Black dentists. Black Vitaly Vladimirovich

The stomach always complains about the teeth. This folk wisdom looks at the very root. After all, if food enters the stomach well-chewed, ridicularly diluted saliva - the gastrointestinal tract will function in gentle mode and no gastritis ulcers are touched.
So that good teeth - An indispensable attribute of health. But the trouble, people with absolutely healthy teeth Once or two and turned around.
And this problem is not from today's bad atmosphere and carcinogenic food. Not today she appeared. Long before the new era, at the very beginning of the time people suffered from dental pain, learned to care for their teeth and treat them, invented seals and prostheses.

Teeth antiquity

The art of combating toothache is one of the most ancient industries of medicine. Representatives of all civilizations and peoples contributed to it. Moreover, many inventions in this area, which still use dentists, have been made centuries and even the Millennium Back.
Already 8-9 thousand years ago, people tried to treat teeth - evidence of this archaeologists discovered during excavations in Pakistan. Moreover, in a variety of cultural layers of the ancient world, there were skulls with traces of dental implants from animal bones, shells or metal.
Destrains are mentioned in the famous ancient Egyptian treatise, known as Ebers Papyrus. He was written no later than 1550 to the new era. And he himself, most likely, was a copy of an earlier medicine manual, compiled at the beginning of 3 millennia to our era. Ebers Papyrus contains over 900 drug recipes for the treatment of diseases of digestion, heart, respiratory, hearing and vision.
Including eleven pastes and ointments that were used in teeth and gum diseases. Egyptian doctors believed that these compositions helped to shoot toothpick, reduce gum inflammation.
In the fact that the ancient Egyptians needed in the services of dentists, do not doubt. The Mummy's study showed that many residents of the country of Pharaohs suffered inflammation of the periosteum, caries and lesions of the gums.
About a dozen diseases of the oral cavity and methods of their treatment are also described in Chinese medical manuscripts, which is about 3 thousand years old.

The case of black dentists

It seems that the very first dental instrument had tongs to remove teeth. The ancient Greeks were afraid of them at the time of the hypocratic (about 500 years BC), who did not forget to mention them in one of his texts. At about the same time, Etrusks (living in Italy) tried themselves in dental prosthetics. They knew how to make dental crowns and even bridges that were sometimes no worse than the prostheses of the middle of the XIX century.
Ancient Romans borrowed some skills of Etruscan dentists and enhanced their invention to them - drill. The Roman doctor of Armenian, the court arculap of Emperor Trajan, treated the pulpit on a special drill. And then fits the open cavity tooth with gold. But his experiences were shortly forgotten. And only in the XV century the Arcoli drill began to be used.
Basically, the dental is reduced until the XVII century, it was reduced to the removal of sick teeth, which did not do physicians, and the baths, kinvals and marigos.
As a medical specialty, dentistry originated in Europe only at the beginning of the XVIII century. The father of scientific dentistry consider the French surgeon of Pierre Foshara, who in 1728 issued a fundamental "Guide to Surgery and Treatment."
At about the same time, the dentists have learned to be tightly fixed in the toothless mouths of prostheses - using platinum rods. The most beautiful were porcelain snow-white teeth. But most customers preferred natural. And in the years of large wars (especially Napoleonic) on the battlefields, black dentists worked in might and main, stole the teeth in the corpses.

And without launching pain, the teeth finally learned to be treated only in the middle of the twentieth century. Not everywhere, of course. In the USSR, the pain was still familiar.
But the methods of treatment and prosthetics remained the same - the dentists either repaired damage, leaving roots on the spot, or simply removed the destroyed teeth and instead they were prostheses fixed on the preserved teeth.

What is the hole to go?

In the XIX century, the teeth were seal with silver-mercury amalgam. Very poisonous.
The first polymethyl methacrylate base seals began to put only in the 50s and years of the last century.
And in the 60s the first composites were developed. And the dentistry began not only to treat, but also decorate the oral cavity.
True, in our country about aesthetic dentistry no one thought. The first foreign sealing materials became available to our doctors only in the 90s. And the domestic materials of this class are simply not.

Introduce the implant in the jaw

The revolution in the dental began with the advent of the method of dental implantation. The implant is an artificial root that is implanted on the vacant place remaining after the removal of the patient's tooth. It serves as a support for crowns or prostheses.
The implant is made from titanium or polymetallic alloys. Usually its design is a screw, a smooth cylinder or a plate, although there are more complex models. The implant is implanted in the jaw during surgical operation. On his head and fastened the crown.
The success of the enression is not guaranteed, but the probability of rejection does not exceed 5%.
What implantation is better than traditional prosthetics? The removal of the tooth deprives the load of the bone located under it, and it is quickly atrophy. A embedded implant imitates natural loads arising during chewing. And it means that bone tissue does not degrade.
The founder of modern implantation techniques became the Swedish scientist Per-Ingvar Branomeark. In 1952, he discovered that titanium pins are well attached to bone tissue.
But the first acceptable dental implants appeared only in the 1960s. At first, collapsible screw devices were used. And in the 1990s, monolithic implants appeared.

With a laser in the mouth

The first laser devices for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity appeared in 1991. These models were not particularly reliable and effective.
Now in medical offices, you can find devices with laser emitters of various types - solid-state, semiconductor and gas. With their help diagnose early caries, receive information
on the blood supply to the pulp, the colonies of pathogenic microorganisms that destroy the toothbrope are revealed. Laser scalpels take the tissue biopsy oral cavity. Laser bormers destroy the affected toothbrushes and prepare cavities for sealing.
The laser is destroyed by bacteria during the root canal sanitation and trees are treated.
Recently appeared new method Laser catching the surface of the teeth before installing the crowns. And even the teeth are now whiten with a laser - hydrogen peroxide is applied to the surface of the teeth, which under the action of laser radiation blends faster tooth enamel.

Just update enamel

Perhaps soon, dentists will refuse to apply any bormashin, both laser and mechanical.
Japanese professor Kazu Yamagishi created a white crystal paste, fully similar to the dental enamel. This paste is healing small damage to the surface of the teeth that arise on the most early stages Caries. It should be simply applied to the crack in the tooth and after a quarter of an hour the paste will freeze and firmly connect with a dental cloth. True, at home it is difficult to do this, because the composition of the paste has strong acids, they can damage the gums.
New drug Not only restores dental enamel, but also prevents its further destruction.
Now the Japanese enamel passes clinical trials and, perhaps, after 2-3 years, completely deprivates the work of orthodontists.

And grow a new chisel

The possibility of simple paste to make the tooth with a new flavor in front of the technology that scientists are now trying to master - before the regeneration of the teeth. It turns out that of specialized stem cells, which give the beginning of the toothbrush, you can grow dental crowns or even whole teeth. Experiments are still held on animals only.
In 2002, the employees of the Boston Institute of Forsight raised the miniature teeth of a pig in the peoples of the rat. They rectified the cells of the tooth tissue of six-month piglets and transplanted them into the intestines of rats. After a few months, tiny (2 mm) dental crowns were formed in this place.
Last year, the same researchers were raised from coronary stem cells normal size.
Now they are going to grow their teeth directly in the mouth of the rat. If everything works out, experiences with human tissues will begin.
Imagine how his clone will grow his clone in the place of the tooth in a fight in a half year. New, clean and healthy.
True, it is unlikely to happen earlier than 15 years.

Posted by: Valentina Bogomolova
  • 1995-1996 - course of implantology orthopedic, surgical and therapeutic dentistry, Tsninis, Diploma "Comesa" TsDK;
  • 1996 - course of implantology, orthopedic, surgery and therapeutic dentistry (use modern methods and materials ", center of dental cosmetics Tsniis MZMP RF and AOZT" Implace ";
  • 1999 - Dentrade Kieferorthopaedischer Diagnostik-Kurs;
  • 1999 - Dentrade Manualle Functions- und Strkturanlyse (MFA / MSA) 50737 KOLN E.K;
  • 2000 - the course "Diagnostics (outpatient interventions), carrying out dental implantology of dental orthopedic services", certificate of a specialist;
  • 2002 - the course "orthopedic dentistry with the use of equipment, materials and methods" Dentship ", certificate DENTSPLY INTERNATIONAL (USA);
  • 2004 - the course of specialization "The mechanism of action of low-intensity laser radiation, the basics of laser reflexology", NUPO "LEDID";
  • 2006 - the course "Direct Restoration of Teeth", certificate DENTSPLY;
  • 2007 - Seminar "Secrets of Successful Endodontics", "Selection of Material Depending on Clinical Situation and Economic Opportunities", DENTSPLY certificate;
  • 2007 - Master course "Restoration therapy with the use of equipment, materials and technologies of the Dentship Corporation", DENTSPLY certificate;
  • 2007 - certificate-certificate of qualification "Doctor in the specialty Stomatology", Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Moscow;
  • 2007-2008 - Professional retraining, FGBOU DPO FMBA of Russia, Moscow, specialty - "Orthopedic" dentistry;
  • 2008 - Professional retraining, FGBOU DPO FMBA of Russia, Moscow, specialty - "Surgical dentistry";
  • 2008 - Diploma of the International Academy of Sciences SSH & "Arts" California;
  • 2008 - Certificate of the Russian Federation "Stomatology Orthopedic", Moscow FSBEA DPO FMBA of Russia;
  • 2008 - Certificate of the Russian Federation "Stomatology Surgical", Moscow FSBOU DPO FMBA of Russia;
  • 2008 - Certificate of the Russian Federation FSU. Tsniis. Chlx "Implantology in Stomatology", Moscow;
  • 2008-2009 - Professional retraining, FGBOU DPO FMBA of Russia, Moscow, specialty - "Therapeutic dentistry";
  • 2009 - Certificate of the Russian Federation "Stomatology Therapeutic", Moscow FSBOU DPO FMBA of Russia;
  • 2012 - Certificate of the Russian Federation "Stomatology Orthopedic", FGBOU DPO FMBA of Russia, Moscow;
  • 2012 - advanced training, Institute for Advanced FMBA Qualification of Russia, specialty - "Dentistry orthopedic and implantology";
  • 2012 - advanced training, Institute for advanced training of the FMBA of Russia, specialty - "Dentistry surgical and implantology";
  • 2013 - Certificate of the Russian Federation "Dentistry Surgical", FGBOU DPO FMBA of Russia, Moscow;
  • 2014 - advanced training, FGBOU DPO FMBA of Russia, Moscow, specialty - "Therapeutic dentistry";
  • 2015 - Professional retraining, FGBOU DPO FMBA of Russia Moscow, "Health Organization and Informatics".

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Dentistry at the metro Kakhovskaya

By Metro, Kakhovskaya pass the street Kakhovka, Malaya Yushunskaya Street and Azov Street. Next to this metro station are located at Sevastopol shopping center, the Chertanovsky District Court. Station code 026 Work schedule from 5:35 to 1:00.

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Dentistry at the metro Academic

Past the metro Aviamotornaya pass Leninsky Prospect, Avenue of the 60th anniversary of October, trade union street, Vavilov Street and Dmitry Ulyanova Street. Next to this metro station there are the State Darwin Museum, the Cinema "Ulan-Bator". The landmark is the beginning of the trade union street (a monument to Ho Chi Chi). Work schedule from 5:35 to 0:40.

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Dentistry at the metro New Cheryomushki

By the subway, new Cheryomushki passes the trade union street, Garibaldi Street and Nametkin Street. Next to this metro station there are Panorama shopping center, management social protection The population of the Cheryomushki district and the chief information center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Station code 103, work schedule from 5:23 to 1:00.

An unprecedented criminal case is investigated in the city of Polar Dawns of the Murmansk region: more than 30 inhabitants of the Murmansk region suffered from "black dentists". For the first time, the deception under the guise of medical services accepted such a scale. Among victims people of different ages and social status, but especially many pensioners. Some of them carried the latest money with falsevialists.

But everything began when a native of Dagestan moved to the city. He had some medical education And first worked in a private clinic. Then Dagestan decided that it was much more profitable to serve patients at home. To private practice, he connected his relatives. Those, however, were not very sacrificed in dentistry. Licenses from the family office, of course, was not. For the sake of fairness, it should be said that it was not tried to put a seal-stomatologists. But eagerly taken for prosthetics and deletion. Patients attracted low prices. On average, the crown accounted for 1200-1300 rubles. In addition, in many localities where they appeared, qualified prosthestists too little.
- I will wear prostheses for fifteen years. When they erased me, began to find out how to put new ones, - tells
A 74-year-old resident of the village of Africand-2 Zinaida Dobrovoltsev, one of the first to be in law enforcement agencies. - As affected by repression, I have free toothnotes, but I did not wait for it. I do not remember who of the acquaintances told me about dentists who work at home. I called. I arrived a pleasant, well-dressed man. We were waiting for him together with a neighbor, she also needed prostheses. He removed the measurements, gave "porridge" - the composition for the cast. The next few times they arrived together. Prostheses did not come to me - it was hurt. I could hardly talk, the sky was burning, and even food for new teeth fell. They tried me to convince me that the prostheses should take care. But I know, it happens if the prostheses are small. They were redoned several times, but everything is no sense. In general, in vain spent 8 thousand rubles. And my friend friends and more - who are 27, who are 32 thousand. Some, though, and bad prosthesis did not see. "Doctors" just took the money - and with the ends. At one-time rate, one of the prosthesists after identification also acknowledged us with a neighbor, and stated to the investigator: "These women are not lying." I am asked how we could believe these people without documents and even give them money to work? But we still do not lock the doors in African and are not afraid to leave carpets on the street ...
Customers found "black dentists" on announcements on the pillars, which were disclosed in the aval, Revda, African, Lovlamera, Kandalaksha and even in Louchah. Information on criminal activity in the police and the prosecutor's office gathered gradually. The case was initiated as soon as the damage caused to prostheses to their patients amounted to 250 thousand rubles - the amount for "illegal entrepreneurship".
- The victims complained to swell the gums. Many of them crowns put on carious teeth, and there began inflammation. Someone prostheses were not suitable at all. Qualified dentists, to which patients fled, have grabbed the head. How much effort they had to attach to correct the work of the handles. We have plenty of medical documents confirming this, "said the prosecutor of the city of Polar Zori Yevgeny Botelnko.
The unsuccessful work of prostheticov led one resident of Revda to the hospital bed, the other had to make a complex dental operation. An even more suffered a pensioner from the row. Inappropriate in size prosthesis was glued. Because of this, the old man has a swollen larynx. Plugged jaws had to saw.
By the way, one of the prosthesists, according to the prosecutor, is infected viral hepatitis. In some cases, as witnesses declare, "black dentists" worked even without gloves. So all the victims had to take a hepatitis analysis.
Interestingly, among several dozen disgruntled patients there were two, which the quality of work of "black dentists" was fully arranged. One of them was refused to set prostheses in the usual clinic, and then they did, and everything is fine. But for some reason, high-quality dentists worked only in these two cases, which, by the way, were coming to the beginning of their career. Then they apparently hit the number of patients.
- Most likely, in the process of investigation, the number of victims and the accused will expand. Now in the case there are two people. After the level of damage caused to patients has been established, to illegal entrepreneurship, it is likely to be added to the provision of services that do not meet security requirements, and illegal medical activities - Evgeny Botelnko continues. - We with the investigator, by the way, insisted on the conclusion of the defendants to custody, but the court limited to a subscription of the unseen.
One of the "dentists" recognizes its guilt partially. The second is completely refuses to take any participation in prosthetics. He also pretends to be practically nothing knows about his partner.
The victims explain differently the reasons that forced them to believe "black dentists". In addition to the cheapness and delivery to the house, many many paid attention to the teeth of the dentists themselves, characterized in white.
Now investigators find out where prostheses were made. Perhaps their "black dentists" was made at home with a handicraft way. The complexity of the investigation also consists in the need for various examinations. In addition, law enforcement officers believe that the geography of the adventures of "black dentists" was more extensive. The identification of an increasing number of victims and the need for research increases the deadlines of the investigation. So until the end of this case is still far away. Marina Kalinina, Sobcar "HB" in Murmansk

04.06.2017 18:00

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