Social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation. Types of benefits and social assistance to disabled state social support for people with disabilities

People with limited features They have functional difficulties as a result of disease, deviations or deficiencies of development, health, appearance, due to the inaptability of the external environment to their special needs, as well as due to the prejudice of society in relation to themselves. To reduce the impact of such restrictions, a system of state guarantees on social protection of persons with disabilities has been developed

Social protection of persons with disabilities - a system of economic, legal measures guaranteed by the state and measures social supportproviding disabled conditions for overcoming, substitution (compensation) of livelihoods and aimed at creating them equal with other citizens participation opportunities in society.

Social support for persons with disabilities is a system of measures that provides social guarantees with disabilities established by laws and other regulatory legal acts, with the exception of pension provision.

Medical and social services of persons with disabilities are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

State support for persons with disabilities includes the following activities:

  • 1. Rendering qualified medical care Disabled in the framework of the program guarantees of the provision of free medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • 2. Ensuring unobstructed access of persons with disabilities to information. Ensuring the release of literature for persons with disabilities in vision is the consumables of the Russian Federation. The Russian gesture language is recognized as the language of communication in the presence of hearing impairment and (or) speech, including in the areas of oral use of the state language of the Russian Federation. A system of subtituration or a survival of television programs, cinema and video films is introduced. Authorized bodies provide disabled assistance in obtaining services for the Survival, Typhalospectorate, the provision of Survivors, providing Typhalities.

Public authorities and local governments create conditions in the subordinate institutions to obtain disabled services for translation services with the use of a Russian gesture language.

  • 3. Participation of persons with disabilities in the implementation of operations (transactions with money, notarial actions, etc.) using facsimile reproduction of his own signature
  • 4. The Government of the Russian Federation, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and the organization regardless of organizational and legal forms create conditions for persons with disabilities (including persons with disabilities using wheelchairs and drivers) for unhindered access to social infrastructure sites (residential, Public and production buildings, buildings and structures, sports facilities, places of recreation, cultural and entertainment and other institutions), as well as for the unimpeded use of railway, air, water, long-distance road transport and all kinds of urban and suburban passenger transport, communications and information (Including means that provide duplication of light signals of light signals of traffic lights and devices governing pedestrian movement through transport communications).
  • 5. Ensuring disabled residential areas. Disabled and families with disabled children who need to improve housing conditions are recorded and provided by residential premises in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  • 6. Disabled families and families with disabled children are compensated for the cost of paying residential premises and utility services in the amount of 50 percent:
    • · Boards for hiring and fees for the content of residential premises, including fees for services, work on the management of an apartment building, for the maintenance and current repair of common property in an apartment building, based on the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises of state and municipal housing stocks;
    • · Cards for cold water, hot water, electrical energy, thermal energy consumed in the content of common property in an apartment building, as well as for the discharge of wastewater in order to maintain a common property in an apartment building, regardless of the type of housing stock;
    • · Communal services fees calculated based on the volume of consumed communal services defined by the testimony of accounting devices, but no more consumption standards approved in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In the absence of these instruments of accounting, the fee for utilities is calculated based on the standards for the consumption of utilities approved in the procedure established by the legislation;
    • · Payment of fuel costs purchased within the limits established for the sale of the population and transport services for the delivery of this fuel - when living in homes that do not have central heating.
  • 7. Disabled people and families with disabilities are provided with the right to the priority obtaining land plots for individual housing construction, the maintenance of utility and country farm and gardening.
  • 8. Education of disabled. The state supports education to disabled education and guarantees the creation of disabled conditions for its preparation.

Support for general education, vocational education and vocational training Disabled is aimed at:

  • · The exercise of human rights and freedoms is on par with other citizens;
  • · Development of personality, individual abilities and opportunities;
  • · Integration into society.
  • 9. Ensuring the employment of disabled.

Disabled people are provided with guarantees of employment by federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation through the following special events that contribute to the increase in their competitiveness in the labor market:

  • · Establishments in organizations regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership of quota for accepting disabled people and the minimum number of special jobs for people with disabilities;
  • · Reservations of jobs by professions that are most suitable for employment of disabled;
  • · Stimulating the creation by enterprises, institutions, organizations of additional jobs (including special) for the employment of disabled;
  • · Creating disabled working conditions in accordance with individual disabled rehabilitation programs;
  • · Creating conditions for entrepreneurial activities of persons with disabilities;
  • · Organization of training for disabled new professions.
  • 10. Establishing quotas for receiving disabled work.

For disabled I and II groups, there is an abbreviated duration of working time not more than 35 hours per week with the maintenance of full wage.

Invalids are provided with an annual vacation of at least 30 calendar days.

11. Material provision of disabled.

The material support of persons with disabilities includes cash payments on various reasons (pensions, benefits, insurance payments when insuring the risk of violation of health, payments to compensation for health, and other payments), compensation in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

12. Socio-domestic service of persons with disabilities.

Socio-domestic service of persons with disabilities is carried out in the manner and on the grounds defined by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the participation of public associations of persons with disabilities.

The form of provision of these social support measures is determined by the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The basic laws on disabled in the Russian Federation and the Omsk region are:

  • · Federal Law of 24.11.1995. № 181-FZ (ed. From June 29, 2015) "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation"
  • · Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 20.02.2006 N 95 (ed. From 06.08.2015) "On the procedure and conditions for recognizing persons with disabilities"
  • · Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of September 29, 2014 N 664N "On the classifications and criteria used in the implementation medical and Social Examination citizens by federal government agencies of medical and social expertise "
  • · Federal Law of January 12, 1995 N 5-FZ (ed. From June 29, 2015) "On Veterans"
  • · Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ (ed. Dated June 4, 2014) "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation"
  • · Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2010 N1031N (Ed. Dated June 17, 2013) "On the form of certificate confirming the fact of establishment, and discharge from the certificate of examination of a citizen recognized by the disabled person issued by federal government agencies of the medical and social expertise, and the procedure for their compilation "
  • · Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 27, 1996 N 901 "On the provision of benefits to disabled people and families with children with disabilities, to ensure their residential premises, pay for housing and utilities"
  • · Law of the Omsk region of July 26, 2011 N 1373-OZ (ed. Dated November 7, 2013) "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Omsk region"
  • · Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 442-FZ (ed. Dated July 21, 2914) "On the basics of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation"

And other regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation.

For legal and social support for disabled people, various advice has been created in the heads of the regions, as well as public organizations.

In the Omsk region, there is a council for disabled cases under the Governor of the Omsk Region, which was established to ensure the interaction of the executive authorities of the Omsk Region with local governments, public associations, other bodies and organizations in the consideration of issues related to the problem of disability and disabled issues in the Omsk region . Regulations on the Council for Disabled Persons under the Governor of the Omsk Region and its composition are approved by the Governor of the Omsk Region.

The state authorities of the Omsk region:

  • · Attract representatives of public associations of persons with disabilities to prepare, adopt and implement decisions, including in the development of regulatory legal acts of the Omsk region affecting their interests;
  • · Attract representatives of public associations of persons with disabilities to participate in the consideration of issues related to the creation of the terms of disabilities for unhindered access to objects of engineering, transport and social infrastructures;
  • · Promoting public associations of persons with disabilities in the implementation of their activities in the Omsk Region, including through the provision of subsidies from the regional budget in accordance with federal and regional legislation.

The right of persons with disabilities to create public associations is described in Article 33 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ "On the Social Protection of Disabled in the Russian Federation"

Public associations created and operating in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of persons with disabilities, ensuring them equal with other citizens of opportunities, there is a form of social protection of persons with disabilities. The state provides assistance and assistance to these public associations, including material, technical and financial. Local governments have the right to support public associations of persons with disabilities at the expense of local budgets (with the exception of intergovernmental transfers provided from the budget system budgets of the Russian Federation).

The most famous public associations in Russia are the "All-Russian Society of Disabled Persons" and "Union of Disabled Persons".

All-Russian Society of Disabled Society created on August 17, 1988. The objectives of the Wari are: Protection of the rights and interests of persons with disabilities. Providing people with disabilities with other citizens opportunities for participation in all spheres of life integration of persons with disabilities in society. Today, it is more than 1.6 million people, 24.3 thousand primary organizations, 2,100 district and urban and 81 regional organizations in 1998 have been awarded a special advisory status with the UN Economic and Social Council. It has a representative office in all regions of the Russian Federation, incl. and in the Omsk region.

The All-Russian Union of Public Organizations of the Disabled Union "Union of Disabilities of Russia" was registered on June 11, 1999 by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for No. 3714, on the initiative of public organizations of people with disabilities of Russia.

The Union of Disabled Russia is a public base aimed at the development of a system that will allow people with disabilities to reveal their potential, and fully realize themselves in modern society, to obtain equal rights and conditions for life along with the rest of the Russian citizens.

Russia's disabilities union organizes charitable activities and conducts various public and state events

Main goals:

  • · Protection of the rights and interests of persons with disabilities;
  • · Ensuring the disabled people with other citizens of participation opportunities in all spheres of public life;
  • · Implementation of social programs aimed at providing comprehensive assistance to disabled;
  • · Development of comprehensive cooperation of organizations of persons with disabilities with public organizations, state and commercial structures

Thus, the measures of social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation include: medical and social services, pension provision and legal protection of persons with disabilities, based on adopted legislative acts in the Russian Federation.

According to statistics, today in Russia about 15 million people with disabilities are registered, in fact, every 10 resident of the country receives a special benefit. At the same time, more than half of this number are citizens of working age. The number of children with disabilities is also increasing annually.

Persons who have lost disability are completely or partially, are protected by the state that makes their material support. The budget pays for benefits, pensions and benefits, and other types of disabled assistance are provided.

Who can be classified as disabled?

A disabled person is a man who has mental, mental, sensory, or physical deviations that do not allow him to fully live in society.

People with disabilities have different degrees of health violations, in connection with this, gradation in disability groups was introduced:

  • 1 group, which includes people with severe health lesions;
  • 2 The group in which the faces fall, preserved the ability to move independently and maintain themselves;
  • 3 Group, which includes people who have health problems, but able to work for the country's benefit;
  • disabled children - under 18 years of age;
  • disabled children - adults who have received disability in childhood.

Assistance to persons with disabilities is carried out by all the above categories of citizens. At the same time, for each group there is a certain list of benefits, which may differ in different regions Countries, depending on local regional assistance programs for disabled.

Types of disability payments

Depending on the conditions for the establishment of disability, the following types of benefits are provided in the Russian Federation:

  1. Labor retirement pension. Such a manual is appointed to persons who spent at least one day and recognized persons with disabilities, as well as production injuries and "professional" diseases.
  2. The state retirement pension is assumed to participants in the Second World War, cosmonauts, residents of a blockade Leningrad, military personnel, as well as victims in maniogenous and radiation disasters.
  3. A social pension for disability is appointed by disabled 1,2,3 groups, childhood disabled, and disabled children.

The size of these benefits is approved by the federal budget.

To obtain disability benefits, the Medical and Social Commission at the place of residence is necessary to establish a group of disability. Payments are made by the bodies on the payment of pensions and benefits.

Social services

The Ministry of Health regularly updates the list of drugs that have been supplied free of charge with disabilities. Medicinal preparations are prescribed according to the main disease and are approved by the attending physician. In addition, objects must be distinguished free medical prescription, as well as special food to disabled children. As aid, disabled is provided for annual spa treatment, free travel on suburban transport, as well as paid fare to the place of rehabilitation and back. Assistance to persons with disabilities 1 groups and children with disabilities includes a paid ticket for the accompanying person.

Help disabled 3 groups that are officially unemployed is 50% discount on drugs discharged.

Recipients assistance can independently decide which of the social services they need, or abandon them at all by choosing monetary compensation, the size of which is also fixed.

Help social workers

Help persons with disabilities 2 groups, as well as the first, alone residents provide social workers. They are carried out: purchase of products and medicines, support in medical institutions, cleaning in apartments, rendering legal care, Fuel delivery and water with disabilities living in homes without community amenities. Also, one-time material assistance may be provided to disabled and poor in the event of unforeseen situations (fire, flood, the death of close), as well as if necessary, acquiring expensive medical preparations in other situations. All kinds of help can be found in sobes. Material assistance can be rendered only once a year.

Specific help disabled is also provided. For example, repair of wheelchairs and other rehabilitation funds, survival services, content and treatment of guide dogs.

People with a violation of motor functions have the right to take advantage of the social taxi, the cost of which is significantly lower than the city services.

Disabled for free all necessary technical means are provided:

  • wheelchairs;
  • canes, crutches, and other types of supports;
  • orthopedic shoes;
  • prostheses;
  • special mattresses and pillows that prevent the formation of laying out;
  • specialized devices to facilitate dressing, feeding, bathing, as well as clothing of special design;
  • devices for visually impaired: speakers, audiobooks;
  • guide dogs with all the necessary equipment, as well as payments to their content and treatment.
  • medical equipment for its intended purpose;
  • hearing Aids;
  • corsets;
  • diapers;
  • as well as much more provided to facilitate the vital activity of people with disabilities.

Housing benefits

A discount on housing and communal services of 50% is provided, regardless of a group of disability. Family, where a disabled child is growing, we take off the benefits when applying for the improvement of housing conditions. It is also taken into account that the disabled person needs a large living space than with conventional calculation standards.

Disabled out of turn are provided by land under construction or agricultural activities.

Benefits on education

Disabled children have the right to receive secondary education. A child can attend educational institutions in which an inclusive education has been introduced, or a child can learn at home, and teachers will come from a micro-school school, or from the one to which a child is attached. If parents themselves are engaged in teaching children, they pay compensation.

Help disabled lies in education benefits. Thus, people with disabilities 1 and 2 groups can enter educational institutions. When setting through the passing points on the exams, they are credited to the faculty without a contest. When passing the exams, they can be extended to prepare.

In addition to the main scholarship paid in the educational institution, disabled is a social scholarship subject to successful studies.

Benefits for working disabled

The state protects the interests of working disabled. So, persons with 1 and 2 groups have the right to the 35-hour working week with full wage. They are given an extended vacation, as well as the opportunity to take leave without content up to 60 days for a good reason.

Tax breaks

Disabled disabled from paying property tax registered on them.

Discounts on transport tax up to 50%.

Releases are also provided when paying land tax.

The state is rendered different kinds assistance to disabled to support people who found themselves in a difficult life situation.

In addition to state aidIt applies to all registered persons with disabilities, and various public organizations and charitable funds can also assist disabled people.

Social support for disabled in Moscow

Information on cash payments, a set of social services, benefits and natural care, technical means of rehabilitation and prosthetic and orthopedic products, as well as the limiting amount of compensation for independently acquired by persons with disabilities of the city of Moscow, technical means of rehabilitation.

Cash payments

1. Monthly cash payment (taking into account the cost of a set of social services)

  • I group - 2532 rubles. 78 cop.
  • Group II - 1808 rubles. 80 cop.
  • III Group - 1447 rubles. 97 kopecks.

Part of the amount of monthly monetary payments can be sent to pay for the provision of a set of social services (social services).

2. Monthly monetary compensation for payment of services of local telephone communication 218 rubles.

Disabled I group of vision group - telephone network subscribers.

3. Monthly monetary compensation instead of urban social services

Obtaining urban social support measures in terms of free travel in urban passenger transport (except taxis and route taxis) in monetary terms. Provided persons with disabilities I and II groups of vision - 173 rubles.

4. Monthly compensation payment to the person engaged in the care of disabled person from childhood up to 23 years - 5000 rubles.

Assigned to the month of examination of the child in iTU Bureau And paid on the month of the expiration of the time of disability, but not more than before reaching the child of age for 23 years.

5. Monthly compensation payment for a disabled person from childhood under 23 years, who lost the breadwinner - 1450 rubles.

6. Monthly compensation payment for a child under the age of 18, living in a family, in which both or the only parent does not work and is a disabled I or II group - 5000 rubles.

Appointed from the month of examination of both or the only parent in the federal state institution Medical and social expertise, but not earlier than from the month of dismissal from work and no more than six months to the month, in which the application is filed.

7. Monthly compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses due to the increase in the cost of life - 600 rubles .

It is paid to disabled parents with a group of disability for children up to 1.5 years.

A set of social services

The amount of funds sent to pay for the provision of a set of social services (or one social service if a citizen took advantage of its right to refuse to provide one of the social services), is held from the accrued monthly monetary pay citizen.

Providing in accordance with the standards of medical care for the recipes of a doctor (paramedic) necessary medicinal preparations, medical products, as well as specialized medicinal food products for children with disabilities.

578 rub. 30 kopecks

Provision in the presence of medical testimony of a ticket to sanatorium-resort treatment, carried out in order to prevent major diseases.

89 rub. 46 cop.

Free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as at long-distance transport to the place of treatment and back.

83 rub. 07 kopecks

Citizen can apply for a collection of social services (social services) until October 1 of the current year, for the period from January 1 of the year, following the year of submission of this statement, and December 31, in which a citizen will appeal to On refusal to receive (on resuming the provision) of a set of social services (social services). An application for receiving (on refusal to obtain, on the resumption of the provision) of a set of social services (social services) is submitted until October 1 of the current year for the period from January 1, following the year of submission of the application. An application for obtaining (on refusal to receive, on the resumption of the provision) of a set of social services (social services) or the resumption of its provision is submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Benefits and Natural Help

  • Free travel in urban passenger transport (except for taxis and route taxi) is implemented on the basis of SCM.
  • Free travel to the accompanying person on all types of urban passenger transport (except taxis and route taxi). A disabled person of the first group is provided.
  • The right to receive a free second voucher for the accompanying person, free travel to the accompanying person by long-distance transport to the place of treatment and back, as well as on suburban railway transport. A disabled person of the first group (as part of a set of social services).
  • Payment in the amount of 50% of the cost of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises (in communal apartments - residential area) of the State Housing Fund.
  • Payment in the amount of 50% of the cost of utility services (heating, water supply, sewage, hot water supply (water heating), electricity, gas) regardless of the type of housing stock. In homes that do not have central heating are provided with a discount of 50% of the cost of fuel purchased within the limits established for the sale of the population.
  • Payment in the amount of 50% of the current tariff for the distribution services (broadcast) of television programs in city-wide cable television networks (collective television antenna). Landsome people with disabilities are provided.
  • Providing at the expense of the federal budget of the housing of citizens who need to improve the housing conditions that staging before January 1, 2005 are carried out in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation. Citizens who have staging after January 1, 2005 are provided by housing in accordance with the housing legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The priority obtaining land plots for individual housing construction, the maintenance of the subsidiary and country farm and gardening.
  • Free manufacturers and repair of dentures (except expenses for the cost of the cost of precious metals and metal ceramics).
  • Annual vacation of at least 30 calendar days.
  • Abbreviated working hours no more than 35 hours per week with the preservation of full wages. Disabled I and II groups.
  • Technical means of rehabilitation and prosthetic and orthopedic products in accordance with the Individual Rehabilitation Program (IPR), as well as compensation of funds for their independent acquisition (integrated centers and social service centers of the city of Moscow or the State Budgetary Institution Resource Center for Disabled Department of Social Protection of the Population of the city of Moscow ).
  • Social taxi. The acquisition of tickets for travel in social taxi is possible in the Moscow City Organization of the All-Russian Society of Disabled. To call a taxi, you need to contact the Bus Park Manager.
  • Compensation of funds for independently acquired policies of mandatory autocarted liability insurance. In Rossen.
  • Socio-rehabilitation services in centers and branches of social rehabilitation. It turns out in the subordinate institutions of the Department of Social Protection of the population of the city of Moscow.
  • Rehabilitation of persons with disabilities due to children cerebral paralysis In the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for the disabled, as a result of children's cerebral paralysis (disabled disabilities with impaired musculoskeletal system due to children's cerebral paralysis).
  • Rehabilitation of disabled people with severe restrictions in movement and self-service (due to spinal, military, road injury, etc.). Disabled with disabilities of the musculoskeletal system. OJSC "Rehabilitation Center for Disabled" Overcoming "Moscow, ul. March 8, d. 6a, p. 1, tel.: +7 (495) 612-00-43.
  • Conductor dog (in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program). Disabled victims.
  • Free veterinary servicing of vision disabled people in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program. Disabled victims.
  • Free clinical examination of animals and consulting care and content with primary outpatient animal reception. Disabled I group.
  • Survival services (including collective events). Disabled hearing disabled. Comprehensive centers and social service centers of the city of Moscow or the State Budgetary Institution The Resource Center for Disabled Department of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the city of Moscow, as well as an organization providing these services (organizations of the organization can be found on the website of the Department of Social Protection of the Population,
  • Free entry into museums, exhibition halls of the system of the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow, Moscow Zoo, as well as preferential prices for excursion services, visits to exhibitions in these institutions, visiting the parks of culture and recreation of the System of the Department of Culture. Disabled persons with disabilities I and II groups.
  • Social service at home. Disabled persons with disabilities I and II groups.
  • Stationary social service. Persons with disabilities I and II groups, partially or fully lost the ability to self-service.

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  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on expanding the list of goods, works, services, when purchasing which the benefits are provided to organizations of persons with disabilities

    The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation expands the preferences of enterprises and public organizations of persons with disabilities, which participate on a par with all commercial enterprises in competitive procedures for the supply of goods, works, services to provide state and municipal needs.

    UN Convention on Persons with Disabilities

    Adopted by General Assembly resolution 61/106 of December 13, 2006. Signed by Russia in September 2008, ratified on May 3, 2012.

    RF Law "On Social Protection of Disabled in the Russian Federation"

    This Federal Law defines the state policy in the field of social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation, the purpose of which is to provide disabled people with other citizens in the implementation of civil, economic, political and other rights and freedoms stipulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as in accordance with the generally accepted principles and norms international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

    Federal Law of Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in connection with the ratification of the Rights Rights Convention

    The law, in particular, the main conditions for ensuring the availability of objects and services for the disabled, taking into account their restrictions, including the features of the service of passengers from the number of persons with disabilities at railway, automotive and urban ground electric transport, as well as the features of providing them with communication services. In addition, the norm on the inadmissibility of discrimination on the basis of disability is given and the definition of this type of discrimination is given. The creation of the so-called register of persons with disabilities is also envisaged, since the UN Convention prescribes to establish such accounting. At the same time, personal data will be securely protected.

    On the basics of social services to citizens in the Russian Federation

    The law provides for an individual approach to each needy assistance. It involves the development and implementation of an individual program, with which a person will be able to overcome a serious life situation.

    Federal Law of the Russian Federation of June 7, 2013 N 124-FZ "On Amendments to the Air Code of the Russian Federation"

    The federal law is designed to ensure disabilities and other persons with restrictions on the vital activity of unhindered use of air transport.

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on monthly payments to persons carrying out children with disabled children and disabled since childhood 1

    Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree that increases more than 4.5 times social payments to the unemployed parents raising children with disabilities or disabled since childhood 1 of the Group regardless of age.

    RF Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Question of Disabled Workplaces"

    The document tightens the sanctions for failure to comply with the employment of disabled employment - the creation or allocation of jobs for them within the framework of the quota established by the regional authorities, as well as for refusing to accept the disabled job within the quota. The size of the fine (from 5 to 10 thousand rubles) is also increased for the unreasonable refusal of employment services in the registration of a disabled as unemployed.

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