Oral cavity care products. Oral hygiene tips: instructions on how to care for your teeth, choosing the right products

Like other parts of our body, teeth are influenced by environmental factors, so they must be thoroughly and regularly taken care of. But this does not mean at all that it has to be difficult. Of course, modern dentistry is able to cope with any problems related to the teeth and oral cavity, however, rather than eliminating unpleasant consequences, it is better to prevent them. Below you will find five recommendations that actually work.

Tongue care

Oral bacteria are a major cause of tooth decay and should be eliminated as often as possible. By the way, chewing gum during the day does not affect anything except the freshness of breath, so it is unlikely that it should be taken as a full-fledged hygiene product. At the same time, one should not forget about cleaning the tongue: as studies show, regular procedures significantly reduce the likelihood of dental caries and oral diseases.

In addition, scraping the tongue reduces the amount of light volatiles in the mouth that can cause halitosis (bad odor). How about an extra bonus? Experts say that brushing your tongue stimulates your taste buds so that the flavors of familiar foods will appear brighter and richer for you.

By the way, white bloom on the tongue may indicate digestive problems associated with a yeast imbalance. A number of studies indicate that Lactobacilli, a beneficial bacteria found in probiotics that are most effective in suppressing the growth of candida, can help to cope with the problem. That being said, taking probiotics allows the beneficial bacteria to work through the night, and this should be borne in mind when planning dinner.

Oil rinse

You may have already heard about this Ayurvedic practice, but repetition in such matters is not superfluous. So, experiments have shown that rinsing the mouth with base oil can not only destroy pathogenic bacteria, but also noticeably whiten teeth with daily repetition. In order to achieve therapeutic effect, try rinsing your mouth with a teaspoon of coconut oil once a day. You have to work hard - it should be done for 15-20 minutes - but the result is worth the effort.

The secret is that the oil in this case is a powerful "magnet" that pulls germs out from under the gums and from the gaps between the teeth (that is, those areas that we sometimes do not work thoroughly enough when brushing our teeth).

Warm water + sea salt

Salt water is ideal for gargling as it alkalizes the oral cavity so that the alkali kills acid-producing bacteria that cause dental disease and tooth decay. And if oil isn't right for you, it's a great daily grooming alternative. In addition, salt water reduces inflammation and promotes good oral pH. Life hack: add 1-2 drops to the solution essential oil cloves or mint to freshen breath.

Food grade hydrogen peroxide diluted with water is also suitable for rinsing. drinking water in a 1: 1 ratio. At the same time, dentists advise patients to stay away from alcohol-based mouthwashes, as they contain harsh chemical substances that can irritate the gums and cause dehydration of the teeth (= hypersensitivity).

Dental floss

Speaking of full-fledged oral care, we must not forget about the situational methods that will help you when you do not have any opportunity to brush your teeth in the traditional way. Here, dental floss will become a lifesaver, which, if used every time you feel that food is stuck in your teeth, will help prevent periodontal disease (a disease characterized by systemic damage to dental tissue).

In terms of periodontal exposure, dental floss works more gently than a toothpick, so if you are familiar with the problems of excessive sensitivity and bleeding gums, always take it with you.

Teeth cleaning

And finally, brushing your teeth is the most important and so familiar operation for us. But, nevertheless, we hardly think about whether we are doing it right. Research has shown that brushing your teeth twice a day at a 45-degree angle with a soft brush can help reduce swelling of the gums.

Considering that hardly anyone plans to brush their teeth with a protractor, experts make more realistic recommendations. Above all, choose toothpastes that are free of sodium fluoride and lauryl sulfate. Medical journal The Lancet listed these substances as neurotoxins (along with lead and arsenic) based on a 2012 Harvard University report that found children in fluoride-rich areas have lower IQs.

It has an excellent effect if done correctly. If you approach this issue inattentively, then over time, many problems appear. Dental diseases arise that require long and expensive treatment. Sometimes it is necessary to remove the affected tooth. Therefore, it is important to maintain oral hygiene. Recommendations on this matter are presented in the article.

The basics

Remembering the basic rules of oral care is not difficult. It is important to follow them every day. You just need not be lazy, and soon it will be a useful habit. The rules for caring for your teeth and oral cavity include the following:

  1. You need to brush your teeth daily, morning and evening. During the day, many bacteria accumulate in the mouth, which must be eliminated before bedtime.
  2. The cleansing procedure should be performed for at least 3 minutes.
  3. The toothbrush needs to be changed every 3 months.
  4. The toothpaste should be chosen individually, taking into account the condition of the teeth and gums, as well as the presence of diseases of the oral cavity. You shouldn't skimp on this.
  5. Tongue, gums, cheeks need no less care, you should not be limited to just brushing your teeth.
  6. Required to apply additional funds for care. Procedures with them are performed after each meal. To do this, use dental floss, mouthwash.
  7. The dentist must be visited every 6 months.

Such rules for caring for the oral cavity serve as the prevention of diseases. They need to be followed regularly, and then expensive treatment by the dentist will not be required.


Choosing the right toothpaste is one of the rules for caring for your teeth and oral cavity. Depending on the incoming substances, it can have a certain effect on the teeth and gums. For example, the gel has a delicate structure, gently cleans the enamel without erasing it in comparison with whitening agents.

Toothpastes are hygienic and therapeutic and prophylactic. The former allows you to eliminate bacteria and unpleasant odors. The latter have a profound effect on the oral cavity. Treatment-and-prophylactic pastes are divided into several types, depending on the purpose:

  1. For the treatment and prevention of diseases of the mucous and periodontal tissues. Such funds consist of herbal infusions, enzymes, mineral salts.
  2. Anti-inflammatory ones eliminate inflammation, bleeding of the gums. They contain antiseptics that destroy pathogens.
  3. The reducing agents contain calcium, they normalize the acid-base balance. Such pastes are able to replenish the integrity of collagen fibers in the gums.
  4. Pastes with the designation "anti-caries" include fluoride, which stops the destruction of tooth enamel.

The right toothpaste affects the quality of your oral hygiene. The basics of good care will help you choose quality products for your regular grooming. Children need special pastes that have a pleasant taste and a safe composition that will not harm the body if accidentally swallowed.

Brush selection

It is necessary to be able to choose correctly hygiene products... Oral care is impossible without a suitable brush. But there are a lot of gadgets on sale now, and how do you choose your own? It is necessary to focus on the characteristics of the brush:

  1. Material. Natural bristles are found to be softer than artificial ones. Moreover, it is a breeding ground for bacteria, natural fibers are an excellent living environment. Therefore, it is preferable to purchase a brush with artificial bristles.
  2. Rigidity. In the absence of a dentist's indications, a medium-hard brush is used; it is ideal for adults and children. The soft bristles are more suitable for children, and the very soft ones for preschoolers. Only on the recommendation of a specialist, you can use a brush with high rigidity. This parameter is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.
  3. The size. This parameter is important when choosing. A sick-sized brush is not convenient to use, its working part should not be more than 3 cm.

In addition to standard brushes, manufacturers produce electric and ultrasonic ones. With them it will be possible to carry out high-quality hygienic care. If you have dental and gum disease, electrical appliances may be contraindicated. Ultrasound can be used for various pathologies, they are not harmful to hard tissues and mucous surfaces.

Teeth cleaning

Oral hygiene training should be done with early childhood... The child must be taught how to brush his teeth correctly. This procedure is performed daily:

  1. First, the brush is moistened in running water. This removes germs from it, dust accumulated from the previous cleaning. In addition, this will make the procedure more comfortable.
  2. Then a paste is applied to the bristles. The quantity should not be more than a pea with a diameter of 1 cm (for children - 2 times less).
  3. After that, you can carry out the cleaning itself. With the help of smooth movements from the gums to the upper part of the teeth, it is necessary to clean the inner surface, and then the outer one. The basic rule of the procedure is considered to be brushing in only one direction, from the root of the tooth upwards, eliminating mucus. Top part the teeth are cleaned with a reciprocating motion. At the end of the session in a circular motion should be carried out on the outside of the teeth, closing the jaws.
  4. Then you need to thoroughly rinse your mouth with water.

This procedure should be performed according to such rules by adults and children. Over time, it becomes a habit, so it will be easier to implement. With her, the oral cavity will be in perfect order.

Tongue cleaning

The rules for caring for the oral cavity also include cleaning the tongue, because it accumulates a lot of food debris and bacterial plaque. With saliva, microbes penetrate the teeth and gums, which is the cause of diseases, as well as an unpleasant odor. Thanks to the regular one, it will turn out to prevent many problems.

The procedure is performed based on the following rules:

  1. The work is done after brushing your teeth.
  2. To do this, use a special scraper or the back surface of the toothbrush, if it can be used for this (there must be a relief volumetric drawing).
  3. Movements must be performed from root to tip.
  4. Then several movements are performed across the tongue.
  5. Then a water rinse is performed.
  6. Best effect provided with a special gel or toothpaste. The product is applied to the surface, scrubbed, washed off with water.

Regular treatments protect against many oral diseases. In addition, this way a person feels more confident that everything is in order.

What are rinse aids for?

How to care for your teeth and oral cavity so that there is always fresh breath? For this, rinses are used that differ in purpose. Some remedies are designed to treat tooth decay, while others are effective for gum disease, and still others freshen breath. Sometimes mouthwashes are recommended by dentists to perform complex therapy.

These funds are used after brushing your teeth (you can also after eating). When choosing, you need to pay attention to the composition. For daily use, products with plant extracts can be used. To protect against caries, agents with fluoride and calcium are used. Rinsing the mouth must be performed for at least 3 minutes for the components to act on the enamel. Anti-inflammatories usually contain chlorhexidine. If alcohol is present, do not use it on children and vehicle drivers.

Dental floss

The basic rules for oral care include the use of dental floss or floss. Only then will it be possible to independently clean the space between the teeth, removing plaque, bacteria and food debris. Since this part of the tooth is difficult to access, caries often develops in it.

To perform the procedure with floss, it must be unwound, and then torn off so that there is 15 cm of free thread between them. Then they insert it between the teeth. Take turns pulling the thread back and forth. The thread allows you to get rid of the unpleasant odor. Care must be taken, because during the first procedures, gum damage and bleeding are likely due to lack of skill. Cleaning is performed once a day, preferably before bedtime. Dental floss should not be used for gum disease, crowns and bridges.

Professional care

Oral care is not limited to home procedures. For this, professional methods are also used. These include the execution of:

  1. Ultrasonic cleaning... This will perfectly remove plaque, tartar. The procedure is carried out with a modern ultrasound device, which acts on the tooth with wave vibrations. In this case, the enamel is not damaged. Cleaning is considered safe and painless as well as effective.
  2. AirFlow method. A pressurized machine releases baking soda, air and water to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth. As a result, the enamel will be 2 tones lighter and become shiny.
  3. Polishing. For this, professional means are used, the content of zirconium microgranules.
  4. Fluoridation. Mouthguards with gel are placed on the dried surface of the teeth, the exposure period is 1 minute. The enamel receives fluoride ions.
  5. Specialist recommendations. The doctor can tell, and by mouth. Only a dentist is able to find a suitable list of products that help maintain a healthy and clean oral cavity.

Cleanliness since childhood

The rules of caring for the oral cavity of a child must be taught from childhood. When the teeth have not yet appeared, special napkins are required for this. They need to wipe the gums after each feeding. For teething teeth, there are silicone fingertips similar to a toothbrush. Probably, at the first attempts, crying will appear, but the child will get used to the procedure, and in the future it will be easy to accustom him to pasta.

At 1-2 years old, you need to teach your child to brush their teeth on their own. I need to buy him a baby brush and toothpaste. But nevertheless, the baby will not be able to perform high-quality cleaning. Therefore, parents should help in this until he does it on his own. It is important to teach you to brush 2 times a day. To interest in the procedure, rhymes, nursery rhymes or songs are used. The main thing is that hygiene is not a routine. When choosing a baby paste, care must be taken - it should not contain fluoride.

Proper care effect

Diseases of the teeth and gums arise from bacteria that are found and multiply in plaque and food debris. A clean surface is an unfavorable environment for their development. Therefore, at proper care it will turn out to prevent the development of ailments.

If you do not follow oral hygiene, plaque and caries appear. If untreated, gum diseases appear - periodontitis, gingivitis. Due to the constant accumulation of bacteria in the mouth with insufficient hygiene, stomach problems appear. The aesthetic part is considered an important factor in the problem of oral cavity cleanliness. Bad smell is the main sign that a lot of bacteria have accumulated in the mouth.

Special care is usually required after dental procedures. The dentist usually provides advice on this matter. Also, the doctor must provide the rules of care for the installation of crowns, fillings and bridges. Compliance with these recommendations will allow you to preserve the result of dental procedures for a long time.


Thus, the rules for performing oral care are not complicated. It is important that the procedures become a habit. And then the oral cavity will be in perfect order.

How should an adult take care of the oral cavity?
The basic rule for maintaining a healthy, beautiful smile throughout your life is to follow the rules of oral hygiene. Even in mature age possible disease with caries and periodontitis, which can lead to more serious diseases. Throughout life, it is important:

  • Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day with a fluoride toothpaste to remove plaque - a sticky film on the teeth, which is the main cause of caries.
  • Use dental floss every day to remove plaque from the interdental spaces and from the gum line until it hardens and turns into tartar. After calculus mineralization, it can only be removed by professional teeth cleaning.
  • Limit sugary and starchy foods, especially semi-liquid sticky snacks between meals. The more often you snack, the more likely tartar acids are to attack your tooth enamel.
  • Visit your dentist regularly for oral health care and professional dental cleaning.

What are the special requirements for adult oral care?
Even with proper dental and gum care, adults may need special help in maintaining oral hygiene. Fortunately, your dentist can meet these requirements in most cases.

  • Periodontitis begins at the stage of gingivitis and is reversible at this stage. The symptoms of gingivitis are redness, swelling and bleeding soreness of the gums while brushing your teeth with a toothbrush. If you notice some of these symptoms, see your dentist - before the disease becomes severe. V late stage periodontitis can lead to tooth loss.

    Oral health can also affect the overall health of the body. Recent research points to a relationship between periodontitis and other diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, as well as a possible relationship between periodontitis and preterm birth. To prevent periodontitis, you need to brush your teeth at least twice a day, use dental floss every day and have regular check-ups and professional teeth cleaning at the dentist every six months.

  • With age, it is possible to develop caries on previously filled surfaces of teeth (known as secondary, recurrent caries), as well as on their root surfaces. Therefore, it is important to brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste and visit your dentist regularly.
  • Teeth sensitivity also increases with age. With age, as a result of gum prolapse, the roots of the teeth that are not protected by enamel are exposed. When temperature stimuli (cold or hot food and drinks) affect the tooth tissue, a painful sensation occurs. In special cases, the painful sensation can also be caused by osmotic (sweet, sour) stimuli and the effect of evaporation (movement of cold air). If you have pain, nessesary to use toothpaste specially formulated for sensitive teeth. If symptom persists, visit your dentist - hyperesthesia may indicate more serious illness such as tooth decay, or damage - the presence of a cracked or broken tooth.
  • Crowns are used to strengthen damaged teeth. The crown covers or completely hides the damaged tooth. The crown not only supports the damaged tooth, it can also improve it. appearance, shape or occlusion with the dentition. Implants and bridges are used to replace the extracted and lost teeth. Implants replace one or more teeth and can also be used to attach full or partial bridges. The dentist will help you take correct solution about the installation of dental implants. Bridges are recommended for replacing one or more teeth. They cover the area where teeth are missing. Bridges are attached to natural teeth or implants at the edges of the gap.

How to make your teeth whiter?
Professional teeth cleaning by a dentist or hygienist can help remove most external plaque caused by the use food products and smoking. Use a whitening toothpaste to remove stains and prevent yellowing of your teeth between dental visits. If you have old plaque that has accumulated over the years, you may need professional teeth whitening to help reduce and remove staining from the outer surfaces of your teeth.

Internal teeth staining can be chemically whitened or placed on discolored teeth with porcelain veneers or crowns. All whitening methods are safe and effective, but only your dentist or hygienist will be able to determine which one is best for you, depending on the condition of your teeth and the results you want.

What is the impact of nutrition on oral health?
Correct diet essential for optimal overall health and healthy gums and teeth. Consuming a diet that contains all the nutrients and minerals your body needs will help you resist oral infections that lead to periodontitis. In addition, the consumption of hard foods high in cellulose (fruits, vegetables) helps to clean the teeth and tissues of the mouth. Residues of soft, sticky food accumulate on the chewing surfaces and in the interdental spaces, contributing to the formation of dental plaque. When you eat foods rich in sugar and starch, the bacteria in the tartar produce acids that affect your teeth for at least 20 minutes or more after you finish eating. To prevent tooth enamel degradation, it is necessary to limit the number of snacks and drinks consumed between meals. When you need a snack, choose nutritious foods such as cheese, raw vegetables, yogurt without added sugar and fruits.

A healthy oral cavity is the result of a whole system of efforts:

  • The first and most important of these is thorough and constant hygienic care of your teeth. While this is important, it is not enough.
  • It is very important that food is complete.
  • Timely preventive examinations will allow you to professionally monitor the health of your oral cavity and timely determine the presence of problems at an early stage.
  • If there are certain medical advice , then they must be carefully performed.
  • If the need arises, then you need to timely make treatment or prosthetics.

When can we say that oral care is successful:

  • Healthy teeth white and no signs of tartar.
  • The gums are pink, healthy, with no signs of bleeding.
  • The smell from the mouth is pleasant.

What is needed for complete care

To fully care for your oral cavity, you need to regularly perform the appropriate procedures. Let's list them briefly:

Proper cleaning

Here are a few rules, observing which, you can significantly improve the quality of oral cavity processing:

  • You need to position the brush at about a forty-five degree angle in relation to the side.
  • Gentle rotational movements you need to clean the outside.
  • Similarly, you need to carefully clean their inner side.
  • We process with gentle circular movements chewing surface of the teeth.
  • A toothbrush would be useful clean the surface at the edge of the tongue.
  • The force of pressure on the brush during cleaning should not be too great to cause bleeding.
  • What matters is which bristles on your toothbrush are most effective. Softer or medium soft bristles are generally preferred. It is believed to be more effective in preventing plaque or tartar formation.

Step-by-step instruction brushing teeth Brushing your teeth can be considered the most important tool to ensure oral health

How to choose the right toothpaste that's right for you

Nowadays, the range of such funds is very wide. Of course, the answer will be different in each specific case. In order to choose the best option for yourself, you need to proceed from your specific circumstances. It is best to choose the most efficient view toothpaste after consultation with a specialist.

How long can you use the same toothbrush

This period should usually not exceed three months... If you have had a cold, then toothbrush it is better to change it right away, as microbes may remain on it. You also need to look at the appearance of your toothbrush. If it has acquired a shabby appearance, then it is better to change it immediately.

Also, let's not forget that in our time there are effective methods professional cleaning, which are carried out by specialists on special equipment. Used at least occasionally, they can provide important health support.

How and why to floss

Dental floss can be considered the second most important oral care product. With its help, it is possible to clean fairly hard-to-reach areas, including the interdental spaces and, especially, those areas that are adjacent to the gums.

We must not forget that when we talk about oral health, we mean not only dental care. Gum health is also an important part of it. Usually, gum problems begin with the formation of plaque on the teeth at their edges, including in the interdental spaces. Flossing can prevent this risk. This procedure requires the use of a certain sequence of actions.

Let's talk about this in more detail:

  • The dental floss should be wrapped around the middle fingers.
  • You need to hold it between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. There should be 1-2 centimeters of thread between them.
  • You need to guide the thread while moving with the help index fingers.
  • Sliding is done slowly and smooth zigzag movements.
  • On the surface of the tooth, you need to slide the floss up and down. You need to clean each new section with a clean part of the thread. You need to clean not only the open part of the tooth, but also slightly go over the edge of the gums.

Dental floss can be of various types:

  • Dental tape.
  • Wax thread.
  • Spongy thread.
  • Not a wax thread.

It doesn't matter in what order you floss your teeth.

Usually, gum problems begin with the formation of plaque on the teeth at their edges, including in the interdental spaces, brushing with dental floss can prevent this risk.

Rinse aid

This is another way to effectively maintain oral health. However, remember that none of the methods mentioned here override the others. They bring the greatest benefit when used in combination, complementing and reinforcing each other. Let's talk about how to effectively use rinse for your teeth. There are a few simple rules for this.

One of the rules is the need to use the right amount of rinse aid. You can use a dispenser for this. This issue becomes especially important when it comes to rinsing a child's mouth. In this case, too much or too little rinse aid can easily be taken in without proper supervision.

Some types of rinses need to be used diluted to clarify this issue, you need to carefully read the description of this product.

Let us remind you once again that mouthwash is not a substitute for other types of regular dental care. He only complements them.

When using it, you need to keep track of the time of its use. So, some types of mouthwash need to be held in the mouth for 30 seconds. This requirement must be met carefully when rinsing.

Some types of rinses need to be used diluted to clarify this issue, you need to carefully read the description of this product

Tongue cleansers

Taking care of your tongue is just as important as taking care of your teeth and gums. Language plays an important role in human health. In order to provide care for him, you must proceed as follows:

Chewing gum

  • This, in particular, depends on which sweetener is used. If it is glucose or fructose, then such chewing gum attracts pathogenic bacteria. If sorbitol or xylitol is used, this does not happen.
  • It is really capable of removing mechanical food debris. that remain on the teeth.
  • Using chewing gum develops those muscles to some extent. that provide a chewing process.
  • If you use it within 15 minutes after eating then chewing gum will contribute to oral health.

Preventive dental care measures

As preventive measures you can specify the following:

  • Nutrition must be provided by the body essential substances and trace elements. Fluoride intake is especially important for dental health.
  • You need to regularly contact a specialist to monitor the condition of your teeth. and carefully follow their recommendations.

Professional teeth cleaning

It is carried out in four stages:

  • An inspection is carried out and the existing problems are identified.
  • With ultrasound and others modern methods tartar formations and all kinds of dental stains are removed.
  • The teeth are polished with an abrasive paste.
  • The teeth are covered with a special fluoride gel.

Oral care is a necessary procedure for all patients, since microorganisms accumulate there that cause bad breath and cause inflammatory changes in the teeth, mucous membranes of the oral cavity, excretory ducts of the salivary glands. Assistance in such care should be provided to patients who are unable to do so.

For seriously ill patients who are unable to brush their teeth themselves, the nurse should clean the mouth after each meal. Patients rinse their mouths. After that, the gums are gently and thoroughly wiped with a cotton ball or gauze napkin, secured with a clip or forceps and moistened with an antiseptic solution.

Algorithm for treating the oral cavity for a seriously ill patient

(in resuscitation and intensive care)

Target: observance of personal hygiene of the patient, prevention of the development of various complications.

INDICATIONS: regular oral care


Introduce yourself to the patient, obtain informed consent from the patient, explain the course and purpose of the procedure. Wash your hands twice with soap and water. Treat hands hygienically, dry. Wear gloves, an apron.

    Prepare your equipment.

    antiseptic solution (2% sodium bicarbonate solution, weak potassium permanganate solution)

    sterile tweezers, 2 spatulas, gauze pads

    soft toothbrush


    two kidney-shaped trays


    sterile gauze ball

    rubber balloon or syringe Janet

    diaper, oilcloth.

    Inform the patient about the prescribed manipulation, get permission to perform it

    Explain to the patient the course of the manipulation

    Position the patient in one of the following positions:

    On the back, at an angle of more than 45 °, if not contraindicated

    Lying on your stomach (or on your back), turning your head to one side

    Put on gloves

    Wrap a towel around the patient's neck

II. Performing manipulation

    Cover the patient's chest with a towel

    Give the patient a comfortable position

    Place a tray to collect rinsing water or solution on a diaper with an oilcloth at the corner of your mouth.

    Ask the patient to open their mouth wide. Soak the brush in the prepared antiseptic solution. If you don't have a brush, you can use a gauze pad attached to a clip or tweezers

    Brush your teeth, starting with the back teeth, brushing the inner, upper and outer surfaces in sequence, moving up and down from the back teeth to the front ones. Repeat the same steps on the other side of the mouth. The procedure is repeated at least two times.

    Dry the patient's mouth with dry swabs to remove residual fluid and secretions from the oral cavity

    Ask the patient to stick out their tongue. If he cannot do this, then wrap his tongue with a sterile napkin and gently pull it out of his mouth with his left hand.

    Moisten a napkin with an antiseptic solution and, removing plaque, wipe the tongue in the direction from the root of the tongue to its tip, changing napkins 2-3 times. Let go of your tongue.

    Wrap the end of the spatula with a sterile tissue

    With your left hand, insert the spatula into the mouth. Move your upper lip up. Treat mucous membranes and teeth upper jaw the patient with a second spatula wrapped in a sterile napkin and moistened antiseptic solution... Change the napkin, treat it by moving the lower lip, mucous membrane and teeth of the lower jaw

    Change your napkin

    Irrigate the patient's mouth with a rubber can and ask to spit into the tray

    Lubricate cracks on the tongue and lips with glycerin

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