All small dog breeds top 10. What are the smallest dog breeds in the world? The French Bulldog is cute and stubborn

Small dog breeds very popular and in demand. Firstly, their weight does not exceed five kilograms, so both a child and an adult can walk such a dog. Secondly, miniature dogs are a real "work of art", they are very cute and beautiful. And thirdly, such breeds of dogs are very highly valued, and show the wealth of a person.

This article examines the 10 smallest dog breeds in the world.

In tenth place is the Maltese lapdog

The main feature of this breed of dogs is their long snow-white coat. It is she who decorates the Maltese and makes this dog unique. Maltese lapdogs are very kind and funny animals. They are smart and perfectly understand what the owner is telling them. Dogs of this breed are playful, and if you do not play with them for a long time, they can stun the apartment with barking barks. The growth of the maltese is 21 - 26 cm, and the weight is up to 4 kg.

Ninth place - Japanese Chin

Dogs of this breed are incredibly popular. They are considered exclusive, because the Japanese Chin used to be the emperor's talisman. To a new family, animals of this breed quickly get used to, however, they are monogamous and very strongly attached to their owner. For the Japanese Chin, one master for life. In adult dogs, the height is 23 - 25 cm, and the weight is up to 4 kg.

In eighth place is the Russian toy - terrier

The dogs of this breed have exquisite manners and a "hunting" character. The blood of a hunter flows in their veins and this makes the miniature dogs funny and interesting. Russian Toy - Terrier always clearly knows what he wants, he cannot be deceived or deceived. Animals of this breed are very sociable and affectionate, they amaze their owners with exquisite manners and the ability to present themselves. According to the standard of this breed, animals are up to 26 cm tall and weigh about 2.5 kg.

Seventh place - toy fox terrier

Among all small dogs, the toy fox terrier is the most obedient. He lends itself well to training and obeys his master. This tiny dog \u200b\u200bcontains a lot positive qualities: He is energetic, playful, smart and cheerful. It is very easy to keep such a pet, because it does not require special care. The height of that fox terrier is from 16 to 25 cm, and the weight is from 1.5 to 3 kg.

Sixth place - Yorkshire Terrier

Recently, this breed is at its peak of popularity. Little Yorkies are great friends and companions. Dogs of this breed get along well with other animals, they are not jealous and can share their owner with someone else. Mischievous and funny pets of this breed will amuse any person and become the "soul" of any company. According to the breed standard, Yorkshire Terriers are 17 to 23 cm tall and weigh from 2 to 3.5 kg.

In fifth place is the Papillon breed

Despite the fact that the animals of this breed are small in size, they have a very persistent and hardy character. Papillon is a dog with a long endurance, he can adapt to any conditions, but most importantly, the owner is near. The papillon becomes attached to its owner very quickly. According to the breed standard, these dogs are 20 to 25 cm tall and weigh up to 3 kg.

Fourth place - Affenpinscher

Dogs of this breed are very similar to small monkeys, they have a very funny face and facial expressions. However, the similarity lies not only in appearance, but also in character - little Affenpinschers are very mobile and playful. They can make any person laugh, and they do it with great pleasure. Dogs of this breed do not need special care, therefore it is very easy to keep them. The growth of miniature animals can reach 25 cm, and weight - 2.5 kg.

In third place is the Pomeranian

An amazing feature of this breed of dogs is that they are able to adapt to their owner. If their owner is a couch potato, then the spitz will be inactive, and if the owner leads an active lifestyle, then the dog will also be active and mobile. Due to their unique appearance, Pomeranian Spitz have become the favorites of many celebrities. Dogs of this breed are often presented on various inserts, and mostly Spitz "go home" with a well-deserved reward. According to the breed standard, the growth of the Pomeranian Spitz ranges within 22 cm, and the weight is within 3 kg.

Second place - Brussels Griffon

This breed is very rare, so few people know about it. The Brussels Griffon is a very cute and kind doggie, he is affectionate to absolutely everyone who shows attention to him. However, dogs of this breed must be brought up from puppyhood, they are very intelligent and easy to train. Incredibly, this breed was bred for catching rats, and now it is a very expensive and rare dog. The growth of animals of this breed can reach 22 cm, and weight 2.5 kg.

Chihuahua comes first

And so, the Chihuahua is recognized as the smallest breed in the world. Dogs of this breed are very capricious and capricious. Despite the fact that Chihuahuas are very small, they may well fend for themselves. If the dog does not want to be stroked, then he will not let anyone near him. According to the breed standard, the Chihuahua is 22 cm tall and weighs up to 3 kg. However, the world knows animals whose height was only 9 cm, and the weight was 500 grams. Yes, such a crumb is easy to lose, so special care is needed for it.

Decorative dogs are reliable and loyal friends. Yes, they cannot guard the house, but they are much more useful in the form of pleasant emotions and positive moments.

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Small breeds have recently enjoyed particular popularity from the very diverse canine kingdom. It is as if we are again returning to the days of elite salons and receptions, when noble ladies at important and not very events appeared in the company of charming babies who poked their curious little nose everywhere and announced balls and solemn meetings with loud barks.

Even today, these immediate crumbs can often be found in the arms or in the handbags of modern fashionable young ladies, or in the company of a family with small children, because it is so great to have such a miracle, which is always positive and also perfect for apartments. Let's take a closer look at the smallest dog breeds.

1. Chihuahua is the smallest breed in the world today

The weight: 0.9-2.7 kg

Growth: 15-23 cm

11-15 years old

It is considered the smallest of all miniature breeds in the world. It owes its name to the Mexican state of Chihuahua. At the end of the 19th century, local traders began to actively sell dogs to American tourists, who gladly acquired outlandish tiny animals.

The smallest representatives weigh less than a kilogram, large specimens no more than 3 kg. The dog can boast of quite pocket height from 15 cm to 23 cm. There are varieties of both smooth-haired and long-haired. The color can be very diverse: from the traditional red to the more rare brindle and lilac.

Today the breed is popular all over the world, and not only because of its room size. Chihuahua is hardy, rarely sick, unpretentious in food, very curious, intelligent and active. After getting used to the house, she becomes affectionate and sociable, she perfectly feels the mood of her owners. With proper care and careful handling, a pet can live up to 15 years.

2. Yorkshire Terrier - one of the most "fragile" dog breeds

The weight:1.3-3.2 kg

Growth: 17-25 cm

Average life expectancy: 12-15 years old

English decorative breed, native to the counties of Yorkshire and Lancashire. Originally intended for catching rats, however, due to its size and interesting appearance, it became a regular in the salons and social events of the English nobility.

The weight of a standard dog can range from 2 kg to 3 kg, and its height is within 25 cm.There are also mini versions of 1.3 kg, with a height of 17-19 cm.The breed is long-haired, in color, as a rule, golden brown and gray-steel shades.

Like any representative of the terrier group, these babies also have a hunter's instinct. It is very fun to walk with them, they are always active and courageous, they love playing moments.

A very clean breed, selective in nutrition and requires close attention due to its fragile structure, for the winter period it is imperative to purchase clothes and shoes. Average life expectancy is 12-15 years.

3. Pomeranian - the choice of royals

The weight:1.9-3.5 kg

Growth: 22-28 cm

Average life expectancy: 13-15 years old

For such an exquisite miniature breed, which attracted the attention of Queen Victoria herself, one should thank the Pomerania region, located in Germany.

The orange grows to a height of 22-28 cm and weighs in the range of two to three kilograms. One of the features of the breed is the upright fur, which makes the pet look like a tiny bear cub. The color of a Spitz can be very different, more than ten shades are distinguished: bright red, cream, white and others.

A very active and lively dog, frolics both on the street and within the house. Training with early ageso that the dog does not grow up disobedient and stubborn.

Constant grooming is required. When choosing a diet, you should rely not on variety, but on balance. Pomeranian spitz live up to 15 years.

4. Toy Poodle - a miniature "version" of everyone's favorite poodle

The weight:6-7 kg

Growth: 25-28 cm

Average life expectancy: 13-18 years old

The breed is relatively young, appeared in the twentieth century in France. "Toy" usually weighs 6-7 kg, with a height of 25-28 cm. The breed is characterized by wavy, elastic and dense coat. There are toy poodles of black, white, apricot, chocolate and gray colors.

The dog lends itself well to training, flexible and friendly. An aristocrat, an intellectual with spectacular external data, which must be very strictly monitored so that the pet always looks presentable.

As a disadvantage, you can indicate excessive noise design in the form of frequent unreasonable barking. The breed is prone to serious illnesses, but nevertheless, the life expectancy of Toy reaches 18 years.

5. Papillon is one of the most energetic and cheerful creatures

The weight:3.6-4.5 kg

Growth: 20-28 cm

Average life expectancy: 13-15 years old

European breed, which appeared about eight centuries ago. The favorite of French kings and queens. It got its name from the French word "butterfly", because of the large protruding ears, similar to the wings.

The standard weight is 3.6-4.5 kg, the height of the representatives of the breed varies from 20 cm to 28 cm. The main color of the papillon is white with a combination of black and / or red spots.

The dog is very energetic and cheerful, and will go for a walk even a long distance with great pleasure. Leadership qualities are very pronounced, therefore, when a puppy appears in the house, it is necessary to immediately intelligibly and accurately explain to the baby who is in charge in the house. Poorly tolerates loneliness, needs constant attention from the owner, dislikes guests. Papillons live on average from 13 to 15 years.

6. Pug is a little friend for a big family

The weight:6-9 kg

Growth: 28-32 cm

Average life expectancy: 12-15 years old

The breed appeared in ancient China, lived in the houses of noble and wealthy people. It came to Europe in the 16th century. The owner of the pug was Napoleon's wife Josephine.

An average dog weighs from 6 kg to 9 kg, and grows up to 28-32 cm. The coat is short and thick, usually silver, apricot or black.

They are sociable, friendly and patient. Brave and with the right upbringing, they can do a good job of guarding. They love to lie and be lazy, but they will gladly go for a walk.

They are unpretentious in food, but sensitive to changes in the weather. Special attention is required to the eyes, as they are susceptible to a specific disease. The life span of pugs is 12-15 years.

7. Shih Tzu is one of the oldest breeds in the world

The weight:4-7.2 kg

Growth: 20-28 cm

Average life expectancy: 12-16 years old

The breed belongs to the category of the oldest. According to one version, it originated in Tibet. In China, only members of the imperial family could own Shih Tzu. On the European continent, this charming little girl settled only in the 20th century.

The height of the dogs is 20-28 cm, they weigh from four to seven kilograms. The breed is long-haired, the color is usually combined. The most common colors are white, black, cream, red and gold.

Shih Tzu are unusually beautiful, intelligent and clean. They are very strongly attached to the owners, literally not leaving them for a minute. The space of the apartment is quite enough for dogs to be active, there is no need to walk it daily. Representatives of this breed live from 12 to 16 years.

8. Bichon Frize - little white lion

The weight:5-10 kg

Growth: 22-30 cm

Average life expectancy: 14-16 years old

The breed has been known since the 13th century; France is called the official homeland of a small dog. In the 15-16th centuries it was very popular among the aristocrats of France, Italy and Spain.

Weight is highly dependent on height, which ranges from 22 cm to 30 cm, and gender. It can be 5-10 kg. The standard color of the breed is white. The coat of dogs is long and curly.

Bichon Frize are very intelligent, friendly, unusually playful and active. Dogs are easy to train and just litter train. They do not really like long walks, but they will gladly frolic in the open air in the company of the owner. Average life expectancy is 14-16 years.

9. Boston Terrier is a very active dog

The weight:4.5-11 kg

Growth: 38-43 cm

Average life expectancy: 12-15 years old

American miniature dog breed. Bred in the 19th century, as a result of crossing a bulldog and a terrier.

With a height of 38-43 cm, weight can vary quite widely (there are even three separate categories: light, medium and heavy) and ranges from 4.5 kg to 11 kg. The breed is shorthaired. The main terrier colors are brindle with white spots, black with white spots, brown with white spots.

The Boston Terrier is calm and friendly. A big fan of outdoor activities, and at home will also not let you get bored. Stubbornness and independence are inherent in dogs, therefore it is necessary to train a terrier from an early age. The pet is quite independent and adequately endures periods of loneliness in an apartment.

The breed is prone to colds, does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. Lives up to 15 years with proper care.

10. The French Bulldog is cute and stubborn

The weight:9-12 kg

Growth: 24-35 cm

Average life expectancy: 13-15 years old

Despite the name, the country of origin of the breed is England. At the initial stage, the dog was used as a rodent catcher in industries. When the bulldog entered the territory of France, in addition to the working environment, it became widespread among the elite of society, as well as the official registration of the breed.

The Frenchman weighs in the range of 9-12 kg, his height indicators are 24-35 cm. The coat is short and stiff. The main types of color are spotted, brindle, fawn. Despite its modest size, it is a good defender.

Clever and stubborn, not very willing to train. Loyal and friendly. Loves walks and games. Needs the constant presence of a person, does not like to be alone. Very sensitive to high and low temperatures, sometimes he likes to drool. French Bulldogs live up to 15 years.

Dwarf breeds, which were developed relatively recently or have been known for several centuries, are loved by many. They are considered not only a ladies' option, but also an excellent friend of children. In rating Top 10 smallest dog breeds in the world included dogs differing in miniature size. Everyone can find out who occupies these leading positions among several dozen dwarf breeds.


A short-haired dog with a cute appearance, which is only 30 cm tall and entered the ranking of the smallest dog breeds in the world. She can live without any problems both in an apartment and in a country house. An amazing property of these dogs is to adapt to environmental conditions. They can play for hours or lie next to the owner, without interfering with their presence. They are very subtle psychologists and sense the good or bad intentions of people who come to the house. This dog has fantastic courage and fighting qualities. Therefore, on walks, in no case should the bulldog be allowed to clash with other dogs, as he will fight to the last.

9. Boston Terrier

This is a small dog weighing from 4.5 to 11 kg. She has a short body and well-developed muscles. It is necessary to start training these dogs in early childhood, they learn commands well and have a very friendly character. However, the owner must properly educate his pet, so that this friendliness does not extend to strangers. Boston Terriers are easy to train, not prone to fighting with other dogs and are very loyal to their family.


On the eighth line of the list of the smallest dogs in the world is the Bichon Frize breed. These cute dogs with snow-white, strongly curly hair look like a white cloud. However, a cute appearance hides a very strong character. Bichon Frize does not tolerate rudeness or indifference, and also does not recognize the primacy of the owner - you can only build with him an equal relationship based on mutual sympathy and respect. These animals are distinguished by good health, positive and cheerfulness. They make excellent therapy dogs for children and the elderly. After all, the bright personality of such a dog, its irrepressible energy and enthusiasm are able to give the joy of life even to those who are desperate.


This is a legendary Tibetan dog, which has been famous for its beautiful long hair and high popularity for many centuries. For a long time, such dogs lived only in the imperial palace, and their export abroad was severely punished. Animals are clean, calm and well trained. And thanks to its compact size, this charming creature will fit even in a small apartment and quickly make friends with the rest of the family. Big exercise stress the dogs do not need it - it is enough to actively walk with her on the street 1-2 times. Also, a big plus of this breed is that in adulthood they practically do not bark.


This decorative dog with an extraordinary appearance is among the ten smallest dog breeds in the world. Clever eyes, folds on the face, curled tail and short paws cause tenderness in many. The pug is a living source of positive emotions, as well as a loyal friend and good defender. If he decides that even the slightest danger threatens the owner, he will protect his two-legged friend to the last. These animals are open, friendly and get along well with everyone in the house. All these character traits allow pop music to quickly become a full-fledged member of the family.

5. Papillon

This friendly affectionate dog got its name from its ears, which look like the spread wings of a butterfly (“papillon” means butterfly). The maximum weight of these dogs is 4.5 kg. They are very charming, active, love to walk in the fresh air and spend time with the owner. Also, these animals are sensitive to the mood of the owner and tune in with him to "one wave." They should not be left alone for a long time, as these dogs are strongly attached to the owner, and if he is not around for a long time, the dog may even get sick. It should be noted that papillons have high intelligence and have been included in the.


It is considered one of the favorite breeds for children and adults, and is included in the rating of the smallest dog breeds in the world. They are active dogs that love to play outdoors and learn new commands. Toy poodles weigh 3-4 kg. The color of the coat is very varied - it can be white, black, silver, apricot or brown. The poodle is very fond of children and rarely barks, so a family with a small child can easily have it. Also, these dogs almost do not shed, so they do not cause allergies. Like all dogs with rich coats, toy poodles require regular grooming. It is necessary to comb the coat, cut your pet every 6-8 weeks. Then the pet will be healthy and in a good mood.


Small cute dogs that look like cubs. They have a very thick coat and willful character. The peculiarity of the coat of these dogs is due to the fact that the hairs grow vertically. This dog is perfect for those who lead an active lifestyle and are ready to take their pet with them everywhere. The voice of the Pomeranian is very clear, so proper attention should be paid to training. If this is not done, the chances are that the dog will bark constantly. Also, such dogs like to bully dogs much larger than themselves, so the owner needs to be on the lookout. From early childhood, it is necessary to teach puppies to the fact that the owner in the house is in charge. Otherwise, the dog will be in command, since the Pomeranian is prone to dominance.


These dogs are known for their long, soft coats that come in a variety of colors. They are very popular. The weight of these animals rarely exceeds 3.2 kg. They are able to quickly learn complex commands. Dogs are very brave and can often attack opponents much larger than them. The watchmen of them are very good, as they immediately let you know if something seems suspicious. Terriers get along well with other pets in the house and with children. With good care, they live 15 years or more.

1. Chihuahua

This breed is rightfully ranked first in the ranking of miniature dogs and it is believed that chihuahuathe smallest dog breed in the world... Its representatives weigh no more than 3 kg, but grow no more than 15-23 cm. These animals have a rounded head and small erect ears. There are short-haired and long-haired Chihuahuas. Small size is not a hindrance to self-esteem, courage and loyalty to the owner. These cute creatures have already become the hallmark of celebrities. But at the same time they are very, active, willful and do not hesitate to grab the hand of a stranger who decides to stroke them or touch the owner.

The smallest dog breeds in the world | Video

Dogs of miniature size, once in loving hands, invariably become family members and bring a lot of positive emotions. This is natural, such animals have a number of advantages over their larger relatives. Small dogs become real grateful and affectionate friends to their owners, while giving them a minimum of trouble. Such pets do not leave a lot of wool in the apartment, they eat little, they are able to accustom themselves to the litter box, which saves a person from the need to walk the animal several times a day. To reveal smallest dog breedsit is enough to compare the average weight of an adult and the average height at the withers. The review will be very curious and interesting for those who are not indifferent to these funny and affectionate animals.

1. Chihuahua

If you closely track the parameters possessed by the smallest breeds of dogs, then these fragile creatures are world records. The Chihuahua's weight rarely exceeds the 1.5 kg mark, in especially rare cases you can find a three-kilogram baby. Such dogs are restless, mobile, and show curiosity. The character is formed over centuries of existence of the breed. In the days of the developed Indian civilization, dogs enjoyed extreme privileges on the part of humans, their movement was not limited, their behavior was not condemned, people endowed them with a high status. Currently, animals show a cheerful mood, lack of perseverance. These qualities are perfectly complemented by ingenuity, lack of rancor, the ability to understand the reasons for the owner's dissatisfaction.

2. Brussels griffin

A dog can be a great friend small child: reacts calmly to children and gets along with them easily. The Brussels griffin differs from the Belgian (another type of breed) in its coat color. In the first version, a black tint prevails with a slight admixture of dark red. Adult males stand out in height - up to 42 cm, weight and may even be equal to six kg. The dog loves to play in the fresh air, rarely gets tired of active fun, but quickly calms down and does not show hysteria. The animal is attached to the owner, is an excellent companion, is able to live in the world with other pets in the house. Sometimes he shows stubbornness, it is quite difficult to train.

3. Yorkshire Terrier

Over time, the conventional purpose of this breed of small dogs has changed dramatically. The original vocation of the Yorkshire Terrier was rodent hunting at an American coal processing plant. A happy accident in the form of one noble lady who found herself at the enterprise transformed the subsequent fate of the animals. Now they are affectionate and beloved pets of those who are ready to tirelessly devote their free time to them. There are three varieties within the same breed: micro, mini and standard. The first are crumbs weighing a little more than a kilogram, standard representatives reach three kg. The character of these dogs is peaceful, but cannot be called calm. Barking barks can be a manifestation of joy from meeting the owner or be a tireless reminder (even in the middle of the night) of the presence of a four-legged friend nearby.

4. Pomeranian

One of the most adorable doggies, whose face invariably evokes tenderness and tender feelings even for those who are skeptical of small breeds of dogs. The main thing that the owners need to do is to take care of the fur, by nature such Spitz have excellent natural defense mechanisms against diseases and infections. In many ways, the dog demonstrates unpretentiousness, amazing endurance and a rare ability to quickly adapt to environmental conditions. The animal is suitable for keeping in an apartment and in a private house. Such a dog can be safely taken on a trip: it can easily endure road hardships, and its compact size (weight - up to 3.5 kg and height - up to 23 cm) makes it easy to carry your pet. This is a fairly ancient breed, there are references to it dating back to the 16th century.

5. Russian toy

The breed is the result of what is now commonly called import substitution. In an effort to refuse the import of toy terriers from abroad, in particular from England, the government instructed domestic breeders to develop a new breed of "toy" dogs. This is how the Russian variety of tiny terriers appeared. The new species does not have exclusive physical parameters (height and weight remained within the standard framework: up to 28 cm and 3 kg, respectively), but differs in dominant features of a lively character. The dog never sits still, is interested in everything around, expressing concern with loud barking. There is an opinion that the representatives of the Russian breed are distinguished by extreme ambition, an extreme desire for universal attention, praise, and recognition. Such dogs have good health, sensitive hearing and lightning-fast reaction to any extraneous sound.

6. Affenpinscher

The German breed is a dwarf pinscher. Outwardly, it looks very much like griffins, a distinctive feature is deep-set eyes. The dog requires careful care, for which it will certainly show gratitude in the form of devotion to the owner. Maximum dimensions of Affenpinscher: up to 30 cm in height and up to 6 kg in weight. It gets along well with other animals, for a person it can become a faithful companion with a desire to protect against probable and imaginary dangers. Despite the ability to easily make contact, he can keep independently and adapt to conditions.

7. Prague ratter

The speaking name of this breed of small dogs testifies to the Czech origin. The breed is very ancient. In the 9th century, dexterous and nimble dogs no more than 23 cm tall were used to catch rats and other pests that were carrying deadly diseases at that time. IN modern world This "pocket" dog weighing up to 2.6 kg is present in human life as its decoration, a source of positive emotions and a generator of warm friendly feelings. At the same time, the animal's thirst for hunting has been preserved, its sensitive sense of smell does not allow them to sit still. It lends itself to training perfectly, always gets along with small children.

8. Papillon

Translated from French, the name of the Papillon breed is translated as "butterfly", and it fully justifies itself. Extremely easy-going doggie has a friendly character, is able to be carefree and show curiosity. However, these qualities are surprisingly harmoniously combined with a special focus on a person. The dog cannot stand even short-term loneliness. True happiness for her and an eloquent manifestation of love is to be close to the owner. The weight of an adult does not exceed 5 kg, its height reaches 28 cm. A good disposition does not allow the representatives of the breed to show aggression even in response to similar actions from the outside.

9. Japanese Chin

Another interesting small dog breed is the Japanese Chin. Despite its small size (up to 25 cm in height and no more than 4 kg in weight), this dog has a pronounced character. Restraint and a certain dignity are clearly visible in the behavior. For a person, a pet seeks to become a real friend, constantly being close, showing kindness and a predisposition to affection. Such dogs are incredibly loyal, for which they have been highly valued at all times. Previously, animals were often kept in imperial palaces in Japan. People who did not belong to the chosen circle were forbidden to touch the favorites of the crowned person. The past influenced the formation of a certain proportion of phlegmatic aristocracy in the appearance and habits of the dog.

10. English Toy Terrier

The English Toy Terrier is one of the most capricious breeds, in many cases requiring command training, otherwise the cocky temper gets out of control. The breed was bred by the British in the century before last. The name has a hint of diminutiveness, in translation - "toy". Thoroughbred representatives do not exceed 30 cm at the withers, can gain weight up to 3.6 kg. These owners of a sophisticated, impeccable appearance are very fond of outdoor games, they recognize and obey the owner if he devotes time to training.

To purchase a dog of one of the sounded breeds, you need to contact trusted breeders with a good reputation. In this case, the chances of settling a healthy animal in your house are much higher, which will have documents confirming the pedigree, the exact belonging to a particular breed, the number of vaccinations given. If you choose the smallest dog breeds, you need to be ready to carefully look after and take care of such a pet: choose the right food, monitor the condition of the coat, and regularly visit the veterinarian. However, the main and most natural human manifestations in relation to “ little brother"- love and attention - will become a factor that determines a long and happy life of a dog.

Reading time:10 minutes.

The first animal tamed by man - the dog - has remained his devoted friend and helper for many millennia. During this time, there was a huge number of the most diverse breeds, and the appearance of the dogs has undergone significant changes. This is how cute miniature pets appeared, ideal for keeping in city apartments. "Big Rating" magazine presents the smallest dog breeds , existing today, in the TOP-10 rating.

Origin: Germany

Growth: 25-30 centimeters

The weight: from 2.5 to 6 kilograms

Deep-set eyes, a funny face, funny facial expressions and good plasticity, give the dogs of this Affenpinscher breed an external resemblance to small monkeys. Tiny dogs are cheerful, cheerful, optimistic, good-natured and obsequious. They get along well with children, other pets and love games. Although Affenpinschers are big pranksters, thanks to their developed intellect they are easy to train, quickly memorize commands, but sometimes they are stubborn to carry them out. They need a special individual approach. Considering a person as a comrade, these crumbs are capable of violently rushing to protect him from real and imaginary dangers. Affenpinscher easily makes contact, but is careful with strangers and adapts to circumstances.

Origin: Japan

Growth: 23-25 \u200b\u200bcentimeters

The weight: from 1.8 to 3.2 kilograms

Exclusive decorative doggie with original appearance and docile, but pronounced character. Hin is kind, friendly, funny and extremely loyal, which makes this breed quite popular. The dog tries to always be closer to the owner and loves affection. Hin is monogamous, but gets along well with the rest of the family too. In ancient times, Japanese emperors considered dogs of this breed as their talisman, only a select few could touch the pet, and their sale to foreigners was punishable as high treason. Perhaps it was from those times that the Khins retained such aristocratic character traits as restraint and dignity. This dog will rarely bark. Although chins are not fond of biting, they always defend the owner.

Origin: USA

Growth: 22-29 centimeters

The weight: from 1.5 to 3.5 kilograms

A tiny energetic and agile dog with a docile friendly character. It quickly becomes attached to the owner and is easy to train and educate. He has a loving heart and a devoted noble character. Left for a long time without human affection and attention, that fox terrier quickly falls into depression and begins to destroy the apartment, accompanying the process with loud barking. From their larger cousin, the Fox Terrier, these small bundles of energy have taken on courage and hunting instincts. Let that fox terrier be too tough for a large animal, but small rodents just can't do it. These are apartment dogs and it is not necessary to walk them, they can easily get by with a cat litter box.

Origin: Belgium

Growth: 22-28 centimeters

The weight: from 3.5 to 5.5 kilograms

A very active, friendly and immensely charming dog with an easygoing but slightly stubborn character. Griffons are wary of strangers, from which they are somewhat constrained in their presence. Excessive vigor of these dogs, combined with a playful disposition, require active fun and games in the fresh air. In order to raise a balanced and obedient pet from a little Brussels Griffon, training and education should be carried out at an early age. Dogs are smart, aristocratic and have a sense of their own dignity. Even walking on a leash, such a dog will demonstrate noble manners. The Brussels Griffon easily gets along with children, gets along with other pets and can become a devoted friend for the whole family.

Origin: Russia

Growth: 20-28 centimeters

The weight: up to 3 kilograms

A favorite breed of the Russian nobility, bred by domestic breeders on behalf of the government. Due to the compact size of the dog, it can be easily carried with you. At the same time, the noble dog always behaves with dignity, refined and aristocratic. Toy will not lose confidence even in the company of large dogs. Even on a sofa cushion, he will recline with a royal look. The dog is quite ambitious, loves attention and praise. Easily finds contact with owners. Russian toy - small but daring. The dog is very curious, never sits still and barks loudly. That one has good health, sensitive hearing and lightning-fast reaction.

Origin: Mediterranean

Growth: 20-25 centimeters

The weight: from 1.8 to 4 kilograms

Even against the background of their closest relative, an ordinary lapdog, these dogs look like small toy animals. At one time, this breed was very fond of aristocrats and royal persons of France. The Maltese has a beautiful white and soft coat to the floor and black quick-witted eyes, which really make it look like a toy. But this coat also needs regular grooming. Miniature lapdog: friendly, funny, clean, easy to train and can cheer up. This decorative baby will be an excellent companion for those who like to comb and decorate long hair with various hairpins.

Origin: France, Belgium

Growth: 18-28 centimeters

The weight: from 2.5 to 5 kilograms

Cheerful and friendly doggie owes its name to the French word papillon - "butterfly". Small size Papillon dogs create a very deceptive impression. First, it is not a guarantee of a calm character. These mischievous people can rush around the house for hours in search of entertainment. Secondly, the vigilance and caution of the papillons allows them to successfully cope with the duties of guard dogs. The dog is very smart, understands a person perfectly and easily memorizes complex commands. Papillon is by nature a proprietor and stubborn. But if you raise a puppy from an early age, he will get along well even with a cat.

Origin: Germany

Growth: 18-22 centimeters

The weight: from 1.5 to 3.5 kilograms

A funny and adorable animal popular with many famous aristocrats, painters, writers and entertainers. After all, the pretty face of this fluffy lump cannot but cause affection. Due to their "increased" fluffiness, Spitz seem to be larger than it really is. The Pomeranian is an active and playful dog with a clear voice and high intelligence. These dogs are very attached to the owner, adapting to his routine and habits. For a homebody, the Spitz will be a constant company on the couch, and with an active lifestyle lover, he will gladly rush through the streets in any weather. Pomeranian Spitz: unpretentious in care, hardy, resistant to diseases and infections, quickly adapts to any conditions. The owner can only care for the fur.

Origin: England

Growth: 16-20 centimeters

The weight: from 2 to 3.5 kilograms

Funny little dogs of this breed have gained a lot of popularity over the past decade. Yorkshire Terriers are agile, energetic, funny, courageous and friendly. They quickly become attached to their owners and become excellent companions for children and adults. Thanks to their high level of intelligence, dogs learn quickly, and their training is a sheer pleasure. The character of these pussies is peaceful, but restless. They can even remind of their presence in the middle of the night with a barking bark. But Yorkshire Terriers are not jealous, tolerant of competitors and easily get along with all family members or other pets. Within the breed, there are three varieties of Yorkshire Terriers: micro, mini and standard.

Origin: Mexico

Growth: 15-23 centimeters

The weight: from 1.5 to 3 kilograms

The smallest and most popular dog breed today, especially in elite circles. Do not look at the small stature and weight of a funny dog, it has the character of a fighter. Attempting to pet a Chihuahua without her approval is fraught with a hand cut. She will do it quietly, without barking or warning. Chihuahua can be safely left on guard of a women's handbag. Be sure - except for the hostess, no one will touch her. There are short-haired and long-haired varieties of this breed and many different colors. Chihuahuas are distinguished by a kind, companionable disposition, but they are also easily offended and prone to jealousy. Therefore, you should take seriously the neighborhood of a dog with small children. These little dogs are restless, mobile and inquisitive. Chihuahuas do not like strangers, and I prefer to choose one person as the owner.

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