind the wheel, so everything went fine! Thank you all! Successful practices and medical accomplishments!


AT multidisciplinary clinic "Soyuz" operates an operating unit with two operating rooms, anesthesiological service, resuscitation with chambers of intensive care and extracorporeal hemocorrection, and there are daily and 24-hour hospitals with single and double chambers.

In the Medical Center "Union" are offered by the clinic of comprehensive medical programs:

"Personal Doctor"
"Point of sobriety"
"Applied Kinesiology"
"Healthy heart"
"Life without drugs"

The medical center is equipped with a powerful diagnostic database, in addition, there is its own laboratory. All this allows you to conduct ultrasound diagnostic tissues and organs, as well as cystoscopic, endoscopic and fluorographic research, x-ray, functional diagnostics and orthopantography, etc.

The Multidisciplinary Center "Soyuz" is the first medical institution in Russia, in which the Easy LDI system was applied to control biological micro levels Processes in traumatology, orthopedics, oncology, vascular surgery, dentistry, cardiology and other directions. Through the use of modern minimally invasive and microsurgical techniques in the treatment, it becomes possible to quickly return to normal everyday life.

The "Union" clinic has its own blood bank. The anesthesia service corresponds to American quality and safety standards ASA. Accurate hardware control of the depth of anesthesia, the use of high-quality foreign and domestic drugs make it possible to monitor the work of all life support systems, which eliminates the possibility of complications during surgical intervention. In that medical institution Used the safest view today inhalation Narcosis - xenon anesthesia.

Among the partners of the clinic "Union" - diagnostic medical Center McNamara LifeCheck Center, Ayurvedic Clinic "Ayurveda Health Home" (Nepal), Rehabilitation and Clinical Center "Independence", International Academy of Health, Laboratory of Genno Molecular Diagnostics and other institutions. With this approach to the organization of therapeutic process, with such an open tandem with the best institutions of foreign and domestic medicine, you can guarantee the highest quality medical care.
Multidisciplinary clinic "Soyuz" can offer assistance not only in solving health problems, but also a whole range of services that will determine the level of health as a whole, to monitor it, as well as reveal possible risks Diseases and take preventive measures in a timely manner. ... read continuation

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