Whether they will resurrect. Universal Resurrection of the Dead

There will be a time when an antichrist will reign on Earth. His power will continue until the fidge itself, when the second coming on the Earth of the Lord, the proud of the living and the dead. The second coming will be sudden. "Jacques lightning comes from the East and is to the West, the coming of the Son of Human" (Matt. 24, 27). "The honest cross is the first to appear in the second coming of Christ, as honest, the life-giving, the adopted and holy sophiete of the king of Christ, according to the word Vladyka, who says that the sign of the Son of Human in the sky (MF. 24, 30)" ( rev. Efrem Sirin). The Lord will abolish the Antichrist with the phenomenon of his coming. In the Sacred Scripture, the Savior Talk about the purpose of His coming to Earth - about the life of the eternal: "God loved the world so much, that and the son of his only begotten was given, so that any believer did not die in him, but there was an eternal life" (John 3, 15-16 ).

The universal resurrection of the dead is also said in the eleventh member of the Faith symbol. Resurrection of the dead, which we tea (expect) will follow simultaneously with the second coming of the Lord of our Jesus Christ and will be that the bodies of all the dead will connect with their souls and come to life. After the universal resurrection of the body of the dead will change: in quality they will be different from the current bodies - they will be spiritual, imperishable and immortal. Matter will change to a new, not known to us and will have completely different properties than now.

The bodies and those people who are still alive during the second coming of the Savior will change. The Apostle Paul says: "Singing the body is spiritual, the spiritual body will rebel ... Not everyone will die, but everything will change, suddenly, in the blink of an eye with the last pipe: for I will vast, and the dead will resurrect nonentive, and we (survivors) will change" (Shore. 15, 44, 51, 52). To explain for yourself this future change of living we cannot, because it is a mystery, incomprehensible because of the poverty and the limitedness of our carnal concepts. Accordingly, the change of man himself will change and all visible world: From the twarm will turn to non-suit.

Many may have a question: "How can the dead be resurrected when the bodies of the dead turn into dust and are destroyed?" The Lord has already answered this question in the Holy Scriptures, figuratively showing the prophet Ezekiel the secret of the resurrection from the dead. He was introduced in the vision of the field, destroyed by dry human bones. From these bones in God's word, the commonly human, human compositions were formed in the same way as it was with the primitive creation of man, then they were revived by the Spirit. According to the Lord, the vested prophet, first there was a movement in the bones, the bone with the bone began to be connected, each in his place; Then they were contacted by the veins, the flesh was enjoyed and covered with the skin. Finally, according to the secondary glory of God, the spirit of life entered them - and everyone came to life, they became on their legs and amounted to a great many people (Jes. 37.1-10).

The resurrected bodies of the dead will be imperfect and are immortal, beautiful and light-pool, strong and strong (will not be susceptible to diseases). Changing living on the last day will be done as quickly as the resurrection of the dead. Changing alive will consist in the same, in which the resurrection of the dead: our current bodies, ramped and dead, will be transformed into non-permanent and immortal. Not for that God condemned us to death to destroy their creation, but in order to change it, to make it capable of future impaired life.

"Head of the Lord will be resurrected all the dead. There is nothing difficult for God, and we must believe his promises, although human genthes and human mind seems to be impossible. Like God, taking the dust and land, created like some other nature, it is: naturally bodily, not like Earth, and made many births of natural: hair, skin, bones and veins; And how the needle thrown into the fire changes the color and turns into fire, meanwhile, as the nature of iron is not destroyed, but remains the same; So and on the Sunday, all members will be resurrected, and, according to the written, "hair from your head will not disappear" (Luke 21, 18), and everything will be done by light, everything will be plunged and in the light and in the fire, but not melting and not It will be done with fire, so that there is no former nature, according to some (for Peter will remain Peter, and Paul - Paul, and Philip - Philipp); Each performed by the Spirit, will be in its own nature and creature "(Rev. Makariya Egyptian).

All matter will be updated for the court, which will be produced above its spiritualized representatives. This court in church tradition is called terrible, because no creature will be able to hide from the justice of God at that moment, there will be no intercessors and prayer books for sinful souls, the decision taken on this court will never change.

We often hear the festive bell ringing - Blagovest. He depicts the Archangelian voice that will sound at the end of the world. Blagovest reminds us of this end. Once all people suddenly hear a terrible voice: without any warning he will be heard, and behind him - a terrible court, which will be solemn and open. Sudessa will appear in all of its glory with all the Holy Angels and will make a court in the face of the whole world - heavenly, earthly and harmful. Two words will solve the fate of all mankind: "Get", or "Depart." Blessed, who will hear: "Get": a joyful life will begin for them in the kingdom of God.

Meanwhile, this blissful state of the righteous will not interfere with their own bodily nature. Bodies after the resurrection will be impassive, dirty and fully obedient spirit. Feelings of bodies will acquire specialness and will not be an obstacle to the diploma of God.

The sinners will be recurred from the face of God, they will go to the devil and agghelas of his fire perpetual (Wed: Matt. 25, 41). These terrible conditions in which sinners will be depicted in revelation under different images, in particular - in the manner of the darkness of pitch and geenas with a worm with intimient and fire with restless (MK. 9, 44, 46, 48). About the worm of unreastering saint Vasily Great († 379) was expressed as: "It will be some kind of domestic and carnivorous worm that will devour everything with greed and, never satisfied with his devour, will produce unbearable pain." So, sinners will be betrayed by external, material fire, which burns both bodies and souls, and to which a burning inner fire will be added lately awakened conscience. But the most terrible torment for sinners will consist in their eternal distance from God and His kingdom.

The decision of the terrible court will be holistic - not for one of the soul of man, as after a private court, but for the soul and for the body, for a holistic person. The solution to everyone will be unchanged forever, and for any of the sinners will not have any opportunity to free themselves from Hell, and people themselves will clearly see everything they have done and recognize the continued righteousness of the court and the sentence of God. And what will happen then? The last day will come, which will be held by the last trial of God over the whole world, will follow the end of the world. In the new heaven and new land there will be no nothing to be sinful, and one truth will live (2 Pet. 2, 13). The eternal kingdom of glory will open, in which the Lord Jesus Christ, together with the Father, Heaven and the Holy Spirit will reign forever.

Not everyone who speaks to Easter "Christ is risen!" And "truly resurrected!", Guess that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is directly connected with the great hope - the coming resurrection of the dead.

"Your dead will come to life

rewrite dead bodies!

Purge and celebrate,


for dew is your dew plants,

and the earth will spew the dead "

Bible. Isaiah 26:19

Not all that declare in Easter "Christ is risen!" And "truly resurrected!", Guess that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is directly connected with the great hope - the intentions of the Most High commit once the resurrection of absolutely all people who have ever died with faith and hope for the Savior. Christ himself was repeatedly said and Christ himself, and his apostles.

The hope of a Christian for future eternal life is based on faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and closely interconnected with a grandiose event that expects our world - the resurrection of the dead. Jesus himself says about herself that he is "Resurrection and Life" (Bible. From John 11:25). These are not empty words. He demonstrates his power over death, publicly resurrecting from the dead Lazarus. But not this amazing miracle became the key to the eternal victory over death. Only the resurrection of Jesus became a guarantee that death would be absorbed by the victory. In this sense, the Resurrection of Christ is a guarantee of the mass promised by the Word of God's Resurrection of believers at the time of the Savior's Savior nearby: "... The Lord himself at the announcement, when the Archangel and the Pipe of God, will come down from the sky, and the dead in Christ will resurrect before" (Bible. 1st Thessalonians 4:16).

Meaning of faith

Any hope of a sincere Christian is not based on the paroles-free help of God in this sinful life, as for the future resurrection, when he gets a crown of eternal life. So the apostle Paul wrote to the believing fellow about the greatest hope of Christian on his resurrection: "And if we hope in this life in this life, we are unhappy of all people." Consequently, if there is no "Resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not resurrected ... And if Christ is not risen, then the faith is vain ... Therefore, the dead in Christ died. But Christ was risen from the dead, the firstborn of the dead, "Paval convinces (Bible. 1st Corinthians 15: 13-20).

Awakening from mortal sleep

People do not have a natural immortality. The only God is immortal: "The king of the reigning and the Lord dominating, a single immortality" (Bible. 1st Timothy 6: 15-16).

As for death, the Bible calls it the temporary state of non-existence: "For death is not remembered about you (God. - Avt.): Who will praise you in the coffin? " (Bible. Psalm 6: 6. See also Psalter 113: 25; 145: 3, 4; Ecclesiast 9: 5, 6, 10). Jesus himself, as well as his followers, figuratively called her sleep, unconscious sleep. And the one who sleeps has a chance to be awakened. So it was with the dead, and then with a resurrected (awakened) Lazar. That's what Jesus told His disciples about his death: "Lazar, our friend, fell asleep; But I go to wake him up ... Jesus spoke about his death, and they thought he was talking about a dream of ordinary. Then Jesus said them straight: Lazar died " (Bible. From John 11: 11-14). It is worth noting that in this case there is no doubt that Lazaror died, and did not fall asleep with a leargic sleep, since his body began to rapidly decompose after four days in the tomb (See John 11:39).

Death is not a transition to other Being, as they believe. Death is an enemy who deny all the life, which people cannot defeat themselves. However, God promises that both Christ is risen and sincere Christians who died or die, will resurrect: "Everyone dying in Adam, so in Christ everyone will come to life, everyone in their order: the firstborn of Christ, then Christ, in the coming of him" (Bible. 1st Corinthians 15: 22-23).

Perfect bodies

As mentioned, according to the Bible, the resurrection of the dead will occur during the second coming of Jesus Christ. It will be a visible event for all the inhabitants of the globe. At this point, the dead in Christ are resurrected, and those believers who will be alive will be transformed into nonetable perfect bodies. All of them will be returned to the immortality lost in eager, so that you can never be separated from each other and with your Creator, and the Savior.

In this new state of immortality, believers do not lose the opportunity to have physical bodies. They will enjoy the bodily existence that God planned initially - even before Sin entered the world when he created perfect Adam and Eve. The Apostle Paul confirms that after the resurrection, the newly glorified or spiritual body of saved people will not be an intangible, but quite recognizable body that preserves continuity and similarity with that body that man had in his earthly life. That's what he wrote: "How will the dead be resurrected? And in which body will come? .. There are body heaven and body bodies; But other than the glory of heaven, other terrestrial. So at the resurrection of the dead: it is sown in the drainage, he rebels in the net ... Singing the body spiritual, the spiritual body rises. There is a soul body, there is a body and spiritual ... " (Bible. 1st Corinthians 15: 35-46). The body of the Resurrected Paul calls "spiritual" not because it will not be physical, but because it will not be more susceptible to death. It differs from the current only by its perfection: it will not be traces of sin.

In another message, the Apostle Paul claims that the spiritual bodies of the resurrected believers in the second coming will be similar to the famous body of the resurrection of the Savior: "We expect the Savior, the Lord of our Jesus Christ, which the derogated body will transform so that it will be in accordance with his glorious body. which he acts and conquers everything " (Bible. Philippians 3: 20-21). What was the body of Jesus after the resurrection can be understood from the story of the evangelist Luke. The rustling of the Risen Christ said: "What is confused, and for what such thoughts are in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet; This is me; Squeeze me and consider; For the Spirit of the flesh and bones does not have, as you can see. And, saying it, showed them hands and legs. When they did not believe with joy yet and were divided, he said to them: Do you have what food here? They filed a part of the baked fish and cellular honey. And, taking, ate before them. (Bible. From Luke 24: 38-43). As you can see, the Risen Jesus tried to assure his students that he was not a spirit. Because the Spirit has no body with bones. And the Savior had. To finally dispel all doubts, the Lord offered him to touch and even asked to give him to eat. This once again proves that believers will be resurrected in non-rented glorious, non-aging spiritual bodies that can be touched. In these bodies there will be hands and legs. They can also enjoy food. These bodies will be beautiful, perfect and endowed with tremendous abilities and potential, in contrast to today's raised tel.

Second Sunday

However, the future of the resurrection of truly believers in the god dead people is not the only resurrection that the Bible says. It also clearly refers to another - the second resurrection. This is the Resurrection of the wicked, which Jesus called the resurrection of condemnation: "All in the coffins will hear the voice of the Son of God; And they will be treated good to the resurrection of life, and those who made evil - on the resurrection of condemnation " (Bible. From John 5: 28-29). Also, the apostle Paul, once referring to the ruler Felix, said, "That will be the resurrection of the dead, righteous and unjust" (Bible. Acts 24:15).

According to the biblical book Revelation (20:5, 7–10) , the second resurrection or resurrection of the wicked will occur at the second coming of Christ, and a thousand years old. At the end of the Millennial Kingdom, the wicked will resurrect, to listen to the sentence and receive proper retribution for their lawlessness from the merciful, but at the same time a just supreme judge. Then the sin will be finally exterminated from the face of the earth along with the wicked, who did not repent of their evil acts.

New life

The benefits of the first resurrection of the dead during the Second Coming of Christ - this is something incomparably more than only interesting information about future. This is a lively hope that becomes real thanks to the presence of Jesus. It converts the current life sincerely believers, giving her more meaning and hope. Thanks to confidence in his fate, Christians already live a new practical life for the benefit of others. Jesus taught: "But when you make a feast, zoving, injury, chrome, blind, and Blessed will be that they can not pay you, for you will be rewarded on the Sunday of the righteous" (Bible. From Luke 14:13, 14).

Those who live hope to participate in glorious resurrection become other people. They can be rejoiced even in suffering, because the motive of their life is hope: "So, justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through which we managed and we received access to that grace, in which we stand and praise the hope of glory God. And it's not a sim only, but praise, knowing that patience is taking care of the grief, experienced experience, from experiences hope, and hope does not comply, because the love of God flowed into the hearts our spirit of the holy, given to us " (Bible. Romans 5: 1-5).

Without fear of death

Thanks to the resurrection of Jesus Christ Christian believes in the coming resurrection of the dead. This living faith makes the current death with something insignificant. She frees the believer from fear before death, because he also guarantees his future hope. That is why Jesus could say that even if the believer would die, he has confidence that will be returned to life.

Even when death loses close and relatives among Christians, their grief is not filled with hopelessness. They know that one day they will see again in the joyful resurrection of the dead. Those who did not know this, the Apostle Paul wrote: "I don't want to leave you, brethren, in the ignorance of the dead, so that you do not grieve, like other who do not have hope. For, if we believe that Jesus died and resurrected, then the dead in Jesus God will lead to him ... Because the Lord himself, when weakening, when the Archangel and the Pipe of God, will come down from the sky, and the dead in Christ will be resurrected before " (Bible. 1st Fesalonians 4: 13-16). Paul does not comfort his brothers in faith that their close dead Christians are alive or somewhere in a conscious state, but characterizes their current state as a dream from which they will be awakened when the Lord comes down from heaven.

"Blessed, invisible and believed"

To gain confidence in the hope of our own Resurrection to a secular person who used to question everything is not easy. But this does not mean that he is deprived of the ability to believe, because he has no obvious evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus himself said that people who had not seen the victim of the Risen Christ were not in a less profitable position than those who saw it. The Apostle Thomas expressed his faith in the resurrection of the Savior only when he saw him alive, and Jesus said to that: "You believed, because I saw me, blessed by invisible and believed" (Bible. From John 20:29).

Why can you believe the unreleased? Because the real faith comes not from vision, but from the action of the Holy Spirit on the heart and conscience of man.

As a result, it is worth noting again that the faith of Christian is that Christ is resurrected, it makes sense only when he gains hope of God for his personal participation in the coming glorious resurrection.

Does this value personally for you?

Universal resurrection of the dead Make the Great Day of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, when the life end of our world.

It will be that the bodies of all the dead will connect with their souls and come to life. According to God, then "they will be treated good to the resurrection of life, and those who made evil on the resurrection of condemnation" (in. 5, 25, 29).

Still in the Old Testament, on the basis of Divine Revelation, the righteous had faith in the universal resurrection of the dead.

Vera on the resurrection of the dead was expressed by Abraham, with the sacrifice of his son Isaac (Heb. 11, 17), Jew, among the serious suffering: "And I know, my Redeemer is alive, and he will restore the disintegrating skin on the last day, And I'm in the flesh of my assert of God "(Job. 19, 25-26); The Prophet Isaiah: "Your dead will be revived, the dead bodies will revive! Purge and triumph, defeated in a praha: for dew your dew - dew plants, and the earth will spew the dead" (Is. 26, 19), prophet DanielThat predicted that the dead "awaken, one for the life of the eternal, others for eternal rules and the Ambassador. And reasonable will shine as shining on solid, and who fought many to the truth - as stars, forever, forever "(Dan. 12, 2-3).

Prophet Ezekiel Contemplated the most resurrection of the dead in the vision of the field, destroyed by dry bones, which by the will of the Spirit of God joined one with each other, enjoyed tightly and messed up with the Spirit (Iz. Gl. 37).

For the Prophet, the Lord said: "From the power of hell, I will buy them away from death, I will save them from death: Death! Where is your sting? Hell! Where is your victory? Rasskowninia will not be with me (OS. 13, 14).

Jesus Christ himself said about the resurrection of the dead clearly and definitely: "True, really telling you: the time comes, and it is already when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and hear will come to life ... and they will be saved well on the resurrection of life, but who have done Evil on the resurrection of condemnation "(in. 5, 25, 29).

The Savior confirms the preaching about the resurrection of the mysteriousness of communion: "The sacrificent flesh and drinking my blood has eternal life, and I resurrect him on the last day" (John 6, 54).

Answering unbelieving Saddukes on their question about the resurrection of the dead, Jesus Christ said: "They are mistaken, not knowing the writings, no power of God. You didn't read God's resurrection to you: I am God Abraham, and God Isaac, and God James? God is not There is a god of the dead, but alive "(Matt. 22, 29, 31, 32).

When the Savior talk about the goal of His coming to Earth, it is on the evener's life: "God loved the world so much that the son of his only begotten was given, so that everyone who believes did not die in him, but had the eternal life" (John 3, 15-16 ).

During his stay on Earth, the Savior resurrected the dead and himself rose from the coffin, having predicted, according to the word of the Apostle Paul, the firstborn of the dead (1 Cor. 15, 20).

The apostles set the truth of the resurrection of the dead above all doubts and argued her with his sacrificial communications with the resurrection of Christ.

The Apostle Paul says: "Christ is risen from the dead, the firstborn of the dead. For how death through a person, so through a person and the resurrection of the dead. As in Adam everyone dies, so in Christ everyone will come to life" (1 Cor. 15, 20, 21, 22 ).

In addition, the Apostle Paul indicates phenomena in the visible nature that convince us in the truth of the Resurrection. "Someone will say: how will the dead be resurrected? And in which body will come? Reckless! What you want, will not come to life, if you don't die. And when you want, then you don't see the future of the future, but a bare grain, what happened wheat , or other things; but God gives him the body, as he wants, and every seed his body ... And during the resurrection of the dead: he sees it, he rebels in the inaccier; he sees in humiliation, he rebels in glory; he sees into weakness, rebels in force; sowing the body is spiritual, the spiritual body rises "(1 Cor. 15, 35-44).

The Lord himself says: "If wheat grain, pades in the ground, will not die, then one will remain; and if he dies, it will bring a lot of fetus" (Ioan 12, 24).
Resurrection of the dead will be universal and simultaneous, both righteous and sinners. "We will be treated good to the resurrection of life, and those who made evil on the resurrection of condemnation" (in. 5, 29). "There will be a resurrection of dead righteous and unjust" (Acts 24.15).

The bodies of the resurrected people essentially their bodies will be the same that we now have, but in quality will be different from the current bodies - they will be spiritual - imperishable and immortal. The bodies will also change those people who will still be alive during the Second Coming of the Savior.

The Apostle Paul says: "Singing the body is spiritual, the spiritual body will rebel ... We will not all die, but everything will change, suddenly, in the blink of an eye with the last pipe: for toasty, and the dead will be resurrected, and we will change nonsense, and we (survivors) will change "(1 Cor. 15, 44, 51, 52)," Our residence in heaven, from where we expect and the Savior of the Lord Jesus, who the derogated body will transform in accordance with the body of his glory, as he can do his power "( FLP. 3, 20-21).

Rev. Warsanofiy and John Write:

"... Our bodies will rise with bones, veins and hair and will remain as many as ever; Only they will be lighter and more famous, after the Lord, who says: then the righteies will enlighten, Yako Sun, in the kingdom of heaven (MF.13: 43), emitting the glory of the bodies of the saints. ... The same bodies will rise then, but only they will become non-rectic, immortal and glorious. ... The Lord will make the bodies with our light-like, similar to her body, as the Apostle John said: EEN will be, then we will like it (1in.3: 2). For the Son of God is the light, and the righteous, according to the apostle, the sony of God essence (2k.6: 8) and the sony of the light (1shol.5: 5); Therefore, it is said that the Lord transforms (our bodies). "

The bodies of the resurrected people will be completely free from exhaustion and from the infirm of the present life. They will be spiritual, heaven who do not have earthly bodily needs, life on the Sunday will be like the lives of disembodied spiritual, angels, according to the word of the Lord (onions 20, 3).

Prep. Warsanofiy and John:

"God said about the future state that people will be equal to the angels (LK.20: 36), not to eat either food, nor beytia, and without lust. And for God there is nothing impossible; For he has already shown this on Moisee, when he gave him the power of forty days and nights not to eat food. Written this can create the fact that a person will be in a similar state in everyday life. "

St. John Damaskin It teaches that on the resurrection, "the saved will receive the body is unchanged, impassive, thin, what was the body of the Lord after the resurrection, which took place through locked doors, not tired, not needed in need, sleep and drink."

St. John Zlatoust He speaks:
"Since the believers must transform in accordance with the Grandfits of Christ of the Lord, as evidenced by the apostle Paul ... It will be transformed, without a doubt, this mortal flesh is typically with the lightness of Christ, the mortal will take effect into immortality, the mortal will rise to the immortality."

but the image of the resurrection The righteous will be different than sinners.

The people of people seem to reflect their spirit.

"Some like the light, the other darkness" - argues about this St. Ephraim Sirin ("On the fear of God and the last court").

Lord Jesus Christ Said about the resurrection of the saints: "Then the righteous will reach as the sun, in the kingdom of their father" (Matt. 13, 43).

St. Apostle Paul says:
"Singing (body) in humiliation, rebels in glory" (1 Cor. 15, 43), "Other than the glory of the Sun, other than the fame of the moon, other stars; and the star from the star will be varied in glory. So at the resurrection of the dead" (1 . 15, 41-42).

Prep. Macarium Great Writes about what bodies people will be resurrected:

"... in the holy scriptures, Christ will get from heaven, and resurrect all the tribes of Adamov, all who have spent from the century, and divide them into two parts, and who have their own sign, that is, the seal of the Spirit, those who seek their own . For he says: My sheep is listening to mine (John 10, 27); And I know, and know my (14). At that time, their bodies for good deeds enjoy divinely glorily, and they themselves will be fulfilled by the spiritual glory, which even now they had in souls. And thus, glorified by the Divine Light and admired to heaven in the penitution of the Lord on the air, according to the written, always with the Lord we will (1 Salt. 4, 17), with him relying the infinite eyelids. For, in what extent, each for faith and the ladies become a Party of Holy Spirit, it will be glorified to the same extent glorified in this day and his body. That now the soul gathered into the inner treasury, then it will open and appear outside the body.

... if the soul is prescribed now, and entered into unity with the Spirit, then the bodies will be advised by parts on the resurrection.

And that the souls of the righteous are led by the light of heaven, - the Lord himself said to the Apostles himself: you are the light of the world (Matt. 5, 14).

The resurrection of the sorting shower is still now, and the resurrection of the tel will be in the day. But as the stars approved in the sky are not all equal, and one of the other is distinguished by lightness and magnitude: so in spiritual prosperity about the same spirit there are faith, and one turns out to be the rich of another.

And as the kingdom of darkness and sin are hidden in the soul to the day of the resurrection, when the sinner, hidden in the soul, will turn into the soul, and the very body of sinners: so the kingdom of light and the heavenly image - Jesus Christ mysteriously ... But, remaining intimate from the eyes of human, uniform spiritual arts, they really see Christ until the day of the resurrection, when the very body will turn around and will be glorified by the light of the Lord, what else is in the soul of human, so that the body itself reign together with the soul, now I am absorbed by the kingdom of Christ, drumpy and illuminated by eternal light.

... The resurrection time in which the bodies will be glorified by their inevitable light, now in them intimate, that is, the power of the Spirit, which will then be their robe, food, being, joy, fun, peace, vestment, eternal life. For all the leptwork of the lightness and beauty of heaven is prevented then for them the spirit of the Divine, whom they still encouraged them to take into themselves. "

Sv. Right. John Kronstadtsky:

In the world there is an unceasing moral law of God, according to which any good is awarded internally, and any evil is punished; Evil is accompanied by sorrow and cramped heart, and the good - peace, joy and heart space.
The current state of our souls preishes the future. The future will be the continuation of the present state of the internal, only in the modified form relative to its degree.

Prep. Parfations of Kievsky:

Like heaven and on Earth there is paradise, there is a hell, only invisible, because God in the sky, he is on earth; Only here everything is invisible, and everything is apparently: both God, and paradise, and hell.

Prep. Ephraim Sirin:

"Soul is the advantage of its above body, above her spirit, and above her spirit - a hidden deity. But at the end of the flesh, it will take place in the beauty of the soul, the soul - in the radiance of the Spirit, and the Spirit will like the grandeur of God ... "

As for sinners, their bodies rise in a new form, but having received a volatile and spirituality, they will at the same time will reflect their mental state. The bodies of unrelated sinners will reflect those passions they cared for earthly life will be dark and terrible. According to the word of the blissful feudorette, decent heavens enjoy heavenly glorus, and unworthy, having in the thoughts only earthly, "will take the robe, respectively,".

Their bodies, according to the word prep. Makariya the Great, will not have the prints of the Spirit, of which the Lord "will put the Odessa of Himself" the righteous, who seems to be his own. "

"We will think about what shame will be covered before the torment. Then, in our eyes, the saints will be sealed in a magnificent, unspeakable robe, woven from their good deeds. And we will see themselves not just nagi and deprived of this brilliant glory, but dark, blackened. and excessing stench - what they did themselves in this world the affairs of darkness, luxury and debauchery. "

The universal court is because it is called terrible, something, in what state a person will appear on him, he will solve his eternal fate, and the sentence received on it will no longer be changed.

Blessed Feofilakt. (Archbishop Bulgarian) writes:

"In the present age, we can act and act one way or another, and in the future the power will be connected, and it is impossible for us to create any good for context for sins; "Then the teeth will be grinding" - it is a barren repentance. "Many called", that is, God calls many, more precisely, all, but "few chosen", a little saving, worthy of election from God. The election depends on God, but to become elected or not - this is our business. "

Sv. Right. John Kronstadtsky Warning:

Many people live out grace, without conscious of her importance and carelessness for themselves and not looking for her, according to the word of the Lord: "Look for the kingdom of God and the truth of him" (Matt. 6, 33). Many live in every abundance and contentment, enjoy blooming health, eat with pleasure, drink, walk, amusing, composure, work in various industries of human activity, but there are no grace of God in their hearts, this invaluable treasure of Christian, without which a Christian cannot Being a true Christian and heir to the kingdom of heaven.

All living people will rise to the terrible court, ranging from Adam to the very death of the world. Sacred Scripture says this: all in coffins will hear the voice of the Son of God (In. 5. 28); then he sits on the throne of the glory of their own, and all nations will be gathering (Matt. 25. 31-32).

If all the dead will be resurrected, then how should I understand the words of the Psalm Pech: Therefore, the wicked in court (in Slavic Translation: Some will not resurrect ...) (Ps. 1. 5)? Do you make a miracle over the dead? Are the dead stand and will praise you? (Ps. 87. 11). The Psalmopevets David under these words, obviously, meant a twofold resurrection: one to life, and the other in the death of eternal. So he wanted to say that the wicked will not be resurrected to the court by the resurrection into life, but to death. This is confirmed by the Prophet David itself, as it adds: Therefore, the wicked in court, and sinners - in the meeting of the righteous (Ps. 1.5). The Lord Jesus Christ says this: the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God ... and they will be treated good to the resurrection of life, but who made evil - on the resurrection of condemnation (In. 5. 25, 29).

Do you need to die before a terrible court?

Saint John Zlatoust, Feeodorite and Feofilak taught that not everyone will die, but some terrible court will catch alive.

In the first message to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul says: (Ikop. 15. 51). Saint John Zlatoust so interprets these words: So, everything will not die, still change. Change and not dead, for mortals and they.

From the words of the Holy Scriptures, it is possible to conclude that the body, in the earthly life, suffering from or enjoyed, will also be in an eternal glory, and to infinite torments.

It is applied to the bodies and not dying to change and put in the volatile.

That in front of a terrible court will be alive, it is: but) Confirms the symbol of faith, the seventh member of which is read like this: And the Paki of the coming with Glevai Sudiuti alive and dead ... 6) Specifies the apostle Paul with the words: dead in Christ will be resurrected before; Then we, survivors, together with them we will be on the clouds in the statement of the Lord (1 FES. 4. 16-17).

Why the apostle says: As in Adam everyone die, so in Christ everyone will come to life ? (Ikop. 15. 22). All those who survived until the day of the coming of the Lord, die and revive changed, but not surfactant and waiver: not all of us will die, but everything will change (Ikop. 15. 51). (Ikop. 15. 53). St. John Zlatoust, Intentending these words, says: the deterioral is also a dead. The dead and the decent dying when they find a nonsense and immortality.

Some church teachers argued that everything before a terrible court must die. Since the whole human race was sinned in the face of Adam, so all people are convicted of death. Finally, the resurrection cannot be accomplished if his death is not precast. Of these two opinions, we believe the one who preached the lamp of the Eastern Church - St. John Zlatoust.

The former will be the bodies of the resurrected or others?

The answer to this question can be found: but) At the Psalmopevets David: He keeps all the bones of his [righteous]; None of them will crush (Ps. 33. 21): 6) At the apostle p Avla: (2k. 5. 10); it should be derained in the volatile, and lie down in immortality to the mortal (Ikop. 15.53).

From these words of the Holy Scripture, it can be concluded that the body, in the earthly life, suffering from or enjoyed, will also be in an eternal glory, and to infinite torments.

The grain, sparkling, changes, will they not find the resurrected new flesh? And the apostle says not about this: when you go, then you don't see the future body, but a naked grain, what happened, wheat or other what; But God gives him the body, as he wants, and every seed his body (Ikop. 15.36-38).

The apostle says O. appearance Grains, not about his essence, because the essence of solid grain and grain of the sprouted remains unchanged: if we lay wheat grain, it will germinate wheat, and not barley. So the human bodies during the resurrection will not lose their special properties and change only outwardly: solding is heated, he will rise in the net. Direct confirmation of this is the resurrection body of Christ the Savior, Which the derogated body will transform so that it will be in accordance with his glorious body (Phil. 3. 21).

Cases are incurred when the dust of the human body was completely destroyed and dispelled by the wind, scattered during excavations, burned fire and turned into smoke; Also, people are devouring beasts, birds and fish. How do the bodies of such people restore and take the original appearance?

As before, let's say it is a matter of faith, not curiosity, it is impossible for people, God is everything possible (Matt. 19. 26). I think about all the things of yours, arguing about the hands of your hands (Ps. 142, 5), "said the Psalm operator David about himself. Reflecting on the omnipotence of God, he unshakably believed that the sky, the air, the sea and everything in them, are created from nothing with one verb "Let" ... for he said - and was me; He commanded, - and appeared (Ps. 32. 9). If God from non-essentially built a whole world and created a man from earthly dust, then, of course, he can update the human body, even if it was dispelled throughout the whole. Extremely surprised by St. John Damascus to those who asked: how do the dead rise? Mantle! He exclaimed. - If blindness does not allow you to believe the words of God, then believe the business!

Male and female sex at the resurrection

God created the floor for men and female, and after the resurrection men Will remain men, women - women . The Lord mentions both floors when he says that in the resurrection, nor get married, but they are like angels of God in heaven (Matt. 22. 30). We all are not on the male bodies Sunday, but come in her husband perfect , that is, we will perceive the masculine strength and hardness to, as the apostle says, we were not more babies, hesitating and fond of all kind of teaching (Ephesus. 4. 14); We will be similar to the angels not by the destruction of the floor, but the lack of marriage and carnal lust.

Does the bodies of the resurrected do not require food and drink?

Resurrected bodies will not need physical food And drinking, which are necessary to maintain a weakening pulp. Why did the Lord Jesus Christ eat on his resurrection? (Lux. 24. 43). He ate and drank in order to believe in his resurrection to believe the disciples, at the beginning of his spirit, as well as for the evidence of the changed body.

What properties will have the bodies of the resurrected saints?

The bodies of the resurrected saints will be:

A) impassive, unprecedented and immortal: summer is treated, rebels in the net (Ikop. 15. 42); incorrect achieving the century and resurrection from the dead ... you can no longer die (LK. 20. 35, 36);

B) spiritual. They will make such obsolete spirits in the fortress, speed, nonentance and subtleties: they are thin and easy, as the risen body of Christ, who did not know any limits and obstacles: sowing the body spiritual, the spiritual body rises (Ikop. 15.44).

B) Light, as the Savior said: then the righteous will reach as the sun, in the kingdom of their father (Matt. 13. 43). According to the testimony of the apostle, the Lord the derogated body will transform so that it will be in accordance with his glorious body (Phil. 3. 21); sore in the humiliation, rebels in glory (Ikop. 15. 43).

What properties will have the bodies of convicted sinners?

1) the bodies of convicted sinners will also be ample and immortal. This is evidenced by the Lord Jesus Christ, saying: And they will go in the eternal flour (Matt. 25. 46). In those days, says Tyanovidez, people will seek death, but will not find it; wish to die, but death will run away from them (Rev. 9. b). For the thorny one should take effect into the volatile, and the mortal lie to lie down in immortality (Ikop. 15.53), - explains the apostle Paul.

2) the bodies will suffer, experiencing terrible torment in the flame, which will be forever.

Chapter 14. Scary Court

About the terrible court Let's say the following:

1. At the trial there will be a sign of the Son of Human - the Holy Life-giving Cross of the Lord. He will appear both for the consolation of the worshiped crucified Lord and the sharpening hesitatives, which have been at the Cross of the Lord.

2. Detected cases and intimate thoughts of each. Saint Andrei says: the books of all acts and conscience are rejected and come into phenomenon to everyone.

3. The Lord of Jesus Christ himself will be a full judgment, for his father and does not judge anyone, but the whole court gave his son (In. 5. 22). Although there will be all three faces of the Divine and Individual Trinity on the court, but only a son will judge, since he has undergone free of us. Convicted unjust, will judge everyone an unlucky court.

Sacred Scripture says that in addition to the Lord Jesus Christ, there will be other judges: when the Son of Human Son on the throne of His glory, you will sit on the twelve thrones , "Says the Lord to students, - judge twelve knees of Israel (Matt. 19, 28). Do not you know that the saints will judge the world? .. Do you not know what we will judge the angels? .. (Ikop. B. 2, 3; cf. Mf. 12. 4, 42). Apostles and some saints will be judged by the court not self-abstract and independent, but reportal and deign. Pravaya the righteous court of Christ, the righteous will judge not only people, but also demons.

The court of Christ will differ from the human court, since it is not entirely accused of words, but a lot is thought.

4. The court of Christ will differ from the human court, since it does not understand everything in words, but a lot is thought. In general, the judgment will say those that on the right side of it: take, blessed my father, inherit the kingdom prepared by you from creating peace ... then says those who left: Go from me, damned, into the fire eternal, prepared by the devil and his angels ... and this will go to the eternal flour, and the righteous to life eternal (Matt. 25. 34, 41, 46).

Such is the teaching of the Holy Scripture about the terrible court, and we must comprehend it by faith, and not a trunk study. For where faith - Says St. John Zlatoust, - there is no place to test; where there is nothing to experience, there are superfluous research. You need to check the human word, and the Word of God needs to hear and believe him; If you do not believe the words, I will not believe that there is God. The first base of faith in God is the confidence of his teaching.


The reasoning about the antichrist and the death of the world we want to complete the words of the Petra's first apostle: we have tested you the strength and coming of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, who is not intricate fables, but for witnesses to his greatness ... We have a faithful prophetic word; And you are well doing what to contact him, as a lamp that shining in a dark place, does not start dawn day and the morning star in your hearts, knowing, first of all, is that no prophecy in Scripture cannot be resolved. (2Petr. 1. 16, 19-20). Having rejected all the false teachings, we tried to talk about the signs of the coming of the Antichrist, based on the messages of the apostles and the prophets, on the opinion of fathers and teachers of the Church.

Perhaps someone asks: Do not indicate that the last time has already come and the days of the world are considered, universal human disasters? Does not talk about this in the following words of the apostle: Children! Lately (1in. 2. 18): when the full time came, God sent his son's son (only begotten) (Gal. 4. 4); All this ... is described in instruction to us who reached the last centuries. (Ikop. 10. 11). This question will be answered: 1) Currently, the world suffers many disasters: devastating wars and catastrophes interrupt thousands of human lives, fires, earthquakes and floods destroy cities and villages. But looking at these sorrow Recall how much unpleasant blood was broken by Nerona, Maximian, Diocletian and other tormentors and the persecutors of Christians, what oppression and persecution survived the Orthodox Church in the times of iconoborous heresy and in the next centuries. If those events did not serve as the sign of the death of the world, then the more disaster of the present time is not a sign of the rapid phenomenon of the antichrist: global shocks peculiar to all periods of human history cannot indicate that belongs to one specific time. Also hear about wars and about military rumors - Says the Savior. - Look, do not worry, because it should be, but this is not the end (Matt. 24. b).

2) if you understand the literally the above-mentioned apostolic words, the end of the world had to come immediately on the phenomenon of the Savior when God sent the Son of his (only begotten) who was born from his wife (Gal. 4. 4). Back in those great times, the apostle John wrote: Children! Lately (1in. 2. 18). The latest and the apostolic times are named: And will be B. the last days, God says, Pray from my spirit on all flesh (Acts 2, 17). This is where the beginning of recent times. Therefore, having met such a testimony in the Holy Scriptures, it is not necessary to think that we are specified a certain time of the death of the world. In such words and sayings, the end of which is hidden. For example, it is known that the elderly person is long left for the elderly, but how long, no one or years, to determine, even approximately, cannot. It should also be understood here. The last Godina came from the Nativity of Christ, about the late no one knows the angels of heaven, but only a father (Matt. 24. 36). Apostle Paul wrote to thesalonians, waiting for the death of the world: Molims of you, brethren, about the coming of the Lord of our Jesus Christ and our meeting to him, do not rush to hesitate to mind and embarrassing from the Spirit, nor from the word, nor from the message, no matter how sent by us, as if the Day of Christ is coming. Yes, no one will seduce you (2 FES. 2. 1-3). The whole world, starting with Adam and until this time, is like human life; As a person - the Small World - has three main age periods and the Great Peace has three periods or three laws. The first - from Adam to Moses - the youth of the world, from Moses to Christ - the period is the second - maturity; Finally, the third - evangelsk, or fertile, period is the old age and the last Godina, which the Apostle John speaks: Children! Lately.

It can also be said that human life has seven degrees: infancy, childhood, adolescence, youth, maturity, old age and elderity. They correspond to different periods of the world: but) From the creation of the world to the World Flood - Infancy: 6) from the flood to the Babylonian pussy - childhood; in) from the division of languages \u200b\u200band the birth of Abraham to the birth of the prophet Moses - adolescence; d) All the time judges from the Prophet Moses to the kings - Youth; e) The rule of the kings of Israeli and Jewish to the Babylonian captivity - maturity; e) The period of princes and priests of the Jewish to Christ - old age; and g) Time from Christ to a terrible court - elderity or recently, which is stated in the Holy Scripture.

If you understand the literal apostolic words, then the end of the world was supposed to come immediately on the phenomenon of the Savior when God sent his son's son (only begotten) who was born from his wife.

Who can know the limit of limitless? Who opened mystery hidden from century?

About the bottom same thing and no one knows - says the Lord - neither the angels of Heaven, but only my father alone; But, as it was in the days of Noah, it will be both in the coming of the Son of Human: for, as in the days before the flooding ate, they drank, they got married and married, before the day, as he entered the ark, and did not think until the flood came And did not destroy everyone, "so there will be the coming of the Son of the Human ... So, awake, because you do not know what the Lord will come in. But that you know that if I knew the owner of the house, at what kind of guard would come to the thief, it would be awake, and would not give your house at home. Therefore, you will be prepared, because you do not think for an hour, the Son of Human will come. (Matt. 24. 36-39, 42-44).

So, Lord Jesus Christ, who commanded us to be ready for the day of your coming, prohibits discovering the secrets stored from all. About trying to bother to penetrate the intimate Apostle Paul says: i was impact in the qualifies of their own, and the meaningless hearts were durable; calling himself wise (Rome 1. 22).

St. John Zlatoust compares the mind with a jumping horse: as a stubborn hot horse does not listen to the rider and presses passersby, if it is not taking into account and the mind, rejecting the dogmas of the church and the teaching of the saints of the fathers, gives rise to numerous heresses and splits.

Immortal souls

Tea resurrection of the dead and the life of the future century

(Symbol of faith)

Saying the heart, and he is characteristic of the loss of people close to us. Like neither tears hold, but they involuntarily flow over the grave, which lies a relative, gem of the dust. True, we do not return tears to the one who is taken by the grave, but that's why tears flow through a stream.

A person for what is just does not resort to facilitate heart sorrow! But, alas! All in vain! Only in tears, he finds some consolation for himself, and only they alleviate the severity of his hearts somewhat, because with them a drop of a drop of heart diseases, the whole cordical disease poison.

He hears from everywhere: "Do not cry, do not be worried!" But who will say that Abraham was worried, but he sobbed in his wife, Sarah, who lived 127 years. Is the Joseph be worried? But he cried about his father Jacob: Joseph fell on the face of his father, and cried over him, and kissed him (Gen. 50, 1). Who will say that the king David was worried? And listen to how bitter it spares while leading about the death of his son: my son Avissal! My son, my son Avissal! Oh, who would die me instead of you, Avissal, my son, my son! (2 King. 18, 33).

Each grave of a decent man is irrigated by bitter tears of loss. And what to talk about people when the Savior himself, who has undergone the unbearable suffering on the cross, was outraged over the ashes of her friend of his friend and slandered: Jesus ... Saved my spirit himself and indignant (John 11, 33). He cried, Lord's belly and death, cried at the time when he came to the coffin of Lazarus, his friend, with the goal to resurrect him from the dead! And how are we, weak people, keep tears when separated from the expensive heart, how do we stop sighs in a squeezed chest? No, it is impossible, it is disgusting to our nature ... It is necessary to have a stone heart so as not to grieve about a hard loss.

Only in tears, a person finds some consolation for himself, and only they alleviate the severity of his hearts, because with them a drop in a drop flows all the burning soul mourn, the whole poison of heart disease.

All this is true. And I can't, I do not dare to condemn your tears, I'm even ready to mix my tears with yours, because I understand well that where is your treasure, there will be your heart (Matt. B, 21). I know on my own experience, as it is incomprehensibly hard to raise his hand to throw a handful of land in the grave of a loved one, relatives. I cry and sob when I think about death and see lying in the coffin created in the image of God, but now inglorious, disfigured death. But although it is natural to cry for us about the drowsy close to us, however, this sorrow should have his own measure. This is a particular pagan: they cry, and often inconspicuously, because they do not have hope. But the Christian is not a pagan, he is ashamed, and sinful to cry about the dead without any descent and comfort.

I do not want to leave you, brethren, in the ignorance of the dead, so that you do not grieve, like other who do not have hope (1 Fez. 4, 13), "says the apostle to all Christians. What could ease this sorrow of the Christian? Where is this source of exposure and consolation for him? Consider the reasons that make us pour tears over the places of loved ones, and God will help us find this source for yourself. So what about the cry when separated with the close and dear to our heart? Most of all that they stopped living with us in this world. Yes, there are no more with us on Earth. But look impartially on our earthly life and judge what it represents ...

Long pasty said: just fuss ... All fuss! What is the benefit of a person from all the works of him, which he worries under the sun? (Eccles. 1, 2, 3). Who caught so ungually responded about our lives? Isn't it a prisoner who sitting in a stuffy dungeon does not see almost nothing but the grave chains who have cracked his body? Doesn't he announce the vaults of the dungeon with such a irretrievable cry: "The bustle of fuss, all the vanity fuss!"? No, not him. So, maybe it is a rich, which in unforeseen circumstances fell into poverty, or poor, which, with all the writings and effort, maybe dies from the cold and hunger? No, and not such a person. Or maybe this is a deceived ambition, who devoted his whole life to rise in society into several steps above? Oh no, and not such a person. Who is the unfortunate, having such a gloomy look at life? This is King Solomon, and what kind of king! What was lacking for a happy life? Wisdom? But who was the wiser of who were known and the composition of the Earth, and the actions of the elements, and the flow of time, and the location of the stars, and the properties of animals? I knew everything, and intimate and explicit, for I taught me wisdom, the artist (Prem. 7, 21). Maybe he lass wealth? But who could be richer to whom the whole light brought all the best treasures, who had gold, and silver, and the estates of the kings and countries? And I became great and rich more than all that were before me in Jerusalem (Eccl. 2, 9). Or maybe he lacked fame or greatness? But what name was the louder name of the Israeli king, which possessed millions of subjects? Then, probably, he lacked the pleasure of the benefits of life? But what he himself speaks of himself: What would my eyes wish, I did not give up to them, did not bother my heart any fun, because my heart was happy in all works of my (Eccles. 2, 10). Who would seem to be boring such a happy, driving life, but nevertheless a person who had all the benefits of earthly, who had experienced various earthly pleasures, finally made such a conclusion about life: "All vanity fuss!"

Recall the other king - the prophet David. His throne shone gold, and he appeared among this brilliance and splendor: my heart is amazed, and worse, like grass, so I forget to eat my breadI eat ashes, like bread, and drink my drink with tears (Ps. 101, 5, 10). Royal robe shyly precious stones, and from his chest, covered with glitter of glory and greatness, wrote a cry: I shed like water; My bones scattered; My heart was missing as wax melted in the midst of my inside (Ps. 21, 15). His beautiful palace was made of cedar and cypress, but the doors opened there for sadness and there. From the depths of the rich tests, sighs are heard: every night I wash my beds my tears of my (Ps. B, 7).

So sighed about the severity of life the happiest of people, what to say about those who went to carry a grave cross test? The patient was the prophet Jeremiah among persecutions and a disadvantage, which was tested for the impact of lies and wickedness, but there were such moments when this patient sufferer appeared: Mount me, my mother, that you gave me a man who argues and quarrel with all the earth! I did not give anything to height, and no one was given in growth, and everyone curses me (Ier. 15, 10). And the long-suffering, this wonderful example of hardness and generosity in the most terrible tests! Involuntarily amazed when you hear how he blesses the Lord on the very day when he deeces all his wealth, loses children. What misfortune and what are the generosity! But for I, it seems to be not enough of this, he falls as a leprosy, his body is covered with wounds from his head. At that moment a wife comes to him, a friend of life, and teaches his despair, then his friends appear, as if only to annoy him even more ... My God, my God, how many arrows at one man ! And Job still continues to bless the Lord! What is the extraordinary power of the Spirit, what amazing patience! But the person is not a stone, there were moments when Jobs covered with ulcers, bitterly called: the perception of the day, in which I was born, and the night, in which the man was shown:Why didn't I come out of the womb, and did not doubt when it came out of the womb? (Job 3, 3, 11). So we, if we see impartially on your days, will not say any other time with the same Jow: "Is the temptation of a person's life on earth?" When a person is born, it immediately begins to cry, as if it prophesies about his future sufferings on earth, here he approaches death, and what is again? He says goodbye to the ground with the land, as if strangling her for the past disasters ... who lived and did not grieve, who lived and did not shed tears?

One loses close hearts, the second has many enemies and envious, the third moaning from the disease, the other sighs from the domestic circumstances, this mourns his poverty ... go around the ground, but where can you find a person who would be quite happy in all respects?! If there was such a person, but still he will doubt, no matter how much his life has changed with the worst, and these thoughts poison his joyful, carefree life. And the fear of death, which is sooner or later, but will certainly stop his earthly happiness? And conscience, and the internal struggle with passions?

Here is our life on earth! There is no joy without grief, there is no happiness without trouble. And this is because the earth is not a blood pressure, where the screams of despair are heard, but not the paradise, where only the joy and bliss of righteous reigns. What is our life on earth? It is now the place of expulsion where with us the whole creature is cumulatively worst and bounces Donyne (Rome. 8, 22). Speak your soul: "Eat, drink, have fun!" - But it will be time, and will be fulfilled in fact of God: cursed the earth for you; with sorrow you will eat from her in all days of your life (Gen. 3, 17). Now you sew around the roses of happiness, and the time will come, and the spiny thorns will appear. Enjoy the freshness of your strength, admire the blooming health and dream that you will live a long, quiet life? But he will hit an hour, and you, deceived by sweet dreams, hear the voice with sorrow: in this night, your soul will take away from you ... Return to the ground from which you are taken, for the dust you and in dust return (Lux. 12, 20; life. 3, 19).

What is our life on earth?

Here is our life on earth! There is no joy without grief, there is no happiness without trouble. And this is because the earth is not a blood pressure, where the screams of despair are heard, but not the paradise, where only the joy and bliss of righteous reigns.

This is a school where we are raising for the sky. Sometimes it happens to remember the school life, coming out of the school, and is there always fun of the time when we brought up there? Care, works, chagrins - who does not remember you? And who, living in the school, did not think and did not dream: "Ah, will my classes come soon, will I come to freedom soon?"

What is our life on earth? This is a field for an indispensable war with enemies, and with what enemies! One of the other Lutee and cunning! Then the world pursues us with the cunning of a cunning friend or the angry of the fierce enemy, then the flesh will rise in the spirit, for the flesh wishes the opposite spirit, and the spirit - nasty flesh (Gal. 5, 17), then the devil walks like a roaring lion, looking for whom to absorb (1 Peter. 5, 8). In the meantime, there is a war, then there can be no peace. What is life on earth? This is the way to our homeland, and what path! There are both wide, and smooth ways, but God forbid to join and go with these ways! They are dangerous, they lead to death. No, not such a way is laid for a Christian from the Earth on the sky, it is a narrow path, thorny, for tights of the gate and narrow path leading (PMF. 7, 14). There is more than once a good traveler sighs from the heart, more than once it will decide then and tears ... What is our life on earth? This is the sea, and what kind of sea! Not quiet and bright, which is so nice to watch and admire, no, this is a terrible and noisy. This is the sea, on which the little roaster - our soul - incessantly threatening dangers, then from the vortices of passions, then from rapid waves slander and attacks. And what would happen to her if she had not been with his steering wheel faith and anchor hopes?!

That's what our life does on earth mean! Do you judge now impartially, what are we so lucky when weching while separating with a person close to our heart? The fact that he stopped living in this world ... and this means that a person moved away from the earthly fuss, left all the troubles and chagrins, which for us still remain. This wanderer has already passed the earthly field, this pupil has already graduated from the years of the teachings, this traveler has already reached the shore, he has already sailed the stormy sea and entered the quiet pier ... healed from bustle, works, chagrins. Here is the thought on which many pagans stayed during separation - people who do not have hope, people who believed and believe that by chance, we were born and after we will be as unprecedented: the breath in our nostrils - smoke, and the word is a spark in the movement of our heart. When she will fade, the body will turn in the dust, and the spirit dispels, like liquid air (Prem. 2, 2, 3). So they believe the pagans and, in their faith, they are fun celebrating their native and friends in the mounds. Thanks to the Lord, we are not a pagan and therefore, looking at death as the end of all disasters and the sorrows of life, with reverence and joy we can repeat what the Apostle John said: from now on the blessed dead, dying in the Lord; she says spirit, they calm down from their works, and they are going after them (Rev. 14, 13). But death is not only the end of our vigorous life, it is also the beginning of a new one, incomparably best Life. Death is the beginning of immortality, and here is a new source of consolation for us when separated with loved ones and relatives, the source from which the Savior himself has learned the consolation for Martha, mourning his brother's death, Lazarus, when he said: your brother will rise (John 11, 23). We will not be detailed to prove the truth of the immortality of our soul and the resurrection of the body, because every Christian confesses the sacred dogma: the tea of \u200b\u200bthe resurrection of the dead! For a person who lost some of the closest hearts, the belief that he mourns does not die, but alive the soul, which will be the time when he will raise not only with the soul, but also with the body. And this such is an opportunity truth every can easily see both in nature visible, and in his own soul, and in the Word of God, and in history.

Look in the sun: in the morning it, like a baby, appears in the sky, at noon it shines with full strength, and in the evening, as a dying elder, comes out of the horizon. But does it fumble at a time when our Earth, having gone to him, is covered with a night darkness? No, of course, it shines as before, only on the other side of the Earth. Is it not clear whether this image is that our soul (our body lamp) does not go out when the body, separating with it, is hiding in the darkness of the grave, but burns, as before, only on the other side - in heaven?

So the earth preaches the same pleasant truth. In the spring it is in all beauty, in the summer brings fruit, falls in the fall, and in winter, as if Savan deceased, covered with snow. But is there destroying the inner life of the Earth when her surface is dead from the cold? No, of course, spring will come again for her, and then she will appear again in all beauty, with new fresh forces. This is the image of the fact that both the soul, this life of a person, does not die when her brain shell is dead, as the deceased, the beautiful spring of resurrection will come for the deceased, when he is not only with the soul, but also with the body will rise for a new life.

The soul, this vital power of a person does not die when her brain shell is dead, and a beautiful spring of resurrection will come for the deceased, when he is not only with a soul, but also with the body will rise for a new life.

But what to talk about the sun, the earth, when the most beautiful flowers, we carelessly pop by us, only for a while lose your being, so that again come in such a beauty that the king Solomon himself was not dressed as each of them? In short, everything dies in nature, but nothing dies. Is it possible that only one human soul, for which all the earthly was created, with the death of the body forever ceased his being?! Of course not!

The merciful God created the only person, decoring him in his way and like glovy and honor crowned him (Ps. 8, b). But what would be reflected by his goodness if a person lived on Earth fifty, a hundred years, often in the fight against deprivation, mourn, tests, and then with death would lose his being forever?! In order, only he decorated us with god-like perfections and from Divine Force, it is given to us all the required for life and piety (2 Peter. 1, 3) so that this is a great creation after a few decades suddenly destroy?! God is right good, and on earth what is happening? How often the path is wicked successful, and the virtue moans from grief, and the flaw is rejoicing from joy. But it will undoubtedly come, the time of the righteous court will come and reward when all of us should be before the Justice of Christ, to everyone to get according to what he did, living in the body, good or thin (2 Cor. 5, 10).

God alone, my soul alive! This pleasant truth with full strength reveals the Word of God and confirms the story. The Prophet Daniel says: many of the sleeping land will break on, one for the life of the eternal, others for eternal rules and the Ambassador (DAN. 12, 2). Here Isaiah calls: will be revived your dead, the dead bodies will rise! (Is. 26, 19). And Job reflects: when will the man dies, will he live again? In all days, I would have expected a certain time, while I change my change (Job 14, 14). And here is the wonderful testimony of the Prophet Ezekiel, who was destined to even see the image of this resurrection. He saw a field destroyed by dry human bones. Suddenly, according to the Word of God, these bones came into motion and began to approach one another, each to its composition, then the veins appeared on them and grew up the flesh, they were covered with the skin, then entered them the spirit of life, and they came to life. Listen even in the words of the Valiant Mother McCaveev, radiant because of the terrible suffering of her sons of martyrs, in the words that she said to her last, the youngest, son: "I beg you, my child, be worthy of your brothers and accept death to me, The grace of God, again acquired you with your brothers! " This wonderful mother, after the martyr's death of her seven sons, the victim itself was the same death, just that he was comforting that after his death would be indepressible after his death with his sons-martyrs. This comforting truth, so clearly open in the Old Testament, is already in full light in the New Testament. For what can be cleare of the words of the apostle: as in Adam everyone die, so in Christ everyone will come to life, each in their order: the firstborn of Christ, then Christ, in the coming (1 Cor. 15, 22, 23). Or what could be clearer the words of the Savior: time comes, and has come already when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and, having heard, revive (John 5, 25). There are so many such places in the Holy Scripture and they are so clear that we will not list them here. And who says it? This is the Son of God, whose words and promises are so true that the docome will not let the sky and the earth, none ... the feature will not let out of the law, until all (Matt. 5, 18). This is the Almighty Lord, who during his earthly life not only healed the patients, tamed storms and winds, expelled demons, but also resurrected the dead. This is the greatest prophet, which is neither predicted, everything was fulfilled at one time with all the accuracy and completeness!

Question to the priest. Did everyone be resurrected?

I am very interested in the question: will they all be resurrected? In the Church Slavonic text of the first Psalm of the Prophet David says: "This is not the east of the vulture of disigma of the court," and in Russian translation (synodal): "Therefore, the wicked in court does not stand." What does it mean? What is the teaching of the church: will they all be resurrected or not?

Priest Mikhail Vorobiev, abbot of the temple
in honor of the Exaltation of the Honest Life-giving Cross of the Lord of Volsk

Faith in the universal resurrection of the dead is a dogma Orthodox church. The basis of this dogma is not difficult to find in the Holy Scripture. Lord Jesus Christ, speaking of the last terrible court, which will determine the fate of a person in eternity, indicates a return to the life of everyone ever dead people: When the Son of Human will come in the glory of his own and all the holy angels with him: then he will sit on the throne of His glory; and all nations will be gathering(Matt. 25, 31-32). "All nations" are all people who have ever lived on Earth: both believers, and atheists, and righteous, and sinners, and those who lived before the Nativity of Christ, and our contemporaries - absolutely everything.

In his earthly life, Christ did not once talk to Saddukes, representatives of the Hellenized Jews, which formally confessed the religions of the ancestors, but many of the provisions were discarded, considering outdated. Having rejected the possibility of universal resurrection, Sadducey was asked Christ the provocative questions, trying to prove the logical failure of faith in Sunday. Responding to them, Christ rightly said: God is not the God of the dead, but living (Matt. 22, 32). This means that once created by God the essence (human life) cannot be destroyed, and the image of God, whose carrier is every person, this is the image of Divine immortality.

Christ is still clear about the general resurrection after healing a relaxed at the Jerusalem Bifern Bath: Truly, I truly tell you: the time comes, and it has already come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and, hearing will come to life ... The time comes in which everyone in coffins will hear the voice of the Son of God; And they will be treated good to the resurrection of life, but who made evil - on the resurrection of condemnation(John 5, 25-29).

Christ convinced the people in the inevitability of the Universal Resurrection not only with words, but also real events. Resurrection of the IAIR daughter (Matt. 9, 18-26), the son of the Naine Widow (LC. 7, 11-17) and especially Lazarus (JN 11, 1-46) were in this respect confirming examples. If in relation to the first two cases, there could still be doubts (heavy fainting, sopor), then in the resurrection of Lazarus, whose body after four days spent in the coffin, began to decompose, could not be any doubt. The church assesses this miracle exactly as perfect for reinforcement of faith in the coming universal resurrection. The Lazareva Saturday's tropear begins in words: "The general resurrection is before, by the passion of the passion, from the dead, Esi Lazarus, Christ, God ...".

Apostle Paul, who had to preach the Gospel among the Gentiles, made a lot of effort to convince them of the reality of the Universal Resurrection. It is enough to bring one fragment from his message to the Corinth community: If Christ is preached that he was saved from the dead, then how some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? .. If we are in this life we \u200b\u200bhope for Christ, then we are unhappy of all people ... The last enemy will destroy - death (1 Cor. 15, 12-26).

Dogmat about the universal resurrection is the main challenge principle of Christianity. IN Symbol of faith, finally accepted on the second Universal Cathedral, This dogma is expressed by the words: "Surrender of the Dead."

The words of the first Psalm in the Slavic translation of "this will not resurrect dishusting to court," it should be understood that the wicked will not resurrect to eternal bliss, their eternity will be eternity with a negative sign. The Russian translation "will not stand (that is, they are not justified) wicked at court" more accurate. In the epoch Old Testament The truth about the universal resurrection was not known to humanity, although there was confidence in the immortality of the human soul. There was an idea of \u200b\u200bSheole - the insane place of the eternal stay of human souls, and there was practically no difference in the posthumous fate of righteous and sinners. However, in this era, some prophets acquired knowledge about the coming resurrection. A number of such prophecies is in Psaltiri. The king and the Prophet David know about the coming resurrection: My heart rejoiced and my tongue arranging; Even my flesh calmed down in harvest; For you will not leave my soul in the hell and you do not give Holy Your Sharing (Ps. 16, 9-10). But the most striking prophecy about the coming resurrection belongs to Jew. Having lost everything hit by leprosy, implanted wife, not finding compassion from loved friends, Job exclaims: And I know, my Redeemer is alive, and he will restore the disintegrating skin from the duct on the last day; And I'm in the flesh of my narrow of God. I narrow it myself; My eyes, not the eyes of another will see him. It insists my heart in my chest! (Job. 19, 25-27).

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