Toy terrier when you can mix. When to take a toy terrier girl

Mating of toy terriers has its own specifics, due to the small size of the dog. And in view of the continuous flow of people wishing to acquire such a pet, toy breeders try to take this feature into account when mating that terrier.

Organizational procedures

When owning a thoroughbred dog, highly appreciated by experts, the owner must be extremely careful, carefully and deliberately choose a mating partner / mate. The intended puppies will be valuable, healthy and with a good genetic base if both parents are of the appropriate quality.

Do not skip the literature, especially when you first practice organizing the mating of dogs of those terriers. Read about dog genetics, anatomy, psychology and psychosomatics. It is also necessary to have information for the future: for - the next significant step after mating.

Consultation with the dog breeder from whom you bought your pet can be useful. Any competent and knowledgeable dog owner will do, however.

The decision to mate a toy terrier of mini size and breed puppies should be supported by the selection of an experienced veterinarian. He will diagnose a pregnant dog in the future.

How should the first mating be done?

Dog age

Toev is permissible to happen at 1.5 - 2.5 years. For doggies "first time" is stress. Therefore, the owner must organize an extremely calm, comfortable and correct environment. Urban animal housing creates some barriers to this, and the natural conditions for mating Toy are limited. In order to avoid unexpected problems, instructors, dog breeders or a veterinarian are invited to the process.

Pet appearance

Perhaps the usual dog suits, collars, dog accessories at such a meeting of animals are out of place. Moreover, such things can scare off the toy partner.

Mating place

If toy is knitted for the first time, let this place be familiar to him. So your pet will have less worries. It is noted that mating is carried out in the zone of the male, and not the female.

Room furnishings

The room of the "dog meeting" should not have any objects that are attractive to the animal: rugs, floor lamps, dishes, and other decor items. The absence of smells and sounds is also recommended.

Behavioral features of pets

You cannot rush, prod, push, and generally give any attention to toys. Be patient and let the kids get to know each other, get used to each other, please, if you want ...

How to find out the optimal time for knitting toys?

The sign for mating is the estrus of the female of that terrier, which is, in fact, canine menstruation. Such a period happens no more than 2 times a year with a six-month interval.

leads to intraphysiological changes in the animal organism: an increase in the female's genital organs, frequent urination and bloody discharge.

Behavioral changes in Toy females often occur, when sharp, unreasonable mood swings are obvious. There is also absolute apathy, and excessive excitement, uncharacteristic of females. During such periods, females sometimes behave completely inadequately, trying, for example, to mount on another animal.

A dog's estrus takes an average of 21 days, with several stages:

from 1 to 9 days - the stage of proestrus, when the first discharge is found, which becomes the reason for the manifestation of interest in males. However, the dog does not yet admit "suitors" in itself. At the same time, she herself shows a strange interest in other toy girls.

From 10 to 16 days - the stage of estrus, when the blood color of the discharge changes to a transparent, mucous consistency. During this period, the females are ready for attention and do not resist the males, allowing them to cage. The estrus stage is optimal for carrying out Toy mating.

From 17 to 20 days fall on the metaestrus stage. The female loses her “former passion” and avoids males. The chances of fertilization drop dramatically.

Rules for unleashing toys - males

  • The first mating with a partner should be carried out in familiar to the dog, ordinary conditions, allocating a room or some area.
  • The first mating is desirable with an already familiar and experienced dog.
  • You can not rush, urge, drive the dog when mating. But you can help and guide a little.
  • If the procedure does not give the desired result, then a respite is probably needed.

The selection of partners is accompanied by the following rules:

  • It is necessary to match animals in size, perhaps a slight predominance of the girl's weight;
  • it is recommended that such individuals happen, one of which has already been untied;
  • recommendations can be obtained from employees of special breeding dogs, clubs.

Every breed of dog exists thanks to well-planned selection work carried out by dog \u200b\u200bclubs. Purebred animals produce offspring that meet standards.

Toy Terrier

To get healthy thoroughbred offspring mating needs to be taken care of in advance.

Pedigree dogs have documents confirming their pedigree, and the owners, as a rule, belong to a cynological society or club. This makes it possible to prepare in advance for mating in order to choose the right pair.

Attention! If the dog is always ready to mate, then the bitch is limited in terms of conception and her owner must calculate everything correctly.

For planned work for reproduction, the owner of the girl must keep a diary, in it you need to write down the time of the onset, the dates of the incidents, etc. With the right one, a baby can live for more than 10 years and bring large offspring for a long time.

On what day, why and how to breed dogs correctly?

The dog is ready to mating by the year, but it is better to keep it up to 1.5 years - let it grow stronger. Bitch matures about the same time, but not ready for pregnancy and childbirth yet. For procreation the third heat is optimal, it is somewhere by 2 years... In this case, the weight of the animal must be at least 2 kilograms.

Important! Less weight will not allow the animal to bear and give birth to healthy offspring.

Before contacting the matchmaking club, consult your veterinarian, only he can identify possible risks.

Mating must be done on the 2nd or 3rd day of ovulation, after 2 days the mating must be repeated.

Success activities are largely depends on the mood pets. It is better to carry it out in a natural way on the territory of the groom, let the animals get to know each other better, the "bride" - to flirt a little, "the groom" - to show gentlemanly qualities and everything will happen by itself.

It is better for you to engage in conversation over a cup of tea, your pets, accustomed to going on a visit, will soon stop paying attention to you and will not feel like athletes in the ring, as is the case with “manual” mating.

Male for girls

A male for mating is selected in a kennel club, he must have a good pedigree, meet all the requirements of the standard, have a size appropriate to the bitch and be pretty enough, in the opinion of the mistress.

On a note! Male owners can invite an instructor with them if the dogs cannot get along voluntarily.

Most often, planned mating ends with the birth of 1-3 adorable babies.

Useful video

Knitting at home

Mating toy terriers is a very important and exciting process, both for the animal and for the owner, who needs to carefully fulfill the duties:

  1. Find a partner;
  2. Monitor the bitch's condition during estrus to calculate the days of ovulation;
  3. To render help needed pets during mating;
  4. Repeat knitting in 2 days to consolidate the positive result.

To get healthy pedigree offspring, you need to take care of mating in advance.

Pedigree toy terriers have documents confirming their pedigree, and the owners, as a rule, belong to a canine society or club. This makes it possible to prepare in advance for mating in order to choose the right pair.

Attention! If the dog is always ready to mate, then the bitch is limited in terms of conception and her owner must calculate everything correctly.

For planned breeding work, the owner of the girl must keep a diary, it is necessary to write down the time of the onset of the techek, the dates of intercourse and birth. When proper care a baby can live for more than 10 years and bring for long life great offspring.

The male is ready for mating by the year, but it is better to keep him up to 1.5 years - let him get stronger. The bitch ripens at about the same time, but is not ready for pregnancy and childbirth yet. For procreation, the third estrus is optimal, this is about 2 years old. In this case, the weight of the animal must be at least 2 kilograms.

Important! Less weight will not allow the animal to bear and give birth to healthy offspring.

Before contacting the club for pairing, consult with your veterinarian, only he can determine the possible risks.

Mating should be carried out on the 2nd or 3rd day of ovulation, after 2 days the mating should be repeated.

The success of the event largely depends on the mood of the pets. It is better to carry it out in a natural way on the territory of the groom, let the animals get to know each other better, the "bride" - to flirt a little, "the groom" - to show gentlemanly qualities and everything will happen by itself.

It is better for you to engage in conversation over a cup of tea, your pets, accustomed to going on a visit, will soon stop paying attention to you and will not feel like athletes in the ring, as is the case with “manual” mating.

Organizational procedures

When owning a thoroughbred dog, highly appreciated by experts, the owner must be extremely careful, carefully and deliberately choose a mating partner / mate. The intended puppies will be valuable, healthy and with a good genetic base if both parents are of the appropriate quality.

Do not skip the literature, especially when you first practice organizing the mating of dogs of those terriers. Read about dog genetics, anatomy, psychology and psychosomatics. You also need to have information for the future: for that terrier, pregnancy and childbirth are the next significant step after mating.

Mating of a toy terrier is a responsible and really serious event, in which every little thing matters. Experienced breeders know that childbirth small breeds are more difficult than in larger dogs (according to statistics, they are more often protracted, with complications, with by caesarean section, with the death of a puppy or several puppies, etc.).

I would like to speak separately about cesarean section. When giving birth to dogs of such breeds as Bulldogs (English, French) and Toy Terriers, a caesarean section is often required, which, in turn, sometimes leads to mutual problems, in particular to pyometra (inflammation, which can even result in the removal of the uterus) ... The need is explained by the relatively large fruits, and in these breeds the puppies have large heads, and this is another additional complicating factor.

Therefore, mating a toy terrier should be carefully thought out and planned in advance. And it is necessary to take into account not only the expert assessments of future parents, but also the quality of the litters received from their relatives (or this couple), and individual characteristics. And sometimes it is better to refuse mating altogether. For example, a toy girl weighing less than 1900 g almost always gives birth very hard, so the risk of losing a dog due to childbirth is extremely high. If you are the owner of a mini toy, think before mating - is the risk justified? After all, the percentage of successful, happy outcomes, alas, is very small.

So, a toy terrier girl for mating should weigh more than 1900 g and have a good assessment from an expert. The exterior of a dog can only be characterized excellently (you cannot knit with a lower grade).

Breeding of toy terriers should always begin with preparation:

1. Search for a pair. Advance, of course. You should consider several candidates and find the most suitable one. The owner of the bitch is obliged to think about the male-understudy, which is not inferior in characteristics to the contender №1. In case the toy terrier mating suddenly fails, you will have a backup option. The nominations submitted will be considered by the head of your canine department, and only then you will receive permission (referral) for mating.

2. Agree with the owner of the dog about the payment for mating. Do this beforehand. Be sure to record the result of your agreement on paper, securing it with signatures.

3. Enlist the support of a professional who really knows how to mate a toy terrier (usually an instructor is provided by the owner of the dog, so discuss this issue in advance as well).

The male does not always cover the bitch immediately, so after 5 (maximum - 10) minutes the male is taken away for a break. Then they fail again. The excitement of a dog can be increased by a joyful tone, stroking, a slight approving pat. It is better to knit on the table, ideally on the territory of the dog.

If the dog is not very experienced or is knitting for the first time at all, in no case should disappointment be shown. The dog feels dissatisfied. On the contrary, it is worth praising the dog, and praising it actively, for every attempt. A skilled instructor can put the bitch in time so that the dog quickly gets into the loop.

It is necessary to ensure that the dogs, standing in the castle, do not try to break it, otherwise the genitals (both male and female) may be injured. The behavior of dogs when mating is quite varied: some others tremble, others growl or whine. The position of the dogs during the castle is not important. Ideally, it is better to throw only one leg of the dog without turning it (some bitches respond to a turn quite painfully), and so both dogs will be able to stand on all legs.

A successful mating of toy terriers ends with the birth of adorable toy puppies. Litters are almost always small: the bitch brings from one to three babies.

Mating toy terriers is an important, exciting process for the animal and the owner who needs to carefully fulfill the duties:

1. Find a partner;

2. Monitor the bitch's condition during estrus to calculate the days of ovulation;

3. Provide the necessary assistance to pets during mating;

4. Repeat knitting in 2 days to consolidate the positive result.

Sooner or later, most toy terrier owners begin to wonder about pet breeding. The course of pregnancy, the health of the puppies and the mother directly depend on how correctly the mating occurred, it is important to carefully prepare for the process, to study the existing nuances.

At what age can you mate those terriers?

Often interested in novice dog breeders and owners of those terriers, when you can knit pets. Sexual maturity in bitches occurs with the first heat at about one year of age. However, the body during this period is not completely ready for fertilization - the muscles are not fully developed, and psychologically, a one-year-old dog remains a puppy, so it is better for the owners of that terrier to postpone mating, otherwise it threatens to slow down the development of the pet.

A suitable period for mating toy terrier males is considered to be over 1.5 years old, in bitches - after 2 years. Attention should be paid to the individual characteristics of the dog's physiology - it is better to mate a bitch not earlier than the third estrus.

Finding a mating partner for toy terriers

The choice of a male for mating is a very responsible event, mating allows you to get puppies, and significantly improve the gene pool of the breed. If the bitch has deficiencies in the gene pool, a good registered cable can significantly compensate for them, or completely remove them. It is important to make sure that the dog has a divorce rating from the Russian Cynological Federation, otherwise the puppies may not receive documents.

It is important that the male is the same size as the bitch - not bigger than her. If the cable is oversized, it is fraught with problems during pregnancy and childbirth, you can learn everything about the birth of that terrier by reading our other.

On what day of heat is the mating of that terrier carried out?

In the matter of breeding that terriers, mating on which day of estrus to conduct is one of the most important nuances that requires careful study. If the dog is always ready for mating, then the mating of the bitch should take place taking into account the processes of estrus.

The flow occurs with a frequency of once every six months, lasts an average of 20-22 days, depending on the physiological characteristics of the animal. The techka is divided into several stages:

  1. Proestrus takes the first 9 days. In the first stage, the dog has significant bleeding, which attracts males. However, the bitch does not allow them, because the dog is not ready for fertilization - its eggs are just maturing;
  2. Estrus, takes 10-16 days of estrus. The eggs are completely ready for fertilization, the secretions become much less, the color changes to light yellowish. The bitch at this stage calmly lets the males in for cover - bends over, taking the tail to the side. It is important to know that the mating of the terrier on which day of estrus is carried out - it is better not to choose the first day of the stage, but to wait a couple of days, this will significantly increase the chance of a positive mating outcome. For maximum effectiveness, mating can be repeated after 2 days;
  3. Metaestrus - 17-20 days of estrus. The probability of fertilization of the bitch at this stage is low - the estrus process is nearing completion, the bitch stops letting the males.

The flow is manifested not only by secretions from the loop, but also by swelling, softening of the genitals, changes in the behavior of the pet - the bitch begins to behave more actively, freer, due to the hormonal surge, it becomes less obedient.

It is worth remembering that every dog \u200b\u200bis different. In some toy terriers, discharge may be practically absent, the loop does not soften, so owners need to keep a heat diary, where it is worth recording the bitch's physiological changes and behavior changes. Records will help you to accurately determine the optimal day for a bitch of the Toy Terrier breed for mating. A diary should always be kept during estrus, regardless of whether mating takes place.

The process of mating toy terriers

First, you should know that in small breeds of dogs pregnancy is much more difficult than in breeds of standard sizes, you can find out in detail about the pregnancy of that terrier. Childbirth is accompanied by various complications - cesarean section, death of the fetus and the bitch herself. Mini toy terriers weighing less than 1.9 kg, pregnancy is contraindicated due to the high probability of death - before mating, the animal must be carefully examined by a veterinarian.

If the vet has approved the mating, it is worth understanding how the process works. For Russian toy terriers, mating will take place without complications if the following conditions are met:

  • Appearance dogs should not scare off a partner. The pet should not have accessories, clothes;
  • The mating site should be familiar to the first-time dog;
  • Calm environment. In the room where knitting is carried out, there should be no extraneous sounds, smells, objects;
  • Don't rush your pets. Dogs need to take 10-15 minutes to get to know each other.

The best option for mating toy terriers is natural mating, which includes a courtship ritual, and human intervention is excluded or minimal. In apartment conditions, most often, you have to resort to manual mating of those terriers, during which the owners or the instructor of the breeding club help the pets.

Actions of the owner of that terrier:

  1. The bitch needs to be turned back to the dog holding the tail, and the dog itself under the belly, not allowing it to sit down;
  2. If the dogs are in the lock (a natural process of "gluing"), you need to make sure that the pets do not try to open it with sudden movements, this can injure the genitals of both terriers;
  3. The male does not always cover the bitch immediately, sometimes he needs to be given 5-10 minutes to rest, and then resume the mating process of that terrier.

If the mating was successful, in two months a charming puppy or several babies will be born. But it is worth remembering that puppies require special care, therefore, you need to prepare for the process of appearing and caring for puppies no less carefully than for the mating process.

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