Name translated angel. Interpretation of what the male name angel means

Angel is a name that claims to be divine, in the Greek version of the translation meaning "herald of joy."

Name origin

The gentle and surprisingly beautiful male name Angel originally sounded in ancient Greek as Angelos.

general characteristics

The Little Angel grows mobile, active and at the same time rather clumsy and slow, which touches the adults around. Because of his vanity and inattention, he often stuffs bumps on his forehead, combs his knees and elbows, and small scratches and bruises on the baby are a common thing.

Crying and getting upset is not in Anelek's character, having received a small abrasion or bruise, he will simply ignore the pain. The boy is prone to colds, but ordinary hardening will help him cope with ailments and develop immunity.

Shustrik Angel from the cradle is distinguished by his love of life and optimistic views on everything around, his smile and constant good mood can only envy. Gelik also does not know how to be offended for a long time, the children themselves are drawn to this bright boy for friendship, he will never be lonely.

Positive character traits

The angel has been sociable and friendly since childhood, he tries to make friends with all the guys in the yard, at school he is everyone's favorite. The boy's love of life and optimism pass with the maturing guy into an independent life.

Angelio does not know how to be offended for a long time, he is inclined to justify anyone, he is always ready to listen and forgive a person.

A young man easily masters a new workplace and moves up the career ladder without much difficulty. Whatever sphere of self-realization as a professional he chooses, any business burns in his hands.

Angel is a fighter for justice. He always stands up for the truth, never lies for some personal gain.

A man knows how to court ladies gallantly, enjoys constant success and demand among women, but his pride and respect for female gender prevent casual relationships and short affairs.

Negative character traits

Sometimes increased female attention can adversely affect a guy's attitude towards beauties, he will consider all girls frivolous and easily accessible, he may even start several novels at the same time.

However, this person takes marriage very seriously, looks at his companion for a long time and usually marries after thirty.

Zodiac sign

The name Angel fits perfectly with the sign of Capricorn or Aquarius.
Saturn, which is the planet of self-discipline and diligence, patronizes all bearers of this nickname.
The boy will wear black clothes, as well as shades of gray with an admixture of other colors and various dark tones.
Onyx will protect the owner of the name from the effects of negative energy and will attract good luck.


Angelok, Angelochek, Angi, Gulya, Gulka, Gulechka, Anelek, Angelko, Gelik.

Name Variations

Angely, Angelis, Angel, Angelus, Ange, Angel, Angelo, Angelu, Andyulina, Angel, Andel, Ael.

Historical figures

1860 - 1907 - Russian publicist Angel Bogdanovich.
born 1942 – Vice-President of Bulgaria Angel Marin.
born 1950 Romanian football player Angel Yordanescu.
born 1964 - Bulgarian football coach Angel Chervenkov.
born 1980 - Czech hockey player Angel Krstev.

name day

January 15
February 06
12th of April
May 05
August 13
September 14
October 10
10th of November
December 16th.


  1. V. A. Nikonov (V. A. Nikonov). "Looking for a name" (Looking at a name). Ed. "Soviet Russia". Moscow, 1988. ISBN
  2. N. A. Petrovsky (N. A. Petrovsky). "Dictionary of Russian personal names" (Dictionary of Russian names). LLC Publishing house "AST". Moscow, 2005.

Angel ("Herald of Joy" (Greek))

As a child, he is overcome by angina, any colds ends with inflammation of the tonsils. It needs to be tempered from an early age. The boy grows very mobile, but clumsy, awkward. He falls all the time, bruises and abrasions do not go away for a long time. Possesses inexhaustible optimism and friendliness. Never cries, is friends with everyone.

Looking for more and more new friends, very sociable, always the first to start a conversation with a stranger. He likes to chat with elders about the meaning of life, which entertains all adults. He is fair, honest, knows how to admit mistakes, if he is wrong, he will always ask for forgiveness.

It stays the same when it grows up. He is an eternal fighter for justice. The angel is successful with women, knows how to beautifully care for and entertain a woman.

Attentive admirer, passionate lover. Can meet several sexual partners at once, very temperamental. He marries late and is very careful in choosing a wife.

Maybe up to thirty-five - forty years to live with women in a civil marriage, until he finally understands that the next partner is the ideal of a woman in his understanding. His marriage is most often successful, his wife is happy next to him.

In his work, Angel is fanatical, devoted to his ideas, views, a specialist in his profession. Easily makes a career, early gets the opportunity to lead a team. Respected and respected by colleagues.

The angel loves nature, but "in nature" he prefers to relax, and not work in the garden or in the garden: he has neither desire nor patience for this. Therefore, he simply goes on weekends with his family to the forest, out of town, where he likes to pick mushrooms and fish.

By nature, he is not a ladies' man, he does not look for casual connections on the side, but he will not refuse an unexpected adventure either. He respects his wife, and no one knows about his fleeting hobbies. He does not like to talk with friends about his adventures, he does not welcome when friends rant on intimate topics. Angel is a real man.

The "summer" and "spring" Angel is very talented, but too disorganized and cannot always realize himself as a person. But "winter" and "autumn" realize themselves completely. He does not hold perseverance and strength of character, his stubbornness is excessive, his determination is so great that sometimes he forgets about everything until he achieves what he wants.

It is especially difficult at such moments for the family, he does not see anything around him, rarely happens with children, work absorbs him entirely. Such an Angel achieves the greatest success in promotion, occupies a prominent place in society.

September 14 (1) - Martyr Angelis.
November 10 (October 28) - Martyr Angelius.
December 16 (3) - Martyr Angel.


Male name, Greek - Bulgarian - "herald of joy."

In childhood, he is overcome by angina, any catarrhal disease ends with inflammation of the tonsils. It needs to be tempered from an early age. The boy grows very mobile, but clumsy, awkward. He falls all the time, bruises and abrasions do not go away for a long time. Possesses inexhaustible optimism and friendliness. Looking for more and more new friends, very sociable, always the first to start a conversation with a stranger. Never cries, is friends with everyone. He likes to chat with elders about the meaning of life, which entertains all adults.

The "summer" and "spring" Angel is very talented, but too disorganized and cannot always realize himself as a person. But "winter" and "autumn" realize themselves completely. He does not hold perseverance and strength of character, his stubbornness is excessive, his determination is so great that sometimes he forgets about everything until he achieves what he wants. It is especially difficult at such moments for the family, he does not see anything around him, rarely happens with children, work absorbs him entirely. Such an Angel achieves the greatest success in promotion, occupies a prominent place in society.

He is fair, honest, knows how to admit mistakes, if he is wrong, he will always ask for forgiveness. It stays the same when it grows up. He is an eternal fighter for justice. Attentive admirer, passionate lover. The angel is successful with women, knows how to beautifully care for and entertain a woman. Can meet several sexual partners at once, very temperamental.

By nature, he is not a ladies' man, he does not look for casual connections on the side, but he will not refuse an unexpected adventure either. He respects his wife, and no one knows about his fleeting hobbies. Angel is a real man. He does not like to talk with friends about his adventures, he does not welcome when friends rant on intimate topics.

His marriage is most often successful, his wife is happy next to him. He marries late and is very careful in choosing a wife. Maybe up to thirty-five - forty years to live with women in a civil marriage, until he finally understands that the next partner is the ideal of a woman in his understanding.

The angel loves nature, but "in nature" he prefers to relax, and not work in the garden or in the garden: he has neither desire nor patience for this. Therefore, he simply goes on weekends with his family to the forest, out of town, where he likes to pick mushrooms and fish.

In his work, Angel is fanatical, devoted to his ideas, views, a specialist in his profession. Respected and respected by colleagues. Easily makes a career, early gets the opportunity to lead a team.

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What does the name Angel mean?

Researchers tend to think that the name Angel has at least two meanings, these are Greek and Bulgarian meanings. However, both of them in translation have the same meaning - a messenger of joy.

Name origin:

The name was popular in many countries, and at the same time it could not be practically transformed, and to this day remains in its original sound.

The character conveyed by the name:

IN early childhood Angel very often breaks his knees, and combs his elbows, very often gets bruises and scratches. And the thing is in his terrible clumsiness by nature, which, however, in the very early childhood delights all adults. However, no even the strongest abrasions of the Angel, as a rule, upset him, it is generally quite difficult to upset him with anything or offend him.

You can simply envy the optimism and love of life of the baby Angel. He almost never has bad mood, and there can be no unforgettable grievances, because he will always smile at the world. And this, of course, attracts a lot of friends and various acquaintances to Angel. He can almost never be lonely, and if this happens, then Angel is not more upset by this, he is sure that soon everything will change for the better.
An angel will always and in everything seek justice, he will be able to find a lot of arguments and arguments to convince any interlocutor.

In his affairs, Angel will be a true professional. And this can be noticed very quickly by the authorities, and of course the Angel easily receives all new positions and is easily promoted. He knows how to work perfectly and often loves to do it, while bringing profit to the company, and for himself maintaining deep satisfaction.

With women, everything is fine with Angel as well. They often try to look after the Angel themselves, making every effort to please. However, it is still not easy to lure him. In order for the marriage to take place, Angel must at least try to live with the chosen one in a civil marriage. It happens that he has been dating a girl for several years, and even has several children in a civil marriage, and only by the age of forty he realizes that next to him all these years is a real ideal. And when a woman is patient enough, then of course she can be happy with an Angel. After all, by nature, he is monogamous, and he will not cause any problems to his soulmate.

The name Angel is captivating and beautiful! On the site you will find the history of the origin of the male name Angel, find out what it means and how it affects fate. If the name of the boy is Angel - the meaning and decoding of the name will help you learn more about the character and abilities. And checking the compatibility of the name Angel with other names will help you find your soul mate.

Below is an extensive list of Angelic Names. This is part of a large collection of magical names that I have collected over the past year. The names I took from several sources, including: Enoch 1 (as translated by Charles), the classic works of Gustav Davidson, the Dictionary of Angels, Matthew Bunson's Angels A to Z, and the Encyclopedia of Angels, which was produced by Visible ink Press (Compiled by James Lewis and Dorothy Oliver) in addition to several sources of Medieval ceremonial magic, such as the Forbidden Rites, etc. There will also be a separate list with the names of demons. Technically, angels are different from demons, because one of them was cast down from heaven, and the second remained near God. Naturally, things are not so simple, so the names of the fallen angels are mixed with the usual ones in this list (especially those taken from Enoch's list).

How do we decide who is fallen and who is not? If you follow directions medieval church, then the only Angels that can be considered not fallen and completely legitimate are the Archangels Raphael, Gabriel and Michael, they are most often mentioned in the Bible. It can be seen that these three also often appear in the sacred texts of other religions. In the Sumerian legend of Inanna's descent into Hell, Michael, Gabriel, and others stand guard over the gates of Hell. Those who would later be called archangels appear in Jewish myth as guardians who receive gifts from the goddess before she passes through all the circles of hell to reach the throne of her sister Ereshkigal. The vast knowledge of angels and demons that pass through the ages is as much a fascination for me as the various myths. I hope that many of you will find this list interesting, even if you are just watching it for curiosity. Enjoy.

List of Angelic Names:
Aarin: a term that is used to describe angels who descend from heaven in search of the daughters of men to bring forth the Nephilim, appears in the book of Enoch.
Abaddon: Angel of the Abyss.
Abalim:"Great Angel", fiery guardian.
Abdiel: the courageous "fiery seraph", from Milton's Paradise Lost.
Adimus: The angel revered by the church probably descended from the first man.
Adoel: The angel who controlled the explosion that created the universe (Big Bang Angel), according to the Book of Enoch.
Af (Af): a terrible Angel, consisting of red and black flames.
Ahiah (Ahiah): semi-Angel, son of Semyaza.
Akkhazriel:"Messenger of God".
Amaliel: Protector of the weak.
Anahita: fiery female angel, associated with water and Persian myths.
Anaiel: An angel who gave knowledge to mankind, according to the book of Enoch.
Anak (Anak):"giant", a mortal with the blood of an Angel.
Anakim:"giants", a race of ferocious giants, are mentioned in the Bible as descendants of giants.
Anafiel: high Merkabah Angel, bearer of the seal.
Angelos: translated from Greek: "messenger", heavenly being.
Aphaeleon (Aphaeleon): ruler of the fallen Angels, listed in treatises on ceremonial magic.
Appolion (Appolion): Angel of the Abyss.
Arakiba: Angel from the book of Enoch.
Aralim: the "great angel" of the throne, the fiery guardian.
Araquiel: taught the signs of the earth, from the book of Enoch.
Arariel: Angel of the oceans, patron of fishermen, medieval angel of knowledge.
Arkon (Archon): The ruling angel of the material world, from the Gnostic myth.
Ariel (Ariel):"Lion of God", the spirit of the air, sources: Hebrew myths, also appears in Shakespeare.
Arioch: one of the fallen Angels, according to Milton's Paradise Lost, also appears in the work of Michael Moorcock.
Ariuk: guardian of Enoch, according to his book.
Armaros: taught mankind magic, from the book of Enoch.
Armisael: Childbirth angel.
Asaph: An angel who allegedly wrote Psalms 73-83.
Asuriel: An angel who warns of a flood from the book of Enoch.
Azazel (Azazel): taught people how to make metal and mine gems, from the book of Enoch.
Azrael: Angel of Death, appears in the works of Layla Wendela.
Ballaton: guardian, name used in Solomonic magic.
Baradiel: heavenly prince, the angel of the city, from the book of Enoch.
Barakiel: heavenly prince, angel of lightning, from the book of Enoch.
Barattiel: supports the highest heavens, from the book of Enoch.
Befor (Bethor): Angel of Jupiter, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Boamiel: Angel from the 4 corners of the sky, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Boel (Boel): Angel of Saturn.
Camael (Camael):"one who sees God."
Camiel: one of the variants of the name Kamael, "one who sees God."
Kafriel (Caphriel): Sabbat angel.
Cassiel: Angel of tears and temperance, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Kerviel (Cerviel): Angel of the principalities.
Chalkidri: or "bronze serpent" or satellite of the Sun, from the book of Enoch.
Chamuel:"one who seeks God."
Chasan: patron of the air, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Daniel (Daniel):"God is my judge" is also the name of a prophet in Hebrew.
Dubbiel: protector of the Persians.
Duma (Duma): The Angel of Silence is also the patron saint of Egypt.
Empyrean: the highest heaven, heavenly fire, is mentioned in Milton's Paradise Lost.
Ephemera (Ephemera):"short-lived" angels who are created to sing the praises of God.
Exousia:"power" or "virtue", alternative to Angel, Greece.
Ezequiel: taught mankind the knowledge of the clouds, from the book of Enoch.
Gabriel (Gabriel):"God is my strength", the Angel of Judgment, one of the Angels who is introduced by name in the Bible.
Gadiel: designed to repel evil, is mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Gadreel: taught people martial arts, from the book of Enoch.
Gazardiel: Angel of dawn and dusk.
Germael:"the majesty of God", the Angel of creation.
Gezaria (Gezuriya): Angel of powers.
Gibborim: a giant half-angel, "the man of glory", is mentioned in Jewish and Biblical treatises.
Gregory (Grigori): from the Greek "looking".
Gabriel: Angel of powers.
Gadariel (Hadariel):"Glory to God."
Hadramiel:"Glory to God", a variant of the name Gabriel.
Hamon (Hamon):
Haniel:"God's grace."
Haroth: twin Marot, knew the secret name of God, is mentioned in Persian myth.
Hashmal: order leader.
Hauliel: the owner of the fiery lash, from the book of Enoch.
Hemah (Hemah): a terrible Angel, consisting of black and red flames, is mentioned in Jewish treatises.
Hochmael (Hochmael):"The Wisdom of God".
Irin (Irin): an alternative definition for the Nephilim, there is a belief that Ireland was named after him, as he first settled in that place.
Ishim: Angel of Ice and Fire.
Israfel: Resurrection Angel.
Ithuriel: Gabriel's messenger appears in Milton's Paradise Lost.
Jabril: Muslim version of Gabriel.
Jael (Jael): guardian of the Ark of the Covenant.
Dzhedutun (Jeduthun): choirmaster, gives the status of Angels.
Jehoel: leader and guardian, seraphim.
Jeremel:"God's Grace", a variant of Ramiel.
Cadmiel (Jeremiel): Childbirth angel.
Kalmiya (Kalmiya): guardian of the veil.
Kasbiel: taught the name that binds oaths from the book of Enoch.
Kasdeja: taught spiritualism and birth control, from the book of Enoch.
Kemuel: a variant of Kamael, "he who sees God."
Kerubiel: formidable angel of fire and lightning, leader of the choir of cherubs.
Kezef: Angel of Destruction.
Kochbiel:"Star of God", Angel of astrology.
Lahabiel: protector and guardian.
Lailah:"night", Angel of conception, according to Moslem treatises: female angel.
Layla: variant of Laila, "night".
Lucifiel:"luminiferous", morning star, a variant of Lucifer.
Lucifer (Lucifer): the fairest of the angels, who defied God, but was cast down for his pride.
Mahadiel (Machidiel):"God is Everywhere", from the Book of Enoch.
Madan: Angel of Mercury, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Mahanaim:"two armies", the heavenly host, is mentioned in Jewish treatises.
Malachi (Malachi):"God's envoy".
Malach (Malakh):"messenger", celestial being, Muslim term meaning Angel.
Mariuk (Mariuk): guardian of Enoch.
Maroth: the twin Garot, who knew the secret name of God, is mentioned in Persian treatises.
Mastema (Mastema):"Angel of Accusation"
Matariel: Rain Angel.
Melkial:"God is Everywhere", from the Book of Enoch.
Merkabah:"chariot", the mystical path to God.
Metatron (Metatron): Angel of presence, divine archivist, mediator of God.
Michael (Michael): The sword of God and the heavenly warrior-prince, one of the archangels, whose name is mentioned in the Bible.
Mikal: variant of Michael, "Like God".
Mumiel: health guard.
Muriel: Order Angel.
Nakir (Nakir): black-skinned and blue-eyed angel of justice.
Nathaniel:"Given by God", Angel of Fire.
Nephilim: giant half-angel, "glorious man".
Nuriel: City Angel.
Onafiel: Moon angel.
Ophaniel: snake angel.
Ophanim:“wheel”, “many-eyed”, can also be attributed to snakes.
Oriel: Angel of Destiny.
Orifiel: Angel of the planet Saturn.
Pahadron: Terror Angel.
Peliel: leader of the choir of Virtues.
Penemu: taught people writing, from the book of Enoch.
Peniel (Peniel):"Seeing God"
Phanuel: Angel of presence, Angel of repentance.
Purah: Oblivion Angel.
Puriel: harsh judge.
Qaddisin:"saints", stand next to Gregory.
Kvapsiel (Qaphsiel): repels his enemies.
Radbos (Rabdos): keeper of the stars.
Raduriel: heavenly archivist, from the book of Enoch.
Raguel (Raguel):"Friend of God"
Rahab (Rahab): the cruel Angel of the sea, supposedly killed by God, angry with him for some deed.
Rahatiel: ruler of the constellations, from the book of Enoch.
Rahmiel: Mercy Angel.
Ramiel:"God's Grace", Thunder Angel.
Raphael (Raphael):"God's healing", Angel of the sun, archangel, his name is mentioned in the Bible.
Raziel: Earthquake Angel, from the Book of Enoch.
Razael: The angel of secrets, there is a belief that he was punished by God for giving the book of magic to Adam.
Remiel: vision translator, from the book of Enoch.
Rikbiel: guardian of the chariot of God, from the book of Enoch.
Ruhiel: Wind Angel.
Sabaoth: he was worshiped as an Angel in the Middle Ages, in Hebrew: Heavenly host.
Sahaqiel: guardian of the fourth heaven, from the book of Enoch.
Salathiel:"The One Who Asks the Lord"
Samael (Samael):"The Poison of God", the fearsome Angel of Death, is associated with Satan/Lucifer.
Sandalphon:"brother", Greek angel of glory and prayer.
Saraquiel: variant of the name Arakuel, taught forbidden knowledge, from the book of Enoch.
Sariel:"Prince of God", governs the spirits, from the book of Enoch.
Semalion: Announcement Angel.
Semsapiel: mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Semiyaza: The leader of the Angels who came down from heaven to marry the daughters of men, sometimes associated with Lucifer and/or Satan.
Seraph: living fire, holy angel, the name can mean: "fiery snake."
Seraphiel: like an eagle, the chief Seraphim.
Shamsiel:"The Light of God", from the Book of Enoch.
Sidriel: Prince of Virtue, from the Book of Enoch.
Sopheriel: keeper of the books of life and death.
Soterasiel:"one who summons God's fire."
Tabris: Angel of free will.
Tadhiel: Sacrifice Angel.
Tagas: heavenly prince, mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Tamiel: mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Tatrasiel: heavenly prince, mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Temlakos: patron saint of abused children, Greece.
Turiel: mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Uriel (Uriel):"God's Flame", sometimes the Angel of Healing, sometimes the Angel of Death.
Uziel (Usiel):"The Power of the Lord", from the Book of Enoch.
Vritiel: Angel of Wisdom from the Book of Enoch.
Yahoel: protector and keeper, seraphim.
Zadkiel: Angel, his symbol is a dagger, from the book of Enoch.
Zagzagel (Zagzagel): Burning bush angel.
Zakum: Angel of prayer.
Zambrim: ruler of the fallen Angels, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Zaphkiel: faster than cherubs.
Zarall: Guardian of the Ark of the Covenant.
Zephon (Zephon): Gabriel's messenger, mentioned in Milton's Paradise Lost.
Zophiel:"Beauty of God".
Zuriel:"The Lord is my rock."

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