Appointment of vaccine. Vaccine - what is it? Types and types of vaccines

Table of contents of the topic "Immunodeficiency. Vaccines. Serums. Immunoglobulins.":

Vaccines. Types of vaccine antigens. Classification of vaccines. Types of vaccines. Live vaccines. Weakened (attenuated) vaccines. Divergent vaccines.

Vaccines - Immunobiological preparations intended for active immunoprophylaxis, that is, to create the active specific immunity of the body to a particular pathogen. Vaccination recognized in the ideal method Prevention infectious diseases man. High efficiency, simplicity, the possibility of widespread coverage of vaccinated persons with the aim of massive prevention of the disease was brought out active immunopolyxis in most countries of the world in the category of state priorities. A set of vaccination activities includes selection of persons to be vaccinated, selection of a vaccine drug and determining the scheme of its use, as well as (if necessary) efficiency control, relief of possible pathological reactions and complications. As AG in vaccine preparations, they are:

Solid microbial bodies (live or killed);
Separate AG microorganisms (most often protective ag);
toxins of microorganisms;
artificially created agroorganisms;
AG, obtained by genetic engineering methods.

Most vaccines divided into live, inactivated (killed, non-living), molecular (anatoxins) genetically engineering and chemical; According to the presence of a complete or incomplete set of AG - to corpuscular and component, and according to the ability to produce immunity to one or more pathogens - on mono- and associated.

Live vaccines

Live vaccines - drugs from attenuated (weakened) or genetically changed pathogenic microorganisms, as well as closely related microbes that can induce immunity to pathogenic form (in the latter case we are talking about so-called divergent vaccines). Since everyone live vaccines Contain microbial bodies, they are related to the group of corpuscular vaccine drugs.

Immunization of live vaccine leads to the development of the vaccination process flowing from most graced without visible clinical manifestations. The main advantage of the living vaccine-fully preserved set of AG pathogen, which ensures the development of long-term immunization even after one-time immunization. Live vaccines have a number of shortcomings. The most characteristic is the risk of developing a manifest infection as a result of a decrease in the attenuation of the vaccine strain. Such phenomena are more typical for antiviral vaccines (for example, a lively polio vaccine in rare cases can cause poliomyelitis until the development of the damage of the spinal cord and paralysis).

Weed (Attenued) Vaccines

Weakened ( attenued) Vaccine Machine from microorganisms with a reduced pathogenicity, but pronounced immunogenicity. The introduction of a vaccine strain in the body mimics the infectious process: the microorganism is multiplied by causing the development of immune reactions. The most famous vaccines for the prevention of Siberian ulcers, brucellosis, ku-fever, abdominal typhoids. However, most alive vaccines - Antiviral. The most famous vaccine against the causative agent of the yellow fever, the omissions-omelitic vaccine of Sabel, the vaccine against influenza, measles, rubella, vaporitis and adenoviral infections are most.

Divergent vaccines

As vaccine Straulms use microorganisms that are closely related to causative agents of infectious diseases. Ag such microorganisms induce an immune response, crossedly aimed at AG causative agent. The most famous and long-term vaccine vehicles against natural smallpox (from the cowie virus) and BCG for the prevention of tuberculosis are used (from micolstery of bovine tuberculosis).

Vaccines - immunobiological preparations for the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases by developing an active immune response to a specific pathogen. Vaccine tools help create long-term stability of the body to a certain variety of pathogenic microbial bodies. Vaccines help to carry out the planned and emergency prevention of infectious diseases, which is called vaccination. This effective and at the same time simple technique Quickly won respect among specialists. It serves to prevent epidemics threatening the health of all mankind.

Essence grafting

Vaccination is an action plan aimed at ensuring the protection of an adult organism or a child from malicious microorganisms. The method is based on the ability of immunobiological solutions, to train immunity by memorizing infectious agents or anoxes and instant destruction during subsequent infection.

Grafting - a multi-level action, conditionally divided into several stages:

  • identification of persons recommended by vaccine-philaxics;
  • selection of vaccine preparation (living, inactivated, anatoksin);
  • drafting graphics;
  • introduction according to the approved plan of vaccines;
  • control of results;
  • prevention and treatment of probable post-prevention complications or adverse Reactions (Most often, pathological reactions are observed after the administration of tetanus anatoxins, diphtheria sticks in combination with a pertussic component).

Modern vaccines - highly efficient and reliable preparations with specific antigens (microorganisms, their fragmented parts, anatoxins) for the prevention of dangerous infectious pathologies and other diseases. They are created by applying modern genetically engineering developments. They contribute to the rapid formation of protective stability to the different kind of painful states. Vaccines can be used for infection vaccine therapy after contacting the patient with a potential causative agent.

Main ways of immunization

Methods of vaccination depend on the method of introducing a prophylactic solution with antigens to man. In clinical practice, a number of these techniques are used. Depending on their features, it is determined by which the immune response will occur:

  • the intramuscular method involves the need for a product of injection into the muscles of the hip, delta (a bright example - vaccination with the anatoxins of the DC);
  • subcutaneous vaccinations are put in a sublock or shoulder area (such an embedding is characterized by increased effectiveness, low allergenity, ease of use);
  • intradermal vaccine injections are conducted by a live vaccine (BCG, plague, tularemia, rush);
  • inhalation method used when conducting emergency (in this way, vaccines against tetanus, influenza, diphtheria intoxication, rubella, tuberculosis are introduced;
  • oral reception is one of the most convenient immunization options, since the means are introduced through the mouth in the form of droplets (grafting from rabies, a vaccine from polio).

Intramuscular, subcutaneous, intradermal vaccinations are the most unpleasant for patients, as they are injected by puncture of the skin, delivering to man pain. To eliminate unpleasant sensations today, it is recommended to introduce drugs in the form of aerosols or through the mouth. In addition to painlessness, these methods of prophylactic immunization are distinguished by high sterility and a small number of after-receiving complications.

Classification of vaccines

Depending on the origin there are four types of vaccines:

  • live vaccineconsisting of weakened pathogens;
  • inactivated suspension, which includes killed microorganisms or their fragments;
  • chemical vaccine contains highly purified antigens;
  • synthetic vaccine synthesized with the help of advanced genetic engineering technologies in microbiology.

Some vaccines consist of components that contribute to the development of immunity against a single disease (monopreparations). Others include active substancesProtecting immediately from several pathologies, so they are called combined vaccines.

If we take into account the genus antigens involved in the creation of a vaccine, then it is easy to highlight the types of solutions:

  • containing whole microbial cell elements (live or inactivated vaccine);
  • including fragments of microbial units;
  • consisting of their toxins of microorganisms (anatoksins);
  • created based on synthetic antigens;
  • obtained by synthesis antigens using genetic engineering achievements.

What is a living vaccine?

The classic live vaccine is a means of immunoprophylaxis, during the manufacture of which not completely killed, but weakened strains of pathogenic agents were used. These drugs have pronounced immunogenic properties, but at the same time they are not able to provoke the development of the disease with the symptoms inherent in it.

The introduction of such a variety of vaccines provokes the formation of protective complexes related to a resistant cell, humoral or secretory immunity. These suspensions often become the cause of the development of complications, in contrast to the anatoxins, much better perceived by the immune sphere.

Preferred qualities and disadvantages

Among the advantages of vaccines created with the use of alive, that is not dead microbial agents, allocate:

  • high efficiency;
  • rapid formation of immune complexes;
  • the absence of any preservatives in the preparation;
  • using minimum concentrations vaccine;
  • the possibility of applying different adaptation techniques;
  • activation of different types of immunity;
  • low cost and accessibility.

Live vaccine, besides advantages, also has its drawbacks. The main minuses include:

  • the ability to provoke the development of pathology in the vaccination of a patient with a weakened immunity;
  • vaccines based on live pathogens are unstable and quickly lose their positive traits at temperature changes (people face unwanted effects immunization after the introduction of poor-quality vaccines);
  • live vaccine can not be combined with other means of vaccine-philaxia (similar actions are fraught with loss of effect from drugs or allergies).

Vaccine Suspensions Vaccine Suspensions

Immunologists take into account the properties of components of vaccine vaccines with alive microbes, separating them on attenuated and divergent suspensions. Attenuated or weakened solutions are created on the basis of pathogenic strains with a sharply reduced ability to cause disease, but not lost their immunogenicity. The introduction of data vaccine immunity meets the formation of antibodies to infection, without giving it opportunities to develop in the future. The main part of the attenuated vaccines is preparations for the prevention of rabies, influenza, ku-fever, vapotitis, measles, rubella and different strains of adenovirus.

The second group is vaccines from natural (divergent) strains of microorganisms with low virulence in relation to the body, but capable of stimulating the synthesis of protective antibodies. An example of such solutions are preventive vaccines From natural smallpox, made of viruses of cowhide.

Features of the anti-happose vaccine

Influenza is complex viral disease, annually amazing hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens, causes a huge number of complications and can even cause the fatal outcome of patients. Single warning path hazardous infection - Timely application of a vaccine that helps create short-term immunity, which is sufficient to prevent the seasonal wave of infection.

The main indications for vaccination include:

  • elderly age (from 60 years and older);
  • availability in a patient chronic diseases organs of the bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular system;
  • patients suffering from severe pathologies of liver and kidney, people with metabolic disorders, immunosuppression;
  • pregnancy after 12 weeks.

The main types of anti-infamous solutions

Influenza vaccines are alive or inactivated. Anti-hygiposnye anetoxins do not exist. Inactivated suspensions are divided:

  • killed vaccine that contains non-destructive, but highly purified pathogen virions;
  • split vaccine (split), consisting of destroyed viral agents;
  • subunisy vaccine contains fragmentary proteins of viruses shells capable of providing induction of immune cells.

IN medical practice Often use subunit-sized vaccines, as they are deprived of chicken protein and are adapted for humans. The most famous representatives of this series are popular Vaccines "Agrippal" and "Influvak".

It is very good that now every mother has the ability to choose from the gynecologist, leading her pregnancy, maternity hospital, where her little miracle will appear on the world, and before the pediatrician, accompanying her crumb, almost from birth to growing up. Also, mom can choose a vaccine to vaccinate her baby according to. Truth, for the most part Here she will have to focus on the advice of the doctor, taking into account the health of the children. But still know what one or another vaccination is still worth it.

There are several types of vaccines. The composition of some includes live bacteria (yes, it is the living bacteria, however, they are already "neutralized"), others are chemical, but no less effective. Let's try to figure it out.

Live vaccines

In medical circles, living vaccines are called attenuated vaccines. But you should not be afraid of them, because, as we wrote above, microorganisms are weakened. Introduction of living vaccines allows you to develop in the body a very persistent immunity to disease. These include hackers from measles, rubella, parotitis (pigs), polio (in droplets), tuberculosis (BCG). They can be called their minus that after vaccination, the child is a carrier of the virus and distributes an infection for some time around himself, which can be dangerous for unusted people. And it has been proven by researchers. Do not be surprised if, after vaccination, the doctor may advise a couple of days not to attend children's institutions, playgrounds, ledges.

Inactivated vaccines

Inactivated vaccinations have several subspecies.

  • The corpuscular vaccine is a drug, which consisted of the killed pathogens of the disease. These are vaccinations against cough, influenza, rabies, tetanus, diphtheria, hemophilic infection, viral hepatitis And again polio (in injections). Plus such vaccines is easy tolerability. And there are no special requirements for their storage (most importantly, do not freeze). At the same time, immunity, which is produced by the body after its introduction is much weaker than after the introduction of alive.
  • Chemical vaccines are created from the antigens of the virus produced from the cell itself of the microorganism. The advantage of such vaccines is good tolerability by the orphanage and ease in the miscalculation of the desired dose of children with different weights or age. Such vaccines include vaccines from tetanus, diphtheria, abdominal typhoid ,.
  • Recombinant vaccine is manufactured using genetic engineering methods for special technologies. From a malicious microorganism, a gene is isolated, which is responsible for the production of protective antigens, and embed it into harmless microorganism (for example, in chicken protein or yeast). Developing, the donor cell accumulates the desired antigen. These are vaccinations from herpes simple, rotavirus infection, hepatitis B, human papilloma. Scientists assure that such a vaccine is almost harmless to the body.

It is thanks to the vaccination, mankind began to surgically survive and multiply. Enthesions of vaccines do not die from plague, measles, pieces, hepatitis, cough, tetanus and other misfortunes only because civilized people with vaccines almost destroyed these diseases on the root. But this does not mean that the risk of getting sick and die no more. Read what vaccines you need.

The story knows many examples when the diseases applied devastating damage. The plague in the 14th century destroyed a third population of Europe, "Spanish" 1918-1920 claimed the lives of approximately 40 million people, and the EPC epidemic left less than 3 million people from 30 million in the population of Incas.

Obviously, the appearance of vaccines made it possible to save millions of life in the future - it is simply visible in terms of the growth of the population of the Earth. Edward Jenner is considered the pioneer in the field of vaccine-philaxis. In 1796, he noticed that people working on farms with cows were infected with a cow of smallpays are not sick of natural abscess. To confirm, he plunged the cow of the OSPA to the boy and proved that he had ceased to be susceptible to infection. Subsequently, it became the basis for the elimination of smallpox all over the world.

What are vaccines?

The vaccine includes killed or highly weakened microorganisms in small quantities, or their components. They cannot cause a full-fledged disease, but give the body to identify and remember their features to subsequently, when meeting with a full-fledged pathogen, to quickly determine and destroy it.

Vaccines are divided into several basic groups:

Live vaccines. For their manufacture, weakened microorganisms are used, which cannot cause diseases, but help develop a correct immune response. Used to protect against polio, influenza, measles, rubella, epidemic parotitis, windmill, tuberculosis, rotavirus infection, yellow fever, etc.

Inactivated vaccines . Made from killed microorganisms. In this form, they cannot multiply, but cause the development of immunity against the disease. An example is inactivated polio vaccine, whole-cell cough vaccine.

Subunisy vaccines . The composition includes only those components of microorganism, which cause the generation of immunity. Example - vaccines against meningococcal, hemophilic, pneumococcal infections.

Anatoksins . Dehydrated toxins of microorganisms with the addition of special amplifiers - adjuvants (salts of aluminum, calcium). Example - Vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus.

Recombinant vaccines . Created using genetic engineering methods, which includes recombinant proteins, synthesized in laboratory strains of bacteria, yeast. Example - Vaccine against hepatitis V.

Vaccinoprophilaxis is recommended to be produced according to the national vaccination calendar. In each country, he is its own, since the epidemiological situation may differ significantly, and the vaccinations used in others are not always necessary in some countries.

Here national calendar Preventive vaccinations in Russia:

You can also get acquainted with the US vaccination calendar and the vaccination calendar of European countries - they are largely very similar to the domestic calendar:

  • Calendar vaccinations in the European Union (you can choose from the menu any country and view recommendations).


Vaccines - "BCG", "BCG-M". Do not reduce the risk of infection with tuberculosis, but prevent children to 80% of heavy forms of infection in children. Included in the national calendar of more than 100 countries of the world.

Hepatitis B

Vaccines - "Euvax in", "hepatitis in recombinant vaccine", "Repevak in", "Endzheriks in", Vaccine "Bubo-Kok", "Buquo-M", "Shanvak-B", "Infanriks Hex", " ACDS-GEP B.

With the help of these vaccines, it was possible to reduce the number of children with the chronic form of hepatitis in from 8-15% to<1%. Является важным средством профилактики, защищает от развития первичного рака печени. Предотвращает 85-90% смертей, происходящих вследствие этого заболевания. Входит в календарь 183 стран.

Pneumococcal infection

Vaccines - "Pnemo-23", 13-Valentine "Prevenor 13", 10-Valentine "Sinflorix".
Reduces an 80% frequency of development of pneumococcal meningitis. Included in the calendar of 153 countries of the world.

Diphtheria, Poklush, Tetannik

Vaccines - Combined (contain 2-3 vaccines in 1 preparation) - ADS, ADS-M, AD-M, ADH, "Bubo-M", "Bubo-Kok", "Infanrix", "Pentaxim", "Tetraksim", "Infanriks Penta", "Infanrix Hex"

Diphthery - the effectiveness of modern vaccines - 95-100%. For example, the risk of encephalopathy in not grafts 1: 1200, and in grafts - less than 1: 300000.

COALLUS - vaccine efficiency of more than 90%.

Tetribly - efficiency 95-100%. Persistent immunity remains 5 years, after smoothly fuses, because of this, revaccination is required every 10 years.
Calendar of 194 countries of the world.


Vaccines: "Infanriks Hex", "Pentaxim", polio vaccine oral 1, 3 types, "ISOVAKS polyo", "Polyorix", "Tetraksim".

Polio is incurable, it is possible to only warn it. After the introduction of vaccination, the number of ill since 1988 fell from 350000 cases to 406 cases in 2013.

Hemophilic infection

Vaccines: "Act Hib", "Hiberix Pentaxim", hemophilic type in conjugated, "Infanrix Hex".

Children under 5 years can not independently adequately form immunity to this infection, which is strongly resistant to antibacterial drugs. Vaccination efficiency - 95-100%. Included in the calendar of 189 countries of the world.

Cort, rubella, epidemic parotitis

Vaccines: Priorix, MMP-II.

Cort - vaccination for the period 2000-2013 prevented 15.6 million fatal outcomes. Global mortality decreased by 75%.

Krasnuha - children are transferred without any problems, but pregnant women can cause malformations of the fetus. Mass vaccination in Russia made it possible to reduce the incidence of up to 0.67 per 100,000 people. (2012).

Parotitis - can cause a large number of complications, such as deafness, hydrocephalus, male infertility. Vaccination efficiency is 95%. Cases of morbidity in 2014 in Russia - 0.18 per 100,000 people.


Vaccines: "Ultravak", "Ultriks", "Microflu", "Fluuvaxine", "Vaxigrip", "Fluarix", "Begdivak", "Inflivak", "Agrippal S1", "Grippol Plus", "Infapol", "Inflexual V "," Sobigipp ".

Vaccine works in 50-70% of cases. It is shown to people from a risk group (elderly, having concomitant respiratory pathologies, weakened immunity, etc.).

Note: Russian Vaccines "Grippol" and "Grippol +" have an insufficient amount of antigens (5 μg instead of laid 15), justifying this by the presence of polyoxide, which should stimulate immunity and strengthen the effect of the vaccine, but these confirmations are not.

What are the negative effects of vaccine applications?

Negative consequences can be divided into side effects and post-specific complications.

Side effects - reactions to the introduction of a drug that do not require treatment. Their risk is less than 30%, as in most medicines.

List of "Effects", if summing in all vaccines:

  • Increased body temperature for several days (it is stopped by ibuprofen, paracetamol is not recommended in view of a possible reduction in vaccination effect).
  • The pain in the place of the injection is 1-10 days.
  • Headache.
  • Allergic reactions.

However, there are more dangerous, although extremely rare manifestations, which must treat the attending physician:

  • Vaccinoassoic poliomyelitis. Met 1 case per 1-2 million vaccinations. At the moment, thanks to the new inactivated vaccine is not found at all.
  • Generalized BCG infection - the same probability. Manifests in newborns with immunodeficiency.
  • Cold abscess - from BCG, about 150 cases per year. Comes due to improper introduction of the vaccine.
  • Lymphadenitis - BCG, about 150 cases per year. Inflammation of regional lymph nodes.
  • Osters - the defeat of the bone of the BCG, mainly the ribs. Less than 70 cases per year.
  • Infiltrates - seals at the injection site, from 20 to 50 cases per year.
  • Encephalites - from living vaccines like measles, rubella, vapotitis, are extremely rare.

Like any workpiece, vaccines can bring a negative effect on the body. However, these effects compared to the benefit of unimaginably small.

Do not self-medicate and take care of your health.

Immunology and allergology \u003e\u003e\u003e\u003e Vaccination and types of vaccines

Vaccination - this is a way to create protective immunity (Immunity to certain pathogenic microorganisms) with the help of drugs (vaccines) in order to form antigens of the causative agent of immunological memory to antigens, bypassing the stage of development of this disease. Vaccines contain biomaterial - antigens of pathogen or anatoxins. Creating vaccines It became possible when scientists have learned to cultivate pathogens of various dangerous diseases In the laboratory conditions. A variety of ways to create vaccines ensures their varieties and allows you to combine into groups by manufacturing methods.


  • Live weakened (Attenued) - where the pathogen's virulence is lowered in various ways. Such pathogens are cultivated in the environmental conditions unfavorable for their existence and by means of multiple mutations lose the initial degree of virulence. Vaccines on this basis are considered the most efficient. Attenuated vaccines Give a long immune effect. This group includes measles vaccines, smallpox, rubella, herpes, BCG, poliomyelitis (Sabin vaccine).
  • Killed - contain pathogens killed by different methods of microorganisms. Their effectiveness is lower than those attenuated. The vaccine obtained by this method does not cause infectious complications, but can maintain the properties of the toxin or allergen. Killed vaccines give a short-term effect and require repeated immunization. This includes vaccines against cholera, typhoid, cough, rabies, poliomyelitis (solka vaccine). Such vaccines are also used to prevent salmonellosis, abdominal typhoid, etc.
  • Antitoxic - contains anatoksins or toxoids (inactivated toxins) in a complex with an adjuvant (substance that allows to increase the effect of individual components of the vaccine). One injection of such a vaccine contributes to the protection of several pathogens. This type of vaccine is used against diphtheria, tetanus.
  • Synthetic - artificially created epitope (part of the antigen molecule, which is recognized by agents immune system), connected to an immunogenic carrier or adjuvant. These include salmonellaz vaccines, jersiniosis, emptyra, flu.
  • Recombinant - The pathogen is distinguished by the virulence genes and the beans of the protective antigen (a set of epitopes that cause the strongest immune response), virulence genes are removed, and the protractive antigen gene is administered to a safe virus (most often an ospovalkin virus). So make vaccines against influenza, herpes, vesicular stomatitis.
  • DNA vaccines - Plasmid containing a protective antigen gene is introduced into the muscle, in the cells of which it is expressed (converted to the final result - protein or RNA). So created vaccines against hepatitis V.
  • Idiocypic (Experimental vaccines) - Instead of antigen, anti-idiotic antibodies (antigen simulators) are used, which reproduce the desired epitope configuration (antigen).

Adjuvants - Substances that complement and reinforcing the effect of other components of the vaccine provide not only the overall immunostimulating effect, but also activate the type of immune response defined for each adjuvant (humoral or cell).

  • Mineral adjuvants (aluminum alum) enhance phagocytosis;
  • Lipid adjuvants - cytotoxic TH1-dependent type of response of the immune system (inflammatory form of T-cell immune response);
  • Virus-like adjuvants - cytotoxic TH1-dependent type of response of the immune system;
  • Oil emulsions (Vaseline oil, Lanolin, emulsifiers) - TH2- and TH1-dependent response type (where thymus-dependent humoral immunity is intensified);
  • Nanoparticles in which the antigen is turned on - TH2- and TH1-dependent response type.

Some adjuvants due to their reactogenicity (the ability to cause side effects) were prohibited for use (Freund adjuvants).

Vaccines - this is medical preparationswho have, like any other medicine, contraindications and side effects. In this connection, there are a number of vaccine use rules:

  • Preliminary skin testing;
  • The state of human health at the time of vaccination is taken into account;
  • A number of vaccines are used in early childhood and therefore they must be thoroughly checked for the harmlessness of the components included in their composition;
  • For each vaccine, the introduction scheme is observed (the variety of vaccinations, the season for it);
  • The dose of vaccine and the interval between the time of it is maintained;
  • There are planned vaccinations or vaccination on epidemiological indications.

By-reactions I.complications after vaccination:

  • Local reactions - hyperemia, tissue edema in the field of vaccine administration;
  • General reactions - increase temperature, diarrhea;
  • Specific complications - characteristic of a certain vaccine (for example, a kelopoid scar, lymphadenitis, osteomyelitis, generalized infection with BCG; for oral fluid vaccine against polio - convulsions, encephalitis, polio, associated with vaccine and other);
  • Nonspecific complications - Immediate type reactions (swelling, cyanosis, urticaria), allergic reactions (including swelling s), proteinuria, hematuria.

Vaccines, requirements for vaccines. Types of vaccines, characteristics, preparation methods. New approaches to the creation of vaccines

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requirements for vaccines.

The safety is the most important property of the vaccine, is carefully examined and controlled in

the process of production and application of vaccines. Vaccine is safe if you enter people

does not cause serious complications and diseases;

Protectivity - the ability to induce the specific protection of the body against

a certain infectious disease;

The duration of preservation of the protectiveness;

Stimulation of the formation of neutralizing antibodies;

Stimulation of effector T-lymphocytes;

The duration of the preservation of immunological memory;

Low cost;

Biological stability during transportation and storage;

Low reactogenicity;

Easy administration.

Types of vaccines:

Live vaccines are manufactured on the basis of weakened strains of microorganism with genetically fixed avirulence.

Preparations: Vaccines and Serums

The vaccine strain, after administration, multiplies in the body of the gravity and causes a vaccine infectious process. Most grafted vaccine infection proceeds without pronounced clinical symptoms and leads to the formation, as a rule, persistent immunity. An example of living vaccines can serve as vaccines for polyomelitis prevention (live vaccine sand), tuberculosis (BCG), epidemic vapotitis, plague, Siberian ulcers, Tularemia. Live vaccines are available in lyophilized (powder)

the form (except polio). Killed vaccines are bacteria or viruses, inactivated chemical (formalin, alcohol, phenol) or physical (heat, ultraviolet irradiation) by exposure. Examples of inactivated vaccines are: pertussic (as a component of ADH), leptospyrosine, influenza, wholerium, vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis, against inactivated polyovaccine (solka vaccine).

Chemical vaccines are obtained by mechanical or chemical destruction of microorganisms and the allocation of protective, i.e. causing the formation of protective immune reactions, antigens. For example, vaccine against abdominal typhoid, vaccine against meningococcal infection.

Anatoksins. These drugs are bacterial toxins, neutralized

formalin formal influence increased temperature (400) for 30 days, followed by purification and concentration. Anatoksins are sorbitted on various mineral adsorbents, for example on aluminum hydroxide (adjuvants). Adsorption significantly increases the immunogenic activity of the anoxes. This is due to the creation of the "depot" of the drug at the place of administration and with adjuvant

the action of a sorbent causing local inflammation, enhancing the plasmocytic reaction in regional lymph nodes Anatoksins are used to prevent tetanus, diphtheria, stafilocacked infections.

Synthetic vaccines are artificially created antigenic determinants of microorganisms.

The composition of associate vaccines includes drugs from previous groups and against several infections. Example: ACDA - consists of diphtheria and tetanus anatoxin adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide and killed cough vaccine.

Vaccines obtained by genetic engineering methods. The essence of the method: the genes of the virulent microorganism, responsible for the synthesis of protective antigens, are embedded in the genome of any harmless microorganism, which during cultivation produces and accumulates the corresponding antigen. An example is a recombinant vaccine against viral hepatitis B, a vaccine against rotavirus infection.

In the future, it is assumed to use vectors in which not only genes are built

controlling the synthesis of antigens of the causative agent, but also genes encoding various mediators (proteins) of the immune response (interferons, interleukins, etc.

Currently, vaccines from plasmid (surrounding) DNA encoding antigens of infectious diseases are intensively developed. The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch vaccines is to integrate the microorganism genes, decomposed for the synthesis of microbial protein, in the human genome. At the same time, human cells are denied products of this alien protein for them, and the immune system will produce antibodies to it. These antibodies will neutralize the pathogen in the event of it in the body.

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What are preventive vaccinations?

Grafting - What is this injection? What does it imply under his name? For what doctors pediatricians, therapists, are recommended to do compulsory preventive vaccinations from the very first days of life, allegedly allowing our body to deal with viruses and infections that can overtake us on attraction of life? All preventive vaccinations carry a purely immunobiological preparation. The term and frequency of vaccination can always be found in the clinic or specializing in medical institutions.

Vaccination carries a weakened viral particles of infectious diseases, which, falling into our body in small doses, contribute to the help of the human immune system to produce protective antibodies to a specific virus. Any vaccination will help the body to form a negative susceptibility to different kind and type of infection, which is the reason for vaccination at any age.

The body produces special cells - memory cells living in the human body from one month to ten years, commemorative infection, previously introduced by us by subcutaneous injection. Thanks to them, the function of protection against viruses occurs. Vaccination does not produce from those viruses with which immunity copes independently, highlighting protective antibodies.

The vaccine reaction can be different: from light shapes to heavy. As a rule, the most frequent cases of the reaction occur in small children, which are accompanied by the following symptomatomy: one of the more encountered reasons is to increase the body temperature, as well as the child's concern, lethargy, redness or sealing the place where the vaccine was injected. Allergies are manifested by red spots throughout skin Pokrov, difficult breathing and even with the attacks of choking.

Types of vaccinations

Types of vaccines and vaccinations are divided into groups such as:

The most frequent questions about vaccinations. Part 1. Common Questions

2. killed organisms of infections;

3. Weak organisms;

4. Mandatory prophylactic;

5. Voluntary;

6. Vaccinations during the epidemic.

Mandatory vaccinations are approved by the Ministry of Health, are prescribed in the vaccination calendar and carrying prophylactic in nature. For the first time a day of the child's life, try to always make an injection from hepatitis V.

The weakened hepatitis virus is introduced during the first 12 hours of the life of the baby. Further, according to the scheme: Thirty days of life, in sixty days, at five months, in one year old and every next five years. Vaccines from tuberculosis are also called them (BCG), the most first injections are made on 3-4 days of life of a newborn baby, if there are no contraindications from pediatrics, which may arise due to small weight in a child and a tumor associated with onco-scab. Next, we conduct a vaccine at the age of five or seven years, and by fifteen years.

DCA vaccine protects from (cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis and diphtheria), in the period from three months old And until six months, the drug is introduced for the first time. After the procedure is repeated in two years, at five years old, and the patient's suggestion is already wishing to the majority. Separately, the vaccination process from polio, they make it four times for life: at five months, eighteen months, two years and seven years.

Diseases of rubella, measles and vapotitis are introduced to children at the age of twelve months and seven years, allergic reactions, violations of the immune system are contraindications of such a vaccine.

Contraindications from doctors to vaccination are: the unsatisfactory state of the patient's health, namely the weak general state organism colds, nervous, oncological, postoperative period, with the second and third degree of skin burns. It is recommended to conduct vaccination by reaching full recovery.

Voluntary vaccination passes with a voluntary agreement of the person, if there is a danger to infected with seasonal viruses (flu, allergies), tick-borne encephalitis, or to visit other countries where the virus may be walking.

With epidemic, vaccination produce all residents of the metropolis, in which an outbreak of the epidemic arose.

Complications from vaccine

Complications are manifested not only in a newborn, but also matured human body having a different nature of the disease. The first cause of the reaction is the special intolerance of the drug, the poor quality of the vaccine (marriage, the storage periods), the incorrect procedure, a large dose of the drug, the provision of the vaccine patient patient.

Post-specific complications carry such a type of disease as: polyneurite, encephalitis, allergic reaction In the people (swelling of quinque), neuritis, anaphylactic shock, meningitis, otitis, poliomyelitis. At the first symptoms poor well-being After vaccination, we recommend contacting the therapy doctor in order to warn yourself in a timely manner, your loved ones and children from the above diseases provoked complications. Together DLE 12.1

What types of vaccines exist1?

There are various types of vaccines that differ in the method of producing the active component-antigen, which is produced by immunity. From the method of producing vaccines depends on the method of administration, the method of destination and storage requirements. Currently distinguish 4 basic varieties of vaccines:

  • Live weakened vaccines
  • Inactivated (with a killed antigen) vaccine
  • Subunis (with purified antigen)
  • Vaccines with anatoksin (inactivated toxin).

How do various types of vaccines1, 3?

Live weakened (attenuated) vaccines - Made from weakened causative agents of diseases. In order to achieve this, bacterium or the virus breed in unfavorable conditions for him, repeating the process up to 50 times.

An example of lively weakened vaccines against diseases:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Poliomyelita
  • Rotavirus infection
  • Yellow fever

Positive and negative features of living weakened vaccines

Inactivated (from the killed antigens) vaccine - Made, killing the culture of the causative agent of the disease. In this case, such a microorganism is not able to multiply, but causes the development of immunity against the disease.

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An example of inactivated (from killed antigens) vaccines

  • Whole-cell cough vaccine
  • Inactivated polio vaccine

Positive and negative features of inactivated (from killed antigens) vaccines

Adapted from the WHO electronic training. Basics of vaccine safety.

Subunisy vaccines - Just like inactivated, do not contain a live pathogen. The composition of such vaccines includes only individual components of the pathogen to which immunity is produced.
Subunis vaccines in turn are divided into:

  • Subunisy vaccines with protein carrier (flu, cell-free vaccine against cough, hepatitis B)
  • Polysaccharide (against pneumococcal and meningococcal infection)
  • Conjugated (against hemophilic, pneumococcal and meningococcal infection for children with 9-12 months).

The scheme for the production of recombinant vaccine against hepatitis in

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Positive and negative features of subunit vaccines

Adapted from the WHO electronic training. Basics of vaccine safety.

Anatoksin-based vaccines - contain neutralized toxin bacteria or the so-called antecin. In some diseases, for example, diphtheria and tetanus, toxin, falling into the bloodstream, causes the development of symptoms of the disease. Amplifiers (adjuvants) are added to create a vaccine to the neutralized toxin, such as aluminum and calcium salts.

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Anatoksin-based vaccine examples:

  • Against diphtheria
  • Against tetanus

Positive and negative features of virgin-based vaccines

Adapted from the WHO electronic training. Basics of vaccine safety.

How are different types of vaccines1 are introduced?

Depending on the species, vaccines can be introduced into the human body in various ways.

Oral (Through the mouth) - this method of administration is quite simple, as it does not require the use of needles and a syringe. For example, an oral polio vaccine (OPV), a vaccine against rotavirus infection.

Intracutaneous injection - With this form, the introduction of the vaccine is introduced into the topmost layer of the skin.
For example, BCG vaccine.
Subcutaneous injection - With this form, the introduction of the vaccine is introduced between the skin and the muscle.
For example, vaccine against measles, rubella and parotitis (PDA).
Intramuscular injection - With this form, the introduction of the vaccine is introduced deep into the muscle.
For example, a pertussis vaccine, diphtheria and tetanus (DC), a vaccine against pneumococcal infection.

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What other components are part of vaccines1,2?

Knowledge of the composition of vaccines can help in understanding possible causes The emergence of postal reactions, as well as in the choice of vaccine if there is allergies in the presence of individual components of vaccines in the intolerance.

Vaccine - what is it? Types and types of vaccines

In addition to alien substances (antigens) of diseases of diseases in the composition of vaccines can be:

  • Stabilizers
  • Preservatives
  • Antibiotics
  • Substances for amplifying the response of the immune system (adjuvants)

Stabilizers Need to help vaccine maintain its effectiveness during storage. The stability of vaccine is extremely important, since due to the violation of the conditions for transportation and storage of the vaccine may decrease its ability to cause effective protection against infection.
As stabilizers in vaccines can be used:

  • Magnesium chloride (MgCl2) - oral polio vaccine (OPV)
  • Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO4) - Koreary Vaccine
  • Lactosa-sorbitol.
  • Sorbitol gelatin.

Preservatives Added to vaccines that are fusing via vials, designed to use for several people at the same time (multi-modes), to prevent the growth of bacteria and mushrooms.
Preservatives that are most often used as part of vaccines include:

  • Thiomersal
  • Formaldehyde
  • Phenol
  • Phenoxyethanol.

Tiomersal (mercury-containing alcohol)

  • Since 1930, it is used as a preservative in multi-modular vaccine bottles, which are used in national vaccination programs (for example, ADH, vaccine against hemophilic infection, hepatitis B).
  • With vaccines in the human body, less than 0.1% mercury falls from the total number that we get from other sources.
  • Fears about the safety of this preservative led to numerous studies; For 10 years, WHO experts have conducted safety studies with thiomersal, as a result of which the absence of any toxic impact on the human body has been proven.


  • Used in the production of killed (inactivated) vaccines (for example, injection polio vaccine) and to obtain anoxes - neutralized toxin bacteria (for example, ADS).
  • At the stage of cleaning the vaccine, almost all formaldehyde is removed.
  • The amount of formaldehyde in vaccines is hundreds of times lower than the amount that can harm human (for example, a five-component vaccine against cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, and hemophilic infection contains less than 0.02% formaldehyde for one dose or less than 200 parts per million) .

In addition to the above preservatives, the two other preservatives for vaccines are allowed for use: 2-phenoxyethanol (used for inactivated polyovaccine) and phenol (used for vaccine against abdominal typhoid).


  • Used in the production of some vaccines to prevent bacterial contamination of the environment where the pathogens of the disease are grown.
  • Typically, there are only trace amounts of antibiotics in vaccines. For example, vaccine against measles, rubella and vapotitis (PDA) contains less than 25 micrograms neomycin for one dose.
  • Patients with allergies for neomycin should be under observation after vaccination; This will provide an opportunity to immediately begin the treatment of any allergic reactions.


  • Adjuvants are used over several decades. to enhance the immune response on the introduction of vaccine. Most often, adjuvants are part of the killed (inactivated) and subunit vaccines (for example, flu vaccine, a vaccine against a human papilloma virus).
  • The most well-used adjuvant is aluminum salt - aluminum hydrochloride (Al (OH) 3). It slows down the output of the antigen at the injection site and prolongs the contact time of the vaccine with the immune system.
  • In order to ensure the safety of vaccination, it is extremely important that vaccines with aluminum salts introduced intramuscularly, and not subcutaneously. Subcutaneous administration can lead to the development of abscess.
  • To date, there are several hundred different types of adjuvants that are used in vaccine production.

Immune response to a vaccine with adjuvant and without it3

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Vaccination is one of the greatest achievements of medicine in the history of mankind.


  1. WHO. Basics of vaccine safety. Electronic learning module.
    Tiomersal: Questions and Answers. October 2011
    Last visit date 15.10.2015

Calculate the personal calendar vaccinations of your baby! On our website it can be done easily and quickly, even if some vaccinations were performed "not in time."

Therapeutic and prophylactic drugs vaccine

Immunobiological medical medical and preventive preparations are used for the prevention and treatment of patients with infectious diseases by creating artificial immunity.

Vaccines- Preparations containing antigens and intended for creating artificial active immunity in the body. Vaccine in the body is called vaccination. Vaccines are applied more often for prevention, less often - for treatment.

Depending on the nature of the antigen, which they contain, the vaccine is divided into live, killed, chemical, anatoxins, as-conclusive.

Vaccines and anatoksins with a reduced dosage of antigen (BCZH-M, blood pressure and others) are used for vaccination and revaccination with na-lyrics of contraindications to the grafs of the total dose of the antigen.

Vaccines against one infection are called monovaccines, two, three, several, respectively, by sofaccines, trivaccines, polyvaccines.

Vaccines containing several gray-logical variants of pathogens of one species, for example, types of type A and V.

Live vaccinesprepare from living microorganisms whose virulence is weakened, and immunogenic properties are saved. The scientific foundations of obtaining vaccine strains developed L. Paster, making the possibility of artificially weakening the virulence of Pato-gene microbes.

To obtain vaccine strains, various ways would have been used.

1) Growing on nutrient media unfavorable for growth and reproduction of the pathogen. Thus, French microbiologists A. Calmett and Gernen received a vaccine strain of mycobacterium T-Berkuliz (BCG) by cultivating pathogens on a nutritional medium containing bile.

2) the passenger pathogen through the organism of animals is such a disposant-bom L. Paster received a vaccine against rabies. Multiple passes led to the fact that the virus adapted to the body of the Cro-Lick, its virulence increased for rabbits and decreased virulent for a person.

3) Selection of natural cultures of microorganisms that are monsigible to humans. Thus were obtained vaccines against the plague, Brusel Leza, Tularemia, poliomyelitis, etc.

Live vaccines have a number of advantages compared to killed vaccines. The reproduction in the human body of the vaccine strain of microbes leads to the development of a vaccination infection - a kindly objective process leading to the formation of specific immunity. Live vaccines are introduced more simple ways (orally, intranasally, dashing, intracudino) and, as a rule, once. Thanks to the ability of the vaccine strain to multiply in the body and have a long-term antigen agent, it creates intense, persistent immunity.

To preserve stability, living vaccines are produced in the form of lyophilized drugs. They should be stored in the refrigerator, at a temperature of 4 ° -8 ° C during the entire shelf life, as well as during the transportation of vaccines. Otherwise, the viability of the vaccine strain may be lost, and the vaccinations will not give an effect.

When conducting vaccinations, alive vaccines are followed by defense rules. For one or two days before the introduction of the vaccine and during the week after vaccination, antimicrobial preparations, immune serums, immunoglobulins should not be applied. For the introduction of the vaccine, it is impossible to use hot investments. Open the ampoule of completing the appointment immediately or within 2-3 hours; Protect from sunlight and heating. Leather processing volatile substances, an example, alcohol, and a vaccine to administer after its evaporation; Do not use iodine, carbolovic acid and other connections, which are delayed on the skin. The remaining unused or refrainable vaccine does not pour, but to pre-kill. The local reaction to the introduction of the vaccine is not to be treated with antibacterial environments.

Live vaccines are used for the prevention of the following fee: tuberculosis, plague, tularemia, brucellosis, Siberian ulcers, cortex, pieces, vapotitis, polio, yellow fever.

Killed (inactivated) vaccinescontain bacteria, viruses, inactivated by warming, UV rays, formalin, phenol, alcohol. To obtain killed vaccines, strains are used, full-valuable immunogenicity. Inactivation is carried out so to kill microbes to do without damaging antigenic properties.

Diseases for the prevention of which are used killed vaccinations: leptospirosis, cough, flu, rabies, tick-borne encephalitis.

Vaccinations killed vaccines are conducted twice or triple-wage; Immunity less long.

Vaccinotherapy.The vaccines from the dead microbes are used to treat patients with chronic sluggish infectious diseases, such as brucellosis, chronic dysentery, chronic gonorrhea, chronic recurrent herpes, chronic hundred philococcal infections. Therapeutic effect At the same time, it is associated with the stimulation of phagocytosis and an immune response.

Treatment with vaccines is carried out individually, under medical supervision, since vaccine therapy often causes an aggravation of the infectious process.

In some cases, outovaccines are used for treatment, which is prepared from bacteria isolated from the patient himself.

Chemical vaccinescontains extracted from microbial cells and from antigens viruses with a protective (protective) action. Thus, in contrast to living and killed vaccines, which are corpuscular, chemical vaccines do not contain microbic cells or solid virions.

On the shelves: vaccines - what, when, to whom

They can be called molecularly dispersed.

The advantage of chemical vaccines is that they do not co-hold ballast substances, they are less reactor, that is, they cause fewer side reactions.

Examples of chemical vaccines: the abdominal - contains an o-antigen; cholera (o-antigen); meningococcal - contains polysaccharide antigen; Syrnotifornic - contains surface massive antigen from the rickettsies of the provice. Viral subunit (splitted) vaccines contain the most immunolenic antsheng viruses. For example, the influenza vaccine (AHX) contains hemaggluti-nin and neuraminidase.

Chemical vaccines to increase immunogenicity adsorbir are on adjuvant (aluminum hydroxide). The adjuvant enlarges the ANTP-gene particles, slows down the antigen resorption extending the action. In addition, the adjuvant is a nonspecific immune response stimulator.

Anatoksins- Preparations obtained from bacterial exotock-synotes devoid of poisonous properties, but preserved immunogenic properties. The method of obtaining anatoksins suggested that in 1923 the Francian scientist G. Ramon. To prepare anatoksin to exotoxy-well, 0.3-0.4% of formalin is added and kept at a temperature of 37-40 ° C for 3-4 weeks before the complete disappearance of toxic

Anatoksins are produced in the form of religious drugs or in the form of concentrated preparations purified on adjuvants.

Anatoksins are used to create artificial active antitoxic immunity. Anatoksins are used, staphylococcus native and purified adsorbed, cholerogen-anatoxine; adsorbed diphtheria (blood pressure, blood pressure), dyphteria-tetanomy (ADS, ADS-M), triantoxin (botulinary types A, B, E), tetra-anatoxine (botulinary types A, B, E and tetanus).

Associated vaccinescontain antigens, different in nature. The adsorbed coup-diffine-tetanomy cottage-qin (DPS) contains an inactivated cough vaccine, diop terrial and tetanus anatoksins adsorbed on hydroxy de aluminum.

Vaccines of new generations.These are vaccines of the future, some of them are already applied.

1) Artificial vaccinesComposed of the determinant groups of antigens connected to the carrier protein.

2) Genno-ventricular vaccines. Methods of genetic engineering genes, responsible for the synthesis of antigen, are embedded in the Bakta-Rija genome, yeast, viruses. A vaccine containing hepatitis C antigen antigens produced by recombinant cells of tremble-rods; A genno-ventricular vaccine against HIV infection from virus antigens produced by recombinant strains E. coli is prepared; HIV antigens vaccine as part of an ospovakcin virus.

3) The method of obtaining vaccines based on anti-idiotic antibodies is being developed, that is, antibodies specific to immunoglobulin. For example, anti-estate antibodies can immunize an animal or a person like toxin (or anatoxin).

Vaccines are introduced from civory, intradermal, subcutaneously, intramuscular, but, intranasal, orally, inhaled. For mass incvi-woks, an emotional injection is used with a gun machine guns, as well as oral administration of a vaccine and an inhalation method.

The vaccination system for the prevention of infectious diseases among the population is regulated by the vaccination calendar, which determines mandatory vaccinations For each age and vaccinations according to the testimony.

When introducing vaccines, local and general reactions may occur. General reaction: Increase temperatures up to 38 ° -39 ° C, malaise, th-fish pain. These symptoms usually pass 1-3 days after jilling. Locally, 1-2 days at the injection site may appear in design and infiltration. Some live vaccines are interlaced, tularemia, the BCG with intracutaneous administration cause characteristic skin reactions, which indicates a positive result of the vaccination.

Main Contraindications for Vaccine Application: Acute Inventory Diseases, Active Shape of Tuberculosis, Violation of Serving Activities, Liver, Kind, Endocrine Rides, Allergy, Central Diseases nervous system. For each vaccine, there is a detailed list of contraindications given in the instructions. In the event of an epidemic or in case of life-threatening testimony (bite with mad animals, cases of plague), it is necessary to instill and persons with contraindications, but under special medicine observation.

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